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Program Studi S-3 Pendidikan Matematika

Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar
1. Developing E-Learning Based on Animation Content for Improving Mathematical
Connection Abilities in High School Students
2. Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) Model Based on Presentation Media to the
Mathematical Connection Ability of Junior High School Student
3. The Students' Abilities on Mathematical Connections A Comparative Study Based on
Learning Models Intervention
4. Improved Math Connection Skills Through Online Learning Using MATH-UNWIR
5. The effectiveness of project-based learning assisted by digital module toward
mathematical connection ability
6. Enhancing mathematical connection ability of mathematics education student through
inquiry-based learning
7. Mathematical connection ability teacher's perception and experience in learning
8. Analysis of students' junior high school mathematical connection ability
9. Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and Connection, Analysis of
Students' Mathematical Disposition
10. 8th Grade Student's Skill of Connecting Mathematics to Real Life
11. Exploring mathematical connections of preuniversity students through tasks involving
rates of change
12. Mathematical Connection Middle-School Students 8 th in Realistic Mathematics
13. The Use Of Multiliteration Model To Improve Mathematical Connection Ability Of
Primary School On Geometry
14. The efforts of improving mathematical connection ability of senior high school student
with 7e learning cycle model
15. Analysis of the ability of mathematical connections of middle school students in the
field of algebra
16. Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students to Solve Mathematical
17. Animation to Develop Mathematical Connections in Students
18. The Mathematical Connection Ability of Elementary School Students in the 4.0
Industrial Revolution Era
19. Analyzing mathematical connection skill in solving a contextual problem
20. Mathematical Connection Ability An Analysis Based on Test Forms
21. POGIL Model on Mathematical Connection Ability Viewed from Self-Regulated
22. The 5e Instructional Model: A Constructivist Approach For Enhancing Students’
Learning Outcomes In Mathematics
23. Exploring mathematical connections of prospective middle-grades teachers through
card-sorting tasks
24. Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika
Siswa SMP pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus
25. Kemampuan Koneksi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Di Sekolah
26. Developing e-learning based on animation content to improve students’ mathematical
connection abilities
27. CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting & Extending) learning model to improve
the ability of mathematical connections
28. The Development Of Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics (Stem)-
Based Mathematics Teaching Materials To Increase Mathematical Connection Ability
29. Analysis of Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Independent Character in
Project Based Learning Assisted With Digital Module
30. Development of mathematical connection skills in a dynamic learning environment
31. The Implementation of Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve
the Mathematical Connection Ability
32. Accelerated Learning Method Using Edmodo to Increase Students’ Mathematical
Connection and Self-Regulated Learning
33. Development of M-Learning Teaching Materials on Trigonometric Materials to
Improve Mathematic Connection Ability
34. Happy Math War: Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat Kemampuan
Koneksi Matematis
35. ArtikelUpayaMeningkatkanPemahamanKemampuanKoneksiMatematisSiswa
36. Pengembangan Inovasi Modul Digital dengan Model POE2WE Sebagai Salah Satu
Alternatif Pembelajaran Daring di Masa New Normal
37. Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Pemodelan Matematika Berbantuan Geogebra-
38. Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Konstrutivisme
39. Konstruktivisme Sebuah Analisis Perspektif Pembelajaran
40. Teori Dan Praktik Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Dalam Pembelajaran
41. Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint
Berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver
42. Analysis of Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Independent Character in
Project Based Learning Assisted With Digital Module
43. Developing e-learning based on animation content to improve students’ mathematical
connection abilities
44. The Implementation of Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model to Improve
the Mathematical Connection Ability
45. Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika
Siswa SMP pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus
46. Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem
Sosial Masyarakat
47. Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas V Sekolah Dasar
48. Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Smp Negeri 2 Majalaya Pada Materi
Pola Bilangan
49. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Dalam Pembelajaran Sma Yppgi
50. Profil Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Smp Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun
Ruang Sisi Datar Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Dasar
51. Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran
CORE dengan metode diskusi
52. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis
Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa
SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan
53. Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Melalui Pembelajaran Model
Connecting- Organizing-Reflecting-Extending (Core)
54. The “Mozart Effect” and the Mathematical Connection
55. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Model
Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dengan Berbantuan Video Animasi Untuk
Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Pada Materi SPLDV Dengan
Berbantuan Video Animasi Pada Materi SPLDV
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 1, July 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 1

Developing E-Learning Based on Animation Content for

Improving Mathematical Connection Abilities
in High School Students
Dedi Rohendi1
Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education,
Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract should be able to recognize and assist the learning process

in accordance with the needs of their students.
The purpose of this paper is to develop e-learning based on
animation content to improve mathematical connection abilities In association with the development of Information and
in senior high school students. The e-learning was developed Communication Technology (ICT), teachers and students
using framework proposed by Moddle, while the animation should be able to be equal to and utilize the advance of it.
content was developed using macromedia flash. To get the
student mathematical connection abilities, pretest and postest
Teachers should be able to exploit or utilize the ICT-based
were administered before and after teaching and learning media in the learning process. With the rapid development
process. The data were analyzed using t-test and found that e- of ICT, there has been a shift in views on learning in and
learning which was based on animation content not only had outside the classroom.
significant effect on mathematical connection abilities but also
been able to improve students’ mathematical connection abilities In the field of education, especially in learning, the
far better than that of conventional approach. utilization of ICT in Indonesia is less. Though there are
numerous education application programs such as traded
Keywords: e-learning, improving, animation content, learning software, yet the suitability of materials,
mathematical connection abilities. technology devices used, instructional strategies, and
languages are still the obstacles. Thus, the development of
computer usage in mathematics, which is designed in
accordance with the requirement, is expected to be much
1. Introduction help to enhance students' mastery of mathematics.
The electronic technology can be used to assist students in Technology devices can be used to help students
comprehending the visual images of mathematical ideas, it investigate various mathematical phenomenon. ICT can
also facilitates students in organizing and analyzing data, also assist students in learning mathematics. For example,
and helps students to calculate in a quick and accurate through a computer students can check more examples or
way. One technology that can be used is computer. formats that seen visually and observed directly, so that
Dubinsky and Tall stated that the computer can be used as students can easily formulate and explore mathematical
a tool to complement advantage mathematical thinking in conjectures. Dunham and Dick stated that with the proper
a variety of ways [3]. Based on these advantages of the use of computer technology, students are expected to learn
advance role of technology, in facing the challenges of the mathematics in more meaningful and profound ways [4].
21st century, it is necessary to develop various strategies, Furthermore, Dubinsky and Tall stated that computers can
learning models, and to use an electronic technology-based also give much-needed meaning to mathematical concepts
learning media in such a way to create a pleasant that students may feel are ‘not of the physical world” but
atmosphere for both students and teachers. in the mind or in some ideal world [3].

In the past and even now, mathematical learning Some of the advantages gained through the use of
environment in Indonesia is often perceived as annoying, computers as a medium of learning are able to present
boring, and less stimulating, so the students are forced to graphs and pictures as a visual form that can be observed
learn in an unpleasant and less passionate way. These and studied by students in the conceptualization and
conditions should be changed into a passionate and mathematical modeling. Dubinsky and Tall stated that
meaningful atmosphere for both teachers and students. not only computer construct can be used to perform
This implies that in order to become an effective learning processes represented by the abstract idea, but it can itself
process, the students should be able to know the process be also manipulated. Also, by using computer students
and result that occurred within him/her. Thus, the teachers even able to see the visual graphic presentation of a very

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 1, July 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 2

difficult equation or mathematical model that cannot be studying towards the students achievement especially in
described manually [3]. Therefore, Bitter and Hatfield mathematical connection abilities.
stated that it is reasonable if educational researchers stated
that computers can potentially be functionalized to
improve learning quality, especially in mathematics [1]. 3. Hypothesis
In utilizing the advantage of ICT, it needs to consider Based on the described issues, the hypotheses, namely: E-
diversity of student’s abilities as well as wider learning based on animation content can improve
opportunities for society to obtain education. To meet the mathematical connections abilities of students than those
children necessities with various abilities, teachers should with conventional learning
try to serve all children well. To meet these expectations,
teacher’s role is certainly not easy. Ruseffendi stated that
the more heterogeneous the students, the more difficult to 4. Theoretical Foundation
teach [10]. Therefore, teachers need extra effort to serve
students with various abilities. One particular way of 1) E-learning based on animation content
teaching mathematics may be understood by some
students, but most of the others are probably not. Such In accordance with the rapid development of Information
conditions encourage the efforts to design an acceptable and Communication Technology (ICT), the need for a
learning model, for example through ICT-based learning concept and a mechanism of learning and teaching
model. (education) based on ICT becomes inevitable. The concept
known as e-learning has brought influence to the process
In relation with efforts to design innovative learning, today of transforming conventional education into digital, both
the utilization of ICT in learning has begun. One of them in content and system. The present concept of e-learning
is known by the term of e-learning. Researches related to has been widely accepted by the world community, proven
the utilization of e-learning in mathematics have been by the proliferation of e-learning in educational institutions
done at the college level. As for high-school level, it is still (schools, training and universities) and industry (Cisco
limited. Besides the advantages of e-learning, there are Systems, IBM, HP, Oracle, etc.). John Chambers who is
also disadvantages in the view of points of teachers— the CEO of Cisco Systems company said that for the next
teachers are required to be ready to serve or to answer era, the application in education will be a "killer
questions to students any time. application" which is very influential. The Department of
The advantages, the disadvantages and also limited Commerce and even the U.S. Department of Education has
utilization of ICT in learning mathematics in school, joined to declare the Vision of 2020 which related to the
encourage researchers to develop e-learning base on concept of education based on Information Technology (e-
animation content and implement it in teaching and learning) [13]. This section will focus the discussion on
learning mathematics to improve mathematical the application of e-learning and its development. How the
connections abilities of high school students. application of e-learning should be developed with a
balance between user needs and desires of developers.
Explanation will start from the definition of e-learning,
2. Research Questions why do we need e-learning, e-learning history, some
analysis of the failure of e-learning and e-learning
The research conducted is designed to answer the development strategy.
following questions: The term e-learning contains a very broad understanding,
1. How can we develop e-learning based on animation so a lot of experts elaborate on the definition of e-learning
contents which could improve the students’ from various perspectives. One acceptable definition is
mathematical connections abilities? stated by Hartley: e-learning is a type of teaching and
2. How far is the improvement of students’ mathematical learning which enables to deliver teaching materials to
connection after e-learning which is based on students by using the internet, intranet or other computer
animation content is implemented in teaching learning network media [5]. LearnFrame.Com in Glossary of e-
process? learning terms [6] explained a broader definition; e-
learning is the educational system that uses electronic
applications to support learning and teaching with the
3. Aim of The Research Internet media, computer network, or standalone
This research includes two major areas, namely computer.
developing e-learning based on animation content and The system of e-learning used in this study was developed
by using a Moodle program based on Open Source. This e-

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 1, July 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 3

learning program is developed by researchers for the The linkage between the higher-order of thinking with
purposes of this study. Teaching materials appeared in e- mathematics described by Romberg in Chair stated that
learning have animations (*. swf). Thus, with the existence some aspects of the higher-order of thinking, are
of interactive teaching materials, students can interact with mathematical problem solving, mathematical
e-learning systems independently, including doing communication, mathematical reasoning, and
exercises interactively. E-learning used by the previous mathematical connections [2].
researchers is web-based only; which does not display
Mathematical connections or connections in mathematics
animation and interactive teaching materials. But, in this e-
study the students' understanding of connecting the
learning animation or flash content material was made by
mathematical ideas that will facilitate the ability to
the researcher were added by several sources obtained
formulate and verify conjectures deductively between
from several sites on the internet, such as from www.e-
topics. The mathematical concept and procedure
developed which are newly can be applied to solve the
2) Mathematical Connection other problems in mathematics and other disciplines.
The ability of mathematical connections belong to the Sumarmo [11] describe some of the indicators in
higher-order of thinking ability. The mathematical mathematical connections:
connection means capacity above given information, with a) Finding the relationship of the various representations
a critical attitude to evaluate something and has a of concepts and procedures,
metacognitive awareness and problem-solving ability. b) Understanding the relationship between mathematical
Marzano, et all., stated that metacognition is the process topics,
by which individuals utilize their cognition in c) Using mathematics in other areas of study or daily
understanding him/herself, thinking processes, and control life,
of thinking processes [8]. Suryadi stated too that d) Understanding the representation of equivalent
metacognitive is important since someone’s knowledge concept or similar procedure,
about the cognitive processes can guide him/herself in e) Finding the connection between one procedure to
choosing a strategy to improve further cognitive another in an equivalent representation.
performance [12]. f) Using connections among mathematical topics and
Furthermore, Marzano in [9] suggested that the higher- between mathematics with another subject.
order of thinking included aspects of organizing,
analyzing, building (generating), investigating and
evaluating. Meanwhile, Ibrahim and Nur gave an 5. Method
explanation of the characteristics of the higher-order
thinking, such as: non algorithmic, which means an array This research is intended to develop e-learning based on
of action that is not fully established earlier, tends to animation content for improving student mathematical
complex, often produces a lot of solutions, involves connection abilities. The method used are Research and
consideration and interpretation, as well as higher mental Development (R&D). The steps taken in the process of
activity [7]. this research leads to a cycle based on the findings of
research studies and then develop a product. Product
Moreover Web and Coxford explained that the higher- development based on preliminary findings of this
order of thinking involves understanding the mathematical research was tested in a situation and then revisions are
ideas in a more depth, by examining the data and exploring made from the test results until finally obtained a product.
the idea of the lines, making conjectures, analogies and
generalizations, logical reasoning, problem solving, The product itself is e-learning based on animation
communicating in mathematics, and relating mathematical content. The procedure of this study uses the techniques of
ideas with other intellectual activities [14]. research and development with the following steps: (i)
development of models, which are: preliminary study,
The theory of the higher-order of thinking focuses on the planning, content design and writing, material
developmental approach or definitional approach. development, and field testing and revision of the model.
Developmental approach assume that there is a way of (ii) analysis of the e-learning model impact on the student
thinking from lower forms into higher forms, and students mathematical connection abilities.
must have the low-level of thinking first before reaching
the higher level one. Although the definitional approach To find out the students mathematical connection abilities
assume that all students can engage in the higher-order of an experiment with pretest-posttest control group design
thinking, without going through the stages of students' was used to the student. One class was given a treatment
thinking abilities. with e-learning based on animation content and the other
with conventional treatment.

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 1, July 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 4

The design of the study is: O1 X1 O2 b) Deciding what should be presented on screen and
O1 O2 what can be downloaded/printed.
Note: c) Stating on time allocations for each learning activity
O1: Pretest mathematical connection. according to the content and the learning objectives.
O2: Posttest mathematical connection d) Defining and providing the learning support needs of
X1: Mathematics Learning with e-learning based on the students, and also for teachers. [15]
animation content (4) Materials development
This phase includes: user guides, implementation guides,
Sample subjects of this study were the eleventh grade
students from high schools in Bandung, Indonesia, which
were set purposefully based on the completeness of ICT (5) Testing and final checking
laboratory facilities. The students divide into two
This phase requires steps as the following:
classrooms which were randomly assigned—one class for
a) Knowing what standards should be aimed for
e-learning based on animation content and one class for
b) Establishing means by which to measure or test that
conventional learning.
standards and usability objective have been achieved.
Considering when to measure, and how information
6. Findings from this will feed back into the development process
to achieve best outcomes most efficiently. [15]
a. Development of E-Learning Based on Animation
According to the procedure of this study in developing e-
learning based on animation content it was developed with
the following steps according to Backroad Connections Pty
Ltd 2003: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) Content
design and writing, (4) Material development, and (5)
Testing and final checking [15]. Therefore, here are the
(1) Preliminary study
Figure 1. An Example of e-learning based on animation content
In this phase we analyzed the requirement of development
e-learning based on animation content, including: students
needed, software and hardware requirement, animation
b. Research Result in Implementation of E-
content, etc. Based on the results, it obtain needs an
analysis which conducted the following matters: Learning Based on Animation Content

a) The e-learning materials requirement that can display After the e-learning have been developed continued by
animated form. implementes it to the students
b) Software for developing e-learning using Moddles The research results are as follows:
version 2.0.
c) The content shape created by using Macromedia Flash
animation and partly derived from Table 1. Average result of Pre and Post Test of Mathematical
Connection Abilities
(2) Planning Average result of test
The planning for the development of e-learning based on Pre test Posttest
animations content includes: planning the e-learning menu, e-learning 65 72,9
animation contents, quizzes, exercises, tasks, and
evaluation. All of which were adapted to target students convensional 64 71,3
who will be given e-learning.
(3) Content design and writing Table 2. t-test of Mathematical Connection Abilities
There are several steps that have been done in this phase
Mean SD Std. Error Mean T df Sig
a) Applying an effective instructional design. 18.60 9.39 2.97 6.26 20 .00

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 1, July 2012
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 5

Based on the total score of mathematical ability presented tinggi. Makalah pada national Seminar on Science and
in Table 1 and Table 2., the results obtained were that the Mathematics Education. Bandung: FPMIPA-JICA.
top most mathematical ability was the mathematical [13] Vision 2020: (2002). Transforming education and training
connection abilities of students with e-learning. From the through advanced technologies, U.S. Department of
results it can be said that e-learning increased students' [14] Web, N.L. and Coxford, A.F. (Eds, 1993). Assesment in
mathematical connection abilities rather than with mathematics classroom. Virginia: NCTM.
conventional one. [15] Backroad Connections Pty Ltd 2003, Developing e-learning
content (Version 1.00), Australian Flexible Learning
Framework Quick Guides series, Australian National
7. Conclusions Training Authority.Version 1.00, 31 July 2003. content.pdf. For a list
From the results of the research and discussion, it can be of other Quick Guides see:
concluded that: /guides/
1. E-Learning based on animation content can be
developed according to the development of systems
models, which are: preliminary study, planning, field Dedi Rohendi, is a lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Education
testing and revision of the model. Department, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education and
2. Students with e-learning have a better result in its the Study Program of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics
mathematical connection ability than students with and Sciences Education, Indonesia University of Education. He
received Master degree in Computer and Informatics Systems
conventional learning. from Gadjah Mada University and Doctor degree in Mathematics
Education from Indonesia University of Education. Dedi Rohendi’s
research interest are in implementation e-learning and technology
References in Mathematics Education.

[1] Bitter, G.G. & Hatfield, M. M. (1993). Integration of the

math explorer calculation into the mathematics curriculum:
The calculators project report. Journal of Computers in
Mathematics and Science Teaching, 12(1), pp. 59-81.
[2] Chair, (1993). Curriculum and evaluation standars for school
mathematic. Virginia: NCTM.
[3] Dubinsky, Ed & Tall, D. (1991). Advanced
Mathematical thinking and the computer. Kluwer:
Holland, 23, pp.1-248.
[4] Dunham, P.H. & Dick, T.P. (1994). Research on Graphing
Calculators. Mathematics Teacher, 87, pp. 440-445
[5] Hartley Darin E., (2001) Selling e-Learning, American
society for training and development.
[6] Glossary. (2001) Glossary of e-Learning Terms,
[7] Ibrahim, M. dan Nur, M. (2000). Pembelajaran berdasarkan
masalah. Surabaya: UNESA University Press.
[8] Marzano, R.J., Brandt, R.S., Hughes, C.S., Jones, B.F.,
Presseissen, B.Z., Rankin, S.C., Suhor, C. (1988).
Dimensins of thinking: A framework for curriculum and
Instruction. Alexandria, V.A: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.
[9] North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (1994).
Thinking skill levels-Adapted from Marzano. Tersedia pada: Houghton/learner/think94/ home
cnthink94. html.
[10] Ruseffendi, H.E.T. (1988). Pengantar kepada membantu
guru mengembangkan kompetensinya dalam pengajaran
matematika untuk meningkatkan CBSA. Bandung: Tarsito.
[11] Sumarmo, U. (2002). alternatif pembelajaran matematika
dalam menerapkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi.
Makalah pada Seminar Tingkat Nasional FPMIPA UPI.
Bandung: Tidak diterbitkan.
[12] Suryadi, D. (2003). Pembelajaran matematika untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir matematika tingkat

Copyright (c) 2012 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) Model Based on

Presentation Media to the Mathematical Connection Ability of
Junior High School Student
Dedi Rohendi1* Jojon Dulpaja2
1. Mechanical Enginerring Education Department, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education,
Indonesia University of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207 Bandung, Indonesia
2. Mathematics Education Study Program, School of Teacher Training and Education YASIKA, Jalan
Kasokandel Timur No 64, Majalengka 45453, Indonesia
* E-mail of the corresponding author:

Connection mathematics ability will be greatly needed by students, especially to solve the problems that need the
relation between mathematical concepts with other concepts in mathematics and other disciplines or in everyday
life. To get that mathematics ability in this research used Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) model based on
Presentation Media. CMP model based on presentation media was a student-centered learning model that
involved student more; student not only did the problem but also sought the solution actively that enabled
student to explore the relation of mathematical concept in real life. This research was a quasi experiment
research with the student of 7th grade of Junior High School of Ujungjaya 2 of Sumedang district, Indonesia as
the research sample. After the learning in the experiment class was conducted, the data description by using
instrument of pre-test and post-test were collected to find out the student’s ability of mathematical connection, as
well as observation sheet to find out the activity and condition of student during mathematical learning. The
result of the research showed that the student’s mathematical connection ability by using Connected
Mathematics Project (CMP) model based on presentation media was better than the conventional one. Besides,
student’s activity in the learning process by using Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) based on presentation
media was really positive and they became very active.
Keywords: connected mathematics project model, presentation media, mathematical connection ability.

1. Introduction
Mathematics is a universal science and a basis for other science or as a tool in problem solving on a daily basis.
Kline (1973) stated that: "Mathematics is not an autonomous knowledge that can be perfect by itself, but was
mainly to help people in understanding and mastering the problems of social, economic, and nature."
In the subject of mathematics, a lot of teachers only teach the concept, without relating it to other concepts or
everyday life. Yet, by providing knowledge about the relation between mathematical concepts with other
concepts or in everyday life will be greatly needed by students, especially to solve problems encountered in
everyday life.
One of the goals to be achieved in the process of learning mathematics is the student’s mathematical connections
ability. The mathematical connections ability is one of the very useful learning objectives for students since
mathematics topic is interrelated to each other as well as to other disciplines. In addition, mathematics has a
relation with the real world or everyday life. Therefore, in order the students be more successful in learning
mathematics, teachers should give more the opportunity to the students to see the relation.
The learning approach that is able to bring up the mathematical connections ability is connected mathematics.
Connected mathematics emphasizes on the ability to use mathematical tools, resources, procedures, knowledge
and ways of thinking to make comprehension in the new situation (Herawaty, 2002). Connected mathematics can
be useful if it is combined with the project. Projects in mathematics are tasks given to the students to come up
with something by themselves on a topic related to mathematics. The use of project in mathematics learning
process is highly relevant to equip the students with the ability to face problems in daily life.
Based on the preliminary research in Junior High School of Ujungjaya 2 Sumedang, the learning process that
occurs was still the teacher-centered one. Many teachers were not able to create the conditions and atmosphere
which allows the students to develop the their mathematical connection abilities. Besides the conventional

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

learning which was still used by the teacher, the lack interest of the students in learning mathematics also affect
the student’s mathematical connections ability at this time.

2. Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) Model Based on Presentation Media

CMP model is a learning model which emphasizes on the given mathematics projects related to connected
mathematics. By providing the given project, the learning is expected to be focused on important materials. In
addition, students are expected to have responsibility in completing a project given according to the roles in the
group. CMP stimulates the understanding of circumstantial problems with the use of a particular form of
representation, such as graphic, numeric, symbolic, and verbal forms, then discusses and evaluates the problem
resolution. Herawaty (2002) stated that CMP not only could help students grow in accordance with their ability
to effectively think, by presenting information in graphic, numeric, symbolic, and verbal form but also change
these representations flexibily. CMP requires teachers to think in different ways of teaching technique which
centers on issues required in the aspects of learning.
CMP model based on presentation media means the teaching learning process by using CMP model based on
presentation media. Presentation media based on computer can be used as a facility to perform simulations,
training skills and competences. Presentation media in learning has a function as a tool to clarify the teachers
The research result showed that the advantages of using computers as a teaching media are as follows: in
presenting graphics and images as a visual form that can be observed and studied by students in the
conceptualization and mathematical modeling besides that, computer potentially can be used to improve the
quality of learning, especially in the mathematical modeling (Ryan, 1991; Soegeng, 1998, Graham and
Rowlands, 2000). Fumiyuki (2000) indicated that the computer could be used in mathematics teaching for
several reasons. First, the computer could be used as a presentation tool that had the speed and accuracy in
information processing. Second, the computer could be used as a learning tool which interacted with students.
Finally, the computer could be used as a tutor that served the needs of each individual in the study.
A way to apply the Connected Mathematis Project (CMP) model is children are involved in tasks that require
computing, measuring, estimating, building, problem solving and reasoning. Children look for the activities that
require the use of mathematical skills such as model scale building, cooking, travel planning and playing a game
of logic. Children are told to explain what they discuss and learn with their group.
Stages of learning in the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) are: launching problem, exploring and
summarizing as to stimulate the students in understanding the circumstantial problem by using a particular form
of representation, discuss and evaluate the problem solving. Thus, the activities of learning mathematics by using
the CMP model are expected to stimulate students’ ability especially their mathematical connection ability. CMP
model study aims to help students and teachers develop their mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills
as well as awareness and appreciation toward linkages between those parts of mathematics and between
mathematics and other subjects as well as with the real world. Through this model, the students' mathematical
connections ability is expected to be improved. Steps of learning with the CMP model are presented in Table 1.

3. Mathematics Connection Ability

According to the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) Standard (1989), a meaningful learning
is a basis to create Mathematical Connection. Mathematical connection is the most important part which needed
to be emphasized in every level of education. According to Kusuma (2008), the mathematical connection ability
is one’s ability in presenting internal and external relationship of mathematics, which includes the connection
between mathematical topics, the connection with other disciplines, and the connection in everyday life. Thus, in
a broad meaning mathematical connection is the linkages between mathematical topics, between mathematics
and other disciplines, and between mathematics and the real life or everyday life.
The mathematical connection means capacity above given information, with a critical attitude to evaluate
something and has a metacognitive awareness and problem-solving ability. Marzano, et all., (1988) stated that
metacognition is the process by which individuals utilize their cognition in understanding him/herself, thinking
processes, and control of thinking processes. Suryadi (2003) stated too that metacognitive is important since
someone’s knowledge about the cognitive processes can guide him/herself in choosing a strategy to improve
further cognitive performance.
Mathematical connections or connections in mathematics study the students' understanding of connecting the
mathematical ideas that will facilitate the ability to formulate and verify conjectures deductively between topics.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

The mathematical concept and procedure developed which are newly can be applied to solve the other problems
in mathematics and other disciplines. Sumarmo (2002) describe some of the indicators in mathematical
a. Finding the relationship of the various representations of concepts and procedures,
b. Understanding the relationship between mathematical topics,
c. Using mathematics in other areas of study or daily life,
d. Understanding the representation of equivalent concept or similar procedure,
e. Finding the connection between one procedure to another in an equivalent representation.
f. Using connections among mathematical topics and between mathematics with another subject.
But in reality, the study of mathematics is generally viewed as a number of topics so that each topic tends to be
taught separately. This of course makes students remember numerous concepts and do not recognize the general
principles that are relevant to various fields. Therefore, the learning should help the students to be able to see
how the ideas of mathematics interrelated. When the idea of mathematics were associated with the daily
experience, students will definitely appreciate the usefulness of mathematics.

3. Methodology
This research was a quasi experiment method. The purpose of this research was to find out the students’ ability
of mathematical connection by using the learning model of Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) based on
presentation media. In this research, there were two classes i.e. learning class with Connected Mathematics
Project (CMP) based on presentation media and class with the conventional learning. Before research was
conducted, both classes were given the pre test and after the treatment post test was given, so that the research
design used was as Question (1) follows:
Experiment class : O1 X O2 (1)
Control class : O1 O2

O1 = pre test
O2 = post test
X = treatment with CMP model based on presentation
The sample of this research was the students of 7th grade with 27 students each. While the research instrument
used were written test, observation sheet, and the mathematics project.
The formula which was used to prove the hypothesis was t-test Question (2).


Hypothesis criteria: the hypothesis (H1) was accepted if: ttes > ttable, otherwise hypothesis was rejected.
The proposed hypothesis was:
H1 : The students’ mathematical connection ability by using CMP model based on presentation media
more better than the conventional learning

4. Result and Discussion

After the research was conducted, the data of pre-test and post-test gained were presented by Table 2. Based on
the results in table 2, a description was obtained that the students’ ability of mathematical connection by using
CMP showed a better result seen from the average acquired. Next, to test the proposed hypothesis, a difference
test of two means toward the result of post-test performed.
Based on the statistics results, the value of ttest = 18.50 was retrieved and ttable = 2.01. Thus, based on the criteria,
the hypothesis was accepted so that it can be concluded that the students’ ability of mathematical connections by
using the CMP model of learning based on presentation media improved more than those with the conventional

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

Yet, based on the results of observation during the learning, a result was obtained that the teacher had been
conducted well each stage of the CMP model based on presentation media.
In general, by using the CMP model of learning, the students were more enthusiastic and gave positive response
to learning mathematics. It could be seen from the analysis results of the observations conducted by the
mathematics teacher at the school. It was the same with the students’ enthusiasms on the CMP model based on
presentation media which were positive. This was because of the students were given a problem, then the
students searched for and investigated the problems itself, so that students could pour the ideas of mathematics
by themselves. With the existence of a mathematical project given by the teacher, the students were very
enthusiastic because they could work on the issues that related to the real world as well as how their
mathematical skills can be applied in the real world. In addition, mathematical project could open the door to
bring in other subjects and disciplines/fields to the class of mathematics so that students could quickly recognize
that mathematics dealt with many things in life.
Enthusiasms of students toward the ability of mathematical connections were positive, since students were given
problems in order to be able to associate the connection between mathematics and mathematics itself,
mathematics with other subjects and mathematics with the problem of the real world. Thus, the students were
challenged to implement the CMP model based on presentation media to their mathematical connection
capabilities. Figure 1 showed the learning activities with the CMP based on presentation media.
When the learning took place, there were observers who observed the learning activity by CMP model based on
presentation media. Based on the observation, a description of the learning process was obtained as follow:
Learning implementation was done in several meetings. Each meeting lasted for 90 minutes. The material
discussed in this reseach was the comparison. At the meeting students discussed the definition of the comparison
and the scale as a comparison.
At the time of apperception, the teacher set the classroom for learning and provided an overview of the material
to be studied. Furthermore, teachers divided students into groups, to carry out mathematical group discussions
and projects that have been provided.
At first the students seemed to have difficulties in finding the problem, solving mathematical problems and
projects. It was because they were not accustomed using this kind of learning. The students were still reluctant to
seek their own mathematical ideas, but on the second and third meetings the students started to be more familiar
to learn that model .
At the time of presenting the material, there were some opportunities for each group to ask some questions about
the given mathematical project. Teachers did not directly answer the questions of the students, but the teachers
just repeated the material and provided guidance, so the students could find their own answers.
Teachers also motivated students to continue exploring the mathematical skills and engaged students in the
learning activities to let them know about the relevance of mathematics that is universal. Once group discussions
completed , the teacher asked one representative of each group to present the results of their discussions and
write them on the board. After the group presented and delivered the result on the board, then the teacher
straight invited the students to see whether the explanation was right or wrong. Then the teacher would also
explained further to confirm the group explaination. At the end of the lesson, one of the groups was awarded to
be the best group and each group had to write the learning conclusions.

5. Conclusion
Based on the analysis results of the data obtained from pre test, post test, and observation sheets, the conclusions
of the research results of 7th grade of Junior High School of Ujungjaya 2 were as follows:
1. The students’ ability of mathematical connections by using Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) learning
model based on presentation media improved more than conventional learning.
2. From the result of observation, the students were more enthusiastic in learning mathematics by using
Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) based on presentation media. It means that the students are excited
and interested to participate in the learning process.
Based on the conclusions above, learning mathematics by using Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) model
based on presentation media could enhance the students mathematical connections ability.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

Fumiyuki, T. (2000). An ideal use of computer in high school mathematics education. In O.
Toshio (Ed.), Mathematics education in Japan. Tokyo: Japan Society of Mathematics
Graham, T. dan Rowlands, S. (2000). Using Computer Software in the Teaching of Mechanics. International
Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 31 (4): 479-493.
Herawaty. (2002). Connected Mathematics Project. [online]. Tersedia: http://connectedmath. [13 Oktober 2012].
Kline, Morris. (1973), Why Johnny Can’t Add: The Failure of The New Math. New York: Vintage Books.
Kusuma, D.A. (2008). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan
Konstruktivisme. [online]. Tersedia: http// meningkatk an-
kemampuan-koneksi-matematik.pdf. [26 Oktober 2009].
Marzano, R.J., Brandt, R.S., Hughes, C.S., Jones, B.F., Presseissen, B.Z., Rankin, S.C., Suhor, C. (1988).
Dimensins of thinking: A framework for curriculum and Instruction. Alexandria, V.A: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.
National Council of Teacher of Mathematics. (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standard for school
mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
Ryan, A.W. (1991). Meta-analysis of ecievement effects of microcomputer application in elementary schools.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 27 161-184.
Soegeng (1998). Aplikasi komputer dalam pembelajaran IPA. ITB: Laporan Penelitian.
Sumarmo, U. (2002). alternatif pembelajaran matematika dalam menerapkan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi.
Makalah pada Seminar Tingkat Nasional FPMIPA UPI. Bandung: Tidak diterbitkan.
Suryadi, D. (2003). Pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir matematika tingkat
tinggi. Makalah pada national Seminar on Science and Mathematics Education. Bandung: FPMIPA-JICA.

Dedi Rohendi, is a lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Technology and
Vocational Education, the Study Program of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences
Education, Indonesia University of Education, and also the lecturer of the Study Program of Mathematics
Education, School of Teacher Training and Education Yasika, Majalengka. He received Master degree in
Computer and Informatics Systems from Gadjah Mada University and Doctor degree in Mathematics Education
from Indonesia University of Education. Dedi Rohendi’s research interest are in implementation e-learning and
technology in Mathematics Education.

Jojon Dulpaja, is a teacher staff of SMP Negeri 2 Ujungjaya Kabupaten Sumedang. He graduated
bachelor degree in Mathematics Education from Study Program of Mathematics Education, School of Teacher
Training and Education Yasika Majalengka. Jojon Dulpaja research interest are in implementation teaching
methodes in Mathematics Education.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.4, No.4, 2013

Table 1. The stages of CMP model

Stage Teacher’s role Student’s role

Launching Teacher launched a problem and helped the Students listened to the problem given by the
students understand the problem’s setting teacher and understood the setting of the
which would be a project of mathematics later problem

Exploring Teacher observed the performance of the Students worked to solve the problem
students either individually or groups, directed individually or in a group
and encouraged students to solve the problem

Summarizing Teacher helped the students improve their Students discussed the strategy used to
understanding of mathematics in the problem approach the problem, organize the data, find
the solution and make a conclusion

Table 2. Data description of Pretest and Post test

test Class Number of Subject Mean Highest Score Lowest Score

Experiment 31,61 45 10
Pre test 27
Control 29,39 45 10

Experiment 69,83 90 45
Post test 27
Control 47,44 65 25

Maximum score: 100

Figure 1. The Learning Activity of Students by Using CMP

Based on Presentation Media

Vol 14 no 2

The Students’ Abilities on Mathematical Connections: A Comparative

Study Based on Learning Models Intervention
Aloisius Loka Son

Universitas Timor, Kefamenanu, Indonesia

Abstract: Mathematical connections are essential to emphasize in the learning process, to make
students see mathematics as useful, relevant, integrated, and able to solve various mathematical
problems. This study was conducted to analyze the comparison of achievement and improvement
of students' abilities on mathematical connections based on learning model interventions. This
comparative study used quasi-experimental types in three groups of students, namely 50 students
who learned through the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending models with Realistic
Mathematics Education (CORE RME), 49 students who learned through the CORE model, and 46
students who learned through the conventional model. The mathematical connections test is used
as an instrument in this study. The finding in this study is that learning through the CORE RME
model can facilitate students' mathematical connections abilities. This finding is based on the
results of a survey that the achievement and improvement of the mathematical connections abilities
of students who learned through the CORE RME model were better than the attainment and
progress of the mathematical connections abilities of students who learned through the CORE
model, and students who learned through the conventional model. Therefore, it is recommended
for teachers to use the CORE RME model as an alternative to facilitate students' mathematical
connection abilities.

Keyword: Achievement, improvement, mathematical connections, learning models.

Mathematical connections allow students to see mathematics as an integrated subject, not as a
collection of separate parts (Jaijan & Loipha, 2012). It is because mathematical connections
include three aspects a) connections between different mathematical concepts or topics (Gamboa,
Badillo, Ribeiro, & Sanchez-Matamoros, 2016); b) the connections of mathematical concepts with
other scientific disciplines (Frykholm & Glasson, 2005), and c) connections of mathematical
concepts with real-world phenomena (García-García & Dolores-Flores, 2018, 2020).
The ability of students to understand the three connections aspects is called mathematical
connections abilities. García-García & Dolores-Flores (2018) define that mathematical connection

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

abilities are the students’ ability to connect mathematical concepts, mathematical concepts with
other scientific disciplines, and mathematical concepts real-world phenomena. A student has
mathematical connections ability if he can recognize and use connections among mathematical
ideas, understand how mathematical ideas are interconnected, build on one another to produce a
coherent whole, identify and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics (NCTM,
Although mathematical connections abilities are essential for learning mathematics, students still
face obstacles to master it. It is matched with the research of Kenedi, Helsa, Ariani, Zainil, &
Hendri (2019) that students' mathematical connections abilities in solving mathematical problems
are still relatively weak. Students still have poor mathematical connections abilities in
understanding problems, performing operations by making symbols correctly, and applying
mathematical concepts in daily life (Noto, Hartono, & Sundawan, 2016). Another study by
Rahmawati, Budiyono, & Saputro (2019) and Siregar & Surya (2017) shows that secondary school
students' mathematics connection abilities are categorized as very low. The low achievement
percentage indicates it on the indicators of connections among mathematical concepts, connections
between mathematical concepts and other scientific disciplines, also connections between
mathematical concepts and daily problems.
The low abilities of students’ mathematical connections are a very urgent problem and considered
essential to overcome. Many stakeholders need to be involved in an attempt to resolve this
problem, including teachers and researchers. Teachers should take roles as facilitators and
mediators to facilitate students' mathematical connections abilities by providing challenging
problems (Rahmawati et al., 2019). On the other hand, researchers should make students'
mathematical connections capabilities one of the main variables in their research, either related to
the causes of the students' poor mathematical connections abilities and how to overcome them.
Research on this issue must be prioritized to be carried out and used as a basis for further study
(Arjudin, Sutawidjaja, Irawan, & Sa’dijah, 2016).
Referring to the problems and suggestions, the researcher conducted interviews with several
mathematics teachers at different schools around the study site. Most teachers said that they did
not focus on facilitating students with mathematical connections. Some teachers said that they
connect mathematical concepts in the learning process, connect mathematical concepts with other
disciplines, and with real-world phenomena. However, when conducted evaluation, the results
showed that students' mathematical connections abilities are still low. Based on the interview, the
researcher conducted a test on the students’ mastery of mathematical connections at one level
above this study's subject. The test results showed that the students’ abilities connections were
relatively low. The average score of the students' mathematical connections abilities obtained was
42.88 of the maximum score of 100. It was far from expected.

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

Students will understand mathematical connections if the three connection aspects are highlighted
and familiarized during their learning process. Teachers must teach subject matter to make the
students recognize and understand mathematical connections (Mhlolo, Venkat, & Schfer, 2012).
The teacher should develop these habits to promote the formation and strengthen the mathematical
connections (Eli, Mohr-Schroeder, & Lee, 2013). Teachers may carry out such intervention by
connecting mathematics with real-life problems and students’ environment, mathematics with
other subjects, and concepts or ideas in mathematics (Arthur, Owusu, Asiedu-Addo, & Arhin,
2018). They need to help the students connect conceptual and procedural knowledge because it
plays a vital role in mathematical connections (Dolores-Flores, Rivera-López, & García-García,
2018). It is characterized as connections-rich knowledge (Rittle-Johnson & Schneider, 2015).
One of the student-centered learning models emphasizing the connections between old and new
knowledge is the Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending (CORE) learning model.
This CORE learning model combines four main elements, i.e., connecting old and new
information, organizing information to understand the subject matter, reflecting information
obtained and extending knowledge (Calfee & Greitz, 2004). The learning process through the
CORE model help students build their knowledge by connecting and organizing new and old
knowledge, rethink about topics or concepts being studied, and expand their knowledge (Curwen,
Miller, Smith, & Calfee, 2010).
The connecting element in the CORE model emphasizes connections among topics. A topic to be
taught can be linked to other concepts, especially those learned and known by students.
Connections describe the relationship between prior and new knowledge to build or strengthen
understanding the relationship between ideas and mathematical concepts (Eli, Mohr-Schroeder, &
Lee, 2011). In conjunction with the meaning of these connections, NCTM (2000) states that when
mathematical ideas are interconnected with real-world phenomena, students will see mathematics
as a valuable, relevant, and integrated concept and a compelling process in developing students'
understanding of mathematics. NCTM statement implies that students' mathematical knowledge
will be broader, more developed, and last longer if the learning process is carried out by developing
connections with students' experiences, not only among mathematical concepts but also real-world
phenomena. In the mathematics curriculum at school, a mathematical learning approach that places
the actual context or real-world phenomena and student experience as the learning starting point
is Realistic Mathematics Education (RME).
Freudenthal (2002), as a pioneer of RME, says that mathematic is a human activity. Learning
mathematics requires learning activities and should use a real context around as a starting point
because most of them play specific roles in learning mathematical concepts. The word is realistic
in RME means (1) a natural context in daily life; (2) a formal mathematical context in the world
of mathematics; and (3) an imagery context that is not contained in reality but can be imagined
(Freudenthal, 2002., Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2003., Heuvel-Panhuizen & Drijvers, 2014). The three

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

main principles underlying RME are guided reinvention, didactical phenomenology, and self-
developed models (Gravemeijer, 1994).
Many researchers in Indonesia and other countries have conducted studies on the influence of the
CORE model and the RME on the students' mathematical connections abilities. Findings of the
study by Yulianto, Rochmad, & Dwidayati (2019) show that the achievement and improvement of
mathematical connections skills of students who learn through the CORE model with scaffolding
are better than the achievement and improvement of mathematical connections skills of those who
know through the CORE model without framing. The CORE learning model can improve students'
mathematical connections skills and result in better mathematical connections skills than similar
skills of those who learn through the conventional model (Yaniawati, Indrawan, & Setiawan,
2019). A study on RME by Febriyanti, Bagaskorowati, & Makmuri (2019) concluded that students'
mathematics connections skills taught with the RME approach were higher than those taught with
conventional methods. Previous researchers have examined the effect of the CORE model and
RME on students’ mathematical connections abilities which treated separately. In this study, the
authors combined the CORE model with the RME called the CORE RME learning model.
The CORE RME learning model is implemented by connecting, organizing, reflecting, and
extending. Students were given real contexts related to their experience and real contexts around
the connecting stage. The main principles of the connecting stage were prior knowledge, natural
context, and interactivity principles. Students were allowed to reinvent and develop mathematical
models based on the actual context given in the connecting phase in the organizing stage. The main
focus of the organizing stage was guided reinvention, self-developed models, and interactivity
principles. According to the subject matter, the reflecting stage was the stage of rethinking and
seeing the relationship of non-formal mathematical models (models of) built by students with
formal mathematical models (models for). The main principle of reflecting stage was
metacognition, self-monitoring, and interactivity principles. The last phase was extending; it was
a knowledge expansion to other real contexts. The main focus of extending phase was to develop
a formal mathematical to another real context, intertwining, and interactivity principles.
The CORE RME learning model was done through syntax. As mentioned above, it could help
students understand connections among mathematics concepts, connections between mathematics
concepts with others discipline, and real-world phenomena. A research question was constructed
as follows "Are there different achievement and improvement students’ abilities in mathematics
connections based on learning intervention model?”.

This study applied a quantitative research method with a quasi-experimental approach. The reason
is that the researcher did not regroup samples randomly but used classes that the school has formed.
The research design used a non-equivalent comparison group design, which was better for all

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license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

quasi-experimental research designs (Christensen, Jhonson, & Turner, 2015). In this study, there
were two experimental groups, i.e., a group of students who learned through the CORE RME and
the CORE models, while the control group was a group of students who learned through the
conventional model.
The participant in this study consisted of 145 seventh-grade students in two state junior high
schools (JHS) in Kefamenanu city-west Timor-Indonesia, in the 2018/2019 academic year details
such as Table 1.
Number of School Number of School
Learning models Sum
students A students B
CORE RME 30 20 50
CORE 27 22 49
Conventional 25 21 46
Total 82 63 145
Table 1: Research participants.
A and B schools were chosen by purposive sampling from six state JHS in Kefamenanu city. A
and B schools were the earliest schools to apply the Indonesia national curriculum among the six
state schools in the city.
This study used a mathematical connection test as the data collection instrument, which consisted
of 5 essay test items. The mathematical connection tests were arranged based on the following
indicators: (1) understanding the equivalent representation of the same concepts, (2) understanding
the relationship of mathematical procedures of representation to equivalent procedure of
representation, (3) using linkages between mathematical topics, (4) using linkages between
mathematical topics with other topics in other disciplines, (5) using mathematics in everyday life.
This instrument had been validated by several validators, and obtained an average score of 93,33,
which showed that the mathematics connection test was in the good category. While trials on 20
students resulted in Cronbach's alpha score of 0,88; which means that the test items were reliable,
and the Pearson correlation scores of the five questions were 0,89; 0,62; 0,93; 0,89; and 0,82
respectively, which means that these five questions are valid.
In this research, data analysis techniques were the normalized gain, one-way ANOVA, and post
hoc Scheffe test. The normalized gain test was conducted to determine the improvement in
students' mathematical connections. On the other hand, the one-way ANOVA test was carried out
to determine the difference in achievement and advancement in mathematical connections between
students who learned through the CORE RME, CORE, and conventional models. Additionally, the
post hoc Scheffe test was a further test of the one-way ANOVA. The post hoc Scheffe test was
conducted because this type of test was appropriate for all t-tests (Potthoff, 2012). The data source
of the study showed the difference in meaning between achievement and improvement. The

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

students' mathematical connections achievement data was the mathematical connections post-test
result data, while the students' mathematical connections improvement data was the normalization
gain tests result. Both the prerequisite test and the hypothesis test in this study were analyzed using
IBM SPSS Statistics 22.


The average scores of pre-tests, post-test, and normalized gain of mathematical connections
abilities of students who learn through the CORE RME model, the CORE model, and the
conventional model can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Average of pre-test, post-test, and normalized gain.

A comparison test of students' mathematical connections achievement was based on the post-test
score showed that the average post-test score students' mathematical connections on the students
who were learning through the CORE RME model were 26,70 out of a maximum score of 40
(Figure 1). Students who were learning through the CORE model was 22,65; students who were
learning through the conventional model was 21,91. On the other hand, the comparison test of
students' mathematical connections improvement based on the normalized gain score showed that
the average normalized gain score of the students learning through the CORE RME model was
0,56; students learning through the CORE model was 0,45 (Figure 1). Finally, students learning
through the conventional model was 0,41.
The conditions for using parametric statistical tests were normal homogeneous distribution data
(Sarstedt & Mooi, 2019). The normality test results showed that the achievement and improvement
data of the students' mathematical connections that learned through the CORE RME model, the
CORE model, and the conventional model were normally distributed. The obtained homogeneity
test results showed that the group data on achievement and improvement of students' mathematical
connections were homogeneous.

This content is covered by a Creative Commons license, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA
4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

Analysis results of difference in mathematical connections achievement between students who

learned through the CORE RME model, the CORE model, and the conventional are presented in
Table 2.
Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Ho
Between groups 648,72 2 324,36 6,83 0,00 Reject
Within groups 6745,25 142 47,50
Total 7393,97 144
Table 2. Test results for differences in students’ mathematical connections achievement.
Table 2 shows that Ho was rejected. It shows a significant difference in mathematical connections
between students who learn through the CORE RME model, the CORE model, and the
conventional model. Since there was a considerable difference, the Scheffe post hoc test was
conducted, which the results are presented in Table 3.
Learning models Mean
Std. error Sig. Ho
(I) (J) difference (I-J)
CORE RME CORE 4,05* 1,39 0,02 Reject
Conventional 4,79 1,41 0,00 Reject
CORE Conventional 0,74 1,41 0,87 Accept
Table 3. Post hoc test results for students’ mathematical connection achievement.
Based on the results of the post hoc test presented in Table 3, it can be concluded that at 𝛼 = 5%
then (1) There was a significant difference in mathematical connections achievement of students
who were learning through the CORE RME model and those who were learning through the CORE
model. Descriptively, the average of students’ mathematical connections achievement who were
learning through the CORE RME model was 26,70; and the average of students’ mathematical
connections achievement who were learning through the CORE model was 22,65. Because
inferentially, there was a significant difference in students' mathematical connections achievement,
which was 26,70 > 22,65; it can be concluded that students who were learning through the CORE
RME model were better than mathematical connections achievement of students who were
learning through the CORE model. (2) There was a significant difference in mathematical
connections achievement between students who were learning through the CORE RME model and
learning through the conventional model. Descriptively, the average of students' mathematical
connections achievement who learned through the CORE RME model was 26,70; and the average
of students’ mathematical connections achievement who learned through conventional models was
21,91. Because inferentially, there was a significant difference in students' mathematical
connections achievement with 26,70 > 21,91; it can be concluded that students who learned
through the CORE RME model were better in forming mathematical connections than
mathematical connections achievement of students who learned through the conventional model.

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Vol 14 no 2

(3) There was no significant difference in mathematical connections achievement between students
who learned through the CORE model and the conventional model.
The test result of mathematical connections improvement differences between students who
learned through the CORE RME model, the CORE model, and the conventional are presented in
Table 4.
Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Ho
Between groups 0,60 2 0,30 6,41 0,00 Reject
Within groups 6,69 142 0,05
Total 7,29 144
Table 4. Test results for differences in students’ mathematical connections improvement.
Table 4 showed that Ho was rejected. It shows a significant difference in improving the
mathematical connection between students who learned through the CORE RME model, the
CORE model, and the conventional model. Considering that there was a significant difference in
the students' mathematical connections improvement, the Scheffe post hoc test was conducted, and
the results are presented in Table 5.
Learning models Mean Std.
Sig. Ho
(I) (J) difference (I-J) Error
CORE RME CORE 0,11* 0,04 0,04 Reject
Conventional 0,15* 0,04 0,00 Reject
CORE Conventional 0,04 0,04 0,70 Accept
Table 5. Post hoc test results for students’ mathematical connection improvement.
Based on post hoc test results in Table 5, it can be concluded that at 𝛼 = 5% then (1) There was a
significant difference in the improvement of the mathematical connections between the students
who learned through the CORE RME model and students who learned through the CORE model.
Descriptively, the average of students' mathematical connections improvement who learned
through the CORE RME model was 0,56; and the average of students' mathematical connections
improvement who were learning through the CORE model is 0,45. Because inferentially, there
was a significant difference in the improvement of the mathematical connections and 0,56 > 0,45;
it can be concluded that the progress of the mathematical connections of students who learn
through the CORE RME model was better than students who learned through the CORE model.
(2) There was a significant difference in improving the mathematical connections between students
who learned through the CORE RME model and students who learned through the conventional
model. Descriptively, the average of students' mathematical connections improvement who learned
through the CORE RME model was 0,56. The average of students' mathematical connections
improvement who learned through the conventional model was 0,41. Because inferentially, there
was a significant difference in the progress of the mathematical connections and 0,56 > 0,41; it
can be concluded that the progress of the mathematical connections of students who were learning
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license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

through the CORE RME model was better than students who were learning through the
conventional model. (3) There was no significant difference in improving the mathematical
connection between the students who were learning through the CORE model and students who
learn through the conventional model.
The finding of this study indicated that mathematical connections achievement and improvement
of the students who were learning through the CORE RME model were better than mathematical
connections achievement and improvement of students learning through the CORE model and
students learning through the conventional model. This finding gives a positive effect of learning
through the CORE RME model. It can facilitate mathematical connections aspects for students, in
the connections among mathematical concepts, the connections between mathematical concepts
and other science disciplines, also the connections with daily problems. Thus, students can gain
the experience of a connection during the learning process. The learning process that facilitates
students with mathematical connections will provide many connections experiences for students.
Zengin (2019) said that the learning process based on intra-mathematical and extra-mathematical
connections allows students to maintain their knowledge and gain a variety of connections
The results of this study indicate that the CORE RME learning model can facilitate students'
mathematical connection. The application of the CORE RME model in the classroom is carried
out through the stages as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. CORE RME models’ cycle

Students were given real contexts on the connecting stage that have to do with their experiences,
specifically real contexts around the students. The main principles of the connecting stage are prior
knowledge of real context and the interactivity principle. Students' prior knowledge in mathematics

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Vol 14 no 2

is essential as a bridge for the target knowledge and plays a vital role in learning new mathematical
material. Preparing students' previous knowledge of mathematics as a learning starting point
functioned as a bridge for the target knowledge between prior knowledge and target knowledge in
mathematics should be compatible, not conflict with one another (Rach & Ufer, 2020). In terms of
the actual context principle, it should be recognized that students get a wealth of experience from
their family and peer groups, all of which provide informal opportunities to develop mathematical
concepts and skills (Clarke, Clarke, & Cheeseman, 2006). Such experience gained by students
from families, social groups, and previous lessons is a potential basis for developing new
knowledge (Taber, 2015).
Activity in the organizing stage allows students to reinvent and develop their mathematical models
based on the actual context given in the connecting phase. The main principles of the organizing
stage are guided reinvention, self-developed models, and interactivity. The reinvention process can
facilitate students to use their experiences in developing non-formal mathematical models and
connect them with formal mathematical models (Uzel & Uyangor, 2006., Selter & Walter, 2020)
experienced the same process when mathematics was discovered. This cognitive process requires
a guide and student interaction as a critical factor. The interaction among students and between
students with teachers is significant to allow students to reinvent mathematical objects, ideas,
concepts, and strategies (Abrahamson, Zolkower, & Stone, 2020). Students will achieve a
cognitive experience that helps them see the connections between mathematics and problems in
real-world phenomena when students discover objects, ideas, concepts, and formal mathematical
strategy from an authentic context.
Furthermore, developing non-formal mathematical models (horizontal mathematics) and
connecting with formal mathematical models (vertical mathematics) provides an experience for
students to understand the connections between ideas, concepts, and topics in mathematics.
Students use prior knowledge to develop their conceptual and procedural knowledge because they
need to create mathematical connections, both intra-mathematical and extra-mathematical
connections. Dolores-Flores et al. (2018) say that conceptual and procedural knowledge plays a
vital role in mathematical connections, and both are positively correlated. The intended
relationships include facts and propositions so that all information is related one to another.
Conceptual and procedural knowledge are characterized most clearly as the rich knowledge in its
relationships (Rittle-Johnson & Schneider, 2015).
The reflecting stage is rethinking and seeing the relationship between non-formal mathematical
models (model of) built by students with formal mathematical models (model for). The main
principles of the reflecting stage are metacognition, self-monitoring, and interactivity. Learning
through reflection encourages students to look back and reflect on their learning process (Selter &
Walter, 2020). Through metacognitive reflection, students can evaluate the right or wrong
mathematical models they have developed and guide students' thought processes to self-

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
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license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

monitoring. It immediately corrects if there are still errors in their mathematical process. As said
by Stillman (2011), it is essential for students that metacognitive reflection on the processes and
results in mathematics learning plays a vital role in students' abilities to evaluate mathematical
models that they have developed. In this stage, the students presented the impact of their
discussions or having discussions in each group that involved students' active participation.
Actively contributing to class discussions or listening to the questions and answers sessions helped
to develop metacognitive skills of reflective thinking (think about one's thoughts, and think about
the relationship of models of and models for), which is an essential step towards developing
concepts of new mathematical (Taber, 2015).
The final stage of the CORE RME learning model is the extending stage. It is the stage of
expanding knowledge through different and challenging real contexts. The main activity is to
accommodate the students to develop their understanding through other real contexts. On this
occasion, students applied formal mathematical models that they had understood, using their
conceptual and procedural knowledge to formulate and solve mathematical models from the other
real contexts. This cognitive process facilitated and provided experiences for students to
understand intra-mathematical and extra-mathematical connections. Students see mathematics as
a separate science but as relevant and integrated, practical, and closely related to real-world
phenomena (NCTM, 2000).
This study's findings explicitly showed that the CORE RME learning model could facilitate
students’ mathematical connections, both intra-mathematical connections and extra-mathematical
connections. Therefore, it certainly could positively impact students, including the development
of student interest in learning mathematics. The learning process that facilitates students with intra-
mathematical and extra-mathematical connections can develop students' interest in learning
mathematics (Arthur et al., 2018., Rellensmann & Schukajlow, 2017). Besides, it enhances
students' abilities to adapt to unknown situations, increase students' intrinsic motivation to learn
mathematics, and stimulate student development to become lifelong independent learners
(Ormond, 2016).
The conclusions obtained from this study is that the achievement and improvement of students’
mathematical connections abilities through learning from the CORE RME model was better than
students who learned through the CORE model comparing to students who learned through the
conventional model. Besides, the achievement and improvement of students’ mathematical
connections abilities through learning from the CORE model and students who learned through
the traditional model have no significant difference. These two concluding statements did not mean
that the CORE and Conventional learning models did not facilitate students' abilities in
mathematical connections. However, these two learning models could boost students' mathematics
connections, like Yaniawati et al. (2019) 's research that CORE learning could improve students'

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

mathematics connections. Learning through the quality CORE model helps students enhance their
mathematics connections skills (Konita, Asikin & Asih, 2021). Nevertheless, compared to the
CORE RME Model, it resulted that the achievement and improvement of students’ mathematical
connections through learning from the CORE RME model was better than students who learned
through the CORE model and students who learned through the conventional model.
The findings as a substantive generalization from this study is a student can master mathematics
connections if the mathematics learning uses real context, which could be imagined by students as
starting point with its phase as follows: 1) Connecting, emphasizing in the natural context, prior
knowledge, and interactivity principles, 2) Organizing, emphasizing in the guided reinvention,
self-development models, and interactivity principles, 3) Reflecting, emphasizing in the
metacognition, self-monitoring, and interactivity principles, 4) Extending, emphasizing in the
develop a formal mathematical to another real context, intertwining, and interactivity principles.
Why is real context essential to be made as a starting point in learning? Freudenthal (2002) says
that something else around us has a role in the mathematics concept of learning. We must admire
those students who have many experiences in their family and their peer groups, giving them
informal opportunities to develop mathematical concepts and skills (Clarke et al., 2006). Students’
experiences from their homes, society, or past could be taken as a chance to build up their new
mathematics knowledge (Taber, 2015).
Based on this study's findings, it offers the CORE RME learning model as a solution to develop
students’ mathematics connections. Suggestion for the teachers to use this learning model as a
learning intervention form to facilitate students’ mathematical connections. In line with Mhlolo et
al. (2012) 's recommendation, teachers must teach subject matter in ways that make the students
recognize and understand the mathematical connections better. Teachers must build up this habit
to promote and strengthen mathematical connections (Eli et al., 2013). The teacher could use the
intervention to relate mathematics with actual daily life problems and environment near the
students, and the other was scientific and between concepts or ideas in mathematics (Arthur, et al.,
The learning which could facilitate mathematical connections can help students to correlate
procedural knowledge and conceptual. Procedural and conceptual understanding play essential
roles in mathematical connections (Dolores-Flores et al., 2018). These bits of knowledge are
correlated positively and identified clearly as rich knowledge with connections (Rittle-Johnson &
Schneider, 2015). The positive correlation has caused improvement in procedural knowledge or
vice versa. Therefore, mathematics learning needs to emphasize these two abilities to improve
students’ mathematics connections.
The results of this study have proven that learning through the CORE RME model can enrich
students' mathematical connections. Therefore, it is recommended for teachers to use the CORE
RME model as an alternative to facilitate students' mathematical connection abilities.

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4.0). This license allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial
purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must
license the modified material under identical terms.
Vol 14 no 2

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JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika)
p-ISSN 2597-7512 | e-ISSN 2614-1175
Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 171-181

Inproved Math Connection Skills Through Online Learning

Diki Mulyana1, Mochammad Taufan2, Luthfiyati Nurafifah3
Education, University Wiralodra, Indramayu, Indonesia,,

Article History:
Advances in technology and learning carried out online due to the Covid-19
pandemic are the background for this research. Research objectives to determine
Received : 07-01-2021 the effectiveness of online learning using MATH-UNWIR in improving
Revised : 01-04-2021 mathematical connection ability and online learning amid the pandemic Covid-19.
Accepted : 03-04-2021 This study uses quantitative research with a quasi-type experimental design, as
Online : 16-04-2021
well as a research design using pretest and posttest experimental classes. There
are 15 students as research sample. The instruments used was connection skill
test and questionare. The data obtained anylized with quantitative method. The
Online Learning; average yield pretest was 56,33 and the posttest mean was 81,67. The results of
MATH-UNWIR; the pretest posttest paired sample t-test showed that there was an average
Mathematical difference significant between pretest and posttest results, so that it brought to an
effect of online learning using MATH-UNWIR on students' mathematical
connections. The result of the N-Gain score was 0.57. That means it is in the
medium category and shows a percentage of 57%. In this study it can be
concluded that there is significant influence online learning’ using MATH-UNWIR
to improve students' mathematical connections with the interpretation of the
effectiveness of increasing mathematical connections quite effectively. This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license

——————————  ——————————

Online education technology has developed rapidly in the education system. Technological
advances that have occurred have created a significant impact on various aspects of human
life, including business, government, and people's lifestyles. As a result, Education 4.0 was
founded in response to the impact it has had on education systems around the world. Apart
from the educational revolution, the Covid-19 pandemic is another force driving the adoption
of online teaching and learning among lecturers. In December 2019, the Covid-19 outbreak
starting to hit the global economy and people's lifestyles (Atkeson, 2020). According to
Keaton & Gilbert (2020), the current Covid-19 epidemic has highlighted the virtual world of
education in a way that has never been done before a different online learning method to fill
the void in the current education rules. In accordance with (Giatman et al., 2020), many
educational institutions try to answer the government's invitation by using online learning,
but teachers and students are not ready because technology infrastructure is not good (Anita
Azmi et al., 2020), on the other hand Telaumbanua (2020) argues that starting working from
home (WFH) and taking action possible remotely via an online system. The central

172 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 171-181

government policy must immediately be followed up by Wiralodara Indramayu University

(UNWIR) which confirms the transfer of all face-to-face lecture activities to online lectures.
With these conditions, Wiralodra University changing learning that using conventional
methods to online methods is certainly not an easy and simple thing (Atsani, 2020).
Several records state that education proficiency in Indonesia is still low in comparison to
educational proficiency in other countries. Another note also states that in various discussions
on education in Indonesia, particularly mathematics education, what is interesting is quality
mathematics education, which is thought to considered alarm. This situation is of course very
ironic when it comes to the role of mathematics as a basis for developing science and
technology. Facilitates college student independent learning, the use of learning media is an
alternative in cultivation of developing learning for the better. Zain et al., (2019) it is said that
an important aspects of technology is the extent to which students accept and use technology.
The internet, which has entered the field of education within this decade, allows internet-
based learning to occur with computers as the medium. By way of cultivate online learning,
students can be independently understand material that appears abstract and nothing is easy
to visualize. In addition, it is hoped that students as prospective mathematics, teachers will be
motivated and able to actively participate in the classroom learning. According to (Zhu, 2012),
there is a positive relationship between achievement and satisfaction. Meanwhile, Abuhassna
& Yahaya (2018) argues that website-based distance learning makes a significant contribution
in improving distance learning and students. Learning mathematics using online learning is a
form of curriculum realization in the department of mathematics education, and it was hoped
that student can play an active role and learn independently in the capita selecta intermediate
level’ mathematics course so that it can improve students' mathematical connection skills.
Various models of learning can be developed by utilizing the information technologies to be
more creations, according to (Wen & Hua, 2020), the types of online education technology
used in several curriculum models, in terms of three main factors that teachers can use on
online educational technology during the Covid-19 pandemic: (1) technology education online;
(2) teaching competence; and (3) online infrastructure and resources. Allen et al., (2016)
define online learning as learning the most of the content is online delivered. However,
learning that can be applied to online educational technology, including blended and web
facilitated courses. Blended learning is combined face-to-face and online teaching (Graham,
2013). An example of blended learning is the classroom approach, where the presentation of
material has shifted to home activities, and activities traditionally seen as homework have
turned into classroom activities. Online education technology integration occurs when
teachers deliver learning content through online applications, and students are responsible
for managing their learning (Hui-Chen Lin & Gwo-Jen Hwang, 2019). Use web-based
technology to facilitate face-to-face interactions (Allen et al., 2016). In this learning, teachers
can use a Learning Management System (LMS) as a platform to provide students with
materials and assignments. Web facilitated courses using the minimum amount of online
educational technology in teaching. Although a different proportion of content is delivered
online, teachers or instructors in this type of teaching adopt some online technology
education in delivering learning content. As online education is gaining more and more
attention, many online education technologies have been developed in recent years. Online
Diki Mulyana, Inproved Math Connection... 173

education technology is any program, application, or technology that can be accessed via an
internet connection (Saadé & Al Sharhan, 2015). These tools are used to enhance
competencies in presenting information and students' ability in accessing information. One
example of online education technology is Google Classroom, a virtual class that contributes
teachers save time, maintain class and fix interpersonal communication skills among student
(Iftakhar, 2016). In addition, there are online game-based learning tools, such as Cahoots,
Quizizz, Quizlet and Plickers quizzes that help teachers assess student learning progress in a
fun environment. This online game-based learning tool increases the effectiveness of cultivate
learning (Qin & Hua, 2020; Yanawut Chaiyo, 2017; Zarzycka-Piskorz, 2016). Several social
media applications, such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Instagram were
adopted for the delivery of material and as a practical means for students to present the skills
learned (Hamat & Hassan, 2019). There are many online educational technologies that
teachers can adopt an inrease effectiveness of cultivate learning.
According to the opinion above, online learning can be interpreted as learning that
harness media in the form of applications, software, website, and etcetera. Switch online
learning, cultivate learning does not only listen to material descriptions from lecturers but
students also carry out another action like observing, doing, showing, and so on. The material
is depicted in various forms and is more dynamic plus interactive so student are motivated to
be involved learning. One reason online medium that can be used is a learning website. Aqip
(2013) explain that there are three possibilities in developing internet based learning, namely
web courses, web centric courses, and web internet based learning enhanced courses. A web
centric course of the web for educational purposes that make distance learning face to face.
Web centered courses have these gains as web centric courses, some teaching materials,
research, conferencing, assignments and practice questions sent over the internet, during the
exam questions, lots of delivery and training materials are carried out face to face. Media that
was originally used slates and limestone shifted to the use of computers and the internet to
the learning method is done face to face gradually switching to virtual learning. College
environment, take advantage of cultivate learning carried out by wearing a website can
overcome some of the obstacles to ordinary learning, especially the limitations education
material, study reference and time can be simplified with help website lectures. This helps
cultivate learning, for lecturers to illustrate concept maps, recovery objectives, and various
perceptual problems on website, so student can study them before lectures take place. The
goal is that student has provided themselves before lectures take place so that lectures can be
maximized. This is supported by relevant online learning research such as (Means et al., 2016;
Peters-Burton et al., 2014); teachers' perspectives on research (Borup, 2016b; Micah N.
Bruce-Davis, E. Jean Gubbins, Cindy M. Gilson, Merzili Villanueva, Jennifer L. Foreman, 2014)
and parental involvement is found in research(Borup, 2016a; Lisa Hasler Waters, 2014);.
Meanwhile, research is seen through the perspective of students such as (Borup et al., 2019;
Hawkins et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2015; Oviatt et al., 2016; Turley & Graham, 2019); only a few
studies on the scope of students including (Hasler-waters et al., 2014).
Among the media that can be used on mathematics cultivate learning is the MATH-UNWIR
this website is a secure learning platform for faculty, students and campus based. MATH-
UNWIR presents the right and appropriate way to classes to acquire and cooperate, share
174 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 171-181

topics as well access jobs, quality, plus announcement. Advantage MATH-UNWIR is to guide
lecturers virtual array classes prepare evidence class section on lectures, there are
assignments, practice questions, and evaluation at the end of the lecture. Then the website
will make learning easier and find out growth in student connections. Students and lecturers
have not taken full advantage of technological developments, especially social media. It is also
thought to have affect student attention. Interestingly, this can be interpreted as a desire that
arises from within the students themselves.
Capita Selecta intermediate level mathematics is an important subject taught in the
Mathematics Study Program. Bey & Asriani (2013), the assumption that mathematics
becomes one of the basic sciences that captures an important task in the growth of science
and technology. Mathematical connection ability is the hope that every institution of
education wants to achieve. Students' mathematical connection ability is an ability that would
be explored in this research. This ability includes higher-order thinking skills and would be
explored through the use of online learning media. The advantages of online media in
clarifying mathematical ideas can require students to investigate and analyze, carry out and
investigate ideas as well as the basis provided in the material they face, so that it comparative
builds a structure for student understanding.
According to the description, researcher will be know the increase of students’
mathematical connection ability in mathematics learning use the application of the e-learning
design for the website based in capita selecta’ intermediate level mathematics with MATH-
UNWIR. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning using
MATH-UNWIR in improving mathematical connection skills and learn online during Covid-19.

Research method used is quantitative research method. This study were carried out at the
University of Wiralodra Indramayu, the fifth semester of the department of mathematics
education in capita selecta intermediate level mathematics. This study used a quasi-
experimental design type with pretest and posttest research group experiment. The type of
connection skill test is Essay test (10 questions) for pretest and posttest. Data collection and
instrument analysis tests get through questionnaires aim to determine student attention
mathematics learn to use website based MATH-UNWIR, descriptive tests aim to determine the
improvement of students' mathematical connection ability after study, Documentation aims to
obtain written data about the condition of the research subject. The prerequisite test analysis
tool uses the product moment formula to check nolmality of data. The data analysis consisted
of the analysis of the test values using t-test and N-Gain, In this study using SPSS.
The effectiveness of online learning using MATH-UNWIR was measured from the results of
the gain value which was used to see the effectiveness of the application of online learned
used MATH-UNWIR based on the results of the pretest and posttest scores. Effectiveness is
determined in accordance with the calculation of the N-Gain score from average pretest and
posttest scores of 15 students. The calculation of the N-Gain score is carried out according to
the formula:
(% 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − % 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 =
(100% − % 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
Diki Mulyana, Inproved Math Connection... 175

The N-Gain criteria can be seen in table 1, while the effectiveness category in accordance with
the N-Gain score can be seen in table 2.
Table 1. N-Gain Score criteria
Gain Score result Criteria
Gain > 0.7 High
0.7 ≥ Gain ≥ 0.3 medium
Gain < 0.3 lower
Source: Hake (1998) in Nashiroh et al., (2020).

Table 2. Prediction criteria of the Gain Ectivity

Percentage (%) Prediction
< 40 Ineffective
40 – 55 Less effective
56 – 75 Quit effective
< 76 Effective
Source: Arikunto (1999) in Nashiron et al., (2020).


1. Learning Activity By Using MATH-UNWIR
The application of website-based online learning design with MATH-UNWIR can guide
students in mathematics lectures. MATH-UNWIR is website based that provide safety and
easy way to classes to relate and work together, various topics, and achieve work, lecture
assessments, announcements, and can guide lecturers virtual structure classes based on
reality classes In the lecture, there are materials, assignments, exercises and assessments at
the end of the lecture.

Figure 1. MATH-UNWIR website

MATH-UNWIR is used in learning with normal online and face-to-face meetings. Using
MATH-UNWIR, online learning is combined with learning that takes place outside of class
time. such content according to research conducted by Giatman et al., (2020) regarding online
learning quality control during Covid-19 in Indonesia and Yustinaningrum (2018) is a model
of e-learning web-based use application edmodo can improve students' attention on learning
mathematics. Material with assignments are entered into MATH-UNWIR so that students
176 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 171-181

become lightly reached them outside of class time. Use online design with MATH-UNWIR
application so that students get used to it independent learn in access the assigned task. But,
lecturer still carry out teaching and cultivate learning in the grade. Use of the online learning
design using MATH-UNWIR can train students to be independent in learning as well as make
students excited in finding material sources before studying in class, have online discussions
about being given assignments along with completing assignments on time. In line with
(Anderson & Mccormick, 2005) that online learning needs to pay attention to: (a) in
accordance with the curriculum, (b) is inclusive, (c) involves students, (d) is innovative, (e)
effective learning, (f) evaluation, (g) consistent, (h) easy to operate, (i) cost-effective.
Furthermore, (Asarta & Schmidt, 2020) emphasizes (a) the contact of students and educators,
(b) collaboration between students, (c) an active learning atmosphere, (d) fast feedback, (e)
achievement of learning objectives, and (f) respect differences. Online learning design using
MATH-UNWIR in Figure 2.

