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Data Analysis for Business Decisions

2nd Edition Andres Fortino

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Data Visualization for Business Decisions: A Laboratory

Notebook 3rd Edition Andres Fortino

Research Methods And Data Analysis For Business

Decisions: A Primer Using SPSS 1st Edition James E.

Decision Analysis for Managers A Guide for Making

Better Personal and Business Decisions 2nd 2nd Edition
David Charlesworth

Data Curious Applying Agile Analytics for Better

Business Decisions (2nd Early Release) 2nd Edition Carl
Allchin: Sarah Nooravi
Business Analysis For Dummies, 2nd Ali Cox

Accounting : Information for Business Decisions, 4th

Australian Edition Billie Cunningham

Behavioral Data Analysis with R and Python: Customer-

Driven Data for Real Business Results 1st Edition

Beginning Spring Data: Data Access and Persistence for

Spring Framework 6 and Boot 3 1st Edition Andres Sacco

Data Analytics Models and Algorithms for Intelligent

Data Analysis 2nd Edition Thomas A Runkler

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A. Fortino. Data Analysis for Business Decisions: A Laboratory Manual 2/E.

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Dedicated to Kathleen
for her patience and support

Chapter 1 Shaping and Cleaning Data

Analysis Case 1.1 – Shaping the Data File
Analysis Case 1.2 – Cleaning the Data File

Chapter 2 Installing the Analysis Toolpak

Analysis Case 2.1 – Excel Analysis ToolPak
Installation and Activation

Chapter 3 Descriptive Statistics

Analysis Case 3.1 – Descriptive Statistics
Five-Point Summaries
Analysis Case 3.2 – Additional Analysis Case Using the ORDERS
Analysis Case 3.3 – Descriptive Statistics
Tabulation and Pivot Tables
Analysis Case 3.4 – Additional Case Using Titanic Data
Analysis Case 3.5 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey Data

Chapter 4 Histograms
Analysis Case 4.1 – Histograms
Frequency Distributions
Analysis Case 4.2 – Additional Case Using Titanic Data

Chapter 5 Pareto Analysis

Analysis Case 5.1 – Pareto Analysis
Which Are the Most Important?
Analysis Case 5.2 – Additional Case Using MOVIES Data
Analysis Case 5.3 – Additional Case Using ORDERS
Analysis Case 5.4 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey Data

Chapter 6 Scatter Plots

Analysis Case 6.1 – Scatter Plots and 2x2 Analysis
Which Are the “Best”?
Analysis Case 6.2 – Additional Case Using World Bank Data
Analysis Case 6.3 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey Data

Chapter 7 Correlation and Linear Regression

Analysis Case 7.1 – Correlation and Linear Regression
How Are the Variables Related?
Analysis Case 7.2 – Additional Case Using ORDERS
Analysis Case 7.3 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey Data

Chapter 8 Multivariate Regression

Analysis Case 8.1 – Multivariate Regression
Predictive Modeling
Analysis Case 8.2 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey Data

Chapter 9 Forecasting and Time Series

Analysis Case 9.1 – Forecasting and Time Series
Predicting Trends and Future Values
Analysis Case 9.2 – Additional Case Using ORDERS
Analysis Case 9.3 – Additional Case Using MOVIES
Analysis Case 9.4 – Additional Forecasting Case Study

Chapter 10 Inferential Statistics

Analysis Case 10.1 – Assurance of Results
Inferential Statistics
Analysis Case 10.2 – Additional Case Using FOOTBALLTRIALS
Analysis Case 10.3 – Additional Exercise Using SFO Airport Survey

Chapter 11 Contingency Analysis

Analysis Case 11.1 – Contingency Analysis and Chi-Squared
Test of Variable Independence
Analysis Case 11.2 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey

Chapter 12 A/B Testing

Analysis Case 12.1 – Design and Analysis of Trials
A/B Testing
Analysis Case 12.2 – Additional Case Using ORDERS
Analysis Case 12.3 – Additional Case Using SFO Airport Survey
Analysis Case 12.4 – Additional Analysis Cases Using Titanic Data

Chapter 13 Text Analytics

Analysis Case 13.1 – Unstructured Text Analysis I
Analysis Case 13.2 – Unstructured Text Analysis II
Using Excel for Sentiment Analysis

Chapter 14 Analyzing Big Data Sets

Analysis Case 14.1 – Big Data Analysis
Using Sampling to Work with Large Data Files
Analysis Case 14.2 – Additional Case Using the BankComplaints
Big Data File

Chapter 15 Data Visualization

The Case
The Analysis Template
Analysis Case 15.1 – Story
Create a Visual Story − Is the point of the visual very clear?
Make It a Prop − Has the visual has been simplified and focused?
Emulate Legendary Storytellers − Are past masters and the basic
charts that they pioneered emulated?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.2 – Signs
Give Them a Sign − Is the use of signs and symbols appropriate?
It’s Like a Communication System − Is the signal-to-noise ratio
Design for Function − Is the chart functionally informational rather
than beautiful art?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.3 – Purpose
Consider the Information Need – Does the chart fulfill
organizational information needs?
Consider the Audience – Does the chart allow for audience biases,
needs, and journeys?
Answer Well-Framed Analytical Questions – Does the visual
answer a well-framed analytical question?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.4 – Perception
Use the Eye-Brain System of Seeing – Does the eye of the viewer
focus on the most important point being made?
Employ the Gestalt Principles of Perception – Have the principles
of the Gestalt psychology of perception been thoughtfully
employed in the visual?
Design with Quality – Does the visual inform the viewer and dispel
his ignorance?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.5 – Method
Use Color Effectively – Is color used judiciously and sparsely?
Remove All Chart Junk – Is the visual is clear of unnecessary
visual elements not leading to a clear point being made?
Tell the Story with the Title – Does the title of the chart convey
the point being made with the chart?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.6 – Charts
Use the Right Chart – Does the type of chart being used match
the level of judgment required?
Select the Chart Type Effectively – Does the chart type used match
the business question being answered?
Enhance Table Data for Emphasis – Are referenceable visuals
(tables) readable with appropriate conditional formatting and
thumbnail graphs used for emphasis?
Case Analysis
Analysis Case 15.7 – Putting It All Together
A Possible Solution

Chapter 16 Summary of Analysis Techniques

Business Questions and Analysis Techniques for Addressing Them
Data Sources

This laboratory manual was written for business analysts who
wish to increase their skills in conducting statistical analysis of data
sets to support business decision-making. Most of the exercises use
Excel, today’s most common analysis tool. They range from the most
basic descriptive statistical techniques to more advanced techniques,
such as multivariate linear regression and forecasting.
Advanced exercises cover inferential statistics for continuous
variables (t-Test) and categorical variables (Chi-square), as well as
A/B testing. The manual ends with techniques to deal with the
analysis of text data (text data mining) and tools to manage the
analysis of large data sets (Big Data) using Excel. A set of cases is
provided to assist the analyst to improving their data visualization

