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Savage Worlds Created By

Shane Lacy I-Ienslely

Editorial Assistance Provided By The Savage Sharks, Dennis Mohr, Jodi Thies Black, B-9 Shane Lae_y Hensley
Thanks he unto the metric. buttload ofplaytesters,
without whose input and advice this game would sun::l~: even more:
{In no ]:rarticI.Ilar order) Ethan Greer, |on l-tosenherg, Eli:-Laheth Luia, Kevin Korenke, Scott ."vrleClm|d, Siiflt lt'Ju'Elr,'*:J', Miranda
l'lra:|le}.', ;'~.-‘legan Maher, Darby Elgin, Laura Cole, ‘|'anc1_,' Bodenstein, Edward Elder, [amine Herbert, [effSiraI.1ae, Daniel |"‘~lewl-zirlt,
David Morse, Roy Smith, Eric firth, l'l'..'l]TH".l,, .’\.-lartini, Szainan, Astalclo, Qentin, llya Halls, ltoh l'lalla_ Beth llalla, Alan Kerner,
|:Lson, losh, Laura Stoehr, |aI_,'son Uta, Matt l'~.'lr:.i}.;1nie.l, Tyler Childers, |ason Adains, lan l"erg1_I:-ion, :5-. Marls: Crar.'ldor:l-L

Ultraspeeial thanks unto Jodi Thies Black, Clint, Black, Bren}, "1 made up the name c:rernef1l1'an" Wolke,
and Lo Almighty Boorfilezar, Blessed be his name.

This book is dedicated to lliana, my firstborn larva,

and to Heather, who knew I was weird but married me anyway.

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b'amy,Lr 1.-‘-.-' SI11ili|1g, Jarl-a, and (_;roat K"-."l1itu Liannrs are L'np}.'|'i,a__',l1t IHUE, Cheat H-'l1ile ijaltws.
Low Life and all unique t;|_1araeters, creatures, and locations lierein are Ctnn'rigl1t EDGE, Atudy I-lopp_
'-"fi""I'"—"1--l' is! ‘F'-
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E31132 110]’ Damage Weight Hates

.|fl.'l."1'1'lDI' ']:ype Location Protection Weight Notes


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Pace (base 6")

Barry (2.+ Half Fighting)

Toughness (2 + Half Vigor)

Charisma Power fuints

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']'iLIe H-r Credits 31- 5|_ufi'
( Tabb} C‘-.. Savage Tales
I\,121i{.TxJ,_'1 u:n¢=)
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Chsrac |_cr 5hee|_ r___ TI‘. 1,
{fitlflgested flank. 5uH3es|_ed Lead-in. f'rirI1ar__'.f Lee-.11_ierI}
lnnanzls [This Page} :3?‘ ‘H’

'['ules1is|_ea:| in -[]1|s eelursre in[_e5ur:al La Lbs: plug,

The face lnlerch s.n[_ Srpeaketh 1:‘ in.
These listed in hlael-I can stand aldne.
fin. Brief I-Ii.s|;_er_}r ef 5l.I.I:ne C‘ C‘
hut may r..-nnf_-.1in e-Iernen[_s useful Ln the main star}:
Dajrs 3-r Ii-'[en|_hs 5-!H.-

The MOD“ 5r The Pilfifiiflfl Bf Tm‘-B '17-"‘--.‘- faster ef fuppets ET

What is Ca]! feeple '="-‘--..‘ {Hevicm flecmj
The Lewrlewn (EPE-I::ll.l Infe} '3''25
If I Wanted ‘fee: Dpinien I Would Heat I|_ C'Iu[_ nf ‘fen
Measurements Sp 'EIis[snce
{I"~ieI.rice. Hew Faster cf [-‘up-pe[s. Flecm}
Hele ward 31: Helewhence
Ultimate H.i.n:len Fighting Champs
The Shape ef Things
Character Creatlen {I' Fleem}
Lew Lives {The feeple of llilutha C|'l[_h Weapens Greeunfls Diflil Creature. May I Talre "g"I.Iur flrder?
Bedul '_i Wacky wiiflflulfi Wiarksh er: [chm-|_} {I*~Hnries:. flung. Flu:-errn}
Cren1ef.I.Iisn Geaeueer ef Ditjh How Much is That Elegy in the Win dew?
Cresch Sp-.‘n.IT_irIH the Eah
{I'~irI1'ii:e,Hi.n_}". Flnnrnj
Herc The Craptasfie ‘ilferld sf Hume Dim
The [i'.ueu:ueer erf NJ Evil 95
Clefe Map 1.11" Gith
{5essened. hey. Fleelnj
Pile 4"‘Ei'~‘.'i
The Secret Ingredient is I..e1re 9“:-"
Ernelf Essa
']'ir.n'|_ The Incredibly HIIHE Mn:-.nsf_er"'" [Em-ascned. Hcw Mtlch is ']'ha|_ Slcflay in [he ‘w'ir1r|ew?. ficcm}
Warm Keisler Isisnri Give Me ‘Back My B-eat, ‘fen Crazy Bastards lflfl
Si-aiiis The Dinfldem :1-[' [he Being
[Se-ascned. Haw Much is ']'|'|.a|_ Sleflfly in [he "w'ir1dcw'r". Fieem}
Hindrances The 1"-'Ir.:~L1r1u|:I.r Clmeee Fields
Bring Me the fuss erf Gerrninee [he Gee-seel IE5‘.
Edges E E E SE E E D".-|.I.II'I:
I[5e=t.-aened. The 5e:.'re|_ Ingredient is Lmre. The Garden ef
He": Remus iflsiisieni ‘LI-i '-J Th-a|_ Cine Fiaee With fill The Sand
iimelle me n|_-al Glee}
Beerfllerarisrfism [tandem Eneeuntere
Heemsnitsrisnism I3eeLia1;y' ef Uith Dr-e Enifl’ Tee Hang 1G-I
_]eerie freskism Hnrlfl I[5eaeHnr:d. Bring He [he 1155--.. New Ueriquar}
_]emima's ‘in-i'i|_ness1sm HrnI:.‘L1-riilr: Pee Eafinfl Grin IUIE
Sisnisrn Cheese Leeeh
I[5e-aeuned. Cine Er-ifi' The PI-'ian_)r. New Cierlqaari
Cults 5:'~‘:';-’E'e-‘i -3?; CenLanin'IarI|_
feulriess jlplenily
Elrlritch Wanders {Magic} Cute Utfle D1IeI:_}r
{"|n"e[,i.-ran. Fee EaLin3 ‘Grin. New Cierlquarj
Cen1_snin1s|_cr h- -1. Esephagatrnr
Curses! Eeilerl figaln
Dernen||_ L l."-53'
Hecus Peker la -''1.'' 'i3:1e;e.:r:1 [‘i"e[_eran. fin}. Gsrgle Twice}
He];-r Heller h. '...r-" Greethee E-Liid The Hue]: E'|;ar[_s Here
Smelicaster -Flrh. Hair Bare |["'n"e|_r.-r-.1n. Feulness hplenw. The Flmesierancej
Weirde H- h. Headslnne
Besliwe Teumelf
1"-lew I-‘ewers Miif
{'I"eLeran. The Muck El;-trLs Here, Elewhi-:‘1}
Centsnimsflen 1'-"[u|;an’r_ Land ]7':.-ih
A Net 5-e fend Farewell Le firms
Mind' fldre
{iii}: E-aid |[!-1::-.eamerI, Heslaw: ]"eurse|f,}
Sulnmen Cent,-mimants
Cas[,1n3 a1_MuI|_ipIe '['sr3e|,s [’1'in‘tnrdi:fl fiunn A ‘Wang and a Prayer

fwaiiahic Pcwers by 'j:}rpe Puddle Hf ‘fuel: {'l'il‘_‘|__I':r:i.n, I-1-esl.-we ‘j"|-|', Elnrl-is Wang]
Trappinfls Eieneharhu Te Ear is Heemari
Gear Br Geerls 5r.‘a.I'_}f ELSE Mllthfl
|[Hereic. fl. ‘in-"a n3 and fl. Prajer. The lr1credih|_}r HI.I3-D
Halufiiinfl Eehrmnhle
Stuff Slefl
'5|':iri1'_ uf [he Clarified .1-gm Greg in fifieg Clegs Eegflihr Hear the Elefl
Hand em 51_uf|'
Sqiliflfliy Mas.‘-‘ {Herein Te Ear is Hecman. fiflefl City}
Gertie |_he Gisni:|'s Crapwaflen [chart]-
firmer '5l“""*i'-* fat Sushi ,.|'[_ He Chump

Shields The Thing Th:IL En-'[':flhl, Net Er.- {Herein-, '11: Ear is Heernen, Tnasfi

CieLhin3 Trirlnapiesrslnte
.1. Plilwerful and Eniflmaljc Secret cf the Universe
Seri-an[,s 51- Services Savage Tales
|[He1-air.-, f:1[$I.e:i'|i ,.I''L He Churnp, Keister Island}
Grub :!~,- Greg Peeps {niin-pia_yI.:: eharatiem]
Crsrflr 51_ufl' The Disenlar_gifieeLer
']'rsnsper|_a|_1en The frinerdiai Seep Kitchen
Vehicles {chs nj fluurudueunn Lab mil the flu |]'|-fir]

Heflarrlirlg Page Barriers: iirewn is far e'IreI;}'t:-ne Le read. Green can he read by players if [he ii-:3:-55 decides i|_'s warranted. and Fllrple is far the Bass eel}

5_nrne:‘_:iri'F§_E"iiirf|“'_i:|“iF‘!__|ikxe_ r:.i'_»~_:1_§g-n~i.i1;:. e_i_ irivia _;;'n'_’.1_'" u; , 1. written _.=_+_1; in -E.-ll}!-‘ti-:I#_|flF
_ ____ the page
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+— I ""'I' . tr ""..-L-___;
_ ‘P J‘ -"

ll? iii? main lltilfills


Sflgbtly Skewed account

the Rise of the SOWI)“ a
Cozy your goosin' wazoo over this sh1'oom How did it come to be? I am pleased and not quite green, then a less unpleasant shade
a11d tune your earballs, curious wanderer. l, at revolted that you asked... of brown. That was before They came...
you1' service. am The Face l'v“lerchant, A moment, if you please, while I nibble the at this point lwill pause dramatically while
_l’eripatetic Historian and Chronicler of Wllat requisite countenance for this particular you ponder the possibilities.
as. branch of the story. Behold, these faces I sell, ‘Who were They you ask? aliens. Beings
lshall speak a tale of the truth of what once carved of mystic rutabaga, contain the from another world, that's who. Little green
was and will never again be. A cautionary floundering memories of those that came ones, slender gray ones, ones with eye-stalks
tale, to be sure, but also a t'ale to inspi1'e, before. To those with the knack to gnaw in the and ones with mystic artifacts like butt probes
inflame, and indoctrinate. lvlay you be a appropriate style, all manner of secrets and and reagans- These were the ancestors of
greater self from its hearing. and l a greater histories are unraveled. I am such a one. today's oofos, and they did not come for a
self f1'om its telling. The Hoomanrace’s downfall came, as such social cell. invasion, enslavement, and
downfalls often do, in a most eventual nutritive consumption —that was
unexpected and unlikely the order of the day for fliese ancient oofos_
titties. manner. In fact, it came in And they would l1ave gotten away with it too,
several dozen unexpected if not for the comets...
and unlikely manners. The Comets, great tailed beasts of ice and stone.
Heed, the Clitll was not always as it is now. exact details are unknown, at least to me, but A pair of them raced too close between the
A gazillion ages gone by this sprawl of muck suffice to say that in the span of a few brief Ciith and the moon, reversing the direction of
and ancient refuse was a magnificent and centuries the Dith was treated to enough the CIith’s rotation, cleaving a massive crack
glorious realm. It was a land of greenery and cosmic calamities, domestic disturbances, and along the backside of the moon and hurtling
industry, with majestic edifices rising to the visit'ations from elsewhere to fill a silo of great pasteurized chunks of moon flesh filth-
clouds. Real clouds, mind you, not these facebaskets.°‘
belching purple vapors that defile what The cataclysm

was the end of

It times‘
‘passes for a sky in this craphole world, but was instigated,
calm and elegant beasts that fluttered evidently, by an
resplendently through an atmosphere even argument between
bluer than a borlo's ass cheeks.‘ two uncharacteristically belligerent members ward. This triggered incredibly cataclysmic
"res indeed, the ancient times were fun of the Hoomanrace. ritpparently one person events on the Dith. Hurricanes. himmicanes,
times. In those days, the planet was ruled by a was loafing on some land owned by anoflier tornadoes, volcanoes, oithquakes, floods and
benevolent race of beings that called person, an exceptionally possessive fellow, to mudslides ravaged the land as never before.
themselves the Hoomanrace. These creatures say the least. lt seems that the one fellow The lost continent of Egglanlis rose, sank, rose
knew little of war and violence? They were a wanted the other fellow to leave his land, and again and sank again, bringing with it the
I 1' eaceful and industrious species, powerful when the other fellow refused, the first fellow arcane secrets of hocus~pokery and other
._'£R'%1apers of the land and architects of threw a nukular‘ bomb at him. That fellow mystic arts? Cataclysmic forces opened a rift
philosophy, technology, and poetry. had friends, and they threw nukular bombs at connecting the Dith to the realm of
Such was the way of things for‘ countless the first fellow, and soon the entire Dith was lvliddle-Uith and then quickly shut it in
ages. The Hoomanrace lived in peace and cove1'ed in a cloud of nuk ular debris and other horror, but not before admitting all manner of
agreement with all of the CJitl1's creatures. But, assorted radioactive crap. hlukular winter smelves, rampaging horks, and the like.“
in much the same manner as a delicious meal became the way of things. Clitli was in Things were pretty bad for the Hoomanrace.
of bogwort and grubcakes inevitably ends in darkness, freezing from the gloom and They were about to get even worse.
flaming diarrhea, so too did this time of burning from the radiation. As one can no By this point, the planet was pretty much a
wonder end in tragedy. doubt imagine, this was quite disappointing ruined sludge puddle, not altogether different
blow the grand l-loomanrace is millennia to the fragile and peace-loving Hoomanrace. from the way it is today- The Eiith had been
dead and we are forced to dwell among the But all was not lost. Alnid the chemical flushed down the crapper without so much as
muck-soaked ruins of their ancient culture. spills, nukular fallout and frozen seas the a farewell wipe-
We who sprang from the piss and blight and Hoomanrace clung tenaciously to existence. Times passed; an era, perhaps three. Clver
_filth of a thousand calamities are all that Eventually, remnants of light and warmth time the ancient l-loomanrace died out. its
-I"err1ain of intelligent life on this ruined world. returned to the skies and the world became, if forsaken cities lay crumbled and buried. its

] . l"-1 H'luIi. t'II'I':"'-.II'L":'t'It‘l'o.'*GL":l.:-1I|l".'t'ril1I:1I.:IlllEI.'ltt't'rtJlr.'.'It'I;.‘:ltI|:':-. ll l"-|l'|.'If'|l1l|.ll.'|'l'1.ll. 0|". l'lltl1' ti:--.lI'.1v. .tll1'|'Il£:l|l'I tI'- “l.|.'|!l_. l'Iut 1l'u:‘ l'.‘I».'t'
'.'-.lI.*rt'l‘Iartt is an ':r'tI=.t.'1‘I:-ullivr l‘I.I-ta:In.‘.'. --:1 l'l|.' -: .tI1 I-'__1."lI .tv-.'.I1.' 1.~.'i‘.l'. I:
.".-l.'|n, I1»: is Ll1.‘l'|.:H.lI'.'Itl.
.1-. l"-.li1lllIt'll‘l.;li._:lt'l.u!llItl.l1.'l!'l'l'II'll'I'H. ll|L' Ihnrl. v-..i- l-tintl ».'Ii|nu;.'_l'. tn -. L’-mpu‘.t'1l1:'p-1't't'i-acI'|tIII1lu'|'1I|'-. 'i-U1. l1 .t -.l.|:t-silt-Itl '|‘|'I"-i.llLl.
ltl-.I.‘l'-. entail. ttsilig as his 1.'.tri.Il~it'-1l'.t'-t.I:'.tl.tI'».l1.'t=-lu:Itit'».1:.1lv§‘-it .'|l "1il|."'.l|1'tl |l1-.' .l‘. t'1'.'._1r_t' sirr -:II '5' f.1tt'l‘w«'l-,».'l. ll‘:-.' n1-=-t-.' .1ttnl
!|'l.‘iL'['l:l.'l".'L']'L'.lLll‘!|'l'|Ill|lf_ll! !-ll:".I.l '.l:i:- t:-.t'lul. ll-tll-.1l..i'-ll-..iI.'|'|1"|L'|11'-. fvll I-\.l'|.-ll:El.l'.1 .llf.ll.]l'.‘.'I'.'1.l:|'_ll.' ..l-|1Ll I.-t-ri-.lIctl l'|1.'l.-|."Fl." his li:tn.llI|y;n. :.'tnul:.ll1~.'
-l. lllll"--ll"l..'5l*-l"'1.'-Z'i|11l|.' ll11.".'|l.'-u..|.'|'|l.l.'1.l |.‘l'tI'll'.tl'I-.l.tllI."tt. ll '-.'I=-LI l1:l"'.'L'..l F'2l'lll3'lI.'l2l'I ‘.'*.illl il,Lila-il1:51I.1.'i|litl‘a'uttit'-II.
:";I.l'.y_y;l.I:t1i~« iv-.'.I-. .1|'I.t|"II.'l1'r|iL'l'-.lll.-"il:1lll'IlZll't.'Il1.'h.:l'-lL'Ll|ll'tl.l'lll!'t vs. .13‘ l'!'.|1. ls ll"l liu' tl.I*.. lltt'l'.:.y.1irIttti.I1‘:~.lmtl.Ill'~éIr:t-- -.1lI‘|il|t Ii'|.]y,1-.' .'I.I'H.l
"1l| lIl'tL'llZi.ll"1|.'tt:-",l"'itllIltt':'. |~,-I-.1‘. l|.'||.'| t'Iu.'i~._1. .'tl"l-tl Ilu-n' t-".'l'ttIlII!1."I:1:'5ll2l'2IL"l1l -«.i.I1l-t fl"llllll'tt‘ -t'.‘I.'ll1t'.ult't'ttI.
I‘-. l"":lZ1l"i'I.'1.""- |.Ill1.l l1:1rn.':-5' Tutti t'|'rI::-t 'll2Ilill'«i.. yn:1I.I:':I'n.' ~a11lh' l-tintl tit L't1-r11n;,-tlinn, l'l1:tT1l1-it!-H-.

Face Merchant has a vestigial er 'accese-ry" nipple on his left euttcheek.

descendants, warped and mutated beyond survived The Flush formed communities of treasures lurk behind every rock. New magics
recognition by centuries of exposure to their own, their ancient technologv lost to the and ancient artifacts await discovery. We live
cosmic, nukular, and toxic waste, were slowlv arms of history. in a world where destiny is shaped by stren -_
evolving into the boduls of toclav. The Today we live in a time of bar]:-arism and of spirit, spell, and sword; a world where egen _
dominant beings of the planet, the noble warfare. lt is a time of violence and fear. It is the lowliest worm can become a king by his
cockroach, the tenacious worm, and the all of these things, but it is also a time of high own hand.
imperishable snack cake, evolved into grand adventure. Lost lands and civilizations await
new forms. Those few abandoned oofos that exploration. Horrid monsters and grand

Dru.-"rn Eevenlliliilids. 3 nuclei from He-n Eh:Ir|oLIar.l1-as‘: eight |'-ands tr I1 .hI hand.
.- 4? - s-.-Fit‘
.- . ~..--
_ an

_ 'I
How Things Me. and How They Gill} That. Way (013 so we believe)

"‘ on HIE’ ilu'rfy—setvnH: ii.-zy Grand cafi Really Really Long Time figo ‘A Really Really Long Time figo
Very little is known of this time.
created l‘u'msci_',r‘l Afler all. E-I-|!3|'H'H_’a_'3|'li|'£’ Speculation abounds, but, since nobody
Iran‘ to take fire Hittite.” of: Really Long Time fiflo was around yet, not much at all is known of
-EFIDYDIMUB 3:14 Dr this time. this era. Several theories exist as to how Uith
was created, but very little empirical evidence
away Back in the Bay supports any of them. The Hoomanrace
Time and Eating Big Ass lvlonsters wandered the Ditll. believed that their god, Jelvis Criminee, built
eliaek in the Day the Ditlr in a few days and nights, apparently
Although the typical bug or bodul is using nothing more than a few well versed
The Hoomanrace came to Dith. A time of
eontent to merely witness lhe turning of days "Let there be’s". Many croaches are of the
peace and harmony.
and seasons as a distant phenomenon, mind that Boorglezar, The Cosmic Dung
wisenheimers and historians often argue the @’I'he Time of [he flush Beetle rolled the Dith out of The lvlanure of
__ importance of a calendar to accurately and The downfall of the Hoomanrace. Creation. Traditional Stanismist mythology
' a dly record and monitor the passage of
efifier the Wipe places the origin of Dill’: at the center of some
time. To this end, esteemed croach chronicler huge celestial orgy l-:.nown as "The Big Bang."
No more Hoomanrace. Dur ancestors got
Yimrninee the Souse has devised a marvelous Thousands of wacky theories exist and there’s
their butts moving.
system. "1"imminee's ingenious almanac a religion to go with each one.
fi evaluates gaaillions of historical, astrological, eYesf_eryear ‘Wl"ietl1er Dith was crapped into existence
.-|"" astronomical, mystical and scientific variables The Rise of The Lowly. by a giant monster or painted on cosmic
to devise a complete and accurate chronicle of canvas by Boss Rob‘ is irrelevant; it's here
the history of C‘-‘ith. According to "t'imminee’s now and nobody will ever know precisely
"I’imminee the Souse made a calendar.
arrangernent, the various eras of Clith can be
how. Deal with it.
classified thusly:

Mthuugh 1:rI:rs_~»_d'res- l'1av_g_- wings: idhffilllefl. _1:he'ir':rI.m:|'ry shell rrIa'|te5- ‘them ‘too heavy To ‘fly.
flu '

. --
11 Really Lung Time Age After the Wipe Elf ceurse, eur ancesters had it reugh. They
There really wasn’t much geing en. Stuff This era marked anether peried ef relative had te develnp new technelegies and reinvent
happened. ne deubt. Time passed. Things inactivity en Ctith. The mutated remnants ef ethers. The recliscr:-very ef hecus—pekery and If-" -

transpired. Events eccurred. hlene ef them l-leemanrace and eefe culture struggled tn ether arcane arts. returned te Dith by '_ '

were very interesting. It's believed that the survive in the blighted landscape and mysterieus inhabitants ef the Inst centinent ef
ca rliest ancesters ef creac hes and werrns ca me pelluted air, clinging tenacieusly te life. eking Egglantis during the Time ef the Flush and
areund abeut new. but that's net very eut an existence almest as lewly as the enhanced and refined by visiters frem Middle 1"

interesting either. Dh yeah, ynd the primer-:.iia| werms and creaches slewly Clith, made these adjustments censiderably- 3" I-1-

iirimerdial Seep l'~‘‘lIi'Tl was epened fer crawling their way te the tep.‘ less burdenserne fer seme. but mere difficult
business. It weuld be several millennia befere fer ethers. Much like teday, these that wielded
the first custemers arrived? magic used it te enslave and enthrall these
Yesteryear that did net. Te cembat the varieus.
The Heemanrace was gene and the planet hecus—pekers and smellcasters. cemmnn fell:
Way Back in the Day was destreyed but ripe fer the picking by anned themselves with swerds and n I

During this era, Clith was inhabited by these with the inclinatien and means te

pee-flingers and set nut in search ef ancient

gigantic creatures knewn as Big Ass eitpleit it. This era marks the rise ef eur lere and lest treasures. it new age ef
tvlensters- They were ultra teugh and kicked ancient predecessers. fiver a span ef adventure and eztplnratien arese. ushering


lets ef butt. l‘~lel:v.'itly knews eitactly Where gaeilliens ef millennia eur ferefathers and the medern era and the Rise ef the l.ewly. 1.
these beasts eriginated er why they all died feremethers evelved. develved. spawned and -'
.-'|- |_

eut, but the resulting arguments and debates begat. creating the aweserne assertment ef _il

have sent mere than ene wisenheimer te an beings that cu rrently reams the Clith. Recently
early grave, victim nf a cudgel wielded by a I ate a sandwich.*
differing epinien. 51.: re, religiens deveted tn .i_ -"1-I|1lII.'-. I-I ,r .1--l.Ir"u.-l.-__.I-lg, .- pl.__.-i_J-- a._'I_1'|llI ..|.A,..-._.._._ _.II-H. I. _r-I'—n—¢-*I.. b
the Big Ass lvlensters are almest as plentiful as
these dedicated te the Heemanrace, but as far
as is knewn, these were just really big
' . .
animals. sert ef like esephegaters and slegs. ,__.,._
.r-"anyway, they all died. j Days and rnc=_utht"- and crap like that I

E Remarkably, thanks te the archeelegical screungings ef the late Clfaltrteyer Fitstench, the 1,, “'4.
Back in the Day ancient cenventiens used eens age are still in place. The year is still divided inte 365 days, is
3. l
These were indeed the best ef times. it was ‘If there are still twelve nienths, each week still has seven days and each day is still 24 heurs. '
during this era that the l-leemanrace was bern t That's pretty unbelievably asteunding, censidering the intervening centuries ef calamity,
and lived. The werld was plunged inte an era .-L,
-i but it is, nevertheless, the way it is.
ef peace and accer-:.l that lasted millennia.
Everynne was happy and everyene was E
Months e‘ the Year Days ca‘ the Week
everyene else’s friend. Feed and happiness
and technelegy were plentiful and war was a 1 Occuary 7 Scv-seuary ,Sj:s:ertl£1}" gcnrgstlay
thing unheard ef. Ii 'I‘wc~uary g Eight uary Mcettlay-' Frictl mg
It was during this era that the first eefes Tht‘~3i2UeJ'}-' 9 }'=er Tuber‘-t lay 3‘platt.:1t|ay -
came te Dith, but they kept pretty much te Fc_~uruary it} Tcntetnlacr Wcssday I
themselves. eccasienally pepping eut frc-m Fh-'-suary it E_]cvc,r.uec
behind a bush te prebe semebedy. but ;JI.
etherwise minding their ewn business. Se tee
SiKUaJ}" i2 Twntlv-:‘vei1ibct'
did the early cremefillians arise during this
11.:-‘Ir’ -- 1.'t'- "-l..'----' ....t"'I.-- '-I--tr"--u-l..'n-din-an-'-u-' -is- ‘ La" *- .4 "'-I -c I"h""I' rt-.n.-.--I-u H 1*-'-'-— 1--—u '\-*-'1"'§I:-&-'}I
«it l
era. victims ef cruel experiments by the
I-I- -r .1-I-1n|__ .r q,fi.I.;-u,,i-PuI_I_I_ ._,.g..a-_,_ --"'.9.-I-—"|r +_.-.-....—..I|i. _,-|__.-. --.I .-|_ .-I.n-I---'-r —q.. '_5I_Ii-
unwitting l-leemanrace. -E‘-u..

indeed. the Heemanrace were peaceful and

happy. They were brilliant in their science and l
their technelegy was inspired and majestic. ii ‘feu can de it that way if yeu want. but there's really nething very regular abeut the big butt‘
but they were net a very wise penple. '
_ in the sky. It wavers erratically acress the celestial deme in a tandem and eccentric manner,
Eventually they grew bered ef peace and the =.' shewing its massive. pirnplecl cheeks clay er night er net at all accerding te its ewn agenda. '
Gelden age ef Frehistery carne te an end. .. Yep. the mean may ence have been a valuable teel fer celestial reckening. but new it's 7
pretty much just a big cheesy rump. if yeu want te knew what day it is. buy a calendar.
The Time ef the flush n-"'--u’-'-! "- -II‘:-' ‘.i.-'-r-=1.-""-I -.-"1.-' Ir‘ '~.~:'-l-.a'-u‘ 4;-I .I"-I Pu--r r ,1-.I' '. '-..,.-1--gqli-.'.-' . .I-"5-—-in---|.__. *|I_,|—., Imp

Much has already been said regarding this g-new-n. . _.l-«.__ _,.I'lI _..I'5h __ _ ,-II_ ;|-1.. 1.‘ 1-1.. 'a-. —|vIIl.-n.. -n._.a___| _I-|'_ . 's- 'u_—l.- _ _i'fl_-I ,.__ _.'_-u-u.-.,_. _ -I H--_ "I.-u'|"'|t.

embarrassing era in C}ith's histery, an-:.l even


Dn a cernpletely unrelated nete, yeu may be wandering...

mere will be divulged in pages te ceme.
Til lillll. PEllPlE

Suffice te say that just abeut every cataclysm. Wlllll’

calamity, and catastrephe that ceuld pessibly Threugheut this beek, the term heap is used te describe a greup ef player
happen te a planet happened te Dith. lvlest ef characters. Clccasienaily, phrases such as the herees er the perry may be used, but .i"...""
the creatures ef the planet, including the these are in ne way intended te indicate hereics en the part efthe heap, er te imply ',
- .
- 1-

; that any sert ef festivity is taking place. it


vaunted l-leemanr-ace. were destreyed and

the geegraphy ef the werld was irrevecably The Game Master is knewn as the Bees, because I said se. i
altered. Things get really messed up and the
planet is enly just new beginning tn recc-ver.
1.. -n. ;'r J.‘ Ii.--n-In H.‘ :.—- 1- In-..|.-....1p—-|,-il |.I'I..I '~.--r'-u--,q,_'-...-u.I"'-.;|."-l-I|I—- I.-——|' --I'll-Peril.-I '—-H." u-'5.-"Ii.-.p-.I'lvp... ',.'iI"'l'_..-i Pu--1. '--_"1‘I-'-ufi-I|l"I—-‘I

. _ as

l. [tr-'-:11 the pres it-us p.t_c,I.'1u.-1 tu t‘--nttise ‘.'I'-Lll "tn .11v."'.cI1t I |num.lnrac-.- I. n.-.1|nr I.l4.'1l‘-. cli.ir_e,c«.| '-‘-'llll |l'I1.‘l1ttj‘t[."lltI."-‘~I"l '.lv.- entities --l |!lt|.|L|]'L' ll is-aid that '-vllen Iluss l~l:~b rcignetl
In.-es and rleu-.|s and :1':uI.1I1taiI1.- u'1'I'e l1.1pp_'- amt there vrerc nu n1isl.1l..c- — unlj. l1..ipj:Iy little au.'ciu.|ents.
."_'. lliis ‘I-'r'..I.‘-l.!Il: lilllc culicvrn tn the prup1'|ctur.s. l'he_v had been tr.1iI1ed tt-l1.t1'n.lietl':i- s-.1I'I ul thing.
fl. Well. the -.-reruns al this pclint 1.-'eren't sun nuicli crrtvvlinjr, as they were slilhering. ll '-‘-'1.‘rL|lLl be ga;':illiuI'Is uI'niillenrIia b-etcrre vrerms develuped legs and u1lieL'.1ccuuI.rements ul cram.-vlitic"a
-l-. "t'irn.ntinee's Eiuuseburger E-.'uid1.-vlclt Recipe: E-lallter three picldetl sltig Iitlggets with Ii.'_iri.'r..c|ei.l GrLIlite's Did Fashienetl Iitncute and Fee Sauv_:e. tnp with an uld rag '
anti serve en ti l1v.'ra._c,j.' bun
with sliced enic-IL-s and circuspi nuts. Crunches e-.:=.t1stu1'te v.'ci.ri.'l - ‘-1.. .

-- :-
H Sl't'lHll H5Sllll'l|lllEllll Ill‘ ll|.llES Hlllll lllllillllllllflllllllll I'll fill}
TIIE TllM'El.Ell llll lllfi ElIPl.lllIfll'llll'l5 ill’ l'llll'l'Ilfl llllll
lvlutha Dith has gone through a great many changes since the time of the I-loomanrace. Many of these changes
are geographical in nature. Dthers are a hit mo1'e profound. This section describes new rules and clarifications
specific to the Low Life setting.

Measurements and Distance (The Pathetic yet Majestic Tale of Yort and the Yortstiek)

The ancient standards and units used by the irtoozle. ‘fort was, and still is, a Fellow ofsimple means
p1'imeval Hoomanrace are obsolete, forgotten relics of and even simpler mind. He is a guy with amazingly
a bygone age. Years ago, seeing the need for a widely little imagination but with an amazingly huge ego, an
accepted unit of size and distance, the High Exalted amazingly limited vocabulary, and an amazingly
Glorious lnfrizium of Knowledge in l"'~lew Dorlquar prodigious appetite for circuspi nuts. Thus it became
held a most peculiar contest. News of the event was that all units of measure and weight are called the
spread far and wide {how far and how wide is open to "yort”. in distance, one yort is about as broad as
speculation since they did not yet have a means to ‘r’ort’s shoulders {one Foot].
measure}, and soon challengers began to gather in the C.‘rne big yort is about the same as the distance from
streets of New Dorlq uar. According to the rules of the New Clorlquar to the Ruins of Dld Dorlquar £5,230
competition, whichever contestant consumed the yorts]. Cine little yort is about as long as ‘t’ort’s thumb
most circuspi nuts without puking would be [one inch}. When measuring weight, one yort weighs
appointed Carrier of the ".3" Stick. The ? would be about as much as ‘r'ort’s left eyestallt [one pound}.
replaced with the winner's name and he or she would This can all get very confusing to someone who has
henceforth be in charge of all units of weight and never seen ‘fort, which is why ‘fort, Carrier of the
measure until the end of time. ‘fortstick, spends his days traveling from city to city,
So it was written; so it was done... town to town, village to village. and cave to cave
To tnake a short story slightly shorter, it transpired measuring things and marking them for all to see.
that the winner of the challenge posed by the High There it is, simple, yet hideously complex. ‘t’ort’s
Exalted Glorious Infrizium of Kitowledge was none system is weird, but it gets the job done, and isn*t that
other than "fort, a young bodul from the South Side of what really matters in the end?

Holewarcl Sf Holewhence (Directions and the Eeister of Gawd)

To the sensibilities of most intelligent denizens of Clith, the Keister of Gawd is the geographic center of the
planet. To accommodate this belief, directions of any significant distance are qualified with the terms holeward,
meaning toward the Keister, and holewhence, describing a direction away from the Keister. For example, New
Cio1'lquar is about fifty big yorts holewhence from Ghupe, while Ghupe is about fifty big yorts holewa1'd from
New Clorlquar. Directions perpendicular or at an angle to the Keister are given based on other landmarks, such
as the moon ot' a specific mountain. The antiquated directions norf, south, east, and west are still in use, although
most beings consider it snooty to use them.
Df course, such directions are only useful if one knows where the Keister actually is. A device known as a lrcistcr
compass is extremely useful in this regard. It is able to detect the specific direction of the Keister relative to the
bearer. Keister compasses are pretty rare devices, and fetch a pretty clam when they can be found.

The Shape of Things

It's important to realize that lvlutha Ditlt is a really messed up place. The
planet has been victim to more cataclysms and calamities in the past eon or
two than a schnooble has butt hairs [that's a lot]. As a result, things aren't
always exactly how one might imagine they should be. Things that should
have rotted away or crumbled to dust centuries ago are still intact. Dbjects that
should be small, like shoes or lunchboxes, are instead as big as houses. lvlostly
these odd distortions of probability are limited to ancient things, st11ff that was
around before the Rise of the Lowly, but once in a while a being might stumble
across something modern that's similarly screwed up, like a pair of pants that
inexplicably no longer fit, a pile of poo that smells of baked bread, or a
ginormous oily boid hatching from a normal sized egg. These happenings are
often seen as omens by those sensitive to such things.

_ ~=-'=‘~‘‘'''‘fi.~.‘''?£L
. _ 1 1:"-r _ .

1 '-_.:-.1-1-~—r---.-.. .--..-—--A

homcicr Creotio
1-1..‘ ,_.ulI__.-qui-r -... -.---J----—-r.--- s..I-1.1-..I—-.1-...n..yIn-..-u1.._q..,_,,..-11-:-.-e. --~...1.--:1-I-1-. s.-.--I-.1-1 I. -_1-1-s.I---1 11-1 -—-.-l"-—-I-I....'IIiIl-I1-i. ,1 .fl..iI-1.-1..





Who, What, Where, Why, When, oncl How on Oith .3‘-«re You?


.-'- ' "" '1-I" '-

I r--.-- I ;|.--.'' '-'-I-u-‘I--i .|"""II._iII' I -IF“. 'I1.-'-I-I" |IF""'lIl.iIII'-' 1' IIII'--I|—p-I"—- ..-I1.‘ "-1_'I,.| 1'11-I-I‘ -I-quI"F "Hal. 'I- n.'_ 1-1.-r '1 li'.I1.I‘I-" "'*'hH'.'rq'F-| -'1-1-"ll -1...:-"II-I.-|II""' -i"'|.r I-'u-iI'1.I'I-' '-'-I-1-.—. .I' ‘-1’ III .1 'uIIur"II'.k. ‘ll I|rI—-|.r "H "'I'--

So, first you decide what kind of character you want to be. You can use the proceeding list as a guide or you can make something up yourself
Dnce you do that it's time to figure out your statistics. This section will guide your sorry ass through the process.‘
|‘Iu -1- II-1-|'_'1 '|. _I-II"-.._ I-1-__'1. JI- _II||'lI—.1I1..rIu. r-- ,1 IL...-' rI--u.- ,HI-I|'II _;.--iIl—1.'|._II-—-I--a--..-I‘-II-. I

* Traits

Race -
: '
Everybody is something. Lore Life “Tl Clnce you've chosen a race it becomes time to select your character's attributes and
presents many possible character races skills. Unless otherwise stated in a racial description, your character begins with a dd. in 1;”1i-ri-3' .-rl

from which you may choose. Go ahead each of its five attributes: Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. The creators have
and read through the races o11 the . then gifted you with an additional 5 points to distribute among them as you choose.
following pages and choose one now. Raising an attribute a die type costs one point, and no attribute may be raised above a dll --.«
Keep in mind that the racial descriptions {unless otherwise stated in the racial description). s-=
are indicative of the typical member of CIIith’s bounty just keeps on providing. This time it's in the form of 15 points with which
that race. Don't get pissed off if you , you may purchase and raise your skills. To raise a skill by a die type costs 1 point as long
someday meet an erstwhile cremefillian
L ,- as it's no higher than its linked attribute. It costs 2 points per die type to raise a skill over
who worships the l-loomanrace or a -1.
its linked attribute. 1-e1. -air‘-.i1
croach who is allergic to poop. #' I1-r1fe-|-'I''' -‘.1-I1-.-I""|. -.1-'_._,_'II1-u '1-—" '----..-- --1.--'.'-ill’-1|.-11-1-"-II-IE--i-'11-'l""':' "1-1'I111l'-Ii""i‘.l.2I.p-III-'-.r'-1 - '—'.-"wu. -
If you know what's good for you, -'1-.-—r.-— - --. .--—-.1_ .1--.-II.-:'_I-I1 .- .1 ,4 _=-. _---.1»...
you'll read through all of the races, since Skifls
many of them might contain clues about The following skills are available in f_.t1tltt1 L1]'i1: tioaciiig. Cliiiilaiug. l:}l'l'.'lI‘1g, Figliring,
the back story of Late Life and the history I _ _ II]-an1b|ing_ Cittts, l-lcaliug, l11u'n1iclation, lnirestigation. l~ino1.1.-‘ledge. l.ockpickiI1g,, blotice, Petstiasitin, __-

of Ditl1. 3, litepsir. liticling. Shooiitig. Stealtli, Scrcetvrisc, Suryiyal, Swi:n.mi|1g, 'l':u1I1t, Tlirowing. s11d'l'|::1ckiI1g. __

1r'1.1'. uIr-. 1- 1_
IN..." '1. '.;-—..r
. . - .-' L gI""'-.

'r.I_H' 1-:-|.:rq..___,a. .1 u...- ..:.-|.,...._ . us...-.|.__.._,_ --..--I-.-I. .e-"1-lI:- —- ' 1.. .-.-..,1. _.d-I—- _,..__ --rt. .+' 1.. 1-.1-1-—--t -I-I .-—-1.-_1.-._'nf._,.1
-. T

languages :" Secondary Statistics Special Abilities

Clith. being the huge place that it is. is Charisma describes how likeabte your Now it's time to decide it you want
home to a massive variety of languages. " .1-. *"—.-"1
character is. it's added to Persuasion and .- 1* any Hindrances It so, you may use the.
dialects. and vernacutars. By far the most - Streetwise rolls. ‘four Charisma modifier points from them to gain the benefits
widespread language is the "ordinary is H] unless modified by Edges or below, You may take one tvtajor
tongue." an almost universal trade _: Hindrances- r-.'E1.-1i-HI:- Hindrance {worth 2 points] and up to
language spoken since the time of the 1-. -. two tviinor l-tindrances {worth '1 each}.
Hoontanrace. all player characters are face is E." for most characters, but can
assumed to have a dti in Knowledge be altered by Edges and Hindrances. J_|.—-‘luau For 2 Hinclrance Points you can:
{Drttinary Tongue}, and can speak, read a. Raise an attribute one die type.
and write the langu-.1ge [unless they have 1-._
a Choose an Edge.
ferry is equal to It plus half your
the illiterate Hind rance}. Either popular
languages include Aggoggian, Pewk, .—1-. -HI:
For 1 Hindrsnce ]§'oir1t_you can:
jive, Ebonics, Scat, Stanular, Ewgianese.
m Gain another skill point.
Cruttermouth, Tweenk, E-orlo, Poorly
a Double the amount of clams your
Dubbed Japanese, and Esperonto. -I5
character starts with.
+1:--'-.nIr.P ‘ll-""l-..uI-' 11-‘I.-1.-1-' ‘ 11'-+ II-F" r.i"-' '|-1""!-"l-"' 1.-.1 u---..-'-. tr u_1u-- -. -- -|.f' r"-'|' I -in.-I-----1.; ‘Ii!’

"!"F"-"U'1- FL! ,..'|-It-1. ''--...-...''.;'| .—I-..a-_1.,_. rah? :.q_..—p..__'I.qI"..|-|.__ ,_ _p__- r___..p.,_,a|.___,d-—-Ira.-...|..--.1- -. girl.--1.1-1.|I_._ _


‘r'1l'e’re not going to send you out into the world naked and Your character came from somewhere. didn’t it? This is the
unarmed {although you can be naked if you want to]. Your part where you come up with an interesting and creative back - __


character begins play with Still clams with which to trade for story. where does your character come from? What are its ._
-1; _
. ,__

supplies, clothing, food, and weapons} Spend t|1ern wisely. motivations? Wliy does it do what it does? Who loves it and who
iI5. —. . d—

grasshopper. -'.
does it love? What, so to speak, makes it tick? _..; .'F'

'| _ ..
__h__..u.-|, ‘
.]|I|._ ‘I.
Lit. iii:-"Ill--I""r'\I' 'lI'.I' .-I' "' '1'-' l _- .I|' '1-F1-uI—' .. I" I‘! '*'\—"l-"F— -—| P‘.
" '
"P '1-J"-u H-I .i—I,'nI|"
.1-:.-‘ ‘I--I

That's it. you're the.

I. t.'oI11.'enIu.'r11|'-.'. tl1eI'e's .1 .l1.1r.11.'ter -.E1eet :11’! h,I.i-'.t- 3 .111 -.1.'|1tch -.1111 c.1r1 11.-c.11'd titi-. stull. "1111: c.1I1 .1l-11 get o:‘.e |I'11I11 t|1e otti~.'I.1.l 1.1.'eL1sit.- .1t 11. -.~.'11''lit|1.coI11.
t'.'|.1n1" I‘-1 s: 111 not .1 gr.-11eI1c terr11 tl1.1t .1ppl1es to .1111.‘ cr.1pp1.' illtle piece or itlnk I|1.1t I|1e pe-.1p.'e ol 1 ‘-'ith use 1-.11‘ trade til course ':itr|'|'|t_' 1.'|.1111.-' .11'e useiul 111 .1'.1d oi t|1en1se|1'es'. such .1.s .1 petrtlled
.'l1uI1k oi e.1r11'.1'-.' 1|1.1t :111_e,E1.'I 111.1l~.e .1 _e_.1od sliI1gsl1-.11 t'IuE|e1 or .1 po|1s|1ed i1o:1e 11'1th 11.'i11c|1 one :111;_'.h: s-.'I'.1t1.'l1 |1e'-1'u111p. .*‘t tj.'p1c.1| ct.1I11 1111gh'I be .1 i‘-1i:ttoI1. .1 .‘-l‘Iltl_‘.' I'oct.. 1l1e su.'.1te11t some 111-:111.1-'-ter, .1
L1i1.*.1|1.'r- I111-||1I~1!-.1. .111 oln.ts111.'t-. or |ust .1l'-1 -11t .1111'i|1i11g else. i"1.'.1t1I r'.1||_1.. 1-.1|=.Ie t'-eit1_1.; I'e'..1tiret-1dr-:na11d. and t|1e |.1.1rter s_1.'st-.-I11 beiI1;.1, .1 t11.'i1.lL*t1'Il:*-itt'1."1'-1, one I1:-1.lLI|'str.1s|1 is .111-~t|1u.-r's tre.1-1ure. '['|1erei'ore, ,
it's .1 _.;.1ou.i ide.- tn c.1I1'1.' .1 1.1t".etj. 1-I .ti|1eI'eI1r c|.1111s I11 meet ll‘-I.' -.iet11.1r1u.|s -II the 1.1I'io:ts}1ec|1.|t1.'r11eisters.1:1.d :iI1it'k1' -|:1-1pl~.-.11.-|.''t1.1'. 1.|ob'.Isiness 1.1-ah 111 tl"It'-.1.‘-till"--.'IIi .111 .1u.i1-'enlur'e.
Eh ill‘-'|t.lilI'|'I. tel I1siI11'.-r1I.1r_1.' !l1e-.'|.1I11s.1r|~. ol|L.1oI'.1I11.'et|1et-Ilot|LIe11t.II'.11'etingh.1n1and.11.|'.-'eI1ttII'e1'-i-'11ir|i:1gt'-.In.l-.the1.|ur'.1bie1'-.'!1'eIt|.1p-.111.|geI1tl1. ~.|11n1pirI;.1, 1he ror1ter1I-1 on .1 |'|.1tte'ned
to.1.|s'to11| |.‘]'1.'[.".t|'-.'-1.i tort|1euu.'c.1sio:1_.1-1'etitI.d the |o|i1-11':I1g 1.-bio-.'t-'-: t|1:I't1' -e1'eI1 1.1ri1.11e1i'.'ctI|11:'e1.l bit-ol _1.'.1rn .1.111| strung. I-1LII'te1.-I1111-|1sl1e.i teeth -.-I s11-pici11u-1|i11e.1g.-.1.-lr-1'1-r1 11111:-1|-.'I1 '!11:ttt1I1s'. 1-e1.'e11
‘--§"|'Il_l_'_*- olp.tis|e1..1tl1I1.-.1-.|b.1I'eIiccktie.Ii‘-'1.-.iI'ie1.|I11LI-|1:'o1-Ins..1-.r11.1lti.11'oI|1nrl~.t11uctt~1.11.nrt1.'t|1reesl1i11'.'pebl.1ie-11.1]-.|iriering..-r|o1'.1I1n.|te1.tu1'e..1:'LI-t1.'-|.1o-oI1.11i11eL1i1.1|1 e I11-.1|[tI1~'l~'.~c. .1 -:l1ur1l-1. of
.1r1te:I1na. tire guitar picks. s'or11e ton.-11.1il clippi11g:-. .1 I11et.1t I1.1:1|. e1gt1t1.|e.11.| tiags. :'-e1.'eI1ii1.'1.-tiug.-1. sis c.;1111.1t.1s'1.-l'Iug.-1. tire sleeping l."t|;.‘,_.‘-, s". 111111..‘ bug_:s. ro 111.1111.1. loL11'~.'|u111ps .-i l1.1i1'L1r1L111d v.'iI|1t1.1.'i111:,
the |1.11:11.||e Iror11 .1 to-ott1brush. .1 re.1l|=-. b.1u.|:'.1'1ng ol .1 slog, n1o-td_1.' L'Ire.1d, suI11ethII1p_ I1:1.le.s1.'rit1.1|:I|e, one ol the-se, fire :net.1l rings‘. l1.1tI .1 Jnerkin, .1 |]'ItlLlt.'1.1"t' coclptece. part ol a gauntlet, .;1- small
pouch ot be.1I1s, uI1e oi thurse, modeling clay. this cr.1.'r._'.' thing, .1 broken knile blade, .'1 s.'n1.-'.1ge, one not these stuck to one ol tltose, 11 piece ot string, .1 block. ot '11'1.1r1.i..sI11..i .1 c.1111..i-lie. 1-‘-

Her-s’s a ri1:Iclte:=l|'1.t_|1a‘t Iooks_.-lili;:-Ta harc but is not a bare? i-lei-_ :."§'r't'-lie i'|I.n!.1-1--tr: dfrlsla bai-r.
ww was

Tée Pearle a( Mutfia Ditfi

The world of Ditlt is populated by a whole Booty Hunter: These guys are all about fat curdler stealing priceless artifacts from the
sh’load of distinct and unique individuals. collecting rewards by catching villains, temple reliquary. Gangstas often have their
Despite personal differences and diversities a escaped criminals and ether unsavory sorts. own slang, a language or dialect all their own
great number of organisms choose to follow a 'Whenever a wealthy peddlemeister needs that nobody really understands and usually
similar occupation or path Ihrough life. The stolen goods recovered or a laslunaster needs changes every day or two. Clccasionally a
following list describes a small sampling of to find a 1'unaway slave you can usually find a gangsta earns or is granted a cult following.
such careers and professions. horde of booty hunters in hot pursuit. l."vlEIny sort of a local lege ndry sort of thing that raises
"I-. booty hunters have a keen sense of individual him to the level of a hero in the eyes of the
style, often displaying a personal trademark common people. Such gangstas usually steal
such as an unusual weapon, a signature from somebody the villagers don't like, like a
toothy grin, or an old battered hat. corrupt hoink or domineering pecldlen-ieister.'
Craftsbeirtg: Also called Pvlakers, Crafts- Goon: Goons are hired thugs and bullies.
beings are skilled laborers of some sort. They They hurt people for money. lvlost of them are
build stuff, fir: stuff, take stuff apart, rebuild just trying to compensate for something, but
sniff and generally do useful things. bleed a its best not to tell them that to their faces.
slog sled built? Go to a lvlaker. Walma have Ham: Life really sucks for a lot of people.
some armor made? Ask a craftsbeing. Makers The average p-3.-ed—on leads a life of drudgery
usually specialize in a particular craft or trade, and misery with very little in the way ofjoy or
such as vveaponsmithing. basket weaving, happiness. It's a fine day indeed when a
instrument crafting, grog brewing or making wandering ham comes to town to sing songs,
potholders, lanyards and key chains out of walk on stilts, juggle stuff and otherwise
common household items. entertain the masses. 1-Iams are actors,
Gadabout: The Dith is a really freakin’ huge singers, minstrels and other generally
place, far bigger than most of its inhabitants "musical" types. They like lots of attention.
could possibly imagine. Beyond the frontiers Hocus Poker: Skilled in magic and the use
lie wildernesses untamed, majestic civili- of arcane wonders, hocus pokers are the
zations unmet, st1'ange and bizarre creatures wizards and sorc.erers of Dith. Ftlthougli most
unrecorded, mystic treasures unfound, ancient hocus pokers use their powers judiciously,
ruins undiscovered, new enemies undefeated they are often looked upon with awe by lesser
and new friends unbefriended. Gadabouts are beings, prompting some to acts of cruelty and
explorers and vagabonds, traveling the Ditli, subjugation. Because of this reputation, hocus
mapping places, discovering stuff and pokers are simultaneously feared and revered
claiming things in the name of so-and-so. by the superstitious masses}
Gangsta: These types are basically career Hoink: l-loinlcs are the various militia,
criminals. They have chosen a life of banditry, watchmen, and posses charged by rulers or
villainy and vice. All sorts of gangstas exist, hired by townsfolk to maintain order and
froln Ihe miserable pocket pilferer who stole curtail villainy and crime. It hoink is
your bag of pickled slog nuggets to the master endowed with certain judiciary powers
depending on the location or populace that he
represents. Most of these are pretty boring,
but among the more interesting are the rights
to apprehend and imprison suspects,
investigate crimes. get free stuff from local
peddlemeisters, and sometimes even perform
executions (usually under the supervision of a
Holy Roller: Holy rollers are priests and
other clergy dedicated to the tenets and ideals
of one religion or another. They can often be
L.-. found in temples and other places of worship,
Goon: Goons -are hired thugs and bullies. preaching to the masses and tending to the

___.|_ __ _..... . ..n_ .

I -‘t« .m t-*taI1'ip!i-. -.-'-;.11:1II1c lll-_' ta-e oi -.1.-|vL‘~:I'.1ti..*i.l g.11'ig-t.1 ."~li.-rl~.lii:t the ‘*~l'.n.":1. l'|iis .=11'_.'.-li.-I'i-rtls r'I;.uI1'-J -l1.n ed l|'|s.1ntl L1-nlivsnlll'n.'l1ir-vutv.1:'.-.l Ila-rIt|i~tI'il1u1-.-tl1l'.-.'c|lppiI1g- .-.I1t-:1I'i-,',tl'.».-
it-ili-..1||I. c|1.1l|eI1::vi.| '|'|ii- is in-I the sort-.11ltuiI'Ith----li-.-|'ois1:It-Iwi1i~.'|'i|-.'gt-I'n.l:- are :11.1de ‘-'~tLI|‘it| lc:—lvr1i.!:~, but lt'r.'a'ntl:- ttoiicllit-|t'~o-.
1 l:'.~tacL|'- '-~.'|1.1t a ' liocu.-1" is. ani.| '.-.'l1_‘»' 1l1vs4.' sari".-= 'r3.uar-:«uI1+.l |-?"~l-.inJ-'. them is a11_‘»‘lHit|1-"" RII-.-as

16 Eerie Eutgobbler. the famous ham from floor. "rs rumored to he the long lost -nephew l.'I'FCE removed of flslpoumtler Eavelbar-ger, Supreme Bad Ass of Agog:
' ‘I.
spiritual needs of their congregations. gadabouts to form museums and reliquaries Price-o-corn: hlobody knows where this
Traveling holy rollers are usually out in dedicated to the study and discovery of these term comes from, but it is used to describe all
search of converts, relics, sinners, and the like. valuable remnants of ancient societies. lviost manner of pirates and booty—thieves. These
Many holy rollers are granted magical prised, of course, are relics of the Hooman— people travel the oceans and waterways of the
abilities through the power of their faith that race, many of which can be found under world, stealing stuff, sinking boats, getting
allow them to heal the sick, feed the hungry, guard at the lvluseum of Antiquities and drunk, wenching wenches and generally
smite the unbelieving, and generally do C‘-lbscurities in New Elorlquar. causing a ruckus. Price—o—corns are not
whatever it is that their religion espouses. Peddlemeister: These guys are merchants, welcome in most societies, but several island
Lashmaster: Slavery, whether legal or not, shopkeepers and other purveyors of goods cities make a good trade in catering to their
is a widespread phenomenon across most of and services. Many of them travel the world whims and needs. P'rice—o—com fashion is
the Ctith. Let's face it, palaces and monuments in search of new markets and new materials, often a bit gaudier and more flamboyant than
aren't going to build themselves and peed—ons encountering adventure and danger along the that worn by most other people [except
can get pretty expensive. A lashrnaster, part way. Since currency on Clitlt is mostly a thing pimps, of course}, with eye patches, floppy
thug and part motivational speaker, is a of the past, peddlemeisters are often skilled hats, and really big boots being very popular.
skilled handler, purveyor, and overseer of barterers, fences, and appraisers. Slave: Whenever thcre’s a social totem pole
slaves and other such laborers, servants, and Peed-on: Somebody has to do the crap somebody has to be on the bottom. Slaves are
un fortu nates. work. F'eed—ons are unskilled laborers, the lucky bastards that get to fill this niche. I-'l._,
Dbsessed: The Obsessed are fanatics so migrant workers, nameless minions, and the slave is considered to be the property of its
dedicated to a particular cause that they like. They are basically the under appreciated owner, and as such the owner has complete
become blinded to pretty much everything and often ignored masses, the unsung authority over the life of his slave. Being a
else. at cremefillian committed to destroying clrudges, toilers and field hands. l3'eed—ons do
all artifacts of the Hoomanrace might be one the work that nobody else wants to do.
of the Clbsessed, as might an oofo intently Pimp: Pimps are mack daddies and mack
focused on finding an ancient relic of his mommies, pandering their harems and
ancestors and flying off into space. Such stables to the lonely, the desperate, and the
beings can be extremely dangerous, as they horny. A good pimp is half lashmaster,
will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. half peddlemeister, half slickster
Dldster: The ruins of ancient civilirzations and half ham, with an attitude
are pretty thick on the ground. Most of them big enough to accommodate
are too destroyed to learn anything of use all four halves.
I‘-rom them, but occasionally artifacts, relics,
and other historical objects are uncovered.
Clltlsters are collectors and studiers of such
things. They work closely with historians and

t-Inrus Mtirus, The Illing nf the 1”Zhe1ig, hnicis
cnurt- I.-it: Il.'.h,irc and Rnyni i:l-cnJyg1,:ard Hc.-efee
thi.: Cleh, i-Inrus ivlnrus {seats-d‘]., anti i-'rup:.-c- Ila.-
"|'|.tn1, Cnurt Magiciaii.

slave pretty much sucks. Clccasien-ally a slave gasses and fumes that ceurse threugh all die pepulace. uften in exchange fer feed.
gets lucky and lands a jeh teaching the larvae living {and seme dead} heings. creating patent supplies. and treasures.
er setting the dinner table. but a great many ef and magically viable reeks. stinks. stenches. Weirdcu: Weirdes are arcane practitleners
_ them are ferced te dc: carapace~sp|itting scents and eders. Such smells can have a skilled at harnessing the eldritch energies ef
"*-I'nanua| Iah-er. building menuments, palaces prefeund and eften hiaarre effect an these the Clith and refecusing them lnte ebiects.
and the like. whe catch a whiff ef them. Net surprisingly. weapens, and the like. Just abeut anything
E‘-lickster: Alse knewn as smeevesters. smelves make excellent smellcasters. can he created. frem enchanted swerds that
these guys really knew hew te pull ene ever Sneet: Sneets are the upper crust ef seclety. pimp slap their targets te magic sacks that
an yeu. They will start up a seemingly They are H‘lE snehhy nehles, irnperieus kings. never fall dawn.
innucueus cenversatien and the next thing gallant aristncrats, and demineering lerds ef Wisenheimer: Wlsenheimers are traveling
yeu knew they're walking away wearing yeur C‘-*ith. smart peeple. They wander the werld
pants. Masters ef the cen, the swindle. the Taletallcer: In a werld hleated with dispensing wisdem. thinking deep theughts.
grift. the cheat. the fraud. the racket. the heas. illiteracy and ignerance histeries and legends selving pruhlerns. philesephiaing philese—
the deceptien and the rip eff. slicksters are are eften passed threugh the. generatiens in phies. adjudicating disputes. and generally
tricky in the extreme. always scheming the term ef epic tales and speken verse. ‘these shewing eff hew smart they are. lvlest
:1’ schemes and pletting plets. They differ frem skilled in the telling ef such tales are knewn. wisenheimers delight in riddles. werd games.
_- -
gangstas in that they are net generally vielent uncreatively, as Talkers ef Tales. er Tattlers. lung divisien and espeusing the virtues ef this
pecnple, preferring te take what they want Talkers are great sterytellers and eraters. er that. Cemmen peeple are generally very
threugh uutwittery. rather than thuggery. They have -a vast reperteire ef steries. myths. respectful ef wisenheimers and treat them
...-I''''' Emellcaster: Emeilcasters are able te epics. anecdetes. preverhs, sagas. and fables with reverence and admiratien.
ccraiesce and refine the mystic vapers. breaths. with which they entertain. edify. and educate

12 T_i'|e._f_’_i:_: i_~_"ii:g_I'g'i_aI1i.I-'r=. I iiatei re the city at iclast. is named fur a ancient civilization rurrc-recl tcl Ii--E last somewhere hhieniience at The Incredibly Huge l-'.ncIn*.»'.tI.-.r_'_f.'_'.' -

. - L

Beings uf Duhinuti L1'n+.-age:[5u:u.*the next ].1.1-gt-}


Em:lu|.:. are;a1w'e'fi:-‘E1’ bunch pf dudas. Sm.-we -.r,'uy:n_,l'aa~-ur _'1:i:-belly huttnng. ~ n_r-$5 flreasnn. -_
. -F , q
' '# fill
_, r
_-I-—- .__-.- _.
Beingg ex’
’Dubi-pug Lineage

"live beduls are the bastard effspring ef a hiilien

calamities. We have survived the tragedies that
killed eur ancesters and emerged frem the rubble
stranger and wiser than ever befere. We kick ass!"
-The Face Merchant

Te attempt te physically describe a bedul is te invite cerebral

hemerrhage. Such an abundance and diversity ef ferms and shapes
exist as te make any effert at classificatien as difficult and fruitless as
crapping glass pineapples. lvlest ef them have a generally bipedal
figure, and faces and arms are quite cemmen, but that's aheut all ene
can say tn draw similarity between their metley selves. Let's face it,
they are all screwed up. A child may leek nething at all like its parents-
Seme becluls have numernus arms, seme have their faces en
upsicle—dewn. Must have leng, dreeping ears, but even that is an
evergeneraliaatien. Regardless ef their persenal ferm, very few beduls
hear much resemblance te their Heemanrace ancesters, net that
anyene knews esactl y what they leekecl like. Sexy buggers...

Heduls, in general, are net a warlike er esceptienally vielent peeple.
Sure, the eccasienal hreublemaker lurks in the shadews te spell the
geed name fer everyene, but fer the mest part a bedul is centent te
mind his ewn business. If his ewn business is threatened, he'll mest
likely switch te asskicking made, but whe weuldn’t?

Aleng With flthers

as t -*- mest abundant intelligent life ferm en Dith, bedul
cnmmunities span the glebe. They usually play well with ethers,
althuugh cremefillians eften resent their lineage and treat them
accerdingly. Dccasienally their diverse appearances cause them te he
mislatleled as tisn’ts er eefes, but they knew better. Defes are the
ancesters ef vlsiters frem ether werlds and tisn’ts are a hedgeupedge
ef varieus ancient critters.

Bedul Names
L lieduls are a preucl peeple, and their names eften reflect it. Given te
~:'The Lew Dewn majestic, ef-ten pempeus titles, such as The Face lvlerchant, Huthu the
Eeduls are a peeple lest in paredy and pa rades. Indeed, ef all the lvleidiliser, and Grethe E3eed—te—de—business~wlth. Yeur typical bedul,
races ef Clith nene are as universally mecked, net as universally if any bedul can be said te be typical, likes te say what he clues in his
venerated as the leathsenle yet mighty bedul. "t’eu see, heduls are the name.
cerrupted uffspring rat the ancient Heemanrace, gaeilliens ef
generatiens remeved. Back in the day, their ancesters ruled Clitlt; new Racial Edges and Hinclranees
they are warped and mutated heyend any semblance ei their iermer
majesty. Uh well, what can yeu de?
The centuries ei eitpc-sure te nukular radiatien, tcntic chemicals, E Clever: fiidaptive and intelligent, beduls gain a +2 henus te any
cesrnic crap, and whatnet had a prefeund effect en their arlcesters. The ene iilnewledge skill.
Heemanrace is extinct, but beduls remain te centinue its legacy. They
are twisted, deferrned, hastardised, and hybrid iaed versiens ef their 9 Strange: Beduls may take as many Backgreund Edges as they
ancient relatiens, barely distinguishable as such, but such nenetheless. like when creating a character, prevlded they pay fer them with the
lviany dispute the truth ef their lineage, citing their inheernan preper ameunt ef Hinclrances.
appearance, but they knew better. The head chef at the Primerdial
Eieup Kitchen put special in their batter, and the secret
ingredient wasn‘t eregane. E freed Heritage: Beduls begin with a de Spirit instead ef the
usual d4, due te their preud Heemanrace ancestry.
Tl'1I="_,-_.'i'ir5t rrayer of Deep. 3 bedul named Etelygarneus Ecrarr. had 3.542 elves. l think that‘: a retard but I"I'rI
—.—-q.-- ‘F
Who Twaankg
"The partially hydrogenated animal and/or vegetable
shortening of gawds flows through my veins!"
-I-Iorus Morus, Ding of the Dong

The Low Down

In any discussion regarding which of Dith's inhabitants is the most
bizarre, the strange and spongy cremefillians invariably take the
metaphorical cake. stdmittedly, everyone on Dith is pretty screwed
up, but what can compare to a giant talking pastry with a battle axe
and a vendetta? Not much, that's what.
The cremefillians are a proud and spirited people, the last survivors
of a cruel and horrific legacy. According to legend, the earliest
ancestors of these mighty beings were simple life forms devoid of
mind or character, fit only to satisfy the nutritive urges of the ancient
Hoomanrace. These primordial ‘fillians were created and raised in
massive factories of steel and stone, subjected to countless
humiliations and miseries, injected with cruel potions and entombed
in hermetic coffins before finally being sold and consumed. A pitiful
semblance of life at best, but the Hoomanrace knew no better. it would
take a catastrophe to teach them the error of their conduct, but bv then
the age of the Hoomanrace was coming to an end and a new efa was
on the rise.
The nukular wars that ravaged ancient Dith brought with them
immense clouds of radioactive steam and other assorted nastinesses.
The seas boiled, froze, and then boiled again. The skies rained fire and
the land belched poison. Thus was created an environment completely
unsuitable for the continued existence of the Hoomanrace, but a
perfect concoction to spur the progression of the cremefillians. You Cremefillian Names
see, cremefillians, or "tweenks” as they are l-cnown colloquially, thrive Tweenk names tend to be a bit on the childish side, with monikers
on all manner of toxins, poisons, and radiations. lxlot only do such such as Wee Wee, Dodo, and Ling Long being popular. When a
things fail to harm these I'esilient beings, indeed they are the very cremefillian reaches a certain age. it sheds its infantile name and
things that brought them sapience. Clver the eons and millennia since
adopts a pretentious title, such as "Crandel Creampuff, Crusher gf
The Flush the 'fi|Iians have absorbed and retained an enormous Crania” or "Cay-‘n Cupquake". .,,,__Lfl_
quantity of pollutants and contaminants. These corruptions have
conspired with the indigenous toxins in a tweenk's body to produce a
being of intelligence and extreme longevity. Indeed, 'fillians are Raoial Edges and Hindranoes
among the longest—lived of all Clitl1's creatures. No known toxin or
disease seems to affect them, and their foul taste and noxious taint E Foul Taste: The toxins and pollutants absorbed by the spongy
makes them unpalatable to all but the Inost desperate of predators. flesh of c1'emefillians makes them particularly unpalatable. A creature
that bites a cremefillian must make a Vigor roll to avoid being Shaken.-
Sorappin" A penalty equal to the number of wounds inflicted by the bite is
Cremefillians have a proud and resilient history of organised crime applied to this roll.
and thuggery. A great many tweenlcs are of a violent bent, although
this is by no means a universal or ubiquitous trend. 3 Tweenl-ting: For some reason, perhaps due to their strange
body structure, cremefillians are able to carry a great deal more gear . _-I
Gef_tin3 filong With flthers and supplies than their Strength would suggest. They can carry an
Not surprisingly, tales of the cruel treatment suffered by the additional three times their Strength in yorts without penalty.
primordial twoenks at the hands of the ancient Hoomanrace inspire Additionally, tweenks ignore minimum strength requirements for all
many mode1'n ’fi|lians to a deep hatred and abhorrence of all remnants hand weapons.
of that archaic culture. blot all tweenks are of this bent. but
anti-Hoomanrace sentiment flows through the veins of most '3 Sponfly flesh: Cremefillians have 1 point of natural armor due
cremefillians like so much partially hydrogenated animal and} or to their spongy or dense. crusty flesh. This feature also makes them
vegetable shortening. immune to all natural poisons, toxins, and radioactive emmissions.

r i

Even though -rrentatillisns 'l.a'r'."'c'-1 foul, rraarher. can eat t|':¢_1'r-S--uilth no ill eff
J”. ._... -I. _

.'. . .r.urI . .I.f. . |_

LI.i.rLn.. I. l.


. __.. . . w

A cuupie uf had a:-:5 cremefilliztns titling their thang

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- . . . 4!-:3.
T-um arn-ed ;_u_:ruach¢s_. 23:?-'-Dften lucked up-Jn with _piT.fl!|;:§’-‘their mare? _g_l-Lg
Hgirgndnwtdihiké _..- -.

I _
-:F —"I-- - '-'[a-.

-1 . r-
ul I‘

“We ereaches are a fascinating peeple.

fer eens we lived eff the refuse ef ethers and we
learned te like it. New the feet is en the ether
shee. I mean the shee is en the ether feet.
Or semething like that..."
-Bernizedd the Enplumpinated

Despite their generally cesmepelitan lifestyles, many creaches

cheese te fellew the path ef the wandering adventurer. A vagarieus
eszistence appeals te their inquisitive sensibilities and the treasures and
eszcitement such a life afferds draw a great number ef creaches frem a
mere citified reutine.
The wendreus secrets unveiled by the arcane and mystical arts lead
a great many creaches te beceme hely rellers er hecus pekers. The
thirst fer such knewledge is net unique te creaches, ef ceurse, but
creaches are perhaps secend enly te werms in the ferver and diversity
ef their pursuits.

Every creach is an individual. Seme are vielent and evil, ethers are
peaceful and hippielicieus. Cine thing that can be said is that creaches
are, in general, pretty decent fighters, since their multiple arms allew
them te wield several weapens at ence. This alse makes them pretty
decent levers, if yeu catch my drift.

Getting {sleep with flthers

ln general, they de. Semetimes dtey den’l'. It just depends en the

The Lew Elewn Creaeh Names

Despite their heritage as the descendants ef seme ef the must hated There really isn't much cenventien te the way creaches name their
and reviled beings frem the ancient days ef Dith, creaches have risen larvae. Seme cheese wimpy little names, like iitig er Willis. ethers ept
te a pesitien ameng i.'Jith’s mest neble and vital denizens. Net unlike fer mere petent appellatiens, like Kriminy l-leeaafat er Lictitieus
the ence-lewly werms, they have emerged frem the filth and ruin ef tlurglemeister. It pretty much just depends en hew weird yeur parents
shattered civilisatiens te attain a majesty and vibrance undreamed by are.
their miserable ancesters.
Creaches are incredibly adaptive and can be feund almest
=-panywhere. Seme enjey pesitiens el high pewer, such as Eernieedd the Racist Edges and I-Iindrsnc.-es
Ertplumpinated, Bess ef New Derlquar, and Sultan Pepper, Severeign
lvlenarclt ef That Cine Place with All the Sand. Ctthers maintain their E fintennee: Creuches are able te use their antennae te help them
place among the lewiy, like the welH<;.'newn but inept muggerThugs|y get areund in the dark. Penalties fer bad lighting are halved {re1u1d
. ‘the Crunch, and the wandering hermit Greeble the Gripe, By and
1-1:. dewn).
.large, creaches are industrieus and eager peeple, perpetually seeking
te better themselves and te build a better life fer their larva.
I“-lc-t enly are creaches secially adaptive, they are alse ameng the Q Crunchy Shell: A creach‘s thick eiteskeleten gives him a +1
mest resilient and gristly ef Dith's denizens. Their teugh eiteskeletens Teughness benus. They melt in yeur mettth, net in yeur hand.
Jawvide them with natural armer and their extremely efficient
__: digestive systems aliew thern te derive sustenance frem just abeut '3 Multiple Limbs: lvlest creaches have feur arms and twe legs.
a.nj,Ftl1ing. Fer seme reasen, creaches are extremely fend ef the feces ef A creach may attack with a weapen in each hand, altheugh the nermal
-. ‘I

"1':, ether creatures, censidering it a delicacy te be savered. Taverns and multi-actien penalties apply. Seme creaches, hewever, are bern with
restaurants werldwide cater te this engressment, which deesrft much enly twe arms. Such creaches may cheese ene free Edge.
bether the ether resident beings, censidering what a crap hele the rest
ef the planet is. hlething wreng with a little pee new and then, I never
'3 Gullet cif Steel: Creaches are able te digest and derive
nutritive sustenance frem any nen-peiseneus erganic matter.

(reaches came in -a huge v'a'r;_i_ety:E.-at‘ sites. Sen-is are enly a yert er twe tall, but rnest are about Five er si:I_,_
’rl\E. Shel-.3ebliI\

"Yeu might, think he's the Beegie Man, but he's snet."
-Seme guy whe thinks he's funny (but he's ne[)

The Lew Dewn

Vile and ugly, hercs are cruel and bellicese badasses whe came te
Clith frem the lands ef lvliddle Dith during the Time ef the Plush. These
warlike savages excel at vielence and pillage, censidering all ether
creatures as fedder fer hercish larders and slave pens. Generally
feared and despised by the ether denizens ef Clith, hercs are the swern
enelnies ef the smelves, their ancient adversaries even befere The
Great dripping strands ef phlegm-like mucus cever a herc’s
muscular frame, lending him the appearance ef semethin g plucked
frem the nese ef seine gigantic beast. His peinty head is aderned by
twe curved herns and his eezing carcass is usually centained within
filthy plates ef armer and decerated with the griaaly trephies ef past
The supreme embediment ef hercish values are a greup ef acalets
knewn as the Beegie Knight's. These warriers travel Ivtetha Uith.
spreading vielence, ruckus, and ether hercish ideals wherever they ge.
l‘~.lebedy much cares fer the E‘.-eegie Knights, and with geed reasen:
they really kind ef suck.
Cine interesting, and censiderably disgusting, talent pessessed by all
hercs is knewn as gnrgitatfeii. A gurgitating herc may swallew a
quantity ef material and then herc it up at a later time. Hercs are
knewn te stere e:r.:l'ra weapens, clams, feed, and just about anything
else in their gullets fer later use. [if ceurse, whatever is swallewed
cemes back up cevered in disgusting slime, but that is ef little
censequence te a herc.

Altheugh hercs rarely pursue the arts ef hecus pekery and ether
arcane practices, they kick butt with weapens ef all serts. l'*~Jething
makes a herc happier than lepping the schnea frem a smelf’s face with
a barbed machete er gathering ingredients fer a delicieus srnelf tartar
with a razer edged battle speen. Yes indeed, hercs de leve their Racial Edges and Hindrances
weapenry, and mest ef them carry a small arsenal er twe wherever
they ge. Hercs are all abeut the buttkicking. '
E Buukicker: Because they are such badasses. all hercs receive
the Trademark Weiipen Edge fer Free, even if they de net meet the
Getting fileng with flthers Fighting er Sheeting requirement. Such is the nature ef Ihings.
In general, they den’t. Df ceurse, the evil nature ef hercs is mere a
guideline than a rule. As with all bread statements. there are
esceptiens. l-l_is|:ery is replete with tales ef hercs whe have fersakcn E Gun itutien: A herc may stere up te E yerts et material in its
their vile reputatiens te beceme herees and adventurers ef renewn. gullet per die et viger that it pessesses ['12 yerts at dii, ‘It’: yerts at d3,
Seine have even gene se far as te befriend their ancestral smeiven Eli yerts at dtfl. and 24 yerts at d'l2}. Clnly half ef the weight e*
enemies and jein in arms against their fellew hercs. Such aberratiens swallewed ebjects ceunts teward the teta] weight a herc can carry.
are rare, but they de, eccasienally, exist. When a here is feund with a Sharp ehjects must he sheathed er etherwise bundled te prevent
greup ef adventurers it is usually due te seme selfish desire en the part damage te the herc. Clbvieusly, swallewed ebjects must actually be
ef the herc and a need fer a streng swerd arm en the part ef the ether able te fit inside ei the herc in erder te he gurgitated. Living creatures
adventurers. can survive in a herc’s gullet as leng as they can held their breath.

Here Names E Slirny Bastard: Hercs are cevered in disgusting mucus. They
Hercs kick butt and they like yeu te knew it. Net surprisingly, they may take either the ‘slimy Edge er the Sticky Edge fer free. Alse, Hercs
eften cheese incredibly a1'regant and ebneszieus titles like "Big Elarn have a -1 Charisma penalty teward nen—hercs {-2 teward smelves}.
the Euttkicker", "lvlurdereus Meek the Cheek Chepper" and "Geela
Gutguz zler”. E Teugh has Mefe: Because they are such bullies and tc-ugh
guys, hercs begin play with a de ‘v"iger instead ef a d4. ‘fen wanna
fight abeut it?
"1l- I
- .'l'
' ‘ -vi. .I ."l
Herr rhymes with spark. which is t:Iin:|:Ien‘taI__'-ifirftc the iegenclary hurt lit-eagle a t-arbed,.$,-..
battle sptlrlt in combat I
assiggkerl __-_. -"L- d__. 1' gt‘ ; ' l

.-Ii. . .--r._,'
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_-fl- H I
.-‘HW- 'r-:.-.-- .1" -. ‘T: .1
p- 5'?





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3-L .1I-na. - Ir'|I.t


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we Imrcfi 4:I.1n|:¢.-rnplatu the luturu uf their .':i-t'l‘|4.£'I‘¢'lJ]'l p1'L:unur. Chuck uul: [he p_u_~.' in the back. he I'tEl:'_~'- a wumi U11 3 5l'iv:k.
' ""‘-L‘-‘Ta.-«ea-L.-I-.F-'."'l»-rel-I'-'?'--I"~- -I°'|-J-II!-e ¢*.5-3*-
. I

Whit; r-ms.t_hur:s. have plaqti-grade f¢e1:_n1h';t“-[mg _.t|}-1 rare specimens. in t|‘ri=.=. illustratinn,
26 -l"'
I‘. '
-I l I
: 1 ;r 1-

1-'-r-I-I ’

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- Fl-"'- Ir'-r



2--r I

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1-r.a-*~=-:ur'~Il."'IL -I F-'Ini"

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Bunny 5]i|:I].'H.-rs Ina]-t.L= n1L*IaugII.


..:,__ -"- '

_ ..
. - _
"I." - ‘f .-'_l r ;_

bunny I5». bunny 5hpp:r5_:,ar_u_:_.qu|1:e 5 more

_ _ _

Althaugh _nu_bI:Idy .- -i5;-;_qu1t:_ sure aha]...-. a popular fashionable 1:I-I.-.r.~r:.-.'_41‘:'.-.

I I ,|.rIILr -3." _ -' I :

__ _ . J . , _. _.a
’ff\e L:':T§'b\fl‘\ll€. “IE-uriglag
"Greetjn gs Oith creature. Take me Le Jreur leader.
I ceme in peas. Resistance is frugal.
Bend ever."
-Zelte Meenspawn

l» R The Lew Dewn Getting firleng with flthers
These crazy guys are the descendants ef ancient visiters whe came As leng as an eefe is allewed te fecus en her geals she can be quite
te Dith frem distant realms beyend the stars. Why anybedy weuld persenable. Clefes eften try te emulate their ancesters by feigning
want te visit this festering fecal meund we call heme is beyend my ignerance abeut the ways ef Clith and Dithlings.
imaginatien, but nevertheless, the truth remains. Pick up yeur shevel
and dig it, true believers. These fancy lights in the sky, the enes the
wisenheimers call stars, they aren't just fer shew. Seme ef them, se the
flefe Names
Defes, almest universally, are drawn te menikers that emphasize
ancient scriptures preclaim, are actually thriving centers ef industry,
. "5'~;.a:i:n
"* _ imerce and culture. The treuble is, nebedy’s visited them in their alien heritage. l"~lames such as "v'eltar, Kimzex, Zuzz, Zerle and
Ett are ameng the mest cemmen. Clrlezz, Xeeaimeea, and Visa: are
gaeilliens ef years and, as far as is knewn, visiters frem that neck ef the
metapherical weeds haven't ceme te Uith in millennia. These that did
alse pepular.
visit here eens age either fled befere The Flush er were stranded and
alaandened, eventually evelving [develving?) inte the celerful Racial Edges and Hindranees
spectrum ef eefes that grace eur turd meund te this day. Clefes may cheese three ef the fellewing Edges fer free:
Wl‘Iat de they leek like? Well, eefes in general are a pretty
handseme peeple. ‘vlariatiens abeund, but a few features are mere
cemmen than ethers. Grey er green skin, huge, bulging eyes, bald
3 Big ftss Eyes: The eefe gains a +2 te all l'-letice rells en acceunt
heads, IE'.!t'.pD5ECl brains, wiggly little antennae. luminescent fingertips
ef its huge peepers.
and slime cevered bedies are all familiar attributes. lvlest eefes are
bipedal and stand upright, but etzceptiens are net uncemmen. Despite E Brainiae: The eefe is psychic. He has the Arcane Backgreund,
"H't'eir ebvieus differences, it is eftentimes difficult fer merenic Elementalist Edge.
imbeciles te tell the difference between a bedul and an eefe. The
fellewing rhyme, while undeniably prurient, is a helpful, if semewhat
effensive, device te that end:
9 Gtewy Finger ef Leve: Such an eefe can use his glewing
finger te heal anyene he teuches {even himself}. He can heal twe
weuncls each day fer each die ef Spirit he pessesses.
If Lynn be cenfust-tl. 'l'.:nni_ what it strange being be

I-ifltIpi1_s[t'uuscrs.t|1t|scc wt:-.t1f_yeu see.

E Ubsessed: The eefe is ebsessed with anything having te tie
If under i|_s sl~tir1_ nn ven[_yeu de sgy
with his ancient ancesters. His fecus ef attentien gives him a +2 benus
'['l1en'Lh;1[gu_y’s:in nnln. they Incl»: a brewn gyc. te any rells made te understand, eperate. lecate, identify, repair.
medify, fight with, er etherwise manipulate ancient eefe artifacts.
Yeu see, eefes are extremely efficient eaters, able te cempletely
censume whatever feed they deveur. Therefere, they have ne use fer E flddvisien: Seine eefes can see in visible spectra invisible te
the e:-tcretery apparatus pessessed by ether creatures and are thus ethers. Such eefes are able te see in the dark, ignering all penalties fer
unequipped with such an erifice. Because ef this anatemical absence, insufficent lighting cenditiens. They can alse see threugh feg, mist,
many eefes pessess an inherent fascinatien with the hindquarters ef and ether such ebstructiens.
ether creatures. This may be a reminiscence ef ancestral days ef prebes
and expleratery surgery, er perhaps just a sick perversien enjeyed en
a pandemic scale. G Starry Wisdem: The eefe is uncannily wise. He speaks
Rectal fascinatien aside, eefes are generally a fecused and diligent cryptically and with a garbled sentence structure. He alse begins play
l"‘peeple, semetimes setting incredible geals fer themselves and with a dlfr Smarts instead ef a dd.
labs-ring fer a lifetime te see them threugh. Due ef the mest cemmen
eefe ambitiens is the cellectien and understanding ef the wendreus Q Sling’: The eefe exudes slippery eeze frem semewhere. It has
artifacts left behind by their alien ancesters, perhaps with the eventual the Slimy Edge.
ebiective ef leaving this puddle ef muck behind and returning te their
..- primerdial helneland.
Elf ceurse. whatever magics er technelegies allewed the primeval '3' Sticky: An eefe like this has serne sert ef geeey mucus ceating
eefes te travel threugh space were lest leng age. Relics and remnants its bedy. It has the Sticky Edge.
ef the ancient eefes are e-ccasienally feund, but se far, with very few
-eitcepiiens, even the cleverest wisenheimers den't knew crap abeut E Xenemerphie flqyaielegy: The eefe may alter its shape in
hew te make them werk. erder te assume the physical ferm ef anether being ef reughly the
same size. The disguise dees net affect the eefe’s veice er scent, ner
Serappin‘ dees it cenfer any additienal racial Edges er Hindrances. A suspicieus
Clefes are net typically a vielent greup, but if hindered in their geals being whe views the thusly disguised eefe may make a l'-letice rell at
they can be quite feisty. -4 in erder te recegnize the scam.


This page dees _r:-u:I‘l have a pitturle an it. '_.:'n:_Irry"'baut that. l iheught you might want were Edge choices ire-ste_a_ge.
"Ok, this is going a little too far.
,5 creature made out of poo;
you must be an idiot.
What are you, four years old?"
-feeo the Defecator

Tfxe. Cpnkanimaked

The Low Down

Living hulks of magically animated waste, piles are the offspring
and byproducts of a1'cane contanimation, the mystical science that
allows contaminators to make living hulks of magically animated
waste. Files are basically festering heaps of biological trash, given life
and sentience through arcane means. Among the rarest of Dith’s
sentient beings, they are generally adventurous and bold, attempting
to make the most of the bastardised version of life given to them.
‘v"agarious and inquisitive by nature, most piles spend their lives in
an endless search for fresh diversions and experiences. Thus, they are
perfectly suited t'o lives as adventurers, explorers, mercenaries, and
wandering heroes.
in aspect and countenance piles vary greatly. lvlost are vaguely
bipedal in form, composed of a mass of biological waste material {dead
things, poo, etc...) with random bits of chemical and nukular matter
thrown in for effect. Generally large and bulky, piles are incredibly
strong and durable. Their gooey body mass allows them to heal very
quickly, even storing weapons and objects in their bulk by stabbing
themselves and allowing the wound to heal around the thing. l-lere’s
the thing. the actual living part of a pile is located quite a distance
beneath its viscous shell. The surrounding goop itself is malleable and
dense, providing a degree of natural armor to the pile and giving him
a weapon that is always at hand. Dig this, piles can actually tear
chunks of goo from their bodies and hurl it at their enemies. Such goo
does little physical damage, but can temporarily blind or disorient an
opponent. I mean, who can think clearly with a big chunk of
radioactive poo stuck to his face?
The arcane mysteries that create piles are understood by very few.
There is a profound difference in sapience and permanence between
actual piles and the contanimatronic minions and other such beings
summoned and created by the contanimator's art. In fact, the creation
of a pile is most often accidental. resulting from an extremely rare
combination of unknown factors. It is the supreme goal of many
contaminators to unravel this mystery and discover the secrets of pile
creation. Rsoisl Edges 35 Hindrsnoes

Serappin‘ E Dense 35- Chewy: Since piles are covered in a thick layer of
Piles, perhaps due to their impatient nature, don't mess around filth, they gain a +1 bonus to Toughness.
when it comes to fighting. They go for the throat and try to get things
over with as quickly as possible.
Q Goo Flingin : A pile is able to harmlessly rip chunks of goo
from his body and throw them at his enemies. The pile uses hi
Getting with Dthers Throwing skill and can hurl a chunk of goo up to three yorts {3"} per-
their orrid appearance {and even more horrid odor), most die of Strength {no range penalties}. A target hit by the goo must make
piles are friendly, outgoing, and gregarious, at least at first. Get on a Vigor roll or be blinded for one round plus one round for each raise
their bad side and they'll mess you up without a second thought. You on the piles Throwing roll.
see, piles cherish every minute of their lives and they don't have time
to waste on complicated decision making. They aren’t stupid, just
impulsive. Quick to anger, they are just as quick to forgive. 3 Msllesble: The disgusting coating that surrounds a piie's frame
is thick and malleable. As a result, a pile has little use for scabbards,
sheaths, pouches and the like. He can simply stab a weapon or object
File Names into his goo and allow HIE minor wound to heal and form a natural
Files often choose names that give themselves a sense of purpose. holder. This causes only negligible damage to the pile. A pile can"'
Such monikers as The Fool Pitier, The Stompinator, Finsto the Quill, thusly store up to five pounds of material per die of Vigor.
and Feco the Defecator have been reported.

E Eurliy fellow: Files begin with a do Strength rather than a d4,

since they are such strapping lads and lasses.

g; I.

'I"Ifl'|1l'."_ It 5 true that piles are made of pan. they also runtaln many |t'gF|:|£tl|I!|'I'i5._,_llll$'l'. hate them |.~ue,§_au5e_tl'1e'_-,- re beautiful
I I 1- I l—_. I I

utherfifllthy 2
' .‘-'|'‘'-..
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l‘''' 2-:




l. ,. .: _.I

..1.l H

1. ... i. _1r.-l _. I _.Il_. ,. _l-.|

l.I LI. .I l.I .

.1.‘-I .“

. ._. . i.

-J. .H-

. .i_.-I. l.I



.1.- _l. iflu£I.1


.i l_. _ ._. .

_I.l_F._ _.

Files are mine ]:rrL*l't:.' v.Ji5gu5fi.I1g guys. but I‘11E}' jLlE-it want to tn: [uved like t“o."L’T_'n.’[1IlE 1:152.

M j ._ .
- :.._.l..|rfI...1w

.4 HI. .

"I-'_|'H_:; m_:r5'h-.:t.'farr=uu5I:5'|: pile oi all _i5; ‘t_h5 ._g._uJr name‘ H-1

M GM m mu .._....l W
.__u Ln .1.-."_ ..J 9. H m.

I‘3 11 1}

E ;
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.q|a._n-—a.v |q.n ;.n-a1_,.fi‘;1$._j-


A gaggie uf E-I'I'!I.3'I'I.’L".5 kick t1'II: .155 uf a vile hurt.

%mw-w“ ‘H -.1‘ -&HIF!'*':+ . it
. _*
_ “I G“: -
Srneiwzs are originaliy from Hiddle. CI-ith Hanna |-:n:I_uu_«¢*_[n1:rrv: about H'n:II:He Dith? HI: tm:r.,_E-u ' E'|}D'EI copies of 1: is F’ can _‘[I:I make mare.
£-_H¢ cunvi: h:r
kmoyiag Livlcl-.le. $a5£ard-3
"La la la la la la. La la la la la.
What [he #@$3-r dees that mean?
Make seme #@3$%'n sense Jreu idietsl"
-Cretehelgy Smelf

Smelvish architecture is eften replete with decerative elements,

such as brilliant gargeyles, waterspeu ts, feuntains, flying buttresses,
and magnificent sculptures. Smelves whe dwell eutside ef cities and
tewns eften inhabit the hellewed shells ef giant fungi.
Despite their talents fer architecture and ether citified pursuits,
mest smelves are great levers ef the wilderness and eften inhabit the
far frentiers ef the werld. They can be feund anywhere frem tending
creps ef fungus between the tees ef the incredibly Huge lviensterfll te
wrangling cheese leeches in the lvleenular Cheese Fields.

Smelves, despite their tiny size, can be quite reseurceful
cembatants. A faverite technique is te nesebleat eut ef range and then
hurl death upen their enemies with slingshets and spears.

Getting Mung With Uthers

Smelves generally get aleng well with mest ether beings, except
hercs, whem they despise.

Smelf Names
Smelves are all derks, They cheese names fer themselves based en
an aspect ef their persenality er their jeb, such as lvlurderer Smelf,
Pimp Smelf, Sexy Smelf, and Brewn hleser Smell. Seme just use an
all iterative nense nse werd, such as Sm erlrle Smelf er Smudgeen Smelf.
it's all really rather silly.

The Lew flewn

Smelves, ridiculeusly beschneaaed little guys, came te eur werld Raeial Edges 31,- Hinclranees
, "" _em the mythic lands ef lvliddle Dith during the Time ef the Flush,
._ fleeing the tyranny ef their malicieus herc adversaries. This preved te Q Nasal Targeting: A smelf’s schnea makes a wenderful natural
be a bad decisien, since the hercs simply fellewed them here, but what targeting site, as a result, smelves add +2 te all Sheeting and
ean yeu de? Threwing rel is,
in general, a smelf is a shert, slender sert ef fellew {er fellette] with
the biggest henkin’ nese a being’s likely te see, Smelves are extremely
preud ef their predigieus prebescises, eften pelishing them with B Nimble Little Guys: Due te their small statutes and lisseme
earwaa and scented eils and adernin g them with jewelry and ta ttees, physiques, smelves begin with a de Agility rather than a da.
Net enly is a sme|f's nese the decerative fecal peint ef its ceuntenance, Cenversely, they may net begin play with a Strength greater than dfl.
it is alse the seurce ef many ef a sme|f’s special talents,
Net surprisingly, smelves have a very pewerful sense ef smell. They E Nesebleatjng: A smelf with a ‘figer ef d-El er higher is able te
Share mere attuned tn the smellements, these neirieus and beauteeus inflate her nese te such gigantic prepertiens that she can actually fleat
essences that make up the eders and fragrances ef the universe, than abeve the surface ef the flith, A smelf can rise abeve the greund and
are ether beings. This, ceinbined with their sensitive and clever nature, hever a distance ef ‘Ill yerts [iii feet) fer each "v'iger die abeve as [ll]
makes them supremely adapted te the path ef the smellcaster. yerts at dtl, Ell yerts at dill, 3'1) yerts at di 2). Nesebleating can enly lift
Srneiven smellcasters are a valuable additien te any adventuring a smelf vertically; it dees net ailew heriaental er diagenal metien,
-greup er serccreus cenclave. {Since a smelf is airberne she is at the mercy ef the wind. Additienally,
A further talent develeped by certain smelves is the bizarre practice a smelf must plug her nestrils in erder te nesebleat, which pretty
knewn as nesebleating. an elf skilled in nesebleating is able te inflate much limits her te enly ene hand unless she uses a pair ef cerks er
his schnea, by inhaling deeply threugh his nestrils, te such a degree similar plugs, A nesebleating smelf can hever indefinitely as ieng as
that it becemes bueyant in air and actually allews the smelf te levitate her nestrils remain plugged. Dbvieusly a smelf’s sense ef smell is
er hever abeve the greund, A nesebleating smelf usually carries a pair useless when nesebleating.
ef cerks with which te plug his nestrils and extend the duratien ef the
What smelves lack in physical stature, they mere than make up fer E Sehne: Le Be Bleekened. With: A smelf’s nese is bulbeus
in reseurcefulness and ingenuity. Smelves are renew ned as architects and rubbery. As a result, all smelves have a +2 armer benus against
and inventers, respensible fer many ef the mest bizarre and intriguing attacks te the head, Smelves alse gain a +4 benus te all l."-letice rells in
rnenuments and structures te be feund threugheut Mutha Dith, which the sense ef smell is a facter.

The ancestral father bf all smelves is ‘the my‘l:l:ieal_F_:ppy ‘lirnelf. The‘ Fuegislt believe Peppy lirnelf and the Mess Bess are ‘the '_5:me_,_-guy.
_ .-_r
.-I" .q...
"W'ell, it isn't a werm. It isn't a ereaeh. It isn't a bedul..."

The Lew Dewn

-Himiniy feet, Bedul Wisenheimer

Back in the day, according te the wisenheimers, when the

Heemanrace still ruled the planet, strange and wendreus animals
reamed the lands and seas ef primeval Ditli. Such an amazing
diversity ef ferms and types existed as te blew the mind ef even the
meat willful dementalist. ll.-“lest ef these guys are extinct new, gene the
way ef the I-leemanrace, but their ancesters remain. Well, net exactly
their ancesters, but semething like that. E‘-‘ig this, A Really Leng Time
Age, the Primerdial Seup Kitchen was created, se say the eldsters, te
catalegue and stere the genetic crap frem all the animals ef Clitli, and
eventually use this stuff te repepulate the Ctith in the event seme
cataclysm killed everyene. We all knew that such a cataclysm (several,
in fact] eccurred, but what was net reckened was that the Primerdial
Seup Kitchen itself weuld be damaged in the ruckus. Well, that’s what
happened anyway and when the chefs and wine stewards and
waitresses get back te werk they screwed up everybedy's erder. The
animals were put back tegether incerrectly, resulting in the bizarre
hybrid beings knewn as tizn'ts.
Every tizn't is different, being a mix ef several ef the animals that
reamed ancient Ditli back in the day. C‘-‘ne tizn‘t fer example, might
have the head ef a leng necked leaf muncher, the bedy ef a feathered
running thing, the arms ef a scaly green tree climber, and the tail ef a
plumed shew-eff beid. The specific names ef these ancient animals are
lest te the anus ef histery, but the wisenheimers ef teday find spert in
speculating what the censtituent pa1'ts ef a tizn't might have ence Racial Edges and Hindrances
leeked like en a cemplete beast.
Tizn'ts themselves are eften quite intelligent', gifted with a sapience
Q Hybrid: Each tizn’t is a bizarre cembinatien ef three er mere
rarely feund in lesser animal ferms. Like beduls, Tizn’ts tend te be
animals frem ancient Ditli. The exact mixture is different fer every
extremely idiesyneratic, which makes a classificatien such as this ene
tizn’t, se it is up te the player te decide the nature ef his character.
very difficult te generalize. If there is ene trait that can be said te
]ust abeut any animal is usable, even dinesau1's and ether critters
universally describe a tizn’t it is individuality. Ne twe a1'e alike, ner
frem ‘Way Eaek in the Day. The Tizn’t Edges and Hind ra nces chesen
weuld they want te be. Tizn' ts are unique, and they like it that way.
sheuld reflect the physical nature ef the animals chesen. Fer
example, if yeu want gills, yeu sheuld prebably have the head ef a
Serappirfl fish er eel, and if yeu want te have an extended jump, yeu sheuld_
Since every tizn't is diffe1'ent, they all have different techniques and have the legs ef a kanga1'ee er a rabbit er semething like that.
styles when it cemes te fighting. These pages den't previde eneugh Since every tizn't is unique, it is impessible te quantify every
space te list them all, se use yeu: imaginatien. single pessible Edge er Hind1'ance they might have. Players are
enceuraged te create new enes based upen the creatures ef ancient
Ctith. ln general an Edge sheuld give a tizn't a +2 benus te ene er_
Getting fileng with flthers mere Skills. an extra die fer ene attribute, er effe1' a new ability, such
Tizn’t eften prefer te ferm cemmunities ef their ewn, where their
as censtrictien, a mildly venemeus bite, sharp quills, natural arrner,
individual uniqueness is respected and appreciated. By and large they
lew light visierI.. gills, a prehensile trunk, etc... A Hindrance migh -'
tend te get aleng with ether species, as their distinctive natures make
restrict an attribute te a certain die, give a penalty te ene er mere
them especially accepting ef ethers. They den't usually like hercs,
Skills e1' attributes, er effer a restrictien such as requiring that the
since the snetgeblin’s destructive and cenfermist nature effends their
tizn'ts skin remain meist, that she eat every heur, er that her
independent sensibilities.
elephantine 1'u1np restricts her mevement in enclesed spaces. Every
Tizn't begins with twe Tizn't Edges and may take as many Tiz:n’t
'_‘['izn'[ Names Hindrances as they like, adding anethe1' Edge fer each Hindrance.
As every tizn’t is a unique entity, se tee is her name. ]ust abeut
anything can be a menike1' fer a ti.zn't'. Fameus tizn’ts ef nete include
Q Dbjeet of faseir1at_ien:Tiz11'ts are ene ef the few links te
internal Cembustien Engine, a snail headed fellew frem New
the ancient days ef the Heemanrace left en Dith. As such, they are
Clerlquar, Asparagebster Fremage ef the lvleenular Cheese Fields,
eften pursued by anneying wisenheimers trying te unravel the"
Pickle Head Frankenfertress ef Scab, Eleerq Snezzleweiner ef Fleem,
secrets ef the universe and whatnet. This sert ef thing is par fer the
and Reputus ll».-“lerkle Earbenze the Semewhat Less Than Sane, whe
ceurse fer tizn'ts and they have pretty much grewn te expect it. Still,
lu1'ks in the gutters ef Ageg talking te trash bins and writing endless
it can be pretty irritating te be peked and stared at by a bunch ef
leng divisien en the castle walls.
freaks with magnifying lenses and measuring tapes.