Actions to
•The Covid 19 pandemic Overcome it •By using MATH-UNWIR
causes learning to be in this learning
unsupportive, so online •for the resolve the process, it is hoped that
learning is needed. lectures using the it can improve
MATH-UNWIR in students' mathematical
online learning. conection skill.

Determine the The Expected

Problem Result

Figure 2. Online learning using

Learning begins face-to-face using zoom metting and continues with the delivery of
material from the lecturer. After that, opening the MATH-UNWIR website using their
respective accounts. There is learning material in the form of modules (files), learning videos
(files and youtube). After getting the material, it is continued with the completion of Student
Worksheets (LKM) as a lecture assignment, to improve students' mathematical connections.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, all learning activities carried out in face-to-face class must be
carried out in their respective homes because they do not support the conditions for learning
carried out on campus, therefore lecturers use an online learning system. In this case it results
in obstruction of cultivate learning, namely the mismatch of expectations from cultivate
learning because when you see the conditions that occur in the field that learning using an
online system is not as effective as when implementing learning in class. Therefore, lecturers
must use learning that is able to produce cultivate learning that is in accordance with the
expected goals. Thus the author uses MATH-UNWIR in an online learning system. Using
MATH-UNWIR is expected to help cultivate learning and be able to create learning in
accordance with the expected goals. In this study, an analysis of the use of MATH-UNWIR in
Diki Mulyana, Inproved Math Connection... 177

the capita selecta intermediate level’ mathematics course was conducted to see whether the
use of MATH-UNWIR can facilitate learning activities and whether its use is optimal, whether
lecturers and students understand learning using MATH-UNWIR. As the efforts of lecturers in
overcoming deficiencies in carrying out learning by using MATH-UNWIR.

2. The Effect Of Learning Implementation Using MATH-UNWIR

This experimental research began with pretest activity and ended with a posttest activity,
using 10 descriptive questions. The test results were then processed using descriptive and
inferential statistics to identify the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable.
The data in Table 3 is the result of descriptive statistical calculations from the pretest and
posttest results.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistical Data of Pretest and Posttest Results
Group Statistics
Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Mathematical Posttest 15 81.67 5.876 1.517
Connection Pretest 15 56.33 9.722 2.510

Accordance with the data results processing, it was found that there were 15 students in the
experimental class in this study. Posttest experimental class had an average value of 81.67
with a standard deviation of 5.40, while the pre-test experimental class had an average value
of 56.33, with a standard deviation of 9.72. So that in table 1 it can be seen that the pretest
mean is lower than the posttest mean. This shows that descriptively there is a difference in
the average value of mathematical connection ability in the pretest and posttest after doing
online learning using MATH-UNWIR. This can already indicate a significant influence between
two variables, but it is necessary to test the hypothesis using the paired sample t-test on the
results of the pretest and posttest.
Hypothesis testing can be done if the classical assumption tests have been fulfilled, that is,
the research data must be normally distributed. Normally distributed, data can be known
from the normality test. In this calculation, the researcher used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Normality Test. The results of the normality test may be noted in Table 4.
Table 4. Tests of Normality
Statistic Df Sig.
Pretest ,214 15 ,064
Posttest ,205 15 ,090
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The normality test was carried out by SPSS using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov. With a significance
evel of 5%. In accordance with the normality test, sig value is obtained. Mathematical
connection ability (Pre-Test) = 0.064 > 0.05, so that the distribution of mathematical
connection ability data (Pre-Test) is normally distributed. Mathematical connection ability
(Post-Test) = 0.090 > 0.05, so that the data distribution of mathematical connection ability
(Post-Test) is normally distributed. So that the statistical test can be continued by conducting
178 | JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) | Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2021, pp. 171-181

hypothesis testing using paired sample t-test. The results of the paired sample t-test between
the pretest and posttest values can be seen in Table 5.
Tabel 5. Paired Samples t-test
Paired Differences T df Sig. (2-
Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence tailed)
Deviati Error Interval of the
on Mean Difference
Lower Upper
Mathematical Pretest -
-25,333 8,549 2,207 -30,067 -20,598 -11,476 15 ,000
Connection Posttest

According to Table 5, it is known that Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.000 < 0.05, that it was obtained that
H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted, reached the conclusion of the hypothesis so that there
was an average difference between the pretest and posttest results, which means that online
learning using MATH-UNWIR has an effect on increasing the ability of mathematical
connections. In the capita Selecta intermediate level mathematics.

3. Effectiveness of Online Learning Using MATH-UNWIR

The data in table 6 shows the N-gain value of 0.57. in accordance with table 4 of N-Gain
Score criteria, obtained the N-Gain value is included in the moderate criteria. Meanwhile, if it
is seen from table 5, the category of gain effectiveness interpretation is based on percentage,
then the N-Gain gain of 57% is included in the moderate effective interpretation category. The
results showed that there was an uplift in pretest and posttest mean scores. Count result N-
Gain can be seen at Table 6 as follows:
Table. 6 Count results N-Gain Score
Average Average Gain Score Percentage N-gain N-gain
Pretest Posttest Minimum Maximum
56.33 81.67 0.57 57% 28.57 75.00



Figure 3. Percentage of student N-Gain score

Student N-Gain Score result based on low, medium, and high categories in Figure 3. The total
of student who obtained low N-Gain scores was 1 person with a proportion of 7% of total
students. The total of students who obtained moderate N-Gain scores was 11 people with a
percentage of 73% of the total students. While the total of students who obtained high N-Gain
scores was 3 people with a percentage of 20% of the total students. Based on the data on the
distribution of students' N-Gain scores, the average N-Gain and the percentage, it can be
concluded that online learning using MATH-UNWIR is quite effective in improving students'
mathematical connection skills in capita selecta’ intermediate level mathematics
Diki Mulyana, Inproved Math Connection... 179


In accordance with the results of research and discussion was obtained as follows: (1)
there are differences in the mean pretest and posttest scores by looking at the t test results,
obtained the value of Sig. 000 = 0%, the average value sig <5%, so it can be ascertained that H0
was not accepted and Ha was accepted, so it concluded that there was an average difference
between the pretest and posttest results, which means that there was an effect of online
learning using MATH-UNWIR to improve students' mathematical connections in capita selecta
intermediate level mathematics. (2) the increase in online learning using MATH-UNWIR was
indicated by the mean value of the N-gain score for the experimental class using MATH-
UNWIR was 0.57, the N-Gain value obtained was included in the medium criteria and
percentage category of N-Gain effectiveness interpretation, the gain of N-Gain 57% is included
in the category of Effective Enough.
Based on the above conclusions, the researcher provides the following suggestions: (a) for
educators, it was found that lecturers can used MATH-UNWIR online learning media to
improve students' mathematical connections. Lecturers can get past various distractions in
online learning due to conditions of the Covid-19 period and in particular limited teaching
materials, references and time. (b) For other researchers, complete the research by adding a
control class as a comparison of this learning model.

The author thanks Directorate of Research and Community Service Directorate General of
Research and Development Strengthening Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education of the Republic of Indonesia, who has funded this research, rector of Wiralodra
University Dr. Ujang Suratno,SH.,M.Si, LPPM Wiralodra University Ir. Yudhi Mahmud, M.P and
to the Dean of the FKIP, Wiralodra University, Dr. Runisah, M.Pd for giving permission to use
student test scores. This work is made possible through the generous cooperation and
assistance of all the lecturers in our department as well as the participating students.

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ICMSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2021) 042126 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042126

The effectiveness of project-based learning assisted by digital

module toward mathematical connection ability

Kusnandar1,*, I Junaedi2, A Suyitno2

Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning assisted
by digital module in increasing students' mathematical connection ability. The study was
conducted using quantitative method with quasi experimental design. The study population was
the mathematical connection ability of grade XI students of SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman with the
mathematical connection ability of students of grade XI TAV 1 and XI TITL as the sample. The
result showed that Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module was effective in increasing
students' mathematical connection ability. Learning is carried out through virtual meeting. The
digital module contains the design of student activities in the implementation of Project-Based
Learning according to indicators of the mathematical connection ability. The learning activity
was recorded and a link to access the recording was shared to students so that it could be used as
learning material.

1. Introduction
This study was motivated by the results of the initial observation of the mathematical connection ability
at SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman. Initial observation was made on 35 students of SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman.
Initial observation data shows the average of 57.94 with the proportion of students who attain the
minimum learning completeness of 60 is 42.86%. Based on this condition, the students' mathematical
connection ability in the category is sufficient. This condition needs to be improved again.
Mathematical connection ability is the ability to understand and associate relationships between
mathematics topics or mathematical topics with other topics outside mathematics, and to use these
relationships [1-3]. Mathematical connections are schematic components that are connected in
structured mental networks as links between mathematical ideas, just like spider webs [4-5]. Low
mathematical connection ability will affect the quality of learning which can lead to low mathematics
learning achievement [6].
There are five mathematical connection indicators, namely (1) inter-topic connection in one
mathematical material being studied; (2) the connection between the topic in the material being studied
and other material in mathematics that has been studied; (3) connection between mathematics topics and
other subjects other than mathematics; (4) connection between math topics and everyday life; (5) the
connection between the topic of mathematics and technology [7].
Mathematical connection supports students to understand material substantially, help improve
understanding, and describe the relationships between concepts, data and situations, and can expand

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICMSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2021) 042126 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042126

students' thinking skills in mathematics [7-8]. It should be noted that teachers' low mathematical
connection skills affect students' opportunities to make meaningful mathematical connection [9].
The digital module can be used in learning. The digital module is a form of presenting independent
learning materials that are systematically arranged into specific learning units, which are presented in
an electronic format. The use of digital module in learn independently can develop learning steps, needs,
and abilities that affect student learning outcomes [10-11]. The advantages of using digital module in
learning are that they are attractive, easy to understand, easy to use, and can contain various features
such as videos, can be used anywhere and anytime, and student learning outcomes can be adjusted
according to student abilities [12-14]. This digital module is opened with a smartphone. The use of
smartphone can facilitate students in active learning without direct instruction from the teacher, learning
without restrictions on time and place [15].
Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module can be used as an alternative to increase students'
mathematical connection ability. Project-Based Learning is a learning model that involves knowledge
exploration when students work on projects over a certain period of time [16]. Project-Based Learning
is in line with the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman. The steps for
project-based learning are (1) starting with essential questions, (2) designing project planning, (3)
compiling a schedule, (4) monitoring project progress, (5) testing the learning process and outcomes,
and (6) experience evaluation [17].
It is necessary to conduct study on Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module. The study
objective was to analyze the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning with digital modules in increasing
mathematical connection ability.

2. Method
The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control group design.
The study was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman Batang Central Java in the 2019/2020 academic
year. The population of the study conducted was the mathematical connection ability of grade XI
students of SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman in the 2019/2020 academic year. The sample of this study was the
mathematical connection ability of students of grade XI TAV 1 as an experimental class by
implementing Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module and grade XI TITL as a control class
by implementing Project-Based Learning which was determined by random sampling.
The research instrument was the mathematical connection ability test (MCAT) questions and the
learning implementation observation sheet. The research data were tested using the normality test,
homogeneity test, average completeness test, proportional completeness test, two-mean difference test,
and gain test.

3. Results and Discussion

The effectiveness of Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module in this study includes three
stages, namely (1) planning and preparation, (2) learning implementation, and (3) learning evaluation.
Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module is said to be effective in increasing students'
mathematical connection ability if at the stage (1) planning and preparation, the results of the validation
of learning instruments are said to be valid; (2) the learning implementation, the observation result of
the learning implementation with the minimum categorized as good; and (3) learning evaluation,
Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module is said to be effective with the criteria (a) the average
mathematical connection ability of students in Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module attains
minimum learning completeness 60, (b) proportion students who achieved minimum learning
completeness in Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module were more than 75%, and (c) the
average mathematical connection ability of students in Project-Based Learning assisted with digital
modules was better than the average mathematical connection ability of students in Project-Based
Since March 16, 2020, learning has been held through learning from home due to the Covid-19
pandemic. The learning can be carried out online or offline. Online learning can be implemented through

ICMSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2021) 042126 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042126

virtual meeting or a learning management system, while offline learning can be carried out by visiting
teachers to students' homes or using television and radio. Learning during a pandemic needs to be done
in an interesting way, for example using learning software or videos [18].
At the planning and preparation stages, validation of learning instruments and research instruments
was carried out. Learning instruments and research instruments are said to be valid if the average score
is in the good or very good category. The validation result of the learning instruments and research
instruments are presented in table 1 below.

Table 1. The Validation Result of The Learning Instruments and

Research Instruments
Instrument Score Category
Syllabus 4.37 Very good
Lesson plan 4.25 Very good
Student worksheet 4.17 Good
Digital module 4.17 Good
Initial MCAT question 4.17 Good
Final MCAT question 4.17 Good
Learning implementation observation sheet 4.00 Good

According to the validation result in table 1, it was found out that the learning instruments and
research instruments in Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module to the mathematical
connection ability of vocational students were in very good and good categories. Based on these results,
it can be concluded that the learning instruments and research instruments in Project-Based Learning
assisted by digital module can be used in research in effort to explore students' mathematical connection
To support the implementation of virtual learning, the researcher prepared the tools needed for virtual
learning, namely (1) compiling a virtual learning plan, (2) creating a WhatsApp social media group as
a medium for communication and learning information, (3) creating an online attendance list using
Google Forms, (4) preparing the Google Meet application as a virtual learning tool, (5) making a guide
to using the Google Meet application for virtual learning, and (6) filling in a virtual learning schedule
on the Google Calendar so that researcher can get a virtual meeting link on Google Meet to be shared
with students via WhatsApp.
At the learning implementation stage, observations of learning activities are carried out during the
Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module. Observation of learning activities is carried out by
using the learning implementation observation sheet. Furthermore, the results of these observations are
analyzed to determine the quality of the implementation of learning. The implementation of learning is
assessed based on the suitability of the implementation of Project-Based Learning assisted by digital
with the learning plan contained in the lesson plan. The observation result of the learning implementation
is presented in table 2 below.

Table 2. The Observation Result of the

Learning Implementation
Meeting Score Category
I 4.32 Very good
II 4.39 Very good
III 4.45 Very good
IV 4.43 Very good
V 4.49 Very good
VI 4.55 Very good

ICMSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2021) 042126 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042126

According to the observation result of the learning implementation in table 2, it is found that the
average score of learning implementation at each meeting is very good. Based on these results it can be
concluded that the implementation of Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module can explore
students' mathematical connection ability.
Learning is carried out according to the steps in implementation guidelines of learning from home,
namely (1) checking attendance and making sure students are ready to take part in learning, (2) inviting
students to pray before and after learning, (3) implementing learning according to scenarios of Project-
Based Learning assisted by digital module, and (4) giving students the opportunity to ask questions and
reflect. Activities during this virtual learning are recorded, then the results of the recorded learning are
shared to students to be studied again or as learning material for students who do not participate in virtual
learning. Researcher uses Google services in the form of Google Meet for virtual meetings which
contains recording facilities, as well as Google Drive and Youtube which are integrated with Google to
share recordings. This Google services can be used because it is the facilities that is integrated with the
Google Suite for Education account owned by researcher as a student of Universitas Negeri Semarang.
The result of the mathematical connection ability test is presented in table 3 below.

Table 3. The Result of The Mathematical Connection Ability Test

Experimental Control
The highest score 84.00 88.00
The lowest score 44.00 36.00
Average 66.33 59.03
Proportion of completeness 77.78% 57.58%

Before the effectiveness test is carried out, the data is tested first with a normality test and a
homogeneity test. Based on the test results, it was found that the data were normally distributed and
homogeneous. Furthermore, testing the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning assisted by digital
module in the form of the average completeness test, the proportion completeness test, the two-mean
difference test, and the gain test.
The calculation of the average completeness test results in tcount = 3.331 and ttable = 1.688 with the test
criteria, namely accept H0 if tcount ≤ ttable with a significance level of 5% and df = n - 1. Based on these
results, because tcount > ttable then H0 is rejected, it means that the average is more than 60. It can be
concluded that the average mathematical connection ability of students who receive Project-Based
Learning assisted by digital module is more than 60.
The calculation of the proportional completeness test results in zcount = 0.3849 and ztable = 0.1736 with
the test criteria, namely reject H0 if z ≥ with a probability − and a significance level of 5%.
Based on these results, because zcount > ztable, H0 is rejected, it means that the proportion of students who
achieve minimum learning completeness is more than 75%. It can be concluded that the proportion of
students who achieve minimum learning completeness in Project-Based Learning assisted by digital
module is more than 75%.
The calculation of the difference between the two average results obtained tcount = 2.828 and ttable =
1.671 with the test criteria, namely accept H0 if t < with df = (n1 + n2 – 2), probability (1 – α), and
significance level of 5%. Based on these results, because tcount > ttable, H0 is rejected, it means that the
average of the experimental class is more than the average of the control class. It can be concluded that
the average mathematical connection ability of students who receive Project-Based Learning assisted
by digital module is more than the average mathematical connection ability of students who receive
Project-Based Learning.
Calculation of the normalized gain test obtained an experimental class gain score of 0.3486 with the
medium category and the control class gain score of 0.2257 with the low category. After testing the

ICMSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (2021) 042126 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1918/4/042126

normality and homogeneity of the gain scores with the results of the gain scores being normally
distributed and homogeneous, then the significance test is carried out. Based on the calculations obtained
tcount = 2.462 and ttable = 1.671 with a significance level of 5%. According to this result, because
tcount > ttable, H0 is rejected, it means that there is a difference between the two averages. It can be
concluded that there is a significant difference in effectiveness between Project-Based Learning assisted
by digital module and Project-Based Learning. Thus, Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module
is significantly effective in increasing students' mathematical connection ability.

4. Conclusion
Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module is effective to increasing students' mathematical
connection ability with medium category. This can be seen in the average mathematical connection
ability of students to achieve minimum learning completeness, the proportion of students who achieve
minimum learning completeness more than 75%, and the average of students' mathematical connection
ability in Project-Based Learning assisted by digital module is more than the average of students'
mathematical connection ability in Project-Based Learning. It can be concluded that Project-Based
Learning assisted by digital module can explore and increase students' mathematical connection ability.

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- Students’ mathematical connection ability

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C Khairunnisak, M Hasbi, A Mustika et al.
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MSCEIS 2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2019) 042028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1280/4/042028

Enhancing mathematical connection ability of mathematics

education student through inquiry-based learning

A D Handayani1,2*, T Herman2, S Fatimah2 and I Setyowidodo1

Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia
Department of Mathematics Education, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

*Corresponding author’s email:

Abstract. As a pre-service mathematics teacher, the student of mathematics education is

required to have high order thinking skills. A part of high order thinking skills is the ability of a
mathematical connection. The purpose of this study is to analyse the improvement of student’s
mathematical connection ability as a result of the implementation of inquiry-based learning.
This research is a quasi-experimental research involving two classes. The first class as the
experimental group which get Inquiry learning and the second group is the control group which
get the conventional learning. The sample of this research is students who take the course of
Numerical Method. The data have been obtained and then analysed by using t-test. The results
of this study show that the ability of mathematical connections of students in the class that
using inquiry-based learning is better than the students in the class that using conventional

1. Introduction
Among the goals of school mathematics are [1]: 1). Obtaining mathematical concepts and skills
needed in everyday life and continuous learning in mathematics and related disciplines; 2).
Recognizing and using ideas in mathematics and between mathematics and other disciplines.
Connections inside and outside mathematics are an important part of the school mathematics
curriculum. The teacher must provide students with opportunities to experience connections in the
mathematics they learn. This is possible through the relationship between conceptual knowledge and
procedural knowledge, connections between mathematical topics and equivalent representations of the
same concept. Mathematics is built on itself in a way that is not the same as other sciences [2]. Each
topic developed in antiquity continues on the development of relevant mathematics today, namely the
knowledge that arises for new knowledge, problems that cause new problems. One of the goals in
teaching the concept of mathematics is to give students the sensitivity of how an idea fits in a large
building called mathematics. Connection training between math topics is one way to achieve this goal.
Teachers facilitate children to recognize and use connections between mathematical ideas [3]. This
statement is consistent with the development of global mathematics education.
Mathematics learning in class lacks reasoning and tends to routine problem activities so that
students are less accustomed to solving non-routine problems and teaching of mathematics results in
students only working procedurally and understanding mathematics without reasoning [4].
Mathematical reasoning can be developed through the application of learning that trains students to
explore ideas and construct knowledge independently, both individually and in groups. Learning is

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
MSCEIS 2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2019) 042028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1280/4/042028

nuanced in exploration, inquiry, discovery, or problem solving. One learning that has the character of
fostering the ability to think creatively is inquiry learning. Inquiry learning methods lead students to be
more active as a participation in the learning process [5]. In this case, it can called student centered
learning/This learning method enhances students' ability to analyze synthesize, evaluate and correlate
concepts contained in learning with other disciplines and daily life, so it causing the topics that they
are studied more relevant [6].
Goos, Stillman, & Vale argue, inquiry learning in mathematics results in a deeper and more flexible
understanding [4]. Various new constructivist-based studies advocate learning mathematics through
inquiry and asking teachers to engage students to reason and solve problems. The activities of teachers
and students in inquiry learning supported by habits of individual thinking and self-monitoring, and
the encouragement of teachers in the inquiry process can develop students' mathematical thinking.
Inquiry comes from English "inquiry" which can be interpreted as a process ask and find out
answers to scientific questions asked. Question scientific is a question that can directing investigation
activities to the object of question. In other words inquiry is a teaching method student-centered who
encourage students to investigate problems and find new information. Principles Inquiry Learning are:
1) Oriented Intellectual Development. The main purpose of the inquiry strategy is development
thinking ability, 2) Interaction. The learning process is basically is a process of interaction, good
interaction between students and student interactions with teachers, even interactions between students
with the environment, 3) Asking questions, The role of the teacher must be done in using this strategy
is the teacher as "questioner" Develop students' critical attitude with always questioning all
phenomena which exists, 4) Learning to Think Learning is a process of thinking that is a process
develop the potential of the entire brain in a way optimal, 5) Openness. Meaningful learning is
learning that provides various possibility as a hypothesis the truth must be proven. in an open manner.
Steps for applying the method inquiry in this study is as following: a) Ask questions or Problem, b)
Planning a solution problem, c) Collecting data, d) Data analysis, e) Make conclusions. The five steps
are applied at each meeting with the different discussion. The activities carried out by students in each
meeting are preceded by presenting problems to students to be discussed together with their group
friends. Problems presented to students vary at each meeting. The next step is to plan problem solving.
Students discuss with group friends to predict problem solving and then they seek information from
various books to complement their expectations. After getting various sources of information related
to the material they learned then they did data analysis. In this case the students solve the problem
according to the plan they have made before. After completing the problem, they made conclusions
from what they had learned together in the group. At the end of each meeting, each group is given the
opportunity to take turns to convey the answer. In the inquiry activity carried out in this study, each
student gets a Student Activity Sheet that has been prepared based on the indicators in inquiry
learning. The steps presented in the student activity sheet are adjusted to each stage of inquiry learning
and adapted to the objectives of the study, namely to develop students' mathematical connection
Inquiry learning is one of the learning based on understanding constructivist mathematics learning.
Mathematics is only a tool for thinking, the main focus of learning mathematics is to empower
students to think about constructing mathematical knowledge that has been discovered by previous
experts [7].
The approach to mathematics learning is the way in which teachers carry out learning so that the
concepts presented can be adapted by students [7]. There are two types of approaches in mathematics
learning, namely methodological approaches and material approaches. While the learning method is a
way of presenting material that is still general, for example a teacher presents material with dominant
delivery orally and occasionally there is a question and answer. Every teacher can do such lecture
methods according to their respective fields.
Inquiry learning has several advantages [8]: 1) in fact the sciences were obtained through
discovery, 2). That finding something by yourself can increase motivation, want to conduct further
studies on the subject of study, 3) something obtained can be more durable and if forgotten, more
likely to trace it again.

MSCEIS 2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2019) 042028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1280/4/042028

Several principles in inquiry learning including the following [9]: 1) Oriented on intellectual
development. The criteria for success of inquiry learning are determined by the extent to which
students move to find and find something, not to what extent students can master the subject matter.
So, the material presented with inquiry learning is material that can be found by students
independently. 2) Principles of interaction. In this principle, in inquiry learning, the teacher is not a
source of learning, but as an environmental regulator or contractor regulator. With teacher direction,
students learn to develop their thinking skills through their interactions. 3) The principle of asking.
The role of the teacher in inquiry learning is as a questioner, so students try to answer the teacher's
questions. The efforts of students in answering teacher's questions are part of the thinking process. 4)
The principle of learning to think. Learning not only remembers a number of facts, but learning is a
process of thinking (learning how to think), which is the process of developing the potential of the
whole brain. 5) Openness principle. In learning, students go through the process of trying various
possibilities. Students need to get the freedom to try according to their reasoning abilities and logic.
Whereas the teacher is tasked with providing a draft for students to develop hypotheses and openly
prove the truth of the proposed hypothesis.
Based on the description of the background of the problem above, the formulation of the problem
in this study is are the mathematical connection abilities of students who take inquiry learning better
than students who take conventional learning in terms of: (a) all the student; (b) students' initial
mathematical ability category?

2. Methods
This research is a type of quasi-experimental research involving two research groups. The first group
is a class that teaches with Inquiry learning as an experimental class, the second group is a class that
receives conventional learning as a control class.
The research design used in this study is the pretest-posttest control group design (Pretest Posttest
control group design), combining 2 x 3 factorial designs with two types of learning.
Population is an area of generalization consisting of objects / subjects that have certain qualities
and characteristics applied by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The populations
of this study were students of Mathematics Education Program in a university in Kediri. While the
sample of this study were two classes of Mathematics Education Study Program students who took
numerical analysis courses

3. Results and Discussion

The data in this study were obtained from two types of instruments, namely instruments in the form of
tests and non-tests. The instrument in the form of a test consists of a series of test questions that are
used to measure students' initial mathematical abilities, and mathematical connection abilities. While
non-test instruments are the observation of Teacher and student activities.
In this study, the instrument in the form of a question to measure students' initial mathematical
abilities was given at the beginning of the study, before the experimental class was treated with
inquiry learning. The instrument is the test of mathematical connections is given at the end of the
treatment to determine the effect of inquiry learning assisted by Matlab software to improve the ability
of mathematical connection abilities. While non-test instruments are the observation of Teacher and
student activities that used to get the information about activities teacher and student in Inquiry
The process of preparing the tests carried out is to compile a question box which includes the
material, the measured ability, indicators and the number of items. Then proceed with compiling
questions and key answers and scoring rules for each item. After the questions are arranged, further
consideration is given to the weighers to validate the content and advance validation of this test. Face
validity is to find out the language / editorial clarity and image. Content validity is to find out the
suitability of the material, the objectives to be achieved, the aspects measured, and the level of
difficulty of the problem. The validators of this instrument were 5 people, that expert in mathematics
and mathematics education.

MSCEIS 2018 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2019) 042028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1280/4/042028

After the test questions were revised according to the results of the consideration and suggestions
from the validator as well as input from the promoter team, the tests were then tested. Test instrument
testing aims to find out, validity, reliability, and level of difficulty of the problem. For non-test
instruments, the trial was conducted to determine the weight of each item in the mathematical thinking
scale and its validity.
From research that has been done quantitatively, Quantitative data is obtained from the results of
the mathematical connection ability test. Further step is the data that has been obtained is analysed for
generalization purposes. Data analysis used is using t-test.
Before the statistical test is carried out, a prerequisite test is performed, namely the normality test
and the homogenity test of the data group variants. This test is carried out with the aim that
conclusions about the population based on the sample are closer to the truth. Normality test and
homogenity test using Kolmogorov Smirnov test and Levene test.
The results of this study show that the mathematical connection ability of students that teach by
using inquiry learning is better than students that teach by conventional learning, both in terms of the
overall students and based on students' initial mathematical abilities.

4. Conclusion
The results of this study show that the mathematical connection ability of students teach by using
inquiry learning is better than students that teach conventional learning, both in terms of the overall
students and based on students' initial mathematical abilities.

5. References
[1] Berinderjeet K and Lam T T 2012 Reasoning, Communication and Connections in
Mathematics. Yearbook 2012 Association of Mathematics Educators
[2] Marchisotto E A 1991 Connections in Mathematics: An Introduction to Fibonacci via
Pythagoras. California State University, Northridge
[3] NCATE/NCTM Program Standards 2003 Programs for Initial Preparation of Mathematics
[4] Yuwono S I and Muksar M 2013 Penerapan Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan
Penalaran Matematika Siswa Kelas VII-4 SMP Negeri 4 Balikpapan. Makalah disajikan
dalam KNPM V di Universitas Negeri Malang
[5] Stefanos G et all. 2000 Using Guided Inquiry in Teaching Mathematical Concepts. Illionis
Mathematics Teacher–Fall
[6] A D Handayani, et al. 2018. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Inquiry Based Learning: a
Student Centered Learning to Develop Mathematical Habits of Mind.
[7] Suherman E et al. 2003Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer (Bandung: Jurusan
Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA UPI)
[8] Ruseffendi E T 2006 Pengantar kepada Membantu Guru Mengembangkan Kompetensinya
dalam Pengajaran Matematika untuk Meningkatkan CBSA (Bandung: Tarsito)
[9] Sanjaya W 2008 Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan (Jakarta:
Kencana Prenada Media Group)

We thank you very much to Mr. Tatang Herman and Mrs. Siti Fatimah, lecturers Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia who has supported the continuity of the process to write this paper. Thank the
government who have been assisted by BPPS scholarship and doctoral grant to facilitate the author in
completing the study.

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To cite this article: Rosliana Siregar and Muhammad Daut Siagian 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1315 connection ability of senior high school
012041 student with 7e learning cycle model
R G S Nabilah, S Suhendra and K Yulianti

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This content was downloaded from IP address on 07/06/2023 at 07:53

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

Mathematical connection ability: teacher's perception and

experience in learning

Rosliana Siregar1 and Muhammad Daut Siagian2

1, 2
Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Jl.
Sisingamangaraja – Teladan, Medan 20217, Indonesia

Abstract. In learning mathematics mathematical connections ability is one of the mathematical

ability that must be possessed by students. The strong connection between concepts in
mathematics implies that mathematical connections ability also contains other mathematical
aspects or vice versa. Viewing mathematics as a whole is very important in learning and thinking
about connections between topics in mathematics. This study uses qualitative research methods
with phenomenology research design types. The participants in this study were 8 middle school
mathematics teachers who taught at different schools. This study uses a short interview form
which consists of five open questions to determine the teacher's understanding of mathematical
connection ability. It was found that middle school math teachers had sufficient comprehensive
and adequate knowledge of their views on mathematical connection ability, moreover there were
also respondents who could not provide examples of mathematical problems that contained the
characteristics of mathematical connection ability even though they were able to define what
mathematical connection is. Likewise, the development of teachers in mathematical connection
ability in learning is still limited to the scope of the relationship of mathematics with mathematics
itself and mathematics with everyday life.

1. Introduction
In essence, mathematics as a structured and systematic science means that concepts and principles in
mathematics are interrelated with one another. As an implication, learning mathematics to achieve
meaningful understanding of students must have adequate mathematical connection ability.
Mathematical connection ability is the ability to associate mathematical concepts both between concepts
in mathematics itself and linking mathematical concepts to other concepts in another fields [1]. The
mathematics education literature supports the belief that mathematical understanding requires students
to make connections between mathematical ideas, facts, procedures, and relationships [2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
thus, building, reviewing and understanding relationships is fundamental in carrying out the work of
teaching mathematics.
The strong connection between mathematical concepts implies that aspects of mathematical
connections also contain other mathematical aspects or vice versa. Viewing mathematics as a whole is
very important in learning and thinking about connections between topics in mathematics. So that in
conveying a concept B for example, a teacher must introduce or pay attention to the concept of A first.
But the fact is that current learning support such as teaching materials have not been able to facilitate
students in linking or connecting between one concept and another concept.
Mathematical connection ability is an important part that must be mastered by students at every level
of education. Because mathematical connections help students see the interrelationships and benefits of
mathematics itself [7]. By making connections, mathematical concepts that have been learned are not

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International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

left as a separate part, but are used as basic knowledge to understand new concepts. Through the teaching
process that emphasizes the relationship between mathematical ideas, students will not only learn about
mathematics, but about the usefulness of mathematics.
Mathematical connection is an ability that must be built and studied, because with good mathematical
connection ability will help students to be able to know the relationship of various concepts in
mathematics and apply mathematics in everyday life. With mathematical connection ability students
will feel the benefits of learning mathematics, and the students' understanding of the concepts they learn
will last longer. In mathematics curriculum at the school mathematical connection is one of the basic
ability of mathematics that must be mastered by high school students.
Ministry of National Education [8] states that mathematics learning objectives include that students
have the ability: 1) understand mathematical concepts, explain the interrelationships between concepts
and apply concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and precisely in problem solving, 2 )
using reasoning on patterns and traits, 3) solving problems, 4) communicating ideas with symbols,
tables, diagrams, or other media, and 5) having an attitude of appreciating the usefulness of mathematics
in life. While the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [7], sets the standards of mathematical
ability such as problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connection, and representation,
should be owned by students.
Wherefore mathematical connections ability is an ability that underlie mathematical thinking.
Coxford [9], explains mathematical connection ability is the ability to connect conceptual and procedural
knowledge, use mathematics on other topics, use mathematics in life activities, know connections
between topics in mathematics. Mathematical connection ability is one aspect of important mathematical
ability that must be achieved through mathematics learning activities. The reason this ability important
is because by knowing mathematical relationships, students will better understand mathematics and also
give them greater mathematical power. Krulik states that according to Bruner there is no concept or
operation that is not connected with other concepts or operations in a system, it is a fact that the essence
of mathematics is one topic related to another topics [10]. Thus, in order for students to succeed in
learning mathematics, students should be given more opportunities to see the links.
Regarding to this, the teacher plays an important role to improve mathematical connection ability
through classroom activities. They need class discussions that allow students to create alternative
solutions, to share their solutions and ideas, and to communicate with each other so that they can
improve their mathematical connection ability in solving the problem. Considering the opportunity to
discuss their ideas with colleagues and to develop their mathematical understanding through
conversation, students have a greater opportunity to develop mathematical connection ability. Therefore,
it is very important that the teacher has knowledge of mathematical connections and able to create a rich
environment to support the development of mathematical connection ability among students.
Reflect to student performance in the mathematical ability described above, it can be concluded that
teachers need to use classroom activities to be more effective in developing students' mathematical
understanding and thinking ability. In this context, this research focuses on mathematical connections
as an important way to grow students' mathematical thinking. This study was conducted on experienced
teachers who work in secondary schools, so it is important to understand their views and experiences
about mathematical connections as a tool for developing mathematical thinking ability. Understanding
the views and experiences of the teacher will provide a basis for discussing the use of mathematical
connections to support students' thinking processes and mathematical understanding.

2. Method
This study used qualitative research methods with the type of phenomenology research design, this
choice is based on the desire of researchers to produce a clear description of the perception of
mathematics teachers and their experience in using mathematical connection ability in mathematics
learning to foster students' mathematical thinking. The phenomenon that will be examined is the
perception of the mathematics teacher and their experience with mathematical connection ability.
Lincoln & Guba [11] have outlined the criteria standards in qualitative researchers to establish trust in
qualitative data. These criteria include credibility, dependence, adjustment, and transfer.

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

The participants in this study were 8 middle school math teachers who taught at different schools.
Participants were selected through random sampling and voluntarily participated in the study. They vary
in teaching experience, which ranges from 2 to 12 years, and represents different grade levels. To ensure
that the research code of ethics of the participants is informed by a name code because of research ethics,
they are identified by the number specified as R1, R2, .... R8.
This study uses a short interview form which consists of five open questions to determine the
teacher's understanding of mathematical connection skills. The following table presents questions in the
interview form.
Table 1. List of Interview Form Questions
How do you define mathematical connections?
What do you think about the impact of mathematical connections on students’ mathematical thinking
Can you give an example of the learning process you did about mathematical connections?
What approach do you use to support students' mathematical connection skills?
Below is an example of some problem solutions obtained from students’. What can you conclude
from this solution regarding students' mathematical connections?
The first and last questions are designed to determine the teacher's theoretical mathematical connection
knowledge while the second, third and fourth questions are intended to explore the teacher's thinking
about mathematical connections in practice based on the students' examples and answers given.
Individual interview forms are given to teachers for 1 week. Teachers complete the form without
assistance or intervention by the researcher in any way.
Reviewing the qualitative data, this study uses the content analysis method for data analysis. Content
analysis is carried out to uncover facts that may be contained in the data obtained and to figure out and
describe this data in a way that the reader can understand by bringing similar data together in the context
of certain concepts and themes [12]. In the first stage of data analysis, each question is analyzed
separately; researchers examine data simultaneously and independently from each other and produce
code tables with categories and subcategories. In the second stage, the researcher encodes all data. Next,
the researchers compared the data together to eliminate differences in coding. In the third stage, re-
record the data to ensure compatibility between the coders. After the final revision in the code table,
data analysis is performed. The results of the analysis are displayed in the findings section. Also, to
better establish the validity and reliability of research, the data is described and presented as much as
possible as direct quotes.

3. Result and Discussion

This section presents the findings from the analysis of answers provided by the teachers to the questions
in the interview form. The researcher checks each question through analyzing content and identifying
different themes. Respondents' responses in this study are categorized in five broad thematic topics: (1)
Concepts related to mathematical connections, (2) Strategies to improve mathematical connections, (3)
Objectives and benefits of mathematical connections, (4) Impact of mathematical connections on
mathematical thinking ability, (5) Application of mathematical connections in class. After the interview
form is returned by the teacher, the researcher analyzes each of the answers to the questions in the
interview form. The following is the result of analyzing the participants' answers to the first question,
which is about how respondents define mathematical connections.
Table 2. Themes that Appear from First Question Results
Themes Respondent
Regarding the relationship of mathematics R1
Using all thought strategies needed to answer mathematics problems R2
Use mathematical knowledge to develop alternative solutions R3
Connecting mathematics R4
Link mathematical knowledge with previous knowledge R5

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

Themes Respondent
Reinterpreting mathematical knowledge R6
Link mathematical knowledge to real life situations R7
Identify relationships between problem components R8
Understanding mathematics problem and can solve it R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, R8
In the first question the respondents (teachers) were asked to define mathematical connections, based
on the table above, it can be concluded that there are three different themes about teacher responses to
the definition of mathematical connections. These themes show that most teachers define mathematical
connections as mathematical relationships. However, there is something interesting when the teacher
also understands mathematical connections as a form of the ability to understand mathematical problems
and can also solve them.
According to the teachers, this emphasizes the importance of understanding the problem in relation
to mathematical connections, the teacher with the initials R6 states that when students can understand
the problem and solve it, students will actually be able to see the relationship contained in the material
being taught. Furthermore, there are some teachers who explain that mathematical connections are
mathematical knowledge related to prior knowledge and associate mathematical knowledge with real
life situations. One of them, connecting mathematics by producing new models through mathematical
knowledge and reinterpreting that knowledge, explains mathematical connections as an attempt to
connect numbers, algebraic expressions, mathematical thinking to prior knowledge to produce new
models and to reinterpret (R5).
On the second question the teachers were asked about their thoughts about the impact of
mathematical connections on students' mathematical thinking skills. The teachers believe that
mathematical connections improve mathematical thinking skills. This is generally illustrated in their
statement that mathematical connections are a tool to develop their students' mathematical thinking
skills, this can be seen from the definitions conveyed earlier and strengthened by the hierarchical nature
of mathematics so that it requires mathematical connection skills to foster students' mathematical
thinking skills. Teachers generally emphasize the impact of mathematical connections on understanding
concepts, problem solving, reasoning and critical thinking skills. In line with the participants' connection
association with their understanding, they also think that mathematical connections can also develop
their students' conceptual understanding. One teacher (R3) stated that "when students understand the
relationships contained in mathematics they will try to understand concepts and apply knowledge in
their lives". Teacher with initial R2 emphasizes, "with mathematical connections, students will be
encouraged to investigate and develop connections". While the teacher (R8) states "with mathematical
connections, thinking ability, the ability to see different points of view, critical thinking and problem
solving skills are easier to develop". The teachers also believe that with mathematical connections
students' critical thinking skills develop. For example, one teacher states that, “when students start
thinking about the relationship of a concept, their critical thinking skills develop and they the "why"
questions often appear in other subjects”.
Third, the teachers were asked to give examples of the learning process carried out about
mathematical connections. The following themes outline that can be concluded from the results of the
teacher's interview answers.
Table 3. Themes that Appear from Third Question Results
Themes Respondent
Examples for cases that involve associations of mathematical knowledge R3, R5
that are different from each other
Produce alternative solutions R1
Generalization R7
Relationship between Concepts A and B R4, R8
Irrelevant R2, R6
Some examples given by the teacher related to the relationship of concept A and concept B are as
follows: "Mr. Burhan has a circular plot of land, he wants to build a swimming pool 8 m long and 6 m

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

wide: a) How wide is the swimming pool Mr. Burhan has in units of cm?; b) If you want to make a rocky
road around Mr. Burhan's swimming pool, what is the cost for Mr. Burhan if the cost per meter is Rp.
However, there are also examples given by the teacher for irrelevant mathematical connections or
failing to provide examples, which are also findings that imply that the teacher has not promoted or
facilitated mathematical ability in their learning, such as the following example: “Andi goes to school
on a bicycle every day covering a distance of 628 m. Andi's bicycle wheel spin around 500 times to
travel the distance. Calculate the circumference and length of the radius of the Andi's bicycle wheel”.
Fourth, teachers were asked to explain about what approach they use to support students'
mathematical connection ability. In this case the teachers emphasized several things, namely (a)
challenges and (b) suggestions for developing mathematical connections in the classroom. Their
responses are analyzed in these two sub-themes.
Table 4. Themes that Appear from Fourth Question Results
Themes Respondent
1) Lack of time R1
2) Demands in completing the curriculum R4
1) Develop teaching materials R2, R5
2) Student centered approach R1, R2, R6
3) Using non-routine problem situations R3, R7
4) Arrange questions that are intended to link R5, R6
previous knowledge with new ones
5) Directing students to produce problems R2
6) Problems of situations that require students to R7, R8
relate to real life situations
7) Create a class discussion R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
8) Directing students toward group work R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
9) Create an appropriate class environment R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
Most respondents complained about the intensity of the curriculum as a challenge to apply mathematical
connections. For example, one of them said, "I have no time in compiling teaching materials that can
facilitate mathematical connections." Another teacher point out, "To apply a mathematical connection,
I use a student centered approach." One teacher answer using learning method that usual used, because
they must complete the curriculum at the end of the year. Other teachers explain "how the curriculum
should be organized to provide effective space to facilitate students' mathematical connection skills".
Based on the opinions of teachers, another way to support students' mathematical connection ability
is to support them to involve ways of dealing with problems. With activities like this of course students
will be motivated to get more concepts related to this problem so that students will realize the connection
in mathematics. As addition, there are some teachers who give different suggestions and argue that this
can encourage students to relate their knowledge to real life, to justify, to solve problems in their own
words, to make problems, to make class discussions.
The fifth question from the interview guide that must be answered by the teacher is about examples
of several solutions to the problem of student answers and what can be concluded from the solution
regarding the students' mathematical connections. The following picture shows the answer solution
given by students from the question: "A satellite crosses an orbit at a distance of 1,000 km above the
surface of the earth. If the length of the earth's radius is 6,400 km and to cross the orbit it takes 30 hours.
Calculate satellite path length and satellite speed in km / hr! And explain what relationships are found
in this problem".

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

Figure 1. Student Answers to Mathematical Connection Ability Tests

Based on the results of teacher's evaluation of the student's answers above, the teacher's answers can be
categorized in the following themes:
Table 5. Themes that Appear from the Results of Student Answers Evaluation
Themes Respondent
Perform calculations correctly R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
Cannot explain the operation that is being carried out R1, R6, R7, R8
Does not describe the relationship in question R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, R8
Referring to the table above it can be concluded that the respondents in this case the teachers stated that
the results of calculations made by students were correct. The following are some of the statements
expressed by the teachers:
"Students can do calculations correctly. However, students do not clearly explain the calculation
process and have not explained the follow-up questions related to the link in the problem"(R1).
"Here, students reach the solution correctly even though it is not perfect" (R6)
"The connection found in the problem is the relationship between mathematical concepts and
mathematics and also with other disciplines" (R7).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding of middle school mathematics teachers
about mathematical connections. With this aim, the teacher's definition of mathematical connections is
examined first. According to the explanation, it appears that the teachers define mathematical
connections as mathematical relationships. However, there is something interesting when the teacher
also understands mathematical connections as a form of the ability to understand mathematical problems
and can also solve them. This is in accordance with the view of Linto et al (2012) [13] states that
mathematical connection ability is the ability to solve mathematical problems related to previously
studied material. It can be said that the teacher's definition of mathematical connections is not
comprehensive enough. Therefore, even so that teachers who define mathematical connections as
relationships or linkages might evaluate or support students' mathematical connections only through this
skill. This situation will cause the mathematical connection ability of students to develop incomplete,
for example, in defining the connection, the teacher does not explain the relationship between
mathematics and other sciences, the teacher is more dominant to see the relationship between
mathematics and mathematics and daily life.
On the second question the teachers were asked about their thoughts about the impact of
mathematical connections on students' mathematical thinking skills. The teachers believe that
mathematical connections improve mathematical thinking skills. This is generally illustrated in their
statement that mathematical connections are a tool to develop their students' mathematical thinking
skills, this can be seen from the definitions conveyed earlier and strengthened by the hierarchical
mathematical nature so that it requires mathematical connection ability to grow up the mathematical
thinking skills. Mathematical connections help students develop understanding and sharpen their
thinking about mathematics. Connection refers to the ability to see and make connections between
mathematical ideas, between mathematics and other subjects, and between mathematics and everyday
life. This helps students understand what they are learning in mathematics [14]. Without mathematical

International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1315 (2019) 012041 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1315/1/012041

connection ability, students will experience difficulties in learning and solving mathematical problems.
Other research results emphasize that the idea of using real-life connections in mathematics teaching
increases students' interest and motivation for mathematics, develops positive attitudes about
mathematics, contributes to students for their real-life preparation and develops conceptual
understanding [15, 16, 17, 18, 19].
Furthermore, the teachers were asked to explain about what approach they use to support students'
mathematical connection ability. In order to support students' mathematical connection ability is to
encourage them to engage in various ways to solve problems. With activities like this of course students
will be motivated to dig deeper into the concepts related to the problem so that students will realize the
connection of mathematics that appear. Chapin et al [20] explain that by facilitating students
'conversations on mathematical problems, concepts and procedures improve students' understanding so
that they can make deeper and clearer connections. Bruner [21] also argues that in order for students to
learn mathematics more successfully, students should be given more opportunities to see links, both the
relation between theorem and theorem, between theory and theory, between topics and topics, or
between branch of mathematics (algebra and geometry for example). In a study that focused on informal
strategies to support mathematical connections, Cooke & Buchholz [22] described strategies to improve
students' mathematical thinking as follows: 1) Provide opportunities for self-expression; 2) Serve as a
facilitator; 3) Provide opportunities for students to connect new understanding with previous knowledge;
4) Linking administrative tasks/class routines to mathematics; 5) Asking various questions; and 6)
Encourage the use of appropriate mathematical terms.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that in order to achieve the new goals of
mathematics education, creating a learning environment that encourages mathematical connection skills
is very important. In addition, teachers have a key role in creating a classroom environment where
mathematical connection skills are dimensions that are indispensable in mathematics learning.
Understanding teachers 'perceptions and experiences in using mathematical connection skills in the
classroom is expected to lead to discussions about developing students' high-level thinking skills and
mathematical understanding through discussion, sharing, and asking questions in class.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of this study, it was found that secondary school mathematics teachers have quite
comprehensive and adequate knowledge about their views on the ability of mathematical connections.
Also found respondents who could not provide examples of mathematical problems that contain
characteristics of the strength of mathematical relationships even though they can define what a
mathematical connection is. Associated with the development of teachers in the ability to connect
mathematics in learning is still limited to the scope of the relationship of mathematics with mathematics
itself and mathematics with everyday life.

Overall, it can be understood that secondary school mathematics teachers have sufficient comprehensive
and adequate knowledge of their views on mathematical connection skills. However, this ability should
not only be limited to defining the definition of mathematical connection ability, but must be transferred
into the learning action/process so that it can support students' mathematical ability. Other important
things from the results of this study indicate that there are respondents who cannot provide examples of
mathematical problems that contain the characteristics of mathematical connection ability even though
they are able to define what mathematical connection ability is. Other than that, the development of
teachers about mathematical connection ability in learning is still limited to the scope of relations
between mathematics and mathematics itself and everyday life.

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Analysis of Students’ Junior High School Mathematical

Connection Ability

Nenta Dumalia Siregara*, Edy Suryab

Mathematics Education Post Graduate Program Study,State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Pasar
V, Medan 20221, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to analyze the student’s mathematical connection ability of class IX SMP
Muhammadiyah-22 Kisaran. The type of the study is qualitative descriptive. The subject of the study were 36
students of class IX-A SMP Muhammadiyah-22 Kisaran 2016/2017 Academic Year. The instruments of the
study was Mathematical Connection Ability Test. The result showed that the persentage of students’
mathematical connection ability in first indicator was 51,11 %, the second indicator was 17,78 %.

Keywords: mathematical connection ability; mathematic learning.

1. Introduction

Basically, learning is the result of the synergy of the three main learning components namely students, teacher
competence, and learning facilities. Mathematics learning is a process or activity of a mathematics teacher in
teaching mathematics to its students, in which the teacher's efforts to create climate and service to the ability,
potential, interests, talents, and needs of students about math are very diverse in order to occur optimal
interaction Between teachers and students as well as between students and students [1]. It means that learning
will work best if the three main components support each other.

* Corresponding author.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

In the world of education, especially in the learning of mathematics, the ability to connect a material with
another material or with everyday life plays an important role in the learning process, especially mathematics
learning. In mathematics contains some capabilities that are expected to be mastered by students, one of which
is the ability to connect mathematically. Through the ability of mathematical connections, students' thinking
ability towards mathematics is expected to become increasingly widespread. In addition, mathematical
connections can also improve students' cognitive abilities such as recall, understand the application of a concept
to the environment and so on. Without applying the concept to the student's experience, it will be difficult to
recall a given material and remember too many separate concepts whereas math is rich in principles.

Educational standards all over the world (for example NSC in South Africa, NTSM in USA, diverse curricula in
Germany) recommend that teachers enable pupils to recognize and to make connections among mathematical
ideas [2].

Mathematical connection capability is the ability of students in linking the various issues related to mathematics.
The connection is included in mathematics and between mathematics with things outside mathematics. As link
the concepts included in Algebra with the concepts included in Geometry. The linking of mathematics to other
disciplines and to everyday life [3].

According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in 1989 [4], mathematical connections were an
important part that should be get an emphasis in every level of education. Mathematical connection is the
linkage between mathematical topics, the linkage between mathematics with other disciplines and mathematical
relationships with the world real or in everyday life. Mathematical connections are an important part that should
be emphasized at every level of education.

But in reality, the mathematics curriculum is generally is seen as a collection of a number of topics so that each

Tend to be taught separately. This of course makes students should considering too many concepts and not
recognizing the principles commonly relevant to various fields.

Therefore, the curriculum should help students to can see how mathematical ideas are interrelated. If the idea
mathematics is associated with the day-to-day experience of the student then of course students will appreciate
the usefulness of mathematics.

2. Mathematical Connection Ability

The mathematical connection comes from English from the word Mathematical Connection which was then
popularized by NCTM in 1989 and used as one of the curriculum standards aimed at assisting the formation of
student perceptions, by looking at mathematics as a unified whole As a stand-alone material and recognize the
relevance and benefits of mathematics both at school and beyond school.

Mathematical connections are the interrelationships between mathematical topics, the interrelation between

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

mathematics with other disciplines, and the relation of mathematics to the real world or everyday life. Reference
[5] states that the mathematical connection includes internal and external relationships mathematically.

Correspondingly with [6] argues that mathematical connections are related to internal connections and external
connections. Internal connections include connections between math topics while external connections include
connections with other subjects and connections with everyday life

Reference [7] suggest that the literature has identified two major types of mathematical connections. The first is
recognizing and applying mathematics to contexts outside of mathematics (the links between mathematics, other
disciplines or the real world). The second concerns the interconnections between ideas in mathematics.

Mathematical knowledge about organized structure [8]. Organizations in mathematics linking the various
elements contained therein. The elements in mathematics may consist of: Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic,
Probability, and Calculus. In addition, the mathematics may also consist of facts, concepts, principles, and skills.
As the link between the concept of a square with a parallelogram. The square is a parallelogram that all sides are
equal in length and all the right-angled corners.

According to NCTM [9] the mathematical connection is divided into three classifications:

1. The connections between topics, and mathematical processes,

2. Connections between mathematics with other sciences, and

3. Connections between mathematical concepts to everyday life.

Mathematical connections ability required students in studying several mathematical topics that are
interconnected with each other. If a topic is given individually then the lesson will lose a moment that is very
valuable in an effort to improve student's mathematics achievement generally. Without a mathematical
connection ability students will have difficulty learning mathematics.

In recent studies epistemological aspects of mathematics are seen in their interdependence with sociological
aspects [10]. According to that, interconnections in mathematics refer not only to mathematical objects and
scientific topics but also to the cooperation among mathematicians. Thereby high theoretical coherence as
epistemic component and wide spread of social consensus is recognized as a characteristic quality of

Reference [11] argue that one shows a deep understanding of mathematics through:

• connections made between different mathematical ideas

• different representations of mathematical ideas
• reasoning between different mathematical ideas.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

They suggest that ‘in order to examine someone’s understanding of a mathematical concept, it is important that
we examine the connections that a person makes to that concept …’ (pp. 5–6).

Reference [12] stated that One can define a mathematical connection broadly as:

• a relationship between ideas or processes that one can use to link topics in mathematics
• a process of making or recognising links between mathematical ideas
• an association a person might make between two or more mathematical ideas
• a causal or logical relationship or interdependence between two mathematical entities.

The literature has often captured these broad views into three ways of considering mathematical

1. as a feature of mathematics (a priori − implying that it exists independently of the learner)

2. as a relationship that the learner constructs
3. as a process that is part of the activity of doing mathematics [13].

Bruner [14] states that there is no concept or operation in mathematics that is not connected with other concepts
or operations in a system, because of the fact that the essence of mathematics is something that is always
associated with something else. Making connections is a way of creating understanding and conversely
understanding something means making connections. The perception that mathematical concepts are interrelated
concepts must be pervasive in the learning of mathematics in schools. If this perception is the basis of the
teacher in the learning of mathematics then each review the material always associate with other material from
daily life.

According to [15], indicators for mathematical connection ability are: (1) Recognizing and exploiting
relationships between ideas in mathematics; (2) Understanding how ideas in mathematics interconnect and
underlie each other to produce a coherent whole; (3) To recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside

While according to [16], students' mathematical connection ability can be seen from the following indicators :

1. Looking for and understand the relationship of various representations of concepts and procedures.
2. Using mathematics in other fields of study or daily life.
3. Understanding the equivalent representation of the same concept or procedure.
4. Looking for connection of one procedure to another procedure in equivalent representation.
5. Using connections between mathematical topics, and between mathematical topics and other topics.

Reference [17] describes indicators of mathematical connections, among others: (1) Finding relationships from
various representations of mathematical concepts and procedures. (2) Understanding the relationship between
topics in mathematics. (3) Able to use mathematics in solving problems in everyday life. (4) Understanding the
equivalent representation of concepts (5) Finding relationships between procedures one to another equivalent.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

(6) Using a connection between mathematics with mathematics itself and with other science.

So to connect, students must understand the information they receive, so they can see, dig, problem, try to find
solutions by using mathematical ideas to solve problems, whether related to mathematics, other disciplines, or
with daily life, day. In connecting, students must understand the newly acquired information to be directed to
information that has been received earlier.

From the above description, it can be concluded that the ability of mathematical connections is the ability in
relating mathematical concepts, either between the mathematical concepts themselves and with other fields
(with other subjects and with real life, day to day).

3. Limitations

This study used only a method that analysis of students’ junior high school mathematical connection ability of
class IX SMP Muhammadiyah-22 Kisaran on Congruence Triangle.

The mathematical connection ability is analyzed by two indicators. The indicators are the relationship between
mathematics and daily life, and the relationship between objects with mathematical concepts.

4. Methods

This research is a qualitative descriptive. Reference [18] said that a qualitative descriptive research is the basic
types of research that major purpose is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present.

This research is a qualitative descriptive that aimed to see the pictures of student’s mathematical connection
ability. The subjects of this study were 36 students of class IX-A in SMP Muhammadiyah-22 Kisaran.
Mathematical connection ability tests in the form consisted one problem with two questions of Triangle
Congruence. The scoring techniques used in this study using the following guidelines:

Table 1: Grid of Mathematical Connection Ability

Indicators of Mathematical Connection Indicators of Congruence Triangle Number of

Ability Test
The relationship between mathematics Students can apply the concept of 1a
and daily life congruence triangle in the daily life
The relationship between objects with Students can state the concept used and its 1b
mathematical concepts relationship to the problem

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

Table 2: Test Scoring Guidelines Mathematical Connection Ability

Rated Aspect Reaction To The Problem Score

No Answer 0
Answer are almost inconsistent with questions or
Some answers according to the question or with the
The relationship problem but the connection is not clear
between mathematics Some answers according to questions or with problems
and daily life and connections clear but not complete
Answer according to questions or with problems but
not complete
Answer according to questions or with problems and
No Answer 0
Answer are almost inconsistent with questions or
The relationship Some answers according to the question or with the
between objects with problem but the connection is not clear
mathematical concepts Some answers according to questions or with problems
and connections clear but not complete
Answer according to questions or with problems but
not complete
Answer according to questions or with problems and

To calculate the persentage ot the total score for each indicator of problem solving ability (𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ) used :

𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 − 𝑘𝑘

𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 = × 100%
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 − 𝑘𝑘

𝑘𝑘 = 1, 2, 3, 4

With the qualification such as table 3 below:

Table 3: The Qualification of Total Score Persentage (source [18].)

Persentage Qualification
85 ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ≤ 100 Very Good
70 ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ≤ 84,99 Good
55 ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ≤ 69,99 Good Enough
40 ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ≤ 54,99 Not Enough
0 ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑘𝑘 ≤ 39,99 Very Less

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

5. Result Of The Research

The test results of students’ mathematical connection ability obtained from the research results shown in the
following table:

Table 4: Students’ Score of Mathematical Connection Ability Indicators

Score of Indicators
Code of The relationship The relationship
Student between mathematics between objects with
and daily life mathematical concepts
S1 2 1
S2 3 1
S3 3 2
S4 1 0
S5 2 2
S6 3 1
S7 4 2
S8 2 1
S9 2 0
S10 1 0
S11 2 0
S12 2 0
S13 3 1
S14 4 2
S15 3 0
S16 4 2
S17 2 0
S18 3 1
S19 2 0
S20 3 1
S21 4 1
S22 3 2
S23 2 1
S24 3 1
S25 3 0
S26 3 1
S27 3 1
S28 3 1
S29 2 0
S30 2 1
S31 4 3
S32 3 1
S33 1 1
S34 2 1
S35 1 0
S36 2 0

Here is examples of students' answers on mathematical connection abilities test:


International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

1. A park with triangle shaped ABC is right-angled at B, AB = 6 m, AC = 10 m. Toni’s garden is triangle-

shaped DEF congruence with park ABC with DE = 27 m.

a. If for every m2 of Toni's garden it takes 1 kg of fertilizer, how many kilograms of fertilizer needed to
cultivate the whole of Toni’s garden?
b. Write down the concepts used and relate to the problem!

Table 5: Mathematical Connection Ability Percentage Based on the Indicators

Indicators of Problem Solving Score of Total Score Persentage Category

The relationship between 92 180 51,11 Not Enough
mathematics and daily life
The relationship between objects 32 180 17,78 Very Less
with mathematical concepts

Student’s answer sheets:

Figure 1: Student ’s answer sheet

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

Figure 2: Student’s answer sheet

Figure 3: Student’s answer sheet

From some sample picture of student answers above, we can get the conclusion :

• Student’s answer on Fig-1 are not according to the question or with the problem given. Students just
multiply the number contained in the problem. He didn’t even answer the second question.

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

• Student’s answer on Fig-2 almost inconsistent with questions or problems given. But the connection
not clear.
• Student’s answer on Fig-3 according to questions or with problems though not complete. But the
student can connection the problem between objects with mathematical concepts.

6. Discussions

The results showed that the mathematical connection ability of most students in class IX SMP Muhammadiyah-
22 Kisaran is still very low. Most students have not understood the relationship between objects with
mathematical concepts to meet the indicators of mathematical connection ability. Mathematical connection
ability can be showed with The ability to associate the basic concepts or knowledge possessed with other
concepts or acquired new knowledge, according to the theory by Jean Piaget in [20]which reveal that all
experiences involving two equal processes are equally important: recognition or knowing, which relates to the
process of assimilation and accommodation, and resulting in modification of cognitive structures. This
modification can be likened to the learning process.

The Relevant research with this paper is a study conducted by [21] states that students 'mathematical connection
ability is in accordance with the level of basic ability of mathematics that is for the students who are in the group
on the students' connection ability is high (86%), the students are in the middle group the ability of students
connection is moderate (74%), and the students Which is in the group below the ability of mathematical
connections are very low (32%).

Likewise with research [22] authors said that students with high mathematical ability has a very good
connection to meet the four indicators of mathematical connections, students with medium mathematical ability
are meeting three mathematical connection indicators well and students with low mathematical ability meet two
indicators of mathematical connection well.

From the above description according to the theory by Jean Piaget and relevant research, this study has analyzed
the mathematical connection ability with these indicators and the result, the ability of class IX students SMP
Muhammadiyah-22 Kisaran was still very low by using the method of Indicator of mathematical connection

7. Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1. Conclussions

From the results of analysis and discussion of research results, it can be concluded that the percentage of
students' mathematical connection ability on the first indicator is 51,11%, and the second indicator is 17,78%.
Based on the research that students' mathematical connection ability in the case of indicators is not yet complete.

7.2 Recommendation

Based on the results of research can be given suggestions as follows:

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)(2017) Volume 33, No 2, pp 309-320

• Since the level of mathematical connection ability of most students is in the category of "Not Enough",
it is necessary deeper teaching by teachers relating to mathematical connections on learning
mathematics in the classroom.
• Further research is needed as to what causes the lack of mathematical connection ability of junior high
school students.
• There should be further research to find out how to improve mathematical connection ability of junior
high school students.


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International Journal of Instruction October 2019 ● Vol.12, No.4
e-ISSN: 1308-1470 ● p-ISSN: 1694-609X
pp. 639-654
Received: 02/08/2019
Revision: 05/07/2019
Accepted: 09/07/2019

Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and Connection,

Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Disposition

R. Poppy Yaniawati
Prof., Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia,
Rully Indrawan
Prof., Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia,
Gita Setiawan
M.Pd, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia,

This study aimed to improve of mathematical communication, mathematical

connection and analyze mathematical dispositions of students by using the CORE
(Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending) learning model. The study applied
a mixed method with embedded design. The subject were 82 X grade students of
high school in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. It divided into 42 students for the
experimental group and 40 students for the control group. The research data were
obtained through well-structured tests of mathematical communication and
mathematical connection, mathematical disposition questionnaires, observation
sheets, and interviews. Data analysis used t-test, correlation test, descriptive
statistic and qualitative. The results indicated that; 1) the CORE learning model
can improve students' mathematical communication and connection skills, 2) the
mathematical communication for topic I=76.46; topic II=70.98; topic III=72.87;
post-test=74.26; and the mathematical connection for topic I=80.07; topic
II=79.98; topic III=75.78; post-test=80.27; 3) mathematical communication and
connections of students who learned with the CORE model was better than those
used expository learning, 4) mathematical dispositions of students who learned
with the CORE model was higher than those used expository learning as well and
5) there were correlation among mathematical communication, mathematical
connection and mathematical dispositions.
Keywords: CORE model, mathematical communication, mathematical connection,
mathematical disposition, mixed method

Citation: Yaniawati, R. P., Indrawan, R., & Setiawan, G. (2019). Core Model on Improving
Mathematical Communication and Connection, Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Disposition.
International Journal of Instruction, 12(4), 639-654.
640 Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and …

Mathematics is a science that underlies the development of modern technology in
education in Indonesia. It has an important role in various disciplines and develops
human thinking power. Mathematics contributes to the development of the ability to
think critically, systematically, logically and the ability to work together effectively. One
of the learning goals according to Depdiknas (2008) is to communicate ideas with
symbols, tables, diagrams or other media. Thus, mathematical communication skills are
very important for every student. Kosko & Gao (2015) show that the main implication
of his research is that the authors of policy documents must pay attention to how
languages that support communication are used in content standards. Thus,
mathematical communication skills are abilities that are very important for students,
because they can affect many things, including in everyday life.
Besides the students' communication skills that need to be developed, also the
mathematical connection skills need to be trained. Hariwijaya (Fajri & Ikhsan, 2013)
states that the ability of connection and communication skills need to be trained for all
students in the school, even mathematics learning will be more meaningful with an
emphasis on the interrelationship between mathematical concepts in daily life.
Yaniawati, Kartasasmita, Kariadinata & Sari (2017) states that students 'mathematical
connection skills play an important role in solving problems, then this has a positive
impact on students' self-regulated learning.
In addition to cognitive aspects, there are affective aspects of the purpose of
mathematics learning. Affective aspects involve values of appreciating the usefulness of
mathematics in life, which includes having curiosity, attention, and interest in learning
mathematics. These attitudes and habits will essentially foster mathematical dispositions.
According to Kilpatrik (2001), the mathematical disposition of students is a major factor
in determining success in their education. Mathematical disposition will be seen when
students work on mathematical questions, whether done with confidence, responsibility,
diligent, unyielding, feeling challenged, having the willingness to look for other ways
and reflecting on the way of thinking that has been done. NCTM (2000) suggested that
mathematical dispositions show self-confidence, expectations and meta cognition,
serious passion and attention in learning mathematics, persistence in dealing with and
solving problems, high curiosity, and the ability to share opinions with others. Besides,
Polking (Sumarmo, 2010) stated that mathematical disposition namely desire,
awareness, tendency and strong dedication to students or colleague students to think and
do mathematics positively. Disposition is very important as a provision in the
development of mathematical abilities, such as the opinion of Gabriel, Signolet &
Westwell (2017) that dispositions can have an influence on mathematical literacy.
According to Ghanizadeh & Royaei (Roshandel, 2018) teachers are advised to consider
student attitudes, feelings, and values regarding learning so that they are not included in
the experience of failure and lack of motivation. Hence, a learning model is needed that
can foster mathematical communication and connection skills. To realize that these
expectations can be achieved, one of the learning models in question is the Connecting-
Organizing-Reflecting-Extending (CORE) learning model. This is in line Risnawati,

International Journal of Instruction, October 2019 ● Vol.12, No.4

Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 641

Khairinnisa & Darwis (2018) who reported her results of research that linear algebra
lectures using the CORE model based on student worksheets with reading assignments,
could facilitate students' mathematical communication skills. Students began to get used
to doing mathematical modeling eventhough there were still some errors in the
resolution algorithm.
According to Calfee (2010), the Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending (CORE)
learning model is a discussion model that can influence the development of knowledge
and reflective thinking that has the teaching stages of Connecting, Organizing,
Reflecting and Extending. The syntax of the connecting-organizing-reflecting-extending
learning model includes: (C) the connection of old-new information and between
concepts, (O) organizational ideas to comprehend the material, (R) rethinking,
exploring, and digging, (E) developing, expand, use, and find. Research of Risnawati,
Khairinnisa & Darwis (2018) shows that the CORE model-based worksheet with
recitation task in linear algebra can increase student activity in the learning process and
students' mathematical communication skills in the high category. However, the research
is a development research that does not compare with conventional classes.
Based on the problems described, the purpose of this study is to improve the capability
of mathematical communication skills, mathematical connections and analyze the
mathematical dispositions of students who receive the CORE model learning and
students taught with conventional learning who use the expository method, as well as to
anayze the relationship among mathematical communication skills, mathematical
connecsions and mathematical dispositions of students.
The CORE Learning Model
CORE stands for four words that have a unity of functions in the learning process,
namely Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending. According to Harmsen
(Humaira, 2014), these elements are used to connect between old and new information,
organize a number of varied materials, reflect everything that students learn, and
develop a learning environment. Another opinion from Fisher, Yaniawati & Kusumah
(2017) is that CORE is one of the learning models based on constructivism theory that
students should be able to construct their knowledge, through self-interaction with their
Calfee (2010) revealed that the CORE model is a learning model using discussion
methods that can influence the development of knowledge and reflective thinking by
involving students who have four teaching stages namely Connecting, Organizing,
Reflecting, and Extending. Calfee (2010) also revealed that what is meant by CORE
model learning is a learning model that expects students to be able to construct their
own knowledge by connecting and organizing new knowledge with old knowledge then
rethinking the concept being studied (Reflecting) and students are expected to expand
their knowledge during the teaching and learning process (Extending). Table 1 shows
the CORE model and descriptions of each step.

International Journal of Instruction, October 2019 ● Vol.12, No.4

642 Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and …

Table 1
CORE Model and Descriptions of Each Step
CORE Description
Connecting Teachers activate previous knowledge by asking students to actively reflect,
share with other friends, and write from their knowledge and experience. The
teacher guides students to associate material that they already known by
students to find out new material. The practice can be in the form of
observing and recalling old information related to new information that
implemented through group discussions.
Organizing Students organize ideas to understand the material. The practice can be in the
form of activities compiling steps in formulating conclusions from new
information that discussed in the group.
Reflecting Student is reflecting ways of thinking about what student has just learned or
thinking back about what has been done regarding learning in the past.
Extending Opportunities for students to synthesize their knowledge, organize it in new
ways and turn it into a new application.
Mathematical Communication and Connection
NCTM (2000) states that the standards for mathematics learning processes are:
problem-solving, reasoning and proof, communication in mathematics, interrelationships
in mathematics (connection) and representation. These capabilities can support and
complement each other. Kosko & Gao (2015) stated that the importance of mathematics
as communication was noted in early drafts, but mostly in the context of the growing
need for mathematical literacy in the postindustrial age. Whereas, Hiebert and Carpenter
(Zengin, 2019) described mathematical connections, which are necessary and
fundamental for the development of mathematical understanding, as part of a network
structured as a spider’s web.
NCTM (2000) suggests that students can learn mathematics as a communication tool so
students must be able to: (a) model situations using oral, written, concrete; images,
graphics, and algebraic methods; (b) think and explain their own thoughts about
mathematical ideas and situations; (c) develop a general understanding of mathematical
ideas, including the role of definitions; (d) use reading, listening, and seeing skills to
interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas; (e) discuss mathematical ideas and make
assumptions and reasons that are convincing, and; (f) appreciate the value of
mathematical notation and its role in the development of mathematical ideas.
Indicators of mathematical connection ability according to NCTM (2000) are namely:
(a) recognizing and using relationships between ideas in mathematics; (b) understanding
the relevance of mathematical ideas and forming ideas with one another so as to produce
a comprehensive relationship; (c) identify and apply mathematically inside and outside
the mathematical environment. In line with this, Sumarmo (2012) presents several
indicators of students' mathematical connection abilities, including (a) understanding the
relationship of various representations of mathematical concepts and procedures; (b)
looking for relationships of various representations of mathematical concepts and
procedures; (c) understanding between mathematical topics; (d) applying mathematics in
other fields or in daily life; (e) looking for the relationship of one other procedure in

International Journal of Instruction, October 2019 ● Vol.12, No.4

Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 643

equivalent representation; (f) applying relationships between mathematical topics and

between mathematical topics and topics outside mathematics.
Mathematical Disposition
Pearson Education (2000) states that mathematical dispositions include a genuine
interest in learning mathematics, persistence in finding solutions to problems,
willingness to find alternative solutions or strategies and appreciation of mathematics
and its application in various fields. The disposition indicators in this study include: (1)
confidence in mathematical abilities possessed, (2) collaboration / sharing knowledge,
respecting different opinions, trying to find other solutions / strategies in solving
mathematical problems, (3) persistent, diligent, attention and sincerity, (4) enthusiasm /
enthusiasm in learning, (5) Setting targets to be achieved, evaluating assignments, (6)
assessing the practice of mathematics to other situations in mathematics and daily
experience and (7) appreciation the role of mathematics in culture and value,
mathematics as a tool, and as a language.
Some other opinions about mathematical dispositions, namely: Wasicko (Brewer, 2011)
states that even though there have been many definitions of dispositions, the dispositions
of qualities are characteristic of an effective when they are determined, we must evaluate
what we will assess. Thus, the disposition is not only a student's attitude towards
something, but further than that is how we can evaluate from what they have done.
National Research Council (2001) mention mathematical dispositions as productive
disposition, namely the view of mathematics as something logical, and produce
something useful. Similar to Polking's opinion (Sumarmo, 2010), they specified the
mathematical disposition indicators as follows: showing passion in learning
mathematics, showing serious attention in learning, showing persistence in facing
problems, showing self-confidence in learning and solving problems, showing high
curiosity, and the ability to share with others.
Model and Design
This study uses a mixed method with embedded design. The quasi-experiment with
control class which is used in this research is non-equivalent [pretest and post-test]
Control-Group Design (Indrawan & Yaniawati, 2014) as follows:
Group A: O X O
Group B: O O
In such design, X = CORE model, O = Test of Mathematical Connection and
Communication, group A is an experimental class, and group B is a controlling class.
This is in line with the results of Pekrun, Goetz, Titz & Perry (2010) study which shows
that mixed methods have proven advantages that can help solve the complexities of
affective variables in real life, not just rely on qualitative or quantitative strategies.