On the Companion Files

The exercises require access to the data sets used in analyzing the
cases. They may be accessed on companion disc. with this book or
for downloading by writing to the publisher at A file folder Lab Data has all the files
referenced in the exercises. A zip file Lab, found in the
same repository, can be downloaded to make data available on a
local drive. The solution folders within each exercise folder contain
some illustrative charts and tables as well as solution spreadsheets.
All of the figures (including those in full color) are on the companion
files for enlargement and easy-viewing. The analysis techniques
presented in each chapter have short companion videos you may
use to understand the ideas further. The video lessons may be found
on the companion disc. If you wish to stream the video rather than
download it, there is a document on the disc with links to all the
companion videos to be found on a streaming service. The
companion files are also available for download from the publisher
by writing to

Practical books such as this, that are full of cases, are created by
many years of trying them out on students until you get them right.
It’s a matter of keep changing the exercises and trying things out
until they seem to work, and in the end, they help people learn. I
wish to thank the legion of students who were very patient with me
and helped me perfect these cases. Both my graduate students at
the NYU School of Professional Studies and the many American
Management Association professionals who attended my AMA
seminars deserve my gratitude.
I also wish to thank my colleague, Nicole Morgenstern, for taking
a chance with me at AMA. Thank you, Nicole, for sponsoring this
work and running interference for me. My thanks to my graduate
student, Karen pey-rong Hong, who did a superb job updating all the
exercises to the latest version of Excel. The entire team of editors
and artists at Mercury Learning was terrific and has my gratitude. A
special thanks to Jim Walsh, my editor, who kept asking for more
and more and helped shape an excellent book. In the end, it paid
off, Jim. Finally, to my loving and patient wife, Kathleen, who not
only labored over the manuscript by copyediting, but provided much-
needed advice. You were always right, dear.

Dr. Andres Fortino

June 2020


In the first set of exercises, we will look at the importance of
shaping and cleaning data files. The initial image in this chapter
shows the Data Cleansing Cycle with many activities, starting with
importing the data; merging the data sets; standardizing and
normalizing data; rebuilding missing data; de-duplicating; and last,
verifying and enriching the data set. The object is to produce a data
set in Excel in what is called a flat-file format. When expressed in
that format, the first row of the table must contain all the variable
names (with none missing); every row is of the same nature, and
there are no empty rows or columns. All other rows and columns
outside of the table area should be clear of data. Once in that
format, the table is ready for analysis, and we can safely apply many
of the Excel analytic tools.
The source of the data table varies; sometimes we extract it from
a DBMS using the SQL language using queries. Other times we may
obtain a comma-separated values file (with a .CSV extension), or a
formatted text file (with a .TXT extension), or we may have scraped
it from an HMTL formatted Web page. In Analysis Case 1.1, we
explore loading and shaping data files from several sources. We
study how long it takes to load data files of different sizes, including
some huge files that tax the limit of Excel. They not only take a long
time to load, but they are unwieldy to analyze.
Once we practice loading data in various formats, we explore
cleaning it in Analysis Case 1.2. We practice using a small data file
that contains several errors that need to be corrected. You are
directed to the original data to find the original values. The exercise
allows you to utilize many tools in Excel that make the data cleaning
process efficient.
The whole process of scraping, uploading, cleaning, annotating,
and shaping the data file is referred to as data wrangling. Many
studies have shown that this process is not only tedious but can take
up to 80% of the overall time needed to perform the analysis. But it
is critical for success in the analysis. The more skilled you are in the
use of cleaning and shaping tools, and the smarter you are in their
use, the sooner you will start the analysis, and the less time you will
need to find answers.

Analysis Case 1.1 – Shaping the Data File

1. Using the Lab Data set provided, open the Analysis Case 1.1
folder in it, and find the file ORDERS.csv (1.8 MB file with 8,400
records). (The data set was made available courtesy of
Tableau, Inc.)
2. Open ORDERS.csv using Excel.
3. Excel will automatically recognize the .CSV format and open
the file with no further work on your part.
4. ORDERS is a comma-separated values file.
5. Save the file as ORDERS.xlsx in the Analysis Case 1 folder.
6. We will explore the difficulties with scraping, opening, and
working with large data files in Excel. Consider the following
four data files found in the Analysis Case 1.1 folder (Table 1.1).
Each file is progressively larger and more difficult to open in
Excel than the next.

Table 1.1 Characteristics of the data files used

to exemplify the lag in loading data
demonstrated in this case.
7. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 1.1 folder, find
the file Community.csv (70 MB file with 376,000 records, 551
8. Note how long it takes to load. Add filters to the top row, and
then filter column D to a “0” value only. Note how long it takes
Excel to execute these commands due to the large number of
rows in the file. (The filter function is found in the Data ribbon.)
Figure 1.1 shows the Community.csv file opened in Excel.

FIGURE 1.1 Exercise to demonstrate that the entire file was loaded
and how long it takes to execute a function when the data file is
relatively small.

9. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 1.1 folder, find
the file Courses.csv (73 MB file with 631,139 records, 21
variables). (The data set was made available courtesy of the
Harvard Dataverse Project.)
10. Note how long it takes to load. Add filters to the top row. Sort
the data by column T. Note how long it takes to perform this
task. Filter column T to a “1” value only.

WARNING: The next file to be studied is so large that, if you

do not have enough memory on your computer, it may lock
up Excel, so be patient when loading and be ready to reboot
your machine if the file does not load or the program locks

11. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 1.1 folder, find
the file BankComplaints.csv (306 MB file with 753,324 records,
18 variables). The file is very large because one column
contains the full text of the complaints, which may run to
several paragraphs each. (The data set was made available
courtesy of the U.S. Government Department of Consumer
FIGURE 1.2 Exercise to demonstrate that the entire file was loaded
and how long it takes to execute a function when the data file is
relatively large.

Analysis Case 1.2 – Cleaning the Data File

A drug manufacturer has collected drug test data on 178 patients.
We suspect that the data has transcription problems. (There were
errors when entering data into the computer from the experiment
1. Using an Internet connection and Web browser, navigate to
2. Scrape the data and paste it into a new Excel spreadsheet.
Note that all the data is in one column. The data dictionary is
available at .
3. Use the “Text to Columns” function under the Data ribbon to
distribute the data into their respective columns.
Or obtain the data by this other method:
4. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 1.1 folder, find
the file calciumgood.txt . The data dictionary for this file is
calcium.txt . (The data set was made available by permission of
John P. Holcomb, Jr.)
5. Open calciumgood.txt using Excel.
6. Employ the Excel function to import a data file under the Data
set of functions.
7. The data is in columns, but there are no column titles. Use the
data dictionary to add column titles so all the variables are
labeled. Note that the file is now in a flat-file format with
columns as variables and rows as records.
8. Save the file as calcium.xlsx .
9. The file contains many errors. Clean it by looking at it and
correcting these errors. (For example, some of the numbers in
the SEX column are coded as 22 instead of 2. You can fix that
easily. Fixing data coded as 12 is harder.) If you need to refer
to the original data that was collected, use this link to access
the original observations:
10. When you feel reasonably sure you have a clean data file,
answer the following questions by using Excel:
How many men and how many women were in the
study? Sort by gender and compute a sum for each
Were the tests evenly distributed over the labs? Sort by
lab type and compute subtotals by lab type.
Are the calcium levels for the males above or below the
average for the females in the test? Sort by gender and
use the AVG function to average the CAMMOL columns
for each sex.
11. Check your results against the following solutions (Figure 1.3).
Keep cleaning the data until you have found all the errors.