-229;. -
r F

TI:n’ts are burn as adults. They havéwne memories of 1 thIIu:l|inad'_mir any tee: _a mystery-..
érnmlgheifilthey -:am'e‘;’i_It1g

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. - '
'|'».|'errr-1. are
technically? h'ermaph_{:§3Ti|:. _b_ut

* i
individuals usually

4» -5“ ‘*-»=~.....-«
-I _n
fin kmxelidical lllimcl

"Ours is a history of valor. a tale of great triumph

and epic heroism. for we. once among the lowliest
of all Clitlfs creatures. now reign supreme!
‘Well, if not supreme then at least somewhere near
the top. Ok. maybe not the top. but we at least
rate somewhere. and not at the bottom either.
I betI could kickyour butt."
-Gorsho Lo:-todentist. The Great Bend Werm

Worms are pretty tough fighters. Their dense. rubbery skin resists
many attacks and their slimy coils are quick and supple.

Getting Nong With flthers

Werm culture is as varied and as vast as their morphology. being
very adaptive fellows. they are able to fit in with most civilized beings.
adjusting easily to changing situations and new cultures. This is not to
say that werms do not form their own societies. just that they are
generally welcome in the cities and towns of other beings.

Werm Names
Werms tend to adopt the naming conventions of whatever culture
in which they happen to be at the time. it is not unusual for a werm to
change his name on a daily basis to reflect his current mood or to
glorify a recent deed or achievement. in worm known as lvlullig the
Meek today might call himself Trullig the Terrible tomorrow. You
never can tell with these guys.

Racial Edges and Hindranees

Q Eurrowin : werms are really good at digging. They can plow

their way throug loose dirt at one half of their normal movement rate.
with or without a shovel.

E Coiled Spring: Werms are either very nimble and smooth. or

they are thick and tough. as such. they start with a dti in either agility
I or Strength [your choice} instead of the usual d4.
_ "3 The Low Down
Not unlike many of Clitlfs creatures. werms rose from extremely
9 Low Light Vision: The strange eyes of werms allow them to
humble beginnings to become a vibrant and vital contributor to the
see well even in dim or darkened environs. They ignore penalties for
planet’s ecology and culture. Derived from simple ancestors {soil for these conditions. although pitch darkness affects them (normally.
tillers. parasites and pathogens for the most part} the werms of today
-have risen froln the primeval mud to become mighty warriors.
brilliant hocus pokers. crafty merchants, and masterful weavers of art 3 Regeneration: Werms roll for natural healing every day.
and artifice. Diverse in form and strong of spirit, werms are very instead of every five days. Severed limbs can be reattached or
proud of their race’s history and accomplishments. regrown. It takes a number of days equal to twenty minus the werm‘s
Many werms are long and slender with smooth. segmented skin Vigor die to regrow a lost limb. Reattached limbs heal normally and
and a couple of pairs of limbs. Cltliers are flat and broad. relatives of are fully functional once the wenn is completely healed.
the dreaded cheese leeches that infest the Ivloonular Cheese Fields and
the luminescent glowwerms of Glowhio. Although most werms have
E Rubbeqy Skin: Werms have very thick, rubbery skin. It gives
arrns and legs. a few varieties lack one or the other of these e:-ttremities.
them a +1 bonus to Toughness.
The prehensile body of some werms makes this lack of limbs less of a
' detriment than one might suppose; their squirming coils are quite
capable of lifting and wielding objects and weapons. t-I

.30 . ‘l,raclit'rnn_ally
ltlie -nerd
. .
at a cl-erisive sneer, as
ll‘-_theL:-slpealter ha_s1__lr_ell'lg'i-:1‘-riggg-;E_:.r:_t-cg_«_1'Elern:-_r'1l'le-

‘T ‘.1.-"
H: . ' n
New Edgea Hindra nces,arHithat sottcrtthing
file Heardesaurus (miner)

"feu are ehsessed with cellecting thi_ngs.:.,£ _.II'

Yeur packets are always everflewing with‘

j. -


useless crap, but yeu just can't seem te let it

ge. What's yeur prehlern, anyway?

Inurnerate (rnajer)
Yeu have ahselutely ne cencept ef
numbers. Yen can't ceunl er de math ef any
kind. Teur hrairt just isn't wired that way.

Junkie (mgjer)
Yeu are majerly addicted te sernething. It
ceuld he just alaeut anything frem heeae t=.
levin’ ie Cheppirtg E-leck C'h.ili, hut if ye
den't get yeur fir: every day yeu suffer a -1
penalty te all trait re-lls. The Bees may decide
yeu can everceme yeur addictien semehew,
weuldn t ceunt
Egtitl if

Weirdness (Smarts)
New SKILLS With this skill a weirde is able te create all
serts ef crazy lhingamajigs, mahehs, wingles,
Centanimatien (Viger) whesarnawhataits, and deehickies. This skill
This skill allews a centanirnater te harness is used in cenjunclien with the ritrcane
and centrel the energies ef waste and filth. Backgreund {Weirde} Edge.
This skill is used in cenjunctien with the
Arcane Eiackgreund ftfentanimater] Edge.
Dementalism (Smarts)
This is the skill by which hrainy eefes Armless (majer)
perferrn feats ef amazement w i th the pewer el Suffering seeks. dude! ‘feu ain’t get ne
their minds. This skill is used in cenjunctien arms. ‘fee peer, peer guy. Unless yeu have
with the Arcane Backgreund {Uementalist} same mad psychic pewers er seme ether hedy
Edge. part that can cenipensate yeu are uut ef luck.
Take a -4 penalty en all tasks that require
I-Ielty Belling (Spirit) arms [such as lighting and clinttsingj unless
With this skill a hely teller is able te yeu have seme way te cempens-ate. we-ms
channel the divine energies granted by her with this Hindrance may take the Prehensile
deity {er self-delusien) inte magical spells and Eiedy Edge Fer free.
]:-ewers. This skill is used in cenjunctien with
the ritrcane Eackgreund {He|y Reller} Edge. Celerhlind (miner)
Yeu see everything in shades at grey. Celer
Heeus Peking (Smarts) is a mystery te yeu. yeu peer kid.
This is the wender werking skill ei the
hecus peker. This skill is used in cenjunctien Funny Leeking (miner)

with the I-"u'cane Backgreund [Hecus Peking} There’s just set-nething aheut the way yeu
Edge. leek that makes peeple laugh. lvlayhe yeur
antennae curl in a certain way, er yeur creme

il‘=l;~.-;l *7~'-
Smelleasting (Smarts) filling is an add shade ei purple. Witatever it
Smellcasters use this skill. in cenjunctien is yeu are censtantly giggled at and speken
aheut behind yeur haclt. its hard fer peeple te ._i

i viaiy
with the Arcane Elackgreund I[$n1elIcaster]
Edge te hamess the smellentental essence ef take yeu serieusly and as such yeu suffer a —'I —‘-*:--
. (I5:
the Dith. penalty ta all Charisma rails. ___q._’
Here's nether riddle: Hutu is :n.esepli:gatur lllce a rack? Hel_;e.“s the I:4t.t't-'I"EII"_§‘.'-ill IE igh eirfii ‘them tangcllmb trees.
_-_.; 1+


Iifitgless (major) Arcane Background (flontanimator)
Merciful Eaorglczarl You ain't got no legs! Requirements: Novice, Vigor dti+
You get a -4 penalty to any action that requires The Uith is a polluted, irradiated pile of
Agility and your Face is halved. {in the plus festering c1'ap. Luckily, characters exist who
side, you get a +2 bonus to Persuasion rolls are able to turn this to their advantage. A
‘-'-made while begging. Werms with this contanimator is a mystically trained being
Hindrance may take the Prehensile Body who is able to exploit the inherent magical
Edge for free. and radioactive emissions of various
biological, nukular, and toxic waste products,
from which he can manifest spectacular
illusions, inflict deadly diseases, and even
create magically animated minions.
The spongy, absorptive flesh of creme-
fillians makes them natural contanimators;
they gain a +1 bonus to all contanimation
fircane Background (lvleirdo)
Arcane Background (flementaflst) Requirements: Novice. Smarts da+
Weirdos are crafters of enchanted objects.
Requirements: Novice, Smarts dl:':+, Dofo
Just about anything can be imbued with
Although no oithly creature is able to
magical essences and weirdos are the ones
manifest psychic powers, some oofos have
who know how to do it.
this ability. With a mere thought and a bit of
concentration such an oofo can plumb the
depths of another being's mind, start fires, Bi3 Ass Feet,
Mistaken Identity (minor or mgjor) manipulate matter, wash his feet, throw stuff Requirements: i‘-.iovice. Bodul
"Hey, you look like...” Wherever you go and perform a whole host of other nifty acts. A bodul of this nature has huge floppy feet
people are always saying you look like with which he can stamp out small fires. Such
someone else. in this case it's someone bad. a bodul adds ‘I to his vertical and horizontal
Arcane Background (Hocus Poker) distance when jumping and +1 to damage
Maybe it's a notorious price—o—corn, a wanted
gangsta, an infamous bandit or a weIl—known Requirements: Novice, Smarts dl:i+ when kicking.
slag rust|er_ Whoever he is, you look like him l-locus pokers are wizards, sorcerers,
and people think you’rc him. This Hindrance magicians and just about anyone else who
uses the magic energy of her own body to cast Bounqy Behind
can be minor or major, depending on who
spelis. Hocus pokers don't need filth, Requirements: Novice. Bodul
"people think you are and how closely you ‘four massive rump absorbs damage from
resemble that person. religion, stinks or objects to perform their
magic; they get funky with their own bad falls and lets you bounce around like a rubber
selves. ball. Your vertical and horizontal jumping
Due Eye (minor) distance is increased by “I” and you take only
You have a -1 penalty to attack with ranged half damage from fails if you make a
weapons due to your lack of depth jlrcane Background (Holy Roller) successful agility check-
perception. This is not the same as a missing Requirements: Novice, Spirit dfi+
eye, you were only born with one eye. This Holy rollers are religious fanatics. Whether
Enhanced Senses
' Hindrance is only available to boduls, oofos, a Ieezle Freak, a Boorgleaarian, a ]emima's
Requirements: E‘~lovice
Witness or a follower of any of Dith's other
with this edge you gain a +2 to all Notice
'- bizarre faiths, this guy takes it way too far. So
r rolls due to your heightened sense of hearing,
far does he take it, in fact, that he is actually
Sort of Clueless (minor) able to manifest magical powers and abilities.
smell, taste, or vision. These bonuses stack
Huh? Your ignorance grants you a -1 with those for r-‘tlermess.
Wliether these gifts are granted
penalty to all Common Knowledge rolls.
providence of an almighty being or
harnessed by the power of self delusion. Extra Limb
Wuss {minor} there's no denying the might of a holy roller's Requirements: Novice, liodul or Tian't
‘i’au’re not a total coward, but you're faith. Each purchase of this Edge gives you one
additional arm or leg. An extra arm allows
,:_Guts checks. you to perform one extra physical action per
Atrcane Background (Smeflcaster) round. Extra actions are subject to the nonnal
Requirements: Novice, Smarts dfi+ -2 penalty per action. Extra arms are
New Entries
Smellcasters are able to coalesce the fetid considered to be off hands unless you have
and beauteous vapors of existence [the the lvlultidextrous Edge. Each extra leg adds
smellements} into magically charged It” to the your Pace. This Edge may be
stenches. By inhaling, or causing others to purchased multiple times.
Backs RDUND Eosss
inhale, these stenches a wide variety of
eldritch phenomena can occur. Not
There are six Arcane Backgrounds available irradiated
surprisingly, smelves make excellent
in Late Life: Contanimation, Dementalism, Requirements: Novice
smellcasters, gaining a +1 bonus to all
Hocus Poking, Holy Rolling, Smellcasting and Dude. you got closed! at some point in
Smellcasting rolls.
I Weirdness. Brief introductions to each follow your life you came into prolonged contact
r"- this paragraph. For more inforlnation about with residual fallout from the Time of the
Arcane Backgrounds, magic and religion flip
. - ‘A -
j'I_j Flush. Now you glow in the dark, which gives
_,._' 1
qr r _

{H jl '
your shiny butt ahead a few pages. L
i .u
enemies a +2 bonus when attacking you in the

dark, but you also gain a +2 bonus to all
Contanimation rolls.

For centuries the E-eagie Knights were ‘the guardians of evil and disorder across-Hutha l'.'li‘l:h. before the dark ‘times, before ‘Hie... naps; serry, geeli .rnameIi‘l:.
Multiclextrous Sfieky Contain‘ Enoss
Requirements: Novice, Agility dS+, 3 or Requirements: Novice, Horc, Dofo, File, or
more arms Werm
You ignore penalties for using any of your Gross! You are really sticky due to some
Pirnp Slap
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility dS+
off-hands, since all of your hands are equally sort of slime or mucus. Any small objects that
adept and you effectively do not have an hit you, like weapons, fists, or falling leaves,
You are a bully who likes to pick on people
smaller than you. You gain a +2 bonus to
off-hand. will stick to you unless the wielder makes a
attack rolls when fighting Small creatures
successful Strength roll. it is possible to be
both Sticky and Slimy.
{this effectively negates the -2 penalty for
Prehensile Body attacking small creatures, unless you are
Requirements: Novice, Bodnl or Werm Small, in which it's just a bonus]. You also get
Your body is all twisty and bendy. You gain Tentaoular a +1 attack bonus when fighting females, even
a +4 bonus to all Climbing rolls, as well as a +2 Requirements: Novice, Bodul, Tizn’t, or if you are a female. I'm telling your mother.
bonus to Agility checks made to escape brand s, Wenn
wiggle through small openings, or avoid You have mighty tentacles instead of arms.
falling. You can also use your body as an extra These bitchin' prehensile limbs give you a +2 Spit
Requirements: Novice, Agility dE:+, Eodul
limb, negating penalties for being Armless or bonus to Climbing and a +4 bonus when
Legless. A prehensile body is considered an trying to resist a disarm or similar maneuver.
or Horc A.

off-hand {unless you are Armless} and is You are especially good at expectorating.
affected by Ambidexterity and Multi- With one well placed gob you can temporarily
Tongue fu blind your opponent, effectively giving you the
Requirements: Novice, Agility dt3+, Eodul drop in the next round, assuming your target
or Tian't has eyes. Spitting has a range equal to your
Really Big Guy You have a really big prehensile tongue. It's Vigor in yo1'ts ["). For example, a horc with a
Requirements: Novice, not a smelf so big, in fact, that you can use it just like an
Due to your large size, you begin play with arm. Df course you can't talk when using it,
a as Strength instead of a d-’1. You may but you can fight with it, wield weapons,
pu1'chase your strength up to a d12+2. Edges scratch your back, or just about anything else
might raise this as high as d12+=5l. fin the an arm can do. A tongue is considered to be an
downside, creatures smaller than you gain +2 off-hand {unless you are Armless} and is
bonus to attack rolls against you. You are affected by Ambidexterity and lvlnltidexterity.
considered to be Large, as described by the
lvlonstrous Ability.
Twin, Evil
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, not a
Realty Small Guy tian’t, not evil
Requirements: Novice If you ever die [at least the first time you
You are the 1'unt of the litter. Your die, anyway), you are instantly replaced by
diminutive stature means that your Strength your evil twin from some sort of parallel
can never go above a dS. D11 the plus side, universe or something. He looks inst like you.
howeve1', you start with a tit} Agility instead of except he has a goatee and he's evil. Your evil
a d-1 and you may purchase your Agility up to twin knows everything you know, and has all
dl 2+2 (perhaps higher with Edges). You are the same traits and equipment. Essentially,
considered to be Small, as described by the you instantaneously grow a goatee and
lvlonstrous Ability, so creatures larger than become evil instead of dying.
you have a -2 penalty when attacking you..

Twin, Good
Robbery Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, not a
Requirements: Novice, Bodul or Werni tian’t, bad guy
Your body is dense and chewy. You gain a This is just like Twin, Evil except it's for bad
+2 bonus to Toughness against blunt weapons guys. Your twin does not have a goatee and he
and falls. acts in a sickeningly nice and sincere manner.
Pansy bastard.

Sag, aren'Lyou that one guy

Requirements: Novice Two~faoed
You resemble somebody cool. Wherever Requirements: Novice, Eodul or Tizn't
you go people point it out and treat you like Since you have two heads you can carry on
they would him. Sometimes you get free stuff, two simultaneous conversations, cast two
like food, lap dances, and socks. Exactly how verbal spells at the same time, or even eat two
this plays out is up to the Boss. meals at once. You lucky dawg.

Requirements: Novice, Dofo, File or Werm
You are a slick mutha! Your body, or at
least some part of it is covered in a glistening
coat of mucus, ooze, or some other
protoplasmic goo. You are really slippery so
you gain a +4 bonus to your Strength when
opposing a grapple.

Ijlllflliligor can spit ten feet. Spitting causes no Pgwgg EDEES

damage, counts as an action, lasts for one
round and uses the Shooting skill for its attack
roll. If you hit your victim and get a raise, you Contanimaster
get the drop on your target in the next round. Requirements: Veteran, Vigor dll]+,
Arcane Background l:{:iJIll‘flI1l.llilEll‘Dl':I
Your Power Point e:cpenditure is
LDDQEJ’ Hawker halved {round up} when creating
RE‘-l“l1'EmE“l'5i 5"35'5P“'-“fir SP“ . .
T9” "'3' 19113” require 3- Hi5’? [9 ' '
t the dro on an opponent when - -' '-
Esitting. SpFitl:ing no longer counts .'
asanaction for you. L?
- = ~= I .- ‘ - Requirements: Novice. ‘vigor dB+. Arcane Background {Sme|lcaster}
The smellemental reeks coalesced by smellcasters are usually stored in
bottles. jars. and similar airtight receptacles. Not so for the reek repository.
With this Edge you are able to indefinitely store one reek somewhere upon
your person, such as in your armpit, navel, or any other bodily orifice. and
release it as you would any other reek. Elnce a reek is released, it performs
its function and then dissipates as usual.
This Edge may be purchased multiple times. allowing the storing of reeks
in multiple orifices.


The following Professional Edges are modified thusly when used in l.-arr:
Life: Champion and Holy I Unholy Warrior require Arcane Background
{Holy Roller] instead of Arcane Background [tvliracles], Wiaarcl requires
Arcane Background {Hocus Poker} in place of Arcane Background {lvlagic}.
lvir. Fir: it requires Arcane Background {weirdo} instead of Arcane
Background [Weird Science}. and Mentalist requires Arcane Background
{Dementalist} instead of Arcane Background [Psionics]. In all instances
Faith is replaced by Holy Rolling, Spellcasting is replaced hy Hocus Poking.
Weird Science is replaced by Weirdness, and Psionics is replaced by
Elementalism. it may seem silly» but its a flavor thang, y'all wouldn’t

Boogie Knight,
Requirements: Novice. Horc, Fighting d8+
The Boogie Knights are an elite force of horc warriors dedicated to
spreading horcish values and customs across the Clitli. Since one of the
prime horcish values is the destruction of all things smelvish, Boogie
Knights gain -a +2 bonus to attack rolls against smelves. As ercemplary
specimens of horcishness, Boogie Knights have a +2 bonus to Charisma
when dealing with other horcs and can usually count on free booee in any
tavern in Agog.

Requirements: Novice. Spirit dB+, Arcane Background [Holy Roller]
Boorgleearians are worshippers of the cosmic dung beetle Boorgleaar,
who rolled the Clith from the crop of creation when time began. The
scriptures say that Boorglerrar has many faces. encompassing and
epitornieing a wide variety of aspects. occupations. and mannerisms. As
representatives of their deity, followers are expected to develop a number of
diverse talents and abilities. To this end. a devout Boorgleearian with this
Edge gains a +1 bonus to any three Skills of her choice.

Giggilgr Gigger
Requirements: Novice, Fighting dti+, Tracking clB+
Giggities are rumored to be the scouts and messengers of the Primordial
S-oup Kitchen. They Hitter about collecting thoughts. emotions, and genetic
material to. presumably, take back to their masters, who use the gathered
essences fer all serts ef nefarieus and fer its intended purpese. Hely Rellers with Secnti. Enees
ingenieus recipes, cencectiens, and culinary this Edge gain a +'I te all Hely Relling reils.
and nutritive delights.
When a ggity cellects its beunty, its aspect Cempensating fer Semething
Heink Requirements: blevice
and demeaner change te reflect the gathered
Requirements: hlevice, Spirit clti+, Fer seme reasen, whenever yeu are helding
essence. Giggers are hunters whe specialize in
Fighting dIb+ a large weapen {semething with a weight ef 5
the live capture ef giggities and the remeval ef
Hainks are beings deputized by the er higher] in yeur hand yeu gain a +2 benus te
their acquired essences. Witli a successful
leadership ef a specific realm te maintain the al] Spirit reils.
Smarts rell a gigger is able te 1'emeve the
peace, capture villains, er etherwise tie the
pu1'leined essence stelen by a captured
bidding ef the law. Each heink carries a badge
giggity and abserb that material inte himself. Smeeve
af seme sart that marks him as such and
The effect lasts fer a number ef heurs equal te Requirements: hlevice, Smarts d1fl+,
entitles him te make arrests, interregate
the gigger's "v'iger die. Spirit dfi+
suspects, cieputiee ethers, and elsewise
Fer example, imagine if yeu will, a giggity Yeu are se slick yeu ceuld sell diapers te an
upheld the law. A l-lc-ink whe is caught
has gathered a sample ef genetic material eefe. "_'feur seductive, fast talking ways gain
breaking the law will mest likely be stripped
frem a giant sleg. In deing se, the giggity has yeu a +2 benus te Gambling, lntimidatien,
at his badge, but may be tertured er
grewn in size and develeped a fluffy hide and and Fersuasien rells. The benus enly applies, _
imprisened instead, subject te the laws ef the
distasteful creme filling. A hit later en, Trepe in situatiens where yeu are trying te cen er
realm in which he serves.
Wanker, a wermish giggity gigger hunts cheat semeene, er sell er trade semething.
dewn and captures this particular giggity.
Llsing tecluiiques knewn enly te giggers, flbsessulen
T1'epe remeves the sleg essence frem the Requirements: hievice, Ciefe Wetite Erie es
giggity [retuming it te its eriginal and abserbs Cibsessulens are eefes ebsessed with the
it inte himself. Trepe then takes en part ef the artifacts left behind by their ancient ancesters. Animal Magnetism
sleg aspect, gaining a bit ef size and the slugs By spending an actien in cencentratien, an
Requirements: hlevice
hide and creme filling. A gigger may abserb ebsessulen can make a Netice rel] te faintly Fer seme uneitplained reasen animals
ene trait {randemly determined by the Bess} detect the presence ef an eefe artifact within a
really dig yeu. Any creature with an’ _
fer a success and each raise en the Smarts rell. big yert [a mile} ef his persen. He can tell if the intelligence [deneted by an [A] after Smarts in
device is nearby, but net its precise lecatien. its statistics] must make a Spirit rel] befere it
Further, ebsessuiens gain a +2 br:-nus te can bring itself te harm yeu. Dnce it makes its
iiinewiedge reils made te determine the
Requirements: hlevice, Spirit d3+, Arcane 1'ell, er if yeu attack it, it is free te try te de
preper usage ef such relics. I" _
Eackgreund [Hely Reller} whatever it wants te yeu. ‘feu alse gain a +1
As wershippers ef the ancient Hee1nan- benus te Riding.
1'ace, Heemanitarians with this Edge gain a +2 Srnellementalisi;
benus te all I-lely Relling 1'elIs made when in Requirements: hirivice. Arcane Backgreunii
fish Breath
centact with a Heeman1'ace artifact er en the {Srneiicaster}, Smellcasting d8+ Requirements: bievice, ‘tfiger d1fl+,
greunds ef a I-leemanrace settlement er Smellementalists are smellcasters whe have Spirit db, Swinuning dlfl
structure. taken their art a step further. Due te their l den't knew why, but yeu semehew
special cennectien with the primerdial spentaneeusly develeped the ability le breath
smellements, smellementalists are able te
jeezle Ere ak underwater iust as easily as yeu can en land.
regain half ef the Fewer Peints spent en reek ‘t’eu den't have gills {necessarily} and it's net
Requirements: Nevice, Spirit d8+, Arcane
cealescing at the nermai rate (rr.-unri up). The magic {prebably) but yeu can de it anyway.
Backgreund [Hely Reller}
ether half are regained immediately when the
jeezle Freaks are fellewers ef an ancient lviaybe it was semething yeu ate, er a strange
reek is released, as usual.
deity wershipped by members ef the disease yeu didn‘t knew yeu had. Alse, yeur
antediluvian Heemanrace. All hely rel lers breath stinks pretty badly. "feu get a -1
with this Edge must take at least ene sacred Stanismist, penalty te Charisma when talking te semeene
clese eneugh te smell yeu. '
vew (silence, chastity, peverty, set'vitude, Requirements: Nevice, Spirit clS+
etc...}. The hely 1'elle1' is swern te abide by the Stan is the lerd nf deceit, perversien, and
vew. Fer each vew taken, the hely reller gains avarice. His fellewers are greedy, lustful, filthy Mefe
a +1 benus te his Hely relling rells. Breaking a sneaky, and cruel. Because they are se vile,
Requirements: hlevice,
vew is censidered a miner sin [see page EU) evii reensters take an instinctive shine te Viger dE:+
altheugh persistent e1' blatant infractiens may Stanismists. Evil beasts {determined by the ‘feu are ene disgusting
rate as majer er even tnertal sins. Bass] wen’t attack a Stanismist unless
dude! Yeur bedy is cevered in
crusty dirt and flies censtantly circle yeur
jernitn-1's Witness head and nether regiens. Great dripping ge r
Requirements: blevice, Cremefillian, ef filth and muck cling te yeur grimy buttecks
Spirit d8+ and yeur clethes stink ef raw
Ancient artifacts ef the l-leemanrace depict sewage- This unpleasant sell
primerdial cremefillians reduced te a reappears within heurs if yeu ever
pewdery ferm and stered in lJfl1if.E5, enly te be take a bath, semehew attracted te
recenstituted and used fer varieus nefarieus yeu en a prime] level. It's aimest
pu1'peses by their Heemanrace slavemasters. impessible fer yeu te sneak up en
The religieus erder ef the ]emima’s Witnesses anybedy with a nese.
vew that this shall never happen again, se There’s a geed side te all this, hewever. The
they aim te destrey all vestiges and relics ef layers ef filth afferd yeu a natural +1 armer»,
the Heemanrace, destreying them upen benus and the unnatural eder gains yeu a +1
blazing altars ef sacrifice. A character with benus te Smellcasting. Df ceurse, yeu get a -1
this Edge gains a +2 benus te defend against, penalty te yeur Charisma, but seme might
parry, er resist the effects ef any relic ef the argue that's a small price te pay.
l-leemanrace, whether er net it is being used

It rr-ay seer-1, tn the uninitiated, the tlassrfiratlfirei Edges is 1_ag3a'Ta“"::.i

sari-e-n-hat arhitr-ary.i|'ii|iy"is ene av Paw.-er I"‘F.'-"I" a ‘Neirl:l'E:lge?. Duly -ti-eergieiar knee-s..
',__|__.. ' '1
Freak fleenrenee Magnet
Requirements: Nevice
it’s very strange. Weird stuff just seems te
happen te yeu all the time. S-emetimes it’s
geed and semetimes it's had. it's inexplicable,
'.-but anytime yeu rell the same number en yeur
Wild [lie and whatever ether die yen are
relling {even snake eyes; if relling multiple _
dice they all must land the same} semething
peculiar happens. Whenever this eccurs.
ignere the actual rell result, rell a d2tl and
censult the fellewing chart, then rerell yeur
initial dice {including the Wild Die}:

Freak {leeureuee Result

+1 henna te yeur rerell.

-l penalty te yeur rerell.
+1 henna te yeur eppenent'a
neat rell.
-l penalty te yeur eppenent'a
neat rell.
+2 henna te yeur rerell.
-2 penalty te yeur rerell.
+2 henna te yeur eppenent‘a
neat rell.
-2 penalty te yeur eppenent'a
neat rell.
+3 henna te yeur rerell.
-3 penalty te yeur rerell.
Yen are Shaken [er anffer a
weund if already Shal-ten].
Yeur eppenent ia Shalcen [er
suffers a vveund if already
20 +1 henna te all yeur rells fer the
rest ef the day.

The Bass decides exactly what the freak

eccurrence is f a bug gets in yeur eye, a
‘passing giggity takes a dump en yeu1'

eppenent's head, it starts te snew, yen inhale

a passing reek. etc-..) but the chart result is
"applied regardless ef whatever silly nensense
, ._ ur Bess can think up. If the chart result dees
._1_ "net make sense, such as when it affects a Eaudlinass

nenesistent eppenent, just ignere the effect

and rerell the initial dice as usual. art is called, begins by carving a stylized Gawdliness
likeness ef the deceased being ent ef weed er Requirements: Legendary, Cult Fellewing
sculpting it ent ef mud er pee. "v"ariens arcane ‘feur cult has new grewn inte an actual
Leaarseain’ Enaas rites are periermed, lasting abeut an heur er religien. llltl-'ltllli.l [ltldlll it "till peeple new
se and using varieus materials werth abeut think yen are a gawd. ‘they erect temples in
Cult fellewing Still clams, after which the face becemes yeur name, persecute sinners, gain cnnverts,
Requirements: Legendary, Spirit d‘l2
irnhued with the memeries ef the dead being. and preach the gespet ef yeu [whatever yeu
‘Ward ef yeur deeds and pewer has reached
Te abserb the memeries the face mnncher decide that is]. A sect ef ]—lely Rellers terms.
must nibble the cenntenance in a precise deveted te yeur teachings.
the hearts and minds ef the pepulace {at least
a part ef it anyway}. A small cult has termed
manner, a precess that takes ltl reunds. The size ef yeur fleck deubles every year as
with yeu as its central figure. it greup ef itdfltl
Te determine the degree ef success, the face mere and mere beings are drawn tn yeur
gig‘ beings new hang en yeur every ward. They muncher mal-tea a Smarts rell. A success ways. The way this plays nut is the subject ef
.. _ _‘,.- "twill de just abeut anything yeu ask them te. means he has abserbed seine trivial memery, many pessible adventures and is ultimately
such as the subject’s middle name er his decided by the Bess.
including cemmit suicide er murder. Yeu are
well en yeur way te gawdheed. brewnie recipe. 31''. raise indicates a greater
memery, such as a histeric event er cryptic
secret. With twe er mere raises the muncher
Supreme Bad Ass
Face llu'Iunchin' may ask specific qnestiens ef the deceased
Requirements: Legendary, Fighting d't2+,
Requirements: Legendary. Smarts d'12+, seui, gaining precise knewledge and detailed
Sheeting cl'l2+, Threwing d'l2+
Arcane liackgreund {Hecus Peker er Weirde} l"l‘tEt'[‘i'DI'li.'-_"S. The knewledge gained must be
as a master ef weapenry ef all serts yen
This mystical skill gives ene the pewer tn semething lcnewn by the dead being while it
kick all kinds ef butt. with this Edge yeu gain
abserb the memeries and histeries ef ancient was alive, and, very impertantly, a physical
a further +1 benus te all Fighting, Sheeting,
seuls. relic er remnant ef the deceased is required and Thrnwing re]ls_
- if The face muncher, as ene whe practices this fer the precess te werlc preperly.

36 Eli course the mast farncus i_aI:e H"tlflti'H!.'1' si all -‘llrnc is The Fate Merchant. He sure rs -use

-. "..i-- ‘u .
A Brief introduction to the Religious and Faiths of Maths Oith
Clith is literally infested with crazy
philosophies. biaarre faiths. and fanatical
religions. Think something up and there's a
good bet somebody else thought of it first and
has formed a cult dedicated to espousing.
worshipping or destroying whatever it is.
Springing forth from this festering swann of
cults and sects too numerous to name are a
few major religions that have gained some
validity and legitimacy among the general
populace. Beings have to helieve something.
one supposes. and these five religions have
gathered the most converts ever the years so
you get to learn about them in more detail.


"Elli Inrefsc he tie to Boorgicaitr. to inherit all praise

is rims ltlittt relics’ tlic Uffitfi‘fltit the Faces of


A popular and mostly benign religion.

Boorgleaarianism is dedicated to the worship
of Eoorgleaar, the cosmic dung beetle. and the
teachings of its prophet. the venerant croach
Shimmia-ar_ Boorglexarians are common
throughout the world. with temples and
shrines in most cities and towns worldwide.
its the state religion of That Dne Place Witlt
All The Sand. where apostacy is a sin. and is
very popular among croaches. who feel a sort
of kindred relation with Boorgleaar and
his} her dung rolling ways.
According to the tenets laid down centuries
ago by Slrimmiaar in a series of holy texts
known as The Eloorglebiblios. Eroorgleaar is
both male and female. eunuch and slut. It is all
things to all beings; vengeful and kind.
wasteful and frugal. immense and tiny.
coprophage and gourmand all at once. This ll-oorgleiarian

strange dichotomy of being is what makes the

religion so popular. Basically people feel free fielded Wl1ores”; are a collection of castrated Sins: Blasphemy [maior}; failure to observe‘
to act hovvever they want. and in so doing pimps and sluts who 1'un holy brothels in the high holidays {minor}; killing {major} or
claim they are following in the myriad name of Eoorgleaar. attempting to plumb the injuring {minor} an ordained holy roller of
footsteps of G-awd. Appropriately. this sort of esoteric depths of its cryptic sexuality. A Eoorgleaar; killing a dung beetle {mortal}.
feeling is most common among the laity second cult; known as "The Undecided"; roll
rather than the clergy. True devotees are more a specially constt'ucted gaming die called a
interested in gaining converts and spreading Sample Cube of Sacramental Resolve
Cube [they call it a cube even though it has
influence than attending to their ow n whims The cube {d12} is rolled first thing in the
twelve sides} of Sacramental Resolve each
and desires. They know that in moderation morning or whenever a decision must be
morning to determine how they will behave
lies the path to true enlightenment. Do all made {depending on how orthodox the
fot' the rest of the day. Some devotees are so
things. but do nothing to excess {except Eoorglezarian is}.
fanatic that every decision they make must be
worship Boorgleaar}. dictated by such a cube.
Many diverse sects of Boorgleaarianisrn dl2 Result dl2 Result
Symbol: A spherical ball of dung. often
have split from the central diocese over the [ll Friendly I]? Mean
worn about the neck on a metal collar or
centuries. Each of these is unique and [ll i3tpathetic [13 Sensitive
gilded chain.
generally focuses on a single aspect of [I3 Quiet U9 Dbnoxious
Sacrifices: Dfferings of wealth and service
Eoorgleaar or another. For example. one D4 Cowardly lfl I-leroic
to the church; bonfires of dung.
particular cult. fancying themselves "The [l5 Happy '11 lvloro-se
as Abstinant 12 Horny

The Boorglezarium in the Tests of Eoorglezarf-hes a lovely gift shop nhererfyolu

-- can buy ‘lo'=';"la_l-;.gl__|'rorne ‘to your larvae
_. —
l-lccmanit arlans

, '_'"l'*':~ ' ':_;1-_.

Hoosi,u'sIT.atlliuvtsrui Hoomanrace and thus prepare for its inun- ]sr~:a.Ls Faeaktslvt
inent return. It's tough to get these guys to
"Coat you dig it, my peoples? stop talking about how wonderful things “Let be iolio is rettlttaut sin cast the
The Hoom.-mnrcs. iu mile in wisdom and litrrefi of were back in the olden days so it’s usually first t‘flfllt'.*iI‘ti|llt'. Mirrcy lieliy. .»='tmeu"'
ill lliotigltl will soutctfny rise again, tmti‘ relies iltcy best to run away or look busy if you see one
do tltey-“re germs be pissed!" coming. Elf course few beings know more It is said, by those who say such things,
.- ll’.-- -:I
about the Hootnanrace than oldsters of the that even the Hoomanrace had deities.
Much as a rancid slog dog is a p1'ecu1'sor to church so they can be a grand source of I'-Jobody knows all that much about Iliern, but
the runs, Hoomanitarians believe that the information if you need to know about these the various clues and artifacts unearthed by
ancient Hoornanrace were a p1'ecu1'sor to the sort of things. wisenheimers and oldsters over the ages have
gawds. Dig this, they a1'e of the mind that the As with all major religions, there are yielded a variety of clues that is, if not
Hoomanrace was a race of demigawds, sort of several sects and cults that have splintered comprehensive or even very informative, at
protodieties that led lives of b1'illiance and from the church and chosen a related path of least enough on which to base a major world
wonder, c1'eating ma1'vels and thinking high worship. :1. group known as "The Eiblinghood religion and shape the faiths and destinies of
thoughts. They were like infant gawds, of the Lost Remote" believe that all Hooman- hundreds of thousands of follcnvers through-
prepubescent but nonetheless glorious. The race artifacts contain a spark of the divine. if out history.
Time of the Flush, say the scriptures, was the one can amass enough such relics and Fut this in your nose and blow it, Jeeele
catalyst that put proverbial hair in the artnpits decipher their meanings one can himself Freaks worship one of these ancient gawds of
of these fledgling divinities, an era of attain gawdhood. A second cult, a sinister and the Hoomanrace. although much is shrouded
tribulation and challenge that allowed the secretive group called ”The Handlers of Man" in mystery, quite a bit has been gathered
Hoomanrace to transcend its Clitlily form and are dedicated to the eradication of all other regarding this inexplicable divinity. His
join the other gawds in the celestial realtns. it religions. Holy wars would be tnore common followers called him ”The tiling,” as they still
left the Ditli bereft of their wondrousness, but if this sect was larger, but until more converts do today, but he was known alternately as
the promise of their return. as prophesied by arrive they content themselves with assass- ]e.-e1':le, jelvis, jeezle Pete, and a dozen other
‘fuckatash Glorp, first of his name, centuries ination and propaganda. names and titles.
ago, d1'ives many to worship and obeisance. Symbol: titny relic of the Hoomanrace. In defiance of all that is known of magic in
Artifacts of the Hoomanrace, no matter how Sacrifices: Eloriations of Hoomanrace the age of the l-Ioomanrace, this mysterious
small o1' insignificant, a1'e eagerly gathered by artifacts, wealth, and service to the church; figure was supposedly seen alive, in various
followers of this faith. Holy rollers labor Long rituals of obesiance and purification. restaurants and nursing homes, after the time
tirelessly in their great museum temples Sins: Blasphemy against the Hoomanrace of his apparent demise. It is known the
trying to piece together the mysteries of these {maior}; destroying a Hoomanrace artifact establishment of the day disapproved of his
antediluvian whatnots in an attempt to better willfully {mortal} or accidentally {major}; teachings, which were said to corrupt the
understand the divine nature of the farting in church [minor]. youth of the day. Despite animosity from all

1-iaarnanitarians and Jeezle Ft-eatts_ usually get along ck. Eut both are despised by Jernimals Witnesses.
sides he was fend ef sayings such as "flen‘t be Ceuntless cremefillians ef taday hener
cruel” and "Leve thy neighber.” ,-“tccerding te their subjugated ancesters and eppese their
a rare piece ef script-ure unearthed during an histeric termenters by fellewing the strictures
escavatien ef an ancient Heentanrace burial and tenets ef the Jemima’s Witness. Rather
site, "his ceuntenance was like lightning, and than fecus their beliefs areund the wership ef: - —i

his raiment white as snew.” Hence the white a particular gawd, Jemima's Witnesses

jump suits emblazened with lightning belts instead cheese te fecus their anger and wrath
favered by sente ef his clergy. upen the Heemanrace and its haleful deityta-_r""
The church ef Jeezle Pete is a pewerfully Jemima. Religieus cerentenies invelve |.';l:1e
structured and influential bedy. The central shattering ef amber glass ideis ef Jemima,
church is lecated in New Elerlquar, just acress sacrifice and desecratien ef l-leernanrace
frem The lvlether ef Pill Markets. r-‘ti its head, artifacts, and the ritual clefilement ef the
in a threne made ef rhinestenes and white Dingdem Hall ef jernima’s Witnesses, a
percelain, sits the Great Pentif, an efficial massive glass structure in the city efTeast.
elected by the varieus cardinals, bisheps, ]em;irna’s Witnesses epenly epp-ese the
eparchs and hely hermits ef the land. The varieus effnrts ef l-leernanitarians te call the
current pentif is Righteeus Daddy "(elk Heemanrace back te C.‘-lith. A sect knewn as__
Helywafer Kill, a warm frem Iiieister Island. The Dei'icfeirs Creiiie-Fiflcii Center efdll dedicate"
Temples te jelvis are in just ab-eut every city, themselves te destreying all evidence ef the
tewn, village, and heldfast eutside ef The l-leemarnrace, burning temples and museums,
Dingdem ef the Deng and That f.Ilne Place slaughtering histerians and clergy, and
With All The Sand. basically denying the ancient eppressers ever
Cif ceurse there are a gaztillien and twelve existed. Serne, particularly these in a splinter
-:.iifferent sects and cults relating te Jeeale sect knewn as The Teeili ef Clrecegaier, make a
Freakism threugheut the werld, but they all habit ef attacking and brutaliaing bed uls, whe '
pretty much say the same thing: feel guilty they believe are descended frem the”: ’
abeut everything yeu de because yeu den't Heemanrace. This sert ef behavier
knew if Jelvis weuld appreve er net. lt’s net disceuraged by the central church, but if =="i'"
surprising, given this philesephy, that vews central church appreved they weuidn’t need a
ef chastity, peverty, silence, and the like are splinter sect, weuld they?
cemmen ameng the clergy. Symbel: A filthy dew rag.
Symbel: The letter "i" and a lightning belt. Sacrifices: Glass ideis ef Jemima and her'§;.".??
Sacrifices: W'ealth; charity; cenfessien: evil herde; I-ieemanrace artifacts.
prayer; permance; free will. Sins: Eating a pastry {miner}; using a
Sins: Levin’ yeurself, levin' ethers, net l-ieemanrace artifact accidentally {majerj er
levin' ethers, murder; rebbery; adultery; willfully {medal}.
ceveteusness, acknewvledging ether gawds;
playing bad music: dishenering ene's parents;
blasphemy; failing te ehrserve helidays; lying; S*r,i.i-nsivt
ethers depending en vews [see page 31] {all
miner te mertal depending en the situatien}. "l_'.le mite elliers i’t'fft’I.fL"fJE'f' yeti te.-nit."

Stan is the granddaddy ef lies and deceit.

]eMIMa's WITHESSISM ties the great granddaddy ef greed and I
avarice and the secend ceusin twice remeved
"f1ert‘ifile iirnys melrc lief an end e,t'et=il, ef apathy, glutteny, and villainy. His brether
but ferrite liriirtvf emf :-imfice ltelifiirf flitvii. is anger and his daughter is lust. That’s what
. . .:me' the-f‘s_,ffiie all fit as.’ the scriptures say anyway. Te Stan's-
feliewers, the peinty herned trickster is g~
Accerding ta scriptures accumulated ever very epiteme ef perrnissien and license.
the centuries by crentefillian religieus The central dectrine af the Sin—e—gegue ef
schelars, the lives ef early cremefillians were a ice alc Fr ca I-t Stan is "De whatever yeu want. If it's fun it
legacy ef tertu re, cenfinement, an-:.i eventual must be geed." That about sums it up.
deveurment. They were cruelly created in Stanismists are all abeut deing whatever they.
massive vats, like same sert ef lewly want. Df ceurse Stan prefers if a bit ef trickery
centanimatrenic miniens, incarcerated in and vice are inveived, se his fellewers try te
flimsy, airljght centainers, and eventually appease him in that regard. In gener.
seld fer nutritive censumptien. The culprit ef Stanismists are neterieus drug addicts, '-.,,'
these crimes? —The ancient Heernanrace! ergyists, clam hearders, and party rnengers.
it is written, and preven by unearthed Stan leeks dewn en charity and ceinpassien,
Heemanrace relics [the very cardbeard since these sert ef things tend te give him
ceffins that imprisened the primerclial indigestien. Supreme in Stan's eyes are the
tweenks}, that the i-leemanrace, te satisfy its fundamentals ef trickery, deceit, self-
ewn depraved glutteny, and under the indulgence, and egecentrisrn [Stanismists are
leadership ef its gawd—queen, the ene knewn enceuraged te be egecentric as lung as they
as jemirna, the Hestess ef Hate, did suffer still pay ebeisance te Stan}. I
unte the cremefillians such herrers r-‘iccercling ie pepular mythelegy Stanisreis“
an-:.l debasements as te render them the werld’s eldest religien. Stan is said he the
helpless and abysntally eppressed nemesis ef Jelvis [The ,e.nti—]ee.a] and creme-
fer centuries. fillians believe he first whispered syrupy
peisen inte the ear ef the I-lestess ef Hate.
._._ . _ .
Whatever the truth ef it, Stanismists

Jtrrerding ta The Eeacl E-ee_l-tj"l|sh|-tatiilitile ]:Hl, Jeerie _PeT,_g,-_'lliad a fandnessilflli-flijelly clenuts a-idggflsh_.
"1-—u 2- gr‘ ,._.. -1,
l1=.-“en around a lung time and the religion has iitaaanimites: is wildly fanatic gre-up bf Zygetulenianisnl {The Unborn]: This is an
gune thrciugh many fundamental changes everachievers and sycriph ants whe want te be interesting ene. These dudes think they aren’t
since the days til the Hcienianrace. first in everything {including alphabetical |:rcirn yet. linear with me, they think this life is
Hundreds cif Stanic sects have IZDITIf_" and erder]. They wc-rship riaaa, a gawd ef just the filthy wemb that nurtures them and
gene ever the ages. lvlcist such cults are perfectien and brewn—riesery. teaches them the ways ef things as they
'-dedicated tn the espciusal cif cine cir anether cif The Bettemliners: A cult tetall y devc-ted tn prepare te be birthed inte a larger, and mere
_ _ the fundamental ideals cif Stanisin, such as the sanctified accumilatcin ef wealth and interesting place. Devetees are eften feund in
avarice {The Clamdiggers), gluttciny fl"he preperty. These are pretty much the greediest large cities, crying fer their rncimmies and
Guiiet Gcirgers], lust and wrath [The Phallus dudes are-und. The high priest is a creach begging strangers te change their diapers.
cif Malice}, perversien (The Seclc-pliilistsl, and named Eenyamin Washing lvlachine, the Their synibnl is the binicy.
decepticin {The Whikers ef the Eleven Tee}. Tinloterer in Madness.
Syrnbel: A middle finger er a nicicining butt. The Cellabcu-atars ef Haas fl"he Kass-
Sacrifices: Cannibalistic bleed cirgies, living labnraters]: These fellnws believe in the
creatures, enanisni, practical juices and divinity ef l'viennular cheese. They are
trickery, theft. eenstantly trying te create living beings cif
Sins: Charity (miner l.D tnajci1'},* ccinipassicin cheese.
frnincirl; healing ulhers {miner tcr rnajer}; self The Eternal and Pacifistic Erether and
denial [miner tci niajcirji; entering the temple ef Sister-head ef the wuss: A greup ef
ancither gawd withciut sciniehciw desecrating hippielicieus peacenicks whe fereswear the
it {miner}; wcirshipping anether gawd (mertal). use at all weapens and pray tn seme sert ef
giant flewer er semething. They spend must
ef their time helding hands and singing.
The Fungish: Dwelling in ginermeus
hellew rnushreums, these smelves wership
The Mess bass, is gentle and benign being ef
maid and fungus. Devetees wear false beards
and rnerlr.ins crafted c-f mess.
The Ice Cream Eecialistst Mere I:-I: a
pelitical greup than an actual religien, these
guys are all abc-ut revelutienary cultural
change thrc-ugh the free distributien cif
cenfectienary treats.
Infernaluphites: Fire wershippers. This is a
really ancient religien that is said te predate
even the l-leernanrace.
Priselcians: This cult, fellewers at a tisn’t
hcil y rnller named Escargellama Can-e—chum,
is dedicated te finding the legendary
Frimerdial Se-up Kitchen and learning
its secrets.
The Eernnambulaters: These guys
think that waking existence is a
dream and enly th raugh deep
slumber can they attain
enliglitenrnent. Yeah, whatever.
Templars at the Deng: These
persenal hely rellers ef the Ding at
the Deng believe he will became
a gawd when he dies.
Iimaerbians: A cult ef eufes
whe wership their ancient ancestcirs
as gawds and pray fer their eventual
Yertians: These misguided seuls
believe in the self—preclairned divinity
ef ‘fart, Bearer ef the ‘rertstick and
lvieasurer ef All Things. Se far there
are enly twenty er se fellewers,
including ‘t"art’s mam.
Zeeglebachianismists: lvian, what a
bunch ef hesers- This misguided
cult, feunded by renewned bully
CULT5 37 MINOR B£.LIGIDI'~2l.t-‘.- Zeeglebachian, believe in the divinity
ef suffering. Net there awn suffering,
The inhabitants c-f Dith wership in an mind yeu, but the suffering ef c-thers.
amazing rnultil-ude ef diverse and varied They basically wander the werld
ways. l-[ere is just a small sampling ef the vast hurting peeple, stealing lunch
array ef cults and miner religiens that riddle rneney, and
the werld like leech hales in lvleenular cheese: making

Elllflliiii l Wflffifi'1 Magic in "£1152. Lands 93$ Mu‘tl1,a O"i‘t-h

Wwith the merest gesture I can alter the fabric cnf life. with but a thuughtl can steal year mind. You are mine to [by with.
Urnmmmmrnm... Ynul Bite his nipple crffl He he he... "
-Zarsen 21:10 , Dementalist, Supreme
".'.rI rtt anirna tar
Pick up vnur shnvel and dig this, Clitll is a

wnrld that is veritablv infested with wanders.

‘fnu can't swing a dead crnach withnut hitting
snmething fascinating. Take the lvlcrcsnular
Cheese Fields, fer example. Hcrw bften dnes a
lmge chunk nf semething delicicrus fall frcrm
the sky and became a part bf the landscape?
Net very cnften, I can tell vcru. We've got
talking snack cakes, piles bf pen that can kick
ynur ass, bugs that drive wagbns, and buttless
visitors from crther wc.=rlds. Yes indeed, the
Dith, festering crap bucket that it is, is
abse-lutelv 1'eplete with marvelnus things and
wbndrcrus phennmena, nnne perhaps more
fascinating and e:stranI'dinarv than the arcane
Invsteries and eldritch spectacles crf magic.
Clldsters tell us that magic was bre-ught tn
C‘-‘ith lnng age when the last cnntinent bf
Egglantis rnse [mm the sea and shared its
unfathc-mable knnwledge with the rest crf the
wcnrld. During the Time bf the Flush, when
lnvstic pnrtals npened between Dith and the
magical realm bf lvliddle Clith, spewing fcrrth
smelves and hercs and crther disgusting
things, bur knnwledge bf magic was further
enlarged and refined. In the gazillicrns bf
intervening centuries bur nwn wisenheimers
and hncus pnkers have ccrntinued tn research
the Ciitlfs arcane mysteries, imprcrving upnn
earlier wisardries and develbping new nnes.
The fcullnwing pages illuminate a small
sampling at the wnndrcrus and astnnishing
artfcnrms available in the eldritchlj.-' initiated.

CCt1_"~J']jAN IMfiTflR

Arcane Skill: Ccrntanimating Wignr)

Starting Pnwer Paints: lil
Starting Pnwers: 3

"Cleanliness liitiy lie next is gimmlliuess,

lmi grmrris snii Hicmselnes lie re Aliriiglity l-"ilHI."’
—5rlImr:rn'rilr the Genre, Cn:aim::'mster

In all things there is potential. A spark ef

the supernatural resides at the care bf all
matter and in few things is this spark more
vibrant {tn these with the eye to see it) than in
a substance whnse pntential has been wasted,
ignnred, cur imprisnned. Indeed, the mast
patent and vital nf all energies are these Thev are able tn juice the magical and fcnrth the spirits bf filth, inflict devastating
cnntained and enscbnced in the nukular, supernatural ebbs and essences cut all forms nf diseases and sceurges, enliven and animate-'
binlngical, and magical wastes and residues trash, refuse, and waste, distilling and beings and mininns cnf trash and waste, hasten
abscrrbed, embedded, and rejected 1%}: i'v'i|_iil"tfl channeling the inherent infhiences bf such rent and decay, crumble edifices, manipulate
Dith since ancient times. substances intb powerful enchantments and light and darkness, and crtherwise wave the
Cnntanimatnrs are the masters of such filth. wanders. With but a gesture and an scepter bf grime, sewage, and debris.
incantatic-n, a skilled cclntanimatc-r can raise
' I
Llutnn Erepiulias. neterinus Eli!-|'Ii3|1l|T'3i't)l" n{,,I_."F|eem. peed
1|! .
his p'aҤ"i'i'
.1" -;.1__
. __. _ -
|-- .

guardians. lvlest ef these things are created Brainfari: A dementalist whe tells a 1 en
use ef the new Centanimate Fewer, detailed a his Dernentalism die (regardless ef his Wild
few pages item here. Die) is autematically Shaken as unexpected
Sickness: Whenever a centanimater rells a mental flatulence sends him inte a fit ef
I en his Centariimating die {regardless ef his distracted giggling.
Wild Die), he is everceme with a tit ef painful
ceughs and vemiting and is autematically
Shaken. Because ef their special nature. Hecus ]f'exs.1=i.
crernefillian centanimaters are unaffected by
this sickness. Arcane Skill: I-lecus Peking (Smarts)
Starting Fewer Peints: ‘ill
Diausr-i1"a.LIsT Starting Pewers: 3

"Ttxve’s it let mere te palrfiig tiecf tliaii iiiaiiiiig

Arcane Skill: Elementalism [Smarts]
Starting Fewer Peints: 15 year arms areimrl lllft.’ tut .-"dint amf lmhlrlfiig
iieiiseiisfciilly. That's first it firfitgc lrciiefit. ”
Starting Pewers: 2
-iaritii Strariirter, Fairer efHeci
"My brain fins :1 initial affts area. "
-Xftiiirt:-zit e,t'tltc Nfutlt Dtwie:-iifeii
Ever since the Egglantians and Middle
Clithlings epened the metapherical arcane
i-‘ts mentiened betare, ne creature
fleedgates, magical energies have ceursed
eriginally indigeneus te lylutha Clith is able te
threugh the figurative veins ef lvlutha Clith
manipulate and harness the eldritch pewers like bleed threugh the literal veins ef
ef his ewn mind. The Dithly mind is just net
sameene with real veins. tvlagic imbues
built that way. l'~let sn the mind ef the mighty everything newadays. Di ceurse, yeu’ve
eete, ence and ancient visiters te this warped still get te be sensitive te it, trained, as it
and bletted werld. ivlany eefes, as a matter et
were, in the manipulatien and detectien ef
ceurse, are able te directly manipulate matter such energies, te make any use ef it all.
and intellect threugh the pewer ef the mind Th-at’s where hecus pekei's ceme in. They
are all abeut magic. They really get intci the
alene. I-lead y stuff indeed, but existent
whele waving yeur arms areund and
All a dementalist needs te de te activate chanting like an idiet thing.
such a pewer is te cencentrate_ With a
That's pretty much the essence et hecus
winseme theught he can heal sicknesses ef peking. ‘ifeu gesticulate wildly and babble
the head, enthrall a I'l‘liI'Ii-.'Jn, manipulate and nensense until semething interesting
metivate matter, fire, centre] the
happens. lf yeu knew what yeu’re deing,
tunctiens and faculties ef his awn L-edy, and serne pretty fascinating things can ensue. A
perferm a huttlead et ether zany mental feats. skilled hecus peker can dn just abeut
Element-alists are a preud and an-egant anything, trem launching flan-iing balls ef
bunch, teuting their pewers ab-eve ethers and snet eut ef his ears te flying witheut wings.
Hecus Pekers are pretty much the mest
lerding themselves abeve the sycephanls and
versatile and widespread ef C|ith’s
paparazzi that surreund them. The Element-
ienal Eliscetesticus, an erganixatien teunded practitieners ef the arcane. Sure. they can't
heal the sick er take ever peeple’s minds,
by Ijummm Eilech et the Twelfth Tjementien,
exists te further the aims and influence ef
hut wha needs te de that when yeu can fire
dementalists. it is headquartered in Fleem,
a belt ef lightning frem yeur belly butten?
with chapters and secial clubs in many ef the Elen’t get the sense that practitieners ef
majer settlements ef the werld_ Clstensibly the
magic are cemmen er anything. They aren’t_
Discetesticus claims werld deminatien as its
it takes a great deal ef discipline and skill te
geal, but the member eefes generally just sit
unravel the nigh unfathemable mysteries nf
areund playing cards, eating taces, and the arcane. It's just that. ef a rare bunch,
n'1entally undressing passersby_
hecus pekers are the least rare- Evert at
medium rare. se te speak. Several
erganizatiens and guilds ef hecus pekers
exist. They are fairly widespread in the
cities ef the werld and in places like the
All this mucking abeut with paranermal Fieister ef Gawd where arcane energies are
ferces, nukular energies, and bielegical fecused, but are neterieusly sncibby and
pathegens takes a tell en these whe lred this difficult te jein.
sidewalk. Centanimaters are habitually Fizale: Unite in a while, {anytime a hecus
cerrupt and vile, disease ridden, sickly, and peker rells a ‘i en his Hecus Peking die,
bitter. The energies they harness are difficult regardless ei his Wild Die] a hecus peker
te centrel, elten leading dewn a path el will screw up. In such a case he is
madness and despair. Ell ceurse, pewe1' is a autematically Shaken- in the rare instance
petent placebe. A let ef discemfert can be that he rells a "l en bath his Hecus Peking
ignered er telerated if the prize is high die and his Wild Die, the hecus pciker
eneugh. They may be a disgusting and seiled temperarily fergets the Fewer he was
bunch, but centaniinaters wield pewet' attempting te use and cannet access it again
rivaled by few and enthralling te all. until he has rested far at least an heur.
The cere discipline ei the centanimater's
art is the censtructien and centre] ef centani-
malzrenic niiniens, slaves, devices, and

1'2 Therels a rurner spreading areu-ii:l fleern that says lluulen iirepules is marking an sernething big.
ln general, holy rollers are the priests and preachers of their faith.
lvlany wander the world seeking converts, while others tend to stable
flocks and churches. Still others wage holy war against their enemies,
perceived enemies, and erstwhile friends. Although most holy rollers
belong to an established church, others pray to an ideal, such as the
weather, the passage of time, self delusion, or roaring fire. if it exists,
it's a good bet somebody worships it. _ .-
Sacrifice: in order to prove their faith, holy rollers are often called"
upon to perform sacrifices. The specific item or being to be sacrificed is
decided by the holy roller’s particular religion, as is the method and
instrument of the sacrifice. A holy roller may attempt to perform one i
sacrifice each day. To do so, he gathers the sacrificial object or i__- I
and performs the requisite rituals. He then makes a Spirit roll. if he id -»._. .;';;
successful, and for each raise, he gains 5 additional Power Points that
last for the remainder of the day. If he fails, his faith is questioned and _
he suffers a -2 penalty to his Holy Rolling rolls for the rest of the day.‘
A particularly grand sacrifice, such as that of a holy relic of a .'r.'-I."
competing religion, may carry a larger, or longer lasting reward {at the
whim of the Boss}.
Sin: Holy rollers who violate the tenets of their religion are
punished for their transgressions. lvlinor sins give the sinner a -2 to his
Holy Rolling rolls for one week. lvlajor sins may cause him to lose his
arcane powers entirely for one week, while a mortal sin could rob him
of his miraculous abilities indefinitely- A major act of penance is
required to atone for a mortal sin. -

_ .

_'. ""-- " - ai-

_-¢— -5'5-+— Horus Poker

I-IoLy B.o1.LIs[t

Arcane Skill: Holy Rolling {Spirit}

Starting Power Points: ll] {but see below}
Starting Powers: 2

" ..nuri yeaii, nrrily, did Hooscpiinl target llilllllilfll'li,lt'lltl iiegnl Licfifious,
rolrosc fiflicr did oeriiy provide a protrid.-sucr.‘ of sings upou file land and apart
tire seas and upon tire fraud ofali crouciiiioiir, so that all could lre_,n‘i3d, t-erily,
nml lit’ struck flit’ sing and it did ruuuctii with delicious crf'me
filling. . .i=erily... "
-lvleruio the flufrfller, Student of lllcology

Holy rollers are religious fanatics. They are so fanatic, in fact, that
they are actually able to manifest supernatural powers through the
might of their faith. It's true. All it takes is a bit of praying, the laying
on of a few hands, and the occasional sacred ritual backed up by a
coprolite hard devotion to whatever it is your faith espouses, and Holy Holler

you’ve got yourself a miracle. Elf course every religion espouses

different virtues and -::ondemns different transgressions, which is why
an entire section of this book deals with the doctrines, sins, virtues, and
beliefs of various Dithly creeds and faiths.
This page has ‘two -roliirrlr:-s instead tit three ;5b-Ffly about ‘that.

Arcane Skill: Smellcasting {Smarts}

Starting Power Points: 12
Starting Powers: 3

"5l:lilrl:lil:l:l Do you smell that?

That's the stsurla sfport=sr.”
—Br:'tlio the Silrm‘ (But [Jcs.ri"ly,l

The smellements are the fundamental spiritual essences of all the universe’s various stinks, odo1's,
and fragrances. Witltout the smellements we wouldn't need noses, except to breathe and to look
sexy, because there wouldn't be anything to smell. The smellements imbue all things, for all things
have a scent. They are generally content to mind their own business. which is basically to just sit
there, invisible and intangible, and stink. There is, however, great powe1' in the smellements, as
essences of nature, but it remains, for the most part, untapped and unnoticed. In general a
smellement can't do much more than inflict a bit of nausea, seduce a potential mate, or cause a room
to clear, but in the trained hands and schnoz of a smellcaster, it can do far more indeed.
Smellcasters are magicians who have mastered the arcane rituals and languages needed to coax,
combine and harness the smellements, exploiting their supernatural faculties and coalescing them
into mystical vapors known as reeks. Reeks are extremely potent gasses, bestowing numinous
powers upon those who inhale them.
Typically, a smellcaster is armed with dozens of reeks, contained in bottles and flasks, ready at a
moment’s notice to be opened by a cork-popping thumb and inhaled through questing nostrils.
Smellcasters can either [as a single action} inhale their reeks themselves, blow them in the direction
of others, or hurl the flasks into the midst of others so that the escaping reek can do its thing
elsewhere. A reek from a shattered vessel will fill an area two yorts across [small burst template}
before dissipating, affecting all those within the area.
The coalescing and bottling of reeks is a difficult and time consuming
" process. It takes roughly Ell minutes per Power Rank {a Novice Power lakes

I? .r'.' _" ' f‘ necessary obeisances and rituals. After the requisite time has passed, the
- .—" smellcaster must make a Smellcasting roll and pay the necessary Power
Points. These Power Points are not recovered until the reek is released [after
which time they return at the normal rate].
A reek’s effect on its inhaler is identical to the Power imbued into it,
including any bonus effects or extended duration for raises or extra Power
Points spent at the time of bottling. Bottled reeks can be given o1' sold to
others, who may use them normally.
Smellernental Vengeance: If a smellcaster rolls a 1 on his Smellcasting
die {regardless of his Wild Die} he has upset the smellements, who bestow
upon him a peculiar odor for the rest of the day. This scent can be just about
anything, from freshly baked burritos to freshly digested burritos, but
whether pleasant or unpleasant it is strong and noticeable. Also, the bottle
being used to capture the reek is shattered and unusable.


Arcane Skill: Weirdltess [Smarts]

Starting Power Points: 'lfl
Starting Powers: 2

"Wlmt this lmttc-H do? Darla! Holy gossiu’ crap!”

—lr:qr::'sita'n: Sirtslfirt the nrorltsltop ofwcird Willis

Weirdos are artificers and inventors of the arcane. They craft and employ
devices and apparatuses imbued with eldritch powers and influences. Each
device is a unique thing, enchanted with magical energies and potent
wizardry. Weird devices range from the seemingly pointless, like a device
that uses telekinesis to comb your hair for you, to incredibly destructive,
such as a knife that fires forth bursts of lightning on command. Weirdos
take great pride in their work, often paying as much attention to the
mundane construction of their devices as they do their enchantments.
A weirdo can create one specific device for each power he possesses. Each
device has Power Points equal to those of the weirdo, which increase as his
increase and he fiddles with his existent devices. The explicit details of each
device must be recorded as it is invented. For example, a weirdo may
decide, with his first power, to choose the telekinesis power and and create
. ya gloved hand that can float across a room and pirnp slap his enemies.
.~.,'_'. '3; That power must forever be used to create that particular device

1." I

ll l l ""ll -
I " .i. '

[and exact replicas ef it, in the event it is lest}. they are used. They ma:-,' use a different skill, Nsw Pewens
Fer his secend pewer, the weirde can cheese a such as Driving, Sheeting, er Fighting, instead
new pewer er use telekinesis te create a ef Weirdness. Each use ef the device uses up
different sert ef device, such as a hevering the required ameunt ef Fewer Feints, which
teel chest er an autematic slingshet. A device are regained nermallv at the rate ef ene per
Rank: Special
can be enchanted with mere than ene pewer, heun Fewer Peints: Special
such as a flaming backscratcher that fires balls A weirde may give his devices te ethers, Range: Teuch
ef fire and alse heals these whese backs it but he can enlv have a single device in Deratien: Permanent
scratches [using the belt and healing pewers}. eperatien fer each pewer he has. A
Te create such a device, a weirde must have nen—weirde using a weird device still makes a '
This spell is the means by which ,.a_.,.___
access te a werkshep, er at least a cem petent default Weirdness rell as usual, unless a centanirnater is able te breathe life inte all 143‘
set ef teels. it takes E heurs per Fewer Peint te different skill is mere applicable. If a device is censtructed shell ef trash and filth, bringing te
enchant a weird device, plus whatever time it lest er stelen, a weirde can will it te cease life a centarninatrenic minien. The precess is a
takes te create the mundane ferm ef the fu nctienin g and create a new ene ef the same lengthy ene, fraught with petential danger and
device {unless the weirde is enchanting a type. cataclysmic failure. l"v’lan_v centanirnaters are-

device made by semeene else, which is fine}. Sheclcly ‘Werlcrnartship: If a weirde, er driven insane by the twisted energies and
At the end ef the time spent enchanting the anvene else using a weird device, mile a 1 en catastrephic ferces invelved in this pewerful and
eft-ferbidden act. Here's the gist, but remember,-
device, the weiI'de must make a WeiI'dness his skill die when attempting te aciiviate a
ence veu read it, veu can't unread it.
rell. if he is successful, the device werks weird device {regardless ef his Wild Die), the First thing's first, the centanirnater must create
nermally. If he fails, the enchantment fiesles device breaks and can net be used again until a suitable husk ef muck, smut, and debris. This
and he must start ever again. it is fixed, which requires Ede heurs and a b-eclv can be made ef iust abeut any sert ef trash,
Te activate a weird device that can be successful use ei the Repair skill. but bielegical and nukular materials are mest
maintained, such as the fleating teel chest petent. This precess takes ene day fer every feur
mentiened aheve, all the weirde must de is Fewer Peints spent in the creatien ef the minien.
make a successful Weirdness rell. Raises may Clnce an apprepriate bed]; is crafted, the
increase the effects ef the pewer nermally. centariimater is ready te breathe life inte his
Fewers that require an eppesed rell, such creatien. He makes a Centanimating rell, and if
as puppet, alse use the weirde's Weirdness he is successful the minien is breught te life,
rell. infused with centanimants and ether spirits ef
filth, ferever at the cemmand ef the centanimater
Active devices, such as the lightning
whe created it. l-lalf ef the Fewer Peirits spent in
spewing knife mentiened earlier, furtctien as II"
' +

IE-Ertellawish-gre a1_,g-a--....-.g_e rude known fer __§_H"\~t!£_r'_lt aith animals.

flle"ereation of a minion are regained normally, centanimater. This may be how piles are born {or Raxk 'l:|f'ltl'~l'l'.-‘tl"'«ll."r'l:'l.l"o.l'l' S[l.'|i-‘|'."l-l|.T."s'l-.l'.l

the other half are only regained after the minion is maybe not; who knows?). Novice wuss
destroyed. Contanimatronic minions are among Si-ustiinxl "r"v'itIikt'1' {or lcl-l v,'usst-:s]
the most versatile and potent magically animated ‘v'eteran Mensch {or id-It wankers,
servants to be found on flith. Sure, the weaker Mme Be,-rein‘ or Eds wusses}
‘-contanimators can't make really powerful Rank; Novice l lI.‘I'I'.lll.' fi li1't1isc:' orlcl-l nit:1‘Iscl1cs,
minions, but once they get some experience they Power Points: 3 2tl—l t-t'a11kc1's, or .-l|l.l-lv n'usst:s_l
have the potential to build the ultimate rump Range: Smarts Legendary S liad ass {or ids bruisers,
kicker. The relative might of a minion is a function Duration: 3 {'1 {round} 2d4 mensches, Sds wankers,
of the creator’s rank, as illustrated by this: or 4-:14 wusses]
Ft dementalist with this skill is able to access
Rams Pl’ .r"tllrlln1l:i.' Ski ll l-llgtrs or the thoughts and emotions of others, by making If he so desires, a centanimater may pay fewer
l’ei1‘I ts .-"tl‘illltit's an opposed roll using the target's Spirit versus the Power Points and summon a lesser centanimant
I“-ilovice -1 S dementalist's Elementalism skill. If the target than his rank permits. He must choose the type of
Seasot1t:cl is l ll wins, the dementalist does not learn anything and centanimant he is summoning before he finishes
eteran ll ‘ll the target has a sense that someone is trying to get the spell. Each raise on the Contanimating roll
llt:rtnr' lll I5 l“.1 into his head. If the dementalist wins he is able to . summons an additional centanimant of that type.
Legendary 12 El} 3 read emotions, surface thoughts, and deeply If the Contaniniating roll is a ‘l {regardless of the
hidden thoughts depending on how successful Wild Die}, the centanimants are still summoned,
So a Novice centanimater can spend four his roll was. with a success, the dementalist can but they are pissed eff and commence to attack
Power Points to create a minion with three points read surface emotions and intentions, such as the centanimater. In such an instance the
to raise its attributes {all attributes start at {H}, anger, deception, or smugness. With a raise he contanimator is still sickened and Shaken as
'-rs ' t points to spend on skills, and one Edge or can read the surface thoughts of the target, what usual.
lvlonstrous .='—tbility. is centanimater may not he is currently thinking about. ‘With two raises,
the dementalist can probe deep into the target's New RULE:
imbue a minion with skills that he himself does
not possess. Pretty simple, yes no? mind to learn suppressed or guarded thoughts C.i'tS'['ll"~l-S Seems ,s‘1' Mt.lL‘1‘lf'LE Troteeys
.Added features, such as built in weapons an-d and niemorles.
"armor do not increase the Power Point cost of the rt dementalist may learn one thought or it caster may cheese to cast a spell that
..-a:n.inlon, they just make the material cost more emotion for each round that the power is in effect normally affects only one target, such as Fly or
" {effectively the dementalist may ask one question
liexpensive. Half of the Power Point expenditure is Healing, at multiple targets simultaneously. To
tied to the animation of the minion and does not per round, such as "what is she thinking about do so, the caster must be within range of all of the
regenerate unless the minion is destroyed or right now?" or "Was be abused as a larval"). targets {usually touching them all}. He rolls one
dispelled, at which point they come back at the casting die fer each target and a single Wild Die.
normal rate. a contanimator can dispel a minion it —‘I penalty is applied to each die {except the
" Suatstore CDI~l'InI~lIMahlTS
yr own creation at any time, but he must be Wild Die} fer every target above the first. Since
Rank: Special
'able to physically touch it to do so. each target is assigned a casting die, it is possible
‘ Power Points: Special
All contanimatronic minions have the that the spell will be effective on one target but
I!‘ I-3} B

I E- Construct lvlonstrous Ability. The centanimater Range: Smarts

_-._.__.‘ '_‘;_1" -' Duration: 1 day {1 f day]
net on another. The Wild Die can be applied to
'_'-' 2 _' may install Hindrances in his creation in order to flI‘t}" TETEET.
. I gain more points fer Edges and Skills, just as if he
3 3' With this power a centanimater
_' "1. __ was creating an actI.1al character. Contanimatronic
is able to summon forth and


' ‘ "“*"«.'.=-' control centanimants, elemental spirits

Cards fer double the Power Point cost.
of filth, disease, and corruption.
The contanimants arise from the
_,_ Eoncreated by Black itihlint, a Seasoned
“fill: | it-Cl-1':
ground and follow the orders of the
centanimater for the spe|l’s duration,
after which time they are reabsorbed
Urchin Khlinlethrall
into the Clith.
Minion of Black lilhlint
Contanimants are described in the Bestiary of
Attributes: iftgility as, Smarts d-’l, Spirit d-i,
flitli, later in this tome. The type of centanimant
Strength dlfl, Vigor dli]
summoned is determined by the Contanirnator’s
Skills: Fighting d-S, Shooting d3, intimidation as
rank, thusly:
_ Edges: Block, ivlarksman, Construct {free}



shell of rusted metal {decent armor]. His left hand
is a slingshot and his right ann is hollow and filled
with slingshot ammo, which falls into his right
__ -hand when he jiggles it in the proper manner.
There it is, simple, yet hideously complex.
Not only must a centanimater sacrifice Power
Points to create a contanimatronic minion, but if
he rolls a i on his Contanimating die {regardless
of the Wild Die], he also permanently loses one
If die of Smarts. if his Smarts ever go below a dd, the
__ centanimater is driven insane {the homicidal
I_ type, not the basket weaving type}. If the
centanimater rolls a l on both the Wild die and
the Contanimating die, the minion is still
enlivened, but not under the control of the

The caster must pap the Fewer Feint cest fer TRAETINGS
each target that is affected. Spells with a range ef
self, er these that affect an area can net be cast in The fellewing list describes several suggested
this manner. Pewers that can be used en multiple trappings fer knewn spells. These are enlp
targets are: Armer, Beast)’ Lewer Trait, Dispel, suggestiens. Casters are enceuraged te create
Envirenmental Preteetien, Ftp, Greater Healing, their ewn trappings fer the pewers thep knew.
Healing, Light, Mind lteadin', Puppet, Trappings eften varp hp the species and
Duieltness, Speed, Telelrinesis and Telepert. dispesitien ef the caster.
This abilitp is available te all characters with an Each purchase ef a pewer has enlp ene
Arcane Bacltgreund Edge ether than Arcane trapping. If peu want te be able te cast belts ef Li
Baclcgreund I[Smel|caster]_ stinkp vemit and belts ef flaming stene peu have
te purchase the belt pewer twice. Fer weircles, a
sample weird clevice is listed in place ef
Araltaate fewens BY Tyre trappings.

Anner, Barrier, Blast, Belt, Beestflewer Trait,
Centanimater: Filth and trash rise frem the
Centanirnate, Elernent-al lvlenipulatien, Entangle, greund and cling te the target, ferming a
Envirenmental Pretectien, Deflectien, Fear, Light,
rudimentarp suit ef anner.
Clbscure, Puppet, Smite, Speed, Stun, Summen
Dementalist: An invisible mental barrier
Cent-aninrants, Telekinesis, Telepert, .'-Eemtiie
surreuncls the clementalist, pretectirtg him frem
Dementalist Hecus Pelter: The caster grews a thick, bug-like
Armer, Barrier, Blast, Belt, Beast,’ Lewer Trait, ezceslteleten.
Deflectien, DetectfCenceal Arcana, Dispel, Help Reller: A glewing, translucent image ef a
Envirenmental F'retectien, Fear, Flp, Greater religieus icen er spmbel surreurtds the help
Healing, I-lealing, Invisibility, l'v1in-d Readirf, teller.
Puppet, Quicitness, Speak Language, Speed, Stun, Emellcastert Vapereus em.issiens eeze frem the Hecus Pelcer: A stream ef cerresive acid launches
Teleltinesis, Telepert inhaler's peres, cushiening blews and leelcing ferth frem the hecus pel:er's epes.
spiffp. Help Reller: A glewing fist ef justice is
Weirde: Prefect-e-ma lic: A wide t:-rimmed hat that sumrnened and preceeds te better the target.
Hecus Peker expands and clreeps te cever the wearer en Srnellcaster: A streaking smelleniental ceurses
Armer, Barrier, Blast, Belt, lieest,a’Lewer Trait,
cenunand [with epe, arm, and leg heles]. frem the battle and nastilp bites the target.
Deflectien, DetectfCenceal Arcana, Dispel, Weirde: Can a’ ldfirrrrrs: A small metal jar that
Elemental ivlanipulatien, Entangle, Envirens launches venemeus spring snakes at the target.
mental Pretectien, Fear, Flp, lnvisibilitp, Light, Bassist:
C-‘rbscure, Quiclrness, Shape Change, Smite, Speak Centanimater: Garbage erupts frem the greund
Language, Speed, Stun, Teleitinesis, Telepert and ferms a wall. Beesr /’ Lewes. TltAi'['
Dementalist: ‘Shadewp images ef the dementalist Centanimater: The target is either inflicted with a
Help fteller fe1'm and link arms te make a wall. retting disease er cevered in helpful parasites.
Arrner, Barrier, Blast, Belt, Beestx Lewer Trait, Dementalist: The dementalist thinks abeut the
Hecus Pelter: A giant "tall: te the hand” hand is
Deflectien, DetectfCenceal Arcana, Dispel, ceniurecl. target being weaker er stranger, and it just
Elemental lvlaiiipulatien, Envirenmental lire-
Help Reller: A shining gate made ef pearlescent happens.
tectien, Fear, Ftp, Greater Healing, Healing, Light, silver blecks the wap. Hecus Faker: lvlarching bands and veicanees
Dbscure, Quicltness, Shape Change, Smite, Speak Smellcaster: A thick wall ef impenetrable celered appear en the target’s biceps, er his biceps turn
Language, Speed, Stun, Teleltinesis, Zemt-ie gas with faces and arms in it. upside driwn.
Weircle: Lfrrlriirg Legs: A tinp wall ef legs that Help Heller: a glewing light er chelting smug
Srnelleaster grews and shrinlcs en cemmand. The legs can be surreunds the target.
Anner, Barrier, Blast, Belt, Beest;’Lc-wer Trait, recenfigurecl te ferm small buildings and ether Smellcaster: Melanchelp er triumphant rnuete»-..__ '

Deflectien, Detect;'Cencea| Arcana, Entangle, structures. fills the air.

Envirenmental Fretectien, Fear, Flp, Greater Weirde: Tlrfnlrmg Cap: A prepeller hat that rnaices
Healing, Healing, invisibility, Light, Ctbscure, EI.AS'[
the wearer smarter.
Puppet, Quickness, Shape Change, Speak Centanimater: Hundreds ef theusancls ef tinp
Language, Speed, Sh.m, Teleltinesis, Telepert, parasites rise frem the greuncl and begin te feast. CflN‘]i'tNIM,aTE
Zembie Dementalist: A giant glewing brain eitpledes in Centanimater: The centanimater rnust censtruct
the midst ef the targets. a suitable shell and then perferm all serts ---.-
Weirde Hecus Pelcer: ‘feur tppical eld ball ef fire. desecraterp and mpstical rituals upen it.
Armer, Barrier, Blast, Belt, Beestf Lewer Trait, Help Reller: The Wrath ef Gawd! Blasts ef help
Deflectien, DetectfCenceal Arcana, Dispel, lightning descend frem the heavens.
Elemental lvlanipulatien, Entangle, Enviren— Smellcaster: A big ass smellemental is released.
Centanimater: Sense sert ef geeep thing ferms in
rnental Fretectien, Fear, Flp, Greater Healing, He preceeds te pummel euerpene in the target the air and deflects the attaclt.
I-lealing, Invisibilitp, Light, Ctbscute, Puppet, area. Dementalish The dementalist appears te be a few
Quickness, Shape Change, Smite, Speak Weirde: Genus Demise: A slingshet that launches parts awap frem where he actuallp is.
Language, Speed, Stun, Teleltinesis, Telepert, esplesive eggs. Hecus Pelcer: The caster's tengue grews te
Zernbie enermeus size and acts as a shield. Semehew, :s._
dees net impede speech er spell casting.
Ber; "' ‘
Centanimater: A fine dust ef rustp metal sha1'ds Help Heller: A translucent irnage ef the Help"
is belched ferlh frem the cer1tanimater’s meuth. reller, wearing a fake hale and wings, everlaps
Dementalist: A glewing belt ef mental energp the caster and blacks inceming attacks.
zaps frem the cleInentalist’s fereheacl. Smellcaster: A gust ef feul wind frem
' ' _r-I’.

. ‘H-jg‘ ,-.,..__
Far It-are suggested trap-pit.-gs and weird devices, er ta share peer cl-In it;|e‘:_i"s“T"I--|sIt the ef‘l_‘*ic_fa|_.L_ei3' Lite an-etrsit'e‘?’a‘t-__juI'l'*1iI'n‘_|.I'.|'.|'l'Il.llIl'|3tl|llIl'|.£tl|'|'I.
.I -.

J- 11.‘.-3

1iTy‘sterieus [yeu knew where, wink wink] Hacus Faker: An illusien ef whatever the target directien.
anticipates the attack and deflects it. Dtife fears mast manifests in frent at him. Ha-cus Faker: The hecus peiter grews same sert
smellcasters need te think ef different trappings- Hely Reller: The Fear e’ Ciawd is put inte the ef luminescent ergan that d-angles frem his
Weirde: Deflectlellnftir: A small bauble shaped like target lfsemehew}. ferehead.
an eyeball. It senses inceming attacks and stares Smellcaster: The reek gives the inhaler the Hely Heller: The Cilerinus Light ef Faith shines
*-“them dawn. creeping willies, se te speak. frem newhere in particular.
Weirde: Tllfr‘et Tcrrav". A fake spider en string. Eimellcaster: The unh-ettled reek glews with
happiness when it is released. It thinks the epener
Dr.1'ec1' if Cer~icea.L Ascsna is its memmy and hangs areund fer a while.
Deanentalist: l—le just lsnews these things, and he Li’ Weirde: l_ispa’s l_mlvi::a:ls Lelitrlntli: Glewing
can cleud the perceptiens ef ethers. lfilrernentalist: Fake wind flaps at the dementa|ist’s
undies, hew tun!
Hecus Faker: lvlagic stuff glews when he wiggles clething as he sits cresslegged and hevers.
his fingers like an idiet. Hacus Faker: Little tiny wings spreut frem
Hely Reiler: Enchanted things shuffle uneasily. semew here an the hecus peker’s bedy. Minn BJ~:ann-:'
Ernellcaster: A smellemental wanders abeut. Hely Raller: Strap-en angel wings and a cheesy Dementalist: The Dementalist leeks a bit
fake hale appear an the target.
Weirde: arraitali:-igirs: A magical tengue sheath Smellcaster: The inhaled reek inflates the
that can taste arcane auras. inhaler’s bedy until it is lighter than air.
Weirde: Halleamng Hlaemers: Inflatable underpants.
Dementalist: The dementalist just thinks abeut it Gs.ea'res. Hc.u.n~.:e
and it happens. Deinentalist: The dementalist peunds an the
ecus Faker: Lets ef finger wiggling and target’s chest and yells "Breathe, damn yeul ‘t'eu
ebnesieus chanting- never gave up in year life. ‘feu’re net giving up
Hely Heller: The hely reller says semething new!"
pempeus, such as, ”| banish thee!” Hely Reller: Just yeur basic laying an ef hands.
Weirde: mrraser: A chunk nf rubber that dispels Stnellcaster: The target is disintegrated by an
auras when rubbed acress enchanted items er a|l—pewerfu| smellernent, and then immediately
beings. replaced by an eztact duplicate with fewer
Weirde: Eela's Errtraiirlflilary Enema: Use yeur
imaginatien. It deesn't werk en eefes, fer ebvieus
Cantanimatar: Chunks ef filth spring ferth and
adhere themselves te the centanimater, making

Illenientalist: The dementalist’s face centerts inte Heauns

a greteseue mask and he says "Beegity beegityl” Dernentalist A gentle kiss and an espleratery '
_..,_ r ., .
prebe fer effect. raise. his chest glews fer same I ‘I
I't.‘!'c'15'l.'JI'l. . _r
I l""'-‘El -l:"l~'|'l-}','!:
Hely Raller: Mere laying en ef hands, but with
less guste.
Smellcastert The reel~t’s vapers
suture we uncls frem the inside. It's
pretty cc-el. flascuss
Weirdn: Hamil .-flfrfe: A tiny weeden Centanimater: Thick, cleying smeg belches ferth
hand that helcls weuncls clesecl
frem semewhere unpleasant.
and massages sere muscles. Ha-cus Faker: Everyene in the area is ferced te
shut their eyes-
Hely Heller: Really bright light ebscures
1r~ivtsIn1L1"_|jy everything. lt’s like leeking inte the sun, er
Dernentalistt Yeu can see him, but semething else really bright.
ynu clc-n't knew yeu can see him, Fanellcaster: The reek cealesces inte a swirling
and that pretty much makes him mass ef deep purple haae.
invisible. He's messin’ with your Weirde: Eelclling Battle: A ceramic jug that bi Elews
mind. ferth a cleud ef cieaking. grape-flavered, dark-
Hecus Faker: Casual gesticulatien ness when uncerked.
and a few nensensica] babblings.
Srnellcastert The inhaled reek
infuses the target with its ewn PU rear
transparent nature. Centanimater: The centanimater must censtruct
Weirdn: Mask efllitrfsfhilly: A masts. a crude marienette ef the victim.
tnacle ef twe hands that cever the
Dementalist: The dementalist just sert ef tells the
eyes. A small ripening between victim what te de. "These aren’t the beids yeu‘re
fingers allews the wearer te see.
Ienking fer."
Eirnellcaster: Wlieever inhales the reek is at the
mercy ef the smellcaster.
LIGHT Weirda: ‘r'aagar’s Hami l-‘i.-ppa:'t af Deals: The
Cnntanimater: Glewing IZ'l‘IL1l‘lh'.5 ef weirde makes a hand puppet that resembles an
nukular matter surreuncl the intended victim. The puppet l1as the pewer te
caster and meve abeut at his central the target as leng as it is wem hy the

llll:-l't:Il:l:l'ra‘t-I’-I--E--I-eel‘-4-ll:-rial: _a've_:" the last high prlest

"-1- .-I
- 4. '.r .1‘-

it 99°
flementalist: The den1entalist’s body shivers
and blurs with hyperactivity.
Horus Poker: Some really fast gesticulating
and auctioneer style babbling.
Holy Roller: The target’ s rnovernenls are
accompanied by loud, kung fulicious cracking
Srnellcaster: A puff of dust shaped like the
inhaler is left behind whenever he moves.
Weirdo: Mystic Tongric i-ling ofljirlirkiriéss: This
gilded stud bestows quickness upon the

Sn.-ire Comes
Hocus Poker: A curtain surrounds the caster.
When it is removed, he has been replaced by
the appropriate animal.
Holy Keller: A puff of smoke and a flash of
Smellcaster: The 1'eek’s bottle must be
vaguely shaped like the creature that the
inhaler changes into.
Weirdo: Slog jelly: This disgusting substance,
made from distilled slog filling and enchanted
by a weirdo, turns whoever eats it into a
rrsmr sies-

Ss:tTs hovers very quickly, floating above the manifesi and manipulate the target object.
Contanirnator: The contanimator smears the ground with his legs c1'ossed. Dementalist: The dementalist closes his eyes
target weapon with filth and offal. Hocus Poker: :5: piece of food on a string and puts his fingers to his temples.
Hocus Poker: The weapon glows and hums is suspended in fronl' of the target, Home Poker: The usual gesticulating and
with arcane energies.
encouraging him to ever greater feats of chanting.
Holy Roller: The holy roller sneezes on the
alacrity. Holy Roller: The holy roller closes his eyes
weapon and then says, "Bless you," Holy Roller: A11 illusory lashmaster, wearing and screams "Hailelujahl” Dr something like
Wei:-do: Smitten f‘.l:‘ii'l'lll'H.'i‘I A lovely hammer the vestments of the holy roller’ s religion that.
that pounds nails and also adds +2 to the appears behind the target and whips him in Smellcaster: A mighty wind issues forth from
damage itcauses, *'
_l the ass. somewhe1'e on the inhaler and moves the
Smell-raster: The inhaler's eyes bulge and he target object.
sweats profusely. Weirdo: Clmlr llml lvltiees by itself‘. A chair that
Weirdo: Roscoe's Rniirlrrurclloris Roller Slrnlcs: moves by itself.
Enchanted wheeled shoes that double the
normal skating pace of the wearer.
Contanimator: The dead body is desecratecl
Srun with filth and excrement.
Contanimator: The target is overwhelmed by Holy Roller: The body must be purified and
a green cloud of gaseous filth. cleansed.
Dementalist: The target suffers a Eirainfart. Smellcaster: This one is kind of puerile. fi1
Hocus Poker: A massive illusory hand rises reek bottle is opened into the corpses nether
from the ground and shakes the target like regions. As the reek passes through the body
one should never, ever shake a baby. and is emitted from the mouth, it bestows
Holy Roller: The ta1'get is temporarily unnatural life into the carcass.
overcome with guilt {probably for touching Weirdo: Spleen o,fDcml Elly lvlmrlprrlnflon: This
himself inappropriately}. organ is implanted into the body of a corpse,
Smellcaster: The reek fills the target’s mind animating it for the use of the owner.
with effervescent fis: {figuratively}.
Weirdo: Clockwork Bold: A mechanical hold
that flies around and poos explosive stun

Summon Conrgsnimanrs
Contanimator: Contanimants and similar
minions of corruption spring forth and do the
bidding of the contanimator as he chuckles
eviily to himself. Very powerful sl'uff.

Contariirnator: Wherever the contanin-iator ’['Er,Eiur~Iss1s

goes, his footsteps are filled with slick grease. Contanimator: Tiny flying contanirnants
Dementalist: The dementalist just sort of

If it glues:-ibr more than a rr-Inute it m'da*r'--r.-you are P firs


f I.-
The crapwagon of Peddlerneister Wanna stay in an inn? Perhaps the Srvrr
Gorbo the Gland is typical of its owner will let you do the dishes.
breed. Such wagons, chock full of all Looking for someone to build you a Dig, if you will, the picture...
kinds of interesting stuff, are a house? Start saving your eggshells. Gorbtfs crapwagon overflows
common site along the roads and The really silly part is that coins do with an abundance of strange and
slog trails of the civilised world. exist, they just aren't thought of as exotic things that he's collected over
money. Most coins are really just small the years. lvlany have obvious utility,
Traders like Ciorbo travel from town
to town, swapping, bartering, and
baubles, beads, and decorations. These such as the rusty spearheads he
objects are collectively known as clrmis. salvaged from the liattle of Clrrsbutt
acquiring New stuff to trade and Smart traders collect such things, since Crevice and the glass jar filled with
barter with. Such is the way of they are small and easily carried, and use tiny, wound—c1eansing, pusrnuncher
things... them as the basis of their bartering. For grul:-s. Others have a more puaxling
Aside from various wandering most intents and purposes a clam is design, like the dangling majig and
crapwagons, most cities and towns pretty much universally usable as a coin. the mysterious teeveevishun, a
have marketplaces and barterposts The prices listed on Gorbo's sign are in cryptic relic of the 1-loornanrace {and
erected to facilitate trade between clams. Gtirbo’s most prized possession}.
various people and groups. Often, a The point is, all sorts of craxy junk is
wisenheimer or well+respected hoink out there. anr.i everything has a
is hi|'ed to watch over dealings and purpose. It falls upon the resourceful
Df course, since clams have no defined
adjudicate disputes and the clever to make proper use of
intrinsic value, this whole system is open
it all. I-iere follows a description of
The majority of societies do not to exploitation and debate. Haggling is
several useful items and services:
have an actual form of currency, very common and is an accepted and
although some have experimented expected interaction in most market-
with the idea —with hilarious and places. In general a successful Persua- Randonl Things
disastrous results. Nowadays goods sion roll and each raise on the part of the
and services are traded directly for buyer lowers die cost of an item by 13%. Backpack: This is just a bag with
other goods and services. Need a So a successful roll with nine raises straps. It can be made out of just
new shirt? lvlaybe lviurtle the means that the buyer has effectively about any kind of cloth or hide and
convinced the seller to hand over the holds roughly Ell pounds of stuff.
Shirtsniith will trade for that jar of
item for free.
pickled toenails in your knapsack.
the G1an_d’s.¥G.tapivogon Fine Goods aiid Assorted Detritus __._ _ _ _
-_ _ '_.d. ,_. -' -5-.-

Item Cost Weight item Cost Weight [tern Cost Weight

Random Stuff fltrmor {per Ioeation) Craaty Etuff

Backpack Crap;-,r|y arnior [+1] EC! 5 Hoomanrace Psrtifact 5*] "-7'3 + ‘|i'i1I'iE'5i

Blanket Decent armor {+2} iflfl iii 1-“leek in a bottle mfi+ 1

Cage. small wood Good armor {+3} Eflfl 15 5-core croach Inn 5

Candle ti" radius} Shield, cr-apgy 25 B ‘Weird Device "39 4" varies

Chalk [1 stick} Shielti, decent E-rfl 12

Mounts 31- Livestock and feta n Things
Croach Moltinga Shield, good 2'0
flask Elothing Dig this, all sorts of animais and monsters
and such can be tamed and used as mounts,
Grappler Criipfly ciothing 5 pets, or beasts of burden. Contaniinaironic
I']1lfl"1TT1E‘l' Decent clothing EU minions, siogs, stomps, and a varied
assortment far too huge to ciisciose are eager
Lantern {J-5|" radius} Snazzy clothing iflfl
and vviliin * to Fulfil] your basest coniportnient
Lockpicking tools Eimpitf clothing 2flfl+ desires. Ci course, ‘I.-'i."it{.'1 beasties elo need to be
trained first, but you can find just about
Manacles Servants Sf Services an thing if you look hard enough.
t . flit {for lantern} Bod Lovin' It] on can find out more about these
' ifluiver {ED arrows) inciiviciual beasties in the Bestiary of Dith iater
Good Lovin' .'Sfi +
on in this book.
" _'
_ J

it Hope (2I'J_yorts} Grooming ‘iCI+

; Shiny rock Pt night in a crappy inn 5 Livestock Hf Suoh .- ~..__
If Shovel It night in a decent inn it] Contanima tronic Iflflfl+ .,_,._n.iE5
J} Soap. a hunk of 11 night in :1 good inn ED Minion
Spoon 11 slave 5|EiCI+ Eiggity iflfl
-E Torch til" radius} Grub Sf Grog Ciity Boid 5
Twine, hall of fin. bag o‘ Circuspi Huts lfl moms 5'-iss 3””
‘Waterskin Moonulur cheese. hunk EC!

‘Whistle 11 crap-p_y meal 2 ‘fact: and H

‘four portrait on at ft decent meal it] Slog S-adclie
grain of sand it good meal 15+ One of hngs H
Ps Bottle of Booze 5+ 1 c'
that_youH17‘ I7‘ ??
Poo (croaches love it] 1”" "" ‘ varies H
L]i:-.3-ci ho um.- about b use tere is

.- “H 7 _youto ‘ e it
Blanket: imagine a big ass Shiny Rock: This is a pretty
rectangle made nut nf clnth nr rack. and it's shiny ten.
wnven hairs. It helps keep ynu Shevel: A shnvel is great I-'nr
warm and prclvides a suit place digging hnles and clnbbering
tn sleep. penple tn put in the h-ales.
Cage: A small wnnden cage Tnrch: Crne nf these sheds light
can be used tn keep small in an eight yert [3"} radius and
animals in. like nily bnids and lasts about an hnur.
small giggities. Larger cages are Twine. Ball at: This is abeut
available. but they cnst mare and Bflll yc-rts {feet} nl durable string
are heavier. wnund up in a ball. ‘Ecru can
Candle: Generally made nut uf unwind it and do stuff with the
earwa:-t nr rendered Eat, a typical string.
candle sheds light in a twn ycrrt Waterskin: Usually made
radius [T] and can sputter en Fnr frern the bladder clf snme
abnut an hnur. unsuspecting animal. a skin can
Chalk: This stuff is Fun Fnr be used tn st-are much mc-re than
drawing nn rncles. water- In fact. just abuut any
Crnach lvlnltings: These dnn’t liquid can beput in it.
have much practical value. but Whistle: lvly cc-usin’s larva
they can be quite decnrative and had nne nf these things. Ynu
malce lnvely wind chimes. cnuld hear it tram a big yurt
Flask: This refers tn just abc-ut away {abnut a mile].
any glass ur ceramic bnttle. jug nr
vial. Smellcasters use them tn
stc-re reeks in and everynne uses
them tn stnre bnnze.
nrn-inr is sc-ld by lncatinn
Grappler: A grappler is a
{bnth legs. both arms. tnrsn.
twisted hunk uf metal nr wnnd
head]. The price listed is the cnst
that can be tied tn a rape and
fnr each lncatinn. Fnr example. tn
used as an anchur nr climbing
buy crappy armc:-r that cnvers
aid. They are nnt generally
bnth arms. bnth legs. and the
tnrsn wc-uld cast an clams.
Hammer: "r'nu knew what a
Remember that the tnrsn is
hammer is.
always the default hit lncatinn
Lantern: fine at these can shed
unless the attacker makes a
light in a 4 ynrt radius {4’’} and
called shnt.
lasts abnut 3 hnurs per pint nf nil.
The weight at armnr varies
if a lantern is drctiiipecl it may
depending nn what it is made ul’.
break [5IIl‘ls chance) and has a ‘I in
but in general a weight cal’ live
n at setting fire tn cnmhustlbles
pnunds per lncatinn tnr crappy
[see the rules fer Fire in Savage
armnr. ten pnunds fnr decent
armnr. and Fifteen pnunds lnr
Leckpicking teuls: Bent metal
gnnd armnr is abnut right.
thingees and varic-us picks and
lvinst armer is made fer the
such. as the name implies. average sized warrinr. If a
lnckpicking tnnls are essential Fur
character has the Really Big Guy
picking lncks [a character whe-
Edge his armnr generally casts
hies tn pick a lnck withnut these
twice as much. Cnnversely, a
tnnls has a -2 penalty tn his rnll}.
fellnw with the Really Small Guy
lvlanacles: These are bitchin’
Edge nnly has in pay half nnrmal
metal handcuff thingees.
retail value.
Di]: A flask nf nil can keep a
lantern lit fer three ltnurs. lt’s
Crappy Armor: Crappy arrner
als-:1: really slippery.
can be made tram just ab-aut
Quiver: ‘fen put ynur arrnws
anything trnm dried mud tn
in it.
esnphngatnr hide. It afturds a
Rape: Wnven frnm fibers. hair,
bnnus nt +1.
dead wcrrms, nr caterpillar pen. a
Decent Armor: Armnr at this
gnnd rnpe can he used fur
nature is usually made nut at
climbing. tying things tngether.
same kind nt metal links at
lassning ynur enemies. hanging
chains er is made at strung hide
bad guys. tripping penple. and a
reintnrced with metal. Decent
whale hnst nf nther fun and
armnr has a bonus nf +2.
exciting activities.
'-I+ .1.

