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Listening Test 5

1 You hear a boy telling his class about a music workshop he attended with other students from his school.
What does he say about the workshop?
A It inspired them to attempt things they hadn’t tried before.
B It confirmed their confidence in their ability to compose.
C It gave them a great opportunity to work with professional musicians.
2 You hear a girl telling her friend about a long train trip she went on.
What does she say about it?
A It took longer than she’d expected.
B It felt more uncomfortable than usual.
C It was too noisy for her to do her homework.
3 You hear a theatre actor giving a talk to some drama students.
What does he emphasise about his work?
A the advantages of always being asked to play the same kind of character
B the difficulties of playing someone who is very different from him
C the energy required to repeat the same role over many performances
4 You hear a girl talking to her teacher about her homework.
What is her problem?
A She’s taken on something that’s too extensive in scale.
B She’s found it difficult to identify reliable sources of information.
C She’s struggled to find a topic that’s really inspired her.
5 You hear a girl phoning her mother about a friend she was supposed to meet.
How does she feel now about the meeting?
A concerned about her friend’s excuse for cancelling
B cross that her friend failed to contact her in advance
C embarrassed that she gave her friend the wrong information.
6 You hear a science teacher talking to his class about an experiment they are going to do.
What does he tell them?
A that the reaction they are hoping for may happen very suddenly
B that only following his instructions carefully can guarantee success
C that they should be prepared to observe minor changes
7 You hear two friends talking about a carnival that has just taken place in their town.
What do they agree about it?
A It was more exciting in previous years.
B It had more to attract teenagers than other local events.
C It provided young people with a great chance to perform.
8 You hear a teacher talking to her student about a story he’s written.
What is she doing?
A explaining which parts particularly impressed her
B giving hints as to how he could develop his writing skills
C trying to establish where his ideas came from
Listening Part 2
Art Day
Fiona, the person running the art day, had once worked as a (9) …………………………………… .
Harry uses the word (10) …………………………………… to describe his feelings when he first arrived.
Harry was inspired by the variety of (11) …………………………………… paper in the drawing book he was given.
Harry put a (12) …………………………………… on the cover of his drawing book.
Harry first painting was a (13) …………………………………… .
Harry was particularly impressed by the (14) …………………………………… that another student had done.
With Fiona’s help, Harry attempted a more (15) …………………………………… style of drawing than he’s tried when he
After lunch, the group chose the theme of (16) …………………………………… for the sculpture they intended to make
Harry found a collection of (17) …………………………………… to include in the sculpture.
The (18) …………………………………… of the art group was what made Harry decide to sign up for the next session.
Listening Part 3
You will hear five teenagers talking about playing tennis. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) the
reason each speaker gives for enjoying the game. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which
you do not need to use.

A It helps me to relax. 19 Speaker 1

B I’m learning to cope with pressure. 20 Speaker 2

C It’s a great mental challenge. 21 Speaker 3

D I like the chance to be competitive. 22 Speaker 4

E It’s a good way to make friends. 23 Speaker 5

F It’s more fun than other forms of exercise.

G It’s taught me how to accept losing.

H I’ve improved a lot through working hard.

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a girl called Lucy Hughes, who is talking about her love of maths. For
questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 What first made Lucy excited about maths?

