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The Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool used to

describe, design, challenge, invent, and analyze a

business model.

The canvas helps entrepreneurs and organizations to

understand, communicate, and innovate their
business models effectively.

It consists of nine elements.

Customer Segments: Identifying different groups of customers a business
aims to reach.
Value Proposition: Describing the products or services that solve customer
problems or meet their needs.
Channels: How a business reaches and delivers value to customers.
Customer Relationships: How a business interacts with customers to
acquire, retain, and grow relationships.
Revenue Streams: How a business generates revenue from customers.
Key Resources: The most important assets required to make a business
model work.
Key Activities: The most important things a company must do to make its
business model work.
Key Partnerships: The network of suppliers and partners that make the
business model work.
Cost Structure: All costs incurred to operate a business model.

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