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The numbers of subjects in this study were 80 grades X students of SMAN 1
Parungkuda, in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. The experimental class consisted of 42
students whose communication skills and mathematical connections were still low, while
a control class consisted of 40 students. Implementation and data collection that
occurred at the school were for nine meetings. The materials discussed during the
research are (1) sine rules, (2) cosine rules and (3) triangle area.
Data Collection
The research data were obtained from tests of mathematical communication and
connection skills to see the improvement of students' mathematical communication and
connections skills, mathematical disposition questionnaires to see students' mathematical
dispositions, observation sheets to look at mathematical dispositions qualitatively and
implementation of CORE learning, and interviews to find out more about students'
mathematical dispositions. Researchers conducted efforts to improve communication
skills and mathematical connections on trigonometric material through the CORE
learning model. All of the instruments have been developed by the researchers and tried
out to fulfill the requirements of qualified validity and reliability.
Test of mathematical communication and connection ability (MComA and
Mathematical connections and communication skills were measured by tests. To
measure these two abilities two tests were carried out, each of which were the six main
aspects according to indicators of communication skills and mathematical connections.
The connection rating system was mathematically adjusted for the complexity and
achievement of each question. Questions about tests of mathematical connection skills
consist of 6 questions. Questions number 1 to 4 had scores of 0 to 5, while questions
number 5 had scores of 0 to 10 and question number 6 had score of 0 to 20. So, the ideal
maximum score was 50. The validity coefficients obtained from each item range from
0.40 - 0.85 (sufficient, medium and high) and the reliability coefficient was 0.70 (high).
In addition to the test questions, mathematical communication skills consisted of 6
questions. Questions 1,2,4 and 5 had scores of 0 to 10, while questions number 3 and 6
had scores of 0 to 5. So, the ideal maximum score was 50. The validity coefficients
obtained from each item ranged from 0.61 – 0.86 (high) and the reliability coefficient
was 0.84 (high).
Mathematical disposition scale (MD)
Mathematical disposition of students was measured using a Likert scale model. The
scale contains: statements according to indicators of mathematical disposition aspects:
(1) controlling and monitoring (planning goals, managing, monitoring, and evaluating
learning processes and results), (2) motivation (interest, effort, perseverance, self-
efficacy), and (3) behavior (utilizing the environment to optimize learning). The
discriminatory power coefficient (T) items ranged from 1.85 to 6.77 (tab = 1.76), and
the reliability coefficient was 0.90 (high).

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Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 645

Implementation of CORE and Procedure of the Research

In the CORE model learning process, students were required to be more active and
creative, they were accustomed to being more open to accepting different opinions from
friends. Students were asked to study in groups and gave input to other friends. Then
students presented the results of their work in front of the class, while other groups were
asked to respond.
However, in solving mathematical problems students were still fixated on one way of
solving, students still were afraid of expressing new ideas. Nevertheless, students began
to try to solve some mathematical communication problems and mathematical
connections in their own ways and expressions. While students in expository learning
had not been able to express new ideas at all, they solved problems in a manner similar
to the example of the teacher.
Students with CORE learning were positive towards mathematics, almost all students
showed tendency to never avoid math, students enthusiastically participate in learning.
Students showed good curiosity.
Measurement of communication skills and mathematical connections of students was
done twice as much, namely before and after the learning process. The initial
measurement, called the pre-test, aimed to see the equality of the initial abilities of the
two groups. The final measurement called post-test was carried out after the two groups
had studied with different treatments. This test aimed find out how the impact of
learning was given to students' communication and mathematical skills.
This study consisted of three cycles in which each cycle was carried out during two
meetings. At the end of the cycle a test (quiz) was given for each different topic. The
learning process of each cycle was in accordance with the improvement of the results of
reflections made in the previous cycle. Reflections were obtained from the results of
observations and tests on each topic of material. In this study, each cycle was given a
different topic of continuous material.
Data Analysis
Data analysis for mixed method research used quantitative and qualitative data.
Quantitative data from pre-test, post-test, and N-gain, the normality and homogeneity of
variance were tested. Normality test of the data used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and
the variance homogeneity test of two data used the F-test. Data that was normally
distributed used parametric inferential tests using the T-test. To analyze the correlation
between variables using the product moment-test. While data that was not normally
distributed used a non-parametric test, namely the Mann-Whitney U test. The statistical
analysis used in this study was a test with a significance level of 0.05 for quantitative
data. For qualitative data, triangulation was used through questionnaires, interviews with
students and observation of the learning process.

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646 Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and …

From the research that has been done, data obtained included data from the results of
tests of communication skills and mathematical connections from each cycle. The
following are results of the test of mathematical communication ability and
mathematical connection ability of topic I, topic II, topic III and post-test.
Table 2
Average Mathematical Communication Ability Test Results
Average MCC Topic I Topic II Topic III Post Test
70 76.46 70. 98 72. 87 74.26
Note: MCC = minimal completeness criteria
Also, for students’ mathematical communication skills test results for topic I the average
values was 73.40; topic II had an average score of 70.98; topic III had an average score
of 72.87 and the post-test had an average value of 74.27. All of these values were
compared to the established MCC.
Based on data analysis, it was found that the N-gain control class obtained a Sig =
0.200> value of  = 0.05, thus the data was normally distributed. While the N-gain data
for the experimental class obtained a Sig = 0, 006 <of  = 0.05, thus the data was not
normally distributed. Thus, testing the difference in the two means using a non-
parametric test, namely using Mann-Whitney U as shown in table 3.
Table 3
The Two Mean Difference for Test of Communication Ability
Test Statisticsa
Mathematical Communication
Mann-Whitney U 195.500
Wilcoxon W 861.500
Z -5.202
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

From the results of the Mann-Whitney Test in Table 3, the Sig (2-tailed) = 0,000 < =
0.05 value means that H0 is rejected. Thus, there is a difference in the increase in
students' mathematical communication skills using CORE learning models with students
who obtain expository learning.
Thus, it can be concluded that the increase in mathematical communication skills of
students who get learning with the CORE learning model is better than increase of
mathematical communication skills of students who had the expository method.
Table 4
Average Mathematical Connection Ability Test Results
Average MCC Topic I Topic II Topic III Post Test
70 80.07 79.98 75.78 80.27
Note: MCC = minimal completeness criteria

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Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 647

Table 4 explains that for mathematical connection abilities students test results of topic I
get an average value of 80.07; topic II get an average value of 79.98; topic III get an
average value of 75.78 and post-test get a value average of 80.27. Therefore, the results
explain that mathematics learning using the CORE learning model can improve students'
mathematical connection skills, namely increasing the initial data by 60 to 80, 27 in the
Based on data analysis using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, it was found that the N-gain of the
control class had a Sig = 0.200> value of  = 0.05, and the experimental class N-gain
data had a Sig = 0.200> value of  = 0.05; thus the second the data group was normally
distributed. Thus, the data n-gain connection ability for the control class and experiment
was normally distributed.
Whereas the results of the homogeneity test showed that the mathematical connection
ability of the control class students and the experimental class had a Sig = 0.315> of  =
0.05 value then Ho was accepted; in other words, the two data had homogeneous
variances. Furthermore, the two-difference test on averages used the Independent
Sample T-Test.
Table 5
Independent Samples T-Test
t-test for Equality of Means
T df Sig. Mean Std. Error95% Confidence
(2-tailed) Difference Difference Interval of the
Lower Upper
Equal 10.0298 71 .00 .33161 .322 .26741 .39582
Pretest Equal 10.261 65.54 .00 .33161 .032 .26708 .39615
Sig (2-tailed) value was 0.00 < α = 0.05, meaning that Ho was rejected. Thus it was
concluded that the increase in mathematical connection ability of students who get
learning with the CORE learning model was better than the increase in the mathematical
connection ability of students using the expository method.

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648 Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and …

Table 6
Statistics Test for Correlations of Mathematical Communication Abilities, Mathematical
Connection and Mathematical Dispositions in Experimental Class
Communication Connection
Experiments Experiments Disposition
Spearman's Communication Correlation
1.000 .650** .664**
rho Experiments Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000
N 37 37 37
Connection Correlation
.650** 1.000 .720**
Experiments Coefficient
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000
N 37 37 37
Disposition Correlation
.664** .720** 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .
N 37 37 37
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Based on the data in table 6 for the experimental class, all results showed that the value
of 0.00 <0.05 which meant that there was a significant correlation between
communication skills and connection abilities, between communication and disposition,
and between connection and mathematical disposition, in classes that had the CORE
Increased Mathematical Communication Ability
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in mathematical communication
skills of students using the CORE learning model and students who received learning
using the expository method. The initial test analysis showed that there were no
significant differences in the class that received learning with the CORE learning model
and the class that received learning with the expository method. After learning with the
CORE learning model, the mathematical communication skills of students who got
learning with the CORE learning model differed significantly from students who learned
by the expository method. Students who learned with the CORE learning models had
higher increases than students who learned with the expository method. Thus, the CORE
learning model provided a meaningful role in improving students' mathematical
communication skills when compared to learning by the expository method.
This is in line with the results of research by Hariyanto (2016), concluding that the
CORE learning model significantly influenced mathematical communication skills when
compared to conventional learning. CORE provides an interaction experience between
students. Yang, Chang, Cheng & Chan (2015) stated that mathematical communication
emphasizes people's interaction and exchange of mathematical ideas, which are

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Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 649

important abilities for students to express their respective mathematical concepts,

understand and evaluate similarities and mathematical thinking from other students.
Increased Mathematical Connection Ability
The next study aims to analyze the increase in mathematical connection skills in
trigonometry material, especially about the rules of sine, cosine and triangles using the
CORE learning model and students who get the expository learning model.
The initial analysis before being given a different treatment, showed that there was no
difference in the mathematical connection ability of students who received learning with
the CORE learning model and students who received expository learning. However,
after being given different treatments, results showed that learning using the CORE
learning model could improve students' mathematical connection skills in trigonometry
material. This is in line with the research conducted by Azizah (2012) reporting that the
mathematical connection ability of students who use CORE model learning with
constructivism approaches is better than students who use expository model learning and
an increase in the value of mathematical connection abilities included in the medium
category. In addition, the results of this study indicate that increasing the mathematical
connection ability of students who get learning with the CORE learning model is better
than the increase in the math connection skills of students who learn by the expository
However, individually there were still some students who experience a decrease in
grades obtained. After conducting interviews with these students, there were several
causes that were raised. Among them were students suggesting difficulties when
understanding the questions given. The given story questions were less identifiable. So
there were some wrong problems done. For example, choosing between using the sine or
cosine formula. Zengin (2019) reports that learning is based on intra-mathematical
connections and extra-mathematical connections, allowing students to maintain their
knowledge, so that they gain various connection experiences. CORE learning also
provides connectivity experience in mathematics. On the other hand, Dolores-Flores,
Rivera-Lopez & Garcia (2018) mention that procedural and conceptual knowledge plays
an important role in mathematical connections, both of which are positively correlated.
This correlation can be developed through instruction and improve their mathematical
understanding. They strongly suggest the importance of mathematical connections to
improve understanding of the level of change.
Mathematical Disposition
Students' mathematical disposition to mathematics arises when students complete
mathematical tasks carried out with confidence, responsibility, diligence, never give up,
feel challenged, have the willingness to look for other ways and reflect on the ways of
thinking that has been done.
The results showed that the mathematical disposition of students who received the
CORE learning model was higher compared to the expository ones. This is in line with

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650 Core Model on Improving Mathematical Communication and …

the study of Mahmuzah, Ikhsan & Yusrizal (2014) that the overall increase in
mathematical disposition of students who had learning with the problem posing method
was better than students with conventional learning methods.
Mathematical disposition is very dependent on intrinsic and extrinsic factors in each
individual. Therefore, we need a strong desire from students to fulfill all disposition
indicators. The teacher has a very important role in fostering students' mathematical
dispositions, the encouragement given by the teacher will lead to a positive attitude
towards what students learn. Carr (Maxwell, 2001) states that dispositions differ from
knowledge and skills, but dispositions can arise from the results of knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, Carr (Maxwell, 2001) adds that students who understand a concept
meaningfully do not have to have a comfortable feeling when learning. So students who
have high mathematical abilities do not necessarily have high dispositions and vice
versa. There was no significant difference between students' mathematical dispositions
in the CORE learning class and expository learning classes.
Based on data analysis, the indicators of mathematical disposition are flexible in
mathematics learning which include finding mathematical ideas and trying various
alternative solutions to mathematical problems. However, students are still relatively
low on persistent and strong indicators in completing math assignments. That happens
because students are still fixated on the example given by the teacher or just an example
on the worksheet. In general, students can solve mathematical problems if problems
have been studied by them, but when they find new problems that are different from the
example, students tend to have difficulty solving problems especially if the problem is in
the form of problem solving. The perseverance and tenacity of students in the struggle to
solve mathematical problems is still lacking, they often tend to give up and despair when
they face difficult problems. Kusmaryono, Suyitno, Dwijanto & Dwidayati (2018) stated
that behavior, attitudes and awareness of teachers about students mathematical
dispositions are important factors that influence students' mathematical dispositions and
to assess the effectiveness and quality of mathematics teachers
However, in general students' mathematical dispositions tend to be positive. Students'
confidence in solving math problems has begun to grow. Based on the results of
interviews with the use of the CORE model, it can increase students' confidence in
solving mathematical problems and communicating them in front of the class. With
mutual respect in learning, will give effect to students in conducting positive learning in
the classroom. Students will feel interested and be positive about mathematics. Learning
to use the CORE model increases students' knowledge about the usefulness of
mathematics in other sciences or even in everyday life. This attitude results in students
being motivated to learn mathematics.
Correlation of Mathematical Connection, Communication, and Disposition
The results of the study indicate that there is a correlation between communication skills
and connection abilities, between communication and disposition and between
connection and mathematical disposition in classes that use the CORE model. This can

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Yaniawati, Indrawan & Setiawan 651

be seen from the test results of students who show when the results of communication
skills are high then the result of the connection ability is also high, or vice versa. This is
contrary to the opinion expressed by Bernard (2015) that there is no association between
students’ mathematical communication skills with dispositions. This shows that when
the results of communication capabilities are high, the disposition is not necessarily also
high. But there are opinions that are in line with this research, namely the opinion of
Sumarni (2016) that there is an association between mathematical connection skills and
self-regulated learning. In line with the opinion of Fajri & Ikhsan (2013) who concluded
that there was a correlation between the ability of connections and mathematical
communication of students both in the experimental class with a range of correlation
strengths in the strong correlation category. Supporting research was also put forward by
Ahmad (2011), who stated this research has determined the interrelationship between
each variable which is self-concept and response strategies and their relationship with
academic achievement, which means that this research has succeeded in determining the
reciprocal relationship between each variable is a self-concept and response strategy and
their relationship with academic achievement
Conclusions obtained include: 1) CORE learning model can improve students’
mathematical communication skills; 2) CORE learning model can improve students’
mathematical connection skills; 3) the mathematical communication for topic I=76.46;
topic II=70.98; topic III=72.87; post-test=74.26; and the mathematical connection was
topic I=80,07; topic II=79,98; topic III=75,78; post-test=80,27; 4) improvement of
mathematical communication skills of students who learned with the CORE model was
better than students who used the expository model; 5) improvement of mathematical
connection skills of students who learned with the CORE model was better than students
who used the expository model; 6) mathematical dispositions of students who learned
with the CORE model were higher than those used expository learning as well; 7) there
were correlations between communication skills and connection abilities, between
communication and disposition, and between connection and mathematical disposition
in class used the CORE model.

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International Journal of Instruction, October 2019 ● Vol.12, No.4

Journal of Education and Training Studies
Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017
ISSN 2324-805X E-ISSN 2324-8068
Published by Redfame Publishing

8th Grade Student’s Skill of Connecting Mathematics to Real Life

Mesture Kayhan Altay1, Betül Yalvaç1, Emel Yeltekin1
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Ankara, Turkey
Correspondence: Mesture Kayhan Altay, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Ankara, Turkey.

Received: August 24, 2017 Accepted: August 29, 2017 Online Published: September 18, 2017
doi:10.11114/jets.v5i10.2614 URL:

The purpose of this study is to examine 8th grade students’ skills of connecting mathematics to real life. This study uses
survey design since it aims to determine existing situations regarding to students’ skills of connecting mathematics to real
life. The study sample consists of 176 students in total, who are studying at a state school in the Etimesgut district of
Ankara in the second semester of 2016-2017 academic year. “Connecting mathematics to real life scale” which is
developed by the researchers, used as the data collection tool of this study. In this scale, students are provided with real
life situations and then asked to connect these situations with mathematical concepts. During the data analysis, the
responses of students examined in detail and subsequently general categories (levels) which identify students’
mathematical connection skill, were created and consequently four levels of connecting (Level 1, 2, 3 and 4) were defined.
Study findings are showed that, participating 8 th grade students’ skill of connecting mathematics to real life is not in
sufficient level. It is observed that, most of the students can only connect mathematics in real life with numbers and
Keywords: mathematics education, connection skill, mathematics in real life, middle grade students, realistic
mathematics education
1. Introduction
There is no doubt that the mathematics exists in all areas of the life. Mathematics has taken its place in our life not only
with numbers or calculations but also with way of thinking, with its concepts (Umay, 2003). Actually we use the
mathematics all the time, when we are holding our plane ticket and try to find the seat or when we are parking our car or
playing billiards or painting. The ability of students to establish this connection between mathematics and real life is
crucial with regards to recognition of mathematics in everyday life, accurate recognition of mathematics and to develop
conceptual learning. As a matter of fact, the significance of the "mathematical connection" skill, which is determined as
one of the process standards in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics by the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics in the United States, defined as follows: If students can connect mathematical ideas, their understanding
will be deeper and more permanent, and mathematics will be seen as a whole (NCTM, 2000). The conducted researches
also emphasizes that the idea of using real life connections in mathematics teaching increases the students interest’s and
motivation’s towards mathematics, develops a positive attitude about mathematics, contributes to students for their
preparation of real life and develop conceptual understanding (Mosvold, 2008; Lee, 2012; Özgen, 2013; Karakoç &
Alacacı, 2015; Bingölbali & Çoşkun, 2016; Papadakis, Kalogiannakis, & Zaranis, 2017).
Our curriculum is also expected to improve the mathematical connection skills of the students. In Turkey, the updated
mathematics curriculum of 2017 (Elementary and Middle Grade; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) added
mathematical connection skill under the title of basic skills and emphasized that connection skill should be reinforced in
all mathematics topics and at every grade level (Ministry of National Education, 2017). When the curriculum is examined,
it can be seen that the making connection between mathematics and other lessons, between concepts within mathematics
itself, and between mathematics and everyday life are questioned. In this context, it can be understood that the curriculum
provides example statements on the basis of learning outcome about making connection within mathematics itself as well
as between mathematics and real life. Explaining "the involvement of the studies which connect perimeter of the rectangle
to its area" in the field of 7th grade geometry and measurement learning fields in order to connect mathematics to the
concepts within itself, shows that the curriculum emphasizes the efforts for the development of mathematical connection
skill. In addition, curriculum gives some explanations in the field of 8th grade algebra about “the involvement of the

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

studies which connect “how to determine the place of the coordinate system to real life situations" as an example for the
connection of mathematics with the real life.
Students’ skills of connecting mathematical concepts to real life also have an important role in the Realistic Mathematics
Education theory developed by Freudenthal. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is a mathematical teaching model
developed in the Netherlands. The most basic feature of RME is the development of mathematical concepts based on
problems presented in real life contexts. The another feature of the theory is that students can recognize mathematical
concepts in certain situations (Wubbels, Korthagen, & Broekman,1997; Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2003; Widjaja &
Heck, 2003; Zaranis, Kalogiannakis, & Papadakis, 2013; Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Drijvers, 2014). In RME theory,
it is predicted that, students are taught mathematical concepts by providing examples from the real life situations that are
meaningful for them (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2003). In the mathematics classes which are paying attention to RME
theory, students should be encouraged to recognize and identify everyday life mathematics (Widjaja & Heck, 2003).
According to Freudenthal, students should be offered opportunities to discover mathematics by mathematising real life
situations. The materials that the students will mathematise must be real for them (Cobb, Zhao, & Visnovska, 2008).
These real situations may be contextual problems or authentic contexts (Barnes, 2004).
1.1 Research Studies about Real Life Connections
In this study, the skill of connecting mathematics to real life is considered as the relationship between mathematics
learned in school and mathematics learned in the outside world as described by Mosvold (2008). Although the importance
of connecting mathematics to real life is emphasized in the curriculum and the teaching theories such as Realistic
Mathematics Education, researches show that many people have difficulty in applying mathematical knowledge to real
life (Mosvold, 2008). In fact, it is not wrong to state that when we talk about mathematics many people in society have
only numbers, shapes and calculations in their mind. It is possible to see similar results even in researches conducted
among teachers and teacher candidates (Umay, 2003; Garii & Okumu, 2008; Lee, 2012; Özgen, 2013; Pirasa, 2016). For
example, Garii and Okumu (2008) were examined the skills of classroom teachers regarding to recognition of
mathematics in everyday life. As a result of their research, they found out that teachers were not successful in connecting
mathematics to real life and their connections were limited to fairly superficial calculations and algorithms. Although
many teachers were emphasized that they could mathematically characterize the things in everyday life regarding to
calculations such as buying gasoline and paying for it, they could not notice the mathematics behind the technology on the
computer screen of the gas pump. At the same time, they have found in their research that teachers consider mathematics
as a calculation tool used in real life.
Özgen (2013) has conducted a study with mathematics teacher candidates in order to examine the aforementioned three
types of connection skills (the connection of mathematics to different disciplines, the connection of mathematics to itself,
the connection of mathematics to real life) within the context of problem solving. As a result of the research, it is
determined that the connection skills of the teacher candidates are low. In addition, it is also determined that the most used
connection type by mathematics teacher candidates during the problem solving is the connection of mathematics to itself
and therefore it is found out that their skills of connecting mathematics with different disciplines and with real life are low.
In another study conducted with teacher candidates, Pirasa (2016) asked pre-service mathematics teachers to provide her
real life examples for 21 geometry concepts defined in mathematics curriculum. As a result of the research, it is found that
pre-service teachers can provide one example for each geometric concept in general. However, the examples provided by
pre-service teachers were not found sufficient by the researcher.
Similarly, Umay (2003) has conducted a study with pre-school teacher candidates, she presented them a verbal story
about an event that they could encounter in their everyday life at any moment, and then she asked them to determine
whether there are some mathematical concepts in this event or not. As a result of the research, it is determined that teacher
candidates can distinguish about one fourth of the mathematical concepts scattered in real life at a single glance, but some
teacher candidates specified words like seat, meal and bus as mathematical concepts. This finding is described by the
researcher as misunderstanding of mathematical concepts.
In another study conducted by Lee (2012), real life connections of teacher candidates were examined within the context of
story problems. Lee’s study also aimed to examine how teacher candidates use their connection skills in their own story
problems. One of the study findings indicated that most problems formed by teacher candidates are mainly related to
calculations as well as time and money contexts.
On the other hand, it is also possible to see in the literature that there are some studies claiming that teachers and teacher
candidates have sufficient competence in this skill compared to other types of connection skills (such as connection
between concepts and connection with different disciplines) (Akkuş, 2008; Çoşkun, 2013; Karakoç & Alacalı, 2015).
In the study conducted by Çoşkun (2013), it was aimed to find out in what extent mathematics and classroom teachers use
the connection skills in classroom practices and type of connection preferred in general. As a result of the research, it was

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

determined that mathematics and classroom teachers are mostly used real life connections and statements related to
connections between different concepts, in their classroom practices. Moreover, it is found out that while statements
involving connections between different representations of the concept are less common, statements involving
connections between mathematics and different disciplines are rare.
Karakoç and Alacacı (2015) have conducted a study on the real life connections examples of 16 high school mathematics
teachers as well as 8 academicians in the field of mathematics teaching and their opinions about the advantages and
disadvantages of the usage of these examples in the classroom environment. As a result of the research, it is found out that
mathematics teachers and academicians could present logical and meaningful examples of real life connections for almost
all high school mathematics subjects. For instance, the use of computer software and algorithms as examples in the
teaching of logic within the real-life context has been considered as a practical example. Similarly, in the study which is
conducted by Akkuş (2008) with pre-service elementary mathematics teachers, the mathematical concepts and real life
connection levels of pre-service teachers were examined. As a result of the research, it was determined that pre-service
teachers have sufficient level of connection skills and their skills are increased in accordance with the students’ year of
education. At the same time, it is found out that there was an association between pre-service teachers' mathematical
self-efficacy and their level of connecting mathematics to real life.
1.2 The Statement of the Problem and the Purpose of the Study
Regardless of the fact that they are already emphasized in the curriculum and in many different sources, issues regarding
to classroom practices of the student making mathematical connection skills, how students establish these connections
and connection skill levels of the students still need to be answered. Looking at the literature on mathematics education, it
can be seen that there are few studies for the measurement of students' connection of mathematics to real life. As
mentioned in the introduction part, studies conducted in this field are often limited to teachers or teacher candidates.
Gainsburg (2008) also states that such studies are limited by emphasizing that studies on the connection skill of
mathematics to real life are examined either in a narrow context such as verbal problems, or in terms of teacher candidates.
For that reason, the purpose of this research is to examine the 8 th grade student’s skill of connecting mathematics to real
life. This research sought an answer to the following research question:
“What is the 8th grade students’ level of connecting mathematics to real life? How these real life connections are
established by students in each level?
2. Method
2.1 Research Design
This research is based on the survey design as it aims to determine the current status of the middle grade students' skills of
connecting mathematics to real life. In the study, 8th grade students were provided with examples from real life situations,
and subsequently they were asked to connect these situations with mathematical concepts and consequently their
responses to the scale were examined in detail.
2.2 Study Group
The study group consists of 176 students in total who are attending 8 th grade within the second semester of 2016-2017
academic year in a state school affiliated to Etimesgut district of capital Ankara. Aforementioned school is located in the
Etimesgut district center, where the children of socio-economically middle class families are attending. Of the students
participating in the study; 44% are female and 56% are male students. Since the study aims to deal with all middle grade
mathematics subjects as well as to examine the connections levels accordingly, 8 th grade students are chosen as the study
2.3 Data Collection Tool
Researchers developed the “Connecting Mathematics to Real Life Scale” in order to measure the mathematics of the 8 th
grade student’s skills of associating mathematics to everyday life. For the development of aforementioned scale,
researchers reviewed the relevant literature in detail at first. Subsequently, learning fields and outcomes of the middle
grade mathematics curriculum (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) were examined and some of the significant mathematical
concepts/ideas for each learning fields were determined. These mathematical concepts are reflection, translation,
symmetry, rotation, ratio, angles, number and shape patterns, probability, fractions, time, decimal notation, measurements
of the length and area, slope, currencies, equilibrium, coordinate system, ordered pairs and geometric shapes. After the
determination of these mathematical concepts, appropriate contexts are devised in accordance with the life experiences
and age-group level of students. These contexts included the followings; a patterned carpet with geometric shapes on it, a
lottery ticket, a tailor who is making dress pattern, a family who are painting their walls, a stallholder who is selling at the
bazaar, a children’s playground, getting airplane tickets and bus services. Looking at the scales designed for the
measurement of connection skills in literatures, we can encounter with measurement tools in which daily life status

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

(Umay, 2003) and mathematical concepts are directly addressed (Erturan, 2007; Akkuş, 2008; Pirasa, 2016). It has been
decided that the measurement tool should be presented to the students as visuals within the framework of the specified
context; taking into account that the presence of verbal expressions on such scales and the idea that direct questioning of
the connection between given mathematical concepts and everyday life may lead students to give fruitful responses.
Instead of asking students how and where they are using mathematics in their daily life, they are provided with
photographs that are thought to reflect life situations more realistically. At the introduction of questionnaire, one of these
photographs is presented as an example to give students an idea about how to fill the questionnaire (see Figure 1).
Real life situation Mathematical Connection
When the ground floor is considered
Negative and positive as 0, the floors below the ground
numbers floor show negative numbers. For
example, “I parked my car at -2nd
floor”. The meaning of -2 in the
sentence is that we go down 2 levels
from the ground level.
Figure 1. Sample item which is presented to the students within the scale
As shown in the Figure 1, real life situations presented to the students in photographic form within the questionnaire at
first. Students are asked to find mathematics in this real life situation. Students are not only asked to write about the
mathematical concepts presented in the photo but also asked to explain how they connected these mathematical concepts
to real life within the scale. For that reason, students are asked to write the mathematical concepts that come to their mind
for this photograph and then asked to write how they connect these concepts with real life situations. The scale consists of
8 items and the contexts of each photograph (which indicate each items) as well as their relevant mathematical concepts
are presented below in the Table 1.
Table 1. The contexts of each scale items and their relevant mathematical concepts
Item No Context Mathematical Concepts
1 Patterned Carpet Reflection, symmetry, translation, rotation, triangle,
rectangle, equality and similarity, shape patterns
2 Lottery Ticket Probability, fractions, time measurement units, ratio, whole
numbers, decimal notation, currencies
3 Tailor Length measurement, ratio
4 Wall Painting Area measurement, slope, ratio, angles, Pythagorean
theorem, isosceles triangle, right-angled triangle
5 Bazaar Whole numbers, decimal notation, equality, inequality, ratio,
equation, fractions
6 Children’s Playground Equality, slope, inequality, geometric shapes (circle), right
triangle, Pythagorean theorem
7 Airplane seat number Coordinate system, ordered pairs
8 Bus services Number patterns, time measurement units
As it can be seen from Table 1, it has been carefully considered that each of the photographs on the scale represents a
different context and mathematical concept. Students are given one period (lesson) to fill their scale. The pilot study is
conducted with 67 students in total, who are attending 8th grade in a state school affiliated to Altındağ district of capital
Ankara. The scale was also examined by two experts who have doctoral degree in mathematic education. Experts were asked
whether the photographs used in the scale is understandable, the instructions given in the scale is clear and the photographs
represent the mathematical concepts or not, and then relevant changes are made on scale in accordance with opinions of the
experts and the results of the pilot study. In order to ensure content validity, it have been carefully considered that the scale
properly include all significant learning fields and mathematical concepts in the mathematics curriculum. The reliability of
the “Connecting Mathematics to Real Life Scale” is calculated with Cronbach- coefficient. The Cronbach- reliability
coefficient of the 8-item scale is calculated by using SPSS 20 package software and found as 0.73.

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

2.4 Data Analysis

The participating students’ responses to the items of scale which is developed with the intention of measuring 8 th grade
students’ skills of connecting mathematics to real life are coded on the basis of some studies in the literature (Umay, 2003;
Garii and Okumu, 2008) as well as the comments of students. The first two researchers have done the coding together,
inconsistent points have been discussed and a common decision has been reached. For coding, each student paper was
named S1, S2, ... S176, and each paper was examined separately in terms of items. Some of the codes which are used in
order to describe students’ skills of connecting mathematics to real life are: “seeing mathematics only in numbers”,
“seeing mathematics only as geometric shapes” and “limiting mathematics to shopping”. At the subsequent stage of data
analysis, the codes describing similar connection skills are combined to form general categories (levels) that define the
mathematical connection skills of students and in this context it is defined that there are four different connection levels.
The most common connection design for each student as well as the general connection level (such as Level 0, Level 1,
etc.) of that student is determined. The codes that each level contains as well as students’ responses in each level are
discussed in detail in the following results section by presenting examples from the scale items.
3. Results
The purpose of this research is to determine the levels of 8 th grade students’ skill of connecting mathematics to real life
and subsequently to discuss the characteristics of each level in detail. For that reason, first of all, student papers are
examined in detail and four levels of connection are defined. Table 2 contains brief descriptions of each level as well as
the frequency and percentage values of students at each level.
Table 2. The levels of 8th grade students’ skill of connecting mathematics to real life, frequency and percentage
distributions at each level
Connection Skill Levels Descriptions f (%)
Level 0: Non-mathematical Mathematical connections that are 41 (23.3%)
connection irrelevant, empty, or incorrect
Connecting the given real life situation
with an irrelevant concept or
establishing a non-mathematical
Level 1: Seeing Connecting mathematics in real life with 71 (40.3%)
mathematics only in numbers and shapes only
numbers, geometric shapes
and objects
Level 2: Connecting Starting to be aware of mathematical 25 (14.2%)
mathematics to elements in real life situations but think
calculations of them only in the context of calculation
Level 3: Mathematical To be able to recognize the 39 (22.2%)
connections mathematical elements in the real life
situation and explain it using proper
To find more than one connection in real
life situations.
As it can be seen from Table 2, the most typical characteristic of Level 0 is that students at this level cannot recognize
mathematics in real life or make incorrect mathematical connections. Approximately 23% of the students are at this level.
Level 0 students are usually focused on non-mathematical elements in real life. For example, one of the students at this
level stated that “There isn’t any connection between mathematics and the carpet. People use carpets only at their homes
and workplaces” (S75) while answering the scale item on ‘patterned carpet with geometric shapes on it’. Another
example of student response at this level can be given from the item of ‘children playground’: “It is very good for young
children as they are having fun.” (S108). It can be said that this student at this level did not recognize mathematics in
real life focusing on non-mathematical elements in real life. Another example from this level can be provided from the
responses of students to scale item on ‘lottery ticket’. For instance, one of the students (S52) at this level made an
incorrect mathematical connection by associating the lottery ticket numbers (such as 0, 8, 2, 9, 4, 5, 5) to negative
numbers and stating that “There are negative numbers here; 0,8,2,9,4,5,5”. Another example related to incorrect
connection can be provided from the scale item of ‘bazaar’. For this scale item; it has been observed that, one of the
participating students (S157) connected bazaar to probability concept and made a mathematically meaningless
explanation as "the probability of a red apple to a yellow apple”. As it can be seen from the examples, it was determined
that the students at this level did not recognize mathematics in real life and made mathematically meaningless connections.
Both student responses are presented in Figure 2.

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

Lottery Ticket Item Bazaar Item

[There are negative numbers

[The probability of a red apple
here;0, 8,2,9,4,5,5]
to a yellow apple]

Figure 2. Responses given by students who are defined as Level 0 for the scale items of lottery ticket and bazaar
Unlike Level 0, in Level 1 and Level 2 students have started to recognize mathematics in real life and they were also able
to connect real life situations to mathematical concepts. However, students at these levels thought that mathematics is
simply about the numbers, four operations, calculations, or geometric shapes. Approximately 40% of the 8 th grade
students are in Level 1, whereas 14% of them are in Level 2. A student’s response (S64) to the scale item of ‘patterned
carpet with geometric shapes on it’ can be illustrated as an example for Level 1. This student made a very general and
superficial statement by stating that “When I look at this fancy carpet, I can see rectangles and other shapes in real life
and this proves that mathematics is everywhere” which suggest that he sees mathematics only in geometric shapes.
Similarly, focusing on a child sliding cylinder for the scale item of ‘children playground’ by one student (S105) suggest
that she sees mathematics only in geometric shapes. Another example of student responses at this level can be shown with
scale item of ‘airplane seat number’. The fact that a student (S13) has made a statement as "the numbers are used as seat
numbers here" shows again that this student only sees mathematics as the numbers.
The typical characteristic of the Level 2 is that students have started to recognize mathematics presented in real life as in
Level 1. Here, unlike Level 1, the student is no longer focusing solely on numbers and shapes, but is starting to calculate
and operate by connecting the given situation with meaningful contexts. For example, in ‘patterned carpet with geometric
shapes on it’ scale item; Level 1 student is focused on the geometric shapes of the patterned carpet, whereas Level 2
students made a remarkable statement as "The short side of the rectangle carpet is 4 meters whereas the long side is 6
meters, therefore the carpet’s area is 6x4=24m2 and perimeter is 20 meters". This example is an important finding which
shows the difference between Level 1 and Level 2. Another Level 2 student’s response (S173) to this scale item is “When
we compare carpet area with room area, we can express whether the carpet can fit in the room or not and whether we can
put the carpet on ground vertically or horizontally”. For the scale item of ‘lottery ticket’, one of the students (Ö124) said
that “If I purchase 3 of this ticket, it will be 37,5 Turkish Liras”. For the scale item ‘airplane seat numbers’ it was
determined that Level 2 students (S32) not only focused on the numbers of seats like Level 1 students, but also made
calculations which includes “they will pay money for tickets depending on how many people will go for a trip or they will
tell when they are arriving if their families call them”. Another student (S7) from Level 2 stated that “If I buy 1 kg apple
for 3 Turkish liras and 4 kg cherry for 4 Turkish liras in the market, I could find out how much will I pay to cashier” for the
scale item of ‘bazaar’. The Level 2 students’ responses show that students at this level use mathematics in real life only
when calculating or operating.
On the other hand, Level 3 is defined as the highest level and Level 3 students can establish different mathematical
connections within the real life situations. Unlike Level 2, these students are not limited to numbers, shapes, or
calculations only and they are expected to recognize mathematics hidden in real life. For example, at the scale item of
“patterned carpet with geometric shapes on it’, Level 3 students are not only focused on the geometric shapes of the carpet,
but also realized that the patterns formed by these geometric shapes as well as the mathematical reflections and
translations of shapes on the carpet. One of the students (S7) stated that “Geometric shapes are combined to obtain new
geometrical forms and these forms are gathered together to create fancy patterns” and another student (S27) stated that
“The center of this carpet is the origin and we can get the reflection of 1 st region first via x-axis then via y-axis and then
again via x-axis”. These student statements are proving that the Level 3 students properly understand the mathematical
concepts. These student statements for the item scale of ‘patterned carpet with geometric shapes on it’ are presented as an
example in Figure 3. Another example for Level 3 can be provided from item scale of ‘airplane seat number’, for this item
one of the students (S86) said that “We can take advantage of ordered pairs when we try to find our seat on the airplane.
For example; (3, A) is like A of the 3 rd order”, this indicates that the students correctly understood the mathematical
concepts. It has been observed from aforementioned examples that students can connect the finding of location via
coordinate system with real life situations as stated in 8th grade mathematics curriculum prepared by Ministry of National
Education (MEB, 2017).

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

Patterned Carpet Item Seat Number Item

[The center of this carpet is the origin and [We can take advantage of ordered pairs
we can get the reflection of 1 region first when we try to find our seat on the

via x-axis then via y-axis and then again airplane. For example; (3, A) is like A of

via x-axis] the 3rd order]

Figure 3. Level 3 students’ responses given to the scale item of carpet and seat numbers
It has also observed that Level 3 students made multiple mathematical connections for real life situations. For example, in
a children playground item scale, it has seen that a Level 3 student not only associated equality to seesaw but also
connected slope to slides by commenting that “If two people with same weight sit to the left and right sides of the seesaw,
there will be balance. Slides are examples for the slope concept in daily life”.
Similarly, for the ‘children playground’ scale item another student commented that “When two people are using the
seesaw, the heavier person lifts the lighter one. Heavier one remains in the ground but if they have equal weights, they will
remain constant”. This comment indicates that this student made a correct connection between the mathematical concepts
and the real life. It is noteworthy finding that approximately and only 22% of the students are defined at this level.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
The study findings indicate that participating 8 th grade students’ skills of connecting mathematics to real life is not at
sufficient level. It is found out that, students usually establish superficial connections between mathematics and real life.
In other words, it is observed that, most of the students can only connect mathematics in real life with numbers, shapes and
calculations. This finding is parallel to the results of other studies with students, teachers and teacher candidates within the
literature (Erturan, 2007; Umay, 2003; Garii & Okumu, 2008; Lee, 2012; Özgen, 2013). In her work with pre-school
teacher candidates Umay (2003) has determined that most of the teacher candidates do not know much about mathematics
and that they do not recognize much about the place of mathematics in real life. In addition, in her research she found that
very few teacher candidates distinguish positional expressions, while the majority of teacher candidates can easily
distinguish mathematical concepts/elements presented as numbers and quantities. At the same time, despite the fact that
the vast majority of teacher candidates are able to provide examples from mathematics in real life, these examples were
found to be limited to shopping, time calculations and four operations only.
The fact that the students usually approach the given real life situations within the context of numbers and geometric shapes
may be due to the fact that numbers and shapes are the most easily perceived concepts in everyday life. The vast majority of
the students are at Level 1 is an indicator that numbers and shapes are coming to people’s mind first when we talk about the
mathematics. Erturan’s thesis study (2007) also shows similar results; it is found out that when the students asked to provide
examples for mathematical operations, most of them gave examples from shopping and money calculations. It is also
observed that most of the participating students realized that they use mathematics in grocery shopping, but they did not
recognize the mathematics in situations like tooth brushing in which the use of mathematics is lesser known. These situations
can be interpreted as the fact that students could not transfer classroom mathematics into the real life.
One of the most significant findings of this study is that the highest level observed among the students after Level 1 is
Level 0 which indicates that students could not establish mathematical connections correctly. The fact that Level 0
students’ connection of mathematical concepts to real life is incorrect shows that they could not comprehend
mathematical concepts in a meaningful way. In fact, most of the Level 0 students have established incorrect mathematical
connections and presented meaningless examples for connecting skills. This finding is parallel to some of the findings of
Akkuş (2008)'s study in which she examined the connection skills of pre-service elementary mathematics teacher. In her
study, Akkuş presented daily life situations (contexts) to the pre-service teacher and asked them to connect contexts with
concepts. In her study, while the majority of pre-service teacher were able to connect probability concept to real life, they
did not make meaningful connections between the mean concept in mathematics and the real life situation presented in the
context of blood types. Similarly, in this study, it is also found out that students gave meaningless examples for some
mathematical concepts. This demonstrates that some of the students cannot recognize mathematical concepts correctly
and therefore they cannot recognize the use of these concepts in real life.
The renewed Ministry of National Education Curriculum of 2017 emphasizes the explanatory explanations on the basis of
educational objectives for the connections of mathematics with real life and mathematics with itself. The middle grade
mathematics curriculum (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) highlights the importance of connection skills and it also clearly states
some of the indicators that should be considered for the development of this skill (MEB, 2013). Although such

Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

developments are made, it is thought-provoking that some of the students still have lower connection skills. Küpcü
(2010)’s study examined the primary school (6th to 8th grade) mathematics curriculum within the framework of connection
skills, and it is emphasized that although primary school mathematics lesson curriculum revealed important objectives for
the development of the students' connection skills, it is necessary to organize different activities in order to carry out this
development process more effectively. However, the conducted researches argue that even though there are curriculum
and textbooks for the development of connection skills, they do not guarantee students to improve their connection skills
(Mosvold, 2008; Lee, 2012). The amount of real life connections in the curriculum does not show the quality of the real
life connection in the actual classroom practice (Lee, 2012). For instance, in his study, Mosvold (2008) analyzed TIMMS
1999 videos in order to monitor how teachers in the Netherlands and Japan did mathematical connections in their classes.
Mosvold (2008) found out that Dutch textbooks used in the class mainly contain real life situations. He stated that,
although Dutch classes used more connection examples than Japanese classes, these examples presented to the students in
traditional teaching methods in which students are less active. This result supports the Lee (2012)’s conclusion that the
amount of real life connections will not show the quality of the real life relation in classroom practices. For that reason, we
can say that the reason of the low connection skills of students might be partly due to the fact that teachers do not pay
much attention to the connection of mathematics to real life in the classroom environment.
In conclusion, findings reveal the importance of restructuring of middle grade mathematics classes to support the
development of connection skills. Mathematics is not just a set of rules to be applied in life. For that reason, the meanings
of mathematical concepts and their use in the real life should be emphasized and discussed apart from the solely teaching
of these rules. In this research, very few students were able to think of mathematical concepts in real life and most of them
only focused on calculations, shapes and numbers. It is also noteworthy to state that when we look at the connections
established by the students, we can see that students at the highest level (Level 3) have established multiple (more than
one) connections. Students’ ability to establish different connections and to eliminate the gap between school
mathematics and real life is depending on how much they could transfer their classroom mathematical knowledge to the
real life. For that reason, teachers have great responsibility.
This research contributed to the literature with the definition of four different connection levels. Although the definition
of these levels is open to debate, they may be considered as a starting point for the researchers seeking to conduct a study
in this area. Although this scale is developed for measurement of students’ connection skills, it can also give some clues
for teachers and textbook writers to prepare examples for classroom practices in order to support the development of this
skill and to enhance the quality of real life connected problems in textbooks.
One of the limitations of this research is that the connection skills of middle grade students are examined only in the
context of real life. In the future studies, the examination of connection skills between different disciplines and concepts
will provide more detailed and comprehensive information about the connection skills of the students. This scale
developed at the same time is limited in some contexts (such as children’s playground, bazaar) in accordance with the
experiences of the middle grade students. The presentation of different contexts through measurement can make a
difference in the connection skills of students. In this sense, there is a need for studies on how middle grade students can
differentiate in different contexts of real life in order to be able to examine the skills of connection.
Akkuş, O. (2008). Preservice elementary mathematics teachers’ level of relating mathematical concepts in daily life
contexts. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 35, 1-12.
Barnes, H. (2004). Realistic mathematics education: Eliciting alternative mathematical conceptions of learners. African
Journal of Research in SMT Education, 8(1), 53-64.
Bingölbali, E., & Coşkun, M. (2016). A proposed Conceptual Framework For Enhancing The Use Of Making
Connections Skill In Mathematics Teaching. Eğitim ve Bilim, 41(183), 233-249.
Cobb, P., Zhao, Q., & Visnovska, J. (2008). Learning from and adapting the theory of realistic mathematics education.
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Journal of Education and Training Studies Vol. 5, No. 10; October 2017

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Exploring mathematical connections of pre-

university students through tasks involving rates
of change

Crisólogo Dolores-Flores, Martha Iris Rivera-López & Javier García-García

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Exploring mathematical connections of pre-university

students through tasks involving rates of change
Crisólogo Dolores-Flores , Martha Iris Rivera-López and Javier García-García

Mathematics Education Research Center, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Chilpancingo, Mexico


This paper reports the results of a research exploring the mathe- Received 30 December 2017
matical connections of pre-university students while they solving KEYWORDS
tasks which involving rates of change. We assume mathematical Mathematical connections;
connections as a cognitive process through which a person finds rate of change; slope;
real relationships between two or more ideas, concepts, definitions, velocity; speed; acceleration;
theorems, procedures, representations or meanings or with other pre-university students
disciplines or the real-world. Four tasks were proposed to the 33
pre-university students that participated in this research; the cen-
tral concept of the first task is the slope, the last three tasks contain
concepts like velocity, speed and acceleration. Task-based interviews
were conducted to collect data and later analysed with thematic
analysis. Results showed most of the students made mathematical
connections of the procedural type, the mathematical connections
of the common features type are made in smaller quantities and the
mathematical connection of the generalization type is scarcely made.
Furthermore, students considered slope as a concept disconnected
from velocity, speed and acceleration.

1. Introduction
Mexican curricula suggest studying the rate of change associated with the slope and incli-
nation of a straight line from ninth grade1 [1]. The rate of change is associated with ratio,
proportion and proportional variation in tenth grade [2]. The algebraic construction of
the slope and its implications with parallelism and perpendicularity is studied in eleventh
grade [3]. The instant rate of change associated with the slope, velocity, speed and accelera-
tion is used to construct the concept of the derivative in the twelfth grade [4]. The previous
concepts are also studied in the Physics course in the eleventh grade [5]. In addition, the
study of the American Mathematical Curriculum Standards of Stanton and Moore-Russo
[6] showed that this concept is introduced in eighth grade. The slope is considered as a
geometrical ratio or constant rate of change in most of the states in the United States of
America, and third of the 50 states associates the slope to real-world situations, involving
physical and functional situations.
The rate of change is an important concept in mathematical education for several rea-
sons: it is a ‘powerful linking concept’ [7,p.54]) for understanding functions and their

CONTACT Crisólogo Dolores-Flores

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graphs; it is fundamental for those who consider further university studies to understand
functions [8] and it contributes to the understanding of the concept of slope through real-
life situations [9]. The slope of a linear function represents the rate of change in one variable
that results from a change in the other variable, so it plays an important role in understand-
ing issues involving to the rate of change. However, several researchers have documented
the difficulties and misconceptions that students often have when they dealing with the
concept of slope. One such example being the confusion that often arises regarding height
and slope, due to the fact that students belief that a greater slope tends to be associated with
a greater height or vertical distance [7,10].
Other difficulties are identified in the interpretation of linear functions, in particular,
concerning the connection of the graph with its equation and the rate of change [7,11].
According to Birgin [11], this is mostly due to confusion regarding the role of m and b when
the linear function is presented in the form y = mx + b, as the students appear unable to
distinguish between the values of the intersections in the x-axis and y-axis. In the same way,
considering the slope as a rate of change leads to interpretation difficulties when m is an
integer. In line with Deniz and Kabael [12], this is because even though the students accept
the slope as the rise over run change, they regard it as an algorithm, not as an interpretation
of changes. Similarly, Cho and Nagle [13] reported that university students memorize the
rise over run, do not express it in its simplest form when they write it in fraction form,
besides not coordinating the amount of change in the dependent variable by the amount of
change in the independent variable. Furthermore, when they graph a straight line they do it
in the opposite direction to the given slope. Hence, some students understand the concept
of the slope as a parametric coefficient m, but limited to a very procedural interpretation
which does not allow understand it as an indicator of the rate of change of two covalent
variables or in its graphic representation [12,13].
Another aspect that Zaslavsky, Sela and Leron [14] identified in the students (including
teachers) is that for the description of the slope of two lines presented in non-homogeneous
systems, the visual perspective is more important than the analytical one, so they interpret
the slope by the angle, as also reported by Stump [9]. However, Zaslavsky and colleagues
[14] consider that in order to improve the understanding of the slope, a distinction must
be made between the visual slope (slope of a straight line) and the analytical slope (rate
of change of a function) in which discussions are embedded in the context of the non-
homogeneous scale change. On the other hand, Stump [9] found that the slope as a rate of
change is acceptable by students and teachers, but does not rule out the difficulty that they
have when attempting to interpret it.
Despite the relevance of the rate of change in the curricula and mathematical research,
pre-university [9,15–17] and university students [13,18–21] still have trouble understand-
ing this concept. It is a difficult concept even for teachers [14,22]. In this sense, Herbert
and Pierce [23] reported that students are able to calculate the slopes numerically but with
a little approach to the interpretation of meanings in a specific context and without con-
sidering the measuring unit. In the same way, the investigation of Stump [9] focused on
the understanding of the slope in real-world situations found that students have a bet-
ter understanding of the slope in functional situations but still have problems with its
interpretation. As a consequence, it is suggested that instruction allow students to make
mathematical connections between different mathematical domains and real-life situations
[24–26] and provide opportunities to improve mathematical understanding. In this regard,

NCTM [27] proposes that students must be able to recognize and use connections between
mathematical ideas and use them in different contexts.
The research community in mathematical education has given little attention to the rate
of change despite its importance in pre-university and university curricula, in addition to
the problems and difficulties in its understanding. In fact, little is known about the mathe-
matical connections between the rate of change and its different features like slope, velocity,
speed and acceleration. Therefore, we look for answers to the following research question
in this work: Which mathematical connections do students make while engaging in tasks
involving rates of change like slope, velocity, speed and acceleration? The pre-university
level includes grades 10th, 11th and 12th grade; this level is equivalent to High School in
the U.S.A.

2. Theoretical framework
2.1. Rate of change
Stewart [28] defines the average rate of change of y with respect to x as the quotient of their
differences: y/x = [f (x2 ) − f (x1 )]/(x2 − x1 ) in the interval [x1 , x2 ]. This expression is
interpreted in graphical terms as the slope of the secant line of the curve f. However, the
measure of change in real-world situations is the most meaningful interpretation. Real-
world representations of slope exist in two different forms: physical situations, such as
mountain pathways, ski slope and wheelchair ramps; and functional situations, such as
distance versus time or quantity versus costs [9]. The most elemental change in real-world
situations happens when a changing magnitude increases or decreases in a constant way,
this quantity is calculated by the quotient of the differences of y and x, so the expres-
sion y/x is a ratio or rate between changes. According to Stump [9], in both physical
situations and functional situations, the slope can be thought of as either a ratio or a rate,
depending on the level of reflective abstraction. The measuring units highlight the idea
that the rate connects with the real-world situation [6]; we consider that they give context
and specificity to the rates of change: m/s in the case of velocity and m/s2 in the case of

2.2. Mathematical connections

The mathematical connections involve establishing relationships between different mathe-
matical concepts [29,30]. They are networks of links that coordinate definitions, properties,
techniques and procedures to build inter-concepts. These links are logical and coherent
links between representations [31]. In a cognitive sense, Eli, Mohr-Schroeder and Lee [32]
assumed that mathematical connections can be described as components of a scheme or
connected groups of schemes in a mental network. They also consider, from a construc-
tivist approach, that a mathematical connection can be seen as a link (or bridge) that uses
previous or new knowledge to establish or strengthen the understanding of the relation-
ship(s) between two or more mathematical ideas, concepts, strands or representations in a
mental network.
On the other hand, Singletary [33] presents three interpretations of the mathematical
connections: as a fundamental characteristic of mathematics, that is to say as an inherent

part of the discipline; as the product of the understanding; and as part of the process of
doing mathematics. Businskas [34] has already pointed out these interpretations and high-
lighted that the thinking processes use these connections to build mathematics. Evitts [35]
is consistent with this idea by considering that the connected knowledge can be described
in terms of its personal construction and meaning, the multiple links between concepts
and procedures and the power that comes from knowing these connections.
There can also be connections with the real-world, previous knowledge, familiar con-
texts (inside and outside the school), other disciplines as well as future and past [36–38].
Therefore, the mathematical topics can be linked to them (intra-mathematical connec-
tions), to topics of other disciplines or contexts, specifically solving application problems
(extra-mathematical connections) [39]. The common characteristic of all these differ-
ent definitions or classifications of mathematical connections is that they are the bonds
or bridges between the mathematical ideas. For the purpose of this investigation, we
assume mathematical connections as a cognitive process through which a person finds
true relationships between two or more ideas, concepts, definitions, theorems, procedures,
representations, meanings between them, or between these with other disciplines or real
life [39]. Mathematical connections emerge when students carry out specific tasks; they can
be identified in their written productions or in the arguments produced while carrying out
these tasks.

3. Method
This is a qualitative research that used individual task-based interviews to collect data.
According to Goldin [40], the task-based interviews to study mathematical behaviour,
involve a minimum interaction between a subject (the problem solver) and an interviewer
(the clinician) engaged in one or more tasks (questions, problems or activities) introduced
by the clinician in a previously planned strategy. Goldin claims that the researcher can make
inferences on the mathematical thinking, learning or problem solving from the analysis of
the behaviour of verbal or non-verbal interactions. In this regard, Assad [41] highlights
that task-based interviews not only give opportunities to evaluate the conceptual knowl-
edge of the students but widen this comprehension. According to Assad, the protocol of the
interview may be structured with guidelines and previously planned answers by the inter-
viewer, it can also be introduced as semi-structured interviews that allow the interviewer
to judge the adequate response to the mathematical reasoning of the student.

3.1. Design of task-based interviews

The protocol of the task-based interviews included four tasks. The first one has an intra-
mathematical character and asks for the slope of a secant line. The other three tasks refer
to functional situations linked to the real world: velocity, speed and acceleration associ-
ated with the real-world (see Appendix). The construction of these tasks is based on our
interest to explore the relationships between the slope and the functional situations previ-
ously mentioned and because these tasks are suggested in the current mathematics [4] and
physics [5] curricula of Mexico. These programmes suggest associating the slope and the
rate of change with natural, social, economic and administrative phenomena through the
concepts of velocity, speed and other special cases of the rate of change. Therefore, we were

expecting students that were familiarized with these tasks and its implementation would
bring out the desired connections. Before its final implementation, the tasks and interviews
were tested twice with four pre-university students, unrelated to the participants, to prove
accessibility and efficacy and to understand how it works, the type of results produced and
to refine this tool in function of the goal.
The researchers asked some questions while the students dealt with the tasks. The stu-
dents were asked to clarify how they solved the task and obtained the data if this was not
mentioned explicitly. Another question focused on the meaning of the result obtained.
At the end of the four tasks, they were asked if they noted some relationships between
the tasks and what those relationships were. If they did not identify any relationship then
they were asked about the relationships between the formulas used, their similitudes and
The interviews were conducted at the beginning of the first week of the training course
for university offered in August 2017; the interviews were individual, videotaped and
transcribed for their analysis.

3.2. Participants
The 33 students participants in this study, 19 men and 14 women between ages 17 and 20
years old, have recently finished their pre-university studies. They all come from different
regions of the state of Guerrero in Mexico. The minimum grade obtained in their math-
ematical courses was 8, in a scale from 0 to 10, so they were all considered as university
applicants for mathematics. They were all registered in a training course for the university;
this course aims to fill the gaps of their mathematical education to begin their university
studies in Mathematics and is focused on the topics of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and
Calculus. The students attended the course for 8 hours a day for four weeks.

3.3. Data analysis

We used the thematic analysis suggested by Braun and Clarke [42,43] to analyse the data
and the triangulation method so as to provide reliability, validity, credibility and rigour
[44]. The aim of the thematic analysis is to identify patterns of meanings (themes) using a
set of data to give answers to the research question. According to Braun and Clarke [42], a
theme captures something important of the data relative to the research question and rep-
resents some level of answer or modelled meaning inside the group of data. These patterns
are identified through a rigorous process of familiarization and codification of data and
development and review of themes. Thematic analysis can be used with a wide range of
theoretical frameworks and even for several research questions. It is useful to analyse dif-
ferent types of data, this means that it allows the work of big and small sets of data. Finally,
it may produce analysis based on the data or conducted by a specific theory. This method
is structured in the following phases: Familiarizing yourself with the data; generating ini-
tial codes; searching for themes; reviewing the themes; defining and naming the themes; and
producing the report.
Triangulation of data is a heuristic procedure designed to document information
according to different points of view [45]. For Aguilar and Barroso [44], triangulation
implies having several observers in the field, thus increasing the quality and validity of the

data, since the bias of a single researcher is thus eliminated. Consequently, for this study,
the researchers (all with different levels of experience) analysed the data during the first 4
phases independently, subsequently, they compared and discussed their results. In case of
disagreement, the data would be analysed jointly in and this process would eventually lead
to a consensus of opinion. All this was done in phase 4 of the thematic analysis. In phase
5 the three authors discussed the results and formed conclusions in specific work sessions.
Next, we describe each of the phases from which the method is structured.

Phase 1. Familiarizing yourself with the data. We became familiar with the data and
the language used by the participants by repeatedly reading the transcriptions of the
Phase 2. Generating initial codes. We established initial codes for a first classification
based on the previous lectures of the narratives. In this phase, we identified words
or phrases indicating mathematical connections between ideas, concepts, procedures
or meanings. Accordingly, we uncovered phrases such as ‘the slope is calculated
with . . . ’, ‘I used the graph to . . . ’, ‘the formulas are similar or different because . . . ’,
‘the meaning of the result is . . . ’, ‘I remember this is the formula for . . . ’, etc. For
example, one can see from the sentences in italics from the excerpt below that a num-
ber of codes were established: the graph provides data, the formula of the slope is
(y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ) and, the slope is associated with m.
Saraí: The data provided by the graph are, point A is located in (1,1) since this quadrant
is positive, in point B we have x is 3, and the point is located in 3 to 9, this is the data that
we have, well, and the formula of the slope [write m] is equal to y two minus y one divided
by x two minus x one [write m = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 )].
Phase 3. Searching for themes. We compared the excerpts associated with each of the
initial codes looking for themes. This allowed us to cluster the associated patterns of
response of the students to the tasks into themes. In terms of this research, each theme
is a mathematical connection. For example, from the codes: the formula to calculate
the average speed is (h2 − h1 )/(t2 − t1 ), the formula of the slope is (y2 − y1 )/(x2 −
x1 ) and the formula of the acceleration is final velocity minus initial velocity divided
by final time minus the initial time, the theme was constructed: the terms are first
associated with a formula.
Phase 4. Reviewing the themes. The correspondence, among the themes identified in
the previous phase and the data, was made. As a result, some themes were modified
and those that did not have enough evidence to support students’ ideas were elim-
inated. The work sessions held by the three authors allowed us to reach consensus
regarding the final themes identified in this study and these are discussed in the results
Phase 5. Defining and naming the themes. The themes were defined, named and clus-
tered into three categories corresponding with the categories of the mathematical
connections found: use of different representations, procedural and common features
(see Table 1). We identified the relationships among the connections made by the
students while solving the tasks.
Phase 6. Producing the report. The report includes the themes recently defined and
clustered into categories containing the mathematical connections found.

Table 1. Mathematical connections identified in the solved tasks.

Categories Mathematical connections Frequency
Use of different representations The terms ‘slope’, ‘velocity’, ‘acceleration’ and ‘speed’ 45
are related to a formula.
The graph gives the coordinates of the points. 23
The term ‘slope’ is associated with the letter m. 13
The result as a change of y with respect to the change 11
of x.
We can estimate the differences through the graphs. 10
s(t) gives heights or distances. 1
y2 − y1
Procedurals The slope is found with the formula . 22
x2 − x1
The acceleration is found with the formula 13
v2 − v 1
a= .
t2 − t 1
y2 − y1
The speed is found with the formula , 11
x2 − x1
Pf − P i NP
R= or R = .
tf − t i T
s2 − s 1
The velocity is found with the formula or 4
t2 − t 1
hf − hi
tf − t i
Common features Quotients and differences are required in all formulas. 5
The formula for the speed of population growth is 4
similar to the formula for slope.
The formula for slope allowed us to find the velocity, the 2
speed of population growth and the acceleration.

4. Results
We identified three categories of mathematical connections while the students were dealing
with the tasks (Table 1): use of different representations, procedurals and common features.

4.1. Mathematical connections associated with the use of different representations

It is natural to resort to the use of representations while working with concepts that are
not directly accessible [46], like the mathematical objects. The use of these represen-
tations is the main tool to support and widen the mathematical reasoning that can be
presented as numerical systems, algebraic symbolism, graphics, diagrams, models, equa-
tions, annotations, images, analogies, metaphors, histories or games [47]. This category
includes mathematical connections like written, algebraic, numerical, graphical and verbal

4.1.1. The terms ‘slope’, ‘velocity’, ‘acceleration’ and ‘speed’ are associated with a
This mathematical connection considers the relationship between the statement of the
task and the formula. The students associated an algebraic representation (a formula) to
the specific terms used for the rate of change in each task. In the case of task 1, 20 stu-
dents associated a formula with the term ‘slope’, they did it in three ways: 11 wrote it by
means of equality: m = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ); 7 students only wrote the difference quotient:
(y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ) , and two did the same as the first ones, only instead of using m they

used the literal P. Something similar occurred in the rest of the tasks: the terms ‘veloc-
ity’, ‘speed’ and ‘acceleration’ triggered the relationship with the formulas instead of using
the given graphs. Four students associated the formula of the velocity in terms of the dif-
ferences v = (s2 − s1 )/(t2 − t1 ) in task 2. In task 3, eleven students associated speed with
formulas in terms of differences (e.g. r = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ) or R = (Pf − Pi )/(tf − ti ))
and abbreviations (e.g. R = NP/T). Only eleven students found a relationship between the
term ‘acceleration’ and the formula a = (v2 − v1 )/(t2 − t1 ) in task 4. They showed argu-
ments like ‘I know, by heart, the formula for slope’, ‘I believe this is the formula for velocity’,
‘I forget the formulas’.

4.1.2. The slope is associated with the letter m

Through this mathematical connection, students relate the term ‘slope’ with the sym-
bolic representation m. This connection was made by 11 students, they also established
the relation of equality with the algebraic expression in terms of differences, they wrote:
m = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ), and in the interview, they confirm that this is the way the slope
is represented. In the same way, 2 students write the formula incorrectly but in their verbal
and written expressions they make explicit that m represents the slope, as shown in the
following excerpt from the interview with Yamir:

Interviewer: How did you solve the task?

Yamir: Well, we know that the slope [points out the letter m] equals . . . well, I don’t
know if my formula is right, because I don’t remember who goes up, if x or
y, but the slope [points out an m with the pencil] equals x one minus x two
over y one minus y two . . .

4.1.3. The differences in the formulas can be estimated using the graph
This mathematical connection was identified while relating the graph to the magnitude of
the differences necessary to do the calculations. Three students made this connection in
task 1, two students in task 2, three students in task 3 and only 2 students in task 4. This

Figure 1. Mathematical connection between the graph and the calculations of the differences.

connection was detected when the students estimated the magnitude of the differences
y2 − y1 or x2 − x1 through visualization by outlining the slope or the legs of a right triangle
for speed and acceleration (see Figure 1).

4.1.4. The graph shows the coordinates of the points

This mathematical connection was identified when the students used the graph to obtain
the Cartesian coordinates and wrote them in the form P(x, y) in order to do the calcula-
tions. This mathematical connection was enhanced when the students verbally claim they
performed such procedure. Some arguments are: ‘I find the coordinates from the points
in the graph’, ‘The points are given in the graph’, ‘it is possible to find the height without
substituting in the function’. Four students made this mathematical connection in the func-
tional situation that asks for the velocity, eight for the speed and eleven for the acceleration.
They are all mathematical connections between graphical and numerical representation.

4.1.5. Interpreting the result as the displacement of ‘y’ with respect displacement of ‘x’
Three students showed arguments in this sense in task 1: ‘the slope is equal to four; this
means that whenever x moves 1, then y moves 4 units’; ‘the slope moves one this way
(referring to the displacement in the x axis) and then up (referring to the displacement
in the y axis) and then again’. We also found similar interpretations in three students in
tasks 2 and 3; for example, they argued ‘the meaning of four metres per second is that the
object goes four metres up from the first second to the third second’, ‘the urban population
increased by 1.5 million in 10 years and the rural population increased by 0.5 million in the
same period’. It is important to highlight that five students only give the numerical result
without considering the units of measure in this task. Thirteen students found the correct
answer in task 4; however, only two of these students give correct interpretations in terms
of the acceleration; for example: ‘the bicycle rider incremented his velocity in two point five
meters per second’. The rest of these 13 students only argued in the sense of ‘acceleration is
2.5 metres per second’ without considering the coherence of the units of measure; in fact,
5 students omitted the units of measure of acceleration.

4.1.6. s(t) represents heights and distances

This mathematical connection is only identified by Erika. She started with the algebraic
representation, v = (hf − hi )/(tf − ti ), but used another equivalent algebraic representa-
tion to obtain the velocity; he considered hf as equivalent to s(3) and hi as equivalent to
s(1); this means that he manipulates the expression s(t) = 8t − t 2 to obtain the heights and
the differences as shown in Figure 2.
This is verified in the verbal arguments of her answer to task 2:

Erika: The problem gives us time and height in meters. We have to find the velocity, well,
according to the given formula s of t equals eight t minus t square. I used it first with
t equals one and we have 8 times t; eight times one is eight, minus one equals seven
and this is the exact height. This formula [points out the expression s(t) = 8t − t 2 ]
is to define height. I used it later with 3; then this 3, I substitute t with three and
gives me eight times 3 minus three square, it gives me fifteen. Substituting in the
formula: the major height minus the minor height over the major time minus the

Figure 2. Mathematical connection between the algebraic representations h and s(t).

minor height, or what is the same as this [points out s(3)] minus this [points out
s(1)]. The result is eight metres over two seconds or 4 metres per second.

4.2. Mathematical connections of the procedural type

In these mathematical connections, the formulas act as the starting point and the main
tool to carry out the tasks; they are carried out in an algorithmic form so they are essen-
tially sequential. The algorithm followed by the students to work with slope, velocity, speed
or acceleration is: formula, substituting values, evaluate the differences and calculate the
quotient, as shown in Table 2.
The written productions of the students give evidence of the mathematical connection
‘the slope is found with the formula (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 )’ and it is strengthened with the
arguments given in the interviews. This task was solved correctly by 20 students; they pro-
posed a formula to solve the task and then substituted the coordinates of the given points
A and B in this formula. The most common formula is m = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ), followed
by (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ) and P = (y2 − y1 )/(x2 − x1 ). For example, Eliott manifests the pri-
mary use of the formula to find the slope in a written way (Figure 3) and in the interview
(see the corresponding excerpt).

Interviewer: How did you solve task 1, the one focused on the slope?
Eliott: I know the formula of the slope, and the coordinates of the points are given.
This is my data [pointing to the coordinates of the points] and the formula
for the slope equals y two minus y one over x two minus x one, solving this
mechanically, we only substitute and get the result.
Interviewer: What is the meaning of this result?
Eliott: I did not get the idea of the units of the slope, metres or something, I believe
I should have used units of measure, but I did not because I can only get the
direct result.

The rest of the students also gave similar arguments in the sense that they only used the
formula to calculate the slope without an interpretation. For example, they usually say: ‘we
have the formula of the slope and two points, so I only do the calculations and get the slope’

Table 2. Procedural type mathematical connections used in the tasks.


Task Formula Procedures Partial Total Percent

y2 − y1 9−1 8
Task 1 Slope m= m= = =4 11 20 60.6%
x2 − x1 3−1 2
y2 − y1 9−1 8
= =4 7
x2 − x1 3−1 2
y2 − y1 9−1 8
P= P= = =4 2
x2 − x1 3−1 2
s2 − s1 15 − 7 8
Task 2 Velocity v= = =4 3 4 12.1%
t2 − t 1 3−1 2
hf − hi [8(3) − (3)2 ] − [8(1) − (1)2 ]
v= 1
tf − t i 3−1
15 − 7 8
= = =4
3−1 2
y2 − y1 45 − 30 15
Task 3 Speed r= = = 1.5 4 11 33.3%
x2 − x1 1980 − 1970 10
25 − 20 5
= = 0.5
1980 − 1970 10
Pf − Pi 45 − 30 15
R= = = 1.5 1
tf − t i 1980 − 1970 10
NP 45 − 30 15
R= = = 1.5 3
T 1980 − 1970 10
25 − 20 5
= = 0.5
1980 − 1970 10
15 5
= 1.5 = 0.5 3
10 10
v2 − v1 25 − 15 5
Task 4 Acceleration a= = = 2.5 5 13 39.4%
t2 − t 1 3−1 2
V3 − V1 25 − 15
a= = 2.5 4
2 2
v 5
a= = 2.5 2
t 2
25 − 15 5
= = 2.5 2
3−1 2

Figure 3. Procedural type mathematical connection to find the slope with the formula m = (y2 −
y1 )/(x2 − x1 ).

or ‘I only substitute the values to get the result because I know the formula of the slope’. The
justifications of some students that did not solve all tasks to verify their need to associate
a formula with the concept of slope, velocity, acceleration and speed. For example, they

say ‘I cannot find it because I don’t remember the formula’, ‘I don’t know if my formula
is correct’ or ‘I don’t know the formula to find it’. The procedures and arguments for the
rest of the tasks are similar. As shown in Table 2, the students write incorrect formulas to
find the acceleration and some of them did not even write a formula in task 4; however,
they remember the algorithm, that is to say, they work with the quotient of the differences
without considering the meaning of the first formula.

4.3. Mathematical connections of the common features type

This category includes all mathematical connections associated with the identification,
including the relationship with attributes, properties or qualities shared by the concepts
of slope, velocity, speed and acceleration according to the students.