FIGURE 1.3 Analysis results computed after cleaning the data file.


The techniques in this book are practiced using Microsoft Excel. It
turns out that Excel has a wealth of advanced analysis tools, from
regression to inferential tools, tucked in a hidden tool kit called the
Analysis ToolPak. It’s there in Excel already, nothing to install, you
just have to activate it. We make use of many of these advanced
tools in the exercises throughout the book, so it is good to activate it
early on before tackling the advanced exercises.
The first exercise guides the reader through the activation
process. Note that the activation varies by operating system (PC or
Mac) and Excel version type. At the end of this chapter, there is a
simple exercise to ensure the Analysis ToolPak is active and readily

Analysis Case 2.1 – Excel Analysis ToolPak

Installation and Activation
1. Launch Excel.
2. If using Microsoft Windows, click the Office button logo (or
“File” in 2010) in the upper-left corner of the window.
3. On the PC version, click “Options” on the bottom of the pop-
up. Click “Add-ins” in the Excel Options pop-up. Select “Analysis
ToolPak,” and then click “Go.” You should see a dialog screen as
shown in Figure 2.1.

FIGURE 2.1 The Excel wizard showing the Analysis ToolPak prior to
making it active.

4. In the Add-Ins pop-up screen, place a check mark in the box

next to “Analysis ToolPak” on the list of available add-ins
(Figure 2.2). Then click OK.

FIGURE 2.2 The second wizard screen in activating the Analysis

ToolPak showing it as active.

5. You should now see Data Analysis as a selection in the Analysis

group under the Data ribbon in Excel (Figure 2.3).

FIGURE 2.3 The Excel Data ribbon after installation showing the
activated Analysis ToolPak now appearing as a “Data Analysis”

On a Mac, the Analysis ToolPak is only available in the Excel 2016

version, not in earlier versions. To activate it on a Mac, open a
spreadsheet and, in the “Tools” option (Figure 2.4) on the main
menu, select “Excel Add-ins” and then “Analysis ToolPak” from the
wizard pop-up box to activate (Figure 2.5).

FIGURE 2.4 Location of the “Add-ins” function for the Mac version
of Excel.
FIGURE 2.5 The Mac version of Excel Add-ins wizard screen
showing the Analysis ToolPak being activated.


Descriptive statistics deal with the past and the present: what
happened? They differ from predictive analytics, which deals very
much with the future: what might happen? Or with assurance or
results, inferential statistics: are we sure, or is it the result of some
random event? And descriptive statistics are a summarization of
numerical (averages, sums, extreme) or categorical variables
(tabulation). This also differs from summarizing text data: what are
people saying? We tackle that in Chapter 13.
This technique answers the business question: “How many are
there, how much, and how do they compare?”
The primary tool for descriptive statistics will be the five-point
summaries (available in the ToolPak). We cover quartiles as well as
averages and medians, maximum, minimum, and measure so the
spread of the data, variances, and interquartile ranges.
This chapter also introduces two other very useful tools: (a) the
creation of box plots as a summarization and visualization tool for
numeric variables; and (b) the use of Pivot Tables as a tabulation
tool for categorical variables.
In this chapter, we begin the practice of offering two types of
exercises: basic exercises for beginners as well as additional and
more challenging exercises for advanced students. If you are a
beginner, getting through the basic exercises for each tool is a good
start. For more advanced students, we offer additional exercises that
are more challenging. All are encouraged to try them out as well.

Analysis Case 3.1 – Descriptive Statistics

Five-Point Summaries
1. Using the Lab Data set provided, open the Analysis Case 3
folder in it, and find the file StartupCosts.xlsx.
2. Open StartupCosts.xlsx using Excel.
3. We are going to answer these questions:
Which type of startup business has the best
What are the descriptive statistics for a group of
businesses to be able to compare them?
4. Following our practice of not changing raw data, select the
data only (leaving out the data dictionary at the bottom of the
table and making sure to copy the headings), and then file and
copy it as the shaped file in a new spreadsheet. Label this
spreadsheet StartUpStats .
5. Using the Analysis ToolPak, select “Descriptive Statistics.” Enter
the entire range of data, including the column labels, as the
range. Make sure to click the “labels in the first row” box. Put
the results in another spreadsheet or somewhere in the same
sheet as the shaped file. Select only the “Summary Statistics”
6. Change the formatting of the statistics to Numbers and two
decimals. Put the column labels on top of the stats numbers
and the row labels. Delete every other row label to leave only
the statistics.
7. Compute Q1 (first quartile) and Q3 (third quartile) at the
bottom of each column in the statistics to add these important
FIGURE 3.1 Steps in using the Analysis ToolPak to obtain the
Descriptive Statistics and a 5-point summary for a data set.

8. Create a five-point summary table of MEDIAN, Q1, MAXIMUM,

MINIMUM, Q3 by copying the appropriate elements for the
previous table (Figure 3.1).
9. Enter a set of arbitrary dates above each column to be able to
use the stock table chart. Select the dates and the five-point
summary data for all five startups and insert a chart. Select the
(Open, High, Low, Close) stock chart (Figure 3.2).
FIGURE 3.2 Selecting the appropriate stock-chart type for
constructing box-plot charts.

10. Edit the chart to make both axes the same (both maximum at
180). Now, we will change the x-axis to replace the dates with
the names of the startups. Right-click on the chart to Select
Data (NOT Format Axis) and change the settings in the
Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels. Edit the median line by
changing the median to a dash with a width of 30 to make it
visible (Figure 3.3).
11. From the resulting box plots, decide which type of startup
seems most favorable.
FIGURE 3.3 Completing the construction of a box-plot diagram for
a data set using the stock-chart format.
Analysis Case 3.2 – Additional Analysis Case
Using the ORDERS File
1. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 3 folder, find
the file ORDERS.xlsx.
2. Open ORDERS.xlsx using Excel.
3. We are going to answer these questions:
Which regions had the best average sales for the year?
What are the descriptive statistics for each sales region?
Compare them.
4. Create descriptive statistics of sales by region and create a
box-plot diagram.
5. Use a Pivot Table to create a tabulation of sales by region,
making sure to sum sales by ORDERDATE to have a large Pivot
Table as a result for the next step.
6. Create a descriptive statistics table using Data > Analysis
ToolPak (Figure 3.4):

FIGURE 3.4 Resulting 5-point summary for the ORDERS file using
the Analysis ToolPak Descriptive Statistics function.

7. Then, generate the box plots (follow instructions from earlier in

this exercise on generating box plots) (Figure 3.5):
FIGURE 3.5 The completed box-plot chart for the ORDERS file

Analysis Case 3.3 – Descriptive Statistics

Tabulation and Pivot Tables
1. Using the Lab Data set provided, open the Analysis Case 3
folder and find the file ORDERS.xlsx.
2. Open ORDERS.xlsx using Excel.
3. We are going to answer this question:
Which province has the largest number of big sales?
(Tabulate order quantity and sales by region and
province. Cross-tabulate profit by province and customer
4. Following our practice of not changing the raw data, select the
entire file and copy it as the shaped file in a new spreadsheet,
and label the tab Summary . Create a table with the name
5. Using a Pivot Table, generate answers to the question in Step
6. Tabulate order quantity and sales by region and province
(Figure 3.6):

FIGURE 3.6 Pivot table settings to tabulate order quantity and sales
by region and province in the ORDERS data set.

