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Beginner Level MCQs

Reading and Writing

1. What is the first month of the year?

a) January. b) March. c) June. d) December

2. Which word is a color?

a) Apple b) Red. c) Run. d) Tree

3. What comes after 7?

a) 6. b) 8. c) 9. d) 10

4. Which day is before Wednesday?

a) Monday. b) Tuesday. c) Thursday d) Friday

5. Fill in the blank: "I ___ a student."

a) am. b) is. c) are. d) be

6. Choose the correct sentence.

a) She are happy. b) He is sad. c) They is late. d) We am here.

7. What is the correct order?

a) Eat I apple. b) I eat apple. c) Apple I eat. d) Eat apple I.

8. Which sentence is correct?

a) She is a teacher. b) She a teacher is. c) Teacher she is. d) Is she teacher.
Listening and Speaking

9. What do you say when you meet someone?

a) Goodbye. b) Hello. c) See you later. d) Thank you

10. If you hear "What is your name?" what is a good answer?

a) I am 20 years old. b) My name is Sarah. c) I like pizza. d) I am from Japan.

11. What does "How are you?" mean?

a) What is your name? b) Where are you from? c) How do you feel? d) What time is it?

12. If you hear "Please sit down," what should you do?

a) Stand up. b) Sit down. c) Run. d) Speak

13. How do you ask for the time?

a) What time is it? b) Where are you from? c) What is your name? d) How old are you?

14. How do you say you are hungry?

a) I am tired. b) I am hungry. c) I am happy. d) I am late.

15. If someone says "Thank you," how do you respond?

a) Goodbye. b) Sorry. c) You're welcome. d) Please

16. How do you introduce a friend named John?

a) He is my brother. b) This is my friend, John. c) My name is John. d) Where is John?

17. How do you ask someone where they are from?

a) What is your name? b) How old are you? c) Where are you from? d) What do you do?

18. What do you say when leaving in the evening?

a) Good morning. b) Good afternoon. c) Good evening. d) Good night

19. How do you write the number "8"?

a) Eight. b) Five. c) Ten. d) Three

20. Which one is a verb?

a) Happy. b) Run. c) Blue. d) Car

Intermediate Level MCQs

Reading and Writing

1. What tense is used in "She has finished her homework"?

a) Present Simple. b) Present Perfect. c) Past Simple. d) Future Simple

2. What does the word "always" indicate?

a) Frequency. b) Manner. c) Time. d) Place

3. Which sentence contains a comparative adjective?

a) She is the tallest in the class. b) He runs faster than his friend. c) They are always on time. d) I have
visited Paris.

4. Identify the main idea of this sentence: "The new student quickly made friends because of her friendly

a) The student is new. b) The student is friendly. c) The student made friends quickly. d) The student
likes school.
5. Which sentence is in the past perfect tense?

a) She had already left when I arrived. b) She is leaving now. c) She will leave tomorrow. d) She leaves
every day at 5 PM.

6. Complete the sentence: "If I ____ rich, I would travel the world."

a) am. b) was. c) were. d) will be

7. Which word is an adverb?

a) Quick. b) Quickly. c) Quickness. d) Quicker

8. Which is a complex sentence?

a) I like coffee. b) I like coffee and tea. c) I like coffee, but I prefer tea. d) I like coffee because it
wakes me up.

Listening and Speaking

9. What is a suitable response to "What have you been up to lately?"

a) I’m going to the store. b) I have been very busy with work. c) I am from Canada. d) I am 25 years old.

10. Identify the correct reaction to: "How was your weekend?"

a) It’s on Monday. b) It was great, I went hiking. c) I will go next time. d) They are coming over.

11. What is implied by the phrase "It's raining cats and dogs"?

a) It’s raining lightly. b) There are many animals. c) It’s raining heavily. d) It’s not raining at all.

12. Choose the correct response: "Could you pass the salt, please?"

a) Yes, I could. b) Here you go. c) No, I can’t. d) What is salt?

13. How do you give your opinion in a discussion?

a) Where do you live? b) I think that’s a good idea. c) What is your name? d) How old are you?

