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J Mater Cycles Waste Manag (2000) 2:51–56 © Springer-Verlag 2000


Takashi Osada · Kazutaka Kuroda · Michihiro Yonaga

Determination of nitrous oxide, methane, and ammonia emissions from

a swine waste composting process

Received: September 11, 1998 / Accepted: November 8, 1999

Abstract ers. Consequently, excess livestock waste has accumulated

The amounts of harmful gas emissions from the process of around livestock facilities. Such enormous accumulations
composting swine waste were determined using an experi- have caused pollution problems. In Japan, compost is the
mental composting apparatus. Forced aeration (19.2–96.1 main product derived from livestock waste. The objectives
l/m3/min) was carried out continuously, and exhaust gases of composting are to stabilize the biodegradable organic
were collected and analyzed periodically. With weekly matter in raw waste, to reduce offensive odors, to kill weed
turning and the addition of a bulking agent in order to seeds and pathogenic organisms, and finally, to produce a
decrease the moisture content and increase air permeabil- uniform organic fertilizer suitable for land application. It is
ity, the temperature of most of the contents rose to 70°C important to treat livestock waste appropriately prior to its
and composting was complete within 3–5 weeks. NH3, CH4, utilization as a resource.
and N2O emissions were high in the early stage of com- It has to be admitted that unsuitable handling and/or
posting. About 10%–25% of the nitrogen in the raw mate- treatment of livestock waste has caused the emission of
rial was lost as NH3 gas during composting. The emission harmful gases from livestock production facilities.1 The NH3
rate of NH3 mainly depended on the aeration rate, so emission from livestock production has been evaluated in a
that as the aeration rate rose, the level of NH3 emissions large number of studies, 2–4 and these have demonstrated
increased. The CH4 and N2O emissions could be kept the need for a solution to this problem.
lower with adequate treatment at more than 40 l/m3/min Recent studies have suggested that livestock waste con-
aeration. N2O may be mainly the result of the denitrifica- tributes significantly to the emission of CH4 and N2O, which
tion of NOx-N in the additional matured compost used as a are major greenhouse gases. Some efforts have already been
composting accelerator. made to quantify these emissions from livestock waste
stores5,6 and treatment systems.7,8
Key words Composting · N2O and CH4 emissions · Little is known about CH4 and N2O emissions during the
NH3 emission · Swine waste · Greenhouse gas composting of livestock waste, and reliable estimates of
such emissions are needed.
The purpose of this study was, (1) to evaluate CH4, N2O,
and NH3 emission rates from the process of composting
swine waste, (2) to examine the effects of the flow rate of
Livestock waste was traditionally used for the fertilization forced aeration on those gas emissions, and (3) to clarify the
of crops until it was gradually replaced by chemical fertiliz- effect on those gas emissions of the addition of matured
compost as a composting accelerator.
T. Osada (*) · K. Kuroda · M. Yonaga
Laboratory of Livestock Waste Management, National Institute of
Animal Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Materials and methods
Tsukuba Norindanchi PO Box 5, Ibaraki 305, Japan
Tel. +81-298-38-8676; Fax +81-298-38-8606,8700
Composting materials

The characteristics of the materials for composting in this

Part of this paper was presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the study are shown in Table 1. Swine waste was collected from
Japan Society of Waste Management Experts (October 28–30, 1997,
the fattening swine confinement building in our institute.
Kawaguchi, Japan) and the International Symposium of Ammonia and
Odour Control from Animal Production Facilities (October 6–10, 1998, The initial moisture content and nitrogen content were
The Netherlands) 70.7 ± 2.0% of wet base and 3.5 ± 0.5% of dry base,

Table 1. Characteristics of materials for composting (mean and SD)

Items Unit Swine waste Matured compost Corrugated paper
(n = 14) (n = 7) (n = 2)

Solid contents % 29.3 ± 2.0 65.0 ± 1.2 92.7

Organic matter % 25.0 ± 1.4 46.7 ± 5.4 87.2
Total nitrogen % DM 3.5 ± 0.5 3.72 ± 0.02 0.17
NH4-N % DM 0.43 ± 0.05 0.17 ± 0.13 Not detected
NOx-N % DM Not detected 0.17 ± 0.06 Not detected
pH (2 N KCl) – 7.06 ± 0.05 7.58 ± 0.18 6.05

ture content of 65% by mixing with corrugated paper. The

initial materials contained nitrogen at about 180–190 g
(control: swine waste and corrugated paper mixture) or
about 211–221 g (additional: swine waste, corrugated paper,
and matured compost). The mixture was packed in the
reactor (52 l active volume) and then fixed in thermocou-
ples at 10, 30, and 50 cm above the bottom at the center of
the mixture. After sealing the cap on the reactor, aeration
was started. The compost mixture was removed from the
reactor, re-mixed (by turning), and replaced weekly until
the temperature of the materials in the reactor failed to
reach 40°C.

