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The line graph provides information about the number of transports purchased in Kiwi

City over a period of three decades starting from 1988.

As can be seen from the graph, the quantities sold of these vehicles were generally on
a gradual rise over the period. Another striking feature is that bicybles are the vehicles
which are the number one driver for the quanities sold during the period.
In 1988, cars were the most popular type of transport, with approximately 1.5 million.
Meanwhile, the figure for bicybles and motorbikes ranked second and third at roughly
1 million and 0.5 million. Over the following ten years, all of them saw an upward
trend. The quanties sold of cars hit just around 0.5 million products, it means the
demand for cars at that time was not too much . From 1998 onwards, the consumption
of them continued to rise and finally hit around 3 million by the end of 2008.
However, the number of cars sold underwent around 10 years of stability.
Regarding the remaining types of transport, the figures for bicycles and motorbikes
stood at around 1 million and 0.5 million products respectively in 1988. After that,
despite that they were not the most popular at first, their consumption kept increasing
and reached approximately 5 and 3.5 million products in 2018.

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