"I. ,_':_. '.r

. _ r .
. _ ‘Hr!-‘-='..'J'-Si-t-'

Chad Crappy Clathing: The average aithling Servants 3? Serviaes

Bequeathing a banus af +3, gaad armar is wears simple clathing made fram natural
mast likely Inade af metal plates ar the scales fibers ar waven fram the hair af beasts. A Lavin’: Da l really need ta ga inta detail
af same huge mansler. Gaad armar usually crappy ensemble might include same tarn abaut this? Bad lavin' is a cheap date with ‘I
I '
laaks pretty caal taa, with all sarts af nifty trausers af maldy plant fibers, a stained shirt sameane wha will prabably give yau same
embassments, etchings, and ather flaafy ar vest, same waaden sandals, and a pair af kind afdisease. Gaad lavin' is what yau make
things. underpants. Subtle, yet it makes a statement. af it. Whips and manacles are aptianal.
- '

It says, "I have na fashian sense." Graaming: This invalves pretty much all af-I -
Decent Clathing: An autfit af this nature the ways in which a dude can be spruced up,
might include a pair af baats and a funny hat including the traditianal shave and a haircut,
in additian ta a slightly mare fashianable skirt carapace palishing, manicure, pedicure,
Shields can be made aut af just ahaut any
ar pair af trausers. With this ensemble, a tattaaing, piercing, bathing, casmetic.
taugh ar hardened material, like waad, metal,
fashianable being af Clith aften wears bath a Inakeaver, hair dyeing, etc...
a1' the lenses af a cheese leech’s eyes. All
A Night in an Inn: Same inns are better; '
shirt and a vest, and perhaps a few '."'|
shields anly pratect against attacks that came
accautrements, like a leather belt and a few than athers. A crappy inn generally affers
farm the fra nt ar left side {assuming the shield
tassels. l‘~lat quite stylish, but almast. This is very little in the way af amenities, with ane ar
is carried an a left arm].

what yaur typical adventurer wears an his twa large raams being shared by all af th -

daily adventures. guests. A decent inn usually serves breakfast
Crappy Shield: Crappy shields, usually
Snazzy Clathing: Aaaaaaaaaah yeah... and dinner and affers private raams far the
pretty small and made af waad, hide, ar dried
These are same stylin’ duds. Taday's madern discerning taurist. A gaad inn aften has"
vamit, affer Ihe wielder a +1 banus ta Parry.
gentleman ar fly haney can aften be faund facilities far bathing and recreatian. A hause
Decent Shield: A decent shield is aften
traipsing arau nd ta wn in cheese leech silk and pimp generally affers lavin' far an extra fee
made af metal scales ar reinfarced waad and
rhinestanes. Perhaps a fancy cape and same {bad and gaad} and the faad is edible and
affers a +2 Ftrinar banus ta 1'anged shats that
big ass, curly-taed shaes adarn aur madel. aften tasty.
hit the wielder, as well as a +1 Parry banus.
lvlaybe a gigantic hat and farmal ba:n:er sharts Slaves: Slaves are generally canvicted
Caad Shield: Gaad shields are canstructed
decarate his tap and tail. Snazzy clathing is criminals, prisaners af war, ar just unhtcky
af metal ar same ather really taugh material,
always in fashian and partrays an air af dudes wha were inauspiciaus enaugh ta _ '
like ba1'la ass blubber. They a1'e pretty big and
saphisticatian and elegance. captured in a slave raid and farced inta a lif ..'|.
affer a +2 Parry banus alang with a +2 Arrnar .1

Pimpin’ Clathing: The snazziest af the af servitude. A slave can be used far just
banus against ranged attacks that hit.
snazzy, pimpin' gear takes fashian ta the next abaut any purpase, tram general
level. Sirnilar ta snazzy clathing, but the hat is hausekeeping ta mercenary saldiering. The
Clathing bigger, the curly-taed shaes are curlier, the cheapest slaves are typically manual labarers,
cadpiece is mare e:~:travagant, and the while the mare expensive anes aften have a
Let's face it, unless yau plan ta run araund rhinestanes are shinier. A fellaw in pimpin’ useful skill ar twa.
naked all the time [which is acceptable in clathes is the talk af the lawn and thusly gains Slaves can be af any species ar gender and
sa1ne places), yau are gaing ta need same a +1 banus ta Charisma as lang as his clathes can be faund in mast areas af the warld. Mast
kind af attire ta caver yaur tender bits and ta are clean and in gaad repair. cremefillians, due ta histarical events,”
keep yau warm and fashianable. especially resent the institutian af slavery and-
very rarely awn slaves. A cremefillian slave
will try ta escape at every appartunity.
‘ includes multiple ceurses. delicieus feed, and
-Grub 31- Greg
usually seme sert ef desert er aperitif.
Circuspi Huts: These are pretty much the
nastiest and mest vile tasting ef all E}ith's Benze: flneze ranges in quality frem
fc:-edstuffs. lvlest beings weuld rather saver a watered dewn gtggity piss in e:-ietic Iiquers
3;f:‘_~steaming bnwel nf berln crap than munch en and wines made frem mysterieus fruits and Weird Devices: Weirdes are rennwned fer
ene nf these herrid things. grains. The better class ef drink are eften the bizarre and unusual censtructiens they
Cln the plus side, they are extremely distinguished by a small paper umbrella er a create. Anything frem autematic back-
nutritive and filling. fltnybndy whn can cheke tiny swerd spitting a piece ef fruit er twe. scratchers and eztendable arms te
nne ef these dewn and avnid vnmiting Fee: I deubt this needs much descriptien. it tri-prnnged scretal mnunts and giant carven
{successful vignr rnll] dnes net need te eat fer cemes eut ef penple’s butts and crnaches like idels that belch flame can be made by a
afull day. te eat it. I think its grnss, but what de I knew? skilled weirde. Such a device is generally
valued at ‘lllilll clams per Fnwer Feint invested
Meenular Cheese: Hunks ef cheese frem in its creatinn.
Crazy Stuff
the lvtennular Cheese Fields are difficult te
- "me by nutside ef the Fields thernselves {the Sample Weird Device
Here fetlew a few mere esnteric items
price listed is fer imperted lvleenular cheese), Scare Creach: A scare crnach is nething
cellected by C-erbe the Clland ever his travels.
' but its delicate green hue and delicieus flaver mere than a small replica ef an| crnach.
make it a valued cnmestible and a welcnme
Heemanrace Artifact: Strange and rare in
It is mildly enchanted by a centanimatnr er
additien te any table. the extreme, ancient relics ef the Heemanrace hecus peker and is especially useful as a
are extremely valuable. lvtnst nf them have ne decey. when the item is placed en the
Meals: Taverns and restaurants in cities greund, and a cnmmand werd is uttered, it
cliscernable purpese, but they are expensive
_ villages wnrldwide serve a vast array et' f.'Il'1:-,-"'ll-'r’u':'I:'y'.
will enlarge itself and draw the attentien ef
feedstuffs. It is pretty much impessible te enemies and pursuing mnnsters. any
quantify exactly what censtltutes a crappy, aggressive creature with animal intelligence
Reek in a Bettie: A reek is a magically
decent, er gned meal, but in general, a crappy faced with a scare crnach must make a
ensnared eder bettled by a smellcaster. Each
meal is a single ceurse ef semething successful Smarts rell er cenfuse the scare
reek has a magical effect en the ene whe
unpleasant and dubieus, a decent meal may inhaies it. determined by the smellcaster whe crnach fer the real thing, attacking it instead.
have multiple ceurses and be at least
cenjured it. In general a reek is werth ‘ltlfl
mederately palatable, and a gend meal
clams fer every Fewer Fnint invested in its

GETTING faera [-'tI.‘.IINT A Te FDINT (2


Cine ef the censuming cenundrums ef civilized theught, and indeed theught in general, is hew ene may best ezple-it the wenders ef nature
and inventien te get ene's lazy ass frem peint A te peint Q with as little effert as pessible. Cine enceuraging step aleng these lines was the
develepment ef legs and ether implements ef crawlificatien by eur earlier ancesters. Legs are geed; walking is less messy than squirming. but
teday’s medern creach en the ge may cheese frem an endless multitude ef ingenieus vehicles and stalwart beasts ef burden te aid him en his
jeurney. All he needs is eneugh clams, brains, er raw materials and he'll be rellin’ in ne time. The fellewing segment describes enly the —I1j'h&-"i '&"-—".l-£1

I rneagerest sampling ef such implements. Llse yeu: melenfarming brain and invent yeur ewn geesin’ mab-eb if yeu den’t like the enesl Inade.
hlj1l-|—r|.----|I'~—-'I|.|1-—- ' -h- I-I‘-H "- 'Zl—-"I-T'-I -j‘ ii‘-j‘ Efi_

Balleeen: Basically just the bleated neterieusly difficult in high winds, is barges like The Celtics Cielt, ewned by the
nicer se nf seme dead animal, hel e wed eut maintained by a series ef repes and valves. Elf fameus ham Eezel Gutgebbler ef Fleem, te
an filled with bueyant asses frem the ceurse, unless yeu have a smellcaster handy, massive ships ef menster hair and petrified
Keister ef‘-Ciawd er threugh t ecenjurinr ef a yeu’re peep nut ef luck if yeu need tn refill en cheese. The peint is, yeu’re The Bass, yeu
smellcaster, a balleeen is a fine me e ef the ge. rt smellcaster needs ene hnur ef den’t need me te tell yeu hew many enple
transpert. The basket dangling belew can successful te refill an average fit en every beat and hew much they a cest.
held several passengers. Steering, while sized balleeen, which eses reughly Sill: ef its
gas every time a change is made (it Cart: This sert ef thing is usually made
alse makes a rudesteering
and s i htly embarrassing frem cemmen building materials an pulled
neise).Dnce the res the s lew Silt-ii capacity by a beast ef seme sert. lvlest have wheels.
the balienen wi slew y sink tn the greund but snme, like the sleg sled, use skis er trails
unless refilled. Uh yeah, yeu can alse sink by ef mucus te help them get aleng. Large carts,
releasing air er taking en ballast ef seme sert. knewn as "wagens" may even have a small
heuse er seme such built inte them.

Creeper: alse knewn as “Wiggly

Beat: Cheese manl Yeu knew what a beat Wigglers". these thangs are pretty snazzy.
is. They ceme in all serts ef shapes and sizes, Clften sculpted te resemble seme sert ef
far tee many in inclusively describe in a beek werm er bug er semethin , they use the
ef this magnitude. "r'eu’ve get a whnle range. mementum ef the rim. er’s wiggling
frem crappy little canees made ef desiccated mevements te push them ferward. Net
sleg carcasses threugh elegant pleasure remarkably useful up hills er even en flat
""lli;' trernefillian hcrde at lieehirnus the Grape rede inte battle an their bug-wheeled _'_t|‘rreesyc_le_i'.;
. "-u . -I
. a- . . "'1. ._ .
I u_ ._;.


stretches, creepers can rnll dawn a slnpe like

nnbndy's business. Wne betide anynne
standing dnwnhill and nnt paying attentinn
when a creeper—riding thug cnmes his way
with a great riirciilrii-rileciilrri and an nutthrust
lance [damage ii? when rnlling dnwnhillj.

llriabnb: A mabnb is a generic name fnr any

snrt nf thing that dnesn’t already have a name.
Here we are using it in a vehicular cnntei-it, but
it may apply elsewhere if ynu want it tn. A
mabnb can be anything. frnm a gigantic
rriarinnette run by pulleys and gears tn a big
hnllnw egg with cnntanirnalrnnic legs.
Serinusly dude, anything ynur little heart can
imagine cnuld exist —yep, even that. Just make
sure The Bass agrees with it and ynu have
ennugh Smarts tn pull it nff. Elf cnurse, as in
all things, The Bnss has the final say abnut
hnw lnng it will take tn make and hnw many
clams it will set ynu back. Anything that uses 'l- -j___.

ancient Hnnmanrace technnlngy will, nf


Beret WelghL
cnurse, be es: tremely rare and expensive. . .i. —' ..___
_ _ I —- . €
Heres ynur chance in let ynur engineering . g.“mbm_
-glganmmn Egg“ Egg 6 lg} 1+5 Sm
genius shine. Release ynur inner nerd. 5.
' gm“ ' '+ '
R 1’ ii 2 This flnatr-.
Fit Blnaters: These things are basically just l R2‘: 25$
a cnuple nf small ballnnnns that attach by
rnpes tn the wearer’s armpits. They cnuld *
Cart mg mg 3 in 1+4 .1 gm Hhj_,"_flj__,j, j_._m_ j
attach tn snme nt.'ner part nf his bndy if ynu . Wu H“ jhgingl
Wagjm Sm 5gg_j_ In {E} Hg gggg
want [like a backpack nr tn ears, breasts. feet. Ujm, mm
jj. Creeper gm gg -I ygaaia g {2} -I rider
but I W35 funniefit‘
Eb':“‘}’ Hmught llrlnpits 5 ivlabnb varies varies varies varies varies varies |"*““*'**‘~'="“_'~r'-
Since they aren't real big they dnn’t ,,,,,,,,, . j;]“lMijjndm_ifl___
really L:-1,“ Blflaters Sm lg 4 rider
"i‘““.""tilfllifflifrtflflfifl ”"”"'l a““fl”*‘“.“""" i Rally Skates 'lflfl iii ax-is 4(1) - rider =.?liicIvdia‘=m-
whimsical rrianner. Sure. with a running _ mm . Wm, H hglmg
Spring Shnes Em H] 4 rider
pnunce ynu can pretty much triple ynur
nnrmal jumping height nr tenfnldulate I gycle ' '
_ -I Dnesycle 'll‘l[‘l El] 2f8 E: [l ] Ela-2 1--'li-nil.
{multiply by ten] ynur distance. but that's nnt jl . .I.wn“_|“__E|5_
. _ Twmgcle
- gm 4g gflg Em ..
the same as flying. Pitblnaters are inflated the _
_ . 1 , H
same way as ballnnnns. but they dnn t
I -'-_F]-H-EE.cg_|-EIE

accidentally deflate unless punctured. It takes

a smellcaster twn minutes and a Sniellcasting
rnll tn fill a pair nf pit blnaters.

Rally Skates: Yup, just what they snund

like — nnthing mnre than a pair nf shnes with
same wheels attached. Rnlly skates can make
ynu gn really fast [pace 3:2]. but they alsn
rriake it pretty hard in maneuver acrnss
uneven grnund.

Spring Shnes: Shnes nf this nature. and by

”this nature” I mean with giant springs
attached in the bnttnms. let the wearer jump
like a melnn farming maniac. Indeed, a
being’ s vertical jumping distance is quad-
rupled, his hniiznntal is tripled, his diagnnai
is affected accnrding tn the Pythagnrean
Thenrem and his fnurth diniensinnal
jumping ability is unsurprisingly .3” is
unchanged. ‘- ..._.g.
l taii i ..____
Sycle: This name is applied tn . .~i i.‘ie'-
any snrt nf thing that uses wheels
.~. .a.-,-;
and turning pedals in get arnund.
The name varies depending nn ~v._-.
hnw many wheels are invnlved.

'"‘[‘lere’s.tl1e'lil1ing, it's a pretty crazy ncitian

ta try tb make same sart af ccimprehensive
listing af all the variaus weapcins available in
this warld. There are just tnci many af them.
Same fellnws prefer the tr-aditianal swards
fi~fld spears. Clthers are inte weird stuff, like
gigantic scisscirs and barbeque tangs. Still
cithers are fund af making up their awn weir-d
ccirnbinatiens bf weapmis, like a rubber
- chicken with a bunch nf nails in it er a
slingshcit with a dagger blade an the handle.
Whatever yaur martial preference, Wacky
Wunge's Wundrc-us Weapan Warkshap, and
dciaens af athers just like it, are happy tci
create far ynu a perscinaliaed armament cif
_ ciur cheice, far a naminal fee, af caurse.
..5i:mp|y fc-llciw the chart an the fcillewing page
ta determine the cast and all will be well.
Be creative and came up with a weapcin
that really emphasises yaur character‘s style
and persanality. A few sample weapans are
- listed be-law, alung with their casts and
_ ibutes.'

Haw to Use the lifespan Workshop:

First, find the damage that ye-u want ycrur

. _.J-I" weapan in da. This determines the base cc-st
cif the armament. Add at subtract fram this
price based an restrictiens and parks, such as
reduced weight and Minimum Strength,
xltrmcir Fenetraticin, range, and athers. The
final number cif clams is the actual price cif the
The Minimum Strength listed beside the
Weight is the minimum Strength required ta Sample ‘Weapons Giant Roasting Baster and a Bucket of Puisnn
wield that weapan withc-ut paying extra. {3df:i, range Eu’ 12! E4, Weiglil 1B ycirts, lviin.
Minimum Strength can be lciwered by Big Ass Cleaver Str. dB, Cast EBB}. Basically a thick glass cir
lc-wering the weight cif a weapc-n ta that af the [Str+=i, Weiglit ll y-arts, Min. Str. dd, Farmer metal cylinder attached tci a flexible bladder
next lc-west Damage range. it casts ‘Ill clams Penetraticin +'I, Cast ESE! clams]. This is bf same scirt, this device can be used tci spray
per y-art (puund] ta reduce a weapan’s basically a huge meat cleaver. pciiscin, acid, er just abc-ul: any ether liquid
weight. deadliness.
Missile weapans begin with a range af Battle Tcings
[Str+2, Str+2, Weight ‘I2 yarts. Min. Str. dix Ginurmuus Ecissurs
t a missile weapan inflicts is paid fur Disarm +2, Cast lfill}. These barbeque tcings {Str+5, Weiglit E4 ycirts, lvfin. Str. till}, Armcir
+_"- separately. Fur example. the base cast iii a are hinged in the middle and spcirt twci Fenetraticin +3, Elisarm Bcinus +2, Parry
weapan that inflicts Eda damage is 'l==lll clams. curved ferk paints. Bcinus +3, Reach +1, Cast QED]. These huge
The Minimum Strength required ta wield a iren scisscirs are perfect fur siic ing c:-pen armcir
missile weapan with multiple dice af damage Clubberizer and lcipping eff limbs.
is tine higher than wciuld be required ta wield [Str+5, 3d'I2, Multiple Llses {melee ii: missile}.
it at the highest damage die attributed, per die Range 'l5X3llg’bll, Weight fill yarts, Min. Str. ]ust Yeur Basic Everyday Lnngswnrd
beycind the first. So, a weapan that inflicts Zdil dl 2+1, iiirmar Fenetraticin +3, [lisarm licinus {El'r+3, Weight ‘El ycirts, Min. Str. db, Ccist lflfl}.
damage wciuld require a Minimum Strength
" +3, Parry Be-nus +3, Reach +2, lgnare Shield, ]ust yciur basic everyday lcingswcird.
:_.lcif dB and weigh "lb yarts, while cine that Cast ‘lilr-ill clams}. The ultimate weapen, this is
"inflicts Ed'lI}+'ldS waulcl require a Strength af scirt afa gigantic spiked black an a thick chain Pun Flinger
at least d'l2 and weigh 23 yerts. The attached ta a lung irc-n handle with a craplaad {Sir +1, 1dB {nan-lethal], multiple uses {melee
maximum damage that a ncin—magical uf metal spiky things sticking but in all dc missile}, Range 6,312} 24, Weight 11 ycirts,
handheld missile weapen can inflict is 4-:.l'l2, directicms. The ball can be swung in melee er lvlin. Str. dB, Cast TED}. Basically just a big ass
which wauld cast 5212} clams, weigh 43 ycirts catapulted as a prajectile by bending the wciciden spucm, lrhis thing can hurl pee and
-.-' "and require a minimum Strength c-f d'l2+2. handle back and releasing it. ether Fciulnesses [the stench and ici.-tyness
The damage listed far missile weapans incapacitates targets} and can clciuble as a
indicates the maximum dice uf damage that Crappy Dagger weak club.
the amme hurled by that weap-an might [Str+'l, Weight3 yc-rts, Crappy Materials, Cast
inflict. ‘l3 clams}. Eh peinty little stabby thing. Slingshut
(Edd, Range BXIEXE4, lr"I-leighl B ycirts, Ccist
15B}. 331 slingshot such as this can hurl racks
and ether small cibjects at year fees.

I. If y nu clim'I dig this systi;-m, just use the i'i.-ic.i.'lii:val Weapims lists in the Savage Wiirids Itulelaiirik-

lf this _is ‘la:i_i.ran-ip-licated. or it I did a crumray lab at describing the pretest. check. cut the detailed “El-ill‘ chart at 1.rl"ivil'ii.l.l'nl.l‘l.'.l'lE|_I":I:_l-'__f_l'-l;:'fiEll'n.
' " - """" __'
' . . e-‘'‘' '. __.. _ '._1 _‘- "T . '- 5-‘.
.' I' .

Wacky Wenge s Wendreus We-apen Werkshep


1 -.3

!' Damage Cast Weight Min. Str. Bfistrietjuns

~ Mel“ Era FF} Materials~ (~—‘:'1fl‘l'.']5

- ’
" 3 3 p 3
._, ._' I _
Strength +2 5'0 Er Jrerts — r
'1 Hm-._]__ELh3] (_3,{]*g.{,]" 1.

. Strength +3 IUU 9 Jrerts elf. 51$“, fletmld {_gm,.E}"

' .- ~' Strength +4 290 13.1'~’~‘«~rL-s '53
]‘.....~.—I-1.1:-.:I.=.-.:1 {-21:15-s)“ .r
. . _.mar# . .
.| - _ Missile l
1&4 59 _ Er. .-’*.11f-‘ti1n.-_.1 r.1i.=.1: is seereul l‘_‘-' .1 1.rI_=-:‘I|3I.~11 ell rI'I.1leri.'Ll*'..tl1e_'.'.'.=ii..l».-I nmst mil .1 Lil“. L’
4I},flt.L5 :11.1».Ie 1._'|'.'I]-"'_l~“‘_"' &' .,___
.- It lhe resull l.‘-'- *1 ur ill the weapnn l'Ire.1le. .1lt1.'rL11tlI4:tI11t.; ll 5.‘ u.l.1111.1}_1',e.'1I:1».l 1:‘. 1Ir1u.~i.1l1le the1'e.1lter. ."'. ,
'« lclfi Tl] EIJ-'£1r|_:-I — suv:«:essI'1Il Ele1'I.1i1' mil -:.1I1 tin it.
'*' ll"l ll.‘-. '
M3 99 Bsarts dfi ......i‘..‘.i.i7if'.l"£..'..”.. i .-ii...“."...i.i-.'.‘.i .'.‘. ii.if.§§lTil.i".i'.7£§i.1.fliilii.
E‘-. Tl' l. l'll.l '1. '..'l.l .l l. .I* '.l'.l|,|'l-.'.'. 'l J
I. - . . I I. - . I. I I. - ‘I. ‘I. I
I‘ I I I

1:113 F. '_l_'l1i.~: n11|j.' .1p]_~.| ins 111 111-;1p:1|1s. l~lu.:lt1.1.li11_}:, su-:l1 .1 -.-«'1-.1]:-»;:«:1 is ii
“H In jflrtfi dfl |_11i.-wile L'uns1u.i1.-1'ed .111 ._1u.'tL-:1n.
3. ':-uch .1 1.1.-.1pL1n 1'ev.t1u1'e.-'. Iwn I'Is'I|'|ll tn ‘-'-'11.‘lLl. i In-'. n.l11-rs nu! .1].'rpJ].' In 1:Ir:'qe.'lI|.- 1'I'l].‘-.‘-i|l1." we.1]:m-ns.
1111?. 133 ‘lE_}r.;1rts Ellfl .~'.ince nmst of ll'H.‘|!1'| .1lre.1v.|j.' require lwu I1:1111.l.='.. ner .l1.I-1:51! .1p]_1|_1.' tn v.'e.1|:mnI. wilh .1 |:r.1s».= 1.l.1n1.11-_-,1: 1
nl":':'-lr +-I nr hi;.;l1er, sinre tl1ej.' .1|5in.'1[1'e.11.l_1.' rev.|LIir.- t-.-.'u | 1:1 '|-1'l1:l1.l t-.1:'v.1perl_1. .-'1. 1:|1.1I'.1v:u=r n1.11_.
-.~.'ielv.l .1 t1.-.'v.r~|1.1Iu[ev.l -.+.'e.1].'H1n iI1'l1is5treI1;.:tl1isl1ig]1ert|1.1nt|1.1lrequi1'ev.l 1:1 useil in the
. first p].1v:e. .
ferka ' *

1 ‘
,P.rlI:li ienal warheads +1:-ase ees Uisarm Eenus +3 +2UEl clams Ran 3 e Increase E11’ 12,311 +5[} eiarns .
firmer Penetratien +1 [+513 clams] lane-re Shield .t+‘lflfl elams] Range Increase l2,."'2:'l1"':'lfl {+lflfl clams} "_
firmer Penetratien +2 [+1UCl clams] Multiple Uses (melee, threwn. missile] Range Increase 15,.’ 3'3 1" IE:-fl {+2130 clams)
[' . .1
L‘ firmer f'enet1':1tIen +3 [+2fll] elams) {+53 per extra type} Beach +1 {+5{l elarns} ;
- . __
r _-
I Ceneealecl (+55 elamsji Parry Benus +1 {+50 slams} Reach +2 {+lflfl clams}
Elisarrn flunus +1 [+53 elarns) _ furry Benus +2 {+lfl'El slams} Returning I‘ {+‘lflfl clams)
Disarm Eenus +2 [+155 clams) Parry Benus +3 {+2l'.l{l clams} Returning ll‘1[+2flfl clams] 3

Ii -I
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i-lere assembled, for the education of the ignorant, is a brief listing and description of a bunch of things that are described
in more depth elsewhere in this tome- The stuff in this gazetteer is generally considered common knowledge by most
reasonably intelligent deniaens of Ciith_ Allow the heap to read it and to refer to it during play. They deserve a break-

Agog: ii. big ass island inhabited by brutal pots {so tn speak}. Torsovania.
horcs- The Big Drink: An incredibly huge body of The Dingdom of the Dong: The sacred
Agog City: The capital of Agog. Not a very water that surrounds most land masses. crernefillian homelan-".1. A verdant realm of
ppy place. Boorgleaarianism: A religion centered pagodas and saloons.
Asparagobster Fromage: The tir:n’t ruler of around the reverence of tioorglezar, the Doop: A mining town at the base of the
Mean kaas. As head of the Cheesemongers Cosmic Dung fieetle, a powerful gavvd who rliuricular Was lvlines.
Guild he has a lot of influence and power. rolled the filth from the feces of creation. This Ewg: A land of crumbling mountains,
The Auricular Dracle: A being of is an e:-ztrernely comples. and popular religion stinking marshes, erupting volcanoes, and
stupendous wisdom. He can see the fuhare, with myriad sects and offshoots. other crappy things.
apparently. The Eoorgleearium: A massive temple Fistpounder Gaveltianger: The tyrannical
‘r--L. . The fiuiricular Wax Mines: An industrious complex somewhere in the Teats of overlord of I-"igog_
endeavor deep within the ear of the lioorgleaar. riipparently it looks like a big Floom: The second biggest city on Dith.
incredibly Huge iv1onsterTM. its the source of dung heetle. [t’s built right near the edge of the Keister of
monsterwas and home tn the riiuricular Borkle Eleel-c: This weird cave with some Iiliawd.
Gracie. wacky philosopher hidden inside. i think its
Eabajuana: The only major city in That Cine in the Elingdom of the Dong.
Place with All the Sand. It's a center of CIorb's Wang: This wacky peninsula in
commerce and civilization deep within a Ewg. Supposedly the only remaining source
savage land of dust and ash. of uriniu m.

Spouting the as J
Bernizedd the Enplumpinated: lioss of The Crack of Doom: A huge canyon
New Dorlquar. He’s an extremely wealthy l‘ieI’1eal:h the 1‘E.'ol1'rt of Tail on the lI‘It,‘re4..'lil_*rly
croach with his many ha nets in many different Huge l'vionsterT”. lt’s the main entry into

_f'\. T-

A brief guide to the linguisitc idiosyncrasies of societal interaction

-1#:‘-1zlI-j—$-1' "-j'—-1'


The ordinary tongue of C‘-‘ith is a complex and diverse

language, replete with rnultitu dino us idiosyncrasies,
sentence-enhancing eitpletives, and intricate verbage. Cinly
-u—. -—-u —-
the most rectally retentive wisenheimers speak it fluently, —-u-

the rest of us just sort of make things up as we go along. -11-

Here's the deal, you just sort of add your own words as
you see fit. Instead of calling someone a goosin’ schlub, like
everyone else does, why not call him a melon farming
eggroll? To draw someone's consideration say ”Chomp
Greetlel I seerr to
this!" or "Put this in your brain!". The limits are those of
have gigged rreseli a crunchy
your imagination.‘
rranrb Then-. tires vop nicely r.-wit
In general, you'll have to figure out the conteszt to
the bit of rat soup anti sen-e garay
understand what most people are saying to you, but that's
just part of making life more interesting on the blistered and eunkle. yes yes? lief. that's a hoary
blighted land we call lvlutha Ditli. If you don't like it, do dim grim he's blaring. my way.

your own goosin' thing, rice bowl. J best clsgvese his lieister and
rraiie with the sorry grubtiin'.

1- If you no-ed inspiration, trv watching some it raled moi.-ies on network tv and listen to
the words tl'u:y use to replace the bad ones. Also, listen to lots of iunk music. ]unior high :
science teacliers are also really' good at coming up with new v.', for some re.i:-a-n, I.itIlu..-
I -. I
I kids can also be excellent sources of gab. Remember what you used to call people before you i ':a-
_ . -.-
learned "real" bad words?‘ “'r'ou can also just make stuff _vou glarky btioaebulging
|11,ipuu.'1'per. "I he poinl, is, do your thang at1+,| evet'yo|1i,- will be liappy. ' ‘
_r " ._ ' _.._.' :4:-*4
-fmi.-I-é-.4.-I-I--C-:I—:'1I:\.-I--I-I —:I-I:'—I-'1-—-I 1%.; --—r-—--i...--an '-"3' ‘"2 _.."..:I-
. ‘J
E-f'—-'-I‘-—'%'fl-j-I-—-'——I-—I.-|.r -—-I-I-I--an Tm "--I1’ 1: -u-:--—-----

Ear.-as aisenherr-iers tlirriit. the lvieister of Ea-ad leads to serve arrarre alternate clia-ea-.sier:_ but they are full of crap. -IH""
The Fellicular lvlaze: A vast realm ef giant sometimes. Urinium: Seme weird mineral that sup-
hair and drifting dandruff. lt’s a very reegh The Phesterance: A fetid swamp in the posed ly helds the secret te eternal life or seme
place te hang en t. midst ef Ewg. such nensense.
Gargle Twice: This bitchin’ and well- The Primerdial Soup Kitchen: Seme sert Lluulen Crepules: An iniameus creme-
defendecl citadel between ‘rapple and Teri. ef legendary place that has semething te tie fillian centanimater. l-le’s suppesedly a really
Giewhie: A realm ei lumineus stene in the with making animals er semething. [t’s been bad guy, but hes rich se neleedy cares.
lands ef Ewg. Slavery is a big thing here. lest te histery fer rnillennia, er se say the ‘rewnerk, Eereft ef Denieens: The ruins ef
Herus rvierus: The llling ei the Deng. He is legends anyway. an ancient city semewhere in Ewg. It get
ene had dude. The Quarry at the flanged: A mucesite cevered in mud semehew, but it’s feeling
I-leemanitarianism: A religien that esp- mine rumered te exist semewhere within the much better new, thank yeu.
euses the virtues ef the ancient l-leemanrace. lncredi bly Huge l'v‘lensterTM. Yimminee the Sense: This really farneus
ivlany i-leemanitarians believe the I-leeman— Scab: This ceel reving city that wanders histerian guy. He invented the medern
race will semeday return frem its celestial areund en the hacks ef three giant slegs. calendar, discevered a bunch ef stuff, and also
exile. The Sea of Pustulance: A really, really created the famees Seuseburger Sandwich.
Hugerme XIII: lteistermeister ef Fleem. gress place en the surface ef Tersevania. ‘fart: The unit ei measure fer just abeut
The Incredibly Huge Munster"-1: This Den’t ever ge there. everything.
really incredible hig, uniathemably large, Snerd Fjord: A huge canyen in the I"
massively ginermeus dead menster. lt’s se lvleenular Cheese Fields. It was the site ef Well, that's abeut it fer new. If you want te
big that cities and mines and stuff are built seme big battle er semethin g. knew mere, read a bit further. In general, the
right inte it. Stanism: This religien is based en Bess sheuld be familiar with everything in
Keister Island: The geegraphic center ef selfishness and deing whatever yeu want. As this entire beek, as well as the three hundred
the tfiitith. it's a really big island with a really the daddy ef hedenism, Stan is a big and ferty velurne set of the Encyclopedia
big hele in it. Alse, there are tens ef these prepenent ef sin and vice. Clithtanicca, released earlier this year. The
weird statue thingees scattered all ever. Sultan Pepper: The theecratic menarch ef heap sheuld knew the stuff in this Gazetteer
The Keister ef Gawd: A really big hele in Elahajuana. and can have access te peints further en if the
the greund. Nehedy knews hew it was made, Tail: The tail ef Hie incredibly Huge Bess decides they have cause to knew that
but it has stinky gasses ceming frem it and lvlenster"-l. lt’s heme te the celebrated stuff. Fer example a l'-’lnew|edge skill
seems te be as hettemless as a cup ef ceiiee. greethee heid s. te mensters might allew the character relating,
Jeeale Freakisrn: A faith centered areund Tath Shardhern: A farneus explerer. peruse Tltc Elcstiery tyftlitli. That sert ef thing...
the worship of The iting, an ancient deity The Tears of Eeergleaar: Dangereus
wershipped by the I-leemanrace. Fer seine meuntains that term the bacltbene ef Ewg.
reasen, the letter ”t” is impertant te fellewers Savage tribes live here, as de fanatic
ef the faith. Eieergleaarians. Ely may he peepin’ like me
Jemima's Witnes sism: A religien dedicated That Cine Place with All the Sand: The body clone got squeezed through
te the hatred ei the I-leemanrace and all it wer|d’s biggest litter hex. the old fun factory but I can stil polish
steed fer. l.”’racticed mestly by crerneiillians Teasl". A really sntiazy city in the Dingdem them what peer rne gist sideways. ya dig?
whe believe their ancesters were slaves and ei the Deng- It has mere casines, brothels, and l have no clue what I just said.
feedstuifs te the despised, and tltankfully religieus shrines per square yert than I wil rock your arnadeus, you feather
extinct, Heemanrace. anywhere else en Clith. filchlng barnyard. ...learn you
iviaankass: The capital city ef the lvleenular Tersevania: The central regien ef the to barf with my likes.
Cheese Fields. The buildings are made eut ef Incredibly Huge l'vlensterTM. This is where the
petrified cheese. guts are.
Mensterwax: A versatile
material harvested frem the
Auricular Wax lvlines.
The lvlenstreus Headland: The
head part ef the Incredibly l-luge
The Meenular Cheese Fields: A
vast realm of curdled geeduess.
See, leng age a chunk ef cheese
from the moon fell te Clith
and crushed a large _ _,.-

part ef the civilized

world. New it's the
tastiest place te live, unless yeu are a creach in
The Crack ei Ueem, but that’s just gress.
ivfeunt Funky: An extinct velcane that
tewers abeve the city ei Teast. Seme peeple
think it's a giantegg, but they are stupid.
ivlucesite: A legendary, and easily
sculpted, building material. It's extremely
rare and expensive.
New Derlquar: CIith's largest and mast
cesrnepelitan city. Part ef the Independent
Eiessdems ei Drdure.
Did flerlqear: The crappy ruins ei seine
fll-..‘l City.
Drdure: A bunch ef independent bessclems
that ferm military and cemmercial alliances
with each ether, and else they fight each ether
The Crapta stic World o

From the Journals ofTa’ch Shardbom

"Like allgreat travelers, I have seen more [ban I remember
end remember more than I have seen. "
-Tath Sharclborn, Perpetual TourisL

For such a crap hole, Dith is home to a Geography: A brief introduction to the
surprisingly large number of diverse cultures natural wonders, urban achievements, and
and creatures. The following passages, taken geological features of the place lives in this
from Tath Shardborn’s epic treatise The lf‘v'lx:le section.
Hole: A 'l»".r:grant's Gurlfe to Mullra Dftla, describe
several of CIith's better explored lands, Populace: This describes the approximate
countries, and regions. Within each section number of sapient beings who make the
you may find descriptions of particular places realm their home, as well as a parenthetical
of interest. These locations are described listing of the most common types
under the "Don't forget Lo visit" heading. encountered. Unless noted otherwise, assume
Dbviously these aren't the only places that the inhabitants are a mix of the intelligent
around, just a few that Tath found species of Ditlt.
notewo1'thy. Feel free to explore further and
populate the Ctith as you see fit. Resources: Here is a brief catalogue of the
most commonly exported or exploited
agricultural and mineral products. lvlany of
Banners Encoouysas these substances a1'e described within the
Each day the heap spends outside of a entry itself.
citified area you may want to check for a
random encounter. To do so, draw a card Governance: This tells you who is in charge
from your action deck. If it is a face card, an and how they govern.
encounte1' occurs. Roll on the Encounter Table
for that area to see what the group runs into. Cities and Towns: Look here to find a brief,
If you draw a joker, roll twice and run both non-comprehensive, listing of some of the
encounters simultaneously. more important cities and towns that are
Use your wiles when running random found in the region. Listings in bold have
encounters. Give yourself a few minutes to their own personal description.
think it out and make it interesting.
Encounter tables can be found on page TE, Relations: Wanna know how the denizens
immediately following Tat'h's writings. of this place get along with the people of other
lands? This is where to look.

Anvsr-:'1'naa mass
You may notice, unless you are an idiot, AN INT1lflDUE’[tDI*~I
that some entries are preceded by the %
symbol. This crazy cheese denotes a To THE Lanes ;tT'~tD Wonosas
barebones suggestion for an adventure in that
locale. That's it, just a suggestion. The Savage Elf Mnyna DITH
Tales starting on page 85 are where you go for
ready-made adventures. The planet Clith is, for the most part, a total
wreck. The whole place reeks of filth and
decay. The landscapes are shattered, desolate,
Vm-..L Srxrs and bleak. The seas stink of rot and the land
Pay attention and you just might find, at stinks of the sea. That's not to say that natural
the beginning of each entry, a section that lists beauty and majesty do not exist, simply that
a few important facts about the region. The when such things are found, they are made all
items are described thusly: the more b-eauteous and majestic for their
Despite these former statements, perhaps
even contrary to them, wonders abound.
Beauty, in the classical sense, is in short
supply, but a host of natural marvels keeps
even the most jaded traveler's jaw agape and
drooling. From the snowcapped, volcanic
peaks of the Teats of Eoorglezar to the

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hettentless Keister ef Gawr_l the werlrl is sensibilities ef Prissy Srnelf may be a relaxing Cities and Tewns: egeg City; Gerfle [a
veritalaly infested with anuaeing testan1ents te day spa te a werrn free‘: Clertfs Wang. hidden hastien ef srnelven resistance
the pewer ef the ereater {er ereaters, w|1eever Indeed, many deni;r.ens ef Clritli are preuel ef fighters]; Smite; tens ef small villages and.
l1e, she, er they may be}. Here we have an the hrelszen nature ef the werld, eensidering it tewns_
entire realm eempesed ef the eerpse ef a a verit'i+.;atien ef their ewn resilience and Iteiatiens: The denizens ef egeg take what
deeeased ntenster, ever here are the perseverance. they want. Tl*iey have little use fer the nieeties
luminescent stenes nf Glewhie. Te yeur left I.ilr.e it er hate it, it's where we live, Se yeu ef elipleniaey. Raiding parties are eeeasienalljIpn;-;--._
are the blue skies and green Er|'E'l55t.l!S ef the- might as well stiek a elethespin en yeur nese sent te l€.eister Island and the lneredil::ly Huge
verdant Dingdein ef the Deng. Watch yeur and I,-ilunge ahead as I, Tath 5l1ElI'dlJflI'[L l"-alt:-i1ster"’*" te steal stuff and havea little fun,
step as yeu traverse the sweeping dunes ef intreduee yeu te seine ef Mutha Clitl1’s
'I'h-at Plate with All The Erarid. Dine in style en 'LveI‘1L‘leI's, realms, cities, and eesspeels. I-‘tny traveler te the island natien ef Agog
the l‘-.»leenular Cheese Fields. The peint is, yeu weuld ele well te hide his purse. Despite eries
den’t need arnher waves ef grain and elean The .Emfn'.r:'ea'f Tyrflnrlum of frern the I-‘tgeg l'vlinistry ef Teuriser,
water te find glery in nature. lvlutha Clith will Cernrneree, and Esztertien, erime is rarnpant.__
previde, te say nething ef tl1ese wenders r-‘igeg is a land ef bandits stealing frern
ere-ated by her deni;r.ens_ l:';aneliI~s_ Everyene is a erirninal and everyene
Yes indeed, the residents ef iviutha Lilith, is a vietiin ef l2l‘lI‘1‘iE.‘. what a strange place. ‘fee
hligltteel and urlevelved hy a hillien ealarnities, (The fi!ee.d- sudden in 9) see, aeeereling te the King ef fiigeg, a sltriveled
are a resilient, industrieus, and creative hen: named Fistpeunder I23-aveilzianger,
huneh. Leudly preelainting the glery ef Geegraphy: The islands are a mis: ef feggy pessessien is the law. If yeu are ltelding
intelligent thinking and eeeperatien are the Iriuelflats, heulder strewn valleys, and sernething, it is yeurs. If yeu put it dewn and
hrillianteities, tewns, and villages thatdet the dun1py, reu nded n1 eunta i ns. _ serneene else pielss it up, it is his. Even if
laI'H_ls::ape like iI‘1grnvvI‘1 l1aiI‘s en the ass flf Pepulaee: 5El,lllll.l er se aeress all three serneene hlatantly takes it trern yeu, it
ereatien_ These. manufaetu red wenders are ne islands {ft let ef heres and ether unsavery heeentes his as seen as he helds it. ..-HIE
less majestic than these created by nature, l'y l_1t.l‘$]. The waters surreunding the island.
perhaps even mere se eensidering the seuree_ Reseurees: lvlereenaries; pain; reeks; heese; kingdern are infested with priee—e—eerns and
l_l|1derstanLl, ef ileurse, |:l1at beauty is ir1 the 'wl'|at passes fur greiri. ether dangereus serts, while the lands are
eye ef the apiarian_ What leeks like a Gevernanee: Fistpeunder Gavelhaitger is filled with gangstas, thugs, and asserted
herrifying pit ef ease and filth te the eultured the hadass leader ef this kingdern ef thugs. villains.

. . - -1'" .;*.,j':_ _
Hey l'i.'ii:Is'. Ca-n yeu find Ta'.|1 "3l'Ianrell:rI:Irn in ¢av:l]I'.|.‘.If the pIi:.I..r-_s l__n_ is rhapier? .-.._
- -e is.

THE FESTERIHG CR.fif'H{lLE$ llF Cle1'b's Wang

lvlere a sprawling castle than an actual city, Geegraphy: Huge ferests ef petrified weed
Ageg City is the capital ef ngeg. It is a lawless {even the leaves have turned te stene}; het
and vielent place ef stene blecks, iren spikes, gravel pits; lew valleys ef fungal scrub.
and feggy, lTturl<—Et'tt1lc1E'El alleyways. llrlli" A VERY HIGE PLACE ill VISIT Papulace: Elltlll er se [mestly savage tribes
ageg City has little te effer travelers, aside ef werms er hnrcs, with the eecasinnal
frem the nccasienal stab in the gut. Clnly the The lands ef Ewg encempass a gigantic ezsplerer er rnissienary in the ceel-ting pet).
lfiiifloughest and mest daring teurists visit this area ef crumbling meuntains, deep craters, Reseurces: Ll rinium [er se say the legends};
place. These that de are usually here te recruit velcanlc ash, petrified ferests, and thick, animal parts; stene leaf prejectile peints.
mercenaries er get teasted eff ef the amazing miasmlc marshes ef fungus and syrupy C-evernance: Technically ruled by the
beers brewed in the Bar Keep, a cembinatien water. Per the meat part they are uninhabited (Subernater ef Clewhie, but pregressively
pub, brewery, and terture chamber. by civilized fellas, aitheugh the edd mining under the central ef lucal chiefs.
celeny, adventuring e:~:peditien, er deranged Cities and Tewns: Deeens ef tribal villages.
hermit can be feund if ene searches hard Relatiens: The savage tribes that inhabit
Den'[ Ferget te Visit eneugh. Scarcely pepulating the land, rnestly this place are censtantly fighting against the
The Bar Keep: Lecated at the base ef the aleng the ceast and in the hills surreunding nppressien nf the Gubernater. ‘visiters are net
tallest tnwer in ngng City, this stene and the meuntaineus Tears ef Beergleaar, are welceme witlinut a really geed reasen and a
, metal cempler: serves the must amazing several indigeneus tribes ef savages, feral buttlead ef gifts.
"bee.r.e. Ru mer says that the brew is made ef Wanderers, and berles.
fermented smelf bleed and what passes fer Ruled, at least neminally, by a mysterieus This vast penisula is named far a lncal here
grain. being called The tlubernater, Evvg is a demain ef legend. Ftccerding re a resident tribe ef
Drunlcards can enjey their beer while largely bereft ef useful reseurces, impertant savage werms, Clerb the Frecligieus
listening te the screams ef these whe refuse te e:=:ceptiens being the lumineus minerals ef
' pay their tab, since the place is alse a fully vanquished a herde ef rampaging scary ass
Elewliie and the beautiful fungi ef the muthas by intimidating them with his
steclted freelance terture chamber. Phesterance. The Guhernater and his lninlens impressive girth. aside frem its name and
The ewner ef the Bar sleep is Eiarrelsmasher centrel the harvesting and expert ef these pessible interest te histerians, Clerb’s Wang
Hangnail, a blind here. It is said that he can reseurces with an iren lung. I mean an iren has little te effer, althnugh it is rumered te be
smell anything that gees en in ngeg City with
the enly remaining seurce ef the rare mineral
his amazingly sensitive schnea.
knewn as urinium. That's right, uriniurn.
% fitlme Kind nf Sea Munster er
% I-‘Lil's fiivell that Ends tivvell: in which
Something: In whieh E1 neterinus [.'IriL'E‘—r:-—i:t‘JrI'I
the heap must unite the varieus savage tribes
tells ef a menster that eats ships and peeps
ef Clerb's Wang against a herrid visiter frem
semewhere else.

liarrelsrr-asher Hangnail may have a sensitive scbnez. isu t it blues nest ta‘ that at He ‘lift.-e ‘Smells Far, abett ef the Garden et__'irrel|err-e_n_ta|_-_._-iE|_ee
.§ E
fin. —

Geography: "v'ast and immeasurable plains

of cratered stone; boulde1' strewn chasms,
thousands of winding, subterranean tunnels;
deposits of luminous smolde1'stone.
Fopulace: l{l,ll[l{l or so [flflflll slaves and
about Elltlfl lashmasters, guards, and
Resources: Smolderstone: slaves.
Governance: The Gubernator of Ewg is the
supreme authority.
Cities and Towns: Roze (wherein is the
Gubernator's palace}; a few scattered villages
of miners.
Relations: Wltat happens in Glowhio stays
in Glowhio.

In the lands of Ewg, just holeward of the

Teats of Boorglezar, is the desolate realm
known as Glowhio. This place is just plain
creepy. There's this eerie g1'een glow that
permeates everything in the blasted desert.
Very little g1'ows here, save for the seemingly
omnipresent mutant land fish and the variety
of beasts that feed on them {and on whatever
travelers a1'e foolish enough to visit}. Here we
have a realm of craters and ash, a polluted The fhesterance The Tests of Boorgleaar
landscape of dimly luminescent filth and
savage monsters. Geography: A gigantic swamp of filthy, Geography: Jagged mountains; lava flows;
The one redeeming feature of Glowhio is disease-ridden water; colorful forests of volcanic calderas; icy lakes; enormous geysers
the fact that it is the only known source of the fungus and moss. and steam gouts; occasional outcroppings of -
glowtenlially valuable mineral known as Populace: 50 {only crazy people and the fungus.
smolderstone. Smolderstone, as everyone occasional desperate fungus gatherer lives Populace: lfiflll {SUD o1' so monks and about
knows, is a smooth rock that retains its here}. llllltl scattered savages}.
luminescence even after being removed from Resources: Fungus, disease, bad times. Resources: Religious indoctrination, mud,
the glow-nurturing soils of Glowhio. This Governance: fltlthough the Gubernator volcanic glass.
amazing quality makes smolderstone ostensibly owns this festering land, he never Governance: Mother Posterior Reverend
invaluable to mine1's, E-:n:|_1lCI1'E'1'S, librarians and bothers with it. Lolola Yumonomee heads the Eoorglezarium
anyone else who fancies a light source that Cities and Towns: None, although real but has to pay tribute and taxes to the
lasts forever and doesn't cause incidental fires estate is incredibly cheap. Gubernator. Local chiefs rule the savage
and burns. The stone forms the basis of Ewg’s Relations: It's hard to have relations when tribes.
economy and is mined by specially trained you are as nasty as the Phesterance. Cities and Towns: Assorted tribal villages,
slaves owned by the Gubernator. The Eoorglezarium, Yewnork [an abandoned
I5tnyone or anything that spends The Phesterance tops my list of places l’d outpost city owned by the Gubernatorj.
considerable amounts of time in Glowhio will least like to revisit. This vast swampland is Relations: The Eoorglezarium is open to all
begin to acquire a glow of its own. Such cloaked in a thick cloud of miasmic spores, visitors, especially those with empty minds
luminescence begins to fade after a day or two progeny of the ubiquitous forests of giant and open pockets. The savages are a potluck
away from the source, however, and fungus that blight the landscape like tumors of headhunters, cannibals, and generally ni
disappears altogether within a week or so. on a kanker’s belly. This is one of the most people. They are constantly at war with each 143‘
inhospitable environs on Clith. The water is other, as well as any minions of the
thick and syrupy and inhabited by dreadful Gubernator who happen by. The ruined city
Don't for ef_ to Visit things. The food sucks and the service is of Yewnork is constantly under siege by
The Gu%ernator's Slave Market and atrocious. unhappy savages.
Smolderstone Emporium: This trading post
is the closest thing Glowhio has to a decent This crumbling mountain range is riddled
marketplace. Subterranean in design, the ‘Don't forget to Visit
with caverns and slowly spouting volcanoes.-
market is a wandering catacomb of stalls and Pooblo the Sclmoz: lf you absolutely have
The highest peaks are home to deadly ice
booths, illuminated from within by the to venture into the Fhesterance, why not seek
flows and the lower reaches are the domain of
mysterious nature of the land. Hawkers and out the hovel of Pooblo the Schnoz. lt’s
bubbling surges of lava, devastating
peddlemeisters shout for attention and their rumored that Pooblo is a smellcaster without
landslides, vicious predators, scalding
callings echo dully throughout the tunnels. compare, and that he has invented a new,
geysers, and cute little duckies. It's a
iviany things can be found here, as the mo1'e efficient, way to harness the
dangerous land to traverse and an even more
resident merchants are always eager to trade smellements. Clf course, Fooblo is a crotchety
dangerous land to inhabit. Savage tribes of
for exotic items from elsewhere. This is just old smelf and his shack is suspended above
indigenous werms and horcs roam the
about the cheapest place to buy or trade for the morass on stilts hundreds of yorts high.
mountainsides, forever warring with one
smolderstone, since you have to find a way to % I Stink, Therefore I .-‘tin: ln which the "
another and boiling the occasional tourist or
get it home yourself. heap search for the secrets of Pooblo the
% What the Heck Happened Here?: Wltal Sclmor. and get caught up in the cult lifestyle
caused the Gubernator to confiscate the of the Fungish.
property of his cousin Peenoslril Pottymouth?

'I'I.|'he-1 travelrng thruiiligh the Phesterante whistle‘ _;:_!'l'iappy tune‘ to ''f;''lSI'_:l;_lefo'l‘iT. rr-adne s s-.' ‘fl... _
fa- .-I-E.
The Bonrglezarium

The only civilized [if you can call them

that} beings to inhabit the Teats a1'e the
trroachular denizens of the floorglezarium, a
}ggI‘£"'beautiful monastery carved from the volcanic
J face of a mountain somewhere holewhence of
Glowhio. The resident monks are all devotees
of Eoorglezar, the Cosmic Dung Beetle,
Creator of the C‘-‘itli and l"~lurturer of Life.
The monastery is constructed in the shape
of a gigantic beetle, forever spouting a
torrentential cascade of mud and steam from
its mouth and nether regions. The several
hundred clerics in residence are supervised
'1 Mother Posterior Reverend Lolola
Yumonomee, a brilliantly obese croach who
also happens to be one of the most potent holy
rollers around. I-Ier followers are supremely
devoted to her. Most of them a1'e croaches, but
several devotees from other species a1'e in
‘C- residence as well.
gih-i"44.& Stomp in tlie Hattie of Love: In which
the Mother Posterior has been targeted for

Don't forget to Visit

The Eiouvenirium S2: Gift Shop: This is the
perfect place to pick up something special for
your loved ones back home. All sorts of
devotional tools, from googly—eyed Boorglezar
idols to canonical literature bound in
esophagator hide can be found here for a
.-reasonable price. My uncle Scrat’s friend Great is a really fat The Monstrous Headland
cremefillian. He's one of those gigantic
fifteen-sandwich—eating motherlovers that The Monstrous Headland is a huge area,
Yewnork, Bereft of Denizens everybody points at when he waddles down hundreds of big yorts across. A thick forest of
the street. as a larva, I used to think he was tangled hair and the cavernous entries to the
Ctiice a thriving market town, outpost, and the biggest guy in the world, but my Attricular War: Mines are the most obvious
port for the trade of smolderstone by sea, the
perspective turned itself inside out when I landmarks, as the beast died with its face to
entire city was destroyed by a bubbling visited the corpse of the Incredibly Huge the ground, its countenance impaled on an
mudslide that cascaded down the Teats about Monster” on a family vacation after my first immense spear of steel, or so the legends say.
forty years ago. Some say the slide was molting. Think of the biggest creature you can The outer surface of the great, curved
on by the prayers of willful savages,

? ugl1t imagine. Then double it in size. 'l"hat’s pretty landscape is dominated by a thick and
zbthers declare it an act of Boorglezar.
big, yes no? Double it again- You're still not tousled jungle known as The Follicular Maze.
Regardless of the cause, the city spent several even close. The Incredibly Huge tvionsterTM is The inner reaches of the I-leadland are a
years choked in mud before a second flow, so freakin’ huge that a person standing on its boggling mess of ttmnels and immense,
this one of cool, refreshing water, descended nose would have to walk for a week just to get e:-tpansive cavities.
on the municipality and washed away the to its belly button. It's just that big. There is great mineral wealth in the
offending mud. Now what you have is a tslobody knows where the Incredibly Huge Monstrous Headlands, including massive
genuine ruined city, abandoned by the l'vlonster"'1 came from or why it died. deposits of wait, ivory, and a strange stone
populace [the living populace anyway) and Wisenheimers speculate that it arose in the known as mucosite.
ripe for exploration. sea near the I3-ingdom of the Dong and went
on a year—long, cross»-continental rampage of
;Don't forget to Visit destruction before finally being slain by an The filurioular Wax Mines
The Place Wliere They Hid All the enchanted spear wielded by the legendary
Treasure: lklobody knows where this is, but it hero I-loiopocus the Plump, and that its Geography: The amazingly gigantic left
has to exist, seeing as to how this is a ruined demise may have something to do with the ear of the Incredibly Huge Monster'“'‘' [The
.c:ity and all. gigantic metal tower rumored to be lodged in right ear has collapsed}. The ear canal winds
% Treasure? Who Said Anything Aliout its face, but thats only supposition. its way for hundreds of big yorts.
Treasurei’: In which a cryptic map hints at a Nowadays what you’ve got is basically this lnnumerable side tunnels and mine shafts
secret treasure buried somewhere within the amazingly big dead creature covering a large form a labyrinth of twisting, largely
ruins of ‘fewnork. portion of the land. "throughout recent uncharted, passages.
history. beings have tried to build settlements Populace: Sllflfl {mostly denizens of [loop].
across the expanse of the Incredibly Huge Resources: Monsterwa:-t, answers.
l'vionster“~' but the monstrous denizens and Governance: F rezzish the Flage heads the
scavengers that populate the corpse make riliuricular Was: Mining Expedition. I-Iupu
such endeavors extremely dangerous. Hirsute is mayor of Doop.
Cities and Towns: Eioop.
Relations: Trade relations with various

The auricular El-racle is pretty dang smart for a big gun


lands are streng and generally friendly. The The Fellieular Maze Relatiens: The Danged are extremely
hercs ef ageg are disceuraged frem visiting. secretive and insular. They have ne desire te
Geegraphy: A massive fe1'est ef hair. The talk te anyene whe isn’t buying their
The multitudineus caverns that cempese strands a1'e hundreds ef yerts tall and dezens mucesite.
the unimaginably extensive canals and ef yert thick. Clunips ef dandruff and lew
tunnels feund in the ears ef the Incredibly scrub tnelds are cetnrnen. The Quarry ef the Danged lies smashed
i-luge lvlenster"-' are heme te a vast and Pepulace: Slit] permanent residents {mestly semewhere beneath the face ef the Incredibly
lucrative mining eperatien. The thick waxy hair harvesters travel frem Deep and set up Huge Mensterm. as the eniy knewn seurce ef
depesits harvested frem the mines are used in temperary camps}. the exceedingly rare and valuable stene
a wide variety ef ways. lylensterwax, as it is Reseurces: Building materials; edible meld. knewn as mucesite its lecatien is a clesely
knewn, makes an excellent lamp fuel, Gevernance: Villages are usually geverned guarded secret. Ari enigmatic cenclave ef
waterpreefer, leak fixer, ceeking eil, l1air by an elder ef seine sert. Hair harvesters are miners and engineers harvest the stene,
meusse, fleer and furniture pelish, and light residents ef Deep and are Llntsly under the selling it at exherbitant prices and keeping
snack. it is a very valuable ceinmedity, which rule ef the mayer. their sites and seurces secret. Dangereus
is why the auricular Wax lvlining Expeditien, Cities and Tewns: ‘y'at'ieus tiny villages guardian beasts, hidden passages, and sneaky
run by a cranky t:-edul named Frezxish the and the eccasienal religieus shrine. traps are said te guard the way. at mysterieus
Flage, is se very wealthy. Relatiens: A friendly rivalry exists between hidden palace ef mucesite is rumered te be-._
Deeper within the auricular lvlines a hair harvesters ef the Fellicular lylaze and the the base ef this cenclave, a secretive greup
greater treasure is rumered te be secreted. miners ef the riiuricular Wax l‘-rlines. whe call themselves The Danged.
indeed, tales tell ef a pregnesticating being ef Mucesite: This incredibly rare stene is an
ceru men and magic that tells fertunes in these The great, cu1'ving deme ef the lvlenstreus amazing substance indeed. it can be melded
whe answer his riddles. The .='~.uricu|ar Oracle, Headlands stretches fer hundreds ef big yerts by hand when seftened, but hardens like steel
as this being is knewn, is whispered te live in in every directien. Di ceurse, a bedy in the when dried. It is seught after by
all times at ence, knewing all and fergetting Fellicular lylaze can't see this because he is weapensmiths, sculpters, masens, and just 1''

abeut everyene else. In general, the value ef

neflting. His exact dwelling place is a clesely surreunded en all sides by herrendeusly huge ‘II-

guarded secret and few creditable witnesses clumps ef 1'etting hair and sleughjng skin. anything is multiplied tenfeld when it is made
have ever described him. Such a place is herrific in the extreme, with ef mucesite.
% Ear and Far: In which a caravan carrying % fiinttung thc Danged: in which the hea?"L_-§- '- '
rampaging hair bares and blinding dandruff
a large shipment ef mensterwax is hijacked by stertns a ubiquiteus menace. It's difficult te learn why The Danged are danged_
The Danged. reach, since a visiter must scale the % Prisnn uf the llangerl: In which ltl'iE'
% Frnnt Ear tn Eternity: In which a tretnendeus cliffs and cave faces that lead tn heap are captured by The Danged and
wealthy pimp frem Fleem wants te see the the riiuricular Wax Mines er brave the imprisened in their mucesite palace.
auricular Dracle. nuinereus dangers ef Widevv's Peak. Indeed,
% 'r"r'axing hlestalgic: In which the heap few travelers weuld ever visit if the Maze
search fer an ancient and pewerful artifact. wasn't the seurce ef what passes fer lumber in Tail
this 1'egien ef the Ditli.
The villages and tewns areund here
Geegraphy: an amazingly huge tail
Deep, The Beerning Tewn ef actually weave their dwellings eut ef the
curving and ceiling upward inte the heavens,‘
ginermeus strands ef hair harvested fretn the
bejeweled with epalescent scales and deadly
The beaming tewn ef Deep is built inte the fellicular tnaze. Such a building material is
fleshy cliff side at the base ef the entrance te flexible and streng, able te withstand the
Fepulace: 2tIl,t'lIfltIl er se greethee beids-
the auricular Wax lylines. The residents are a Iteseurces: jeweled scales.
hewling winds and greund tremers cemmen
mixture ef wax miners, hair harvesters, Gevernance: tD1'dlececk, the Great Grand
te this land. Small ceinpanies ef hair
merchants. and ether rebust types. harvesters a1'e a cemmen sight in the Maze.
Greethee, rules the reest. l-le is a mean and
aside frem headquartering the auricular gathering the fruits ef their Iaber with leng
nasty tyrant, feared by his peeple and hated
Wax Mining Ex-peditien, Deep is alse heme te axes and specially censtructed sleds. by everyene else.
mest ef the lecal hair harvesting eperatiens it sheuld ge witheut saying, unless the
Cities and Tewns: ‘v"arieus greethee beid
and a base camp fer ex peditiens te ether parts reader is an idiei. that all the hair harvesting
tewns, nests, and villages.
ef The incredibly Huge Meitsterm. happens areund the eutskirts ef the Maze. Ilelatiens: Gm-ethee beids generally l<e_e
The inner reaches are far tee remete, far tee
te themselves. but they eccasienally trar:le*"'_,R
% The Maytir uf Hair: ll'l which semething jumbled, far tee uncharted, and far tee
with ether denizens ef the incredibly l-iuge
bad has happened te Mayer Hupu. lvlaybe his dangereus fer yeur typical cemrnercial
wife left him er semething like that. The heap enterprise te explere.
get te play marriage ceunseler. % The Spear ef I-lelepecus: In which the
The sweeping and chasrnic realm ef Tail is.
% Hair Tnday, Kenn Tnninrrmv: In which the must majestic te be feund anywhere en the
heap search fer the Spear ef Helepecus.
a hair harvester and stylist frem Deep wants % in-'idew’s Peak: In which the baby
Incredibly Huge l'vlensterT'~*. its curving
te expand his enterprise, but fer seme reasen daughter ef Frezzish the Flage is kidnapped
landscape, spiraling dezens ef big yerts abev --
a bunch ef primerdial geens try te step him. frein her cradle in Deep. Hely crapl
the greund belew, is heme te the mysterieus
and mystical greethee beids. a race ef great
wisdem and wile.
D‘en't Fer at, Le Visit
The Split Hair: ‘The main attractien ef The Quarry ef the Danged Very little is knewn ef this demain. The
terrain is neterieusly difficult te traverse
Deep is the lecal brethel_ The Split Hair, as it
Geegraphy: Wile knews? Prebably the (u nless yeu are a beid) and the greethee beids
is knewn, is renewned werldwide as a great
nese ef the Incredibly Huge l'vlensterT”. are net very hespitable te eutsiders.
place in get yeur stab en. The ewner and
Pepulace: An unknewn number ef The % I Can See My I-Itmse Frnm Here: in
manager ef the place. a werinular pimp
Danged. which the heap must bargain with the
minted lylagnanimeus, is said in have traveled
Reseurces: Mucesite, precieus mucesite. greethee beids te gain a pewerful relic ef the”-'
extensively, gathering the fittest f-are fer his
Gevernance: Presumably, seine sert ef ancient l-leemanrace.
% Pimp vs. Pimp: In which tl'te flt'tI'nbnyEII‘It high priest er semething.
ewner ef The Split Hair is suspicieus ef a new Cities and Tewns: The l'vlucesite Palace [er
arrival in tewn. se say the legends].

lireetltuu beids are fend uf pueligftigthing. The eetcl baths at "l_ai|"5ai'e ehc ef Still-i5__-$g.:_eaT ar:|tr‘lattu[_!_ly__iee_ndcrs.
. .—I _. t‘
*5." -

I’ I‘

Irorsovania Few things of value are to be found in The Crack of Doom

Torsovania. save for the occasional treasures
Geography: A stinking desert of decay and scavenged from the corpse of someone who There's no nice way to say this. The Crack
pustulance on the outside; a gooey place of didn't believe me when I said how dangerous of Doom is the monsters's ass. There I said it.
bowels and horror on the inside. it is. A few sites of interest do exist. mostly Get your chuckles over with and I'll continue.
minor religious shrines and the very Imagine a massive canyon of fleshy... D11,
reapers and crazy people). occasional trading post or settlement of scab goose it! Just imagine a giant monster ass. I'm
Resources: Scabs and scales. reapers. not going to dwell too long here, and I
Governance: It-'Cingpenance Hopcifer tends suggest you do the same, but suffice to say
the lanes at The Howls of the IE‘-‘it'h; E-oldlo Don't Forg st, to Visit: that, in the valley beneath the shadow of the
Eoltho is mayor of Scab. realm known as Tail is a deep, beast-haunted,
Cities and Towns: Scab; a few scattered The Bowls of the Elith: Cine Feature of canyon. lvlidway down this canyon is the
tent villages a.nd oases. particular interest deep within the innards of mouth of a cave. This cave mouth leads deep
Relations: The Bowls of the Ditli is open to the beast is The howls of the Ditli, a into the interior of Torsovania.
‘all pilgrims and pinheads; the people of Scab combination bowling alley and religious The canyon walls a1'e notoriously difficult
. e generally an adventitious sort, always to scale, being both smooth and slippery, and
shrine dedicated to an ancient ritual wherein
seeking to take advantage of newcomers and
a gigantic kidney stone representing the glory many an explorer has plummeted to his
and generosity of jetvis is rolled down the doom attempting the ascent. In order to reach
long alley of intolerance to crush various idols the Crack of Doom a traveler must either
Although it is by far the most eitpansive depicting the sins of the penetant. descend from the backside of Torsovania, at
realm on the Incredibly Huge lvlonsterf”, The shrine, built and maintained by a sect the point of the ascension of Tail, or else he
stretching from the nape of the It-’.|onstrous of Jeesle Freaks known as the Kings must travel between the legs of the bicredibly
""" all the way to the mountainous I’inheads,. is visited by hundreds of pilgrims Huge lvlonsterfb and climb upwards toward
and statuesque domain of Tall, wherein dwell every year. Such travelers brave the many the cave mouth.
the mystical groothoo boids, To1'sovania is dangers of the Incredibly 1-Iuge lvIonsterTM in % Copros the Walloiver: In which the
also the least hospitable to travelers. The vast order to worship and pay homage in this holy heap hunt down a mysterious criminal.
outer expanse is a wind-blasted desert of site.
scabs and scales. Crusty seas of horrid liquid % Ii-owling for Souls: In which the heap
spot the landscape and beasts too wretched to learns that pilgrims worshipping at the Bowls
Seab, The Roving Town of
describe scavenge the realm for prey. The of the flith have a more sinister plan in mind.
inner reaches are even more foul. Dark, fetid, When I said before that nothing of value
and stinky, the guts of a monster the size of a could be found in Torsovania I guess I was
continent a1'e no place for the queasy. For the lying just a little bit. The land does have a bit
most: part, the hoses and arteries and other of mineral wealth in the form of the
thorougltfares within the bowels and trunk of disgusting scabs and scales that occasionally
the Incredibly Huge lvlonsterm a1'e uncharted pepper the landscape. Such effluvia, although
and unezsplored.

the flith He also |'|"a-'l'I!E_"'u 3- |'|'l£aI1 bd-IE!‘-3 sandwich.‘

-t 1 L"

*2} 11%!

fragile and difficult to harvest, can be polished disease that causes the victim's flesh to are. You see, Keister lslancl houses one
and sold as decorative ornaments to wealthy slowly rot {death in Edd days unless of C‘-'itl1’s greatest ma1'vels, the Keister of
people with bad taste. cured). Gawd. This inc1'eclibly, amazingly,
The roving ca1'avan city of Scab. basically a % The Precious Crop: in which a fantastically huge hole in the ground,,
few dozen tents and dwellings made of hair lowly scab reaper discovers something impossibly deep and 1ni11d-bogglinglg " "1.
from the Follicular lvlaze, travels the domain, neat growing on an island in the Sea of wide, belches vapors and stenches like a
harvesting scabs and scales. The entire town is Fustulance. pile on a chili binge. Wltere it came from
carried about on the backs of three giant slogs nobody knows. Wlty it's here, who can
named Cleatus, Featus, and Reptilicus. The the ttZtl_.[St'IER]('_‘J-[J8 Reatm op say? Wltat does it want from us? What

telateri ‘lEf:l is“)

slogs a1'e all connected by flexible bridges and does it mean? More on this later.
walkways made of monster hair. I wish there Strange statues and other relics of
was room to include a picture of it, because it's ancient times can be found scattered all
really cool, but the1'e's not so you will have to about the island. Discussions about
use your imagination. Sorry. the Ron:-pchoeks or Q’-'«tt1]i.‘:| what these ubiquitous and mysterious
The mayo1' of Scab is an enterprising werrn effigies actually depict are almost as
named Eoltho Soltho. He is said to be a former Geography: Huge jagged mountains; common in the taverns and plazas of
slave from Ewg, but never speaks of his past. sprawling meadows of moss and Keister Island as arguments about the
% The l-"laming of the Foo: in which a fungus; deep forests of twisted trees Keister itself. hlobody knows for sure.
resident of Scab accuses his business partner and oozing flowers; the biggest hole in
of embezzlement. the world.
Populace: Sl][l,Dl]D or so {mostly Floom, The Bit_c:hin' City of J__... .
residents of Floom}. ‘I'

The Sea of ]_°u.s[u.l.-ance Resources: Smellementals; what This large city, second in size only to
passes for corn and other foodstuffs; all New Clorlq uar, is built along the banks
sorts of stuff really. of the rive1' Snooz, overlooking the great
‘Wl":at you've got here is your basic festering maw of the Keister of Gawd. As the ci.
Governance: Beloved Keistermeister
wound but on a massive scale. The Sea of at the center of the world, Floom is a"" ‘JD
Hugormo XIII is the beloved ruler of
Pustulance is an immense lake of disgusting, powerful hub of trade and commerce.
vile pus, the musty remains of an ancient lts majestic buildings, paved thorough-
Cities and Towns: Borph, Floom;
wound that never healed and continues to fares, and beautiful sculptures often
Goss; Torkle; dozens of srnall towns
churn long after the Incredibly Huge lvlonsterT“ make a visitor forget how truly crappy.
and villages.
ceased to breathe. the world is. Yes indeed, the city of
Relations: Most of the municipalities
Deep and choking, the Sea of Fustulance is Floom is a grand place to visit.
of Keister Island have good trading
no place to take a casual swim. The "water" is The hereditary monarch of Floom i.
relationships with just about everyone
vile and poisonous. Transport to the scabrous known as the Keistermeister. The
but the horcs of Agog.
islands that dot the surface like pimples on a current keistermeister is a werm named
giant ass is accomplished atop the floating, Hugormo Kill. He is a kind and just
The geographic center of the world,
raft-like scabs that crust the beachhead. ruler, at least ostensibly, and his
or so say the wisenheimers, Keister
I don't know why anyone would want to subjects adore him, for the most part.
Island is a wonder of nature and a
visit this place. It's more disgusting than The The architects and city pla1me1's who
testament to the insanity of the creators.
Fhesterance and stinkier than the l:-'Ceister of designed the city of Floom must have
For the most part it's just a big island,
Gawd. been smoking something. The place is a
temperate in climate and quite
Swimming the Sea of liustulance: The confusing jumble of buildings, sculpt-
pleasantly appointed considering the
waters of the sea are Inurky and poisonous. ures, canals, and fountains. lvlany of the
usual real estate to be found on Ditlt. A
Anyone who is submerged in the pus must buildings are shaped like gigantic faces
very light, stinky mist clings to just
make a Vigor roll every round or be Shaken. A or huge asses in tribute to the Keister of
about everything, not enough to impair
character Shaken by the pus must make a Gawd. There is very little reason to the
vision or actually get anything wet, but
second Vigor roll or contract a disgusting winding streets, bridges, and thorough-
just enough to remind you where you

Eapros the Wallcaer. a legendary .5_EHtl‘Il.' burglar, Is lIt|'II:|'rif'-

to 5teajj:a'-"person's
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1; '5 ‘_'

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fares, which often overlap each other or of the Elementional Discotesticus, an inter- the Place of Pondering gains a +1 bonus to all
turn about in strange ways. The national social club for psychic oofos Smarts rolls (and skills that use Smarts} for
indigenous residents seem to have headquartered Floom, Drinks are served the duration of their stay.
gotten used to it, but it can be very telekinetically and the waitresses always % l'rn Snulrfer fhaii ‘lfou: In which the
disconcerting to visitors. blot sur- seem to know what you want before you Boss proves she is smarter than the heap.
prisingly. porters and tour guides n1al-ce order. lf.ind of creepy, but worth the trip. Try % House of Quill Repute: Finsto the
a good living shuffling tourists and the fondue; its to die for. Quill, a semi—talented tattoo artist, has been
, 3' _r' travelers about the city. % ‘We're All Citlf of hilog Milk: in which sold into slavery. Rescue his sorry ass so he
‘*1-Eh the Grey l'v'latter Eoozaterium is all out of slog can finish your back tattoo.
Don'1; Forget to Visit,
The fleekbottle Theater: This beautiful
The Chopping Block: Directly across
The Froth: This magnificent fountain in the indoor theater, constmcted in the likeness of a
from the Scrappin’ 1-[ole and up a
center of the city constantly spews forth an ho raungous ornate bottle, puts on many of
winding flight of stairs is a restaurant of
endless cascade of root beer. at former the finest plays and spectacles in the city.
dubious reputation. This relatively
keistermeister, Hugormo ll-I, had the Froth % Encorel: ln 'Wl'1iEh Guy Goosevomit
nondescript watering hole is famous for
installed as a gift to the people of Floom. an hires the heap to humorously alter the script
its delicious, secret recipe chili and the
enterprising crernefillian, one Saio Shim for his riva|'s nest play.
stylish bibs that it loans to patrons. 1
Loach from the Dingdom of the Dong, has set
. could go for a bowl about now..-
up a profitable business renting mugs to those The Scrappin’ Hole: This huge arena is a
=% lJan1n Crrrwci Stuff: In which it
who come to drink from the wonderful font. place of gladiatorial combat and public
seems everyone in town can't get
% 't’t"u11den llvltig of Eloum: Saio ‘5l'|irrl spectacle. $ince slavery is illegal in Floom,
enough of that Chopping Block Chili.
Loach is a spy, and he's not really even from most gladiators are convicted criminals who
the [3-ingdom of the Dawn. fight and kill to gain their release from prison.
Chunks of Stuff: This small shop,
% I’er1ullir.nafe Minion Fighting Champs:
run by a mysterious bodul named
The Place of Pondering: A huge plaza In which two rival contanimators stage a
Porsimer carries all sort of bizarre
carved from a single massive block of no—holds—barred, winner—take—all, fight—to—
herbs, animals, fungus, and crap. This is
mysterious silver stone, the Place of the—death extravaganza before the main
the place to go for advice about all
Pondering is a gathering spot for event
things herbalic, arcane, weird, or
philosophers, poets, zealots, and others who
cryptic. Porsinfier is quite a knowled-
like to have their voices heard. The strange ‘rorpozz the Eleerrfs Ride-thru Pet Store
geable fellow. He talks weird, kind of
minerals of the place seem to help people and Barber Shop: aside from providing a
all disjointed and stuff, but you can tell
focus their thoughts a bit more clearly than damn fine haircut, this pet store, operated by
he’s one of the smart ones.
normal. an oofo named ‘forpozz the F-leern, sells just
Pondering: Due to some strange eman- about every kind of animal imaginable.
The Grey Ivlatter Boozaterium: This
alions of the weird silver stone, anyone within & Mullcis and Milfs: in which "f'orpozz’s
fancy tavern is run by the local chapter
‘fcrpera the '5|eeI'r' is 'lhe._lir:es‘l-_-,h.irber 'l|'-is--side of That _|l1Ine Plate 'l"i'i‘ll'J All The ‘inarrtl

new girlfriend hates his haircut and tries te what they are meant te depict, er whe made The Pl:-eple ef the Dingdem are a
kill him. them, but the Place ef Pendering and the senephebic and insular batch. lvlest
varieus taverns and cenversatinn pits ef nen—cremefillians are viewed with centempt,
hieister Island are veritably infested with and fereign visiters are treated with scam
The Keister ef Gawd epiniens and theeries. Seine wisenheimers and distrust. Despite their paraneia when
are cenvinced that the statues depict giant dealing with strangers te their land, the
I--iely sufferin‘ dew rag ef Jemima! This is rumps facing skyward and were left here by denizens ef the dingdem are ebsessed with
ene freakin’ huge hele in the greund. It has te ancient eefes as a means te meen their the cencepts ef hener and traditien. A brekeri.
be at least a gaeillien yerts acress, prebably hemewerlds. This is unlikely, since eefes tab-ee er a perceived insult can, and eften
even mere than that. and it's really freakin’ dc-n't have butts. Dthers argue that the dees, lead te warfare and epen partially
deep tee. l’m talkin‘ se deep that yeu can't statues depict the true appearance ef the hydregenated animal andfer vegetable
even see the bettem, just a big reiling cleud ef ancient and entinct Heemanrace, placed se sherteningshed. Despite this cede ef hener,___= a.
mist and steam that billews up frem the elequently te remind us ef their place in crime, especially the erganiaed variety, is
depths ef the Dith. Dn ene side yeu’ve get histery. Further speculaters insist that the rampant.
these massive cascades ef water spilling in statues themselves are insignificant and it is The land itself is ene ef the healthiest and
frem the su rreunding sea, and en the ether their placement en the island, in precise must verdant te be feund en Dith. This -I-

side yeu‘ve get a bunch ef cracks, fi_ssures fermatien that will reveal a pewerful and apparent eddity can be attributed tn the.
and meuntains. It's an incredibly dangereus enigmatic secret ef the universe. A minerity unique habit ef crernefillians te"
place tn be, but alse ene ef the mest amaeing ef thinkers assert the statues are merely unintentienaily seak up the peliuticrn frern .:s_r_
sights a being's likely te fl in its lifetime. decerative and have ne higher meaning, the surreunding land and stere it in their.
The erigins ef the hieister are a tepic ef while still ethers centend that they are spengy flesh. tits a result, plants in the
great debate ameng wisenheimers and religieus idels wershipped by an kingdnm are actually green, the sky is a
smartasses everywhere. Seme think it was undergreund sect ef transvestite brilliant blue, and the stink ef the air is far less
caused by the impact ef seme cesmic bedy. Beergleearians. rancid than elsewhere.
like a star er a chunk ef meen cheese. Dthers Whe knews the truth? Certainly net this
centend that the ltieister is the literal butthele lewly teur guide.
ef H‘IE' planet, the place where l'vlutha Dith % What Uri Yr:-u la‘-."ant fin Tuur
vents her gasses. I den't knew abeut that, but Headstenei’: in which Fleem is invaded by an
the place dees stink pretty bad mest ef the army ef villaineus headstenes. Elf ceurse they
time and it seems te be a haven fer are being centrelled by semene evil.
smellementals and ether nasty critters.
% Gather Llnte Me the Gasses: lft which
strange celers are seen in the gasses billewing
The Kingtlunt at the Fawn, l rnean

ferth frem the lseister.

l'.'.|‘en't Le Visit
The Earferget
en ef Smellernental Glee: This A Lnntl at Sunshine and lelllpnps
fascinating menastery is pesitiened en a anti evil tyrannical uyyresslun. Hunter. tltulalaery. and llEl.Fl:|-El.fl1|'I'I
recky prementery that juts eut ever the
Keister ef Crawd_ l-lere grew magical fungi
G-eegraphy: A meuntaineus and verdant
enchanted with the scents ef all things. Need
a mu shreem that smells like feet? I-lew abeut
Pepulace: A bultlead ef cremefillians and
a teadstnel that whiffs ef freslily baked seine tandem teurists.
Reseurces: Crime; fr:-edstuffs ef all serts;
pretzels? The menks that run this weird place
are all master srnellcasters and they make
Gevernance: Herus l'v‘lerus, Ding ef the
sure that ne scent gees unappreciated_
Deng, is the Big Daddy in these parts.
Dh yeah, and this is else the place te ge te
Cities and Tewns: Elreken Tee; ‘-Dre Gane;
learn abeut all serts ef smelletnental
wenders. The rnenks have all kinds ef dandy Itinete: Teast; dneens ef small villages.
Relations: insular and nenephebic;
apparatuses and stuff that has te die with
strangers are usually welcemed with epen
reeks and stenches and whiffs and such.
arms and shifty gazes then rebbed er grifted.
visiters are welcerne, fer a small denatien.
% The Sniell-ti-visirin: In which the heap
If cremefillians can be said te have a
search fer a missing artifact and the guy whe
hemeland, this archipelage is it, fer it is the
beught it frem the guy whe stele it.
enly natien pepul-ated almest exclusively by
their kind.
The Weird Statue Thingees The Dingdem ef the Eltmg is a natien
censtantly at war with itself, run by
Scattered all acress ltbeister Island are cenflicting gangsta warlercls and their armies
hundreds ef ricliculeus and ancient stene ef sarnuricecake heedlums. Ruling supremely
statues. These craey leeking effigies all ever all is Herus lvlerus, Ding ef the Deng.
appear pretty much the same, but range in
height frem itty bitty {at-eut the sine ef a jar ef
pickles} te geesin‘ huge [bigger than yeur
mether—in—law]. They're made eut ef all serts
ef different stenes, including several types
feund newhere else en the island.
hlebndy knews enactly what they mean,
‘Mount Funky Dingdom Hall of ]emima"s
Witnesses: This majestic temple, located in
The volcanic caldera of Mount Funky Toast is the capital city of the Dingdom of the city of Toast just holewhence of Lefty
stopped ru tnbling and spewing the Dong. Built atop a dozen hills in the Horiyashi’s F're-owned iiiclcshaw Emporiurrl,
centuries ago. How the giant rnountain shadow of the caldera of Mount Funky, its is the main center of worship for the
sits quietly with its hands gently folded winding 1'oads and decorative ponds mingle cremefillian religion known as the jeroima's
in its lap, using its indoor voice, and with beautiful flowerbeds and luminous Witnesses, a sect dedicated to destroying all
playing nice with othe1's, figuratively
paper lanterns. Delicate wooden bridges and
vestiges of the Hoomanrace. The temple is
speaking, of course. colorful buildings line the paved made almost entirely of volcanic glass,
think. Mount thoroughfares as peddlers and drug dealers shaped and carved to resemble a fen1ale
Funky was actually the egg from which hawk their wares from streetside stalls. member of the ancient Hooroanrace. Cln high
the Incredibly Huge l'vIo11ste1'T” hatched Dazzling pagodas and cylindrical towers are holy days, the entire congregation gathers to
so many years ago. Most people debunlc the edifices of choice. Casinos, brothels, and defile the hated visage with rotten food and
t'his theory as idiotic, but who knows? religious shrines are everywhere. other, more disgusting, substances.
Many a philosopher has lost his life in a % Unhand that Thingcc: An ancient
duel while arguing this very topic. artifact about to be destroyed in a religious
Don't Forget to Visit ceremony might be an important piece of a
The Grand and Auspicious Palace of his greater puzzle.
Don't forget to Visit Most Reverent Personage, Horus Morus,
The Tomb of Kobashi the Squid: Ding of the Dong, Emperor of All and Pair-{J—[}ice Casino, Brothel, and
T'i'Tlfis beautiful pagoda, built on a cliff Subject of None: Llmm, yeah. This grandiose
overlool-Li rig the city of Toast, is
Religious Shrine: Toast’s largest casino,
compound is probably the largest and most brothel, and religious shrine is a wondrous
rumored to be haunted by the spirit of ostentatious structure in all the world. It's a place indeed. The whole place has a sort of
Kobashi the Squid, a gangsta lord who fantastic collection of elegantly sculptured
'n.1led the Dingdoni of the E‘-'ong two
Keister island theme, with winding bridges
terraces, pavilions, castles, porches, gazebos, and paths leading to various gambling tables,
_ .~ "centuries ago. All sorts of amazing pergolas, and towers, all connected by private rooms, and altars to various deities.
treasures are said to be hidden within, bridges, stairways, plazas, aqueducts, and The ceiling is pain ted to resemble the orange
but so far very few have been brave arches. The whole thing takes up more room
enough to scope it out. slcy over Keister island, with paper lanterns
than many cities. Inside, an army of soldiers, and carefully tended bamboo torches
% 'i'l1e Higlit of the [Jay of the servants, bodyguards, and slaves tends to providing dim and intimate illumination. The
Return of the Revenge of the Son of every need and whim of the royal family. buffet is huge and provides a wide range of
the Squid: That's quite a mouthful. The palace is also the training grounds for comestibles imported from all over the world.
‘l«"lu7l'1at treasures await the audacious the Ding of the Doug's elite ranl=:.s of Try the sundae bar, it's deliciously decadent-
explorer who dares to invade the tomb samuricecake warriors. in charge of this wondrous place is Don
of Kobashi the Squid? Hopefully a cool
Sushioka “Fat Sushi" Twinltugowa, a
weapon or something, none of those
i’ larne sculptures or stupid watercolors. notoriously ruthless pimp, gangsta, and holy

Y6 Fat ‘iushi I5 actually from Floor.-I Hls farr-ily emigrated to the Dingdorn when he was a child to avoid debtors prison”
reiier. Twinltugewa mal-ces certain there are
plenty ef darlc. cemers fer illicit deals te take
place and his team ef beuncers. pit besses.
and thugs make sure the place deesn’t get tee
% Cine Smart Cuttl-tie: In which Deegus
”Smart Ceelcie" Deegis, a brilliant beclul frem
New Derlquar, is maldng the craps table his
is llllllllllll eel tilts
Geegraphy: Ivleuntains, plains, and
plateaus el fallen meen cheese riddled with
burrews. tunnels, caves, and cascades.
‘East and stinicy, the lvleenuiar Cheese
Fields stretch frem heriaen ie heriaen and
beyend in a massive plateau ef thick. curdled
bitch. When Fat Sushi’s thugs try te threw Pepulace: 2[l,tl'[li] er se {mestly residents ei dairy geedness. Riddled with heies and
him eut. Deegis whips eut a pair ef strange lvlaanlcaas and Curd}. tunnels, the Cheese Fields are a wencierland
weapens and starts sheeting up the place as Reseurces: Cheese, glerieus cheese. ef edible cesmic jey.
he malces his escape. New an entire herde ef Gevernance: Asparagebster Fremage is The lvleenular Cheese Fields are ctf
thugs and Jemima’s Witnesses are en his trail. Lerd ef lviaanlcaas, Lumee the Stench rules supreme interest te eitplerers and geurmands
Can the heap find him first and learn abeut his Curd. everywhere. l'-let eniy is the green cheese. sent
mysterieus weapens. ebvieus relics ef the Cities and Tewns: Cheeseburg; te Clith gaailliens el centuries age when the
i—leennanrace? I hepe se. Curd; lviaanlcaas; Peeem. llvieen cellided with same scrrt el cemet ctr
% ‘Witt: [lit "ft:-L1 Have it} liriht: .~5trnI_Int.l Snerd Fjctrd; small traveling semething, delicieus and wheleseme, it's alse.__
l-lL're?: in which Glereiml:-e Gug. an eefe herdes ef cheese gatherers. rumered te hide within its term the cemplete
representing the Dementienal Discetesticus Relations: The peddle- and intact ruins ei an ancient city ef the
wants te epen a franchise ef the Grey Matter meisters ef lvlaartlcaas and Heemartrace, delicately preserved by the
Beeaateriurn in the city. He is having treuble ether cities will trade with gentle embrace ei the encempassing cheese.
getting the necessary permits and sure ceuld just abeut anyene. Wliether these rumers are true er net, deaens
use seme help. ef ea: plerers ge missing every year in search ef
the fabled city.
The Pet»: Rernanern: Cine ef Teast's mest
elegant [and expensive} inns and extravagant
casines. The Pei»: Remanurn is a wender ef
architecture and ingenuity. Clutside, the
structure is a glerieus edifice ef marble
celumns and reefteps gardens. Inside a
gaaillien sculptures adern a casine fleer
carpeted in plush weven schneeble hair. The
reems are graceful and pricey. with private
baths and lavish bedding.
The Pei»: Remanum is the faverite inn ef
visiting clignittiries and wealthy travelers. It is
said that the walls are riddled with secret
hallways and peepheles threugh which the
ewner, a fermer gladiater named Glut-ineus
ivlaximus. can spy en fereigners.

Berkle Bleelc

Several big yerts eutside ef the city ef

Breken Tee there's a huge field ef bright
yellew flewen: and tumbled beulciers. At the
very center ef this recky meadew is a stene ef
titanic prepertiens. a great hellewed beulder
larger than mest heuses-
Dwelling within this stene, perpetually
sitting cress—1egged and muttering seftly te
himself is tterltle Snecle. a pile ef mysterieus
erigins whe came te The [tingdem te find
enlightenment anieng the flewers. It is said
that he pessesses great wisdem. but the
truth ef it may never be lcnewn, since he
never speaks te anyene er gets up te
stretch his l:raclr.. It is said that every
decade er se rierlde switches his
pesitien. He spent the first ten
years ef his meclitatien sitting
in a cauldren ef sleg drep
seup and the secend
decade suspended upside
dewn frem the ceiling.
whe can fathem the
ways ef these crazy

fileenkaes cities of the Hoomanrace. its -a grand place, ‘rapple; ‘rorf; buttloads of lesser towns.
well guarded, richly appointed, and employer hold fasts, villages, and baronies.
Carved of stale cheese, the sculptu1'ed of some of the finest tour guides on Clith. Relations: The Lords of Clrdure often
towers and edifices of lvlaanl«-'.aas are a % The Cl1eese ldfizarrl: in which El squabble amongt themselves and open
true woncle1' to behold. Stretching into mysterious hocus poker, known as the Cheese warfare is not uncommon.
‘thegolden slsy, their carven tips Wizard, challenges ilisparagobster Fromage
mingling with wispy clouds of orange for the title of big cheese of the Cheese- More a collection of loosely connected
and palest green, the looming pinnacles mongers Guild. Whose side will the heap lordships, baronies, and free cities, than a
are home to all manner of denizens. take? nation unto itself, Clrdure is the name given to
Here studious hocus polcers research the vast region of lands that stretch across
astounding marvels. Clver there most of the continent of l-lorgle holeward of
wealthy cheese merchants gather
Snord Fjord Ewg and the h-loonular Cheese Fields.
caravans and count their wares. Alive Diverse in geography and denizen, the lands
Another fabulous wonder of nature (or the offlrdure share a commonality in their feudal
with activity and noise, l'v'.laari.l-'.aas is the
city that cheese built and the city built of
gawds or whatever}, Snord Fjord is an culture and relatively cosmopolitan nature.
immense chasm of sundered cheeseflesh_ its Political intrigue and open warfare are
There is great wealth in lvlaanlcaas,
cracked and holey {filled with holes, not commonplace among the courts and castles of
moonular cheese being the precious religious} faces are riddled with uncountable Cirdure. Lords war with one another over
tunnels and cascades of molten cheese that lands and loves, while commoners battle over
and delectable commodity that it is.
Lording over all is ri'i.sparagobster
plummet and tumble hundreds of yorts to a market prices and grazing land. alliances
lake of bubbling curds below. Indeed, it is shift quickly, as do lands and holdings. There
Fromage, a tizn’t peddlemeister and the
truly a majestic site to behold. is great adventure and great wealth to be
richest guy this side of the
Centuries ago, the Fjord was the site of a found in Drdure, if one wields El stout enough
tertneister. He’s big cheese of the
monumental battle between the armies of heart and a similar enough sword.
Cheesemongers Guild and consequ-
finord, then King of lvlaanka-as (yep,
ently the most powerful fellow in town.
The Cheesemorigers Guild: The real i'viaanl:aas used to have a king), and the
seat of power in lvlaankaas is a
minions and charmed cheese leeches of the Gargnle Twice
contanimator joculus Pinch. The minions of
fraternity of merchants, cheese barons,
and like minded sorts known as the
Pinch were victorious, smiting the armies of Situated atop a ginormous mound of refuse
Cheesemongers Guild. lvlore of an
Sriortl wild‘: great alacrity, but they were in the center of a great plain of moss and
organized crime syndicate than a social
themselves destroyed when the charmed rnolcl, the castle holdfast of Gargle Twice is a
club, the Guild controls the trade of
leeches broke free of the spells that controlled bastion of defense and hospitality midway
them an-:.l hurled the minions screaming into along the trade route from ‘rapple to ‘forf.
moon ula1' cheese throughout the world.
Intrigue and ea:tortion are common-
the liquid cheese below. Joculus Pinch l.ord of the keep is Sir verniz Lanu go, a loyal
jalace, as the world of cheese commerce
escaped with his life and founded the retainer of Eiernizedd the Enplumpinated, Sir
wears a dirtier diaper than most people Cheesemongers Guild in lvlaankaas. 'v'erni:-r, a croach, has been cursed to retain a
This battle marked the end of the reign of neotenous larval form even as he approaches
realize. In fact, the Guild operates its
own network of spies and goons lsnown
the kings of lvlaankaas and opened a new era a venerable age. This stops him not from
of commerce and avarice throughout the conirnanding a well organized citadel of inns,
as the Ill-.'. of the Curdled lvlilk, or simply
Cheese Fields. taverns, barracks, and brothels.
The Hllt.
‘-3nord’s tomb, supposedly erected by the The spiked walls, crafted of petrified thorn
few survivors of his devastated army, is trees, of Gargle Twice are said to be
Don't forget to Visit rumored to be hidden among the winding unscalable, and its catapults hurl the
The Cheesiest Leech: If you only tunnels and frightening precipices of Snord deadliest of flaming stones, yet this
- gs. one ezsotic beverage in your pitiful Fjord. Further rumors assure us that Snord’s impenetrable fortress illuminated in song and
ll-_"_tiII'lE,. make sure it is the delicious magic armor and greater secrets still are story still maintains a reputation as a
_.:cl-ieese grog brewed a.nd served at this entombed with him. travelers rest without equal. Cine need only
fascinating tavern. The building itself is % Yet Another Tomb Raiding Adventure: sample the offerings of its bars and brothels to
Ltnremarlcably made of cheese, not In which the heap discover {or fail to know the truth of it.
unlike just about every other structure discover} what "greater secrets still" are % l':lr|ueeze This-ii: ln which the ghost of E1
in ll.-flaanlcaas, and the service is terrible. entombed with King Snord. horc haunts an abandoned juice bar and it
Still, the grog is among the finest blends kind of sucks.
of foulness and mirth to be found THE INDEPENDENT Bossoorrs or

anywhere on Clitli.
The Cheesenasiurn: This strange
Don't Forget to Visit
tower houses a most bizarre museum.
The Spawncleresa: Gargle Twice's largest
Displayed and contained beyond these
and most infamous brothel, The Spawn-
vaulted doors are all malmer of things #5:’: looct my Family don't live in o treel derosa, run by the celebrated lvladam Grizzle
Fluttercooch, is said to churn out more
created of cheese, all manner of things. Geography: vast fields of mold; broken
bastard offspring of lords and barons than the
The upper levels house the offices and fields of boulders; big ass fields of crumbling
rest of the world's bordellos combined.
guildhalls of the Cheesemongers Guild, mountains: lovely fields of murky
as well as the penthouse suite of
lvladame Fluttercooch makes a business of
swampland; expansive forestular fields of
hiding the illicit lineages of her fruits, most of
r-'i.sparagobster Fromage. They plan to petrified trees; various other fields.
whom end up working for her in one manner
add a new level, but that's another story Populace: A gazillion or two {mostly
of another.
.i' {get it?]. The lower floors are inhabited residents of New Clorlquar}.
.-r‘ by
' display cases and exhibits of all Resources: Too many to name.
types. Huge dioramas depict the Governance: E’.-ernizedd the Enplumpin— New Oorlquar
discovery and history of the Cheese ated is Boss of New C‘-lorlqar; lesser lords rule
Hg. Fields. r’-‘-i1'tifacts and maps er.-tamine the the other cities. As the largest and most populous city in all
various expeditions and quests Cities and Towns: Dregg; {Ciargle Twice; of Clith, New Dorlquar is a veritable buzzing
i launched in search of the fabled lost Ghupe; t-'~'.oozle; New Dorlquar; Did Dorlquar; hive of activity, commerce, and culture.

72 E-inky Booboolrljser, rliarrlberlaiii to Lord Sir "u'err:ir Lanluge, has a secret diaper fetish. |_Ji:n1"‘i tell _l'r'I5

- l-’-_ ; '-

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lmmigrants and refugees from all corners of married horc and smelf and their adopted refreshments or souvenirs. There's so much to
Ctith have been making their homes here for cremefillian daughter in a building owned by see that an entire tome eighteen times the si -
centuries. The city has a historical reputation a tiz.n’t landlord from Curd down the lane a of this one would be needed just to list them
for tolerance and acceptance of all people bit from a carven temple of Stan next to an all by name, but l’ll recommend a few of my
from all lands. It's not unusual for a armed holdfast of militant E-oorglezarians favorites:
cremefillian from the ‘Elingdom of the Bong to connected by a bridge to the confectionery of
run a gambling parlor across the street from a portly bodul whose immigrant parents came
Dan‘; for e; to Visit
the ha1'ber shop of a horc from Agog next to a over from Floom on a barge owned by
The Mot er of All Markets: The largest
1'eek emporium owned by a smelf hailing Bernizedd the Enplurnpinated, Lord of all
open air market in the known world, this
from Floom to the left of a dry goods shop run New Dorlquar and many of the surrounding
incredible bazaar is a lab1'ynthine clutter of
by Doopish werms a block away from the principalities. That's just an eitample, not the
vendors, hawkers, stalls, and shops. ]ust _
brothel of a croachular pimp from lvlaankaas way it actually is. "
about anything can be found here, yes even
who's in business with a couple of thuggish New Dorlquar is big. lt‘s way bigger than
that. Day and night the lvlolher of All Markets
piles from Yorf who take out his trash, so to Dlcl Dorlquar and at least thrice the size of
thrives with haggling, bartering. trade, and
speak, on the third Wensday of every month. Floom, C-+ith’s next biggest city. It would take a
commerce. It's also a great place to find
Across the avenue, perhaps, one might likely day and a halfjust to walk from one side to the
pickpockets, gangstas, and other ill sorts.
find a cartography studio operated by a other, and that's without stopping for ‘I.