Solid sample analysis

Two hundred grams of composting mixture in the reactor

Fig. 1. Composting apparatus
was collected weekly, and the moisture content, organic
materials, total nitrogen content, NH4-N, NOx-N, pH, and
BOD were measured. The moisture content and organic
respectively. Matured compost, which was used as a com-
matter content were determined after drying and ashing
posting accelerator, had been produced beforehand from
periods of more than 6 h at 105°C and 550°C, respectively.
swine waste and sawdust. It had been piled up on a water-
Total nitrogen was calculated from Kjeldahl nitrogen10 plus
proof floor for 6 weeks and turned over weekly. In addition,
NOx-N. NH4-N, NOx-N,11 and pH (glass electrodes) were
the matured compost contained a small amount of easily
measured in a 1 : 8 (sample mixture/2N KCl, w/v) extract of
decomposable organic matter evaluated according to its bio-
the mixture. BOD was analyzed by a coulometric respirom-
chemical oxygen demand (BOD) (under 100 mgO2/g), and
eter (Ohkura Riken, Tokyo, Japan).
obviously it also contained NOx-N. Those parameters guar-
anteed the maturity of the compost. Before being used, it
was dried naturally and sieved (16 mesh) to eliminate large
pieces. Small pieces of corrugated paper (less than 2 cm Exhaust gas analysis
each) were used as a bulking agent devoid of heavy metals.
The exhaust gases from the reactor were collected every
6 h for 3 days from the start of composting, and then every
Composting apparatus 24 h until the end of the experiment. At the time of exaust
gas sampling, a cooling flask (“g” in Fig. 1) was connected
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the composting apparatus consisted through which the gas was collected for analysis. N2O
of a small reactor (52 l), a cap with a condensed-water trap, and CH4 were determined by gas chromatography using
an aeration pump, an air-flow meter, a water trap, and a an electron capture detector (ECD) and a flame-ionized
data logger (Thermodac E, ETO Electrics, Tokyo, Japan) detector (FID), respectively. NH3 was monitored with
connected to thermocouples. The reactor was covered with indicator tubes (Ammonia detector tube, GASTEC, Ayase,
styrofoam (30 mm) and supported with a plywood board to Japan).
prevent heat loss.9

Composting operation Calculation

Swine waste (18 kg), or a mixture of swine wastes (18 kg) The integrated values of NH3, CH4, and N2O in the exhaust
and matured compost (1.8 kg), were conditioned at a mois- gas from the composting reactor were calculated as follows:

About 10–25% of the nitrogen in the raw material was lost

F = ÂÁ
Ê [GAS] - [GAS] ¥Q
out in
¥ Kt ˜
) as NH3 gas during swine feces composting. Figure 2 shows
Á Vcompost ˜ a clear trend towards increasing NH3 emissions to about
Ë ¯
80 l/m3/min. The correlation coefficient (R) was 0.926. That
where F denotes the GAS (NH3 or CH4 or N2O) emission phenomenon was to be expected, since NH3 was mainly
rate (g GAS/m3) during composting, [GAS]out is the exhaust generated from the oxidative degradation of organic mate-
(outlet) gas concentration (g GAS/m3), [GAS]in is the inlet rials due to aerobic microorganisms. When the aeration
gas concentration (g GAS/m3), Q is the aeration rate rate was too high (about 100 l/m3/min), the moisture
(m3/m3/min), Vcompost is the volume of compost (0.052 m3), content of part of the compost mixture dropped too low
and Kt is the gas sampling interval (360 min or 1440 min). for microorganisms to grow. Further evidence shows that
microorganism activity was regulated to a higher level than
could be seen in the slow degradation of BOD (data not
Result and discussion shown). That may be the reason for the decrease in NH3
emissions at a high rate of aeration. Additions of matured
The temperature of most of the contents of all runs rose compost did not affect NH3 emissions during composting.
above 70°C until 48 h after the start with no temperature Changes in NH3 concentration in the exhaust gas during
control. All the experimental runs were contained until the composting are shown in Fig. 3b, 4b, and 5b. The concen-
temperature of the materials in the reactor failed to reach tration increased sharply and reached a peak 1–2 days after
40°C. This took 3 weeks at more than about 50 l/m3/min the initial day of composting (3500–4000 ppm), and a sharp
aeration, or 5 weeks at less than about 20 l/m3/min aeration. increase was also observed at weekly turnings at aeration
The BOD of all the final products was confirmed at under rates of 76.9 l/m3/min (Fig. 4b) and 96.1 l/m3/min (Fig. 5b).
100 mgO2/g. Since we wanted to evaluate the total emission These dropped rapidly after the peak. At aeration rates of
of harmful gases throughout the composting periods, the
apparatus used in this experiment had to be able to produce
compost as a final product.

Ammonia emission

Experimentally determined NH3 emission rates from the

mixture were plotted against the aeration flow rate (Fig.
2). According to this experiment, 1 m3 of initial compost
mixture (360–385 kg) would contain about 4000 g nitrogen.

