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rc [Introduction of drugs CHEMISTRY IN_ EVERYDAY LIFE @ — I ond Chemotherapy Chemical im food @) A ids 0 r j ta 5-9) | Food Preservatives Clone {r8)|_ _, Arbhistamime Ee Bic, —_ oF ftiallensic 39S. ESA feat sate + as 4} newwk active Soaps ey dwg " (r-q Aotiondants —_ ® T anitre es aes i oe Prime Cabmie mon = * rears Anbibiotics ‘onic ————— Artinicrsb Atiseptics Disnfetots to _, Pak foi igs Ait dog Sou CHEMISTRY_IN_EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Toheducton_ of drugs and Chemotherapy’ = Drugss— Drugs are Lovo mnolecusar mass cherical which inferack with rmacornclecie targets amd produce a boloyical vespose = edicmess- Medacines art nmmiads tha art uafid om dhegvens, Prevorkin and treabmew! of daseases = Thewpenbc Hest = Desivable and Penefical ees of doug. Like syeatmedt of Syenptoms ‘and Cure of Gisease on a Sain Toody is Brown an therpestic etree > Crete = They of rewitals bo dash nfchows_ ern openens cats Gaui oR inet Jo the hast called chemother con) CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Toheducton_ of drugs and Chemotherapy’ > Enzymes. Packs which preform the avle of baleen Catalyst im Hie body = Function of enzymes: enzymes held dhe Substeake molecule ina Suiable postion, Ob Achve sites, Sotwak it came oltackea bf Feagenks cages LL Emagme can provde a fuvction qyig Aha wll oF the Substrate ond ouk veaction ne oe? TS lon CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LiFe ©) Tatroduction of ie amd Chemotherapy: = Role of cts :- Either imcrase or decrease ke off onzyme Gablystd reachin a Inhibition of enoymes 1 Common rok of dng action > Enzyme iahibiss: Enzyme inhibitors 2 dawg whi inhibits calle acknly of eneyme gr’ thie " i or bodes Ine achve sites of the Enzyme eventually, Prevents Ane binding. of substede wilh enzyme with the Waburall subshate for Ahir atfehment 4 © Competitive wnbibitor dang: That compete Ye. ot he ace poe Pa “a Mame | Ean (a (0 cong bor dep The gant lac he and har dhe shy of the ache Ingach ower dha Subshake can no ‘reeegmite, Slo CHEMISTRY IN. EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Tohroducton off deg omd Chemotherapy: Type of drugs. (EA) Antacids: Chemical Substances which newvalize excess aad in joie iwc and diss rehieg fe aad indgehion, acidity, heart bums & daa vlcers. Examples 4 Eno, qe a diyene) taking soda (He /05) + MCOW),, MytoM, > Cemitdine, Ranitidine, lomsoprazal, Omeprazale eh. (Teqarnet) antec) a Histamine: gf stirmuates the Secretion of PEP Sin cmd ka im Shown, nu \ Oss Son: CHEMISTRY IN_EVERYDAY LIFE © Entroduchon of; drags amd chemotherapy: Type of drugs Auntihishames’- hermizal whch dimmish oy abolish the ayer t histamine released im body avd hence prevent allergic reachions. \istamme 1s Vasodilatey , It has variows fonctions QE contracts dhe Srmecth muscles Sronchi and relax aaa Cdimdope) Ime (oddane) ymine — (zeek) (Benadyly anit) CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Entruduction of drugs amd chemotherapy Type of drys. ele Nowvlegually ochre drugs ees ae whidh have o Se eTCl ie AZO: Chemica substances wed Jor treatment of Stress and rnild Bevora mental diseases. These relieve ammely Stres, dab j redicg SO of WA beng s- Lpronigzid, Phone zine CHEMISTRY IN. EVERYDAY LiFe Lntroduction_ vob aa and _Cherrotherpy- Me OD Teompalzcrs } Nea achive py oe wohidy have a nenslegical qe ny woithouk Cousin Chemical used to Feliewe Pad Hhe rerous tom lmalicine) ch as anhpyrenes monk, Didefee Atom tk CHEMISTRY IN. EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Introduction Of drugs amd Chemotherapy + (0) Antimicsobials Drugs that tends to ales toy {Prevent development on inhibt the pathogenic achon off microbes such as bacteria (antibacterial drug) Fangs (antifenpet coy) {isus (anti vives ago) or Other parasites (anh. parasitic drugs) selechey. @ Ambbictics?