4.3.1. The formula for speed is similar to the formula for slope
Eight students solved task 3 correctly, four of them made the mathematical connection
between the common features type between the formulas of slope and speed. These con-
nections are identified in both their written productions and their justifications in the
interviews. They write the same formula for the slope and the speed (see Table 2) using
some kind of analogy between the slope and the population speed of growth: the y axis of
the graph is related with the number of inhabitants and the variable x with time; one of the
students ‘mixes’ the variables in the formula for slope to find a formula for speed R = (y2 −
y1 )/(tf − ti ). The arguments expressed are ‘the formula for slope helped me in finding the
population speed of growth’, ‘I used the formula for slope to find the formula for speed’.

4.3.2. All formulas require the division of the differences

The arguments of the students about the similitudes of the tasks focused on the resem-
blance between the formulas and their procedures. Five of the 33 students made this
mathematical connection (Oscar, Erika, Selene, Eliott and Saraí); some prominent argu-
ments are ‘there is always initial and final data’, ‘two points are needed to solve them’, ‘the
variable of time and another variable are always showing up’, referring to the functional
situations, ‘substractions are always needed’, ‘they are all quotients’, ‘most of the problems
included a substraction between two numbers divided by another substraction between
two numbers’. For example, the following arguments appeared during the interview with

Interviewer: What similitudes did you find during the tasks?

Erika: I can see the formulas are similar, and the way we used them, because we
operate with them first by substituting data and then a subtraction and finally
we divide by another subtraction.

On the other hand, Oscar, another student of this group, made similar arguments:

Oscar: There is a close relationship between them, because they are all concerned with
the differences of the final coordinates minus the initial coordinates; it is all about
interpreting the tasks using the values given in the statement or in the graph to do
the procedures and get the result.

Table 3. Formulas used by Selene and Saraí during the tasks.

Student Task 1. Slope Task 2. Velocity Task 3. Speed Task 4. Acceleration



The mathematical connections made by the students are clear in these arguments. They
made the mathematical connections attending the common features between the formulas
and, above all, between the procedures to manipulate the formulas through calculations
like quotients and subtraction.

4.3.3. You can find the velocity, acceleration and speed from the formula of the slope
This mathematical connection was identified in the answers to the question about the
similitudes and differences in the formulas. Only two students made this mathematical
connection. Their written productions lead them to a correct answer in the four tasks;
they attributed their success to the similitude of the formulas used (Table 3). Both of them
used a mathematical model translated in a formula with a similar structure: a quotient of
differences of the form x2 − x1 or xf − xi .
Selene said during the interviews, ‘the form y2 − y1 over x2 − x1 exists in all the formu-
las but with different letters and with other names’. She suggested that the formulas had
the same structure (quotient of differences) and the particularities depend on the specific
variables of each task. On the other hand, Saraí said
‘you can see the same form in all of them (points out the formula for the slope), well you can
say that here (referring to the numerator of the formula for the velocity), but it shows us the
velocity, we can interchange them, this means that it will always be . . . literal 2 minus literal
1, for example: z2 − z1 ’.
Both students get closer to a connection of the generalization type in this mathematical
connection because they expand the formula of the slope to explain the changes of the
variables in other formulas, considering that these changes depend on the specific variables
of the formulas for velocity, speed and acceleration.

5. Discussion
The categories of the mathematical connections identified in this study are similar to the
typology proposed by Businskas [34]. She identified these types: different representations,
procedurals, common features, inclusion, implication and generalization. We only find
coincidences with the first three categories but we also detected evidence of mathematical
connections aimed towards generalization.
Our results showed that the most used mathematical connections are of the different
representations type, specifically those between the written statement of the task and the
algebraic representation through formulas. They were induced by the terms in which the

main request of each task was made (slope, velocity, speed or acceleration). The mathemat-
ical connections between graphic and algebraic representations were less numerous even
when graphics were present in all tasks.
In particular, for the case of slope our results are consistent to those of Birgin [11]
and Deniz and Kabael [12], who found that 8th Grade students had difficulty in mov-
ing between the graphical and algebraic representation forms when attempting to find the
slope of line and there existed confusion regarding the connection between these aspects.
For instance, it was more common for the students to associate the slope with the algebraic
representation of the linear function (y = mx + b) instead of its geometric interpretation
[11] or to memorize the geometric representation and use it as an algorithm [12]. In our
study, these connections could have been used by students to deduce the formulas or as
means to remember them using their graphic meaning, but this was not the case. Stu-
dents preferred to make mathematical connections between the proposed tasks with the
algebraic formulas and ignored the graphs. This confirms the reluctance to visualization
noticed by Eisenberg and Dreyfus [48] and the preference for formulas to do algorithms
and bring into play the procedural connections. Almost two thirds of the participants
used them correctly to find the slope and only a third used them in the functional sit-
uations. This was possible because they remembered the correct formula and used it to
do the necessary procedures, giving priority to the algorithm as reported by Birgin [11],
Deniz and Kabael [12], Nagle and Moore-Russo [49] and Wagener [50]. This may, in
part, be due to the instruction received by the students; they are prepared to act in this
way. Wagener [50] strengthens this hypothesis by claiming that the instruction of the rate
of change relies on algorithmic procedures and the application of formulas. Kriek and
Koontse [51] found similar results in a study focused on solving problems in Physics. Mem-
orization was a priority for the students, so they only succeeded when the formulas were
An indicator of the lack of mathematical connections between the slope and the func-
tional situations, along with the answers in the interviews, is the fact that almost two thirds
of the students succeeded in the slope task while only a third obtain the correct answers
in the functional situations of the velocity, speed and acceleration. Teuscher and Reys [8]
reported that the students consider slope, rate of change and inclination as three different
and unrelated concepts. Our study widens this result because our participants did not con-
nect the slope with the functional situations of velocity, speed and acceleration. Planinic
et al. [16] also found similar results in a study focused on parallel questions in mathematics
and physics; the mathematical context included the estimation and graphical interpreta-
tion of the slope and the physical context included velocity and acceleration. The students
solved the slope tasks correctly but not the velocity and acceleration ones, they did not
even recognize the similarities. They attributed these results to their weak ability to trans-
fer the mathematical knowledge to physics; it is, therefore, reasonable to believe that this
also happens with our participants.
Almost a fifth of the students were able to make mathematical connections of the com-
mon features type when they were asked about the formula and the procedures used; they
realized that they always do differences and quotients of differences. Ellis [52] points out
that identifying common features is an activity of generalization, but we believe that this
specific group of students does not achieve to extend their reasoning beyond this identifi-
cation of common features. We only found an approach to the connection of generalization

in two of the three students that solved the four tasks correctly. They argued that the same
formula for the slope is used, but with the variables changed. This indicates that they are in
an abductive phase in the sense of Rivera [53] because they give a hypothesis to explain a
given pattern (the formula for the slope) based on the available examples, but they did not
achieve the inductive phase of extending the pattern that underlies in the general formula
of the rate of change.
The interpretation of the results found by the students in the tasks has only a weak
presence. As found by Kriek and Koontse [51] and Lingefjärd and Farahani [54], our par-
ticipants were able to do the calculus and get the results; however, they did not understand
the meaning of those results. For example, almost two thirds of the participants obtain the
slope; however, most of them were not able to give any interpretation. Only three students
gave an interpretation as ‘rise over run’; this makes a difference from the studies of Stump
[55], Deniz and Kabael [56] and Walter and Gerson [57] that claims that this is one of the
most used conceptions of slope in teachers and students. We also noticed a trend not to
consider the units of measure in the final three tasks, even in the former three students.
This result is consistent with the results reported by Herbert and Pierce [23] and Weber
and Dorko [58]; they claim that the students do the calculations to find the rate of change
with little approach to the interpretation of the meanings of the results in a given context
or without considering the units of measure.

6. Conclusions
Our results showed that pre-university students did not identify the relationship between
the concepts of rate of change and ratio with the slope of the straight line even when the
mathematical curricula considers it beginning in 10th grade [2]. Our findings showed the
predominance of the procedural knowledge and little conceptual understanding in the
sense of Hiebert and Lefevre [59]. Most of the students did not give interpretations of
their results; only 5 of the 33 students made mathematical connections of the common
features type, and only 2 of the 33 students made this type of connections with tendencies
to generalization. These results may come from the fact that students, teachers and even
texts pay more attention to the procedures to find the slope than to the development of the
conceptual notions of slope as suggested by Lingefjärd and Farahani [60].
Another possible cause is the attribution of the teachers’ understanding of the concept
of rate of change. In this sense, Byerley and Thompson [61] reported that the meanings
of slope and rate of change given by the teachers are not enough or work incorrectly and
this does not contribute to the emergence of mathematical connections. Coe [62] showed
some results that support this hypothesis because he found that some teachers had few
connections between the meanings attributed to the slope and the meanings attributed to
the constant rate of change, the average rate of change, instantaneous rate of change, slope,
and proportionality. In this sense, Díaz [63] revealed no understanding of the rate of change
in Mexican elementary school teachers, and not significant in junior high school.
The procedural and conceptual knowledge play an important role in the mathemati-
cal connections, they are both positive correlated [64]. This correlation can be developed
through instruction and improving the mathematical comprehension. There are causal and
bidirectional links among them: improving the procedural knowledge can lead to a better
conceptual knowledge and vice versa [65,66]. In this sense, Cho and Nagle [13] attribute

the difficulties in the procedural knowledge of the slope to the lack of its conceptual
comprehension; this result strengthens the bi-directionality of both types of knowledge.
Our results strongly suggest the importance of the mathematical connections to improve
the understanding of the rate of change. This leads us to different possible future investi-
gations. On the one hand, the identification of the mathematical connections that pre-
university mathematics teachers are able to achieve and their relationship to the ones
promoted during their courses. On the other hand, the influence of the instruction of the
rate of change in a wider context full of mathematical connections with the real world in
the improvement of the mathematical understanding.

1. Junior High School in Mexico corresponds with the 7th, 8th and 9th grade, pre-university level
includes the 10th, 11th and 12th grade, this level is equivalent to Senior High School of the USA.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) and Gobierno del
Estado de Guerrero [grant number: 249538].

Crisólogo Dolores-Flores
Martha Iris Rivera-López
Javier García-García

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Tasks to solve
Dear student: The following tasks aim to explore the mathematical knowledge you developed during
pre-university school. Feel free to solve these tasks but write all the procedures you use. Your answers
will be treated confidentially. We appreciate your participation.

Task 1. What is the slope of the straight line

shown in graphic 1?

Task 2. Graphic 2 represents the position

of an object that is moving according to
the formula s(t) = 8t−t (s represents the
height in metres and t represents the time in
seconds), what is the velocity of the object
between the first and the second seconds?


Table A1. Continued.

Task 3. Graphic 3 shows the growth of urban

and rural population since 1910. What is the
speed of growth of the urban population
between 1970 and 1980? What is the speed
of growth of the urban population growth in
the same period?

Task 4. Graphic 4 shows the velocity (in m/s)

of a bicycle rider moving in a straight line.
What is his acceleration between the first
and third seconds?
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

Mathematical Connection Middle-School Students 8th in

Realistic Mathematics Education

M Hasbi, A Lukito and R Sulaiman

Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia.

Abstract. This study was conducted to notice the effect realistic mathematics education in
improving 8th grade Middle-School students’ mathematical connection by employing measuring
tools of a mathematical connection test and observation sheet, which were developed, was
distributed to 37 experimental group students and 37 control group students, which makes 74
learners in total. This study was accompanied experimental by pre-test – post-test control group
design. This participant was studying at 8.5th grade as the experimental group and 8.6 th grade as
the control group from a Middle-School 2 Candi Sidoarjo. Realistic Mathematics Education was
implemented in the experimental group while the Control group was implemented to the current
Curriculum. As a result of the conducted experimental group, it was being discovered that
mathematical connection tests and observation sheets of experimental group students are better
than control group students. It was be discovered too, based on the results of the mathematical
connection test, 83.78% of students obtained N-Gain more than or equal to 0.7. Therefore, it is
possible to say that realistic mathematics education is more efficient than learning in the control

1. Introduction
Mathematical connections are one of the abilities that must be possessed to solve problems. This is
supported by the statement NCTM, "Mathematics is not a collection of separate strands or standards,
even though it is partitioned and presented in this manner" [1]. The ability to recognize, use, understand
the interrelationship between mathematical ideas, and form a connection between one idea to another to
obtain an overall connection, and to recognize and apply mathematics to situations outside mathematics
is called the ability mathematical connection. The ability of mathematical connection as an aspect of
mathematical skills that students need to develop. This is contained in the 2013 curriculum mathematics
learning objectives, "The purpose of learning mathematics due to students understand mathematical
concepts, explaining the interrelationships between concepts and applying concepts or algorithms
flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and precisely in problem-solving" [2].
The ability of mathematical connections is very important to be developed in the process of learning
mathematics. This is supported by the statement NCTM "To help students build a disposition to use a
connection in solving mathematical problems, rather than see mathematics as a set of disconnected,
isolated concepts and skills" [1]. The ability of mathematical connections is needed by students,
especially in solving problems that require a relationship between mathematical concepts to other
concepts in mathematics and other scientific disciplines or in real life [3]. The student’s ability in
mathematical connections in various schools in Indonesia is still relatively low and moderate. This is
based on several research results that say that students' mathematical connection skills are low and
students still have difficulty in connecting mathematical concepts [4, 5, 6, 7]. This is also supported by

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MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

the results of the PISA survey which shows that mathematics achievement in Indonesia at the Middle-
School level is always fixed on low numbers and Indonesia is ranked 64th out of 72 countries with a
score of 386 [8].
TIMSS research results on students in Indonesia, especially mathematics, are ranked 45th out of 50
countries [9]. Data showed that students were still weak in all aspects of content and cognitive, one of
which has not been able to associate three-dimensional concepts and two-dimensional concepts that
result in low mathematical connection skills of students. From this problem, a low mathematical
connection indicates that students cannot make their mathematical connections. This is consistent with
the opinion of Sawyer who said that: "Making connections is the basis for mathematics education which
is influenced by their teaching practices in several important ways. Who demonstrates the ability to
make connections between mathematical knowledge and other forms of disciplinary knowledge, and
between mathematical and real-life knowledge” [10].
Based on the above description of the learning approach that can be applied to improve students'
mathematical connection skills namely Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Realistic Mathematics
Education is appropriate for students because it uses contextual problems as the starting point of
learning. According to Freudenthal mathematics should not be conveyed to students as a tool (tool) that
is ready to be used, but a form of activity constructing mathematical concepts [11]. Under this statement,
mathematics learning in the classroom emphasizes a link between mathematical concepts of the student
experience in their daily lives and it is very necessary to re-apply the knowledge of students to
mathematical concepts in real life. The approach to learning mathematics that directs the mathematical
knowledge of everyday students and applies mathematics to their daily lives is Realistic Mathematics
Education. So, it can be said that mathematics learning trains students 'logical reasoning by increasing
students' ability to mathematical connections. Therefore, the Realistic Mathematics Education approach
is appropriate for improving students' mathematical connection skills.

1.1 Realistic Mathematics Education

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is a mathematical teaching theory, developed by the
Freudenthal Institute in the Netherlands as a reform movement that challenged traditional mathematics
education with a mechanistic approach, this approach is based on Freudenthal's assumption
"mathematics is a human activity" [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. This approach characterizes the mathematical
activity as an activity of solving problems, finding problems and organizing the subject matter. The
main activity is organizing or mathematical. This approach emphasizes student activity and not as
passivity. The mathematical activity in question is the activity of rediscovering mathematical ideas and
concepts by exploring the real world under the guidance of the teacher as a facilitator. The basic principle
of RME refers to guided discovery, didactic phenomenology, and mediating the principle of the model.
All these characteristics are inspired by Freudenthal, the basic principle of this RME is 'mathematics as
a human activity' [15, 17, 18, 20]. This idea places a heavy emphasis on students who build their
knowledge with the guidance of teachers in the learning process of mathematics in the classroom.
Two types of mathematical formulations by Treffers, namely horizontal and vertical mathematics.
Examples of horizontal mathematicians are identifying, formulating, and visualizing problems in
different ways, and transforming real-world problems into mathematical problems. Examples of vertical
mathematics are a representation of relationships in formulas, enhancement, and adjustment of
mathematical models, the use of different models, and generalizations. Both types of mathematicians
get balanced attention because these two mathematicians have the same value [16]. The real world here
is used as a starting point for learning mathematics, such as other subjects, the environment, and
everyday life. This approach emphasizes processes more important than results. PMR uses mathematical
terms which are interpreted as "Mathematically" consists of two processes namely horizontal
mathematical and vertical mathematical. Both processes are interpreted as a guided reinventing activity
[19]. In line with Freudenthal, "horizontal mathematical means moving from the real world into the
world of symbols to produce mathematical concepts, principles, or models of everyday contextual

MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

problems, while vertical mathematical means moving in the world of symbols themselves to produce
concepts, principles, or mathematical models of mathematics " [15].
The following are realistic mathematics education principles which are guided reinvention and
progressive mathematization, didactic phenomenology, and self-developed models [20]. The following
are the characteristics of realistic mathematics education approaches that are using context, using
models, using student contributions, interactivity, and interrelationships between topics [16, 20, 21].
Based on the literature review, we make PMR-based mathematics learning steps that are under the
principles and characteristics of RME, namely, first step: Understand contextual problems, second Step:
Resolve contextual problems, third step: Compare and discuss, fourth Step: Conclude.

1.2 Mathematical Connections

One of the abilities that must be mastered by students in mathematics is mathematical connection skills,
as recommended by NCTM, the Standard Process of Problem Solving, Reasoning and Evidence,
Communication, Connection, and Representation, highlighting how to acquire and use content
knowledge [1]. By statement NCTM,” mathematical connections are the relationship between
mathematical topics, the relationship between mathematics and other disciplines, and the relevance of
mathematics to the real world or in everyday life” [22]. Mathematical connections are connections of
mathematics to mathematics itself, mathematical connections to other subjects, mathematical
connections to their applications, and mathematical connections to real problems around students
through mathematical modeling [23]. In connection with understanding this mathematical connection,
we need to note that in mathematics between one concept and the other there is a close relationship, not
only in terms of sides but also in terms of the formulas used. One material may be a prerequisite for
another material, or a certain concept is needed to explain another concept. This is by Bruner's
association proposition which states that in mathematics each concept is related to one another [24].
Mathematical connections are the ability of students to (1) recognize the same representation with the
same topic, (2) associate procedures in one representation with procedures in the same representation,
and (3) use and value relationships between mathematics and other scientific disciplines” [25]. When
students and teachers continue to" think connections "mathematics will grow and become dominant”
[26]. In general, suggests that mathematical connection capabilities include “Link conceptual and
procedural knowledge, Use mathematics in other curriculum fields, Use math in daily life activities,
Look at mathematics as an integrated whole, Applying mathematical thinking and modeling to solve
problems that arise in other disciplines, such as art, music, psychology, science, and business, Use and
value connections between mathematical topics, Recognise equal representation from the same concept
The purpose of this study was to notice the effect of realistic mathematics education in improving 8th-
grade Middle-School students’ mathematical connection.

2. Methods
This study used experimental research with the design of the two-groups of pretest-posttest design. The
study population was all 8th-grade students of Middle School 2 Candi Sidoarjo. The Sample of this
study consists of 8.5th grade and 8.6th grade from the population sampling 8th grade with a total of 74
students. The experimental grade taught with problem-based learning is 8.5th grade which consists of 20
female students and 17 male students, while the control grade taught with conventional learning is 8.6th
grade consists of 24 female students and 13 male students. Data collection tools developed in this study
uses a mathematical connection ability test sheet (TKMM) and an observation sheet. The TKMM test
instrument consisted of 4 questions on the topic of a prism. The observation sheet consists of observing
teacher activities and student activities to see student activities during the lesson. Before conducting the
research, the TKMM test instrument and observation sheet were validated by experts consisting of 3
lecturers and 1 mathematics teacher. After being declared valid with a validity coefficient of 0.81 and a
reliability coefficient of 0.78.

MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

Furthermore, the TKMM description test items were tested to students to get the level of validity and
the level of reliability of the instruments to be used, the TKMM items were tested outside the research
subject. To measure the validity of an item, you can use the product-moment correlation formula below
𝑛 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖𝑗 𝑦𝑖 −(∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖𝑗 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑦𝑖 )
rxy = 2 2
√{𝑛 ∑𝑛
2 −(∑𝑛
𝑥𝑖𝑗 𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖𝑗 ) }.{𝑛 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑦𝑖2 −(∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑦𝑖 ) }
Then, to calculate the reliability coefficient the Alpha-Cronbach test item is used as follows [28].
𝑛 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝜎𝑖2
r11 𝑟11=(𝑛−1) (1 − 𝜎𝑡2
Furthermore, to determining the level of improvement in the pretest (TKMM) and posttest (TKMM)
results, the calculation results with formula below are further categorized and matched with an
interpretation based on the criteria in Table 1 as follows [29].

%<𝐺> (% < 𝑆 𝑓 > − % < 𝑆𝑖 >)

<g> ≡ =
%<𝐺>𝑀𝑎𝑥 (100 − %<𝑆 >) 𝑖

where <𝑆𝑓 > and <𝑆𝑖 > are the final (post) and initial (pre) class averages on the "mathematical connection
ability test, "a well-known test of mathematical connection ability”.

Table 1. N-Gain Value Criteria

N-Gain Criteria
(<g>) ≥ 0.70 “High-g”
0,30 ≤ (<g>) < 0.70 “Medium-g”
(<g>) ≤ 0.30 “Low-g”

3. Results
Data Analysis pre-test results of TKMM were compared with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test.
As a result of the comparison, there was no significant difference between the scores of experimental
and control groups in terms of TKMM pre-test scores. Since TKMM post-test scores of experimental
and control groups provide parametric testing propositions, they were compared with independent t-test.
Table 2. Mann-Whitney U test results of TKMM pre-test scores
Test Group N Average Total U P
Experimental 37 55.53 2776.5
TKMM 472.05 0.205
Control 37 51.21 2304.45

Hypothesis criteria: hypothesis (H0) accepted if: Tcount > Ttable and hypothesis (H1) rejected. The research
hypothesis is as follows:
● H0: There are no significant differences between students 'pre-test and post-test scores which
indicating an effect of teaching on students' mathematical connection.
● H1: There are significant differences between students 'pre-test and post-test scores which
indicating an effect of teaching on students' mathematical connection.

3.1 Results of TKKM

The process of conducting study begins by giving TKMM tests to both classes to see the level of
students' initial mathematical connection ability. After applying problem-based learning, a test is given
to see the improvement of students' mathematical connection ability. The control grade and the
experimental grade are given different learning treatments. Table 3 shows results TKMM to reveal if

MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

designed instruction created a significant difference in students' mathematical connection in terms of

pre-test and post-test scores.
Table 3. Results of TKMM scores
Test Class Number of Subject Highest Score Lowest Score
Experiment 37 70 40
Control 37 65 35
Experiment 37 100 75
Control 37 70 50

Based on Table 3 above, it was found that the students’ mathematical connection using realistic
mathematics education showed better results by looking at the average obtained by students in the
experimental grade and the control grade.
Then, the initial analysis is carried out normality and homogeneity test with the purpose to find out data
from two groups with normal distribution and homogeneous data obtained. Next, the hypothesis test is
performed to show the Tvalue calculated from the pre-test and post-test data. Based on statistical results,
Tcount = 17.656 and Ttable (N-2) = 1.689. So that Tcount > Ttable is obtained, based on this hypothesis (H1)
accepted and (H0) rejected, so it can be concluded that the students' mathematical connection using
Realistic mathematics education in experiments grade increases and is better than students who get
treatment with conventional learning in the control grade. As well as seen from the posttest value of
students that fulfills the number that gets a value above the Classical Completion Criteria. Learning
completeness achieved by students in classical is more than 75%.
The average N-Gain value obtained by students in the experimental grade is 83.78% more than or equal
to 0.7. It can be said that, while in the control grade that is 65% more than or equal to 0.3.

Table 4. N-Gain results of TKMM post-test

N-Gain Criteria
(<g>) ≥ 0,70 83,78%
0,30 ≤ (<g>) < 0,70 16,22%

3.2 Results of Observations

Based on observations during learning on experiment grade, the results indicate that the teacher's
activities in learning meet good criteria at each stage in the Realistic mathematics education. Then,
student activities that meet active criteria in learning are marked by the ideal time set in the lesson plan
to meet the time limit for effectiveness of tolerance and provide a positive response to mathematics
learning in class. In mathematics learning takes place, students' responses are positive about
mathematical connection skills, because students are given contextual problems to connect the
relationship between mathematics and mathematics itself, mathematics with other subjects and
mathematics is associated with everyday life.
Based on observations made by observers, the following is a description of the learning process
obtained. The stage of treatment or implementation of learning is carried out with several meetings.
Each meeting lasts 90 minutes with an estimated learning time from the initial activity to closing. The
material discussed in each meeting in this study was prism material. For each meeting, students are
given contextual problems related to the prism material, in this case, the surface area and volume of
prisms that will be discussed with student group friends. In the initial activity of learning, the teacher
arranges classes for learning activities and conveys the purpose of the material to be studied. Next, the
teacher forms a group based on gender and the level of ability of students with the aim that students will
hold group discussions and solve problems that have been delivered by the teacher. At first, students
still have difficulty finding mathematical ideas on the problems presented, but at the next meeting
students have begun to recognize mathematical ideas and have been able to represent them in symbolic

MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

form, then students make models or procedures, so students can find and draw conclusions from the
material that has been taught.
When the material discussion takes place, several students in each group ask the teacher questions about
the contextual issues they discussed. In the learning process, the teacher does not directly answer
questions from students, but the teacher simply repeats the material and provides reasonable guidance,
so students can find their answers. After the group discussion is complete, the teacher asks one of the
representatives from each group to present the results of their discussion and write them on the board.
After the group presents and presents the results of the discussion, the teacher checks whether the results
are by what is expected in the learning objectives. Then the teacher will explain further to confirm the
results of the discussion from each group. At the end of the lesson, the teacher and students summarize
or conclude the material that has been taught with the guidance of the teacher.

4. Discussion
In general, the results of this study can improve students' mathematical connection skills. This study
shows that the average mathematical connection ability of students who use the Realistic Mathematics
Education (RME) increases and is better than the class with conventional learning. By using the Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) which is connected with the mathematical concepts themselves, other
scientific concepts and other daily life, thus learning will be more meaningful and students' mathematical
connection abilities increase and become better.
Learning theory is a guideline for teachers to help students develop their cognitive, social, and spiritual.
The development so far with Realistic learning Mathematics Education (RME) has always been based
on 4 theories namely Piaget's theory, Vygotsky's theory, Bruner's theory and Ausubel's theory [30]. By
the theory of learning, learning and thinking change and develops cognitive structures. In his theory,
Piaget suggested that a person's cognitive structure occurs because of the process of adaptation.
Adaptation is the process of adjusting schemes in responding to the environment through two processes
of assimilation and accommodation. In fact, according to Slavin, “assimilation is an interpretation of
new experiences to existing schemes” [30].
The learning process with RME is very closely related to theory, it is based on Piaget's theory, because
realistic mathematics learning focuses on how students think, not focusing on the results of student
completion. Furthermore, students who are given contextual problems will be allowed to find their ideas
to solve problems and represent mathematical symbols. One important theory in the developmental
psychology of students is Vygotsky's theory [30]. This theory is following the Realistic Mathematics
Education Approach (RME), which is a contextual problem that is presented to students in
understanding and completing it designed in the form of groups, and in this group, there are interactions
between students and students and teachers in understanding and resolving the contextual problems
presented earlier. This approach each student will feel confident and responsible for their knowledge
obtained from the results of the discussion.
Learning mathematics is learning about the concepts and structures of mathematics found in the material
studied and for discovering the relationship between the concepts and mathematical structures of Bruner
[31]. Through these concepts and structures, so that material will be comprehensively understood.
Besides, student knowledge is easier to remember and last longer if the material being studied has a
structured pattern. So, it can be concluded that Bruner's theory is following RME, the suitability of first
guided rediscovery and progressive mathematics, and conformity with the second principle, didactic
phenomenology, conformity with the characteristics of the first RME is to use context, third is student
contributions and fourth is interactivity.
Learning must be meaningful when the information learned by students is governed by cognitive
students [31]. Ausubels’ theory, students can associate their new knowledge with cognitive. This way
students will have strong and easy memories in transferring their knowledge. If students try to link new
information into their knowledge then learning will be meaningful to them. Based on some of the
descriptions above, this shows that RME is appropriate and relevant to Ausubels’ theory because RME
emphasizes understanding more than just memorizing. Besides, the relationship between information to

MISEIC 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012047

be learned on the cognitive structure of students in the RME approach arises when contextual problems
are given that are close to the actual student environment or students can imagine so that they can help
students learn meaningfully.

5. Conclusion
Based on the analysis of the results of the above data obtained from the pre-test, post-test, and
observation in the experimental class and the control class. The conclusions in this study conducted at
Middle-School 2 Candi Sidoarjo are presented below:
● The ability of students’ mathematical connection to use realistic mathematics education in the
experimental grade increased significantly and was better than the control grade.
● The observations, the activities of the teacher are done well and the students' activities show
that they are actively characterized by students who are more enthusiastic in learning
mathematics using realistic mathematics education.
● Based on the results of students' mathematical connection tests, 83,78% of students obtained an
N-gain more than or equal to 0,7. Therefore, it is possible to say that realistic mathematics
education is more efficient than learning in the control grade.
The conclusion obtained above is that learning mathematics using realistic mathematics education can
improve mathematical connection students and teachers must master learning models such as realistic
mathematics education so that the learning process in the classroom becomes more active, diverse, and
learning will be meaningful so that students' knowledge will last a long time and will improve student
learning outcomes (Mathematical connection) for the better.

6. Acknowledgments
This research reported here in was supported by SMPN 2 Candi Sidoarjo, especially for 8th grade as
samples, and Rante Hanjarwarti as a teacher in this class who helped the research. As well as thanks to
Dr. Agung Lukito and Dr. Raden Sulaiman who has provided advice and input in the preparation of
instruments and the contents of this manuscript.

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IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017



Zaenal Abidin1*, Al Jupri2

S.Pd., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA,
S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, INDONESIA,
*Corresponding author

The data of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2015 has shown that the
primary students in Indonesia have the 6 lowest skill. This is occurred as the students have not been
facilitated by connection skill to improve their standard one. Mathematics learning activity can be used to
improve the connection skill for it has a systematic and connection concepts affecting to their good attitude
and logical systematic and rational thinking. Therefore, teachers should be able to choose a learning model
to improve mathematical connection skill of the students. One of which is by using Multiliteration learning
model. Multiliteration learning model consists of four learning stages including setup, explore, discuss,
presenting . The research aims to determine student’s mathematical connection skill between learning using
Multiliteration and conventional model. This used a quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control
group design. The research had been examined in Primary School. The material taken in the research is
Geometry in Theme 7 Curriculum 2013. Based on data processing of connection skill test, the average
pretest results of control group is 28,3 and experimental group is 27,7. After receiving different treatment, the
average posttest result of control group is 63,3 and experimental group is 86,3. Improvement quality of
student’s mathematical connection of experimental group is higher than control group, which is in medium.
Thus, Multiliteration learning model can be used as one of the alternative learning model to improve the
student’s mathematical connection.
Keywords: Multiliteration learning model, Mathematical connection, Conventional model, Geometry, Primary
school student.

The development of science and technology in the 21st century has required every individual to think
critically, systematically, logically, creatively, and well interacted with society. Trilling and Fadel (2009) state
that education in the 21st century emphasizes four learning competencies that must be mastered by
students, namely high comprehension, critical thinking, collaborative, and the communicated skills. 603
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

In contrast to the competence standard in the 21st century, the competence of Indonesian students is still
bad. This can be seen in the results of Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in
2015 that Indonesia is in the 45th of 50 countries. This shows that children in Indonesia who are in primary
school are still lacking in the ability of Mathematics.
The results of observation in primary school shows that learning mathematics is very difficult to be
associated with other materials or subjects. This is caused by teacher's unfamiliarity to teach math.
Meanwhile, as we know that the standard of the Curriculum 2013 must have the existence of connection
between one subject with another one, known as Tematic Integrated. In addition, the students also feel
confused when they learn math with no separation. This is occured since the students have not yet been
facilitated to develop their connection skills, especially in the students' mathematical connection ability.
Mathematical learning can develop the attitudes and ways of thinking that become the demand of the
science development in the 21st century as it has a systematic learning concept. Therefore, it will be
demanded a regularity in every concept, and there is also a linkage to each concept that can not be
separated. It will have an impact on a logical, systematic, and rational attitude and their way of thinking.
In line with the discussion, in the National Council Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2012) mentioned that
there are five basic mathematical standards. They are problem solving, reasoning and proofing,
communication, connections, and representation. This is also related to Triling & Fadel's opinion (2009, p 48)
which explains that skills in the 21st century are the learning skills of innovating and contextually problem-
In the relation to assigned mathematics competencies, primary school students should have good
mathematical connection skills in order to master the mathematical concepts of one material with other
materials, to solve problems related to mathematics, and to appreciate mathematics in a real-life context. In
addition, a learning system should deliver information received by students into long time memory, so
students will never forget things that have been taught. For good learning is a meaningful one that can
always be reminded by the students whenever they are. The explanation is in accordance with the
explanation of the Ausubel learning theory (in Suwangsih & Tiurlina, 2006 p.74) that learning activities must
be meaningful, students understand the concept or material by linking information or subject matter on the
cognitive structure they have.
Ausubel, Bruner (in Suwangsih & Tiurlina, 2006 p. 86) explains "In mathematics, every concept is related to
another concept. Neither with others, such as theorem and theorem, between theory and theory, between
topics and topics ". It is increasingly asserted that a learning should facilitate students to always see the
linkage between one component with other components. In this case, it is clear that students should be
facilitated to develop and optimize the ability of mathematical connections.
In line with the above statement, there are two common types of mathematical connections according to
NCTM (2000), Modeling Connections and Mathematical Connections. Modeling Connections is the
relationship between real-world problem situations with a representation of media / modeling, while
Mathematical Connections is the relationship between mathematical material with other ones or with other
subject matter.
To solve these problems, it is clear that learning should have a representative medium that can connect
between students' knowledge in real situations and learning materials. In addition, there should be a model
that can develop old and new knowledge of students and facilitate their mathematical connection ability. In
order to fulfill all competencies, a teacher should be able to become a facilitator and mediator in meeting the
needs of students related to 21st century competence. Therefore, teachers should be able to choose the
right learning model to meet their competencies.
In the learning process, teachers play an important role in facilitating students. Teaching method that
teachers use can not be separated from the learning model that they use. The learning model is a plan used
to shape the curriculum, making learning materials, and becoming a learning guide (Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun,
2009). Furthermore the model is translated into a broad unity of learning systems that contain a special
philosophical basis or a pedagogic learning theory (Bhargava, 2016). So, the learning model is a conceptual
framework used in a lesson.
As the development of learning in the 21st century, the model of learning used by teachers is also
develpoing. In bridging the competence to be mastered by students, teachers are required to use learning
models that can facilitate students to think critically, creatively, and innovatively. The success of students in
learning is not only measured by how much they remind the material given by the teacher, but how students
understand the concept that has been given by the teacher. There is a significant difference between 604
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

reminding and understanding. In Bloom's taxonomy known as Taxonomy of Learning (Trilling & Fadel, 2009),
the reminding is in phase C1, that is basic ability in the cognitive domain. While the understanding is in
phase C2, which is a higher step than reminding. To enable students to understand the concept provided by
the teacher, it is required learing model that can support it.
Constructivists view that meaningful learning is the thing that can make students discover their own
concepts, in accordance with the opinions of Glaserfeld and Matthews (in Siregar and Nara, 2010). The
teacher's role is a facilitator in the process of discovery of the concept. The concept is a tool that human
beings use to organize infinite impressions using their five senses (Swidler, 2014). When students have
been able to build their own concepts, the teaching materials given will be understood by students. One of
the learning models that gives students the opportunity to build their own concepts is the Multiliteration
The research on integrated literacy model with mathematics has been done by Shyyan (2008). Shyyan
(2008) explains that reading which is integrated with mathematics has been able to develop the ability of
teachers in generating a number of learning strategies and simultaneously improve the ability of students in
mastering mathematical concepts. In line with the research by Shyyan, Olge et al (2007) explains that
multiliterational learning can link learned material to already known material of the students and link the
material learned with real life and contemporary issues.
From all the above descriptions, there has been no research focusing on Multiliteration Modell Learning in
Primary Schools in Mathematics subjects focused on mathematical connection ability. Therefore, in this
research, I will examine " The Use Of Multiliteration Model To Improve Mathematical Connection Ability Of
Primary School Students".
1.1 Multiliteration Model
Morocco, et al. (2008, p10) states that the multiliteration skills which must be mastered in order to support
and develop the four competencies of the 21st century include high-level reading and good writing skill to
build and express meaning, accountably speaking and mastering skill in the various digital media. These four
skills show that the mastery of any literacy can not be separated from the concept of literacy in the
dimensions of the field of language skills. The importance of high reading skills is further expressed by
Concannon-Gibney and McCarthy (2012) which states that "... all students should be provided with the
problem of solving, communication and thinking skills that they need to be effective worker and citizen in the
21st century. Reading plays a key role in science achievement. "
McConachi, et al. (2010) provides the term disciplinary literature to describe multiliteration learning models.
Based on his opinion, disciplinary literacy learning is a learning that emphasizes the use of reading, logic,
research, speaking and writing to study and form a complex understanding of the knowledge content
associated with a particular field of knowledge. This opinion is in line with Ivanic (2009) which states that
multiliterational learning is a learning challenge for students to study and apply practical literacy that serves
as a mediating tool to learn cross-curriculum concepts.
The concept of multiliteration learning is also expressed by other experts namely McKee and Ogle (2005).
Mckee and Ogle (2005) provide insight into multiliterational learning, literacy should initially be viewed as the
ability to use reading, writing, listening and speaking as efficiently as possible to improve thinking and
communication skills.
In line with the above description, the multiliteration learning model can be defined as a learning model that
optimizes multiliteration skills in realizing scientific learning process situations. This learning is oriented to the
development and the use of 21st century of critical thinking, conceptual understanding collaborative and
communicative, and creative thinking competence. The skills used to support the four competencies are
reading , writing , speaking, and the mastery of information and communication media skill.
1.1.1 Multiliteration Model Steps
For mathematics, multiliteration learning steps are developed by Bill and Jamar (2010). Bill and Jamar (2010)
explain that multiliteration learning steps are as follows:
1) Setup
2) Explore
3) Share and Discuss
4) Presenting 605
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

The selected population in this study is all fourth-grade students of primary school in the second semester of
the academic year 2016/2017 in Cileunyi. SD Laboratorium UPI Cibiru was defined as sample by researcher.
The selection of the sample was not randomly done. Samples were selected based on sampling incidental
technique. Based on observations on mathematics and homeroom teachers, the obtained information
confirmed that the two sampled classes have the same mathematical skill, so that the determination and
control group experiments can be conducted on class IV-B and IV-C. In this study, researchers set VI-C as
an experimental group and class IV-B as the control group.
This study is a quasi-experimental research. The study design that is used by the researchers is a design
that has a pretest and posttest or nonequivalent control group design. Here is an overview of the quasi-
experimental research design of nonequivalent control group design.
O X1 O
O X2 O
O: Pretest = posttest (test connection capabilities)
X1: treatment of learning using Multiliteration Model
X2: treatment conventional
----- Namely: the subject is not grouped randomly
The research instruments used in this study are test and non-test instrument. The test instrument in this
study is a test that forms description to measure the skill in connecting students' mathematical, while the
non-test instrument forms an observation sheet that is used to measure the activity of teachers and students
in the experimental group.
3.1.1 The Result of Pretest
Based on the research that has been done, the acquisitio mean score of pretest and posttest experimental
group and the control group were as follow:
Table 1 Average score of pretest and posttest

Group Pretest Posttest

Experiment 27,7 86,3

Control 28,3 63,3

For more details, it can be seen in the data description score pretest in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Descriptive Sratistics

Descriptive Statistics

Group N Sum Mean Std.


Experiment 30 832 27,7 11,974

Control 30 848 28,3 10,017

Table 2 above, it can be seen that the skill of students' initial experimental class and control class were not 606
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

quite different. It can be seen from the average achieved scores of pretest experimental class of 27,7 and an
average score of pretest 28,3 control class, overall the research class has the same mathematical
connection capabilities.
Table 3 Normality Distribution Scores Pretest

Group Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Statistic Df Sig.

Experiment .141 30 .133

Control .144 30 .114

Based on Table 3 above, it can be seen that results the output of variance test for normality using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed significant score data pretest for the experimental group and the control
group was 0.133 is 0.114. Due to the significant value of both groups of more than 0.05, then H 0 is accepted.
It can be said that the distribution of the samples are normal.
Taking the significant stage at α= 5% of decision-making criteria are H0 accepted if significance (sig. ) ≥ 0.05,
and H0 is rejected if the value of significance (sig) <0.05. After processing the data, display of output can be
seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4 Homogeneity of Two Variances Score Pretest

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic Sig.

2.568 .115

Based on Table 4 above, it can be seen that the level test of significance Statistic Level is above 0.05 is
0,115. Based on the test results Levene Statistic, it can be concluded that H0 is accepted, meaning that there
is no different variance between the experimental group and the control group.
Because the normality and homogeneity tests meet the criteria for the t test, then the following hypotheses
are used to determine differences between the mean scores pretest the experimental group and the control
Table 5 Independent Samples pretest Test

Independent Sampel Test

T df Sig (2-tailed)

-.187 58 .852

Based on table 5 above, it appears that t for pretest with equal variance assumed probskill is -0.187 to 0.852.
Due to the acquisition of two-sided test probskill is greater than 0.05 (0.852> 0.05), then H0 is accepted. It
can be assumed that the skill to mathematically connect the two groups on the pretest was not significantly
different, meaning that the experimental group and the control group had the skill to connect before the two
groups were treated differently.
3.1.2 The Result of Posttest
Posttest was performed in order to see the skill in connecting mathematical students in the experimental
group and the control group after getting a different treatment. The data analyses score of posttest of the 607
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

experimental group and the control group are presented in Table 6 below.
Tabel 6 Posttest Scores

Descriptive Statistics

Group N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Std.


Experiment 30 68 100 2588 86,3 9,724

Control 30 48 80 1900 63,3 9,689

According to the table above, it can be seen that the minimum score in the experimental group is 68 and the
maximum score is 100. Minimum score in the control group was obtained at 48 and a maximum score of 80.
Having obtained experimental group and the control group received a different treatment, it obtained an
average score posttest of 86,3 experimental group and the average score of posttest control group by 63,3.
Thus it appears that the average score of posttest experimental group is greater than the average score of
posttest control group by a margin of 23.
Table 7 Normality Distribution scores posttest

Group Kolmogorov-Smirnov

Statistic Df Sig.

Experiment .137 30 .154

Control .135 30 .174

Based on the table above, it can be seen that results the output of variance test for normality using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, demonstrated the significant value of the data scores of posttest for the
experimental group and the control group of 0.154 and 0.174. Due to the significant value of both groups of
more than 0.05, then H0 is accepted. It can be assumed that the distribution of data from both sample groups
is normal.
Table 8 Homogeneity Two scores Variance posttest

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.001 1 58 .979

According to the table above, it can be seen that the level test of significance Statistic Levene is above 0.05
is 0,979. Based on test Levene Statistic results, it can be concluded that H0 accepted, meaning that there is
no different variance between the experimental group and the control group. This indicates that there was
not any different variance of the data score posttest connection mathematically to the experimental group or
the control group.
Furthermore, namely t test, following a hypothesis that is used to determine the differences between the
mean scores posttest experimental group and the control group.
At this stage, it will be done t test (Independent Sample T-test) with the assumption that the data came from
a normal distributed population. The test results of mean difference the posttest two samples is presented in
Table 9 below. 608
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

Table 9 Posttes t Independent Samples Test

Independent Sampel Test

T df Sig (2-tailed) Mean Std. Lower Upper

Error Difference

9.151 58 .000 22.9333 2.50621 17.916 27.95

Based table 9 above, it appears that t to posttest with equal variance assumed probskill is 9.151 to 0.000.
Due to the acquisition of two-sided test probskill of less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and t is greater than t table
(5.044> 2.002), then H0 is rejected. The average score posttest experimental group and the control group
was different. Additionally, according to the table above were obtained also mean difference for score
posttest score of 22,9333 with an average difference of 17.916 and below the average of the top amounted
to 27.95. This may imply that the average difference of posttest ranged from 17.916 to 27.95 with an average
difference amounted to 22,9333.
From all of the description above, it can be a common thread that there are differences in the skill to connect
students' mathematical between groups of students experiment that uses a learning model Multiliterasi with a
control group using learning usual (conventional) in the context of Curriculum 2013 that learning is always
3.2.1 The Difference in Skill Connection Mathematically
From the results of hypothesis testing in this study, there are differences in the skill to connect mathematical
students skill who obtain Multiliteration model learning with mathematical connection capabilities of students
who received the usual learning (Conventional).
Based on the data process that has been done before, the average score of pretest obtained for the
experimental group was 27,3. Once students are treated through the Multiliteration model of learning,
mathematical connection skill of students has increased significantly. It can be seen from the high average of
achieved posttest scores of students that is equal to 86,3. Thus, it can be concluded that the Multiliterasi
Model learning can improve students' mathematical connection capabilities significantly.
Learning Model Mulriliterasi is able to train students’ maturity through the four stages of learning. In this
study, students' initial knowledge becomes the basic capabilities which will be strengthened through the
activities of setup, explore, share discuss, and presenting. The learning activities in groups are able to create
a good social interaction among students. With a cooperative setting, the stage of setup has made every
student for having equal responsibility to understand each lesson undertaken by the group, every stages of
the Multiliteration Model greatly affect the maturity of thought obtained by the students to be able in
increasing the skill of students' mathematical connections.
In this Multiliteration model, student is facilitated a strengthening through the stage Presenting in an effort to
improve or enrich himself on the charge of material that has already learned. Unlike the experimental class,
the class of the control activities carried out only conclusion to conclude a material that has been learned
and follow up on deficiencies in the learning process without facilitating the students to realize the mistakes
and shortcomings. This is in line with the theory of Ausubel (in Suwangsih & Tiurlina 2006 p.86): "In
mathematics every concept associated with other concepts. Neither with others, for example, the proposition
and the proposition, between theory and theory, between the topic with the topic”.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion that is proportional to focus research problems, it can
be a common thread about the study of mathematics by Multiliteasi Model on the material Theme 7
Curriculum Primary school in 2013. The conclusion is There are differences in the skill of students'
mathematical connection between students who obtained using Multiliterasi Model learning with students
who received conventional learning. Learning math using Model Multiliterasi significantly influences the
increase of students' mathematical connection capabilities. This is due to Model Multiliterasi provides
opportunities and facilitates the students to see how the math materials with other mathematical material, 609
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017

material math with other subjects matter, and mathematics in the context of everyday life. So that, it impacts
the skill to connect mathematical students’ acknowledgment learning by Multiliterasi Model better than
students who received conventional learning.
In this case, the skill to connect mathematical students learning with Multiliterasi Model and conventional
learning are scientifically increased. It can be seen from index results normalized gain. Based on the criteria
of the index gain, the quality of connection mathematical skill of students learning with Multiliterasi Model
increases in the high category, while the quality of the connection mathematical skill of students who
received conventional learning averagely increase.
Special thanks to Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) KEMENKEU RI for giving the author the
opportunity to study Masters in UPI and finish this research for seminar in ADVERD 2017. Thank you to
Laboratory Primary School UPI Cibiru as a place to share knowledge.

Bhargava, D. R. (2016). Effect of Concept Attainment Model on Achievement in Social Sciences.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(5).
Bill, V. dan Jamar, I. (2010).” Diciplinary Literacy in Mathematics Classroom” dalam Conten Matters : A
Disciplinary Literaxy Approach to Improving Student Learning. San Fransisco : Jossey-Bass A wiley
Concannon-Gibney, T. & McCarthy, M.J.(2012). "The Explicit Teaching of Reading Comprehension in
Science Class: a Pilot Professional Development Program". Improving Schools. 15 (1).
Ivanic, R. (2009). "Bringing Literacy Studies into Research and Prospects" dalam The Future of Literacy
Studies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2009). Models of Teaching: Model-Model Pengajaran (Edisi 8).
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
McConachi, S.M., et al. (2010). Content Matters: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Improving Student
Learning. San Fransisco : Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.
McKee, J. dan Ogle, D. (2005). Interesting Instruction Literacy and Science. New York : The Guilford Press.
Morocco, C.C. et al. (2008). Supported Literacy for Adolescents : Transforming Teaching and Content
Learning for 21 century. San Fransisco : Jossey-Bass A wiley Imprint.
NCTM. (2000). Principles and Standars for School Mathematics. [Online]. Accesed : 10
Maret 2017.
NCTM (2012). Principles and Standars for School Mathematics Volume 1. Michigan : National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics.
Olge, D. Et al. (2007). Buliding Literacy in Social Studies : Strategies for Improving Comprehension and
Critical Thinking. Alexandria : ASCD.
Pusat Penilaian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (2017). Hasil TIMSS 2015. Accesed : www.acdp-
Shyyan, et al (2008). Instructional Strategies for Improving Achievement in Reading, Mathematics, and
Science for English Languange Learners. Assesment for Effective Intervention. 33 (3).
Siregar, E. and Nara, H. (2010). Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia.
Suwangsih, E. and Tiurlina. (2010) Model pembelajaran matematika. Bandung: UPI PRESS.
Swidler, L. (2014). Dialogue Institute: “Whole Child Education” Exercise in Concept Attainment Dialogue for
Interreligious Understanding.
Trilling, B. & Fadel, C. (2009), 21 Century skills. San Fransisco : Jossey-Bass A wiley Imprint. 610
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

The efforts of improving mathematical connection ability of

senior high school student with 7e learning cycle model

R G S Nabilah*, S Suhendra and K Yulianti

Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia


Abstract. Mathematical connection ability has important role in the success of students’
mathematics course. In fact, the mathematical connection ability of senior high school students
is not quite good, thus a learning models is needed to improve mathematical connection ability.
The purposes of the research are; (1) find out if 7e Learning Cycle Model could improving
students mathematical connection ability; (2) determine whether the improvement of
mathematical connection ability of student who obtain 7e Learning Cycle Model compare than
student who obtain the conventional learning; (3) and find out how students attitude toward 7e
Learning Cycle Model. The method applied in this research was a quasi-experimental design by
using non-equivalent control group design. Result for this research are quantitative data and
qualitative data. Quantitative data obtained from mathematical connection ability of student
before and after the implementation of learning while qualitative data obtained from analysis of
data from student questionnaires and observation sheets. The result of this research are: (1) 7e
Learning Cycle Model could increasing mathematical connection ability, (2) increased
mathematical connection ability student who obtain 7e Learning Cycle better than student who
obtain the conventional learning, (3) and most students give positive attitude toward 7e Learning

1. Introduction
The importance of understanding mathematics for student is unfortunately incompatible with the success
of the student in learning mathematics. Based on a preliminary study conducted by the researchers found
that the mathematical ability of students is still low. When researcher do observation in the classroom,
student have difficulties when solving problems than have a conceptual link [1].
The difficulties experienced by students are suspected because students are less understanding of the
prerequisite materials for the material being studied. Researcher suspect students see the concepts in
mathematics separately. Though, the concept of mathematics are interconnected with each other [2], so
that the students only memorize the concept that is being learned then forget it when learning other
mathematical concepts. Researcher suspected it causes students having difficulty in learning new
concept of mathematics that have relevance to the previous concept.
One of the abilities that must be possessed by students to successfully learn mathematics is the ability
of connection. Such capability is necessary for high school students to understanding the mathematical
concept. A mathematical curriculum characterized by a spiral in which all the concept in newly learned
mathematics have to do with the previously learned concepts by adding complexity to them [3].

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

Therefore the mathematical concepts studied at the high school level have much relevance to the
material at the previous educational level and concepts learned at the high school level itself.
In this research, students are considered to have mathematical connection ability if the student is able
to understand and use the connection between mathematical concept or mathematical concept with other
fields of science and application of mathematical concept in the real life [4,5].
Another cause of the lack of students in understanding the concept of mathematics is that teachers
are less precise in planning the implementation of learning. The learning of mathematics in the
classroom is still teacher-centered by using lecture methods and giving routine practice questions that
are clear how to solve them [6]. As a result in the implementation of learning in the classroom students
tend to be passive, not critical of mathematical concepts and problems.
The learning model that makes it easier for students to understand the concept of mathematics is a
student-centered model and uses the knowledge that students already have to learn new knowledge [7].
One of the learning model that is expected to improve mathematical connection ability of high school
students is Learning Cycle 7e model. Learning Cycle model is a student-centered learning model and
based on constructivism [8]. Constructivism learning is a learning process whereby students construct
their own learning concepts and teachers only as facilitators and mentors. It is in harmony with the
mathematics learning base at the level of high school education [9].
In this study the researcher will use Learning Cycle 7e model to improve the connection ability of
high school students. The learning model was chosen because it is the latest development of the Learning
Cycle model, and has more complex stages than previous Learning Cycle models. There are seven stages
in the implementation of Learning Cycle model is Elicit, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
and Extend [10].
Previous research has proven that the Learning Cycle model [11] and 5e Learning Cycle [12] can
improve students' mathematical connection ability. Therefore the researcher will find out whether the
7e Learning Cycle model is also able to improve students' mathematical connection ability, how to
increase it compared to conventional learning and student response during learning process using 7e
Learning Cycle.

2. Experimental method
The method applied in this research was a quasi-experimental design by using non-equivalent control
group design. This study involves two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group.
The experimental group is the group that will be given Learning Cycle 7e model. While the control
group is a group given conventional learning.
This research was conducted on 10 to 20 May 2016 in one of Public Senior High School Bandung.
Subjects in this study were high school students of class XI year 2015/2016. Class XI Science 2 (33
students) as experimental group and class XI MIA 3 (32 students) as control group.
The research instruments used in this study are test and non-test instruments. The test instrument in
the form of a description. While the non-test instrument in this research is in the form of observation
sheet and questionnaire.
The test instrument in this study will be divided into two similar tests, namely pre-test and post-test.
Pre-test measures the initial ability of students' mathematical connections and post-test to measure
students' mathematical connection abilities after treatment. Both tests will be applied to the control group
as well as the experimental group. Pre-test is done at the first meeting of learning and post-test is given
after treatment in both groups is complete. Before the instrument is used, the instrument is first tested
on students who have studied the material submitted. It aims to determine the validity, reliability,
distinguishing power, and difficulty index of the tests used in the study.
Non test instruments are given only in the experimental class. The observation sheet is used to
determine whether the learning is done in accordance with the learning model used or not. The
observation sheet filled by the observer during the learning takes place. Questionnaires are used to find
out the students' responses to learning with the 7e Learning Cycle model. Questionnaires are given to
student after treatment is complete.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

Quantitative data is obtained from pre-test and post-test results, then the data is analyzed
descriptively, statistical inferential and index gain to know the difference of influence of students'
mathematical connection ability between who get 7e Learning Cycle Model treatment and conventional
treatment. Descriptive analysis calculated the maximum and minimum values, mean, standard
deviations and variance of pre-test and post-test data in experimental and control group. Inferential
Statistics Analysis in the form of normality test, homogeneity test and test of difference of two mean. If
the data is normally distributed and homogeneous then test the average difference using the t-test but if
the data is not normally distributed then use Mann-Whitney. Gain index analysis is done to find out how
the quality improvement of students' mathematical connection ability.
Qualitative data obtained from the questionnaire and observation. The questionnaire data will be
presented in tabular form with data converted into quantitative data using Likert scale [13]. Assessment
of observation results only seen from the fulfilled or not the things that must be done during the learning
of mathematics using 7e Learning Cycle model. The data is then interpreted in the form of a sentence to
find out how the learning process takes place.

3. Results and discussion

The quantitative data obtained is the result of the pre-test and post-test of mathematical connection
ability of the experimental group and control group, the qualitative data obtained is the result of a
questionnaire. Based on observations made by the observer, learning takes place in accordance with the

3.1. Student mathematical connection ability after using learning cycle 7e model

Table 1. Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Result.

Data Mean XMax XMin
Pre-test 1.06 3 0
Post-test 5.61 13 1

Table 1 shows the improvement of students' mathematical connection ability who get 7e Learning Cycle
model. Before the treatment, the average of pre-test student is 1.06 while after the treatment the average
of post-test student is 5.61. It happens because almost every stage of the 7e Learning Cycle model
encourages students to relate mathematical concept that students have previously learned with others
concept in mathematics fields or others fields.
At Elicit, Engage and Explore stages, students were guided to use mathematical concepts that
students have learned to discover new mathematical concepts that students were learning to solve the
problems and questions that teacher given [14]. During Elicit, Engage and Explore stages, teacher and
students gave each other information. At these stages teacher played a role to induced students’ curiosity
and student learning motivation.
At Explain stage, students presented their work during previous stages [10]. At this stage, student
would presenting their work using their own word. At the last, teacher and student would make
conclusion based on previous problem and question, then teacher would help student to form the formal
At the Elaborate and Extend stages, teacher provided others problem and questions to students. At
these stages, students are led to use the newly acquired mathematical concept of student into
mathematical problems and fields outside mathematics [10].

3.2. Improved student mathematical connection ability

The quantitative data obtained in this study is analyzed descriptively in advance to know the outline of
the results of the initial ability and the end-ability of mathematical connections of students between
experimental group and control group after getting different treatment.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

Table 2. Recapitulation of Pre-test and Post-test data.

Test Group N IMSa XMax XMin Mean 𝑆2 𝑆
Experiment 33 15 3 0 1.06 0.496 0.704
Control 32 15 5 0 1.41 1.733 1.316
Experiment 33 15 13 1 5.61 9.996 3.162
Control 32 15 10 0 3.41 8.351 2.889
Ideal Maximum Score

Table 2 shows the initial ability of mathematical connections of students between the experimental group
and control group is not much different. While there is considerable differences of students’ end-ability
mathematics connection between experimental group and control group. Researcher used test of
difference of two mean to find out whether the differences are significant or not. But before doing the
test the difference of two mean, first test the normality and homogeneity of the experimental class and
control class.

Table 3. Inferential Statistics Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test data.

Test Group Normality Test Difference of Two Mean Test
Experiment 0.000
Pre-test 0.352
Control 0.001
Experiment 0.160
Post-test 0.014
Control 0.007

Table 3 shows the pre-test results of both groups are not normally distributed and the post-test result of
experimental group is normally distributed but the control group is not normally distributed, so the data
tested the difference of two mean with Mann-Whitney test [15]. Based on the test result the difference
of two pre-test mean concluded that there is no significant difference in the initial ability of students’
mathematical connections between experimental group and control group, however there is significant
difference in the end-ability of students’ mathematics connection between the two groups.
In order to find out how is the difference of quality improvement of students’ mathematics connection
ability between experimental group and control group, researcher use a gain index analysis [16].

Table 4. Interpretation of the gain index.

Group Interpretation Number of Student Percentage
High 3 9%
Experiment Moderate 15 45%
Low 15 45%
High 0 0%
Control Moderate 8 25%
Low 24 75%

Table 4 shows the quality improvement of students' mathematical connection ability with Learning
Cycle 7e model is better than conventional learning. The questions and problem that teacher conveyed
on Learning Cycle 7e stages contain conceptual approach and story problem [10,14]. These questions
encouraged students to actively seek out and understood the relevance of the subject matter that was
being studied with the knowledge with knowledge possessed by students.
On conventional learning, students tended to be more passive [6]. On conventional learning, teacher
conveyed the concept to be learned directly. Because of that, students' effort to see and understand the
relevance of subject matter that was being studied with other less learning.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

3.3. Student response during learning process using 7e learning cycle model
Based on the analysis of questionnaires given to students, in general students showed a positive response
to Learning Cycle 7e model. The result of the overall presentation of student responses to Learning
Cycle 7e model on mathematical connection ability is 73%. Learning Cycle 7e Model makes student
better understand the role of mathematics in other fields of study and daily life, and solve mathematics
story problems related to other fields of study and daily life.
This model guiding students to be active during learning makes students not feel bored during the
learning process takes place, improves students’ confidence to respond to each other during discussion
process. The activity of exchanging opinions during group discussions and presenting their own work
facilitates students in understanding the mathematical concepts that are being studied.
Based on the result of observation during the Learning Cycle 7e model took place, the factors that
cause students' positive responses are; (1) teacher guide students in understanding the subject matter and
solve the given problem; (2) teacher provide information that stimulates student to get to know the
subject that is being studied with other fields of study; (3) students are encouraged to respond to
information expressed by teacher and; (4) students are students are encouraged to comment on the
opinions of others and set an example of the subject being studied during the discussion [17].

4. Conclusion
Learning Cycle 7e model has been proven to improve mathematical connection ability of high school
students. Analysis result was the students’ mathematical connection ability average after learning by
Learning Cycle 7e Model is higher than before studying. The improvement of students' mathematical
connection ability using the Learning Cycle 7e learning model is significantly higher than students who
learn conventional learning. The reasons are that students relate experience or information that students
have with questions asked by teachers, students connect the concepts that students have previously
learned to get new concepts, students use newly acquired concepts to solve story problems related to
other mathematics fields or outside mathematics field and students are encouraged to provide examples
or other applications of the concept being studied. Student responses to Learning Cycle 7e model is
positive. This is indicated by the attitude shown by student during the lesson. Student group discussion
run actively and students are more confident to express their opinion during the lesson. The role of
teachers during the lesson only facilitate and guide students at every stages in the Learning Cycle 7e

I would like to thank to all students participated in this study and to teachers Tresnawati, S.Pd in Public
Senior High School Bandung for their participation and invaluable support in this research. Finally, my
special thanks go to each member of my family, Raden Agus Nurdin, Ayu Yuliani, Nanang Syamsudin
and Shinta Natalayashinta for their patience, tolerance and sheer endurance.

[1] Tambychik T, Meerah T 2010 Students’ Difficulities in Mathematics Problem-Solving: What do
They Say? Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8 142-151
[2] Department of Education 2002 Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 (School)
Mathematics (Pretoria: Department of Education)
[3] Huges D 2015 Spiral Curriculum: Definition & Example (Mountain View:
[4] Kusuma D A 2008 Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika dengan Menggunakan
Pendekatan Konstukrivisme (Bandung: Universitas Padjajaran)
[5] Koenig, G 2007 Orchard Software and the NCTM Principle and Standards for School
Mathematic (United States: Siboney Learning Group)
[6] Husna, Ikhsan, M and Fatimah, S 2013 Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi
Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Melalui Model Pemelajaran Kooperative Tipe
Thik-Pair-Share (TPS) (Aceh: Universitas Syiah Kuala)

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 042096 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042096

[7] Walters K, Smith T, Leinwand S, Surr W, Stein A and Bailey P 2014 An Up-Close Look at
Student-Centred Math Teaching (New England: Nellie Mae Education Foundation)
[8] Lederman J 2009 Levels of inquiry and the 5e's learning cycle model (NGSP: National
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[9] Kemendikbud 2014 Matematika Kelas X: Buku Guru (Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan
[10] Eisenkraft A 2003 Expanding the 5E Model (Arlington: National Science Teachers Association)
[11] Yulianti K 2005 Makalah_LC (solo) Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik Siswa
dengan Pembelajaran Learning Cycle
[12] Sumarni 2014 Penerapan Learning Cycle 5e untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi dan
Komunikasi Matematis Serta Self-Regulated Learning Matematika Siswa (Bandung:
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)
[13] D Betram 2009 Likert Scales Topic Report (Belgard: The Faculty of Mathematics University of
[14] Payne R 2011 7E Learning Cycle in Science (Arlington: National Science Teachers Association)
[15] Shier R 2004 Statistics: 2.3 The Mann Whitney U Test (United Kingdom: Mathematics Learning
Support Centre)
[16] Hake R 1999 Analysing Change/ Gain Scores (American: American Educational Research
Associations Division D, Measurement and Research Methodology)
[17] Mecit O 2006 The Effect of 7E Learning Cycle Model on The Improvement of Fifth Grade
Student’s Critical Thinking Skills (Middle East: Middle East Technical University)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

Analysis of the ability of mathematical connections of middle

school students in the field of algebra

D N O Sari*, M Mardiyana and I Pramudya

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Surakarta, Jl. Ir. Sutami No.
36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia


Abstract. The world of education continues to innovate in various fields, including renewal in
its implementation strategies. Mathematical connection ability is one of the important abilities
possessed by students. Mathematical connections aim to link mathematical problems into
mathematical ideas they have. If students can use mathematical connections, learning will be
optimal and meaningful. This study aims to describe students' mathematical connection skills in
solving the problem of mathematical connections in the algebraic field. This research uses
descriptive qualitative research with the subject of the research is class VIII in Surakarta Batik
Middle School, amounting to 57 students. Data collection is done by giving a test in the form of
a more in-depth essay on mathematical connection skills in the algebraic field. The variables in
this study are indicators of mathematical connection ability, namely the connection between
mathematical concepts, connections between mathematics and other sciences, and connections
between mathematics and everyday life. In this study, students' mathematical connection ability
tests were still low. Can be seen from the percentage of each indicator, namely the indicator of
the connection between mathematical concepts is 38%, the connection between mathematics and
other sciences is 29%, and the connection between mathematics and everyday life is 43%.
Students are lowest in connecting mathematics with other sciences.

1. Introduction
Mathematics is one of the subjects taught in every level of school, both elementary school, junior high
school, high school to college [1], and mathematics has an important role in everyday life [2]. In various
countries not only in Indonesia mathematical connection capabilities are also a concern. In line with
this, Nordheimer mentioning education standards throughout the world (for example the NSC in South
Africa, NTSM in South America, a diverse curriculum in Germany) recommend that teachers allow
students to recognize and make connections between mathematical ideas [3]. Mathematical connection
skills students are expected to be able to recognize and use relationships between mathematical ideas,
understand how mathematical ideas are interconnected and underlie each other to produce a unified
whole, and recognize and apply mathematics outside mathematical context [4].
Students who master mathematical concepts are not themselves smart in connecting mathematics, in
a study it was produced that students were able to use mathematical ideas related to real problems, but
only a few students were able to explain why the idea was used in that problem [5]. However, if students
can connect mathematical ideas the understanding of mathematics will take longer [4]. Through a
mathematical connection, students can rebuild their understanding of prior knowledge [6,7], and
students are more familiar with new things if they are based on a concept they know [8].
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

The ability of mathematical connections has two different directions, namely the connection between
mathematical ideas and mathematical connections to the real world or other fields of learning
mathematics outside [9]. connections are more important because they support students to increase
understanding of the relationship between mathematical concepts and other science concepts [10].
Leonard et al. stated that mathematical connection skills make students and teachers try to find
mathematics in real life, especially those related to students' lives and interests, relationships between
mathematical concepts and knowing how mathematical concepts relate to other concepts and school
lessons [11]. Important for teachers and students in the classroom is making connections because the
purpose of teaching is to build a mathematical understanding [7]. Thus mathematical connections can
also help and support students in learning mathematics [12].

2. Research methods
This research is a qualitative description with research instruments in the form of essay questions about
mathematical connection skills. This study aims to describe the mathematical connection ability of class
VIII in Surakarta Batik Middle School students in the field of algebra. In this study analyzed how the
mathematical connection capabilities with three indicators are in line with Noto et al., namely the
connection between mathematical concepts, connections between mathematics and other sciences, and
connections between mathematics and everyday life [13].
The subjects in this study were eighth grade students in Surakarta Batik Middle School who had
received straight-line material, time and speed distances and a two-variable linear equation system. The
research subjects were selected based on the test of mathematical connection ability that had been given,
then carried out analysis and grouping based on high mathematical connection ability scores and low
mathematical connection ability scores. The description of the score for the test of the connection ability
of the study in this study is shown in table 1.

Table 1. Description of assessment rubrics for tests of mathematical connection skills.

No Indicator Description Score
Students do not work 0
Students can connect between concepts but ways and results are not correct 1
Students can connect between concepts but the way is not correct and the
connection between 2
results are correct
1 mathematical
Students can connect between concepts in the right way but the results are
concepts 3
Students can connect between concepts in the right way and the results are
Students do not work 0
Students can connect between concepts but ways and results are not correct 1
Connection Students can connect between concepts but the way is not correct and the
between results are correct
mathematics and Students can connect between concepts in the right way but the results are
other sciences wrong
Students can connect between concepts in the right way and the results are
Students do not work 0
Students can connect between concepts but ways and results are not correct 1
Connection Students can connect between concepts but the way is not correct and the
between results are correct
mathematics and Students can connect between concepts in the right way but the results are
everyday life wrong
Students can connect between concepts in the right way and the results are

International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

Triangulation is used to confirm data findings. The process of data analysis in this study are: (1) giving
a test of mathematical connection ability in the algebraic field and (2) analyzing the test results.

3. Results and discussion

Judging from the results of an average of 57 students in Surakarta Batik Middle School the results of
the mathematical connection ability test are still in the low category at 37%. The following are the results
of each indicator achieved by students.

Table 2. Percentage of students' mathematical connection abilities.

Ability Indicator Student Total Percentage
Student Mathematical Connections Score Score Analysis
Connection between mathematical concepts 87 228 38% Low
Connection between mathematics and other sciences 64 228 29% Low
Connection between mathematics and everyday life 94 228 43% Low

It can be seen from table 2 that the average value of the mathematical connection ability of students in
Surakarta Batik Middle School is still low, especially in the relation of mathematics to other sciences
which only reaches 29%. Based on the percentage of mathematical connection capabilities above, the
description of the results of the analysis of mathematical connection skills of students will be divided
into students who have high mathematical connection skills and students who have low mathematical
connection skills and will be discussed in each indicator in more detail as follows.

3.1. Connection between mathematical concepts

Following are the problems of testing mathematical connection skills with connection indicators
between mathematical concepts. In this problem, the connected concept is the system concept of two
variable linear equations, gradients, and straight lines.
Problem 1 can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1. Problem 1 on connection indicators between mathematical concepts.

The results of the test answer analysis based on indicators of connection between mathematical concepts
are still low at 38%. The following are the test results of students who have high mathematical
connection skills and students who have low mathematical connections can be seen in figure 2 and figure

International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

Figure 2. Answers of students capable of high Figure 3. Answers of students capable of

mathematical connections. low mathematical connections.

Can be seen from figure 2 and figure 3, students with high mathematical connection skills can already
know the relationship between the gradient concept and the concept of perpendicular lines in a concise
way. But students with low connection skills have not been able to understand the relationship between
mathematical concepts from the above problems, as evidenced by low-ability students working on the
system concept of linear two-variable equations and stating that the two lines have no relationship.

3.2. Connections between mathematics and other sciences

The following is the problem of testing mathematical connection skills with indicators of connection
between mathematics and other sciences. In this problem, the connected concept is the concept of a
linear equation system of two variables and the concept of physics.
Problem 2 can be seen in figure 4.

Figure 4. Problem 2 on indicators of connection between mathematics and other sciences.

The results of the analysis of test answers based on indicators of connection between mathematics and
other sciences are still low at 29%. The following are the test results of students who have high
mathematical connection skills and students who have low mathematical connections can be seen in
figure 5 and figure 6.

International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

Figure 5. Answers of students capable of high Figure 6. Answers of students capable of

mathematical connections. low mathematical connections.

Can be seen from figure 5 and figure 6 that students who have high ability can already determine the
formula for finding speed while students who have low ability are still wrong in determining the formula
so the answer is wrong. Students also have not been able to associate mathematical concepts with
physics concepts even though students already know the relationship.

3.3. Connection between mathematics and everyday life

The following are the problems of testing mathematical connection skills with indicators of connection
between mathematics and everyday life. In this problem, the concept that is connected is the concept of
a two-variable linear equation system by looking for wages to be paid.
Problem 3 can be seen in figure 7.

Figure 7. Problem 3 on indicators of mathematical relationships with everyday life.

The results of the analysis of answers to tests based on indicators of connection between mathematics
and daily life are still low at 43%. The following are the test results of students who have high
mathematical connection skills and students who have low mathematical connections can be seen in
figure 8 and figure 9.

International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

Figure 8. Student answers are capable of high Figure 9. Answers of students capable of low
mathematical connections. mathematical connections.

Can be seen from figure 8 that students who have high mathematical connection skills can already
connect mathematics with everyday life and have been able to form mathematical models correctly but
not concisely in the process. Whereas students who have low connection skills can be seen in figure 9
that students are still wrong in forming mathematical models, because they are fooled by the stimulus
given to form the wrong mathematical model.
Based on the results of the test answer analysis, students' low mathematical connection abilities are
caused by various influencing factors. One of the factors that influence is that students have not been
able to connect mathematics in various aspects, relationships between mathematics, relationships with
other fields and the relationship of mathematics in everyday life. This is in line with Hurst which states
that in solving mathematical problems, one must be able to connect one concept to another because
mathematics has a relationship with one another [14]. In addition, Hotgson states that mathematical
connections are problem solving tools [15]. Thus, efforts that can be made to improve mathematical
connection skills of students are mathematics teachers must teach mathematics through real concepts in
students' personal lives in order to meet all components of the teacher must be able to become student
facilitators and mediators related to 21st century competence [16].