7. Tabulate profit by province (independent variable, rows) and

customer segment (dependent variables, columns) (Figure 3.7).
Which province appears to have the most profits across
customer categories?
FIGURE 3.7 Pivot table settings to tabulate profit by province and
customer segment in the ORDERS data set.

8. Which customer categories appear to be the most profitable

across all provinces?
Now, let’s compute outliers.
9. Insert an empty column next to PROFIT. Insert the z-score of
the PROFIT column into this new variable. Use the
STANDARDIZE function on profit. Label it ZSCORE.
10. Sort the table by z-score to identify big winners (z-score > 3)
and big losers (z-score < 3).
11. Create another column and code the outliers into YES (ABS(z-
score) = or > 3.0), or NO (ABS(z-score) < 3.0). Label it
12. Using a Pivot Table, create a summary table of the number of
the outliers by z-score code and identify the province that has
the highest number of sales outliers (Figure 3.8). Make sure to
use a filter of OUTLIER=YES to only count the outliers.
13. Which province appears to have the largest number of sales
ABS(z-score) > 3.0?

FIGURE 3.8 Using a Pivot Table tabulation technique to discover

which region has the greatest number of outliers in ORDERS.

Analysis Case 3.4 – Additional Case Using

Titanic Data
1. Using the Lab Data set and in the Analysis Case 3 folder, find
the file Titanic.xlsx .
2. Open Titanic.xlsx using Excel.
3. We are going to answer these questions:
Were male passengers older or younger, on average,
than female passengers?
What are the descriptive statistics for each gender?
Compare them. Repeat for each class of passenger and
4. Create a Pivot Table of the Titanic Passenger data (Figure 3.9).
5. Create a summary by age. Do a tabulation by age and enter
the maximum age for males and females. Do a sub-summary
under each gender of the passenger name. Now you have two
lists, one above the other, of passenger ages sorted by gender.
FIGURE 3.9 Pivot Table configuration to summarize passengers by
gender and subcategory of names to create two lists by gender.

6. Scrape each list and paste it into a new sheet under MALE and
FEMALE columns.
7. Obtain the descriptive statistics of age by gender (labeled sex
in the file) and create a box-plot diagram (Figure 3.10).
FIGURE 3.10 Final box plots summarizing passenger’s ages
compared by gender.

Analysis Case 3.5 – Additional Case Using SFO

Airport Survey Data
1. Use the latest SFO Airport ACQ Survey data downloaded from
2. Or using the Lab Data set provided in the Analysis Case 3
folder, find the file 2016_SFO_Customer_Survey_Data.xls .
(This data set was made available courtesy of the San
Francisco Airport.)
3. Open the data dictionary file and have it available to consult as
you work with the data.
4. Open 2016_SFO_Customer_Survey_Data.xls using Excel.
5. Save the reshaped data file to your computer as
SFOAirportSurvey2016.xlsx .
6. Tabulate the number of men and women taking the survey
(Figure 3.11). Is the difference between men and women larger
than 10% or about evenly distributed? Make sure to use the
filter option on the row categories to only select Men and
Women counts.

FIGURE 3.11 Tabulation of SFO survey takers by gender.