A taking part in a maths activity at school
B being able to use the basic maths skills she’d learnt
C recognising a link between maths and the natural world
25 What does Lucy’s dad suggest about some people attending his training sessions?
A They don’t realise that maths is easier than they think.
B A lack of confidence discourages them from using maths.
C Having to remember so much has put them off maths.
26 How have Lucy’s parents helped her with maths?
A by giving her practical maths problems to solve
B by taking her to local events connected with maths
C by working through difficult maths homework with her
27 Lucy suggests the appeal of maths for her is that
A there is a limitless number of areas to explore.
B there is always a single clear and definite answer.
C there is more than one method for working out the same solution.
28 When Lucy entered a maths competition recently, she
A was worried by the level of the other competitors.
B felt confident once it was her turn to perform.
C only realised close to the end that she could actually win it.
29 What did Lucy discover during the competition?
A that people from a range of cultures have similar attitudes to maths
B that people in different countries solve maths problems in the same way
C that people with no shared languages can understand the same maths problems
30 Lucy thinks that in the future
A she will need maths to study science at a high level.
B she wants to train to become a maths teacher.
C she would like to just enjoy maths purely as a hobby.
Listening Test 6
1 You hear two friends talking about some changes at their school.
What do they agree?
A Certain rules haven’t changed in the way they’d hoped.
B The changes will make part of their daily routine easier.
C More interesting activities will be on offer as a result.
2 You hear a girl talking to a friend about the library in their town.
During the conversation, she
A criticises the range of books in the library.
B suggests how the library could be improved.
C describes a library book she’s read recently.
3 You hear two friends discussing a concert they’ve just been to.
What do they agree about it?
A The band didn’t play enough well-known songs.
B One player’s performance wasn’t what they’d expected.
C The venue wasn’t ideal for the event.
4 You hear a teacher telling her class about a design task they are going to work on.
What is she doing?
A advising them which kind of designs will work best
B reminding them of the possible risks of using the machines
C suggesting key steps for achieving their goal
5 You hear a girl leaving a voicemail message for her friend.
Why is she calling her?
A to apologise for not ringing her as arranged
B to propose ways of helping her while she’s off sick
C to try and find out the details of her injury
6 You hear a boy talking to a friend about a meal he cooked for his family last night.
What does he admit about the meal?
A He hadn’t realised how little food the recipe would make.
B He should have checked that his family would like the meal.
C He was too ambitious in his choice of recipe.
7 You hear a girl talking about her first piano lesson.
How did she feel about it?
A confident that she’d pick it up quickly
B concerned at the extent of the task ahead
C surprised at how unfamiliar the instrument was
8 You hear two friends talking about a new music shop in their town.
What do they think is unusual about the shop?
A It offers huge reductions on some items.
B It stocks music from their parents’ era.
C It has regular visits from famous musicians.
Listening Part 2
A castle visit
Jack’s route to the castle involved a path near the edge of a (9) …………………………………… .
Jack uses the word (10) …………………………………… to describe his first impression of the castle.
Jack discovered that the remains of an earlier castle made of (11) …………………………………… could still be seen.
Jack was surprised by the (12) …………………………………… of the castle walls as they walked along the top of them.
Jack was amazed at the view from the part of the castle called the (13) …………………………………… that he visited.
Jack learnt that many improvements to the castle had been made by the (14) …………………………………… of a
previous owner.
Jack’s father most enjoyed seeing the restored (15) …………………………………… inside the castle.
Jack decided he didn’t believe the guide’s story about (16) …………………………………… in one area of the castle.
Jack and his family were impressed by the (17) …………………………………… display that they saw.
Jack felt the (18) …………………………………… in one of the gardens created a peaceful atmosphere.
Listening Part 3
You will hear five teenagers talking about their favourite wildlife programmes. For questions 19-23, choose from
the list (A-H) what each speaker particularly likes about the programme. Use the letters only once. There are
three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A It’s made me aware of threats to our environment. 19 Speaker 1

B It’s presented by wildlife experts. 20 Speaker 2

C It has beautiful photography. 21 Speaker 3

D It’s taught me about some unusual species. 22 Speaker 4

E It’s inspired me to get involved with nature. 23 Speaker 5

F It helps me with my schoolwork.

G It promotes research into conservation.

H It features wildlife from my area.

Listening Part 4
You will hear an interview with a student called Katie Cross, who is talking about her hobby of kitesurfing. For
questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 Katie says that for her, kitesurfing