4. Conclusion
The results of the analysis description of the mathematical connection ability of students in Surakarta
Batik Middle School are still low and not as expected, 37%. Descriptions of students' mathematical
connection skills can be seen in each indicator, namely the percentage of connection indicators between
mathematical concepts is 38% still in the low category, the percentage of connection indicators between
mathematics and other sciences is 29% still in the low category and the lowest indicator in the analysis
of connection skills mathematically students, then the percentage indicator of the connection between
mathematics and daily life is 43% still in the low category and an indicator that almost half of the
students can do well.

International Conference on Innovation In Research IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1469 (2020) 012159 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1469/1/012159

The author is grateful to Sebelas Maret University for giving the opportunity to encourage and facilitate
the author to complete this research. Thanks also to Surakarta Batik Middle School and the teachers who
have helped facilitate me with students as subjects in this study and thanks to references to improve the
quality of this article.

[1] Yenni C V, Fika W P and Helti L M 2018 Description of the ability of social arithedical stories
by study problems by students VIII SMP reviewed from the polya stage International Journal
of Active Learning 3(1)
[2] Hasibuan A M, Sarigih S and Amry Z 2019 Development of learning material based on realistic
mathematics education to improve problem solving ability and student learning independence
International electronic journal of mathematics education 14 15-31
[3] Nordheimer S 2011 Mathematical Connections At School: understanding and facilitating
connections in mathematics [Online] retrieved from http://didaktik. math. hu-berlin.
de/files/mathematical_connections_1. pdf
[4] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2000 Principles and Standars for School
Mathematics (NCTM: Reston VA)
[5] Bergesson 2000 Teaching and learning Mathematics [online] retrieved from
[6] Olkun S 2003 International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning 1(1)
[7] Mousley J 2004 An Aspect of Mathematical Understanding: The Notion of" Connected Knowing"
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
[8] Masyita D I, Sunardi and Slamin 2018 The Mathematical Connections Process of Junior High
School Students with High and Low Logical Mathematical Intelligence in Solving Geometry
Problems International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
5(4) 10-18
[9] Van de Walle J A, Karp K S and Bay-William J M 2014 Elementary and Middle School
Mathematics-Teaching Developmentally (8th ed.) (Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc)
[10] Hendriana H, Slamet U R and Sumarmo U 2014 International Journal of Education. 8 1-11
[11] Leornad K, Steve T and Art J 2008 Guiding Children’s Learning of Mathematics (11 th Ed)
(Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadworth)
[12] Wilburne J M and Napoli M 2008 Journal Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation
of School Teachers 2(1)
[13] Noto M S, Hartono W and Sundawan D 2016 Infinity Jounal 5 99-108
[14] Hurst C 2007 Numeracy in action: Students connecting mathematical knowledge to a range of
contexts mathematics Essential Research, Essential Practice 1 440-449
[15] Hotgson T R 1995 Connections Across the Curriculum (Virginia: NCTM)
[16] Salout S S, Behzadi M H, Shahvarani A and Manuchehri M 2013 Journal Mathematics Education
Trends and Research 1

ISSN 2087-8885
E-ISSN 2407-0610

Journal on Mathematics Education

Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80



Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Yullys Helsa, Yetti Ariani, Melva Zainil, Sherlyane Hendri
Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar, Padang 25171, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the mathematical connection ability of elementary school students in solving
mathematical problems. This research uses the qualitative approach with descriptive method. We used
observation, interview, and test to collect data. This study shows that 6.67% of the samples scored between 60
and 69 in the fair category. A total of 98 students or 81.67% scored between 45 and 59 who belonged to the
below average category, and 14 students or 11.67% scored between 0 and 44 which were classified as a poor
category. This result proves that the mathematical connection ability of elementary school students in solving
mathematics problems is still low.
Keywords: Ability, Elementary school, Mathematical connection, Mathematical problems.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa sekolah dasar dalam
memecahkan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Metode
pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan tes. Penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa sebanyak 8 orang siswa atau 6,67% dari sampel penelitian mempunyai nilai di antara 60 dan 69 yang
termasuk kategori cukup. Sebanyak 98 siswa atau 81,67% mempunyai nilai di antara 45 dan 59 yang termasuk
kategori kurang. Sedangkan 14 siswa atau 11,67% mempunyai nilai di antara 0 dan 44 yang termasuk kategori
sangat kurang. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa sekolah dasar dalam
memecahkan masalah matematika masih rendah.
Kata kunci: Kemampuan, Koneksi matematis, Masalah matematika, Sekolah dasar.

How to Cite: Kenedi, A. K., Helsa, Y., Ariani, Y., Zainil, M., & Hendri, S. (2019). Mathematical connection of
elementary school students to solve mathematical problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 69-80.

Mathematics is a compulsory subject in elementary school. Mathematics learning in primary schools

has a useful purpose for the life of a country. The Indonesian Ministry of National Education (MONE)
argues that mathematics learning can equip students with logical, analytical, systematic, and creative
thinking skills (BSNP, 2006). Moreover, the MONE states that the purpose of mathematics learning in
elementary school is to enable students to understand the concept of mathematics. Students are
expected to explain the relationship among one concept with the others, to use the right concept to
solve problems, to make sense of patterns and traits, to manipulate mathematics in making reports,
and to explain mathematical ideas (BSNP, 2006).
Based on the purpose of mathematics learning in elementary school, we can conclude that
mathematics learning is very important for elementary school students since it is closely related to the
daily life (Hamidah & Chotimah, 2015). The elementary school mathematics learning can equip
elementary school students to think logically, analytically, systematically, critically and can cooperate
with others. Therefore, it is necessary to qualified mathematics learning such that the students could
not only memorize or use the existing formula but also connect the material learned at school with the

70 Journal on Mathematics Education, Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80

real life or vice versa. Mathematics learning should avoid the use of traditional learning methods that
lead to convergent thinking in which students only remember mathematical theorems and rules to
solve problems. What often happens in mathematics learning is students are given the closed problem
to be solved (Maharani, Sukestiyarno, & Waluya, 2017).
Mathematics is a subject that links concepts (Nurhasanah, Kusumah, & Sabandar, 2017).
Students’ ability to understand the concept is the ability to not only know or remember some concepts
learned but also able to express again in other forms that are easy to understand, provide interpretation
of data, and able to apply the concept with its cognitive structure (Ulia, 2015; Istihapsari, 2017).
Concepts in learning mathematics are interconnected with each other. When the students learn a
concept, then they need to learn the other ones. This state is called a mathematical connection, the
ability of students in connecting a concept with the other concepts.
The mathematical connection is the ability to associate students' mathematical knowledge with
other mathematical skills and real life (Bahr & DeGarcia, 2008). Mathematical connections are part of
a network of interconnected knowledge with other knowledge composed of critical concepts to
understand and develop relationships between mathematical ideas, concepts, and procedures. The
ability of students to connect mathematically is one of the essential things that must be achieved by
students in the learning process because if students know the relationship between the concepts, they
will quickly understand the mathematics itself and open opportunities for students to develop their
mathematical skills.
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that there are five standards of
mathematics learning, namely communication, reasoning and proof, representation, connections,
problem-solving (Rickard, 2005). Thus, mathematical connections need to be taken into consideration
in the mathematics learning process especially in elementary schools. In mathematics learning, the
mathematical connection should be developed since elementary school age. The mathematical
connection ability emerges when the students can connect between one material to the others.
Students can communicate the concepts that they learn because they have mastered the prerequisite
materials related to daily life. If the students can connect the material which they learn from the
previous subject or with other subjects, then the learning of mathematics becomes more meaningful
(Linto, 2012).
The mathematical connection is vital to be developed in the students because it will help
students in understanding a concept and can improve their understanding of other science by
connecting the concept of mathematical concepts with other concepts (Hendriana, 2014). Also, the
ability of the mathematical connection needs to be widely developed as it can increase students'
cognitive by remembering a concept, understanding and applying the concept in daily life, without
which students will find it challenging to learn mathematical concepts (Siregar & Surya, 2017). Thus,
the mathematical connection should be developed since elementary school age.
Kenedi, Helsa, Ariani, Zainil, & Hendri, Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students… 71

However, many argue that the mathematical connections of elementary school students are still
low. Hermawan & Prabawanto (2015) found that the mathematical connection ability of elementary
school students is still low with a score of 10.87 from a maximum value of 24.00. It is caused by the
assumption of elementary school students that learning mathematics as problematic and unpleasant
learning and also this is caused by teachers who carry out the learning process using the lecture
method (Hermawan & Prabawanto, 2015). Also, the ability of mathematical connections of
elementary school students using conventional methods is still in the low category; this proves that
students' mathematical communication skills need to be improved (Putri, Rahayu, Saptini, & Misnarti,
2016). The research proves that the mathematical connections of elementary school students in
Indonesia are still low.
The lack of mathematical connections of elementary school students influences the ability to
solve mathematics problems in primary schools. The process of solving the problem requires an effort
to establish a connection between the stages of problem-solving (Tasni & Susanti, 2017). Based on
this idea, the mathematical connections of students cannot be separated from the attempt to solve
mathematical problems. The process of solving mathematical problems is the activity of students who
can build mathematical connections of students; this happens because in solving the problems of
mathematics students must have the ability to find the linkage of concepts or theorems used to solve a
problem (Siregar & Surya, 2017). Our analysis of the above opinion results that the ability of
mathematical connections has a relationship in solving mathematical problems related to everyday life.
Mathematical connections can improve thinking skills in solving mathematics problems.
To know the conditions in the field about the ability of mathematical connections in primary
school, we conducted interviews with elementary school teachers in X Koto Singkarak District. A
teacher said that he did not know about the connections of the five basic skills in mathematics
learning, especially regarding mathematical connections. The teacher only knows the problem solving
while the other skills the teacher does not know. The teacher only gave mathematics problems when
there are basic competencies related to problem-solving. Many teachers implement the learning
process by using the direct method. This phenomenon is due to lack of media for the learning process
of mathematics. We also interviewed a teacher from a different school who claim that the term of
mathematical connection is not familiar, only the term problem-solving is familiar to the common
teacher. Teachers rarely provide material related to solving mathematics problems. Teachers
occasionally use demonstration methods as an effort to improve the quality of mathematics learning.
Teachers also stated that the low learning outcomes of students.
The results of our analysis of the interview are the lack of information by teachers on basic
skills in learning mathematics in primary schools, while in improving the quality of mathematics
learning should master the skill of the skill. Teachers do not know the benefits of mathematical
connections, while the benefits of mathematical connection ability one of them can improve the
learning of mathematics, both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Also, the teacher lack strategies
72 Journal on Mathematics Education, Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80

for improving the quality of mathematics learning in primary schools, especially in improving
mathematical connections. Teachers do not connect the learning materials into the student's life. There
is no effort to create a learning process that uses mathematical connection skills in solving
mathematical problems. Based on the problems, we are interested in analyzing the mathematical
connection ability of elementary students in X Koto Singkarak District of Solok regency in problem-

This research uses a qualitative approach. The method used was descriptive research using
observation, interview, and test. Descriptive method is a method of research by collecting actual data.
After the data collected, the data are prepared, processed, and analyzed to be able to provide an
overview of existing problems. The population in this research is the third-grade students of public
elementary schools in X Koto Singkarak District, Indonesia, in the 2017/2018 academic year. The
school is grouped into five clusters by region. Each region is taken one elementary school to represent
the region. Sampling on this research is using cluster sampling technique.
This research is qualitative, so the analysis used is a descriptive and interpretative analysis done
since data collection is done. Analysis of test results is used to determine and obtain the level of
mathematical connection ability of students in solving mathematical problems. To simplify the
research, we undertook the research steps: (1) designing the research; (2) determining the location and
subject to be studied; (3) contacting the research site; (4) preparing the research instruments; (5)
validating instruments and revising them; (6) collecting data by using observation and test, (7)
analyzing the data obtained and summing up the results of research and presenting the data.


The first step in this research is designing the research include determining methodology used
is using the qualitative approach with observation, interview, and test. After designing the research,
the next step is to determine the sample and location of the subject under study. Samples were
collected using cluster sampling technique representing each cluster in elementary schools located in
X Koto Singkarak district, namely SDN 03 Tikalak, SDN 10 Saning Bakar, SDN 13 Sumani, SDN 04
Tanjung Alai, and SDN 15 Kacang.
The next step is to design the research instrument. The design of the problem to measure the
ability of mathematical connections is tailored to the learning materials that are taught in the third
grade of elementary school. The item was designed to measure success in achieving learning
objectives. This statement is in line with the opinion of Adedoyin (2010) that teachers' questions are
of significant values for many instructional purposes, eliciting student reflection and challenging
students’ understanding deeper and engagement in the classroom.
The problem is matched to the mathematical connection indicator that students should be able
Kenedi, Helsa, Ariani, Zainil, & Hendri, Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students… 73

to recognize and utilize the relationship between ideas in mathematics. Students also need to
understand how ideas in mathematics interconnect and underlie each other to produce a coherent unity,
and apply mathematics in daily life and adjusted to the scope of subjects on elementary school
education units namely numbers, geometry and measurement. Churchill states that there are two ways
to propose an item. First, determine the question that must be determined its validity and second is to
scale the item by way of reviewing the literature (Rahi, 2017). Therefore, the designed instrument is
tailored to the literature review and validated by an expert mathematician of elementary school and an
expert in the oral language of elementary school to be corrected whether the question is worth to be
used in measuring the mathematical connection ability in solving mathematical problems. To see the
validation results from mathematics expert, we can see Table 1.

Table 1. Comments Expert of Mathematics of Elementary School

Comment Revision
The problems designed to represent the learning We follow the expert's advice not to include
materials have been in line with the mathematical problems Number 3 and Number 7 because they
connection indicators. However, there were some were not relevant to the second indicator.
questions such as the number x and x not used Deleting these two problems do not affect other
because it is not relevant to the indicator problems because some other problems already
mathematics connection, namely understanding represented the second indicator.
how ideas in mathematics interconnected and
underlie one another to produce a coherent unity.

Meanwhile, we also addressed the validation to the language expert. It is important to make
sure that the message in the problem could be delivered properly to the students. The result of
validation can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Comments Expert Language of Elementary School

Comment Revision
So that the problem of 2, 4 and six the language Simplify the sentence of the problem
is more simplified because the problem used less
concrete terminology

The next step was giving the question to the school that has been selected. The school has 120
students. We administered some tests in 60 minutes to the students. In the test, two questions
represent two questions represent one indicator of mathematical connection. Furthermore, the data is
processed and analyzed based on the assessment rubric.
The first problem is adapted to the mathematical connection indicator that students should be
able to recognize and utilize the relationship between ideas in mathematics. The problem is written in
Problem 1.
74 Journal on Mathematics Education, Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80

Today Andy and family will be recreation. Andy's mother brought eight packets of sweets to
consume during the trip. Each candy wrap contains nine candy bars., Brother Andy brought 15
candies. How many candies are brought by Andy's family?

In Problem 1, the student is asked to be able to recognize and utilize the relationship between
ideas in learning mathematics. Problem 1 requires some mathematical concepts and links between the
concepts to answer the question. Students are required to be able to understand and recognize
problems, to try to relate those problems to some known mathematical concepts. Problem 1 requires
knowledge of students in recognizing a problem. After that, students are required to associate the
multiplication concept and addition. Based on the analysis result, from 120 student samples, only 21
students or 17,5% get score 3, 74 students or 61,67% student get score 2, and 21 students or 17,5%
get score 1, four students or 3.34% earned score 0.
From the results, we can conclude that elementary school students are still low in recognizing
and utilizing the relationship between ideas in learning mathematics. NCTM states that when students
can connect mathematical ideas, students' understanding becomes more profound and more enduring,
(Rismawati & Irawan, 2016). In addition to learning by knowing relationships mathematically,
students will better understand mathematics and also give them greater mathematical power (Romli,
2016). Therefore, this problem is expected in elementary school students can use ideas and concepts
in mathematics to solve problems.
The next question represents mathematical communication indicators in solving mathematical
problems of understanding how ideas in mathematics interconnect and underlie each other to produce
a coherent unity. The problem is written in Problem 2.

David experimented on the growth of green beans. On the first day of green beans grown along
1 centimeter, David's second day measured to 3 centimeters, on the third day to 5 centimeters.
What is the estimated growth on the fourth day?

In Problem 2, the students are asked to be able to connect with other concepts that result in a
coherent unity. Problem 2 contains the meaning that the learning of mathematics is associated with
science learning so that it becomes a whole and coherent matter so that students can associate the
concept of mathematics in other learning without separating a mathematical concept with other
concepts. In this problem, no students get scores 3. There are 23 students, or 19.17% of students get a
score of 2, 15 students or 12.5% of students get a score of 1, and 82 students or 68.34% of students
get a score of 0. The question proves that the weakness of elementary school students in connecting
mathematical material into another fundamental science as a coherent unity.
Mathematics is the source of other sciences, that is to say, the many sciences that discovery and
Kenedi, Helsa, Ariani, Zainil, & Hendri, Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students… 75

development depend on mathematics so that mathematics courses are useful for learners as the virgin
for application in other fields (Sholihah, 2015). Besides, mathematics as the science of logic about
form, structure, quantity, and concepts related to each other. Concepts in mathematics related to
concepts outside mathematics. Many theories and other branches of science are found through the
concept of mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics is related to other learning. Therefore, if the
students could connect one concept in mathematics with the concept beyond mathematics, then they
could connect mathematics well. However, based on the results of research that elementary school
students are still weak in connecting the concept in mathematics and outside mathematics in a
comprehensive way.
Problem 3 represents the indicators of recognizing and applying mathematics in daily life. The
problem is:

My family and I leave at 7.30 from Solok to Pekan Baru. After walking three and a half hours,
we rest for lunch for 30 minutes in Bukittinggi. Then we continue the trip for 3 hours. At what
time did we get to Pekanbaru?

In Problem 3, students are asked to be able to recognize mathematical problems and apply them
in everyday life. In Problem 3, students are required to understand the immediate problems in their
life and can solve the problem in the mathematical model. In this problem, as many as 34 students or
28.34% of students get a score of 3, as many as 56 students or 46.67%. Problem 3 illustrated that the
ability of students in solving math problems in everyday life is still low. Mathematics learning is
closely related to daily life. Mathematics is one of the essential lessons mastered by elementary school
students because of its many uses in everyday life. Mathematics was not only arithmetic but also
contribute to life value which was necessary for people life (Soeprianto, 2009).
Problem 3 can prove that the application of primary school students' mathematics learning is
still low. Whereas helping students learn to make connections between various forms of mathematical
knowledge, as well as between mathematics and real-life experience, is increasingly recognized as
integral to effective mathematics learning and teaching with students able to apply the learning
mathematics in everyday life. Mathematics is one of the disciplines that can improve thinking ability
and contribute to daily problem solving and in the world of work and provide support in the
development of science and technology (Susanto, 2013).
After the analysis of the grading problem as a whole, there were eight students or about 6.67%
of the sample scored between 60 to 69 which belongs to the fair category. A total of 98 students or
81.67% scored between 45 and 59 who belonged to the below average category, and 14 students or
11.67% scored between 0 and 44 who were classified as a poor category. These results prove that the
highest student presentation is in a low category. Thus, the mathematical connection ability of
elementary school students in solving math problems is still low.
76 Journal on Mathematics Education, Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80

We conducted interviews with elementary school students. We questioned a mathematical case

like " Wilda bought a book for Rp. 7,500.00. He pays by using a sheet of five thousand and two
thousand two. How much change will Wilda accept ?". When we asked that question, elementary
school students answered with hesitation, " maybe the answer is Rp. 1000,00 sir ". Our analysis of the
answers is that students are still unable and accustomed to associate ideas in mathematics learning in
primary schools.
We conducted interviews with other students, giving the following questions "Deni experiments
on ping pong balls and golf balls. Both balls have almost the same shape. However, when the ball is
dropped to the ground, the first ball to the ground is a golf ball. To determine the cause of Deni try to
observe from the shape and weight. What tool does Deni need to know the weight of both balls?". The
question was answered by the student "using a scales maybe, sir." Our analysis of the student's
answer is that the students are still unable to understand the problem and have not been able to link
the learning of mathematics with other learning.
The next sample interview is with different students. We asked “if Garden Mr Alfi be a square
shape with an area of 100 meters. How long the length of the side of the garden?”. Then the students
start thinking and start looking for papers to do the calculations. After a long time the students
answered "25 sirs", then we asked again. "25 what?". Students answer "25 sirs". Our analysis of the
process is that students have been able to recognize and apply mathematics in their daily life but still
unable to answer correctly.
From the analysis we showed that elementary school students are still weak in relating ideas in
mathematics learning in primary schools, understanding how ideas in mathematics interconnect and
underlie each other to produce a coherent unity as well recognize and apply mathematics in everyday
Based on the observation we have done to the SDN 03 Tikalak when the teacher performs the
learning process, the teacher only taught mathematics by explaining the material on the blackboard
after which the students were asked to do the exercises. When we did observations in SDN 10
Saniang Baka, we also found the same problem that was the teacher explains the material by
providing training to students. We also do observations in SDN 13 Sumani found the teacher explains
the concept of mathematics by using learning media but the teacher only limited to explain the media
without any attempt to associate the learning with mathematical concepts and concepts outside
mathematics. In SDN 04 Tanjung Alai also found that teacher did not attempt to improve the ability
of mathematical connections of their students, to embed mathematics concept but still used
conventional methods. Observations that we did in the SDN 15 Kacang find things that were not
much different than teachers teach using the lecture method and still provide practice to testing the
understanding of the concept.
Mathematical connections in solving mathematical problems need to be developed since
elementary school age. The ability of mathematical connections is important because it has the same
Kenedi, Helsa, Ariani, Zainil, & Hendri, Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students… 77

properties with the systematic and structured science that contains concepts related to each other
(Hendriana, Slamet, & Sumarmo, 2014). Besides, mathematical connections also help students in
seeing the relationships of math with everyday life. Mathematical connections can make students
understand a concept and assist students in improving the understanding of mathematical concepts.
Also, mathematical connections help students in providing mathematical models that connect between
concepts, data, and situations (Agustini, Suryadi, & Jupri, 2017).
However, what happened in the field is the mathematical connection ability of students in
solving math problems is still low. The low ability of mathematical connection causes a lack of
meaning and interest of students to learn mathematics. It can be seen from great fear and the lack of
attention of students in learning mathematics (Kartikasari & Widjajanti, 2017). The low mathematical
connections of elementary school students in solving mathematical problems will have an impact on
the learning process and outcomes.

In this research, the mathematical connection ability of elementary school students in solving
mathematical problems is measured through the problems made based on mathematical connection
indicator which is adjusted with the learning material in class III. These indicators include recognizing
and exploiting the relationship between ideas in mathematics, understanding how ideas in
mathematics interconnect and underlie each other to produce a coherent unity, and recognize and
apply mathematics in everyday life. From the results of the study, we conclude that the mathematical
connection ability of elementary school students is categorized as low.

Thanks to Universitas Negeri Padang which has supported this research and all research

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80 Journal on Mathematics Education, Volume 10, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 69-80
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Animation to Develop Mathematical Connections in Students

Article · December 2014

DOI: 10.20894/IJCOA.

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3 authors, including:

Anand Christy
St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science


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Volume: 03, May 2014, Pages: 913-916 International Journal of Computing Algorithm

Animation to Develop Mathematical Connections in Students

A.John Pradeep Ebenezer1, S. Anand Christy2, A.Banupriya3

St.Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) ,Cuddalore-1.

The main purpose of this paper is to improve mathematical connection in e-learning using animations
that will help the students in learning. Animation content is displayed to students. To know the
mathematical evaluation abilities in students, pre-test and post-test were administrated before and
after teaching and learning process. At last the result was found to be that animation content had
significant effect on mathematical connections between students and it has also been helpful to
improve mathematical connection than that of normal approach in teaching and learning.
Keywords: e-learning, improving, animation content, mathematical connection abilities.

I. Introduction can be used to help students investigate

Electronic technology helps students in various mathematical phenomenon’s. ICT can
organizing and analyzing data, it provides all also assist students in learning mathematics.
students to calculate in a quick and accurate All these technologies will help students to go
manner. Computer can be considered as one of on with different formats that are seen visually
the best said example. Dubinsky and Tall and observed. These will help students to
stated that computer can be used as a tool to easily formulate mathematics.
complement advantage mathematical thinking Dunham and Dick stated that if there is proper
in variety of ways. It is necessary to develop use of computer technology, students will be
an encourage students in learning and using able to learn with more interest and will start
electronic technology that will help them in learning in more profound ways[1].
their future. This technology will be helpful Furthermore, Dubinsky and Tall stated that
for both the teachers and students. computers can also give much-needed
In the past history and some places, even today meaning to mathematical concepts that
math’s is considered to be very annoying, students may feel are ‘not of the physical
boring and students will be less interested. In world” but in the mind or in some ideal world
this case they will be forced to do learning [2].
which will be unpleasant to them. To change Advantages of using this computer as a
this atmosphere, technologies must be used medium of learning is that graphs and pictures
which help teachers in teaching and students in used as a visual form will be attractive and can
learning. This will be effective for students to be observed which will help students to study
recognize themselves in their learning process. easily. By using computer and animation,
Both the teachers and students should be able difficult boring models, techniques, types and
to utilize the technology in learning and equation in mathematics can be easily studied
teaching. and captured by the students.
In association with the development of Bitter and Hatfield stated that it will be
Information and Communication Technology reasonable and efficient that if computer
(ICT), teachers and students should be able to technology will be used to improve quality of
be equal to and utilize the advance of it. learning in mathematics particularly[3].This
Teachers should be able to exploit or utilize will help to meet the diversity of student’s
the ICT-based media in the learning process. ability, as well as under the opportunities to
With the rapid development of ICT, there has obtain better education. To satisfy the children
been a shift in views on learning in and needs, teachers must try to serve all students.
outside the classroom. After the shift in In utilizing the advantage of ICT, it needs
teaching method there are different views on to consider diversity of student’s abilities as
learning in and outside the classroom. well as wider opportunities for society to
Development of computer in mathematics is obtain education. To meet the children
designed with the requirement that is expected necessities with various abilities, teachers
to be much helpful to enhance student’s should try to serve all children well. To meet
mastery of mathematics. Technology devices these expectations, teacher’s role is certainly

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) 913

Volume: 03, May 2014, Pages: 913-916 International Journal of Computing Algorithm

not easy. Ruseffendi stated that more normal method of teaching into digital format.
heterogeneous the students, more difficult to This concept of e-learning is widely accepted
teach. Because of these reasons teachers need by the world community and the educational
to take on extra effort to serve students with institutions (school, training places and
more information. Most of the teachers teach universities). John Chambers who is the CEO
mathematics in one particular way, this will not of Cisco Systems company said that for the
help all students to learn and understand maths next era, the application in education will be a
but when using animation it will give students "killer application" which is very influential.
to learn with more interest. One such design The Department of Commerce and even the
model used for learning is " e-learning". U.S. Department of Education has joined to
Learning maths online with animation will declare the Vision of 2020 which related to
help students to learn easily. Researchers have the concept of education based on Information
done this mostly at college level, as for when Technology (e- learning).
considered with Kids in school level, it is still This section will focus the discussion on the
limited. Disadvantage of e-learning must also application of e-learning and its development.
be known clearly, it will be for the teachers, How the application of e-learning should be
for they have to answer and serve students at developed with a balance between user needs
all time. and desires of developers. Explanation will
Both the advantage and disadvantages are start from the definition of e-learning, why
limited, but researchers should develop e- do we need e-learning, e-learning history,
learning based on animation content and some analysis of the failure of e-learning and
implement it in teaching mathematics to e-learning development strategy.
improve the connection between mathematics The term e-learning contains many different
and students. understandings from various perspectives. One
II.Research Question among that definition is by Hartley: "E-
The research conducted is designed to answer learning is a type of teaching and learning
the following questions: which enables to deliver teaching materials to
1. How can we develop e-learning based on students by using internet, intranet or other
animation contents which could improve the computer network media. in
student’s mathematical abilities? glossary of e-learning terms explained a
2. How far is the improvement of student’s broader definitions; e-learning is the
mathematical connection after e-learning educational system that uses electronic
which is based on animation content is application to support learning and teaching
implemented in teaching learning process? with Internet media, computer network or
III.Aim of the Research standalone computer.
This research includes two major areas namely Researchers made this program easy for the
developing e-learning based on animation purpose of study. Teaching materials also
content and studying towards the students appeared in animations. Thus with the help of
achievement especially in mathematical animations that is more interactive, students
connection abilities. can interact with e-learning systems that will
IV.Hypothesis help them do independently and also to work
Based on the described issues the hypotheses out exercises. E-learning before was only web-
are namely: E-learning based on animation based, which will display on text without
content can improve mathematical connections animations and interactive teaching materials.
abilities of students than those with B. Mathematical Connection
conventional learning. The ability of mathematical connections
V.Theoretical Foundation belongs to the higher-order of thinking
A. E-learning based on animation content ability. The mathematical connection means
In accordance with the rapid development of capacity above given information, with a
Information and Communication Technology critical attitude to evaluate something and
(ICT), the need for a concept and a has a metacognitive awareness and problem-
mechanism of learning and teaching solving ability. Marzano, et all., stated that
(education) based on ICT becomes inevitable. met cognition is the process by which
The concept of e-learning has brought individuals utilize their cognition in
influence to the process of transforming a understanding him/herself, thinking processes,

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) 914

Volume: 03, May 2014, Pages: 913-916 International Journal of Computing Algorithm

and control of thinking processes [6]. Suryadi student mathematical connection abilities. The
stated too that metacognitive is important method used is Research and Development
since someone’s knowledge about the (R&D). The steps taken in the process of this
cognitive processes can guide him/herself in research leads to a cycle based on the findings
choosing a strategy to improve further of research studies and then develop a product.
cognitive performance. Meanwhile, Ibrahim Product development based on preliminary
and Nur gave an explanation of the findings of this research was tested in a
characteristics of the higher-order thinking, situation and then revisions are made from the
such as: non algorithmic, which means an test results until finally obtained a product.
array of action that is not fully established The product itself is e-learning based on
earlier, tends to complex, often produces a animation content. The procedure of this study
lot of solutions, involves consideration and uses the techniques of research and
interpretation, as well as higher mental development with the following steps: (i)
activity. development of models, which are:
Moreover Web and Coxford explained that the preliminary study, planning, content design
higher- order of thinking involves and writing, material development, and field
understanding the mathematical ideas in a testing and revision of the model.
more depth, by examining the data and (ii) Analysis of the e-learning model impact on
exploring the idea of the lines, making the student mathematical connection abilities.
conjectures, analogies and generalizations, To find out the student’s mathematical
logical reasoning, problem solving, connection abilities an experiment with
communicating in mathematics, and relating pretest-posttest control group design was used
mathematical ideas with other intellectual to the student. One class was given a treatment
activities. with e-learning based on animation content
The theory of the higher-order of thinking and the other with conventional treatment.
focuses on the developmental approach or The design of the study is:
definitional approach. Developmental O1 X1 O2
approach assume that there is a way of O1 O2
thinking from lower forms into higher forms, Note:
and students must have the low-level of O1: Pretest mathematical connection.
thinking first before reaching the higher level O2: Posttest mathematical connection
one. Although the definitional approach X1: Mathematics learning with e-learning
assume that all students can engage in the based on animation content.
higher-order of thinking, without going Samples were shown to the students in
through the stages of students' thinking primary school level; samples will be based on
abilities. ICT Tools. The result of the students before
The linkage between the higher-order of teaching them using animation was observed
thinking with mathematics described by (i.e.) using conventional teaching and after
Romberg in Chair stated that some aspects of teaching the students with animation content
the higher-order of thinking are mathematical are compared.
problem solving, mathematical VII.Findings
communication, mathematical reasoning, and Development of E-Learning based on
mathematical connections. Mathematical Animation Content
connections or connections in mathematics According to the procedure of this study in
study the students' understanding of developing e-learning based on animation
connecting the mathematical ideas that will content is developed.
facilitate the ability to formulate and verify Preliminary Study
conjectures deductively between topics. The In this phase we analyzed the requirement of
mathematical concept and procedure development in e-learning based on Animation
developed which are newly can be applied to content. This includes the students need, their
solve the other problems in mathematics and likes, and their interest.
other disciplines. Planning
VI.Method The planning for the development of e-
This research is intended to develop e-learning learning based on animations content includes:
based on animation content for improving planning the e-learning menu, animation

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) 915

Volume: 03, May 2014, Pages: 913-916 International Journal of Computing Algorithm

contents. All of which were adapted to target mathematical abilities than the conventional
students who will be given e-learning. one and the result also shows that if animation
Content design and writing is more interesting and interactive kids are
There are several steps that have been done in involved in those type of animations than the
this phase include: normal and conventional approach.
a) Applying an effective instructional design. VIII.Conclusions & Future Enhancements
Time allocations for each learning activity From the results of the research and
based on content and learning objectives. discussion, it can be concluded that:
Defining and providing the learning support E-Learning based on animation content can be
needs of the students, and also for teachers. developed according to the development of
Testing and final checking systems models, which are: preliminary study,
This phase requires steps as the following: planning, field testing and revision of the
 Knowing what standards should be model.
aimed for Students with e-learning have a better result in
Establishing means by which to measure or its mathematical connection ability than
test that standards and usability objective have students with conventional learning.
been achieved. Considering when to measure, Animation content in future will be developed
and how information from this will feed back for even Colleges, Institutions, Universities
into the development process to achieve best and etc. This will help them to have more
outcomes most efficiently. interest in learning, to work out problems.
Class Average result of test IX.References
e-learning conventional [1] Dunham, P.H. & Dick, T.P. (1994).
Pretest 45 66 Research on Graphing Calculators.
Posttest 87 76 Mathematics Teacher, 87, pp. 440-445
Table 1. Average result of Pre and Post Test [2] Dubinsky, Ed & Tall ,
of Mathematical Connection Abilities. D.(1991).Advanced Mathematical thinking
and the computer. Kluwer: Holland, 23, pp.1-
[3] Bitter, G.G. & Hatfield, M. M. (1993).
No of Observation Integration of the math explorer calculation
into the mathematics curriculum: The
calculators project report. Journal of
addition Computers in Mathematics and Science
Teaching, 12(1), pp. 59-81.
subtraction [4] Ruseffendi, H.E.T. (1988). Pengantar
multiplication kepada membantu guru mengembangkan
kompetensinya dalam pengajaran matematika
untuk meningkatkan CBSA. Bandung: Tarsito.
[5] Hartley Darin E., (2001) Selling e-
Learning, American society for training and
Figure1 development.
Is the observation of kids using the addition [6] Marzano, R.J., Brandt, R.S., Hughes,
subtraction multiplication and division. C.S., Jones, B.F.,
Based on the mathematical ability presented in Presseissen, B.Z., Rankin, S.C., Suhor, C.
Table1 and Figure1 the results obtained were (1988). Dimensins of thinking: A framework
that the top most mathematical ability was the for curriculum and Instruction. Alexandria,
mathematical connection abilities of students V.A: Association for Supervision and
with e-learning. From the result it can be said Curriculum Development.
that e-learning increased student’s

Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) 916

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International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

The Mathematical Connection

Ability of Elementary School
Students in the 4.0 Industrial
Revolution Era
Ary Kiswanto Kenedi1, Syafri Ahmad2, Sofiyan3, Tia Ayu Ningrum4, Yullys Helsa5
Departement of Primary School Teacher Education, Universitas Samudra, Indonesia,
Departement of Mathematical Education, Universitas Samudra, Indonesia, 4Educational
Administration/ Managemnet Study Program, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

The background of this research is the change into the 4.0 industrial
revolution era which resulted in changing the learning ability of elementary
school students. The purpose of this study is to determine the connection
ability of elementary school students in the era of the 4.0 industrial
revolution. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The results show a weak
mathematical connection ability of elementary school students in the 4.0
industrial revolution era. The implication of this research is that it provides a
foundation for teachers or other researchers in developing an effort to
improve the mathematical connection ability of elementary school students.

Keywords: mathematical connection ability, elementary school students, 4.0 industrial


International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

The 4.0 industrial revolution defines the transition and change from the analog to the digital
era. The digital era is also called the technology era (Lasi, 2014). The 4.0 industrial revolution
is a revolution demanding the use of technology in everyday life (Li, 2017). This has an
impact on all fields of life, including education (Ciolacu, 2012) .
Education in the industrial revolution era is also called education 4.0 (Hussin, 2018). 4.0
education is an era of innovation education (Paravizo, 2018). 4.0 education has its challenge,
namely, in the innovation of technology-based learning systems. This is what changes the goal
and challenge of 3.0 education. 4.0 education is expected to produce graduates who can
compete globally by using technology to improve the quality of competitiveness (Harto,
2018). Therefore, 4.0 education must be able to change the learning process in the classroom,
thus, it can produce graduates who can compete globally. The process and effort to produce
these types of graduates can begin at the elementary school level.
Elementary school is the first formal education institution in Indonesia. The basic school
learning system uses the 2013 curriculum which utilises a thematic approach in the learning
process. A thematic approach is an approach that combines several subjects into one under the
specified theme (Liu, 2010). Thematic learning can make students active, creative and
innovative in the learning process (Chumdari, 2019). This is included in the objective of the
2013 curriculum. The 2013 curriculum has goals aligned with the objectives of 4.0 education,
namely to produce graduates who have the personal abilities of faith, creativity,
productiveness, that are affective and innovative and can contribute to the world, nation, state
and civilisation (Sufairoh, 2017). This proves that the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia already
has goals aligned with 4.0 education, namely to develop students who are capable and have
high competitiveness at the global level. This also proves that the Indonesian Government has
prepared elementary school students to become qualified graduates through the established
learning system.
Efforts to produce graduates are expected to begin in elementary school learning, such as
mathematics learning. For high classes, mathematics learning in elementary schools is carried
out separately but still in one theme, set by the Government. This separation occurs because of
the differences in the characteristics of mathematics with other subjects.
Mathematics learning is compulsory learning taught in elementary schools. This is because
mathematics learning is closely related to students' daily lives (Baki, 2019; Kenedi, 2018;
Mansur, 2017). Mathematics learning becomes applicative learning, thus the effort to achieve
the goals is maximised. The purposes of the mathematics learning for elementary school
students are to understand and apply concepts (intra and inter-mathematics) in problem-
solving, to use reasoning well, to solve problems, to communicate problems and have an
attitude of appreciating the usefulness of mathematics in life. It can be seen that learning
mathematics in elementary school has a useful purpose in everyday life, especially in the 4.0

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

industrial revolution. Therefore, mathematics learning must be taught maximally to achieve

the set learning objectives.
Mathematics learning is not memorising learning. Rather, it is a learning that must be
understood by elementary school students. Learning mathematics does not only require
understanding a concept but is also related to problem-solving, reasoning, communication and
connection. Mathematical learning relates between concepts; both between concepts in and out
of mathematics). The relationship between concepts is called a mathematical connection.
The mathematical connection is a learning process that connects concepts in mathematics with
concepts inside and outside of mathematics (Eli, 2013). Businkas stated that mathematical
connection is a relationship between ideas or processes used to connect topics in mathematics;
a process for understanding the links between mathematical ideas; is an association formed
from several mathematical ideas; and is a process of the relationship between the ideas of
mathematical entities (Mhlolo, 2012). From the opinion above, it can be concluded that
mathematical connection is a process that connects mathematics with ideas, and concepts both
in and out of mathematics.
NCTM stated that mathematical connection can link mathematical ideas, thus their
understanding of ideas can be more durable and be able to comprehend mathematics as a
whole (Wood, 2008). This is because mathematical connection skills can link previous
knowledge with the knowledge that will be obtained, which is useful for building relationships
between ideas, concepts, and mathematical representations. The mathematical connection can
improve the ability to proceed with mathematics, increase the ability to connect mathematics
with other sciences and increase the ability of mathematical connections related to everyday
life (Jaijan, 2012). Following this goal, the mathematical connection needs to be developed in
the process of learning mathematics in elementary school students.
However, the implementation of this mathematical connection ability has not been fully
implemented properly by elementary school teachers.
This mathematical connection is in line with the demands of the 4.0 industrial revolution,
which requires changes in the fields of parallelism, visualisation, and connections. This era has
been running for some time. Hence, the purpose of this study is to determine the mathematical
connection ability of elementary school students in the 4.0 industrial revolution era.
This is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to describe, collect, analyse, and conclude the
findings following the research objectives. This research is conducted in the Solok Regency
Elementary School by implementing the 2013 curriculum for four years and having
categorised it as a digital classes school. The subjects of this study are 120 elementary school
students. The object of this research is the mathematical connection ability of elementary
school students in the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution. The methods used are tests,
interviews, and observations.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

The test method is a series of questions or exercises and other tools are used to measure skills,
intelligence knowledge, abilities or talents possessed by individuals or groups (Rahman,
2017). The test used in this study is a written test in the form of a description question to
measure the students' mathematical connection skills in the elementary school setting. The test
material is related to the measurement material for elementary school students.
The observation method is a technique of collecting data by observing ongoing activities
(Kawulich, 2012). Observation can be done in a participatory or non-participatory manner. In
participatory observation, the observer participates in the ongoing activity whereas, in the non-
participatory observation, the observer does not participate in the activity, he only plays a role
in observing the activity. In this study, observation is conducted to find out the reality in the
field regarding the mathematical connection ability of elementary school students.
The interview method is a conversation with a specific purpose. The conversation is conducted
by two parties, namely the interviewer asking the question and the interviewee answering the
question (Jamshed, 2014). In this study, an interview is conducted with elementary school
students. This question relates to the mathematical connection ability of elementary school
students to the measurement material.
The data analysis technique uses triangulation. Data triangulation is a combining data
collection technique from various data collection techniques (tests, interviews, and
observations) and existing data sources to draw conclusions whose results are the same
(Saminanto,2015). The steps in analysing data are (Bengtsson, 2016):

A. Data Reduction
The data obtained from the field is quite large and it needs to be carefully noted in detail. As
stated earlier, the longer researchers are in the field, the more the data can be complex or
complicated. For this reason, it is necessary to immediately analyse the data through data
reduction. Reducing data means summarising, choosing the main things, focussing on the
important things, and looking for pattern themes. Thus, the data that has been reduced will
provide a clearer picture, and make it easier for researchers to carry out further data collection,
and look for it if needed.

B. Data Presentation
Data presentation is a systematic process of compiling information to obtain conclusions as
research findings. The presentation of data is intended to make it easier for researchers to see
the overall picture or certain parts of the study. In this study, organised data is presented in
narrative form. In this study, researchers present data in the form of detailed descriptions of
the informants based on their opinions on data collected from the results of tests, interviews,
and observations.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

C. Conclusion Drawing
Withdrawing these conclusions is carried out after the data analysis and before, during and
after the research is conducted. Also, this conclusion must be based on the data analysis.
To simplify the research, the research steps are arranged as follows: designing research,
determining location, preparing research instruments, validating and revising instruments,
testing data analysis, making conclusions, and presenting research data.
This study uses tests, interviews, and observations. Test and interview instruments are
prepared and then validated by an expert as a determinant of the instrument feasibility, then it
will be used to measure the mathematical connection ability of the elementary school students.
The test and interview instruments are developed based on the material studied by elementary
school students regarding measurement. It is intended that the instruments used are more
directed and measurable. This measurement material is developed using mathematical
connection indicators. The mathematical connection indicators utilise the relationship between
ideas in mathematics, understanding how ideas in mathematics are interconnected and
underlying one another to produce a coherent in a whole, and applying mathematics to
everyday life.
Tests given to students consist of three questions that represent mathematical connection
indicators. Meanwhile, the interview also contains questions that measure the connection
ability of the elementary school students with the three predetermined indicators. To facilitate
reading the results of this study, researchers will present the results of the study based on the
mathematical connection indicators.

D. Use The Relationship Between Ideas In Mathematics

To measure students' ability to use the relationship between ideas in mathematics, students are
given tests and interviews. The test given is in the form of the following questions:
Every Monday, 03 Tikalak Elementary School holds a flag ceremony. The schoolyard is
used for a rectangular ceremony. The length of the school is 25 metres long and 15
metres wide. What is the schoolyard area?
The problem above is used to measure the connection ability of the elementary school students
with indicators utilising the relationship between ideas in mathematics.
The findings prove that as much as 7.50 per cent of students obtain enough grades for the
ability to take advantage of the relationship between ideas in mathematics, 74.17 per cent of
students get a low category, and 18.33 per cent of students are in the very low categories. This
percentage can be seen in the Figure 1 below.
From the Figure above, it can be concluded that the average student's ability to utilise the
relationship between ideas in mathematics under the category is sufficient. This is based on
the results of interviews between researchers and several children as follows:

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

Conversation 1
Researcher: Student, if you have a square garden with a side length of 20 metres, and
around the park, a garden lamp is installed with a distance of 5 meters. How
many lights can you install?
Student: Mmm, 4 lights sir.

Conversation 2
Researcher: Student, if you have a square garden with a side length of 20 metres, and
around the park, a
garden lamp is installed with a distance of 5 meters. How many lights can you
Student: Don't know sir.

Conversation 3
Researcher: Student, if you have a square garden with a side length of 20 metres, and
around the park, a garden lamp is installed with a distance of 5 metres. How
many lights can you install?
Student: Maybe 10, sir.
From the three conversations, it can be observed that the students' answers are all wrong. This
proves that the students have not been able to use ideas in mathematics perfectly.
From the tests and interviews conducted, the students' ability to utilise the relationship
between ideas in mathematics is still low. The ability to use ideas in mathematics is important
in the process of mathematical connection. Concepts in mathematics cannot stand alone. The
concept in mathematics has a relationship with one another, like the concept of multiplication.
In the multiplication concept, there is the concept of addition completed repeatedly. Whereas,
in the concept of addition, there is the concept of counting. This fact proves that mathematics
learning requires a connection in connecting one concept with another concept (Siregar, 21).
In mathematical connections, there is a process of connecting topics in mathematics (Rohendi,
2013). This mathematical connection facilitates students in building representation and
understanding of building knowledge (Saminanto, 2015).
This connection connects one another. Thus, if students are not able to understand a concept in
mathematics, it will affect the ability of students to understand other mathematical concepts.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

E. Understand How Ideas In Mathematics Relate To And Underlie One Another To Produce
A Coherent Whole
To measure the ability to understand how ideas in mathematics relate to and underlie one
another to produce a coherent whole, students are given tests and interviews. The test given is
in the form of the following questions:
Leri wants to go to Ani's house for a group study. Leri has never gone to Ani’s house.
Therefore Ani gives directions to Leri. From Leri's house, Leri has to head southeast
along 450 metres until she meets the post office. From the post office, Leri is heading
east along 350 metres to meet a three-way junction. From the three-way junction, Leri
must head 200-metres north and meet the Kenedi Mini Market. Ani's house is opposite
the Mini Market. How many kilometres of the road will be taken by Leri to Ani's house
based on Ani’s instructions and make Ani's house plan based on these instructions?
The question above is to measure the ability to understand how ideas in mathematics relate to
and underlie one another to produce a coherent whole. The findings reveal that 6.67 per cent
of students obtain enough grades to understand how mathematical ideas relate to and underlie
one another to produce a coherent whole, 77.50 per cent of students get a low category and,
15.83 per cent of students are in the very low categories. This percentage can be viewed in
Figure 2 below:
From Figure 2 above, it can be concluded that the average ability of students to understand
how ideas in mathematics relate to and underlie one another to produce a coherent unit is
under the enough category. The results of the interviews between the researchers with several
children are as follows:
Conversation 1
Researcher: Student, consider if you experimented with chicken eggs and duck eggs. The
two eggs have almost the same shape. But when the eggs are dropped to the
ground, the eggs that first reach the ground are duck eggs. To find out the cause
you try to observe the shape and weight. What tools are needed to determine the
weight of the two eggs?
Student: The scale sir.

Conversation 2
Researcher: Student, consider if you experimented with chicken eggs and duck eggs. The
two eggs have almost the same shape. But when the eggs are dropped to the
ground, the eggs that first reach the ground are duck eggs. To find out the cause
you try to observe the shape and weight. What tools are needed to determine the
weight of the two eggs?
Student: The scale sir.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

Conversation 3
Researcher: Student, consider if you experimented with chicken eggs and duck eggs. The
two eggs have almost the same shape. But when the eggs are dropped to the
ground, the eggs that first reach the ground are duck eggs. To find out the cause
you try to observe the shape and weight. What tools are needed to determine the
weight of the two eggs?
Student: We don't know sir.
From the three conversations, it can be observed that the students' answers are incorrect and
unclear. This proves that students have not been able to understand how ideas in mathematics
relate to and underlie one another to produce a coherent whole. From the tests and interviews,
it shows that the students' ability to understand how ideas in mathematics are interrelated and
underlie each other to produce a coherent whole remains low.
Mathematics is not only connected with internal mathematics but is also related to other
disciplines (Blum,2007). Mathematics is the parent of all knowledge connected to other
sciences. Mathematics can relate to natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology.
Mathematics is also related to social science. This proves that mathematics is connected to all
sciences. Mathematics is a science that links with concepts other than mathematical concepts
(Haji, 2017; Hendriana, 2014; Kenedi, 2018). This related concept becomes the foundation for
elementary school students in making it easier to understand other science concepts. The
ability of elementary school students to develop mathematical concepts associated with
science outside mathematics, will make it easier for students to understand the science.

F. Apply Mathematics in Everyday Life

To measure students' ability in applying mathematics in everyday life, the tests given in the
form of the following questions:
Wendi will make 5 rectangular frames of wire. The length of each rectangle is 5cm and
3cm. How many cms of wire length is needed?
The question above is used to measure the connection ability of elementary school students
with the indicators of applying mathematics in everyday life. The findings revealed that as
many as 10 per cent of students obtained enough grades for the ability to apply mathematics in
their daily lives, 63.33 per cent of students received low category scores, and 26.67 per cent of
students had a very low category score. This percentage can be viewed in Figure 3 below.
From Figure 3 above, it can be concluded that the average student's ability to apply
mathematics in daily life is under the enough category. This is following the results of
interviews between researchers with several children as follows:

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

Conversation 1
Researcher: Student, consider if you have a square garden with an area of 100 metres.
What is the metre length of the sides of the garden?
Student: 10 metres, sir.

Conversation 2
Researcher: Student, consider if you have a square garden with an area of 100 metres.
What is the metre length of the sides of the garden?
Student: 20 metres, sir.

Conversation 3
Researcher: Student, consider if you have a square garden with an area of 100 metres.
What is the metre length of the sides of the garden?
Student: 25 metres, sir.
From the three conversations, it can be observed that the average answer is not correct. This
proves that students have not been able to apply mathematics in everyday life.
From the tests and interviews conducted, it shows that the students' ability to apply
mathematics in daily life remains low.
Overall, the mathematical connection ability of the elementary school students in the industrial
revolution era is still in the low category. This is supported by observations completed by the
researchers. Based on these observations, it is found that in the mathematics learning process,
the teachers only focus on understanding the mathematics concepts. The teacher teaches
mathematics by giving formulas and examples of questions in the learning process. This is a
supporting fact so that the connection ability of elementary school students is untrained. The
mathematical connection is an effort to assist students in solving everyday problems (Menanti,
2018). Mathematics is an applicative science that links the concepts of science with real-life
concepts (Setiawan, 2017). Mathematics can solve problems in everyday life because the
problems can be solved with mathematics. Mathematics is a science that can facilitate students
in understanding problems in life (Kenedi, 2019). The ability of students to connect
mathematics with the problems of everyday life is very much needed in the era of the 4.0
industrial revolution.
Besides, based on the observations in the elementary school, there was no attempt by the
teachers to develop the mathematical connection skills of the elementary school students. The
teacher only teaches mathematics by teaching formulas and giving examples of questions.
Based on the tests, interviews, and observation of the three indicators, it can be seen that the
mathematical connection ability of the elementary school students in the industrial revolution

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

era is still in the low category. Mathematical connection is a part of mathematics that connects
mathematical concepts with concepts in everyday life. Therefore, mathematical connections
need to be developed because they are very necessary for the lives of students (Arthuri, 2017).
In the learning process, students who have good mathematical connection skills will have
good learning processes (Rohendi, 2013). A good learning process will be able to facilitate
elementary school students in understanding concepts related to mathematics. Besides,
mathematical connection capabilities can improve problem-solving skills (Stylianou, 2013;
Latif, 2017). Hence, it can be concluded that mathematical connections need to be developed
in elementary school students.

This study concludes that the connection ability of elementary school students in the era of the
4.0 industrial revolution is still low. This requires teachers to be careful in choosing the right
learning method used to train students' connection skills. Thus, students can more quickly
connect between mathematical concepts with empirical examples in real life.

Acknowledgments and thanks to Universitas Samudra and the Government of Solok District
for permitting this research.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

Figure 1. Abilility For Make Use of The Relationship Ideas in Mathematics

Figure 2. Abilility For Understand How Ideas In Mathematics Relate To And Underlie
One Another To Produce A Coherent.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

Figure 3. Abilility For Using Mathematical Ideas in Everyday Life.

International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.
Volume 5, Issue 5, Special Edition: ICET Malang City, 2019

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International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

Analyzing mathematical connection skill in solving a

contextual problem

D S Ayunani1, Mardiyana1 and D Indriati2

Postgraduate Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, 57126, Indonesia.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Sebelas
Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, 57126, Indonesia,,

Abstract. Mathematical connection skill is needed by students to connect mathematics theory

and contextual problem solving. As state, in NCTM that the mathematical connections skill is
one of the four competencies needed to face the industrial revolution 4.0. According to NCTM,
there are three mathematical connection skills, namely modeling problems, applying obtained
concepts and procedures also expanding mathematics ideas. The purpose of this study was to
describe the class X student’s mathematical connection skill at Boyolali High School, Central
Java in doing a contextual problem in one variable linear inequality. This research was a
comparative descriptive study with qualitative methods involving 15 students from 5 schools
as participants. The results showed that students' mathematical connection skill is still low. We
saw this from the indicators showed that the students were unable in modeling the contextual
problems correctly, students were not able in applying the obtained the concepts and
procedures also getting difficulty in expanding mathematics ideas.

1. Introduction
Contextual problems are problems that are designed as real experiences for students. The solution of
contextual problems requires students' ability to connect between material that they have learned
previously. In line with the demands of the industrial revolution, 4.0 students can connect the things
they have mastered to solve a problem. The meaning of ability is mathematical connections skill.
When students connect mathematical ideas, their understanding is deeper and more lasting, and they
come to view mathematics as a coherent whole. By solving mathematical problems, students gain
ways of thinking, habits of persistence and curiosity, and confidence in unfamiliar situations that serve
them well outside the mathematics classroom [1].
Students recognized algebra since 7th grade of junior high school and continued studying in
subsequent classes. Linear inequality is the initial part of the concept of algebra, so that considered the
contextual issues regarding the material having been mastered by high school students. Contextual
problems are real or concrete problems close to the life of students [2]. Therefore, contextual problems
are present a real environment for students and apply to everyday life. While the contextual
mathematics problem is a mathematical problem that presents a situation that is or has been
experienced by students and uses various mathematical concepts in its solution. Contextual problems
given to students must provide information that can be arranged mathematically and provide
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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

opportunities for students to solve problems using the knowledge and experience they have acquired
[3]. In this research, we relate contextual problems given to students to the inequality of one variable.
Based on observation in Senior High School students and interviewing mathematics teachers in
Boyolali, many students think mathematic is a difficult subject. This is because most of the students
experience difficulties in understanding the problem and determining the formula or theory that will
solve the problem [4]. In addition, the weak ability of students to change the form of context to the
form of a mathematical model appropriately so that students fail in determining the right solution [5].
One activity to build students' mathematical connections is to get students used to solve contextual
problems. This happens because students need to find the connection of concepts or theorems used to
determine the completion of a problem. We say this ability to be a mathematical connection. When
students can connect mathematical ideas, their understanding of mathematics becomes deeper and
more durable [1]. Activities that study the relationship between mathematical topics, connect ideas in
mathematics and use mathematics as a solution to find answers is an activity that trains students to
improve their mathematical connection abilities. If a topic give separately, learning will lose one
moment to improve students achievement in mathematics.
In this study, researchers used mathematical connection indicators from NCTM comprising three
aspects, namely Modeling Problems, Applying obtained concepts and procedures, and Expanding
mathematical ideas. Researchers developed the indicators for every aspect of mathematical connection
skill by themselves.

Tabel 1. Mathematical Connection Indicators

Aspects Indicators
Modeling Problem Reading and understanding the problem
Capable to predict the completion plan
Capable to determine the plan used to resolve the problem
Capable to know the use of notation
Applying obtained Capable to involve prior knowledge in solving problems
concepts and procedure Capable to solve the problem in different concepts
Capable to do the right procedure
Capable to set the result
Expanding mathematical Capable to connect between mathematical concepts
ideas Capable to connect mathematics with other disciplines and
daily activities

The aim of this research is describing how the student’s mathematical connection skill are related
in the modeling problem, applying obtained concepts and procedures and also expanding
mathematical ideas to solve linear inequality with contextual problems.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Place and Time of Research

The research took place on September 16-26, 2019 with 45 minutes duration. We conducted the
research in 5 different schools in Boyolali. They were SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Andong, SMA
Gagatan Karanggeda, SMA Muhammadiyah PK Sambi, SMA N Juwangi dan SMA Muhammadiyah 4

2.2. Type of Research

We got data from research result, understand, solve and expect problems. We define the research
method as a scientific way to get data with specific purposes and uses [6]. This research used to
analyze the mathematical connection skill in solving contextual problems was descriptive and
comparative research. We conduct descriptive research to find out the existence of an independent

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

variable, either one variable or more (a stand-alone variable) without making comparisons or
searching for the relationship of variables with each other. While comparative research is a study
comparing the state of one or more variables in two or more different samples, or two different times
[6]. The application of comparative research in this study was used to determine the comparison of the
mathematical connection skill of high school students in Boyolali.

2.3. Samples and populations

The research subjects were all grade X high school students in Boyolali comprising 30 public and
private schools. Samples took 15 students. They comprised 3 students in each school. The sampling
technique was multi-stage random sampling with three stages. First choose 5 schools out of 30 schools
as a cluster, then choose a sub-cluster that was consisting one class from each school and ended with
selecting 3 students from the members of sub-cluster. All activities did randomly.

2.4. Data collection techniques

Data collection techniques in this study are test and interview.

2.4.1. Test. We carried the test out as prerequisite material before entering the subject of inequality to
find out how understand students in mathematical concepts. In this research, the test questions are in
description form. This question is good to apply to all levels of education from elementary to tertiary
levels. The abilities expressed through the description test are not only logical thinking skills, but also
language skills. The test dimensions of the description are broader and can cover all aspects of
cognitive equally. We present the description test in the form of contextual questions where
participants often experience that. Participants were answering two contextual questions on the
material linear inequality of one variable. The process was lasting for 30 minutes, then continuing with
the interview.

2.4.2. Interview. Interview is conversations that is conducted by two or more parties, namely the
interviewer (a person who asks questions) and interviewed (a person who gives answers to the
questions). Interview is a conversation with a specific purpose [7]. In this study, researchers and
participants directly conducted questions and answers to get information verbally to get data that could
explain the research problem.

3. Results
The research aimed to describe the mathematical connection skill of Boyolali senior high school
students on the linear inequality one variable. Researchers used an NCTM mathematical connection
indicator. They developed that to interpret this skill. We measured mathematical connection skill from
the results of tests and interviews on 15 students. There were two contextual problems as the test.

Problem 1
A car can carry only 1500 kg. The driver and the driver's weight are 140 kg. He
will transport boxes of goods, each box weighs 40 kg.
a. How many boxes can be transported in one transport?
b. If he will transport 408 boxes, at least how many times it will transport?

Problem 2
The distance between Joko's house and the school is 45 km. The school enters
at 07.00. Joko left home at 05.30 on a motorcycle. On the way, his bicycle
broke down, then repaired it for 15 minutes. What is the minimum average
speed so that Joko is not late for school?

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

After conducting research on 15 students, researchers got data and analyzed it using three NCTM
indicators, namely modeling problems, applying obtained concepts and procedures and expanding
mathematical ideas.

3.1. Modeling Problem Aspect

14 Modelling Problem
6 13%
2 Poorly
plan used to…

Capable to know
determine the
completion plan

the notation to
Reading and

the problem

Capable to
predict the
Capable to

be used

Very Good 27%

60% Very Good

Modelling Problem Indicator

Figure 1. Diagram of modeling problem aspect

Figure 1 shows that in the aspect of modeling problems 40% of participants could read and understand
the problem, able to predict the solution plan, able to determine the plan used to solve the problem and
know the notation to be used. From these 40%, 13% of participants are very good at modeling
problems and another 27% are good. While 60% of participants still experience difficulties in finding
the modeling problem indicators of the questions presented. Figure 2 presents one of the participant

Figure 2. One of the participant’s worksheet
from modeling problem aspect ((a) problem 1,
(a) (b) problem 2)

Figure 2 shows that participants were being able to understand the problem, but still not capable to
determine the plan used to resolve the problem. Participants were also rewriting the problem and not
converting it into mathematical notation. Conversation below resulted from interviews with
participants regarding aspects of modeling problem.

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

Researcher : Figure 2 in Problem 1 point a) why do you write the problem?

Participant : More easy to understand.
Researcher : Have you ever want to change it into notation?
Participant : No madam, I confused to solve it later.
Researcher : From Figure 2 in Problem 1, what they ask?
Participant : Point a) many boxes are transported in one way and point b) number of times
Researcher : In point b) is it only asked how many times is transportation?
Participant : (read the problem again) No madam, there are words “fewest”.
Researcher : Does the existence of the word make a difference?
Participant : No, madam.
Researcher : Figure 2 in Problem 2, where did you get the 90 minute number?
Participant : The arrival time minus the departure time then changed it into minutes.
Researcher : In Problem 2, there is "minimum average speed". Did this make different
answer? (Pointing to Figure 2)
Participant : No, madam.

Based on Figure 2 and interview, participants were not expressing contextual problems into
mathematical sentences even though they understood the problem. There wasn’t appropriating
notation that showed the plan in solving the problem. It showed that the Participants were not
understanding symbol that refer to notation of inequality. In Figure 1 showed that 10 participants were
having difficulties in determine the plan used to resolving the problem. Builded upon these finding,
participants ability in a modeling problem needed to be developed.

3.2. Applying Obtained Concept and Procedure

16 Applying obtained concepts and procedure
8 Poorly Good Very Good
0 7%
Capable to Capable to Capable to Capable to Poorly
involve solve the do the set the Good
prior problem in right result
knowledge different procedure Very Good 40% 53%
in solving concepts
Applying obtained concepts and procedure

Figure 3. Diagram of applying obtained concept and procedure aspect

Figure 3 shows that in the applying obtained concepts and procedure aspects, 53% of participant had
poorly applying the concepts and procedures that they had learned. The most difficulty experienced by
participants when they were performing procedural concept in solving a problem, it would affect the
determination of the final results. There were 9 students that cannot work well, and 15 students cannot
answer correctly. Figure 4 is one participant answer from the applying obtained concepts and
procedure aspects.

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

Figure 4. One of the participant’s worksheet in
applying obtained concept and procedure aspect ((a)
(a) Problem 1, (b) Problem 2)

Figure 4 showed that students were involving prior knowledge in solving the problem and using
many concepts finding the answers but were not having the right result. Next passage is the excerpt of
interview regarding aspects of modeling problem.

Researcher : From problem 1, what did you meant by writing "every 200 there are 5
boxes"? Still remembered how did you thought it?
Participant : I thought because each box had 40 kg weight, then for 200 kg there would be
5 boxes.
Researcher : You meant 5 came from 200 divided by 40? Then what?
Participant : Yes madam, the maximum accommodate of the car was 1500 kg, then 200 x
7 = 1400. It meant that needed 7 x 5 = 35 boxes. Because the maximum
accommodate is 1500 so there was still 100 kg left, every 100 kg needed 2
boxes. So the total is 35 + 2 = 37 squares.
Researcher : You said for 100 kg took 2 boxes. You know that 1 box holding 40 kg. There
were still 20 kg left. How about that?
Participant : I just ignored it.
Researcher : Why was it being ignored? Did it not affect the result?
Participant : Yes, just like that ignoring 20 kg is correct.
Researcher : So you didn't think it would affect the result?
Participant : Yes, madam.
Researcher : Lets see point b) did you know what the meaning of question?
Participant : Asking the minimum number to transport 408 boxes?
Researcher : Try reading the command again.
Participant : (reading questions aloud and repeatedly)
Researcher : Do you have a different understanding or still the same?
Participant : Yes, it still the same.
Researcher : In problem 2, what is the question?
Participant : Speed of the motorcycle.
Researcher : Do you think the word speed and minimum speed is the same?
Participant : I'm not sure, but it seems the same thing.
Researcher : Why did you write "50-15" in the end of your answer?
Participant : Because the motorcycle need to be repaired, so it before the final answer it
was being reduced by 15 minutes.

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

Through the results of the interview, participants had difficulty determining the steps to work
correctly. In problem 1, the participant mistakenly understood the problem. Participant considered that
the maximum transportation limit of 1500 was also applying to settle point b). Likewise problem 2, the
answer of the speed was being reduction with time, even though it wasn’t the correct concept. The
students have not sufficiently assimilated the concept of inequality to justify the answer. Supported
data in Figure 3, only 47% participants who could apply the obtained concept and procedure well. So
applying obtained concepts and procedure aspect need to be considered.

3.3. Expanding mathematical ideas aspect

10 Expanding mathematical ideas
6 Poorly Good Very Good
Poorly 7%
0 Good
Capable to connect Capable to connect Very Good 33%
between mathematics with 60%
mathematical other disciplines and
concepts daily activities
Expanding mathematical ideas Indicator

Figure 5. Diagram of expanding mathematical ideas aspect

Figure 5 shows that in the Expanding Mathematical ideas aspect, 60% of participants don’t able to
connect between mathematical concept and mathematics with other disciplines also daily activities.
Only 7% of participants were very good to relate mathematical concepts and connect mathematics
with other disciplines and daily activities. The next picture results from the participants' worksheet that
were seen from the aspects of Expanding Mathematical ideas.

Figure 6. One of the participant’s worksheet in expanding mathematical ideas ((a) Problem 1, (b)
Problem 2)

Figure 6 showed the participant can connect mathematics with other disciplines and daily activities,
but with the wrong ideas and concepts. Next conversation was the interview with participant regarding
aspects of expanding mathematical ideas.

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

Researcher : Have you ever seen and watched a car, bus or truck with too much load?
Participant : Yes, madam. When I ride a motorcycle, then face a truck with a lot of cargo.
I'm afraid to overtake.
Researcher : Have you ever seen a truck that crashed or broke down because of overload?
Participant : Yes, madam, there was a truck that fell while transporting wood.
Researcher : Is there a relation between the incident and Problem 1?
Participant : There is, it is discussing a car load.
Researcher : Is there anything else, maybe something more specific?
Participant : That's all madam.
Researcher : OK, now move on to Problem 2. Where did you get s, t, and v notation from?
Participant : It is from physics; we were just learning the material. s represents distance, t
represents time and v represents speed.
Researcher : Have you ever been late for school because of a broken vehicle or a flat tire?
Participant : No madam, I’m riding a bus.
Researcher : Imagine that you need to repair the vehicle before you go to school. Does it
mean the time to get to school is longer or faster?
Participant : Faster mom
Researcher : Try to pay attention again?
Participant : (silent and think for some time) I don’t know madam

Associated with the ability to connect mathematics with other disciplines. Participants could recognize
the problem and take steps to solve it. But in connecting formulas and the application of concepts from
other disciplines learning still experienced error.

You can see three aspects of the mathematical connection skill of the participants in Figure 7.
Mathematical Connection Skill Mathematical Connection
Modelling Problem Skill
8 Poorly Good Very Good
Applying obtained
4 concepts and
2 procedure 13%
0 Expanding 54%
Poorly Good Very mathematical ideas 33%

Figure 7. Diagram of mathematical connection skill

Based on Figure 7, the highest frequency is being showed in left side. Modeling problem aspects
amounted to 9 participants, aspects of applying obtained concepts and procedures amounted to 8
participants, and aspects of expanding mathematical ideas amounted to 9 participants. Therefore, it can
be generalized to Pie Chart (right) 54% of participants have low mathematical connection skill. So the
mathematical connections skill in Boyolali senior high school is still relatively low.

4. Discussion
We conducted this research to determine the mathematical connection skills of senior high school
students in Boyolali on the contextual problems of linear inequality material. The result of research on
aspects of modeling the problem, participants run into difficulty understanding the problem and
planning a solution. In line with the research of Jha [8], Prakitipong and Nakamura [9] also Santoso, [10] most students made mistakes in understanding problems when solving math problems.
Research conducted by In'am [11]. Some students did not understand the problem well, despite
carrying out the plan of resolution. The stage of organizing the right notation to solve a problem and

International Conference on Science Education and Technology IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1511 (2020) 012095 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1511/1/012095

planning a solution is not clearly arranged. So that things that want to be achieved by participants can
not be seen properly. Under the research of Dewi and Kusrini 7 that students experience procedural
errors, namely errors in writing symbols about what is being asked.
For the aspect of applying obtained concept and procedure, 53% of participants had difficulty using
the right concept in solving contextual problems and did not complete the answering procedure so that
the participant did not answer what it asked. Under Rahayuningsih and Qohar [12] research in the
process ability stage, students do not do the mathematical stages and wrong in manipulating variables.
It also happened in the research of Dewi and Kusrini [13]. Students made a mistake by not continuing
the completion process that they had compiled so that students did not get the final answer. The result
shows contextual problems are not an easy thing to solve. In line with the opinion of Boaler [14] and
Carraher & Schliemann [15] that contextual problems do not make mathematics easier to understand
and motivate students.
In the aspect of Expanding Mathematical ideas, 60% of participants have difficulty developing
mathematical ideas. Under Widjaja [16] needed explicit links between the context and the
mathematics ideas to support students' progression in their mathematical thinking. Even though most
participants experienced difficulties, there were 7% of participants able to develop mathematical ideas
very well. This is in line with research conducted by Rangkuti [17] the students' mathematical
connection activity on solving the questions showed that there is a distinction between a student and
another student. There are some finding about the method of solving the questions the students uses
which according to their learning experience.
Based on the general result of the study that the skills of participants' mathematical connections by
54% poorly, 33% good and 13% very good. Through these results showed that mathematical
connections skills in Boyolali senior high school at contextual problems is still low.

5. Conclusion
Learning mathematics is generally seen as several topics so that each topic is taught separately.This
makes students remember many concepts and do not recognize general principles relevant to various
fields. Therefore, learning must help students to see how mathematical ideas it interrelates. When
mathematical ideas are associated with daily experiences, students will surely appreciate the
usefulness of mathematics. In contextual problems, we require students not only to master the
concepts and procedures of work, but thoroughly from problem modeling to the development of
mathematical ideas to interpret the results of calculations into desired answers. The result show that
students' mathematical connection skills were still low. We saw this that students were unable in
modeling the contextual problems correctly, students could not apply the obtained concepts and
procedures also getting difficulty in expanding mathematical ideas. Therefore, the next researcher can
conduct research on how to improve students' mathematical connection skills by using various
learning models related to contextual problems.

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

Mathematical Connection Ability: An Analysis

Based on Test Forms

Agus Dudung* and Maya Oktaviani

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the differences in mathematical connection abilities of students between
those who given an essay and multiple-choice tests. Mathematical connection ability as one of the
learning objectives achieves through activities that carried out by students and supported by the efforts
of the teacher in making this happen. One of them is through giving practice questions or tests. This
research conducted by the quasi-experimental method. The mathematical connection ability of
students measured through test instruments (essays and multiple-choices) that have been designed
and validated by experts. This validation process involved four experts and 20 panelists. The study
conducted in two secondary schools in Jakarta against 121 students. The data obtained will be
analyzed using an independent sample t-test. The results of the analysis show that there is an effect
of the test form on students' mathematical connection ability of 24.5%. The precise connection ability
of students who have given essay test treatment was higher than students who have given multiple-
choice tests. If the teacher wants to improve the mathematical connection ability of the students, it
can be through learning habits by providing practice questions in the form of essay tests.

