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This chapter, discusses the definition of English Native speaker as a

teacher, speaking as a language skill, strategy, strategy of teaching speaking, and

the activities in teaching speaking.

A. Review of related literature

1. English Native Speaker as a teacher

Native speaker is someone who has spoken a particular language

since they were a baby, rather than having learned it as a child or adult.

English native speaker make an ideal and the best teachers to teach

English. In particularly in speaking. According to (Miller, 2011) in Kelly

book stated that English Native Speaker is some one who know English

fluently , they know the cultural and linguistic norms of English. English

native speaker also bring new perspectives that can be exploired in the


Native speaker intuition about language are supposed to result in

the production of correct, idiomatic utterance, as well as providing the

ability to recognize acceptable and unacceptable version of the language (

Harmer, 1991).


In the other hand, nonactive English speaking teachers usually

display a poorer competence in English. In addition, they

normallyexperience problems with pronounciation, expression and certain

types of vocabulary.

To improving students speaking ability, English native speaker as

teacher has strategy in teaching speaking. A teaching strategy helps the

English native speakers to make the optimal use of methods, technique and

resource in achieving particular goals in learning and teaching activities as


The strategy designed to achieve a certain goals, so the direction of

all decision is the echievement of strategy thus prepare the learning steps,

the use of various facilities and learning resource are all directed in an

effort to achieve the goal. Therefore it is necessary to formulate clear

objectives, which can be measured by it is success, because the main goal

is the basic implement of a strategy. An English native speaker as teacher

has specific strategy to improving students speaking ability.

Based on the explanation above the researcher know the strengths of

native speaker in teaching speaking english, that are the English native

speaker can speak English fluently in the class, because they are know the

pronounciation correctly and they have many strategy in teaching in

learning so that the learning activities to be more fun. Meanwhile. The


english native speaker speaking sometimes difficult to understanding by

the students. Because the students difficult to hear their pronounciation.

2. Speaking as Language Skill

Speaking is not only to communicate with other people but by

speaking people can get new information or they can share their idea with

the other. Language just prosessed by human being to interact each other.

Communication can be done at least by two people, there are speaker and

hearer. The hearer must listen and understand what speaker says, and then

given a response.

There are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by

some experts in language learning. Brown (2001:267) cites that when

someone can speak a language it means that he can carry on a conversation

reasonably competenly. In addition, he states that the benchmark of

succesful acquisition of language is almost always the demonstration of an

ability to complish pragmatic goals through an interactive discoursewith

other language speakers. Richards and Renandya (2002:204)state the

effective oral communication reqiures the ability to use the language

appropiately in social interactions that involves not only verbal

communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch,

stress and intonation. Morever, nonlinguistic elements such as gesture,

body language and expressions are needed in conveying message directly

without any accompanying speech. Brown (2001:237) states that social


contact in interactive language function is a key importance and in which it

is not what you say that counts but how you say it what you convey with

body language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance and other

nonverbal messages.

In addition, Tarigan (1990 :15 ) says that “speaking is the ability to

pronounce articulation of sounds or words for expressing, stating, and

conveying thought, ideas and feeling. Speaking is also complex bacause it

includes many aspects such as grammar, pronounciation, fluency and

vocabularies. The objects of speaking are various such as discussion,

speech, debate, dialogue, and conversation. So, it can be considered as the

most important of human tool for social control.

According to Vanderkeven (1990:8) there are three components in

speaking :

a. The speakers

Speakers are people who produce the sound. They are useful as the

tool to express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So if there are no

speakers, the opinion or the feelings or the feeling won’t be stated.

b. The listeners

Listeners are people who receive or get the speakers opinion or feeling.

If there are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion by writting


c. The utterance

The utterance are words or sentence, which are produced by the

speakers to state the opinions. If there is no utterance, both of the

speakers and the listeners will use sign. From some definition above it

can be conclude that speaking skill is always related to

communication. Speaking skill it self can be stated as the skill to use

the language accurately to express meanings in order to transfer or to

get knowledge and information from other people in the whole life


3. Strategy

To improving students speaking ability, teacher has strategy in

teaching speaking. J.R. David (1976) cited in Ibad (2015:13) stated that

strategy is a plan, method, or series of activities designed to achieves a

particular educational goal. So, teaching strategy can be defined as a plan

ttah contains a series activities designed to achieve specific educational


The strategy design to achieve a certain goals so, the direction of

all decision is the achievements of strategy thus prepare the learning

steps, the use of various facilities and learning resource are all directed in

an effort to achieve the goal. Therefore it is necessary to formulate clear

objectives, which can be measured by it’s succes, because the main goal

is the basic implement of a strateg. An English teacher has a specific

strategy to improving students speaking ability.