A is something she wishes she could do more of.
B is great motivation for completing her school work.
C is a better alternative for keeping fit than running.
25 What advantage of the sport does Katie point out?
A It’s relatively low-cost at the beginning.
B It’s easy to find somewhere to do it.
C It’s possible to transport the kit yourself.
26 What surprised Katie about the sport the first time she tried it?
A It didn’t require as much strength as she’d expected.
B It wasn’t only a sport for young people.
C It didn’t seem as tiring as people had told her.
27 What does Katie suggest about her rapid progress in kitesurfing?
A She thinks she was naturally talented at it.
B Her rate of improvement wasn’t unusual.
C She succeeded due to her determination.
28 What does Katie particularly appreciate about kitesurfers she’s met?
A They encourage her to improve by being so competitive.
B They’re all very friendly towards each other.
C They tend to have a lot of experience in watersports.
29 Katie recommends that people who want to try kitesurfing should
A learn how to deal with different sea conditions.
B learn to control the kite they’re using properly.
C learn from a professional instructor.
30 Katie is currently preparing to
A take part in some competitions.
B go abroad on a kitesurfing holiday.
C train to teach others how to kitesurf.
Listening Test 7
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1 You are in a shop when you overhear this man answering the telephone.
What does the caller wont to buy?
A a book about playing a guitar
B a book about guitar music
C a cassette of guitar music
2 You are listening to the radio when you hear this man speaking.
What is he talking about?
A history
B shipbuilding
C politics
3 You are sitting in a cafe when you hear this woman speaking.
She is telling her friend about
A the weather
B buying a new coat
C new windows
4 Listen to this woman introducing a college lecture.
The visiting lecturer
A has recently changed career
B has made a new discovery
C was late for the lecture
5 You will hear someone talking about soap operas.
What does the speaker think about them?
A They are boring and meaningless to everyone.
B The plot is very exciting and unpredictable.
C People become addicted to them without realising it.
6 You are staying in the home of a British family.
You hear the mother answering the phone.
The caller wants to take her daughter
A to the cinema
B to a party
C to a restaurant
7 Listen to a policeman being interviewed on the evening television news.
What is he describing?
A a car crash
B a bomb explosion
C a serious fire
8 You overhear this exchange in a major London railway station.
The cause of the delay is
A snow
B flooding
C an accident
Listening Part 2
There is one centre in the UK situated outside (9) ………………………… .
The Thorndale method has had success with people addicted to (10) ………………………… and (11) …………………………
Addicts take part in a (12) ………………………… of treatment.
In a one-hour treatment session, smokers cannot stop smoking even when they (13) ………………………… .
Smokers must keep smoking until they become (14) ………………………… .
Many patients find the course too difficult to finish and (15) ………………………… .
Those who manage to finish the course are (16) ………………………… to want to smoke again.
Alcoholics are allowed to become drunk under the watchful eyes of (17) ………………………… .
When they are later shown a video, most alcoholics feel (18) ………………………… .
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different men talking about visits they have made to a hospital. For questions 19-23, choose
from the list A-H the reasons why each attended the hospital on the occasion described. Use the letters only
once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A collect some surgical knives 19 Speaker 1

B collect somebody 20 Speaker 2

C deliver supplies 21 Speaker 3

D visit a relative 22 Speaker 4

E have an operation 23 Speaker 5

F do maintenance work

G check a mental problem

H have a medical check-up

Listening Part 4
You will hear three people (Wendy, Mrs Turner and Adrian) discussing a film they have just seen at the cinema.
For questions 24-30. choose the best answer A, B or C.