Keywords: mathematical connection ability, test forms, essay test, multiple-choice test, secondary

Learning planning is one of the things that must be planned by the teacher so that learning
can achieve the expected goals. National Council of Teachers Mathematics suggests some
learning objectives that must complete by teachers, including Mathematical Connection
Ability. This ability needed by students so they can use the connections of ideas in
mathematics to understand how these ideas are interrelated and can create new ideas and
apply mathematics in daily life. For students to have this ability, students must be actively
involved in the teaching and learning process. Students must be able to interpret each
material learned so that learning is no longer just an admission process. According to [2],
students need to be comfortable about exploring new ideas.
Furthermore, learning should go both ways between students and teachers with student
centering. Thus, students' mathematical connection ability must be one of the centers of
attention in learning mathematics. The teacher must design learning that can integrate
mathematical problems that can be solved using various methods of solving. The teacher
must strive through the provision of practice questions that design to the predetermined
mathematical connection ability indicators. Students might know several concepts in
mathematics. However, not all students can connect one theory with another, though this
mathematical connection ability becomes something important for prerequisite material or
even other subjects.
Learning mathematics depends on a person's cognitive structure so that one's mathematical
knowledge will be different from one another [17]. Learning objectives achieve through
activities that carried out by students and supported by the efforts of the teacher in making

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

this happen. One of them is through giving practice questions or tests. This test should adjust
to mathematical connection ability indicators. The test results can be used as an evaluation
material for teachers to find out whether the learning model is following the characteristics
of students and the content or not, whether the learning method chosen by the teacher is
appropriate or not. A test can be used as a measuring instrument to determine the level of
understanding of the learning. Such tests can be in the form of essays or multiple choices.
Essay tests enable students to put all their deep thoughts about a problem, while the multiple-
choice test will make participants choose one of several available answer choices.
Previous research conducted by [15] concludes that the mathematical connection ability to
be the necessary abilities that must be mastered by students, especially in learning
mathematics. He found that the average level of mathematical connection ability of
secondary school students is still relatively low, with the lowest score on indicators between
topics in mathematics. This research only focuses on mathematical connection ability,
without seeing the effect of other variables, such as the test forms. Another study conducted
by [6] shows that the learning approach can improve students' mathematical connection
abilities. In addition to the learning approach, the school level also affects the improvement
of students' mathematical connection abilities. However, the interaction between the learning
approach and the school level does not have a significant impact on increasing students'
mathematical connection abilities.
Finally, another study by Scouller (1998) concludes that students who have higher abilities
would show better learning outcomes while working on the test in the form of essays. On the
other hand, students who have lower skills will show better learning outcomes while
working on experiments with multiple-choice questionnaires. This research looks at overall
learning outcomes, not at specific learning objectives. Some research states that multiple-
choice tests can only collect a little information when compared with essay tests. Multiple-
choice tests also allow students to guess the answers.
The three studies above did not illustrate how the effects of the test form on mathematical
connection abilities. Based on this, it is necessary to have a survey to find out how the
mathematical connection abilities of students who get different forms of test treatment. This
study aims to determine the differences in mathematical connection abilities of students
between those who given an essay and multiple-choice tests.

Mathematical Connection Ability
Mathematical connection ability is the ability to connect mathematical concepts with
concepts on other topics in mathematics, linking mathematical concepts with ideas on other
issues outside mathematics, and link mathematical concepts with application in daily life [4]
[8] Rohendi, 2012; [6]. Mathematical connection ability is not only the ability to read
questions until students can find the right mathematical formula to solve the problem.
Moreover, mathematical connections ability is also related to the relationship between one
topic and another topic in mathematics (for example numbers and algebra), the relationship
between mathematics issues and issues in other disciplines, as well as the relationship
between mathematics and real life.
Mathematical connection ability means the ability of students to connect mathematical
concepts with mathematical learning and mathematical concepts with problems in everyday
life. Mathematical connection ability based on NCTM (Yuniawati, Indrawan, & Setiawan,
2019) consist of 1) recognizing and using a relationship between ideas in mathematics; 2)
understanding the relevance of mathematical concepts and forming concepts with one
another to produce a comprehensive relation; 3) identify and apply mathematically inside
and outside the numerical environment. The mathematical connections ability can help
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

students in understanding the problems that exist in everyday life. Students may not be
aware of when they solve problems in their daily lives using theories in mathematics. They
naturally solve it if they have excellent connection abilities. In general, this ability can use as
a basis for evaluating topics' relationships in mathematics, determine mathematical formulas
that can use to solve a problem following the theory and to solve the problem with the right
Mathematical connection ability must define in mathematics learning. Students who can
connect mathematical concepts will have a more in-depth and lasting understanding of their
memories (Wahyudin, 2008). Students who have a thorough knowledge can think of how to
solve a mathematical problem. Usually, they find ideas to solve a mathematical problem or
what to do after taking a step in the process of solving a mathematical problem. Students
must possess this mathematical connection ability, so students can understand how
mathematical concepts are interconnected to produce cohesiveness. Mathematical connection
skills can help students understand the prerequisite material to understand higher capabilities

Test Forms
A test is a tool used to measure mastery of the material [5]. The test can divide into written
tests and oral tests. Written tests more effectively use to determine students' cognitive and
affective abilities. The test is not just a tool that can use without meaning. More than that, the
test has several functions, among which are as motivators in learning. The results of tests
done by students can be used as feedback by teachers in evaluating their students. If students
get poor test results, it will be a motivation for learning even harder, so that later they can get
better results than that. If students have gotten good results, then it will be a motivation for
him to keep maintaining his abilities. Another function of the test is an effort to improve the
learning process. The test results can be used as an evaluation material for teachers to find
out whether the learning model is following the characteristics of students and the content or
not, whether the learning method chosen by the teacher is appropriate or not. Evaluation of
learning must be done by the teacher to improve the quality of the teaching and learning
In addition to the two things above, the test also serves as a measure of student learning
outcomes. The test can use to determine the extent to which students absorb learning
provided. Through the analysis, teachers can see which competencies have been achieved by
their students and which skills have not. A test can be used as a measuring instrument to
determine the level of understanding of the learning. Such tests can be in the form of essays
or multiple choices. An essay test is a written test consisting of problems that require
students to answer them through descriptions that reflect the thinking process of students
[16]. The multiple-choice test is an objective test consisting of the subject matter that
presents the problem that must be solved and the choice of answers where there is only one
correct answer [11].
Essay tests enable students to put all their deep thoughts about a problem. Student answers
are not limited to available answers. Students forced to choose the possible answers. The
answers to the essay test show how students think when reading a problem to find a solution.
The answer is proof of their understanding of the concept that has studied. Essay tests have
several advantages. Fist, essay tests can be used to measure students' mental processes in
expressing their thoughts through the right answers. Second, essay tests can use to measure
students' ability to answer through written language. This ability can motivate students to be
able to compose the most appropriate words or sentences to solve existing problems and
motivate students to express their opinions through writing. Third, essay tests can use to
determine the depth of student understanding [15]. Unfortunately, the assessment of essay
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

tests still influenced by subjective factors. However, this can slightly reduce by the existence
of precise and generally accepted evaluation rubrics. The question maker should write rubric
as clearly and thoroughly as possible. So, other people (not only the question maker) can
also give an assessment based on the rubric. Another weakness of the essay test is that if the
question maker writes the item too long, then it can provide a different understanding for
each student [16]. This case can make students hesitate to give answers. However, writing
clear items and validating the details was felt to be able to overcome this deficiency.
In a multiple-choice test, the test participant will choose one of several available answer
choices. The choice of answers consists of correct and distractor answers. The distractor is
an answer choice that may be considered accurate by some test-takers, but this is the wrong
answer. The question maker has to write distractor correctly to reduce the possibility of
participants in guessing the answers. Multiple-choice tests can test that have one correct
solution, tests that contain incomplete statements, or examination that ask for the best (most
complete) answer [3]. Multiple-choice tests used to measure students' understanding from
the most straightforward level to the most complex [20]. Multiple-choice tests can range
from questions that merely remember concepts, to analyses that require complex thinking
and understanding.
Multiple-choice tests have several advantages, including high objectivity. Test makers can
determine a specific ability to be measured. Also, the results of the students' answers are
more comfortable to be rated. In this case, others who have the answer key can evaluate the
tests as well as the test makers. This ease provides an assessment for wider test takers and a
short time to announce the result, for example, during national exams, school final exams, or
other selection exams.
On the other hand, multiple-choice tests also have disadvantages. First, it requires quite a
long time in preparation for the questions. Second, making deception that can do well, and
homogeneously is also quite tricky.

Quasi-experimental techniques conducted this research. There are two groups of students,
one group given an essay test, and the other given a multiple-choice test. At the end of the
experiment, the two groups provided an instrument that measures mathematical connection
ability.This research conducted in two secondary public schools in Jakarta. The sample
selected using the multistage random sampling method, with a total of 121 students. This
study conducted in the even semester of 2017/2018 for two months. The data obtained will
be analyzed using an independent sample t-test. Before doing the data analysis test, a
prerequisite test performed to meet the classical assumptions in parametric statistical
analysis. Prerequisite Test used normality and homogeneity tests. Furthermore, data analysis
is performed by independent sample t-tests when the data groups meet the requirements.


Data on the results of research on students who were given essay tests as many as 61
respondents gave the following results: 1) the lowest value obtained by students was 35.0. In
contrast, the highest value got was 80.0 with a range of 45.0, 2) the average amount of
mathematical connection abilities of students given an essay test was 57.2 with a standard
deviation of 9.612 and variance of 92.391, and 3) the median of the data is 57.5.
Data on the results of research on students who were given multiple-choice tests as many as
60 respondents gave the following results: 1) the lowest value obtained by students was 20.0.
In contrast, the highest value obtained was 72.5 with a range of 52.5, 2) the average amount
of mathematical connection abilities of students given multiple-choice tests is 44.7 with a
standard deviation of 12.334 and variance of 152.138, and 3) the median of the data is 42.5.
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

This value is different from the first group of students. In this group of students, the range of
values obtained is more comprehensive so that the standard deviation and its variance are
also higher. This part shows that the data collected is more diverse.

Figure 1. Boxplot of Students’ Mathematical Connection Ability

The mathematical connection ability of students who given essay tests (A1) and multiple-
choice tests (A2) is visible in the following boxplot. Through boxplot, even though the
maximum data in the two groups did not differ significantly, the distribution of data in group
A2 was more comprehensive than in group A1 so that the variance was higher. The median
in the A1 group data is even higher than the upper quartile in A2 group data. In the boxplot
below, there are no outliers in the data of the two groups.
Before conducting the hypothesis test, several prerequisite tests are carried out, such as the
normality test and the homogeneity test. The normality test conducted to determine whether
the distribution of data to be analyzed usually distributed or not. The normality test
conducted using the Lilliefors test with a significance level of α of 5%. The normality test
performed on the data of groups of students who given essay tests and groups of students
who given multiple-choice tests. The results of the normality test showed that all samples
used in each group came from populations that generally distributed. Thus, both groups have
fulfilled normality requirements.
The homogeneity test performed to determine whether the data used in each group have the
same variance. The homogeneity test performed on the data of groups of students who given
essay tests and groups of students who given multiple-choice tests. The homogeneity test
performed is the Bartlett test. The results of the homogeneity test showed that the two data
groups have the same variance.

t-test for Equality of Means

t df Sig (2- Mean Std. 95% Confidence
tailed) Diff Error Interval of the
Diff Difference
Lower Upper
Mathematical Equal 6.206 119 .000 12.463 2.008 8.486 16.440
Connection Ability variances
Equal 6.193 111.43 .000 12.463 2.012 8.476 16.451
not assumed
Table 1. Hypothesis Test Using Independent Sample t-test
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

The results of the analysis using the two-parameter difference test indicate that the t-count
value = 6.206, while the t-table value = 1.980. Also, the p-value (sig) is lower than 0.05 so
that the null hypothesis rejected. Based on these results, it can conclude that the
mathematical connection ability of students given the essay test was higher than the students
given multiple-choice tests. In essay tests, students can put all their thoughts into answers
and not limited to the answer choices available. The effect of test form on students'
mathematical connection ability is 24.5% or classified as moderate.
Based on these findings, the habit of giving an essay test must begin. In this case, the use of
essay tests can help students to improve their learning outcomes. Through essay tests,
students can practice problem-solving, reasoning, communication, connection, and
representation abilities. These abilities are under the objectives of mathematics learning,
which was proclaimed by NCTM [8].
This research involves two groups of students — the first group was given treatment in the
form of essay tests, and the others assigned multiple-choice tests for two months. At the end
of the procedure, each student offered a questionnaire of a mathematical connection
instrument that will use to determine students' mathematical connection abilities. This
instrument consists of 15 multiple choice items and four essay items that have been validated
by experts and panelists and conducted an empirical test. This instrument has declared to be
valid and reliable. Analysis of the tools was carried out with the Rasch model using Winstep.
The results of the study of research data collected using the mathematical connection ability
instrument show that the mathematical connection ability of students given an essay test is
higher than students who given a multiple-choice test. In the essay test, students can pour all
the knowledge they have to use as answers. The answers written by students reflect their
understanding that can flow through the strung language.
This finding is in line with the results of Wijaya's previous research in 2016. According to
him, the answers given by students are the result of whatever reflection students have learned
so far. The teacher can see the ability of students through responses that reflected in the steps
worked by students. Essay tests encourage students to understand the subject matter more
deeply. Students who are accustomed to doing essay tests can understand the problems faced
better so they can find the right solution. When working on an essay test, students cannot
rely on luck by simply choosing answers carelessly, identical when taking multiple-choice
tests. The results of this study reinforce the findings of Novrida's research in 2010, which
showed that students who given the essay test got better learning outcomes than students
who given a multiple-choice test. Students who understand the material on the questions
asked will feel satisfied when they can do the essay test correctly.
On the other hand, when students take multiple-choice tests, students are still allowed to
experience belief misinformation. Belief misinformation is a condition where students are
sure of the answer to a question, but it turns out to be wrong. This incident can occur because
multiple-choice tests have only one correct answer choice, while the other answer choices
are only distractor. A good distractor can convince students to be selected. In line with the
results of [19] and [7], the multiple-choice test form is less effective when compared to the
essay test form.
Mathematical connection ability can invisible through how students connect previous
knowledge with existing problems so that he can solve these problems with his
understanding. Also, the use of essay tests in learning activities is under the Mathematics
Consultation Teacher Subjects regulations in the application of the 2013 Curriculum as well
as the planned government regulations regarding the use of essay tests in the National
Examination. This finding can lead to another important conclusion that essay tests should
provide for students. The use of essay tests can help students to improve their learning
outcomes. The use of essay tests can also be a form of self-evaluation conducted by students
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

regarding themselves related to the abilities they have after going through learning activities.
Difficulty working on essay tests will urge students to keep thinking and looking for
answers, while the challenge of taking multiple-choice tests allows students to guess the
answers. The possibility of guessing this answer makes the teacher unable to know the true
extent of students' abilities. Students who can effectively improve their skills can increase
their success in participating in learning activities [9].

Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the
form of tests on students' mathematical connection ability. Students who were given an essay
test had higher mathematical connection skills than students who were given a multiple-
choice test. Thus, if the teacher wants to improve the mathematical connection ability of the
students, it can be through learning habits by providing practice questions in the form of
essay tests.

This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial,
or not-for-profit sectors.

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ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 6, (2020), pp. 4694 - 4701

connection, analysis of students’ mathematical disposition. International Journal of Instruction, 12(4), 639-654.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2020, pp. 394~400
ISSN: 2252-8822, DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v9i2.20321  394

POGIL model on mathematical connection ability viewed from

self-regulated learning

Enyta Ramadisae Putri1, Budiyono2, Diari Indriati3

1,2Department of Mathematics Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
3Department of Mathematics, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: One area of education which has not escaped efforts to improve
the Indonesian government is mathematics education. The Indonesian
Received Sep 9, 2019 government must make good use of mathematics learning so that students
Revised Mar 15, 2020 can use the mathematical mindset to offset the pace of global competition.
Accepted May 1, 2020 This research is an experimental research on the Process-Oriented Guided
Inquiry Learning (POGIL) model on the ability of mathematical connections
in terms of self-regulated learning. The design used in this study was a 2 × 3
Keywords: factorial. The research sample was 179 students from 7th grade in three State
Junior High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
Connection ability The research sample consisted of an experimental group that subjected to
Mathematic the POGIL model and a control group that subjected to a direct learning
POGIL model model. This research instrument used was a written test and questionnaire.
Self-regulated learning The data analysis technique used was a two-way ANOVA test with
unbalanced cells and post hoc test. The results showed that: 1) the POGIL
model produces better mathematical connection ability than the direct
learning model, 2) Students with high category self-regulated learning have
better mathematical connection ability than medium and low categories, and
students with self-regulated learning the medium category have better
mathematical connection ability than the low category.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Enyta Ramadisae Putri,
Department of Mathematics Education,
Sebelas Maret University,
Surakarta, Center Java, Indonesia.

The primary key of a country is education. Education often likened to a symbol of the strength,
dignity, and greatness of a nation. Nowadays, education plays an essential role in creating generations of
nations that can keep pace with the pace of development of science and technology. Education is required to
form a generation that can act effectively in the face of rapid and complex world changes [1]. One area of
education which has not escaped efforts to improve the Indonesian government is mathematics education.
The Outlines of the Teaching Program provides general objectives of learning mathematics [2], namely
preparing students to be able to deal with changing circumstances and the world that is always developing,
through the practice of acting on the basis of logical, rational, critical thinking, careful, honest, effective and
efficient. Then, prepare students to be able to use mathematics and mathematical thinking patterns in
everyday life and in learning various sciences. Also, the mathematical vision developed by NCTM is
that those with excellent mathematical competence significantly open the door to a productive future
because mathematics is the key to opportunities in this changing world [3]. In most Asian countries,

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Int J Eval & Res Educ. ISSN: 2252-8822  395

the practice of guiding children's mathematics is quite more vigorous [4]. As shown by Guinocor [5], which
shows the changes in cognitive, skills, and attitudes of each student in learning. So, for a successful student
studying mathematics will have the opportunity to compete in the face of changes in the world and keep pace
with the pace of development in the future. One area of Indonesia that needs attention is Sukoharjo Regency,
Central Java, Indonesia. This data can be seen from the average results of the National Examination in
mathematics in 41 State Junior High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency for the past two years shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Average national mathematics exam scores

School year Average Category
2016/2017 54.0 C
2017/2018 53.3 C

Table 1 shows that the average mathematics in the National Examination for the 2017/2018 school
year decreased compared to the average 2016/2017 school year. One of the problems is the geometry and
measurement material obtained by the average absorption of students by 50.65. Mainly related to the material
of the rectangle and triangle that tested consisted of the first indicator concerning determining
the circumference of the two flat structures which coincided with one side and their size were known, while
the second indicator concerning determining the area of cardboard was used to make capital letters.
The percentage of students correct from the first indicator is 49.81%, and the second indicator is 50.56%.
So, the percentage of the two indicators indirectly indicates that students' mathematics is low.
Mathematical connection ability is one of the essential abilities that must be possessed and
developed in high school students. The term mathematical connection implies the same characteristic of
the opinions of experts, namely the existence of links between ideas, concepts, principles, processes,
mathematical content and theorems, and the relationship of mathematical content with the content of other
fields of study or everyday problems [6]. From the standard of teaching, mathematics can summarize
the ability of mathematical connections in three major components [3], namely (a) recognizing and using
the relationships between ideas in mathematics, (b) understanding how the relationship of mathematical ideas
and forming new mathematical ideas to produce a comprehensive relationship, and (c) recognizing and
applying one mathematical content to other mathematical content and environments outside mathematics.
In more detail, the ability of mathematical connections can be categorized in 4 aspects [7], namely
(a) connections between mathematical topics that link between concepts or principles in the same topic,
(b) connections between mathematical topics that link material between specific topics with the material in
other topics, (c) the connection between material and science other than mathematics, and (d) the connection
with daily life.
Based on preliminary data conducted on September 27-29, 2018, students in Mojolaban 1 State
Junior High School (high school category), Bulu 1 State Junior High School (medium school category), and
Grogol 3 State Junior High School (low school category) given a mathematics test containing connections
mathematics. The tests were mathematical connections between same topics, mathematical connections
between specific topics with other topics, mathematical connections with science other than mathematics,
mathematical connections with disciplines other than mathematics, and mathematical connections with
everyday life. Students who were given the test almost all did not answer correctly. In addition, the results of
observations and interviews conducted with mathematics teachers show that: (a) students are less able to use
mathematical concepts and procedures due to lack of understanding of preliminary knowledge or
prerequisites of the material taught previously, (b) students are less able to apply mathematical concepts
outside the topic of mathematics because they accustomed to being given different problems from what
the teacher exemplifies but are still in the same concept, and (c) the teacher still applies direct learning,
meaning teacher-centered learning, the teacher records information on the board or explains it in front of
the class, while students copy in their notebooks or listen to what the teacher says. Therefore,
the mathematical connection ability of State Junior High School students in Sukoharjo Regency is indicated
to be relatively low.
One learning model that is expected to be able to improve mathematical connection ability is
the POGIL learning model. The POGIL learning model combines the methods of guided inquiry and
cooperative learning [8]. The mechanism of the POGIL learning model comes from the combination of
the methodology of PO (Process Oriented) and GI (Guided Inquiry) [9]. The GI section is achieved through
the use of carefully designed learning cycle activities to guide students towards the construction of their
understanding. The experience of discovery can increase the confidence of students to understand and
remember more. The PO part comes from the use of small groups. The positive dependency that results in

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small group settings has been shown to weaken feelings of isolation and competition, which often correlate
with achievement or failure in traditional classroom environments.
The POGIL learning model is a learning model that can provide opportunities for students to
interact, appreciate, and build their knowledge. Self-construction can make the process of storing students'
memory knowledge longer and develop their thinking skills [10]. In its implementation, the POGIL learning
model based on five key ideas about learning obtained from research results in cognitive science [11].
In the study it was concluded that students would learn by (a) building their understanding based on previous
knowledge, experience, skills, attitudes, and beliefs, (b) following a learning cycle that included exploration
of concept formation and application, (c) connecting and describing concepts, (d) discuss and interact with
others, and (e) reflect the development and evaluation of actions. POGIL learning model design [12, 13],
namely the learning cycle that builds their understanding consisting of orientation, exploration, concept
formation, application, and closure. Also, so that students have sufficient skills, each member of the group
has their respective roles. The assignment of roles will be different at each meeting; it intended that they
contribute to each other to solve problems and have individual responsibilities. The role of students in
the class can be as a manager, recorder, presenter, and reflector.
Students cannot rely solely on classroom learning which is only four hours of study per week.
The success of learning must have a student's self-awareness to learn independently in addition to learning in
class. Another factor needed in the success of a learning process is self-regulated learning. Yang in [6]
reported that students who have high self-regulated learning: (a) tend to learn better in their supervision than
in program supervision, (b) able to monitor, evaluate and manage their learning effectively, (c) save time in
completing their work, and (d) managing learning and time efficiently.
Self-regulated learning consists of 4 categories [14], namely cognitive, metacognitive, self-
management, and motivation. Cognitive strategies are associated with cognitive behaviors and processes used
by students during their learning to complete assignments or achieve academic goals. Metacognitive
strategies involve prediction, planning, monitoring and evaluation that help individuals control and manage
their cognitive processes. Self-management strategies embody strategies such as controlling and managing
the time and environment of learning, effort, cooperation and seeking help. Motivational strategies including
intrinsic values, self-efficacy, and anxiety in the test stand as the last dimension of self-regulated learning.
The structure of the process of self-regulation learning consists of three main processes [15], namely
forethought (the process of designing learning), performance control (the process of monitoring learning
progress while implementing a design) and self-reflection (the process of evaluating learning outcomes in
full). So, self-regulated learning is the awareness of individuals who actively design goals, choose strategies
and monitor themselves in the learning process for achieving academic goals.
Based on the description above, the application of the POGIL learning model can provide
an opportunity for students to be independent in learning without depending much on the teacher's
explanation so that it will have a better impact on the ability of students' mathematical connections.

The first independent variable is the model of process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL)
that applied to the experimental class and direct learning (DL) that applied to the control class. The second
independent variable is self-regulated learning which consists of three categories, namely high, medium,
and low. The dependent variable is the mathematical connection ability. This type of research is a quasi-
experimental study with a 2 × 3 factorial design seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Research design

Learning Self-Regulated Learning (B)
Model (A) High (B1) Medium (B2) Low (B3)
POGIL (A1) A1B1 A1B2 A1B3
DL (A2) A2B1 A2B2 A2B3

The population of this research were all students 7 th grade of State Junior High Schools in Sukoharjo
Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, in the academic year 2018/2019. The research sample obtained by taking
students from three classes in each of the three State Junior High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency.
The research sample consisted of two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group.
An experimental group is a group that is subject to the POGIL learning model. A control group is a group
that is subject to direct learning (DL) models.

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The sampling technique uses a stratified cluster random sampling technique. All State Junior High
Schools in Sukoharjo Regency divided into high, medium and low school groups, then choose one school
randomly from each school group, namely Gatak 1 State Junior High School (high school category),
Kartasura 2 State Junior High School (medium school category), and Baki 2 State Junior High School (low
school category). So, the sample in the study was 179 students from 7 th grade in three State Junior High
Schools in Sukoharjo Regency.
Research data collection uses the written test method and questionnaire. The written test method is
used to obtain mathematical connection capabilities. The questionnaire method is used to determine the level
of self-regulated learning, namely the high, medium, and low categories. The written tests consists of 4 essay
questions, and a questionnaire consists of 21 statements. Before using the research instrument test and
questionnaire, testing is done first to find out whether the instruments that have made have met
the requirements of a good instrument. Each instrument is validated by an expert validator. After that,
the instrument tested outside of the research sample of 92 students. Data analysis techniques in the study uses
analysis two-way ANOVA test with unbalanced cells and the post hoc test of Scheffe's method.


3.1. Analysis requirements for two-way ANOVA test with unbalanced cells
Requirements that must be met by two-way variance analysis with unbalanced cells were each
sample is taken randomly from its population, each population is mutually independent within its group, each
population normally distributed, and populations have the same variance. The normality test uses
the Lilliefors method taken α = 0.05 and homogeneity test uses the Barlett test taken α = 0.05. The normality
test conducted five times, and the variance homogeneity test was carried out twice, which shown in Table 3
and Table 4. Table 3 shows Ho is not rejected because Lobservation was less than Ltable, so the conclusion is that
each sample comes from a normally distributed population. Afterward, Table 4 shows Ho is not rejected
because 𝜒 2 observation is less than 𝜒 2 table, so the conclusion is that the variances of the population are the same
or homogeneous.

Table 3. Results for the normality test

Normality test Lobservation Ltable Decision
POGIL learning model 0.04577 0.09499 Ho is not rejected
Direct learning model 0.08640 0.09237 Ho is not rejected
High self-regulated learning 0.05768 0.13208 Ho is not rejected
Medium self-regulated learning 0.08480 0.11252 Ho is not rejected
Low self-regulated learning 0.12671 0.13063 Ho is not rejected

Table 4. Results for the homogeneity test

Homogeneity test 𝜒 2 observation 𝜒 2 table Decision
POGIL learning model and
0.84879 3.84100 Ho is not rejected
direct learning model
Self-regulated learning high,
2.04152 5.99100 Ho is not rejected
medium and low

3.2. Two way ANOVA test with unbalanced cells

Two way analysis of variances with unbalanced cells was carried out to test the significance of
the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. Hypothesis testing looks at whether there is
a difference in mathematical connection ability between each learning model and self-regulated learning, and
the interaction of the two independent variables with mathematical connection ability.
Table 5 shows the conclusions of the two path variance analysis with unequal cells are (a) In A
factor, Fobsevation = 57.43386 with CR = {F|F > 3.89577}. Fobservation ∈ CR, so HoA is rejected. This result means
that there are differences in mathematical connection ability to the learning model. (b) In B factor, F obsevation =
12.35994 with CR = {F|F > 3.04821}. Fobservation ∈ CR, so HoB is rejected. This result means that there are
differences in mathematical connection ability to self-regulated learning. (c) In AB factor, Fobsevation =
1.77471 with CR = {F|F > 3.04821}. Fobservation ∉ CR, so HoB is not rejected. This result means that there is
no interaction between the self-regulated learning model and mathematical connection ability. These
circumstances, whether or not the learning model does not depend on students' self-regulated learning.

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Table 5. The results of two-way ANOVA test with unbalanced cells

Source SS df MS Fobservation Ftable Decision
Learning model (A) 15576.43 1 15576.43 57.43386 3.89577 H0A is rejected
Self-regulated learning (B) 6704.19 2 3352.10 12.35994 3.04821 H0B is rejected
Interaction (AB) 962.63 2 481.31 1.77471 3.04821 H0AB is not rejected
Error (G) 46918.72 173 271.21
Total 70161.97 178

The HoA test result rejected, meaning that in this case the learning model variable has only two
values, so there is no need to make a post-ANOVA comparison between lines. Therefore, inference by
looking at the marginal mean after POGIL learning model statistics and direct learning models differ
mathematical connection ability. Besides, the HoB result rejected which means that there are three values for
the self-regulated learning variable, so it is necessary to conduct further post hoc tests using the Scheffe
method to see which categories of self-regulated learning provide different effects or multiple comparisons
between columns. HAB result is not rejected, which means that there is no need to do further tests between
cells in the same column or lines. This result implies that differences in the mathematical connection ability
between students with high, medium, and low self-regulated learning in each learning model are the same as
in general conclusions.

3.3. Multiple comparisons

Before making a paired comparison, the marginal mean and the average of each cell are searched
first, the results of which shown in Table 6. Table 6 shows that the average marginal of POGIL learning
model is 52.20, while the average marginal of direct learning model is 32.14. This result means that
the average POGIL learning model is better than the average direct learning model. During the activities
using POGIL [16], students are completely off track in their reasoning process, but problems can be solved
immediately by the instructor, either by providing small information or by asking questions probing further.
In contrast, with the traditional class format, misunderstandings are rarely revealed, and they become
deep-rooted and persistent misunderstandings outside the classroom. Assessment of students' understanding
and misunderstanding also guides future teaching by enabling teachers to anticipate better why students
experience difficulties with the linkage of certain concepts.

Table 6. Marginal average cells

Self-regulated learning (B) Marginal
Learning model (A)
High Medium Low average
POGIL learning model 61.48 54.33 40.78 52.20
Direct learning model 39.17 29.62 27.64 32.14
Marginal average 50.32 41.97 34.21

Several studies by [17-19] that the POGIL model is better than the direct learning model. POGIL
has been successfully applied to many programs, including biochemistry, physical chemistry,
pharmaceuticals, and marketing [20-23]. In this research, POGIL aims to make students actively involved
and think in the mathematics classroom. During the exploration phase, students presented with adequate
information. This model will ensure the right foundation for building knowledge and understanding.
Then, the questions arranged so that all students arrive at the correct conclusions and support the
development of process skills. Students who have their respective roles in the group not only understand their
learning, but the teacher or instructor also guides students in ways that still allow them to find their concepts.
Research from Brown [23] concludes that POGIL improves classroom outcomes for students,
encourages active involvement with the material during class time, provides direct feedback to teachers about
knowledge students have not mastered, and creates a class environment that is well received by students.
Essential elements for POGIL implementation are the use of small groups of students with their roles
(manager, recorder, presenter and reflector), the role of instructors as facilitators, the use of activities
designed generally to follow the paradigm of the learning cycle, and the emphasis on developing process
skills in addition to mastering content [24].
Table 7 shows the first hypothesis μ.1 = μ.2, ie the first and second columns obtained F.1-.2 = 8.63433
with CR = {F|F > 6.09642}, so Fobservation ∈ CR, resulting in Ho being rejected. This result means that there are
differences in mathematical connection ability between students with high self-regulated learning and
moderate self-regulated learning. Based on the marginal mean in Table 6 shows that the average value of
students' mathematical connection ability with high self-regulated learning is 50.32 greater than the average

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value of students with medium self-regulated learning, which is 41.97. Thus it can be concluded that students
with high self-regulated learning provide better mathematical connection ability than students with moderate
self-regulated learning.

Table 7. Inter-colomns comparison test results

H0 Fobservation Ftable Decision
𝜇.1 = 𝜇.2 8.63433 6.09642 Ho is rejected
𝜇.1 = 𝜇.3 24.56065 6.09642 Ho is rejected
𝜇.2 = 𝜇.3 7.45337 6.09642 Ho is rejected

In the second hypothesis μ.1 = μ.3, the first and second columns are obtained F.1-.3 = 24.56065 with
CR = {F|F > 6.09642}, so Fobservation ∈ CR, resulting in Ho being rejected. This result means that there are
differences in mathematical connection ability between students with high self-regulated learning and low
self-regulated learning. Based on the marginal mean in Table 6 shows that the average value of students'
mathematical connection ability with high self-regulated learning is 50.32 greater than the average value of
students with medium self-regulated learning, which is 34.21. Thus it can be concluded that students
with high self-regulated learning provide better mathematical connection ability than students with low
self-regulated learning.
In the third hypothesis μ.2 = μ.3, the first and second columns are obtained F.2-.3 = 7.45337 with CR =
{F|F > 6.09642}, so Fobservation ∈ CR, resulting in Ho being rejected. This result means that there are
differences in mathematical connection ability between students with moderate self-regulated learning and
low self-regulated learning. Based on the marginal mean in Table 6 shows that the average value of students'
mathematical connection ability with moderate self-regulated learning is 41.97 greater than the average value
of students with low self-regulated learning, which is 34.21. Thus it can be concluded that students with
self-regulated learning are providing better mathematical connection ability than students with low
self-regulated learning.
Self-regulated learning emphasises the active role of students. They set goals to get good results in
their learning, monitor progress towards their goals, and regulate cognition, motivation, and behaviour to
achieve their goals [25]. Besides, various strategies are used to help students decide whether their learning
process should proceed in the same way or if necessary some changes [26]. Research conducted by
Yildizli [27] shows that self-regulated learning effectively supports learning. Students with high self-
regulated learning tend to be more prepared when facing learning in class because they have prepared
the material taught even students to have a variety of relevant sources to support their learning. However, low
self-regulated learning students tend to ask a lot of help or direction from the teacher in solving problems
before trying to solve them themselves. Students who can organize themselves academically are more
successful than students with low self-regulated learning skills or those who do not have self-regulated
learning in their learning [28]. As for students, they must try to increase their self-efficacy beliefs by
regularly engaging in academic assignments [29, 30].

The POGIL model produces better mathematical connection skills than the direct learning model.
Students with high category self-regulated learning have better mathematical connection ability than
the medium and low categories, and students with medium category self-regulated learning produce have
mathematical connection ability than the low category.

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Int. J. Eval. & Res. Educ. Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2020: 394 - 400
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017



Stephen Akinyemi Omotayo & Joshua Oluwatoyin Adeleke

Abstract: The numerous and varied applications of mathematics to all human endeavours
justifies placing emphasis on the teaching and learning of the subject. This study established the
effectiveness of the 5E instructional model (Bybee, Taylor, Gardner, Scotter, Powell, Westbrook,
& Landes, 2006) for enhancing learning outcomes in mathematics. The study adopted a pretest-
posttest, quasi-experimental design method. Simple random sampling technique was adopted to
select 172 participants (96 males, 76 females, M=15 years) for the study. Four research
instruments were used. Data were analyzed using descriptive and independent t-tests. There was
no difference in students’ achievement and interest in mathematics before treatment. There was a
significant posttest effect of treatment on students’ mathematics achievement t(170) = 4.45, p <
0.05 and interest t(170) = 4.22, p < 0.05. Teachers are encouraged to adopt constructivist
instructional approaches that discourage rote memorization and guide learners to develop their
own understanding.

Keywords: 5E instructional model, constructivism, interest and achievement

Introduction subject area. Lack of knowledge may result

in teachers being ill prepared to teach math
Mathematics can be referred to as an effectively or use specific instructional
indispensable element of development, formats. As a result, some students exhibit
considering its prominent roles in all human poor and faulty foundations in mathematics
endeavours. Its influence justifies making which leads them to perceive mathematics as
mathematics a core subject across all school a difficult, tedious, boring, and stressful
grades in countries like Nigeria, beginning in subject. This may be the reason why the
the elementary level. Therefore, priority WAEC Chief Examiner’s Report (WAEC,
should be given to the teaching and learning 2009) suggests that teachers should help
of the subject, especially as students’ students to improve their achievement in
performance in the subject is yet to reach a mathematics by reducing its abstraction and
satisfactory level (Omotayo, 2017). Analysis by removing their apathy and fear of the
of West African Examination Council subject.
(WAEC) results showed that less than 50%
students received credit level over the past According to Odili (2006), many teachers in
two decades, except in 2008 (Omotayo, Nigeria cling to traditional teaching methods
2017). where teachers first provide answers to the
previous day’s homework and then provide
In Nigeria, previous research studies by direct explanation for new lesson materials.
Anaduaka and Okafor (2013) indicated that This method of teaching recognizes the
students’ poor performance and lack of teacher as the dominant authority of the class.
interest in mathematics could be attributed to In this environment, teachers do most of the
inadequate knowledge of some teachers who talking while students only participate when
are charged to teach mathematics responding to their questions. Students play
irrespective of their background in the a passive role, which may not encourage
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
them to develop their own understanding and teaching them only about the procedures
thinking. Such an approach, according to involved in calculations. That is, students
Salman (2010), is no longer adequate to meet must be fully involved in the teaching and
the demands of mathematics education. The learning processes. This can be achieved by
approach is teacher-centered and compels engaging them with activities through which
teachers to assume more responsibilities than they can explore ideas and methods which
necessary to ensure that students understand can be elaborated through teachers’
what is being taught. This may likely lead to guidance. Such ideas and methods are
frustration on the part of the teacher, and embedded in the Engage, Explore, Explain,
boredom and lack of interest on the part of Elaborate, Evaluate (5E) Instructional
the students. Model (Bybee et al., 2006).

According to Schunk, Pintrich and Meece The 5E instructional Model

(2008), students are more likely to engage in
academic activities, pay more attention, and According to Llewellyn (2007), the 5E
demonstrate higher performance if they are instructional model can help students move
interested in a topic or subject. Adeyemo and from understanding concrete experiences to
Kuye (2006) reiterated that there is a very the application of principles. The model
strong connection between interest and effort provides students with opportunities to
which implies that the more individuals deeply and meaningfully recall what they
become interested in a subject, the more already know (see Table 1). According to
effort they will put into their learning. Ergin, Kanli, and Ünsal (2008), the 5E
Likewise, Leeherman (2004) believed that instructional model is considered one of the
teachers are more effective when they best approaches recommended for teaching
incorporate students’ interests into lectures. within a constructivist learning approach.
This finding suggests that if students’ The 5E instructional model is derived from
performance in mathematics is to be the Atkin and Karplus learning cycle
improved, emphasis should be placed on proposed in the early 1960s that was
instructional strategies that sparks their incorporated into the Science Curriculum
interest in mathematics. Improvement Study (SCIS) program (Bybee
et al., 2006). According to the same source,
According to Kurumeh, Achor, Akume, amd the SCIS learning cycle model consists of
Mohammed (2012), many students are not three stages: exploration, invention and
interested in mathematics and what it can discovery. The Biological Science
offer. In many cases, students tend to fear and Curriculum Study (BSCS) 5E instructional
dislike the subject. It has been argued that model incorporates two additional phases to
this lack of interest leads to large numbers of the SCIS program: engagement and
failures in annual mathematics examinations evaluation (Bybee et al., 2006).
in Nigeria (Odili, 2006; WAEC, 2009).
Invariably, the students’ lack of interest in The 5E Instructional Phases
mathematics has been ascribed to teachers’
use of inadequate and monotonous teaching Table 1 outlines the aims of each of the 5E
approaches (Usman & Nwabeze, 2011). In Instructional approaches, describes the
order to discourage rote memorization, teacher’s role in each phase, and provides
teachers are encouraged to guide students to examples of student activities applicable to
develop their own understanding rather than each phase.

JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
Table 1
5E Instructional Phases: Aims, Teachers’ Roles, and Activity Examples

Phase Aims Teachers’ Role Activity Examples

Engagement (i) To create interest in Teacher asks students to: (i) Draw and label
students (i) Draw and label types of triangle types
(ii) To generate curiosity triangle (ii) Distinctly
(iii) To assess students’ (ii) Distinctly differentiate differentiate triangle
previous knowledge the triangles types
(iii) Sum angles in
Exploration (i) To practically link (i) Teacher guides ((i) Draw triangle ABC
previous knowledge to the students to draw triangles A
present topic/ content (ii) Teacher guides c b
(i) To discover new students to take
knowledge without direct measurements of sides and B a C
instruction angles (ii) Take measurement of
(iii) Teacher monitors their sides and angles.
students’ work for
accuracy (iii) Divide the size of
each side by the sine of
its opposite angle
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
, ,
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐴 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐵 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐶

Explanation (i) To confirm students’ (i) Teachers prompt Explain observations

newly students to provide (e.g., same values)
acquired knowledge detailed explanation of
(ii) To clarify findings
misconceptions (ii)Teachers ensure
appropriate use of
(iii)Teachers correct
Elaboration (i) To solidify students’ (i) Teachers guide (i) Repeat activities
understanding students to carry out with multiple triangle
additional activities types
(ii) Teachers guide (ii) students state Sine
students to state Sine rule
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐 rule
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐵= 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐶 𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐴 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐵= 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝐶

(ii) Link acquired

knowledge to real-life

Evaluation (i) To reflect upon new Provide students with Students solve
learning exercises exercises
(ii) To assess students’
understanding and progress ∆ABC, B = 390, A = 820 a
(ii) To identify areas of = 6.73cm. Find c
difficulty and provide

JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
At the engagement stage, the instructional utilized at any stage. Students are encouraged
task is identified and introduced to the to assess their understanding and abilities in
students. Short activities are used to engage the evaluation phase and the teachers are to
learners in the lesson and to spur their assess students’ progress (Bybee, et al.,
curiosity about learning. These activities also 2006).
enable teachers to assess learners’ previous
knowledge, so that connections can be made Previous research (Bybee et al., 2006; Ergin
between past and present learning et al., 2008; Taylor, Van Scotter, & Coulson
experiences. 2007) has established that use of the 5E
instructional model improves students’
In the exploration stage, students are attitude and achievement in science.
provided with opportunities to engage with According to Tuna and Kacar (2013), use of
the materials and phenomena. Students work the 5E instructional model improves
with one another to explore ideas through students’ achievement and assists them retain
hands‐on activities. Under the guidance of new learning. As the 5E instructional model
their teachers, students clarify their own was primarily designed and commonly used
understanding of major concepts and skills. for teaching science subjects, there is a need
The teachers’ role at this stage is one of a to investigate its effectiveness in other
facilitator who provides materials and guides subjects, including mathematics.
students’ focus and concentration while they
use their prior knowledge to compose new Theoretical Background
ideas, explore questions and possibilities,
and design investigations (Bybee et al., This study was grounded in constructivist
2006). theory. The theory emerged as the leading
approach to human learning in the 1980s and
The explanation phase focuses students’ 1990s as interest in behaviourism and
attention on particular aspects of their information-processing perspectives waned
exploration experiences. This stage provides (Mayer, 1996). According to Rice and
them with opportunities to demonstrate their Wilson (1999), constructivist theory invites
conceptual understanding and process skills. students to construct their own knowledge
Learners explain their understanding of the through exploration, as opposed to the
concept and teachers work to address traditional educational model that simply
misconceptions. Teacher explanations guide provides students with correct answers or
learners towards a deeper understanding, facts. To assert the constructivist method,
which is a critical part of this phase (Bybee teachers need to provide students with
et al., 2006). lessons that they can employ in real world
situations. However, it is imperative to note
Students are provided with opportunities to that a constructivist-based instructional
enhance their conceptions and make approach, if not adequately utilized and
connections between related concepts at the implemented by a well-trained teacher, may
elaboration stage. These connections, in turn, not yield the desired result. For instance,
initiate further inquiry and new conceptions. Alsup and Sprigler (2003) explored the
Teachers challenge students’ conceptual effectiveness of three different approaches
understanding and skills, and students are with grade 8 mathematics students (i.e., a
provided with new experiences that deepen traditional approach; a reform-based
and broaden their understanding. Students approach, including use of manipulatives;
apply their understanding by engaging in and a combination of the traditional and
additional activities. reform-based approaches). The researchers
found that the reform-based method, when
Evaluation, the last stage in the process, used alone, was the least beneficial to
allows teachers to assess whether students students. There were no significant
have attained conceptions and knowledge, differences between the control group who
although evaluation processes could be received more traditional-based instruction
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
and the experimental group who received Hypothesis
instruction through hands-on learning and
the use of manipulatives. These findings 1. HO: There will be no significant effect of
suggest that it is not simply the hands-on treatment (5E instructional model and
aspect of the approach that is effective. traditional
Rather, students must be encouraged to method) on students’ achievement in
actively seek out and make sense of mathematics.
mathematical theories if they are to enhance
and solidify their learning. H1: There will be a significant effect of
treatment (5E instructional model and
According to Llewellyn (2007), traditional method) on students’ achievement
constructivist learning theory is founded on in mathematics.
the premise that individuals search for and
construct meaning from the world around 2. HO: There will be no significant effect of
them. The theory advocates that knowledge treatment (5E instructional model and
is not independent from learners, but that traditional
individuals construct knowledge from their method) on students’ interest in
personal experiences. Constructivist mathematics.
approaches are important in the formation of
meaningful and complete learning. With the H1: There will be a significant effect of
aid of the constructivist approach, students treatment (5E instructional model and
can make connections between subjects by traditional method) on students’ interest in
constructing and reconstructing information mathematics
as they process it in relation to their prior
knowledge and experiences (Llewellyn, Methodology
2007). The 5E instructional model features
all the characteristics epitomised by Research Design
constructivism theory. The approach
maximizes opportunities for learner This study adopted a pretest-posttest quasi-
participation by engaging them with a series experimental design. Participants were
of activities that assist them to construct their assigned randomly assigned to either an
own understanding. In this way, teachers experimental group or control group.
facilitate and guide students to develop their Performance differences between the two
individual understanding. groups was tested statistically. Figure 1
provides an overview of the pre-test, post-
test designed used here.

O1 X1 O2 Experimental Group (5E Instructional Model)

O1 X2 O2 Control Group (Traditional Method)

Notes: O1 = pretest measure; O2 = posttest measure; X1 = 5E instructional model; X2 = traditional

Figure 1. Pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design.

Participants random sampling was used to select two

local government areas from the five existing
The target population for this study local government areas in Ibadan Metropolis.
comprised all senior secondary school II From each of the local government areas, two
students drawn from 155 schools in Ibadan schools were selected using simple random
Metropolis, Oyo State of Nigeria. Simple sampling, comprising a total of four schools.

JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
The selected schools were randomly items was established using the Kuder
assigned to treatment conditions. Simple Richardson 20 Formula (KR 20) which
random sampling was used to select two, yielded a reliability coefficient of .79
senior secondary school level students from
each of the selected schools. A total of 172
(96 males and 76 females) students Mathematics Interest Inventory (MII)
participated in the study. The average age of
the students was 15 years. The MII was adapted from Bakare’s (1977)
Vocational Interest Inventory (VII). The MII
Instrumentation consists of two sections: Sections A and B.
Section A includes items about participant
The following instruments were used for the demographics and Section B consists of 20
study: Mathematic Achievement Test (MAT), Likert-scale items (1=Like very much,
Mathematics Interest Inventory (MII), and 2=Like, 3=Indifferent, 4=Dislike and
the treatment package (TP). 5=Dislike very much). The instrument was
thereafter pilot tested on sixty students from
Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) schools similar to the target samples. The
reliability coefficient of the instrument was
The MAT was developed by the researcher. established using Cronbach Alpha which
The original version of the test consisted of yielded a value of .92. This finding suggests
sixty multiple choice items with four that the instrument was highly reliable.
response options (A, B, C, D). Items were
generated using the Senior Secondary Treatment Package (TP)
Education Curriculum for Mathematics
(SSII) developed by the Nigerian Education The treatment package refers to the training
Research and Development Council manual and the instructional guide provided
(NERDC). The content validity of the MAT to the research assistants (mathematics
was established through item testing at the teachers) who participated in the study.
first three levels of Bloom’s taxonomy of Information in the package was consistent
educational objectives (i.e., knowledge, with the suggestions and contributions of
comprehension, application: International experienced mathematics teachers as well as
Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, experts in the field of research.
2016). The test items were given to
experienced secondary school mathematics Experimental Group: 5E Instructional
teachers for vetting. Model Approach

Having carried out the corrections, Two schools were assigned to this condition.
amendments, and suggestions made by the Having sought the approval of the school
teachers, the items were then pilot tested on authority to use the schools for the study, the
sixty, senior secondary school II students mathematics teachers of those schools who
from co-educational schools similar to the served as research assistants were trained to
target samples in order to establish the use the 5E instructional model. Micro
difficulty and discriminating indices for each teaching was also conducted for the teachers
item. The difficulty index indicates the level to ensure mastery of the teaching method.
of difficulty of an item, while the The training lasted for two weeks. Students
discriminating index describes how well an in this group were taught using the 5E
item can differentiate between high and low instructional model for six weeks. Table 2
performing test-takers. Thirty items with describes the instructional guide teachers in
difficulty indices between .40 and .60 and the experimental group used for each of the
discriminating indices .030 and greater were five phases.
selected for the study. The reliability of the

JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
Table 2
Instructional Guide for 5E Instructional Model
Stage Duration Instructional Guide

Engagement Stage 5 minutes Introduction of the topic.

Guide students to recall their previous


Link entry behaviour with the new topic.

Arouse students’ curiosity by asking them


Exploration Stage 20 minutes Exploration of the new topic through hand-on


Demonstration and modeling of concepts.

Recording of information.

Generating conjectures/ideas/ discoveries.

Explanation Stage 15 minutes Explanation of conjectures/ideas/discoveries.

Classification of misconceptions.

Elaboration Stage 15 minutes Engaged in additional hand-on activities.

Expansion and solidification of concepts.

Evaluation Stage 5 minutes Reflection on learning.

Ask questions.

Provide additional exercises.

Control Group: Traditional Approach schools, met with the administrators and
mathematics teachers of those schools to
Two schools were included in the control
inform them about the study and seek their
group. Teachers in this group used traditional
cooperation. Thereafter, a two-week training
methods to teach the same concepts as those
session was organized for the research
taught in the experimental groups for a
assistants. The training sessions involved
period of six weeks. The instructional guide
how to use the prepared instructional guide.
for the control group included: a) guiding
Micro teaching sessions were employed in
students to recall previous knowledge, (b)
order to ensure that the research assistants
introduction of the new topic, and (c) gradual
delivered the instructional contents
presentation of the new topic.
Data Collection
A week before the commencement of the
treatment, the MAT and MII were
The researchers, having selected the sample
administered to participants (pre-test). After
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
treatment, which lasted for five weeks, MAT two groups before the treatment started.
and MII were administered again. Data Table 3 shows that there was no significant
analysis consisted of descriptive statistics difference between the mean achievement
and independent t- test. scores of students in the 5E instructional
group (M = 7.52, SD = 2.29) and those in the
Results control group (M= 7.76, SD = 2.64), t(170) =
.64, p > 0.05. This implies that the students
Independent samples t-test was conducted to were academically equivalent before the
compare the mean scores of students in the treatment.

Table 3
Students’ Pre-test Mathematics Achievement
t df Sig(2-
Std. tailed)
Treatment N M SD Mean
Pre-test 5E 88 7.52 2.289 0.244
.636 170 .536
Traditional 84 7.76 2.637 0.288

Table 4 shows that there was a significant 11.32, SD = 3.00). This implies that there
effect of treatment on students’ achievement was significant effect of treatment on
in mathematics, t(170) = 4.45, p < 0.05. The students’ achievement in mathematics.
table reveals that the mean scores of students Consequently, the null hypothesis, which
taught with the 5E instructional approach (M states that there was no significant effect of
= 13.15, SD = 2.36) is higher than those treatment on students’ achievement in
taught with the traditional method (M = mathematics, was rejected.

Table 4
Students’ Post-test Mathematics Achievement
Std. t df Sig(2 -
Error tailed)
Treatment N M SD Mean
Post-test 5E Group 8 13.15 2.356 0.251 4.458 170 000
Traditional 4 11.32 3.003 0.328

Table 5 shows the mean, standard deviation = 44.06, SD = 9.28) and those in the
and independent t-test conducted to compare traditional instruction (control) group (M =
students’ mean interest scores before the 43.33, SD = 9.43), t(170) = .51 p > 0.05. This
treatment. The table reveals that there was no implies that the students’ interests in
significant difference between the mean mathematics were equivalent before the
interest scores of students in the 5E group (M treatment.

Table 5
Students’ Pre-test Interest in Mathematics
Std. Error t df Sig (2
Treatment N M SD Mean tailed)
Pre-test 5E Group 88 44.0568 9.28273 0.98954
Traditional 84 43.3333 9.43377 1.02931 .507 170 .613
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017

Table 6 shows that there was significant implies that there was significant effect of
effect of treatment on students’ interest in treatment on students’ interest in
mathematics, t(170) = 4.216, p < 0.05. The mathematics. Therefore, the null hypothesis
mean interest score of students taught with which states that there was no significant
the 5E curriculum (M = 63.09, SD = 8.70) is effect of treatment on students’ interest in
higher than those taught with the traditional mathematics was rejected.
method (M = 55.25, SD = 14.79). This

Table 6
Students’ Post-tests Interest in Mathematics
Std. Error t df Sig
Treatment N M SD Mean (2tailed)
Post-test 5E Group 88 9 8.6962 0.92702 4.216 170 .000
Traditional 84 55.25 14.79081 1.61381

Discussion (2008), who investigated the effects of the 5E

instructional model on Grade 6 students’
The findings of this study revealed that the achievement during a science unit on the
5E instructional approach significantly circulatory system. Cardak et al., (2008)
improved students’ performance in established that students who completed the
mathematics relative to their peers who 5E instructional program demonstrated
received traditional instruction. This result significantly greater performance scores than
may be explained by the active participation their peers.
of students at every stage of the instructional
model. That is, in the first phase, students However, there is also evidence that suggests
were provided with the learning situation that that constructivist-based instruction may not
helped them to link their previous knowledge produce superior learning gains in all
with new concepts. These new concepts were instances. For instance, Alsup and Sprigler
explored in the second phase which fostered (2003), McNeil and Jarvin (2007), Ivers and
critical thinking. This process helped Helton (2016), and White (2012) established
students to make new discoveries and that there were no significant differences
generate more questions which they between students in control groups who
answered independently. Students provided received more traditional-based instruction
explanations in the third stage and later and those in experimental group who
elaborated their knowledge in the fourth received instruction through hands-on
stage. Lastly, their knowledge was evaluated learning and use of manipulatives. Moreover,
during the last stage of the 5E instructional manipulatives can be very challenging to
program. At every point in time, students incorporate and potentially ineffective,
were included in the instructional strategy. especially if teachers are not confident in
using them. As a result, some teachers may
This finding corroborates the conclusions of unknowingly be teaching their students
Balci (2005) who studied Grade 8 students’ mathematical misconceptions through
learning and understanding of manipulative use. Further information is
photosynthesis and plant respiration. The required about teachers’ confidence and
results showed that the students in the beliefs in their mathematical training.
experimental group (5E instructional model)
were more successful than their counterparts The participants in the 5E instructional group
in the control group. This also supports the demonstrated greater interest in mathematics
findings of Cardak, Dikmenli, and Saritas than those who received traditional
JISTE, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017

instruction. This may reflect that students Conclusion and Recommendation

were practically involved in the lesson
delivery. This finding suggests that when The purpose of this study was to establish the
teachers adopt an appropriate instructional effects of the 5E instructional model on
strategy, learners’ interest in mathematics students’ learning outcomes in mathematics.
can be stimulated. The finding corroborates The result of the study showed that students’
the finding of a study exploring the learning outcomes in mathematics can be
implementation of geometric construction enhanced using a 5E instructional approach.
workshops with junior secondary students in Teachers are therefore encouraged to be
Hong Kong (Leung, 2011). Leung concluded dynamic in their instructional approach.
that students enjoyed completing the More importantly, they are encouraged to
workshop construction tasks. This finding adopt a constructivist instructional strategy
also supports Allen (2007) who affirmed that that will not just present students with new
students increased their skills and showed knowledge, but rather guide them to develop
more interest and enjoyment when learning their own understanding of that information.
was done through the use of manipulatives. Such instruction is the most likely to
engender students’ interest and improve their


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Kansas: USA. Retrieved from

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Kurumeh M. S., Achor, E. E., Akume, G., & Mohammed, A. S. (2012). Re-branding
mathematics: An approach to invigorating students’ interest in mathematics in Anambra
State, Nigeria. Prime Research on Education 2(6), 275-281.

Herman, H., & Mandell, A. (2004). From teaching to mentoring: Principle and practice,
dialogue and life in adult education. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.

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Mayer, R. E. (1996). History of instructional psychology. In E., De Corte and F. E. Weinert

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Omotayo S. A. (2017) Effect of dynamic mathematics software and 5E instructional model on

students’ geometry achievement, interest and retention in Senior Secondary Schools in
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Rice, M. L., & Wilson, E. K. (1999). How technology aid constructivism in the social studies
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Stephen, Akinyemi, Omotayo is a graduate of the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan,

Nigeria. He holds a BSc. Ed (Mathematics), MEd and PhD (Educational Evaluation). He is an
experienced mathematics teacher and quantitative analyst. Omotayo can be contacted at

Joshua Oluwatoyin Adeleke is a senior research fellow in the Institute of Education, University
of Ibadan, Nigeria. He holds a BSc. Ed (Mathematics and Statistics), MEd (Guidance and
Counselling) and PhD (Educational Evaluation). He is an experienced mathematics educator,
quantitative analyst, and distinguished author who has published in many reputable local and
foreign journals. Adeleke can be contacted at

Math Ed Res J (2011) 23:297–319
DOI 10.1007/s13394-011-0017-0

Exploring mathematical connections of prospective

middle-grades teachers through card-sorting tasks

Jennifer A. Eli & Margaret J. Mohr-Schroeder &

Carl W. Lee

Received: 10 July 2010 / Revised: 8 December 2010 / Accepted: 16 February 2011 /

Published online: 9 August 2011
# Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc. 2011

Abstract Prospective teachers are expected to construct, emphasise, integrate, and

make use of mathematical connections; in doing so, they acquire an understanding of
mathematics that is fluid, supple, and interconnected (Evitts Dissertation Abstracts
International, 65(12), 4500, 2005). Given the importance of mathematical connec-
tion making, an exploratory study was conducted to consider the ability of
prospective middle-grades teachers to make mathematical connections while
engaging in card-sorting activities. Twenty-eight prospective middle-grades teachers
participated in both an open and closed card sort. Data were analysed using constant
comparative methods to extract meta themes to describe the types of connections
made. Findings indicate that these prospective teachers tended to make more
procedural- and categorical-type mathematical connections and far fewer deriva-
tional or curricular mathematical connections.

Keywords Mathematical connections . Card sorting . Teacher preparation . Middle

grades . Geometry

J. A. Eli (*)
Department of Mathematics, The University of Arizona, 617 N. Santa Rita Ave., Tucson,
AZ 85721-0089, USA

M. J. Mohr-Schroeder
Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) Education,
University of Kentucky, 105c Taylor Education Building, Lexington, KY 40506-0017, USA

C. W. Lee
Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, 719 Patterson Office Tower, Lexington,
KY 40506-0027, USA
298 J. A. Eli et al.

Mathematics education literature supports the belief that mathematical understanding

requires students to make connections between mathematical ideas, facts, proce-
dures, and relationships (Hiebert and Carpenter 1992; Ma 1999; Moschkovich et al.
1993; Skemp 1978, 1989); thus, constructing, unpacking, and understanding
connections are fundamental in carrying out the work of teaching mathematics.
Mathematics teachers must “hold unpacked mathematical knowledge because
teaching involves making features of particular content visible to and learnable by
students” (Ball et al. 2008, p. 400). By constructing, decompressing, and unpacking
their mathematical knowledge, teachers are better equipped to respond to students’
“why” questions, evaluate student conjectures, ask productive mathematical
questions, and make connections to mathematics across the span of the curriculum.
However, beginning teachers rarely make connections during instruction, or their
connections are imparted in an implicit rather than explicit manner (Bartels 1995;
Eisenhart et al. 1993; Hiebert 1989). Without understanding the connections among
the important functional concepts in mathematics, prospective teachers cannot
effectively engage K-12 students in mathematical connection making, reasoning, and
problem solving.
If prospective teachers are expected to construct, emphasise, integrate, and make
use of mathematical connections, then they must acquire an understanding of
mathematics that is fluid, supple, and interconnected (Evitts 2005). Prospective
teachers must not only be able to do the mathematics they will teach but must
possess a deep conceptual understanding of the mathematics. In particular, they must
learn that teaching mathematics for conceptual understanding requires that they
move away from a perception of mathematics as a “set of isolated facts and
procedures” (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] 2009, p. 3).
Prospective teachers must be prepared to help K-12 students construct mathematical
knowledge, establish mathematical connections, and develop mathematical habits of
mind needed for problem solving (Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences
[CBMS] 2001). As Hodgson (1995) points out, “…the investigation of problem
situations leads naturally to the establishment and use of connections. In turn, the use
of connections to solve problems brings about the need for their establishment” (p.
18). Increased attention has been given to the importance of mathematical
connection making, especially as a tool for problem solving, by the NCTM (1989,
2000) standards, the Curriculum Focal Points (NCTM 2006), and the Common Core
State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSO 2010). It is thought that the results of this
exploratory study focused on the types of mathematical connections prospective
teachers make as they engage in tasks meant to probe mathematical connections may
provide insight into prospective teachers’ accessing, unpacking, and connecting
mathematical knowledge.

Theoretical framework

In the last quarter century, mathematics education reform and research on the
learning and teaching of mathematics have been largely influenced by constructivist
theory. The emergence of constructivism in education can be attributed to
“dissatisfaction with information-processing theory, concerns that students are
Exploring mathematical connections 299

acquiring isolated, decontextualized skills and are unable to apply them in real-world
situations and an interest in Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory” (Gredler 2005, p.
89). Constructivism is grounded in the idea that all knowledge is constructed. A
major tenet of constructivist theory posits that the learner constructs meaning from
experiences by integrating prior knowledge with new knowledge. Through a
constructivist lens, “mathematical knowledge is constructed, at least in part, through
a process of reflective abstraction” (Noddings 1990, p. 10). Constructing and
understanding mathematical concepts, ideas, facts, or procedures involves making
connections between old and new knowledge. Hiebert and Carpenter (1992) suggest,
“Many of those who study mathematics learning agree that understanding involves
recognising relationships between pieces of information” (p. 67). Connections can
be viewed as a natural consequence of constructivist theory in the domain of
mathematics since learning for conceptual understanding involves building mental
networks structured like a spider’s web wherein “the junctures, or nodes, can be
thought of as pieces of represented information, and threads between them as the
connections or relationships” (Hiebert and Carpenter 1992, p. 67). An important
concept that arises from constructivist theory to explain how making connections
can aid in the learning of mathematics is schema theory. Mathematical connections
can be described as components of a schema or connected groups of schemas within
a mental network. A schema is a “memory structure that develops from an
individual’s experiences and guides the individual’s response to the environment”
(Marshall 1995, p. 15). Marshall posits that a defining feature of schema is the
presence of connections. The strength and cohesiveness of a schema is dependent on
connectivity of components within the schema or between groups of schemata. This
model suggests that learning mathematics for understanding involves assimilating or
connecting new information into mental networks, forming new connection(s)
between existing knowledge components, and accommodating or reorganising
schemata to address perturbations in knowledge structures and to correct
misconceptions. Thus, the building and refining of such mental structures
through the establishment and strengthening of connections plays an important
role in the development of students’ learning of mathematics. This idea is
further supported by the creation of the Connections strand of the NCTM (2000)
Principles and Standards emphasizing that “when students connect mathematical
ideas, their understanding is deeper and more lasting, and they come to view
mathematics as a coherent whole” (p. 4). From a constructivist perspective, a
mathematical connection can be thought of as a link (or bridge) in which prior
or new knowledge is used to establish or strengthen an understanding of
relationship(s) between or among mathematical ideas, concepts, strands, or
representations within a mental network.
A constructivist lens may provide an understanding of how prospective
teachers construct, link, or bridge together relationships between mathematical
concepts, ideas, and/or representations when engaged in tasks meant to probe
mathematical connections. A constructivist theory of learning mathematics
provided a supportive foundation for this study as the researcher attempted to
understand and describe the types of mathematical connections prospective
middle-grades teachers make while engaged in tasks meant to probe
mathematical connections.
300 J. A. Eli et al.

Purpose of study

The purpose of the present exploratory study was to investigate the types of
mathematical connections prospective middle-grades teachers make when engaged
in tasks meant to probe their mathematical connections. Specifically the following
question was investigated:
What types of mathematical connections do prospective middle-grades
teachers make while completing tasks meant to probe mathematical

Research design and methods

The data for the present study were drawn from a larger exploratory study that
utilised a concurrent mixed methods design combining both qualitative and
quantitative approaches (Creswell and Plano-Clark 2007; Teddlie and Tashakkori
2009) in order to investigate prospective middle-grades teachers’ mathematics
knowledge for teaching geometry and the types of mathematical connections made
when engaged in tasks meant to probe mathematical connections. The present study
(as part of the larger mixed methods research study) is exploratory as it “generates
information about unknown aspects of a phenomenon” (Teddlie and Tashakkori
2009, p. 25); in this case, the types of connections prospective middle-grades
teachers make when engaged in activities meant to probe mathematical connections.
Figure 1 reveals a diagram of the concurrent exploratory mixed methods design used
for the larger study.
This article will focus its discussion on Card-Sort Activity (CSA) as highlighted
in Figure 1. The card-sort activity was a chosen data collection tool since sorting
techniques are “aligned with the constructivist approach” (Rugg and McGeorge
2005, p. 95). Furthermore, as suggested by Fincher and Tenenberg (2005), “there is
evidence to suggest that the way in which participants categorize entities externally
reflects their internal, mental representations of these concepts” (p. 90). Thus, the
construction of the card-sorting technique was informed by a theoretical framework
which assumes that learning depends upon building and refining mental structures
by establishing and strengthening connections within a network.


The targeted population for this study was prospective middle-grades teachers at a
large mid-south university in the United States. These future teachers were of
particular interest given the recent release of the Mathematics Teaching in the 21st
Century and Breaking the Cycle reports which found that prospective middle-grades
teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching in the areas of algebra and geometry
to be weak in comparison to their international counterparts (Center for Research in
Math and Science Education 2010; Schmidt et al. 2007). In particular, prospective
middle-grades teachers’ lack of connection making within and across mathematical
domains may explain their difficulties in teaching geometric concepts.
Exploring mathematical connections 301


Diagnostic Teacher
Assessment in
DTAMS sentsent to
Mathematics and
and Data
Data Collection
Collection UofL
UofL for
for Scoring
Scoring Analysis
Analysis of
of Data
Data Results
Science (DTAMS)


Connections Card
Card Sort
Evaluation Activity

Data Collection
Collection Data
Data Collection
Interview Interview

Data Analysis
Analysis Data
Data Analysis

Findings Findings

Compare/Contrast Interpretation
Results of
of Entire
MCE & & Card
Card Sort
Sort Analysis

Fig. 1 Concurrent exploratory mixed methods design

A prospective middle-grades teacher is defined as an undergraduate middle-

grades education student enrolled in a programme of study leading to certification
with a specialisation in mathematics teaching. The sampling frame was derived from
a comprehensive list of prospective middle-grades teachers meeting the following
criteria: (a) declared middle-school education major, and (b) actively pursuing a
middle-school certification in two content areas, one of which was mathematics. All
prospective middle-school teachers meeting both criteria were contacted for
voluntary participation in this study. All 58 eligible participants were contacted, of
whom 28 (48.3%) elected to participate. Most participants were female (n=22,
78.6%). There were 14 juniors1 (50%) and 14 seniors2 (50%). There were six student
teachers3 (21.4%) in the study.

Instrumentation and data collection

The Card-Sort Activity (CSA) consisted of 20 cards in a 4×5 array labeled with
various mathematical terms, concepts, definitions, and problems (see Figure 2).

A junior is the classification for a student who has completed at least 60 credit hours of university
A senior is the classification for a student who has completed at least 90 credit hours of university
A student teacher is the classification for a student who is fully immersed in teaching in a classroom
under the supervision of an experienced certified teacher. This classification is only given to students who
have completed all university course work required for a degree in education.
302 J. A. Eli et al.

Fig. 2 Arrangement of cards for CSA open card sort

Construction of the cards was based on and aligned to national recommendations,

in particular, Recommendations for the Mathematical Education of Teachers (CBMS
2001), Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 2000), and
Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten Through Grade 8 Mathematics: A
Quest for Coherence (NCTM 2006). The purpose of the CSA was to examine the
types of connections prospective middle-grades teachers make between various
mathematical concepts, definitions, and problems. Participants were asked to
complete a repeated single-criterion open card sort and closed card sort (Fincher
and Tenenberg 2005; Rugg and McGeorge 2005).
In the closed card sort, five particular pairs were chosen based on national
recommendations (CBMS 2001; NCTM 2000; NCTM 2006) about what middle-
school teachers and students should be able to know and do. For example,
prospective middle-grades teachers should know or be able to recognise that cards 6
and 11 represent linear functions and cards 4 and 15 represent quadratic functions
(NCTM 2000; NCTM 2006). Cards 9 and 16 along with cards 15 and 17 were
selected for the closed card sort as “prospective [middle-grades] teachers have some
basic knowledge about shapes and about how to calculate area and volumes of
common shapes, but many will not have explored the properties of these shapes or
know why the areas and volumes are true” (CBMS 2001, p. 33). The cards chosen
were also influenced by the National Science Foundation (NSF) reform middle-
school curriculum textbook series Connected Mathematics 2 (Lappan et al. 2006).
This particular textbook series is currently adopted by a number of local school
districts where these future teachers are likely to teach. This textbook series which
emphasises a constructivist approach to learning and teaching mathematics is also
used in some of the mathematics content and methods courses prospective middle-
grades teachers take at the site where this study was conducted. The particular pairs
Exploring mathematical connections 303

of cards chosen for the closed card sort were also selected in consultation with
The participants sorted the cards based on a single criterion: their notion of how
the statements on the cards were connected. The researcher developed a protocol of
interview questions for both the open and closed card sorts that focused on students’
mathematical connections (see Appendix A). The design of the protocols was
influenced by the recommendations of Rugg and McGeorge (2005) for carrying out
card-sorting techniques. Figure 3 illustrates the five closed sort pairings.
Participants were asked to engage in both open and closed repeated single-
criterion card sort (Rugg and McGeorge 2005). This type of card-sorting technique
requires participants to “sort the same entities repeatedly, categorizing in terms of a
different single attribute (‘criterion’) each time” (Rugg and McGeorge 2005, p. 96).
For the open card-sort activity, prospective teachers were shown 20 cards in a 4×5
array (see Figure 2) and asked to select a subset of 2 or more cards they felt were
related or connected; they were then asked to describe this connection. The cards
were returned to the array and the process was repeated until the prospective teacher
indicated they could no longer make subsets. Following the open card sort,
prospective teachers were asked to engage in a closed card-sort activity (see
Figure 3). Five pre-selected pairs of cards were shown to the prospective teacher, one
set at a time; they were then asked if there was a connection and if so, what the
connection was. All card-sort activities were videotaped and interview data

Fig. 3 CSA closed sort

304 J. A. Eli et al.

transcribed. On average, both the open and closed sort activities took approximately
45 min in total to complete.
Prior to the full study, pilot interviews were conducted with two student teachers
(one secondary and one elementary), two prospective elementary teachers, and one
in-service elementary teacher. The pilot interviews allowed the researcher to gain
additional experience in conducting interviews and to become more familiar with the
logistical considerations of data collection and management.

Quality review The CSA instrument underwent a quality review (Halff 1993;
Tessmer 1993) to further strengthen the validity of each instrument. An expert
quality review is an evaluation of a product (in this case the CSA instrument and
protocol) on the basis of appropriateness, content accuracy, and design quality.
Expert reviews consist of an expert or experts (in this case mathematicians and
mathematics educators) reviewing a rough draft of the instrument along with
interview protocols to determine strengths and weaknesses. The feedback and
comments provided by the expert reviewers and pilot-study participants were
analysed and subsequently modifications were made to the CSA instrument in
order to improve the quality of the instrument and interview protocols. For
instance, experts recommended that no more than 20 cards be used for the
card-sort activity. This recommendation was implemented as it was consistent
with findings from card-sort literature (Rugg and McGeorge 2005; Fincher and
Tenenberg 2005).