4. Teaching Strategy

Teaching is an activity, which is integrated one to each other.

Teaching gives support to learning activities. Accroding to Brown

(2007:7) teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do

something. Giving instructions, guiding in the study of something,

providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. While karo –

karo (1975:10) in ibad book (2015:15) states that teaching is a process of

transfering the material of someone to anothe, in oreder that they absorb,

master then develop the material including skill, knowledge or sciences.

In line with the definitions abobe, Brumfit (1979:5) defined that teaching

is an activity that is performeddirectly or indirectly by human beings on

human beings. So, teaching is a process and activities someone to get

knowledge may from books or another media information.

To make the teaching more succesfull, the teacher has a strategy in

teaching. what are the strategy? According to J.R. David in Wina book

(2002:61) stated that strategy is planing a series of activities designed to

achieves certain goals, while the methods is the way that the teachers use

to implement and axecute the strategy. Strategy and teaching can never

separated due to be designed in acccordance with the objectives to be


Kindsvatter (1996:289) indicated that teaching strategy is a general

approach of teachers in giving the students the certain instruction in the

form of teaching and learning activities. So, teaching strategy can be

defined as a plan that contains a series activities design to achieve specific

educational goals. Teaching strategy are procedures used by the teacher

which serve as a way of reaching a goal (Suryobroto, 2002) cited in fetty

book (2013:40).

Based on the explanation above can be device a main points, that is

a teaching strategy is a plan of action (series events), including the use of

methods and utilization of various resources strength in learning. This

strategy designed to achieve a certain goal. So, the direction of all

decision is the achevement of strategy thus prepare in learning steps, the

use various facilities and learning resource are all directed in an effort to

achieve the goal.

5. Strategy Of Teaching Speaking

Students often think that the ability to speak is a result of learning

the language, but speaking is an important part of language learning

process. English native speaker will build the process learning through a

variety of learning strategies, eg minimal response, recognizing scripts,

and using language to talk about language. They can use it to expand their

expertise on language and they also have confidence to use it. As Elis

and Ainclar (1998) in Tarigan (1993:196) state that there are three

strategies in teaching speaking :

a. Personal Strategies

1) Self – management and cooperation, the teacher give the students

some times to practive their speaking before.

2) Auditory representation, the teacher made students to imagine

something before to make easy their comprehensions.

b. Risk Taking

1) Self – management and organizational planning, the teachers give

several times in some conversation.

2) Advance preparation is the teacher way to make an efficient time to


3) Organizational planning and self evaluation is teacher way to make

a lesson before conducting teaching and learning process.

c. Getting Organized

1) Organized source

2) Organized material

3) Organized times

According to tarigan (1993:197) in Ibad book stated that there are

three basic points of stratgies in teaching speaking based on the task.


a. Substitution: the teacher ask the students to make synonyms,

phrases and gesture to explain again some story texts.

b. Cooperative: the teacher ask the students to do the teachers task

with group discussion to make the students more communicate

c. Self – evaluation : the techer ask the students to check their

competence in speaking to measure their speaking skill.

From some definition based on the same experts above the researcher uses

a certain definitionof lecturer strategies to discuss later. They are :

1) Cooperative is teacher strategy which teacher make group

discussion (pair groub) to conduct more active in speaking.

2) Self evaluation is teacher strategy to check students competence in

their speaking skill

3) Personal strategies is strategy to incerease someone ability is

speaking consits of self management and auditory representation.

Personal strategy is devided into two parts. They are:

1. Self management and cooperation is the teachers way give the

students sometimes to practice their speaking before

2. Auditory representation is the teachers way made students to

imagine something before to make easy their comprehension

4) Getting organized is teacher strategy to wrought out teaching and

learning more organizes.


5) Using minimal responces is teacher strategy that teacher used to

made studentsrespond what the teacher said, teacher have simple

question to the answered to the students. It strategy to motivating

students to be more confidence in speaking.