24 What did Wendy’s mum think of the film?

A It was not her favourite film.
B She loved the film.
C She absolutely hated it.
25 Adrian mentions doing a course in order to show that
A he wants to change the subject.
B Mrs Turner is wrong about the dinosaurs.
C he knows what he is talking about.
26 Adrian feels that watching a film at home
A is always better than going to the cinema.
B is not something he wants to do again.
C has advantages and disadvantages.
27 When Adrian suggests that Wendy was frightened, she
A admits that she felt scared.
B denies that she felt scared.
C complains about the length of the film.
28 What do Wendy and her mum disagree about?
A whether or not the film was frightening
B whether or not Wendy covered her eyes
C whether or not the film is P.G. rated.
29 What is it suggested that they do now that the movie has ended?
A to go straight home
B to go for a drink
C to go for dinner
30 Adrian doesn’t let Mrs Turner drive because
A he enjoys driving.
B she will drink alcohol.
C they could get in trouble.
Listening Test 8
1 You need to see a doctor urgently. You telephone a surgery and hear this answer-phone message.
What are you advised to do?
A go to 217 Jordan Street.
B contact another doctor.
C telephone 622919.
2 You hear part of a news broadcast on TV about an accident at a chemical factory.
The speaker is speaking
A in the chemical factory.
B outside the chemical factory.
C in the nearby town.
3 You are staying in Britain with a host family. You hear the father speaking to one of his children.
The day of the week they are speaking on is
A Tuesday.
B Thursday.
C Wednesday.
4 You overhear a man at a call box telephoning an emergency break-down service to ask for a mechanic to fix
his car.
Where is the car?
A near the Green Lion pub.
B opposite the Green Lion pub.
C opposite the high street.
5 Listen to a man outside a supermarket talking to a housewife.
What does the man want to do?
A sell her some washing powder.
B ask her about her family’s washing habits.
C visit her home.
6 You are with a group of friends. One of them is telling you about something that happened to her at work.
She works
A as a secretary.
B as a railway employee.
C for the police.
7 Listen to this man being interviewed on the radio.
The man is
A a singer.
B a film star.
C an actor.
8 You are on a bus tour of a British historical city. You are currently looking at Saint Christopher’s Memorial
The speaker’s opinion of that building is that
A she is not clean on its appearance.
B the gardens are exceptionally beautiful.
C the architecture is a masterpiece.
Listening Part 2
The three forms of media are TV, radio and (9) ………………………… .
Politicians use the media during political (10) ………………………… .
Entertainers use it to stay in the (11) ………………………… .
The percentage of people who did not have a particular point of view about the privacy of celebrities was (12)
………………………… .
The most influential form of media is (13) ………………………… .
We can be deceived by TV when we are shown carefully selected (14) ………………………… .
Some TV stations turn true events into (15) ………………………… .
A newspaper had to pay (16) ………………………… for printing lies about a pop singer.
Sometimes a paper can avoid being sued if it makes a public (17) ………………………… .
There are two kinds of newspaper; the “quality” papers and the (18) ………………………… .
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different women talking about the same wedding. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-
H who the speaker is speaking to. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need
to use.

A her husband 19 Speaker 1

B her boyfriend 20 Speaker 2

C a child 21 Speaker 3

D her father 22 Speaker 4

E her boss 23 Speaker 5

F somebody she’s just met

G her mother

H the vicar

Listening Part 4
You will hear three friends talking about their relationships. For questions 24-30, decide which of the
choices A, B or C is the best answer.
24 What’s Anne’s problem?
A She’s got no one to go out with.
B She’s angry with her boyfriend.
C She has hurt herself.
25 What does Mark do?
A He gets angry with Anne.
B He tries to change the subject.
C He asks Sue about her boyfriend.
26 Who has been hard to get in touch with recently?
A Mark
B Dave
C Anne
27 What does Dove soy?
A He will never get married to Sue.
B He Isn’t sure if he is going to go on holiday or not.
C He doesn’t know where to go on holiday.
28 What is Mark’s problem?
A He smokes too much.
B He goes out too often.
C He has a medical problem.
29 How con Anne be described at the end?
A sad
B optimistic
C nervous
30 What is Mark’s attitude towards Anne?
A He disapproves of her dating someone else so quickly.
B He wonts to try to help her.
C He thinks it is unlikely that her cousin will be interested in her.
Listening Test 9
1 You are in a supermarket when you hear this announcement about a lost child.
Where did he last see his mother?
A in the butcher’s area.
B in the pet food area.
C in the fruit and vegetable area.
2 You are in an electrical shop when you overhear this woman speaking to the shop assistant.
Why is she complaining?
A she was charged the wrong amount.
B the same item is cheaper elsewhere.
C the item was damaged.
3 You overhear a woman talking on the telephone.
Next Thursday the woman is going to
A travel by coach.
B travel by plane.
C travel by train.
4 Listen to a policeman talking to a householder.
What does the policeman want to do?
A speak to another member of the household.
B speak to the householder.
C speak to a neighbour.
5 You are listening to the host of a radio phone-in programme speaking.
Mary, the first caller, is
A a married woman with a child.
B a single woman with a child.
C a regular listener.
6 You have joined a four-day sailing course in Britain.
Listen to your instructor giving some important information.
What is he talking about?
A drinking water.
B salt water.
C running out of water.
7 You overhear two people talking at a bus stop.
The two speakers
A are both familiar with the war memorial.
B are taking different buses.
C are going to the same place.
8 You overhear a man chatting on the telephone about a form he has to fill in.
The man is speaking to
A his wife.
B his mother.
C his daughter.
Listening Part 2
You will hear part of a radio talk for young people about animals communicating with each other. For
questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Bees do a (9) ………………………… to communicate where to find food.
Although parrots seem to speak, they are only (10) ………………………… the human sounds.
Primates can communicate a few (11) ………………………… using simple sounds.
Monkeys have not been observered to use any kind of (12) ………………………… .
Although dolphins can make vowel sounds, they cannot accurately imitate our (13) ………………………… .
Amazingly, dolphins demonstrate an (14) ………………………… of when to use phrases.
The sounds made by whales contain (15) ………………………… than human speech.
The songs of the bottle-nosed whale have many of the (16) ………………………… of human speech.
The unique grammatical nature of human language arose due to life in (17) ………………………… .
Indeed, a young child needs enough (18) ………………………… with other people to develop speech.
Listening Part 3
You are going to hear five different people talking about their relationship with somebody. For questions 19-
23, match the speakers 1-5 with the letters A-H. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which
you do not need to use.

