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Loreto College, Coorparoo

Student name: Katie Archibald Class: Religion 10 D

Teacher name: Ms. Stockdale

Date due: Tuesday 6th

Draft Due Date: Monday 22nd August, 2022
September, 2022

Subject 10 Religion and Ethics

Technique Project: Written component + EITHER multimodal or product component.

Unit Module 3: Responding to the signs of the times.


Duration 5 weeks (approx.); 7 lessons of class time

Mode Written and multimodal Length  Written component:

500 – 600 words excluding
 Multimodal component OR
Product component (see
following page)

Individual/ Individual Other Students use the provided See,

group Judge, Act framework to create a
service-based response to a social
justice issue.

Resources Open access to resources.



In this unit, you have explored inequalities and injustices in the world, and how Catholicism provides a
framework for examining such inequality. Social justice issues have always evoked religious and
ethical responses including service/outreach groups, and prayer. People have the right and
responsibility to act in the face of injustice and this task is designed to formulate a personal response
to a social justice issue.


In this task, you are required to research a social justice issue and use the See, Judge, Act framework
in order to create a response to a social justice issue.
The task involves TWO (2) components:
1. The completion of the See, Judge, Act framework using research about your chosen social justice
issue, and
2. The creation of a Multimodal resource or Product to educate or create change around your social
justice issue.

To complete this task, you must:

1. Choose a Social Justice Issue relevant in society today (see list on following page)
2. Research the important information about the issue and how it affects society (See Stage)
3. Research and analyse the societal factors contributing to this issue (Judge Part A)
4. Research and understand the theological factors contributing to a Catholic Christian
understanding of the issue (Judge Part B)
5. Complete ALL questions in each stage of the See, Judge, Act model provided
6. Write your responses to the questions from the See, Judge, Act model under headings and,
where relevant, sub-headings
7. Complete a multimodal/product component to educate or create change around your chosen
8. Provide one draft for teacher feedback – draft must contain BOTH components
9. Complete in-text referencing in your written component
10. Provide a bibliography in APA 6 style
11. Submit your final See, Judge, Act response and multimodal/product component on the due

Authentication strategies

Your teacher will observe you completing work in class.

Submit draft and respond to teacher feedback.

Submit written materials to Turnitin to check for plagiarism.

Your result may be cross-marked by a teacher from another class.


See, Judge, Act Framework


Compulsory: Written: complete the See, Judge, Act framework

Your choice of:

Multimodal: you may choose a digital presentation, video or “podcast” of your own creation (2-3
minutes); or

Product: children’s book, flyer, poster or website, or another product approved by your teacher.

Please note: your Multimodal or Product component must identify the audience for whom it is


K&U: A&E: P&E:


Step 1: SEE
Questions in the See stage:

1. What do you know about this issue or what did you observe?
2. What specific facts can you cite about this issue or experience?
3. What did you learn or observe?
4. How do you feel in the face of this issue or experience?
5. How does it touch you personally?

Water scarcity is an issue caused by global warming and overpopulation. (NA, 2015) Approximately 1.1
billion people lack access to clean freshwater yearly. It is estimated that by 2025 two thirds of the
world’s population will be facing water shortages. I have learnt that these water shortages result in
limited access to clean water, education, health, and a widened global wealth gap. Countries most
affected by this issue are poorer countries like India, as they lack access to potable water and the
ability to transport it to rural areas. Personally, I feel that access to clean water is a stepping-stone to
development. When people gain access to clean water, they are healthy and able to practice good
hygiene. Overall, the global issue of water scarcity has, and continues to strongly affect lives in many

Step 2: Judge Part A – Social Analysis

Questions in the Judge stage – SOCIAL ANALYSIS - Economic factors
Who owns?
Who controls?
Who pays?
Who gets?
The Indian government owns and controls the water sanitation and access in India, and invests money
for clean water, but not nationwide. India’s caste system ensures that water is not equally accessible
for poor people, as it is for the wealthy. (The World Bank, 2022)

Questions in the Judge stage – SOCIAL ANALYSIS - Political factors

Who decides?
For whom do they decide?
How do decisions get made?
Who is left out of the process?
The republic of India decides how the water is utilized in India, and who will get access to potable
water. This decision is made based off the strong Indian beliefs of Hinduism, which the caste system
falls under. The population does get a say in the political aspects of water, as India is a democracy.(The
World Bank, 2022)
Questions in the Judge stage – SOCIAL ANALYSIS - Social factors
Who is left out?
Who is included?