14. How do you ask someone to clarify their statement?

a) I don’t know. b) Can you say that again, please? c) I agree. d) What’s your name?

15. What is a polite way to interrupt someone?

a) Stop talking! b) Excuse me, may I say something? c) I don’t care. d) Be quiet.

16. How do you start a debate?

a) I like pizza. b) In my opinion, we should start with... c) Where is the library? d) Can you help me?

17. What is an appropriate way to express agreement?

a) No, I disagree. b) Yes, I think so too. c) Maybe later. d) I don’t understand.

18. How do you express a preference?

a) I like both. b) I prefer tea over coffee. c) What’s your name? d) Can you repeat that?

19. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?

a) He said, “I will be late.”. b) He said “I will be late”. c) He said I will be late. d) He said I will be

20. What is the meaning of "however" in this sentence: "She wanted to go; however, it was too late"?

a) Because. b) But. c) Therefore. d) So

Upper-Intermediate Level MCQs

Reading and Writing

1. Which sentence uses a gerund correctly?

a) She enjoys to read books. b) She enjoys reading books. c) She enjoys read books. d) She enjoys
reads books.

2. What does the idiom "spill the beans" mean?

a) Clean up a mess. b) Reveal a secret. c) Cook dinner. d) Make a mistake

3. Identify the thesis statement in this passage: "Many people believe that exercise is the key to a
healthy life. It helps in maintaining weight, improving mental health, and boosting energy levels."

a) Many people believe that exercise is the key to a healthy life. b) It helps in maintaining weight. c)
Improving mental health. d) Boosting energy levels.

4. What type of text is "research article"?

a) Fiction. b) Academic. c) Informal. d) Personal

5. Which sentence is an example of reported speech?

a) He said, “I am tired.”. b) He said that he was tired. c) He said I am tired. d) He said to be tired.

6. Complete the sentence: "If she ____ here, she would know what to do."

a) was. b) were. c) is. d) be

7. Choose the correct use of a phrasal verb:

a) She put up the meeting. b) She put off the meeting. c) She put in the meeting. d) She put over the

8. Identify the sentence with correct punctuation:

a) "It's raining," he said, "but we can still go."

b) "It's raining" he said "but we can still go."

c) "It's raining, he said, but we can still go."

d) "It's raining he said, but we can still go."

Listening and Speaking

9. What does the speaker mean by "Let's call it a day"?

a) Let's name the day. b) Let's finish the work for today. c) Let's start working now. d) Let's call
someone about the day.

10. What should you do if someone says "Can you elaborate on that?"

a) Summarize your point. b) Repeat your point. c) Provide more details. d) Change the subject.

11. If you hear "He's a couch potato," what does it mean?

a) He likes eating potatoes. b) He watches a lot of TV. c) He works hard. d) He is a farmer.

12. What is the meaning of "The ball is in your court"?

a) It's your responsibility to make a decision. b) The ball is near you. c) You are playing tennis. d) You
are in a courtroom.

13. How do you start a professional email?

a) Hi there, b) Hey, c) Dear Mr. Smith, d) What's up?

14. How do you respond to "Could you clarify your last point?"

a) Yes, I will be there. b) Yes, I can explain further. c) No, I cannot. d) I don’t know.
15. What is the best way to end a formal presentation?

a) That's it. b) I'm done. c) Thank you for your attention. Are there any questions?

d) That's all, folks.

16. How do you express a strong opinion politely?

a) I think that this idea is not good at all. b) I believe that this approach could be improved by...

c) This is wrong. d) I don't like it.

17. Speaking: How do you ask for feedback in a professional setting?

a) What did you think? b) Can you tell me if this is okay? c) May I have your feedback on this? d) Is
it good?

18. How do you handle a disagreement in a meeting?

a) I completely disagree with you.

b) I see your point, but have you considered...?

c) You are wrong. d) This is not correct.

19. Which sentence demonstrates proper use of academic vocabulary?

a) The experiment was good.

b) The experiment yielded significant results.

c) The experiment was cool.

d) The experiment was nice.

20. What is the primary purpose of a research proposal?

a) To entertain the reader.

b) To request funding for a project.

c) To describe a personal experience.

d) To sell a product.

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