A She/He wants more freedom. 19 Speaker 1

B She/He has a problem with her/his father. 20 Speaker 2

C Her/His parents are divorced. 21 Speaker 3

D She/ He has a new baby. 22 Speaker 4

E She/He has many brothers and sisters. 23 Speaker 5

F She/He lives with her/his grandparents.

G She/He has problems with the babysitter.

H She/He has problems with an alcoholic parent.

Listening Part 4
Listen to these two friends discussing the British national lottery. For questions 24-30, choose the best
answer A, B or C.
24 How does the man feel about the lottery?
A It is silly but entertaining.
B There is nothing good about it.
C It is particularly bad for young people.
25 Who can play the national lottery?
A anyone older than 18
B only 20 million people
C anyone
26 Why was this week special for Tina?
A She felt lucky.
B She went to Camelot.
C She had money to spend.
27 What does Tina think the lottery company does with the money it makes?
A they keep it
B they don’t make any money
C they give it to charity
28 How often has Barry played the lottery?
A never
B one time only
C once in a while
29 What does Barry’s dad’s saying mean?
A Work for your money.
B Try to win the lottery.
C It is difficult to win the lottery.
30 What is Tina going to do next week?
A buy a lottery ticket
B work overtime
C not buy a lottery ticket
Listening Test 10
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1 You are visiting a friend when you hear him answer the telephone.
The caller
A agrees to sell something.
B agrees to buy something from the speaker.
C changes his/her mind.
2 You are sitting in an aeroplane when you hear this announcement.
When will your flight be arriving?
A late
B on time
C early
3 You have visited an English doctor because of a skin problem.
For a quick recovery you should
A travel by car.
B not go out in the daytime.
C be careful when you are outside.
4 While waiting to check in your luggage at an airport, you hear this conversation.
On the flight, what are you normally allowed?
A 15 kg of luggage
B 16 kg of luggage
C 30 kg of luggage
5 You are watching the weather forecast for Britain on TV.
Tomorrow the weather in north-eastern Britain will
A not change.
B be getting much brighter.
C be different to all other regions.
6 Listen to this answerphone message for a business.
The company
A arranges surprise parties.
B sells office supplies.
C are office cleaners.
7 You overhear two people talking in an office.
What does the man want the woman to do?
A speak to Jack about Colin
B sack Jack
C speak to Colin about Jack
8 You hear a parent asking a child to go to the newsagent’s and buy a newspaper.
The parent wants
A today’s Andover Gazette.
B Today and the Gazette.
C yesterday’s Gazette.
Listening Part 2
On Guy Fawkes Night people burn a (9) ………………………… of a man called ‘Guy’.
The models are made only for the (10) ………………………… of being burned.
On this night pets are usually (11) ………………………… because it is very noisy.
Years ago, a Protestant king made life difficult for Britain’s (12) ………………………… .
A group of important men decided that King James I and his supporters (13) ………………………… .
The conspirators bought a house that had (14) ………………………… in its basement.
The conspirators put barrels of highly (15) ………………………… under the government building.
Guy Fawkes’ job was to keep a lookout for and tell the others about any (16) ………………………… .
Guy Fawkes is the most well-known conspirator because he was (17) ………………………… .
Nowadays Catholics and Protestants get along so the celebration is mostly (18) ………………………… .
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people describing five different recipes for desserts. For questions 19-23, choose
from the list A-H which speaker’s recipe fits the description given. Use the letters only once. There are three
extra letters which you do not need to use.