7. Tabulate the distribution of income levels among respondents

(Figure 3.12).
FIGURE 3.12 Tabulation of income distribution for SFO survey

8. Tabulate the number of frequent flyer passengers who use the

airport on average (Figure 3.13).
FIGURE 3.13 Tabulation to compute ratio of frequent flyers to total
airport users.
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Dunkirk, 32
Duquesne, Fr., 130–31
Echo, 41
L’Éclair, Fr. corvette, capture of, 126
Edgar, Gardner’s service in, 64–96;
court martial on board of, 73–4;
officers of, 90–6; 29, 39, 45, 52, 97, 108, 112, 118, 124, 157, 229,
Elephant, 227–8, 232
Endymion, 72–3
Etna, 12
Europa, 205, 222
Euryalus, 202
Fame, 11
Favorite, Fr. privateer, captured, 188;
in Portland Race, 189;
luxuries on board of, 200
Formidable, 182, 228
Fortitude, 104, 143
Foudroyant, 7, 29, 62, 117, 136
Française, Fr., 230
Ganges, 227, 229
Glebb, Russian, 184
Glorieux, French prize, lost, 26
Goliath, 25, 30, 226, 228, 234, 239
Gorgon, Gardner’s service in, 155–71;
goes ‘bump on shore,’ 156;
‘a noble sea boat,’ 157;
nearly runs on Bolt Head, 158;
runs amok at Spithead, ib.;
officers of, 170–1
Grafton, 11
Grampus, 51
Growler, brig, capture of, 95
Guadeloupe, 11
Hebe, 57, 65
Hector, French prize, lost, 26
Hector, guard-ship, 76
Hercules, Dutch prize, renamed Orestes, 56
Hercules, 80
Hermione, French prize, victualler, 22
Hermione recaptured, 176
Hind, 44, 176;
Gardner’s service in, 178–202;
captures smuggler, 181;
presses her crew, 181;
succession of gales, 182–185;
chased by Richery’s squadron, 185–7;
captures French privateer, 188;
officers put on shore in the mutiny, 192–3;
officers of, 201–2
Hindostan, store-ship, 229
Hope, transport, 37
Hope, 74
Illustrious, 131, 146
Impregnable, 14
Invincible, the old, lost on the Dean, 6;
the new, 11
Jamaica, 18
Janus, 233
Juno, frigate, 143
Languedoc, Fr., 74
Lark, 230
Lawrence, brig, 41
Leopard, 180
Leviathan, 78, 228
Lion, 62, 233
London, 12, 81;
mutiny at Spithead, 192
Lowestoft, 131
Lutine, 202;
loss of, 208
Macedonian, capture of, 95
Magnificent, 64
Majestic, 229
Marlborough, 8, 117
Mars, Dutch prize, renamed Pylades, 56
Mars, 5, 8
Medusa, 182, 192
Medway, 33
Melampus, 227, 229
Merlin, 41
Minerve, 66
Minotaur, 123, 125
Modeste, 155–6
Monmouth, 10, 136, 197, 243
Monsieur, 22–3
Montagu, 184
Naiad, 229
Namur, 197
Nassau, loss of, 213
Nemesis, 131
Néréide, 229
Orestes, a prize from the Dutch, 56;
Gardner’s service in, 56–63;
fire on board, 57;
loss of, 62;
officers of, 62–3
Orion, 229, 233
Overyssel, 203 n.
Pallas, formerly Minerva, 213
Panther, Gardner’s service in, 19–40;
messing on board, 20–21;
makes three prizes, 22;
in a gale, 25–6;
at Gibraltar, 27;
off C. Spartel, 29–32;
regrets at paying off, 33;
mutinous spirit of men, 37;
officers of, 38–40, 179
Pearl, 155–6
Pégase, 80, 88
Pelican, 230
Penelope, 62
Phæton, courts martial on captain and officers of, 73–4 n.
Pigmy, cutter, prize, 22
Powerful, 229, 232–3
Preston, 104, 147
Prince George, 10, 91, 188
Princess Amelia, song by a seaman of, 103–4
Princess Charlotte, accident at the launch of, 238–9
Princess Royal, 11–13, 80, 129, 213, 228, 247
Proselyte, court martial on master of, 41
Proserpine, capture of, 116
Pylades, 56
Quebec, 244
Queen, Gardner’s service in, 121–5;
officers of, 123–5, 82, 87
Queen Charlotte, 98
Raisonnable, 21, 29
Ramillies, 12, 13
Rattler, sloop, 94
Raven, 230
Recovery, 22
Renown, 74
Resolution, 229
Ripon, 22
Robust, 229
Romney, 102
Rose, transport, 37
Rover, sloop, lost, 8
Royal George, loss of, 23–4; 8, 52, 99
Royal Louis, Fr., 30
Royal Oak, 11
Royal Sovereign, 13
Royal William, 24, 29, 158
Ruby, 29, 151
Russell, 11
Sabina, Spanish frigate, 66
St. Fiorenzo, 155–6
St. George, loss of, 113, 129, 145
St. Michael, prize, 27
Salisbury, Gardner’s service in, 41–52;
Hell afloat, 41, 75;
dogs on board, 42;
fog off Newfoundland, 42;
in a gale, 43;
logged 296 k. in 24 hours, 43;
much bullying on board, 43–6;
feud with Grampus, 50, 51;
officers of, 52–5; 68, 114–116, 120, 175–7
Sandwich, 23
Sans Culotte, Fr., renamed l’Orient, 145
Sans Pareil, 114, 227–8
Santa Leocadia, 41
Saturn, 81
Scipio, 65
Solebay, 97
Solitaire, Fr., capture of, 151
Speedwell, smuggling lugger, capture of, 181
Speedy, brig, 131
Spencer, 228
Standard, 203
Stately, 99
Suffolk, 22
Sultan, 11
Superb, 38
Surveillante, Fr., 244
Temeraire, 228
Terpsichore, 116
Terrible, 145
Theseus, 229
Thisbe, 41, 229
Thorn, 41
Thunderer, lost, 50
Tonnant, Fr., 147 n.
Topaze, heavy death-roll, 230; 155–6
Tremendous, 198
Trent, 196, 229
Trimmer, 65
Tromp, 206 n.
Trusty, 242
Union, 29
Unité, 131
Valiant, 98, 148
Vanguard, 229
Vengeance, 25, 28–9, 227, 229–30, 233
Victory, lost on the Casquets, 100 n.;
carries Howe’s flag, 25, 29;
Gardner’s service in, 172–6;
officers of, 176–7; 54, 66, 99, 126, 148, 152, 158
Vigilant, 22
Ville de Paris, lost, 26
Warrior, 229
Weasel, 191
Weymouth, store-ship, 206
William Tell, 62
Woolwich, store-ship, 171
Zealous, 229, 233
Shirley, lieutenant, 133–4, 136, 152
Shirt in the rigging, 163 and n.
Shovell, Sir Clowdisley, his last moorings, 158
Shuldham, Lord, vice-admiral, 32
Silence in working ship, 108 & n.
Silva, Emanuel, midshipman, 94, 118
Simmers, Mr., his dog, 5–6
Simmonds, Mr., formerly of the Panther, 179
Simmonds, Richard, lieutenant, ‘Gentleman Jack,’ 114
Simmonds, Samuel, midshipman, sees ghost, 36; 39
Simmonds, Richard, midshipman, 117, 177
Simonton, Robert, captain, 21, 28, 38
Skene, midshipman, 18
Skerret, Robert, midshipman, 40, 54
Skinner, Stephen, midshipman, 116
Skynner, Launcelot, captain, his ship lost, 208
Slade, James, midshipman, 93
Slops, list of, 46;
‘served out at the gangway,’ 111 n.
Smith, Charles, gunner, 53
Smith, Sir Sidney, burns ships at Toulon, 145 n.
Smith, Walter, lieutenant of marines, 13
Smock frock, mention of, 46 & n.
Smollett, his monument, 143 n.
Snow-eaters, 51
Soap-suds, a pedantic lieutenant so called, 109
Songs and Verses:—
Prologue, 1
To my veteran friends, 3
‘Don’t you see the ships a-coming?’ 16
Commodore Gale, 69
On asking for leave, 72
‘There’s nothing like grog,’ 77
‘When first they impressed me,’ 84
On washing the decks, 88
The battle on the Dogger Bank, 103–4
‘Billy the cook got drunk,’ 104
On General Dundas, 148
Bryan O’Lynn, 168–9
On two lubberly pilots, 211
On Fegan’s impressment, 214–15
A Baltimore wedding, 215–216
Eileen Aroon, 222
‘Jolly tars, have you heard the news?’ 235
‘On Newgate Steps,’ 242
On Venables and Penn, 245
Spence, David, midshipman, 95
Spencer, Earl of, first lord of the admiralty, 44, 174–6
Spicer, Robert, midshipman, 119
Stack, Thomas, his yarns, 50; 55
Stamp, mayor of Queensborough and pilot, 180
Stephens, George Hopewell, captain, 226–7, 229, 231, 233–4, 236,
243, 246–7
Sterne, his Sentimental Journey, 143 n.
Stevens, midshipman, 61, 63;
complimented by Sir Roger Curtis, 61;
made a gunner, 63
Stevens, John, mate, 91
Stevenson, captain, keeps the Blue Peter flying, 222–3
Steward sewed up in a bullock’s hide, 135
Stewart, Charles, lieutenant, 151
Stiles, John, lieutenant, 45, 52, 68–9, 91
Stocker, Charles Maurice, lieutenant, killed in action, 114
Storace, musical composer, song by, 72
Strahan, Sir Richard, captures Dumanoir’s squadron, 201
Street, James, purser, 62
Strico, Anthony, his sign, 128
Sturges, Robert, midshipman, killed in action, 30;
his ghost walks, 36; 39
Suckling, William, 132 n.
Sumner, Dr., headmaster of Harrow, his death, 259 n.
Surgeon of Orestes violently mad, 57–8
Susan, Black-eyed, 36
Swanson, Jacob, gunner, 9
Swiney, Noel, midshipman, 125