The poorer majority of India often receives lower access to potable water, compared to the richer
population. This is due to costs, as if you live in a wealthier environment water will be cleaner and
more accessible, and vice versa. (The World Bank, 2022)

Questions in the Judge stage – SOCIAL ANALYSIS - Historical factors

What past events influence the situation today?

The current water crisis in India is reflected by overpopulation over the past 100 years. The situation of
who gets how much water is influenced by the caste system, which was created in 1500BC, caste is
indicated by occupation, dietary habits, and interaction with members of other castes. Members of a
high caste enjoy more wealth and opportunities. (Ancient Civilizations, 2022)

Questions in the Judge stage – SOCIAL ANALYSIS - Cultural factors

What values are evident?
What do people believe in?
Who influences what people believe?

The values of karma play an important role in the culture in India, as it impacts the caste people are in.
The values of karma are influenced by Hinduism, the prominent religion in India. (Ancient Civilizations,

Step 2: Judge Part B – Theological Reflection

Questions in the Judge stage – theological reflection

How do Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching serve as a measuring stick for this experience?
What Scripture passages can help us to interpret this experience?
How do biblical values us to see this reality in a different way?
What does Catholic social teaching say about this issue?
What key principles from Catholic social teaching apply to this situation? (For example: human dignity,
the common good, human rights, the option for the poor.)
Water scarcity is an integrated ecological issue, deeply rooted in human behaviour and is addressed in
Laudato Si and biblical scriptures. In Genesis 1:1-31 “God made the heavens and the earth, and it was good”
communicates that the world was good, but now due to climate change the world is no longer unpolluted.
Water scarcity is a social justice issue, as it affects and is caused by humanity. “The warming caused by huge
consumption on the part of some rich countries has repercussions on the poorest areas of the world…
greater attention must be given to the needs of the poor” says Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si
(Francis, 2015). This communicates that preferential option for the poor is occurring in society, as they lack
basic access to sanitised water. This compromises the human dignity of people living in developing
countries. The treatment of our world now is what future generations will endure, “Young people demand
change” says the Pope in Laudato Si. This communicates that the “change” needs to be aimed towards the
environmental crisis, as it is at the root of many other prominent issues. Overall, humans are given
dominion over the earth, meaning that we should act as stewards to protect the earth from harm, as the
earth is a gift. “We breathe her air…and refreshment from her waters” says the Pope (Caritas Australia,
2022) (Francis, 2015).

Step 3 - Act
What action needs to be taken
Water is the future, and so are children. After all, it is future generations, today’s kids, that will further
face challenges. Irreversible? Raising kids with knowledge will hopefully spark ideas.
• to change the situation?
• to address root causes?

How could you transform the structures and relationships that produce this situation?

How could you act to empower those who are disadvantaged in this situation?
To empower those who are in a disadvantaged situation, I plan to educate leaders of the future about
water scarcity, to eventually transform the relationships between clean water and poor nations. I
propose to create a children’s book for economically developed countries to spread awareness about
potable water scarcity in India. This book offers a contrast of daily usage of water in a wealthy versus
poor country. This will raise kids with knowledge, appreciation and awareness and spark ideas in
future, and may encourage families to implement water saving strategies in their homes.
Ancient Civilizations. (2022). Ancient Civilizations. Retrieved from India History:
Caritas Australia. (2022). Catholic Social Teachings. Retrieved from Caritas:
Francis, P. (2015). Ladauto Si. Retrieved from Ladauto Si:
NA. (2015). UN Water. Retrieved from UN Water:
The World Bank. (2022). The World Bank. Retrieved from Helping India:
Standard A Standard B Standard C Standard D Standard E