A It is not suitable for vegetarians. 19 Speaker 1

B It cannot be made with fresh ingredients at Christmas. 20 Speaker 2

C It is from an ancient recipe. 21 Speaker 3

D It involves no cooking. 22 Speaker 4

E It is the easiest to make. 23 Speaker 5

F It is rather expensive.

G It is her least favourite.

H It uses 50 grams of ground almonds.

Listening Part 4
You will hear a woman and a man speaking together on a train. For questions 24-30, choose the best
answer A, B or C.
24 Why can’t the woman complete her phone conversation?
A noise
B another passenger is bothering her
C the reception is bad
25 Where does the man want to go?
A Salisbury
B Brighton
C Redhill
26 How does the man feel when he hears he is on the wrong train?
A He can’t believe it.
B He is angry at the woman.
C He is frightened.
27 What is the problem with the man’s ticket?
A He doesn’t have one.
B It is not valid for the train he is on.
C It is made of plastic.
28 What is the next stop?
A Balcombe
B Three Bridges
C Brighton
29 Where is the woman going?
A Balcombe
B Brighton
C Lewes
30 What does the man ask the woman to do?
A take him to his station
B make a call for him
C talk to the guard for him
Listening Test 11
1 You are watching TV and you hear this advertisement.
What is the speaker encouraging you to do?
A to maintain your car’s tyres.
B to watch out for children crossing.
C not to drink and drive.
2 You overhear these two people discussing a football match.
The speakers
A support different teams.
B both support Manchester United.
C both support Liverpool.
3 You are out shopping when you pass a man in the street selling something.
The item he is selling is
A not available elsewhere.
B cheaper than elsewhere.
C cheaper because it is damaged.
4 You are at a wedding reception when a man starts to make a speech.
Who is the speaker?
A the best friend of the groom.
B the father of the bride.
C the groom.
5 Listen to this person speaking about a recent holiday.
What is the speaker complaining about?
A the holiday company.
B the country she visited.
C the whole holiday.
6 You are in an office when you hear a woman making this telephone call.
The speaker complains about
A being given the wrong supplies.
B the lateness of the delivery.
C having paid too much.
7 You hear a friend telephoning a sandwich delivery company.
What is the speaker ordering?
A 2 sandwiches.
B 3 sandwiches.
C 4 sandwiches.
8 You are watching the evening news on TV when you hear this item about Dino the dog.
A went to find his owners.
B travelled to his original home.
C got lost.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a psychologist speaking on British radio on the subject of astrology. For questions 9-18, complete
the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Over 60% of (9) ………………………… admit to being interested in astrology.
Less than 3% of people would consult the stars before making (10) ………………………… .
Psychologists now believe that time of birth can affect a person’s (11) ………………………… development.
Time of birth is not the only factor, but it is the (12) ………………………… for future changes.
To test his idea, the speaker decided to compare people’s (13) ………………………… and zodiac sign.
An amazing number of (14) ………………………… were born around mid July to mid August.
Other connections found by the study were (15) ………………………… .
A fair number of serious sports players were born in the (16) ………………………… months.
The speaker thinks that the lack of professions dominated by mostly one star sign is a little (17) …………………………
The connections may be weak because people are removed from the (18) ………………………… .
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people talking about pets. For questions 19-23, choose from the list A-H which pet
each one has at home. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A cat 19 Speaker 1

B dog 20 Speaker 2

C parrot 21 Speaker 3

D fish 22 Speaker 4

E tortoise 23 Speaker 5

F spider

G canary

H mice

Listening Part 4
You will hear a conversation which takes place in a busy restaurant between a couple, Ivan and Hannah Smythe,
and a young waiter, Joel. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer A, B or C.