Talbot, John, signal midshipman, K.C.B., 115

Tatham, midshipman, 116
Tause, Hector, gunner, 152
Taylor, surgeon in the navy, hanged, 18
Taylor, Andrew Bracey, lieutenant, 114
Taylor, James, midshipman, 39
Taylor, James, midshipman, afterwards pilot at Deal, 39
Taylor, R. A., midshipman, 249
Temperature at Jamaica, 231 n.
Temple, Francis, midshipman, 117
Test Act, 178 n.
Thomas, James, mate, 224
Thompson, Alexander, assistant surgeon, 40
Thompson, Andrew James, midshipman, 92
Thompson, Charles, captain, ‘gruff as the devil,’ 67;
his order as to dress, 68; 3, 7, 8, 64, 90, 115
Thompson, Edward, captain, poet, 51
Thompson, Lenox, mate, 8
Thompson, Norborne, midshipman, 55;
lieutenant, 115
Thompson, William, clerk, 125
Thornbrough, Edward, captain, 65
Thurot, his squadron captured, 112
Tidy, Thomas H., midshipman, 117
Tillman, acting lieutenant, 38
Tinling, Charles, midshipman, 124
Toby, Jonas, clerk, author of the plan of Trafalgar, 202
Tomlinson, clerk, 151;
misadventure on a donkey, 162
Towry, George Henry, captain, 145, 148, 151, 205
Trapani, historical associations of, 137;
the biter bit, 138;
mummied friars, 138–9
Tremlett, George, master, 52
Tremlett, George Neate, midshipman, 55
Tremlett, Richard Stiles, midshipman, killed in a duel, 55
Tresahar, John, midshipman, 95
Tripp, George, captain, court martial on, 213 and n.
Trogoff, French admiral, 170 n.
Trogoff, Madame, French admiral’s widow, 170
Trotter, Thomas, surgeon, author and poet, 91
Troughton, Ellis, lieutenant, 13
Tucker, John, purser, 224
Tucker, Robert, mate, 152
Tunis, the squadron at, 131–2;
Bey of, sends presents, 134–5
Turnips, dish of, 43 n.
Twisden, John, midshipman, 95
Tyler, Charles, captain, 65, 229
Tyrwhitt, John, midshipman, Marshal at Gibraltar, 54

Urry, John, captain, his hospitality, 58

Vagg, Henry, surgeon’s mate, runs amok with the snuffers, 149; 154
Valobra, James, midshipman, encounter with Turks, 133;
at Leghorn, 139; 153
Vansittart, Henry, midshipman, 177
Venables, his capture of Jamaica, 245
Ventriloquist, tricks of a, 84–5
Verses—see Songs
Vincent, Richard Budd, midshipman, 54;
lieutenant, 175–6
Vosper, William, Gardner’s schoolfellow, midshipman, 17, 72, 94,
142, 152

Waddle, coxswain, a noted boxer, 7

Waddle, J. H., writer, 249
Wade, John, master, 38
Wade, William, midshipman, 249
Wadeson, Richard, vicar of Fairlight, 259;
his high character, 260
Waghorn, Martin, captain, court martial on, 24 and n.
Walker, captain, 229
Walker, James, captain, broke by court martial, 242;
reinstated, ib.
Wall, William, lieutenant, court martial on, 73–4
Waller, Smithson, purser, 248
Wallis, surgeon, runs amok, 57–8; 63
Wallis, captain, 148, 155–6, 158–160, 168–70
Walsingham, commodore, lost in the Thunderer, 50
Wangford, George, midshipman and mate, 8;
death of, 75, 92
Wardrope, David, surgeon, court martial on, 73–4
Watson, boatswain, rope’s ends the schoolmaster, 77;
boatswain with Paul Jones, 96;
broke by court martial, 96
Watson, John, mate, 91
Watson, Thomas, a rugged-muzzled midshipman, 19–20;
a glorious noisy fellow, 39
Webb, Henry, master, his strange fancies, 216–17;
his adventure at Lisbon, 217;
chased by fishermen, 217–18;
his quarrel with the second lieutenant, 218, 224
Webb, Noah, lieutenant, 107
Weevil victualling yard, 107 n.
Welland, Richard, lieutenant, 90
Weller, Hannah, supposed witch, 256–7
Whistler, Webster, rector of Hastings and New-Timber, 260;
a militant parson, 261–2
White, George, the purser, put on shore in the mutiny, 193; 201
White, Robert, surgeon, 13
Wilkie, John, master, court martial on, 73, 74
Wilkinson, John, lawyer, 18
Wilkinson, William, midshipman, 93
Willcocks, William, clerk, 55
William Henry, H.R.H. Prince (afterwards William IV.), captain 65;
visits the Barfleur, 98;
Duke of Clarence, 148
Williams, lieutenant, 13
Williams, William, lieutenant of marines, 8
Wills, Methuselah, master, anecdotes of, 237–8, 247–8
Wilson, Robert, midshipman, died of yellow fever, 249
Wilson, Thomas, surgeon’s mate, 9
Wiseman, William, gunner, 248
Wolfe, George, midshipman and mate, 176
Wolridge, captain, 174
Wolseley, William, captain, 131 n.
Woodley, captain, 131
Wooldridge, William, midshipman, 124
Worrall, John, lieutenant, 224
Worsley, captain, 206