6. The Activities to Teaching Speaking

The goal of teaching speaking skills is communicative efficiency.

To help the students develop communicative efficiency in speaking the

teacher must gives an interesting way to the students. Here, one way which

is ienteresting to the students is an English native speaker. The native

speaker will make the students can communication with them. The native

speaker will grow the students confidence especially for speaking English.

Besides, the native speaker can managing a conversation with the students

focuses on the choosing topic of conversation and using gesture. So that

the students can understand easily about the native speaker said and the

students will interesting to conversation with his/her.

Acccording to Murcia and Olshtain (2000:177) devide teachers

activity in teaching speaking into five parts:

a. Group discussion

Group discussion are an effective speaking activity in large

classroom. (Ur.1998) students in the second of foreign languageclassrom

should have sample opportunity to participate in group discussion, doin

brainstorming and in many other speaking activities where they need


participate by producing word, term, an expression or clause and not

necessarily maintain a long stretch of conversation.

In group discussion the students will be expected to actively participate to

the activities they are speaking in small groups. They will discuss to make

text review. In small group discussionare expected some speaking

strategies they have learned can be implemented such as clarifying.

b. Role play

Role play is exellent way in which to stimulate, in the classroom,

real communication that is relevant to experiences outside the classroom.

In role lay students can hane an opportunity to use their knowledge of

vocabulary, narrtaion, of specch act, of discourse, of turn taking, of pauses,

and so forth. However role play can be a very difficult or unnatural task if

the students do not have sufficent language for information about

participant situation and background, so that activity can be both

meaningful and chalenging.

c. Using target language outside the classroom

Using target language outside the clasroom can be very useful

requirement in homework assignment in those cases where the target

language is spoken in the environtment. Students can be give task that

require them to collect meaningful information from stores, restaurant,

museum, office and report back in the class.


d. Using the learner’s input

To create meaningful speaking activities helps make the activity

relevant to the learner and authentic in the real sense of the word. Making

and choosing friends are real concern for teenager any where.

e. Feedback

It is an important that teacher have an opportunity to provide

learners with personal feedback on spoken performance that can point out

not only individual difficulties but also strengths on which the learner may

capotalize such as rich vocabulary, good stress and rhytm.

According to Kayi (2006:52) in zakia book stated the activities to promote

speaking they are:

a. Discussion

Discussion can be held for various reasons. The students may aim

to arrive at a conclussion, share ideas about an event, or find sollution in

their discussioon groups. Before the discussion, it is essential that the

purpose of the discussion activity is set by the teacher.

In this way, the discussion points are relevant to the purpose, so

that the students do not spend their time to chatting with other about

irrelevant things.

b. Role play

One other way of getting students to speak is role playing. Students

pretend they are in various social context and have variety of social roles.

In role play activities, the teacher gives information to the learners such as

who they are and what they are think or feel.

c. Simulation

Simulation are very similiar to role plays but what makes

simulation different than role plays is that they are more elaborate. In

simulations, students can bring items to the class to create a realistic

environment. For instance, if the student is acting as a singer, she brings a

microphone to sing.

d. Information gap

In this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One

students will have the information that other partners does not have and the

partners will share their information. Information gap activities serve many

purposes such as solving a problem or collecting information. Also, each

partner plays an important role because the task cannot be completed if the

partners do not provide the information to others need.

e. Brainstorming

On given a topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time.

Depending on the context, either individual or group brainstorming is

effective and learners generate ideas quickly and freely. The good

characteristic of brainstorming is that the students ar not criticized for their

ideas, so the students will open to sharing new ideas.


f. Storytelling

Students can briefy summarize a story they heard from somebody

beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates.

Storytelling help the students express ideas in the format beginning,

development, and ending, including the characters and setting story has to


g. Interviews

Students can conduct interviews or selected topic with various

people. It is a good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students, so

that they know what type of qouestions they can ask or what path to

follow, but students should prepare their own interview question.

h. Story completion

For this activity a teacher start to tell a story, but after a few

sentence he or she stop narrating. Then each students starts to narrate from

the point where the previous one stopped.

i. Picture describing

Another way to make use of pictures in speaking is to give students

just one picture and having them describe what it is in the picture.

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