Hebudy knlin-is what Elurlquar means: nutlievlen tr: and "55.:-1 E

. 7
E,Ffl_ElEl:ll‘|i:fl_IJ.‘1.lfl-[ftp .--L‘
_l" _.-we

,.—l"",, .-_-»
. 5*"

'Cl7'5*erseei11g the eperatien, cellecting beneath the city in a massively winding
fees and enfercing regulatiens, is a systern ef catacembs and tunnels. lt’s
flea— head ed tizn’ t knewn as whispered that feul things haunt the lewer
Ciriftnieister Slurnrn. reaches and feuler things dug the varieus
drains and sacrificial cisterns. ctr £1
The Museum uf Ant-iquit-ies and A werm named Clthetheth lilech is high
flbscurities: Sa kes alive, this place has priest. He’s a nice eneugh fellew nnce yeu get
Geegraphy: A shlead ef sand, sand, and
mere relics, artifacts, dead things, and te knew him, but his evil ways and
mere sand. Sandy hills; sandy plains; sandy
weirclnesses than my aunt C'likki’s prepensity fer cannibalistic bleed ergies are
meuntains; sandy jungles...
handbag. Wanna see a mummified effputting te seme.
werrn carcass frem Clerb's Wang? This There are sin—e—gegt1es in mest majer cities,
Pepnlace: 2ll[l,ll[l[l er se {Abeut half
residents ef Babajuana and half nemadic
place has them ceming eut its ears and in secret wilderness lairs acress the Clith,
Hew abeut trib-espeeple}.
[t'netapherical|y]. eld but the ene in New Derlquar is the largest and
Reseurces: Sand; tequila; gemstenes.
pettery frem the eriginal inhabitants ef mest prespereus.
Gevernance: Dezens ef cheeks gevern
H Agng? “r’eu can’t swing a mummified % I Hli l'~l[".l: In which the heap are asked te
under the banner ef Sultan Pepper.
erm in here witheut hitting seme. settle a dispute between the sin-e—gegue and a
Cities and Tewns: Eabajuana; hundreds ef
Ever seen a stuffed berln? l—lew abeut a neighb-er.
nernadic villages.
pipe made frem the eyestalks ef an
Iielatiens: As leng as lecal custems and
esephagater? Petrified teenail clippings Under the Sink: in all my travels ne tavern
tab-ees are respected, the cheeks will deal
frern Ewg? A life—sizecl sculpture ef has dune mere te make me feel at heme than
with just abeut anyene.
Bernizzed the Enpluminated made Under the Sink. This ader-able little
entirely ef meiisterwax? Hew abeut eat—and—drinlr.ery caters te the creach in all ef
Try te imagine the werld’s biggest litter
E ef asparagnbster Fremage crafted us. hlen—crear.h guests are welceme, but
lJ-Ct}-i. That Cine Place Willi All the Sand is
ef cheese? a. sacrificial pee—flinger frern creach hats and bibs are previcled te help
essentially an incredibly vast expanse ef ash
the fungus jungles e-f (Sleep? i didn't them fit in. The head chef, whese name l can’t
and winclblewn sand interspersed with the
think se. remember, makes the must delicieus pee
eccasienal cactus, stagnant easis, er
Elf ceurse the pride ef the museum is flamfi, and the Reese's Feces is the finest in
the whale city. venemeus biting thing. The peeple, fe1' the
its celleciien ef ancient relics ef the
must part, live in traveling tertt cities and
Heemanrace. Here is assembled, and % Tl1at’s just Grass: in which terrible
travel censtantly en the backs ef menepedal
clesely guarded, the mest valuable secrets lurk in the kitchen ef Under the Sink.
beasts called stemps. All denizens pay
ensemble ef such artifacts ever
hemage te Sultan Pepper, an elegant creach
amassed. Cllclsters and wisenheimers
with a hundred wives and a theusand
peur ever these dusty things fer years
effspring. The Sultan dwells in an epulent
en end, trying te ascertain their purpese
palace at the heart ef Eabajuana, an edifice
-'-and te give seme sert ef meaning tn
that rivals the palace ef the Ding ef the Deng
their efferts. Clefe artifacts abeund as
in size and magnificence.
well, but these are even mere clesely
That Dne Place With All the Sand is a realm
guarded and even less understeed.
steeped in traditien and hener. Very strict
The curatnr ef the place is the eminent
cedes ef hespitality and tabee are widely
Yimminee the Seuse. Yes, the guy with
enferced. It is a land where heresy and
the calendar. The Sc-«use has enly
recently been appeinted te his pest, Old Oerlquar, The Ruins ef apestasy [the state religien is E'-eerglezar-
ianisrn} are capital crimes, a land where a
fellewing the untimely demise ef the
ferner cu rater under suspicieus circum- lt’s teugh te believe that this gigantic pile ef rude werd er a failure te held a deer fer a
refuse and blight was ence the must vibrant lady, can earn a fellew a spear threugh the
"siens. I mean circumstances.
city en Ctith. It's net teugh te believe, leeking heart er werse. ln mest places visite1's are
% Tin: i'v‘lysl:t_-riuus Dtirillickey: ln
- '1
' at the shattered edifices and tumbled walls, eitempt frern such laws, being censidered
1 ‘I, that it was alse the site ef ene ef die mest ignerant savages by the inhabitants ef the
1'"'.t._ Place.
1"-ilesular Decadence: This perfumery, cataclysmic battles ef the medern age. ‘fes
ewned and eperated by a wrinkly smelf indeed, friends and neighbers, Did Clerlquar
inexplicably named Bunge Eunge, was the New Derlquar ef its day. it was the
shining center ef cemmerce and culture en
Bab ajuana
preduces seme ef the finest scents te be
smelled anywhere. Pick up a bettle ef this centinent, ruled wisely and justly by the
Ptlthetigli That Cine Place With All the
Eunge’s tiungjuice, it's just a'beut the benevelent cremefillian Lerd ‘v'ermun Skank.
Band has enly ene city, it's a deezy. Innnense
' aphredisiac knnwn. all th-at changed a few centuries age when
and epulent by any standard, Eiabajuana is a
% The W1't1ng llnttle: in which 1'’s archrival, his demented brether
thriving center ef culture and trade. lts
Clthetheth Eilech gets pissed eff and Felenieus Skunk, cc-ntested his claim tn the
threne. What fellewed was a twe year turreted tewers and demed temples cast their
tries te kill Bunge Eunge. shadews en bustling markets, glerieus
bleed fest in which the entire city was pretty
statues, shimmering eases, and fabuleusly
‘ The Sin-e-gegue ef Stan: ‘This herri- much destreyed and bath brelhers lest their
lives. What remain teday are the breken shells beclethed denizens. Even the peer ef the city
fying building, carved frem a single beg with iewel encrusted bewls and finely
huge beulder inte the likeness ef a ef ence glerieus buildings scattered ameng
the decayed benes and carapaces ef fallen pelished weeden legs.
herned, scewiing face, is a center ef The laws ef hespitality and tabee are
wership fer Stanismists and ether seldiers.
sternly enferced here, altheugh net quite se
clevetees ef evil and vice. The structure Elf ceurse ne ruin is cemplete witheut
sternly as they are ameng the nemadic tribes.
itself, lecated next te the werkshep ef asseciated legends ef hidden treasures and
Public eitecutiens are cemmen, as are
centanimater Clevus Redspleen, is ancient dangers- Cilcl Cterlquar has its share.
genereus displays ef wealth and charity by
merely a facade and entrance chamber. Net the least ef which is the rurner that
the Sultan and his geverning cheeks; the
The real guts ef the place, including the verntun Eikank’s unclaimed cerpse new rules
aferementiened bewls and prestheses being
varieus narfects, recteries, sanctuaries, an army ef the danged in the catacembs
gifts ef the Sultan.
altars, and ergy chambers, are iecated beneath the city.

'iI'errr'u-1 Shank‘: uhtlzilnecl -rerpse new rules an army of the danged In ‘the tatacembs beneath llllcl Elerluuar.

_n_ . a
‘hi. .__.
hi P,‘


Don't, For et_ to Visit The Sultan's Menagerie: This private zoo,
Achoo oonaalefs Funtime Grooming owned by Sultan Pepper but open to the
Emporium and Eirecutionarium: Achoo public, houses animals and monsters from all
Goonaalez is Eabajuana's premier barber and corners of the world. It also doubles as a
holy executioner. Customers can stop by his gladiatorial arena. When gate sales are low
pavilion for a cjuick shave, a perm or dye job, they sometimes take the two most ferocious
or to have the heads chopped off of a few beasts in the men-agerie and put fliem in a big
heretics. rltchoo is the man to beat with a razor cage together to see what will happen. The
or headsman’s sword, an-d his rnustache keepers are always looking for new exotic
wakings are the silkiest around. beasts and will pay handsomely for them.

Foopoos and Beer: This restaurant, a We Be Sand: This ramshackle hut sells
branch of which is on just about every street nothing but sand. lt does very little business,
corner in town, sells delicious tacos and salty since sand is the most plentiful substance
beer. I hear the super—siae stomp burrito is around and is free for the taking just about
delicious. anywhere. lt’s said that the place is some sort
of front run by gangstas from The Dingdom of
The Spoon That Stirs: A tiny little teahouse the Dong. but I wouldn't know anything
in the shadow of the SuItan’s palace, The about that. The cremefillian who runs the
Spoon That Stirs would be a relatively place wears an eye patch and has a lovely
mecliocre establishment if it weren‘t for two cloud and rainbow tattooed on his belly.
factors: the circu spi nut tarts are almost edible Unfortunately, he never talks and only
and the purveyor, a gal by the name of communicates in pantomime. lt’s dreadfully
Spinster Elollup, is an actual living spoon, a annoying.
Six foot metal ladle given life by the magic of a % Enemy’ Mime: In
traveling hocus poker who fell in love with which puzzling events
her delicate filigree and just had to have her as and obscure clues lead
his wife. Dollup's weird husband has long the heap into trouble.
since passed on, but she remains and is
currently running the teahouse for the sixth
decade running. There are a lot of strange
dudes on Clith, but a giant talking spoon that
serves clung tea and circuspi nut tarts is
someone to meet.
Elowhio The Follicular It-laae
1:L"-ll} Encounter 1:121] Encounter
I-3 211.1 12 Mutant Land Fish 1-5 21.112 predacious Hair Bares
t'1~'l1.l l"-lining party and Slaves 11-11] 31.1-1 villainous 'D1:|.res
11-‘IE1 1d-I ra rn paging Contanima nts 11 -15 1111.111! feral and angry Clily Boids
1t'1~ltl- Dne l'1orrit'ying Squiggly Mass llir- 1 ti E1-d-1 Hair l-larvesters from Doop
lit 1114 Scary Ass lvluthas 1'11 ld-1 Milfs w ho dwell in a giant hollow all
21} 111-l esca]:I~e1.1 Slaves 31 A Giant Slog loolting for prey
Here are those Random Encounter Tables
you were premised earlier. All you have to do The fhesteranee Tail
is roll a d2ll and compare the 1'esults to the d2l] Encounter d2tl Encounter
chart for the location the heap is in to see what 1-5 fl-1.112 Kan]-ters lo1.1l-ting for trou ble 21.112 Groothoo Eoids
they run into. If you don't like the result, roll ti--1l'l An Esophagator lool-ting Eor lood llliilti Dily Boids
ll-15 11.12 disgusting Contanirnants 2dti Groothoo Eoicls {one is a hocus polter}
again or make something up yourself. le-ill Cine horrifying Squiggly Mass ld-1 Itianlters
Remember, not every encounter calls for 11:" Some ltin 1.1 of poisonous Fungus I"-Ii 1d-1 G-iggities
fighting. Use the brain Eoorglesar gave you 21] Gorminee the Goosed 21.1 2d-1 Scary Ass Muthas
-rd find creative ways to make random
encounters fun and e:1:citing! T11 Tests of Boorglezar Torsovahia
1121} Encounter d2lJ Encounter
A303 1-3
'.‘n.i12 cannibalistic Werm savages
?1dl2lriendly Werm savages
"I -S 21.112 Scab Harvesters
dill Encounter lit-ill 2d-'1 Kankers out for blood
1-5 21.1ti rampaging Horc hanilits 1I-I5 -lid-I it'enr.ied Cute Little Duckies I1 -I5 1d-'1 evil Contanirnarits
ti--ill 2dt:1 hungry Borlos 1E1-ltl Dne oogly Squiggly Mass lfi-1l'l 2d-1 I-loly Rollers from the Bowls of the Ctith
l I-15 1d2 pla ylul yet ravenous Schnoobles IE1‘ Force of l"~lalure (avalanche, etI:-..]- 1'-.1 A Squiggly Mass with. a bad attitude
"" lfi-lli Ellie Llisgusting Squiggly lvlass 21] -ld-I Eloorgle.-:ar'ian monks 2ti 2d-1 Scary Ass Muthas
‘!-«".“L.;1s The Thing T1111 Might M111 s-.=
211 2dt"1 suspicious Smelt insurgents Yewnorlc Quarry of the flanged
1.1.211 El'||Ifl|.l'I'tll1I' 1121] Encounter
E1orh's ‘Wang 1-5 2:1-E! Spirits of the Dangecl 1-5 2-.112 Epirita of the flanged
dill Encounter F1-lll 2:1-I r1:a|ly ineali Ctdres 111-111 31.14 2'1.-lucosii.-e mi:nei-sol the lI|Iange1,l
1-5 21.14 Ferocious Scary Ass 1'1-futhas 11-15 41.11’: 1-icary Ass tvluthas ll—I5 11,1-J. Holy ltolli;-rsol' the I".'rang1:~1.i
tir-111 21.1'l2 head-huntir1' Werm savages lfi—lH 1'1 1:ler.:1uge1.l Cents nimat-ronic Minion lh-lli .'i1.1-1 Iivil Cullists of the lI?|.:1ng1.-.1i
11-15 2d'l2 evil Horc savages 19 1'1 horrid fit.-iiggly Mass 'I":l The Thing That Might Not Be
1E1-1l'l 21.1-1 assorted lost esplorers 21'! 4114 hungry Bracorlilea 211 .r"-. vicimis Squiggly Mass
1'9 Dne wandering Be-orgle:r.a rian missions r_v
211 21.112 cautiously optiinistic Werm savages
fiiurieular Wax ltnlines Keister Island
1:121] Encounter 151211 Encounter
I-5 av. moreite rwas miners 1-5 2d-'-1 Smellcasters gathering reel-:.s
1li~1ll- 21.1-1 villainous 'lJdres Ii»-'1'll 3-.1-1 Series with hentorrhoiils
ll-13 21.1-1 Spirits of the Danged 1 1-15 21.1-1 Mean old Clclres
lo-13 211.1-1 maniacal l-lair Bares lfivlli Id-1 Headstones
ldcl yuclty lslanl-zers 11:1 Pi Squiggly Mass with a l.1a1.1 attitude
A Primordial Goon and 211-1 Giggities searching 21.1 The Thing That Might Not Be
for the oracle for some reason

The Dingdom of the Dong

1:121] Encounter
l—.'.I 21.1-1 Cremefillian sa1n1.:rico1:'alt1:s
.'i1.1-1 Goozeeras loolc'.i1'1' for boo-.r.1:
ll-15 31:1-1 vill.=iin1'1us fldres
11.14 Triena pa rapantses
11-3 .1". Squiggly Mass in 1:1 haul Inn-n1.1
211 21.1-1 Spirits oi’ the Danged

The Moonular Cheese fields

cl2|ll Encounter
'l -5 -ld-1 Cheese Harvesters
111-111 lid-1 Uochachos
11-15 11.1-1 Primordial Goons
"If!-1l'l -ld-1 Doto ol1.1sters on an e.'~:].1e~1.1ition
W 21.1-1 Spirits of the Dangecl
H] A Cheese Leech

l:l2ll Encounter
15 -ldo Horc bandits
111-111 '.i1.1t"- "v'assals of some lor1.1
ll-l:_.'r 1d2 hungry Schnoobles
113-13 -11.1-1 Cute Little Duel-ties
11:" 2dl'l Dweebs
211 -11.1-1 Mutant Land Fish on the hunt

That flue Plaee With All the Sand

d2Ill Encounter
"I -S 21.1'l2 Wandering Iioorgleaarian l-ioly Rollers
tin-'11] -id-1 wild Stomps
ll-15 21.112 Cldre raiders
1'-"I. ginonnous Sand Slog
I111 A Puddle of ‘fuck
31 fl1.1l'l Stom p-herding nomads

Thalia a Berle
fin Abridged Compendium Describing Various Wriuen and Compiled by

Denizens of Oith. Beastl_y 8-3* Otherwise. Gorsilon Leechrider, Naturalist 85 Explorer

IEnrsHarr Leecltrlder -i-idss 3-—r|i-ease hurl:

Greetings fellow C‘-‘ithling. I, in your face, Attributes: Agility dB. Smarts d4. Spirit dI':':-,
am explorer of renown Gorsilon Leechrider, Strength dB, Vigor dltl
naturalist and adventu1'er. I have compiled, Skills: Fighting dB, Notice dB, Intimidation dB_
for your edification, a compendium of various -_,_,_a_a__u_ Pace: Er; I’a.rry: Er; Toughness: 8
Gear: Shiny objects
beasts of Ditli so that you may know them and
their ways without suffering the hardships lTT—i_ Borlo I
and adversities that plagued me as I collected
'.____d_______ ______,______ __,______,___ _ ______ , Special fihflifies
Borlos are bizarre [even by Dith standards} -fit Bouncy Behind: Borlos have the Bouncy
this information for your ungrateful asses. I
creatures with massive blue rumps, drooping Behind Edge.
hope you find it as useful in your travels as I
noses, and immense, toothed suckers instead -fit Claws: Borlos can attack with both claws
have in mine. If so, why not send a clam or
of hands. They roam the various frontiers of each round with no penalty. Str +1.
two my way...
the world, bouncing about on their bubbly -fit Horns: Instead of making two claw
This dissertation introduces only a tiny
asses and collecting shiny things to store in attacks, a bo1'lo may make one attack with its
number of Ditl1's crazy monsters. Ditli is so
their hollow forearms. horns. Str +2.
infested with things that want to eat you that
Altltougli they do not have a spoken -fit Suckers: If a borlo hits the same target
to even begin to try to describe the merest
language, they seem able to understand what with both sucker claws it has pinned the
inkling of a complete collection is to invite
others say. Borlos communicate among target. The opponent may do no other action "
madness. Nevertheless, I suggest you try to
themselves with grunts, squeaks, and flashes other than try to escape, which requires a
memorize it in its entirety, since you never
of their luminescent noses. raise on an opposed Strength roll. :5: borio will
know when a hungry schnooble might
These dim-wit'ted creatures are quick to attempt to gore a pinned opponent with its
wander by and devour it. For the sake of your
anger and take offense at the merest slight. horns.
sanity I will attempt to be brief.

vliggimnasa Bur-la. far -at-hnrr th¢_"I"l1‘or|n is narr-ed was raarnn-ates1F"iu-iih the at
. L‘ n
gre%:.‘_:grgj-ldltialfllire-r l.I1l||.ll-I:I|_tI.i.,_[t'__:|_‘.I|.JlI!I5..
__ ,';~':’.
--u #:- I I
' If‘

15*: Burrow I[2EI”]: Cheese leeches can 4: Stink Blobs: wusses are able to
burrow through cheese and reappear manifest odors into focused blobs of
anywhere within EU" on the following action. concentrated stench. With a touch attack a
These aggressive predators are voracious wuss can cause actual physical damage. SI: +1.
15: Low Light Vision: Although they have

and unpredictable. They wander the swamps very good eyesight, cheese leeches are I

‘;'-and forests of Ditli preying on anything they perfectly capable of making their way around "I—-I—I-Ii-I-—'J

can catch. in total darkness. wankers are spirits of rubbish and grime.
A brocod ile is a long, slender carnivore with 1’-in Regeneration (slow): Cheese leeches roll They appear as squat spherical blobs covered
blue scaly skin, two paddled tails, a long in refuse and dripping with filthy muck.
for natural healing once per day.
toothy snout, and a bright green afro that t"""'
"‘ "“'""""’"—‘“"‘
Attributes: db, Smarts as, Spirit dill,
resembles a bush or large fungus. L Contentment J igor as
Strength as.Axgility
Skills: Fightin as, Guts clll], Throwing d8
Attributes: Agility db, Smarts as {A}, Contanirnants are elemental spirits of Pace: 6; I’an'y: _: Toughness: 5
Spirit as, Strength dill, ‘v'igor dill filth, disease, and corruption. They exist, in a
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts db, Notice d3 dormant state, all around us but are invisible
oial ,Abilit;iea
SI; Muck Hurling: When fightin wankers
ace:3, Parry: E; Toughness: Fl and intangible unless summoned by a hurl chunks of refuse from ll‘tEt.l‘ bor. ies. its age
contanimator or otherwise coalesced {it can 5'’. Str +2.
happen naturally, I am told}. tviultiple -all Regeneration {fast}: Walikers 1'oll for
. Special Abflitiea natural healing every round.
varieties exist, although five main types are
-ill: Aquatic: Brocodiles are strong swim-
mers. Face Er.
-fit Site: A brocodile's toothy maw is a
most co mrnon. each representing a primordial
condition of smut or blight. l Mensch
All contanimatants are vile and pestilent These bli hted spirits are purveyors of rust
weapon. Str +3.
‘Ia-ahniarvelous beings. They care for nothing more than and decay. heir bodies are gigantic pickles
Cheese Leech spreading their influence and causing ruckus. of crud, yuck, and long gray hairs. Two

arms sprout from the tops of their

incredibly big, ahnost unimaginably iL WEI! i
gargantuaii, these humongous worm-like Attributes: A ility as, Smarts as. Spirit dill,
The least of all contanimants, wusses are Strength db, igor dB
creatures burrow their way through the spirits of stink and flatulence. They as Skills: Fightin dfl, Guts dill, hlotice as
Moonular Cheese Fields. They are responsible little whisps of gelatinous vapor witappear
1 pudgy Pace: 6; Parry: ; Toughness: 6
for the gazillions of holes that riddle the arms and eyeless faces.
cheese. Special Abilities
Attributes: A ility dd, Smarts cld, Spirit dill. -all Aging: Anyone Shaken or Wounded by
The most skilled of riders can actually use
Strength d4, igor d4 a mensch rapidly ages. A bit and each raise
these enormous beasts as mounts. Skills: Fightin tzlsl.-+.'1, Guts cl'lfl, Notice as forces the target to make a ‘vigor roll or age
Pace: 4; Parry: ; Toughness: Ll five years in addition to causing the normal
".Atl:'ibutes: Agility dffr, Smarts as {A}, wounds.
Spirit db, Strength di2+12, Vigor dill Abilities
Skills: Fighting as, I'-lotice dB, Stealth dlfl
Fly: Wusses can fly at their normal Face.
-33: Small: Wusses are tiny little fellows.
Pace: 4; Parry: ti; Toughness: Ell Attackers have a -2 penalty to Fighting and
Shooting rolls against them.
-' Special Abi1i|,ies -33: Smell Mani ulation: Wusses can alter Bad Ass
If-\. the scent of anyt ing within their range of
-fl Huge: At'tackers add +4 to their Fighting vision. They can't create overpowerin
or Shooting rolls when fighting a cheese leech stenches, but they can make one thing smefi
clue to its huge size {size +ltl}. like something else.
-ilk Bite: Cheese leeches have incredibly He-1 sd:
' ge mouths. Str +3. if the leech hits a target‘
with a raise, the opponent is swallowed whole
and takes Ed-El damage each round until he
escapes {inflicts a wound on the leech with an
edged weapon} or dies.

Eflfir. Little Du: I-ty

‘fit ltust: An metal object touched b a
mensch, or use to directly attack a inensc is
immediately dest1'oyed. Enchanted metals are

Bruiser 5


Sruisers, spirits of rot and putrefaction, are

large gelatinous hunks of put1'id meat and
squirming maggots. Their long spindly arms
constantly drip with filthy ichor and their
squat toes are crawling with fungus and
mold. A b1'uiser’s enormous maw is filled
with rotting teeth and gingivitis. These hulks
love nothing 1no1'e than reducing living flesh
to pulverized gobs of rot.

Attributes: Agility db, Smarts dtir, Spirit dlfl,

Strength d'llJ, Vigor dll]
Skills: Fighting dltl, Guts dlll, Notice dS
Pace: Er; Parry: ?,' Toughness: ?

Special Abilities
-At Fear: Anyone who looks upon a bruiser’s
hideous countenance must make a Guts check
or run fleeing and pissing for id-’l rounds.
Cliice a pe1'son succeeds the Guts check he
need not roll again.
‘At Rotting Touch: Wounds caused by a
Sruiser can not be fixed by natural healing.
Dilly magic or a specially prepared antidote
can spur the healing process.
and rend the flesh from anything they dweeb wins it is considered to have somehow
encounter. tricked its adversary and has “the drop” on
his opponent. The dweeb gains a +4 bonus to
cm‘ -:-- r--I—|.-- --j-1- -.r--—--.n 2

Dripping boils, pustular sits, and oozing

blisters are the hallmarks of these horrid Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts dti [A]. its attack rolls [usually using a weapon of
spirits of disease and infection. They delighl' Spirit cl '1 2, Strength dd, 'v'igor as some kind].
in causing suffering and spreading plague. Skills: Fighting db, Guts cl'l 2, Notice ClS A dweeb can do this during every round at
Pace: 4; Party: 5; Toughness: 5 combat if it wants.
I ,
-_i—u_..-_-——--—-u.n.n_ J---u. —u.—u.n—i_a- a.

Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts db, Spirit dill,
Strength dl2, Vigor dl2+2 Special Abilities l_ --..... _ _--_.»_..-.-. ..j-i.—._ ._..u__..n_i— an-—
Skills: Fighting dl2, Guts dl2, Notice dS -fl: Bite: These monstrous fiends rend large Lurking in the lakes, rivers. and oceans of
Pace: ti; Parry: S; Toughness: 12 gobs of flesh with every bite. Str +6. Ctith are horrors best left undescribed. The
15:: Flock: For every three cute little duckies esophagator is one such beast. Not because it
Special Abilities in a flock, each one in the group gains a +1 is particularly horrific [it is!}, but because it is
it Big: Bad asses a1'e pretty large spirits bonus to its Fighting rolls. hard to describe. l’ll try anyway...
[size +2}. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to 155: Fly: Cute little duckies can fly with a its mostly mouth, really, a toothy set of
Fighting and Shooting 1'olls against them. Face of S. jaws connected to a plump and pickle
[_.__.....-...-_..._.___.__.. .___._-._.._ body with a long, flat tail and a couple til?“
-tit Clubber: Bad asses fight by smashing
opponents with their single mighty fist. Str +2. ‘L I) w e e b j flippers. [ts eyes are on movable stalks and it
{it Infection: Anyone Shaken or Wounded swims along eating just about anything it can
Plump and nerdy, these dorky little guys
by a bad ass’s clobber attack must make a catch, which includes creatures bigger than
love proving how smart they are. Life, to
Vigor roll at -2 or contract a horrid disease. itself thanks to its expanding stomach. That-
them, is a constant game of practical jokes and
The disease causes blisters and headache in wasn't so difficult after all {plus there's a
witticisms. Weak fighters, dweebs will
those that make their Vigor roll {-1 to all die picture right over there in case you are still
usually attempt to gain egress from an ~
1'olls for ldtl days] and a horrible festering in confused}.
unpleasant situation with words or trickery.
those that fail. Such a victim is Exhausted for
ldé hours, after which time he becomes Attributes: Agility dttl, Smarts dti {A}.
Attributes: Agility db, Smarts d'l2, Spirit dlll,
lncapacitated for ldtl days. He must then Spirit dll], Strength dl2+2, ‘vigor d'l2
Strength dd, vigor d4
Inake another Vigor roll with a -1 penalty for Skills: Fighting dill. Notice d ‘I2. Swim d12
Skills: Fighting ddl, Gambling d'|2,
each day he was lncapacitated or die. Pace: — ; Parry: F; Toughness: 12
Investigation d'l2, Knowledge [any three] dt 2,
tit Regeneration {fast}: Sad asses roll for
Notice dlfl, Persuasion dlfl, Taunt dl."-1.
natural healing every other round.
Pace: 6; Parry: S; Toughness: 3 Special Abilities
I Cute Little Ducky
Special Abilities
ill: Aquatic: its swimming pace is E.
-A: Big: An esophagator is pretty big {Sizes

+4}. Dpponents gain a +2 bonus to Fighting

_——u.p._.a—_ ___..____n___..._ ..__ -i.1._ .1_.j-_'_-_

These tiny beasts are among the most -A: Trickery: Dweebs are masters of and Shooting rolls against such a beast.
bloodthirsty of all Dith's creatures. Small practical jokes and misdirection. A dweeb
yellow boids with big, dewy eyes and wicked 1%: Elite: Esophagators bite with their mas-
may make an opposed Smarts roll against
teeth, these voracious monsters hunt in packs sive teeth. Str +3.
anyone in combat with it as a tree action. if the

'l:F3:_l'l'|'ll'El trearnpulf. a trerrlellllian tt_:rntanin~ata_rL_=l:ihl;l naturalist. has Identified _ant:l"»:atalogued ‘I: ":S'F"'Eflfil§‘:-Iiilflftferent":typ'e's: a_l -:iInfaniI'r'ant
.b ' '
_| __ _ a

'-. . -" Hu-

- I
Eaezera plus baeze equals eaclness
I G i 3 3 :1 U l
-.a.________.__._._____ ,____,., __l
Giggities are miniens ef the Primerdial
~ "Seep Kitchen, but den’t tell yeur players that,
'_'l:lecause it's a secret. They are little guys,
vaguely cenical in shape with extremely
expressive faces and ears that deuble as wings.
Every ene leeks different, depending en what
~_ - traits it has abserbed aleng the way.
Giggities are able te abserb traits and
characteristics frem ether erganisms, which
they then bring te the Primerdial Seup
Kitchen fer distillatien and study. ]ust abeut
in . any aspect ef a being can be abserbed {the
Special ,.ll.bilit,ies
:irig dees net lese the trait, the giggity just
srepies it}, frem a persen's giant afre er his taste 15: Aquire Traits: Whenever a giggity Gjbothee Bflbidflj
fer taces, te his ltnewledge ef herbal ism.
teuches anether creature it may abserb a trait
frem that creature. The giggity maltes a Greethee fieids. the primary denizens ef
These little fellews are net malicieus, unless
Smarts rell. Fer -a success and each raise it the realm ef Tail, are tall, elegant creatures
they’ye abserbed that trait frem semeene, just
cepies ene trait inte itself. The eriginal with brilliant feathers and leng. curving
curieus. They wander abeut cepying things
creature is net harmed. Just abeut any bealts. They are quite intelligent, but tend te
and learning abeut the werld. hlebedy has
physical, mental. er spiritual trait can be be territerial and i-renephebic. Clccasienally
<€':‘-r_~fl.1ccessfully fellewed ene ef these guys back
captured in this manner, frem a being’s teethy greethee beids beceme pewerful hecus
te the Seup l=~'Citchen, but plenty have tried. It
rnaw er its leve ef music theater, te its Arcane pelters er hely reliers.
seems whenever semeene gets clese, the
giggity just disappears. liackgreunti [the giggity weuld have te
abserb Pewers and Fewer Feints separately in itttribetes: Agility dill, Smarts dS, Spirit d] CI,
this case}. The attributes and skills listed Strength dfi, ‘v"iger db
Attributes: Agility dlfl, Smarts db, Spirit d12,
abeve are typical fer a giggity. These will Skills: Fighting dti, hletice dfl. Sheeting dti,
Strength d-fl, Viger db
Skills: Fighting db, Guts dli, l"~.letice d12
change depending en the traits it has Threwing dS, Tracking d3
abserbed. Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Teughness: 5
Pace: 3; Party: 5: Teughness: S
-fl: Fly: at giggity flies with a Face ef ii.
15: Extended Warranty: A giggity that is Special Abilities
killed will be rebern in Edit} heurs. its eriginal 15: Beak: Cireethee beids can fight with a
cerpse stays intact as it magically grews a new weapen and stab with their beaks at the same
hedy a few yarts frem where it died. time with ne penalty. Str +2.
I... _ .. .._.__.
1 -fl-it Fly: Greethee lieids fly with a Face ef S.

G e e 2 e r a.
j_ Hair Baire l

These tiny little saurian things are cemmen "j.§€-j%.g_u4 ..jH.j.q ...._-.-j -I,I.I.. -

threugheut The Elingdem ef the Deng. They Reaming the Menstreus Headlands in
are mestl y harmless, with meuths tee small te large packs. these strange predaters are a
bite anything bigger than a circuspi nut. and bane te hair harvesters and wanderers.
generally playful and funsleving. lZlen’t get Essentially nething mere than a pair ef squat
them drunk. hewever, er ill tidings may befall legs. a shaggy rump, and a chemping maw,
yea. they attach en masse. kicking, biting, and
See. when a geesera tastes even the tiniest farting their eppenents inte submissien.
drep ef beeee it gets a really big head.
Literally. its head expands te enermeus Attributes: Agility d3, Smarts dS [J1],
prepertiens, inflated by whatever gasses ef Spirit dtl, Strength db, ‘iliger d3
fermentatien brew in its gullet, and it becemes Skills: Fighting as, Guts dfi, Netice dfl
escepiienally vielent and raveneus, att:-tclcing Pace: ft; Party: 5; Teughness: E-
anything in sight.

Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts d-'-l, Spirit t.l'lfl. Special Abilities

Strength dsl, '1.-tiger db -ll-it Bite: Hair Bares can bite fer Str +2.
Sltills: Fighting db. Guts db, hletice d3 -13: Flatulence: Dnce every three reunds a
hair here may pass a nesieus gas. All these
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Teughness: 5
within the area ef effect {medium burst
template) must l'T'l-il ili.-E? a ‘viger rell er suffer a
Special Abilities -33 penalty te all traits fer ’ld4 reunds.
-53-‘: Bad Drunk: When drunk a gee::era’s 155: Immunity: Hair bares are immune te all
head inflates te huge prepertiens. grewing peisens, including their ewn flatulence.
frem the state ef a small nut te the size ef a
large melen in mere secends. The creature Hair ll-ares are
surre weird males
becemes very aggressive. Its Strength, "v'iger,
and Fighting increase te dill and itbites fer Sir
+2. The effect wears eff in a few heurs.
s‘-‘t Fly: is drunk geeaera flies {staggeringly}
with a Face ef S.
-is Wilclcardelarness: is drunk. geesera is
Giggities are flan ‘in: drama
censidered a Wild Card, but a seber ene isn't.

.-ll pepular drinking game in the Dingdem involves '_l‘_l'1_e__swal|ain-iiig :If_ a litre geerera followed by several
+ .
_ F.
'*-.~ .“ _.-'- --

I. I ?I‘-

i -ii:mt27Z%:]
their true form is. since they always look like
someone else.

These huge living statues wander the Ptttributeflt Ftgility d3. Smarts d8, Spirit cllil,
wildernesses of Keister lsland looking for Strength dill, ‘vigor dill‘
living things to squash. hlobody knows where Skills: Fighting cllil, Guts L18, Notice dlil,
they came from or why they exist. Persuasion dlfl
Pace: Er; Parry: ‘E’; Toughness: E’
Attributes: Agility dti, Smarts d-1, Spirit dS.
Strength d'l2, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting dlfl, Cuts dl2, hlot'ice dS
Special 1']i[ies
Pace: 5; Parry: .7’; Toughness: '12
-1'5-‘I Choke: fit milf will attempt to lure a
victim into a romantic situation and
then choke him with her incretflihle
Special [Abilities tongue {Fighting roll at +4}. fl choking
it Construct: Headstones are immune to victim will die in a number of
darrtage from piercing weapons, they add +2 rounds equal to half his ‘vigor fl. rnrll
disgutseo as a
when attempting to 1'ecover from being unless he can escape with really sexy hart
Shaken, are immune to disease and poison, an opposed Strength roll at -2.
and do not suffer additional damage from 3-": milf usually carries a
called shots. weapon of some sort in case
{I Smash: Headstones attack by falling her choke doesn't work.
over onto their opponents. After it falls, a -15: Seductive: Wlten in a
headstone must spend a round getting up shape changed form, a milf is
before it can attack again. Str +2. very attractive. giving her +4
St Stone: Because they are made of stone, Charisma.
headstones have +4 armor. 15: Shape Change: A milf can
change her shape at will, usually
_:.n.,_,.— _a.::1.
1' I

Tflanker '

i adopting the form of an

l_._ —'-n_-u_-n-u- .__.-__a.....__ .._ _...- _ _.l attractive member of her
Ka nkers a1'e spirits of disease and mutation, potential victims species.
closely related to contanimants. They look like Changing shape is immediate
giant tumors with arms and legs, dripping and does not count as an
with pus and stinking of rot. Their ichorous action. The disguise is almost perfect
d1'ippings are faintly luminescent, which {Notice at -6 to detect}.
makes them valuable to miners and others 1?: Prehensile Tongue: lvlilfs
who venture into the unlit realms of lvlutha have the Tongue Fu Edge and do
Clith. not suffer penalties for using their
tongue as a limb.

Attributes: Agility dlil, Smarts dti, Spirit rill,
Strength dlll. Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting clS, Guts cl12, Notice clifl,
Shooting dlil lnha biting the swa mps and
Pace: Er; Parry: ti; Toughness: E badlands of Ewg and other
desolate places, these strange
Special fihfliijes creatures can be dangerous if
1.5! Disease: ritnyone touched by a kanker approached carelessly. Basically a
immediately breaks out in boils and gooey big fish with sharp teeth and long legs, mutant
scabs. This causes no actual damage, but land fish are a danger to travelers because of Clclres are big, savage, stinky brutes
lowers the victim's Charisma by 1 for Ecltr days. their park hunting mentality and voracious distantly related to cremefillians They to '"= '-"r -.
tilt Immunities: lsfankers are immune to appetite for flesh. roving hordes of bandits itnti go raiding in
poison, acid, and disease. their spare time. A typical odre is about twice
1.5! Low Light Vision: it-'Cankers a1'e not Attril:-utes: agility dS. Smarts d4 {is}. the height of an average horc and three times
penalized for poor lighting. Spirit d'1 ll. Strength as, Vigor dill SS ['1"'t-E£'l1‘1-

15!: Smash: I‘-tankers attack by ramming with Skills: Fighting d3, Guts d3. hlotice d8
their crusty bodies or punching with their Pace: S; Perry: 5; Toughness: '5’ rlttributes: Agility as. Smarts d4, Spirit dS,
stubby arms. Str +l. Strength dlI1+3, Vigor dl 2 -
-SI Squirt: A kanker is able to squirt Skills: Fighting rllil, Guts dlfl, intimidation -r
Special Abilities dltl, hlotice d8, Shooting d8, Throwing d3
glowing acidic goo at one target within -sh: Bite: lvlutant land fish have very large
twenty yorts {2l]'} using its Shooting skill. The Pace: 8; Parry: T; Toughness: ll]
teeth. Str +2.
goo inflicts Ztlii damage on anyone who fails a 15!: Pack Mentality: Every five mutant [and
Vigor roll at -2. The glowing goo gives the fish in a group adds +1 to the smarts of each Special Abilities
kanker a +2 bonus to hit anyone who has individual. They are usually found in packs of -ht Expectoration: Cldres have the Spit
already been struck by its acid attack. S-211], but so per—intelligent hordes of hundreds Edge. If an odre successfully hawks a loogey

gm? Milf 41% have been spotted. on an opponent the odre gains a +4 bonus to
_a __ a:n_n_a. ..._,__—_-_-.n._u .14 _a.-.._n.: _a.-_g.,_a.,_'

1?: Stamp: Rather than bite. a mutant land its next attack roll against him.
'‘ _t
fish may choose to stomp an opponent with 15: Gear: is typical odre wears thick hides
lvlilfs a1'e shape changing monsters that lure
beings to an early grave by posing as
its long legs and flat feet. is stomped victim {+1} and wields a big ass club [Str +3}.
seductive members of the victim’s species and
mu st make a ‘vigor roll or be Stunned for nu 1%: Size: Ddres are pretty big- Dpponents
rounds. Str +l. gain a +2 bonus to Fighting and Shooting rolls
then choking them with their enormous,
against them {Siae +4}.
prehensile tongues. hlobody knows what ‘I.

Mutant Land Fish are the staple oi-ltlte Eloshioan diet t.':|aivl‘liaafns!l?e'iii'-I:
tire." pI loihrt-he rt:-utan‘tEItan_o i_1'sl1

--d- - if —-r' 1.-' .3


al . " r' .
_ . a_ _ 1 '
. - _ ',- ._ 1
. . - I

'_- '

2.5..»- -

‘fr-3. {bad ass primordial goon. opens an

sire can of cup; :55. on this
' 'ecoopg:y
itaplesli’ -perm and his trernefillian Friend from fire, acid, cold, and electrical attacks.
15: llrlutative bite: anyone bitten by a pri-
mordial goon must make a vigor roll or he
mutated in some weird way {lose a random
limb or eye. The lost member grows back in
‘I de days).
‘fl: Limited We rranty: Goons are immune to
damage the first three rounds of any combat.
-ii: Split: if a primordial goon takes two
wounds in combat, it will immediately make
a ‘vigor roll. if successful, the goon splits itself
into two identical goons, each with one
wound. The goons are perfect clones of the

y Puddle of Yuck


These gelatinous monsters hide among the

dunes and scrub molds of That Cine Place
With All The Sand, preying on caravans and
desert nomads. They are large, amorphous
blobs of iran slucent greenish muck, an almost
perfect disguise among the filthy ponds and
- oases so dearly sought by travelers.
Attributes: agility ti-4, Smarts as. Spirit dill,

its as
Strength di 2, Vigor dill
I Skills: Fighting dill, Notice dill, Stealth dlil
it-li~l.‘t_-_l lI'
- Pace: 1; Parry: .7; Toughness: 'll.'l
,. ,_, M“

Special Abflities
-ii: Disguise: A puddle of yuck usually
hides its large bulk in a shallow depression,
where its shining body resembles an oasis
{hlotice roll at -4 to tell the difference}. They
hunt from ambush, waiting until prey draws
near and then attacking with a barrage of
to break free. The ooze can not be cut,
—-I. "-——a--_'- J-

, n
but it can be burned, inflicting Sdti
damage on anyone caught witl'u"n..A
15: Immunities: Fire, acid, electricity, and
blunt weapons inflict no damage on puddles
-—- -I-I-I_:'z.—-I.|_- I -\_I.J--\_|r —_ |.|.-_- -Li-_-.lI--I --I-1-—I --I-.z.—-.i-I.| |_r-I--_-jar '-—.l-ti

These tiny little fellows are pretty harm- netted being is not able to perform any of yuck. They take no extra damage from
less when they are all alone. Seings even physical actions other than attempting to called shots, and are immune to all poisons
keep them as pets, since their viscous escape. Dily boids use this ability defensively; and disease,
, ._.- drippings make wonderful lamp oil and they never actively fight creatures bigger than -it Paralysis: Anyone Shaken or Wouiided
'_“'t.£-‘flair werm sniffing abilities are usefttl to themselves. by a puddle’s slap attack must make a vigor
hoinks and booty hunters. it Warm Sniffing: Dily boids can smell roll or be paralysed for his rounds.
Wlten they flock together, however, oily we1'rns from several miles away. They are -fit Senses: Puddles suffer no penalties for
boids become quite dangerous indeed. The sometimes tt'ained as trackers by hoinks and darkness or low light, They can sense
collective ooaings of a dozen or Inore of them booty hunters. vibrations in a fifty yort fill") radius.

i"i5£f:?ii 6
can form a thick net of flammable slime that is 1%: Size: Puddles of yuck are relatively
extremely diffictllt to escape. large. Dpponents gain a +2 bonus to Fighting
and Shooting rolls against them {Siae +4}.
l'n.n.n-u.-—uj—--p-j.-—- -r-—u---r -u--u—u.-—u-I -—.n.n.--u—-r-u.--r

Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts db {Ft}, These huge protoaoans are the brute squad
and bodyguard of the Primordial Soup
-15: Slap: A puddle of yuck attacks by
Spirit d3, Strength ci-fl, Vigor d-4 smacking simultaneously with three trans-
~',Skills: Fighting db, Tracking dlfl {by scent] Kitchen, but it's a secret so don’t tell your
lucent tendrils with no penalty. Str +2.
players. They often accompany giggities on
Face: 3; Party: 5; Toughness: 4
y_-._:__-,....._..-. ..... .__...._._c
their missions and otherwise carry out the will
of the Kitchen staff.
} Qoochacho i
Special _Abili[_iaa
a-jrr --I-u--.-—u.n—u-'-—--u—-.-—-'—u ——.n.—-n.n—i.-nu.

-fl: Fly: Clily boids fly with a Face of IS. These sh*ange triangular beasts roam the
Attributes: Agility dlfl, Smarts d4, Spirit -.3112, lvloonular Cheese Fields, gorging themselves
-fit Size: Dily boicis are really small. Dppo- Strength d'l2+2, Vigor d'l2
nents have a -2 penalty to Fighting and on delicious green cheese- They are generally
Skills: Fighting dlfl, Guts dl2, harmless, but can be dangerous if provoked.
Shooting rolls against them. Notice d1l], Throwing dlfl
all: Slime: ‘.«’v'l'ten excited, an oily bold exudes Pace: ti; Parry: T"; Toughness: 8
a sticky, flamlnable slime f1'om its skin. Cine
attributes: agility dill, Smarts d8 (rt),
boid does not exude enough slime to concern Spirit dti, Strength clfi, ‘vigor d-S
the average adventu1'er but when they flock Special ftbilities Skills: Fighting clfi, Notice tllil, Shooting dill
{it Clubber: Primordial goons fight with Face: ti; Parry: ti; Toughness: E:
and drip from above, the drops cling together
into a sticky net that traps anyone caught in its their powerful pseudopods. S|_r +3.
area flfl--ifl holds use small burst template, {in Immunities: Goons are immune to spells Special Abilities
more than 40 use large burst template}. A that affect the mind, all bludgeoning -is Belch: When provoked or frightened, a
trapped being must make a Strength roll at -it weapons, and disease. They take half damage qoochacho belches up a frothy miitture of

82. Since the Primordial Soup Kitchen is lost nobody llil'|lI'I'l'5- who is rorrmancling all the goons and giggities.

partially digested cheese and streng gastric ceughing up huge gebs et phlegm and glass Speeisl jlbilitjes
acid. A qeechache can spit this mixture up te with which te bewl their prey. -fit Bite: Sand slegs bite when threatened er
Ell yerts [2El"} at a single target. er spray it in a bunting. Str +2.

bu rst that reaches 5 yerts {S”] and can hit up te '"—‘l -fit Immunities: Sand slegs are nunune te
three targets. The vemit inflicts E‘-d4 peints et peisen. fire. and disease. They take half
damage and uses the -.;eechache’s Sheeting damage frem piercing weapens.
skill. Attributes: Agility dsi. Smarts d8 [A], -fit Marbles: A sand sieg can spit a giant
Spirit d'll'.l. Strength d'lI»l+tf:, ‘v'iger d'll.] sphere ef phlegm and melted sand at ene
l Scary Ass Mgtha
_n_-_-.n:a—u. T.-u-u_a-u_,,_..,_,.—_-n.n.n..--1. -_n_a-i.-u--ma:-a-_a.—.n-u-u._ n_-n.-_-j---i_-

Skills: Fighting db. Guts Lib. Netice d3 eppenent within Si] ye1'ts {SIT} fer 4d-it
l Face: 4; Parry: ti; Teughness: ‘I?’
1--I---I ?hj-I-"j"‘-' -Ijj--I1l|"‘I-r"-|"‘-f-—'|""‘ —"-I-—1-I-- - -'-'-.--1-.--—--—-—.- '-
Aptly named. these creepy beasts are it Size: Sand slegs are abeul thrice the size
indeed scary. They have little tiny bedies. but ef pygmy slegs. Clppenents gain a +2 benus te
Special ;|'_ies
their vile faces are ameng the mest herriiic in
-1?: Bite: The bite et a giant sleg can be deva- Fighting and Sheeting rells against them.
all the werld. Size +4.
stating. Str +4.

l:§.Pi.*{5§3fli§%15T§F3ed l
Attributes: Agility d3. Smarts d-=1. Spirit dds
1?: Immunities: Giant slegs are immune te
peisen and disease. They take half damage
Strength d'lil. ‘yiiger dill
irem fire and piercing weapens.
1-n.a—-r -in--—

Skills: Fighting dd. Guts d'i2, hletice dill, These peer seuls are neither living ner
15: Size: Giant slegs are incredibly huge.
Threwing dti dead. Eldritch pewers have trapped them in a
Dpptinents gain a +4 benus te Fighting and
Face: ti; Parry: ii; Teughness: .7 strange state el unliving undeath. Fer seine
Sheeting rells against them. Size +'ll1
reasen they tend te hate living things and try

te kill them whenever they can.
Special Ilbilitjes
.,.,_.._ :5.-_n_a_.__,_.p_a._..

‘S: Elite: fiery ass mu Ihas attack by biting

Attributes: Agility dS. Smarts dfil. Spirit dS.
{Str +1] er by hurling stenes.
Attributes: Agility dd. Smarts d8 {A}, Strength dS. Viger dS
-its Venem: The venemeus bite ei a scary ass
Spirit d'lll. Strength dl.’-1, Viger dill Skills: Fighting d8. Guts d'l2. bletice d1l}
mu tha ferees a victim te make a ‘iliger rell er
Skills: Fighting db. Guts dii. lwletice dS Pace: 4; Parry: Er; Teughness: E:
be everceme by the creeping willies, immed-
iately wetting himself and fleeing madly ier Pace: 6; Parry: ti; Teughness: E’
Ids reunds. If the ‘v'iger rell is a l. the target Special Abilities
Faints and cannet be awakened fer Edd Special ilbilities Spirits el‘ the danged are unique
reunds. -fit Immunities: F'ygmy slegs are immune te individuals. but they efien have ene er mere
ef the lellewing abilities:
s e 1: n o__o hit? i
r__._._._ peisen and disease.
a. _a.n_ a.n__,1_ n.-.a.__n_n. _._

1'-it Bite: Chemping jaws. Str +2.

These vicieus mensters are all tee cemmen 'msanW3ҤT Wigs
--.._._--...- i .« 1'-it Etherealness: Spirits ef the Danged can
beceme immaterial at will. Wlten ethereal
in the Frentiers and wildernesses et the werld. they can pass threugli walls and can enly be
immense quadrupeds ef teeth and hair and Attributes: Agility dd. Smarts d8 [A}, harmed by magic weapens.
claw, their whining veices can be heard frem Spirit dill, Strength dlfl, Viger dill -fit Fear: Anyene whe sees a spirit ef the
big yerts away, dread harbingers ef imminent Skills: Fighting db. Guts cit); Netice L‘l3 danged must make a Guts check er run
demise. Pace: 4; Parry: E1; Teughness: "lit

Attributes: Agility dti, Smarts dS {A},

Spirit dtl. Strength dil. "v'iger d'l2 Giant slegs always get picked first
Skills: Fighting dil}. Guts d'l I2. Netice d'| ll lay the team captain.
Face: 3; Parry: Ir’; Teughness: ‘ill

Special Abilities
-is Bite: The meuth ef a scltneeble is teeth-
seme and vile. Str +2.
-is Size: Due te a schneeble’s large size.
eppenents gain a +2 benus te Fighting and
Sheeting rells against it. Size +2.
‘SI: ldiliine: A schneeble’s piercing whine
causes paralysis fer ‘ld=l reunds in all these
within El) yerts fill") whe fail a Spirit rell. A
schneeble cannet whine and bite in the same
i “F
[M _I- ' —:j- a—l
*l§llf'&i§”W "7l
-I_l—--|:l:- -1-

Take a big. fat, limbless werm and cress it

with a eremetillian. The result is a sleg. These
critters. at least the pygmy variety. have been
used as beasts ei burden since time
immemerial. They crawl aleng. eezing en a
trail ei partially hydregenated animal and X er
vegetable shertening that drips trem large
peres en their ventral surface. Pygmy slegs
are easily demesticated. but the larger slegs
are camivereus and can be quite dangereus.
Sand slegs are the meat terrible ef all.
- .- _."It=;:-_-filn‘ "
‘T -3'

.*-t '-

secends later, biting the head eff yeur friend.
-5‘: Fly: Ghestly levitatien at a Face ef S. Threw a spear at it and it's just as likely te net
-15: Undead: All spirits ef the danged are exist as it is te get impaled.
undead. They have a +2 benus te recever frem
a Shaken state, +2 Teuglmess, and take half Attributes: Agility dtfl, Smarts d4, Spirit dl."-3,
"damage frem piercing attacks. Strength dlfl, "v'iger d'ti7l
-- * *'--'—
r -I Skills: Fighting dlll, Guts L112, Netice dS
5 Squiggly Mass J
_n_a Id. -u-—- a._

Pace: Er; Parry: T"; Teughness: 3

Herrid in the extreme, these ginermeus

blebs ef wet needles and teethy spines can be Special Abilitjes
feund in mest ef the wildernesses ef the -fit Bite: TT'l'I'vlt-iE attacks by biting. with a
werld. lntelligent and sinister, they eften lead raise, it has attached itself te the victim's head
herdes ef lesser mensters, cellecting vast (assuming it has ene) and remains attached
" until killed er nenexistent, auternatically
'_ treves and armies ef slaves.
hitting the eppenent each reund. Eitr +2.
Attributes: Agility dl2, Smarts d12, Spirit dS, 15: Existential htcnexistence: Whenever
Strength dE'-, Viger dill Tl"I'l'vlI‘-lE interacts with anether creature rell
Skills: Fighting d12, Guts dl2, l'~letice d12, a die (any die}. If the result is even, 'iTlvtNB
l-lecus Pekery dlll dues net exist fer that split secencl and can’t
Pace: S; Parry: S; Teughness: .7’ be affected. er affect ethers, in any way. An
edd result means it exists. This relt is made
- ._E'&Bpecia1 fibflities
every time an inter-actien eccurs {an attack by
T1"I'lvtNE, an eppenent’s attack, etc. ..].
-ll-‘I Hecus Pekery: lvlest squiggly masses are -—.,_.- .-._.__-.._.-.___—__

§ Tr-ionaparapanta J
‘;—..._-.-u-—-—_..— ...—._-—,.__-—._—.-:--.._,_:|

able te cast spells like a hecus peker. They TTTHHE

usually have 1-5 Fewers and -ii] Fewer Peints.
-it Immunities: Squiggly masses are im- A trlenaparapants is a bulky quadruped
mune te bludgeening weapens, electricity, whese face is adernecl with herns and
peisen, and disease. They take half damage ‘fit Telepathy: Squiggly masses speak using venemeus stingers. The beast is extremely
frem piercing weapens and are Sflflli resistant a ferm ef telepathy that extends te SUD yerts aggressive and will eat just abeut anything-
te all magical attacks. {Sl]|.']"). They understand all languages.
{I Lew Light Visien: Squiggly masses ‘SC Wall Walker: A squiggly mass can crawl Attributes: Agility d1 2, Smarts d-'-1, Spirit d1 fl,
ignere penalties fer peer lighting cenditiens. en walls er ceilings with ease. Strength d'lI1+4, ‘v'iger dli
it llriiniens: Squiggly masses a1'e usually Skills: Fighting cl'l2. Guts d'12+2, hletice as
—-rs.--u-i_.-I.-__1.:.a. _l'l'\_ a:u_u—ru.n.-—u-u.--a-ma--Ia:-—.

‘fiecempanied by a dezen er se lesser menste rs, Pace: 8; Parry: 3; Teughness: ‘til

such as edres, scary ass muthas, er hercs.
it Squiggle: A squiggly mass I'ends fees These creatures are just plain weird.
with its slimy ceils and peinty spines. Str +3. Basically, they are nething mere than a big Special ilbilitjes
Masses may attack up te feur times feet with a ceuple ef squat arms and seme -fit Arrnur: The beast's teugh hide effers is a
eyes. ‘viarieus types exist, adapted te different +2 Teughness benus.
per reund witheut penalty.
terrains and envirenments, but the desert -A: Gare: A trienaparapants attacks by
stemp is the mest cemmen, eften used as a gering with its hideeus herus. Ely swinging
meunt er beast ef burden in That Chic Place its head back and ferth it can attaclv: up te
Witli All The Sand. three eppenents simultaneeusly, assuming
they are next te each ether. Str +2.
Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts d8 [A], Spirit 15%: Veuem: Anyene hit by the gere attack
d8, Strength d12, ‘viiger dill] must rna ke a ‘vlger rell er be paralyzed fer
Skills: Fighting db, Guts dB, Netice dS Eclti reunds by the creature's te:-tic venern.
Pace: S; Parry: S; Teughness: T’

Special Abilities
ill Fat: Stemps are able te ge weeks witheut
feed er water thanks te the lumpy steres ef fat
that adeni their heads and Et]‘|_lt'.lE5. These
cushiens ef fat are wenderful natural saddles
as well.
sh Stenip: As their name implies, Stemps
attack by jumping inte the air and srnashing
eppenents. Str +2.

Em Thing That Might Net 31

.l—-- ?-..I----.. -I--IT--i. .I‘—_S|.§."-I-%--5-J? F—i-I-|'_"'-1'!--F-.

"I-—I—-I.-I.l-J"-j —1-I—I_|--I-.l-'--Ia-I1: -I_I-it--5:-\.l-F j.l-I_—I.l—j-—- —I.l-1-ii-r

J" This little butthele is prebably the mest
frustrating ef all Ctitlfs creatures. The thing is,

semetimes it exists and seme-

I. -

J d'\. -'---- ' ' ‘

:- .- _. .- -'1
.-' ' ' _,__;_.
_ a
times it deesn’t. The nature ef
this bizarre phenemenen is
difficult te cemprehend; ene

A-Eiggltfss. B-1-icatlstane. L’-Squiggly Miss.
If I


' "' '

r -
" ti-‘trtunaparapants. E-Mutant Lind Flsli. F-Pu-tldle of
- minute it's there biting yeur
T '
.- .

" "-"' ‘I"l.Iclt. E‘-‘Scary Ass Huiha, I-'l'-Hair I-arc. I"EllIlrc.

.-i. .- ii‘
head eff and the next secend it's J-Flanker. It-Ereatliun tleitl, L-Srlinnnflc. H"llnnr:luclxiu.
_ -l-.
_ gene, enly te exist again a few H-‘Spirit at the Illngnl. D-DI} I-Hill
-._ .
' '-'-'-.-
‘-u. ,~._-t
-L afiluuliir Hessefes5__is. the siamprrfllngcst cafe in this page

... . ...

,.H. .,. \,_. ._. ,_ . ?

Savage Tales
The fellewing sectien centains a buttlead ef
' Savage Tales, a series ef interrelatett brief
!l ":1... ;..j—;_:_.——.—-._—-—._

Briiideiii adventure Generater

‘adventures fer _veu te run- Since seme advent- 'i’eii knew, sernetiines the heap Inight Iiet really feel like pursuing their scripted geals in the
tires depend upen events that may have taken ,-.u-I:-_-u_.n-j.- _-_,-. -_-I
search fer the Prirnerclial Seup F-Citchen. They I1'lfl_‘,-' just feel like killing seiiie rnensters and
_ place in previeus Savage Tales it is a geed taking flieir treasure, er maybe eitplering seine ruins, er deiiig seiiie geed deeds er bad deeds,
idea te read them ever and make certain the er whatever. Te this end, l present te yeu the Dfficial Leia Li]?! Randeni Adventure Generater.

tirne is right. It's se simple te use it just might be illegal. The idea is te give _veu a basic place te start when
designing 3-'eur ewn Lear ire adventures, net te plet eut an entire ceiirse. ‘i’eu’re a smart kid
[presuniably] se I'll leave die grunt werk te yeu. All yeu have te de te get started is fill in the
-Met Peints
blanks in the Clfficial l_c-at Li}? Randern iiidventure Generater Paragraph with werds er phrases
'1 -' "Savage Tales with the
frern the apprepriate celurnn. "i’eu can rell randenilj; er just select them en a whim based en
Tftiic try" the Flash cr:-,ring
._-. -._ —_.- ._a-:

what the heap tell veu they're in the iiieed fer. Here's the DLLRAGP: _-T-H'Z *iT

Dith ne:-ct te them are

'3' Paints.” '|'hese are steries that are
_ -— _ “Plat
E5~,5anfi,-,i.| an the Pm-..¢1P|a 1,-3.,-n and mum be Diice upen a time the heap felt like
played in erder the discever Iemed about g mat wag re near a .;,- _"[-hen
fer’ characters tn 1 E g.Lg},_ __
.- the secrets ef the Frimerniial S-eup Kitchen and
take their rightful place ameng the herees ef
Clith. Leek ever these adventures first se 1 {I213} 4 l‘~'l13l' _ '5 {flu}
},*eu’ll have a netien ef when the},-' Sheuld l Killilig l"vltinsteI's "I l**"1*'lli‘l'lf3"-1-"'t‘§3'“li“l ll“-lily’ ll lllfltlf“
flfcur and “that are flbflut_ 2
they 2 E.g..P|_UI.i].,|g &..:I.1.IE,I_..1|'.E..H:L,
___,..r At the end ef each Savage Tale is a list ef 3 putlith-= nt _i,'uck 3 Sacred
3 -.'.i,|_,r.L“.lL.h_fl,i1.g._; AiIn|L___,fi_|g' ‘visceus ‘ _
Pgggi];,|E tg|.3g tg. run new-[_ If gig-,u'1,_vg 31”;-ad}, 4 "v’aliaIit l'Il.-‘.‘1!'[]I 4 fl-'l{.‘.It'IHlt.'I'-]t'Il'iL‘!4~lt"Ll L—fl'&-."hIjr- ‘ir"1-—j "—-Ij1—I

4 Causing Treublc
run ene er all eftheni, den't paniczjiistcheese - s 5 l'*"_'*‘t_t5'1'l"L'-*5 tT5"‘~"“lf"1' 5l:_l3'1l1lT"'t}'.
5 D “ml”; L'l‘l“l'i D,H‘I Li ‘L_’ 5 'v'ain iiiinstrcl E: Liiiitli-'ii1iii'il
anether ene.
- 1j'h-

6 F it‘-di as T'I'=:astI I‘-3 r I liclcli-‘ii treasure r 1t..~.i—i-sit-ea.-.t.~

? Dtiirlg Rt’!-it-.’i-‘Il‘t‘l'I 3 Sai'i'i-‘Ll text 3 l-L:-ttriii-sigiiiit
-j I-"——r

Getting ‘feur Butt in Gear 8 Eating I_,|_inr;]1 9 lliing 'l'hat ll.-ligltt i‘~{iil' lit! '3} Wt-*ll—guai'ili--Ll
The Savage "I"-ale, Faster sf l-"ti_api'ts, is a great ll] lr”t-'a nte Ll Ci'i rninal ll] lniaginari-‘
place te start. It gets the ball telling and sets "ll ivliinster t:-f 5-i.1'.'.'IiT|-f.-‘ st:-rt "ll l lint:-iii'ai'Ii'ai.'i'ai1
, the stage fer future adventures. "I2 lfmligiiiiis Cult "l2 lC:in.‘liai‘Iteil
l Libra rjr
2 City Street 5 l CH2l '3" l£112I
'ei1tji'iuii13 Adventures
3 RI.-=staui'aiit
if all gees well, bv the time the campaign "l Ciiusilig tri:-ul*rli1 "l 'l'i'.*riiil‘i
ends the heap will all be legendary herees. 4 Bar 2 liliililiilig aiiiilifl-s; ECiii.'c
There's ne reasen the turn has tn step there, 5 E'l"l~'-"tl"'li=-'l 3 l licliiig l.'IUli.‘lIl'_'-,.-' 3 "ll-“riiiple
hewever. Clith is a huge place. The mensters t3Swani p 4 |"lt:-tting n"~'vIig,v 4 fiasinn
and lecatiens included in this heek are enl:-,r T Cave 5 -“"'t‘-*-"3'lll[".5:]. '-"ll-‘it?“"*-'“T"_‘-' 5 l l“‘~1“l*"il l"'“”-"='L‘-
HIE ITl€"I'E5t l.'llT'l'1I.'}lE" I'J|I'I fi l'7.I‘1tertiii|iiIig 1."|i'.-‘t'Ij‘|'lt" fi Svvaiiip
Life. Theusanuis ef unwritten places are left te T’ lall-cilig al‘n'.iL1t j,-'t:-Lu‘ nit:-iiinia 7’ Mine

- . e:-zplere, milliens nf mensters await te be

. . side g.,..,, ..
. 3 l'lr.‘Il.'lI'|1t_]r' pi-tiplc 3 Pet :—'.|:iiri-
U,-pm,[.L{ m_;.g,gm-E5 gn,_,.,:;_-gt . .t mg Liini -1-its -vtcstauiiiiit
j5__;;,.- unknewn enemies are left unmet, and
l Stiil pt.-irtef ti:-wn ll] l‘~lLJI"ll'llI‘|g a i'i‘iiiiiiial eiiipirc ll} lr"'v'i-iiiltifs lt.'I‘I.‘v'-I'.‘I'
" unfathemal,-ile secretri i’eiirnteliei—ea1ise::i.‘i’er 2 ("Um1 llal I U I: MW” "ll ll“-'”'*f""“'tlr l”""fl ll P“”ff.‘*' ff“-*lLl'”t‘3

4 Sewers
Gefljng Areund '

lvlutlia Dith is a freaking huge place. Sure,

h1Z ‘I-J--—--—I-‘H-—I —j—-—-I-i-'—"I-I-—--':j- b-"'-E —J ""-I--

_ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ F

it‘s pessible te frern ene place in anetlier, ,
as leiig as therewalk
s land cennecting them, but te The Players
cress large waterwajvs, such as The Big Drink,
Several eppesing greiips have an interest in the Prirnerdial Seup Kirclien [see next page}:
, tthe heap may have te hire er beek passage en
a ship ef seme sert, lvlest nierchant ships will
Greup lvletive
let [veu en heard fer 'ii]'fl—5|IlL'r clanis per
Deiiientienal Eliscetesticus They alread_v knew where the PSK is, they just can't eperate it.
passenger, as lnng as veu premise te help
Gerrninee the Geesed Being centrelled by the Dernentienal Discetesticus.
fight price—e—cerns and den't eat tee much.
Heernanitariaii Church Want te use the PSI‘-Z te bring the Heenianrace back te Dith.
The Savage Tale, {lite i'v’le t’-‘stir My Best, ‘Fer:
jeiiiiiiia's Witnesses C‘-tppese the Heeirianitarian Church’s efferts.
Crazy Biistarrdsl iiiav allew the heap te gain a
‘v"illainic Ceiisertiuiii Persenal Fewer and Werld Deiriinatien.
beat ef their ewn. -- a. I.. .- -- -_. _ --I ' . . - --I .— I . - 1. -u_ ---i_. - -i...r -r'-I’ ril--II-'II'II'

Feel free tn plietetepju
s .
any et_ the
.. -
various. visual aids presented
in 'll1'I5.-=_._5.etl1'en fer use in 3-eur game, er dnsrlnad therr It.-lrIIiH'n'.l"l|.,tIlli-ll.'l_ll-f'IL_EI!Iff1,
1-__ 1‘ "
_.w, i
J-1"*"-"" .

_JJ I.JP--A-I. .I1.i"'r I-.l-J-T - ._.r-I-.-|—-Ls -I-I- nu-i.-._ _ .-u-—|..|-. —-1%. 4.1-I’?-.. - . :.'I H-' .Pl..j..


The General Gist of the.Tl.1it1rg= A quick briefing and overview

._ -.


_I- ' ' In
Gk. Here's the thing. There's this ancient wonder called the fluite by accident, while taking a whiz behind a wall near two — ‘Infi-.

Primordial Soup l-Kitchen. Nobody knows what it is, exactly, or conversating villains, a I-loomanitarian minister by the name of __p-

precisely what it does. Speculation abounds, however, and Fozzle hipped himself to the gist of the Consortium’s plans. f

everyone’s pretty sure whoever finds it {it's lost, see} will become Fozzle's sense of civic duty and moral outrage at the thought of l
really powerful and perhaps rule the world or something cool like such power in the hands of evil prompted him to begin his own
that. investigation, which promptly leads to his demise on the first
Throughout history, lots of different groups have searched for Savage Tale, Pastor of Puppets.
the legendary Soup Kitchen for various reasons, but nobody, so l-lere’s where the heap join the story. As witnesses to Fozzle’s
far, has had any luck. Enter the ‘ifillainic Consortium, a sinister death, or attendees of his funeral, the heroes become embroiled in
o1'ganization of powe1'ful bad guys, led by megalomaniacal a bold, lustful tale of murder, politics, exploration, and high
contanimator Lluulon Crepulos. Recently they've been searching adventure that takes them across the planet in search of a lost
really hard and they just may have found something. It seems legend that could eventually lead to the rise of a new power on
Gorminee the Goosed, a smellcaster from the Garden of Clith or the destruction of all they cherish.
Srnellemental Glee, has stumbled upon a major discovery That's the background any way. The way it plays out is up to you
regarding the mislaid ancient wonder, and he’s firmly in the and the decisions made
pocket of the l.fillainic Consortium (sort of]. Gorminee is traveling many Savage Tales that follow. Good luck, and may Eoorglezar 'I"Ii-Ir'1.—~I6"'-|"I -‘P-uru u-4Il'“jIy-F1-p-—-d-H

the world in search of more clues, but he's pretty confident he’s on have mercy on your soul. -r

the right track.

:- ‘IIl"'r

Allow the characters to introduce

themselves to one another and ask a few
questions, if they so choose, then proceed. The
crowd is a mix of cro-aches, werms. a couple of
This Savage Tale is an easy smelves, and a lone cremefillian who is
way to get the characters muttering softly to himself and looks a bit
together and start them off on preoccupied. I-le wears a checkered dew rag
and a painted brick hangs from a rope across
”’?'J. . '- in the middle of a dispute his shoulders.
between two religious factions and gives them a
..._n.-_a._n._,...n..a_:._,a.-.._:_,.n._:.__,.1.,_a_n._ ._n_-.,_,_..-,_g._u_.. n_u..n._aj-_ _ _,,a. ._a_-a..

clue to a bigger mystery. just as a few people are gathering their

The characters may or may not be -. things to leave. a metallic crash sounds
' from behind the puppet theater. ft puff of E
associated with each other before the game
begins. You should decide that before playing. . green smoke engulfs the wooden cylinder j
' '
and then ouicl-zly dissipates. .4. gasp of
wonder emerges from the crowd as they
The Place of Pondering see that the curtain is drawn and the paper

The tale begins in The Place of Pondering in lanterns are lit. their reddish glow -
-n.-i. —


the city of Floom on Keister island. A few illuminating a squat pink figure standing
5 nothing but a wide brim med hat. and join

dozen assorted beings, including the heap, . in the center of the tiny puppet stage. Three 1-i.

have gathered to watch a pa ppet show. Read smelves walk out from behind the theater the frolic.
and begin to rhythmically bang stic ks .
"I' .——I

or paraphrase the following: —

, together as a deep, resonating voice Dar: '1' mass rattlt l'ftt' Haormmrare.
_:_ _j._-__j._-i_._a__ -?._-I:
_ emerges from t;"‘t.’t;"l'_"i"'i".’l"tt.”l'l.'I‘ at once.
—u-—u- .n
I-lrltctl tltry get t=in'lt_,from outer s_i-mrr
Lltoughy golden clouds wander slowly

-r_. Ttacy just might lo'nl' _:,.rom' asst
across the hazy orange sky above the city of
—-.u- u

' liloom. From your seat, a filthy wooden I "|lel1o|d.'” it shouts. "The glory of what
The crowd begin to la p their toes and

q._ :-n_. once was." A second pink figure rises I

bench aI'rayed in a triple arc with a couple clap along. Two small croach larvae join

slerwly from beneath the puppet stage. ='

j of dozen just like it in one of the fifty or so

. dressed in a bright red robe and wearing a

arms and dance around in a circle. lafitltoul
tcirculaI' plazas that make up the Place of '
paper crown. The two hand puppets turn —-:2
warning a voice of dissent, a low grumbly
. Po11i.le1'iI"ig, you can smell the sulfurous voice full of angst and piss. rises from the
_ to face each other. their eyes goggling

stench of the I-5.eist'eri.*it'Cra1..vrl intermingled

slowly back and forth. Suddenly the three a udience. .-"t lone cremefillian, his
with the delectable aromas of f|'ied dung "checkered dew rag adrip with sweat and
smelves burst into song, their high voices

and picl~;|ed slog nuggets hawl~:ed by the assorted foulnesses, stands Ll p slowly and
_ at once cacophonous and melodic:

ubir.juitous street vendors a few yorts shouts. "ELISE CR.-hlllll The lloomanrace
ls.-wratiti the silvery stone wall that The ‘world was it better place .' were a bunch of vile monsters. They
surrounds the plaza. lr"tr'l'trtt rim fvy tlnr Haauratirace. imp1'isonecl my people and forced them
The assembled crowd tall: LjLlll.'."ll_"i-' among l into bondage.’ l low can you make light of
No one got‘ in ll,-'tittt"_,flitTt.‘
themselves, occasionally laughing out loud fit the tour of the l-faammtrat'c. l our suffering? This is off the cob] I piss on
at some joke or another. Sci far, the! I you r precious l-looma nracel"
cylindrical wooden puppet theater -', L_._.__..__
The pink join hands and begin J
|_—?l-"I----I.Ir -u-I_I.-I_|-I.-I 'I'l'T—I—ll-I-—:Il I-a.—'l-in-a—-L-1.-1:

lopposite your benches has made not al puppets

to dance in a circle. Two more emerge. one ; The cremefillian, a ]emima’s Witness
peep, its curtains drrnvn tight and itsj in a pink dress. and another wearing _
I named Haite Winlcletinliz [standard creme-
hanging paper lanteI'ns unlit.
‘III---Iul-ii-III-'-‘II-In-I--—t-I-'—-I-I-'-I '-ujF' -—Il|—-t'I—ii fillian), begins to unwind the rope aronnd—J;g;§_ ..

Haite 1f'f|r'lv:,I-!l'.|rI'I-'. has led a troubled life __dl::e Intancy. He Is responsible for burning rn_|Ztaop_Iast year.
-' '
_ .- .I- . - - _-|.- -. : . -
- ' ____ '-
. ' : _ ___'_ H ._.' ‘-fir -r|.lI"'flI- III‘ '-Lf -.__ _ -


' *
,_ . iaibulders. Allew the characters te draw The centanimants were summenecl by remains tn the lieister ef Gttti.-‘Ll, let
initiative if they wish te intercede. H-atte will Uuuien Crepules {page let}, a cremefillian rememtuir, as his l,'iet'ly gently fleets intel
attempt te swing his brick {Str +2] inte the centanimater whe hides en a nearby reeftep. the. warm er1‘tl‘:1'acI-_' ef the l lntnnanrat'I.*, the E
puppet theater, trying te tepple it and then The heap sheuld net enceunter Crepules at ili_‘,l‘I‘It‘!'U1J!-i nature I.'Ii- etlr fallen l'r1't1the1'."i
kill the puppeteer, a creach named Feaale this time. l:tJ.:c:«r.le's siblings release the mtlsltreern cap l
'-'§{standard creach}. There are twe pessible and it hegins tn carry his t'1uu.l}.'
I‘-I'.|l.1lZCf.'.1-I'I‘lE‘l"i: stt-'iftlyE.
The Freth clewnslTearn_
Hepefully, the hidden messages will lead "lirether litiietleis puppet sttevv.-‘s were a
Dutcume the First: The herees step him seurce ef laughter and enligl‘1tenI11I.-rut te
the heap te The Freth at sunrise the fellewing
_ J-gr-~ befere he can kill the puppeteer. If this day. There they will meet a slug nugget l‘1l.1I'tLlt‘e‘Ll:-'~ til: —
happens, Feeele will thank them prefusely
vender, a werm named Cirble {standard l' "E-ltut yer stinkin' yap, heretic 1!!
and insist that they keep his puppets as a
werm), whe ebservant characters may l l lassafrasifs sI_--rrnen is cut shert by an ugly
recegniae as ene ef the attendees at the sheet frem behind him. Rising frent the
Dutcerne the fiecend: He is successful. In l murky water is a scr:-wling cremcfillian, his
puppet shew. If they shew him the puppets.
this case, Fn;tale- will threw the puppets inte lspengy fiesh glistening with water and ,
er the eye, he will find the secend message '
e crewd befere he is killed, where they land rage. ”i-'ve want what's rightfully eurs!"
and express his gratitude te them with free
amidst the heap. l-lis last werds, sheuted as a The t'ren1efillian celttiitues te rise frem
sleg nuggets. if Fe:-sale survived yesterday's
' brick crushes his carapace, are, "Impertant_.. attack, C}rble sadly tells them that he was the feaming water, wielding a barbed
...reward I lance and shine ting
murdered during the night by unknewn ;
assassins. If they press him abeut the nature ef
-in-—-——— -..---H1---'

Cencealed within ene ef the hand puppets Allew the heap te react. They may draw
Feaaie’s death, he will mentien that chunks ef
{the ene with the crewn}, all ef which are initiative if they wish te act. anyene whe
mud and filth were feund en his battered
_ ' pde representatiens ef the Heemanrace, is a makes a l'~letice rel] sees several mere
bedy. If asked abeut whe Feaele was, Drble
crumpled piece uf leather en which is written cremefillians climbing ente fleating
tells them he was an erdained Heemanitarian
a garbled message: inushreem caps en the eppesite shere. The
minister and that he had recently received
death threats frem -an unknevvn entity. Drble cremefillian in the water is riding en a trained
' :I--.

invites them te Feaale's brecedile, which is currently sub1ne1'ged.

funeral, which will take anyene appreaching him must make a
place this afterneen in a bletice rell er the brecediie has " the drep" as
fungus field helewhence ef it attacks frem beneath the water.
Cremefillians [standard] ['I’'} {pg 136}: The
cremefillian en the brecedile is armed with a
The Funeral
Several deaen beings
lance [Sir +3] and is able te breathe under
{mestly b-eduls, creaches,
water because ef a reek he inhaled. The ethers
and werms} have gathered are armed with hammers {Str +1] and lawn
te pay their respects te Feezle in a bread darts (Ede, l5,:’12fErl]. They pile ente three
If the characters search the puppets mushreem caps {twe en each} and use their
circular field carpeted with seft mushreems
thereughly, they may netice that ene ef the leng arms te paddle after I-'eazle's cerpse.
and ringed by giant teadsteels. Characters
eyes en the ene with the crewn is leese
may recegniae the three musical smelves frem
.' {Netice -2}. If the eye is remeved, a secend Brecedile [pg T3}: The brecedile is under
the puppet shew last night. The River Eineee
message can be feund scraped inte its the centrel ef its rider. It will attack anyene
‘* .- flews swiftly beyend the clearing. Pesitiened
backside: whe cemes near.
atep a gigantic mushreem cap is Feazel's
battered cerpse. it has been painted with pink
and blue swirls. Ft tiny hrewn and yellew anyene whe makes a l‘~.letice rell will see
cylinder {a plastic can ef fish feed frem the feur mushreem caps stacked near a beulder
time ef the I-leemanrace} is glued te his en the river bank. Sis weeden paddles lean
ferehead. Three creaches {Fcu:ale's brether nearby. The heap can use these te chase the
and sisters] pelish his carapace with scented cremefillians that are chasing Fezzle's cerpse.
eils. Try te make this enceunter exciting, with lets
As the heap take in the surreundings, {Jrble ef lnushreem cap te mushreem cap fighting
intreduces them tn the minister, a tall bedul and jumping back and ferth and such. The
named Daddy l-iassafrass [page '1 3?]. Husse- caps have the same statistics as a I'ewbeat.
. frass thanks them fer their hereics and effers The cremefillians will reach Fezale’s bedy in
-‘:1 them a seat ef hener at the frent ef the feur reunds if they are net stepped. It will
at seme peint during the evening, as the cengregatien its the crewd settles, he begins take 15 reunds fer Fezale's bedy te reach the
herees walk tegether aleng the wandering his sermen. l-lis veice is pewerful with a teuch F-Zeister ef Gawd and fall ever the edge ii it is
.thereughfares ef Fleem, they are ambushed tfrf funk. net intercepted. Make sure yeu den't kill
by a greup ef centanimants. A wanker is -r -u--an--—u-- ..-u—u-n.u-u._u.—-—l.a-—-u.a_--u—_-u. a—u-———-a- -u-.-u-_- _a—:_n.a—-_.-u
Daddy I-Iassafrass. He‘s a key figure in seme
ipesitiened atep a building an either side ef future adventures.
' l‘rrnl'l'lers and sisters- [flirt I get a l1t1ti—:"t-lt1:1?"’ l
the read. They hurl their blebs ef muck at the l
herees. They have been instructed te harass "lhin—tnar‘il" resptnuls the patliertrtl ll
and injure the herees while feur wusses fly .assen1l1l_t', as l-"mt;-'.lt-"s l'l"|LEhl't|!'[‘H.'I]‘|'| cap is l
_ Hepefuiiy, the heap will be victerieus and
‘i.-dewn an-:.l attempt te steal the hand puppets. . turned tin its side and rtilletl sltnvlv t'tnvai'cl
semeene will have the presence ef mind te
the wnililtg river. l recever Feazle's bedy l:'-efere it plunges ever
Centanirnant, Wanker [.li}(pg Titi]: They "'t‘irnll1e1' l-tr.-t.cle was l'.nelevetl l“_l.' us kill, i
l the edge. :3. very thereugh search ef Fez:cle’s
attack by hurling muck at their fees. _:lal-'.en linen es ln: the lmntl Hf evil in the
l bedy will reveal a crude tattee en the left side
pririie till. his life. 'l._'aIt l get a l1eti—:'tlt-1:‘I.7""' l
ef his butt. If his bedy was lest, have the wing
Centanimant, Wuss {tl}[pg TB]: They will "llnn—tnaItl” yells the crnwu_l_ "5-ilmet it
casing wash up en shere er semething. The
try te steal the handpuppets by climbing inte lt}LtLl, l.“latltl_v." ltiLull_vsl1nI_1ls a smell". l
tattee leeks like this:
them and flying away. "Its we t'r1n1n1_it lil!'t‘Ill'lt'l' l"-lilii-".1-Ell.-.'r’.-4 ‘3_i_tl1l"«.'

as -.l-
,,e Nobody
_- ..--
knows wl'1er,e- .ac|'cly Hassiafrass
lives. Hels a hard guy to track down.
Filltiw the characters te resptiiiti. it they
-u_j—n.- .--n_-.-I. —-1. -.-—u_a- -1-_-a.- _- ---reg.

.I"'iI'te1' li'ai'ersiiit; a lei.’-.' l'iritiIqt1s .1iitl

agret-1.-, Finste says‘.
=l t'li1iilii1ip;.1 Fei~.' spiral st;iii't.'ases iptiti Fiiialli.' _ 1 1...- _. _.,_,

' ‘s'i.I_'?H.3ll_' the siaineti 1.-'elltiii' l1]'l'|l‘.I]'t-'iltl. that 3' "it is saitl that in the tits‘ tit‘ t'_il11.ii‘Ii.-'1lii.*re
' i is l.lH1.rIl.1‘l.11.‘.'!'lI 'et'l'iit lt t'i~.'t' tei'i‘it'rles sit sitle l‘I'-.'
iiiarlcs the stall til l*'iiistti the Qtiill. iiiiistti
I l 5 .sitt1t*. i:..'|L'il'I l|'.'l:'E'!]."'lt" its tlt'Lllt't‘.itL“'tl tI.'I .1
liiriiseil, ti lL1]t'|l'|t‘i'lt'ttI: pile, t.l['l}‘I}'tlI|'|E: ii'ilh I ' Llil-it'."t't."1'llI t'4."li:';lt'|-]'|, .ii1-.i e.1t'h |.'I]'|I.' has .1
,_ tilth anti liti;~'_.-*.i1i;.1 with lilies, sits l‘|L‘l1il'ILl a '

stiiiie talile st‘t'itte1'eti ti'ilii pets Hi"-L'{3|lL3|]'|'."'1.i .-. siiiiiers iii a tet't..1iri n'..'1_i-'. atttl sei'i't"s L1

f inlt anti tii'ietl liitititi. lltiiiiiiiilt,‘-_‘. 5-i-t'til'lIi:',' in t'ei't.1iii'i'eti ht!-ti..-r.e tti 1t'isittii's. T‘s.'ti twti
.- —.
teriiples shtire the saiiie e_-iitirtiititi. l.'!-|'.'IL'|.ii"'III.". tir
liiriiseil, lie paints an L[t'tl-'.t'tI.3I't"o.'l'| LlI.'!'~'-lI'iITli'| ttl'|
piiriisliitieiit. ‘ftiti tii:..', the se |'..'ii'i’ -_'~—- 1-u_r

_ the iiat'i-; til .1 stiiiliiiip ti'ei'1ii t1si1i,~_1| a tint" I' .-1.- .-_ ilt'1‘e’:- is'i1ai is is.HL1"-"-'t'l.' 'l'l1L' _._-.

I ti.ip;3;t*i'_ 3"-is _1.'iiti appi'tiat'li, liie e.'ei'iii sees its -.-. i|'iar1 teiiiple is iiiatie tit hair
tippiii'lti1iiti.' in eseape anti riiiis !'it.']'L‘tl]l'Il1'I1;_. ’ p
l-|.'t'I-|!'t'I the .'sltiiistt'ti'iis |:|eatll.1ritis, the
ass THE 6005” I t'l;iiiiliei'i1ip, ei'ei' .1 high .st'tiiie wall in its ;
ii:rtir';._',le.-=..1i'i..11i ter't‘it'-le is ;.:,'tieti i'+_1.-' ti.
trit1i1ti}‘Iat'at.‘rt111ts, the leetsle lii'eai-..s ':~L'1"'t'L'
' I’.*ttE§L‘t'l'I1..‘!-'~‘.s tti tlee_ ..
t"ii't'L1:spi ta-'i11e, the iiititl temple is in the It-it
iii the t-lie i'i1.itie tut :.'_l.i-ts. tlit- I.ll'l'I'l..-’.1."I"l."-- tit
Ft Streetwise re-ll means tine at the heap flit this paint the eharat‘ters may apprtiatth .-— t.- —- .
.- tlie iiitltl teiiiple sL'i'vt' I-.;t1t1:.-cera ]1i:-is, the
reeegniees it as the werit at Fiiistri the Quill, a Finstti {staiitieirti pile, Smarts t“i'ltl] anti tines wliti piiiiisli "-ilttt|..']":-- iii‘ '|.'t."lil.'llll_Il."l_ at
philespher anti hatl tatteti artist whe-
il't|'."t't'| are 'I:‘IIl.I.'ll"i.i|t'|i.I ii}.-' .1 's1.l|.Iii"_I!_-"1lI‘-.' riiass, 1|it- _.-'— -up-:_u.-
liasittally t_'lvt'.'I 'wtiate.i.'i.-‘ri‘ tliiey want. Finstti is
tretiuents 'I'he I’lat'.e tit |’rintieriiig_ gruff l_iut l:Tl'|i-.'I'tt_ll:I,-’. He seems a hit Ctintusett
tie-rt-llt-1's iii tiit- 1t-rtiplt- Iniatte tit st'.ii"-s -i_

iitiriislisi1i11ei'si1f.' l'l.1i'i11g.;1l1e111, the teiiiple

t-ltisstifitiss uses his magic ta heal any meet at the time anti likes ta use a let tit iii the teriter set'1.'es rmit lieer, the t'i1'st
wriuiitis suttereti by the heap. He tells them ii‘iisplat‘eLi Iiietaplinrs tti matte hiniselt stitin ii _temple is 'l]'Il't.'Ii"'llIt'|.l li_i.' 5-it.i1iisiiiists, the
they were sent by the I-ltitimanratre tn stilire smarter. It asitett atitiut Ft.‘l-.T"'..;-'5ll.-'.', he admits that temple that piiiiislie-s siiiriers eritli .i slap: eat
this mystertr and it is their sattreti duty te lieip lie ltiitiws liini, anti eitpresses satiness at his
the ii.'r'ist is iiest it: the tiiie that has ti
liini tinti nut wl'1i,' Fii.'.r_?.le was rnui‘tiei‘eti_ It -,.1,I.it1i'tiiai1es:'rpli..1i;.it:it', tlie tL'11it‘rie i.'.L1.'11'tlt'tl
demise, but says ntitliing at the tatt-::iti’s l1_i.' a l“'t'|.‘||.'I'.'|-LlllIt" is i'It"“-ti ll.'|- the iiiie th:it
tliei; refuse he will alter them each "tilt? t_‘l£IITIFi- iiieaning. Hi-.' 'wti1i’t Iesptiiiti tfl iiitiriiiiiatitin tir I piiiiislies l‘-_i.' t't.i_i.'iiip,, the 1'eiip_itir1 that
He i1istrut:ts them te gt: te The F'lat‘.e at hriI:ieri.r_ I._et the -.:tini.'ersatir:-n gin tiaeit anti - ptiriislies 'e.'itli Ll l.1a1'l.‘H..'tl eiieina seri-‘es SlI.1Ij.I’.,
Peiitiering and talk tti Finstti the Quill, in ftii'tli a ti.-‘its.’ times. Ulitfe it seems as it the heap _‘.|'1.iit'e, tlte _l+.-'iiiit'|ia’s li"t'itr'1L's*::t*s 5‘-I.Ir'iish l:I_'-.-'
liepes that he can tjettip|ie.r the ttitttitfs Ei'ti.isti1ip,. the .‘-itaiiisiiiists iiee tit-.s.t iii the
are aiiaut tti _gii.'t= up, pause tiramatit'aIli..' then

sttiiie teiiipie, aritl the 1'e|i,-gitiri that slaps tin

l'l'lt?EII"Ii]‘tg. have Finstti sa 1.; the tflllnwiiig: tlie i~.'i'ist tiii'ells iii the tett'ii'1lt' iiest tti the
1 t11'ietl1.t1tsei'i'es itttiti I|‘._J"t!-j:‘._.

What's Next
"L'niiii. ii't'll lliere is tine thing _i.'titi can
I'}iti _'-,'tiii _e,t-1 .ill that? l."-.".1iit me it'| rt-peat
. it?‘ ."'~«.'-.11-1.‘. the titlestitiii is. wtiitii te11‘It‘rie is
If I 'Waii tetl 't’tiui'C1pinitiii._. l tin that will get me te tell _1.'iiti ii-'liat _'~.'tii_i I’ ;.;I.Iai'tietl l.‘ri' ttlte little's?‘
'C.3ret=.=tings Ditli Creature, May I take ‘ftiur ! 1.i';i1i1ia i-u.ritiii'_ lily, this, I'm niatltier than .1 ..-_ .: __.. .__,_.,_n.-_:.___-_......_____..,m._--__--u.. '-_. -_. u-_—. *t|-1._ -q.—- . »—-. —_-. _- . — -.

ClT1..‘Ier litit tin rtitil lt't .1 i'tt-tt-I't't Itill lll:I-li'il't.-L€.l.T-IETII‘.-I-l1..hl.]-F'i| _. The heap have as leng as tiiei; want te try
l it: ‘3C|it-’IF_" the puzzle. There’s ne penalty fer an
I-itiw 2'-.«iut:|i is that Slaggjy in the Wintitiw?
Tlie Rtiet E-’eer tit Pill Evil
1 tii'ei' this piiiltistipliital t.'t.'|I'tLtt'ILl]'t[]'|'| seiiie ;
t't}llt.3't1E"1Lt'["2'-'rPitt-it‘Ll ttiiiiea lieu" tia_i.'s i'.l::1Il'l. l’i'e ‘ iiii:ei'i'et:l answer. The i:ei'1'et:t answer is the
Ilieen st'i'.1tt'liirip_ ni_i.' I‘ttt::E;lI‘I ill-it-‘ ti ripe l'triiii1im’s Vi=’it'iit'sst's. Clnee the heap gets it
- t'ii't't.1spi Iitit t‘.|t't it I't'tlll'-ll-i tit lt't it l'|.i.‘.I't"t'll]'II';'1 eerrect anti e:-tplains the answer te Firiste, he
will tell them what he ltiiews atii:-tit Feaale's
. lili.-<1-*.t1i'tl ei'ei' this tine. ll‘ _1,'titi tan seli'e it "_-
‘ ta ttee, and after ten give them each a free
; ttir me, I'll tiisli i.'titi the tiirt."
tatttie in heat.

‘£0.1;-it‘ Qpi_=t'1=i_-0.131:
p,..____ __..,

I Weuliel Ee=a-it it;


of ‘felt;
at -u—-u-—-:-

In tliisTale the heap must

-..‘letern‘iii‘1i-.' the tirigiii tit a
strange tatteti, then tietiipher
its nieatiiiig with the help at
a l:'.ItII'1t_‘l't iii nertis_

The Place ef Pondering

After the heap find the tatttiti en Ftiir_e|e’s
bu tt, they are instructed te git in The Plate at
Pentiering tn tinti a philtisepher E'1l"1t_‘i tattee
artist iiameti Finste the Quill (staiitiaref pile,
Smarts tiltl}. Finste has ti small tahle set up
altitig fine side tat a pltiisi where he t‘lt'ies
tattees and argues phi|eseph_i; with his t_‘llt"I‘Il'§-'..
Ft. Streetwise rell er his ttflu rs tit tiuestitiiiiiig
randerri peaple will lead the heap right ta
him. Read the felltiwiiig as their appreaeh:
although he t':|iiesn’t knew it, Finste. the Quill is actually the cousin tit 1.-ii'iir;tiei.._r_er'pi|e liappei-is ti.i""l.jiE,,_in"i'.ieiJr heap turtles: you cliihlt have an-el
I+ .fl-H

"If any players are getting bnred while the
nthers try tn snlve the puattle, have the werm
that left earlier cnme back with his twn
brnthers tn demand a refund- The werms are
mad anti in a fighting rnnnd. Finstn will nffer
3%;-'-l:t'tem a refund but they will try tn break his
C-i‘t'l"lI El P3 Fl: El I'l}"'l.-'t-'4'-_'l 3-’ .

Werms [standard] [3] [pg 136}: Each werm

is anned with a club {Str +1]. They will fight tn
subdue, nnt tn kill, unless the heap uses lethal
fnrce. Dire has fill clams in his pncket and
annther has a reek in a bnttle ffluickness, ‘I5 l3*P]|.

if the hernes defeat nr chase nff the werms,

' instn will give El] clams tn each nne that

What Finstn Krinws

1'5: Fnrate came tn him abnut sis: days befnre
he was killed anti asked hint tn dn the tattnn.
fl -tit: Fneele was very impatient and kept
e?4"‘l'Uol<:ing behind him.
-it He has nn idea whn nr what "The -an-"'-"erg
. 'j :_"-‘- .1‘
Gnnsed" is, nr what he shnuld be asked, but In
Fnaale mentinned snrnething ab-nut the T '-’ ts. " _-

Garden nf Smellentental Glee when Finstn


asked him abnut it. 't".I'iserthe'rrers ll-rl-.' F'ale-use The 'I"-iedlge lstaadard band. Smarts dti. Strergth d-Ill. a shirt hand. with a wide butt and are eye l-le talts lnutly
and has an arrnytg attest.‘ lrleenke 'El'-eeseriabter lstaadartl traa-:h. Smarts d'l2- ‘istrergth d-It-l. a skrt-y treath with a quiet vote and a derreatrir-3
‘ill The Garden nf Smellernental Glee is a tare: Gal lsta-ndard l-tart. '5a'aI'ts dlfil. Strength dill. an abese hart aha slabbers a int and Its teasta-ntty tr'p'Ir-g hrs raise an his arm: '5-a«_:ga-tiaus
mnnastery abnut twn days travel alnng the '.‘.rr'ell' llslllli lstardard smelt. 'i-marts dlil. a daahby lerrlde smelt with a severe stutter
rim nf the sinister nf Gawd. ...._ _..__..__---_....i.
-sh: a cnuple nf ]emin1a’s Wimesses came by Ptllnw the heap tn react in any way they anti patrtins tn .1 1'i'."Iil.1l'tl.l table, set _..__.__.___I
_._-_na_n.n...--1 .1.-.n.

the day after he did the ta ttnn and asked abnut chnnse. The wisenheirners are cautin us at first, prtipt-"1' nunihnr til" t‘i*tairs anti ynur tavt‘1I'itt1
Enazle. but they will warm up nnce they realize the i..ll'll'Il'<.Ei al1't:at'ly in place.
-it He did nnt tell them abnut the tattnn. heap is nnt a threat. If asked abnut the The varinus patrt:-its til the lint};-r.att?!1'iuIir
17%: PER stands fnr lirimnrdial Snup Kitchen. Frilnnrdial Snup Kitchen, Enll claims tn be an seem tn be I.-?t1|'it.iyi1'tg tl'tI_-trnselvtrs. fit ,
15: Ft grnup nf wisenheimers snmewhere expert nn the subject, knnwing everything ttrlnkitictit‘ ganit? ill" "liin the liutt til‘! the‘
nearby are always talking abnut the there is tn knnw abnut it. l"v“[eenkn interrupts iitirler" transpires ht.-lwetrti a grnup til" I'.‘l[tl-|'.‘I!-4
Primnrd ial Enup Ki tchen. him, declaring that she is the true ezstpert. A It'll yt:-ur left. 'l'vvn tlasvttirtl lentil-.'.ing werI‘ns I
brief argument fnllnws, ending when lvleenkn tltnvn si'Int's {fill stnnethitig l"tia1‘t1y tti yt:-ur
Finstn nffers tn direct the heap tn the gives Gnll a wedgie. right.
Wisenlteiniers, whn have gathered in a nearby Sagacinus Smell 3:tl El‘ interrupts them:
plaita. When the heap arrive, read this: Allnw the heap tn talk amnngst themselves
'”.'t’nu l-l-lnnk l-l-like a pretty
and ask any questinns they want. rafter a few
I-'t. l:~t|nel1 t'-ii 'v~.'isenheiI‘ners st_Iualal:+le l st-st-stalwart bunch. I-if ynu take care nf a minutes the dnnrs npen anti the Hnle in the
ltJt.t(.'lly amnng tliemseli.-'es as tliey lemnge l-l-little p-prnblem Fnr us w-we will be Head Gang swaggers in.
acrnss tl1e steps til :3 small sttine plaza. It happy tn t-tell ynu anything y-ynu want tn _.p..__.___ _,-.:...:..,u:__n,...._-,_n.,__.___,.-..__. _.._a__.

gurgling 1.-vaterl"all nearl'I_v til'Ist'ures their; knnw. S-see this gang nf thugs h-has been." i_ '|'ht.' tltiurs tn the lititiitt-1tt~riuI1't ripen ttil
reveal a tgrtitlp tit bntluls sl'ant.l1ng lit the:
I ,
vv'nrt.'ls, hut the tlt.=l‘+ate seems pretty heatetl_ i stutters the stnelf.
I _

.r"ts ynu apprtraeli, _vt:«t: hegin lt} tn.'erh-eat‘ "They've been beating us up and vestibule: vvith their arrns t.'l't'.tl'i"."i1'.“'L'l anti

their t‘.n1'tversatiti|"t--. stealing nur clams nn a daily basis," smug attitutles i'.'Il't their faces- liacli nne.‘
”|"~.lt1 lfevtle ' interrupts the crunch.
yvve.ars a tall ttititii hat vrith a htrle in its i
fl‘-l"I ZI1‘

way, l must insist that

"They call themselves the Hnle in the ." center, t*st't.-pt int‘ their ltratler, a sltnrt, fat
.:Sr"E‘- '
Etltgtilalalt-I"s peI'ftrI't‘t1a1it‘e in {."tttst' It'll‘ the
Hile lilisters at the l~lt*el-;l‘st1ttlt* Theater was Head Gang and they hang nut at the Grey lh.-lltnv with an actual l'll.'lli.' }‘Iiert'ing his
far st|peI'iti1‘ tn the liacl-;rttr_vetl hatntnings Ull- lvlatter Ennaaterium," whimpers the hnrc. irntnense iti1‘el1eatl_ The htrtiuls just stantl
.s3_ Guy' L:"titrsevtrlni t in fit e it’. t ‘it 't-'l'i='[' I, tr’.r ."vl_'1' "Teach them a lessnn, like Eezle there ltrr a rnnrnent I1:-r twn until they are
l~'.ieister," insists a 5iLiLlill'I.‘.Il'1t"-f.l'_"p"|'.-‘t.l l'.H'.‘.I1..llJl. Gutgnbbler taught the squiggly mass irt certain all eyes are nrt them. Then the
'-|l"-I—%1"'| :-—'j—

"["~»lnw—aw," interrupts a sl~'.ir|rn,' telriale Curse nf the Eiiie Blisters, anti we'll tell ynu lead er smiles hrtiatlli.-' anti tl‘ti.-'l.-' strut anti
ct'natTl1_ "'l'liey tlitiift even use real magic. all abnut the Snap ti-’Litchert,” prnmises the stvaggei‘ their way ttran L‘1'l't1I'1l.':i..-'-l:.'r.'tl.‘|lI;‘ in the
Ttru tftrulti ttitally see the st1‘ings and bndul. "Dnn’t kill them, just make them tar rnrner t:t1'tJtJ1Tt.
Ltve1‘ytl1ing," sl1e t.ien‘1eans. prnmise tn stnp harassing us.” I --- -—-I-'1.-r----t-—.-—-——-1--I--P -.....-.-_._.—..-

a""l. stunteti htrrc wipes his tlripping nt:-se '~ The heap are free tn act in whatever way
nn l1is arrn anti sniililes, "It t‘tI_‘1pL‘-‘t'lt‘E-i as The Grey Matter Bnnaateriurn they want. ‘The Hnle in the Head gang are all
thtiugh we have attrat.'tet_i an aueliente." l"“""""""'“"""‘ ""'”""'“"“"' """' —"""""“""""""' """""“'_""_
very rude and smug. They will make fun nf
rltll e_ves turn tti'vva|‘tl ynu. The final .'—"ts ynu a[."«pt'nac|"t the Grey lvlatter the heap antl refuse tn stnp bullying the
mt-:ml1et' til the grnup, a tiIn.' tetnale smelt _. Einn.'taLer'it:tn the dnnrs npen nl their nwn . philnsnphers The nnly way tn cnnvince them
with an int'retlil.'Il_v fla n‘1l‘:t:«yant hat, stutters. i accnrd and a waitress. a tall. nrange- tn stnp is tn beat the crap nut nf them.
"'1-l."—vs'—ts't* alreaeli.'_ lar— la1'— israve all t}l.ll' clams l_ skinned nnln in a pul'l'y t'ed ti ress. greets Fighting is nnt allnwett in the Bnnaaterium
l'—lZ~l't'r the g—gtrtrn ‘.-'-LIL[r'.lLl.“ Filie tttrrls t'Il"li‘.|Lll'|Ll _. i_ ynu. "1-*r't=lcnt11e tn the Grey Matter antl the tetekinetic bnuncers will levitate any
:1l'lLl gives herselli a painful n-'t.'t.lgie. "there. 5 Bnti.:taLe1'it:m. ‘ftiur table is read She leads scrappers nut the dnnrs. The Gang will agree
:-i—E-—savet_l ytau the lIF-l'1'—lT-l'I'i:‘tl.Il.'f|»lt;"." ynu thrnttgh a cnrthtsing netwnrk ni tables tn meet the heap nut nn the street tn fight.
‘ii.--‘Il-1-r E --I-I-|I'aI--o--—-II-

Meenka Eheesenibbler is well known far her groundbreaking panderlngs. Her hank. Musings an Stuff sald aver Ell -:api_e's'.'
_ _.'1. --I--.

fim ‘I!
|..§.l-L}. .—-.11, "\-
have been appearing all over town stuck to
Motives and Mayhem walls and lamp posts and such.
Depending on the political, religious, or personal beliefs of each individual. the
Everyone knows where the firappin’ Hole
characte1's may need special attention in order to convince them to join in the search for the is, since it is the center of gladiatoria]
Primordial Soup Kitchen. lf they don't seem to be interested have a representative of the entertainment in Floom. The event happens a.

group to which they belong approach them individually in private to convince them, or next Spoonday, but today can be whatever -
day you want it to be in order to give the heap
help them along with some Eiossular nudging. Here are a few suggested motivations: 1'

time to prepare or finish another Tale...-3'

Political Personal Wherever the heap goes in Floom people are
The [Ilementional Discotesticus: The Adventurer: There's bound to be tons of talking excitedly about the match and placing ..,.ll

Soup Kitchen is an oofo artifact. It may monsters and treasure along the way. bets with each other. They learn that
hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of Bad Guy: PGlWER!ll!l Stomp-o—sore—ass and Lluuly Crepsthrail are_
our ancestors. Good Guy: Think of all the people you contanimatronic minions belonging to Fecus
Religious could help... Fecus and Lluulon Crepulos respectively.
Boorglezarianr The Soup Kitchen holds Idle Rich: It's a sure-fire cure for At some point the heap is approached by a
the answers to a great many questions. boredom. shady looking croach in a stained leather coat. -

They Inust be shared] Gldster: The Soup Kitclten is an ancient [line of the four sleeves is tied in a knot. T .