The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the
following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics:
 accurate recognition and  accurate recognition and  recognition and description  partial recognition and  minimal recognition and
comprehensive description thorough description of of concepts, ideas and simple description of superficial description of
Knowing and understanding

of concepts, ideas and concepts, ideas and terminology about religion concepts, ideas and concepts, ideas and/or
terminology about religion terminology about religion and social justice terminology about religion terminology about religion
and social justice and social justice and social justice and social justice
 accurate identification and  accurate identification and  identification and  inconsistent identification  minimal identification and
comprehensive explanation thorough explanation of the explanation of the ways and disjointed explanation superficial statements of
of the ways religion, beliefs ways religion, beliefs and religion, beliefs and ethics of the ways religion, beliefs the ways religion, beliefs
and ethics contribute to the ethics contribute to the contribute to the personal, and ethics contribute to the and ethics contribute to the
personal, relational and personal, relational and relational and spiritual personal, relational and personal, relational and
spiritual perspectives of life spiritual perspectives of life perspectives of life and spiritual perspectives of life spiritual perspectives of life
and society and society society and society and society
 comprehensive explanation  thorough explanation of a  explanation of viewpoints  simple explanation of  statements of information
of a wide range of range of viewpoints and and practices related to narrow viewpoints and about viewpoints and/or
viewpoints and practices practices related to social social justice and a social obvious practices related to practices related to social
related to social justice and justice and a social justice justice issue social justice and a social justice and a social justice
a social justice issue issue justice issue. issue.

The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the
Applying and

following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics:
 detailed and thoughtful  methodical organisation of  organisation of information  inconsistent organisation of  collection of material
organisation of a wide a range of information and and material related to a narrow range information related to religion, beliefs
range of information and material related to religion, religion, beliefs and ethics and material related to and ethics
material related to religion, beliefs and ethics religion, beliefs and ethics
beliefs and ethics
 insightful analysis of a wide  in-depth analysis of a range  analysis of perspectives,  identification of aspects of  unrelated statements about
range of perspectives, of perspectives, viewpoints viewpoints and practices perspectives and practices religion, beliefs and ethics
viewpoints and practices and practices related to related to religion, beliefs related to religion, beliefs
related to religion, beliefs religion, beliefs and ethics and ethics and ethics
and ethics
examini  efficient and competent  competent application of  application of concepts and  uneven application of  use of concepts and/or
application of concepts and concepts and ideas to ideas to make decisions concepts and ideas to ideas in inquiries
ng ideas to make justifiable make informed decisions about inquiries make simple decisions
decisions about inquiries about inquiries about inquiries
 proficient use of language  controlled use of language  use of language  inconsistent use of  minimal use of language
conventions and features to conventions and features to conventions and features to language conventions and conventions and/or
effectively communicate clearly communicate ideas communicate ideas and features to communicate features to present ideas
ideas and information, and information, according information, according to aspects of ideas and and information.
according to purposes. to purposes. purposes. information, according to
The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the The student work has the
following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics: following characteristics:
 efficient and competent  competent planning and  planning and undertaking  partial planning and  minimal undertaking of
planning and undertaking undertaking of inquiries of inquiries about social undertaking of inquiries inquiries about social
Producing and evaluating

of inquiries about social about social justice and a justice and a social justice about social justice and a justice and a social
justice and a social social justice issue issue social justice issue justice issue
justice issue
 fluent and cohesive  clear communication of the  communication of the  vague communication of  unclear statements of
communication of the outcomes of inquiries that outcomes of inquiries, to the outcomes of inquiries, information about religion,
outcomes of inquiries that engage audiences suit audiences somewhat suited to beliefs and ethics
sustain audiences’ audiences
 reasoned and well-  considered appraisal of  appraisal of inquiry  description of inquiry  fragmented description of
supported appraisal of inquiry processes and the processes and the processes and the inquiry processes and/or
inquiry processes and the outcomes of inquiries. outcomes of inquiries. outcomes of inquiries. the outcomes of inquiries.
outcomes of inquiries.

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