Qualitative data in the form of videotaped semi-structured interviews were collected

from the Card-Sort Activity (CSA) instrument. The videotapes and transcribed
interview data were analysed qualitatively. The qualitative data were then
“quantitized” (Teddlie and Tashakkori 2009, p. 27) a process by which qualitative
data is converted to quantitative data for further analysis.

CSA open sort

Participant responses for each open card sort were analysed using an inductive
approach to the method of constant comparison (Denzin and Lincoln 2000). This
method of constant comparison involved reviewing videotapes and subsequent
transcribed videotape data of participants’ explanations for each card sort they had
constructed. In accordance with the definition of mathematical connection described
earlier in this paper, participants’ explanations were “chunked” so that each
meaningful phrase or sentence could be categorised with a descriptive code. Each
new chunk of data was compared with previously generated descriptive codes, so
that similar chunks could be labeled with the same descriptive code (Leech and
Onwuegbuzie 2007). After all the data had been coded, the codes were grouped by
similarity which represented a unique emergent theme, that is, mathematical
connection type. There were five types of mathematical connection themes that
Exploring mathematical connections 305

emerged from the data: categorical, procedural, characteristic/property, derivation,

and curricular (see Appendix B).
The researcher and an outside consultant coded the open card sorts using a coding
guide (see Appendix B). The coding guide provided a description of each of the five
emergent mathematical connection types along with examples for each type. The
second coder was a mathematician at the site where the study was being conducted
and who has taught mathematics content courses for prospective middle-grades
teachers. The researcher and consultant together categorised 12 open card sorts (with
each mathematical connection type represented at least twice) in order to become
more familiar with the descriptions for each mathematical connection type and to
help establish consistency in the coding. The second coder independently coded a
randomly selected sample of approximately 53% of the open card sorts (n=137).
Inter-rater reliability analysis using a kappa statistic (Cohen 1960) was performed to
determine consistency among coders. The level of agreement among coders was
found to be “substantially strong” (Landis and Koch 1977, p. 165) with kappa=.74.
The CSA open sort data were “quantitized” (Teddlie and Tashakkori 2009, p. 27) by
tallying the number of open sorts that fell into each mathematical connection

CSA closed sort

In the closed card sort, the researcher in consultation with mathematicians and
mathematics educators selected five pairs of cards and asked if each pair of cards
were related or connected and, if so, why. Participants’ responses for each pair of
cards were analysed using an inductive approach to the method of constant
comparison (Denzin and Lincoln 2000) for extracting themes. The method of
constant comparison carried out for the open card sort was the same for each pair of
cards in the closed sort. The CSA closed-sort data were quantitized by tallying the
number of responses that fell within each theme. The mathematical connection
categories used to interpret the open card sorts was also used to interpret the closed-
sort pairings.

Results and discussion

The purpose of this exploratory mixed methods study was to investigate the types of
mathematical connections prospective middle-grades teachers make when engaged
in card-sorting tasks meant to probe their mathematical connections.

Types of connections made during the CSA open sort

There were a total of 258 open card sorts. On average each participant made nine
open card sorts. The unique emergent themes (i.e., the types of mathematical
connections made by prospective middle-grades teachers during the open cards sort)
resulting from an inductive analysis of participants’ responses using the method of
constant comparison were as follows: categorical, procedural, characteristic/
property, derivation, and curricular (see Appendix B).
306 J. A. Eli et al.

Although there were 258 open card sorts, there were 287 mathematical
connections since a participant’s response for grouping particular cards together
could fall into one or more of the five types of mathematical connections categories.
Table 1 lists the number of connections that fell into each mathematical connection
As a group, the prospective middle-grades teachers made more categorical and
procedural connections and far fewer derivational and curricular connections (see
Table 1). Since the card-sorting technique is “an advanced level sorting task that can
be used to identify how concepts in a content area are organized in a learner’s
knowledge structures” (Jonassen et al. 1993, p. 45) the number of sorts under each
connection type provides a glimpse into how these prospective middle-grades
teachers tend to unpack, relate, and connect the concepts presented in the open card
sort. The majority of card sorts made by prospective middle-grades teachers were
categorical and procedural in nature is not surprising for three potential reasons:
& The majority of participants had never engaged in a card-sort activity and, thus,
may have related or connected the cards based on the most “obvious”
relationships or links between the mathematical concepts, ideas, and terms
presented on the cards.
& The majority of participants’ experiences with learning mathematics had been
dominated by traditional curriculum focused on instrumental rather than
relational understanding of mathematics (Skemp 1978).
& The majority of participants had not yet taken mathematics methods courses so
perhaps they did not think about creating subsets from the perspective of what a
future middle-school teacher should know and be able to do.
Another potential reason why the majority of participants made fewer curricular
and derivational connections may reside in the order in which the Mathematical
Connections Evaluation (MCE) (other instrument as part of larger exploratory study)
and CSA were conducted. All participants engaged in the CSA immediately
following the MCE. The MCE was focused more on mathematical content
connections and less on pedagogical connections and, thus, participants may not
have been in the frame of mind to create subsets from the perspective of what a
future middle-school teacher should know and be able to do.
However, the fact that nearly 25% of the subsets were curricular and/or
derivational in nature (see Table 1) is an encouraging result. Faculty at the site

Table 1 CSA open sort counts by connection category (n=28)

Mathematical connection type Count Frequency

Categorical 97 34%
Procedural 68 23%
Characteristic/Property 51 18%
Curricular 36 13%
Derivational 35 12%
Totals 287 100%
Exploring mathematical connections 307

where the study was conducted currently use and draw upon NSF reform curriculum
emphasising a constructivist approach to learning and teaching mathematics in the
prospective middle-grades teacher content and methods courses. The development,
improvement, and refinement of these prospective teacher courses include a focus on
how to make “visible the connection to the kinds of mathematical thinking,
judgment, [and] reasoning one has to do in teaching” (Ball et al. 2009, p. 29).

Types of connections made during the CSA closed sort

In the closed card sort, five particular pairs of cards were selected: cards 6 and 11;
cards 2 and 4; cards 15 and 17; cards 4 and 15; and cards 9 and 16 (see Figure 3).
Participant explanations were qualitatively analysed using an inductive approach to
the method of constant comparison for each closed-sort pairing. For the closed-sort
pairing of cards 6 and 11 the following themes emerged: yarn explanation; radius as
a “line”; both are formulas; both are equations; both are linear functions; none.
These themes, exemplars, frequencies with which each occurred, and the open-sort
criteria apparent in this closed sort are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Themes and exemplars for closed-sort pair 6 and 11 (n=28)

Themes Exemplars of participant responses Count Frequency

Yarn If you take a piece of yarn at a certain point around the circle and 6 21%
explanation brought it all the way around, then straightened it out, it would
make a straight line that you could lay against a ruler.
Radius as a If you were to graph the circle on the coordinate plane, the line 7 25%
“line” [y=mx] could be the radius of that circle.
Both are Right off the bat, I think they are both formulas. It’s kind of one of 3 11%
formulas the second-nature formulas that you just know. Hopefully, your
teachers help you derive it and you know what they are. I think
this is another case like with the last two, I wouldn’t teach
together. From a teacher’s perspective they are kind of unrelated
in terms of how I would teach it.
Both are They are both equations. I don’t really know if finding the slope of 2 7%
equations a straight line would help you find the circumference of a circle,
but they are both equations.
They are both equations. This y=mx gives you a line and the other
gives you a circle.
Both are linear I think they can be related because they are both functions, really. 1 4%
functions Well, the x I would just think of it relating C the circumference
can be a function of the radius. If you change the radius, it will
change the circumference. Whenever you change the x value it’s
going to change the y, the output. They are both input/output.
They are both lines.
None I don’t think they are related because that [card 6] has to do with a 9 32%
shape [a circle] and this [card 11] has to do with a line.
Totals 28 100%

Card 6 read “The circumference of a circle is given by C=2πr where r is the radius of the circle.” Card 11
read “The equation of a straight line through the origin is given by y=mx”
308 J. A. Eli et al.

For card pairing 6 and 11 (see table 2), only one participant (4%) was able to
identify the expression in both cards as linear functions represented algebraically.
Eighteen percent of participants used the surface features of the cards as a basis for
their connection. In particular, these participants focused on the equal sign on both
cards and said the cards were related because both represented equations or formulas.
Nearly a third of the participants said that the two cards were not related or connected. The
remainder of the participants (46%) tried to make a connection between the two cards by
focusing on a visual or graphical representation for the statement on each card. When
talking about circumference of a circle, participants tended to draw a picture of a circle,
labeling the distance from the center of the circle to a point on the circle, r, for radius.
When looking at card 11 they tended to focus on the visual representation of a line,
rather than the equation given on the card. They would use the pictorial representation
of a circle to build a connection to a pictorial representation of a line. The participants
who gave the “yarn explanation” indicated that you could take a piece of yarn, wrap it
around the circle and then you could straighten out the piece of yarn and it would be a
“line.” The participants who gave the “radius as a line” explanation indicated that the
radius could be thought of as a straight line. For this closed-sort pairing, the majority of
participants either did not make a connection, made a connection based purely on the
surface features of the card, or made an algebraic/geometric misconnection. This is
consistent with the research literature as these participants failed to make a connection
between “a particular feature of a function in one representation to the same feature in
another representation” (Leinhardt et al. 1990, p. 24).
For the closed-sort pairing of cards 2 and 4 the following themes emerged: max
area most square like; calculus problem; derivative to find max; graphing
possibilities; none (see Table 3).
For card pairing 2 and 4, more than half the participants said there was no
connection between the two cards (see Table 3). These participants tended to focus
on a geometric representation for the statement on each card. For card 2 they focused
on a geometric representation of a rectangle and for card 4 they focused on a
geometric representation of a parabola. These participants said there was no
connection because they could not see how the graph of a parabola had any
relationship to finding the maximum area of a rectangle.
For the closed-sort pairing of cards 15 and 17 the following themes emerged: both
area formulas; geometric/relational; volume of cone; none (see Table 4).
For card pairing 15 and 17, the majority of participants indicated that the two
cards were related, the most popular response being that the two cards were both
area formulas for two different objects. These participants focused on the surface
features of the statements on the card to make a connection. However, nearly a third
of participants were able to go beyond the surface in making a connection between
the two cards. These participants tried to make more of a derivational connection in
relating the two cards. In particular, they focused on how to use the area of a triangle
to investigate the area of a circle. The following illustrates how participants made a
derivational connection by making connections between the algebraic and geometric
representations of the area of a triangle and the area of a circle.

They’re both area, just of different shapes. I’m trying to figure out how much
more I can relate them than that. I guess if you have your circle and you make
Exploring mathematical connections 309

Table 3 Themes and exemplars for closed-sort pair 2 and 4 (n=28)

Themes Exemplars of participant responses Count Frequency

Max area most I’m trying to find the max possible area of the rectangle. I think it 3 11%
square like relates because the max possible area of rectangle is going to be
given by length times width which is 7 times 7 so you could say
7 squared so the is some kind of connection to x squared.
Calculus Here I think about, there is some calculus interwoven in this, when 3 11%
problem trying to find the maximum area with a given perimeter. When
you do the arithmetic, the math is going to create a parabola and
that maximum value….I would need to flush this one out, but
they are related.
Derivative to I think these are related. I think you have to take the derivative to 1 4%
find max find the maximum. We did problems like this last semester where
sometimes it was undefined and sometimes a maximum. I need
my notes for this one.
Graphing To find the maximum area of a rectangle you can graph it which is 5 17%
possibilities usually going to be a parabola and this is the equation that gives
you a parabola. You could graph every possibility and the graph
would look like this [participant uses hands to indicate a
downward opening parabola] which is a parabola.
None I don’t see how finding the max area of a rectangle has to do with a 16 57%
Totals 28 100%

Card 2 read, “A rectangle has perimeter 28 ft. Find the maximum possible area of the rectangle.” Card 4
read, “A function is defined by f(x)=x^2. What kind of curve will it produce when graphed?”

Table 4 Themes and exemplars for closed-sort pair 15 and 17 (n=28)

Theme Exemplars of participant responses Count Frequency

Both area That’s just going back to area because you are trying to find area in 17 60%
formulas each. If you want to find the area of a triangle you use this formula
and if you want to find area of circle you use this one and that’s how
they are related. They are formulas for area but just different
Geometric/ They’re both area, just of different shapes. I’m trying to figure out 9 32%
Relational how much more I can relate them than that. I guess if you have your
circle and you make it into a bunch of different pie pieces which is
kind of similar to a triangle you could end up using this formula
[card 17] to roughly get to this one [card 15]. The more triangles
you put into the circle, the closer it will get to the area of a circle.
Volume of If you go by what I said earlier about multiplying the area of a triangle 1 4%
cone times the area of a circle, then it might be volume of a cone.
None There is something there but I can’t remember what it is, I can’t put 1 4%
my finger on it. It is something I’ve done and I don’t remember
when and where.
Totals 28 100%

Card 15 read, “The area A enclosed by a circle is given by the formula A=πr^2 where r is the radius of the
circle.” Card 17 read, “The area of a triangle is given by the formula A=1/2bh where b is the base and h is
the height of the triangle”
310 J. A. Eli et al.

it into a bunch of different pieces which is kind of similar to a triangle you

could end up using this formula [card 17] to roughly get to this one [card 15].
The more triangles you put into the circle, the closer it will get to the area of a
circle. (Participant 137, interview transcript, April 15, 2008)
For the closed-sort pairing of cards 4 and 15 the following themes emerged: both
have “squares”; both are quadratic functions; invalid geometric; none (see Table 5).
For card pairing 4 and 15, over a third of the participants indicated that the cards
were connected because they “both have squares,” referring to the exponent of the
variable for each equation on each card. Similar to previous closed-sort pairings,
participants focused solely on the surface features of the card resulting in a
superficial rather than mathematical connection. Nearly a third of the participants
tried to make a connection between the two cards by relating what they indicated to
be geometric representation for each equation. For card 4, participants would
describe the graph of the function f(x) as a parabola or “U” shape. For card 15,
participants associated the equation for the area of a circle with the geometric
representation of a circle by saying that the “curve” for card 15 was a circle. In other
words, participants indicated that in card 4 the “curve” is a U shape and in card 15
the “curve” is a circle. They would then try to establish a connection between the
two cards by comparing the geometric representations, that is, the “curves.” The
following illustrates how participants tried to establish a connection between the two
cards by comparing the “curves.”
Again, I’m going to go with they are connected because area squared and this
[function] is squared. This one says what kind of curve will it produce when
graphed and we know what kind of curve a circle is going to produce. I guess

Table 5 Themes and Exemplars for Closed-Sort Pair 4 and 15 (n=28)

Theme Exemplars of participant responses Count Frequency

Both have The variable in both formulas is squared. 10 35%

“Squares” They both have “squares” in them.
Both are You have two functions squared. You could substitute pi x for r. 2 7%
quadratic They are both even quadratic functions.
Invalid geometric Again, I’m going to go with they are connected because area 8 29%
squared and this [function] is squared. This one says what kind
of curve will it produce when graphed and we know what kind
of curve a circle is going to produce. I guess half of it is going
to be a parabola.
The function is going upward like a U shape. If it continued or if
you flip it, rotate it, then you could find the area of a circle.
None I’m not sure I can think of a relationship between 4 and 15. This 8 29%
[card 4] could be the area of a wedge of a circle, but that is
pretty obscure.
Totals 28 100%

Card 4 read, “A function is defined by f(x)=x^2. What kind of curve will it produce when graphed?” Card
15 read, “The area A enclosed by a circle is given by the formula A=πr^2 where r is the radius of the
Exploring mathematical connections 311

half of it is going to be a parabola. (Participant 876, interview transcript, April

21, 2008)

There were only two participants (7%) who recognised the equations on both
cards were algebraic representations of particular quadratic functions, that is, when
graphed in the Cartesian coordinate plane each equation would produce the graph of
a parabola. The remaining eight participants (29%) could not make a connection
between the two cards. In some of these cases, the participants indicated that they
could not see a connection between the two cards because one card was describing
the area of a circle, while the other card was focused on the graph of a particular
curve. “I don’t see how they are related because this number 4 is talking about
curves on the graph and number 15 is the area of a circle” (Participant 421, interview
transcript, May 7, 2008). Other participants indicated they were not related because
of where the topics typically fall within K-12 curriculum.
I would say they’re not related. Again, they are far apart. I feel like area is such
a basic math that you really have to understand that before you can move on to
understand the x-y coordinate plane. Before you ever got to sketching curves
you have to understanding what this was [participant points to card 15]. The
area of a circle has nothing to do with knowing how to sketch a curve. But I
feel like this [participant points to card 15] is something you have to
understand before you every get to understand this [participant points to card
4]. This one [participant points to card 15] is something you learn in middle
school whereas this one [participant points to card 4] is something you learn to
do in high school. (Participant 190, interview transcript, April 18, 2008)
The previous statement is of particular interest when thinking about prospective
middle-grades teacher preparation, mathematical connection making, K-12 curricu-
lum, and “horizon knowledge” (Ball 1993). Horizon knowledge is an “awareness of
how mathematical topics are related over the span of mathematics included in the
curriculum” (Ball et al. 2008, p. 403). Knowledge at the mathematical horizon is
“useful in seeing connections to much later mathematical ideas” (p. 403).
Prospective middle-grades teachers’ ability to unpack mathematics and make
insightful connections between mathematics learned in college courses to the
mathematics they will teach may be related to the extent to which their knowledge of
mathematics is connected. With respect to the preparation of prospective middle-
grades teachers in this study, perhaps greater care must be taken toward explicitly
demonstrating how certain geometric concepts, themes, or topics their future middle-
school students will encounter will again reappear and be examined in greater depth
and complexity as they move into high school and beyond.
For the closed-sort pairing of cards 9 and 16 the following themes emerged: given
triangle; create triangle; distance formula looks like Pythagorean Theorem;
Pythagorean theorem is the distance formula; none (see Table 6).
For card pairing 9 and 16, all but one participant (96%) indicated the two cards
were connected which is not surprising given that the Pythagorean Theorem is
arguably the most popular and remembered mathematical statement from high-
school geometry. As seen in the majority of responses here, the Pythagorean
Theorem is often remembered as “a squared plus b squared equals c squared,” and
312 J. A. Eli et al.

Table 6 Themes and exemplars for closed-sort pair 9 and 16 (n=28)

Theme Exemplars of participant responses Count Frequency

Given These are connected because if you have a right triangle on the 15 54%
triangle coordinate plane you can figure out, easily figure out, the base and the
height and then you could use the Pythagorean theorem to figure out
the hypotenuse.
Create Like, I’m picturing if I want to find this line and I wanted to find the 5 17%
triangle distance between these two points, I could make a triangle out of that.
I would put two points in the plane, I was picturing a line between the
two points, and then so I was picturing to draw a triangle. Then
finding the distance between these two points would be like finding
this line. If this was my triangle and this was my right angle then
using the Pythagorean theorem to find the line.
DF looks Yeah [indicating the statement on the two cards are related], because the 3 11%
like PT Pythagorean theorem is pretty much the distance formula. Because a
squared plus b squared equals c squared and square root all that to
find c by itself which is the distance equal to the square root of a
squared plus b squared. The a’s could be the x’s, the b’s could be the
y’s and so square root of a squared plus b squared is square root of (x2
minus x1) squared plus (y2 minus y1) squared which equals the
distance which equals c.
PT is DF The Pythagorean theorem is the distance formula in the coordinate 4 14%
plane. Here I thought about the Pythagorean theorem, actually….
because I have never been able to remember the distance formula and
I’ve learned in two classes this year that you can use the Pythagorean
theorem to find the distance between two points instead of having to
memorize the distance formula which I found to be really helpful.
None I’m not sure if they are related. I can’t remember right now. 1 4%
Totals 28 100%

Card 9 read, “Pythagorean Theorem.” Card 16 read, “Distance between two points in the Cartesian
Coordinate Plane”

when prompted participants usually recalled that a, b, and c represent the lengths of
the legs and hypotenuse, respectively, of a right triangle. More than half the
participants’ responses for relating the two cards fell under the “given triangle”
theme. That is, given a right triangle in the Cartesian coordinate plane, the
Pythagorean Theorem could be applied to find the distance between the two
endpoints of the hypotenuse. During their explanations, participants would sketch a
right triangle oriented in the coordinate plane with one leg of the right triangle
parallel to the x-axis and the other leg parallel to the y-axis. Given this orientation,
participants indicated that finding the length of the legs of the right triangle was a
matter of counting grid marks and once these lengths had been found, the
Pythagorean Theorem could be applied.
These are connected because if you have a right triangle on the coordinate
plane you can figure out, easily figure out, the base and height and then you
could use the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out the hypotenuse. Because you
can’t just count the points like you did on the base and height because they are
not exact. Like on a grid it would go through just a corner of a box or half of a
Exploring mathematical connections 313

box or three-quarters of a box, it wouldn’t be accurate. (Participant 876,

interview transcript, April 21, 2008)
These findings have interesting mathematical and pedagogical implications. What
if the right triangle was not oriented in the way described above but was rotated 30°?
How would these participants have responded to a situation in which simply
counting grid marks would not yield a precise solution?
In contrast to those participants who indicated the need to be given a triangle in the
coordinate plane in order to apply the Pythagorean Theorem, there were only three
participants (11%) who made a connection to finding the distance between two points in
the coordinate plane by creating a triangle and then applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
There were approximately 25% of participants who made a procedural connection
to card 16 by stating there was a formula for the distance between two points in the
Cartesian coordinate plane. These participants then used this procedural connection
to make a connection to the Pythagorean Theorem. In some cases, participants
described how the distance formula looks like the Pythagorean Theorem while
others made the connection that the distance formula is just an application of the
Pythagorean Theorem in the coordinate plane.
Yeah [indicating the statement on the two cards are related], because the
Pythagorean Theorem is pretty much the distance formula. Because a squared
plus b squared equals c squared and square root all that to find c by itself
which is the distance equal to the square root of a squared plus b squared. The
a’s could be the x’s, the b’s could be the y’s and so the square root of a squared
plus b squared is square root of (x2 minus x1) squared plus (y2 minus y1)
squared which equals the distance which equals c. (Participant 137, interview
transcript, April 15, 2008)
The Pythagorean Theorem is the distance formula in the coordinate plane. Here
I thought about the Pythagorean Theorem, actually…because I have never
been able to remember the distance formula and I’ve learned in two classes this
year that you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between
two points instead of having to memorise the distance formula which I found
to be really helpful. Because you already have to know the Pythagorean
Theorem anyway so well just use it for that [participants points to card 16] too.
(Participant 914, interview transcript, April 24, 2008)
The findings exhibited in the statements above are encouraging because we are
beginning to see how prospective middle-grades teachers are able to move away
from a rote memorisation of formulas to making potential derivational connections
between algebraic and geometric representations of distance in order to reason out
and explain why the distance formula is just an application of the Pythagorean
Theorem in the coordinate plane.

Conclusions and implications

This exploratory study describes the types of mathematical connections prospective

middle-grades teachers made while engaged in tasks meant to probe mathematical
314 J. A. Eli et al.

connections. In the open card-sorting task, five types of mathematical connections

were identified: categorical, procedural, characteristic/property, curricular, and
derivational. The majority of the open card sorts were categorical and procedural.
The majority of responses to the closed card sort were also predominantly
categorical in nature as prospective middle-grades teachers tended to focus mainly
on the surface features of the cards when relating each preselected pairing. Perhaps
these participants’ mathematical experiences have been dominated by traditional
curriculum placing focus on procedural fluency rather than conceptual understanding
of mathematics (Boaler and Humphreys 2005; Battista 2007). There were very few
(13%) subsets made in the open card sort that were curricular. The majority of
participants (79%) had yet to take methods courses and, thus, may have not
considered making subsets from the perspective of what a future teachers need to
know and be able to do in the context of teaching. Given that the majority of
participants had yet to take methods courses, perhaps this lack of curricular
connection making could be improved by integrating more pedagogy into all
mathematics content courses for teachers. By infusing pedagogy in content courses,
mathematicians and mathematics educators could help to make “visible the
connections to the kinds of mathematical thinking, judgment, [and] reasoning one
has to do in teaching” (Ball et al. 2009, p. 29).
The results of this study also have implications for K-12 and prospective middle-
grades teachers’ methods preparation. In methods courses, prospective middle-
grades mathematics teachers focus on lesson planning, instructional strategies, and
assessment. However, prospective middle-grades mathematics teachers are rarely
afforded the opportunity in their methods courses to reflect on the role mathematical
connections play in lesson planning, instructional strategies, and assessments. The
CSA activities could serve as one model for both formative and summative
assessment techniques for mathematical connection making that could be imple-
mented during K-12 classroom instruction and lesson planning. In understanding the
role mathematical connections play in carrying out the work of teaching, prospective
middle-grades teachers will also be better prepared to carry out best mathematical
practices addressed in the recently released draft of College and Career Readiness
Standards for Mathematics (CCSSO 2009). According to this document,
Proficient students expect mathematics to make sense. They take an active
stance in solving mathematical problems. When faced with a non-routine
problem, they have the courage to plunge in and try something, and they have
the procedural and conceptual tools to carry through. They are experimenters
and inventors, and can adapt known strategies to new problems. (p. 5)
By strengthening prospective middle-grades teachers’ mathematical connection
making and its role in carrying out the work of teaching, mathematics educators will
be helping these future teachers implement and carry out college and career
readiness standards.
The identification of mathematical connections categories in this study may aid
those wishing to construct mathematics tasks for explicit connection making with the
intention of strengthening prospective teachers’ conceptual understanding of
underlying mathematical concepts and mathematics knowledge for teaching. The
card-sorting task presented here provides a “snapshot” of how prospective middle-
Exploring mathematical connections 315

grades teachers externalise their internal representations of mathematical

connections within their mental framework. Overall, the findings of this study
may be particularly useful to mathematics educators, curriculum developers, and
researchers seeking further understanding behind effective and ineffective
teacher preparation.

Acknowledgements Research supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation (NSF) MSP grant,
HER-0227028, the Appalachian Mathematics Science Partnership. The authors would also like to
acknowledge support provided by the Service, Teaching, and Research (STaR) Project in helping to
facilitate the development of this manuscript. The STaR Project is funded by the NSF grant, 0922410, but
the opinions expressed are those of the authors and this article does not reflect any endorsement of the
results by the NSF.

Appendix A

Card-sort activity interview protocol

Researcher: “I have a series of cards which contain mathematical ideas, concepts,

terms, definitions and problems. I would like you to go through and read each of
these cards. When you have finished reading each card, please hand them back to
(Hand cards over to participant.)
(Ask for participant’s initial thoughts upon reading each card.)
Researcher: “What were some of your first thoughts after reading card
number ___?”
(When the participant has finished giving initial thoughts about each card, the
researcher will lay the card on the table in columns by number on the card. The
arrangement is four columns with five cards in each column.)
Researcher: I would like you to select a group of more than 1 card that you
believe are related. Do not assume that any of these topics are connected or that they
are all connected—just select your subsets as you see fit.
1. Participant will select a subset of cards he/she feels are connected.
2. Researcher: “How are these concepts or ideas connected? What were you
thinking when you selected these cards?”
3. Participant will give an explanation.
4. Researcher: “Any other cards you would add to this group?”
5. Researcher: “Please return the cards. Now select another subset of cards that
you feel are related.”
6. Repeat steps 1–5 for approximately eight sorts (the average number of sorts
from pilot study).
7. Researcher: “Can you make any more subsets?”
Researcher: “If you could make up your own cards, what kinds of cards would
you make to help create additional subsets of related cards? Or what kinds of cards
would you create to add to the subsets you already selected?”
Researcher: “Are there any cards here that you believe are connected to or related
to what is on card 14? Are there any cards here that you believe are connected or
316 J. A. Eli et al.

related to what is on card 10?” (Card 10 and 14 were selected as these particular
cards were less frequently selected during the pilot study.)
1. If response is NO, then researcher will ask “What kind of cards would
you create that would show a connection or relation to this particular
Researcher: “I’m going to select a couple of cards and would like to know if you
think these cards are connected or related in some way. Do not assume that the cards
I select are related or connected. I just want to hear your thoughts.” (Researcher
selects two cards, paired as follows: cards 6 and 11; cards 15 and 4; cards 16 and 9;
cards 17 and 15; cards 2 and 4. These particular pairs were chosen in consultation
with expert mathematicians.)
(Once participants have completed the entire card sort activity, the researcher will
ask the following reflective questions below)
Researcher: “What did you think of the card-sort activity?”
Researcher: “What are some advantages or disadvantages to doing a card-sort
Researcher: “What do you think is the purpose of this particular activity?”
Researcher: “Why would I do an activity like this with a prospective middle-
grades teacher?”

Appendix B

Description of mathematical connections for coding open card sort

& Categorical: use of surface features primarily as a basis for defining a group or
○ Example: Cards 9 and 14

“The formulas look similar. The a would be the x and b would be your y so c
would be your r.”

& Procedural: relating ideas based on a mathematical procedure or algorithm

possibly through construction of an example; may include description of the
mechanics involved in carrying out procedure rather than the mathematical
ideas embedded in the procedure.
○ Example: Cards 4 and 10

“The derivative is move the exponent in front and subtract exponent by 1. So

the derivative of f(x)=x^2 is 2x. Whenever I’ve seen derivative they always use
f(x)=x^2 or whatever and f prime of x is the derivative. I’ve had experience
taking the derivative of things that look like this.”
Exploring mathematical connections 317

Characteristic/Property: defining characteristics or describing the properties

of concepts in terms of other concepts.
○ Example: Cards 19, 20, and 3

“A rectangle has two sets of parallel sides and four 90-degree angles.”

& Derivation: knowledge of one concept to build upon or explain another concept;
including but not limited to the recognition of the existence of a derivation.
○ Example: Cards 5, 15, 18, 8, and 6

“I can derive the formula for the volume and surface area of a cylinder using
the area of a circle and circumference of a circle… [Participant gives detailed

& Curricular: relating ideas or concepts in terms of impact to the curriculum,

including the order in which one would teach concepts/topics.
○ Example: Cards 15 and 6

“If you were going to teach a lesson on circles you would have to teach them
area and circumference rules. They would fall in the same lesson you would
teach them. They would have to understand pi and radius for both of them. The
circumference of a circle its perimeter; think like triangle and rectangle so my
students would understand what circumference is.”


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Suska Journal of Mathematics Education
(p-ISSN: 2477-4758|e-ISSN: 2540-9670)
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019, Hal. 30 – 38

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau dari

Kemampuan Awal Matematika Siswa SMP pada Materi
Persamaan Garis Lurus
Putri Chania Sari1 , Dea Siti Mutmainah2, Wahyu Setiawan3

1,2,3 Program
Studi Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Siliwangi

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan koneksi
matematik (KKM) ditinjau dari kemampuan awal matematika (KAM) dan menelaah kesalahan
siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal tes KKM. Subjek penelitian ini siswa SMP Angkasa Lanud
Sulaiman kelas VIII C sebanyak 25 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu
metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun instrumen penelitian ini berupa instrumen
tes yang terdiri dari 5 soal uraian kemampuan koneksi matematik. Hasil analisis data menunjukan
bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa masih tergolong rendah. Kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan awal matematikanya, yaitu siswa yang berada di
kelompok atas memiliki KKM 69%, siswa kelompok menengah sebesar 58% dan kelompok
bawah sebesar 45%. Kesalahan yang banyak dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal koneksi
matematik adalah kesalahan ketika melakukan operasi bilangan bulat, operasi aljabar dan berkaitan
dengan operasi persamaan liniear satu variabel.

Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Awal Matematika, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik, Persamaan Garis

Mata pelajaran matematika dibangun atas bermacam topik dan konsep yang saling berhubungan
atau berkaitan satu sama lain. Hubungan tersebut bukan hanya antar topik dan konsep dalam
matematika, melainkan terdapat hubungan matematika dengan disiplin ilmu atau bidang studi
lain serta adanya matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang langsung dirasakan oleh siswa di
lapangan. Artinya, matematika memiliki koneksi, baik antar konsep, dengan ilmu lain maupun
dengan kehidupan nyata. Kemampuan koneksi matematika merupakan salah satu kemampuan
yang wajib dimiliki siswa. Siswa akan lebih mudah memahami materi matematika ketika siswa
memahami koneksi antar konsep matematika (Nurdin, Nufus & Hasanuddin, 2018).
Khairunisa, Anita & Sugandi (2018) menyatakan bahwa keterampilan koneksi matematik
merupakan keterampilan dalam menghubungkan gagasan matematika ke dalam gagasan
matematika itu sendiri dan kemampuan dalam menghubungkan gagasan matematika dengan
cabang pengetahuan yang lain dalam keseharian kita. Artinya, kemampuan koneksi matematika
adalah kemampuan siswa dalam memahami, mencari dan menerapkan hubungan antar topik,
antar konsep, antar prosedur dalam mtaematika. Agar mampu mengaitkan dan menghubungkan
antar topik matematika tersebut, siswa perlu memahami konsep matematik yang saling
berkesinambungan antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Karena jika kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa rendah, maka ketika menghadapi topik yang saling terkoneksi siswa akan
kesulitan menyelesaikannya. Kemudian akan menghambat siswa dalam proses pembelajaran

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

Suhandri, Nufus & Nurdin (2017) menyatakan bahwa dengan memahami koneksi, siswa
akan memahami bahwa konsep-konsep matematika saling terintegrasi, bukan topik-topik yang
saling terpisah. Anita (2014) memaparkan bahwa keterampilan menghubungkan
(mengkoneksikan) sebuah konsep matematik menjadi tahapan awal dan syarat utama agar siswa
mampu menguasai dan memahami kemampuan lainnya yang lebih tinggi. Selanjutnya,
Machmudah (2018) mengungkapkan bahwa konsep matematika tersusun secara hierarkis,
terstuktur, logis dan matematis mulai dari konsep paling sederhana sampai pada konsep yang
paling kompleks. Dalam matematika terdapat topik atau konsep prasyarat sebagai dasar untuk
memahami topik dan konsep selanjutnya. Ibarat membangun sebuah gedung bertingkat, lantai
kedua dan selanjutnya tidak akan terwujud apabila pondasi dan lantai sebelumnya yang menjadi
prasyarat benar-benar tidak kuat untuk menopang bangunan di atasnya. Pernyataan ini
menunjukkan bahwa siswa perlu memahami materi prasayarat untuk dapat memahami konsep
selanjutnya. Kemampuan prasyarat ini biasa disebut dengan kemampuan awal. Mardaleni,
Noviarni & Nurdin (2018) menyatakan bahwa kemampuan awal dapat mempengaruhi
kemampuan matematis siswa.
Meskipun kemampuan koneksi matematik sangat penting, namun hal ini tidak sejalan
dengan yang terjadi di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil tes Trend in International Matematics and Sciense
Study (TIMSS), lembaga yang mengukur dan membandingkan kemampuan matematik siswa-siswi
tingkat 8 antar negara, kemampuan matematika siwa Indonesia masih tergolong rendah. Tahun
1999 Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke 32 dari 38 negara yang disurvei. Tahun 2003 Indonesia
menduduki peringkat ke 36 dari 45, pada tahun 2007 Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke 41 dari
48 negara yang disurvei dengan rerata skor yang diperoleh siswa-siswi Indonesia adalah 397. Skor
ini masih jauh dari rata-rata skor internasional yaitu 500 (Setiawan, 2015). Hal ini didukung hasil
penelitian Zuyyina, Wijaya & Senjawati (2018); Qotbiyah (2018) yang menyatakan bahwa
kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa SMP berada dalam kategori rendah, hanya 36% (Sudirman,
Untuk mengatasi rendahnya kemampuan matematika siswa ini, maka kita perlu mengecek
bagaimana kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa di lapangan, juga perlu dilihat kemampuan awal
matematisnya. Apakah siswa dengan kemampuan awal matematika yang berbeda juga memiliki
kemampuan koneksi yang berbeda pula. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti melakukan studi pendahuluan
yang bertujuan menganalisis kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa berdasarkan kemampuan
awalnya. Hasil studi ini dapat dijadikan landasan untuk mengatasi rendahnya kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-
soal koneksi matematik (KKM) yang diihat dari berdasarkan kemampuan awal matematika
(KAM). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII C SMP Angkasa di Kabupaten Bandung.
Subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok kemampuan matematika berdasarkan hasil
peniliaian tengah semester (PTS) ganjil kelas VIII C tahun ajaran 2018-2019. Tes yang diberikan
berupa tes objektif yang berjumlah 15 soal. Hasil PTS yang diperoleh kemudian diurutkan dari
siswa yang mendapat nilai paling tinggi ke paling rendah. Dari urutan siswa dibagi menjadi 3
kategori, yaitu siswa yang memiliki KAM atas, KAM menengah dan KAM bawah. Adapun
kriteria pengelompokan KAM adalah sebagai berikut (Lestari & Yudhanegara, 2018):
Tabel 1. Kriteria Pengelompokan KAM
No Kriteria Kategori
1 KAM ≥ X + s Atas
2 X - s < KAM < X + s Menengah
3 X - s ≤ KAM Bawah

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Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

KAM = Kalompok Awal Matematika
s = Simpangan baku
X = Nilai rata-rata
Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri, dimana peneliti sebagai
perencana, pelaksana, pengumpul data, penganalis dan penafsir. Dalam penelitian ini juga
digunakan instrumen tes berupa soal kemampuan koneksi matematik. Kemampuan koneksi
matematik dikatakan tinggi jika persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik minimal 75%
(Zuyyina, Wijaya & Senjawati, 2018). Adapun indikator kemampuan koneksi matematik yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) memahami hubungan antar topik matematika,
(b) mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama, (c) menjelaskan topik matematika
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, (d) mencari hubungan antar topik matematika dan (e) mencari
koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen.
Data yang diperoleh melalui tes kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan kemampuan awal
matematika siswa. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dari jawaban-jawaban siswa yang dipilih secara


Sebagaimana telah diuraikan sebelumnya, bahwa pengelompokkan KAM siswa diperoleh dari
hasil penilaian tengah semester (PTS). Dari hasil perhitungan 25 siswa, terdapat 5 orang siswa
tergolong dalam kelompok KAM atas, 14 orang siswa memiliki KAM menengah dan 6 orang
siswa dengan KAM bawah. Kelima siswa pada kelompok KAM atas memiliki kemampuan
koneksi matematik tinggi, 6 orang siswa memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematik rendah berasal
dari kelompok KAM menengah dan rendah, 16 siswa lainnya memiliki kemampuan koneksi
matematik sedang. Pengelompokan kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa berdasarkan KAM
dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:
Tabel 2. Kategori KKM Siswa pada Setiap Kelompok KAM
Kategori KAM Total
Atas Menengah Bawah
KKM Tinggi 5 0 0 5
Sedang 0 14 2 16
Rendah 0 0 4 4
Total 5 14 6 25
Adapun persentase setiap indikator kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa berdasarkan
kelompok KAM dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:
Tabel 3. Persentase Skor Siswa Pada Tiap Indikator KKM
No Indikator Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik Kategori KAM
Soal Atas Menengah Bawah
1 Memahami hubungan antar topik matematika. 92% 69% 68%
2 Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama 37% 37% 26%
3 Menjelaskan topik matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 76% 71% 62%

4 Mencari hubungan antar topik matematika. 85% 55% 43%

5 Mencari koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang 54% 58% 26%
Rata-Rata Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik 69% 58% 45%

Berdasarkan tabel di atas, siswa yang termasuk KAM atas memperoleh persentase skor
tertinggi sebesar 92% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun hanya 37%

32 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Begitu pula pada siswa
kelompok KAM menengah, 69% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun
hanya 37% yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Untuk siswa
kelompok KAM bawah, 68% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun hanya
26% yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama dan mencari koneksi
satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekivalen.
Dari tabel di atas juga dapat dilihat bahwa, baik siswa kelompok KAM atas, menengah ataupun
bawah, ketiganya memperoleh persentase tertinggi pada indikator memahami hubungan antar
topik matematika. Adapun presentase terkecil dari ketiga kelompok KAM berada pada soal no 2,
yaitu indikator mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Meskipun begitu, untuk
kelompok KAM bawah juga memperoleh persentase kecil pada soal no 5, yaitu indikator mencari
koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen. Selanjutnya untuk nilai rata-rata
yang diperoleh dari masing kelompok KAM, menggambarkan kemampuan koneksi matematik
siswa sesuai dengan kategori kemampuan awalnya. Siswa kelompok KAM atas memiliki
kemampuan koneksi matematik (KKM) yang tinggi, kelompok KAM menengah memiliki KKM
sedang dan siswa kelompok KAM bawah memiliki KKM kategori rendah. Namun, persentase
KKM setiap KAM kurang dari 75%, artinya kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa masih
tergolong rendah.
Selanjutnya akan diuraikan analisis terhadap hasil jawaban siswa terhadap tes kemampuan
koneksi matematik. Soal tes pertama merupakan soal dengan indikator memahami hubungan
antar topik matematik. Soal dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 1. Soal no 1: Memahami hubungan topik relasi dan fungsi dengan persamaan garis lurus

Sampel 22 Sampel 13
Gambar 2. Jawaban siswa sampel 22 dan sampel 13 pada soal no 1
Sebagaimana telah disebutkan bahwa, analisis terhadap jawaban siswa dipilih secara
random. Pada soal no 1, baik siswa sampel 22 dan sampel 13. Sampel 22 merupakan siswa
dengan KAM atas dan sampel 13 adalah siswa dengan KAM menengah. Kedua siswa sudah bisa
memahami hubungan relasi dan fungsi dengan persamaan garis lurus. Meski terdapat kesalahan
dalam jawaban mereka yang mempengaruhi dari hasil gambar grafik. Keduanya mensubtitusikan
sembarang untuk memperoleh titik . Hanya saja, sampel 22 kurang teliti pada perhitungan
bilangan bulat dan persamaan liniear satu variabel. Kemudian untuk siswa sampel 13lebih banyak

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melakukan kekeliruan dibanding sampel 22. Walau begitu kesalahan yang dilakukan sampel 13
sama dengan sampel 22 yaitu pada operasi bilangan bulat yang dipadukan dengan persamaan
liniear satu variabel. Sehingga dari soal no 1 bisa kita simpulkan jika siswa melakukan
kecenderungan kesalahan perhitungan yang berkaitan dengan operasi bilangan bulat dan
persamaan liniear satu variabel.
Selanjutnya, akan dibahas jawaban soal dengan indikator mengenali representasi ekivalen
dari konsep yang sama.

Gambar 3. Soal no 2: Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama

Sampel 7 Sampel 30
Gambar 4. Jawaban siswa sampel 7 dan sampel 30 pada soal no 2
Jawaban soal no.2 yang akan dibahas adalah jawaban dari sampel 7 dan 30. Sampel 7 adalah
siswa dengan KAM atas dan sampel 30 merupakan siswa kelompok KAM bawah. Tampak pada
jawaban soal no 2, sampel 7 dapat mengenali reprsentase ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama.
Sampel 7 mencari gradien dari persamaan garis dengan menggunakan persamaan aljabar ke
bentuk “ ”. Meski hasil gradien yang diperoleh sudah benar, namun sampel 7 tidak menuliskan
kesimpulan sebagai jawaban no 2. Selanjutnya untuk sampel 30 menggunakan alternatif rumus
mencari gradien. Sayangnya rumus yang sampel 30 tulis tidak tepat, sehingga meski jawaban yang
diperoleh benar, dikarenakan proses yang salah, skor yang diperoleh sampel 30 tidak maksimal.
Berdasarkan soal no 2, bisa disimpulkan siswa yang belum memahami dan mengenali konsep
matematika, melakukan kekeliruan karena menuliskan rumus yang salah. Kemungkinan karena
siswa belajar dengan mengahafal rumus bukan memahami konsep.
Selanjutnya, soal no 3 dengan indikator menjelaskan topik matematika dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Jawaban siswa yang dibahas adalah jawaban siswa sampel 18 dan sampel 29. Sampel
18 merupakan siswa kelompok KAM bawah, sedangkan sampel 29 merupakan siswa dengan
KAM menengah. Adapun soal yang diberikan dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

34 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

Gambar 5. Soal no 3: Menjelaskan kemiringan garis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Sampel 18 Sampel 29
Gambar 6. Jawaban siswa sampel 18 dan sampel 29 pada soal no 3
Siswa sampel 18 melakukan kesalahan pada perhitungan hasil akhir. Meski begitu, sampel
18 menuliskan rumus untuk mencari gradien. Sedangkan sampel 29 sudah tepat menuliskan
rumus gradien dan benar dalam hasil mengurangi kedua titik. Namun, sampel 29 tidak memberi
jawaban untuk no 3 bagian b. Ini artinya sampel 29 belum memahami makna gradien garis di
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga tidak bisa menuliskan makna gradien dalam grafik di soal
nomor 3.
Soal no 4 merupakan soal untuk indikator mencari hubungan antar topik matematika.
Jawaban siswa yang dianalisis adalah jawaban siswa sampel 9 dan sampel 1. Sampel 9 merupakan
siswa kelompok KAM menengah dan sampel 1 termasuk kelompok KAM bawah. Soal no 4
dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 7. Soal no 4: Mencari hubungan gradien dengan persamaan garis lurus

Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019 35

Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

Sampel 9 Sampel 1
Gambar 8. Jawaban siswa sampel 9 dan sampel 1 pada soal no 4
Sampel 9 sudah memahami dan dapat mencari hubungan gradien dengan persamaan garis
lurus. Namun, sampel 9 melakukan kesalahan dengan tidak mensubtitusi nilai dan . Hal ini
karena sampel 9 tidak menuliskan terlebih dahulu rumus mencari persamaan garis lurus.
Melainkan langsung mensubtitusikan gradien yang diperoleh. Selain itu pada proses mencari
gradien, sampel 9 tidak menuliskan titik-titik yang digunakan untuk mencari gradien. Tetapi hanya
menuliskan rumus dan hasil akhir pengurangan.
Sedangkan sampel 1 sudah menunjukan ia memahami dan dapat mencari hubungan
gradien dengan persamaan garis lurus. Sampel 1 juga lebih sistematis dibanding sampel 9. Sampel
1 menuliskan rumus mencari gradien terlebih dahulu kemudian mensubtitusi nilainya. Kesalahan
yang dilakukan sampel 1 adalah dalam perkalian aljabar dan penyelesaian persamaan liniear satu
Terakhir adalah soal no 5 dengan indikator mencari koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam
representasi yang ekuivalen. Soal dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 9. Soal no 5: Mencari koneki satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen

Sampel 17 Sampel 19
Gambar 10. Jawaban siswa sampel 17 dan sampel 19 pada soala no 5
Jawaban sampel 17 yang termasuk kelompok KAM atas memperlihatkan siswa dapat
mencari koneksi antara garis yang sejajar dengan titik yang dilalui. Hanya saja sampel 17 tidak
memberikan alasan mengapa gradien yang diambil adalah , yaitu karena garis yang saling

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Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

sejajar memiliki nilai gradien yang sama. Kemudian kesalahan siswa sampel 17 dilakukan ketika
melakukan operasi hitung perkalian bentuk aljabar. Hasil perkalian dengan -6 menjadi -6.
Jawaban seharusnya adalah . Pada jawaban siswa sampel 19 yang termasuk KAM menengah,
dalam pengambilan nilai gradien tidak memberikan alasan menggunakan nilai sebagai
gradien, sama halnya dengan sampel 17. Kemudian kesalahan dari sampel 19 adalah pada saat
mengubah bentuk pecahan aljabar menjadi bilangan biasa. Perkalian 12 dengan di tulis -1,
seharusnya . Meskipun pada baris selanjutnya sampel 19 menuliskan -1 menjadi . Selain itu
kesalahan terjadi pada operasi bilangan 6 dikurang 48. Sampel 19 menuliskan hasilnya 42,
sedangkan jawaban yang benar adalah -42.
Dari hasil pembahasan jawaban-jawaban siswa dari kelima nomor, bisa disimpulkan
kesalahan-kesalahan siswa beraneka ragam. Diantaranya, tidak memahami konsep kemiringan
garis, tidak menguasai materi sebelumnya yang menjadi prasyarat materi persamaan garis lurus,
dan tidak mengingat rumus. Sejalan dengan hal itu Budiyono (2008) menyatakan bahwa jenis-jenis
kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika yaitu kesalahan konsep,
meliputi (1) kesalahan menentukan teorema atau rumus untuk menjawab masalah, (2)
pengaplikasian rumus atau teorema oleh siswa tidak sesuai dengan kondisi prasyarat berlakunya
rumus tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah disajikan, maka dapat dirangkum kesimpulan
sebagai berikut:
1. Persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan awal
2. Persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik tertinggi dari ketiga kelompok KAM adalah pada
indikator memahami hubungan antar topik matematika dan yang terendah pada indikator
mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama.
3. Rata-rata persentase kemampuan koneksi maatematik siswa kelompok KAM atas, menengah
dan bawah berturut-turut adalah 69%, 58%, dan 45%. Artinya, kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa masih tergolong rendah.
4. Dari kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa saat menjawab soal KKM, paling banyak terjadi dalam
mengerjakan operasi bilangan bulat, operasi aljabar dan berkaitan dengan operasi persamaan
liniear satu variabel. Sehingga materi prasyarat untuk materi selanjutnya memang sangat
penting dikuasai siswa untuk menunjang pembelajaran berikutnya.

Anita, I. W. (2014). Pengaruh kecemasan matematika (mathematics anxiety) terhadap
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa SMP. Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Metematika
STKIP Siliwangi Bandung, 3(1), 125–132.
Budiyono. (2008). Kesalahan mengerjakan soal cerita dalam pembelajaran matematika. Jurnal
Pedagogia, 11(1), 7-8.
Khairunisa, S., Anita, I. W., & Sugandi, A. I. (2018). Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa SMP dengan pendekatan kontekstual melalui pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe team assisted individualization. JPMI: Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika
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Lestari, K.E., & Yudhanegara, M.R. (2018). Penelitian pendidikan matematika. Bandung: PT Refika

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Machmudah, D. N. (2017). Deskripsi kemampuan koneksi matematis dan self regulated siswa
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38 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

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Dessy Meylinda Edy Surya

State University of Medan State University of Medan


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Dessy Meylinda1, Edy Surya2

Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia


Penulisan jurnal ini dilatarbelakangin oleh pentingnya kemampuan koneksi matematis
dalam pembelajaran disekolah dan keingintahuan penulis untuk melihat seberapa besar
peranan kemampuan koneksi dalam pembelajaran disekolah khususnya pembelajaran
matematika. Serta terdapat berberapa fakta rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
Tujuan dari penulis adalah Untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan koneksi matematika
dalam pembelajaran matematika dan soal-soal kemampuan koneksi matematis yang dikaitakn
dengan beberapa materi matematika. Koneksi matematika adalah hubungan atau keterkaitan
antar topik matematika, keterkaitan antar matematika dengan disiplin ilmu lain, dan
keterkaitan matematika dengan dunia nyata atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemampuan
koneksi matematika merupakan kemampuan yang mendasar harus dikuasai siswa, dengan
menguasai kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa tidak akan kesulitan untuk memahami dan
mengerti matematika. Karena konsep-konsep matematika saling berkaitan baik dengan konsep
matematika sendiri yang sebelum memahami konsep baru diperlukan pemahanam konsep
sebelumnya, dengan disiplin ilmu lain maupun dalam kehidupan sehari. Hasil pengamatan
penulis menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis memiliki peranan yang sangat
penting dalam kemampuan berpikir siswa, dengan kemampuan koneksi siswa dapat
menyambungkan antar satu materi dengan materi lainnya, antar satu pembelajaran dengan
pembelajaran lainnya.

Kata Kunci : kemampuan koneksi, matematika, pembelajaran

Pendidikan merupakan Pendidikan mempunyai peranan yang
suatu kekuatan dinamis dalam sangat menentukan bagi
kehidupan setiap manusia yang perkembangan dan perwujudan diri
dipengaruhi seluruh aspek dalam individu, terutama bagi pembangunan
kehidupan dan kepribadian seseorang. bangsa dan negara sebab dari situlah
Pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan akan tercipta Sumber Daya Manusia
manusia, ini terlihat dari kenyataan (SDM) yang berkualitas.
bahwa manusia itu dilengkapi dengan Dalam suatu pendidikan
hasrat pendorong, naluri, dan pastinya harus ditunjang dengan
pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan belajar, jika tidak demikian maka
isi alam dalam masyarakat sosialnya. pendidikan tidak akan berjalan sesuai
yang diharapkan. Hal ini sependapat Kemampuan representasi
dengan Slametto (2002: 1) yang (representation)”.
menyatakan bahwa dalam keseluruhan Tujuan pembelajaran
proses pendidikan di sekolah, kegiatan matematika di Indonesia termuat
belajar merupakan kegiatan yang dalam Permendiknas Nomor 22 Tahun
paling pokok. Belajar adalah suatu 2006 Permendiknas tersebut Tertulis
proses yang dilakukan secara rutin mata pelajaran matematika tingkat
yang ditandai dengan adanya SMP/MTs matematika bertujuan agar
perubahan pada diri seseorang yang peserta didik memiliki kemampuan
semakin hari semakin baik, bukan sebagai berikut:
semakin buruk. 1. Memahami konsep matematika,
Matematika sebagai salah satu menjelaskan keterkaitan
disiplin ilmu yang diajarkan pada antarkonsep dan mengaplikasikan
setiap jenjang pendidikan sekolah, konsep atau algoritma, secara
diharapkan dapat memberikan luwes, akurat, efisien, dan tepat,
sumbangan dalam rangka dalam pemecahan masalah
mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir 2. Menggunakan penalaran pada pola
kritis, sistematis, logis, kreatif, dan dan sifat, melakukan manipulasi
kemampuan untuk dapat bekerja matematika dalam membuat
sama secara efektif. generalisasi, menyusun bukti, atau
Hal ini sejalan dengan menjelaskan gagasan dan
Pendapat Rusmini dan Surya (2017) pernyataan matematika
bahwa matematika sebagai salah satu 3. Memecahkan masalah yang
mata pelajaran di sekolah yang meliputi kemampuan memahami
memiliki ciri dan karakteristik tertentu. masalah, merancang model
Salah satu karakteristik matematika matematika, menyelesaikan model
adalah objek abstraknya. Untuk dan menafsirkan solusi yang
memahami objek atau konsep diperoleh
matematika yang merupakan aktivitas 4. Mengomunikasikan gagasan
abstrak diperlukan partisipasi siswa dengan simbol, tabel, diagram, atau
dalam belajar. Matematika saling media lain untuk memperjelas
terkait satu sama lain, dan tidak keadaan atau masalah
terlepas dari disiplin dan masalah lain 5. Memiliki sikap menghargai
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. kegunaan matematika dalam
Dalam National Council of kehidupan, yaitu memiliki
Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) keingintahuan, perhatian, dan minat
2000 disebutkan bahwa terdapat lima dalam mempelajari matematika,
kemampuan dasar matematika yang serta sikap ulet dan percaya diri
merupakan standar proses pendidikan dalam pemecahan masalah.
matematika yaitu “(1) kemampuan Kemampuan untuk
pemecahan masalah (problem solving); menjelaskan keterkaitan antar konsep
(2) kemampuan bernalar (reasonning); merupakan bagian dari kemampuan
(3) Kemampuan berkomunikasi koneksi matematika. Kemampuan
(communication); (4) Kemampuan koneksi matematika merupakan
membuat koneksi (connection) dan (5) ketrampilan yang harus dibangun
dan dipelajari supaya kemampuan
tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dalam Koneksi dapat diartikan
menghadapi permasalahan kehidupan sebagai keterkaitan, menurut Kamus
individu sehari-hari. Besar Bahasa Indonesia koneksi
Tak hanya di Indonesia diartikan sebagai hubungan yang dapat
kemampuan koneksi matematis juga memudahkan (melancarkan) segala
menjadi perhatian di negara lainnya. urusan (kegiatan). Dan Pengertian
Sejalan dengan hal ini menurut Matematika menurut Kurikulum
Nordheimer (2016) Standar Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
pendidikan di seluruh dunia (misalnya (Kurikulum 2006) Matematika
NSC di Afrika Selatan, NTSM di merupakan ilmu universal yang
Amerika Serikat, kurikulum yang mendasari perkembangan teknologi
beragam di Jerman) modern, mempunyai peran penting
merekomendasikan agar para guru dalam berbagai disiplin dan
memungkinkan siswa mengenal dan memajukan daya pikir manusia.
membuat hubungan di antara gagasan Dalam konteks ini koneksi
matematika. matematika menurut Kusuma (Fauzi,
Menurut National Council of 2011:42), koneksi matematis
Teacher of Mathematics (2000: 274) merupakan bagian dari kemampuan
koneksi matematika merupakan bagian berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi,
penting yang harus mendapat dapat diartikan sebagai keterkaitan
penekanan di setiap jenjang antara konsep-konsep matematika
pendidikan. Koneksi matematika secara internal yaitu berhubungan
adalah keterkaitan antar topik dengan matematika itu sendiri ataupun
matematika, keterkaitan antar kaitan secara eksternal yaitu
matematika dengan disiplin ilmu matematika dengan bidang studi lain
lain, dan keterkaitan matematika maupun dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
dengan dunia nyata atau dalam Dan Coxford (1995) menyatakan
kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemampuan kemampuan koneksi matematis adalah
koneksi matematika merupakan salah kemampuan menghubungkan
satu faktor penting dalam melakukan pengetahuan konseptual dan
pemahaman konsep matematika. prosedural, menggunakan matematika
Dengan melakukan koneksi, konsep- pada topik lain, menggunakan
konsep matematika yang telah matematika dalam aktivitas kehidupan,
dipelajari tidak ditinggalkan begitu mengetahui koneksi antar topik dalam
saja sebagai bagian yang terpisah, matematika. National Council of
tetapi digunakan sebagai Teacher of Mathematics (2000: 274)
pengetahuan dasar untuk memahami mengemukakan koneksi matematika
konsep yang baru. adalah keterkaitan antar topik
matematika, keterkaitan antar
Tujuan matematika dengan disiplin ilmu
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana lain, dan keterkaitan matematika
kemampuan koneksi matematika dengan dunia nyata atau dalam
dalam pembelajaran matematika. kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menuryt Hudgson (Maysarah
Pembahasan dan Edy Surya, 2017) Koneksi diantara
2.1. Pengertian Koneksi Matematika proses-proses dan konsep-konsep dalam
matematika merupakan objek abstrak disiplin ilmu lain, dan keterkaitan
artinya koneksi ini terjadi dalam pikiran matematika dengan dunia nyata atau
siswa, misalkan siswa menggunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dan
pikirannya pada saat menkoneksikan merupakan salah satu kemampuan
antara simbol dengan representasinya. yang harus dikuasai disetiap jenjang
Gordah (2012) mengatakan sekolah.
matematika terdiri atas beberapa
cabang dan tiap cabang tidak bersifat 2.2 Ruang lingkup Koneksi Matematika
tertutup yang masing-masing berdiri Menurut NCTM (2000) ada
sendiri, tetapi suatu keseluruhan yang dua tipe umum koneksi matematika,
padu. Melalui koneksi matematis yaitu:
diupayakan agar bagian-bagian itu Modeling connections merupakan
saling berhubungan,sehingga peserta hubungan antara situasi masalah yang
didik tidak memandang sempit muncul di dalam dunia nyata atau
terhadap matematika. Bila siswa dapat dalam disiplin ilmu lain dengan
mengkaitkan ide-ide matematis maka representasi matematiknya, sedangkan
pemahaman mereka akan menjadi mathematical connections merupakan
lebih dalam dan bertahan lama. hubungan antara dua representasi yang
Mereka dapat melihat hubungan- ekuivalen, dan antara proses
hubungan matematis saling penyelesaian dari masing-masing
berpengaruh antar topik matematika, representasi.
dalam konteks yang menghubungkan Bagan 1
matematika dengan mata pelajaran
lain, serta di dalam minat-minat dan
pengalaman mereka sendiri (Madur:
2013). Oleh karena itu kemampuan
koneksi matematika merupakan salah
satu faktor penting dalam melakukan
pemahaman konsep matematika.
Dengan melakukan koneksi, konsep-
konsep matematika yang telah
dipelajari tidak ditinggalkan begitu Contohnya : jika suatu situasi masalah
saja sebagai bagian yang terpisah, memiliki koneksi pemodelan
tetapi digunakan sebagai denganpersamaan aljabar dan grafik,
pengetahuan dasar untuk memahami maka representasi aljabar memiliki
konsep yang baru. Hal ini serupa koneksi matematika dengan representasi
seperti yang dikemukakan National grafik. Koneksi matematika juga
Council of Teacher of Mathematics terjadiantara proses perhitungan aljabar
(2000: 274) koneksi matematika dengan analisis grafik yang
merupakan bagian penting yang harus menghasilkanpenyelesaian yang sama.
mendapat penekanan di setiap jenjang Dari kedua tipe umum koneksi
pendidikan. matematika diatas megindikasikan bahwa
Jadi dapat disimpulkan koneksi koneksi matematika terbagi kedalam tiga
matematika adalah hubungan atau aspek kelompok , yaitu :
keterkaitan antar topik matematika, 1. Aspek Koneksi Antar Topik
keterkaitan antar matematika dengan Matematika
Aspek ini dapat membantu =
siswa menghubungkan konsep-
konsep matematika untuk =
menyelesaikan suatu situasi = 9 cm2
permasalahan matematika. Jadi luas segitiga adalah 9 cm2
Contoh : Tentukan luas
segitiga dibawah ini. 2. Aspek Koneksi Matematika Dengan
Disiplin Ilmu Lain.
Aspek ini menunjukkan bahwa
(x – 2)cm cm matematika sebagai suatu disiplin
ilmu, selain dapat berguna untuk
(x – 4)cm pengembangan disiplin ilmu yang
lain, juga dapat berguna untuk
Penyelesaian : menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan
Diket: yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi
(x – 2)cm cm lainnya.
Contoh : untuk menyelesaikan
permasalahan yang berkaitan
dengan gerak parabola pada bidang
(x – 4)cm studi fisika, yaitu menghitung jarak
terjauh dari sebuah bola yang
dilemparkan oleh seorang anak
Misalkan cm
dengan kecepatan awal dan sudut
(x – 2)cm elevasi tertentu sebagai berikut.
(x – 4)cm Sebuah bola dilontarkan dari atap
Ditanya : luas segitiga ? sebuah gedung yang tingginya
Jawab : adalah h = 10 m dengan kelajuan
Dengan mepergunakan rumus awal V0 = 10 m/s

(kedua ruas dibagi 2)

(kedua ruas dikurangi
Jika percepatan gravitasi bumi
………………….(i) adalah 10 ms2 , sudut yang
terbentuk antara arah lemparan bola
Luas segitiga =
dengan arah horizontal adalah
= 30o dan gesekan bola dengan udara
= (substitusikan (i) Tentukan :
kedalam persamaan) a) Waktu yang diperlukan bola
untuk menyentuh tanah Berapakah uang sewa yang harus
b) Jarak mendatar yang dicapai bola dibayarkan oleh Doni ?
Pembahasan Penyelesaian :
a) Waktu yang diperlukan bola untuk Diket : sewa = Rp 15.000
menyentuh tanah ketinggian Jarak lintasan = 2,5 km
gedung h atau sama dengan Y disini Kecepatan (v) = 60 km/jam
: Waktu (t) = 20 menit =
jam = jam
Ditanya : besar uang sewa ?
Jawab :
Jarak yang ditempuh doni (s) = kecepatan
(v) x waktu (t)
ambil nilai positif sehingga t = 2 = 60 km/jam x jam
sekon = 20 km
Catatan : Jangan lupa tanda minus Banyak putaran =
pada nilai Y, karena kalau plus
berarti 10 meter diatas tempat = kali putaran
pelemparan, sementara posisi yang
Besar uang sewa = banyak putaran x
dicari adalah 10 meter dibawah
sewa per putaran
tempat pelemparan.
= 8 x Rp 15.000
b) Jarak mendatar yang
= Rp 120.000
dicapai bola
Jadi besar uang sewa gokart yang harus
dibayarkan oleh doni adalah Rp

Coxford (1995) mengumukan, terdapat

3. Aspek Koneksi Dengan Dunia tiga aspek yang berkaitan koneksi
Nyata Siswa/ Koneksi Dengan matematika, yaitu :
Kehidupan Sehari-Hari. 1. Penyatuan Tema-Tema
Aspek ini menunjukkan bahwa Penyatuan tema-tema seperti
matematika dapat bermanfaat untuk perubahan (change), data dan bentuk
menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan (shape) dapat digunakan untuk
di kehidupan sehari-hari. menarik perhatian terhadap sifat
Contoh : untuk menyelesaikan dasar matematika yang saling
masalah yang berhubungan dengan berkaitan. Gagasan tentang
aritmatika sosial, sebagai berikut. perubahan dapat menjadi
Doni akan menyewa mobil gokart penghubung antara aljabar,
di kids fun. Dengan tarif sewa Rp geometri, matematika diskrit dan
15.000 per putarn. Panjang lintasan kalkulus. Misalnya : bagaimana
untuk sekali putaran adalah 2,5 km. kaitan antara laju perubahan tetap
Doni mengendarai mobil gokart dengan garis dan persamaan garis?
dengan kecepatan rata-rata 60 Bagaimana keliling suatu bangun
km/jam selama 20 menit. datar dapat berubah ketika bangun
datar tersebut ditranformasikan? diperoleh melalui perhitungan
Apakah artinya laju perubahan kombinatorik. Aktivitas problem
sesaat dari suatu fungsi di suatu solving seperti pencarian nilai
titik? Setiap pertanyaan tersebut optimum melibatkan pemodelan,
memberikan kesempatan untuk representasi aljabar atau kalkulus.
mengaitkan topik-topik matematika Sedangkan aktivitas reasoning
dengan menghubungkannya melalui seperti pembuktian rumus-rumus
tema perubahan. turunan.
Tema lain yang memberikan
kesempatan yang luas untuk 3. Penghubung-Penghubung
membuat koneksi matematika Matematika
adalah data. Misalnya data Fungsi, matriks, algoritma,
berpasangan menjadi konteks dan variabel, perbandingan dan
motivasi untuk mempelajari fungsi transformasi merupakan ide-ide
linear karena data berpasangan matematika yang menjadi
sering ditampilkan dengan grafik penghubung ketika mempelajari
fungsi. Selain itu, bentuk adalah topik-topik matematika dengan
tema lain yang dapat digunakan spektrum yang luas.
untuk memperlihatkan koneksi. Melalui ketiga aspek koneksi
Sebagai contoh : bentuk kurva matematika baik yang dijabarkan
berkaitan dengan karakteristik dalam NCTM ataupun Coxford di
datanya. atas beserta contohnya, siswa akan
semakin menyadari bahwa konsep-konsep
2. Proses Matematika matematika memang saling berkaitan
Proses matematika meliputi : dan mereka juga akan memahami
representasi, aplikasi, problem betapa pentingnya matematika untuk
solving dan reasoning. Empat memecahkan permasalahan sehari-hari
kategori aktivitas ini akan terus baik di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah.
berlangsung selama seseorang Kemampuan koneksi penting
mempelajari matematika. Agar dimiliki oleh siswa agar mereka
siswa dapat memahami konsep mampu menghubungkan antara materi
secara mendalam, mereka harus yang satu dengan materi yang lainnya.
dapat membuat koneksi di antara Siswa dapat memahami konsep
representasi, aktivitas aplikasi, matematika yang mereka pelajari
problem solving dan reasoning karena mereka telah menguasai materi
membutuhkan berbagai pendekatan prasyarat yang berkaitan dengan
matematika sehingga siswa dapat kehidupan sehari – hari. selain itu, jika
menemukan koneksi. Sebagai siswa mampu mengaitkan materi yang
contoh : untuk mencari turunan mereka pelajari dengan pokok bahasan
dengan menggunakan definisi sebelumnya atau dengan mata
fungsi, siswa harus pelajaran lain, maka pembelajaran
mengaplikasikan limit dan matematika menjadi lebih bermakna.
komposisi fungsi. Komposisi Cuoco dalam Linto (2012) mengatakan
fungsi dengan polinom berderajat keindahan matematika terletak pada
besar melibatkan ekspansi adanya keterkaitan dalam matematika
binomial, yang koefisiennya dapat itu sendiri. Bagi matematikawan
keterkaitan ini tidak hanya merupakan d. Siswa dapat menghubungkan
keindahan matematika namun juga prosedur antar representasi
memunculkan teknik baru dalam ekuivalen.
menyelesaikan masalah. Apabila siswa e. Siswa dapat menggunakan ide–ide
mampu melakukan koneksi tersebut, matematika untuk memperluas
merekapun akan merasakan keindahan pemahaman tetang ide–ide
matematika. Namun pada matematika lainnya.
kenyataannya, dalam pembelajaran f. Siswa dapat menerapkan pemikiran
terlihat siswa masih sulit dan pemodelan matematika untuk
menghubungkan materi yang mereka menyelesaikan masalah yang
pelajari dengan materi prasyarat yang muncul pada disiplin ilmu lain.
sudah mereka kuasai. Konsep – konsep g. Siswa dapat mengeksplorasi dan
yang telah dipelajari tidak bertahan menjelaskan hasilnya dengan
lama dalam ingatan siswa, akibatnya grafik, aljabar, model matematika
kemampuan koneksi mereka belum verbal atau representasi.
optimal. Menurut NCTM(2000:146)
Oleh karena itu Amin Fauzi kurikulum standar matematika untuk
(2012) mengungkapkan perlu adanya kelas 9-12, harus mencakupi koneksi
suatu usaha latihan terencana dengan dan pengaruh antara berbagai topik
pemberdayaan potensi diri siswa agar matematika dan penerapannya,
dapat memunculkan ide atau sehingga siswa mampu :
mengemukakan pendapatnya sendiri.  Mengenali representasi yang
Untuk mengeplorasi ide siswa, ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama;
hendaknya guru lebih sering memberi  Mengenali hubungan prosedur
siswa soal yang non rutin atau soal satu representasi ke prosedur
yang dapat mengaitkan konsep representasi yang ekuivalen;
matematika dengan kalimat sederhana  Menggunakan dan menilai
yang menuntut siswa untuk koneksi antara matematika dan
menggunakan caranya sendiri dalam disiplin ilmu lain.
menyelesaikan masalah yang Sumarmo (2005) kemampuan
diberikan. koneksi matematis siswa dapat dilihat
dari indikator-indikator berikut:
2.3. Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika 1. Mencari dan memahami hubungan
NCTM (2000) mengemukakan berbagai representasi konsep dan
kemampuan-kemapuan yang prosedur
diharapkan setelah siswa menguasai 2. Menggunakan matematika dalam
kemampuan koneksi matematika bidang studi lain atau kehidupan
adalah: sehari-hari
a. Siswa dapat menggunakan koneksi 3. Memahami representasi ekuivalen
antar topik matematika. konsep atau prosedur yang sama
b. Siswa dapat menggunakan koneksi 4. Mencari koneksi satu prosedur ke
antara matematika dengan disiplin prosedur lain dalam representasi
ilmulain. yang ekuivalen
c. Siswa dapat mengenali representasi
ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama.
5. Menggunakan koneksi antar topik matematika dengan dunia nyata
matematika, dan antara topik atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
matematika dengan topik lain Kemampuan koneksi
Selain itu Gordah (2012) matematika merupakan kemampuan
memaparkan lebih rinci indikator yang mendasar harus dikuasai
koneksi matematika yang dapat siswa, dengan menguasai
digunakan yakni: kemampuan koneksi matematika
a. mencari hubungan berbagai siswa tidak akan kesulitan untuk
representasi konsep dan prosedur, memahami dan mengerti
b. memahami hubungan antar topik matematika. Karena konsep-konsep
matematika, matematika saling berkaitan baik
c. menerapkan matematika dalam dengan konsep matematika sendiri
bidang lain atau dalam kehidupan yang sebelum memahami konsep
sehari-hari, baru diperlukan pemahanam konsep
d. memahami representasi ekuivalen sebelumnya, dengan disiplin ilmu
suatu konsep, lain maupun dalam kehidupan
e. mencari hubungan satu prosedur sehari.
dengan prosedur lain dalam
representasi yang ekuivalen, DAFTAR PUSTAKA
f. menerapkan hubungan antar topik Coxford, A.F. (1995). “The Case for
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International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434
ISSN 2621-8488 (online)

Research Article

Developing e-learning based on animation content to improve

students’ mathematical connection abilities

Rusdyi Habsyi, Rusmin R. M. Saleh

STKIP Kie Raha Ternate, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: | Phone: +6282194429497

Received: 16 September 2022 Revised: 27 October 2022 Accepted: 25 November 2022 Available online: 30 December 2022
Mathematical connection capabilities are part of an interconnected network of interconnected knowledge packages of
interconnected knowledge packages of knowledge packages consisting of key concepts for understanding and developing
relationships between mathematical ideas, concepts, and procedures. The purpose of this paper is to develop e-learning
based on animation content to improve mathematical connection abilities in senior high school students. The e-learning
was developed using framework proposed by Moodle, while the animation content was developed using macromedia
flash. To get the student mathematical connection abilities, pretest and posttest were administered before and after
teaching and learning process. The data were analyzed using t-test and found that e- learning which was based on
animation content not only had significant effect on mathematical connection abilities but also been able to improve
students’ mathematical connection abilities far better than that of conventional approach. From the posttest results
show that the total score of mathematical connection abilities presented shows that the average posttest of mathematical
connection abilities is 72.9 e-learning based on animation content, this shows that e-learning based on animation content
can improve mathematical connection skills students with e-learning.
Keywords: animation; contents; e-learning; mathematical; connection;

Mathematical connection capabilities are part of an interconnected network of interconnected knowledge packages of
interconnected knowledge packages of knowledge packages consisting of key concepts for understanding and developing
relationships between mathematical ideas, concepts, and procedures (Diana et al. al., 2020). The ability of students to make
mathematical connections is one of the important points that must be achieved in the learning process, because by knowing
the interrelationships between mathematical concepts, students will find it easier to understand mathematics itself and
open up opportunities for students to be able to develop their abilities towards mathematics (Siregar et al., 2021).
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NTMC) states that mathematical connection is one of the basic abilities
that must be possessed by students (Latif, 2017). Connection is a relationship or connection. Connections in mathematics
are a link between mathematical concepts both from within (internally) and from outside (externally) (Nunes et al., 2012).
When viewed from an internal perspective, the mathematical connection is a relationship related to the concepts that exist
in mathematics, while from an external perspective the connection is very closely related to other fields of science in
everyday life (Hazrati et al., 2020). Learning mathematics is a subject related to concepts (Dinni & Isnarto, 2018; Nunes et
al., 2012). Concepts are abstract ideas that can classify and classify a set of objects (Ningsih et al., 2019). Concepts in
learning mathematics are interrelated with one another, we can see when studying a mathematical concepts it is necessary
to pay attention to other concepts from previous mathematics learning. This is what is called the ability of mathematical
connections, namely the ability of students to connect a concept with other concepts (Rohendi, 2012).
According to NCTM, there are two general types of mathematical connections, namely modeling connections and
mathematical connections (Ariawan & Nufus, 2018). Modeling connections are relationships between problem situations
that arise in the real world or in other disciplines and their mathematical representations, while mathematical connections
are relationships between two equivalent representations, and between the completion process of each representation. The
two connections are illustrated as shown in Figure 1 (Siagian, 2016). The ability to connect mathematics has the following
indicators: a) Finding the relationship between various representations of concepts and procedures, b) Understanding the
relationship between mathematical topics, c) Using mathematics in other fields of study or everyday life, d) Understanding
representations of equivalent concepts or similar procedures, e) Finding the relationship between one procedure and another
in an equivalent representation, f) Using the relationship between mathematics topics and between mathematics and other
subjects (Latipah & Afriansyah, 2018).