Hoomanitarian: Daddy Hassafrass and historically significant thing.

croach introduces himself as Gristle ‘H.

implores the character to join in the search. Gofo: lvlaybe they’ll let me join the Sans—an—arm [page "l3-ii}, a professional book-
F. ._

l-le hints at a greater glory of some sort if E‘-‘ementional Discotesticus, then l can have keeper. He is offering eight to one odds on
they are successful. the same motivation as them. Stomp-o—sore—-ass to win the bout. in reality,
jeezle Freak: The Soup Ii-'.itchen holds Peddlerneister: The Kitchen must be Gristle is a booty hunter out to nab Daddy
the answers to a great many questions. worth tons of clams. l-iassafrass for the villainic Consort-iut'rI.. a
They must be repressed! Smellcasterr The monks at the Garden group of evildoers bent on world domination.
]ernima’s Witness: The l-Ioomanitarians of Smellemental Glee would be very tie is in league with Uuulon Crepulos, who
are up to something insidious. We must grateful if Gorminee the Goosed was has hired him to murder the heap if they-' =
find the Soup I'~.'.itchen before they do. returned. defeated him in The Root Beer ofAll Erail [if no "
Stanismist: W hoever controls the Sou p Tizn't: Apparently this thing made us. Gristle is only using them to get to t-iassafras‘. -
l-Kitchen will wield great power and It would be cool t'o know how. but Lluulon is still his contact within the"
wealth. Consortium}. Gristle knows of the heap's
-u..- -- . - -- -.-u_

connection to l-lassafrass and will use it to his

The Hole in the Head Gang {page 139]: Smellemental Glee.
The gang members a1'e all di1'ty fighters. They -fit The don't know how to get to the Garden
are used to winning and will retreat if they of Smellemental Glee, but they know it is Eirisfle's Plan
start to lose too badly. somewhere on lieister lsland. Gristle tells the heap that he recognizes
15: A croach ffozzle} came by a few days them as friends of Hassafrass. He says that he
If the heap win the fight, preferably by ago asking about the PSK. as well. has learned through his contacts on the
giving Aardvolk a wedgie, they earn free 15: They told the croach to talk to Gorminee. that someone is planning to kidnap the
d1'inks at the Boozaterium for a week. If any of reverend at the Ultimate lvlinion Fighting‘
the heroes gives a wedgie to a member of the
Resolution Champs bout. According to him, Lluulon
gang, give her a benny. When the heroes Crepultas has ordered his minion, Uuuly
Glnce the heap determine thatGorminee the
return to the Place of Pondering, the
Goosed is searching for the Primordial Soup Crepsthrall, to run amuck among the crowd,
philosophers will ask for proof of their victory causing a distraction during which thugs
Kitchen they may have a variety of conflicting
{a foam hat will do nicely). They will then disguised as l—iassafrass’s bodyguards will nab
or cooperating motives for joining in the
proceed to answer any questions the heap Hassafrass from the announcer's box. He'-
search. See Motives and l'v'layhem above.
may have. Some of the things they say are wants the heap to take out the fake
incorrect, but they a1'e not lying since they bodyguards so he can rescue Hassafrass and
think they are right. They constantly interrupt ___
take him to a safe location. He doesn't want I‘

and contradict each other. t-lass-afrass to know about it because -.l-- . '

doesn't know how deeply the traitors have
infiltrated his church- That's what he tells the
What the ‘Wisenheimers Know:
d: The Primordial Soup Is'.itchen [PSKJ has Ifigybtgieg Cl.-l1.‘3'.:l.iI.'1.'_:. .«'5l*.; heap anyway.
not been seen for millennia.
-fit Nobody knows what the PSK. looks like. The heap could make a lot
{it The PSK is apparently run by oofos. of clams by betting on a
1%: Tina’ ts were spawned by the PSI’-“Z. no—holds—b-arred fight to the
{it The PSI-if is some kind of magic castle or death ext-ravaganxa between
something like that. - Be there Be there lie ‘there
{it No it's not, it's some kind of flying oofo animlators. Elf course something sinister is as the mighty
thing from back in the day. afoot. You can play this Tale before or after 5TfllIlF-H-Elltll-I55
{it Ancient texts say the PSFC could The Rant Beer igfrtll Etril, but events that occur battles the legendary
disappear and then reappear far away. in one may affect the other. lf the heap 1|UI.I|.'I' EHEFSTHHIIL
{it The PSI’-'5. is a magical, wondrous place destroyed Uuuly Crepsthrall in The Rant Beer in a n:l"l'leli.'ls"t:arrei:I
where all questions are answered and the ofAll Evil, assume that tluulon has rebuilt
fightrtartherdeath extravaganza!
coffee is always hot. him, or an exact replica. Also, Lluulon has
‘fit Some beings think the PSK is buried
Heat Sp-avnaay at sunset
been cleared of any punishment that he might
beneath the llvloonular Cheese Fields. be clue as a result of the events in that Tale at Tilt 5’ilHlli’Plll' llfllli
'l'lIlb lip-:tit-I EL-es‘. .I'|."I.'»un::r Daddy I-lassatrass
‘fit The ultimate authority on the PSK on {he's rich and the government is corrupt]. at the “rs? Huer'a.'I'.ar-an Cl'Lr:l‘:
l-ieister island is a monk named Gorminee the an.

Goosed who dwells in the Garden of The tale takes place in Ftoom. These notices

Eantanimatrenic rninitln fightingbouts ha_v”Tel"‘ been a mainstay at _T|'r5cii'appirrl Hale ‘E _‘_.1''‘was age.

' _ ., -r
- '-"J built y_ears
. a- . _ -5. 1-

_ |.- -.
_ _
- __
'-._r _'g Hi-

"111 reality, Hassafrass's lzicidyguards are Hassafrass [page '13?) is in a heated seat abcive
"-.‘t]IiI.."l.i' frnm s+'.:111t-.'vvl1eI'e_ A cnuple ‘El
legitimate parishieners and Gristle wants tn the central tunnel, aleng with fear
1i'l'f.‘i"1'|t?Fillli‘|I‘l.‘i wenritig i.‘l1r.-=clc.ert.'Ll clevv rags
use the heap tn cause a distractinn sn he can bnctyguards. Te l—lassafrass’s right is a secnnd
i.r:~n.'l1ni1ge sLI rly lnnl-as as nne gives
kidnap I-lassatrass and earn his reward. heated seat in which sits a warm dressed in l
If the heap refuse tn help him, nr dnn't rebes made nf nverlapping scales c-f dried I l lassi1t'I'nss"tlii.-1
tiird" l‘1trl1ii1i.lhisl:sicl-;_
tirnthers 3| ml sisters,” l-li1ssntmss
‘believe him, th-at’s nk, ne hard feelings. He mucusite {Fecus Fecus, page ‘I?-T}. Te his left is
crnitinues, ",r"'illtii,~,' me, it ynu please, tn;
thanks them her their time, nffers tc- make bets a bcnr; seating the cremefillian cnntanimatnr
intrndm‘e the i..‘nn1l'-a|ti'It‘its lnr this!

fer them, and gees en his way, then secretly

_|- I

Lluuien Crepules [page Hi}. Beet.-des and


et'eniI1g's struggle- Dr: 111_'-,' lI_.-lit," he ',

urders his gang nf thugs tn ambush and refreshment vendnrs wander thrc-ugh the
rnntinns tn his lett, where at rnnnstrnus
murder them later that day. crnwd talczing bets and selling slag clegs and
lienst nt rusteL'l metnl spilses and massive
grng. The hernes may recngniae a few familiar
1,-vnr.n.len tent i-I1ii.'1'ges irnm the tunnel
Thugbess Yerge {standard cremefillian, faces in the crewd, including Clrble, Uunrq
Fighting d'll}}: ‘fnrgn is armed with a li.Jl'tLlf.-‘!]' the t'«h're1L.‘t1e1's, "I1‘1ini+'.m nt the
Schnezz|eweenei', an-:.t Finstn the Quill.
ili.'geI1i.lnr}.' Fe-..‘us lie.t'LIs, ynn better lTll]'lLl
bread—headed spear [Str +3] and wears armer Gristle is here ten, but hes in disguise as a
j.'t.:-ur manners nr heill crush ynn tn dust
slag ding vendnr, pushing a wide lidded cart
—Stun1p—I.i—sn1‘e—assl" 'l_he i.'rr.'n,vi.t erupts in
and hawking his wares. His disguise is very
jt;‘lH.‘ers, as Ft-rt‘t1s l~'I_-tt‘1_Js, a shnrt ivernt in
Thugs {standard cremefillians} {tiflpg 136]: gnnd, even including a fake arm, sn it will take
l glittering rnties v-,-‘in-‘es irnrn ll sent" nest in

The thugs are armed with swnrds {St-r +2] and a I“-Jc-tice rnll at -4 tn recngniee him. Dace the
llnssat'rn_ss. Fitnrnp—n—snre—nss stnrnps its
slingshnts (Str +1}. They wear armnr made nf heap are settled in, read the fnllnwing:
vray tn the center ni the lrield bein re tat-:.i1‘tg
slag skin {firmer +1}. r
n Llei.-“rp l1-nw, his 11‘tan_v spil-:.e.s gtitiging t.lI'.i-t‘]." ,
. -.n...u_n.,;.n_..?_u_,_.q_.,_p._ _n.. _ _n.,_ ,_ m.-.

The rurntile nt the crnvi'd dies tlnvv r1 tn n -.._,'l

l ruts intn
the l'uiri.l—pnt'l-.'.etl dirt. _="I. t‘1m‘n1er
I‘netapl''i-_'al dull rnar as
"'al'-__'I'he Main Event E i hanging L'npe—lil~;e irnm its t'1nr.‘l-; Lleclnres
“The S-crappin‘ l-lnle is a huge, apen air,
""""'\h.-I» ; lll|t'il"i-E'l-|.1li:'l'1'.-Ii"l-'.;'lI stands up and e.-‘m'es tin‘ l "'l'l1-_-?t_'l1i'.ippi:‘Lg lilmsl»; is Cir.uii.l Fats."
silence. llis linnniing vnice, tiiagititilly
circular pit with a finer made ef bleed stained 5 erIlnI_:i.le.I"Inled tnrnll tn hear, spent-as thI_1sly, t "rimtl nn my right" cnntinues lJ'£n_li.l_i.-'
dirt. Bleachers and benches line the entire 1 llilssnlrass, '”'|"nu’*.'-_- heard the tales nnvv
"l"v‘ly lirnthers and sisters, ‘L-"i't‘tL'I2‘.II'l'|f.' tn the
circumference nf the arena, with three bread E. 5crnppiI1' l Inlet {1.~,'nit itn'nppli1Ltse]I. t"I,"e:Iri-_* hear the walls, i." tn’ the 1‘|ntnrinus l—it—*"'I-—-‘FT

tunneis beneath them tn admit guests and Llunlnn Crepulns, all the way tnini nne nl
,E;]J’d'1?'-‘Ll by the l.'iil;."5-ii!‘-i.1_"l.l Ilnnrnanrnce this

cembatants. There is nn entry fee and the ii_ ei,-‘eniI‘1g, i l_luulnn's secret hidden lnirs, the 11u.*unest l
niy tn‘nl'l'|ers and sisters! "fes 1 rnininn this side nit l‘-Jew '|CTlti:'li.|udI', put
place is very crnwded. If the heap shnws up
indeed, grn-lied tn hear n-'ItI'Iess tn a l'+nttle nt
'5 -. r -

an hnur early they may get first rnw seats, but


i truly epic prnpnrtinnsl” jirnur hnruls tngether lnr Lluuly

etherwise rnll a di 2+1 tn determine in which ni i' t'_"1's.*pstl‘Irulll" liiitergitig irnrn the tunnel
'l'l1-.3 crntvd cheers and l‘n;'.nnts_ "‘L-"I."e have
the thirteen news they find seats. Daddy nppnsite E-tn:np—::—snre—nss is a 1'a111sliev.'l-r.l£.‘
1 ynu'ILl|i.i:i." ll':l!~i.*ii‘Il-I'Ei'.-if-ii” yells II Ilernnle _.— -«._ —. -—._
"1-j 1- -1'-r

't_.._.,..._..._ u_,__.__....,.._..._.__.__ ,,..._ .__,,._._..,.._- ._ .,-_._

creatinn nut rust nrul iilth. lt stluisiks in'ul L

sl1nn‘1l'rles its tvn_y tn the center nii the ring, —ZI

dripping steamiing mucl-; as it luilitiles

[ nhitig. l"I.-'l1eI‘t it gets tn the v."e1‘Lte1‘ ni the Field
it raises nne gigantic :‘lrI'l'l, 1.-vliicli is t+'.'ipp4.":.l
try at vviclsecl axe hlutlr.-1, and begins tn swing l
, it in it 'ivi-_le i.Ti1‘t'le, liypitig the wine-.'tl tn ever I
1‘1‘un'e nlmcn~'.inus levels ni hnllering
l nppli‘lL|se_ |
The tvvn niininns turn tn l*'nt‘e I.--ar.‘l1 nlher
as li.:ii'ILlLi_'I..-' llassnirass calls tit:-rth, "lily
l‘-rntliers uiul sisters, let us lhegin this i
a-j.u.-u.,_n :.n,.n
i'tn——l’“-a:'rei_l, ti 1;l1t—tn—the—tlentl1, vrin—i
ner—ta1l-;e—:1ll, enntn:1irnntTnnie Inininn battle l

i..=:~;tra1't-'agnt1;-nil" l le lmtigs his iist tin snme

snrt nt gt:-ng nr stm1etl'Iing and the. inininns l
.1.n. n.


tn light-.- .I
---.—-.—-.-—--—- -1- - --.—.-.I

The minic-ns are relatively equally

matched, with Uuuly {pg ldl} hurling rnclts
as Stump-n-sc-re-ass {pg 141] clnses in lnr
scume stumping. The battle lasts fur quite a
while, with nn clear advantage held by either
cnmbatant. Eventually, in a dramatic display
ui pnwer, Lluuly will lift Stem]:--n-snre-ass cuff
the grnund and hurl him intcu the crnwd. A
massive panic ensues as the crnwd runs [er
the exits and Lluuty begins tn wade thrnugh
them, chnpping pec-ple dnwn with his axe
and hurting rc-clts at fleeing patrcuns.
lt the heap believed f.3ristle’s stnry earlier,
and mnve in take nut Hassatrass’s guards,
Lluuly will ignnre them. Dtliervvise he has
been instructed tn lcill the heap, SCI he mnves
straight tc-r them, mnwing dcrwn anyc-ne in
his way. During the cnnfusinn, Uuulnn casts
an Dllscurc spell arc-und I-lassafrass as Gristle
mnves in in snatch him away. Gristle will
ltnuck Hassafrass uncnnsciuus and bundle

a type. i't"s just him being weird.-

Give Me Back My Heat, ‘feu Crazy Bastards!
Greetings Dith Creature, May I take ‘reur
l-lew Much is That Sieggy in the Windcn-..'
The Iteet Beer ei All Evil
The Secret ingredient is Leve

Qt gin; C.I3eat1ure..

lfeur Geese’?
him inte his sleg deg cart, then try te slip
away unneticed. Lluulen will try te kill Fecus The E:-ementienal Disce-
Fecus [because Uuulen is a bad guy} and then testicus ask the heap te
inhale a reek [F|y, Te FF} that he has hidden deliver varieus packages as
they travel the Clitlt. This
beneath his seat and fly away. lf the heap is
adventure sheuld be played
having tee much treuble fighting Uuuly, give
aleng side any ethers, sert ef
them seme help frem Stemp—e—sere—ass. in the backgreund as the heap wander abeut
i-lepefully the heap will figure eut what is the werld. It begins in Fleem, at The Grey
geing en. lt takes a l'~letice rell at -2 te netice Matter liieeaateri um. ..
the sleg deg vender is new Inissing an arln
and is relling his cart eut amidst the threnging The packages are aclclressecl te:
crewd. The Grey Matter Beezaterium His Mighiiness Lerd Barrelsmasher Hang-
The heap are enjeying a fine meat at the nail, Fre p1'ieter ef The Bar Keep in Ageg City.
if Gristle makes it eut ef the Scrappin’ Hele
Grey Matter Erieeateriu m. At seme peint Magnanimeus Grape, Master ef The Split
[it takes ten reunds fer him te make his way during their meal, a chubby eefe wearing Hair‘ in Deep.
threugh the crewd after nabbing Hassafrass} stained kitchen duds asks if he may jein them Den Sushieka Twinkugewa, Bess ef The
he has as geed as escaped [unless the heap fer a mement, as he has a business prepesal Fm'r—C.l—Dt'ce in Teast.
pested peeple eutside}. He will take the fer them. If they agree, read this: Asparagebster Fremage, Clwner ef The
preacher te his besses, cellect his reward and _n. aaj-3.-. a_

I-.n_-i.n.n._.j1.1-ca-n_-u. ..n_n_ .1. 1
Checsfest‘ Leech in Maankaas.
i The blue skinned eefe waves his hand
ge abeut his ewn business. If the heap catch Sir er Madame the Head Cltef ef Lfrider the
lsubtly as he sits. A small weeden bes _
him inside the Scrappin' Hele he will fight Shift in New Cierlqtiar.
, descends slcnvly frem the ceiling, gently
them until he takes a weund and then try te cnming te rest en yeur table. "fxreetings,
Flee. If they manage te save Hassafrass, give Ditli creatures, werd ef yeur recent deeds lmzeae will net divulge the centents te the
each ef them a benny. Make sure they den't has traveled far and wide. is-'lj.' neggin has heap, saying enly that they are gifts, and tells
kill Lluulen at this time, but killing Gristle is seen that yeu will yc-urselves be seen them the deal is eff if they epen them
fine. traveling as well." Ills lips de net meve -. themselves. lf the heap agree te his terms, he
cemps their meal and wishes them luck.

and it seems as if he is speaking with yeur

veice. "I wencler if I might treuble _veu te

Reselutien deliver a few packages aleng the way:""' Reselutien


if Hassafrass was kidnapped, the heap will in

The eefe unties the ribben that binds the {Since all ef the beses are delivered and te iii I
find him the next day, alive and well. He weeden bcnr. Lifting the lid he remeves five heap return te Fleem, lmzeze thanks them Te
""" -u-- . '
thanks them fer the effert and tells them he .smali metal cases, each ene bearing a their service and gives them each a veucher
was taken ter a darkened mum and questiened parchment label and sealed with wa:~;. fer a free meal at any branch ef The Grey
abeut Feaale and the Frimerdial Seup 1 '”t’eLr will be rewarded handsemely upen Matter Eeeaaterium [ifilesv in Ftgeg City,
I‘-'.itchen. He was beaten but didn’t have iyeur return, but yet: must never epen
-1jiI—\.- 1—j*\l-I_|.J—l

Teast, lvlaankaas, and l'-few Clerlquar]. See, the_

anything te tell them se they blindfelded him these lvases, fer the cen tents within are he
packages were mind centre! devices that
l = seen enlv bv the recipient."

and let him ge. They alse stele the necklace IE

-I— planted a suggestien in the recipents' minds,-
that he always wears, a Heemanrace artifact I—.._....-—-._.--__.-__...-..-__.—_-_—...—-.—.t-is ._.....-——._. .._.—......_.—.-..-
implering them te change their restaurani:-..
[a rubber chicken keychain en a bungee cerd), if asked what reward they will receive, the inte Grey Matter Beeaaterium fra nchizes. .'

that was a gift frem Feaale. eefe, naming himself lmaeae l-ireep [page {Since the heap return te the Grey Matter
If the herees rescued Hassafrass he will Hfl}, will say enly that he has knewledge he Beezaierium, and they have cellected all ef
reward them all with a big feast the next day wishes te share. The b-eires each centain a the pieces te the Prisekian Staff {as detailed in
small stene figurine ef the persen te whem further adventures}, run the Savage Tale A
in the field where they had Feaale's funeral.
they are addressed. The statues have been Perriirrfhl and Errigrmriic Secret‘ cf the thrieerse.
EveI'yene’s faverite feed will be served and he
gives them a gift basket with 2t]'fl clams, a bag enchanted by pewerful dementalists. Dnce
the recipient accepts them as gifts, that persen Whafs Next
ef "til circuspi nuts, an enchanted clebbering
will be gradually everceme by an urge te
stick [Sir +2, +1 Fighting}, and a chunk ef change his er her eating establishment inte a
Any Savage Tale can run cencurrently.
Play A F'eree:j,fhf emf Enigrmrffc Secret ef the‘ _ '
Meenular cheese. branch ef the Grey Matter Eneeaaterium, thus l.hrfecrsc ence this Tale is cempleted.
spreading the influence ei the Dementienal
‘What's Next; Discntesticus.
Bring Me the Ass ef Germinee the Geesedl
""'¢' '1.
The Dernentienal Discetesticus plans ‘te rulefitihh we rld by opening a..bI:ag1rli""et the Gre'y';'_%_t_rfE'r'*TSee1atE'ritirn.i_n _ever'y_ -‘city en

-r. 4.-
*.=:e at -..'
-h‘ '_., 'I''

- - '- -..1.-
--.'.- -
- '.
'-L. ' . " .r ""3
— r-- r.-. --.-r._=- .—."==.;-.=.=-gr:--;_

-fl: H unnin breught the sleg heme The chili is indeed delicieus, yet semehew
yesterday merning. despicahly feul as well, sert ef like theres a
‘ill: The melting day party was yesterday party in yeur meuth and everyene crapped
en the ingredients
that Slseggy
a fterneen. fleer. The are
4: The sleg began te grew after it ate seme unfathemable and Deerq wen’t say whats in
melting day cake. it. A bewl can be had fer five clams. r-‘tnyene
1%: The cake was baked by Hurmin’s whe eats the chili must make a Spirit rell a
persenal chef, a near—sighted bedul named day later er beceme addicted. an addicted
... -u---1 --1——- -u-—u— -———-—u- -n'
"v'imm whe censtantly squinls an-:.l rubs his character develeps the Junkie Edge. l-Ie may
A pygmy sleg, purchased by a wealthy t|1ree eyes. make a Spirit rell after ten days witheut chili
creach as a gift fer his sen's first melting 1?: ‘v'imm did net use any strange {and each day thereafter} in erder te break the
party, is rapidly grewing te enerineus siee. ingredients in the cake, except fer seme dried addictien.
Can the herees selve the mystery and 1'esh1'ink fungus that he beug|1t_frnm a large—nesed The hercs will eventually shew up, leeking
the sleg befere it's tee late? Ptltlteuglt this is bedul near The Freth. if the heap investigate disgruntled and angry. They sheve their way
net a Flet Feint adventu1'e, it is recemmended this lead, they may find an erange cleak re the bar and grab a bewl ef chili and a mug
at yeu play it befere running f3itrt= fvle Earl; weighted with recks subrnergecl in The Freth ef beer befere usurp-ing a table frem seme
My Beet, Tet: Crazy finstmrfsl {Netiee -2}. A huge fake nese is sewn ente the sleeping werms.
The scene is set en the streets ef Fleem, frent ef the cleak and traces ef herc slime can If appreached the hercs are belligerent and
‘directly in frent ef Yerpeez the Sleem’s be feund inside. mean. They claim te knew nething ef the sleg
Ride-thru Pet Stere and Barber Shep. .. er l—lurmin and his sen. Di ceurse they are
lying. They are grumpy and will fight if
l I-‘ts yeu make ynur way tl1rnugl1 the l ‘ferpeze the Sleem preveked. If they are beaten they will cenfess
inding tl1t'}rt'1Ltgl‘ifares nf Flnt:-rn, dndging l The heap may alse cheese te questien te staging the whele episede in erder te be
the city's evt'r—p|‘ese1tt in festatinn ef street j
"r'erpeaa the Sleem {standard eefe}. He is net herees and rescue the wealthy merchant's
venders and perfet-n'tance artists. a leudi very talkative unless semeene in the heap family frem the killer sleg, thereby gaining a
5l'tt1LItcatt'l'u-as ytntr attentien. l purchases a haircut er a pet ef seine sert_ if reward and casing the mansien fer a future
“I den’t give a l':erle's ttuttclieeks abnut a appeased, he tells them that the sleg was rebbery. They used a strange magical fungus
refund! 'l'l'u' gnnsi|‘1' thing's already fatter l breught te him just twe days age by a greup that they feend grewing near a waterfall en
than my Lvifeis Inetln.-I‘ and it's getting l ef herc adventurers. He remembers that ene the edge ef the ltieister and an actual giant
bigger as we stancl l'tt."l'I'.‘ arguing! Wlteit I ef the hercs was wearing a chili—stained bib sleg they captured in the wilderness. They
i with a picture ef an axe en it. A Cemrnen
beught the danged thing yet: teld me it was 1 will effer te guide the heap re the waterfall
ii gensin’ pyglrty sleg- l.r*I."L'll, if it's a gtrtisiif Knewiedge rell will reveal the bib as the sert and the fungus fer a neminal fee {Slit} clams}.
pygmy slug_ then |’m the get:-sin’ l given te custemers at The Chepping Eleck_ if paid, the hercs will lead the heap re the
Gubernater nf Ewg!" Pt well dI'e.ssei.l, but _i fungus and then attempt te kill them and
dbvieusly pissed eff, creach is arguing with The Chepping Eleek steal their valuables. It may be pessible te
-it squat green enfn under the arch nf il- If the heap ge te The Chepping E-leek, read intimidate er bribe the hercs inte drawing a
nearby alleytv'£ty- Pl. brightly t‘.nlt':-ru_-rd sign er paraphrase the fellewing: map instead.
Llt:1I'iglir'tg frttnt the ansh declares '""I’t:rrp-:'.n.r.}t. F... ‘ ......_. ..._..-..............._.
the Sleeins l~lide—tl1rLi llet tilt:-re and tiarber t This place is awfully crevvded. Hercs {standard} {5}{pg 135}: The hercs are
filtep." . l' censidering hew difficult is was te find. ._ all armed with meat cleavers [E-tr +2. a1='+t}
The t}t'tft‘.r netls his l‘iLilltnI_:s ltead |.rat‘k and . The bare stene walls and fleers are that they have hidden in their gullets- Each ene
ft}1‘tl1 frantit‘ally fer a feiv sev.‘eI'1ds, then splattered with varieus unidentified stains has a peach with '1tIld'ltl clams alse in his gullet.
turns and walks briskly away frem the ' and the patrens are re udy and ebnersieus. Cine ef the hercs has swallewed a jar
The everpewering stnells ef chili, beer, and . centaining ene dese ef reductemess {see the
I-e--|-I '---I-l.—.r~——.-I-II--u--—'-I-—--—I ---—j----—-—
vemit assault yeur nestrils and the seunds next page].
Hep-efully the heap will be curieus eneugh yet" drunken singing and fisllcuffs fill thel
te ask what's up. If they den't, have the i air. l
creach, a wealthy peddlemeister named "1-*v'|iat the crap de _veu want?" asks a
The ‘Waterfall
Several big yerts eutside ef Fleem, hidden
Hurmin, appreach them and ask fer their strange beid-headed creature as its
ameng a vast tumble ef beulders and
help. He tells them that yesterday he beught a suckered tentacles ladle steatning chili inte
l an array ef bewls scattered acress the l gelatineus scrub fungi is a narrew waterfall
pygmy sleg frem "r‘e1'peze te give te his sen
fed by a tiny tributary ef the River Sneeae.
Eermamel as a gift fer his first melting. ; stained stene bar tep.
Everything seemed nermal until a few heu1's L..-- ..._.._._..._ .__....... ._._......._._... l The waterfall cascades swiftly ever the edge
ef the Keister ef Gawd, disappearing inte the
1-I H-
after the party ended. The sleg began te grew The creature is a tien’t named Deerq mists belew. Grewing ameng the beulders.
Iflffierttremely rapidly. A11 heur er se age it was Scneealeweener [page 'l3T’]I. chef and ewner ef just small yerts frem the edge ef the Keister
thrice its eriginal size and eating everything in The Chepping Bleck. tiis m-anner is gruff, but
are a few clusters ef strange black fungus.
sight. If it centinues te grew at its cu1'rent rate, he is relatively henest and likes te please his any ene attempting te scrape the fungus frem
Hurmin fea1's it will be la1'ger than his heuse custemers, many ef whem are hepelessly the slippery recks must make an Agility rell
by merning. ‘ferpeza refused te de anything addicted te his delicieus chili. if asked abeut
-2 er fall ever the edge [see belew}. If the hercs
sabeut it, claiming that it's net his preblem. He the hercs, he says a greup ef five usually are still areund they will take this epper—
effers te reward the heap if they will help him cemes in every day areund sunset. tu nity re attack the heap. trying te threw them
selve the preblem witheut hurting the sleg.
_ .-I" ever the edge.

!,r:"The Heuse ef Hurmie

The heap may cheese te investigate the sleg
firsthand by visiting Hurmin’s tewnheuse,
-which is built en a hillside everleeking the city.
The heuse is a la1'ge structure with beautifully

_ sculpted stene walls and deerways. By

questiening Hurmin, his sen, and his servants


r-+-:=-' ass
I. _. .

l- -.-..
the heap may learn the fellewing: ' -=' . ._:.-r--_.. "
-- T" "":h="'-...-L . ..

_. There are ever sis_ty_diffg_re"nt v_arie1:ies ef sleg threugheut the ‘world.

9* '
_ ____ .j‘ '. _ . £25:-.f'_ ,
.- ItI"— ''-_.-F-_- -51-‘, .-."

‘J g-

Falling flver the Edge: This sectinn nf the the mystery.

Keister is tricky and crumbled, but nnt as the heap mnve abeut the city, it becc-mes
perfectly vertical. anynne whn falls nr is nbvinus that similar incidents have been
nccurring all mnrning thrnughnut Flnnm. The
thrnwn ever the edge may make an Agility
rnll in nrder tn find a hnld nf snme snrt nn the sf all nnly cnmmnn link between victims being a_ --
way dnwn. A falling character may attempt breakfast rent beer frnm The Frnth. They may
think tn gn in The Frnth tn check nut t_he
this rnll every rnund until it is successful. Fer in this tale the heap must
situatinn, but it has been clnsed nff and__.__-*"

each rnund that passes befnre the Agility rnll fnil the sinister plnt nf an evil
surrnunded by hninks and guards nn the
succeeds the character takes ldti pnints nf cnntanimatnr. Lluulnn Crep- '
enter nf the iteisternteister. rt. tiny little werm nu!‘

damage frnm the fall. Each rnund spent ulns has pnisnned The Frnth
with a bnnming vnice threatens tn arrest
falling requires a Climbing rnli at -2 tn return with a taut essence derived
anynne whn tries tn get clnse.
frnm kanker slime. He plans
tn the tnp. Failure means a further fall subject
tn harvest the fnul fruits nf his labnr and use
tn these same terms. Guards dz: Hninks {standard crnaches and
them tn enchant a cnntanimatrcrnic mininn nf
warms} {Cl filfpg 136}: The guards are all armed
epic scale. This Tale may be run befnre nr after
Reductnmnss: any cremefillian nr related with spears {Str +2) and slingshnts {Str +1], .. -
l.lltimttfc i"vlim'eu Figlrii Hg Cheitips, but be aware 1...

nrganism [slng. ndre, etc...) that eats this black they attempt tn arrest anynne whn gets tn-ct
events that nccur in nne may effect the nther.
ctnse tn The Frnth.
fungus will begin tn shrink rapidly, halving in
size every rnund until it is ‘lfcr-4 nf its net-mat ._ P

size. This reduces a standard cremefillian tn abnut The Preacher If they came back after dark, the heap will
The stnry begins as the heap is making its find that there are nnly eight guards pasted
half a yn1't tall and makes a giant sing the size nf a
way thrnugh the city nf Flnnm. A crnwd has and the feuntains have been shut eff and
pygmy sing. The effect can he reversed by serving gathered near a wildly gesticulating b-ndul in drained. A faintly glnwing residue clings tn
a secnnd dnse nf the substance in an already
reduced nrganism at least nne ltnur after the
yellnw rnbes. fits they apprnach, the heap will many nf the pipes and basins. ii. cnuple nf
recngnize him as Daddy Hassafrass. He is wisenheimers {standard werms, Smarts d12]
initial dnse. The stnnes cnntain ennugh
reductnmnss fnr ten dnses. Eight dnses are
preaching the Hnnmanitarian gnspel tn a sent by the Keistermeister, are study'tng the": .__g‘
large grnup nf assnrted citizens. fnuntain, but they will nnt talk tn the heap...
required tn shrink a giant slng. The effect wears
nff naturally in a number nf days equal tn the I....___.__...
_. ._--._...-..—.._...- - c-..__.__. withnut persuasinn [bribe at Etltl clams
" successful F'ersuasinn rc:-ll at -2}. All the"' ,_
affected creature's "v'ignr die. Reductnmnss has nn , Let me tell ynu stuttetltilig, m_v hrc.1tl1er_'._i

I ' .

and sisters- "fruit has grits tn he Llnvv|‘1 vvitli wisenheimers have determined sn far is that

effect nn nnn-crelnefillian creatures. 1!

the llt'iun‘1anrnce_ If that's a crime, rip ti-ff the ginwing residue, which they have
my tees .':tI"tt.'l call me a pickletl slug nugget! ,- identified as kanker drnnl, seems hi be the
The Giant Slag Cttli I get [.1—r1‘u1I‘t.7"' 'l_l1e pret‘n.'l1e1' cause nf the illness.
By the time the heap arrive back at Hurmin’s a-
gritt'inr.‘es t‘ntune|'1tarily, his eyes sqI_1inl:iI‘1g
mansinn, the slng has grnwn tn truly gargantuan tiglttly shut- I le l't‘ikes a sip frnm a mug til '
size. It trashed his gardens and cnurtyards and is —_n—:—

rnnt beer then t.‘e-ritinues his serrntut, his

The Sewers
currently crawling acrnss the rnnf nf his hnme,
The sewers beneath Ftncen are expansive
‘vnice grt:-aI‘1iI'ig as if in pain-
trying tn get at a grnup nf servants hiding behind
-.n_-.n-. i-
and tabrynthine. hiarrnw tributaries nf
""I"es iI‘1elee+.l, cu;-t ynu see, my hrtithers

: Ftiver Snnnze wind thrnugh great tunnels nf

a chimney. Hurmin insists that they nnt kill it, -n_u—-

and sisters, the llt:inI1'u‘iI‘irt-1i_‘t'- ain’t never I

stnne beneath the city, carrying waste and '

since his snn has fallen in lnve with his new pet. cl-.u‘1e nul‘:ni.l_y nu 'I.vrting_ It ain't I‘1t:'ver
He alsn feels that it is his respnnsibility tn keep it rain water alnng narrcnv tunnels befnre
stttrtetl I'in wars and it niift never —til‘1
safe, since he brnught it intn his hnme and he is a crap!" l-lnssafrnss tlnul:iles river in pain, i eventually spilling everything intn subter-
ranean stuiceways that spill intn the iteister nf ,,.- "
decent snrt nf fellnw. tlrnpping his staff and mug tr: i.:lulcl‘1 at his Il Eawd. varir:-us creatures make their hnmes in
_ -i
The best snlutinn is In get“ the slag tn snmehnw belly in-'ith all tliree arrns- i"'t ltiuti, e:-:tre:1‘1i.-*lji.'
the sewers, including many nf the city's
eat a large ennugh dnse nf the reductnmnss tn rude, ftmt'—stLn?k—in—l'l*te—t‘nutl nt:-ise issues

shrink it back tn manageable size {eight dnses}. cnntanimatnrs.
frnm beneath his rnhes, t‘1t'i.‘ti:‘1*|pt‘tI"ti:_*i.l
Walking thrnugh the city streets at night‘,
This can be accnmplished in many ways, but be setinrtels later by |.'1 stench rnnre rnI‘tt‘itl than
—-i_n -_:—ui —u:n_. -n—ui_

I nne nf the heap nntices a faint glnw emanating

sure tn reward the heap member whn cnmes up anynne tl‘teiugl'tt pt:-ssible. I lassnfrnss

with the best idea with a benny. quickly ltthps tltnvlt I'rtu'n his pulpit tn sq unt il frnm beneath a sewer grate- rt. taint scraping ,

snund can be heard frnm within the se -""-“-= - -
nl‘:tn.-'e it sewer grate. I lis fare sltnvly fatltrs
Giant Slng (pg 33]: The slng is hungry and ' ' _ T '
' tn the. hr1gl‘1tt belnw_ if they cheese in investigate, they will
trurrt the. I._I'1i'11‘-ii.2II"t ntit‘igt:-In .= r
mad, but if left alnne fer a few hnurs it will crawl . n_1- n_i-. i:1—i_—-I.
l'|i"t.l [if ett‘il‘tt:rrasst‘t1i_=I‘1 l as he relieves l find that the sewer grate is stuck in place,
nntn the rnnf nf the mansinn and fall asleep. himself ntiisily intn the gutter-
I requiring a Strength rnll at -2 tn remnve. A
vertical shaft drnps Etl feet tn the sewer tunneI_
."-'tll is sl‘tnekt"tl silence fur a rnI_:-tnent,
belnw, the walls ni which are cnvered in algae
Glnce the slng is reduced, Hu1'min asks the
until a 1-it"L‘t}I'II._i t1gnIti.’.teel grunt cniiies l't!'1'.ti1"t
stnnevcltere in the c|'t:-vi.-‘t_l. Witltitt seennds a l and dimly glnwing muck [-2 tn Climbing‘
rnlls}. The glnwing filth is cnntaminated fec
. i_ln.'.teI1 pt-triple are tlnuhletl event‘ in pain, l
heap tn escnrt it nut intn the wilderness, far away frnm thnse whn drank nf The Frnth earlier ."
errIptj.*iI‘1g their htwvels intn the sevvers_
frnm Flnnm. If they refuse he will hire annther 5 tnday.
The tunnel belnvv is a hnriznntal cylinder
I.-.--i_-Ii—__-.. -...—-u -u.- --i.—.....- —-.-.. a-- -..p -u--...—i.-'-i.-_-..-I
grnup tn dn it. He rewards them each with lflfl
clams [EBB if they remnve the slug tn the Let the heap react in any way they wish. If
about ‘I5 feet acrnss. it winds and meanders
anynne had rnnt beer frnm the Frnth this
wilderness}. a set nf snazzy clnthing, and a ticket fnr quite El distance in lflflth directinns. TWO
tn nest Wensday night's perfnrmance nf Curse cf mnrning, he must make a lvlignr rnll nr he '
kankers, servants nf Liuulnn, are at wnrk--c-J5"
nvercnme with ezplnsive diarrhea as well.
the Biie Blisters at the Reekbnttle Theater. gathering the cnntaminated pnn intn baskets
After a few mnments the pain subsides and
strapped te their backs- They drip with
the bellies calm. if they ask arnund they find
luminnus ichnr and will squirt acidic gun at_
What's Next that everynne with eitplnsive diarrhea drank
Bring Me the Ass nf Gnrminee the Gnnsedl anynne whn tries in climb dawn the shaft. .
frnm The Frnth that mnrning. Daddy
Give lvle Back My Beat, ‘(nu Crazy Bastards! Hassafrass is certain that the Delicinus
Greetings Grith Creature, lvlay l take "t’nur Glrder
I-tanker [2]{pg S1]: The kankers begin battle
Creme-Fil led Center nf All is nut tn get him.
by squirting acidic gnu then clnsing in tn
The Rant Beer nf All Evil and the nther pnisnnings are just incidental. -I
The Secret ingredient is Lnve crush with their bedies er smack with their
He prnmises tn reward them if they will snlve
claws. Each has a basket en its back parfialg, ..
The teat beer at The Frc_1:__l_'i is ._a_g's”fi‘”e:ia| blend deve|ape__dy*""the lie istbsm 'g_-tid':'s gct'fs_[rtance_I;s_d_e'cades age.

* '
' ,,
a- -.
—b- i-
- __ - - __
-4- I'-I"' .,L '.'_.-. _i-
filled with glewing pee. They use tiny Werkshep
sandbee shevels ta scrape the filth frem the Uuulen'a Lair This large chamber is
walls. ..r“' ’deminaied by a massive
.r ___,.-“'
..-rdirt y statue ef steel and rust,
The kankers leave a faint trail ef glewing ' _‘_ eater‘; bristling with spikes and
'erar.liJshep .-' .| H

'filth where-ver they ge. Wit|1 a successful rogkf ottfiepfiirg. armaments. The thing leeks
Tracking rell, the heap can trace their trail /” ..--' vaguely like a creach, but is
threugh several miles ef winding sewers back -I _ at least thirty times bigger
te Lleu|en's lair. .=*tleng the way, they have a table 5 and ‘I..r~|-: than any creach en 1'ecerd.
Ellfiia chance ef enceuntering twe mere Feur kankers en ladders are
kaekers. alse cellecting glewing pee beneath busily peering Iumine us filth
a sewer grate. frem a series ef baskets inte the statues
hellew bedy. Uuelen himself levitates {via
Telekiiiesis] with his back te the deer,
Uuulerfs Lair in-flnlshed rrlnren

1 r delicately painting the unfinished minieri

._ Ittryway '- do or ._ H.
‘T with arcane symbels and mystic runes.
Fellewing the lumineus trail ef the kankers. Tfi

storefront _.f
the heap finally emerge inte the vestibule efa -' .- balcony Flanker {4]{pg 31}: The kankers squirt
wide circular chamber abeut St] feet acress.
acidic gee te try te cever Lluulen’s escape.
The entire reem is fleeded with feel water, The deer is lacked. but can he epened with
except fer a small prernentery ef stene teward the wanker’s key. it is tee heavy te break
the back wall. r"t thick iren deer is set inte the dewn. if the wanker rang the bell. er if the
Uuulen Crepules {pg 141}: Lluulen will
wall ab-eve t|1e prementery and feur spherical heap make a let ef neise trying te epen the
levitate te the balceny and then rain spells
dewn en the heap frem abeve. if it leeks like
Téblebs {wankers} stand guard in frent ef it. deer. Lluuly Crepsthrall will be waiting en the
he is geing te lese, he will cast Clflscerc and
Next te the deer is a tarnished cepper bell ether side with a rack in hand and aimed.
Earner te make his escape threugh the shep
{l‘~letice —2 re netice].
face abeve.
Lashed te a pest near the deer is a small Hall
rewbeat made ef retten pl-anl-cs and cevered in This Ieng passage ef stene and mildew is
This reem is the werkshep ef l..luulen
mildew. The water is abeut ‘I ll feet deep and is faintly lit by lanterne filled with kanker slime.
Crepules, a vile cremefillian centanimater.
lteree te an all:-ine brecedile. r"t retted carpet runs the length ef the reem te
He is attempting te create a supremely
a wide staircase. The stairs ge upward far 33
pewerful centartimatrenic minien te use in
Centanimant, wanker [4]:[pg T3]: The feet er se befere terminating in a secend thick
the fights at the Scrappin' Hele ne:~:t' week. He
wankers are guarding the deervvay. If they metal deer {lacked}-
peisened The F reth with enchanted kanker
spet the heap, three ef them will attack by
slime in erder te cellect the dreppings fer use
tltrewing muck [medium range} while the Liuuly Creputtu-all {pg 14]}: The n'iinieI‘I
in his minien.
feerth tries te ring the alarm bell. Cine ef them has been instructed te kill er capture any
The werkshep is a large reem full ef
[the bell ringer} has a big ass key in its hand. It stranger that cemes threugh the deer. He will
ladders and wide weeden tables. Huge rapes
will try te drep the key in the water if the fight until ciestreyed er victeriees. l-le will net
and chains hang frem the ceiling, and a series
herees get tee clese. leave the reem, hewever, se the prementery
ef everlapping balcenies encircle the reem. A
eutside is relatively safe. Lluuly carries the
single deer leads eutwarcl frem the tepmest
Brecedile {pg 'Ffi]: T|'ie brecedile will try te key te the setfentl deer ameng the stenes in his
balceny, leading te a small empty sterefrent
eat an yene whe swims er falls in the water, belly hatch. l-le can't swim and will sink te the
that leeks eut ante The Place ef Pendering.
but will i gnere the rewh-e-at. bettem if semehew lured er dragged inte the
A thereugh search ef the werskhep will
uncever sufficient netes and diaries te reveal
Lluulen's sinister plan, a bread asse1'tment ef
teels, battles, and variees supplies, as well as
a chest centaining ififll] clams. Pt centanim-
at'er whe spends a full day reading Lluulen's
netes may gain a free Fewer el his cheice
frem the tist knewn by Lluulen.

if the heap declare their victery te the
werm at The Freth and then shew preef ef
Lieulen’s plat, the werm will bequeath
Lluulen’s werkshep te them. declaring it and
all its centents te b-e theirs. The lair was ence
a restaurant called The Frasier af Gettrri. as
evidenced by variees melcle1'ing menus
feuncl within.
it they happen te lind Daddy Hassafrass
and cenvince him that the plat was net
hatched by The Delicieus Creme-Filled
Center ef tell, he will give them a keister
cempass [magic device that always peints
teward the lieister ef Eawd} as a reward {if
they aiready have ene, give them a ceuple ef
healing reeks instead}.
If Liuulen escaped {he sheuld have}, the
herees have made an enemy fer life. He will
censtantly plet te destrey them. He has
Lleulon Erepuios has many different lairs in several cities and wilderness locations around the Ditlt.
—i. .

several ether werksheps hidden threugheut lllu: the tieurtl t deserted me. I lest my restaurant,
Fleem and in ether cities as well. Is ene sad mete.
Feaster nf t3-awd, and I ferget all my
recipes- lt 'e.-‘asr1’t leng b-etnre l was living in
ythis shack and peclclling crud tn anyene
What's Next
firing tvle the ass ef Cierminee the Geesedl I desperate eneugh tn taste it- live Lleclicate~t'l.
Give Me Back My Beat, ‘feu Crazy Hastardsl rny life tn liincling e nt what’s in that
Greetings Dith Creature, May I take ‘feur 1 an1a.'cing chili nf lilenn_]’s, bL|t se far I

D1‘-:.ler l‘1a'ven’t fnuntl a clue- lle leeks up at yen
I-lew Much is That Sleggy in the Win-dew pitifully, "E-ay, ynu weI_1lcln't ivant tn l‘lI.‘-.'l]:1
The Secret Ingredient is I_eve eut 'wI_:-ulu_l yen?"
Ll'1"tI.-_' -_--u_n—u._. - n... -n...._.—

Llltintate tvlinien Fighting Champs lf die herees seem interested, he digs

threugh his burlap sack, tessing aside a large?’

The Se
butterfly net, and lays what appears te be a-
sheet ef paper en the table.

ingredient; is lP._»,.e*re
"'l'his rnap," says he, placing the stained
and wrinkleu_l parchrnent en the table —_
q _—.'- befere yeu, "directs the t'1‘avI_-‘.-ler tn a cepse
ef nu:-ss nnt far frnn1 the f_iarLl=..=.n nut
lllua the Cieurcl will tie anything te learn Enrnelleniental |f_ilee. In this cepse is a cave
what makes the chih at The Chepping Flleck and in this cave is a pnrnl. l-egenLl says that
se pepular Eefere yeu run this Tale make If the heap refuse te enter the alley, lllei: a hreth made lrem the waters ef this pend
sure the heap have been in The Chepping will fellew them fer a bit, begging them has the pt:-'e.-‘er’ tn restere Inst nienuiries t‘Il'It'l
Bleck at serne peint previeusly, either as part pitifully te ceme in eut et the rain and share unlearnetl knewleclges. l’d gn myself, bttli
ef anether tale, er fer a meal er semething. seme chili with him. If they still refuse, eh ["111 a craven little guy and the |'nap says
well, nieve en re the next adventure er I
‘lieu ceuld play this adventure cencurrently there are guardians- I have little te effer fer
with ether adventures, such as Bring Me the imprevise semething. ynur su.=.rvice, but i premise tn rewa1'u.‘l yeu‘ ii
.«’-tss efGer.Im'net=- the {leased er Here t"r‘lttt_‘ft is That If they decide te ge inside, they will find the tlinusaiulfnlcl vel'ten I am 1‘este1‘eu_l tn 1‘t'ty"
filiigggr tn the Wintienr, if’n yeu wanna. place dry eneugh, with barely eneugh reern tertiiet‘ glnry-" l le leeks up at yeu
fer them all te stand areencl a lew, retting t liepefully. "'1-‘tiliat Lltl yeu say? ‘I.-"I.-'ill yeu gel:
weeden table. A steaming cauldren bubbles me the jl.1tt't.‘ii”
The Streets ef fleem with semething that is apparently chili, but
I -—-I- -'I-'s-'-.|--s--——.-'I—-—- I--.—----ur -'I:- -——'I-

This adventure begins, as such adventures If they refuse, he will start crying and acting
leeks and smells like vemit. A small pile ef
eften de, with the heap making their way, fer blankets in ene cerner is presumably the nest even mere pitiful, begging and pleading with
whatever purpese, threugh the winding them. If they agree, he thanks them prefusely,
in which Illus sleeps. rt burlap sack leeks te
streets el Fleem. held mest ef his helengings, and a few rusty packs them each a bewl ef feul chili and sends
them en their way. Eefere they leave he
_a-u_:.-. gem- _ Ja_-.I. :._

I It's a particu|aI'ly miserable day in_l knives and speens adern the walls amidst a
hest ef cracked hewls and utensils. The place rummages threugh his sack ence me ,-
i‘ Fleem.. r-‘t sulfur-sedden I'ain seaks yeu te '-
is very peer and dilapidated. Characters may remeving a cerked bettle made ef beaten
the bene {if yeu have benes] and great '
puddles ef steaming muck splash yeur netice {hletice -2} that lllue wears shees that metal. ‘”t’eI.1 can use diis flask te held the
are entirely eut ef character with the rest ef his water, but clen't epen it until yen get there."
every step. Wliy en Dith weuld yen be eut
preperty, being very finely made and aderned Elf ceurse, [line is trying te trick them. The
r and sheet en a day like this? I den't knew,
with rhlnestenes and metal shnls. real reasen he wants them te ge te the cave is
l but I'm suI'e yeti have a reasen. Sakes alive,
lllue will serve them seme ef the nasty chili, se they can kill the guardians and disarm the
at righteeus bewl ef chili sure weuld hit the
lprcwerbial spet right abeut new... which tastes as bad as it leeks. There's traps. He plans te fellew behind and claim the
As if en cue, an emaciated little werm nething peiseneus about it er anything, it's treasure ef the cave [which is actually the
«emerges fI'em a darkened alley, his filthy, 'I just vile. Chice he ebserves their reactiens te prisen ef a gawd; read en...} after they are
the herricl stuff, he leeks at the t"leer and says dead. The bettle he gave them is actually a
wrinkled hide dripping with water and ;
muck, "I bet a righteeus bewl el chili weuld sadly: reek that will ezsplede when epened {E _f _
hit the p1'eve1'bial spet right abeut new," he ' u-.—.r -.—u.i-u.-— J—l. .--_-__—.:_n. large burst template, 3dEr damage}.
" "I used tn be the greatest clief in I-ilerent,-ii
says hepefully, metiening ever his I
sheulder inte the alley beyend.
' lyeu knevvi" l had the rnani clams and the
'l.f.ll".H'-l.'.l1"‘%.l.'1l-.'.l. a._u.--u.ju.-1-- -i_.___ua.n-_n.....—.r n_-_-_n..u...n.._n__
In sI1ti.'.c;‘st tiuels- lilucles use-cl tn travel fnr _
clays tn get a taste eI' my grub. l'-."i:-In.-',
The miserable little fellew is Illuz the e'verylhiI'1g l ceek turns nut as the same
Genre [page Mil], ence Fleern’s greatest chef, a linrrihle sludge. Well, dig in, it's the best l
but new a clamless wretch. His clethes are "
it can nffer.
drenched and filthy and cevered with heles.
It the heap ask him what happened, he tells
In the alley is .1 l'i.1I'l'l!'i.l't.l.t'l-\IL‘ hut n.'e.n.'eI'e:.l them it is all the fault ef "that sinister Deerq
in peeling er.inge paint and rented with Sneealeweener”. Ever since the Chepping
rntting shell" fungus. Lireat tnrrents nl [sleek epened a few years age tllue hasn't
raine.-'.iter term a t'.is+.' ever the ripen been able te ceek a thing werth eating.
n.ln;1nrw.1_‘..-', r.1hsi'nring what lies within. -—u-r-a.,_.a.—u..—i.r I:-u.n_n--i. a-.o-u.a—i.a-1:-..a---u.-.---Z-.—-.-i_-_-u—i.:-u_n.I

"lilack in tl‘1e1.iay," he says, "I was an


peeling sign .1tne.'e the l.l|'.'||'.'tl' el'n.'int1sl_v -:nn‘e

v.lev.'lar:.'=.l "lllur. the l.l::t.‘rt1t'l'l1r.tI‘|Ll”, but errngant little guy. l't-l_v lanie hacl n‘1ai.le me
( that wa_v. W hen the ti;t.n’teper1e».l his digs,
."-it'|T'|'lL‘t'JT'll." has scratchetl nut the "inert" se
111‘-M-' it ill!-‘ll’ *+'£H.'s "li..iet1I'ct"- lhe place is tiny l had the I‘1uggets tn l'ractmnutli his tmielets,
and in ill repair. ii-till, it's 1_‘ll"I.' inside anti a 2 5' which is what he made betnre he. turned tn .»
thin curl ul‘ sninke issues lrnni thel chili- I was just jeale-us, that"s all, but
[I E-it!l'l‘|t-?I'lt}‘i’v' l get -_‘ursecl all the same- "the I’ MK‘
niakesliift t'liiI1‘1ne.-y, prnniising warmth and
perhaps setiielliiltg tn fill ye-u1' belly ,
I. [day after I speete-..l the gala my skills ;
‘ill--—IlI-III-III--"sl-.l—'I|-II-I-in---I _n_
lllu:’s crappy mp lturned sideways far as gene Nlfiil. ""
' .. ‘H-""'.
llltll ‘the Eeercl lear._rifii"ii' giggity gigging asittlt-'li"ebl:y back". at "'I!.‘li"Z w a st-it-aim" nus. _
- ‘I

H _., r 'I'
-\_ -gl':"‘.‘.'.-
"I_ . .1.

- ' -4!-
"’ This Chopping Block The crack is the entrance to the cave and the (not the key}, a small key made of pink
The heap may decide to go to The statue is a guardian headstone that likes to crystal, a thick leather glove {left hand, three
Chopping Block to question or alert [lroorq hang out here and prey“ on the scary ass fingers}, a dented metal breastpl-ate adorned
Snozzleweener. if they do, they will find it muthas and whatever religious fanatics come with lighning bolts and "t"s {decent armor,
much as they did last time they visited. The to visit the hidden shrine within. any sounds torso +2).
Tflrtly change being the recent addition of two of fighting will alert the scary ass muthas in
dozen stuffed giggities tnounted on the wall. area It.
13. Tunnel of Love (if you love traps}
Several of them have long beaks like Doorq. This narrow tunnel inclines slightly
_Dne has tentacles instead of arms, and another Headstone {pg 31]: The headstone will try
downward, winding around a corner to end
gr="‘- has a big ass rump and a p1'ehensile tail. to crush anyone who comes near it.
at a carved stone wall set with a thick wooden
"I've been collecting them for months but
door. The door is a trap, hollow and filled
~l‘_' '__-|' never got around to hanging them until Scary Ass Muthas {3]{pg Elli]: Depending
with strong glue.
recently. These things a1'e always coming in on their mood {Ellis chance} the muthas will
here and touching me. It's all rather annoying, come out to join the fight or ready themselves
' Door Trap: The wooden door is hollow
__rea.lly," he mentions, “fitltltouglt they do tnake to ambush the heap should they make it into
' and filled with glue. it has a lock on it, but
Idandy decorations." the cave. Elite of them fights with a jagged
doesn’t actually open, lacking hinges. any
Doorq claims to have no idea who is knife [Str +2] made from the holy symbol of a
person or weapon that tries to smash it open
_sending the giggities, but he's certain jeeele Freak.
will break through the wood and become
someone is trying to steal his secret chili
stuck to the glue- The glue can be dissolved
recipe, which he refuses to divulge [even if
fit. Cave Entrance with urine or strong alcohol, but otherwise
bribed o1' tortured). the victim is trapped. No amount of pulling
This is a natural cave with an uneven floor
The giggities are being sent by llluz the
and lots of rubble and stuff strewn about. The can free him- It is possible to chisel the door
---. ._ru.rd, but so far Doorq and his pal'rons killed
bones and carapaces of various animals are free and allow the trapped character to carry
‘each one before they could be recaptured by
scattered about, as are the remains of two it around (so lbs}. (‘in the other side of the
llluz. [Iloorq has no idea who Illue. is, but he
Jeesle Freak holy roller croaches. Eight scary door is a bare stone wall.
does remember an arrogant werm that
ass muthas lair in this chamber. as is evident
'];iach:noutl1ed his omelets a few years ago.
by the various nests made of moss and A secret door, disguised as part of the stone
shredded holy roller robes- wall {Notice -2 if actively searching} can be
The Cave If the scary ass muthas had time to set up an opened with the same key as the last one. It
lIluz's map leads the heap through vast ambuslt, they will attack the heap by falls into the floor and opens the way to area C.
plains of boulder strewn rubble, magnificent throwing rocks and leaping out from behind
forests of giant scrub moss and shrooms, the rubble, attempting to surprise their
C. Tiled Room o' the Faithful

rolling hills of dirt and mold, and over chasms opponents.

A steep vertical cliff drops Pill yorts [Zl(l'} to
_- crumbled stone and rushing streams. against the back wall, overgrown with
' a tiled floor below. There are no sources of
ed: for random encounters twice a day. mildew and lichens, is a broad stone door
light in this area. other than what the heap
Eventually the heap will find themselves in {Notice -2}. at shallow lightning bolt is carved
bring with them, nor are there stairs or
the copse of moss directed by the map. When into its surface. The door does not have a lock
ladders of any type. Clintbing down the cliff
they get there. read the following. and can’t be smashed down. The only way to
wall is easy enough [Climb +1], but the floor
I open it is to use the key {the lightning bolt
is trapped.
u-I--— -- 'I._l-\.J'I ra. r-_-a-_-_-.i_

Well, ltere it is- liefrire you, in a sltallovt-' dagger used by one of the muthas}. Clnce the
valley surrnunclecl by an al‘1ur1tlartu_'e of giartt holy symbol is placed against the carving, the
l'l'tttsses and long squiggly‘ ntusltrootns is a L Floor Trap: After a small landing. the
door will slide downward into the ground,
l1uI‘nI.I ngnus l'1tiI_:lclt-tr el ripping with lichens entire floor is covered in tiles bearing the
leaving the way open to the nest area.
'-_i_3I'tt.i great gr.-iljis of n‘1ili.lew_ fl. narrow i_‘rau_‘k in l names of the acolytes of ]elvis. In order to
Elf value in this room are the following
in face T'l'tc'l-lit-‘F-i the tvltole thing lt-tik like the l walk across the floor unharmed, a person
objects {the heap should find one item for each
35 of some gigantic stone |‘nonsle1‘_ fits _'l.TlILl must step on the tiles in the order in which
successful Notice roll and raise}: a stale jelly
take in the sceriery you I‘lt‘tlZlL‘L' a big ass statue }
: the names appear as chapters in the Goutt
doughnut, a worn and stained copy of "The
posed l1'l |'I'o1‘tt of the +..'I'a:_‘k_ llis impossible to Book (Pens, The Colonel, lshkabibble, hlebro
Good Book” [holy canon of Ihe leeale Freaks).
Eittj.’ exactly what the statue depicts, a ltl'toI_:gh E Dehahab, Epiclidymus, Latrine, lvlathspew,
F an enchanted wooden poo flinger {Sir +2,
to your sensibilities it looks like Ll. gigarltic‘ , lshmagiggle,]im, _lud y, Prissilis, Rot-undo). I-‘t
Fighting +'l], a metal Jeeale Freak holy symbol
face or something. " Jeesle Freak knows the order with a
successful Smarts roll, everyone else must

.,,_ .___ ,.....___ _. ___,__.____ ,.___._.,__l

consult the book. Every misplaced step
The Cave results in a burst of holy lightning front the
tiles themselves {Zulu damage}. A person who
runs across the floor is subject to 2-5 bursts of
such lightning.

scary ass _'rI1_I.l‘l:l‘1:s aside from the cliff wall there are two
passages leading from this chamber. A small
B flight of stone steps leads up to area D and a
serret tia¢5_s~
broad tunnel leads to area E.
IE -t-'-

r-.' - "D. Shrine of Jelvis

tiled Hoar
The stone stairs lead up to a small round
chamber. In the center of the room is a stone
dais on which stands an easel holding a
. gloriotls black velvet painting of Jelvis,
resplendent in his sequined jumpsuit and
_ _ __._'.

. - -._ 1 " I
_ ,.
vlsthlwdalkufiay “ti ‘ J crown of thorns. Stone niches carved into the
fii. -
.-' _. r. J’. .
wall and crusted with was drippings hold

The Jeezle.-Freaks‘ I:-iggesll: 'sl'lri-u_=_- is ;tl'g,-rfiphkingi. it "massive .statue helewarcl of That Elna Place with All -The. Sat-id.
. _ -I-'
..u' _'_..r-' _
" .-Iv.'F"'
_.' _ __-

-‘J __.
- *-, 1. "'

hundreds ef unlit white candles. If all ef the and relatively unknewn gawd with rte
i A great buzzing seund fills the air as the -,
candies are lit [it will take abeut an heur} cage vibrates back and ferth and begins tn cencept ef what rnertals feund delicieus. He
anyene in t_he reem will be healed ef all tried again with Deerq Snezzleweener, this
spin vertigineusly. The deer bursts epen I
weunds [but net diseases er dis memberments}.
and the fluffy pink creature flaps eut entu
time adding a bit ef magical addictiveness te_
the mix. Success! The chili was a big hit and
the greund. lt epens its huge clewy eyes
E. Slurg’ s Prisen and smiles an aderabie grin. "Elli grassy Slnrg was en his way te becaming a
at wide tunnel reunds a cerner, ebscuring net-se—miner gawd. Then disaster struck. A

ass. thank yeu thank yeu thank yeul" lt
what lies beyend. The fleer ef the tunnel pleps itself dawn en the reci~:., waggles its
piaus sect ef jeezle Freaks semehew caught. -
abruptly dreps vertically, revealing a spike
bushy tail, and smiles at yeu again. it's en te what was happening. They prayed te
lined pit far belew [3i.l' dawn}. |—ianging frem veice is high and siciceningly cute. '”t’eu jelvis te put an end te Slerg’s blasphemy.
the ceiling ever the pit are a bunch ef knetted Frevidence reared its ugly head in the ferm ef
have saved me frem my prisen. and in the
repes. The seund ef bubbling water can be manner ef such savings frem time I : a magical cage gifted te the Jeezle Freaks, in,
heard in the distance.
immemerable [ shall grant yeu each a been l
which they imprisened Slerg the Slepsmiflt
I er twe. 'i'hat's the way ef things. The fellewers ef Jelvis built a prisen in a"
Fit Trap: The rapes are a trap. iflt character _a—n.-t _.n-:?u_—t.-uI:—1_- u

‘i’esireebeh, ene questien frem each at yeu l nearby cave, which they filled with traps and
whe tries te swing acress frem repe te repe and a wish frem each as well. Slerg the l guardian mensters, te heuse the captured . ..

will find many ef them are rigged te fall

1 gawd. Illuz has learned a bit ef the tale by

Slepsmith pays his debts he dees."

fl. I

when tugged. Each rape has a see. chance ef


gigging giggities and spying en the _leezle'

"ll.-le teal" sheets a veice frem behind l

falling when pulled, plummeting the hapless Freaks, but he clees net knew the whale stery,
l yeu. Illuz the geurd stands there. panting
here 3l.l’ te the spiked pit belew {2dti+5
damage, plus sea. chance te take Eclfr spike
and bleedy. "This is eff the cab! ‘fee are l just that whatever is in the cave has the
answers te his questiens.
damage]. A character attempting te cress this
way must use T"—'|2 {'1 clt3+ti} repes. A narrew
suppesed te he dead!" he sheuts. "This
thing knews what happened te me and I l1
aim te knew the truth ef ill"
invisible walkway lines the right side ef the H I‘----1' -E-1'-I'—"'-"'-$—'E"I-Iii--—'-'-'1--—|l

tunnel wall {hletice -4 te netice if searching}. Illuz is angry and frustrated that his
eszpleding bettle didn't kill them. He will fight
The chamber beyend is large and reund, them with his magic beets and relling pin
deminated in the center by a wide pend ef unless they agree te use their questiens te
bubbling water, in the center ef which is a help him. If the heap kill him, Slerg will use
small recky prementery. Dn the island sits a his pewers te ressurect him and telepert him
small metal cage centaining seme sert ef far away {te the lvieenular Cheese Fields].
fluffy pink animal. Sis small yellew beids
fleat lazily in the pend. Slerg the Slepsrnitht Slerg is a gawd. Clrtce
The water is harmless and enly a few feet free frem his cage he can de just abeut
deep. The beids, hewever, are net harmless. anything he wants te. He hears ne grudge
"these are undead cute little duckies. specially against the _leezle Freaks, and genuinely feels
trained te guard the prisen and kill anyene bad fer screwing with Illuz and Deerq. He
whe enters.
I knews just abeut everything [except where
. the Frimerdial Seup Kitchen is}, but will enly I
Undead Cute Little Duckies {fr} {pg FE}: answer ene questien fer each heap member. Beselutjen
These have the s.an1e stats as regular cute little ' I rltfter granting the wishes and answering
Blunders, such as "whe are yeu?” still ceunt
duckies with the at:lditi-:::II'I ell the undead . as a questien. He will grant each ef them a the questiens. filerg effers te send the heap
menstreus ability. They will fight until wish as well {a wish can de abeut the same ' anywhere they want te ge {except the
destreyed. thing as leveling up can de; if the heap are tee Frimerdial Soup Kitchen}. He destreys the
greedy the wish may have bad effects as well, magic cage with a glance and then teleperts

if. 3 as did Illuz’s many years age). Use the stery 5 them te whatever destinatien they cheese.
[t’s pessible an enterprising here might
, belew te help answer their questiens.
If effer te wership Sle rg, since the tiny gawd has
ne current feiiewers ef whem te speak. [ft '=__ l__ .
The Truth ef the Chili
happens. Slerg will preneunce the character
The reasen Eleerc] refuses te divulge his his Grand Petentate and charge him with the
secret chili recipe is that he has ne idea what gathering ef cenverts. Clnce the here has
the secret recipe is. in a manner similar te that gathered I-ill cenverts. Slerg will appear te
which afflicts lllttz the Geurd, chili is the enly him, granting him a magical pillar hat-
thing E‘-‘eerq can make. Ne matter what cevered in aderable pink fuzz [armer +2 te
ingredients he uses er hew he ceeks them, the entire bedy}. Clnce the here gathers 5E_l
result is always the same, a delicieusly cenverts, he gains the AB: i-iely Railing Edg _ :1-

addictive, yet vile and feul tasting chili. See, fer free {+'lll Fewer Paints and ene free Fewer .,i"

the thing is, a few years age a miner and if he already is a heiy reller}_
relatively unknewn gawd called Slerg the Syrnbel: at ball ef pink fuzz.
Slepsmith wandered its way inte Fleem Sacrifices: Practical jekes.
leeking fer messianic prephets te build its Sins: Lesing ene's temper {miner}, net_ ._

churches and recruit its cenverts. Hew better


taking a jeke [miner], blasphemy against

te de this, it surmised, than wifli feed. Llsing Slerg fmajer, unless it's a jeke).
its mighty pewers, Slerg bestewed what he
censide1'ed a grand gift‘ upen Illuz the if they tell Deerq abeut Slerg, he will say, "la-_
Geurmaucl, whe ferevermere was destined te theught it was prebably semething like that,”'“
The pink fluffy creature in the cage ceek enly Slerg’s celestial chili, a substance se and ge back te making his chili.
appears te be asleep. The crystal key frem delicieus that cenverts weuld threng frem all
area Ft. epens the cage. if the prisen is epened, ever the werld just te get a taste. Slerg
read the iellewing: screwed it' up, hewever, being enly a miner What's Next?
any Savage Tale ceuld legically fellew.

What kind at sick liastardg-gt-:euld._ rnal<i_~""'”an undead rnanster out tie?"

- cute little di'ffk"'?f'Eain:d -mil-1ut_s"'n.rn ste'fiau's wa s...
1 q,
_ -r -_
.—. ._, J'- -I
..p_... .
'4-' . -I' '—u-
..-I-— * I-I.'— _ .g-_ _II-_. ‘IF-
"al..-' -- .
-' - .
'l— 1- fin-_'_-'I|._
--..- ._.
I_ . L


net-.'tls nu it1tI‘tT.‘li1tTtitii1, hut is giimiig ene l The Guards en the Pier

e‘Ir'n,“n.'ay, lvlaestre l-iessle flLJl.'gi.'ll_"il"'lL-"I'l" 15: a hig hank ei feg relied in a little while
The atitlientt.‘ hursts intn applause. age.
- latlies stvunn anti gentletni.-'I‘1 rush tn t‘atu.'h 15-“: Eeale’s pleasure harge, Tlir Cleliiea Gait,
there as iitstltt etiierges trtini the curtairis at . was gene when the feg lifted.
stage left atnitl a sl‘1nvreriI‘1g eut’ hriglttly ‘til 3-": t'=uni:h ef skinny little werms in hlue
i'nlnret‘l t'nntetti anel a lantare lrnrrt the shirts were nesing alaeut leelting at the heats
-.m_'hestra pit. The here, resplendent in a earlier.
pinit velvet gnu-"I1 antl tlu tty yeilnvv hunny
_. -u-q-:- ————-———-—u-

in this stery, the heap are ealled upen te slippers, saunters elegantly tn iieltter stage. Theater Werkers and Hams
reclaim a stelen heat and its valuahle earge ' l lis eyes are v.'it‘le anti l'v.-sintiiig, an -£5: Guy Geesevemit, a eremefillian whe
frem a suicidal ham and his eult ef fellewers. -_=I'inI'nitnisgri|1nn his fate. ft thain nl geld whe used te he Ee:-:le's understudy, was here
if they play it right, they may gain themselves earlier.
_ lin l-as dangling with nrna men tal glass hull‘-s
a heat te use in their travels and earn the glearns n‘tajestit"all_v ahuut his hnrns. ft rain 15: Guy likes te eat at the Grey Matter
F friendship ef Fleem’s greatest ham. If this tale nt tlrnvers anti hras t‘lest'entls upnn hiin as
.-_—.-uq—.- —. -:L— -— r Eleeaaterium
.l-: being played hefere Hear i'vliit'l'i is that Sleggy
._I- he raises his arms anti rnutinris tin‘ silence. at Eeale eru mpled up the parchment and
iii the lrviiniarai, find seme pretense fer the tilnee lievzle tal-ces his plaee nn stetgt‘ the swallewed it.
heap te have tieltets te Curse ey"tlte Bile Blisters l l'vlC rnnlinns tn ":i-t.'ll't'I t-"t.lIT'II.-'3 l‘iel‘iintl lIl"lt-"
at the Reelrhettle Theater.
ttirtains- Ft shnrt little tverni, tlressetl in The Master ef Ce-remenies
y_;t‘'I‘l ‘-.-'elvet emerges, carrying :,‘lI‘l
{Eierthalespew Laneh}
The Beekhetfle Theater enurninus euveretl platter alt:-p his heati.
-.:— _i.-— _.—-
-ilk Eeale has retired te his dressing reem
A huttlead el Fleem’s elite are gathered at "tie:-ale Uutgtilthleifl the t'rnat'l‘I l]II_l:1-'1’!-5,. "lay antl wen’t tall-: te anyene.
..- Reekhettle fer tenight’s perferman-::e ef I Tntir stvle antl grate, tn; yntir st-till anti '

‘ Eeale Gutgelalaler
Curse try‘ the .tiilr t-liisiers, starring the eelehrated talent, ‘by yet: r endearing eharnt antl
Eeale Gutgehhler {page '13:’). Yes indeed, the {The en ly way he get inte his dressing reem is
4| ll"1‘lPli:‘li..'i:llfllf.‘ vrit, ynu have truly prnven
with incessant flattery, Fersuasien -2]
faneiest -at the fancy are here tenight. Wealthy ytiursell tn he the tine true l-ting ul theater." .,
-151 He eeughs up the parchment fer them te

"'=peddle— meisters, netahle wisenheirners, even Er-silt‘ nt:-tls apprrr-.-'i|1gly as the t‘rnau.'l'I
the Keisternie-ister’s sen are in attendance and t'nntinues. "Hut, l asl-t yuu, what is a l-ting l see. ‘fee can see what it says en the faeing
everyene is resplendent in their finest duds vvithnut a t‘ rrna-'r‘1?" Tlie squat little werni l
a:nI:l sneetiest 'tudes. The heap may reer:-gni,'t,e rnnves t‘lnst'r, l‘H.‘n,vi|'1g in trnnt ut Peale. "ll 153: Lerd Eggplantain is the supperting rele
.I- 1
"a few faces, including Daddy Hassairass (if he it please yea, my liege, rentnve the litl anti Guy Geesevernit played in A Hair sf Tree
' Titties.
hasn't been kidnapped}, Hurntin and his gain yuur t.‘rt1'vvn." i
family, Uuulen Crepules, "i’erpea:t the Sleem, l‘it;TlI!".lt_“ lifts the platterls litl as the L"t'U‘i.‘i't.l l -ilk If they get his rrrewn battle: he will reward
n11t'e again raises the :‘netaphnrit"al them handsemely.
. d_-many ethers.
"The theater itself, ingenieusly designed te streaniing their applause. Shuuts tit l'tttJt,| ":3.-ly _
It resemhle an epu lent reel: l:-ettle tipped en its liege" anti "l,t‘iI"ig live the ttlI"l{,_3.'l'” till the air.
side and suireunded hy gardens and then sueltlenly all is ‘.''1.Ht.'l"Zl;‘.'l.l silenee- l*'.e.r:le l
eeurtyards full at l::-rightly eelered messes and stands en the stage, t', his entire
1-‘ fungi, is built an a reelcy euterepping that juts ' hntty hlusliing tn rnatrh his rnhe, a l
ever the River Sneeze. ‘varieus pleasure ertirnpleti sheet Lil‘ pa relnnent in his hand.
, barges and sltifis are deeked airing the pier ”l!fi'Ii'rf_"ll,. l have never..." He E-i-l.‘t't}t.}I'IE-i
tlr'ai‘i‘iatie'all'I,,', his plump hand em his
"'1. 1'."- 1
as the ere-wd assernhles, walldng haughtily t'nI‘t-.‘heatt, "_'l'l"iere shall he run slnnv this
In _ __reugh the hettle’s neeit, past the several evening, ner 'l.""v"i.-"1' until tin,‘ t'rtivvn is
.-neessien stands, te the grand stage and returnetl tn me," he hutts- The aI.Jtlient'e
' ;__ - plush seats heyend, allew the heap te mingle gasps. Then a t'rnau.'h runs tltnn.-'I‘1 the aisle, i
a bit. After a while a gang is seunded and the vi-'avirIg his arms anti shnu tin g, "i"l-laestrti, I
guests take their seats. Read this: -1».-"t."IT_.tI' pleasure l*.eti'gi.-* is tnissing tniiii the F

pier, I think it has laeeli stnlenl" I

The master nt' t‘i.-‘rein-nliies, a gaunt lie;-.'.le fans a hantl in trnnt iii his t'at't-,
SleI1tlI."I‘ t'rnat'l1 with elegantly t'u rlett "
lvly ltingelurn fur a," he gasps as he
antennae, t‘nugl'1s pt:-litely inte a tariey '1 1 laints slewly tn the grnuntl antl the l
hanlty tr} gain the t‘I'tJ~1,~.-'tl’s attenlinri- The curtains t'lnse arnunel l'Iil‘l'l. 1
5JTtatterin_,t_{ run versatiens Llie tltnvn antl all 1 u..n,.n_n-g_r -5: :1 —-—.--II .a.-_l
r’-'tllt.‘.It-v the herees te react hevvever they
‘W'ell—t.‘lrI_-.-ssetl ereat‘l1 as he linvvs lnwly tn the ' wish. if they I:len’t seem te want te help, have
Fleet. Hurrnin er Daddy Hassafrass assure them
"Citizens ef |*'lt:-ern and henered guests," that Eeale is very genereus and will reward
his eultu red veiee is as deep as the Kt-isler _, them well. lvlest ef the patrens are leaving,
anti tvi-'it"e as vvet, dripping with upper class many ef there in tears. The heap is free te
sneetery, "it is my supreme tlelight thisy questien varieus peeple at the theater. Here is
evening tn present unte jvtiu the finest 3 what they may learn if they aslc the right
[.'I1‘ntlut‘.tinn tl'Iis hnuse has ever l-ci‘1tivvi't-" questiens: The Grey Matter Iieeaateriurn
.Pnlite applause ensue. The heap may think te leek fer Guy here.
"l.":—etiirt.' we. hegin tnnight's PI.-'I'l-l.‘.IFI't'Ii_l]'lL'|i.",. atsserted Theater Pah-ans I—ie is net present, hat a waitress tells them,
-l1n1ve.ver, l wish, as master nl this hnuse," _.
19: Eeale Ciutgehhler is the greatest aeter witheut being asked, that he recently began
he takes a nt:-then‘ tleep lniw, tn present a even hanging eut with a greup ef satl—leeking
ti[.'Iet‘ial gilt tn the star ei nur shin-v- l irnplnre l 1%: Ee:-:le's last rele heiere this ene was werms that wear hlue shirts with a deughnut
yeu, latlies, gentleman, anti germs, tn raise l Benltereae the l'vieidiliaer in The iiemaf iii" en the chest.
the rent, sn tn spealt, as I call t'erth the i'vlia.'iis. is suesessful lnvesfigatien er Streetwise
legendary thespian hiinselt, a hen: whe tell and M4 heurs tells the heap that the

Gutgebhler is a tive_ tirne vrinner at the Ellurpie award,,._given far the mast gratuitous belch in a _stage_._piidiii:_tia_i.
whale |.

.=r___H__. '

| l
. .r -. "fit
we .
- .:i .

| '4

The Place Elf Pondering

askjiig areund at The Place
ef Pnndering sheuld lead the
heap he The Fieturners after
abeut an hnur el’ searching.
The heap +:I'.|I'l'1E upen the
werms, dressed in blue shirts
ernl::lae:c.Ined with a pink
deughnut {actually a butt
ncrstril en cluser inspectien}, as
cme ef their number is
preaching ten a small greup crf
depressed leuking cifieens.
Guy Gneseenmit is net emeng
,Errig;r is1u.'I1.ayJ' s_i¥' it'rt;_‘j *;_1grtuge,ige_ E -
them, but asking areund
[Streetwise rullj will reveal
that he was here earlier.
.._ .._s_...s,..... k... _..___. .._- .. _.. .............._..... --... .. t_.....
blue-shirtecl werrns beleng te a greup called 1
[ “l“I.-'a_t- lwackinlhe L"l'e‘Ij,-'f.lL1l':‘1I'IL‘L‘:-ilctrf-5ll‘-.'LtLl
The Returners Frcun Wheuce We Came. They . in the l'a‘.I-in-'els cat the ancient i.ll.’I'Ili.-’.i.-"T'I':-i int i
are same sert pf suicide cult er semetliing and I
l"'.lut|1u Gilli. F1‘t1t'n keislers we swatti :-an i
can crften be fcrund preaching, in The Place -sf l I‘11aI1j.-"ages apt}, and lI‘|i-i‘.I L1 keistet"e.'i's'wiI11 :
Pendering. tt‘.rI‘t1m'I‘cm‘,” grcnattts an e:-;trL111‘1L=.-l1»,-' gltnii I’
itlilklllfl werm. '"‘I”n1.: shnuhl all t‘n:me with l
Bin 3 Se-tni~rels1;ed Ncite us- |~1eall_i'. I mean, ' yeti liawe in live 5'
At seine peint, as they wander thrcrugh the lr't'}I‘ here? "E-:u::' wile :'aI‘1 an-'t1j.' with _'u.'nur l
cit}: the heap are attacked by four kankers, ‘I sling- "r’t1I_1r head l‘1I_1:'ts_”'|’ci1_:e‘il1.-.-'e‘n.=1-I crane in
sent by Lluuleu Crepules. The kankers crawl sect:-11d- _[nin The l{etI_11'I1et's Frnrn Wlienc-:-*
eut cut the sewer and try tc: kill the heroes. We l'__"a:1‘1e and he relmrti as sn1‘1tc.-tliitig else.
.-"*.I1j.*1.~.'a_1r, it atw nli _',,-'n1_t want tn end }'nur l
Llulcnu is just pissed at the heap and wants te
hurt them. Bad guys a1'e like that. lives in at gluriczus tlisliichli, meet us at the 5
l mitltlert |i.ll'r.']il't':-'rlJ1.-“'l"IlI'H..l The ‘Fairauppitli l hale l J

Kariker [élflpg E1}: The kankers squirt wl‘1eI1 the laifl bull" in the ski“ reat.‘l‘1es it's E
acidic gee and attack with their claws. .peak_ Draft" tt‘1:‘;_r;c-*l tn flL:sh fl[}ULll."|_‘g."L‘
I atiynne w l‘1-:1 mi;_;|1t still care. in; _...

--I-.rv-I---u|.----&I---—-uI-'-- 1‘!

The Returners from whence Earns "innate ‘tried ‘to t a "giant slug.
This-E; :emmit..i}e5s"suicide :-'|'‘'-..
The Brain This requires a Heating mil with a —'l penalty
Behind The Scrappin’ Hele is a series ef
drains that lead inte the sewers. Refuse and
fer every three rewers belew twentyf’ A
successful Fersuasien rell might get any
E;-Iii-eg l
bedy parts are threwn in here after survivers be change their minds and help raw
gladiate1'ial fights and such. Eight Returners after Guy is beaten. it failed beating rell leer -I.-i.-ass the!*l

{all standard werms} are assembled, waiting means the barge is drawn cleser tn the liieister. —-j ..._.. _-.

fer new cenverts te arrive. The enly ether Three failed rells in a raw will send the beat
character te shew up is a creach named ever the edge, resulting in the deaths ef This stery begins as the
he rees appreach the Garden
fieehillie {standard creach} whe is depressed everyene an beard.
at Smeilemental Glee. it
because his wife left him. if the heap can talk
they wished fer Slerg te
him eut ef cemmitting suicide, witheut
Reselutien ,
areusing the suspicien ef the Returners,
If the crewn is returned te Eeale Gut- The Secret liigncri‘i'c:-it is*, he depesits them
award a benny.
gebbler, he thanks the heap prefusely and just eutside ef the garden, etherwise they
Dnce the heap cenvince the Returners they
eifers them free passes te any at his have must likely been traveling c:-verland frem
sincerely want te die {Persuasien rells f1'em
'-veryen e], the werms check them fe1' perfermances fer life. If they saved the beat, Flaem fer a ceuple at days.
he efiers ta sell it ta them tar Sfllflli clams, since
-weapens then blindfeld them and lead them it has been tainted by Gu y Gaesevaniit.
inte the sewer. This area ef the sewer is
It the heap managed ta capture Guy alive. The Garden ef Smellemental Glee
fleeded and there a1'e several canees wailing As the heap appreach the garden [abeut a
Eeele will give them Tia.’ G:=i'rii=n Ciel: fer enly
belew. The werms deuble check the mile er twe away}, read this:
'tlIltJl] clams. ......_.._....___.._.i
blinclfelds, lead the heap inte the canees, and
paddle threugh the sewers. The way is leng i There it is. just ever the nerd ridge. a big
"'_‘-it . *1 i yert er twe av.'a_v. l"-.nermeus tewers ef
_ I winding, but eventually the blindfelds The Gel-Lien Geb l
are remeved and the sewers epen up inle a Eeele’s beat is c-pulent and gawdy. it is net living fungi in all celnrs ef the spectrum jut
small lageen, in which fleals The Geldeii Gab. rnade far ripen acean travel, merely fer frem the recl~.y greu n d, bathed in the
The beat is majestic and flambeyant, with pleasure cruising, but can be serviceable ii j clelernus mists that rise frem the l°«’.eister ef
ygeat gebs ef dripping geld {er geld painted preperly manned and rewed within sight ef t Ciawd. l_esser fungi, huge in reality but tinv
geep, anyway] aclerning its hull and share. They will need ta hire rewers (‘Ill ta in cumparisnn te the lefty tewers. speckle _
rhirtestenes glinting frem every surface. meve at Tep Speed)*, which usually werk fer the surretlmiing landscape like h1'iglttly -'
Twenty ears spreut frem her hull. abeut 5 clams a day. Eeale knews a ceiere+.i flies feasting en a men nd ef dung. !
A repe ladder is lhrewn frem the beat and cent-animatur [Uuulen Crepules] whe will The sulfureus stench ef the. Keister seelnsy
tl1e heap and the werlns are able te bea1'd. if make the barge raw itself at their cc-remand IE less retten in this area. its wincls and gusts l
asked abeul Guy Geesevemit, the we1'ms fer Eflglliltl clams. This basically turns the beat j carrying with them a rather pleasant arema
explain that they will pick him up en the way. inte a cantanimatrenic minien, a task that will instead. reminiscent ef baking muffins
j j
Ctnce everyene is securely en beard the take ten days in perferm. I, 1'iitlte1'fltg:l:cgti_r1g
5121-" H ....-- _......,...__J
heap are asked te make themselves *r-‘t creach ceunts as twe tewers, since it has .-its the heap appreach the garden they walk
cemfertable {the barge has several e:~:tra- fuur arms. threugh vast fields ef large spherical fungi in
vagant ceuches and such) and await destiny. iacc-{Tap Speed: 233 every imaginable celer. These fields su1'reund
The plan, the werms say, is l'e sail the ship inte Teughness: 12(2); Crew: ‘I 2+'I Ii] the tewers en all sides, e:-tcept fer the side that
the Big Drink and frem there ever the edge ef Value: '1 l.l,lll}il clams faces the Keister. Each fungus is heme le a
The Keister ef Gawd. A tetal ef thirty different smellemental and each ene smells
Returners frem Whence They Came are en distinctly different frem these areund it. The
What's Next
beard the ship, in additien te the heap and milliens ef mingled scents in the surreunding
Bring Me the Ass effierminee the Cieesed!
Efeehillie {unless he left earlier}. Twenty gardens can be everwhelming te these
Gather Llnte Me the Grasses
. "'erms man the ears and the ether ten see te unused le it {the menks ef the Garclen are
Greetings Ctith Creature, May I take Yeur Drder?
navigatien and eperatiens {there is ne sail}. if The Ru:-at Beer ef I-"ill Evil inununej. Anyene attempting te walk
the herees attack them they fight ferecieusly, threugh the fields ef fungus must make a
The Secret Ingredient is Lave
preferring te die en their ewn terms.

Werrns [standard] {3[l]{pg 13b}: The werms bladders.

are armed with varieus weapens {Sir +2}. at

Chtce the barge has left the lageen, Guy

Geesevemil emerges frem under the ceuch
3§.where he was hiding. He wears fluffy green rest
febes and spe1'ts Ee.r.le’s crewn en his head.
He greets the herees and makes light‘
cenversatien as they are rewed teward their even
ldenfises. It will take ene heur fer the barge te In

-'-reach the Keister. The heap are free l'e de

whatever they want {mest likely they will
attack Guy and try te get Eezle’s crewn back}. r rt uratien

Guy Geesevemit [pg 139): Guy is armed incite

..:i.- __
with a crappy swerd [Sir +2, crappy can
materials]. He will fight te the death if
attacked. Ne ameunl ef persuasien will
cenvince him te give up his missien. sthreuble

Chtce the barge is in the heap's hands, it can '. -ii"1._,_. a

l‘ -
' be turned a1'eund and rewed back te Fleem. Feratiaus

all ''-.'i_ i

162 ifttcercling in paleantelegist
§s—.—.- ——. .-
"s. ''

‘tiigor roll or pass out for ‘tditl minutes due to

sensory overload.
The Fields stretch on for a couple of big
yorts in all directions winding among shallow
bridged streams and bleak Fields of houlders
and mud. at some point the heap will come
across a group of monks in trouble. when
they do, read this:
l rlt piercing ta.'l'tlI‘H..' erupts from l‘tel‘1ind a t
l cnpse of i‘l~ttlJlvr.‘li.-fl‘!-i directly in front of you. i
is at once pitiful, ltnrrifying, and
—-—-—- r—.— -—-- a-u .-.-—--u —-. -1-...--..-.—.-up —-u--—-—.—..-.- .._.___..J
The sound is the whine of a schnoohle. It'
has wande1'ed into the Ga1'den and is
currently attacking three monks. All three
were taken by surprise and paraly:-zed by its
shriek. It will take two rounds for the heroes
to reach the other side of the boulders, by that
time, one of the monks is al1'eady dead and
being dragged off by the schnooble. The other
two are coming to their senses as the heap
ar1'ive. The sclmooble has the dead monk in its
jaws, but will drop him and attack if the heap
th1'eaten it.
1-.- _ " Ii-
Monks of the Garden {3}: These monks are —-_..
— _

all standard smelves (pg 13$} [Gorpity Smelf,

He Who Srnells Far has more flavor than a jelly donut.
Slimular Smelf, and the late lvludplucker
Smelf] with it-‘LB Smellcaster and Smellcasting
through a wide door that leads to a landing on
a—u-—-ja-u—un.nm.-. u—l_i-ua-I.--——u —-1. _-_ju.._

dfi. They each car1'y three reeks [I-Iealing, scepter dent‘:-te ltirn as the abbot of this l
the outer surface of the fungus tower. The
invisibility, Quickness). 1I n'tc«r1aslI_rt‘_v. lJo'.r.ens of int'rit'ate bottles -and l

stairway continues upward, spiraling its way

I flasks dangle fro11‘t varitnts tsltains and
Schnooble {pg 33}: The schnooble is to the top of the tower. There are several l-
=I ropes abtiut his pet‘son_ lhe l'H'.'ILl.Lli we'ars a Ir
landings along the way, fitted with stone
hungry and violent. It will attempt to paralyze blin L‘ll'[tit_i ch.-'e1‘ his eyes, and a great pair of
everyone with its whine before attacking.
benelies and basins of scented water, so the 1. earrnuffs ctrver his tiny cars. ‘L-"I."hen he
heap may rest along the way. The monks l
i speaks, his voice is deep antl nasal.
If the heap kill or chase off the schnooble
leave them after the first landing, instructing i ".*"t thousand times welcorne, f1'ii.'.'l‘Icls of
them to continue upward. I-‘ts they reach the l
the surviving monks will collect their friends l the Garden. I smelled ytntr a1'1'ival days
top of the tower, read this: t
body, wrap it in a cloak, thank the heroes for I 3 _ l l."|it.i you ettioy our lmspit-alil_'i.', l‘.uIl:
their help, and offe1' to escort them to the
The climb is tii:skying and strenuous. :first I wtiiuld know the purpose of your
monastery. They will answer any questions despite the cleiicately carved rails and visit?"
the heroes have, describing the Garden of [ ......m.---_-.._n_..—._.._.-.-.-_n_.- -._.-_-..-._...._._-_ s...-c _.-_.._........—_.-_..1.
fretprent landings. fits you climb higher
Smellemental Glee as the harvesting grounds 't'he heroes may say whatever they want.
and higher. your view of the land grows. _I
for all scents. Witllin each of these fungi they will find He Who Smells Far [page 139}
, f-'ar off in the distance. across a broad
dwells a different smellemental, each to be kind and wise. although he is almost
expanse of steaming lsieister. the city of

_ blind and deaf, he can understand everything


representing a unique stench. The monks of f-'loom nestles a thong the boulders, so tiny -
the Garden have dedicated their lives to the they say and knows everything they do in his
you could crush the entire realm with two .
study of Smellcasting and the glorification of presence. He offers them a place to stay toras.':.:'-.--
fingers. ftscending ever higher. you see the _
scent. Their leader is the abbot He Wllo Smells long as they wish. Dace the subject of
massive e?~'.p.-mse of the I-‘Ceister. its I‘
Far. If asked about Gorminee the Go osed, they Gorminee the Gooseel is brought up he
bottomless depths eaten d ing ever
say that he was here until recently, but that is responds thusly:
dow n wa rd. its farther t'eaches lost in mist. '| ,......-._.......___
a matter best discussed with the abbot.
n_n.a-u-u_n.._a-I- a-i_u——-u ---1-u.n_n.n -u-u—:-_n-i_n-

i"'~.ll around the lowers the fields of scented _ 3 “res indeed. Gorminee was among the
The heap are guided through the fields,
fungi stretch for yorts and yorts. finest stnellcasters ever to grace these
past fungus of all scents and stenches. As they
lianting with e:-thaustion, _vou round the ' ‘gardens. llis reeks were of the purest
near their destination the towers loom larger
final rise. A delicate aroma of old socks and lconcentration and his bottled essences
and larger, growing f1'om an island of stone
butter tickles your nostrils. quickly shifting idistilled to perfection. Some thought he
that seems to float above the lsleister itself,
to that of overripe fr'uit and tacos. The i might someday rival even me. .-*-"ill things
buoyed by the o1nnip1'esent gasses and gusts. entire top of this tower is yet another grove . lare possible, I say. L‘-nfortunately. The
A narrow bridge of arched stone connects the
of fungi. These are different from the; Goosed saw fit to flee this place several
island to the precipice wall. They pass several i
aju—.- _n:-ad.P3-—_1 Ln_r—F-a_;—u.-a_rL
others. however. Sprouting upward and weeks ago. taking with him considerable |
Ino1'e monks, mostly smelves and we1'ms,
twining about each other like mating . Jartifacts from the Garden's reliquary. I
going about various tasks in the garden and worms. these colossal mushrooms form an l have scented him crossing the big Drink on
around the towers. The towers themselves are
intricate lattice of spongy, phallic growth. i his way to New C'lca'lt]LIar, but there his trail
actually hollowed fungi, grown massive and awn.-_n.- —_
islestled among the sh rooms is a throne of ends. I shudder to imagine to what he may
carved with runes and decoration. -.n_—
sorts, crafted of the so me bulbous growth. ,' ; be up."
The monks lead the heap through a series of _

it Sitting in the chai1'. his immense nostrils t L—_..—-.—. ..—.—.—-

domed gates, across the bridge, and into the
open to the breeze, is an elderly bodul. llis '1 If asked what artifacts Gorminee stole, He
base of the first tower. After they are served
amazingly huge nose dangles to the Wino Smells Far replies {on the next page]:
refreshments and given a chance to relax, they
ground and his decorative robes and '1
are escorted up a winding stairway and _n_

. ti‘? “.3”
U11 of Deep, owner of the largest nose on refofd. had to build a sep erate hill H9 on |'risiii|'riiftiseF*"tif house"--his‘ rodi ious sthnoz. g."l

_ - —-;r-.= .
xi’ —-:'

-It.-. ii"
- ' I
. 3"...