Yates, Thomas L., purser, puts the island of Pantalaria into

quarantine, 137;
at the carnival, 140; 152
Yelland, William, carpenter, 236, 248
Yetts, John, lieutenant, his strange dress and manners, 70;
his character, 71;
song on, 72;
hates the Barfleur, 85–6; 90
Yetts, Robert, midshipman, 94;
invalided, 151
Yorke, Sir Joseph, strings in his shoes, 108; 189
Young, Mrs., an infernal vixen, 161
Young, Mr., keeps an hotel at Cadiz, 161
1. It is not out of place to mention here what we were told many years ago by
an officer of the Conway, that the late Professor Montague Burrows, when a
lieutenant of the Winchester, was initiated in the mysteries of the Greek Grammar
by the late Sir Anthony Hoskins, then a cadet fresh from Westminster. Burrows
afterwards took a first class in classics at Oxford.
2. D.N.B.—In 1780, commander-in-chief in the Channel; baronet in 1782. Died
in 1796.
3. Charnock, v. 350. Died in 1779.
4. It was then, and for many years afterwards, quite usual for a youngster to be
at school while his name was on the ship’s books. When—as in this case—the boy
was his father’s servant, he might be on board while the ship was in a home port.
5. The heroine of a low-class chap-book, The Adventures of Moll Swanson of
Portsmouth, which may still occasionally be met with.
6. Born in 1720; died 1830. His portrait, painted shortly before his death, is in
the Painted Hall at Greenwich. See post, p. 213.
7. This was then usual. Probably the fate of the Ramillies had a good deal to do
with putting it out of fashion, as it certainly had with forcing seamen to consider
that there was a right and a wrong tack on which to lie to; and may thus be said to
have brought about the discovery of the Law of Storms.
8. There is no reason to doubt the fact; but, in the absence of Christian name
and date, the court martial cannot be traced; nor can any man of the name be
found, as surgeon, in the pay-books of the Jamaica.
9. Large holystones, fitted with beckets, were drawn about by two men. The
smaller ones, used in the hand, were ‘hand organs.’
10. Coarse red wine of any country, but very commonly Spanish or
11. The brass knockers, when met with, were probably trophies of a night’s
foray. Such things have been known within the memory of not-very-old men.
12. Samuel Reeve died a vice-admiral, in 1802. Cf. N.R.S. xx. 111.
13. The names are filled in from Beatson.
14. Sc. the foot-rope.
15. Commander-in-Chief of the French fleet in the battle of the 12th April.
16. The very persistent way in which this story of the loss of the Royal George
was spread abroad from the first, the entire suppression of the evidence (on oath)
to the contrary, as given at the court martial, and the fact (here and elsewhere so
strongly commented on) that care was taken to prevent the success of the proposed
attempts to raise her, all point to one conclusion from which it is difficult to escape
—the conscious guilt of some high-placed and influential officials of the Navy
Board. Cf. Naval Miscellany (N.R.S. xx.) p. 216; and D.N.B. s.nn. Durham, Sir
Philip; Kempenfelt, Richard; Waghorn, Martin.
17. Sc. of France and Spain.
18. A ‘scuttle’ is defined by Falconer as ‘a small hatchway cut for some
particular purpose through a ship’s deck, or through the coverings of the
hatchways’; ‘scuttling’ is ‘the act of cutting large holes through the bottom or sides
of a ship.’ A ‘scuttle butt’ was a large cask, whose bung-hole had been cut into a
small scuttle, secured on the main deck in some convenient place, to hold water for
present use. It may be well to say that ‘scuttles’ to light the orlop deck were quite
unknown till long after the great war.
19. October 11th. Cf. N.R.S. xx. 217 seq.
20. So in MS.; but the word is ‘back-strapped,’ carried by the current to the
back of Gibraltar. The writing ‘black’ shows how entirely the meaning of the term
had been lost sight of. It is so with very many of the old nautical expressions.
21. More commonly known as the ‘floating batteries.’ They were burnt.
22. Neither Marshall nor Gardner seems to have realised the utterly worthless
character of the scurrilous book referred to—The Naval Atalantis, by ‘Nauticus
Junior,’ said to have been Joseph Harris, sometime secretary to Admiral Milbanke.
23. The pigsty, with its inmates, ‘under the forecastle,’ when going into action,
seems indeed ‘remarkable’ on board an English ship, even in 1782.
24. Sixteen years later, before the battle of the Nile, the live stock was
ruthlessly thrown overboard. Cf. Log of the Zealous (N.R.S. xviii. 12).
25. The statement is curious, for instances of similar escape are by no means
rare. In the days of sailing ships there can have been few officers of any seniority
who had not known of at least one.
26. The obsolete gibberish seems worth preserving, if only as a parallel to the
still familiar ‘So she went into the garden, &c.,’ attributed to Samuel Foote.
27. Now Devonport.
28. Sc. in nautical life.
29. Cf. Barrow, Life of Earl Howe, p. 165 seq.; Schomberg, Naval Chronology,
ii. 131.
30. Cf. post, p. 43.
31. Elder brother of Sir Francis Samuel Drake, Bart., but himself neither
baronet nor knight; and a vice-admiral at his death in 1788.
32. When in command of the Countess of Scarborough, hired ship.
33. Esteemed a good antiscorbutic. Our ships continued to brew it, up to 1840.
34. Possibly a pun on ‘turn-ing up Channel’ (cf. ante, p. 37); or a variation on
the familiar ‘playing hell and turn up Jack’ = ‘making things lively’ (cf. post, p. 65).
35. The list is interesting, as showing that, in 1785, a ‘smock frock’ was in the
36. This would seem to have been a mere short-lived association, with its head
quarters at St. John’s, and may, perhaps, be compared—with a difference—to the
nearly contemporary ‘Order of Marlborough,’ described in N.R.S. vi. 387. There are
obvious geographical reasons why it cannot have been connected with any foul
club of the name (there was a long succession of such) in London.
37. See Charnock, vi. 284.
38. Died, in command of the Grampus, 1786. See D.N.B.
39. The purser ‘was allowed one-eighth for waste on all provisions embarked.’
Provisions were thus issued at the ‘purser’s pound’ of 14 oz.—Smyth. In the mutiny
at Spithead in 1797, the seamen demanded and obtained an order that the pound
should in future be of 16 oz.
40. December 3, 1781.—Beatson, v. 424.
41. Or ‘Heck-boats.’ See Smyth, Sailors’ Word-Book.
42. Sc. crow-bar. Cf. Smyth, Sailors’ Word-Book.
43. More correctly, a-mok—a Malay term.
44. The full dress is perhaps meant.
45. John Urry, a captain of 1768; died 1800.
46. He died, admiral of the red, in 1837.
47. D.N.B.
48. Rear-admiral, 1794: died 1804.
49. Rear-admiral, 1794; died, admiral of the red, 1814.
50. D.N.B.
51. John Culverhouse, 1st lieutenant of the Minerve, was made commander for
the capture of the Spanish frigate Sabina, on the special recommendation of
Nelson. Captain, 1802. Drowned when agent for transports at the Cape of Good
Hope in 1809.—Nicolas, Nelson Despatches (Index).
52. Byam Martin’s recollection of Leveson Gower was even more unfavourable
than Gardner’s. Cf. N.R.S. xix. 292.
53. The ‘Belfry’—which has long been obsolete—is defined by Smyth as ‘an
ornamental frame or shelter, under which the ship’s bell is suspended.’ It would
seem to have been commonly fixed on the break of the forecastle, and is so shown
in the models in the Museum of the Royal United Service Institution.
54. Misappropriation of government stores (Smyth, Sailors’ Word-Book). Cf.
N.R.S. xxviii. 48. A writer in Notes and Queries (X. ii. 397) refers the term to the
Dutch ‘te kaap varen’ = to go a-privateering (N.E.D., s.v. Cape); a not improbable
55. Musical composer, died 1796. Cf. D.N.B.
56. See in the Record Office (Admiralty, Sec. In Letters, 5326), the minutes of
these curious and remarkable courts martial—on David Wardrope, the surgeon, for
drunkenness, quarrelling and beating the lieutenants: death; on William Wall and
John Lucas, lieutenants, for permitting themselves to be beaten: dismissed the
ship; on George Dawson, captain, for tyranny, oppression, malversation, suttling
and such like: dismissed the service; and on John Wilkie, the master, for neglect of
duty, disobedience, disrespect and drunkenness: dismissed the ship.
57. Le Languedoc, 80, D’Estaing’s flagship. She had been previously dismasted
in a gale. Cf. Beatson, iv. 348; Chevalier, i. 117.
58. Syrup of maidenhair, flavoured with orange-flower.
59. There are not so many readers of Ossian now as there were a hundred
years ago, and the description given of this Spirit may be novel. ‘Connal lay by the