24 Why does Hannah tell her husband not to speak so loud?

A He is disturbing others.
B She can’t hear him.
C The waiter is next to him.
25 How would the manager probably react to an order of two starters?
A He would not be agreeable
B He would be happy to oblige.
C It wouldn’t matter to him.
26 What did Joel use to be?
A a waiter
B a customer
C a vegetarian
27 Why does Ivan complain about the numbers?
A They are confusing.
B He doesn’t like the idea of using numbers on a menu.
C He can’t see them.
28 What does Ivan want with his Banana Split?
A lemon sauce
B additional cream
C nuts
29 Why can’t meals be changed?
A they are pre-prepared
B the meals are assembled off-site
C the waiter is busy
30 What is Ivan’s mood at the end of the conversation?
A angry
B annoyed
C impressed
Listening Test 12
1 You are at a college lecture when you hear this student interrupting the lecturer.
What does the student want the lecturer to do?
A repeat a particular word.
B explain something.
C repeat an important point
2 You hear this politician being interviewed on TV.
What is his political party called?
A Social Liberal Democrats.
B Liberal Democratic Party.
C Christian Democratic Alliance.
3 You overhear a hotel receptionist speaking on the telephone with a customer.
Why is the hotel unable to provide the customer with rooms?
A there aren’t enough rooms.
B the facilities are inadequate.
C the customer wants better service.
4 You overhear this woman talking to her child in a shop.
She is
A warning the child about something.
B explaining something to the child.
C telling the child off.
5 You overhear this woman talking about a problem she had with a CD player.
Now the woman is
A angry.
B worried.
C satisfied.
6 You are at a pay phone in a hotel when you hear this man ordering a taxi to take him home.
Where does the man live?
A 269 Radleigh Road.
B 69 Rudleigh Road.
C the Half-way Hotel.
7 You are on a train when you overhear this man talking about the prices of railway tickets.
How much has he just paid?
A £6.50.
B £16.50.
C £5.60.
8 You hear this man on the radio introducing a song.
The man
A likes the song very much.
B never liked the song.
C is less keen on the song now.
Listening Part 2
You will hear a programme about roller-coasters. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or
short phrase.
You can’t control a car in a roller-coaster because it has no (9) ………………………… on it.
The roller-coasters are made at (10) ………………………… in Utah.
The designers don’t want to make people feel (11) ………………………… .
The (12) ………………………… is the most difficult part of the ride to design.
The roller-coaster gets its energy from (13) ………………………… .
The fastest roller-coaster travels at (14) ………………………… .
If you know what’s happening when you are on a roller-coaster you feel more (15) ………………………… .
The Grand Slam Canyon coaster travels at (16) ………………………… .
In the future, coasters may have (17) ………………………… helmets.
A roller-coaster travels faster if the atmosphere is (18) ………………………… .
Listening Part 3
You will hear five different people being interviewed on the radio about Christmas. For questions 19-23, choose
from the list A-H which words best describe their feelings about this celebration. Use the letters only once.
There is are three letters which you do not need to use.

A enthusiastic 19 Speaker 1

B bored with it 20 Speaker 2

c upset by it 21 Speaker 3

D unappreciated 22 Speaker 4

E satisfied 23 Speaker 5

F happier than expected

G lonely

H frightened

Listening Part 4
You will hear an extract from a radio programme. For questions 24-30, decide which of the choices A, B or C is
the correct answer.
24 “Say it like it is”
A is always about the weather.
B is directed by members of the public.
C gives people a chance to express their opinions.
25 Mrs Kent
A is an expert on the weather.
B is worried about the weather in the near future.
C thinks there is going to be another Ice Age.
26 According to Tom Sheridan,
A food is always a good topic of conversation.
B everyone likes to talk about the weather.
C people don’t talk about the weather any more.
27 Paul Spenser
A does the production of a cookery programme.
B enjoys listening to the cookery programme.
C thinks the cookery programme should be more difficult.
28 Jane
A uses the library often.
B thinks students should be given free books.
C thinks that libraries should charge.
29 An elderly listener
A doesn’t think young people should have to pay in the discos.
B doesn’t like going to the pub.
C thinks that people should pay in the library.
30 Most listeners to the programme seem
A to have something to complain about.
B to have a personal problem.
C to be worried about money.

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