"'In..:'H- __

crewecl mestly by creaches and werms. It

am _n.a__n.

"e first was an item nf little |f.'.tIlI't‘.‘-i-t.’.'|..iLiI.3."I‘1CL’ carries a carge ef dried fungus. reet beer, and
but great histeriral significance. Pt diary Chepping Eleck Chili.
kept by the first ahhet e-f this Uartleii, l-tis Either ship can make the run frem Fleem te
-Gracicius ll"tLIt‘l-l'tlIlI‘tl.'-2'l‘tt.‘E.‘, .7"~.lasult‘ius FaI‘nelI'. L
The tit‘ii..‘IljlI':IL'l was a srt'tellevisinI'i. an ancient
New Gtertquar in 2tl+‘I dill days. ‘lies:
and pcniverful device that allews a being in If the herees take Tire Gnttieii Geh, they are
view sI't'tellert'teI'ttals in their natural term. It This Tale begins in New
attacked by an esephagater at seme peint en
is this device that must be I-t-*vtiverei.l at all Grerlc1ua1', just eutside ef
r their jeu rney.
I.'.‘tI:-fit. lest we accidentally cnritatninate hlesular Decadence, a perfu-
fields with impure stinks and aremas.”
g Esephagater [pg T9]: The esephagater will mery. As the heap appreach
r-—u-r -p.--1'

try te destrey the ship te get at the yu mminess the building, read the
If aske-d abeut the l’rimerdial Seup Kitchen fellewing:
he says: l
_a_n-u..a-ru-I-ijna-en:-u -ija.n.n_ru_-n_-a—u-,-u-i_i-na—n_n_-a11_u.a-1:.-n_a-1—nrr

'”l-"t'lin 't.'t-'..-tI'tt'l-i a cciblaini hickeyl" The veicc

""Lit1rI1iin-.rir was evel‘ the e:-tpert tin that If they take The Gat=ei‘liaiiger’s Fist er The lis lnucl arid lusty, e1'igit1ating frnrn stnne
subje-::t. l‘te nnce sent an m:pL’t.liHtiI1 tn ma p Pride gfitrliiiiiikiias, they will be ferced te cheese l peint abnve yt‘u_1_ its yt:-ur gagce t't_|1‘ns
the statLIi.*s tit this islan-:.l, in l'tnpi.—.'s that tl1i.‘y sides as the Fist attacks the F'ria'e in a typical 1 sky vvarcl yr:-LI spy the largest pile ynu have
might reveal stiene pnvverful and enigertatic beut ef piracy. Neither ship has leng range lever seen, cen1npletel_'~.-' nal-:.ecl ancl perisetl
secret nf the universe, but the rnissit:-n was weapnns aside frem bews and slingshets, se l atep the Lltiiiietl reef nf l"-lnsular lfitccatltrritft-1
trauglit with disaster frmn the start and had l the crew ef the Fist will try te beard the Pritie. frantically l*n.11nping n flagpt:-le- Snrne __
te be e1'ti.lecl prerrtatu rely. 'l'l'ie Liiatist-‘cl kept if either captain is killed, the remaining sailers utikreavvri thing, sparkly and shirninering,
i ’: L‘t.:-rnprehr.%n.sive jriurnal nf his stnclies. liiut E will surrender. If the herc captain is killed. . gteains frnrn his fn1‘et1eai.l. t-lis t-:.1ngi.1e
' has clis'a}‘tptraircrcl aleirig with him. yeu sheutcl make up anether prii:i$:—e—cr:-rn fer lntliiig nut and his eyes gnggling wilclly, he
l weulcl be remiss if I did nut infnrrn ynu the Savage Tale Tu Erii‘ is Hrmimiii. tvhistles lnutlly, Int:-ks t‘:et1ii'tcl tiintselt, and y
that several iI‘u.livii.lI_:als., cI'eI‘nefilli-ans by screanis, "l-lei.’ yt:-Lil "fire want a ltickeyf"
the scent Hf tl‘tt:‘l‘I1, traveled here recently
Fist crew {standard hercs] tee) {pg ti-if:-}: [hie suck tlangles frnin his feet as he
Hfitting after t_inrnii|‘:ee- and the St:-Lip } The hercs are bleeclthirsty and will enslave lJ[IILlt'tt.tEi backv-.-' flt't tn the 1‘t.'n‘.Jt rat the nest
t"-':lt"Ii.‘l1l-.‘.'1't, but rny nteiiks tLtr|‘1et'l thern any survivers. building ancl leaves yn1_1r rai'tge ef visinn.
away." Pi-ect‘.-ntls later the tlt:-ur [if the perfurnery l
J Pride crew {standard werms] {Ell}, npens ancl a stressed—nut smelt wearing an _.
The heap may stay at the Garden as leng as {standard creaches] {Ell} {pg 13b]: The crew iI'It'reLlil‘-ly tall hat enierges. "_l_t1ey'll clnsel
"they wish. Ft smellcaster whe stays at least a will imprisen any surviving hercs and take nte i.ln'w:n fur sure after that nnI_r," hel
week at the Garden may gain ene new Fewer them te New Derlquar fer trial. n1i.1tte1‘s. "Well, ynu might as well ctmie in l
fer free. its leng as they are gracieus guests anyvvay-"
. paétttey will be treated kindly and genereusly. ht
New flerlquar
-——u: -u- --—.n—-u.-_—-u- -—-u-u-*1 -I--|_-_- _—..__.-I

seme paint. if they den’t bring it up

l themselves. He Whe Smells Far effers a
New Ck‘:-rlquar is a freaking huge city, three The smelf is Eunge Elunge {standa.rd smelf},
times the slice ef Fleem and five times as the preprieter ef l"-llesular Decadence. He is
beunty fer the safe return ef Germinee the net a smellcaster, but his perfumes are
pepulc-us. it will take days fer the heap te
Geesecl and the stelen artifacts. "'t'eur weight semetimes inhabited by smellementals
wander its streets in search ef Germinee. it
in reeks upen yeur retum." rtlse, he premises anyway. If the heap ask what was geing en
successful Streetwise rell and ftdh heurs. er
te pay Eililil clams teward the cest ef their with that pile. he tells them the pile came in a
ldil days ef asking areund, inferms them that
ieurney and gives them each a reek (Dre.-tier few minutes age te buy seme perfume te
Germinee was seen at Under the Sink, a
"‘:.- Healing} if they accept. mask his disgusting stench. Bunge
restaurant that caters ie creaches, and alse at
I- the 5in—e—gegue ef Stan. if the heap ask abeut accidentally gave the pile an aphredisiac
smellcasters, they are directed te Nesular instead.
The enly way te get te New Clertquar frem Decadence. The inside ef hiesular Decadence is in
Fleem, assuming the heap have already used shambles. Filth and muck frem the rampaging
their wishes frem Slerg. is by sea. If the heap pile is splattered everywhere. Shattered
‘What's Next bettles litter the fleet and shelves while
ewn Eesle Gutgebbler’s pleasure barge, Tire
The nest Savage Tale te play depends en pungent aremas whiff thickly abeut. If the
Geideii Gab. they can make the jeurney in
where the heap ge in search ef Germinee the heap ask ab-eut Germinee the Geesed, Bunge
4l.‘.r+'ld.'til days by hugging the ceastlines.
Geesed: tells them he came by awhile age {a number ef
"assuming they have a full crew er have
n.:. Feulness aplenty ifSin—e-gegue ef Stan} clays age reughly equal te the ameunt ef time
cen tanimatrenically cenverted the beat.
Dne Sniff Tee ivlany {hiesular Decadence] it teek the heap te travel te l"~lew Derlquar]. lf
Alternately, they ceuld beek passage en Tire
Pee Eating Grin {Under the Sink] the herees help him clean up the place, he'll
.Geecilmager*s Fist, a hercish vessel eut af hgeg
_n City fer ."-ifilfl clams apiece. er en the cheese check his manifest te see what Germinee
merchant vessel The Pride ef ivimiaiei.-is ewned flnward purchased. If they agree read this:
.by the Cheesemengefis Guild fer Erllll clams Dace the herees discever that Germinee
has gene te The Phesterance [by playing Pee l Elunge hands nut dustpans and breelns
apiece. Beth vessels are cun'ently decked in
latt areertd, then gets te serting eut the
Tleem. Eating Grin}, they are presented with several " varieus breken bettles and such. The plush
The farmer ship is captained by Bew- ways te get there. They ceuld ge everland
l carpet is seaked with all serts ef
crusher Sailtangler [pg '13?) and crewed by a {either alene er by jeining a trade caravan te
l sweet-smelling things and shattered crystal *
_herde ef bleedthirsty hercish pirates whe Gargle Twice]; they ceuld take a ship te
vials are littered everywhere. "l-lely lvless
/-r"-eenstantly tease and harass the heap unless Ghupe. Yapple, er ‘rerf anti centinue
liess's heard!" he e:-rasperates, lifting a
3'.‘ they are sufficiently intimidated er beaten in a everland frem there; er they ceuld take The
breken shard. “tvly feur yert measurer’s
fight. The hercs will net allew any smelves Gnitieii Get: by sea and land semewhere eff the
if '. enbeard (un less they are disguised}. Its carga ceast halewhence ef The Fhesterance. lt’s
l been destreyed! This sticks. Lerd Elech is
their cheice. depending en the reseurces ceming by very seen te pick up feur yerts
censists ef furs and skins. as well as a her-de ef
ef L"i*iiil,t=iiila'lc f-iiii'i]f. l-le'll feed me te the
eily beids in individual cages. available te them. 1 acelytes if I den't measure it right! In fact, it '
The Priiie rtfiviaaiikaiis is made ef petrified
i cheese, led by lleneltimus ivlenge [pg trill] and
{leeks as theugh all ef my measurers are J

‘feulveinever heard at the C-iavelt:an_'i;,I_e_r-'5 Fist? ltl s _tlie=-sl_'iip that made a pretiel run in less than tv.r__ele_,; yr:-ts‘:
£2:-sf". . 'l ""'
bretten, except fer this l‘tt‘I'l.‘ Ifirt-‘re 'Dn the Trail ef the Levelern file
}1._":|.’IlI‘lt.‘lt:‘.‘1' and this five yert ene. I ltnv am I i
I 'l'h'e pilt-Vs trail is net till-I-itll.-til-i't}-iTt"llitlI'l.'v'. I,
i geing In rittrasurtr ttzcatrlly full I‘ ytirls 'I.vl‘te1‘t 1
I ."tt't'ti,ss 1'12!-til-l'1.‘Il_'|'Ei. anti tlntiegh tvilitiiltg
i all I havtr is a five anti a tIi1't=t=?" I
-.—--—-—---1.-----:-l-— -- allt*t'wat-'14,
' '
a path til" ntet‘l-cspttwn walls anti
If the heap effer te help him, he shews them I1t*I‘1it'i~'.lt'tl"l'lll-".t"l'l‘.'-'- ITli.‘l."I. j.'ttt1rt"-.-'t.'ry tern. ,
a large crystal decanter labeleti Crutiputiclle "I it‘ jtisttfarrle tittt till litiv.'Itt“1't-atitl gave int“! -u-I.

Sniff. “This stuff is e:-tpensive," he says, ”se a trig l-'-it1'I'i1‘I_'i.' I-:.i!-'-‘.'i,.“ !|‘l‘tt}t'II'I1-'- a lit-It--aget'1'eti
please peer any eittra back in the vase." I‘ t':t't‘:at‘lt_ "WIi_i.' I lit-1'-.'tt l‘It'."I.-'L.‘l'l” t-*.:~tt'lai1‘ns a
Bunge has ne ether measuring teels available, "."t-'l."il-I.'tl'-i..ItlI Imtlttl, it"-H".-‘t-‘l!'ll‘|1i_: her Ititl-;it.'— -I——-"I-1-j

ner tie any nearby petitileineisters. The !'~'~l'l'ltIllIl."i'L-‘Ll I*Itrt'lt vritli a n't‘n't-‘[1 st‘at‘f_ ’”'|’t'.-al‘I,
centainer must be filled precisely, se estima- I In-1 jttst st:-rt ttf jLl!['t'l1"|t‘|..i up I'It.'liit1tl the anti
tians and guesswerlt wen‘t cut it. Here is ene '_gavt' mt: a gt'.it‘::-it'll" tit-rt‘lart.-s a lirnpintr
. L1

way te salve the pueelez Fill the three yert t.'1'l.'l'!|'1t.‘l'"|. "r"tltt=r l'|L" jtttnpt--ti thy l.'?H.‘|l‘|t‘S-
‘I he ran til-II Lltl”-.".'T'l that E‘tllt"_‘-.',“ svt-'t1ars a
centainer and peer it inte the five yert ene.
itepeat, which leaves five yarts in the five yert l l.'|I'Lli':-it't.i anti battt-rrt-ti Hill-ti-
l_. .,-, ..._ ..s.,_,.,,.., ____ - l1 l t l1t


centainer and ene in the three. Empty the five, If asked, all these whe saw the pile
peer the ante frem the three inte the empty retnember a crystal sticit ef seme sert stuck in
five then fill the three again anti tiernp it inte his fereheati. The alley t'he cremefillian
the five, which maltes feur. Then, react this: peinteci ciewn encls in a sheer stene wall SD’
'_" -
i . . - .
. J-|. -I--u-_ r-- J—-—r —.a-u.n_-- a— a——-.-1:--u—u._ n.-u.n_n a.—u--1.: a-u.I

; Iittitgtt ltrealltes a sigh til relief, _"-I high. The pile’s traclts leacl up the wall,
t‘]'tf.lII'I't'ttttll-i st'l’t11tir_ I1-tii‘tliing up anti tittwn. ceating it' in places with slippery filth
"Ci1‘ttsst-' ass, T'tl.'|..' .~—.n1artv pant:-L," he says, {fllintbing -2}. Atep the wall, net visible frem
'”‘l"tiu l-1'l_l1't.'."s'tt‘.'t‘Ll I't‘t'I..' I'1tlFs'L‘-” Setitiettlv, anti belew, is a small square watchtewer {E-"rt3”,
vt'lt'l1et1t vvarniitg, the L‘It.'rtlII' tipeits antl a= epen winclews en all sicles}. The pile is
tTI'ar.v ltittl-ting tvt-rnt wall-as in. Slit:-rt itllltii sleeping eff his excesses, curled up in a ball in
Int:st‘u|ar, with a st'aI‘y—ltitil-iirtg tnasl~; tiver the miclclle ef the tewer. It is pessible te snatch
his fat‘t~ anti a t‘anLilt‘- l‘1LI1'I‘1i1‘tg attip (‘If his the stirring reci frem his head witheut waiting
ptiinly l‘tt*ati, the 'lr".-'l."I'I't'l .'-'-lt'Lll':-i in, .-;l1tna.'iI1gf him [Stealth -2), but if he is awaltenecl he will
tiff his furry" t-'t=st anti l1t.*pt*11tat'It=t'l pant:-:. I immeciiately ge inte a frenzy ef lust, trying te
"I_tIt'ift*1'tnls iitiings Lt]'tlt‘.I lieu, lt'.|'L't.-'I_"».'i grapple anti l-tiss [ancl werse} everyene befere
]."t‘Llt.ll|'.‘l',.” slitlters tltt' vverrn, his vtiit't=i threwing them ever the edge ef the wall. if he
t'I'awli11__g ilntitaglt the .-'.t't*ntt=tl air. "I l'ru.-'.l 5 is attacked with weapens, he will fight baclt
this pitiful I‘.Ill.‘."-it-i _vr.}Lt't't' l‘l‘i:'l1..ll.* has net i using ene ef several spears {Str +2} scattereti
prtr1.'t'11tetl ytit: f1'-:m1 filling trty tn‘t‘it-I‘ in a about the watchtewer. .-ll victim at the lrerhy pile runs his aching suit
' and ponders he-it best to disguise his hrclties
prtnnpt anti p|'t1ft's:—;iti|1aI rin‘tr1I1er7_"’
Iitittge !-il'Il‘i.'l.‘I‘S, "Hit: n't'ltn‘ti_ r"'tll is in E Unnamed Herny Pile [stanclarci pile, Str
'I till}, Fighting c112} {pg 136]: The pile is naiceti currently. There is ne access te the reef frerrr
t}1'i.‘II.-“F.” l‘il.-" hantis the five yert ctmtainer te
i.‘i.'t'.‘t'I'!"I aittl l‘ttt1t‘t'!-i Itivt-'ly In thtr grtittnti. but fer a seclt, he has ne pessessiens. His the insitie, anti all ef the winclews anti t:leers
Lille-a———--——--— --——-.-—.- _____-..._n_.:_-t_—. J manic state ef herniness maices him fight as if are beartiecl up ant:l leciteti. If the heap break
if the heap have met Dthtitlietlt lilech {pg he has the lmprevet:l F renay Etige. in they will iust find a bench ef empty reerns
lrtt'l}, High Priest ef the Sin—e—gegtze ef Stan, anti spiraling stails.
befere, he may acltnewletige their presence Ideally, the pile sheulcl net be harmet:l, In the b-eiti’s nest are feur eggs [werth till]
with a neti. Citherwise he i gneres them unless since he is under the influence ef the clams apiece}, the crystal stirring 1'eci, and a
they tie semething te hintier him. after aphreclisiac anti is net in his right minti. If the beanie cap mat:le ef reptile scales with a
receiving the bettle frem Bunge, tilech tesses heap are able te get the t'et:l witheut I-tilting er prepeller ef feathers and talens l:Bt’I'T5f Bennie,
the sn'telf a small bag ef clams anti ma Ices te serieusly injuring the pile, give them each a gives the wearer the ritnimal Magnetism
leave. if the heap attempt te fight him, he will benny. Here's the thing, as seen as the red is Eclge]. The beici wen’t fight the heap, if they
in the heap’s pessessien, a brightly celereti get te the nest, it will fly away.
use his magic maslt ta telepert away anti '''‘'-—_'''''|-.-.-

summen a greup ef scary ass muthas te fight beici ef seme se1't flies frem the reef ef a ---I'‘''
fer him, nearby builtiing anci snatches it. If the here Reselutjen
If aslteti abeut Clthetheth lilech, Eie nge tells helcling the reti makes a hletice ml] at -2, he {Since the heap return Eiunge's reti te him,
them he is the high priest at the Sin—e—gegee ef may see the beiti cetning anti gain an eppeseti he will effer them each a bettle ef perfume
Stan and is enerally a nice guy if yeu can Strength rell te helti ente the reti, er an {their cheice} anti tell them he rememberecl
ignere his vielent temper anti me rtierr.-es eppesecl Agility rell te hit:le the reti befere the ene fttrther thing abeut Gernunee the
bleecllest. “(lib crap, what new?” he sighs, beici gets there. Citherwise, the beiti aute- Geeseti; he asitecl a fellew custemer te
”lvty crystal stirring reti is missing.” He tnatically snatches the reti anti flies te the tep recemmenti a restaurant fer lunch. The" .- _' .

begins te cry... ef a nearby tewer. custemer, a creach, sent him te Llncler the
Tl'te stirring reti is that shiny thing the heap Sink.
saw stuclt tn the piles fc-reheacl. Hepefully, Brightly celerecl beiti ef seme sert Bunge's Eungjuice: This tielicate perfume
semeerte will rnentien it. Henge tells them the {nen-cembative, Str clti, Agility dB}: The beiti is meant te rentier the wearer tnere attractive
reti has special sentimental value te him and will try te snatch the reti and fly it up te its te petential mates [+2 Charisma fer 1ci4
he will happily rewarti them if Hiey can get it nest atep a very tall tewer. If it' fails its first heurs}. If it is inhalecl tee tieeply, er imbibecl,
baclt. I-le will checlt his manifest anyway, te attempt, it will just fly away. the tirinlter must malte a Spirit rell er be
see what Germinee beegh t, but he effers them everceme with iibiclineus urgings fer Erie
a further reward te ebtain the reti. If the beiti snatches the reci anti flies te the days
When Germinee was here he beught ene tep ef the tewer, the herees will have te climb
vial at each type af perfume in the stere {'1-cltl er semehew fly te the tep te retrieve it. The
varieties}. I-le alse aslteti where the lecal tewer is 1tltl' tall anti cevereti in slippery algae Whafls Next
Sin—e—gegee was. Germinee was traveling in {Climbing -2). The tewer was ence the Feulness Aplenty [Sin-e-gegue ef Stan}
the cempany ef feur cremefillians. werkshep ef a weircle, but is in ciisuse Pee Eating Grin [Llntier the Sink}
. .--....'. . . . 1 . . |-.l
-. -_:
Flep f.:11, a weirdo irern l‘-lea Derlquar, inside
in a itypergeemetrrc en the etttslcle -
, ,
-F it s -5-‘. I I_-

ltyes _I'_l'l_§‘_l.l :',Ij‘.lI:t'_:.!’t_!'le

thang_p_1t___gs lqeguh
ff —Ii'-'
H gr
._. ., __ ..---''_ _ ..|'.'fi-

until the user's nest bowel movement, but the vapor. The bottles are labeled ‘l. 2. and 3. The
nut can be reclaimed and reused indefinitely. scroll says the following:

Under the Sink

as the heap make their way through the
circular pipe that leads into the restaurant Master Uuufon.
This Tale begins at Llnder they are greeted by a very large female croach.
"Welcome to Under the Sink, my little dung if 1.‘‘ you re.-nemtlrer
I '"_ the Sink, an eatery in l‘~lew
Clorlquar that caters to drops," she says. “We serve only the finest how to do fl‘-Is...
croaches. From the outside, crap. How many are in your party please?" To
the place is a big square any non—croaches in the heap she offers capes,
building coated in white bibs. and hats from a rack on the wall. These fine boffle speaks
ceramic tiles that drip with all mamter of are crafted to resemble croach parts, the hats
_ colorful stains, spots, and tarnishes. The having big googly eyes and long antennae. it the weofe truth.
' -a oorway is a circula1' pipe and the door itself

is not mandatory that non—croaches wear

fin-e speaks eofy Mrs.

resembles a gigantic drain plug. There a1'e no these, it's just to make them feel less out of
windows, but the repulsive for delicious, place. Croce everyone is ready she leads them 0.-as speaks fruit“ and Wes.
‘depending on who you are} stink of dung to a table. "Today we are serving our
all—you—can~keep—down buffet. Please help
wafts from somewhe1'e within. A couple of
elderly croaches are sitting out front, having yourself at your leisure." -‘fee {roused
some sort of argument, apparently regarding If the heap ask the hostess, Cloele by name,
a_ barrel they have perched atop a small table about Gtirminee the Cioosecl, she claims to
' ' een them. A large bowl of crispy brown have no recollection of his visit, although she
-wafers sits on a stoop neat to them [fried dung does say smelves rarely eat here, so such a
_. chips). if asked what they are arguing about, visit would be memorable. She will ask the
.one of the croaches declares in a raspy voice: rest of the staff.
I after the heap have had a chance to take in
ll "This old fool says he can put solnelhing
the surroundings, and perhaps help them-
in this barrel that will actually make itl
selves to a bit of grub, a stout croach in a poo
weigh less. Well, I think he's full of cr.ap! A l
stained apron comes by the table.
fellow can’t go around putting stuff in! -- , ..._...__...__...__....._... .._._.......1
barrels and Ina king them weigh less! It just ! l_ "~‘.I3reetins' my lovely wittle boids. I am i
ain't natural!" named Grossenfeffer, the perpetrator of
ӣ't.aaal1, but indeed it is," insists the -, l this fine eatery. lvlay your antennae never
fie-eond old cool. "I swear it can be done. . J droop and your shell remain crunchy unto
without resorting to hoc us pokery, ' T-'-e rllnswer ris-
i eternity." The croach wipes all four hands
neither." l.-on his apron and presents them to you for raef -Us ff-'s bofffe
".i'tlrigl1tj.' then,” rasps the first geezer, shaking. "Clozle enlightens me you are .'
"Put yer claln sack where your mouth is. I. ' looking for a friend of you, lis true, yes no? If .'s for
Codger. I'm taking all bets. l’ve got me a E 1 -- K- Jm_—-|_j-‘:2:

Bofffe number 3
purse of a hundred clalns says you can't do ' _
Allow them to respond. If they tell him they
are indeed looking for a smelf that was here a
‘'1 ain’t belting with you. Cooler," last‘;
' while ago he nods his head a bit and says:
jime l tried this ifdidn’t work so well."
”Wl1al about you, you want in on this." l "
Indeed, lie was ht-.‘ne. Left a package fttr
-Cooter asks the heap. "I'll go as high as 3l}ll l you is what he did. Well, for someone _
' '
clams says he can’t do it." anvwa v. l-le iitiitil you'd l-:.I‘1:’.H.~.-' the answer to
--r-.— -—--u.-— hi
If the heap take the bet, Codger will put a f a Lfltlt-‘E-ili-ll‘tII‘t if you are the right uni.-‘r:-i. l-li'l.’S me
rock in the barrel and admit defeat, with l rt'I‘1‘tet11l‘1er. .. lllllt yes, said be, “How L"lUl.l'5-

Cooter losing his clams. Cooter will throw a one :_lepri't-‘e a l'lt‘.I-rlo of its nasty stink?’ Ni) '- The rlenswer is .eI-of
tltatis not it- i"'I.lltn_/'t* me to rev-rorcl, 'l-lt‘:r'w dfl In 3-offfe number 1'" -
fit, screaming at Codger. They were trying to
‘con the heap, but they forgot how to do it. l yo1.I keep a l_‘:tn‘lo from si‘nelliI‘1g?”
-i.r—-.n---u.:—-u.-.-——-n.i--—.u:-u.n- ...

_a. __ ___.g.n__a.,_,.._ —_.,_._

If iri -If-F

"‘fuu cheated, you old fool!" Cooler The answer is. of course, "chop off its nose” fioffife number 3
or something similar. if the heap do not
'a-"|—|' -

-yells. ‘”t’ou were supposed to make sure

they lost, though l can't, for the life of me, answer right away. Grossenfeffer {standard
remember how!” '-—-. -—u-.
croach] will be suspicious and it will require
"I can't remeInbeI' how to do it either!" an c-pposed Persuasion roll vs. his Smarts {Lie}
yellsCodger. "Eroorg damn it all! I'll give to convince him to turn over the package.
my right nut to the first person what can
-I —.-I h—.-
‘Since the heap have convinced him, he nods
put something in the barrel that will make slowly then leaves for a bit. When he returns a
it weigh less. l so declare!"
-—u—- :
few minutes later he is carrying a small
1--u—u-—u— ‘I-I '-1-.j--I -u ——:—u—-1n.-.rj—--u--- I. l L-- wooden chest. "The smelf said to give this to
you." The rla.-ssnrer
The answer is "a hole”. If any of the heap
figure it out, reward a benny. Coifger’s Rfglif The chest is locked, but can be forced open is riot‘ in '.IfI'~'s
with a successful Strength roll or picked with Eofffe
l a Lockpicking roll. if the heap try to smash the
Zrtest to a mundane circuspi nut on a rope
- -1

.around his neck. Anyone who uses the nut as chest, they risk breaking the contents If r".'i :9‘?

a suppository becomes coated in a flexible, {Strength roll to open, one random bottle
peanut-like shell {armor +1}. The effect lasts breaks for each raise}. Inside is a small scroll
and three glass bottles full of iridescent purple

The ‘ullllalnlc Consortium siuppeseclly lair hidden in the Moonular Cheese Fields.
Ti’.--. I
" '1'!‘-
In I
if any character figures nut the puzzle [the
answer is in hnttle 3} award a ltenrw. Each
hnttle cnntains a reek. l-lere is what happens
when they are uncnrked.

Battle 1: when this battle is npened. the

purple mists cnalesce intn a humungnus
primnrtlial gnnn [page 32}. The gnnn prc-ceetis
tn attack the npening character, vinlentlp
pressing the attack until it is li.‘l :'!Sl'.!"lT.l_‘5-"~l..i.'l.Il.

Battle 2: This hnttle cnntains a Blast reek.

When it is npenetl, it will irnmecliateiy
esplnde in a dense clnud nf caustic snnt {Edd
damage. Large lilurst Template}.

Battle 3: In this hnttle is a hallucinngenic

reek. The inhaling character is grantett a
visinn_ Fteatl the fnllnwing:
.4 :n_—_n.__—.:_ _,.a.n_:._ a.__n_a:n.n.-.1 _n__n.q.-

lhe wispy purple vapnrs t.‘n'alest'e intn a

' tangilrle tentlrils tit laveritier steam. _="'ts j.-‘nu i
inhale the seeking Inist. }"tLtI'I.'|ll-E‘-ittl'-Lilli." nrl
nnt. }.'t-air heatl l‘:eg'ins In swirn anti _vnnr
hntlj.-' leels light as l-lL[l-l-. ln _1,'ntirIniI‘1tl's e1..'t= l
_i.-‘nu arc slutlging nttrtltt.-rtlitTall_'v thrnttgli an i
lI‘IlI1‘IL‘I'tHL‘ svrarnp lat tetitl Inurk anti 1
Il'lt'.'|lTt‘1'lLlt]l_1!':'ll-.' htige tlripping fungi- 'l'in_vi
split-rit'al rnnltls, l"Irillianl _"-.'elltn~.' in
anti freekletl with a;:I_Ire specks. teatenlnr] the, What's Next r a.a_.__.a...-.-,-._n._:_

Tltt‘ steps are tlannp anti stitrkj.-' anti seeln

fungi- .=-‘It l._'l'Ll.'.-{_‘-." slnell in an ennrtnntis hat Fnulness aplenty tn t'nnt'int1e intn the l."|t‘I'u.'v't'l!-i iii the t'_"liI:l'l
stantls ran stilts, appa|'trI"Ill}.' ti.-'i|‘1g tn hail‘ a Cine Sniff Tnn Man}? itselh fltttt-1r an eternitji.' nt tlesccnt, the‘
l.'3|I'{}ll.'1.'{l|Lllll." witlt stinte snrt tit reek. I Curses Sniled r‘-tgain {Gargle Twice] ftt'n't‘hlit stairs tn.'entt1allj..' entl in a tvitle
Z-1--.n--j_n.---_--u-u—u-i:--un.n—-—--1: ' -I [ Stink. Therefnre l .ftrn [The Phestcrance] t'harnher_ '|'tintln.' t't:-rinatinns nf rntrk jut
The visinn depicts Gnrminee the Gnnsed frt:-rn the eeilirig anti llt:-tn‘ 1'-.-'l1ile tinj..* spirits
sitting en a hnultl er in the Phesterance. He left
this hnttle sn Llulnn wnultl knnw where tn I ii i tter a hn ti t the rtmrn n1 naning

3 fear.-tnessa
"ll-"t.I'l'Itititintititinniintmtiti" and setting an
fintt him [This will all make sense eventually}. ei:en t'Tt‘t‘].‘|lt‘l' n1nntl_ l}irei_'tlj.-' acrnss l'TnITl
it the heap cin snrne questiflning the steps are l'l1ret-r witle stnntir tlnnrs, eath
[lnvestigatinn rnll} they learn the nnly place labeled with a stained metal plat_11.Je- 'l'hI.'

the jrelltnv and hlue mnltt grnws is in the first, in a creepv fnnt, tlecla res:
in this Tale the heap travel
tn the Sin—n—gngue nf Stan in
C.nnt_anirna.nt_s Attack! search nf Cinrrninee the
the seenntl:
at snme pnint snnn after the heap acquire Gnc-sed. They must pass
the battles. thejr are ambushed lw scrme thrnugh a gauntlet nf traps
ntininns nf Llulnn Crepulns. Llulnn arrived in hefnre they will be granted an
New Clnrlquar shnrtly after the heap did. and
.2_n -u—-_j—-rui_- j_—-.2

audience with the high priest.

he's searching fer Enrminee as well. He _ anti the lhirtl:

learned nf the heap’s presence frnm

l l ll
Grnssenfeffer and quickly’ surnmnneci snme The Sin—n—3 ngue nf Stan
The Sin-n—gngue is a creepy stnne structure
cnntanimants tn deal with them. The _-_i-u. -i_j-i:n.- -.a—-_n-i_-

inst dnwn the street lrntn hlnsnlar Decadence. The spirits are harmless and intangible. All
cnntanimants care nnthing fnr surprise,
As the heap apprnach. read this: the}: tin is flnat arnuntt anti mnan. The three"
attacking the heap nn an npen street. in their
dnnrs each lead tn different parts nf the
-a——.—j.-jg. a. ..:—u. -_-us.-.a_a a_--

rnnrrts at an inn, nr wherever else ynu think is {3nt':-t‘lness, t:-r lack tltereiaf, this is an ntlti
cnnl. Llulnn nrderetl them tn kill the heap and sl'rt:t‘lLJI'e- Cl"r.ll-lIl.‘.‘l..‘l till a single big rnt'l-.'. anti
ttarnple. all three have handles and turnin
_. knnhs. but will nnly npen under the
hring all their pnssessinns tn him. tiesig'netl tn resei‘nl1«le snrne strange l‘tt‘.irrIetl
cnntiiti-ans descrilzretl belnw.
latte, the E-i11—ti—gtigt1t* l'l'tlI'i.ll:.' int:-l~:s twig
Cnntanimant, Bad ass {pg ‘F91: The bad ass t~rnt:-ugll tn tit }.'t}Llt‘ entire heap. let alnnt-2 a _ Dnnr 1 [Clergy]: This dnnr is nnljv npenahle
attacks with its single ntightjr fist. vi.-'l'1t:-let‘tt|1_§_;1't*gatitir1nfstanisn‘1ists_l’eering ,
I lajr flthnthnth Blech and his clergy. lsln matter
tltrnugli the npeli i'l'|I.‘.|tllll ft-“tit: see 'I.vl‘n.'_ i"'i
Cnntanirnant, Mensch {3}[pg ‘F81: The small vestil'IL_tle insitie leatls Llll't"L'tl:i.' tn a
what the heap try. Ihey can't npen it unless
rnensches will try in rust the weapnns and " they are nrtlainetl clerics nf the Stanismist
ivitie set tit stnne stairs that t‘ti:ntinLte
arntnr nf the heap while the had ass kicks their tltnt-'|*nvartl at a sltarp angle. l'_iL:tteri|1g faith (Stanisrnist Edge. Spirit d'lt'l+]. Bejrnnd
butts. ' the deer is a lnng tunnel. decnrated with
l'nrt'hes lenti an eerie cast in the whnle '
hnnes anti skulls and paintings nf cute little _.
affair anti straI1gt' stains mat the walls anti
flesnlutjnn l'lnnr_ animals frnlicking in a I'1‘tt.?Ett‘l{.‘H-‘L’. Small
After inhaling the hallucinatnrjr reek. the .- -————. -.__-.- -.- -j.---.——-.--..— —.-—_..-_ ..—-...-..—.--.-...- —--.-_.:.....—..-.._.—....u'.
windnws set intn nne wall allnw viewers tn
heap will mnst likely make plans In travel in see what gnes nn in the middle cnrridnr. at
Dnce the heap decide tn fnllnw the stairs. the end nf the hallway is a deer that leads tn
The Phesterance in sea1'ch nf Gnrntinee the
read nn:

igsc *
Gnnsed. area H.

Stanists are weird in that they are all" tilicut people doing thelrr-tn-in’ lhang, hulgyhhtslillflhave ‘lest ta gel in.
. ' -ir ""' ta'p'ass,g .«-L‘ I

-_.i' —-n
The feed, a huge abundance et
meats, Fungi, and pastries, is all Fresh
and delicieus [ifs actually enchanted
and evil, net feed at all, and in a
typically had mend, but mere en that in
a bit}. The deer is lecked and dees net have a
neticeable lteyhele. DITEE the entire heap is in
the reem, the deer trem Reem A will slam
shut', lecking them inside. Dnce the deer
shuts, read this:
,._.. ,,._--........ _- ._ ..__......
—_..a_:n. a.,_a_n__n_n.a. _p__nj _-.-.n.j—.n .

l |_eering liaces are i‘ar'l,-'e+.l inte the rnugh F

slene et this small i.'h.an1l‘+er_ |Jiret'tly ai_'re:ss ‘ Uh crap, ynu lsnew snirii-tl1it1g lil-.'.e lhisi
lrern _
‘I,-‘nu a thick else l
stene'.'H'.'|I', wt:-uitl lhtppen. fits seen as the deer slams
j ,' shut l*Iehintl ynu ca:*ulles i.'r.m:_‘-_--all.-*i.l 'n-'ithin l
resn.-snl‘+liI1:._1;a leeI'iI1g lace, stares tirttnkenly, I
£1 I1:_‘ir1't}1n' keyhele hett-vt=.-en its e_ves_ In the 1 several nt the ~.vell—tTa.11‘~.-'ea1 l'at'es gutter
.“_-j_n._ n_.- .a_ center till” the rnnnt is a sht:-rt wt:-ntlen tahle, l j atlarne, spreading a tlicl-.'.ering, mend y
atnp vrltirlt rests a cauldren l1urin1:1‘tinj._‘§ vrit'h .l illtmiinatien ncress the l1nL|ntitt1l sp1‘I.‘t1r.l',

sl1iI1iI1gje'n=els_ lieneulh the table, resting t:-n l lit-'li11'e _'-,-'-nu. .="*. rnl_'i'l1elii‘Ig snuntl nriginnles'j
. ct plusli red carpet", is n elm.’ jug-
_ . n_ .n_
j 1 in the ceiling as 4.. lu'illiant r.‘l'un'n_lelier
l-I""l- ' ' '—1—'—" 1'1; '2-"-'-"'I—I" ‘HIT?-I-I '—'
l jaggi=u_l metal and crystal shard:-'. slinvly ntj
Llpen cleser inspectien, the heap will nntice tiestreiids trern tlie tlnrl-mess nlun-'e, a small
the jewels are all glued te each ether and tn j scnip el pa n.'l1n1enl ltctitgs lil-.'.e a j‘u'it'-_-r tag j
the cauldrnn_ The cauldrnn is ten l-rig tn tit
_ Frnm its tinclersitle and n Lit};-'.t.‘i‘t er i-it] unlit
thrnugh either deerway. The key tn the i't'Ini.lles ring its girth-
face—shaped deer is hidden inside the ...—.—.. .....—,_ ..—....--—-....- __-...-.....—.—e.—._—. -IL

cauldren and beneath the jewels. The cencept The scrap et parchment reads, "r5u'e yeu a
here is te preve nne’s greed by ungluing the
member ef the Happy Plate Club?” en ene
jewels and cellecting them fer eneselt. The
side, and "hie Levin’ Unless Yeu Finish Yeur
glue is very strnng and the jewels can’t be
Supper!" en the ether.
pried apart. It jug ei' streng alcehet [such as Here's the deal, the chandelier slewly
__- -._._._
the E-agger Greg served at The Peirrty Tlrhig, a inches its way dewn lrem the ceiling. Every
The horrid ‘Jlttle 'Il'3I'l'l'-'ll.' at small tavent a bleck trem the Sin—e—gegue) few minutes {five te be precise] ene et its
Rear E- in all his edible spier-slur will disselve the glue. Fire will melt the glue,
candles spentaneeusly ignites. It will take ene
but the smeke Frem such an endeaver is te:-tic
heur fer all twelve tn light, but ence they de,
{Everynne in the reem must make a ‘v'iger rell the crap hits the fan, se in spealt. At this peint,
Beer 2 [Visiters]: Scrawled beneath the er be Fatigued fer ‘I d4 heurs]. all uneaten feed in the reem gains a mind et
metal plaque en this deer is the fellewing In the jug is a thick metal key with an amber
riddle: its ewn, slithering tegethe1' inte a bipedal
handle. This key is a trap, placed here te feel
mass ef angry cemestible rage. The size and
these whe aren't greedy eneugh te take the
Wllrtl dees ."'i:'rm ilfg mere llrm: slrfjlir, pewer ef the erganjsm depends en hew much
jewels. When it is placed in the keyhele a burst feed is left, but regardless ef its size, it will
l'-l'rt.le I.l!t'H't’ llrrm lItiFT'l’".I'HiTt'lH1Tt'H'.lll'EI.l"lbl”I'l” ei-' electricity runs aleng its length, inflicting
l="'.!l1rtllltr'l'le'tTlL the L'f'lf£l"E”JEll’tlT:g_'ffTf5 rl'r.'sr':‘r.', immediately rip the chandelier lirem the
Elle damage en wheever helds it. r't similar ceiling and cemmence te bashing the heap. if
'.I"lre jrtttlw l'm'ee_, the rr' :'eij:rr're.7" fate awaits anyene whe tries unsuccessfully tn
Tire misr':‘sja*J.rrl.-:, the'rr.'l srtI'r‘:¢,
the heap light the candles p1'ematurely, the
pick the cc:mj.':lel-i leck nr disarm the trap
beast will term immediately. If they
flirrl r.=t1trr'jjiJ:1e i.'rn'J'r'r*s in l_'il.'r’ir gs-'r1't"es?

{l-ecltpicl=:ing -4]. e:~ttinguish any et the flames, the candles will
I-tnyene whe inspects the faces en the wall reignite ei their ewn accerd. [F the heap
Beneath the riddle, a t-read rectangle is may net-ice each ene helds a thick glass panel
carved inte the stene. Within the rectangle, semehew manage te deveur er destrey all et
in its meuth. These are windews that lead tn the feed in the reem, the beast will ebvinusly
barely legible, snmeene has put the ward the hallways en either side et the reem.
"Ueath” in Faded brnwn paint {actually net ferm.
Eitanisrnist_s can be seen watching Frem Te determine the pewer ef the beast, figure
blend]. is small, hristly paintbrush and a raaer beyencl and laughing at the hr.-ap’s Fnlly. The
hang en strings frem a peg en the deer. The the fellewing: there are 5|] yerts [SI] peunds}
windews are less than a yert (‘t’) wide and are ef teed en the table. A typical character can
answer te the riddle is "hlething"_ In erder tn very thick {Tnughness 'lf1}_
npen the deer, a persen must simply scnur the eat ene yert el feed in an heur witheut getting
Beneath the jewels {varieus bits nf jewelry; sick. Each additienal yert requires a "v"iger rell
_ bleed frem the rectangle {the brush will werk tetal value '1 l_l,lJlltl clams} is a glimmering
in erder te aveid barfing {any puke in the
"fine fer this}, se that it is empty. {Since the metal key that epens the I’ace—shaped deer,
rectangle is cleaned nf bleed, the deer will reem will add te the mass el the beast}. The
which epens inte reem E.
eperl ef its ewn accnrd, allnwing access tn Viger rell has a -1 penalty fer every ye1't et
reem at. teed beyend the secend that the character is
Rt:-urn ll: The Test cit Eluttnny
a-i_,-. .-—.2. _n.. a.n—u. .-
trying te deveur. Hercs can eat twice as much
Deer 3 [Cengre gatien}: This d eer will epen This rritittrtitilcs t*trrtTsi:11il;tt' l'lT_l'l'tt.‘ last”-I feed as ethers, in additien te whatever they
l'-reely fer anyene with the E-tanismist Edge. It ene. lhe epjmsile deer reseI‘nl‘rles a lace can stere in their gullet. As the heap glut
leads te a leng cnrrider lined with small l_e11t'engain, nltlietigli this rate is pudgier themselves, chants ef "Chug, chug!” and
windews thrnugh which ene can view the than the last. The |n,''etl laces en the "hdmmnun Tasty!" can be heard frem beyend
happenings in the tentral cerrider. Several . lett wall are fat and jelly, vvhile. thn,=—',e en the j5 the walls.
stanismists {Eds} standard peeps et any right are gaunt and st:11's-'I_1lar_ 'l'l1e center et
species] are in this hallway, eagerly l the reem is tt‘tl-<.t‘t‘I up liy n vest l‘2It1I‘tI..jLJl.-'l' i Vittle Varmint {pg 142]: The beast will
anticipating the shew. They will greet anynne l table, -:n'et'l'lt:-vriI*Ig vt'ill"I tlelicicrus—s:‘nelling attack until it is destreyed.
whe enters, then gn back te their ewn selfish E ttttitls nncl wines. .«"t platjue en the wall ,
indulgences r-‘kt the end ef the hallway is a
-, rend s." ‘Since the menster is destreyed, the deer te
if" deer that leads in area I—t. l reem C will epen en its ewn.

j "1-iia, 'l'|1inee.t~ll, er lle 'r1snesi.-If F_ated.._" J

i -
? iii‘

The Sin-e-gegue at Stan in New Elerlquar errupleys diieerrs at "servants just to reset its many traps and tests.
1% H.
-— ""'

- T- 4

[leur-s ti: Elsewhere


f.llIl‘l€lREfiA'TlliIl‘l Tllllllll

' iitfllél’
3 , .


'1-1"-m-I‘ "1--'-H-'l""I-Fri‘-' 'I' * I--J-"j-I "- -1-—' éfl "1 —&-'--—'-111 I"-1--1?—-bi -——'E—--I -I-til-"1I-"'-I‘-"-i'I"'—I'€'h-I-" "'j-‘*1:-"‘— ‘iv -1---'5 Ij— --""11"""""1--fl"-- '

Rtiem C: The Test [it Elluth the passwerd that epens the deer te the nest
a__-.,__p.__..n.n_ _ _ . q I.|._|_-. -a_u_n.,_,u __a.__ _-a-u..,_ a._.,__1_,a___

‘l?lire~ctl_v ai.'ri.iss frnrn viii.i are live huge '5.

_._n...n._ _,__-.a.._._2_n_-,_
reem is if she can have her w-ay with him. If
l Sufferiii' seeks. dude, this place is pesh. l ‘ mt-=.tal dcii:-rs, tititiveeii v-.:liicl1 three lt.-vi.=rsji_1t
they still refuse, she will use her tengue fu te
Pi. ginerineiis circular hed deniinates the frnni the wall- 'l'in_v litilt-s line l.l'|t-.' vr‘t‘ills te
reach under the heel and arm herself with the
elegant chaniher, piled with layers efj the left antl right and a varied assrirtirient
meet edged speen cencealed thereunder, E
delicate li-lankets and sheets weven ‘tit lt-""..-'l‘l".'-i-, kt‘iiil‘rs, l"ILitl'nns, and clntiliiekies
freinj with which she will attempt te emasculate the
the glittering hull juice ef seine kind el Ii‘.-1'I.‘|'I't‘ZIL1lI tn:-i‘i‘i the walls like ptihirs tin an
effen ding character.
werin. The walls, carven with sleeping i
l 1_lI‘tl~.'.i.-.‘]"!l‘tj‘!Il't'I'Illl:.
faces and yawning l't'ti.l‘|.'t't-i- are light hhte in ll 'l

celer. llanging frern the ceiling, directly

Milf [pg 31]: The milf will fight te the i
lJallT1l't‘Ll tin tliv fltiiir is the ltilltiwillg
death, screaming and hissing the whele time. 1
alv.we the hed, is a huge inc-hile that spins »_. l vei'st1:
slewly in a cii'cle, chltning a delicate ,' l-leiirl Eiieiy Di_"Ei'fc‘r'
If the heap de as the milf bids, she will tell
lullaby, and dripping with plush j l Hejie E hE’l'lfrl'f Reality
them the secret te epening the deer te the neat
repi'eseniatiens.. ef ancient Dith animals. E Rcrilly ls Ntfifflftlg Geerl "I1. '

reem. "Sunder the had duckies," she will .I,.._

The deer en the eppesite wall depicts the -u.n. -i._ _-u.--1: -:9 _-i_.-.-i_-i.-_ ..-u-i___-.—_ — _i---u.n. ._-_-_ -—j- _-u—

mean, just trefere dieing ef seme spent-aneeus E1

sleeping face ef a larval creach, its eyes The deers are net really deers at all, just
venereal disease. "its under the hed, the key
dree pin g in sl ll It'll‘-'1.-" r. metal plates disguised as deers- r-‘tny attempt "tar:

is,” is what she actually said, but let the heap

te epen them will set eff an anneying trap.
- 2.-I--jun"-J: a—u-—

This is simply a nice place fer the heap te figure it eut fer themselves. A successful
Whenever either deer is teuched with any
rest. There are ne traps here, and the deer te search ef the reeni {Netice -2] will lead them pressure, such as an attempt te ferce thern
reem D epens easily. The bed is extremely te the key anyway. Llnder the mattress is a epen er pick the incredibly cemple:-i. fake
cemfertahle and sleeps six. If the heap spend gigantic weeden key. It fits the leek en the lecl-cs {Leckpicking -4 te realize they are fake}, - 1-
at least twe heurs resting here, give them a +'l deer, which epens te Eeem E. The leck is hard the spikes en the ceiling will descend anether
Charisma henus when they finally speak with te epen witheut the key [Leckpicking -3}.
yert er twe with a ratcheting gre-an. Each
C}tt-ietheth tilech later en, since he respects descent ef the spikes causes the stanismists
their slethful ways- Reiirn E: The Test {it Pride
.,_n_a.-..-._n___-__.,_ aa_ —_n.n.n. 1,:-_a._:. . -_. a_n.n.a.,_.;.-.-_n. _ .. n_n__g____n.._,_
watching threugh the tiny heles in the walls
Elk, this is kind ef weird. This reeni isn't te l.‘rLIl‘5'il: inte laughter. ‘”l."eu genna die," they
lltuern D: The Test uf Lust
much ef a reetn at all, its just a king, unlit i taunt, and ”Sucks te he yen!" The writing en

This sIi=iit.'.cy rni:-in is Ll|'.‘t'l‘l.'t.‘l..‘l nut in at hallwa_v. lr":."ay at the ether end, a ceuple ef E the fleer is meaningless, simply a way te
111tl]1I'lL‘I' ‘very similar hi the last tl-I‘lL-T. fitgaiii ‘ deicen yerts er se dew n the cerrider, there i further infuriate the heap as they try tcr
jcliiininatecl hy a inassive rtiulicl lied, itksl l appears te he anether deer. Strange l decipher its cede.
l di.*i.‘£ttei.l Intire like an ttirgy Similarly, the levers and whatnet en the
pit lh€tI'l all It ; lettered tiles lerni a single rew dew n the l
nursery. The lighting is di1Ti and setluflrive, l center ef the fleer, spelling the phrase walls are all traps. Each time any ene ef them
the silken sheets re-:.| and lustful. instead ef j " Dnl y the ceel shall pass. " is manipulated er damaged a painful splat‘ --.~--..;_ I
a playful rnehile, a leather pleasure swin g caustic gee squirts the effending character fer
The hallway is enly wide eneugh fer ene Ecle peints ef damage and the stanismists rear
hangs frem the denied ceiling, swa_ving
character te walk clewn at a time [unless the
gently laack and ftirtli, The seunds til at with laughter.
characters are esceptienally small}. The gist ef in fact, the stanismists are merciless with
i.‘l1ickawii+.‘ka guitar and n'ieari_s til pleasure 5'
the reem is this: in erder te pass threugli the their taunts [as befits their nature). They never"
I L‘C|l'l'IL‘ irnin sri|1iewl'ii.-:I‘I'.* ui1_l<J‘1i.‘ivvi"I. J
+-___._-i__...:-:__-:.— deer at the end ef the hall, a character must shut up, launching insult after insult at the
Whats geing en here is this: Dee ef the preve hew prideful he is try strutting his way
pillews en the bed is actually a shapechariged acress the fleer in a pimpular fashien. If he
I-‘after three attempts te epen the deer, the
rnilf. She [er he} will watch the heap fer a few clees se, and makes a successful Spirit rell, the spikes sheuld he lew eneugh that the taller
minutes, deciding which ene te seduce. ‘Since deer will epen fer him. If net, the deer will
characters will need te steep te aveid getting
she has made her decisien, she'll crawl eut remain clesed. It is pessilsle fer the deer te st-al:at*:ec1_ At this peint, elevate the jeers and
frem under the cevers, leeking all seductive epen fer ene persen hut remain clesed fer the taunts frem the stanismists. The peint is te get" '_
and stuff in the guise ef a sexy member ef the nest, seeing as te hew it’s magical and all
the heap really mad, hepefuliy arguing with I
character's species. The mill will try her {Leckpic king -4]. it
each ether aheut the best way te escape. Brice"
hardest te seduce the character, asking the the stanismists feel the heap is angry eneugh,
ethers te ge track in the nursery reem se they Return F: The Test ef Wrath
ene ef them will pull a hidden lever that
can have seine privacy. If they agree, she will -—ri_r-._a_-.n n. nu. a-I.-u—n. a-u.-—i.r-j---_i-ta-u—u. in-_a-u. -.-i.-—

retracts the spikes back up teward the ceiling._,-

l :.— .i_'-"'
have her way with the subject character, whe lllig this, j.'tii_i are standing in a small 3
5'i‘et.‘tangLilaii' t:harnl*ier with l'1'lII'.‘.It‘.|l.‘l!'~'ul'.:lll‘ll.-'.'Ll r Elnce the spikes are retracted, the entire ‘la[a_.l.l___1_" '
will have a grand time since she is quite ' that heuses the fake deers will fall inward,
talented. If they refuse, er the subject spurns walls anti flirt:-rs. 'l-‘t"'ic'l~;i.:cl spikes hang in
crushing any character whe fails an Agility
her, she will threw a tantrum and start liristling i'ri.:-vi-"us fri:-ni the t,‘i.'iling, tlrippiitg '“
with fnul 'i''ns and siliiliiig va_pi.:ars_ rell fer Ede peints ef damage. Characters whe
peuting- She says the enly way she’ll tell them make their Agility rell have managed tejugp
......_..l ‘TI’

Perhaps The rni:is'li amazing thing asauitsiaiiia is ‘their ability ta ssallcuai and .:aa»:t”ii"'
' . 3. '-"
__ _ _ atu'pii.rhslggL-gag-#_'taaguaa.
1--— _"- ' _-
fm-- ‘wir- "'a.'...f '-- -
. ..__._.
-I-' I
_ rh

I 1"‘;

1-. . ..-‘ - c.3-

" "amp the wall befere it hits the greund. Read: area H: The Sin-e-gugue fleaelutien
The Stanismists allew the heap te leave
-" --1-u.-1...-1---Ir
um _|— _._n.._.1. ‘I P

1 It great sI‘nalti.=I‘ing uf applause

The wall crashes re the gruund with a l vuu as _vI:.:-1.1 er1‘u'.-rrge in he a huge cl"iarnber nt
greets _5
unmelested [unless the characters start a fight
reseunding thud. Ftll manner ef gears and , er semething}. if they eventually bring
l i'tn:gl1 stt:-ne and gultering r_'antlles. t
chains spreut frem its baclcside, but that's 1 Cltlietltetlt p1'eef ef Germinee’s demise {such
r'tssenil'tletl lx-tfnrc vi:-u are Ll{'.|.'r'.f.‘l'I‘.'-3 ref F.-tan 1
; net what draws yeu immediate atlenlien. as the map he gave him}, Clthutheth will give
vvursliippers, tlecl~;i'i.l nut in faticy rnaslcsl
Wlittt draws yeur immediate attentien is them each a single clam, but he will leelt his
and painted h-ntlii.*s_ 'l'l'tc cI'cn-vcl P-'.Irts as
the chatnber beyend, mere specifically the must handseme when he dees it.
l yt-nu apprnacli, ftnrning a path that leads up
gleatning Inelal deer set inte the wall ef the '
t‘.|l'It't'l an altar tleclcecl nut in plush pilltn-vs l
chamber beyend. As yeu gain yeur ' and luxuriuus scifns. Sittillg cin t}l'lt." stifa is a lI What's Next?
bearings yeu nelice a lai'ge tI'apdeeI' set ' rnuscular werni with a frcal~ty tnaslc en his
Fee Eating Grin

inte the ceiling abeve. Suddenly the

face and a lit candle ate p his pninty l1eai.l_ t Cine Sniff Tee lvlany
trapdeer upens, spewing fert h an '
'l'ttt= werm puts the st:-fa next tn l'|ltTI, Curses! Seiled ritgain {Gargle Twice]
assertnient ef repes and chains that dangle
""I"t:-u are vi-'eli_'cit'nr-- lwre, LtI1I‘t;‘pe|‘1taI‘1tst-uls. The lvluclc Starts Here [T he Fhesterance}
te the fleer beleiw. llefure yeu can react, a
l trust jg,-'nu've hrnuglit rne a suitable gift?"
swarm ef hid eeusly disfigui'ed little -:I r———-—-- —---r '1-u—'---u-pl‘--—u|"j-I I—--—---ur -u-I---I 1-.- 1
beasties begin te climb their way dew n the The stanismists are a mix ef creaches,
repes, mumbling and gai'gling as they .u n-._ n_. _-i. ,—

werms, and the eccasienal cremefillian. The l C1;«l:t-’$'.%Fr,

wield bene axes and menace _veu with their werm en the sefa is Cltltetheth lllech, High
' evil stares. -i____.-

Priest ef Stan {page 'l4fl). Cince the heap have l

settled themselves entn the sefas, Elthetheth
-—--— .-u-..,—-—-u--.-.......- —.— -—-..--....—.-:..I-.-.--- --...—_.----—-—i_.-1-it-— -I -. .__-

- The creatures are scary ass muthas. They effers them refreshments frem a tray {fried
we in an apartment abeve the chamber and tvleenular cheese nuggets and beer}, and asks
The heap will need many ef their wits te
_- _ ‘ it werlc fer the Sin—e—gegue. them what they want. if the heap effer him a
selve this mystery. Sir ‘tfernix Lanuge, Lerd ef
gift, he will be mere inclined te b-e truthful in
Gargle Twice, has gene and get himself
Scary Ass Muthas (1 ll} [pg 33}: The muthas his dealings with them {semething geed, net
in- - .will fight te the death, being sadistic bastards ene ef these lame lanyards er pethelders yeu
cursed {sert ef] and his servants need help in
lifting the ensercelment that leaves him
and all. They are armed with bene axes made in summer camp}.
trapped in the bedy ef an infant. Clur stery
[Str+fi]. Cine ef them has a metal ltey glued te Clf ceurse, being the high priest ef a religien
begins as the heap travels the wilderness read
his belly {it epens the deer te lteem {S}. deveted te lies and deceptien, Clthetheth is
net prene te truth—telling unless it suits his
frem either ‘fapple er "ferf.
Area C: The Test uf Envy needs. Luckily fer the heap, it currently suits
;_a.,:... ._— ,_,_,_a.._. a.._g..a.,_a.1.._.._. .._._a _—_n_a.._—,_;_ his needs te tell them what he ltnnws abnut [tn the Read
Past the metal deer is yet a nutheI' small l Germinee. Have ene character make a The citadel ef Gargle Twice sits atep a huge
-fem. This ene seems pretty straight— Persuasien rell, medified by +'t»:t depending muuntain ef filth in the middle ef a vast
ferward. Twe painted weeden deers are en the value ef the gift, with an extra +'l if they stretch ef mess, meld, and crumbled stene.
set inte the eppesite wall. Cline depicts a fat
slept in Reem C. The infermatien Clthetheth Caravans and travelers jeurneying aleng the
creach dripping with jewels and fine l l divulges depends en the degree ef success: dusty trade read between Yapple and ‘ferf
clethes. [Jeaens ef females attend his every lI eften step at the citadel fer a bit ef
desire and a bread smile graces his face. l Failure entertainment and safety frem the many
The secend deer is painted with an image Germinee was here, but he was ltilled and heri'id mensters that prewl the land.
ef a scrawny, malneurished werln. He sits sacrificed te Stan [a lie}- The jeurney frem either Yapple er Yerf te
in a field ef brightly celered flewers, 9 Gargle Twice sheuld talte a typical caravan
' i wearing a lie-dyed shirt and fringed pants. i Success
Germinee came here a while age [he
3-4 days everland threugh messy scrublands
and eccasienal ferests uf meld and petrified
cleesn’t remember exactly hew lung age) in trees. As the heap malce the jeurney, either
lfthe deerltneb en the first deer is teuched, the cempany ef feur cremefillians. He was alene er in the cempany ef a caravan, they
the painting magically cemes alive (well, the leelting fer a map ef the Fhesterance, which enceunter the fellewing bexed text:
meuth anyway}. The creach’s meuth epens flthetheth ewned, and effered te trade :__,.j._...-__j ::_ _j_,_ j _

wide, ferming a darlt hate in the deer. ’’Give semething ceel [net telling what) in exchange. l l-le}.-‘, vvlt:tt's that smell up altcatl?
me my due,” he says. in under fer the deer te Clthetheth accepted his deal, giving Germinee fiurttctltiltg, rnclst liltt-t-ly that thin plumtr nf

vepen, the heap must feed him at least Stllltl the map, which leads te an ancient abandened strml-te vvisping tr.'It.'l"i'.r.'IL'lill‘.'-.'-ll.'t.'Ill_'i.-' frunt i.vitl‘1in :
clams werth ef jewelry fhepefully they still sire-e—geg‘Lle deep in the swamp. 4 that g1‘t:-vi: nf pI_rt1'ificd trljres en the lmrixntt,
have the gneds frem Area rt}. at l“~.'letice rell l srnells Llistimtly like '.-iI‘l"li.ll-iT.f.‘ wisping frnnt a
_«»__“-‘[.means the heap have recegnized seme ef the Raise greve inf pet1'ifiL'd trees. Ills _'-,'tr1_1 purJni.ler its
jewels painted en the deer as these frem rtrea ‘-Serminee mentiened that he was meeting a st:-uI'ce a feeble, guttu ral n'lcran utters frnrn
friend fer lunch at Under the Sink. "
within, Cleeeeeeer:-eeut:-e."
{Since the deer is fed, it will epen by itself. The abandened sin—e—gegue en the map 1 mm :_:--

1" The deer is very thiclt, since it centains a heused part ef the Staff ef Priselti [whatever Indeed a narrew tuft ef dark purple smelte
- serveirfer the jewels.

that is.. .1. is waiting in this directien. The read, a filthy

When the deerltneb ef the secend deer is and barely navigable trail ef mud and meldy
teuched, the hippie werm epens his Twe Raises gravel, that the heap are currently traveling
ble-edshet eyes, leelts areund slewly, and The thing Germinee traded fer the map was leads directly inte the greve ef petrified trees.
J-__ then says, in a space—eut veice, "Give me what the srnell—e—visien he stele frem the Garden ef The mean means en fer a few minutes then
I deserve, brether.” Smellemental Glee. falls silent. Sheuld the heap elect te enter the
In erder te epen this clear the heap must rt cremefillian with an eye patch was here greve, read this:
pummel the painting ef the werm er slap him yesterday leelting fnr {.'3tirminee_
amend a bit. Dnce they de, the deer will epen Dtltetheth traded the smell-e-visi-an te the It The meldy trail winds ttireugh lew.
-.--I-- by itself. cremefillian fer a large pirate, a mug ef beer f beulders and sandy muclt, meandering its
Beth deers lead te area H. and seme awkward tenderness. way inte the dart»; and ferebeding e1'cha1'd
as the smelty cu |'l begins tu fade. A deeper l

[ll:h_ethe1:l'r E-leclt is. ‘the

. 1-0 preutl e'wI1_er_e__f_Dith‘s largest
"3-I:iF'_ ,
tellectieri ef decorative dinnerware.

stenc 1, e119 t1at 1'99 "s distinct y e rett'e11 The meund is cemprised et the mutilated
feet, eezes i1'e111 witl1i11. A thick, greasy rai11 - bedies ef twenty feur werms and eight
begins te fall, pattering its way thretiglt tl1e l cremetillians, all victims and casualties ef a
ste11y bra11cl1es a11d dappling everythi11g recent ambush by The Teeth ef the
with iclsy 11111cls:. Checegatnr, a sect ef ]emirr1a's Witnesses up
As ye11 911te1' ll1e dis111al grcive it b9ce1119s I te ne gee d. The ce rpses have been thereu ghly
very ehvieils tl1al a tight l1as 1'ece11tl y;9~11 savaged, but a few we-apens er bits ef artner
' place l191'e. Gebs el i'1'ei|1y wl1ite lhtid cling might be salvaged by a persistent heap. The
_te varieus 'h1'a11c|19s, I11i11gled vi-'itl1 greall mean centes fren1 iviinty Fresh Breath, a
splatterings 111‘ red and ptirple gee p. 1"». large desperately injured werm trapped within the
sentething, geeey a11d green, s111elde1's l meund. He is the enly surviver -:11’ the ambush
seitly i11 tl1e falling drizzle, filling tl19 air: {aside trem the assailants, et ceurse). ivtinty
with tl1e st911cl1 el b11I'11i11g cl1eese. They Fresh Breath’s bedy has been teen in half,
sc911e is a grizzly 1.1119 i11d9ed. Se1119e11e,'; with his legs and lewer terse lest semewhere
seve1'al se111ee11es by tl1e leelv. ef it, unpleasant. He painfully sq_I_1irn1s and
ehvietisly died here, b11t wl1e1'e are tl19 squiggles |1is way eut ef the pile, hc:-pehllly I
hedies? with assistance frem the heap. Clnce he is_
"l-I—aIIrIII-1-Ir'l-—I-‘I---u—I I1.-.1--1---In-"-1-ti '-1rII1-|-I.--
revealed read this:

"Ugggggggg..." The vivisected w9r111-if

Where indeed? rtillew the heap te
investigate the scene. l—lere are seme things _ clesperatelj,-' squiggles l1is way item the
that are ebvieus en inspectien: i 11111111111 ei cerpses, his guts spilling aleng
behind. "El9al~:y 111ull1a grablaers celd
-B: The smeldering hunlr. ef cheese was ence
5 wupped e111’ sr11'ry cans. Was ce111i11’ aleng
a wagen ef seme sert, but it has been melting
Fer a while and is barely discemable- The sweet as ca11 be, we was, deliverin’ this here
~_ slab in glass [rein the Teats." I-le pauses te
weeden wheels and metal axles |1ave been
reme-ved and are stacked neatly te either side l st1Il'l' his dangling intestine bacl-: inte his
ceeie-111. '”'r’e, dig a11ybr1dy [incl 111y letals I "
ef the wreckage.
I be jazzed te reattach. flip dezer."
-B: The red and purple geep. threwn abeut
"I-leary as ca11 be, celd ass 11111ll1as de11e
in great pretusieri, is ebvieusly bleed. Bits ef
ripped inte eiir shizz with the stabbi11' a11d
guts and the eccasienal eyeball er chunk et
the slashi11' a11d the celd, celd ireezy
werr11 flesh are evident as well. '
freezes. ivlinty Fresh Breath de119 gel
-153: The white ireth appears te be
cremefillian bleed [partially hydregenated chapped in lwai11. scirry sight he be
animal and,’ er vegetable shertening}. sl1c1w11."
-£3: There are a whale mess ef scuffle marks Here's the deal, Minty Fresh Breath and his
all acress the meldy greund. Whatever fight fellews were hired by the Cheesemengers
happened here was a pretty big ene. Guild in Mean kaas te deliver a massive slab“
ef glass they acquired in Cilevvhie te Gargle
with a successful netice rell the heap r1'1ay Twice. They were suppesed te bring it te Sir
discever this stuff: ‘Uerniz Lanuge, altheugh l'vlFB dees net knew
-is r-"1 greup ef teerprints. accempanied by why. Betere they ceuld reach the citadel they
drag marks and bleedy smears, leads eff inte were ambushed by a bunch el’ crernefillians
the grave en ene side ef the wagen. This leads wearing weird headdresses. |'=‘resumably the
te The Bedy Pile, described belew. cremetillians stele the glass slab, since it's net
-153: A larger greu p et prints centinues aleng with the remains ef the wagen. There was at
the trail in the directien the heap were least ene Itecus peker arneng the
eriginally traveling. These lead bacir. ente the cremetillians.
trail te C-iargle Twice but disappear after a few If the heap effer te heal lvlFB, he acce 1;
hundred yerts. their help then crawls eff en his ewn after";
-1%: Beneath the stacked wagen wheels is a answering any questiens they may have. it
severed cremetilliari hand. It wears a ring asl-zed abeut tl1e slab_ ef glass
_ _ he says:
made ef mucesite melded in the shape at a ' 1 P‘
-_.un.:. - i "'l'ri}*1 s11a1.1sag1t wiggly Lliggly, hrislcy _
_r- . i '.
giggity [value ”lfll.'lfl clarnsj. The ring is
__ u-
-I'' -j
r - -at-u -_L- —. . . ._

[ slab was a circle 111LIll1a, 'l1r1ut lltree lviinty

-I-_. _ - I - — _
—.- _ 1.

enchanted, granting its wearer the Giggity

. . r
- -_--_ . _ .- - -.

‘;I l-'1'esl1 lireaths 111T1‘1'1ss and e1l‘I1'11_1t yay tl‘1i1:lt,"


Ciigger Edge. he l'1t_‘Ilt.lF-'- his ar111s al‘111ut hall" a yrtrl a1.1fl1‘l.

"[fl1'1111=! t1‘11i_iei.l l'111'1.'L11'1ls i11 C-lt:-vvl1ic1_"
The Bedy File: A few dezen yerts inte the [
greve, it the heap fellew the tracks and drags, Minty Fresh Breath {standard werr11}[pg
they will find a mest grizzly site. at small 13-ti}: l'vlFE- is i11 really bad shape. He speaks
clearing heuses a herrid meund ef mutilated mestly in slang and is a deveut l-ieerrtanu
bedies, brelteri weapens. and dented arnter. itaria11.
Read this as they appreach:
It the heap search the bedy pile they may
._ I e_-....._j ,__ _j,_ _,j.._,_ -_ ._ * ._. .,_e_.__j ___. -1 _ j. I
i 11111L1I1ti 11f 111utiiatc-d l1r.'1cli1-:s. see111i1tgly

llrtly l-il_ll:lt?1'iI'lfl e11‘I11pits 1-l l3t111rgl1-z11I'_' 1"‘-is l ——-

find the F-:1|lr:-wing: a spliced l1eir11et{arr11t1r +2,
lytiu l:r1|l111v the drags 1:19-_=per intact the- lettual i.‘?'i;'tTl.F- vi.-'e1'1‘1‘1s and 1'11.-*111el'illic1I‘Is, is
Str +1, at’ +2), a jug ef beeze [fermented

[ asse111blecl in the 1‘.e11te1‘ 11I: it tlis1111al gladt.-_

- I

l pelrihetl vr-:111ds a |‘1‘111sl l111rI'IfIL'1t11cl gI'1z.'r.l_'I.' j, cheese juice werth Biltl clams}, a strange
'1 I r
n.- 1-—

i greets yr11_1_ 5-lure, yr11_1've seen cnrpses i i E-1-*1.-'1.rI'11l +.‘ar1'i1111 lmids si.1L1awl-.'. anti fly away
sigl1l' headdress {Jemin1a's Witnesses may receg~
l_1el't‘.1r1.', pr1111ably even creailed a f1*11'. lat _vr.11_11‘ app1'-:111cl1 as :1 iuvv, l'-t‘.'i.'.l.‘ti1.‘. 11111a|1
nize this as belenging tn the Teeth ef the

l111l:; vi-'l1i111pers lrc111‘1 sr.1111ev1-'l1er9 vvil'l1iI1 the

11ever like this! I 11191111, _l1_1|111,'Ii11’ leli.-'ist1|1 :1 E Checegater with a Smarts rell}, and a magical
pi lit, "Cit‘:-£1111:-r‘1t1111111r1111111_ . _”
pttgtt slicl-1:, ll1is is st11'1‘1e griatzly stuff. .n 1-pa-I u.n
threwing brick {Ed-4, range 'l5f3fl;‘EB}.
-u—:--u- rlj—u.n_n-1--—u.1—— _n- —u_n_ -ma-—-—u.-——1.1-u--I.-Z-1a.a.—_n--—--u_—-.n_1-—_ _--uu-J

The Teeth at the Iiltetegaier is named l"er""':1n incredibly huge brecedileg-I.-k'e'pt as a Heemanhajggt _:El_'l1e_ i:I_.1|l:‘s fetiricler.
g51§1gige_s§1E .-'1-E. I
"hi-The Read (Again) The heap are free te esplere the citadel fer a
"'.i5t gaaillien times welceme beld

Presumably the heap will centinue en te while, perhaps grabbing serne lunch er
precurin g sc-me fresh supplies er whatever. venttn'ists. lt is my 1'ighiful place te be LeI'cl
Gargle Twice. As they leave the petrified
i’-it sente paint Binky iieebeekisser will send a Sir "I.-"e1'ni:~'. l.anuge, Thii't'_v-Seventh Scien ef
greve seme beired tezict amhushes them like a
messenger and a gang ef guards te pelitely tleuse Lanuge. [lefender ef the Citadel.
:-____~'- herde ef thugs:
invite them te dinner at ‘v'ernis’s mansien. it The Thrice-f.3a1'glet1, llenered ‘Bervant el
r'ltfte.r several lttiurs nl ted icnis tI‘el-cl<:ing lierniaedd the Enplumpinaied, and victim
the heap -:len‘t want in ge, the messenger
r‘.1L‘I‘ess yttrts and _vn|'ts tif recky rnildew and ef an untimely and unflattering curse. The
' prairies {with the help ef tlte guards] will respectfully
tcif brightly bliltrlning 1TInld the neeteneus ferm yeu peer b-elreni veil is but
insist, but it sheuidn’t crime te that. Give them
citaclel ef l.'_}argle Twi-_‘.e rises beycind the a sham." [iinky Beeheekisser leans in with
same time in change clethes and clean up a bit
hflri.'acn1. lI11pt1ssil'il_'I..-' tall and rudely a bib te wipe the lerd's chin. "l .-’-‘ilrl l‘~lClT .-it
if they want te.
suggestive, the carveri trwvers and le-fty fl.+*tl:"':‘i'. TUE DUE? IJCJD l-IE3-l.Dl l‘~£L"i‘-."i"
I'r'lii'ta1‘ets sprnut lil-ce t‘t‘ll_tEi.l'tI‘tl|i.2|I'l1t-5 atep a l l7ETCl-l ME l'vl"r’ llt_"}'T"l'Ll3, l l“ llJl*~lC"-Ef~tl"
‘li'e1‘ital‘ile |‘nt'}tintain til filth and refuse. ‘li'erni:r's Mansien f E‘-inky rushes te cemply. "He hasn't had
._ l
_._.__ __,
as the heap appreach the rnansien read his nap yet," he whispers by way ef
I The citadel is -actually built inte the
-I euntain ef filth. A narrew read winds
Lercl Lanuge stickies his bettle fer a few
"-jl-Tl"-I"-‘T -T".

l The mansien et Sir "v'erni:r Lanuge sits


dangereusly upwa1'd past varieus defensive

a tep the pinnacle ef filth, sur1'eunded en all ' 1. mements then centinues. "That slab ef
ferrnatiens, metal spikes, and ether asserted '
sides by a cascading meat ef grey sludge l glass stelen in the [Jet-tree-tied Grtwe was
nastiriesses all dripping with muck and ick.
that bubbles lrem the gretlncl like dreel te be a gift te my friends at the First
As the heap make their way up the sludgeside
frem a gurgling infant. The edifice is huge _ l-leemanitarian Church. l'm hiring yeti in
read this:
F-T $111-‘I. H
and impesing, but that appears in he i get it back. Ten may have yeur cheice ef
The gravt-1ll_'i' mad winds its way tip the E
slewly changing as servants en scaflelding |' reward f1'em my treasure vaults if yeu a|'e
tl'I.'..-title, |1‘n.raIt-tlering l'l‘irittigh cintinttus 1 stlccessful. lt’s nap time se I will take my
, paint the previeusly starlr. gt'ey stene with
l'L'It‘iI'tels arid acrittss fctrtitied ltriclges iaggt-‘rcl gigantic pink and yellew duckies and : leave ef yeu. liinky will see te yeur
with rusty spines. 'l'l1eI‘e's nn nverl sign uf i bunnies. sustenance. l
the t‘ltt‘tLltTllH'. dete1‘id ers, althi:-ugl‘i lint sure l3inl~:y Beebeekisser and a small l.ercl t_anuge quickly falls asleep in his *
l:lt'ey"ri.rti1‘ittuI"itl here stiI‘rn-wi.=ltere, pr-:tl1'al‘~l:..' ‘ cc-ntingent ef guards greet yet: as yeu cress high chair as l:"linl~:y and twe guards usher
disguised as lumps ef funk and such. its the massive drawbridge. "Grassy ass fer yeu lrem the reem.
the thttught ni‘cuI's tn yt:-Li a t‘+uI‘tt'h nf large ceming, Sir ‘v'erni:-.' wishes te peep yeu its he leads yeu teward a dining hall_
lumps ef funk reveal thentselves as pI'ente.

l liinky leans in and whispers. "Bess Ineufs
'WI?.'ll—arn1titl t'I'i.]£ti.‘l‘I+.“!-L -and werms. The liinky leads them inte a vast vestibulel been trippin’ since the curse embabificated
largest til the +.TI't'}at.‘l‘it.'s steps fi‘n'ward, his
and dewn a leng hallway lined with fancy him. in certfidence. if l have in change ene
-intrriense staff hnpped by '.-itlII‘t'lt.-" strange
pertraits. Each painting represents a mere diaper l'm genna crap glass
beus device. "la.-‘ it is? I am liinky . fermeI' lerd ef the citadel. pineapples." .-its he speaks he t'eaches a
Heebeekisstrr, cltarnherlain and nanny tn '-Ii1-dug-—n-II-.|.r _ -—u--I--r — hand inte his t'ebes and withdraws a small.
Lard E-ir ‘v’erni:t Lanuge. Wltei de _veu serve Ii anyene thinks te leek. the pertrait at strange, rectangular device cevered in
and whatcha all abnut?" "v'err1i:sr Lanuge is that ef a regal leaking adult buttens and a ceuple ef tiny glass panels.
creach wearing -':‘I curly white wig. "This artifact ef the l-leeman1'ace's been
Clnce the heap cenvince Elinky [pageT13Tl I-:Ij.FF-'Ii_

" .l'—'j-\..¥'\. _lm.r!_\_"\.—'p
l-'.ickin’ it in my family fer generatiens. lt‘s
they ceme in peace {Fersuasien rell er a "l.-’v'|te|"i yeti peer his let'clship try net te
1% decent bribe} he will let them pass. If they yeu1's if yeu lift Lerd l_anuge‘s curse.
l cnngly-geegly, he's laid en a slick burden ef Twwfi H
mentien the slaughter in the petrified greve, E the sensitives el late and his feelers
er if lvlinty Fresh Breath is still with them, ' The device is actually a selar pr:-wered
easily cli'eeped. Try net te make him cry."
T" E-inky will get very cencemed. "l winked this calculater, but Iiiinky calls it a "l'-.luntl-a
tiinky metiens te twe guards and a wide are‘
etweuld wallew. Lerd Lanuge gets te be * set ef deuble dners at the end at the hall are Crunch-a”. it still werks, despite its venerable
hipped, dig? lt’ s naptime right new, se I'll epened, revealing a small audience age and is extremely valuable {.'?tl,lIllllCl clams}.
Einky will centinue tn lead the heap te the
' chamber heyend.
"arrange an audience and send a guy fer yeu
later en. In the mean, enjey the digs, the twigs, The reem is tastefully clecet'atecl with dining hall where they are treated tn a fine
and the sprigs." I immense plush animals. Seme sert meal. Hinlcy will answer any quest-iens they
The warriers scrunch themselves back inte threne stands atep a dais at the back ef the have tn the best at his ability. Here's what he
the filth and the heap are free te centinue E I'eem. Sqtlirlniitg in the threne, which j knews:
enward. El-inky will answer any questiens resembles an infant's high chair upen l
they have aheut the citadel, but he will change cleser etraminatieli, is a larval creuch. Regarding the Slaughter in the Grave:
the subject when asked abeut Lerd Lanuge. liinky meves te a pesitien behind the chair, -ih It appears te be the wurlc ef The Teeth ef
TI Binky's real name is Elinsen Bluebleb but wiping dreel lrem the larva’s chin as he i the Cl'iecegater_
Verrtir: tnade him change it ence his curse teek passes. '”r‘eu new address his Lerdship Sir -fit The lead er ef The Teeth is re rriered te be
held. Skip ahead a bit fe1' mere infermatien en "v'erni:='. Lanuge. Please cemmence blah l-later Wig Wig, a cremeflllian minister whe
a "v"erni:c’s curse, er just be patient. s panting and cred be-asting." used te run a Jentima’s Witness church in the

"Ii.-i-I'I|.I'II-I—|.l-I-i-I-I--jar "l-l-rt-I'--I-F-|--I-Ii—-r citadel.

.-'“- l 15: The jentiina's iaiitness church was
Gargle Twice at this paint the heap sheuld intrc-duce
abandened net lung age and turned inte a
_:-._1a___n:n._._—.a.a g.—_n_-.12-,
themselves and beast ef their adventures.
l The citadel ef ijargle Twice is a hugel Threugheut the whale thing the juice bar called “Erqueeee This”.
baby "v'erni:i-:

henl-tin’ s trawl el huildinus

and fert'iI’ica— I. {page 141} is mere interested in chewing en
41: The glass slab was geing te be a gift tn
. .ttii2‘ins that stagger their wait’ up the filtl'iside_ the First Heumanitarian Church, where it
his plush esephagater than in listening te
. _ _ _ '. _ I
weuld be used as a wall. The church is run by
"the I1't‘tr't'teI‘1se I'|'1aI‘1s1n1‘i et ‘v'erI‘1I:s l.t'1|*ItIgt‘a§ what they say. {Since the heap finish talking
istares dawn lrem the. pinnacle, its Righteeus lJ'ac1dy hiepar King. The
["t"ii.lIi.-‘llIE and Eiinlry has wiped the dreel frem ‘v'emi~.t’s
feverllnwing with gray rriucl~t rti|‘n'ii11g in! parishieners are mestly beduls.
chin, the infant temples his fear hands
rivulets fruit: the va1‘ii‘.ius peaks and tegether, leeks attentively at the heap and
crannies- "I.-’eI‘1dt'rI's and ltarlttts pai.vI‘i theirr Regarding ‘vernifs curse:

ti '_....-I!
utters, in a deep and senereus vaice, this:
-ii: ‘v'erni:r is seventy years uld.

lwares ubiquiteuslv airing the wide pathl

ii that winds its way lthreugh the settlement. 11': .i"'LlJCll.1l' Elli) clays age. after a banquet at
Twice was teunclecl ever _a_. :entu_r',y age,-., the great great grandfather at Berniaecld the ._epluri}pia'ti'tTti:l..

rr- —
hi LI__
The Spawnderesa, vernis weke up as an land frem Hater Wig Wig in ezcchange fer
infant. same hrecedile carcasses-
-fl: lvlerniic was seen with a creach prest-itute Fruitsqueeaer, whe keeps his ingredients in
named Lardamade at the hanquet. his gullet se he can ceugh them up when
it: The banquet was held hy "v'erni:c and needed, is rude and arregant. Hewever, it
Madame Flutterceech [the prnprieter} te may came up in cenversatien [if the heap buy
celehrate the religieus diversity ef the citadel. eneugh juice] that the entrance he the
-fl: hmeng the clergy in attendance were hasement ef the eid temple is heneath his juice
Righteeus Daddy Nepar kiing, I-later Wig har. He'll let them in, as leng as they help him
Wig, Painful Rectal Itch {a wandering meve the juice bar and put it hack ever the
Eeerglezaarian wisenheimer], Sinmeister Stab hele when they're finished esplerirtg, and
ef the Stanismists, Slimemeld Smelf XII ef the they give him semething ceel [like a reek er
Fungish, and Faster Hey—suess ef the Jeeele weird device}.
Freaks. The juice har can he meved te the side,
revealing a hele in the greund threugh which
a stairway descends inte darkness. Wlien the
The Spawnderesa heap begin their way dewn, read this:
Sheuld the heap deci-:.le te ask areund at the
Spriwnderesa thepefully they will] read this: -—-. —_a.r-u—-—i.n.u- 1.2-: - Z --—- --— u-— Znua.-_,.

l lvlan, these _lemi1na's Wittiesses sure

The Spawnderesa is a nuiiestic structure, l knew hew tn decerate. There's nething inj
tall and cylindrical and teppecl by a_- :'this musty basement but a herde ef
magnificent bulging derne. It reminds yeu -. wall-te-wall shelves filled with small glass
el semething yeu can't quite put yeur iiclels. As yet: start te peke areund, a
linger en [at least net in puhlic','I. The Iuit—qLiite-cn-epy veice ceines frem
lnterier is draped in silky fabrics and nev.:here, "t‘v'etieeeci, l am the ghest ef
celerful pillews alaeund. ‘t-’arieus hussies -Slimemeld Smell the Kill. weeeee.‘
t-lflieeetiee disturbs my 1'est?l-‘v’eeiieee."
and the like hawk their wares frem tiered I uJun
heudeirs while means and asserted
‘lfep, the spirit ef Sl im emeld Smelf It It dees
sleshing neises mingle with the eseiic
' lncenses and perfumes that fill the air. indeed dwell in this hasement. He is harmless
and intangible. He’ll try te scare the heap
fits yet: make yeur way inside, past a
'- veritable Inuseum ef "marital pI'c-ducts" Criminee Cave is basically just a huge away by making weeeee neises, but ence that
hellew reck cevered in gleaming rhinestenes appears te he fruitless, he’ll answer any
and pertraits ef smiling clientele. an
and capital "t"s., three menks (ene questiens they may have- Here is what he
ilnmensely bedacleus female cI'each Ifaj
werm and twe creachesj in sequined savs:
genuine "hrick he-use" if yet: will} in a1
jumpsuits lighl: candles. A feurth menk, a
leather tuhe tep and high-heeled pumps,
female creach [this is Lardamadej, is gluing -ilk: l-le and his hrether, Slimemeld Smelf Kl],
flashes yeu a massive smile. Willi -Eli:
hlack velvet tn the wall. fits the heap walk in, are smellcasters and clergy ef The Fungish‘.
flirtatleus wink and a ceuple ef jiggles"
the werm greets them kindly and asks what They came frem The Fhesterance, at Lerd
{den't ask hew a creature with a care pace l
he can de fer them. If they ask aheut Lanuge’s request, te attend a party at The
can jiggle, she just dees] she cees in a veice l
Larclamade, he peints her nut, but warns that Spawnderesa.
like baby ell, "lit-'elcetne te the
Spawnderesa, where the custemer always
she has taken a vew ef silence and has net ‘fit The Siiinemeicl hrethers were asked by
speken in Ztlll days. if asked aheut Faster Hater Wig Wig te help him play a prank en
cemes first. ‘t-‘I.-'liat's yeur pleasure?"
-Ir"r'-"HI-"I Hey~suess, the werm tells them he left en a his geed friend Righteeus Daddy Nepar
pilgrimage tn lvlaankaas a few days age. Hing. They crafted a reek that weuld
This is Madame Grieele Flutterceech. She is
If the heap try tu talk with Lardamade, she tempnrarity make lfilepar Icing prepuhescent,
very accemmedating, hut wen’t answer
will listen intently hut wen’t talk. She will, messing with his carnal fun thatevening.
quest-ieris aheut the banquet er ‘axle-riiis unless
hewever, answer their yes er ne questiens -ik: Slimemeld Xlt gave the reek tn the hussy
the heap avail themselves ef her hespitality
with ne-ds er shakes. Her mind is a hit addled, that hlepar was sup-pesed te be with
tie the tune ef Sill] clams er mere, er a
se she answers affirniatives with shakes and evening. heping l‘-lepar weuld inhale berm"-4’
Persuasien relt at -4}. C?-nce these cenditiens
negatives with neds. Here is what they might perfume. Semehew it affected Lerd Lanuge
are met, here is what she knews:
learn frem her {if they ask the right questiens]: instead.
15: Recently a strange pink fluffy guy
153: There was a fight hetween the ]ernima’s
Witnesses and the Heemanitarians -:.turing
-15‘! Yep, she was with ‘v'erni:c the night ef the appeared ameng The Fungish and effered te-
hanquet. She was given a bettle ef perfume as heip increase the petency ef their devetiens
dessert. Heated wer-:.ts were exchanged
a gift frem a smell’ whe teld her te wear it that {This is Slerg the Slepsmith, hut the smelves
hetween Hater Wig Wig and l'-lepar King.
evening. She was suppesed te he with den’t knew that}.
‘fl: "v'erni:i: was with a hussy named
Lardamade that night. She quit her jeh the
Righteeus Daddy Nepar liiing that night, but 155: The merning after Langn was infant-
"v'erni:u: weeed her aw-ay. When she weke up icieed Slimemeld J-tlll was killed frem behind.
next day and jeined the leeele Freaks. She
and saw ‘v'erni:s had been turned inte a baby He has nu idea what became ef his hrether.
might he feund at Criminee Cave a nearby
she Felt se guilty she jeined the jeeale Freaks
Jeeale Freak church.
and teek a vew ef silence and chastity until I-‘ifter the heap talk te Slimemeld Smelt
‘R A few days after the banquet the
the curse is lifted. ll-ttll’s ghest three mere spirits nf the danged
]emima’s Witnesses clesed their church and
materialize in the middle ef the reem and
meved elsewhere. Squeeze This, a juicehar,
attack them. They are -all dead cremefiilians
currently eccupies the spet. Squeeze This
frem the Teeth ef the Cliecegattir.
If the heap ge tn the site ef the fermer
jemima's Witness temple they will find a
Crirninee Cave fleeele freak ehureh) hell-aw
Spirits ef the Danged {3}{pg 33}: The
small juice har, made frem a gigantic
The heap may decide tn search fer spirits attack relentlessly- They have the
fruit, in its place. The preprieter is a herc
Lardamade. She can indeed he feund ameng fellewing lvlenstreus fithilities: Bite, Ethereal—
named Fruitsqueeaer hlutsmasher. Nut-
the Jeeale Freaks. ness, Undead.

re. *
smasher tells them, if they ask, he acquired the

The Mess by The Fungish is _a .