- The chemicals prvduced by micro organism Ake bacdera , feng, mowds frat mhibik the Nn ox destroy other micrv ongenism Cousing. infectious disease in men ov aminal's body, Called antibiohics a Backerscidal Backeriostehe [8 J s wb Penicillin Exythromgcin om wl = rinse Tetvacycline ofloxecm Gowaat Smet — Chmphe co) Chlovemiphenicel | of fxn CHEMISTRY _IN_EVERYDRY LIFE ©) troduction of drugs amd Chemotherapy? (co) Antimicrobials © Antibiotics ~ @ feniaillin:- Ampicillin amd, amonyailline ane ured fev the treatment of Pneumonia, ° Sieseimatin 1s ured ee he teeakmen i tuborealosis, meningitis ¢ precmonia > Tebvocycins += Teramycine, Oviemycin Lasrgphad FO @ Chloramphenicol ~ for typhoid, vreninglie cand Prevmonia, CHEMISTRY IW EVERYDRY LIFE ©) Introduction Of —dlruas and chemotherapy: (co) Antimerobials @ Antisepe = Chemical Substances that kill ov preveat grout of anicroypanisms ond can be ogee om Living tissues such as Cuts, wounds amd diseased skin Sxrfce ame calted antserles pete) in so8 oily Cos) iodo, Examgle = Feaacin, Sefernytin, corm Tepe sahon PRET Trace Fcc on 1 CS 21 ooh eee cs a Mi Cheoren| rPinc Bithional CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Inkroduction of, _dhruas and chemotherapy - (co) Antimerobials @) Disinfectants Chemical substances that Kill microorganisms but Gan net be applied om Living tyssues hemo! examples» « [7> setoion ff outer + 02 fou fem Ch. shin fs ured Jo Aceinfeer deine 4+ Hexadhlerophem + Tey i scat me bie () Antimabaviaks: - cho ope cone CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Introduction of drugs and Chemotherapy? (LO) Anh exhihil dbrgs: Chemical Substances which art used fo combo! pregnancy in women ont Called can drugs or bath conhol pills oY grat contraceptives there drugs art syntnehe douvetves oh eahrogem amd Pregeatin & Novethindvor 1 Ethymestendiol (novertn)) » 1 i on cee CHEMISTRY IN EVERYORY LIFE @) Chemical in Food Chemicals which are added to fod Jor their prearvahon, erhencing ther Cause), Faste, Odows and vinhihve Value are called ft additives ZA) Food presewahves :- Chemicals cahich are added 40 pod atonal do microbial geooth yeost and molds. fo preveuk they soilagt due do O17) « ured fe proworation of frat suc, Soom, Tey ble ee Exormgles:- @) Sodivrn benzeste (0-067 is a ice, soft drinks, beer @ Parabens=(Aligt hydro berms) * " ” fomabo Sou, spp, beer @ Sorbabes (sade of sorb aud) = p 7 ws milk cheese, meat s fish Sorbabes = 5 a © fro jae =i Pongo” ‘ , «biscuits omd baked P7eduuh. : cy ; «nds, dried fests © Epeites :- : CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE @) Chemical in Food = 4 Artie aeekening aged: B Chemical compounds which gives Suoccheming effect dhe fer and embance its favour o a These ov highly Valuable for disbehe persons and people whe reed to canbro| inleke calories BREEN acalla) (ee cream, dike, mosbwow, tenhpait , toffie ek Crema © Sacarine (559) © Hprrrame __ (oe) > Unstable ab eakng fom. Cin ca dovks)| ely exter © Suerdose (600) » Trchlow derivative -f sucrsse, 4 dpephile @ lime 004) CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE ©) Chemical in Food = (Ley Arh onidank- al Substance which reduce the sake of oxidation of pe on 2,6.Diterhony bull hyfmgttbene CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE WE) Cleansing aaents.- (@) Soops:- Soaps art Ma/k Sabts fy Long chain dtiy acids Uke Fakmitic acid ( CisHy,-coon) Stearuc acid ( Cy Hagtoon) Olere aud Cah coon), Imolesc acid (Cry, -ta0H) ek Saponifications- ees : on anon —a 3 Citgs-CooNn + EF by o- foeqtos Glyeoro} Georg eter Qyeured i stewie 24 G9) © Toilet Soo shaving. Soope © Transparesk Soap © Lowy. soy 1& Metivakel somp A CHEMISTRY _IN EVERYDAY LIFE CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE (WE) Cleansimg ageuts- ® peter seHts The symtnetie products, which Like Soofs remove olust amd grease ae a Sabface on called di ae delepenk ora manly a sal of sephanie] sulfone acd wits dawg Chain itso carbons F “ ‘ or pe i odivm Lamnghs (@) amienic_de “Ontos Or ogneh ok ‘ yo) 4d- uae Cs0d dodecyl benzene Sudghumate) ee Bs, ogeos Ses Tete a a 9 Geri cid [aves rae Seal [estes Pale See inet sen Snmrionbott hf Arne rmron Hc CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE @ Detergents - © Nmionic clone Esters of shoo) qt high nolecalay mers Lefora foot fly oe give! Stew

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