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germas is a movement to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, leaving previous bad habits.

with germas we can

improve the quality of health to increase one's productivity. 7 germas steps that can be done every day:

1. Do physical activity at least 30 minutes a day. The behavior of modern life often makes people do
minimal physical activity. Diligent exercise is one of the good physical activity for our body.

2. eat fruits and vegetables reduce the habit of consuming fast food and replace it with consumption of
fruits and vegetables.

3. do not smoke Smoking is a habit that has a negative impact on health, both active and passive
smokers. stop smoking and start living a healthy life.

4. Do not consume alcoholic beverages Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages because they can have a
bad effect on your body.

5. periodic health checks. come to the nearest health facility to check blood pressure, weight, abdominal
circumference and simple blood checks.

6. Keep the environment clean. Teach children as early as possible about maintaining cleanliness, and
start getting used to doing PSN (monitoring mosquito nests) once a week in the home environment.

7. Use healthy latrines. Make it a habit to defecate in the latrines to prevent transmission of infectious
diseases and improve the quality of environmental health. let's do germas every day, starting with
yourself and your family.

Greetings Germas

Healthy, Fit, Productive, Cheerful.

this message was conveyed by the Bojonegoro district health office

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