Bess.‘-eersliipped gyrasr pIaymatpf:5]=:tggrge”the 5|epsrni:t__|'_i_._1


r .
1 I-' _ in-
. "'- _-.d-'


Quite understandably the heap may decide
to snoop around the First I-loomanitarian
Church. If they do, read this:

I The First lloomanitaI'ian Church sitsll


_y stop a roclty promontory of filth. It looks as r

if some repair worl; is going on here. The
roof is missing and one of the walls has a
huge circular hole in it. The whole bui.lding
sits at a peculiar angle, almost as if it might
topple over the edge at any Inolnent.
Several dozen l-loomanitarians, mostly
boduls. are attending to the repairs. As you
approach, one of them, a three-armed
bodul with eyes that bulge from his
"forehead, colnes toward you with an
,outsb'etched hand. His other two hands
shield his face from the rays of the brilliant
"i3ood day unto you my brulhas and
sistas. l atn underbrother Felicltous Crunch.
Wliat can 1 do you for?" l
—u-u--- —-._i
Felicitous is in charge while l'-lopar King is
away. He will answer the heap’s questions,
but won't allow them into the temple,
'* Claiming he doesn't want them to interfere
with the work. Here is what he knows:

hf all The temple is not being repaired, it is

being modified. There are forty cremefillians in the horde. they actually manage to prevent the sides
15: Righteous Daddy l"~lopar King is away The heap might think to parley with them from ltilling each other award bennies all
on sabbatical {he won't say where}. before a fight erupts. if so, the cremefillians around.
4-‘: Lately the Teeth of the Chocogator have claim they stole the glass to prevent the
‘...-“been anibushing any caravans manned by I-[oomanitarians from using it to burn them flption Four: The heap let the two sides
Hoomanitarians. alive. as they are talking, a similar horde, this fight amongst themselves while watching
{it The Teeth of the Chocogator have a one of l-loornanitarian boduls and a few from the sidelines. In this case split the players
hidden lair somewhere in the Grove. wernis and croaches, is spotted approaching into two groups and allow each to control one
{it He was not at the party at the from the direction of C-argle Twice. Clnce they side in the battle.
E-pawnderosa and lsnows very little about it. get within shouting range Feiicitous Crunch
yells out, Prepare for the wrath of the Chocogator Cultists {35}[standarrI creme-
If the heap snoop around anyway, they Hoornanrace. dcfilers of history! We will no fiI1ians}{pg 13-5}: The cremefillians have the
may notice (Notice -2) a ceramic and metal longer stomach your murderous incursions!” advantage of the cover of the grove. They are
"frame being built in the circular hole It looks The l-loomanitarians also have a horde of armed with slingshots {Sir +1) and various
'I'..“I. - this may be some sort of mechanism to forty. The two sides are pretty evenly melee weapons [Str +1 }.
,'pivot the wall once the glass is in place. lf matched, with five holy rollers in each group.
asked about this Felicitous tells them it is fo1' The heap have several options for this battle Chocogator Holy Rollers [5}{stam:lard
ventilation purposes. The Hoomanitarians [This is an excellent opportunity to use the cremefi1lians}{pg 136}: These guys have Holy
actually have a sinister secret plot; they plan miniatures slcirmish rules available free at Rolling dll, ‘ltl Power Points, and two Powers
to use the giant slab of glass as a monstrous www.greatwhitega]: each {Elolt (freezing wind) and Smite)-
lens to focus the rays of the sun {which can be
quite brilliant at this elevation) into a death Elption Doe: They fight on the side of the Hoornanitarians {35}{standarrI bodulslipg
beam with which to bu1'n the secret hideout of l-loomanitarians or the Teeth of the Choco- 13f:-]: The boduls have the advantage of extra
the Teeth of the Chocogator. gator. If this option is chosen allow the players Edges and superior weaponry. They are
to control the side they are on. armed with various melee weapons {Str +2}
and throwing roclts {Sir +1).
Til. The f'e1;—tree—fied Grove Dption Two: The heap split into separate
As the heap return to the grove to sea1'ch
factions, each supporting a different side. in Hoomanitarian Holy Rollers {5}{standard
-for the Chocogators' hidden lair they find a this case. sit back and watch as the players bodulsltpg 136]: These guys also have l-ioly
_horde of cremefillians waiting for them.
fight each other, each controlling a different l-‘tolling dfl, ‘til Power Points, and two Powers
a. ...,___,_ :,j,__,_,__,j._.,___

fits you approat‘l1thegrovt-ryoursto1'nat‘h side in the battle. each {Bolt (fire) and Deflection}.
[if you have one} rt‘h:tapl1o|'ically luI‘+.'ll-_=s
into your throat. ft veritable horde of Dption Three: The heap sc-rnehow manage Clnce the battle is over, no matter which
cremeI’i||ian.«:, eacli'cltt*tl out in a to negotiate a truce. This requires a great deal side is victorious {or if the fight is avoided}.
r Cliocogator hat and artnetl with soI‘nt'~tl‘tiny_ of talking and a Persuasion roll at -2 for each the heap are free to explore the grove. After a
'll'iEious, is I'l1ti-l‘1l"|t-‘.‘L'l up in front of the side. They will have to convince the bit of searching they find a door concealed in
petrified trees- f.".'I1it-r of lIl‘lt-'.'ITl steps forward _ cremefillians to reveal the hidden slab of glass the base of one of the trees. it is unloclred and
and shouts, "Di, 1.vliat"s this then? l-lat.-13'; {it has been l.'l_itl"l'1|.i.'I.‘l invisible and hidden in the easily opened.
you t‘.oI‘ne to finish t'l‘tI_r jolt of il'tt2I!-it‘ blighted E grove} and also convince the Hoomanitarians The door leads to a spiral stairway that goes
l‘ltZ:tI|1‘:aI‘iitarii.1I‘ts? l"'i"rJ-ls only actirtg in st-rlfi not to use it as a weapon {they will admit their downward into the Ciith. The stairs open up
..d_efense, but if it's to be, it's to be." plans only if confronted with evidence}. if into a large subterranean chamber. as soon as
a—- "--"H-'—"I--'

Haier ,‘_u'll'rg Wig was born Hunltle Slut:-l_.rierfis‘l:, but _hatl—|'ils name changed after he joined the Ehcg_cga_i_cr§‘.
1.‘! i.
-5,. -ll’

I-_._ . .
the heap step frem the lewer deerway they antidete her the glass. They get nething and ambush them frem abeve, while seme hungry
are attacked by Hater Wig Wig an-:.i seme ef are run eut ef tewn in d isgrace. brecediies lurk beneath the water’s surface
his crenies (if the heap helped the waiting tn munch anyene whe falls in. The‘
eremefillians in the battle, er negetiated Depending en their nest destinatien, they water is abeut 5 yerts (5 feet} deep in this area.
peace, he may be cenvineed te step his attack. may be able te cenvince Einlcy, Slimemeld Ftnyene hit by the duckies must make an
Smelf XII er beth te aceempany them en the r-‘tgility rell er fail inte the water, subjecting
Hater Wig Wig [pg 139]: I-later attacks with next leg ef their jeurney. them te attack by the brecediies.
is spells. He is really pissed eff. ‘I
Cute Little Duckies {'El]{pg T9}: The duckies
‘What's Next?
Checegater Cultists {-flllstandard creme- gain a +4 benus in the first reund te attack
The tvtuek Starts l-lere
fiil ians, Fighting d'l tl]{pg 1 36]: I-later is jeined anyene whe fails a hletice rell. Since there are
A hint Se Fend Farewell te i‘-trms
by eight ef his crenies. They are armed with nine ef them. they each get a +3 benus te,
big metal bars (Sir +3}. Fighting rells.
Il‘lj1_.c;— -u-I'--Il"'IlII'--
If the heap manage te defeat l-later witheut Brecediles {3}[pg T8}: The brecediles will
killing him he might reveal the lecatien ef the try te eat anyene whe falls in the water.
slab ef glass [invisible in the greve]. if they kill 2 ..
him they are t3.Ci.L., altheugh they might find Dnce the heap escape er kill all the"E‘
it if they search the greve leng eneugh {see Germinee the Geesed has mensters they can ge back te wnndering hew
heurs}. been captured by savages te find Germinee. Eventually they will
r‘-tside frem a bunch ef beds and seme semewhere deep in the happen upen an amusing scenarie that may
Jemim-a’s Witness paraphernalia lidels and Fhesterance. if the heap give them a hint.
such) the enly thing ef interest in the chamber want te learn his secrets
are a bunch ef metal cages stacked against a they’ll have te rescue his
wall. In ene ef these is an uncenseieus smelf. serry ass. They can get te The Phesterance in
The Dweeb
If he is awakened he reveals himself te be S-erne time after the menster attack {a few _
any number ef ways. Maybe they can buy a
Slimemeld Smelf Ill [pg ’i4'i}. He admits his days er se], as the heap are wande-'
balleeen in Gargle Twice, er ge en feet access
partin ‘v'erni:-c:’s curse, and effers tn cnncect an hepelessly threugh the mire, read this:
the Cipen Range [a gigantic desert ef dried J
antidete. The enly catch is, he enly has half meld and dust}. Whicltever way they ge, ence i This really sucks. {Tit-'er the last several
the recipe. His brether lcnews the ether |1a|f, they get there they’ re in fer a treat... l
'. clays ynu l1a1.-'e nianagetl tu get ynr.|rselt»‘e5
but Slimemeld Ell has ne idea where he is. if
even mere l1ept'.-lessl_v lest. hlet enly have
the heap tell him abeut the ghest under the I
juice bar he will get very sad, but will ge visit The Fhesteranee
his brethe.r's spirit an-d make the antidete. Df fl'I—hF—.

ceurse, if the heap never esplered under the The l-‘liesteI'ance is :1 hnrriti :‘n+'.u'e‘Iss ni l
juice bar they went knew abeut Slimemeld he bbling |‘nur.'ic and trlnatetl fungi- Ft clense,
Smelf XIII and therefere wen’t he able te lift itchy Iniasrn 1:-f spei'I.-‘s anti mist cit:-uu_ls
’ ynur visitm and lenn.l_s a spunky east tn the
"Vs-rnizi-:’s cu rse.
vvliclle affair- The hurbling gru1"nl‘rles cit
iI_:I‘1seen f‘l'ti'.Z|l1E-it'i:.‘I".'i battle the l.Jl.'l'tLiLJlt'[H.lE-i-
Beselutjen ihuimiiig insect htwtles fin‘ ytuir ears’
Here's the deal: ‘lvlerni:-: is very happy as an '. atten titan. Ftititilig is trea-:'l'lereI_1s, in say the
infant. He actually dees net want the curse te least, as tliiclcets til tlualing nniss an-_l
be lifted. If the heap get the antidete, hewever, gigantic Iriuslirimrn caps, ivl‘1i-:.'h prnvlcle
Einky Beebeekisser will put it in his |erd's the enlv tiry grnuncl fer yrflrts in any l
bettle anyway. There are sever-al pessii:-le i..‘lllE.‘tl.'III'.Z|T'I, hreak apart 1-vttlitr-ut warlung,
eutcernes te this tale, depending en the spilling ynu intci the gi‘eas_'t' l‘+rine that
success ef the herees’ en-deavers: flrietls this ahhtirrent svt-*an1p_ l
i"~.lel' lung intu ytiur jr‘.l1.irI*Ir_'y, l.‘l1'enchetl, lI
flutcente Cine: They find the glass and the itchy, a1'u.‘l liupelessly it:-st, it t:-v.'i.:urti tn yr:-u
antidete. In this case, tlinky gives them the that Uclrniiriee the Lititisetl ct‘:-ultl he
l"~.lumba Cruncha but "v'erni:u: is pissed eff !
anytv here-
abeut the curse being lifted. He fires Einky 1-u_ n —:.-lgéj—- l. u- ?n—u._?rl-—u_ . -.-.- -.-.- -.---'-‘II’!-II‘ I
and lets the heap cheese a prise frem his Wltile traveling threugh The Fhesterance.
garage instead ef his vault. The garage the heap can either build a beat er raft ef seme
centains several wagens. a few pigTT|}’ sings, a sert {semehew} and paddle threugh the water
creeper, and twe threesycles. er they can ge en feet by climbing their way
acress carpets ef fleating mess and the
Dutceme Twe: They find the glass but net ubiquiteus fungi that jut frem the muck like
the anl:idete. They de net get E-inky’s tumers. Either way there is nu clear path te
Heemanrace artifact, but may cheese a prize fellew and unless they have seme really
frem ‘v'en1i:a:'s treasure vault. in the vault are clever means te aveid the dangers ef the
all serts ef mundanejeweled things [value up swamp and t1'ack dewn Germinee they will
te ll.l,tl'tlfl clams] and a bunch ef randem weird seen find themselves in a whele heapin’
devices (each casts ene Fewer ef Nevice te helping ef treuble.
Seasened rank and has it] PI’ per day}. The Fhesterance is pretty much infested
with all manner ef menstreus beasts, net the
Dutcenie Three: They find the antidete but least ef which a1'e hrecediles and cute little
net the glass. E-inky gets fired but he gives duckies. As the heap get mere hepelessly lest
them the artifact. they are attacked by these veracieus
predaters. A fleck ef cute little duckies tries te
Dutceme Feur: They find neither the
'-=:' :"'—-"F=-'-:n'.=-
The Elpen Flange is heme Te-.:__sI:n-ne ef.,t|'lii' larg est slag herds en.ceFi':l.' seme ever-ten"theusai-nicl individuals.
Ii‘ etgirihiihfltteiiiil and"
I.'__ -if _I_ 1‘ r—. |.
- _h_ * .—-I'
I + _ It ._
--.'_.- __.-_ user‘
. .,...._.....,,.._..__...,..._____.__._...__..._ ___._. .____.__._._._.__.______._.......___,...
yeu ne clue hew te find tlerminee. yeu're. ft huge lneultlt-r juts frem the stttgn.1:1tl
pretty sure yeu have ne clue hew te escape hrine, erupting ferth frem the filmy
this wretched marsh either. ‘r'eu’re itchy.i I
miasrna like a ntusltrtmm t'nve1'etl blistt.-r_l'
sedden, greasy, cranky. and lest. As yeul lhe stene is t:-lwintisly l1nllnt~.-', as en.-'ii_li.'1‘icet_l _
grumpily settle yeurselves te an‘ l by the circular luale seve1'al _vti1‘ts up its‘
imprevised lunch el' l.‘.-:agv.'tu't and L I fcu‘i.van_'l face. 'f_luttering terchlight lends an r
grubcakes, a strange smell reacltes yeur eerie cast tn the r.lt1.r.ens nf chanting sEn't1g£.‘s .
nestrils. Sniff, sniff. Wltat is that? It kind ef I dancing f1‘enetit'ally a reund a gigan tit‘,
smells like fresh reasted sleg steaks" ste'a1‘niI'1g_ st:-u p put- llaitgling atw:-ve the. put.
slathered with delicinus bilgeberry gl.-nee. .. - |
'n.‘rappe.d in thick in-', is the wigglirtgt
: fnrn1 [if a srnelf_
-—-u--——-j-u-.n—:-u— -—--u-u—-.-I -1.5-——-—--u.—— —-.-..-——u-—--

The smell is ceming frem atep a very tall,

everhanging mushreem. The heap can't see lf the heap are priseners, they will be tied te
giant mushreems and ignered while their
the tep ef it, but they can see a thin trail et
.-.steam meandering frem abeve. The meal is pessessiens are taken te the sin-e-gegue and
threwn unceremenieusly inte the deer hele.
indeed fresh reasted sleg steaks and bilgeberry
glaze. prepared mements age by Smartypants They will have te find seme way te escape if
fl-ulgebrain [page 141}, a dweeb whe dwells in they den’t want te end up in the seup pet.
sits the heap leek en, savages en stilts carry
the swamp. Smartypants knews the heap are
belew him, but he thinks has high eneugh up varieus ingredients te the seup pet and tess
them in. There is ne fire beneath the pet, but it
that they can't melest him. If they call up te
him pelitely he will effer te share his meal with appears te be beiling nenetheless. Every
at ‘In em {they have te climb up te him, theugh]. minute er se Eerminee {page 133] is lewered
anether yert er se. He is wiggling wildly, but
Otherwise he will ignere them. If they try te
sneak up en hirn, er steal his Feed, he will use is unable te free himself.
his magic bew tie te telepert away’ then harass New it falls upen the heap te rescue
the heap with practical jekes until they Germinee befere he becemes just anether
ingredient. There are a tetal ef ferry savages.
apelegi.-ee. Smartypants speaks in really big
wards, shewing eff his immense veca bulary Five ef them a1'e en stilts and armed with
and brainpewer. threwing recks [Str+2}. The rest have bene
Smartypants knews quite a bit aheut what clubs and brecedile sneuts [St1'+2]. Twe
gees en in the I’hesterance. If the heap give werms sit step the mushreem frem which
him a nice present, er it they pull a Germinee dangles, slewly lewering the repe
in time with the ritualistic dancing. As the
pen-painful practical jeke en him [he gets a
Bess, yeu can set this up hewever yeu want.
Smarts rell te a'ti'fliL‘I the gag}, he will tell them
what he knews aheut Germinee. lvlaybe threw in a few trained brecediles er
—.- ......-._i—__..-......-.. semething if yeu need mere variety. The heap
I Indeed, kind heans, I I:.I‘1nw a thing can initiate a straightfervvard assault er they
seven £tl'tt'}t_tlI this int1'epii.l sthelf bf 1.vl‘te.uIn 1 can be sneaky aheut it. Just ma ke it interesting
ynu tp1e1‘_1.'_ l-le +.‘aI'ne ten this blessed and imprevise se Germinee deesn’t get killed.
quagrnire n*Iany LI‘.-tyfi age, in 5-'.ear4.‘I‘1, I Speaking ef Germinee, he's in pretty bad
ferefeiwl, hf a l'lIt..ILI|'.‘I'l}rne_ this plate, I - shape. He's been stripped naked and tied
declare, was nnce ht:-Ilne tn vile sin, but I‘1e.«v-.-' The Savages tightly with weeds and brecedile intestines se
5-'-tantls i.le|'elict and Lli$ttl1ustH.l, but Itt:-t Wltelt they start te get clese te the he wen’t be much help during a fight. His
. really. l.""."itl‘tiI‘1 he ltnpttcl In find I krinw net E sin-e-gegue the heap are ambushed by a enly fallback weapen is a reek cencealed in
what, but in stead 'within he fnI_:I'Idl bunch ef savage werms. The savages are his left neslril [Belt 3dEe:3] which he will use
misfertune-_ Dun‘ guy was capturei.'l, vielent and bleedthirsty, but will try te in a last ditch attempt te smash the cauldren if
leguntes, t'ict'iIn nf the tt1uri:sl"s hluni_li.-rr_Pin,-'i it cemes te that. All ef Germinee’s supplies
I capture the heap alive if pessible {fer later
Gut treilling fer l'i1‘e:ctiLliles, the uI‘1ft1rtLIn'ate censumptien}. Cine ef them is wearing a have been taken by the savages and stewed in
lttlnke was set upnn by sat'ages. llt-"'ll he a strange hat, which any heap member whe saw the sin-e-gegue {aleng with the heap's
seup aheut this time, tine irnagines, E the hallucinatien frem the reek in Pee Eating supplies if they were captured}.
Elf‘-5uI1'1ing they aI'en’t saving hirn f-:'.«r a Grin will recegniae as Germinee’s. In the giant seup pet is a magic stene that
sunn_v clay. I’n't happy tr.'}i.liret‘t yeu t:-n ynur radiates intense heat when it gets wet. This is
war, shnultl ‘I.’t}Lt cl'innse tn pursue nur Savages [standard werrns]{12}[pg 136]: The a weird device created by the tribal shaman se
' '
- frlemlltrss frie11i_l. savages are armed with bene clubs and the savages can ceek their feed in this wet
Se, apparently Germi nee was captured by brecedile sneuts [Str +2}. Each has a leincleth envirenment.
savages while he was investigating the and a length ef repe made f1'em brecedile lf the heap successfully rescue Germinee
sinegegue. Germinee has net yet been made intestines. They are members ef the Pinksneut and kill er disable mere than half ef the
inte a seup, but he will be seen if the heap tribe and speak enly their ewn language. savages the rest will flee inte the swamp.
'den’t intervene. Smartypants will send them Germinee is extremely grateful te be rescued
in the preper directien. It will take 2 days te If the heap manage te get captured they will and will speak epenly with the heap abeut all
get te the sin-e-gegue assuming the smartest be stripped ef their weapens and tied he knews. He will premise te return te the
here makes a Smarts rell at -2. If he fails the tegether, then led back threugh the swamp te Garden ef Smellemental Glee previded the
Smarts rell add the number ef days by whi-::|1 the abandened sin-e-gegue, which is new the heap premise te centinue his quest te find the
he failed te the time ef the jeurney. Be sure te lair ef the Finksneut tribe {sert ef; they den’t Primerdial Seup Kitchen. Here is what he
actually ge inside, but they de hang eut in knews:
Smartypants will net accempany them, but he frent ef it}. If the heap kill er frighten eff the
may shew up seme ether time they need help savages they'll have te find anether way te 4'-‘I: The jeurnal he stele frem the Garden ef
if yeu want, since his magic bew tie allews cliscever the sin-e-gegue. Dnce they de, Smellemental Glee mentiened seme kind ef
whether en their ewn er as captives, read this: staff, the varieus pieces ef which were
him te telepert.
if scattered acress the Clith. Assembling the staff

Unga Elunga, a werrn et- the pint-tsneut tribe. is generally credited with inventing the whistling r:al_._Ildren lid.
- 116

,_—- . -
Li‘ .... .-
is the key te epening the Seup Kitchen. secend l"~.'letice tell, this ene at -2 will shew the
is The jeumal was eaten by a breeedile eutline ef a stene deer behind the sent that
several days age. cevers this pertien ef the wall. This deer leads
sh: He has determined the lecatien ef the tn the chambers ef Sinmaster Sneegles, the
first piece ef the staff tn be in this abandened fermer priest ef the sin—e—gegue (Area B}.
sin—e—gegue. but he was captured by the
savages befere he ceuld get inside. The deer te Sinm-aster Sneegles' effiee is
-ft: He believes the lecatinn ef the seeend heavy stene. There is ne keyhele er kneb eEs;.¥"
piece ef the staff may be knewn by members any kind. The deer is barred frem the ether
side. It has a tnughness ef '12, and must be
ef the Greenspleen clan ef Cilewhie, whe are ....-II'

suppeseclly the histerical pretecters ef the destreyed in erder fer the heap tn get past it.
thing. Remember, when attacking ebjects, raises and‘;
is: Uuulen Crepules has been funding his aces den’t ceunt. The deer is immune I.-Q:
expeditien, but Germinee deesn’t trust him. damage Frem fire, acid, electricity, and celd'
The cremefillians he was traveling with were {altheegh freezing it then heating it quickly
Friends ei Lluulen, but they stayed behind in might shatter it). f'tl|:heL1gl't ne bell is te be
blew Cterlquar. Germinee suspects l.luu|en feuncl in the tabernacle, simply saying th .
may be werking with a sect ef jemima’s werds “ring ring" er ringing a bell semeenel
Witnesses leeking fer the Seep Kitchen, but happened te bring aleng will cause the deer
he's net sure. te unleck.
it A greup ef I-teemanitarians ambushed
Gnrminee eutsicle ef Gargle Twice, but he get The depth ef this chamber is deceiving. See, E. Sinmaster F-neegles’ Chambers
this big ass reek is actually even bigger ass. lt l 5utTerin' seeks, this place is a mess! It
1%: Searching fer the Primerdial Seep gees dewn inte the Dith quite a distance. The l appears te be a beelreein er effiee ef seme
Kitchen has been ‘C3erminee's ebsessien fer Tabernacle chamber ence had a narrew i sert. Elrelcen bits ef furniture and shattered
many years. He can‘t explain it, hes just stairway spiraling its way areund the walls te j glass litter the fleer in massive heaps. A
driven. the fleer a hundred yerts belew ['lEl|Cl’]. The l huge puddle ef shallew water takes -_
greasy black sludge is the d rippings frem the mest ef the reem. Hitgainst the far wall is a
Fer mere infermatien en Germinee the eily beids. Any seuree ef fire that is breught circular stene deer with a big ass keyhele
Gnesed, be sure te reference his entry en page inte the chamber will ignite the sludge, right in the center.
I33. Once he has answered the he-ap’s sending a massive waft ef flame threugheut |_ jg. ._ a._- n: la— -i.a.a.a.-:-r1-

questiens, Germinee will aecempany them the entire reem. This blast inflicts aas peints The puddle ef water is net a puddle ef'
inte the sin—e—gegue. Df ceurse. there's really ef damage te anyene in the reem, killing mest water at all. We a puddle ef yuck, a vicieus
nething tn step the heap frem just killing him ef the beids. A preennptive hletiee rell menster that eeaecl its way inte the
at this peint, if they are the sert te de that kind fellewed by a Cemmen F.'.newleclge rel] will sin—e—gegue ever a century age and killed
ef thing. hip a character te the danger. mnst ef the devetees. The pu ddle has been
Dnee the flame burns eut, if it exists in the trapped in this reem since then. Semeb-edy
first place, the heap are free te werk their way slarmned the deer shut behind it while it we '
The Abandened 5in—e—gegue eating Sinmaster Sneegles. The puddle is
dewn the walls te the fleer belew. This can be
Basically all yeu can see ef the I
.a_-__—. _-.n_-

1 clene by climbing the breken statuary carved smart eneugh te wait until mnst ef the heap
sin—e—gegue is a really big reel: with -HIT1 inte the walls {three Climbing rells aleng the have entered the reem befere it begins its
entrance hele several yerts abeve the :5 way), rappelling with repes, er fellewing attacks, but ence they're inside —wee hen,
surface ef the shallew marsh. The retted whatever ether ingenieus methed the heap buddy, watch eutl
j'‘ remains ef an ancient stairway jut uselessl y devise. C-if eeurse, getting back up will be an
frem the water's suI'lace and a few repes } issue tee, but yeu can deal with that later. Pucldie ef ‘fuck {pg 32]: The puddle ef_
made ef breeedile intestine dangle lrem the There is ne light in this reem but what the yuek hasn’t eaten in ever 'lflfl years. It is very
epening. fits yeu pender hew best te enter, t- heap bring with them. hungry... Dlt yeah, den't ferget it gets three
a eeuple ef small black beids llutteI' lrem The fleer ef the chamber is selid stene. A simultaneeus attacks per me nd.
the hele and fly elT inte the swamp. gigantic hand flipping yeu eff is carved inte -.-‘ it.
Dnce the heap manage te dispatch the
_n—-. l_r--I.a n_. _j__ _u—i_ _ _n.a.—u_a.n.-_r _--u--i_ a_

The beids are eily beids {page 82}. Several the center. Wltatever gear the savages threw
dewn here [including all ef {3erminee’s puddle ef yuck they are free te investigate the
deeen ef them are reesting in the sin—e—gegue.
pessessiens} is still here. Clteek te see if any remains ef the reem. l-lere is what they find:
The beids are mestly harmless and wen't
attack, but they have made the interier ef the breal-cables {like reeks and the like] were
damageel in the fall and te see if everything 1%: A ceel ceremnnial dagger {Str +1, Str +4-
sin—e—gegue a very dangereus place, as yeu
else burned up in the fire {if it happened). The when wielded by a Stanismist}.
will see as yeu read en.
stuff in f.3erminee’s firepreef sack will still be 1‘?-x Randnm bits ef shiny things [3-5tlt] clams
tetalj. "
intact. ef ceurse.

n..The Tabernacle F '-| u

_:.,.-._n.._ a.a.-.—: __n_n_,__,.-.__,_-___,_,-...

There’s ne sign ef the staff in here, but a 155: It key made ef metal and hene. The bene ‘Phr-

Frem yeur perch in the entryway it I successful Netice cheek and a bit ef searching has been mestly eaten by the puddle ef yuek.
appears this gigantic reund chaInbeI' takes 5: will reveal the fellewing: tn erder te make the key usable again, the
up the entire sin—e—gegue. The crumbled bene must be replaced by seme ether material
relnnants ef evil statuaI'y threugheut they it The charred and blasted remains ef {Repair rel] -2). Eltnce it is fixed. it will epen ___.__-_j''
I reem and acress the walls and ceiling new several dezen eerpses areund the euter edges the circular deer te Area C.
- prevides reesting space fer the dezens ef; '15: A gigantic snew she-vel {Str+3} still in
ef the reem. These are sacrificed victims frem
greasy black beids that inlest the chamber.
decent shape.

a century er se age. mestly ereaeh exe-

l Ems kind ef eily sludge clings te the walls 1
.* skeletens and bedul benes. sit: at small metal barrel. This is a em a."
and the fleer is lest in gleem. Whatever l -fit Wern and seerehed carvings all ever the tnerms. Wlten it is epenecl, an extremely leng' ‘T.
steps ence led lrem the deerway te the t I

place depicting varieus vices and sins in spring snake sheets ferth and acts as a 300'
lTeer belew have leng since I'etted away. J
aetien. repe and grapple. l-lmmm__. maybe they can
leaving a vertigineus drep inte thel -fit A plaque en the wall that says use this te get eut ef here later. It's reusable
darkness. J "Sinmaster Sneegles. Ring fer service". A tee. .

Sinrna ster Sneegles ence .xf_é“F't D_|_'| a slug deg. eaI'ng’*"'bin_ge tha'li!'lT5'.;feTh'1_six-hdugdried "days.
“V "‘|._
. - _ .
.1.-. -I-I '.u. I" ‘-rI-'.'-:1-
- ' __ .-- -. _ __ *
. —j._
_ _ *1- '.'_. . _r
____ ""‘
H: .
_’C'..The Vault "1='igc1r Tflll each rciund cir suffer a wciund
{Shaken first, of ccnursej. Make this pa1't
1 T11e cir1'11|.-11' p111't11| opens into .1 sn1alI1' exciting, b11t t1'y net to kill anyc-ne u11less tl1ey Bi€*S;1_‘@‘ii<i«’- ‘,€‘c:.1~1t.—1:-=sel.£ 1
{ rnund 1'11.1111bc1'. ln t11e center 1111 t|1e dcr scimething stupid cur refuse tcu use be1111ies.
T _

Tu-—--—--- -u—-—------

cha111ber is .1 straI1g1=, squat st11t111~ 11I' seine 1 If the heap want tcr find
,'»s111't 111' 1111I'11e1i an1pl1'1bia11 111' s11111et11iI1g.. Getting Glut the next piece tci the F'l'l5D-
i T111-'-t|11'11g 111111111 11 s|1111't 11'11111'1e11 pele iI1 its _1 Glnce the heap have the staff, tl1ey must fi11d kia11 Staff, ti1ey'll have tcu
hands. C1'111l1l t11is be t11e legeI11l111'1' ' ' st.-1l'f[ a way tcr get ciut of the sin-c1-gcigue. Hcnpefully trayel tcr Glcrwhicr tcu find a
. . 1-
y1111 f11r11'l11c11 _1'1111 se111'1'|1? D11, and the ll11111'1 tl1ey'll t'hi11k crf scnmething creatiye. Gcirminee member cif the Gree11spleen
I is c1we1'e1l in twisty spikes. 1
{if he still lives} will thank the heap for their cla11. Unfcnrtunately, as
1____ _ _ _ _u___ _.___,_ ___________1
help and premise tc1 retur11 in The Garde11 cuf they'll t.‘liSI:fl‘|1-'E'l', the entire clan has been
The flcncrr is indeed ccwe1'ed in twisty
Smellemental Glee, assuming the heap hcnld to enslayed by the Gubernatcrr a11d fcrrced tcr
spines, but tl1ey a1'e easy to walk arcrund. "1"ep,
their promise to cc-ntinue sea1'ching fur the wcirk i11 a S]]‘IDi[iEI'5l:{tl‘tE mine.
this is indeed tl1e staff fDI' wl1icl1 they search.
It's basically just a w11c1clen pcile abbut 3 ybrts
Germinee is net SD easily ridded cnf,
icing (3') with a stra11ge metal tip on each end. Ginwhie
l‘tGIWI.':""1-'E'I'. He will use reeks c-f invisibility a11d
It dc:-esn' t lcucnk like 11111ch but it has snrt bf a
ndseblcrating tc1 fcnllciw them fer a few days
wei1'd aura Ell.'}G|LIi it. as if it is scimelhing fa1' Hcnw the heap get ten Glcnwhici is up 1:11 them.
befc-re making a11 atte111pt tcn steal the staff a11d
mclre pcrwerful than it appears tcr be (cuz it is}. Must likely tl1ey'll be cciming c111 fflfit frcnm The
ccintinue the searcl1 himself. Gcirmjnee
Anyway, D1"tL"E' anycrne tries tc1 pry the staff Fhesterance, a rcrute which will take them
actually l1as every ll‘1tE1‘ttlC|t‘t cnf returning
frcrm tl1e statue's hands, the pcrcip predictably thrc-ugh the fc-crthills cnf the Teats cif
home, but the geas inflicted cm him by the
hits tl1e prcwerbial fa11. This can be ayeided if Ecuzirgieaar, cur they might cut thrciugh the
Dementicinal Etiscetesticus wc1n't let him.
scrmecrne clcisely i11specti11g the stat11e makes a hc-lewhence edge cif The M.c1c111ula1' Cheese
Glf t_"'tZ!|ltt'5E‘, they may ncrt allew Gcnrminee to
successful l"~1crtice 1'Dll. The arn1s are crbyiciusly Fields. Either way, maybe yuu can plan
leave SD easily. The heap may decide tci keep scimething fun fur them tcu dcr en the way;
rigged tn slide arcrund a bit if the staff is
him with them SCI they can return him tcu the
remcwed. The l1eap can jam same rubble intcr perhaps an enccuunter with scrme l1ern1itic
Garde11 himself er take him tcn GItl1c-tl1c+th
the c1'acks cur scsmething [Lbckpicking rcrlll tn ficu:11'gie.=:arians Gt‘ an attack by ‘I1-'Dt'flI.I'lCIUS
Blech in New Glnrlquar.
keep the trap frcnm spri11gi11g, but if tl1ey dc1n't qcrc-cl1ac1111s. it's up tc1 yc-u, but cunce they get
the entire ceiling ccullapses in en them. there read this:
1"51nyc1ne i11 the rbbm may 111ake an Ptgility 11311 Wi:1111-_'s Next?
__.._j.j_ _ ,__ .. _..,_._.._,_.j___.:.__..__.__

at -2 m c11'der tcn jun1p intb Sinma ster Sncrc1gles' Beslaye Yeurself Gl11wl1i11 is a 1.-'e1'y strange place. Theyi
crffice, but if they fail they each take =idE1 pciints 151 Net Sc: Fund Farewell ta 1i11'111s sky is thick, dark a111i crra11ge 11'hile the 1111111 11
11f damage and a1'e b11ried be11eath a L'lDEE"1‘t itself glnws with 1111 eerie, din1. blue b11I'11.
ycrrts crf swan1p mud and filth. Werms ca11 dig 111 all directicms the g1‘c«111111 is bleak. hard _
themselyes Dtti at I]1e n1:11'mal rate, but anybne stcnne, cratered and j11n1b1ed. infested with 1'
else is gcsing tcr need help. Gvh yeah, and the great mcky 11ut1'1'c«ppi11gs. chasms. a11d -,
rcrcnm is also filling with water frclm abcwe. c1111y1'111s. 1
1.——..,..-——-..—-_1—_...,_....._j.- .1. 1
_ _._n_nj _ _-1_ _- j-.-uja_-...-__r_n_-—uj-

Anya ne t1'ap ped under the muck must Inake a


Glewhie is a pretty dangereus place te be. launch an attack fer seme reasen the sl-aves days. Remember te check fer randein
The enly water te be feund is in the greasy will all fight ie the death te pretect the enceunters every day, but keep in mind
mists that eccasienally blew in frem The lashni-asters. slavers and such met randemly de net knew
flhesterance te ferm stagnant peels ef grimy anything abeut the Cireenspleens.
muck against reck faces and puddle at the Slaves flllistandard werms, becluls, crea-
bettem ef canyens and craters. The mest ches, and a cremefillianjtpg 136}: The slaves
abundant seurce ef feed are the mutant lend wear nething but leincleths. Sis ef them are The Greenspleen Cave
T*"#—*";*—— #fi
fish that ream the desert feeding eff gravel armed with big weeden paddles {Str +2], and [ fill‘: l'1E1l‘|l Finally, this must be the place. '
mites and meld. lvtest ef these fish are smell the ethers will use their fists. [ is-'|1.1t ynu see iv.-=fere yeu is ynu r average,
and harmless, but they can grew te incredible [ £."cI_*ryLlay, run—et—tl1e—r1‘till huuse built inte El
sizes and became quite veracieus. Lashmasters teltstanclard creaches and cave situetinn ll». quite n‘mdern lei-nkillg
lifter twe days the herees and all their stuff bedulsltpg 135]: The lashmasters all have l'|nuset'rent til carved stene b1'icl<.s, glass
will begin te acquire a dull glew ef their ewn. Fighting d "I ll. They are armed with whips and wiI‘1I..lmvs, i3II‘n.l brightly painted
This glew is net bright eneugh te dilute the clubs {Sir +2] but will net fight until mest ef "
shutters juts truth the arched cave rneu|'.l‘L
natural celer ef things, but it dees make the slaves are incapacitated er they are ,I i’l.I"t elegantly ce1'ven.l wemi-_-n deer stands
hiding in the dark almest impessible. The attacked directly. Their black cleaks, which within the ezcpansive frtlttt pt:-rclt. Ft.
glew will begin te fade as seen as they leave cever their entire bedies, are enchanted te I L'I'1.-‘I'1'ti;"l'-'lllli-'Il‘t in a leiitclnth kneels en the
Cilewhie, and will dim cempletely after a resist the glewing effects ef Glewhie. per-:'l1 1'Ie:~:t tea a line Ill: rncking chairs,
week er se. scru bbing back .‘.n*u.l fnrtl‘1 with serI11e kind ef
The heap will have te travel threugh the if the heap decide te kill everyene, they’ll st:-zip},-' brush- fits yeu appreach, the frent
desert fer Edd days befere they find any sign have te wander fer Hclrl mere days befere they di:-er crpens and a smiling bndul dressed in
ef intelligent life. When they de it is in the meet anether such greup. If they have seine taut-:'y green duds ctmies eut, waving and
ferm ef a bunch ef sl-aves end their masters. sert ef peaceful accerd, ene ef the Ias hm aste rs, ' grilming in a trieru_lly rnanner. "ll-‘tfelct'Jl'|'tE‘
Read this: a bedul named Eettemjaw, will speak fer the visiters," he beams- ”5L'|'.li'.|}"| my bnwels and
greup. He will ask whe they are and, as leng
i This place really sucks. The feed sticks. T save the lefint-'ers_ l lave a seat en the perch
as they aren’t escaped slaves, be pelite and and rest yeur Llatvgs-”
the service is terrible, water is herd te find ._,,,._____,_,.___.___,__ ._,___,___._,__
henest. He'll answer any ef their questiens
and testes like filth, and te tep it all etfl The bedul is lieenestril P-:1-rttynieuth I. ..1.-"'r P.

regardingthe fish hunt-and wish them luck en

, yeu've develeped this l‘|lEL'tl'l'I.-" lumin-
y their way. If they ask abeut the Greenspleens
‘Hill. a ceusin ef the Gubernater ef Ewg. _' .- .

i escence that makes it herd te sleep er play iieenestril is very friendly, even sending a -n.

he will get quiet fer a mement then tell them

.1‘ ‘-

hide end ge seek. ‘fen heven’t seen any; slave te fetch seme ceid speeberry juice and up

he dees knew ef them, but he can’t remember

intelligent beings since yeu get here, aside i baked mutant land fish fritters fer the heap’s
where their cave is. His memery can be jegged
frem thet gI'eup ef dudes en the heI'i:cen. refreshment. He has a terrible pettymeuth, as
if the heap will ge eut and catch the largest
_ -jn _n- j _ _ n--_a- Z. -1: _—_n -1- -_-__ _a_
his name implies, but the even his epithets are
mutant land fish in the scheel, a huge
The dudes en the heriaen are a bunch ef friendly. l-ie wen't let the heap inte the heuse,
menstresity called "El {.'ierde". He may accept
slaves and serne laslunasters. They are eut claiming he is redecerating and hes
seine sert ef bribe instead, but that’s up te
gathering water end hunting mutant land fish embarrassed te let them see the mess, but they
te take back te the mine in which they live. can stay en the perch and chat as leng as the *' "
They haven't spetted the heap yet, but they El Cierde is amid the scheel ef mutant land
want. W hen asked alaeut the Greenspleens he
fish just ever the nest ridge. There are
will seen if eur herees den’t hide. The heap leeks sad and tells the heap the Greenspleens
thirty—five fish in the scheel, which me-ans
may be able te sneak cleser te get a better used te live here, but they defaulted en a lean
they have a dli Smarts and can talk and
leek. but 1'eme1nbe1' they glew in the dark se frem the Eiubernater and were seld inte
Stealth rells have a -l penalty [enly -l since interact intelligently. The trick is te get them
slavery. l-ie thinks the family patriarch,.
te split inte smaller greups, which makes
everything else glews tee). Clnce they get ‘feceplialus Eireenspleen werks at a
cleser, read this:
them stupider and easier te catch. The
lashmasters will erder the slaves net te
smelderstene mine net tee far away. .4
F'eenestril is happy tn give them detailed 1-""1;
‘madam- _—..._n_a_1.-.a_n.a._-.—.._ __n_n__,.n_ _n_,_-,-..

_»"'t. l.n1ni'l1 Hi‘ guys {three tverms and ivce l participate in the hunt.
weird b-:u.ltIls]I in lnincleutlis are stretching a - .-.- directiens.
big net i‘'t liver -:nItcI't'rppings_ Eitmte 1——.-uI-
Mutant Land Fish {3-illipg E1}: The mutant
etlier guys in lelincletlts ftv.-"er +.‘r:..'rat:l1es, twti _. -.n-
"—-I land fish are all medium sized and have The Smeiderstene Mine _
heduls, e crelncfillieli, end .1 vvertn} ere nermal MLF stats. Net tee far away frem the fermer -
{ svving'ing big paddles in the air and making Greenspleen cave {abeut 4 heurs by feet} is
tidd 'wl‘n'Jr.iping |‘1e-ises_ lfeur guys draped in '\.-— r-.—- .I-r
El Get-de, Gigantic MLF [wild card]: El the smelderstene mine mentiened by
bleclt. liflens crack wliips al'Hnve their heads 1.-r
Eierde is just like any ether l'vl|-F escept he has Peenestril ll-’ettymeuth_ lt's net much te leek
I- -
and sheet at them te lIl.II'I'_'|..'- "Ft:-1.1 can't make l St-r dltl, Fighting dltl, Teughness Ill, and is at frem abeve greuncl, but it's actually a-
eut the species Int these l"a;*l"~lecke11ed telks, size +4 {-2 parry against srnaller creatures}. pretty huge eperatien. Beneath the surface are
and eddly emiugli their clntltes du net i yerts and yerts ef tunnels linking deeens ef
gltn-v- if the heap manage te catch er kill El Gerde caves that descend hundreds ef yerts inte th -
witheut damaging the bedy tee much, er if Clith. Several hundred slaves‘ werk here, *---
The slaves with the paddles are psyching they successfully bribe er intimidate aleng with deeens ef lashmasters, everseers,
themselves up se they can chase the herd ef Bettemjaw, he will tell them what he knews fermen, and the like. The enly part ef the
mutant land fish en the ether side ef the nest abeut the Greenspleens, which is this: the mines visible frem the surface are a few stene
ridge inte the net. The guys in black are Greenspleen clan lives in a cave abc-ut twe eutbuildings, wareheuses, and effices. __
lashmasters (twe c1'eaches and twe beduls]. days walk frem here. l-le gives them reugh Severe] deeen slaves, all dressed enly in
The lashmasters aren't belligerent, as leng as
directiens, but says it is hard te find. He’ll leincleths, lead wagens {pulled by trained
the heap aren’t dressed as slaves. effer te sell them a slave whe can lead them mutant land fish] with crates ef smelderstene
If the heap try te sneak up en the greup and there fer 'lllilfl clams. fer sale and expert. E-Several entrances te the_
are spetted by either the slaves er lashmasters If the heap buy the slave {whichever ene mines can be seen, each guarded by a ceuple" _
semeene will sheut an ala1'm and the slaves they want], they can be at the {Zireenspleen ef lashmasters in black cleaks.
will run te p1'etect the lashmasters. As leng as cave in twe days. If net, they will mest likely Cine ceel thing is since the stenes ef
the heap den’t attack a_nyene they will be get lest aleng the way and have te backtrack l'.'_ilewhie glew dimly en their ewn, the mines
treated respectfully. I-lepefully the heap will and leek fer land marks, which will take Eds are illuminated threugheut. Smelderstene
intreduce themselves at this paint, but if they
The Greenspleen clan us_ed.,=_‘i'i:’ be estrernely intI’ti'5l' in sIuvhrei;gAyss“a'sr

H :9 '.-T .ar's,m1r_.-.‘gEiins_'a...
" -l—u '-" u-—-
- ——
- . -l" r . __l'' a_
._, .I_. H:
,-It --
f ._. _ . .3‘. J’

itself glews much mere brightly and with a successful. The slaves accept their place in life whe falls in suffers eas petnts ef damage per
different hue than the nermal stene ef and realize they have newhere te ge if they de reuncl and must make a Swimming rell er
Glewhie. revelt. begin te sink as the bailing undertew pulls
The heap have several eptiens at this peint. them under. it": drewned persen is pretty
They can try in Find same kind ei bess and much unreceverabie since the thing is se
'efier te buy ‘fecephalus, they ceulcl try te deep.
sneak in witheut a disguise, er they ceuld There are several pessible ways te cress the
disguise themselves as slaves and lashmasters chasm. A character ceuid climb sideways
and try te sneak in. lvtest ef the nest sectien acress the passage wall {Climbing -2} er take a
assumes they cheese this eptien. running jump [if she can jump ever Ell’). The
slaves that passed here befere have a pertable
If they ask semeene whe is the bass: hridgef ladder thingee they carry with them.
Ftnyhedy can tell them the guy in charge is The bridge is lying en the greund in the
Peenestril Pettymtiutli. If they want te deal passage just acress the chasm- intelligent use
with him they'll have te ge back te the cave. ef repes er samesuch might allew the heap te
'eenestril was having fun with them befere snag the bridge and drag it acress. The heap
se he didn't tell them he ewns the mine and may figure their c:-wn way acress. if they de,
all the slaves. He is willing te sell ‘fecephalus reward intelligent playing with bennies.
fer till-iiltl clams. as the heap pender hew best te cress the
chasm they hear the seund ef feetsteps irem
If they try te sneak in undisguised: This is back the way the came. Give them a minute er
pretty much a hepeless endeaver. hint enly -:.le se te prepare befere a greup ef lashmasters
‘-r~ _ey have ne idea e:-tactl y where Yecephalus cemes walking dewn the cerrider. its min as
is, but just abeut everyene in the mine will they see the heap, ene ef the lashmasters will
realise they aren't su ppesed ta be there and sheut "‘t"e, what are yeu deing here? We
will raise an alarm. I suppese, with weren't teld anather crew was in this
lrtvisibility and such the heap might be able te passage!"
pull this eff, se give them a chance, but the
best bet is in disguise themselves as slaves Lashmasters {t':-lfstandarcl hercs, Fighting
and intermingle with the real slaves until they cllfl}: The lashmasters are all hercs. They are
find Yecephalus- armed with whips and clubs [Str+2}. They
each have ‘iii yerts ('ltl'} ef repe, thick leather
If they try ta sneak in disguised as slaves: beats, and black [nen—glewing) cleaks. Cine
Leincleths aren't that hard te fincl, altheugh has twe bettied reeks [Telekinesis and Stun).
unless they managed te cnllect a lashmaster They alse carry a big jug ef water and a
cieak at same peint aleng the way the heap’|I bundle ef dried meat.
have t-reuble making a cenvincing disguise at
that sert. Dnce inside they sheuld be able te Quick thinking and a Persuasien rell frem
wander areund pretty easily as lnng as they the heap may allew them te aveid a fight here,
-' ._.:'~-‘Mu: ._
manage te leek busy whenever a lashmaster but the lashmasters are already suspicinus
cemes aleng. I-lepeiully they’|l think ahead Tutephalus Ereeaspleen and ernery. They wnuld really enjey killing
and stew their gear in a wheelharrew er the heap and tessing their bedies inte the
semething they can bring alnng.
The Deepest Part ef the Mine bettemless cu p ei cel-"tee just fer fun. The hercs
The werk crew that includes ‘fncephalus is
..u'_.' The thing is, these mines are geesin’ huge! have been sent te relieve the lashmasters
werking in a newly excavated tunnel many
everseeing ‘t’ecephalus' crew. Enterprising
yerts free‘: the mere pepuleus sectiens ef the
just walking areund. Remember, the heap herees might kill these hercs and assume their

mine. as the heap make their way teward this
have ne idea what he leeks like, er even what identities.
area, read this:
species he is. They ceuld ask amund, but that Dance the heap deal with the hercs and cress
—'- 4-é-'-4
ceulcl he dangereus if any lashm-asters the chasm they have enly a shert distance te
_I:|.—.- J-‘:Il—d. .fl.

Sakes alive, these iulmels must ge an

everhear. It will take a successful Streetwise ierever. "‘r'eu’ve been wallcing let‘ what ge befere they start te hear the seunds at
rell at -4 te find any useful infnrmatien irem a seems lil~:.e heurs in a narrcnv cylindrical mining up ahead. Eventually the passage
slave. fltsking a lashmaster can be dangereu s. passage that winds and twists like the guts epens inte a larger chamber. A ceuple et
and requires a liersuasien er Streetwise rell at el same really ama:-tingly huge guy. "r’eLI’ve dezten slaves wielding l-reweis and picks are
-4 irem a here disguised as a lashmaster. passed the eccasienal c1'ew el slaves harvesting glewing erange smelderstene
‘.;.Slaves asking a lashmaster will be met enly frem the walls ef this cave and leading it inte
with whippings. Failed Streetwise er I' pushing wlieelbarrcnvs lull el glewing ' wheelbarrews. Several lashmasters leunge
ruck, but nene ui them included
Fersuasien rells either mean the persen asked 1 ‘fecephalus and they've all been heading lazily nearby, chatting ameng themselves and
deesn’t knew Yecephalus er is afraid te talk. l baclt the way yet: came. it's been cjuite a eccasienal flicking a whip acress semec:-ne's
The heap can try until they succeed, but if ' back.
disceuraging while since yeu've seen I
they ask tee many peeple in ene area it may atn,-'l=.«ca.iy else. fits yen reuncl a steep tu1'n
attract attentien. yet: are surprisecl in see a wide chasmt Slaves {2fi}{varieus species] {pg 1315]: The
it sheuld take several heurs ef wandering splitting the passage and barring ye.nu1' slaves all wear leincleths.
threugh the mines and questiening peeple pregress. A s ireng ei thy smell.
befere they find eut where ‘fecephalus is. accempanied by cepieus steam and hissing Lashmasters {fi}{ane creach, ene werm,
He's predictably werking way dewn in the burbles cemes up irem the deep rill. twe hercs, twe cremefilliansllpg 13-6]: The
deepest part ei the mine in an unstable area "%TTb i .._ "1-"EH lashmasters are armed with whips and clubs
Full ei cellapsing walls and dangereus [Sir +2}. The werm is wearing a bitchin’ hat.
The chasm is a bettemless cup ef ceffee. it’s
abeut Ell yerts acress [EU] and quite slippery.
if the heap try semething stupid, like Depending en the heap’s disguise, the
The surface ef the bubbling brewn fluid is
starting a slave revelt er trying te fight lashmasters might think they are the crew that
abeut '15 yerts ['I5’] belew the lip ef the
everyene they meet, they will net be has ceme te relieve them er perhaps mere
passage, but it's unfathemably deep. Anyene

white pink is the most common ct:-ler iar aI-l"edre they are also l'{‘H.Jrr-|:'.l in blue. yellow. grey, and brews.
—-_ .1-26 .1
._ .


slaves sent te help with the laber. Seme fast dewn, fitting the way the tr-iitretsitinall kitchen fleer, he effers te sell them the beat
talking and a Persuasien rell might aveid a chewed bnne nr splntchy blendstain has; and its centents fer 'llIlil,lllIl clams. Cttherwise
fight, depending en what the heap de and say. -_'aLigl‘it veur attentien, hut sn far there'sl he sends them en their way.
‘fecephalus is ameng the slaves. He’s a hecn ne sign ef wl‘iat clit-rwed the bcitiu.-1s er If the heap attack Peenestril, he will scream
strange bedul with giant feet and eddly 'l spilled
the l'rleed. llev,
,. . . g
- fer help, summening his twe eclre
, - what s that? lherc '
bleated ferearms. The creach lashmaster is a seems in snme sert ef bettle lying en the - bedyguards frem behind him in the living
tiny little guy and he sits perched nn ! fleer up ahead- rnem. if he is killed, he will be immediately 1"

‘r’ecephalus’s sheulder aiest ef the time, '\—---u -u-- ,. ...__-_...__- _..._ ._.....,j.___:_ _..j___ ._....__._____ _
replaced by his geed twin, whe leeks just like, vi
flicking the peer bedul en the ear te ntetivate There is indeed a bettle en the fleer up him but dnesn’t have a geatee. The geed twin
him. They heap may be able te tell a ahead. its a reek {Greater Healing} gathered will gladly give the bes te the heap fer free,
believable lie in nrder tn separate "t’ecephalus frem a previeus victim by the kanlcers that lair
frem the greup. Use yeur judgment and let in this tunnel. They've set it up in an ebvieus Ddres {.?,}{pg 31}: The ed res are each armed“
the heap be creative. place as the lu1'e in a sinister trap. See, the with a reclr. {Str-F2).
Dnce the heap are able te chat with fleer in this sectien ef the tunnel is very brittle.
‘fncephalus [page 'i4,'2}, either by taking eut That’s because there isn't really a fleer at all, if they fnrce their way inside, either
the lashmasters er cenvincing them te hand just a sert ef false fleer the l-canlters made eut threugh the cellar er the frnnt deer, they will
him ever fer transfer nr semething, they will ef their ewn dried waste material. As seen as be in fer quite a sheck, The entire cave is‘-._
Find him tn be very sad and exhausted. He anyene gets within a few yerts [T] ef the cempletely deveid ef furniture and any sert
will answer their questiens ab-nut just abeut bettle the fleer will crumble away beneath ef embellishment er decnratinn, the seie
anything they ask, but he wen’t discuss the them, spilling them inte the chamber belew esceptien being a single stene chair in the
lirisekian Staff until the heap cnnvince him {unless they mat-:'.e an Agility rell at -2]. The center ef the living rnem. Several walls
they are net werking fer Feenestril er the fall is abeut ED yerts [Eff] and inflicts sas appear te have cellapsed, blecking access te
Gubernater. C-tnce they manage tn dn this, he peints ef damage. The area ef crumbly fleer is further reaches ef the place. If the heap have
will tell them what he knews: It} yerts {ll]’} leng and cevers the cer1'ider an eppertunity te ask Peenestril abeut this, he
t-—- ""—|'lI .‘*-;£l- n-“I|'I"|II..-F'|I-l. —I""|IlI|I-I-.i' HI
frem wall te wall. tells them his ceusin sent a hnrde nf slaves te I
'CiillIl"IL‘1' reuittl the t.‘aIripfiI'e, childreli, It's repessess all ef his stuff. all he has left is this" = - .5,
'j In the pit are twe kanhers, whe will
sterylinie--- chair, a jug nf speeberry juice, and a basket -I -'
immediately set upen anyene whe falls in.
Ye, my family, tl'teUreensj1lee1i clan, was i
The neise will attract feur mere l-tankers whe mutant land fish fritters, aleng with the
eiice a I'lt.l histericall_v a very pe1.~.-'erful and listed in his Peeps entry [pg ‘l-till},
rush in frem the cerrider beyencl the crumbly
influential bunch in. these parts- In fact we
fleer. These kanl-cers will spit caustic phlegm S-erne water stains en the fleer in ene reern
used in etvn this I'nir1e in whicli we I1fl'L"t.-'- indicate the kitchen. A thnreugh search and a
at anyene in the hele and at the ether
werk. That was i‘1efere I11}.-' idiet sen bet the
characters in the tunnel. btetice rell at -2 will reveal a tense stene in the
I entire stack en the slug races and test the fleer. The stnne can be prie~cl up, revealing a
I whele rness tn the Eul‘1erI‘tateI‘- f‘sl1:‘i1.’v' vveire small niche beneath. Clccupying the niche is a
Kanlcers [E]{Pg 3]]: The kankers are really
all slaves and nut lieldings are in the hands little rnetal best. The be:-i is lecked and the key
hungry and wiil fight tn the death.
i_ ef the lZ]ube|'iiateI"s +.‘nI_|sin lfeeliestril- lt is newhere te he feund, but it can be picked
really sucks, but what can ya tin? {l.,eckpicking -1} er smashed epen (Teughriess __
j The walls ef the pit are slimy and smeeth
:"t1i_'iv'tt'ay, this 5:"-taff ynu're asl-ting abeut-.- l ‘tilt. inside are a whele bunch ef tiny scre'tlti',"
{Climbing -2}.
l den’t knnw netliing alie1_tt a staff, but I de ' ivlest ef them are meaningless te anybedy but
l-mew semething al‘:e1.Il stimetliiiig. i'yly the Greenspleens, financial recerds and the
great gI‘am_li_latltl_'v used tn l'taye a treasure ' The Deer like, but ene is a decument describing a trade
that seuiitls snn‘1etl1ing lil-te that. The ' . between ifllciffer Cireenspleen and the
llrisnltiaii lipigraplis l1e called it- I have ne ' The tunnel centinues nn fer anetherl
Humung-a tribe nf Clerb's Wang. ,n‘-tpparently
clue v~.'hat’s hei‘et't'te ef it, but graI‘1+.ldatltlj.' r heuI' er se befere ending abruptly at a
‘ circular metal deer. Tliere dnesn't appear j flciffer traded semething called the Frisekian
alt-va_'vs kept his impertalit stuff in a tire; Epigrams in exchange fer mineral rights te an:
i he be a keyliele er lecking mechanism ul
l_t]'lLl er the kitchen fleer.
suppesed uriniurn mine semewhere en the
. _ any kind, l peninsula.
‘T’ '|I"'||'U
L t

Dnce the heap have their questinns A mere thereugh e:-iaminatien ef the deer Cewering behind a reck in ene ef the re-ems
answered, Yecephalus weuld like tn return te {and a l“~letice rnllj will reveal a were patch en is a strange little giggity. It has ahserbed .»..-.___
werk. Cine thing he knews that it just didn’t the wall just abeve it. This is a false stene that feltewing traits {a blue mehawk haircut,
nccur in him tn mentien is there is a secret pulls eut te reveal the end efa rusty chain set lrnpreved Sweep {Edge}, Level Headed
passage that cennects these mines tn the cave in the wall. Pulling en the chain, which slides {Edge}, rf"i1"l‘tlL3ltIlEJtl'I‘[‘,|US [Edge], Strength d3,
that l’eenestril lives in. If anyene asks, he’|1 eut several yerts frem the wall, will raise the and an incentinent bladder.
describe it in detail, but if they delft ask ht‘: deer. It requires a cembined Strength rell ei If the giggity is captured by the heap a-
wen't tell. '12 te lift H‘I,e deer, Clnce it’s epen, the deer primnrdial gnnn will begin te chase them,
The tunnel is feund in a mere pepuleus must he prepped epen semehew er it will arriving 21.14 heurs later-
area ef the mine, behind a big neck, It shnuld clese befere the last persnn helding the chain ',.
be ne treuble fer the heap te sneak inte the can get threugh. Frirnerdial Geen {pg E2}: The geen wen't ‘Pau-

passage, prnviding they dnn’t de anything tne mess areund. It just tries tn kill everyene.
ebvieus. The tunnel gees fer a few heurs,
winding arnund en itself several times. rttleng The (lid Greenspleen Cave
Wliether by entering threugh the deer in Beselutien
the way the heap will start te netice scattered
the mines er by just walking up and knncl.-ting Dace the heap find this infermatien they -- .':-"'
benes and the eccasinnal blnndstain. I-‘ts they
en the deer, the heap will rnest likely want te will mest likely want te travel te Clc-rb’s
meve furthe.r en, the benes and stains beceme
esplere the eld Greenspleen cave. if they enter Wang and seek eut the Prisekian Epigraphs,
mere prnfuse.
threugh the mines they will start in the cellar. The reute will take them threugh the "feats ef
Cltlierwise they'll start in the living rnem. The Beergle:-tar. ,
Kanker Ambush frnnt deer is unlncked, if they kneck en the
J - . . l_ deer they will be answered by Feennstril
i This tunntrl is geltilig :.1|*II1:.i‘u.‘ing. It l=;eej'i.s 1» What's Next?
‘ hacktracking himself. He is just as friendly as ever, but he it Wang and a Prayer
and winding areund,
abselutely refuses te let them in the heuse, If A hint Se Feud Farewell te Arms
climbing up and dawn and still turtherj
I 'I r " 1

they tell him abeut the be: buried beneath the

h the eld-an days they used tepurisli iasubeftliiant slaves by feeding tliern t_ei'FriiJtant land fish‘! reg,‘ just sat the:-crap’ utit at t|'err~._
- -
i. '- -h‘ ., r 'I'
.~ 1} I
_r .- .. ., . _j__ .
_; ._ j-|'— .. 'q_ ‘F .-I"
_ ‘'1' as . __.-_ ut-
This is a very brief
adventure, mere et an
intreductien te a new
recurring character than
anything else. Depending en
where the heap are ceming
trem [mest likely Gargle Twice, Clerb’s
- Wang, The Iihesterance, er Glewhie}, feel tree
te spice things up aleng the way with randem
enceunters er seme lilet Peints c-t yeur ewn if
yeu want.
Altheugh this Tale can happen at just abeut
any time, it is vital te the everall plet, since the
heap need l'*~lerq’s Disenlargificater tn enter
Primerclial Seup Kitchen ence they Find it.
The Wuss
at seme paint as the heap matte their way
he wherever they decide te ge next read this:
——'l'fi1Lil's this Iitriv? i""'i|'!|2'!i‘l1'I.‘I'1l'l_'|y: ll,-'t}L:|T
t'tEtt.-'en'l seen L'.“t'L=rj.'t|1iIrg. "feali, that appeL1rs
r in he L‘: 1.~.'LIss, lhe ltivvliest L}fIL.'t1t'llLlll'|lI11t1]1lI'5
ct:-Ining lI{‘.I"i-‘v':'.l1'Ll y-nu waving a vvliitc flag. its _
il clctses in il sLn.‘ldertl_v LlisL‘tppeL‘trs, lhel |.

vt'l1itetlag drifting slLna.'|yt-:ill1t'1grtiu11-..l.

The wuss is gene, but a message is written
en the flag:
Maankaas L._._.............._...,L...L_.................._L....L_...,
llvlan, what a classy jeint. Elegant mned t
—l’l/7t* .s/tiarrfci .sy.'tr?t.Trt.
‘I--ul-1-I-—-\.Jj._l—. _l-'15-La "H.

l i'v’lLiankaLis is it very bi.'.carre place, LJ!‘|lll"t.l'.? lighting, pelishecl surfaces, gleaming I

771.-:.' Cit:-’esr'csr' Cr-.*r'ct'I Ia‘ L‘tnytl'1iI'tg ytiifi-‘e l."'v't"I' iInL‘tgi|u.‘r..l. The entire chandeliers, bubbling let: nia ins, u ni Tnrme d
lr city is -_'LtrveLl frtnn the surrr‘.tu11-_ling cheese. waiters, and... t.".'rl"t wait, that was the place
,.l/l/llLi't'i' i‘i'£lfr’tr't.:? . ‘
Urn.-‘Lit tnwers Lind L1rc|u‘t| turrets l.‘tt‘.'t'ILl in yeu dreamed abnut last night. This place is
-Uc? . every’_ dircctinn, casting their grccri a dive. The stink et eld cheese permeates‘taLlt:-ws cancer the ll‘lI'.‘.Il.1.'-ii'lt'ILli-i til lesser the air, the plastered walls are chipped, _-
' l'tL1ilL‘liIi_5_;s and spl"terir.‘L‘1l cltnnes. rlt l‘t]'-t‘.Ii.'lLl stained, and meldy, and the enly waiter in I
. way te lvlaankaas, but if net, eh well, they’lI str*r.-wt pLi't'ed will‘: pe‘tI‘itit'Ll slalas ell cunlletl is a surly and unpleasant leelcingi
E isight
l'vl-:mrI iI_1ice runs th:rr:-ugli the center tit} ; bcrclul with a scewling lace en his scewling l
III I‘. ttnvn, l‘+rL‘tIu‘l‘tiI*tg and vi-*iI‘It.iiI‘tg in every l lace.
[ i..l iret:tiIm1_ 1 "Sit yeur geesin’ wanlr. ever there by the
The Meertular Cheese Fields I: -__.-._1_- .._.-....._.-..._-.__ ——-:—---u-I---—.-—--I 5-.-
junk pile," he mutters, painting in a cerner q
Once the heap make their way inte the The heap are free te wander the thriving L L -‘* by L1 stringe '
beeth 'tl'Il"t"IlJlli_L'l
L- L guy I'I'I'tL'lE'
L et
lvleenular Cheese Fields: metrepelis ef lvlaankaas at' their leisure. lf I'usty metal and filth. "That Line's been
--|-A-3 ;,—.,_a.._n.n.:.-.n_-.-....j., 4:. H; T1‘.
they ask areund abeul: Lluulen Crepules and {er yet: a geesin' age and a clay." l
*3-ull'erin' seclcs, this is ene stI'ange place. Ln,-'L"titit1g . . ,
make a successful Streetwise tell, they will be
Gigantic curdled meunds cit‘ smnnth green ] teld that he has been seen in tewn lately, but The junk pile in questien is lvlister
' cheese ceyer the grnund as far as the eye I Filthingten [page 1-til}, a centanimatrenic
nebedy l=:I'tD‘.-‘U5 where he currently is. He is a
can see. lleles gI'eaI and small riddle Term
suspect in a recent theft at' the Cheesenasium. minien created by Lluulen Crepules and new
I bridges "tl'it.'l tunnels threugh which yeur It seems that semeene recently stele the ewned by Grabmaster lfilercl {page 139}.
path winds. Clccasienally yeu ceme acress presthetic arms ef riiiusgfe I-‘tullh, fermer big Filthingten has been sitting in this beeth
buhbling lalces lat mellen cheese, er cheese ef the Cheesemengers Guild. waiting fer the heap te arrive fer ever a
' subterranean caverns ripe with blue meld.
Eventually they will ceme te a huge hundred clays. He deesn’t mind, theugh,
The whele place is rather diserienting, but E cylindrical building painted with majestic being a centanimatrenic minien and all. When
yeu eventually find a read te fcrllew and a murals depicting incredibly huge werm-lilce the heap meve teward him he will rise trem
painting tewa rd l'vlaar:l~:aas. creatures burrewing threugh the cheese. An the beeth and metien fer them te sit.
Liignpest -5-u--H -I----I--I--I--'-I-r |.H---- '-|.-.t-|-.I-.|I'I-|-"---r'II-.|-
,j _ _ _ _:_._ j._,_:..:.j,.._,_ : _,.._..., 1..

elegant sign ever the deerway denetes The "It's al'H'.iut dLtng time ynu vva| in I
After several days ef travel threugh the Cheesiest Leech. here. ’L‘n‘l-L ytmr w'a'.-v:r.'n_is arttl clnig snn'ie_
curds, eccasienally meeting merchants and grtig, l am l"-lister l*'iItl1irtgtc.-n. Clur l'I{‘.I‘.‘il' will I
ether travelers alnng the way, the heap spy

be ‘I,-vilh us E-il'II'.3II'lll_‘y"_," creaks the i!.11‘t‘tl*rleLl

_ -.-

the lefty tewers and curving pinnacles ef The Cheesiest Leech

mininn as the surly v».-‘L1itc1' slarns Li pitcher
lvlaanlcaas. nt l'nL‘n‘1‘ty green Fluid and Lt tL“I.v mugs cmtci
Clnce the heap enter The Cheesiest Leech,
read this: the table-

Grabmaster Here] is the mast lameus burglar an Elith. Anyone with Streetwise has heard cut him.
-— .. . . _. .. J:


The heap can ask lvlister Filmington He's a thief, not really tin evil guy, plus he
The coastal scrub of skinny mushrotims l
whatever they want, but if they ask about wants the heap to find the Frisokian artifacts
I and brilliantly l1lor.‘nning Inoltls 1'-ventually
Lluulon Crepulos, he just tells them to wait for so he can steal them.
gives way to tin:-re niountainnus regions
their host to arrive. after a few minutes read The Disenlarglficator is an important
crn.-'e1‘etl in thick, -_li-nsc forests of
this: device, since it will eventually allow the heap
blacl-.'.ent-‘Ll, pt.-triliet.l trees and niassiye
to enter the l"-’rimor-:.'lia| Soup Kitchen [in a
.I__.____._. :_,_,._m___j.::__ _:_: ,j.__._

l ‘L-’l."t‘n.v;.r.ersl 'l_l1ere wasn't ct guy sitlingj 1' rountl lfHuulLlc1's- The valleys are vt-1rital:llE
manner of spea king].
the1‘t' a minute ago, but the empty seat at jdeath traps of steaming gravel, boiling
j your table is now tio.'I_ipiei.l tn." a very ticltl T j mu Ll, and violent geysers.
l.".It.1I._lIJl- l-le ‘Wt.-‘."£tl'!-ii a great mass of busl'ty hair _ Uh Yeah. I filrnost Forgot its -you hillow a path of sorts tlirnugh tl1II-2' r
l hounti by a red leather head band that i The heap may decide to deliver the gift tnvrerilig sttme lrt1c's the sounds cif gurgling
covers the top part of his head with hol-:.=s I given to them by lmeoso l-lroop in Greetings a l'lLl retcliing reticlies your cars from up
cut out for the cy-:.‘s- ‘Willi a wink and: Clith Creature, lylay I Take Your Drtleri. If so, aheatl a bit.
outstrelclietl hand he i1‘Ll1‘oduct-.*s liilriselt,
j the manager of The Cheesiest Leech, an 1 '1-—--"—---III‘-' '-I-I-'-----'-I-ul-'—'--ii-—-IIIII1-III"-Ir'lIE'“'

"ljr.1brt‘taster ."slorL.j is mj.’ name." evangelical teeale Freak croach named jelly If they choose to investigate the singing:
Donitt thanks them for their trouble and sets r
r g.-.-u.n.— .. a_n._n.n.-__:_
:u ——-—--n--- -u-u—--— -I--——-r ------—

The heap may react to his sudden l lln‘u‘1‘tn1n‘t

' Hit’. ms.'t1 bun L‘ h 4. if horcs
. it .'-‘-‘. “. are
the package aside for later. {Since he finds out I

j buihlinglintlses- ft coupli.‘.' nl i_ltnr.en cut them

- -u

appearance and introduction. after which he the package is from the oofos of the Grey '
continues in a cool and confident manner: are cr.iugt'iir1g up great gobs of purple
Matter Booeaterium he looks dubious, but
a.-—-—.j—;.a-._n_ -j__a.—_:.-a. _-.-n. a— _n-—_na.n-i.
j phlegm and molding them into walls and
j "‘i’ou are, as you most likely know, the’ accepts it anyway. If the heap ask to speak
l roots lnrtt-vce:‘1 the roots of the gargantuan
victims of a sinsiter Uuulou Crepulos. That r with Asparagtihster Fromage, they are told he
trecas. Fiorne of the horcs are shoveling great
fellow has hired me, the greatest pilferer in is away on business and will not return for
spur:-nt'uls of 1‘noli.l into their rnuuttis for
j all of l'~.'lutha Ditli, to beI'eft you of certalnj some time.
Ir sorne reason-
j properties. I thought it would be sporting j r2.—u-.-u_—i_a._n. ._ —...-._..—-._.- -._- -.-__ .-._. ----—.._..- ._-——_-—-.-...-

-I of me to let _vou know this in advance, so i What's Next? The horcs create a wonderful building
you aren't too confused when things start “I Any Tale can be run concurrently with this material by mixing the spoonfuls of mold-'__
to go missing, or you could, if you prefer to one. The events introduced in this T-ale with their own phlegm. The heap can stay an,
save yourself the worry, just hand over a conclude in rt. Powerful and Enigmatic Secret watch the horcs as long as they wish. If the _
few itelns and we can all be on our way." of the Universe, under the heading I-‘t hlc-t So approach the horcs, or make their presence..-
known, the horcs are only vaguely interested.
: ._...._--u.__ ._.__ _..j.._.n_m_...._..... ...__. -5...

The items he wants are the lirisokian Staff, Fond Return to Ptnns [see page "1351, which
should be played once all of the pieces of the They are all wearing long skirts made of
Helm, Shield, and Epigraphs, of course. I woven mushrooms and each wields a giant
really doubt the heap will just hand them Staff are collected, but before they are
assembled- bone spoon [Str +2}.
over. lf they threaten Grabrnaster, or try to
These are horcs of the Browneye tribe. They
attack him, he will Teleport himself and a.a. —_
will not attack the heap but will fight
Mister Filthington away at the first mercilessly if attacked. See, to them fighting is
opportunity, leaving behind a small locked a sacred thing. They only fight in ritualistic
metal box. ceremonies or when hunting. If the he£IF"T-
The lock on the box is very complex
aml .3. Prayer
attack them the horcs will be extremely
[Lockpicking -2}. inside the box is some insulted.
random item that Grabmaster stole from the
‘hi -u. --'-H

The lirowneyes are building a new village

heap while they were just conversating {you here among the tree roots since their current
can roll Stealth for him if you want, but he In this Tale the heap travel village is getting too crowclecl- They speak
should be successful anyway bec.ause it makes to the peninsula of Clorb’s with whiny accents and nasal voices.
the story cooler. Wang to sea1'ch for the Hopefully the heap will try to ntalce
If the heap do not threaten or attack him, Frisokian Epigraphs. Their peaceful contact with the horcs. If they do the"
Grabmaster will stay and share a meal with travels will most likely take lirowneyes will be friendly and generous,
them. During the course of the conversation them through the Teats of offering food and shelter fora night or two. If
he will brag about how he recently stole some Boorglezar, where you can have fun with the heap ask about the Frisokian Epigratgts
prosthetic amis from the Cheesenasium and volcanoes, mudslides, avalanches, random the horcs will consult with each other ""
framed Crepulos for the crime {without monsters, and the like. Maybe they'll want to private for a while; then declare that such
LJu|on‘s knowledge, of course]. He did this to stop off at the Eloorglesarium for some healing knowledge is sacred and only by partici-
gain some leverage in case Lluulon neglects to and souvenirs or resupply at the f.3ubernator’s pating in a sacred ritual may the heap learn
pay him once he steals the heaps’ items. Slave Market and Smolderstone Emporium the answer. The heap are asked to choose a-
on the outskirts of Glowhio. It’s up to you champion to meet the tribal buttkieker,
Resolution {and them), but once they reach Clortfs Wang Clmaguna hiikbuti {page 'l4fl}, in a ritualistic
Grabmaster hlorcj won't steal the artifacts the real fun can begin. fight to the death. If the heap's champion ' . .
right away. Instead, he uses an oofo relic Clorlfs Wang is a broad coastal peninsula successful, the Erowneyes will tell them what -'
called the lllisenlargificator to shrink himself covered in vast prairies of fungal sc1'ub, deep they know about the Frisokian Epigraphs.
and lvlister Filthington down to almost valleys, steaming gravel pits, and eitpansive Here's how the fight works. Each
microscopic size. He will then climb aboard forests of ridiculously huge petrified trees. participant {Clmaguna and the heap's champ}
one of the heroes and follow them on their is tethered by long ropes to a huge tree that
" '
adventures. Clccasionally random items The Browneye Tribe overhangs a shallow canyon. The combatants
belonging to the heap will go missing, but The Browneyes are an idiosyncratic tribe of begin on separate sides of the canyon and
lslorq wants to wait until the heap find the rest primitive horcs that dwell on Clorb’s Wang. must swing across and meet in the middle,
of the Priso ki-an artifacts before he tries to steal They are the first intelligent guys the heap swiping at one another with big stone
the big stuff. will meet once they get to the peninsula. After hammers {Str+4]| while geysers of boilingve
At some point in a later tale, if the heap are mud erupt beneath them. The canyon is about
the heap wander the peninsula for a bit,
in desperate trouble, Norq might reverse the maybe getting attacked by some monsters or forty yorts [I-ll.l']I deep. Draw two cards for the
polarity on the lflisenlargificator to regain his stubbing a toe or something, read this:
mud geysers each round as well. If either
normal size and aid the heap in some way. comb-atant’s initiative falls between the two
‘fears age aafe named .-ltimineezejepwdeclared himself gs-ad ts‘-the her-:s-=fiffthe_§!BTtianeye’=Htrjjb'e. Tlieyihate him.
- - r._ ..
' "

r -.
_ ..
_.j__ ‘P

__-I‘ — .r"""i’ -
t‘lt.’.'t_'t'.':|I";‘tlIlt‘.It'l'.-S and ciffe1E1gs.FT"t ‘;it.:l.ll|_‘IH.°t-|i.:l_i
!_ vvt‘r1‘1‘tjull'ft'Ig frnI‘n the ft:-rv.-'s_‘|r:.‘l face hultls it E
' bitchin’ ste-ne basket. :1 welcnrne I'nat
lc:LJu_ll_'.,: }~.-1-nclaiins, "t'_lr..1 It way." 3

The heap are free te esplere the temb

entrance as much as they want {yeu can even
shew them the picture]. Ne matter what they
de there’s ne way fer them te get inside. With
a successful hietice rell semeene might netice
that seine ef the efferings are mere recent than
ethers, indicating a centinuing cycle ef
denatiens. Llnder the welceme mat is a flat
metal geng and a padded striker.
If the geng is struck, er if the heap wait
areund until merning. feur strange eld
geezers {ene creach, ene herc, ene
cremefillian, and ene werm] shew up, sert ef
emerging all mysterieusly frern the
mist. Read this:
1-an ..I--t.-....-In-.-.H-«_u
' Fnur strange eld gee;-:ers sert ef emerge
l all mysterieusly frem the surreunding
mist, apparently eblivieus te yeur
presence. "fits did eur ance.sters and the
l ancesters ef eur ancestersf anceste1's. we
effer eur ebeisance te the temb ef Clerb the
f’nacligieus, greatest ef his line." g1'eans an
ancient ieeking creach, his antennae
E aleng the'i."tgg1l"t:.-1']
' Clerb w hese girth dusty greund.
l.l1ECU uraged the
muthas. we abase eurselves befere yeu."
hearses a withered cremetillian. his spengy
, flesh grey and brittle.
‘ ‘“|r"'r’:':* bring unte Clerb gifts and
sundries," preudly anneunces a shriveled
1 werm. his llesh sleughing and eyes white
with age, as he piaces a garland ef benes
and beads en ene ef the manvF stene

"We whe. ummmm... Line?" declares a
_ at dry and crusty herc. as the werm whispers
5. 3" .-
9‘ ‘ semething in his ear. "D11 yeah. we whe
guard y en 1' t-emb se that enly the wise and
werthy may enter await yeu r call. eh
mighty and girthuleus Clerb."
The herc sets his cane aside and epens a
‘4 *4 big bag he had en his back. Remeving feur
._ -“tine
.. -1." _

felding lawn chairs. he sets them up in
frent ef the temb. The fee r eldsters gee::er
their way inte the chairs. aching. meaning.
geyser cards that character takes eae peints ef bribe ef seme sert {a weird device er a few and cemplaining all alnng.
beiling mud damage that reund. Dnce ene ef reeks}. ' 'WT#WF

the fighters dies er gives up the fight is ever. If At senie peint the heap may decide te make
J any ether characters try te interfere, the entire Clerb‘s Ceuneil their presence knewn. ‘.="I."l1en they de, the
"herc tribe [35 standard hercs} will jein in te -iI|I.I_n.uj-I-__lIIII_n1H|I|..
creach leans ferward:
step them. r"*.fter fnllnwing the Llirectit:-ns given tn ”That's what's wreng with kids teday.
lf the here defeats Dmaguna, the hercs will 1 ynu liy the flt:-res ef the lirc:w|'L l-'.y1.'.‘, yeu 1:- —.-P
They get ne semblance ef patience. New that
tell them the Epigrams were given ever te a find yeuI'selves in a Lleep niuddy valley yeu’ve interrupted eur beauty sleep yeu
ceuncfl ef hermits representing several ef the I spnnkily illurniriated by strange cert‘u‘ni1.‘. might as well tell us what yeu want."
“tribes ef the peninsula. This ceu ncil is charged lanterns en spiraling pr:-les_ in the center ef
r-—- —-—-
C‘-tnce the heap tell the geezers they want te
with the caretaking ef the temb ef Clerb the the valley a biivzarre etitgntnvtli nf stt:-ne and get inte the ternb se they can get the Frisekian
Predigieus. The hercs will then feed the heap mud and vvl‘1at leIek.‘.-'- like teeth glares at Epigraphs, the shriveled werm raises his cane
and tell them hew te find Clerb's temb, wh.ich ye-Lt like the eI‘Ltrance tn a tnrnb, which is -—I-— -—u-hr
- te the sky and sheuts, '"‘1"eu’ll have te get past
is twe days walk away. If asked exactly what 1 fine since that's what it appears tn he. llii.-‘ us first, yeu little whippersnappers. C'lerb's
the epigrams are, the hercs say they have ne f n‘1nulh nf the lIt}:|Ttl"| entrance is sl*rapu;‘Ll like a treasures are enly fer the werthy."
idea, since the items were in a l.‘IG}t last time
anyene saw them.
l c.nverlappi11
niassive vertical rne:ut'h bristling with The herc bellews, "Cheese ene ameng yeu
fer each ef feur tasks. Yeu must preve yeur
i Inf seenetliing, but I'm net saying
g teetl'I. it kind nf rernin Lls _t'»n1.J
lf Ctrrtaguna kills the here anether here may wliat wisdem, yeur henesty, yeur visien, and yeur
challenge him. The enly ether way te get the l*recaI_:se there are kids a:‘eL:nd_ ceurage."
hercs te talk about the Epigraphs is with a The ent'it‘t-.' thing is hanging with varieus The feur eld geezers centinue te leunge in
successful Fersuasien rell at -4 and a sizable their until the heap declare who will

Before Clerb the F*redigieus«__:ame areund. Elurbls Wang was known as the ‘(eye Penisula.
perferm each task. The heap might decide te and ene statement enly te save yenr life. if falling inte it. if he falls in, the hele quickly
try te fight the eld geesers instead at passing yeu lie. yeu will die by flames, if yeu speak fills itself in. cevering the here. ”Sheuld have
the tests. if they de they will earn the enmity the truth yeu will die by the spear.” seen that ceming,” says the werm.
ef every tribe en the peninsula. The cerrect answer is "I will -:.iie by Flames” it the here dees net fail in, the werm says,
because it can‘t be true that the here bnth tells "That was easy eneugh." He then hands a
the truth and dies by flames. if the here carved stene tn the here.
The Test ef Wisdern answers in this way the herc will lensen his
__ __._.__..___ if the here fell inte the hele, he is
1,- "‘l«"I."l‘ii'i ann‘ii'ig yiiu is iniist it'isi=-T"asks tlie bends and hand him a smeeth carved stene. ternperarity eut ef the game, imprisened by-__.v‘”
"Wit|'i this stene yeu may enter." If the here the edres belew, but he'll be back later, den't
1 tlecrepit i_'riia.cl1_ "i"'i"l'tei‘1 it-'liii‘liever ef yeti ~"'
'- steps fei'wart‘l he ittiiitiiiiit-rs, "hi my ha ml is l answers incerrectly, the herc will release him werry.
ti tiny bug. "tell me, Hi‘! si1‘1nr|:y I‘-arty, is t'l‘it' and sa_y, "Yeu have failed, came back when
bug alive er is it dead?" yeu master ynur wards.” *
i Enterin the Temb
Clnce t e steries have been handed eut tl'ie__
The wisest thing te say is semething aleng
The Test, ef Ceurage geeaers depart. Feel free te make up mere
the lines ef "That's up te yeu. Ifl say it is dead tests fer any add itienai characters if yen want.
i :
yen will epen yenr hand and shew me it is "Step ierwai'd wheevei' aineng yeti is i
: Cince all Feur stenes are placed in the stene
alive. Cenversely if I say it is alive yeu will
'. inest brave." greens the shi'iveled basket held by the sculpted werm the vertical‘&_ '-
crush it." When the here answers in this way cremefillian. meuth ef the entrance begins te quiver and
{er clese te it}, the ci'each stands slewly and pulsate. It slewly epens, revealing a dark and
says "Fellew me.” He leads the here away Wlieii a here steps ferwai'd the creme-
ferebeding stairway that leads dewn inte the
frem the temb and inte a narrew cave in the fillians says, "Fellew me, but keep yenr mind
Ciith belew.
Cliffside. As the here makes his way inte the abeut yeu. ‘fen may need it. Leave yenr gear
cave he is suddenly gi'abbed by a bunch ef and weapens behind.” He leads the here
iLClerb’s Wives
crazy reels and tendrils that hang in the threugh the petrified fei'est fer an heur er se. ,_... .............._-... ._.._..-......._.__ ._.__
darkness. Let the here i'ell seine dice te make He remains silent the entire time, walking l The winding stairs end in a wide circular
it seem like he had a cheice, but he'll get ahead ef the here and answering iie chamber. The air is thick with the cleying --
captui'ed nenetheless. questiens. stencb ef dirt and ineistnre. Three sizabl '
The reets held the here very tightly. Eventually they will ceme te the tep ef a inenncls ef dirt fill the center ef the i'eem,
Struggling enly makes them cling tighter. very steep Cliffside. The eppesite cliff is at each with a sign ef seine sert sticking lrein
Cliice the here steps struggling, i'ealiziiig he least a hundred yerts away and a chiii'ning '- the tep. and each ceverecl with scattered
can't ineve his hands er call fer help, he sees river ef beiling mud tumbles far belew, *1 jewels a rid celcirfiil dried fnngi.. r‘-t massive
the ci'each in fi'eiit ef him, helding a leng breaking acress jagged recks. "De exactly as I intiral cevers the entire curving wall. It
stilette in his hands. The creach cemes say! lceinmand yeu te de my bidding. Ask ne depicts the back view ef a werin, inest
ferward, pressing the knife te the here's questiens and de net hesitate, er l will hurt ebvieiisly Clerb the Fretiigimis. epening
threat [er seine ether vital area}. "Clnly yeu severely. ‘fee must preve yenr ceurage. his ceat te a writhing herde ef scary ass
wisdein can save yenr life. "i"eu’ve preven ]tiinp frerii the cliff and fly te the eppesite miithas. There's a big cii'cLi|ai' deer in the
yenr insight. Tell me, mystic wisenheimer, side.” center ef the back wall.
when will yen die?" Elf ceurse, unless the here can fly under her
ewn velitien, jumping frem the cliff is The three inennds are the graves ef Clerb’s
three wives. The signs each bear the name ef '
The cei'rect answer is semething aleng the
lines ef "Ctiie niinnte befere yen.” Pin answer abselute felly. If she can fly, mere pewer te
hei', t'hat’s great she wins the challenge and ene ef his wives —F'utessa Clerbspeuse,
ef this nature will cause the i'eets te relax and
lvtargarine Clerbspeuse, and Budunga
the creach will put away the knife. ‘”i."eu are the cremefillian will give her a reund carved '_
stene with which she can enter the temb. Clerbspeuse. The gems and varieus efferings .r
truly wise." he says, handing the here a
Hewever, if she can't fly btit iumps anyway,
en the meunds have a tetal value ef arennd
smeeth cai'ved stene. "With this stene yeu
perhaps thinking seme kind ef magic will stititi clams, but taking them ceuid get the
may enter.” If the here answers incei'rectly,
save her, she takes 2dfi+lll peints ef damage
heap in tree ble if anyene finds eut later. if the-'"'
the reels will release him and the ci'each will
heap decide te dig in the meunds fer seine‘
walk away inte the da1'k cave. ‘"i."eu have frem the fall and Ede peints ef damage frem
the beiling mud. It will take three rennds ef
reasen, they will find the desiccated cerpses '
failed. Ceme back when yeu grew a brain.”
nf three female werms dressed in animal ,_.i
swimming te escape the mud, during which ” '''-~
time she takes an additiena] Ede peints ef hides and b-ene jewelry.
The Test ef Henesty damage pe1' reund. If she makes a Swiiruning
The deer dees net have a leck, but it is
rell she can escape in ene reund. blecked with stenes frem the ether side. A
i "l-"I.-‘lie ameng veii speaks inest ti'ne?"l
- The
I .,
_ _ successful Strength rell at -2 will ferce it epen.
crusty herc waggles his cane in yenr . The real test ef cetirage is te stand up te the
dii'ectien. ci'emefillian. If the here refuses te iump
B. 'Clerb’s Temb
despite being beaten with the geezer’s cane
Clnce a here steps ferward the hen: says, _ _a_n_n.a.g.

and berated and insulted encllessly, the

"Remeve yenr clething and fellew me. ‘feur l This circiilai‘ rtiiiiii is pretty i‘icii‘ult'scri}'t|; _ _
ci'emefillian finally smiles at her and hands
weapens, yeu will net need them.” The hen: Er”'L‘.'ilLlf_‘ frt:-i'i'i a big ini:-uinl iif tlirt in tl'tI£'
her the carved stene. if the here jumps and
leads the here inte a nearby cave. The interier ‘cent-_ri' tl‘iei‘c's i‘i_-"ally iiiitliiiig iif ii‘iteI'e'sl:.
survives she will be likewise rewarded. The
is lit with candles and a bread flat table stands l’i'ct'ty ai'it'iclii‘i'i.‘.ictic if _t'iii.i ask 1‘1"tl.l'.
ci'emefillian Llien walks silently back te the
in the middle ef the reem, a steaming bewl ef
temb. This reem was ence Cle rb’s te mb, but it has
ei'ange fluid in its center. "Sit at the table and '
speak net a werd. Drink ef the bewl.” since been ransacked by the minlens ef -._';"" T
When the here drinks the fluid he will The Test ef Visien Fusghetti the Squigg, a squiggly mass that
immediately begin te feel wee.r.y. Witliiii i
lairs in seine nearby subterranean tunnels.
"l.'*i"l1ii ;ii‘rii':-rig _vei_i," asks the wtrrin, "sees The dirt pile in the center was Clerb’s burial
secends he will fall uncenscieiis. Wlien he r . . . . l
: with clarity what is lZl'!it.‘t'i.' anti wliat is l"tI'.il'l" i ineuiid, but it has been dug up and his cerpse;
awakens he will find himself strapped te a
l Step fiii'vcarLl_” devetired.
vertical stake. The bends are extremely sti'eng '. I

[nigh unbreakable} and a pile ef tinder and Wlieii a here steps ferward, a hele There is alse a circular hele in the ceiling. It
legs lies at his feet. The herc is standing in suddenly epens in the greund directly is threugh this hele that a character whe
frent ef him with a leng spear pressed te the beneath his feet. He must make a bletice rell at failed the Test ef ‘ifisien has fallen {if anyene
here's chest. "Yen may utter ene statement -2 and an Agility rell at -4 in erder te aveid failed}. The character was rend ed

Ptisghetti the Eqiiigg isgan eld ._15ris'-as at l..ll.Il.illJl't Ercpuliisarid”'a I"-leun ding" m_ers:st""t—f= _tlie’i-,1u'i||ainic_ _Een's'e'rtium. '

. . -e-'-;
-- '+.-
.‘-, ._
... _
-.,, 3,: T T I”
.'_. . .
”' J
_i- """
_ . -. _
‘Tits-; Temb ef Clerb the Predigieus
and Lair at Pusghetti the Squigg

' ""'tl‘v

lWlll'll’’‘"‘ ~92
_. "re.-

If ‘._ .-
fl " -' I'


.- -';'_"-

. !
‘I _
4;}... _ -,5-. if
I - I
. H‘ I‘

nendescript, aside from serne terches, a few l the many vvaterlalls that cascade aleng the l
benes, and seine piles ef schneeble furs the walls.
edres use as beds. Uh, and that disgusting [
meund ef dead bedies stacked in the center ef The heap may eitplere the chamber
the fleer. A passage leads te reem D, frem unmelested fer a while. In the center ef the
which the seund ef dripping water can be chamber is a bread flat mushreem. Sitting en
heard. the mushreem is a bizarre, squat little beast
If a character failed the Test ef ‘ifisien that the heap may recegniae as The Thing
earlier, he will be feund in t'his reem, That Might Net Be. The "lTi‘iv1t-iB is helding a
uncenscieus but etherwise unharmed, beund weeden sign that says ”Eess ivienster".
and gagged in the meund ef bedies. Strange tiles shaped like letters and made ef
Cltllerwise, the bedies in the meund are just a sente edd white substance {plastic} are stuck
bunch ef the edres’ past victims. They have late the mushreem cap, spelling the phrase:
uncenscieus during the fall and has since nething ef value.
been captured by the scary ass muthas frem 0
:nI-|' area D, whe gave him ever te the edres in fldres [3]{pg 31}: The edres are all armed WIN FILE
.“."‘-J-%$&1‘ea C. The heap may find an ebject dreppeci with varieus weapens [be creative] that inflict
by the missing character sentewhere in this
These tiles are the Friselcian Epigraphs. If
A thereugh esaminatien ef the ream will A thereugh search ef the reem will reveal a
the heap try te take them, the TTTlvil‘-lB will
reveal a dirt pile against the far wall. If this small weeden chest behind cine ef the piles ef
attack, jeined the fellewing reund by three
pile is retrieved a shert and narrew tunnel is furs. The phrase "Frisekian Epigraphs” is
ethers lurking atep the mushreems. The neise
unceverecl- The tunnel, which is enl y a yert er scrawled acress the bee: in blue crayen. It is
ef the battle will attract twelve scary ass
se high an-d twice as wide {nermal size and unlocked and empty.
muthas whe tess dewn repes and rappel frem
larger characters must crawl te pass} leads
the highest mushreem caps. Pusghetti, a
inte the stene ef the C.‘rit|1 fer several theusand I}. The Epigraphs squiggly mass and bess ef all the ether
‘...yeI'ts {abeut a mile}, winding and leaping
mensters lurks en the ceiling, dangling upside
back en itself several times in the precess. The passage frem area if is leng and dawn and blending quite well with the
This tunnel was dug by F'usghetti‘s miniens winding. Ftleng the way t'he heap can hear surreunding fungi {bletice at -2 te see it}.
se they ceul-d get at the treasures cencealed in seunds ef dripping water that pregressively Pusghetti will let his mini-ans wear the heap
the temb. get leuder as they preceed. When they reund dewn bef-are it attacks, allheugh it will hurl
After a big yert er se [a mile] the tunnel the turn, read this:
widens and heightens a bit, se tall characters .‘.-.a.-_:_ ;_:.-_
spells at the heap if it can de se unseen. if all
1 ]umpin' _lelvis! The passage abruptly the miniens are killed, Fusghetti will use its
ne lenger need te steep er crawl. tt centinues
e pens inte a very large, high chamber that Fly pewer te try te make its escape threugh
en this way fer a few hundreds ntere yerts
I heuses seine sert effungus jungle. lvlassive ., t}l‘tE' ef the cracks in the ceiling. The heap have
befere finally epening inte a large demed I
mushreems and gigantic bleems ef l cine reund te attack Fusghetti as it flies away.
chamber ef natural stene.
brightly celerecl meld fill the cavern frem If it makes it eutside, the squiggly mass will
wall te wall. The ceiling is several dcuten quickly squirm eff the cliff and inte the Big
C. fldres
f yerts high and riddled with cracks threugh Drinlc. Eventually Fusghetlzi will meet up with
which brilliant hays cal" sunlight stream. The Lluulen Crepules and the twe ef them will
Eight Ddres lair in this reem, all miniens ef
l air is thick and humid and the chittering el team up, but that happens later [unless
Fusghetti. They will imnteciiately attaclc
unseen beasts mingles with the rushing ef Pusghetti is killed}.
anyene whe enters. The reem is pretty
-_- -I:

+126 The geezers en Elerbls Eeuncil l-;n_e-in all about Pbsghettl. They den-i‘1: mind sending ternb raiders Te their dea_tl'_Iis..
_.-I -
-# _.i"
TITMNB {4][pg S4]: The TTTlvll"~.lEs will What's Next? to Find another way to the incredibly Huge
Fight to the death. A Not So Fond Farewell to Arms lvtonster"" and Deep.
To Ear is l-looman While onboard the ship, have fun with the‘
Scary ass Ivtuthas {12}[pg B3}: The muth-as horcs. lvlaybe they catch on to some disguised
are unarmed, attacking with their bite. smelves, or someone in the heap pisses off a. - ‘S


horc for some reason, resulting in a big fight

Fusghetti the Squigg {pg 141]: Pusghetti or something. Use your imagination. 1"

will use his magic to attack from above. -i-


Agog City
Scattered across the mushroom caps are the
in Agog City the heap should be able to
following items of treasure [it will take a few — - --.-—.---.-.-.--—.jTf hire a ferry or buy a small boat to take them
hours to collect it all}: sttllltl shiny stones
This Tale leads the heap across the channel to the incredibly Huget I I

[clams], four golden statues of Clorb (ltltltl

lvtonster'"*. Also in Agog City they can drop-_

clams each], five reeks in bottles I{C:reater on a wild search for a lost
off a package for Barrelsmasher Hangnail at
Healing x 3, Fly, Stun}, 3tlt} small wooden oracle. As it begins, the heap
. 'l—

are most likely at a loss and The Bar Keep {see t”3reetiegs tflitlt Cin-ttttre...}.
statues of Clorb [Ztl clams each}, an
wondering where to go next. Hangnail is mean and ornery, but he rewards -
ornamental statue. of a strange little guy [lawn
They should already have them with mugs of fermented smelf blood fort];-,
gnome, Hoomanrace artifact worth .'2t},tltIlt} ‘t.-
the first two pieces of the Frisokian Staff and their trouble. The Ear Keep is a rowdy and ,.._
clams}, a carve-cl esophagator tooth {weird

violent place full of seagoing horcs telling tall -.

device, elongates to stab enemies, as Bolt probably have no clue how to find the next
two. Ctnce they gather the Prisokian tales and busting each others’ noses.
power, '12 Pl’ per day}.
Epigraphs and meet with Grabmaster l‘~.lorq in The heap may notice an elderly horc sitting
lvflaankaas, the heap will probably decide to at a gaming table telling tales with some other
either go to New Ciorlquar to inform old gee:-Lers. This is Agreegulous Dangle, a
Dthothoth Eilech of Gorminee’s demise, character of some importance a bit later on
escape, or whereabouts, o1' they will go to The but irrelevant at this point. if the heap get_.
Garden of Smellemental Glee to inform He drawn into a game of poker with him they
may notice the elegant wooden tray on whi 12'.-
Who Smells Far of the same.
he places his earnings. Z
If they p1'ovide Dthothoth Blech with proof ‘
of Gorminee’s death, he will give them a clam The only smelves allowed in ftgog City are
as prolnised. Their meeting with He Who slaves and pets. any other smelf caught on
Smells Far may result in different rewards the streets will be killed and eaten. in fact, a _
depending on what they bring with them: squad of twelve nasty horcs wanders the
streets at random searching for escaped slaves
If G-orminee is returned: He Who Smells and other smelves to torture. Here they are
Far offe1's each character three reeks of their now.-.
To escape the lair the heap can either go choice.
If the Smel'l-o-vision and journal are Thugs {standard horcs, Fighting d1l]][13}_r""','
back Hie way they came or climb out through
the ceiling- The area outside is rocky and returned: They each get ten reeks of their {pg 1315]: The horcs are armed with clobbering
choice. sticks [Strength +2} and carry big burlap
overlooks a steep cliff. The crashing yellow
waters of the liig Drink rage off into the
distance. At some point they may mention to
someone, perhaps He Who Smells Far or
Daddy Hassafrass, that they are sea1'ching for [loop
the next piece of the Prisokian Staff but have Dnce the heap get to the mainland they will
no clue where to look. Their friend will .13
have to travel for a day or two before the
suggest they travel to the iituricular Wax incredible bulk of the ivlonstrous Headlands
l"~.-“lines to seek the Auricular Ctracle, a strange comes into view. Read this, if you please:
being who supposedly knows everything .-—.. ..-—~.
about everything. 1 lloly Sltuckittg l-'itl 't’ou it-'t‘rI't-‘: tr.:Ilcl tlire
l lnc1'ei_lil‘1ly l--luge l't.-lon_stcr"" vv.-,1s it1crt—.'dil:ily
ltugt-1, but that descripticm hardly does ll;
Crossing The Big Drink
fustit‘c_ 'l'l*Iis titling isn't just increu_lil.'1ly huge,
The city of Etoop is the launching point for
it’s hugely incredibly hugely huge, with a
expeditions into the Auricular Wax l'v‘lines.
side order of l1L|gt.=nessl it takes up the
There are several ways to get there, but the
l erttirt-‘r horition like sornt: sort of ertorI'I'tc'-115
most readily available is to take a ship from
t mountain rattgv stntl it’-s still a day or two -
Floom or blew Ctorlquar. Tie’ f3eecllaeeger’s Fist
lav»-‘sly. l tl‘1ougl'tt _'-,-“our ntorttma tvas huge,
{if it still exists, see page ltlrij is docked in
l l."'l.Jl:‘.'”1'l"l+..‘|'5i-l'ltIIil'1ll'I1S~_"!'|l co1'J‘tpartrtl to this place.
whichever city is most convenient to the story.
ll ,r"'ts you t1'a'v'el on it l‘teco1‘nes obvious that
If the Fist has been sunk or its crew killed in an
earlier encounter, replace it with some other l you vvt-‘re untlerestilttating its et‘IorIt'tit}’.
l l.-"~."l‘1at you are st-‘ueing istft the lt1cret_‘lll:Ily'
horc price-o-corn vessel.
l Huge l‘vlonster”". "t’ou are just seciitg the liflp
The horc pirates will take the heap on board r
[of its head! it's a good thing this guy is
for 5l]tl clams apiece. They will not allow
i deatl, a siltglt-1 l"tl_"i.tlt'l'I_t.' I."|ttI'.l|l.‘|' from
smelves onboard for any reason, nor will they F
l something this incn-rlibly huge could take
allow the heap onboard if they have had a
1 outa L‘itl"lill‘lt‘t'llI.
previous bad experience with them. Disguises
r—w ufi-
and bribes may be in order.
Clnce the heap express their amazement
The Fist, or whatever ship they are on, is
continue reading:
headed for Agog city, which is the closest port
to Doop. From Agog City the heap will have
‘ ‘IE " . . . .
Same eisenheimers think tlte .auri_culaT"“'Dratle is a degel-rera_t|:ii|e. [litters it|’l_ii-i an eet_ei5err_:-_e deft tare. -I_F


.‘ -_
a--. '.
' _i_
_ _'.—- _-
1- I-_ '~._¢I- __; ‘- 1&-
“""""""""""-""""""""""i|' The Aurieular Wax Nlines
l’m serinus ahnut this. It's just sn
Zelvia estimates the trip wiil take them
anianiliglj.-' gt'it'isin’ liuge.-. l
three days each way. He is Friendly, it a bit
.=*'t1‘L_1.-'vi'in.', after‘ annther day nt travel yet: i
trepidatieus, but censtantly preaches en
can start tn make nut the vagtie tn1'I‘n rat" a
abeut the glery et Jelvis and the mystic

City huilt at the hase til the rnnnsteris .


qualities ef jelly denuts and blue stained
ennrrnnus ear- Further travel and ynn crime
shees and making beer frem reeks and se

tn a raggircl rnad nt snrts. It seems tn he

terth. As they make their way inte the mines,
paved in great slahs nl cartila ge. i"i bridge ._.

read this:
tn.-‘er a small stream nl rnurky tluid is .

-..‘tJI1strLIt‘ted, tn _'vnLIr 'atna:»:e|'ne.-rtt, nut ni


I. 'l. .'
Elk, this is snrt nt ‘i.'v'l.‘.'il'Ll. "llnu are nnw
great hean‘Is nt black hair, in tt'tLtt.'l'! the same
I- making yntn‘ way in tn the ear canal til the

1‘nanner, _vnL1 see as ynu get a hit clnser. as


lI1t'1'edihly lluge l'~.lnnster'-"'. the grnund is ,

must nl the l'It|ili.lings nl lllnnp. spnngy yet tirni. The walls cur‘ve tipwa rtls
l:'t‘llt‘.tI.'| appears tn he an lntiustrit:-us place tnr hLn1Llretls nt ynrts, taller than any
vvith penple nt all snrts Lining their thang, -'

htiiltlitig in lllnnp by .1 thcttir cit’ tvvelve

attertcling In their t‘.Insiness. and generally
1._. ,_ _-_ _ |_
[p1'esLn1'mhly]. Cnuntless tunnels l'irani.‘h in
Lining day tn day stuit. ctiuntless din.-'i.'tinns, snrne nhvinusly
- _ .
. Ii-In-I"‘
t".'«iIi.,.''ii-t-‘L‘l by the l‘it|rn.l1' nt was Iiiiners
Deep has a few places ef interest, including that meander ahnut the mines, and nthers
temples te all the majer religiens et Dith, a apparentlj.-' the 'n'nrk cit snrne ennrnintis
fantastic brethel called The Split l-lair [where Fit‘1t'e‘I!-it te.
‘fig:-.a_the heap have a package te deliver‘. it l’m net i“ttter vvalking tnr what seems like hnurs l
mistaken}, a bunch ef bars and taverns thrnugh the ennrninus main t=L1n:nel, Kelt-'i'.r_ ‘I
catering te the lecal was miners and hair i tlirec ts ynu intn a riat'1't:-vcer sulitunnel and
harvesters, and a wenderful marketplace t'u ll trnrn there intn narrtnver tunnels still.
ef incredibly Huge ivlensterim harvested glhere are nn miners in this area, and ynu
items. sense ynu are descending ever deeper intn
Must at the buildings in tewn are the tai.'e ell the l11t'1‘edit‘.Ily l- Inge l"~.'lnnsi'e|""‘.
ct:-nstructed ef menster hair and pelished ,I i"tt'ter a let v rnnre l'it:-urs, It-It-'ia
daily with mensterwas te keep a brilliant ar1ntn.JI1ces it is time tn rest. "i"nu find
sheen. The peeple are generally friendly and 1 ynLn‘sel'ves in .1 hrnatl netwnrl-:. nl passagt-“s,
eutgeing, altheugh a palpable rivalry exists veritahly cling ieti with gnney wa?~.'- "'l'l'Iis is
between the was miners and hair harvesters. The Either Cheek the last L'tii11llj.' place tnr a while, I suggest
If the heap ask anyene abeut the Au ricular If the heap ge in search ef Zelvia they will we catch a snnn;»:e here and get a trust‘: start
Dracle they are teld nehedy knews exactly find him at The Either Cheek, an epulent and nn the tnnrrnvr . ”
where it is. Witli a successful Streetwise rell rhinestene bedecked church ef Jelvis. as the ' TFTFi*T’ '

and ‘Ida heurs ef asking areund they are heap enter the church read this:
directed te Eelvia, a tunnel guide whe can .I—-I_!_i—-I-|— —--——i-- a-..-|_n- _%

eften be feund at the lecal jeeele Freakian l t"r'eiv.-', what an estentatiuns place. The
church, an epulent edifice knewn as The i decer just screams. "Pay attentien te me! "-1-Hui‘

Clther Cheek. i ivly religien is wealthier than yeur

1 religienl" Gleaming rhinestenes '4-‘I -I T-—'

surface and a massive painting el

[every Fete, tastefully dnne en a canvas el
i leeale
The Split Hair is a fancy and stylish sert ef

black velvet twe deaen verls

- hi isrh, aderns -'———"'-1 I- J

place. The seu ef levin’ and drunken 5 the altar. tlevering in the air a few yerts in -I-H’

iaughter fill the air and the lighting is meedy lrent el the altar is a tiny little creach.
and elegant. The preprieter ef the place, a ,- praying selliy in himself. lie wears a
smeeth little werm named lvtagnanimeus i_ brilliant white vest and an immense I
Grape {pg Hill}, is cerdial and stick. He lays

pempadeur wig. '"‘t’ealt verily I say unte

dewn a funky track whenever he speaks. se yen. what gives?"
much se that it's hard te tell what he's saying, '|-5?‘-—- —

but it's all gcred, dawg. Zelvie [pg ‘I421 dees indeed claim te knew
If the heap deliver unte iviagnanimeus the the lecatien ef the auricular Clracle. l--Ie was
"package frem lmseae l-treep. the werm is en a missienary espeditien a few years age.
grateful and pleased. He knews his place has trying te cenvert the members ef The Danged.
a rap. but had ne clue it was se well knewn as a strange cult ef rnucesite miners whe dwell
far away as Fleem. He mentiens, after in the deepest reaches ef the auricular Was:
epening the package and viewing its centents, lvtines. The espeditien met with disaster, as as they sleep, the heap are attacked by a
that he might have te start serving beeae frem mest ef the missienaries were frightened eff herd ef hair bares. These hair bares have
the Grey lvtatter E-eeaaterium. Fer their er killed by evil spirits befere they even feund actually been placed in the tunnels by The
treubles he gives the characters a free reund The Dangecl, but Kelvin did stumble up-an the Danged in an attempt te scare eff
of drinks. tltracle during the turmeii. He's afraid tn ge interlepers. They are trained te attack
if the subject ef The Spawnderesa happens back in search ef it again, but he can be anyene they see. The hair bares chew their
te came up, l'v'lagnanimeus mentiens that he persuaded with a sizable centributien te the way threugh the waxy cleg in ene ef the
used te be married te lytadame Flutterceech church {at least 'll.l,litltl clams) er a Persuasien side tunnels and attempt te catch the heap
but things went seur after she had an affair rell by semeene with the leeele Freak Edge. asleep.
with Eernieedd the Enplumpinated. He hints Zelvie says the way is tee cempticated te
that he weuld be extremely grateful if draw a map. {Since they cenvince him te guide Hair Bares {12}{pg titi}: The hair bares
semeene were able te get them back tegether. them, and they are all previsiened and ready will fight until mere than half are killed, at
but that's a stery fer anether te ge. Zelvia leads them inte the mines. which peint the rest will run away.