Fig. 2. Effect of flow rate of forced aeration on ammonia emission Fig. 3. Changes in a material temperature 30 cm above the bottom in
during composting. Additional, additions of matured compost as a com- the center of the mixture, b ammonia, c methane, and d nitrous oxide
posting accelerator with a swine waste and corrugated paper mixture; concentration of exhaust gas under 38.5 l/m3/min aeration with matured
control, swine waste and corrugated paper mixture compost added

Fig. 4. Changes in a material temperature 30 cm above the bottom in Fig. 5. Changes in a material temperature 30 cm above the bottom in
the center of the mixture, b ammonia, c methane, and d nitrous oxide the center of the mixture, b ammonia, c methane, and d nitrous oxide
concentration of exhaust gas under 76.9 l/m3/min aeration with matured concentration of exhaust gas under 96.1 l/m3/min aeration with matured
compost added compost added

38.5 l/m3/min, the NH3 concentration did not rise much

further, remaining steady at 2000 ppm until after the first
turning (Fig. 3b). Changes in the temperature of materials
during composting showed the same trends as NH3 changes
under each set of conditions (Figs. 3a, 4a, 5a). Heat genera-
tion in the compost is caused by the activity of aerobic
microorganisms. As a result, the degradation of organic
materials in the mixture might be relatively slow at the
initial stage of composting, i.e., at an aeration rate of less
than 38.5 l/m3/min due to the shortage of oxygen (O2 < 5%)
for the aerobic microorganisms (data not shown).

Methane emission

Figure 6 shows the CH4 emission rates from the mixture

plotted against the aeration ratio. At aeration rates exceed-
ing 40 l/m3/min, the CH4 emission rate was regulated to less
than 30 g CH4/m3 during composting. Most of that emis-
sion might have come from feces contents produced in the
Fig. 6. Effect of flow rate of forced aeration on methane emission
swine’s large intestine. In contrast, extremely high emission during composting. Additional, additions of matured compost as a com-
rates were observed at aeration rates of 19.2 l/m3/min. posting accelerator with a swine waste and corrugated paper mixture;
Compost materials were not evenly distributed, and con- control, swine waste and corrugated paper mixture

tained many readily oxidative compounds. When aeration The N2O emissions increased again after every turning
was insufficient, those compounds might have anaerobic (Figs. 3d, 4d, 5d). According to Smith and Patrick,12
elements whose redox conditions were low enough to gen- exposure to a variety of oxidation–reduction conditions
erate methane. Over 90% of the total emission occurred enhanced N2O emissions from cultivated soil. Redox poten-
in the early hours of composting under slightly anaerobic tial in compost material may be uneven, and its profile
conditions (O2 < 5%), in which case the emission might would be changed dramatically by turning. Viewed in the
be mainly due to increasing the aeration rate (Figs. 3c, 4c, light of the total quantity of emissions, this phenomenon is
5c). No emission of CH4 could be detected after 3 days from probably not an important factor in composting.
the start of composting. Additional effects of matured
compost in the composting mixture were not significant
(Fig. 6). Conclusion

NH3, CH4, and N2O emissions from swine waste com-

Nitrous oxide emission posting were determined using an experimental composting
apparatus. Gas emissions were high in the early stage of
The relationships between N2O emissions during com- composting. About 10–25% of the nitrogen in the raw
posting and the aeration rate are shown in Fig. 7. Like CH4 material was lost as NH3 gas during swine feces com-
emissions, N2O emissions were controlled by increasing the posting. The emission rates mainly depended on the flow
aeration rate. The addition of matured compost strongly rate of aeration, and as the aeration rate was raised, the
increased N2O emissions during composting (Fig. 7). level of NH3 emissions increased. NH3 emission rates varied
Most of the total emission occurred in the early hours from 400 to 970 g NH3-N/m3. CH4 and N2O emission rates
of composting (Figs. 3d, 4d, 5d). Under slightly anaerobic were from 0.6 to 385 g CH4/m3 and from 1.9 to 71.9 g N2O-
conditions in the early period of composting, NOx-N can be N/m3, respectively. CH4 and N2O emissions can be con-
denitrified rapidly, and N2O might be generated. Since trolled with over 40 l/m3/min aeration. N2O might be mainly
there is no NOx-N in fresh swine waste, it all come from the result of the denitrification of NOx-N in the compost
matured compost (Table 1). Figure 8 shows the relationship mixture.
between the NOx-N (nitrite and nitrate) content in the
mixture and N2O-N emissions during composting in this Acknowledgments The authors express their sincere thanks to Dr. K.
experiment. A close correlation (R = 0.962) was found. In Haga and Dr. Y. Tanaka, NIAI, for their scientific advice. The techni-
that case, the ratio of emitted N2O (N2O-N) and NOx-N in cal assistance of Mrs. K. Sumiya is gratefully acknowledged. We also
thank Ms. A. Kanematsu and Ms. T. Nitta for assisting with gas analy-
the mixture was about 60%. Such a high rate of N2O emis- ses, as well as Mrs. L. Nøkkentved and Dr. H. Takai for reviewing the
sions was also observed in composting when KNO3 was manuscript.
added as a nitrate without matured compost mixture (data
not shown).

Fig. 7. Effect of flow rate of forced aeration on nitrous oxide emission

during composting. Additional, additions of matured compost as a com-
posting accelerator with a swine waste and corrugated paper mixture; Fig. 8. Relationship between NOx-N content in mixtures of compost
control, swine waste and corrugated paper mixture and nitrous oxide emission during composting

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