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Situation: A customer is calling about her

unupdated bill and deactivated internet connection.

Agent: Good Evening , Thank you for calling.This is
Rechelle from RMR network, How can I help you?
Customer: I want to check on my last internet bill
payment. I already payed but we still don't have our
internet connection back until now
Agent: I understand Sorry for the inconvenience,
don't worry, Id be glad to assist you. May I please
get your LAN number and Name of the Account?
Customer: sure, it's Rose Rebelala . LAN number is
Agent: Okay. That's Rose Rebelala with LAN number
449211. And your Full name please.
Customer: l am Mary Rose Rebelala
Agent: Thank you for that information Miss Mary
Rose. Is it okay if I will put you on hold for a minute
for me to check your account?
Customer: Okay no problem.
Agent: Thank you for patiently waiting .Upon
checking your last payed bill,it was last March 18,
2024, and your phone bill for the month of April is
not yet payed.
Customer: How come? I already went to the
Payment Center this morning to pay for our bill?
Agent: Mam, since you already payed your internet
bill today, I can assure you that your connection will
be activated. However, The reason why it is not up
until now is because we are having our system
maintenance, but as soon as our system is done
updating your internet connection will surely be up
and running.
Customer: How long is the system maintenance?
Agent: The system maintenance will take about 15
hours. To make sure, I will create a report regarding
this matter and I will give you reference number for
you to be able to check the status of your
internet.Im going to place you on a brief hold again
is that alright?
Customer: It's Okay
Agent: Thank you for patiently waiting ma'am . Can
you please take note of this reference number for
the report that I created?
Customer: Sure what is the reference number?
Agent : Okay its 989-5642 again its 989-5642
Customer: Got it . Thank you
Agent: Okay so Ma'am you can now check your
internet connection status. Is there anything else I
can help you with?
Customer: None, thank you for your help.
Agent : Your are very much welcome. Thank you for
calling RMR Network . Have a Good Night. Goodbye

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