‘F L.
lair -‘-='..'J'-3|-: -'

The following day the heap continue their

journey. Zelviz fashions torches and candles
I"-rorn the abundant monsterwazit. After a few
hours of walking through an arna:i:ingty
complex networlc of tunnels the heap come
upon a bizarre site:
.—'--'3-I--I J52“. '?I—I‘-I‘

There’s this strange statue thingee in the 5

middle of the tunnel. It looks kind of like a if
werm. limbless and blanl~'.. .=-‘t thin lendril of
black smoke oozes from its head ani.i itsi
blanl~: eyes staI'e into the void. As yoti get _
closer. a shrieldng hiss escapes the statues
lipless mciuth. "GET Tl'll'E[i C5L"Ji‘~lE l7l'~?.Clli.-l 5
THIS l"l_.=-‘tC'E." it howls. "THIS PIACE BE 1
Pt |‘|..i’i.Cl7. WI IERE [JWELLS t3RE.=’tT EVIL!
F.[i'|'l.3l?'.."~l l-'f~‘.D."i-’.l WI-lEl"i.-‘CE ‘i’E '-l:t-'i'tl‘h"'ll_f DR J
BE |7CJl'~'.lE‘i-'EFt D.-’ti"‘~it3ED! |E'-L.="i.=‘i.i’3tn.+*i..i*t.i-"t.="t- 1
.i"i..i*i..=-‘t.-'-‘i.l?'.f~': RRR l'~?.t3l l!" ‘
.._g.._.-i__-»..:.._r .__. ._...—._.....—_..- .__—___—__.__._..._—I-

The statue is really just a harmless prop left

here by The Danged to discourage visitors. It
will continue to bowl as long as the heap
remain in its vicinity. The statue itself has no
means with which to harm anyone, but if the
heap stay too long [more than five rounds}
four spirits of the danged will arrive to checlc
things out. These spirits are the restless ghosts
of dead miners. They loolt like translucent
blue werms with bags over their heads. They
are evil and will try to lcill eve1'yone.

Spirits of the flanged {4]i[pg 33]: The spirits

have the following abilities: Bite {Strength +3),
Etherealness. Fear. Fly, Undead.

rigged with a spring to launch itself forward

- _n___jj _j

when the lid is opened. That’s not the ! lhe tunnel ceiines to an abrupt end. Zi.=lt'1:r.} ._
gets an air of momentotisness about
insidious part, however. Cln the plank is a ' "
:"i.'leri.'y baby. Dig how the wall is not really
shallow dish filled with a vile and caustic
a wall. it's just a big plug of wa:i;. {litlulu.‘
poison. The poison splashes everyone directly
other side is the tJi.'iicle's digs. Mercy baby.
in front of the chest, inflicting 4-:.‘lEi damage on
He pulls a ceremonial pee. nutl:ii.itter, and
anyone who fails a ‘vigor rcilt [Ede with a
5I nanner sandwich from his pact; and
successful roll. The box is otherwise empty
in unches profo LI ndl y.
but for a painting on the inner surface. The T : -u:_--u:__ _ n.n r ___- - . n.-j_-i_- -i_--a_n

image depicts a hooded face with an “'1'” over

each eye. the syrn|:inI of The Elanged. '
matter of minutes. Dnce they are tlirougl;t,__‘_
read this:
"'6' _-

'l'l‘iis apptiars to l*ii-- tin‘: [llI'i_ii.'lir’s l'tIItIII1T,l_l:

and I-".i.-‘l'i'i;i: assuri-s ytiti it is. but the
l"iiin'.-'~:.i--if st"i.“:i‘i1s tn l.'?H..‘ n1iss.ii1g- in tin: U1‘tii_'li_‘-I»
ci.-I1ti.-.:t' I
nf this i.'l‘ian1l‘it.-r, t-vlticli is pretty t‘II2‘in—
i.lescript, is Ll sintirt piist nf stiii1‘iI_'.- sitirt. "'l'l‘Ie
£"trt1t'liJ’+'+ lli.-irisii," sl'ati*s Ki-It-‘in. piiiiitiitg at .-
the 'n't‘.ii‘.ii.lei‘i piist ti:-ppi.:i.l ivitli a large 'tvai.l
inf i.'i.itttiny fluff, "but i.vl'iei'e is the Urticle?
|"vle1‘i‘y t‘ial:ii.,-___”
_ .:a
" _
_...-,_-__-_—q_--i:..._ .
r3tfter another hour or so of wandering The heap are free to search the room. A
through yet more tangled tunnels and Traclcing roll reveals various footprints in die
arduous passageways the heap run into yet warty floor. They show at least ten different
another bizarre site. A chest, elegantly crafted individuals. Also imprinted in the waxy floor
and brightly painted stands closed in the is a mark indicating the presence of a small
middle of the passage. Ft small plaque on the Yet more hours pass. Zelviz declares it time round object, about a yort across [this is a__ '—'
lid states: A i:_:ii-'i' rcia oEi'i'i:~ou sio t~'.-tit. The chest is fo1' rest again. The chamber in which dwells cage, which The Dangecl put the Dracle in
loclced with a rather complex fastener the oracle is not far from here, maybe another when they kidnapped him}.
{Locli:picliting -2]. if the locli: is opened the lid couple of hours in the morning. Dutside the chamber the footprints
will immediately spring open, revealing an And so it is, after the heap awalcen and continue down a passage before becoming
insidious trap within. See, a plan}: has been travel for anothei' couple of hours read this: lost in a bony region.

Why are Banged danfled?

Thg}:w"erld -fi..___‘
‘pa.-= mflyfbfgfimlfihdw... .--I-E."
.r 1""

‘W--:. "1
TA Tracking reil at —2 is required te fellew
the feetprints further. They centinue en fer
abeut an heur er se befere the tunnel ends at
three deers, carved ef bene and painted with
sinister "}t"s. ."-'t lever is set inte the greund in
_ '&'frent ef the center deer.
it-' the lever is pulled a huge stene weight
will drep hem the ceiling, smashing the
persen whe pulled the lever and inflicting Sdfi
peints ef damage. an agility rell at -2 means
the here escaped unscathed.
The three deers are all barred frem the
ether side and have a Teughness ef '12. All
three lead te the same place —a tunnel that
leads further inte the Quarry ef the Danged.
‘we edres. members ef The Danged are
lurking en the ether side at the deers. They
will try te smash anyene whe breaks threugh.
sculpted fertificatiens ef war: and bene. As part is mes tly fluff anyway, se I'll trust yen te
fldres {2}[pg B1}: The edres wear masks
seen as the heap enter t'he area they are de semething ceel aleng the way.
ever their he-ads and are armed with shevels
attacked. C‘-‘ne ef them is an eefe dementalist. Dltce the heap reach Scab, the 1'eving
__ {Strength +3}. {line has a big glass bettle that
caravan city built atep the backs ef three
‘Is _ntains three wankers. He will smash it if the
The flanged {]"_~}}[]B standard werms, 4 enermeus giant slegs, they can start asking
battle is geing against them. releasing the
standard beduls, 2 standard eefes, 3 areund. Nebedy knews abeut the Dracle, but
centanimants within. The ether edre has a big
standard creachesjlpg 136]: The Danged all they can peint the heap in the directien ef
metal key en a chain areund his neck. Beth
have Fighting dill], wear scab armer Scab's enly armerer. The armerer, a
wear armer made ef scabs (Teughness +2}.
{Teughness +2}, and are armed with Heemanitarian pile named Dpen 7'' Days a
blewguns {Strength +1} and shevels {Strength Week, tells them yes indeed he did have The
Centanimant, Wan ker {4}|‘_pg vs}: The wan-
+2}. The blewgun darts are peisened. Anyene Ctracle, but it was stelen by a bunch ef
kers will aid the edres by thewing gebs ef gee
hit by ene must make a ‘v"iger rel] er suffer a greethee beids befere he ceuld make use ef it.
at the heap.
cumulative -1 te all traits fer ene heur]. If any "That was just a ceuple ef days age, he says,"
trait is reduced te B the here clies. "I bet yen ceuld catch up te them if yeu
The wide tunnel leads te a bread chamber
and a huge deer made at bene and scabs
Dementalist {standard eefeflpg 136}: The The greethe beids have been wandering
*fTeughness le). Twenty et The Banged are
dementalist wears scab armer {Teuglmess +2} the plains ef Tersevania fer a few menths
hiding in this area waiting te ambush the
and has the fellewing attributes: Delnentalisni pillaging caravans and harassing scab
heap. They all have medium cever due te
d1B, 15 PF’, lvlind Readin', Belt {psychic ferce}, harvesters. They stele the cage centaining the
and Blast {sphere ef slapping hands}. Pturicular Ciracle frem Cipen 3'' Days a Week
feur days age. Since then, they sert ef felt bad
Cince half ef The Dangecl are defeated the abeut what they were deing se they went te
rest will begin te sheut questiens te the heap, The Bewls ef the Ditli te have their sins
trying te figure eut why they are here. If the fergiven.
heap say they are enly leeking fer the As luck weuld have it, the heap den't have
Fturicular Dracle, The Danged will call a truce te ge in search ef the beids. The greethees
and explain they traded him te seme attack them a clay er twe after the heap leave
peddlemeisters frem Scab fer a bunch ef Scab. The beids are in full bandit mecle, se
armer, serry abeut the misunderstanding, run they'll try te steal everything the heap have
aleng new. They will allew the heap te leave, and make a run fer it. They use nen-lethal
but enly if they premise net te tell anybedy tactics at first, but will use lethal ferce if the
what they've seen here. heap fight back.
The edre's key fits the gigantic deer, but
several dezen mere ef The Danged are en the Greethee Beids [12}{pg BID]: The beids
ether side. Nebedy whe passes threugh will attack frem the air fer three reunds, drepping
be spared. sharpened scabs [Strength +2}. When they run
eut ef scabs they'll sweep dewn and fight
with beaks and clubs [Strength +2}. Cine ef
them is a Hecus Feker with Hecus Peking
Getting te scab might be a preblem. Zelviz
cl1B, 15 FF, and the Belt, Blast, and Smite
{if he still lives} wants nethirig te de with the
place. The best way te get there is te travel
threugh the Fellicular Maze and enward te
if the heap manage te capture a beid and
Tersevania. It's a leng and ardueus jenrney,
ask it abeut the Auricular Gracie, the beid
fraught with dangereus mensters and
tells them the epa1'ch ef the Bewls ef the Dith
blinding dandruff sterms, but te be henest we
has it.
a1'e running eut ef space in the beek and this

The Bewls ef the Dith

l_t‘t erder te get te the Bewls ef the Diih the
heap must travel the length ef Tersevania,
rappel the aweseme canyen ef the Crack ef
Deem {perhaps getting in a fight with the hair
bares that leunge near the precipice]. enter the A
interier ef the incredibly Huge ivlenster'“‘, and %"lci? heap have mest likely been te Ageg
ask fer directiens frem the little werm at the befere, but if they haven't it's ne big cleaL' ,1,-'. I
inferniatien teeth. The entire jeurney sheuld Accerding te the rituricular Clracle, the '-__ _r
take several unwheleseme and rather Frisekian Shield is in the pessessien ef a_'. —‘
unpleasant clays. drunken and elderly herc whe can be feuncl --
After wandering the varieus pipes and by turning left at the Wandering Sleg. The ..r' '
tunnels ef the interier the heap will eventually Wanciering Sleg, the heap discever with any
hear seunds ef chanting and rumbling frein Streetwise rell er a few heurs ef wandering, is
up ahead: a crude statue that depicts a giant sleg
...-. _____-_._ — an. _.,:n.n._nja
l deveuring a family ef smelves. Turning left at
lley, tl1e1‘t'."s a rurnhling 1-it1l.II‘ILl and ll the statue can lead the heap in a number efi
think seine chanting t‘.ttn'ting frem the direciiens depending en their appreach, but
tunnels up ahead. It lt‘.tLtLl crashing ensues, the mest ebvieus path leads dewn an alley
fnllewecl by sheuts ei "Entrike!" fits yeuj and inte a plaza. Walking in a straight line
appniacli, yt.'rLt i:n|1‘ae up l"-eliincl a meh ef dewn the alley will take them te a secencl
varieus peeple, all clressed in white rt‘:-bes. l '
I hercish menumeni. This ene is just a hu
Eli. hmlul with a huge pnrnp'adt.'-rur haircut is cube ef stene smeared with the remains ef al
1 telling a stunt.-r dewn a ptilisltetl flnnr, bunch ef dead smelves. Access the plaza is a
crasl'Iing it inte varinus idtttls at the bar called The Bed Smelf. As the heap leek-
end. it en, an elderly herc stumbles his way inte the
bar, sleshing greg frem his mug and carrying

The bedul is Eparch Kingpenance l-Iepcifer, a rectangular weeden shield.

a Jeezle Freak hely reller. If asked abeut the
Clracle he gladly velunteers that it is in his
pessessien and he is heping te return it te the The fled Smelf
War. lvlines as seen as pessilale. He will gladly As the heap enter The [led Smelf. read this:
hand it ever te the heap if he can be certain
.__n. _.j-.___n. a-i__-_:. : a._n.—.n_ ..n.j

.-"'5. 'tr‘v'li..ll:‘ flight flf slime 1.‘-I:‘.IEtl:4.-‘Ll stairs leads‘

they are free ef sin. Te this end he asks fer
each ef their cenfessiens, then sets up a E.
iI‘1tta a basement cif serts. The l.iieL'l Srrtelf is
prel'l'y tnuch what ene wuultl iinagine Ei
number ef idels en the alley te represent each
l herc bar in l‘.ie- Ht few inc.‘hc's ttrf sawdust en
Each member ef the heap must rell the l‘~.lew my mind is in need ef seine rest the fit:-er tn sup up the l‘1lt:-cul and spilled
stene dewn the alley te attempt te kneck ever Cur. this whele geesin’ thing was a test heeze, a l’n.1|*tcl't ef thick wt1ei_'len l‘tencl1£.=.'t-3,
the idels in place fe1' his particular sins. Fer Se if yeu den’t mind chipped and stainei_l stene walls, dnirens ef
each pin kneckecl ever a sin is fergiven. Each llrn sure yet: can find snielf heads meunted en wall plaques, and
here gets twe attempts. Te bewl, an Agility Yeur way nut and centinue yeur quest a fe'I.v Lltizet1 iI‘1eb:‘ia ted l‘ttlT't.'Fi bashir'tg ea=:.h
check is made. The ameunt by which the rell ether and sitigitig rude stings. l‘.‘\l~EI'
is made indicates the number ef pins knecked .+'-'tfter speaking the rhymes the Clracle wiI'u_len.vs, nt:- diners, just a stinky, sticky
ever. If the heap are net fergiven ef all their quickly falls asleep. Ne ameunt ei predding mass t1fga1ithlit1§:_l, Llritiking, and fighting
sins {I-Iepcifer can tell if they are sincere in er waiting will wake him, altheugh he will sntit gnhlins. I-‘tit enernitnis vat till: greg;
their cenfessiens] it will take a Fersuasien rell epen ene eye te check if they are still areund if bubbles t:-niinnuslj-.-' hehind the bar,
at -4 and a sizable denatien (at least 5,llfl'fl the heap stay awhile- Regartiless, that’s all dwarfing the hurly l'ra1'te:‘u.leI' whe glares till.“
clams} te get him te relinquish the Dracle. he'll tell them. 1- yen and pcilishes a ntug with a snet
i cnvered rag.
1 ‘ft’:-u spent the elderly ht:-rc with the shield l
The Aurieular Draele Reselutjee sitting at a g-arnbling table with a few ef his 1
The Clracle is a serpentine lump ef earwa:-c. If the heap decipher the lirnericks cerrectly I’ churns. l le seems he be using the shield as a
lt’s ceiled up at the bettem ef a small silver they will either head te ageg in search ef a 1 tray tn liniil his vi.-'iI1I1ittgs.
cage, leeking unwell. A thin stream ef cl reel clrunl-: herc er te Teast in search ef a big fish. -u—u—u- — —_n.a--u- a.I.-—-I.I.——-I-|.I.a_-- mi- n.:——-i.-——-u—- 1—-.u—u----

drips frem the edge ef its meuth and its eyes The elderly here is rtgreeguleus Dangle [pg
are cleucly and distant. The enly thing that
What's Next? ‘I.’-.5’), a ferrner price—e—cern and current set.
can bring it back te health is te return it te its
The Greg in I‘-tgeg C legs Seggily Near The ‘Eileg I-ie has ne idea ef the significance ef his shield
lair. Dnce they de, here is what‘ it says:
Fat Sushi Ailtlt Ne Cl'1ut'np and will happily trade it fer anything werth_
'll['I clams er mere and anether centairtet‘ in
If yeu ge te the keep ef riigeg which te put his winnings. As seen as the deal
lflae Greg 1;t1.- Ageg
rlind turn left at the Wandering Sleg is clene, hewever, a strange and emineus ten
The Shield, l aln teld
falls upen the bar- as ene the hercs step
ls with a sedden and eld drinking and fighting arneng themselves.
Herc whe gambles and pukes up his greg
@l:-.g,s Seggi.-lgt Their eyes begin te swirl in a hypne—ring sert
ef way as they all pick up weapens and turn
in a city named a fter buI'ned bread their attentien tn the heap. They attack en
is the thing that gees en a guy's head
‘n’eu'll find this last dish Nea:i1lh.e Slag masse, hacking and fighting until everyene is
dead. if the heap are killed er escape, the
Neat te the big fish hercs will turn en each ether. See, they are all
Dn the ene dude whe keeps him net dead in this Tale the heap travel being centrelled by F'usghetti the Squigg, whe_
te Ageg te gain a mysterieus hides invisibly in the rafters. He has been-
r5ttqttest’se11dyeu may sing with elatien artifact frem a drunken herc. tracking the heap fer serne time but lest l'.he:rn
D1‘ cry eut yeur hr-ain's censternatien Fusghetti the Squigg makes last time they came te ngeg. If all the hercs
]ust be sure when yeu fi nti theln an appearance [unless he's are defeated, Pusghetti himself will attack the
‘fee enly cembine them dead} and everyene gets te heap. His first act being te smash the vat ef
in a very specific lecatien. take a bath. greg, fleeding the entire reetnin
The auricular flracle e_n1y§"speaks in Lirnerlcl-:s.._i||'ri'i'-lit he l:|'riI7|'|w:i"E."i._’_i:__§':§_""ieel-*tir."g'erne’tl1ir-fg.

— I
U’ I
.1.- r
-an-__ - . -u-
_ . —._‘_
. 5. __-
1- I-_ -_'-__-F _ _ *1
forts of cheap booze and giving everyone a -2
to all rolls and possible drowning them
{except Fusghetti and anyone else above the
if Fusghetti was killed in a previous
5..g_"encounter, replace l1im with another squiggly
mass who works for the "v'iIlainic Consortium.

Horcs [2tl}[stanrlarcl horcslfpg 136}: They This Tale takes the heap to the
are armed with knives and clubs {Str +2}. __,,y cremefillian city of Toast,
capital of the litingclom of the
Fusghetti the Squigg [pg 14]}: liusghetti Dong. Here they must bargain
has a chip on his shoulder and really wants to with a notorious gangsta for a
kill the heap. He lurks on the ceiling, out of powerful artifact, and maybe learn a little
range of any melee weapon without a Reach something about honor in the process.
"'- at least +2.
Getting to Toast
if the hero on which Grabmaster Norq is The heap may find some other way to
hiding [in his shrunken state, see page '12:?) Toast, but the easiest is to catch a ride on a
remains submerged for more than three ship leaving Flooin. The only vessel heading
rounds, hlorq and Mister Filthington will to Toast in the next few months is the Sea
,_ suddenly appear {at actual size} and attempt Sing, a long ship covered in slog pelts and
‘flag escape up the stairs and out the doorway. carrying a crew of ]emima’s Witness
Dnce outside they will reshrink themselves missionaries. lf he still lives, I-later Wig Wig
and hitch a ride on the heap as they leave the {page 139} is onboard. His interactions with
place. the heap depend greatly on the events that
if the heap manage to make their way out of transpired in Curses, ‘Soiled Again!
the bar they will fin-d a nasty surprise waiting The crew of the Sea Slug won’t let any
for them in the plaza outside. It seems Hoomanitarians onboard for any reason, so
Pusghetti has given a gift to one of his those sorts need to be disguised. ]emima’s
minions, a horc named Slimevester {standard Witnesses can ride for free, while
horc}. The gift is a magical glove that gives cremefillians must pay Eilfl clams each and
him the power of Telekinesis ['lt?t,tltlt'.‘r pounds all others Silt] clams apiece. The vessel is
maximum, range tilt} yorts {'1llt’l”}}. Slime- captained by an ultra religious cremefillian anyway. If asked about a big fish, the heap are
"-vester is hiding on the roof of a nearby named Cap'n Cupquake [standard creme- pointed in the direction of a few dozen fish
building and he'll use his glove to lift the dead tillian). There are 35 crew members, markets, many of which have a gigantic fish
smelf monument, trying to smash the heap including Hater Wig Wig. They all spend the sign out front.
beneath it use damage, Throwing cilti}. entire journey talking about how evil the They may choose to check out a few of these
Siimevester can use his glove to make himself Hoomanrace was, and they expect the heap fish markets, but nobody seems to have any
fly as well, which he'll do, smashing the heap to join in the discussion. clue what they are talking about. Eventually,
with the monument as they try to escape Any Hoomanrace sympathisers will be however, they will run into an interesting
through the city. He stays about fat} yorts [stIl") thrown overboard. Anyone thrown over- situation that may give them a clue:
above ground and yells taunts at them as they board will have to float around for a day or
try to avoid getting crushed. so, maybe clinging to some drifting flotsam
'T'Tt.T,-_~.7iiTf Iiiiiiiféi”s‘{t?TiEi$t?iir"T£iii1Zf,‘ji]iZFi
mirtclittg your own l‘n_1sincss, you are
and fighting off a hungry esophagator or
wil'nI_-ass to it hit of l‘tuoiiganis:11_ A group of
Resolution two, before being picked up by a horcish
c1‘ct'|1cfilliat1 thugs is appaI‘t,‘nt'ly reorgan-
Hopefully the heap can find their way pirate vessel [The t3atrelttrmger’s Ffsf, if it still
iicing the 1‘1‘u.u‘1gcring cart of a local ‘
safely out of Agog and continue on their way. eicists, see page lil-1}. The ho1'cs might be
n1cn.‘l‘1ant, placit1gtl1c"i ¥ 'l_U:'tf:i'l'" t—sl1i1'ts
There aren't any ships going from Agog to bribed or intimidated into taking the
tvl'tc'1‘e the filing of the iilt:-ng plusitics y
Toast, but they can find one going to Floom, characters to Toast, but it won't be easy
slmuhl gun and yicc' verso- fits you t.'lt'I!-it‘ in i
from where they can arrange passage to Toast [Persuasion -4 or S,fl[lfl clam bribe}.
for a l‘rctte1‘ luuk, one of the tliugs grabs the i
{on a missionary ship of ]emima's Witnesses}. merchant by the shirt anti snnrls in his face, I
Toast "Fat Eruslti nin’t no chomp! We caI11c' tori
-:.'Wl1s|;'s Next? The city of Toast is unlike any the heap wl1at’soyv-.=tl ltin1_ l‘;t tiinc it 1.+.-'un't l.‘tt-.‘ just i
Fat Sushi .4‘’t l"~lo Chump have ever seen {unless they're from there, of rntmgering cart we rearrange."
course}. Ctnce they arrive, read this:
A Powerful and Enigmatic Secret of the
-_n.r—u--1.---1_r ‘#1

_—_:..._j.__.,j :_,.,_,__.._,_,.._.,_,j _j. j_.__.._:__ _.,.,_,___,_,j_
The thugs are goons of Don Sushioka “ Fat
Toast is unlike any city you've ever seen.
Sushi” Twinkugowa [page '13:’). They have
in the shadow of i"~.'lt."tl.l|"tl. Funky, the
been sent to rough up the merchant for failure
surrounding hills are green and lush, the ‘
to pay protection to Fat Sushi. if the heap
sky is brilliant and blue, and the buildings question them about Fat Sushi {Big Fish, get
,are clean and beautifully ornatnented. N it?}, they will learn he is a powerful holy roller
‘y'ibrant flowers and clear, trickling streams t
and owner of the F’-air—o—c1ice casino.
wind their way between gleaming pagodas l
and radiant, painted towers. Cremefillians '-,
in ama:cing abundance roatn the streets. The Pair-o-dice Casino
decked out in colorful duds and E‘I'it.'tllt.' E when the heap enter the Pair—o—dice,
C5 l:' I"l it iTtE_‘ [1 lift l ; Toast’s largest and most popular casino,
H j -n..--_ _._._ -c_ -_ __ __J brothel, and religious shrine, read this bit of
The cremefillians of Toast are suspicious
boxed text:
of outsiders, but will do business with them

Hi, basis it going? Having fun? Gt:-ccl.

The Pair-o-dice casino. brothel. and
forced to leave {by more odre bouncers it
religious shrine isa huge place. lt’s sort necessary}. Eventually a minlort opens the
door to Fat Snshl’s office and leads them in.
hulnungous tiled pyramid just behind ofar the: - - -—~---=-*
Dingdoin Hall of Jemitna's Witliesses and a lllnatetl and grntestiue, Fat Sushi, the
block down from the F'o.-.' Roitiaiitiiii. fattest cremefillian yr:-uiye ever seen, sits at l
.*5'niywa1.-', as you approach the place you a marble desk in the most npulent nffire l
staI't to get a sense of the power Fat Sushi i in‘1agir1able- Pl. massive painting on the wall l
must wield. behind him slvavvs Fat Sushi sl"IakiI'tg hands I
It horde of greeters meet you at the -' with The llling nf the lllnrtg_ I'll. bunch of
eiiti'_1,.rn'ay. A wide banner over the vaulted [ IL
strange little li:»:arLl—lil-te creatures scurry
duoI's reads ”l'le|p l‘v'anted. lltL]ttlt'vt‘ [ about the room, irlingirtg to the walls ani_l
la-'itlii|i”. fits you approacli the grand l basking nn the man_v potted plants- J"tsiu_le l
Lliestibule... n:—u—i_n- ‘aw -|_-all _ from the ll:-"lr.'II'1..l‘.'~'-,. Fat Sushi appears tn be
alone. l le rrintinns to some pillows laid nut
If the heap are well groomed and wearing
on the flnnr in front of his desk, "Please
clothing of snazzy value or better, read this: " '5
niake unto junurselves a cnrnftii't'al_*.«le nest-
I ...the gI'eeters bow low to the ground asl l lis voice is weazty and low, i"s'l_v asst,iu.;iates {
they lntrrietlly open the doors and politely l tell me you wnultl like tn have words with
DI usher 'you inside. I me." lle le.ans fnrvrarcl and offers a
hand for kissing. I

If they are dirty or dressed like scrubs, read |'_ri—I'g§;—lat'lt=I*I

-,..u—'l'--u-—u.n.--u.-_n.-.n.-—-u-r - n.u_r--u-—F— -u-n_- -.1;-tr «J

this instead: The heap are f1'ee to say whatever they

want to Fat Sushi. If they act in a disrespectful
__a huge '[l|I.lI'L-I dressed in fnrrnal silkl
manner, or threaten him in any way, the
pajamas blncks ynui‘ way. "1 am sorry, Innst
pairttirtg behind him rolls up into the wall,
l1nr1oI'able visitors, ynu do not meet thel
revealing a bold creme fillian warrior standing
eligibility I'1.."i.1l_llI'l.-'I'l'1L?l'll.H tn enter lhisi
in the alcove beyond. This guy is Ghin Soo
estat'1lishInent_ lllease cnrne. back when you ._
Fluph {page 13?), Fat Sushi’s bodyguard.
have nbtained a bath and snnte cnnlerll
I Hopefully Eliirt Soo’s presence will put the
heap in a more respectful mode, but if not he
t ..I

A suitable bribe [till] clams apiece) might' is more than happy to dismember them for the
get them past the bouncer, but if a fight starts enjoyment of his boss.
seven more odres will show up within two Dbservant heapsters {Notice roll}, may
rounds to help evict the heap. notice the shiny bowl helmet atop Chili Soo’s
head. This is the Prisokian Helm. It's not
fldres {?'}[pg 3]]: The odres are polite but really a helmet; it's the base of a sign, but
forceful. They fight barehanded. nobody knows that.
If the heap ask to purchase or trade for Chin
Dnce the heap get inside, read this: Soo's helm, Chin Soo looks to his boss. Fat
Sushi asks why they want it. [f they tell him
1. 1-3—"'—:-—-3"-""'-3-?-F‘ ?‘';-'''-—1-'--' 5-‘ 4- - "'- -'-"fl

‘I.-l.-'liat an alna:-uiig place. It has sort of a I

D. "U-'liat if l-{eister lslancl was a tropical} what it is, he will offer it to them for llCl[l,lCl|Ell]
clams. If they say anything about helping the
l paradise instead of a blasted crap puddle"
Hoomartitariarts in any way, things will
l look. Iluge carven statues. real flowers,
[ winding strealns of clear water. and ornate .=
immediately become very violent. lf the heap
don't have the clams to buy it, the only ether
l bridges are everywhere in the centrall
options are to gamble or steal the clams, try to
casino area. The interior of the pyramid is
steal the helm, or challenge IT.3hin Soo Fluph to
Ea with balconies and arivate rooms ,.
a duel. They could try to hold Fat Sushi as a
and the ceiling is lighted and painted to’
hostage, but that would be difficult.
resemble a sky at sunset. The whole of the L,
At the first sign of agg1'ession from the
place is tastefully illuminated with I
heap, Fat Sushi will press a latch under his
flickering to1'ches, leaving' plenty' of!
I sliaduws tor .Illicit
. . . l- desk, which flips |;l'lI.':" desk over, concealing C-ooaeras [E-ljltpg Bill: The gnoaeras will get
dealings and amorous.
!'‘ and protecting him beneath itself {Toughness drunk in 'lel4 rounds at which time they will '
trysts. l
n.-n..... -n.a-n.n.n?.j-._ -n?r——u_.u-J-my-I.-_np.n..__n.n.u_q-u.-n.'
12). Small holes in the desk allow Fat Sushi to go into a frenzy and attack without mercy.
The characters a1'e f1'ee to gamble, curse the cast spells at the heap. At the same time, a
l-loomanrace at any of a hundred 1'eligious bunch of bottles of booze fall from the ceiling -
sln'ines, or participate in whatever amorous chandeliers, breaking apart and sending foam
Hopefully the heap can steal or buy the
dealings they prefer. Eventually they might everywhere. The gooaeras in the room {the helm without having to kill Fat Sushi. If they
try to get a meeting with Fat Sushi. If they do, lizard guys} will soon lap up the booze and kill him they will have a huge price on their
they are told Fat Sushi only meets with very become drunk, sending them into a rage. Ghin
heads, ensuring a stream of treaty hunters will
high rollers {the heap will have to gamble at Soo Fluph, whom the gooaeras have been
be Following them the rest of their lives.
least l{l,lll][l clams to achieve this status} or trained to ignore, will fight to the death.
Dnce they get the helm, they will notice it is
people with impo1'tant business proposals. If a domed metal block with a Flat bottom and a
they can convince a pit boss they fall into one Fat Sushi {pg 13?}: Fat Sushi is a ]emima’s small cylindrical hole on top.
of these categories, they will be led tln'ough a Witness holy roller. He casts spells from his
doorway, down a hall, and into a plush hiding place.
antech amber to await a meeting with the boss. ‘What's Next?
They will be frisked and asked to give up their Ghin Soo Flnph {pg 13?]: Ghin Soo is a The Greg in Agog Clogs Saggily Near the Slag
weapons, which will be stored in the weapon total asskicker. Pay attention to his Edges and Pt Fe-werful and Enigmatic Secret of the
check room to await their return. lf the heap such. Llniverse
refuse to give up their weapons they will be

Fat Sushi is the boss at a vast criminal empire. h aver. j,&3:__

"In |fF|'re"'d'res. ls‘:-!Isl:t_;g_p_Ft'i't
if sushiagi_||1_t:i:
-.=".. |_-,1‘
1_ . ..


Twe Maps ef
Keister Island
ene is rnestly blank
and ene shews the
leeatiens ef
the atra age
The Garden
”' -~ at lirwelterre-*-‘tal


helm” en the ether The Grey Matter Eeeaateriurn

and the epigraphs If the heap ge te the Grey Matter
spelling the phrase Beeaaterium in search ef lmzeze Hreep, they
"HELF-‘ WANTED will find him sitting alene at a table near the
INQUIRE l="».’l'l"H[l‘-l" back ef the place. Unce they meet him, read
acress the surface ef this {medify the test if they did net deliver all
the "shield”, the the paclsages}:
thing can be put te
_ k-\.f'\.'q_|-j.p.—I_.-I_I.a.q_

"|f_.reetn1gs U|tl‘1 c1‘e£ItuI‘es, please hav-_-- 4']

-' P P

use. See, when its seat. "t’r.‘Ju lmve earned the gratitude [if the
placed in a very lLle111L*I1tieI1al l:ll5t'.'.f.I|lIt.-‘EillL‘LI!-i, and fer that
This is the final Tale in the specific lecatien en ltieister Island {which yuu are rewartletl thuslyf’ lI'1't.'-E«l_‘.tE"'.tllI waves
heap’s quest te find the will be determined in this Tale) it will cause his l'I€Il!'ll.l.!-i- a bit nncl at l'1L1:ncl‘1 ef vvut.'u_let1
Primerdial Seup Kitchen. It the statues ef Keister lsland te reveal their l:t‘.Il¢'.t.-‘I"tE:' fleet gently tn the l.'&tl'|lL‘. "'l'l‘1es-_-r are l
sheuld be played ence they true nature —that ef the true staff ef the gm:-d fer :1 free meal at any |E]1'ey l'I.-'li.‘tl“l:L'I"l
y .' ' have gathered all the pieces te Frimerdial Seup Kitchen [the ceelcs and lnt.‘ntitn1- '-NI.-r :'|tn.~.' have fraiicliises in Neva’ l
the i“riselc.ian Staff. Accerding te the limericlss waiters and such, see page 142}. Ucrr1c]I.Iar, 'l'u.1st, r't.gt1gCity,aI1d l"+'l&'1.'-Jt‘Ilf..'L'It‘tEi-
ef the Auric ular Dracle, the Priselsian Staff can .*"'m_vwnj.-', Liuulnn Crepules has suI11I11eneLl ]
’ " enly be assembled in a specific lecatien. This a l‘1n1‘u.le nf cm1tai1i|11at1ts atnl trlslu.-ad then‘: 5:
1!. Net Se fend Return [e Arms
'1 net actually true; they can assemble it Clnce the heap have all the pieces, witli the n1apping'; tilt the statues uf l'-ieistitr
‘anywhere, but its magic is enly effective in whether they've assembled them er net, Island. The [Iliscntesticus weuld he must -an-—.I—
{me particular spet. Clnce the heap cellect all Gralnnaster Nerq will malse his meve. 1! —hul't, what'stl1at?"
the pieces, they will mest likely return te Unless a here actually helds ente each Suddenly the frunt deer is s1nasher.l .
Fleem, perhaps te Ineet with lmzeze I-Ireep at piece with his ewn hands, l"~.lerq will be illvt-'a:'cl and a l‘tn1Tifyingly disgusting Inass
the Grey lv’latter Heezaterium te accept their able te steal them. The heap will awaken nf warts and flesh a‘n1n.l fist pnunds its v~.-'.1_' -r—-.-n—-—I-
reward fer delivering his packages, er Inaybe
ene day te discever all the pieces are I intn the reern, tfllltw-.=ecl clnscly by its uglier
te shew Daddy l-lassafras what they feund. missing. in their place is a strange metal twin.

"Regardless ef where they cheese te ge, here's J

device. This is the Disenlargificater [see
'III.|uI— '1-'III"I|lIr —|-I—‘uIuI- '-II"-II--' "III.-W

a bit ef infe abeut the f’riselc.ian Staff befere page 142}. lHle1'-.2] felt bad fer screwing the Twe bad ass centanimants, sent by Uuulnn,
._'.~':‘we centinue. heap se he left them a gift. He is newhere te have smashed their way inside. They were
* be seen, having made a clean getaway, but instructed te kill everyene, starting wiH1 the
. 3"‘
T-EIE Pflfiflkiflfl Staff: ]_l'lE F['lS|Cl'l:'i.lElI"t heap. lrnaese will help fight, but all ef the
' J
.. net a staff at all, it's a sign. When all the pieces fg.[5[_PI'int5_ 1|; 5:31-_e5; ether eefes and patrens in the place will flee.
_._g: ”
_' '.are assembled cer1'ectly, with the "staf
--""* ;attac‘hed te the “shield” en ene side and the
l “ll” ll“ l“‘_"ll““' l" 5“”""" 5‘M"m‘L """"l" Centanimant, Bad Ass {2}{pg '.?'El]: The I:-a-:.t
asses are relentless killing machines.
1 E4‘-'-IT‘-"l-:"'r
Make sure lrrtsoao gets hit at least once identical pairs, did yet}. The secret location,
during the fight. He should be alive but badly the place where the assembled staff must be
hurt. When the fight ends he will reach into placed, is in the point where all the lines cross
his pocket and hand the heap a small ovoid over each ether when a line is drawn from one
object. "This is the Primordial Soup Kitchen,” statue of an identical pair to the other {a hit up
he tells them, “Guard it well: it was given to and in the right of the leftmost "I9 on the map}.
you by a dieing alien. ...use|ess without the If the heap make their own map, or steal maps
staff" He then er-ipires of bad ass inflicted from l.Juulon's minions, they may arrive at the
pestilence. same conclusion.

What Uuulon Is Up To The Spot, Where It, All Goes Down

Uuulon has receive-:.l the pieces of the rltnyway, they'll eventually come to the
i’risokiart Staff from Grabmaster Hort} [unless ordained location, whether by following
the heap managed to prevent their theft} and _Lluulon or mapping the island themselves. _
has summoned a bunch of contanimartts to l’|l set the scene. It's pretty unremarkable '
help him chart the statues of lteister Island.
-_'| l-'1:-|r'|:'F"F-|'1

really. There's jttst a wide clearing in the =

He has four different groups searching the E’ boulder scrub with a few squat statues.. Clnce the battle is over, hopefully with
island. Each group consists of one bad ass, one l eight actually, circling a small shallow mud 3 the heap victorious and in possession of the
bruiser, one mensch, two wankers, and four l p uchlle. Prisokian Staff, they are free to set things in
wusses [see pages F3-Til for stats}. Lluulc-n I motion. Under the mud puddle is a small
himself is traveling with one of these groups, Unless they already killed tluulon and his stone pedestal with the same circumference
in the company of Uuuly Creputhrall. lf posse, continue reading: as Hie base of the Prisokian Staff. When the
iiusghetti the Squigg still lives he is also staff is correctly assembled and placed on
Wltetlir-ei' by coincidence or dramatic
traveling with Lluulon. this stone read this:
design, Uuulon Crcpulos and his minions HT
Unless the heap assembled the staff before
l are lining up on the othet' side of the. .="teiaii‘iiE is what it's aliluabout.
hlorq stole it, Lluulon has not yet assembled it. The toll and pain of the past months it?»
'clearing, glaring at you with menacing‘;
He does not yet realize its significance, only
leers. i al'1oiut to pay oil’. its the sign is set in plate‘
that it is somehow important. I_ _ ‘.- nothing happens. :"'tfter a I11iI1LIte or so'
It will take Lluulon and his minions Lluulons current' horde includes himself,
nothing continues to l‘Iappc:'t. 'l'l'ten
4tl+'ld.Tl{l days to chart the location of all the Pusghetti the Squigg {unless he was killed
sudden l_v, and vvithou t tvaro ing,
statues. During that time the heap have a few previously}, two bad asses, four bruisers, two
srmiething ha p putts. 'l'herc's a thing
options. They could try to find and follow mensches, two wankers, and Lluuly
n‘Interiali'.-tingin the air right in front of you.
Uuulon or a group of his minions in hopes the Creputhrall. ritfter a suitable bad guy r it app».-r'a1'.'-a to the one of those funky white
bad guys will lead them where they want to monologue, he directs his minions to attack.
lI t'l1efl‘Iats.'l'l1cn'umog1'at‘n says lffilti.

go. They could try to find Uuulon an-:.i steal Lluulon and Pusghetti sort of hang back and
i"t.s you gazre on, the sq_uat statues
the Frisokian Staff back from him. They could cast spells, each protected by a bruiser, as
surrounding the puddle begin to t'1'tJT'l'll2'1lii:."'.
try to map the island themselves, which will their minions attack the heap. if the battle is
'l'l1e l'it“iviltlc1't-‘ti forms of set-'t*|'al oofoe
take a very long lime, or they could ask going very badly for the heroes, have E climb froin the rul'rl'1le, cnclt wearing a
Gorrninee the Goosed {if he still lives} for Grabmaster hlorcg and Mister Filthington
1.-vltite coat and a tall ‘white hat. "lli, we're
help, remembering he once tried to chart the show up to help them {along with Gorminee
island himself. the Goosed, Fecus Fecus, or Daddy I-iassafras, I here about the jolt," one of lIl'It‘1'1't says,
at the sign- "‘t"'i."l1t‘i’s tlte I'I‘I:‘tt'li.'tgt.'.‘I‘_-."'"
If they go after Uuulon or his minions they if you like}. E‘Jll‘ll'il'l;._T
--I-I-' -‘H-.r'-nil-tr-I-in-—I-Ir-I---I—-—-ill-I--' —-r-I-'-In-IF '-r'é-- '-|----

will find him in Edit} days by asking aroun-:.l at Whoever puts on the hat is the new
various villages and such. If they try to chart Contanirnants [2 bad asses, 4 bruisers, 2 manager of the Primordial Soup Kitchen.
the island themselves it will take ‘t2t.l+.’.1d2ll mensches, 2 wankersflpg ?3-W]: The bad The oofos will do whatever management
days [unless they split up, but either way asses and bruisers attack directly, while the asks of them [see page 142]. Elf course, at
Uuulon will finish first}. lfflorminee still lives mensches try to rust weapons and the this point the Soup Kitchen is probably still
for if they can convince He Wlto Smells Far to wankers hurl muck}. tiny. The heap may use the disen-
give them G-:irminee’s personal possessions} largificator to grow the PSI-1'. back to ltd,
he will show them the map he made a while Uuulon Crepulos [pg 141}: Liuulon will normal size, or they can use it to sh.rink
ago. The heap may be able to convince summon more contanimants if the fight is themselves to gain entry. If Grabmaster is
i—loomanitarian church, the ]emima’s going badly for him. still around he’ll show them how to use it.
Witnesses, or the Dementional Discotesticus Clver the course of the next few weeks
to help, wlticlt will cut down the excursion Pusghetti the Squigg (pg 141]: Fusghetti and months more oofos will show up to
time significantly but would also require the loves hurling Blasts and Stuns. beg employment as the statues of F-Ceister
heap to share the spoils of victory. island crumble into dust.
Gorminee's map shows the location of each Lluuly Creputhrall (pg 141]: Lluuly is a That’s pretty much the end. The heap are
of still statues. The statues are labele-:.l by kiiler, smashing with his axe and hurling pretty bad ass about now. See page 142 for
number, which each identical pair having the rocks with abandon. more about what might happen nezst.
same number {bet you didn't know there we re THE E—l'HllI'.|
Dofo {standard}
An emblematic oofo.
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts as, Spirit do,
Strength do, “v'igor do
This section lists an assortment of Skills: Fighting do, Guts do, t-tnowledge
‘- vital statistics and background inform- {Any} do, Shooting do, Stealth do
ation about many of the characters Charisma: ll Pace: o Parry: SToughness: 5
introduced in other s,,ectioos of this Edges: Big Ass Eyes, Ctddvision,
book. Starry wisdom
The first page {this one} deals with Gear: Decent clothing, a small weapon
archetypical extras of each major lStrengtl-.+‘ll, Sdttl clams,
species. If an extra deviates from this
profile, the changes are described in
Pile {standard}
H that particular character's entry in the
A representative pile.
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do, Spirit do,
Peeps are listed alphabetically by
Strengthdo, vigor do
first name or title.
Skills: Fighting do, Guts as, Stealth do,
Throwing do
E X T RA 3 Charisma: til Face: to Parry: S Toughness: 5
Edges: Dense dz Chewy, Goo Flinging,
Bodul {standard} lvlalleable, ourly Fellow
just a common bod til, it any bodul
Gear: Crappy clothing, a medium
‘it __ becalled common. weapon [Strengt]-1+2), odltl clams-
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
Spirit do, Strength do, Vigor do
Skills: Fighting do, Guts cio, l-'~Cnowledge Smelf {standard}
~ {Arty} as+2, Shooting do, Stealth do A classic smelt’,
Charisma: til Pace: o Parry: S Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
Toughness: S Spirit do, Strengthdo, Vigor do
Hindrances: Any two Skills: Fighting do, Guts do,
Edges: Clever, Proud I-Ieritage, Two more Notice do, Stealth do, Tracking do
Gear: Decent clothing, a small weapon Charisma:tl I’ace:o
{Strength+ 1}, Sdll] clams. Parry:S Toughness:o
Edges: Nasal Targeting,
Nimble Little Guy, hlosebloating,
"Cremefillian {standard} Schnoi: to be I-lisckonecl with
Your average walking snack cake.
Gear: Decent clothing, a small weapon
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
lStrength+l], odtt} clams.
Spirit do, Strength do, Vigor do
Skills: Fighting do, Guts do,
Knowledge do, Shooting do, Stealth do Tiznit {standard}
Charisma: til Pace: o Parry: S Toughness: s 'l’heir’s really no such thing as
Edges: Foul Taste, Tweenking, an average Tisn’t, but here's
Spongy Flesh one without any special abilities.
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
,”','r" __ ar: Decent clothing, a small weapon
" Z ngth+'l}, Sdltl clams. Spirit do, Strengthdo, ‘v'igor do
Skills: Fighting da, Guts do;
Notice do, Stealth do, Tracking do
}. Croach {standard} ' Charisma: ll Pace: o Parry: S
I’ A typical croach. . Toughness: S
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
Edges: Hybrid, Dbject of Fascination
Spirit do, Strength do, Vigor do I -“l“'.. Gear: Decent clothing, a small weapon
Skills: Fighting do, Guts do, l-Knowledge do, I'i‘I._:
[Strength+l], Sclttl clams.
Shooting do, Stealth do
Charisma: El Pace: s Parry: o Toughness: s
Edges: Antennae, Crunchy Shell, lvlultiple Worm [standard]
A normal, everyday werm,

Limbs, G ullet of Steel

Gear: Decent clothing, a small weapon Attributes: Agility do, Smarts do,
{Strength+l}, Sd1i] clams. Spirit do, Strengthdo, ‘vigor do
Skills: Fighting do, Guts do, l"~lotice do,
Stealth do, Tracking do
Horc {standard} Charisma: ll Pace: o Parry: oToughness: o
Your run-of-the-mill mean old horc.
Edges: Burrowing, Coiled Spring,
Attributes: Agility do, Smarts d-ii, Spirit do,
Low Light vision, Regeneration,
Strength do, Vigor do
Robbery Skin
Skills: Fighting do, Guts do,
Gear: Decent clothing, a medium weapon
Shooting do, Stealth cl-1
[Strength+,’1), Sdl t} clams,
Charisma: l} Face: s Parry: o Toughness: s
Edges: outtlticker, Gurgitation, Slimy
Bastard, Tough Ass lvloFo
Gear: Decent clothing, a medium weapon
{Strength+ 2}, Sdltl clams.
3’ F
E,-‘-e-:"':‘-+I:.-H -

Wild Cards Deerq Snuzzlevveener

{male tien’t chef and restaurateur]
(unless ulherulae uutedj Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts dli],
Spirit -:.‘l‘lll, Strength dill, ‘v'iger dill
Agreeguleus Dangle Skills: Fighting d3, Guts d'lE, Knewledge
[elderly male here} (ceekingji dlil, hletice dill, Persuasien d'liI|,
Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts ea, Spirit d'l2, Strengthetwise dill, Threwing cl] 2
Strength dill, viger d3 Charisma: 2 Pace: a Parry: ti Teughness: S
Skills: Fighting d'lll[+'l], Gambling d'l2 Hiuclrances: Wide ass {-1 te Agility trait rells)
Charisma: -1 Pace: ti Parry: STeughness: tr Edges: Beak [Strength+'l}, E:-ttra Limb
Hinclrances: Elderly {prehensile tail), Hybrid, ll-lulizitlertterity,
Edges: Buttkicker, Gurgitatien, Slimy Cibject ei Fascinatien, Tentacles (+2 grapple},
Bastard, Teugh Ass ivleFe Twe-Fisted, Quickdraw
Gear: Crappy clething, stabbin’ stick [Str +2], Gear: Decent elething, crappy armer {leather
llrisekian Shield apren, +1 terse} a meat cleavers [Strength+2},
Agreeguleus is an unremarkable eld herc. Htlfl clams.
A lermer price—e~cern and seldier, has new Friendly yet gruti, Deerq is the preprieter--.
just a retired eld set whe spends mest el his iiThe Chepping Bleck, a restaurant -and bar in
time drinking and gambling in The [led Fleem_ He clesely guards his secret chili
Smelt. Threugh a twist ef late, and recipe. l-ie has the head ei a sterk, the rump et
unheknewnst te him, Agreegulc-us is the a hippe, twe ectepus arms, and a prehensile
ewner ei the Frisekian Shield, which he uses menkey tail.
as a tray te cellect his gamlaling winnings.
Beale Gutgebbler
Binky Beebeekisser {male here and prissy ham}
{male creach chamberlain and nanny} Attributes: Agility dB, Smarts dill, Spirit cl12,
Attributes: Agility dtlr, Smarts dill‘, Spirit d'l2, _ Strength d8, ‘v'iger dS
Strength dll, 'v"iger dll Skills: Fighting cltl (+1 with rapier}, Guts dS,
Skills: linewledge lpelitics] cl‘! 2, Ff.n-::-wledge {Theater} cl'l2, F'ersI_1-asien d‘! 2,
Fersuasien till] Tlirevving dtl
Charisma: '1 Pace: s Parry: 4 Teughness: Iii Charisma: 2 Face: it F'arry: ti Teughness: ti
"T_‘ —- .- .

Agreegulaes flangle
Hindrances: Ciath el service te ‘verniit Edges: Charismatic, Gurgltatien, Sticky,
spurts the Priseltian Shield
Lanuge Teugh Ass lv‘leFe, Trademark Weapen
Edges: Antennae, Crunchy Shell, Multiple {rapier}
Limbs, Gullet ei Steel Pewers [El] PP]: Greater Healing, Healing, Gear: F’impin' clething, rapier [Strengtl-.+'l },
Gear: F'impin' clething Light asserted jewelry [fiililtl clams), 'lll{lll clams {in
Binky is the ehamberlairl and nanny ef Gear: Decent clething {priestly vestlnents}, gullet}
Vernix Lanuge, the neeteneusly larval lerd el Scepter [Strength+2}, Lettuce Cepse Child Eeele is a sneety ham, but a very talented
Gargle Twice. He is pelite, but persuasive. {Heernanrace artifact), 'll][l{l clarns. ene. He must be pampered and flattered
Daddy I-lassalrass is a Heernanitarian wherever he gees er he threws a hissy fit.
Betvcruslier Sailtangler minister. He leads a small cengregatien in
[male herc pirate and ship captain} Fleem, where his pewerlul sermens and kind Fecus Fecus
Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts dill, Spirit dll, ways have earned hint the leve and respect et {male werm centanimater}
Strength dl ll, ‘v"iger d'l2 his Fleck. Slul:=l:«-ern and preud, Hassafrass Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts dill, Spirit dlfl,
Skills: Beating d1 2, Fighting cl'l2, Guts d'l2, believes everything that happens is Ihe will ef Strength dli, ‘v'iger dl."-1
icnew ledge {sai I ing} d1 2, Sheeting d‘! B, the Heenianrace. His veice is preud and Skills: Centanimating d'L71, Fighting d8,
Threwing dill‘ funky. Gambling d'l 2, Repair d’l2 ._
Charisma: 0 Face: is Parry: 3 Teughness: 3 Hassalrass is a rnajer player in the plat te Charisma: ‘I Pace: ti Parry: Iii Teughness: 9 -'
Hindi-ances: Clverceniident find the Fri1nerdialS-eup lilitchen. He wants te '
Edges: AB {Centanimater}, Burrc-wing,
Edges: Alertness, Berserk, Buttkicker, Gurgit— use the FSK te bring abeut the return ef the Ceiled Spring, Centanimaster, Lew Light
atien, Pimp Slap, Slimy Bastard, Steady Heernarlrace. ‘v'isien, Regeneratien, Rut-bery Skin
Hands, Teugh Ass lvlelie Pewers l3.‘-i PP}: Centanimatien, Belt [caustic
Gear: Snaeay clething, leather vest [decent Den Sushieka "Tat Sushi” gee}, Blast [flaming pee}, Su mmen
anner, +2 terse}, scimitar [Strength+ 2}, Still Centanimants [Legendary]
clams. Twinkugewa Gear: l’impin' clething, Efltlll elarns
Bewcrusher is the captain el The {male cremelillian casine ewner} As ene ef Flec-m's premier centanimaters
Gavelbanger's Fist, a pirate vessel crewed Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts dl2, Spirit d'l2, Fecus is a respected and henered figure. He is
entirely by hercs. He is heastlul and arregant, Strength dS, "v"iger dS the nemesis and rival ef Liuulen Crepules.
prene te tell extremely tall tales. Skills: Fighting d8, Gainbling d12, I-lely Fecus can mest eiten be teuncl gambling with
Relling dill, Netice dlfl
his buddies at The Chepping tileck.
Charisma: '1 Pace: 6 Party: 5 Teughness: ti
Daddy Hassafrass Hindtances: Cll:-ese
{male bedul Heemanitarian hely reller} Edges: All ll-Iely Railing}, Feul Taste, Ghin See Eluph
Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts dill, Spirit dill, ]emirna’s Witness, Tweenking, Spengy Flesh {male cremetillian samuricecake}
Strength -:.ll':r, ‘v'iger d8 Pewers [El] PP]: Elelt {extending list], Fear, Attributes: Agility d'l2, Smarts cllll,
Skills: Fighting dd, Guts d3, Healing dill, Invisibility, Stun Spirit d'l.'3l, Strength d'lE, ‘v'iger cl]?
l-lely Relling dill, Netlce dltl Gear: Firnpin’ clething, 1[l,[ll]fl clams. Skills: Fighting cl'|2{+.’l), Guts d'l2,
Charisma: 2 Pace: 3 Parry: S Teughness: B Fat Sushi ewns the Fair-e-dice casine in hletice dlfi
H indrances: Stubbern Teast. He has his hands in all serts el shady Charisma: "l Pace: ti Parry: T’ Teughness: S (13)
Edges: AB {Hely Railing}, Clever, E:-rtra Limb dealings and illicit activities. Hindrances: ‘vew {serve Fat Sushi}
{arm}, Heemanitarian, lvlultideaztreus, Freud
Fat Sushi Twinkugewa is apparen'tly_'ise large that he reqI,l,ir'e's ‘twe ' 1 hlrn
traitspgy-,t abeut te-an.
«-.. - -- 1'' _1.. '
rgkldhggeaflte -
Edges: Arnbideirrrc-us, Danger Sense, Flerentine, Feul Taste, lrnprnvecl First Strike, lrnprcnved
Black, lmprnved D-edge, lrnprcived Sweep, Lucky, Tweenking. Sp-angy Flesh. Quick Draw,
Traclernarlr. Weapnn {Blade uf Stigg-athc-th}
Gear: Pirnpin’ cl-athing [Armcir +3], Bffliii’ cgf Sfiggutlmtfa {Stt +4, +1 Fighting}, Deittrsg uf
Prafectfaii [Arrn-ar +2 tc: all incatinns], Priscilvzian Helm.
Ghin Sue Fluph is the pers-anal hadyguard and enfcircer crf l.'.icrn Sushiciica ” Fat Sushi”
Twinlcugcrwa, a gangsta and casinci nwner in Tciast. He wears the Priscikian Helm, which was
a gift fr-am his master.
Fluph is fiercely lciyal tcr his bass and wciuld never even think nfrefusing an nrcler. Althciugh
he wears the F'ris-alrian Helm, he has nc: idea at its significance or value.

Gurminee the Gcrcisecl

{smelf smellcaster and cibsessed adventurer}
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit dE-, Strength dB, "v’igc-r cllfl
Skills: Fighting d3, hlptice d12, Kiiuwledge fsmellements] d12, Persuasic-n
dil], Smelicasting d12
Charisma: 1 Pace: 6 Parry: ti Tuughness: 7"
Hinclrances: Geased {see belcrw}
Edges: Arcane iiaclcgrciund {Smellcasterj, Reel: Repc-sitciry,
Smellementaiist, Nasal Targeting, Nintble Little Guy, l‘~lc:useblc-ating, Schnciz
ll} be Reclccined With
Puwers [till PP}: Armcir, Barrier, Blast, Ec-lt, Ec-c-st I Lciwer Trait, Deflecticin,
Detect I Gcinceal Arcana, Fear, Fly, Greater Healing, Healing, Invisibility,
Light, G-tbscure, Puppet, Quiclcness, Shape Change {Legendary}, Speed,
Sl'un, Telelcinesis, Zcimbie
Gear: Pimpin’ clpthing, Gciggles c-f Stink Sight [allc-w him tcu see in tcitai
darlcness by actually smelling images}, a buttlciad cuf reelcs {Armur, Barrier,
Eic-lt {'3 bcilts, 3dii], Fly (3:2), invisibility [iv:3}, Shape Change [Hercnic 3:2],
Sl'un, Zcimbie}, Sflflfl clams.
Gcirminee is Dl"lE' pf the m ajc-r players in the search fur the Frimcnrdial Sc-rup
P-'Zitchen. See, he used II) he just anc-ther smellcaster frc-m The Garden cif
Smellemental Glee. He had an interest in eicplc:-raticin and travel, but never
really gcrt aruund very much. Glue clay, several years agci, he was eating at
the Grey Matter Bciciaaterium in Flcicim and discussing his travel dreams
with sc-me friends when an c-cifci wcirlcing fcir the Dementic-nal Discc:-testicus
used a weird device tci place a geas upc-n him. Dig, the DD lcncnws all ahcrut
where the Frimcirdial Sc-up l'~'.'.itchen is, but they den’! lcncuw hciw tci assemble
the staff that ciperates it. They plan tci use Gcnrminee tci assemble the staff
then dump him and use the Kitchen fc-r their ciwn desires. Gcirminee has I‘tC|
idea he is under their cpntrc-l, he thinlcs his recent cubsessic-n ccimes frcrm his
ciwn whim. Pc:-cir, tragic figure...
Gral:-master Nerq
{male budul burglar]
Attributes: Agility cl'l2+2, Smarts d'l2,
Spirit d2, Strength cllfl, ‘v‘iger -d'l ll
Skills: Fighting d'l2, Gambling cl'l2,
Knew ledge [Burglary] dl2, Leckpicking di 2,
hkitice cll 2+2, Persuasien d'l2, Repair dl2,
Stealth cll2+2, Threwing cll 2+2
Charisma: 2 Face: ti Parry: ti Teughness: 2'['lll}
H indrance s: Clvercenfident
Edges: Acrebat, Ambidezttrnus, Clever,
impreved llledge, First Strike, Thief,
Twe—Fisted, Quick lflraw
Gear: Eiicliriiiterl lmrgfrifs tiiifflt fr’-'trn'ier +3],
lnckpicks, crewbar, ten threwing blades
{Strength +2, cencealed}, 3 reeks (Greater
Healing, invisibility, Telepert}, The
Dfst:iifrirgfficritrii' [see belew], Bigger Bag
{magic pc-uch with almest infinite sterage
capacity}, 2t}flll clams.
Grabmaster is Glith’s supreme burglar. He
is currently werking under a cemrnissien ; 11(0),; g
freni Uuulen Crepules te steal the pieces uf "--:--3;in-r
the Prisekian Staff frem the heap. As
_|. -__"' .‘ I

insurance against tieublecressery ferm The Hele in ‘the Head Gang Serreeae really needs ‘ls give these guys a -uedgie
Lluulen, Here stele seme prnsthetic arms ef
histerical significance frem the Cheesenasium Hindrances: Bad Luck, Hatred, ‘v'r:-w [see Charisma: 2 Face: ti Parry: 2' Teughness: S
in Maankaas, planting evidence that belew) Hindrances: Bad Eyes fmajerj, Hard ef
implicates Lluulen, sheuld he betray Edges: Charismatic, Cult Fnllewing, Fnul Hearing fmajnrj
Grabrnaster. Taste, Tweenking, Spnngy Flesh Edges: AB {Smellcaster]|, Charismatic, Clever,
i‘~lerq’s assistant, a centanimatrenic minien Gear: Crappy clething, swerd {Str+2, crappy Enhanced Senses {smell cinly). Strange,
named Mister Filthingten, handles his materials), S clams. Freud l-leritage, Reek Reprisiteryfz-el},
business dealings. After a slew cif bad reviews, Guy has Smellementalist
decided te end his life, but net l:efere fulfilling Pewers [El] PP]: Armer, Barrier, Blast, Belt,
The Ilisenlargificatrir: This strange fitiffl a vew uf vengeance against rival ham Eeale Ii‘-nest ,2‘ Lewer Trait, Deflectien, Detect,’
artifact, stelen by Grabmaster Herr] leng age, Gutgebbler. Ci-nce a prr:-ud ham, Guy is new Cenceal Arcana, Fear, Fly, Greater Healing,
allcnvs the user te shrink himself and ethers te the sad and lenely leader ef a suicide cult. Healing, Invisibility, Light, Clbscure, Puppet,
an almest micrnscepic size. It leeks seniething Quickness, Sliape Change, Speed, Stun,
like a jackhammer with a bunch ef funky
lights and wires ceming uff uf it [there's a
Hater Wig Wig Teleltinesis, Zembie
Gear: l”impin' clething {abbnt’s rcibes and
{male creniefillian cult leader}
picture and mere infermatien en page 142}. jewels], Srliiiee Red‘ {Strength+.":‘-, deubles PP
,Al‘l.'ril:rul:Es: Agility tll ll, Smarts tllll,
The Prinierdial Seup Kitchen was ence a fer Smellcasting wielder), dr:-sens ef reeks
Spirit d'l2, Strength d8, ‘v'iger d'l2
victim ef this device, which explains its {cine fer each Fewer he knews).
Skills: Fighting dlll, Guts cl'l2, l-lely Relling
current size. He lA"he Smells Far is the abbet and leader
dill, Netice d'l2, Persuasien d ‘l 2+2
ef the menks ef the Garden ef Srnellernerilial
Charisma: ‘l Pace: ft Parry: 2' Tciughness: 3 {ill}
Glee. He is kind and stud ir:-us, deveted te his
Gristle Sans-ari—arm Hindrances: ‘Jew {kill all beduls]
cause and his per.-ple- Alniest blind and nearly
{shady male creach} Edges: AS {l-lel y Reller], Feul Taste.
deaf, I-Ie Whe Smells Far is nevertheless
Attributes: Agility dill, Smarts dlll, Spirit dfl. Jeniima’s Witness, Tweenlting, Spengy Flesh
aware nf all that gees en areund him.
Strength dti, ‘v’ignr dti Pewers [49 PP]: Armcir, liarrier, Blast, lflelt,
sense ef smell is se sensitive that he can
Skills: Fighting d'll.l', Gambling dl2, Beest f l,ei.ver'l'rait, Deflectien, Fear, Fly,
discern speken wercls just by neticing the
hletice d1 2, liersuasien dl fl, Stealth d'| 2, Invisibility, Ctbscure. Puppet, Quickness,
changes in breath stench as the wards are
Threwing dl2 Shape Change, Speed, Stun, Telelrjnesis
Charisma: fl Face: ti Parry: T Teughness: 5(8) Gear: l3’inipin' clething {cult leader's rebesl,
Hindrances: Missing Limb {arm} Staff ef Clebbering {Str +2, +5 vs beduls},
Edges: Adaptive, Antennae, Crunchy Shell, Deisriig e,FF'retrctitii-i {Armer +2 te all The I-lele in the Head Gang
llledge, Multiple Limbs, Marksman, lecatiens). 'l'his small gang nf beclul thugs delights in’?
Multideitterity, Gullet nf Steel, Quick Draw Hater is a nasty guy. As the leader ef a stealing lunch meney frnm the nerdy
Gear: Decent clething. leather ceat {armer Chucegater cult near Gargle Twice he is wisenheimers at The Place ef Pcindering.
+2} assertecl threw ing knives {Strength+'l], respensible fer several attacks en They each wear a gigantic fean-i cewbey hat
2{ll.l clams Heernanita rian caravans. He hates beduls with a hale cut threu gh it {except Aardvelk}.
Gristle is a gambler, smuggler, beefy with a passien and plets te kill them all-
hunter, and all arnund shady sert ef guy. Aarclvcllk Burrevvbrew
He whfl Smells Far {bc-dul gang leader)
Guy Geesevemil: {male bedul smellcaster, Abbet ef the Garden Attributes: Agility d'l ll, Smarts dfl,
[male cremefillian and terrible acter} cif Smellemental Glee} Spirit d'I ll, Strength dfi, ‘v'iger clti
Attributes: Agidlfl, Smarts db, Spirit dti, Attributes: Agility as. Smarts d'l2, Spirit the, Skills: Fighting dlll, Guts dti, lntimidatien
Strength db, ‘v'iger dfi Strength dfi, "v’iger d'l2 i_l'llil,'l"t‘IL1r1tr.2l'l.'-'1
Skills: Fighting db, Knew ledge ('l'heater} Skills: Fighting d'l2, Guts dl2, Healing d'lfl, Charisma: "I Face: Ct Parry: T’ Tuughness: T
dl ll, Fersuasien d'l2 tcnnwledge {smells} d'l2+2, l'-lcitice cl'l2, Hindrances: Funny ineking
Charisma: 2 Pace: a Parry: S Teughness: S Persuasien d'lll+2, Smellcasting dl2+2 Edges: Charismatic, Clever, Cempensating

flardvelli: Elurrewbrew was aric_e"'a Heemanllarlan rninls.r,f,l.Z_-er", but he g""iT3,%pi_lt"'up tri't-l:-_e__-triri-re it bully.
s_:°- ._,f

. pk

' "" ..dI—I -ll|-—1.-1-l"'$1F'1'-CI-I- '—‘F 1 -.53. —._-'--.1


Fl-"" Strange, Freud Heritage

- Gear: Snaar.-y clt:-thing, knuckle ring
Illuz the Geurcl Omaguna Kjkbuti
I [male werm chef and shady character} [badass savage herc}
-— ‘l {Strength+'l}, sperm an a chain necklace {'|flll
i Attributes: Agility dtl, Smarts dltl, Spirit Attributes: Agility die, Smarts tia, Spirit tile,
i clams], BUB clams. dlll, Strength dsi, ‘v'iger dS Strengthl 2, ‘v’iger dill
V SI: Aardvelk, a Squ at and Chubby b-edul with a
_ ' Skills: Fighting d8, tinewletlge {cc-eking}, Skills: Fighting cl'l2[+'l}, Sheeting dltl,
_ {cylindrical hale straight threugh his immense tiersuasien d'lll+,"«1, Stealth dlfl, Tracking d'll.l Threwing c'|'ll.l
g‘ tereheatl, is the bad ass leader ef the gang. He Charisma: ‘l Face: It: Parry: S Teughness: S Charisma: —'l Pace: ti Parry: S Teugbness: H9}
‘ is arregaet, smug, and vie-lent. If he is
._ H ind rances: Small Hindrances: Vengeful
.i_dEIl:'E‘EllZEL‘l the ethers will try te run away. Edges: Surretving, Cniled Spring, Giggity Edges: Gurgitaticm, Sticky, Teugh Ass l‘v'leFn,
sj?’““‘5 Gigger, Lcav Light yisien, ltegeneratien, 'l"rac1emark Weapen {stene hammer}
ltubbery Skin Gear: Funky IT'l-':'lSlC., bone thrtiugti the TIGSE,
5-: }' {female betlul thug} Gear: Crappy clething, relling pin gigantic stene hammer [Strength+4}, stene
: Attributes: Agility clltl, Smarts db, Spirit d3, [Strengt|1+2}, iiiiigfc slitlcs eftlit l‘tl:lt‘lriiig armer {+2}.
__ ‘f Strength dti, "v'iger dS [Str+=’-l}, ESE] clams. Clmaguna is a thuggish herc ef the
..=_2 l'.l-(ills: Fighting d'l ll, Guts db, Inti midatictn til’: lllue sells chili in Fleem. He is insanely Brewneye tribe nf Clc:-rb’s Wang. He is the
harisma: 2 Pace: 5 Parry: F’ Tc-ughness: F’ ieaiaus ef the superier chili served at The l-ribe’s resident buttkirker ameng buttkickers.
_ ‘Edges: Attractive, Berserk, Clever, Slrange, Chepping Black and will de anything te
__ Freud Heritage learn the secret recipe.
Othetheth Blech
.-l Gear: Snaicay cle-thing, hair lttifllcs
[male werm sinmaster ef Stan}
l {Strength+'l}, hat, bling bling necklace {Ell
' Imzeze Hreep Attributes: Agility cl'l2, Smarts dll,
{male eefe clementalist} Spirit l.l'| 2, Strength dtl, ‘lfiger cl'|."-l
jcmk is the tinting girlfriend e-f Aardvc:-lk
ciwbrnw. In cembat she swings her . Attributes: Agility tilt}, Smarts dlfl, Skills: Fighting dlfi, Guts d'I2, Hely Relling
I Spirit d'l2, Strength dlll, ‘lfignr dltl cll 2, lntimidatien dlil+'l , Kneivletige
-_ " immense dreacllrtcks, festeened with '
‘I,- tishheelcs and chunks ef glass, at her enemies. Skills: l.'.lementalism cl'l,’-1, Fighting clS, [Stanism} rl'lE+,'-I, hititice tliil, Fersuasien
‘l Guts dlfl, Fersuasien -:.‘l'l ll, Stealth tltl, d'| 2+1, Stealth d‘l 2+1 , Taunt clll}+‘lll
'1' Charisma: l Face: El Parry: S Charisma: ll Pace: ti Parry: S Teughness: S
""Patten the Head Tnughn ess: ?’['I ll} Hindrances: Blc-edthirsty
:' {male bedul hecus peker, the smart ene]
Hindrances: ‘view {a Grey lvlatter Edges: AB [Hely Heller}, Burrnwing, Ceiled
Agility es, Smarts tile, Spirit as,
J, E Attributes: Brieitaterium in every city!) Spring, First Strike, Great Luck, Hard te Kill,
."'- -"Strength d4, "v'iger d8 Edges: AB [iJementalist}, Big Ass Eyes, Harder in Hill, Lew Light ‘v‘isien, Regener-
_ Skills: Fighting dti, Ht:-cus I’el<ing dl ll Ci-ddvisien, Starry Wistleni atien, Rubbery Skin
I Charisma: fl Pace: ti Parry: S Teughness: E: Fewers [at] PP}: Armer, Belt, Deflectien, Pewers {ea PP}: Armer, Blast, Belt, Fear, Fly,
t Hindrances: ‘view {beat up nerds} Fly, Mintl Reaclin’, Puppet, Stun, Telekinesis Clbscure, Puppet, Zttmbie
. es: Clever, AB {Hncus Faker}, Strange, Gear: Pirnpin’ clething, ftltlffiftitt’ arliler Gear: Snaeay clcithing, Stttljftzyffilaii
1 Fraud Heritage lfarmrir +3}, Elllfltl clams. [Slrength+2, Br:-lt ‘I'll F'F'}, Stiriirti sf Stall
E Pewers [ll] FF}: Belt, lJeflectien, Stun lnietiee is a member ef the Eleineiitientil [Strength+-'-l, Al’ 3, +2 Fighting}, stnry ri‘S-ti i:-mslr
; Gear: Snaary clr:-thing, sharpened specm tjliscetesticus. I-le is trying te epen a Grey [Fear ltl FF, allews him tn Telepert up te Ell’
'. {Strength+'l}, hat, E-ll clams. Matter Beeicaterium in every city en Clith. away and simultaneeusly Telepert 3:14 scary
1 1, . _ . _ .
Iatten ls scimething ef an enigma ameng ass muthas te his previr:-us lecatien 1 f clay},
I:' _ ‘I
the gang. He is a tetal nerd, but he will never 'llllJtl clams.
-" -. admit it. ‘in make hineielf feel better he picks lvtagnanimeus Grape Clthetheth is the high priest {sinmaster} at
it en ether smart penple at every eppertunity. [male werm pimp}
"Ir .
: the sir-i—n—gngue at Stan in New Gerlquar. He's
Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts d'lll, Spirit db,
inte all snrts ef vices and can be a really fun
' Strength dfi, Viger cllll
’“_ -Z; unk guy if yeu keep an epen mind. I-le can alse be
Skills: Fighting dfl, Gambling d'l2,
its _ '-male bedul, the big guy} a tetal bastard when he feels like it.
Fersuasien til?
Charisma: 2 Face: ti Parry: ti’: Teughness: ?'
St1'er'lgl:l't -:.l'l2, llfiger dlll
Skills: Fighting dtl, Guts dti, lntirnidatien til ll
I" Edges: Burrr:-wing, Ceiletl Spring, Lew Penultimus Menge
Pace: Parry: F Teughness:
Light visic-n, Pimp Slap, Regeneratien, [male tisn’t sea captain}
i Charisma: ll ti S
Rubbery Skin, Srneeve Attributes: Agility dtlfl, Smarts cllll,
i Hindrances: illiterate
Gear: Pimpin’ clething, car antenna [Str +2, Spirit d '12, Strength dtl, ‘v'iger dltl
Edges: Brawny, Clever, First Strike, Strange,
Heemanrace artifact}, ."£l'.ll;lll clams Skills: Fighting dlfl, Guts dlll, lint:-wledge
' G * Gear: 5I'lE'l,'.-"'_.TE_‘y' clething, spiked club lvlagnanimeus is the ewner ef The Split I:-rcler [sailingl d”l.'31, l“-letice dill, Swimming tllft
1-- a}
l-lair in Deep. l-le is a smeeth talker and Charisma; ll Pace: ti Parry: F’ Teughness: T’
g[Strength+ 2, Al’ +'l }, hat, .715 clams.
Edges: Fish Breath, Hybrid, Clbject ef
shrewd businesswerm.
Thunk is a big teugh guy with net teeth.
a| : -l'~a e“.I:al
Faseinatien, Tail [+4 Swimming}
Gear: Sna:-::«:y clething, ferked spear
;- _;' ‘- Weenkle Mister Filthirlgten at
[Strength+.'2, AF 2}, Bill] clams.
'.-_ ''{Inale bedul, the little guy} [centanirnatrenic minienl but
Penultimus is the captain at The Pritle at
-"t -uribtttes: agility tits, Smarts as, Spirit tlti. Attributes: Agility dtl, Smarts -:.'l'| 2,
' - Strength Cbl, vigttr as Spirit dill, Strength '12, ‘v'iger d'll.l
are lvlaankaas, a merchant vessel ewned by the
Clteesemenge-r's Guild. He is a fair and just
‘; Skills: Fighting in 2. Guts as. Stealth cilil Skills: Fighting til 1, Persuasinti d '12 tea
captain, respected by his sellers and feared by
*""' , Charisma: ll Face:ErFarry:S{'|ll} Teughness:? Charisma: Cl Face: ti Parry: S Teughness: S
it-ese pirates. He has the body ef a clelphin, the
-Hindrances: Small Edges: lmpreved Trademark Weapen {Bite}
itty—bitty head at a mnuse, the legs ef a turtle,
I _. Edges: Clever, Strange, Freud Heritage, Tiny Gear: Steel jaws [Strength+-ti, Fighting +2}, yr-ii
the tail ef a manatee, and the arms ef a
_ _" Little Guy, Twe—Fisted twri pincers {Str +2}.
_r' lvlister Filthingten handles the meetings trlrkea
and affairs ef master burglar Grabmaster I

2,: _aI., Weenkle is tiny and inttredibly fast. I-le’|l Nerq. Althr-ugh he was built by Lfuul-an -l'-a. Peenestril Pettymenth
‘L. kill yen three times befcire yeti hit the grnund, _ Crepulris, Filthingten is self—wille-:.i and ne Ha [wealthy bedul slavelercl}
lenger under the centanimater’s centre]. Attributes: Agility d'l,'-l, Smarts dill,
f t.'Ei.-“S .”.".“."t"T"“f‘3"_i. —r |. i-a.. |_-

fa. Ftel-lultirnus Mange is ltl-_l_l:iirI-l for his- mystic. i_e,";.a ifelic at the Htlernanrace that blows st:-apy bubbles instead .l:rt.sl1ll:iltE_i
...iI .
' -' ‘star-'. . -I
--H' a
Spirit {:11 El, Strength dltl, ‘vtiger dlfl Hindrances: Delusienal
Charisma: tl Pace: ti Parry: F’ Teughness: ?(9} Edges: AB {Centanimating}, Centanimaster,
Skills: Fighting cllfl, Gambling d'lf‘l, txletice Feul Taste, lmpreved Arcane Resistance,
dt 2, Fersuasien dti, Taunt dttl F’-:-wer Surge, Tweenking, Spengy Flesh
Edges:Clever,Strang , Freud Heritage, Pawers {slit PP}: Armer, Barrier, Blast, Belt,
Geed Twin, Spit, Leegey l-tawker Ernest j Lewer Trait, Centanimate, Fly,
Gear: Fimpin‘ clathes, decent armer {+2}, Glbscure, Summen Centanimants [Legend-
barbed flyswatter at deem {Strength+4], 't2tlt"l ary], Telekinesis, Eernbie
clams Gear: Crappy clething, decent armer [terse
Iteenc-st-ril is a ceu sin at the Ge be-mater ef +2}, Staff ef Filth {Strength+3, +2 te Centani—
Ewg_ l—te lives in the cave fermerly ewned by mating cells}, Stltlll clams.
Yecephalus Greenspleen, which he is Creputes is an evil and twisted villain, Herr.
currently redecerating fsert nf}. l’eenestri|’s is delusienal and insane, believing that all
tang geatee reaches the greund and he has beings are actually centaniinants sent by rival
three neses. Remember he has the Geed Twin centanimaters te usurp his pewer.
Edge, se it he dies he will be replaced by a Secreted deep within Lluulen’s bedy is a
much mere helpful versien ef himself. magical suppesitery that allc:-ws him he
summen and centre] a vast number ef' ‘
Pusghetti the Squigg centanimants.
Uuulen is the bess ef the Villainic
Ifsquiggly mass ertt-raerdinaire}
Cnnsertium, a greup ef bacl guys with the
Attributes: Agility d‘l.'E, Smarts d'l 2,
nstensive geal ef werld deminatien, Clnce he
Spirit dill, Strength d‘tE, ‘v'iger d'| 2
learns ef the plet te find the Primerdial Seup
Skills: Fighting dlfl, l-lekus Peking ci'ifJ',
Kitchen he effers te fund Germinee the
f‘~lEll'lL‘E' d‘t2
Ger:-sed as a way te keep tabs en the pregress. I
Charisma: fl Face: ti Parry: T Toughness: S
LI'uuten’s ene ef these recurring bad guys" =. --'.'--.-
Edges: Ab {Hecus Iieker], Immunities [blunt
whe keeps shc-wing up and causing treuble,
weapans, electricity, peisen, disease}, Lew
Light visien, tvlinians, Squiggle {Sir +2}
Fuwers [fill] PP}: blast [peisen cleud}, Peenestril Pettymeuth Uuuly Creputhrall
has a really lung guatee.
invisibilty, Speed, Stun {minien ef Uuulen Crepulfltfl
Gear: "v'ariaus treasures and miniens {riddles} d12, Netice cllfl, Persuasien c112, Attributes: Agility dti, Smarts d4, Spirit 1112,
Iiusghetti is an eld cehert ef Uuulen taunt d12 Strength d't I-1, ‘v‘iger d't2
Crepulas. He has been charged with watching Charisma: fl Pace: 6 Parry: S Teughness: F Skills: Fighting dl ll, Threwing d”lE
ever the Friselcian Epigraphs until Uuulen Edges: Trickery Charisma: El Pace: 6 Parry: F Teughness: Sfll}
needs them. He lairs with his miniens in a Gear: Bea-t:'cfirpartci' [magic bewtie that Edges: lmpreved Sweep, lvlarksman
fungus filled cavern an Clarl:+’s ‘Wang, allews him te Telepert at will}, sacize sfrr_.jf Gear: Geed armer {+3}, lit] recks, 'ttl{ltl clams.
The Squigg is bald and pewerful, but he {magic bag frern which he can pull just abeut Lltterly lacking in persenality, Uuuly is ;a:-.*“:
prefers ta let his minians handle the messy anything he needs te pull eff a practical jeke). killing machine. As the minien at Uuulen
stuff. Smartypants is a crazy little dude that Crepules, he dees anything his master says, '
travels all areund the Ctith playing jekes and His left arm is an axe {Strengtl-i+.”i}, and a
t1'ying te meet interesting peeple. He wears hatch en his metal belly steres the racks that
Slimerneld Smelf XII nething but a bewtie. My man is friendly and he hurls at his master’s enemies [Strength+1], ,..-
{male smelf smellcaster and hely reller ef the
ievial, with a pewerful sense ef hunter. He Lluulen has several uncentaminated Uuuly
weuld make a great Slerge wershipper. bedies hidden in varieus lairs thrnugheut the 4'
Attributes: Agility clh, Smarts dltl, Spirit d'lfl',
Gith. Wlien ene is destreyed he simply" -.--1' '.,
Strength d4, ‘v"iger db
Stump-e—sere—ass centaminates anether.
Skills: Fighting dti, I-lealing d ltl,
Smellcasting dtfl {centanimatrenic minien ef Fecus Fecus}
Charisma: fl Face: t’: Parry: 5 Teughness: S Attributes: Agility dS, Smarts dd, Spirit‘ d '12, Vernix Lanuge
Hindrances: Pacifist Strength dlfl, ‘v'ige1' dll {larval crnach and lercl ef Gargle Twice]
Edges: AB [Sme||caster}, Nasal Targeting, Skills: Fighting dlt], hletice db Attributes: Agility db, Smarts dltl, Spirit db,
i‘~.limble Little Guy, hlesebleating, Sch nee te Charisma: El Pace: 4 Parry: .7 Teughness: Sfll] Strength cl-‘-1, ‘tfigflr Llti
be Reckened With, Smellementalist. Edges: Berserk Skills: Crying clfl-, Eating dfi, Peeping d3
Fuwers {Sit PP}: Lewer Trait [turns target inte Gear: Geed arme1' {+ 3}, spikes [Strength+2}, Charisma: ll Pace: 2 Parry: S Teughness: E-
a baby}, Deflectien, Detect I Genceal Arcana, stemping feet {Strength+fi_t]. Hindrances: Cursed {see belew}
Greater Healing, I-lealing, Gbscure Stemp-sere-ass is basically just a big Edges: Filthy Rich
Gear: Crappy clething (rags, a mess beard meund ef rusty metal spikes attached te twe Gear: Diaper, high chair thrr:-ne, tens ef ether '
and merkin} gigantic weeden feet. In cembat he tries te stuff in his mansien.
Slimemeld Smelf Jill is a prisener ef I-later kneck his eppenent ever by ramming with his Lerd Sir ‘v'erni:r L-an uge is the Lerd nf Gargle
Wig Wig. He is respensible far the curse that spikes and then stemp en Lhern while they are Twice. He ewes ebeisance te Liemieedd the
keeps ‘vernis: Lanuge a baby, but it was all just clewn. Enplumpinated ef New Cterlquar, but runs the _
a practical jeke that went wreng. Slimeme|d’s citadel with great autenemy, He has recently __ '._
really a geed guy.
Uuulen Crepules been cursed te retain a larval state even theugh
he is ever seventy. His recent prejects include
{vile male cremefillian centanimater}
redecerating his mansien in a levely ducky
Smartypants Brainbulger Attributes: Agility dlt], Smarts dlfi, Spirit
and bunny pattern and renaming all ef his.
_"‘_ _-'
[Wandering Dweeb] dll, Strength dlfl, ‘H.-figer d12+2
servants te better fit his infantile lifestyle.

Attributes: Agility dd, Smarts dlfl, Spirit d'lt}, Skills: Centanimatien dIfl{+2}, Fighting dlfl,
‘v'erni:r’s curse is the result at a prank gene
Strength d4, ‘v'iger d'ltl Guts d'l2,lntin1idatien dlt], l"~.letice dl2,
wreng [sert at]. Altheugh it came upan him _
Skills: Fighting dd, Gambling d'l 2, Taunt dlfl J‘
by accident, be rather enjeys being a baby and
investigatien d't2, tsinewledge fespleratien} Charisma: -2 Pace: E: Parry: T"
Ir:-eks ferward te living his life ever again.
dt 2, Knewledge {mensters} d't?., Finewiedge Teughrless: l[l{12}

The Funglsh, a cult at srnelves whe ltafig” out in swamps and i-rerysltiphna giant mushr__eeg,Vl'TI'a'l:e semelr,_ggt_|y .9'r-lsa't___'pipeweed.

- _ -- C . __ 1r‘
.:- -1-_ __
.—- __ ._ __ _*
_ if ‘L. ,'—g_' I I L. ‘I

,_ ‘:1: ‘es:
.I|" --._e-"‘_ .,
.. -_ -- . __ .ni-
F _

._ , _.r *
S "'
-'T"i1'tle Varmint
THE V eR1M0Ri>1A,1-
-. $h"llSu*lUl*l.l3- INFU it Ei~'.'_}L'T a t.r'lTa_1"-.. t:nMETH:t~.Ici _:~.eDL'T
{iviagically animated fnn-:.i mnnster}
Attributes: J-‘tgility d3, Smarts dd, Spirit d'l2, THE ,
_.. n.
Strength d4 {base}, vignr cifil» [hasel
_ Skills: Fighting d4 {base}
‘Charisma: ll Pace: :3 Parry: 4 {base}
DlSENl..#‘tRG-lFl(?,a'FOR $1‘? i{ll‘l."C‘iiEN
Tnughness: ti {base} A strange and cnrnplez artifact left by Diice the heap gain access tn the Frimnrdial
Edges: Berserk, irnprnved Sweep nnfns whn visited Ciith gazillinns nf Snup Kitchen, and establish themselves as the
Gear: Chandelier {Str+3] miliennia agn, the Etisenlargificatnr aiinws new management, they can begin tn uncnver
A hnrrid thing matte nt animated fnnd and
:5. the user tn shrink nrganisms and nbjects its secrets.
vnrnit, the size and pnwer nf the beast is wilhnut ntherwise harming them. it wnrks
.' ____'_. .
determined by the a mnunt nf stu if trn m which by way nf a cnmplez series nf buttnns and
it is created. The base size is ten ynrts, but fnr dials, requiring a Smarts rnll at -E« tn nperate
Establishing Management
each additinnal ‘ill ynrts the creature gains a ‘Since the disparate pieces nf the Frisnkian
'l'l'I'-uI- cnrrectiy. lncnrrect nperatinn can have
Staff are assembled and set in place, the real
5 -die in Strength, "v'ignr, and Fighting, with the pntentiaily disastrnus results {see belnw].
usual changes made tn Parry: an-:.t Tnughness. staff nf the Primnrdial Snup Kitclten will
This device was nnce in the cnntrnl nf the
begin in arrive. They have been in hibernatinn
Elernentinnal Discntesticus, but has since
fnr thnusands nf miliennia within the statues
‘fncephalus Greenspleen fallen intn the hands nf Grabmaster hlnrq,
nf it-Zeister island. [Since they emerge they will
{bndul slave} Ctilh's supreme burglar. Nnrq has figured
serve whnever wears the Hat fifth-‘iflltiigditidtil.
nut hnw tn nperate it and nnw utilizes it in

Attributes: Agility dti, Smarts dli, Spirit dfl,

_ Strength dti, "v'ignr dti his criminal escapades.
kills: Fighting db, hlntice d3 The Disenlargifiactnr nnrmaiiy weighs Ill The Staff
arisma: ll Face: ti Parry: 5 Tnughness: 6 ynrts [iii pnunds} and is abnut the size nf a The Prhnnrdial Snup Kitcheii is an
Edges: Big Ass Feet, Clever, Strange, Prnud scary ass mul'ha, aithnugh this can change extremely cnmplez and pnwerful artifact. A
Heritage [see belnw]. The device has the fnllnwing staff nf fifty bus bnys, waiters, cnnks, bnu ncers
‘F’ Gear: Lninclnth, mining pick (Strength+f1} features: and nther emplnyees will arrive nver the
Yncephalus used tn be the patriarch nf the Shrink: fly aiming the Disenlargifactnr at cnurse nf the few weeks fnllnwing the
wealthy Greenspleen clan nf Glnwhin. Alter any nbject nr being within 5 ynrts [5”] and assembling nf the Frisnkian Staff in the
___f his family defaulted nn a lnan tn the accessing the prnper cnntrnis, the user can prenrdained lncatinn. The first in arrive,
Gubernatnr all their assets were seized and he sh1'ink the target tn almnst micrnscnpic size emerging f1'nm the statues in the immediate
was snld intn slavery. He currently wnrks in a [nr any size in between). The physical vicinity, are nne representative nf each
smnlderstnne mine nwned by the characteristics nf the l'arget dn nnt change department. These beings are all standard
Ciubernatnr's cnusin Feennstril Pnttymnuth. [including Strength} and all equipment and nnfns. They are nameless and have nn
cinthing currently nn the target aisn shrinks. memnries nr will nther than the desire tn serve
A dial nn the side aiinws the user tn shrink whnever wears the Hat nf ivlanagement. The
Zeiviz the device itself, and the flexible nnzzle heap may name them as they see fit.
{crnach tnur guide and devnut Jeezle Freak] aiinws the user in target himself.
Attributes: r-‘agility dti, Smarts dti, Spirit dti, Llnshrirtk: fly reversing the pnlarity
I Strength dti, vignr d8 [putting the batteries in backwards] the
Uncnvering the Secrets
. Skills: Fighting dh, Knnwlecige [mining]: till Each department within me Frimnrdial
Diseniargificatnr can unshrink any target
bintice till
Snup ls'.itchen is charged with a specific task.
p1'evinusiy shrunk by the device. it has nn
The nnfns whn maintain these departments
pnwer tn enlarge nbjects nr nrganism nf
T" “Edges: Crunchy Shell, Gullet nfSteel, have fnrgntten mnst nf what they used tn
nnrmal size, nnr can it grnw a shrunk nbject
knnw, but nver the cnu1'se nf a few weeks the
J __vitatinn {see belnw] tvlnitiple Limbs
past its nriginal size.
" ' ar: Snazzy clnthing, staff (Strength +2} knnwiedge will cnme back tn them. The

departments, and their assigned tasks, are as

Zelviz is a very religinus Jeezle Freal-:. and Incnrrect flperatinn: lmprnper usage nf
guide. He lives cm the Incredibly Huge fnllnws:
the Disenlargificatnr can have terrifying
'ivinnster““. He levitates, tar snrne unexplained results. Dnce a successful usage nf the device
reasnn, a ynrt nr sn abnve the grnund at all is accnmpiished, that user nn lnnger needs tn Kitchen Staff
make a Smarts rnll tn cnrrecily nperate it. Dn The assnrtment nf chefs, cnnks, prep chefs,
a failed Smarts rnll, rnll a dlii and apply the and miznlngists are charged with the
result tn this chart: maintenance and catalnguing nf the samples
cnllected by the Research and Develnpment
staff. They a1'e able tn recnmbine these
RnLL Resurt materials, as well as the ancient samples still
i-2 Shrinkage is permanent. abnard the Snup l'~'.itchen., creating tizn’ts and
Set The target gnes insane {at the l-lnss’s nther unique beings. Di cnurse, since all the
discretlnn}. recipe bnnks have been inst, the whnle thing is
5 Duly nne part nf the target is shrunk pretty much a pntiuck.
[an arm, leg, head, etc. . .). Create Tizn'ts: The kitchen staff can create
is The shrinitage nnly lasts fnr Edd nne tizn't every Zdsl days. The beings created
minutes. are a randnm assnrtment nf traits frnm the
The target gnes permanently blind nr creatures nf ancient Ditii. it is pnssible tn
deaf. create mnre specific tizn’ts using newly
The target dnes nnt shrink b.ut cnllected materials. Created tizn’ts are unique,
The llisehlargificatur
becnmes nearly weightless (Strength free-willed, nrganisms with nn nbligatinn tn
"rs certainly a strange thirg
red uced tn iii]. management.
The target lnses a limb nr nther
impnrtant part [permanently].
The target is disintegrated tshrtml-:
Research «St Develnpment
These are the giggities and the giggity
inln nnne:-:istence}.
giggers. At any time there are 1[ll.'IZI giggities

‘lite, llisetrlargificaier can "-be wired i_I-ite,"‘l_l_1e‘m_e_c|'ianis'ms a_I'- the Primordial _5sup Kitchen is give it sire altering aiiilitis.
'W93‘!—:':~" illifiir-’
- _
I- F
‘E- |"

reaming areund cellecting rand em traits treat

all the denizens ef the Dith.
Centre! Giggities: The [ten staff can
summen giggities frem anywhere en C}ith_
The giggities will came as quickly as pessible
and fellew any erders given te them.

These ecifes are charged with the upkeep
an-:.l maintenance ef the kitchen itself.
Flight: The I”-‘SK can fly, at the central ef the
Clperal-lens staff, at a rate ef Ell" per reund. It
can't leave the C'lith’s atmespliere, but can
travel underwater.
Decer: The Dperatiens staff can quickly
and efficiently change the cc-ler, pattern, and
furnishing ef the interier and exterier ef the
PSK just by pressing same huttens and
jiggling a few switches. The cenfiguratien ef
eitterier w indews and interier walls can alse
he changed in this manner.
Defense: The euter hull ef the IJSK is made
ef a unique metal frem beyend the stars. it has
a Teuglutess ef Ell.
Waitstaff: Ten waiters, waitresses, and bus-
beys stand ready te tie the bidding ef
management. They serve meals, clean the
place, and generally de whatever is asked ef

The I’Sl'~’I has a staff ef '1 llll primer-dial geens
at the cemmand ef management. lvlest ef the
geens are kept in big jars until needed.

Physical Features
The Iirimerdial Eieup icitchen is shaped like
a gigantic egg atep an incredibly high tewer.
The tewer, which centains a sert ef
e|evater—stairway kind ef thing, can retract
cempletely irtl:(‘t the egg at the cemmand ef the
Clperatiens staff.
The interier ef the I’SI'~'. is made ef the same
strange metal as the hull, altheugh the
Clperatiens staff can alter it te leek like just
alaeut anything management wants. Strange
lights and censeles full ef bu ttens and
blinking diedes are everywhere.
If yeu haven’t figured it eut yet, the PER’. is
a spaceship. It was stranded here eens age.
Clver the ensuing millennia whatever fuel
ence pewered its euter space flight has
drained away, but it can still fly acress the
surface er beneath the waves.

‘What's Next?
The heap are free te maintain central ef the
i’Si( themselves, er hand it ever te whatever
special interest greup they serve. If they
decide te keep it, they can expect tn be
frequently visited by eefe pilgrims, hcnnesick
tien'ts, religieus fanatics, and just ahcrut every
wisenheimer, eldster, e:-tplerer, and ped-:.lle—
meister en the planet. Fereign armies and
insidieus villains will try te steal it, while
cultists and extremists will want te wership it
[and perhaps H‘te' heap as well}.

cm net willing its spend anymore timgy-ra'n this p.g__a'_j" *t;f;g,,rtr't;*‘E+t-antgtrts-5,5,.
--...- 1 .

. if ;_


-g,1,.n--1|. .

Demeiltional Dieooteetieua Hoomanraoe Sighting Incident Report

Ahflut The duthfll“

Name: Andy Hopp

iliao: The weirdo who I-‘iade Thie hook
Species: Hoomanraoe {unconfirmed}
Home: Akron, Ohio
Home on the Range: www.and:;hopp.oom

Deapite dozens of alleged eightinge. the

Dementional Diaooteatioua has been unable to
confirm or deny the existence of thie bizarre
Hoomanraeian. Reliable aouraee have reported
epottinge in and around various gaming cone and
‘he -=I.I..’.i'I:Ir |'.'II|-aged!-_.,:'|
art ahowa. Plaater oaata and eaat eamplea taken in
the vicinity of Akron. Dhio {where the enhjeot euppoeedly habitatee with wife Heather
and daughter Iliana} indioate a gregarioue and terreetrial 1ifeet;5r1e. inoient reoorde.
dating to the time Before the Plush. deooribe the enbjeot an the illuotrator of dooeno
of tomee and amueemente with whioh to entertain ite peero among; the primordial
anraoe. Low Life ie the first work authored entirely by the eubjeot. although
illnetratione have appeared in numeroue prodnoto.
For more information.
or to report a oighting. pleaoe oontaot 3'32 AVE. J,!,_kI-an‘ flhig 44313
g__~n_d3r ‘Hap.-P Alpha
The El-ementional Dioooteotiouo
Uffioe of Hoomanrnoe Affairs at: wwww'flndFhD-pp'BDm EndFgandFhDpP'cDm

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