sound of the mountain stream, beneath the aged tree.... At distance from the
heroes he lay; the son of the sword feared no foe. The hero beheld, in his rest, a
dark-red stream of fire rushing down from the hill. Crugal sat upon the beam, a
chief who fell in fight.... His face is like the beam of the setting moon. His robes are
of the clouds of the hill. His eyes are two decaying flames. Dark is the wound of his
breast....’—Fingal, ii.
60. Without quite being ‘one of the first mathematicians in Europe,’ it is
probable enough that Macbride was really an able man. The old schoolmasters
were of two sorts: either they were respectable, half-educated men, who were rising
in life and sometimes became pursers, occasionally even lieutenants; or, and more
commonly, they were clever, highly educated men, ruined by drink, and on the
down grade. We may believe that Macbride was a man of this stamp. Cf. also Byam
Martin’s experience on board the Pegasus (N.R.S. xxiv. 57). Some of our most
distinguished captains and admirals endeavoured, at their own expense, to remedy
this utterly disgraceful state of things:—e.g. Pellew in the Caledonia, Sir Samuel
Hood in the Centaur; but it was not till 1836 that the Admiralty tried to make an
entirely new departure by the institution of naval instructors. Complete success,
however, came very gradually. Some of the earlier officers so appointed were not
uncommonly put to bed by a posse of their pupils; and even less than fifty years
ago, one of them—a capable instructor and a clever writer—went on four days’
leave to his cabin, in company with half a dozen of brandy. All might have gone
well—from his point of view—had not the supply run short after two days, and the
wretched man, in his night shirt and a state bordering on delirium tremens,
appeared in the ward room clamouring for drink.
61. Tyrannical and oppressive as a captain, but reputed a brave officer
previous to 1st June 1794. His conduct on that day led to his being tried by court
martial, and dismissed his ship—whether for cowardice, or for Howe’s inability to
make himself understood, may be doubted.
62. Marshall, iii. 89.
63. It will, of course, be remembered that all boats were then hoisted in; boat-
davits were unknown.
64. Marshall, iv. 1007.
65. ‘What! put a physician in a bread bag!’ is quoted as the remark of a newly
caught surgeon’s mate, on being shown his bed.
66. This superstitious dread of the raven was as common on shore as afloat
(see post, p. 258), and is by no means extinct even now.
67. Captain of the Prince George in the battle of Cape St. Vincent. Grand-uncle
of the late Sir George Willes.
68. As the admiral compared Mr. Pringle to a scuttle butt (ante, p. 67), there
would seem to be another meaning in the name.
69. The traditional meaning of the name is a curious comment on ‘the worthy
70. Whilst in command of the Growler brig, captured by French privateers,
21st Dec 1797.
71. Afterwards Sir Henry Martin, Bart., Comptroller of the Navy; died 1794.
See N.R.S., vol. xxiv. p. viii.
72. Howe was ordered to hoist the union jack, and considered himself as
‘brevet’ admiral of the fleet.
73. Son of Samuel Faulknor, captain of the Victory when she was lost on the
Casquets in 1744; uncle of Captain Robert Faulknor, the ‘Undaunted’; flag captain
with Keppel in 1778. Died, admiral of the blue, 1795.
74. The reference is possibly to the retreat from Burgos in November 1812.
75. Many did deny this, while admitting that he was ‘a brave and meritorious
76. Billy Culmer is a familiar character in the gossiping memoirs of the old
war, e.g. Greenwich Hospital, by the Old Sailor (M. H. Barker). From Gardner’s
account of him, we may fairly believe that Barker’s anecdotes are also genuine. It is
noted in the Barfleur’s pay-book, that he was born in Bridgwater, and was 35 in
1790. Of course, this is by no means conclusive evidence of the fact.
77. If we are to accept the statement that he was 35 in 1790, he was two years
old in 1757. He may have been with Hood in the Romney in 1767–70.
78. The victualling yard, whose name was not inaptly transferred to the
79. Sc. squinting.
80. Such silence was then very exceptional, and continued so till seventy years
later (1861–2), when Sir William Martin, commander-in-chief in the
Mediterranean, insisted on it.
81. The order which the midshipman brought from the flagship.
82. A periphrastic euphemism for to be flogged.
83. A puddening is defined as ‘a thick wreath of cordage, tapering from the
middle towards the ends’ (Falconer). The joke, such as it is, seems to refer to the
thickening in the middle.
84. Sc. with a rope’s end or a cane.
85. It is, perhaps, more probable that, at the extreme end of the roll, the sea
came up to the yard.
86. More likely they were carried away by the rolling. The wind might then
blow the boat away.
87. See a picture of this by Cruikshank in the Old Sailor’s Greenwich Hospital.
88. Looks like an early form of Esperanto.
89. Cf. James, i. 78.
90. The story of this attack and its repulse is given by Chevalier, Hist. de la
Marine Française sous la Première République, pp. 41 seq.
91. It has, of late years, been so persistently stated that black silk
handkerchiefs were introduced into the navy as a mark of mourning for Nelson,
that it is most refreshing to meet with this very positive contradiction of the story.
92. Charles Cunningham, at this time commander of the Speedy brig, was not
a captain till some months later, and was then posted to the Unité. The captain of
the Lowestoft was William Wolseley—Cf. D.N.B.
93. This is an allusion to the absurd story—which Gardner seems to have
believed—that James was American by birth. See D.N.B. In consequence of his
very free comments on the conduct of naval officers, James was far from being a
favourite in the service; and it must have been still fresh in Gardner’s memory that
he had been severely caned by Sir John Phillimore.
94. Nelson wrote to his uncle, William Suckling, that, in his opinion, we ought
to have taken them—men of war and convoy; and if ‘we had given the Bey 50,000l.
he would have been glad to have put up with the insult offered to his dignity.’
95. Bagrada is the classical name; the river is now called Mejerda.
96. In 1758.
97. For the story of these very remarkable sea fights, see Smith’s Dictionary of
Greek and Roman Biography &c.; U.S. Mag., Oct. 1889, pp. 690–1.
98. The fresco is attributed to Nardo Daddi. See Kugler’s Handbook of
Painting, Italian Schools (5th Edit), pp. 111, 112, where there is a drawing of ‘The
Last Judgment.’
99. Smollett, so called by Sterne in A Sentimental Journey. It is, however, a
much disputed point whether he was not buried at Leghorn. See Notes and Queries
(1898, i.), IX. i. pp. 201, 309, 510; but it will be noticed that the monument
Gardner saw was earlier than that at Leghorn, and his mention of the ‘remains’ at
Montenero is of earlier date than any evidence yet quoted in support of the
Leghorn claim.
100. Cf. James, i. 208. The effective defence of this tower—which took its
name from the place (Mortella = Myrtle)—suggested the erection, along our south
coast, of those numerous, useless, and misnamed Martello towers, against which
the poet Campbell vainly protested.
101. See ante, p. 130, n.
102. Nelson’s comment on the reappearance of these ships was not so
classical: ‘Sir Sidney Smith did not burn them all—Lord Hood mistook the man:
there is an old song, “Great talkers do the least, we see.”‘
103. Formerly Le Dauphin Royal, and afterwards L’Orient, burnt and blown
up at the Nile. She was really of 120 guns.
104. Golfe Jouan.
105. In April 1794. As no one was saved the details were never known. Cf.
Brenton, Naval History, ii. 52.
106. The Tonnant, of 80 guns, already dismasted in the storm. The capture
was prevented, not by a gale coming on, but by the arrival of other ships to her
assistance. Cf. ante, p. 74.
107. William IV., at that time Duke of Clarence.
108. So in MS. The name is now entirely unknown, but it may perhaps have
some relationship to ‘brown Bess.’
109. French ships brought from Toulon. Cf. Schomberg, Naval Chronology, iv.
471. It will be seen that the lists of these squadrons differ from Schomberg’s, which
are probably the more correct. The Alert, for instance, had been captured on the
coast of Ireland, in May.—James, i. 439.
110. A shirt in the rigging was the recognised signal from a merchantman for a
man of war boat to be sent on board.
111. The Dunciad, ii. 105. A reference to the original—of which only the tense is
here altered—will show the strict appositeness of the quotation.

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