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UTN – FRM INGLÉS B (2) English File Elementary (11,12) Pre Intermediate (1, 2, 3)

11.A First Impressions

Answer questions about Atlanta, Malmö, Valencia and Mendoza in relation to the driving, the food, the people, the
weather, the houses, the men, the women, eating out and work.
How do people dress for special occasions in your country? How do people treat tourists in Mendoza? Etc.
Think of a time when you went to another country / city/ region in your country for the first time. What did you
notice about the people, the food, the driving, the houses, the weather, that called you attention. Compare that with
the same information about Mendoza. What was the best and the worst thing about that place?

11. B What do you want to do?

What do you want to do in the future? Where do you want to work?
Would you like to travel? What country would you like to visit one day? Why?
What famous person would you like to meet one day? Why?
What would you like to learn to do one day? What new sport would you like to try?
What do you need to do tomorrow? What film do you want to see soon?

12. A Books and films 12.B I’ve never been there

Are you following a tv series at the moment? Which one? Why do you like it?
Have you read any of the Harry Potter books? Have you seen any Harry Potter films?
Have you ever seen a film more than three times? Have you ever been on TV? When? Why? ...
Have you ever won a cup or a medal? When? Why? ... Have you ever lost your mobile?
Have you ever been abroad? When? ... Where did you go? What did you do there?
Have you ever spoken to a famous person? When? Where? Have you bought any clothes recently? What? Where?

1. A Where are you from?

Speak about yourself. When were you born? Where? Where were your parents born? How did they meet? How many
children did they have? What did you do yesterday? And the day before yesterday?
How many hours did you spend online? Did you study until late? When was the last time you watched a really good
film? What was it about? (plot,characters and events) When was the last time you ... downloaded a song?/ played a
sport?/missed a class?/called a friend?/cried?/cheated in an exam?/failed an exam?

1. B Charlotte’s choice
What kind of men does Charlotte like? What is she like? What is Alexander/Oliver like?
What does Alexander/Oliver look like? What happened after she went out with both of them?
What kind of people do you like? What is your best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/ mother/sister/ etc like? What do
they look like? What kind of clothes do they like wearing?

1.C Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy

Describe the painting at page 9. Describe the pictures at pages 100 and 106

2.A Right place, wrong person

Describe Joe´s holidays. What was Mia´s opinion about their holidays? Describe Laura´s holidays and Linda’s opinion.
Speak about your last holidays. (where did you go? When?/ Who with?/Where did you stay?/ what was the food
like?/ the weather/ the people? What did you do during the day? At night? / Did you have any problems?

2.B The story behind the photo

Describe your favourite photo. Who took it? When? Where? What was happening when you took it? Why do you like
it? Where do you keep it?

2.C One dark October evening

Retell Hannah´s story. Include a happy or a sad ending.
3. A Plans and dreams
What are Olivia’s/Matthew’s/ Lily´s plans? Where are they going to go? What are they going to do?
Answer questions about top airports in the world. What facilities do they have? What can you do there?

3.B Let´s meet again

What arrangements has Ben made for this week (Refer to Ben´s diary) When is he meeting Lily?
What plans and arrangements are there in your diary for this week?

3.C What´s the word?

Define the following words: a nurse, an architect, a pilot, a tourist, a supermarket, clever, blond, turn off, a mobile, a
DJ, an art gallery, a camera, curly, short, etc.

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