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

Mathematical connection abilities are really needed by students because mathematics is a unified whole, where one
concept is closely related to other concepts, or in other words that learning certain concepts in mathematics requires
prerequisites from other concepts (Ariawan & Nufus, 2018); Suhandri et al., 2017). Mathematical connection ability holds
very important importance in improving students' understanding in learning mathematics (Azzatia et al., 2019). The
purpose of mathematical connection ability is so that students can view mathematics as a unified whole, understand
mathematical ideas in order to understand further mathematical ideas, investigate and describe the results of the problems
they investigate, and use their minds and create models to solve problems both both in mathematics and in other disciplines.

Figure 1. Types of Mathematical Connection

In the 2019 research on mathematical connection skills, there are still many students who do not yet have mathematical
connection abilities. The results of his research have shown that students who have mathematical connection skills are still
low (Septian & Komala, 2019). In addition, other research results in 2021, show that the average mathematical connection
ability of students in secondary schools is still relatively low, the average score is still less than 60 at a maximum score of
100, which is around 22.2% for mathematical connections between topics, 44% for mathematical connections between other
fields of study, and 67.3% for mathematical connections in real life (Hasbi et al., 2021).
One of the media that can be used to improve the ability of mathematical connections is to use electronic technology in
the form of e-learning based on animation media (Fani & Effendi, 2021). Electronic technology can be used to assist students
in understanding visual representations of mathematical ideas, also make it easier for students to organize and analyze
data, and help students to calculate quickly and accurately. One technology that can be used is a computer (Rusli, 2017).
Computers can be used as a tool to complement the excellence of mathematical thinking in various ways (Jalinus & Alim,
2019). Based on the advantages of the role of technological advances, in facing the challenges of the 21st century it is
necessary to develop various strategies, learning models, and the use of electronic technology-based learning media in such
a way as to create a pleasant atmosphere. both for students and teachers (Maryeni et al., 2020).
Technological tools can be used to help students investigate various mathematical phenomena. ICT can also help students
in learning mathematics (Hasin & M Nasir, 2021). For example, through computers students can check more examples or
formats that are seen visually and observed directly, so students can easily formulate and explore mathematical conjectures.
Using the right computer technology, students are expected to be able to learn mathematics in a more meaningful and in-
depth way. Furthermore, it is argued that computers can also provide much-needed meaning to mathematical concepts that
students may perceive 'not from the physical world' but in the mind or in an ideal world (Perienen, 2020). With the rapid
development of ICT, there has been a shift in views towards learning inside and outside the classroom (Wibowo, 2018). In
the field of education, especially in learning, the use of ICT in Indonesia is still lacking. Although many educational
application programs such as learning software are traded, the suitability of the material, the technology used, learning
strategies, and language are still obstacles (Wibowo & Pratiwi, 2018). Thus, the development of the use of computers in
mathematics, which is designed according to needs, is expected to help a lot in increasing students' mastery of mathematics.
In accordance with the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the need for ICT-based
concepts and mechanisms for teaching and learning (education) has become a necessity. One of the concepts known as e-
learning has had an influence on the process of transforming conventional education into digital, both in content and system
(Ahn & Edwin, 2018). The term e-learning contains a very broad meaning, so many experts describe the definition of e-
learning from various points of view. E-learning is a type of teaching and learning that allows the delivery of teaching
materials to students using the internet, intranet or other computer network media (Panyajamorn et al., 2018). The
definition that explains that e-learning is an educational system that uses electronic applications to support learning and
teaching with internet media, computer networks, or standalone computers (Moreno-Guerrero et al., 2020; Yaniawati et al.,
2020). The learning program was developed by the researcher for the purposes of this research. The teaching materials
displayed in e-learning have animations. Thus, with interactive teaching materials, students can interact with the e-
learning system independently, including doing exercises interactively.

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

This study aims to develop e-learning based on animation content to improve students' mathematical connection skills.
According to this research procedure, in developing learning based on animation content, it was developed with the following
steps: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) content design and writing, (4) material development, and (5) final testing and
examination (Bauer et al., 2021; Qammach & Al-Sharifi, 2021). The steps taken in this research process lead to a cycle based
on the findings of research studies and then develop a product. Product development based on the initial findings of this
study was tested in a situation and then revised from the test results until finally a product was obtained. The product itself
is an e-learning based on animated content. This research procedure uses research and development techniques with the
following steps: (i) model development, namely: preliminary study, planning, content design and writing, material
development, as well as field testing and model revision. (ii) analysis of the effect of the e-learning model on students'
mathematical connection abilities. To determine students' mathematical connection abilities, experimental designs using
non-experimental designs were used as shown in Figure 3 (Suparman et al., 2020).

Figure 2. Non-experimental pretest/posttest design

The subjects in this study were students of class XI SMA Muhammadiyah Ternate. Collecting data by using pre-test and
post-test questions. The data were analyzed by t-test and it was found that animated content-based e-learning not only had
a significant effect on mathematical connection skills but also improved students' mathematical connection skills much
better than the conventional approach.


3.1 Results
a. Animated Content-Based E-Learning Development
According to this research procedure, in developing e-learning based on animation content, it was developed with the
following steps according to Backroad Connections Pty Ltd 2003: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) content design and
writing, (4) material development, and (5) Final testing and inspection (Bauer et al., 2021; Qammach & Al-Sharifi, 2021),
with the following results.
1. Preliminary Research
At this stage, an analysis of the needs for developing animated content-based e-learning is carried out, including: student
needs, software and hardware requirements, animated content, etc. Based on these results, a needs analysis was obtained
which did the following:
a) The need for e-learning materials that can display the form of animation.
b) Software to develop e-learning using Moodles version 2.0.
c) The form of content is created using Macromedia Flash animation.
2. Planning
Animated content-based e-learning development planning includes: e-learning menu planning, animated content, quizzes,
exercises, assignments, and evaluations. All of them are adjusted to the target students who will be given e-learning.
3. Contents Design and Writing
There are several steps that have been taken in this phase, including:
a) Applying an effective learning design.
b) Deciding what should be shown on the screen and what can be downloaded/printed.
c) State the time allocation for each learning activity in accordance with the content and objectives of learning.
d) Define and provide learning support needs for students, as well as for teachers.

In this stage, the design of an example of e-learning based on animated content is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. An Example of e-learning based on Animation Contents

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

4. Material Development
This phase includes: user guides, implementation guides, etc.
5. Final Testing and Checking
a) Knowing what standards to aim for.
b) Establish ways to measure or test that the standards and usability objectives have been achieved. Consider when to
measure, and how information from this will feed back into the development process to achieve the best results most

b. Research Results on the Implementation of Animated Content-Based E-Learning

After e-learning is developed, it is continued by implementing it to students. The results of the study are seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Average results of Pre and Post Test of Mathematical Connection Abilities
Average results of test
Pre test Posttest
e-learning 65 72,9
conventional 64 71,3

After the pretest and posttest data are normally distributed, a statistical test will be carried out using a dependent t test,
namely one sample with two pretest and posttest data with one-sided test criteria, as seen in Table 2.

Table 2. t-test of Mathematical Connection Abilities

Mean SD Std. Error Mean T df Sig

18.60 9.39 2.97 6.26 20 .00

3.2 Discussion
The development of content-based e-learning in this study used the following steps, namely 1) needs analysis, 2) planning,
3) content design and writing, 4) material development, and 5) final testing and examination. At the stage of needs analysis
regarding the development of animated content-based e-learning which includes students' needs for software and hardware
needs, animated content, etc. From the results of the needs analysis, it is obtained that the material needs that can be
displayed in the form of animation, software for developing e-learning using Moodles version 2.0, the form of animation
content created using Macromedia Flash. At the planning stage of developing animated content-based e-learning includes:
e-learning planning menus, animated content, quizzes, exercises, assignments, and evaluations. Everything is adjusted to
the target students who will be given e-learning. At the content design and writing stage, it is done by implementing a
learning design, deciding what should be displayed on the screen and what can be downloaded/printed, stating the time
allocation for each learning activity according to the content and learning objectives, and defining and providing learning
support needs for students, also for teachers. At the material development stage, what is done is to create a user guide and
an e-learning implementation guide based on animated content. The last stage is the testing and final inspection stage,
which is to find out what standards you want to achieve, determine how to measure or test that the standards and usability
goals have been achieved. Based on the last stage of testing and examination, it can be seen that the total score of
mathematical connection abilities is presented in Table 1 and Table 2, the results show that the average posttest of
mathematical connection abilities is 72.9 using e-learning based on animation content, this shows that e-learning based on
animation content can improve mathematical connection abilities, as shown in Figure 4. From these results it can be said
that e-learning improves students' mathematical connection abilities compared to conventional ones

Pretest and Posttest





E-learning Contekstual

pretest posttest

Figure 4. Pretest and Posttest Results

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that e-learning based on animation content can be
developed according to the system model development, namely: preliminary studies, planning, field testing and model
revision. From the posttest results show that the total score of mathematical connection abilities presented shows that the
average posttest of mathematical connection abilities is 72.9 using e-learning based on animation content, this shows that
e-learning based on animation content can improve mathematical connection skills students with e-learning.

The current preparing this manuscript, we are fully aware that the completion of this article is inseparable from support,
enthusiasm, and guidance from various parties, both moral and material. Because of this, we would like to express our
gratitude to the supervisors, postgraduate lecturers, principals and teachers of the partner SMA Muhammadiyah Ternate,
as well as friends from the STKIP Kie Raha Ternate.

The authors discussed the results and contributed to from the start to final manuscript.

There are no conflicts of interest declared by the authors.

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting & Extending)

learning model to improve the ability of mathematical

E P Sari and Karyati

Mathematics Education, Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. Mathematics is a unity of knowledge whose parts are interconnected. The fact is
exactly what inspired the mathematical connection. With mathematical connection, students will
better understand the meaning behind what he is learning and being able to look at the topics of
mathematics as a whole. However, based on the results of research that has been done often
mention that most students can make a list of mathematical concepts that have relevance to real-
world problems, but not many students were able to explain why the concept is used. In this
article, the author argues that the mathematical connection capabilities should be practiced in
school and the CORE learning model can become one of the alternatives that can be used.
Systematically, This article will review the literature regarding how the CORE learning model
can help students in improving the ability of mathematical connections. Connecting, organizing,
reflecting and extending the stages in the application of learning models CORE. The stage circuit
a positive impact on the development of the students in understanding mathematics. Each stage
through which can help train students in the mathematical connection capabilities. Thus, this
article suggests the CORE learning model that can be used to help improve students'
mathematical connections.

1. Introduction
Various approaches, strategies and learning models being developed to experts in an effort to improve
students' abilities in mathematics. The approach, strategy or model of learning that been expected to
benefit efforts to improve the mathematics learning process to improve students' mathematical abilities.
In fact, none of the approaches, strategies or learning model that is suitable for fixing all the problems
in the learning process and applies to all students in a class. Therefore, the use of the approach, strategy
or model of learning must be heterogenous so that all kinds of needs and problems can be met and
minimized. The accuracy in the use of the approach, strategy or model of learning will at least be able
to provide the opportunity for students to practice capabilities, so it can reach the standard of students'
mathematical abilities to achieve the learning objectives peak of mathematics is problem-solving. One
alternative learning model that can be used is the CORE learning model.
CORE is an abbreviation of the four words that have a unitary function in the learning process,
namely, Connecting (linking the old information with new information or between concepts),
Organizing (organize the information obtained), Reflecting (rethink the information that has been
obtained), and Extending ( expand knowledge) [1]. These elements are used to connect the old
information with new information, organize a number of material vary; reflects everything that the
students learn; and developing a learning environment [2]. CORE learning model applied by Miller &
Calfee in 2004 in Science learning combined with methods of reading and writing [3].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

A mathematical connection is an important process that must be possessed by students in learning

mathematics [5] because mathematics is a knowledge unity whose parts are interconnected.
Mathematical connections are the relationships between mathematical topics, the relationship between
mathematics with other disciplines, and the relevance of mathematics to the real world or in daily life.
So the mathematical connection capability is essential for students because it will help students
understand math concepts and solve problems [6]. Mathematical connection capabilities need to be
trained to the students in the school because most students are often able to apply mathematical concepts
associated with the real problem, but only a few students were able to explain why the concept is used
[7]. The CORE learning model can be used as an alternative to practicing students' mathematical
connection abilities. Here will be described systematically, by reviewing the literature on how the
CORE learning model can help students develop and improve mathematical connections.

2. CORE Learning Model

The CORE learning model is one model of learning-oriented constructivist learning theory. Geary [8]
revealed that the main assumptions in the constructivist are active students in developing knowledge for
themselves. In line with this, Slavin [9] states that the constructivist theory students have to find
themselves and transform complex information, check the new information with the old rules and revise
them if these rules are not appropriate anymore. Besides related to constructivism learning theory. The
CORE learning model is closely related to learning theories expressed by Jean Piaget. Piaget's theory of
cognitive processes emphasize that the process used when constructing knowledge of children
associated with the scheme, assimilation and accommodation, the organization,
In the scheme, Piaget [10] says that when a child is trying to build an understanding of the world, the
developing brain creates a schema. So that the scheme is an action or mental representations that
organize knowledge. To explain how children use and adjust their schemes, Piaget revealed that the two
concepts of assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation occurs when children enter new information
into their existing schemes. Accommodation occurs when children adjust their schemes to get
information and new experiences. To understand the knowledge, children cognitively arrange their
experiences in organizational processes. Organizations in Piaget's theory is a grouping of experiences
and thoughts to a higher level. So it can be said that the organization is related to constructing
knowledge. And in the process of equilibration, Piaget proposed a mechanism that explains how children
move from one stage to the next stage of thinking. The shift occurs when children experience cognitive
conflict, or disequilibrium, in trying to understand the world. Finally, they resolve conflict and achieve
a balance or equilibrium of thought.
The Learning model developed by Miller & Calfee [3] consists of four stages, namely connecting,
organizing, reflecting, and extending. Stages in the CORE study model is cyclical, as illustrated in the
following figure 1.

Figure 1. Stages in the CORE study model [10]

ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

The image above shows the stages or phases of The CORE learning model. The activities carried out
in the stages described by Table 1 below:

Table 1. Event Stages Model CORE

Model Activity

Connecting ▪ students to recall [11] or

Knowledge ▪ enable knowledge that students knew before [4]
▪ relate to what is being or will be studied [12]
▪ can be done with a class discussion method [3]
Organizing ▪ students organize knowledge from the previous stage, can be exaggerated [3] that
Information the principles of students study are simpler and more obvious limitations [12],
▪ can be done by collecting facts and establishing the organization of
information/knowledge of old into new forms [11]
▪ can be done in groups or individuals [3].
▪ This stage produces a schema of knowledge that can be illustrated in charts, tables
or maps concepts.
Reflecting ▪ students review the organizational structure of the knowledge that the students from
on Learning the previous stage [4]
▪ done to improve knowledge of possible misunderstandings and strengthen
knowledge and can be done by groups [3] can be done in a way to explain or
criticize the content, structure or strategy that has the student made previously [12].
Extending ▪ students gain the opportunity to expand on its existing knowledge [12]
the ▪ can be done by applying this knowledge to solve a new problem that is relevant
Experience [4].

3. Mathematical connections
The idea of mathematical connections have long been investigated by WA Brownell 1930s, but at that
time the idea of mathematical connections are limited to connections on the arithmetic [13]. Inspired by
the mathematical connection because mathematics is not partitioned in a variety of mutually exclusive
topics, but the math is one unit. In addition it also can not separate mathematics from knowledge than
mathematics and the problems that occur in life. Without the mathematical connection then students
should learn and remember too many concepts and mathematical procedures apart from each other [6].
The concept of fractions, percentages, ratios, and linear comparison is one example of topics that can be
Generally, Coxford [14] suggests that the mathematical connection capabilities include:
1) connecting the conceptual and procedural knowledge,
2) using maths on other topics (other curriculum areas),
3) using mathematics in life activities.
4) seeing mathematics as integrated and whole,
5) applying mathematical thinking skills and create a model to solve problems in other subjects,
such as music, art, psychology, science, and business,
6) using connections between topics in mathematics, and
7) knowing different representations for the same concept.
Of the seven who have been exposed connection capability, we can conclude that in fact there is
three verbs indicator on the ability of the intended connection. Verbs such indicators are to

ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

see/recognize, connect, and use/apply. Meanwhile, four components that can be connected
mathematically namely: conceptual and procedural knowledge, topics in mathematics, topics/subjects
beyond mathematics and daily life activities.
The teaching program from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in connection according to the
NCTM standards [6] should enable all students to:
1) recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas;
2) understand how mathematical ideas are interrelated and build upon one another to produce a
coherent whole;
3) recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.
Indicators according to the mathematical connection capabilities Sugiman [15] are: connections
between mathematical topics that relate between concepts or principles in the same topic, connections
between topics in mathematics that link material in a particular topic with material in other topics, and
connections between matter and science other than mathematics.
Meanwhile, Jihad [16] suggested that the mathematical connections are arranged in the relevant
indicators, including; (1) find the relationship of various representations of concepts and procedures, (2)
understand the relationship between mathematical topics, (3) applying mathematics in other fields or in
everyday life, (4) understand the representation of the equivalent of a concept, (5) make contact one
procedure with other procedures in the representation equivalent, (6) apply mathematical relationships
between topics and between different mathematical topics with topics outside mathematics.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the mathematical connections are the
relationships between mathematical topics, the relationship between mathematics with other disciplines,
and relevance of mathematics to the real world or in daily life.

4. Discussion
The following Table 2 is some research on the use of the model articles CORE to improve students'
mathematical connections.
Table 2. Summary of Relevant Articles

Author Year Subject

[17] Setyawan A A 2013 High School Student
[18] Agustianti R, Amelia R 2018 High School Student
[19] Yulianto A R, Rochmad, Dwidayati N K 2018 Elementary School Student
[20] Azizah L, Mariani S, Rochmad 2012 High School Student
[21] Aryati T A, Santika T, Kartika H 2017 Junior School Student

[22] Wicaksana I N J, Wirya N, Margunayasa 2014 Elementary School Student


Based on the above article, the results of which have research shows that CORE learning model
positive effect on students' mathematical connection capability, so it can be used as an alternative in
helping students develop and improve connections.

4.1 Mathematically Connection Capability Indicators

Based on the exposure of the previous description, the mathematical connection is understood as the
relationships between mathematical topics, the relationship between mathematics with other disciplines,
and relevance of mathematics to the real world or in daily life. Thus, it can be concluded that the aspects
of the mathematical connection capability consist of aspects of internal connection and external
connection aspect. Aspects of internal connections consist of the relationships between mathematics

ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

with himself. While the external aspect consists of the relationships between mathematics with subjects
other than himself and the relationships between mathematics with students' daily lives.
Aspects of the mathematical connection can then be elaborated back into grains indicator to measure
the ability of students' mathematical connections. Recognizing the concepts and principles of
mathematics; recognizing the concept of other subjects; and using the concepts, principles and
procedures or arithmetic operations are indicators that may be a reference to determine or measure the
extent of students' mathematical connection capabilities.

4.2 CORE Learning Model as an Alternative to Improve Ability Mathematical Connections

Connecting, organizing, reflecting, and extending the elements in the CORE learning model [3] cyclical,
wherein each of the stages can not be passed without passing through or leaving the previous stage. The
elements of each stage circuit are complementary or falsify the previous stage. If the stages are done
correctly can help train students in the mathematical connection capabilities.
At this stage of connecting students will the recall of knowledge/information/topics that they already
know about the topic being or will they learn [4]. Recalling and associate previously learned knowledge
with the knowledge to be learned is the key mathematical connections. By constantly recalling previous
knowledge related to the topic being or will be studied, forcing students to not forget the knowledge
they have learned previously. If students are accustomed to doing so before starting to learn something
new, it is not possible ability to connect students will be honed and increasing. So that the connecting
stage is a stage that is instrumental in improving students' mathematical connection capabilities.
The knowledge that students remember back on stage connecting previously may be excessive. At
the stage of organizing knowledge-knowledge is managed again by students to information that students
can relevant to what they are being studied. At this stage the students to explain or criticize reflecting
the content, structure, and strategies of the knowledge they have acquired in the previous stage [12].
Students will precipitate what he had learned as a new knowledge structure which is enrichment or
revisions and prior knowledge. So at this stage, the students are alowed to rectify and improve
misunderstanding that perhaps they did before. So the organizing stage and reflecting also instrumental
in improving the ability of the student connections, connections that they understand precise limits.
On extending stage, students are allowed to use the knowledge that has been synthesized at earlier
stages and applied to something new [4]. This stage is the stage of determining whether knowledge that
students can understand well or not. Extending this stage also allows students to improve their external
connections, ie associating knowledge they have learned with knowledge/subjects other than
mathematics and real-life students.
Based on the exposure of the above discussion, it can be concluded that the CORE learning model
can be used as an alternative to improve students' mathematical connections that can be described by
the following scheme.

Figure 2. CORE models as an alternative to improve

the ability of students' mathematical connection

ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

4.3 CORE Model Implementation in Learning

As has been mentioned earlier that the CORE learning model can be used as an alternative to improve
the ability of students' mathematical connections. In its application must be certain that every step of
performing well, so the ability of students' mathematical connection can be trained well too. Here's an
example of the implementation of the CORE model of learning that may be a reference for teachers or
others who want to use the model of CORE, which is described in Table 3.

Table 3. Application of Model CORE in Learning

Step Activity
Preliminary Apperception & Motivation:
▪ The teacher gives an introduction about the importance of studying the topics
they will learn on that day by giving a few examples of applications or
benefits of the topics studied by students' daily lives.
▪ Connecting: The teacher recalls previous topics related to the topics to be
studied to provide questions to stimulate memories of students, then connect
with the topics they will learn.
Main ▪ Organizing: Students summarize and organize what is obtained at the stage
of connecting and write it down on a table by the teacher on the worksheet.
▪ Reflecting: Students are allowed to reflect with rechecking they wrote at the
stage of organizing worksheets and write the results of these reflections with
their language on the worksheet.
▪ Extending: Students apply/apply concepts learned by solving a relevant
Closing Teachers guide students to make inferences about learning activities that have
been carried out.
Teachers confirm of what has been learned.

In the preliminary activities, teachers must ensure that students have understood the material
preconditions because it will affect the success of learning on that day. At the CORE learning model,
the connecting stage is not necessarily done on the core activities of learning. Because in apperception
activities students also recall the material preconditions related to that will be studied on that day, with
the prerequisite material connecting with what will be learned also been included to stage the connecting.
The series of these stages can be repeated to adjust to many of the concepts that will be taught. The
example above is just an example of the application of the general CORE will be more detailed and
more if combined with material / specific topics that will be taught.

5. Conclusion
Students can make a list of mathematical concepts that have relevance to the real problems, not
necessarily able to explain why the concept is used. Therefore, the mathematical connection must be
trained to students at school. Due to the mathematical connection, students will better understand the
meaning behind what he is learning and being able to look at the topics of mathematics as a whole. A
series of stages in the CORE learning model positive impact on the development of students'
mathematical connection capabilities. So as CORE learning model is one alternative that can be applied
to teachers in the classroom to practice students' mathematical connection capabilities. With good
connection skills, students will more easily understand the benefits of mathematics and be able to see
mathematics as a whole that is interconnected.

ISIMMED 2019 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (2020) 012028 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1581/1/012028

6. References
[1] Jacob C 2005 Pengembangan Model CORE dlam Pembelajaran Logika dengan Pendekatan
RESIPROCAL TEACHING bagi Siswa SMA Negeri 9 Bandung dan SMA Negeri 1 Lembang
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[2] Dahar R W 2003 Teori-teori belajar (Jakarta: Gelora Aksara Prima)
[3] Miller R G, Calfee R C 2004 Making thinking visible: A method to encourage science writing in
upper elementary grades Science and Children 42 3 p 21 pp 20-25
[4] Curwen M S, Miller RG, White-Smith K A, Calfee R C 2010 Increasing teachers’ metacognition
develops students’ higher learning during content area literacy instruction: Findings from the
read-write cycle project Issues in Teacher Education 19 2 p 133, 134 pp 127-151
[5] Özgen K, ve Bindak R 2018 Matematiksel ilişkilendirme öz yeterlik ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi
Kastamonu Education Journal 26 3 p 914 pp 913-924
[6] NCTM 2000 Principles and Standars for School Mathematics (Reston: VA) p 64,275
[7] Lembke L O, Reys B J 1994 The Development of, and Interaction between, Intuitive and School-
Taught Ideas about Percent Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 25 3 p 253 pp
[8] Schunk D H 2012 Learning Theories an Educational Perspective (Boston: Pearson Education)
chapter 8 p 323
[9] Supratiningrum J 2013 Strategi pembelajaran p 22 (Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media)
[10] Santrock J W 2011 Educational Pscyhology (New York: McGraw Hill Companies) chapter 5 p
[11] Bruning R H, Schraw G J, Norby M M 2011 Cognitive psychology and instruction (Boston:
Pearson Education) chapter 5 p 205
[12] Dymock 2005 Teaching expository text structure awareness Teaching tips: the reading teacher
59 2 p 178
[13] Bergeson T 2000 Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Using Research to Shift From the
“Yesterday” Mind to the “Tommorow” Mind http://www.k12,
[14] Coxford A F 1995 The Case for Connections in Connecting Mathematics across the Curriculum
Editor: House, P.A. dan Coxford, A.F. p 3-4 (Virginia: NCTM)
[15] Sugiman 2008 Koneksi Matematika dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Menengah
Pertama Pythagoras 4 1 p 64
[16] Jihad A 2008 Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika (Tinjauan Teoritis dan Historis) (Bandung)
p 169
[17] Setyawan A A 2013 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-
Extending (Core) untuk Meningkatkan Keampuan Pemahaman dan Koneksi Matematis Siswa
Sekolah Menengah Atas Tesis (Bandung)
[18] Agustianti R, Amelia R 2018 Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa dengan
menggunakan Model Pembelajaran CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending).
JPMI-Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif 1 1 pp 1-6
[19] Yulianto A R, Rochmad, Dwidayati N K 2019 The Effectiveness of Core Models with Scaffolding
Journal of Primary Education 9 1 pp 1-7
[20] Azizah L, Mariani S, Rochmad 2012 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Core
Bernuansa Konstruktivistik untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Unnes
Journal of Mathematics Education Research 1 2 pp 100-105
[21] Aryati T A, Santika T, Kartika H 2017 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Core (Connecting,
Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) terhadap Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa SMP
Kelas VIII Proceedings Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
(SESIOMADIKA) pp 517-525
[22] Wicaksana I N J, Wirya N, Margunayasa I G 2014 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Core
(Connecting Organizing Reflecting Extending) Berbasis Koneksi Matematis terhadap Hasil
Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha 2 1 pp 1-10

MaPan : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran
p-ISSN: 2354-6883 ; e-ISSN: 2581-172X
Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 (153-167)



M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)
1,2Universitas Negeri Semarang
1,2Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang

E-mail: m.a.29niam@gmail.com1),

Received June 08, 2020; Revised June 29, 2020; Accepted June 29, 2020

This research is development research that aims to develop mathematics teaching
materials related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This
research uses the stages of Research and Development, including problem and data
collection, product design, design validation, product test (practicality test), trial test
(pretest and posttest), and final product. The results show that teaching materials are
valid, practical, and effective to increase mathematical connection ability. The results
of the test indicate that teaching materials are valid to use in learning with a percentage
of 94.42%. The practicality test results show that teaching materials are easily practised
by students, with a percentage of 87.47%. The analysis of the results of the pretest and
posttest showed that there was an effective increase in the mathematical connection
ability with the n-gain test results of 0.628 on the medium criteria. Thus, mathematics
teaching materials in this research can be used in learning, and the copyright was
submitted by the electronic intellectual wealth General Directory.

Keyword: Development, Teaching Materials, STEM, Mathematical Connection



Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk
mengembangkan bahan ajar matematika yang berhubungan dengan Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Penelitian ini menggunakan
tahapan penelitian dan pengembangan, yaitu masalah dan pengumpulan data, desain
produk, validasi desain, uji produk (tes kepraktisan), uji coba (pretest dan posttest),
dan produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar tersebut valid,
praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis. Hasil tes
menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar valid untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran dengan
persentase 94,42%. Hasil tes kepraktisan menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar mudah
digunakan oleh siswa, dengan persentase 87,47%. Analisis hasil pretest dan posttest
menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang efektif dalam kemampuan koneksi
matematis dengan hasil tes n-gain dari 0,628 pada kriteria medium. Dengan demikian,

[ 153 ]
Copyright © 2020, MaPan : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran
M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)

materi pengajaran matematika dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan dalam

pembelajaran, dan hak cipta disampaikan oleh kekayaan intelektual elektronik
direktori umum.

Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Bahan Ajar, STEM, Koneksi Matematis

How to Cite: Niam, M, A., & Asikin, M. (2020). The Development of Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-Based Mathematics Teaching
Materials to Increase Mathematical Connection Ability. MaPan: Jurnal Matematika dan
Pembelajaran, 8(1), 153-167.


ducation is the main thing that must be owned by the community as a
milestone in practicing heterogeneous and modern life. In Law Number
20 of 2003, education is a conscious and planned effort to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop
their potential to have religious-spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation, and
country. One of the real efforts that can be done to improve national education
standards is the use of learning sources. Teaching material is one of the learning
sources that apply various concepts according to the needs of the standard
competencies and basic competencies mentioned in the curriculum (Rokhman
& Yuliati, 2010).
Mathematics is one branch of science that has an important role in the
development of science in this globalization era. The development of science
and knowledge requires good mathematical abilities (Setiawan, Suyitno, &
Susilo, 2017). The purpose of learning mathematics is that students must have
five mathematical ability standards, namely problem-solving, communication,
connection, reasoning, and representation (NCTM, 2000). In mathematics
learning, understanding is needed in harmony with the trends that exist in the
current era of globalization, one of which is learning by using the STEM
STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (Pimthong & Williams, 2020). The STEM approach uses two or
more subjects in the STEM coverage area and also uses one or more other
subjects in school (Sanders, 2009). The subjects of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics are closely related to each other (Tseng, Chang,
Lou, & Chen, 2013). The development of STEM-based mathematics teaching

154| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

materials will have a positive influence on students for material association with
other aspects and concepts mastery in learning. This is supported by research
which states that learning using STEM-based teaching materials can improve
students' concept mastery (Pangesti, Yulianti, & Sugianto, 2017). It is necessary
to develop STEM-based mathematics teaching materials that can increase
students' mathematical connection ability.
The mathematical connection is students' understanding in connecting
mathematical ideas that facilitate the formulation ability and verify deductive
conjectures between topics (Rohendi & Dulpaja, 2013). The purpose of
mathematical learning is students can understand mathematical concepts,
explain interrelationships between concepts, and apply concepts or algorithms
flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and precisely in problem-solving (Astuti,
Hartono, Bunayati, & Sriwijaya, 2017). In order to broaden students' insights,
mathematical problems need to be connected with other materials, also
connected with examples of daily life or applied to the field of technology,
which is all expected to be based on conservation (Pujiastuti, Mulyono, &
Soedjoko, 2018).
The results showed that the ability of mathematical connections between
one topic with another topic was around 55%, while the ability of mathematical
connections with other sciences was 40%, and the lowest mathematical
connection ability was connections with real-life which was only 2% (Saminanto
& Kartono, 2015). So, it can be concluded that the mathematical connection
ability of students is still relatively low. Some learning resources that have not
been able to train students' thinking ability can be a trigger factor for the low
ability of mathematical connections among students. STEM-based mathematics
teaching materials can be the right choice because learning using these teaching
materials focuses on learning students to try to find solutions to problems that
have many solutions (Phungsuk, Viriyavejakul, & Ratanaolarn, 2017).
Based on the above background description, further research is needed
on "the development of STEM-based mathematics teaching materials to increase
the ability of Mathematical Connections". The purpose of this study is to
determine the level of validity and the level of practice of the STEM-based
mathematics teaching material that is developed and to know the increase in the
ability of mathematical connections after the application of the STEM-based
mathematics teaching material.

Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |155

M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)

This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. R&D
method is a research method used to produce specific products and test the
effectiveness of these products (Sugiyono, 2017). Through this research method,
a product in the form of STEM mathematics teaching materials is developed to
increase mathematical connection ability.
In this research, the teaching materials is a book for students. The
implementation of this study began with the design of validated teaching
materials to 7 validators from december 2019 until february 2020 to validate the
validity of STEM-based mathematics teaching materials on two variables linear
equation system. Then, it was continued with the practical test that is carried
out in the gap text, which must be completed by students in the allotted time.
Next, working on pretest and posttest with 6 questions derived from teaching
materials related to the indicator of mathematical connection ability to find out
the increase of mathematical connection ability, which was carried out on 2-16
march 2020 at MTs Nahdlatusy Syubban Demak.
The development research procedure used in this study is a modification
of the R&D method (Sugiyono, 2017). The stages in this study include problems
and data collection, product design, design validation, product test (practical
test), trial test (pretest and posttest), and final product. Data collection
techniques are used to obtain research data included a questionnaire of the level
of validity of STEM-based mathematics teaching materials and tests on the
practice of teaching materials and students' mathematical connection ability.
The results of the validity level and practical level are analyzed using the
following equation.

𝑝 = 𝑛 x100% (Sudijono, 2014)

Where p is the percentage score, f is the number of scores obtained, and n

is the maximum number of points scored. Furthermore, the results of the
analysis of each test are associated with assessment criteria. Criteria for the level
of validity of teaching materials are shown in table 1 (Akbar, 2013).

156| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

Table 1. Criteria for the Level of Validity

Percentage Score Criteria
𝟏% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟓𝟎% Not valid
𝟓𝟎% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟕𝟎% Rather
𝟕𝟎% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟖𝟓% Valid
𝟖𝟓% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟎% Excellent

The criteria of practicality level of teaching materials, according to Rankin

& Culhane (Rosmiani, 2009), is shown in table 2.

Table 2. Criteria for the Level of Practicality

Readibility Levels Criteria
𝟏% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟒𝟎% Difficult for students
𝟒𝟎% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟔𝟎% Suitable for students
𝟔𝟎% < 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟎% easy to understand

The increasing score in mathematical connection ability can be analyzed

using the gain scores (Hake, 1999), the formula that is used is:

𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝑔) =
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

Criteria on the analysis of gain to be used, is shown in table 3 (Hake, 1999).

Table 3. The Criteria of N-Gain (g)

N-Gain Criteria
(𝒈) ≤ 𝟎, 𝟑𝟎 Low
( )
𝟎, 𝟑𝟎 < 𝒈 ≤ 𝟎, 𝟕𝟎 Medium
𝟎, 𝟕𝟎 < (𝒈) High


Problems and Data Collection
In the first, researchers conducted observations at the MTs Nahdlatusy
Syubban Demak. Observations were made to the Mathematics teacher of MTs
Nahdlatusy Syubban Demak. The teacher stated that learning mathematics in
class so far had used teaching materials in the form of Student Worksheets,
which contained a material summary and practical formulas to answer the
problem. The teaching material is not equipped with problems that can connect

Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |157

M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)

the student's ability with other aspects such as science, technology, and
engineering. Students are encouraged to memorize these practical formulas in
preparation for tests. It accord with student worksheets that is material in
learning that guides students on how to learn with practical learning steps
(Kolomuc, Ozmen, Metin, & Acisli, 2012).
STEM, which focuses on science and mathematics and combines these
two disciplines with technology and engineering, has been defined in various
ways (Acar, Tertemiz, & Tasdemir, 2018). STEM in learning has better
achievement than conventional learning (Lou, Shih, Diez, & Tseng, 2011). It can
be concluded that STEM-based teaching materials can improve students'
concept mastery, characterized by an increase in the value of pretest to posttest
(Pangesti, Yulianti, & Sugianto, 2017). This problem underlies the development
of STEM-based mathematics teaching materials in the Two-Variable Linear
Equation System material as appropriate teaching materials and according to
the needs of students.
The researcher analyzes the needs of teaching materials, which include
analyses of core competencies, basic competencies, and competencies
achievement indicators. Then, researchers compile a concept map to determine
the order of material and make it easier for students to understand teaching
materials correctly. It accord with the concept map that is proposed as tools for
teaching, learning, and evaluating in obtaining structured knowledge to
diagnoses misconceptions (Chiou, Lee, & Liu, 2012).
Product Design
The researcher compiles drafts and layouts to produce a STEM-based
teaching material product in terms of content and appearance. Students were
engaged in both abstract learning (science and mathematics) and concrete
application (Engineering and Technology) to increase learning capacity to
absorb new material creatively and innovatively (John, Bettye, Ezra & Robert,
2016). Teaching material contains Two-Variable Linear Equation System, which
is related to the STEM aspects and assessment of teaching materials by BSNP.
The STEM-based mathematics teaching material consists of a discussion
of the material in each section of teaching material that is given a picture
according to the problem given. Using words and pictures in a media can have
a better effect (Cloonan & Fingeret, 2020). Teaching material consists of three
main parts, namely beginning, content, and closing. figure 1 below is the
instruction design of the use of STEM-based mathematics teaching material.

158| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

Figure 1. Instructional Design of the Use of Teaching Material

Teaching material begins with initial instructions that explain the

relationship of the material with STEM aspects. Connection aspects of science
are presented in a green container labeled "Science", the technological aspect is
presented in a blue container labeled "Technology", the engineering aspect is
presented in a red container labeled "Engineering", and the mathematics aspect
is integrated with a purple container labeled "Mathematics". Before learning,
students are given a problem to find out one of the mathematical figures
contained in the container labeled "who is this character?". Problem illustration
from the description of material contained in the container labeled "illustration
of the problem". Evaluation of each sub-chapter that connect mathematical
concepts to STEM aspects is contained in a container labeled "evaluation". The
question exercises that connect mathematical concepts with other concepts, and
invite discussion of a problem are contained in a container labeled "evaluation
and discussion of problems". The final part of the teaching material labeled
"competency test" as the final exercise in learning. It accord with research that
explains learning that emphasizes the activeness of students to explore a

Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |159

M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)

concept or principle in mathematics through inquiry activities that can improve

mathematical connection ability (Badjeber & Fatimah, 2015).
Design Validation
The validity of Mathematics Teaching Materials
Assessment from teaching material consists of 3 aspects, namely aspects
of validity content, presentation, and language. Based on the results of the
validity test with STEM-based teaching materials, it is known the percentage of
the validity of each aspect in teaching materials, as presented in table 4.

Table 4. Result of Validity of Each Aspect in Teaching Material

Aspect P (%) Criteria
Conten validity 93,36 Excellent
Presentation validity 93,82 Excellent
Language validity 90,1 Excellent
Average 92,42 Excellent

Teaching material contains aspects of content, presentation, and

language by excellent criteria. Thus, teaching materials have achieved the
validity based on aspects and assessment criteria of BSNP that have been
modified. Therefore, teaching materials are valid to be produced and used in
learning but need to be revised according to the validator's advice. The study
states that the mathematics books with STEM approach that is compiled based
on basic competencies contained in the 2013 curriculum are valid to use in
learning after the validation process (Utami, Jatmiko, & Suherman, 2018).
The assessment of content validity aspect shows that teaching material
contains excellent criteria. Therefore, teaching materials will help students in
mastering concepts and materials according to competencies that must be
possessed (Nurichah, 2012). Evaluation of presentation validity aspect shows
that teaching material contains excellent criteria because the presentation is
coherent and consistent in 3 main parts, namely beginning, content, and closing
according to BSNP criteria. Results of development teaching materials that refer
to BSNP are declared to be excellent and effectively used in the learning process
(Arafah, Ridlo, & Priyono, 2012). Assessment of language aspects shows that
teaching material contains excellent criteria. It accord with research that
explains using language in teaching materials according to the rules of the
Indonesian language, choice of words that are easy to understand, and using

160| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

simple sentences will make it easier for students to understand the intent of the
author (Nugraha & Binadja, 2013).
Product Test
Practicality of Mathematics Teaching Material
A practical test was conducted on 23 students. A practical test is carried
out in the gap text, which must be completed by students in the allotted time.
The composition of gap text is based on the quoted text in teaching material,
which is made in several 50 gap words. It accord with vocabulary and grammar
that need to be conveyed in context and students must be given the opportunity
to use the language they learn in class (Arikan, 2014).
The practicality test results of teaching materials get an average percentage
value of 87.47%. Students can answer test questions with an average total of
about 43 correct answers. These results indicate that teaching materials are
practical and easily understood by students according to the scale of
practicability. Through practicality, it can be measured at a glance there is
reading interest to students towards 2 things that contradict each other (Dobres,
Chahine, & Reimer, 2017). Thus, STEM-based mathematics teaching materials
are practical and can be understood by readers well.
Trial Test
The trial test includes a pretest, delivery of core material from STEM-
based teaching materials, and ends with a posttest. The pretest is used to
evaluate the initial knowledge of students, while the posttest is used to measure
the effectiveness of an experiment using teaching materials in learning (Chiou,
Lee, & Liu, 2012). Pretest and posttest aimed to determine the use of teaching
materials can increase students' mathematical connection ability. Pretest and
posttest results show that learning using teaching materials can increase
students' scientific reasoning ability (Tsai, Jou, Wang, & Huang, 2017).
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to determine whether pretest and
posttest are effective to increase mathematical connection ability.
Increased Mathematical Connection ability
Prerequisite Test
The prerequisite test is normality tests from pretest and posttest data to
find out whether data is normally distributed or not. The hypothesis proposed
that is
𝐻0 : pretest and posttest data are normally distributed.
𝐻1 : pretest and posttest data are not normally distributed.

Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |161

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The normality test in this study uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with the
help of the SPSS 24.0 program. Pretest and posttest data are said normally
distributed if the value of 𝑠𝑖𝑔 > 𝛼 = 0,05. Based on the normality test results
obtained significance value for pretest data is 𝑠𝑖𝑔 = 0,2 > 𝛼 = 0,05 and postest
is 𝑠𝑖𝑔 = 0,2 > 𝛼 = 0,05. Based on testing criteria, 𝐻0 is accepted. This shows
that the pretest and posttest data from students are normally distributed. Then
pretest and posttest data can be analyzed with the next test in the form of an n-
gain test.
N-Gain Test
Improvement of students 'mathematical connection ability is assessed
through written tests with six questions from STEM-based mathematics
teaching materials that refer to indicators of students' mathematical connection
ability. Results of the n-gain average pretest and posttest are shown in table 5.

Table 5. The Result of N-gain Test

Average N-Gain Criteria
Pretest Postest
24,46 71,9 0,628 Medium

Result n-gain is 0.628 indicates that the increase occurred in the medium
category (Hake, 1999). This shows that the use of STEM-based mathematics
teaching materials can help improve mathematical connection ability. Based on
Pangesti, Yulianti, & Sugianto (2017), the similarity between this research with
others is they all develop teaching materials and get results of n-gain in the
medium category. Nevertheless, the difference with other research is improving
the mathematical connection ability as a product of research results.
Indicators of mathematical connection ability are based on NCTM,
namely connecting between topics in mathematics, in one mathematical topic,
between mathematics with other sciences, and mathematics with daily life
(Saminanto & Kartono, 2015). Based on figure 2, the four indicators have
experienced an increase in the average pretest and posttest value. The increase
in mathematical connection ability using the n-gain test is shown in figure 3.

162| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

Figure 2. Result of Pretest - Posttest

Figure 3. Result of n-gain Test

Results of N-gain test of each indicator that is connecting between topics

in mathematics gained 0.76 in the high category, connecting in one
mathematical topic gained 0.32 in the medium category, connecting
mathematics with other sciences gained 0.41 in the medium category, and
connecting mathematics with daily life gained 0.81 in the high category.
Therefore, teaching material is concluded to be able to improve mathematical
connection ability. STEM-based mathematics teaching materials that can
improve mathematical connection ability and support research that teachers
and book writers must prepare classroom learning that can improve the
connection skills and the quality of problems associated with real-life in reading
books (Altay, Yalvac, & Yeltekin, 2017).
Final Product
The STEM-based mathematics teaching material is valid for learning,
practicality score that is practical and easy to understand, and effective to

Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |163

M. A. Niam1), M. Asikin2)

increase mathematical connection ability, teaching material is put to be given e-

copyrights. The final product of STEM-based mathematics teaching materials
consists of three main components according to BSNP criteria, namely
beginning, content, and closing of teaching material. Results of development
teaching materials that refer to BSNP is declared to be valid and effectively used
in the learning process (Arafah, Ridlo, & Priyono, 2012). In this teaching
material, each discussion of problems is solved with consistently in using
mathematical connection indicators. Thus, the development of STEM-based
mathematics teaching materials in the linear two-variable equation system can
improve the mathematical connection ability.
From the result, mathematics teaching materials in this research can be
used in learning, and the copyright was submitted by the electronic intellectual
wealth General Directory. Based on (Rokhman & Yuliati, 2010; Astuti, Hartono,
Bunayati, & Sriwijaya, 2017; Cloonan & Fingeret, 2020), the similarity between
this research with others is they all develop the teaching materials.
Nevertheless, the differences with other research are the connection of teaching
materials with STEM aspects that are valid, practical, and effective to increase
mathematical connection ability as a product of research result.

STEM-based mathematics teaching material that was produced is valid
to use in learning with an average percentage of validity 92.42%. Teaching
material containing the content validity aspect in criteria is excellent with a
percentage of 93.36%, the presentation validity aspects in criteria are excellent
with a percentage of 93.82%, and the language validity aspect in criteria is
excellent with a percentage of 90.1%. In addition, teaching material is practical
and easily understood by students with a practical percentage of 87.56%. These
results indicate that students can answer the test questions with an average of
43 correct answers. Meanwhile, the result of the n-gain test is 0.628 on medium
criteria showed an effective increase in students' mathematical connection
ability. Thus, mathematics teaching materials in this research can be used in
learning, and the copyright was submitted by the electronic intellectual wealth
General Directory. However, the development of STEM mathematics teaching
materials is still limited to the material of the two-variable linear equation
system, so it is necessary to research the development of other materials.

164| Volume 8, No 1, June 2020

The Development of STEM…

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Volume 8, No 1, June 2020 |167

UJMER 10 (1) (2021) 35 - 39

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research

Analysis of Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Independent

Character in Project Based Learning Assisted With Digital Module

Kusnandar Kusnandar 1, Iwan Junaedi2, Amin Suyitno2

SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman, Batang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

____________ ____________________________________________________________
Article History: The purpose of this study is to describe the students' mathematical connection
Received : ability based on their independent character in Project Based Learning assisted
10 January 2021 with digital module. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with the
Accepted: research subjects are students of grade XI TAV 1 SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman in the
03 February 2021 2019/2020 academic year as many as 36 people. The data were collected by using
Published: questionnaire, observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis was
30 June 2021
conducted by data reduction, data display, triangulation, data interpretation, and
data conclusion. The result show that the students' independent character has two
Digital module, categories, namely very independent and independent. Students’ mathematical
independent character, connection ability are varied for both independent character category.
connection ability,
project based learning

Correspondence: p-ISSN 2252-6455
Jalan Raya Kandeman KM. 4 Batang, Jawa Tengah 51261 Indonesia
e-ISSN 2502-4507

Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

INTRODUCTION that are systematically arranged into specific learning

units, which are presented in an electronic format
Students' mathematical connection skills need (Directorate of SHSD, 2017). The digital module can
to be further developed so that students can better be created in various file formats, including epub. The
understand mathematical topics and can use epub format digital module can contain videos and
mathematics in their daily life. This is necessary interactive exercises, and is equipped with video
because a mathematical connection can link a tutorials, animations, or audio presentations to enrich
mathematical material with other materials, subjects the learning experience. The epub format digital
other than mathematics, and everyday life. module can be accessed via a computer or smart
Mathematical connection ability is the ability device which has software installed to read this epub
to understand and associate relationships between format file.
mathematical topics or mathematical topics with The use of digital module can help students
other topics outside mathematics, and to use these learn independently, increase student learning
relationships (Kenedi et al, 2019; Junaedi & Asikin, motivation, are effective and efficient, easy to
2012). Mathematical connections are structured understand and use, contain various features such as
networks as links or intermediaries between videos, and are practical (Amielia et al, 2018;
mathematical ideas just like spider webs (Eli et al, Sugianto et al, 2013; Febrianti et al, 2017). Learning
2013; Zengin, 2019). to use digital modules supports students to develop
Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman is learning steps, needs, and abilities that affect student
directed to make students achieve skills and learning outcomes (Hairida, 2016; Hamdunah et al,
competencies so that they are ready to enter the 2016).
world of work. Students’ character, one of which is Since March 16, 2020, learning at SMK Negeri
independent character, is needed to support their 1 Kandeman has been carried out online due to the
skills and competencies. Independent character is the Covid-19 pandemic. Learning during a pandemic
tendency to determine by himself the actions he takes needs to be done in an interesting way, for example
and not determined by others (Suharnan, 2012). using software or learning videos (Wijaya et al, 2020).
Independent character supports students to be able to Learning is carried out virtually using Google Meet.
adapt to the environment, determines job readiness, Efforts in facilitating students' mathematical
influences career maturity, and supports creativity, connection ability can be carried out in Project Based
and determines the level of life satisfaction and Learning assisted with digital module. This
happiness (Simamora et al, 2015; Suharnan, 2012). mathematical connection ability needs to be
Independent character is also one of the priorities for described according to the students' independent
character strengthening education at SMK Negeri 1 character, whether the value of the mathematical
Kandeman, in addition to the character of religious connection obtained is really a representation of the
values. independent character they have or not.
Learning facilitation by the teacher needs to be The purpose of this study is to describe
adjusted to the chosen learning model, one of which students’ mathematical connection ability based on
is Project Based Learning which is in line with the the students’ independent character in Project Based
implementation of the 2013 Curriculum at SMK Learning assisted with digital module.
Negeri 1 Kandeman. The implementation of Project
Based Learning allows students to explore their METHOD
activities in achieving learning goals, by using various
learning resources, learning methods, and learning The study was conducted using qualitative
media. This exploration encourages students to methods. The research subjects were 36 students of
develop their mathematical connection ability. class XI TAV 1 SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman in the
Project Based Learning can be combined with 2019/2020 academic year. The study data were
the use of digital modules. The digital module is a collected by means of questionnaires, tests,
form of presenting independent learning materials documentation, interviews, and observations.
Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

Students’ independent character data were obtained 2012). The independent character of the students is
through questionnaires, while data on students' categorized as very independent, independent and
mathematical connection abilities was obtained less independent (Hidayah et al, 2019; Anzora, 2017).
through tests. Data analysis was performed by data The independent character questionnaire link
reduction, data display, triangulation, data was shared via class WhatsApp group with a time
interpretation, and data conclusion. Meanwhile the limit for filling out. From a total of 36 students, 33
data validity test includes credibility test, students filled out the questionnaire before the
transferability test, dependability test, and deadline, 2 students filled out the questionnaire on
confirmability test (Sugiyono, 2017). The credibility the time limit, and 1 student filled out after the time
test was carried out by triangulation of method and limit.
triangulation of sources, the transferability test was After obtaining the students’ independent
carried out by describing students’ mathematical character data, the researcher analyzed the result of
connection ability in Project Based Learning assisted the students' independent character. Based on the
with digital module in detail and systematically. The research data, it was found out that the students’
dependability test was carried out by taking students independent character in the category of very
data according to the independent character and the independent and independent. Sixteen students were
pattern of their mathematical connection ability, the in very independent character category and 20
confirmability test was conducted by linking the students were in independent character category.
research data with existing theories, confirming the Furthermore, it was conducted Project Based
result of research with experts or supervisors. learning assisted with digital module and a
mathematical connection ability test (MCAT) was
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS given to the research subjects at the end of the lesson.
Based on the result of the final MCAT, the data
To obtain a description of students' obtained from the students' mathematical connection
mathematical connection ability based on students' ability were 10 students with very high mathematical
independent character, the researcher determined 3 connection ability, 18 students with high
instruments consisting of an independent character mathematical connection ability, and 8 students with
questionnaire, a mathematical connection ability test, moderate mathematical connection ability. The
and an interview. Independent character students' mathematical connection ability is
questionnaire was compiled using Google Forms, confirmed by the students' independent character
where links were shared to the students via the class through analysis of the final MCAT result and
WhatsApp group to identify students' independent deepened by interviews. Interviews were conducted
character. The mathematical connection ability test in by researcher with several subjects and two
the form of an essay written test description was vocational subject teachers because there were more
given to identify the students’ mathematical hours of vocational subjects than mathematics, so it
connection ability according to the mathematical was possible that vocational teachers could recognize
connection indicators. Interviews were conducted in students' character and ability.
private between the researcher and the research The pattern of students' mathematical
subject through the WhatsApp message service to connection ability is described based on mastery of
ensure the identification result of the students' the mathematical connection indicators (MCI). The
independent character with the students’ mathematical connection indicators used are (1) inter-
mathematical connection ability. topic connection in a mathematics material; (2) the
The independent character questionnaire is connection between the topic in a mathematics
prepared according to the characteristics of material with other material in mathematics that has
independent behavior which include, (1) taking the been studied; (3) the connection between
initiative to act and controlling the activities carried mathematics topic and other subjects other than
out, (2) empowering one's ability, and (3) mathematics; (4) the connection between
appreciating the results of one's own work (Suharnan, mathematics topics and everyday life; (5) the
Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

connection between the topic of mathematics and mathematical connection ability which is not
technology (Agustini et al, 2017; Saminanto & necessarily the same.
Kartono, 2018). The description of the pattern of
students' mathematical connection ability based on CONCLUSION
the students' independent character is as follows.
The pattern of the students’ mathematical
Students with very independent character connection ability of grade XI of SMK Negeri 1
There are 16 students who belong to very Kandeman based on the students’ independent
independent character category with 3 categories of character of in Project Based Learning assisted with
mathematical connection ability, namely very high, digital module is varied. There are students with very
high, and moderate. Of the 16 students, 9 students independent character who have very high, high, and
have very high mathematical connection ability, 6 moderate category of mathematical connection
students have high mathematical connection ability, ability. There are students with very independent
and 1 student has moderate mathematical connection character who master indicator 2, indicator 3, and
ability. The following is a description of the pattern of indicator 5 well, enough to master indicator 4, but
the students' mathematical connection ability with less master indicator 1. There are students with
very independent character. independent character who have very high, high, and
Students with very independent character moderate category of mathematical connection
having very high mathematical connection ability ability. There are students with independent character
gain the scores of 84, 80, and 76. Those with high who master indicator 3 well, enough to master
mathematical connection ability get the scores of 72, indicator 2 and indicator 4, while indicator 1 and
68, and 68. One student with moderate mathematical indicator 5 are not well mastered by students.
connection ability scores 44.
Students with independent character
There are 20 students with independent Agustini, R. Y., Suryadi, D., & Jupri, A. (2017).
character category. They belong to 3 categories of Construction of Open-Ended Problems for
mathematical connection ability, namely very high, Assessing Elementary Student Mathematical
high, and moderate. Of the 20 students, 1 student has Connection Ability on Plane Geometry.
very high mathematical connection ability, 12 Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 895, 1-8.
students have high mathematical connection ability, Amielia, S. D., Suciati, & Maridi. (2018). Enhancing
and 7 students have moderate mathematical Students’ Argumentation Skills Using an
connection ability. The following is a description of Argument Driven Inquiry-Based Module.
the pattern of the students' mathematical connection Journal of Education and Learning, 12(3), 464-
ability with independent characters. 471.
Among the 20 students with independent Anzora. (2017). Analisis Kemandirian Siswa pada
character, there are students who scoring 76 in Pembelajaran Matematika dengan
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categorized very high, scoring 68, 64, and 60 with Gantang, 2(2), 99-103.
high category, and scoring 56, 52, and 48 with Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W.
moderate category. (2013). Mathematical Connections and Their
From 36 students as research subjects, it was Relationship to Mathematics Knowledge for
obtained that the mathematical connection ability of Teaching Geometry. School Science and
students based on their independent character had Mathematics, 113(3), 120-134.
various patterns. Even students who have Febrianti, K. V., Bakri, F., & Nasbey, H. (2017).
independent character and mathematical connection Pengembangan Modul Digital Fisika Berbasis
ability with the same category have a pattern of Discovery Learning pada Pokok Bahasan

Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

Kinematika Gerak Lurus. Jurnal Wahana Directorate of Senior High School Development
Pendidikan Fisika, 2(2), 18-26. (2017). Panduan Praktis Penyusunan E-modul.
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Based Natural Science Module with Authentic Saminanto & Kartono. (2015). Analysis of
Assessment to Improve The Critical Thinking Mathematical Connection Ability in Linear
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Teaching terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika INVOTEC, 9(2), 101-116.
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Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D.
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Mathematics Education, 10(1), 69-80. Environment. Education and Information
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Education and Information Technologies

Development of mathematical connection skills in a dynamic

learning environment

Yılmaz Zengin 1

Received: 13 October 2018 / Accepted: 15 January 2019/

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of GeoGebra software on
pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection skills. The participants of the
study comprised 22 pre-service mathematics teachers. A mathematical connec-
tion self-efficacy scale and an open-ended questionnaire regarding mathematical
connection skills were used as data collection tools. The implementations
undertaken with the participants lasted 13 weeks in the dynamic learning
environment. After GeoGebra implementations, the quantitative data were ana-
lyzed using a dependent t-test and the qualitative data obtained with the open-
ended questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Based on the
results, it was determined that GeoGebra software could be used as an impor-
tant tool for the development of mathematical connection skills.

Keywords Mathematical connection . Dynamic learning environment . GeoGebra . Pre-

service teachers

1 Introduction

Considering the rapidly growing global economy, mathematics learning and teaching
processes and teacher education programs should be designed to train individuals
capable of critical thinking, problem-solving, making connections, and innovation
(Eli et al. 2013). While individuals acquire content knowledge in order to acquire these
abilities at school, the following process standards also play an important role: problem
solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation (Nation-
al Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] 2005). Piaget (1977) emphasized that
as a result of making connections between sensory experiences and existing schema,

* Yılmaz Zengin

Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Ziya Gökalp Education Faculty, Dicle
University, 21280 Diyarbakır, Turkey
Education and Information Technologies

meaning occurred when individuals constructed, developed and organized it. Consid-
ering the approach of Piaget (1977), it is found that connections, one of the process
standards, play an important role in school mathematics. In addition, it was emphasized
by Chapman (2012) that connections are among the most important processes empha-
sized in the curriculum in mathematics education and in learning and teaching pro-
cesses because when connections occur in the brain, learning related to the relevant
concept also occurs (Baki 2008). Connectional understanding, which consists of
connections among different mathematical concepts, helps students to develop their
understanding of how to link these concepts to previous knowledge. In addition,
students who can connect mathematical ideas can address mathematical tasks and
make connections between new ideas and the relevant ones (Leikin and Levav-
Waynberg 2007). One of the fundamental learning principles of school mathematics
is that students must actively build new knowledge from experience and prior knowl-
edge (NCTM 2005). When students connect new knowledge with existing mathemat-
ical understanding, they have an opportunity to regard mathematics as their own history
and lives. Moreover, connections which students develop and use among the mathe-
matical ideas provide them with an opportunity to engage in conceptual learning
(Anthony and Walshaw 2009). As students make connections among mathematical
ideas during the process of learning and teaching of mathematics, their mathematical
understanding becomes deeper and more lasting (NCTM 2005). Thus, students con-
struct their own mathematical knowledge using both internal and external mathematical
connections (Bosse 2007). It is anticipated that teachers must be aware of mathematical
connections and understand them such that the role of connections, one of the most
important processes for mathematics education, in learning and doing mathematics can
be revealed (Chapman 2012). To realize this expectation, teacher education programs
must be designed with this in mind and traditional habits must change (Baki 2008). It
has been determined that pre-service teachers do not use different contexts or use a
context which is decontextualized; that is, they lose the reality of context and mathe-
matical richness (Nicol 2002). However, mathematical connections will be restricted to
the cognitive behavioral dimension.
Both beliefs and knowledge closely interact with each other. Bandura (1994) defines
how an individual’s beliefs can denote self-efficacy. According to Bandura (1994),
Bperceived self-efficacy is defined as people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce
designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives.
Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.^
(p. 71). In this context, self-efficacy, which plays an important role in all disciplines, is an
important element in terms of mathematics learning and teaching process. As self-efficacy
is defined as an individual’s beliefs or perceptions about his or her capabilities, one must
consider that pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs regarding making mathematical
connections must be at the highest level. It is intended that mathematical connection skills,
considered as important as students’ problem-solving, modeling, communication, and
reasoning and proof skills, must be acquired during the education process; in other words,
pre-service teachers must possess these skills. It is therefore highly important that pre-
service teachers’ mathematical connection skills and beliefs be developed (Özgen and
Bindak 2018). However, it has been found that pre-service teachers have difficulties
examining the connections and relationships among the different representations of an
object or a situation (e.g., the concept of derivative) (Yavuz-Mumcu 2018). Similarly,
Education and Information Technologies

Livy and Vale (2011) determined that pre-service teachers had difficulties interpreting
mathematical concepts, and the underlying cause of these difficulties was the underde-
veloped mathematical connections. In addition, Yiğit-Koyunkaya et al. (2018) found that
pre-service mathematics teachers believed in the necessity and significance of
mathematical connection, but had difficulties in reflecting connectional context in their
learning activities. In addition, Lee (2012) revealed that pre-service teachers showed
inconsistencies between their beliefs and posed story problems for real-life connections in
mathematics. Özgen (2013a) stated that pre-service teachers had limited knowledge of
and practice with mathematical connections. At this point, it would be highly effective to
benefit from dynamic geometry software (DGS), as DGS offers different representations
of the same object and provides students with opportunities for numerous physical
manipulations which are difficult or indeed impossible to perform by hand, and helps in
the exploration, examination, comparison, and verification of conjectures during the
learning process (Albaladejo et al. 2015).
DGS enables students to think about such questions as Bwhy,^ Bwhat occurs if ...,^
and Bwhat would occur if it did not/were not...^ (Hoyles and Jones 1998). DGS
attributes different meanings to drawings and geometric figures. In other words, when
a drawing is placed next to a geometric structure, it is either similar to it or an image of
it, but, the geometric structure is evaluated as the conceptual structure which provides
all the relations of a geometrical object (Jones 2000). It was revealed that DGS
visualized lessons, structured the exploration process, made contributions to the proof
process, and helped to structure concepts and explain geometrical relationships (Jones
2002). It was identified that DGS increased student achievement (Hansen 2004; Leong
2013) and developed their attitude towards mathematics positively (O’Donnell 2011).
GeoGebra, which has characteristics of DGS, computer algebra systems, and spread-
sheets (Hohenwarter and Lavicza 2009), helps students explore connections between
mathematical objects and graphical representations. In addition, GeoGebra offers
students opportunities to make connections between visual and numeric representations
at different levels (Dikovic 2009). GeoGebra also enables them to make connections
among geometry, measurement, and algebra easily, and while learning mathematics,
these connections need to be made to promote student motivation (Furner and Marinas
2012). In addition, GeoGebra supports collaborative learning, scientific debate, and
argumentation processes in a sociocultural learning setting, and helps pre-service
teachers construct algebraic and geometric connections (Zengin 2018a). GeoGebra
not only experiences intra-mathematical connections but also fosters the use of extra-
mathematical connections in the learning environment. GeoGebra enables the relating
and understanding of real-world problems, and students examine the connections
between photography and mathematical understanding (Furner and Marinas 2013).
Important issues in mathematics education include pre-service teachers being aware of
their self-efficacy about mathematical connections; their skills must be examined,
raised to a conscious level and improved (Özgen and Bindak 2018). In light of this
evaluation, the aim of this research study is to examine the effect of GeoGebra software
on pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection skills. Specifically, the study sought
to answer the following two research questions:

1. What is the effect of GeoGebra software on pre-service teachers’ mathematical

connection self-efficacy?
Education and Information Technologies

2. Considering the pre-service teachers’ views, what contribution does GeoGebra

make to the development of pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection skills?

2 Literature review

2.1 Mathematical connections

Mathematical connections have been defined and classified in various ways by

different researchers. Hiebert and Carpenter (1992) described mathematical connec-
tions, which are necessary and fundamental for the development of mathematical
understanding, as part of a network structured as a spider’s web. Moreover, these
researchers emphasized that the degree of understanding was based on the number and
the strength of the connections. There are approaches that view mathematical connec-
tions as skill, process, and product (Özgen 2013b). Accordingly, in addition to
consisting of wide mental processes, mathematical concepts, operations, learning
domains (e.g., algebra, numbers, and geometry), different representations (e.g., verbal,
algebraic, table, figure, equation, graphics, and concrete models), mathematical con-
nections can be described as skills and processes with which to connect with other
disciplines and the real world (Özgen 2016). Eli et al. (2013) described mathematical
connections as part of a schema or connected groups of schemas within a mental
network. Although mathematical connections are described in various ways, the idea of
mathematical connections in general can be addressed as a link or a bridge between
mathematical ideas (Eli et al. 2013). The construction of this bridge enables students to
learn more easily and meaningfully. In addition, the knowledge and skills students
acquire become more permanent, they appreciate the strength of mathematics, their
self-confidence in mathematics increases and they have positive attitudes toward
mathematics (Turkish Ministry of National Education [TMoNE] 2013). Given the
studies carried out on the classification of mathematical connections, it can be stated
that connections between mathematics and the real world, connections with various
disciplines and connections with mathematics itself usually stand out and are common-
place in many research studies (Özgen 2016). In studies usually carried out on
mathematics education, the links among mathematics subjects are discussed as intra-
mathematical connections, and when these links are connected with other disciplines or
real life, they are called extra-mathematical connections (García-García and Dolores-
Flores 2018). It has been determined that mathematical connections classified into
different types have made many positive contributions to the learning process (NCTM
2005), and in addition to procedural knowledge, they provided deeper understanding
(Schwalbach and Dosemagen 2000). However, it was demonstrated that students who
played an important role in the reflection of these positive contributions to the learning
and teaching process had an inadequate level of connection skills (García-García and
Dolores-Flores 2018). Similarly, it was found that pre-service mathematics teachers had
a low level of mathematical connection skills (Özgen 2013b). Pre-service teachers
cannot effectively teach their students process standards, such as mathematical con-
nection-making, reasoning, and problem-solving, without understanding future con-
nections (Eli et al. 2013). Thus, the effects of the GeoGebra software on pre-service
teachers’ mathematical connection skills were discussed in the study.
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2.2 Making connections using dynamic software

With advances in technology, many alternative tools have been developed and their use
in mathematics learning and teaching processes has become popular. Thanks to the use
of dynamic technology in the math classroom, teachers and learners can manipulate and
observe mathematical connections (Clark-Wilson and Hoyles 2017). One of the dy-
namic technologies used in math classrooms is DGS. DGS helps learners use visual
reasoning in mathematics and to discover problems and relationships (Sinclair 2004).
In addition, DGS allows pre-service teachers to examine mathematical conjectures and
relationships with confidence and to focus on connections among mathematical con-
cepts in a problem-posing environment (Lavy and Shriki 2010). With DGS, pre-service
teachers can discuss mathematical connections among different representations and
construct relationships between aesthetics and mathematics (Garofalo et al. 2000).
Thanks to the use of dynamic software in learning environments, students collect,
organize, and analyze data and make deductions by examining the distributions
(Collings 2001). Dynamic software allows students to interact with the software and
to explore, analyze, interpret, explain, and solve math problems. Thus, students have an
opportunity to interact with their peers in the classroom environment thanks to the
visualization and dynamic activities introduced by the technology, and in-depth learn-
ing is actualized (Shamatha et al. 2004). GeoGebra is a software that contributes to the
formation of dynamic learning environments. GeoGebra is a very effective means of
connecting geometry, measurement, and algebra in the learning and teaching process
(Furner and Marinas 2012). Moreover, this software contributes to developing suitable
learning environments in which to explore mathematical connections and conjectures
(Shockey et al. 2016). Students have the opportunity to form cognitive connections
between their prior knowledge and current explorations by creating unique dynamic
constructions. The inquiry carried out regarding these dynamic constructions created in
GeoGebra provides students with an environment for heuristic learning approaches,
and opportunities to explore abstract concepts and make cognitive connections
(Velichová 2011). Dynamic problems created with GeoGebra offer opportunities for
students to explore in-depth relationships between mathematical properties and nature
(Hohenwarter 2011). Therefore, the focus of the study was to determine the effect of
GeoGebra’s potential to elicit the contributions of mathematical connections in the pre-
service teachers’ mathematical connection skills.

3 Methodological approach

3.1 Participants

The participants in the study comprised of 22 elementary pre-service teachers. Of these

22 pre-service teachers studying in the department of mathematics education in a state
university in Turkey, 11 were males and 11 were females. The participants were coded
as P1, P2, … P22. These participants were the only respondents who volunteered for
this study. They were selected based on convenience, as they were accessible and
expedient. Convenience sampling enables the researcher to conduct this study effi-
ciently and accessibly (McMillan and Schumacher 2010). For these reasons, these pre-
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service teachers were selected for this study. The participants had previously taken the
following courses in the field of mathematics: general mathematics, abstract mathe-
matics, geometry, analysis, and linear algebra.

3.2 Data collection tools

The research study addressed the effect of GeoGebra software on pre-service teachers’
mathematical connection self-efficacy and the contributions of GeoGebra to the devel-
opment of mathematical connection skills in terms of the pre-service teachers’ views.
The mathematical connection self-efficacy scale developed by Özgen and Bindak
(2018) was used to reveal the effect of the GeoGebra software program on pre-
service teachers’ mathematical connection self-efficacy. The mathematical connection
self-efficacy scale comprises of 22 items in 5 Likert-type scales. The scale includes five
options: Balways, very often, sometimes, rarely, and never^. The positively keyed items
in the scale are given points from 5 to 1 and the negatively keyed items from 1 to 5; the
lowest score one can get from the scale is 22 and the highest score is 110. If the self-
efficacy scale score of the participant is high, that individual’s mathematical connection
self-efficacy level will be evaluated as being relatively high. The mathematical con-
nection self-efficacy scale’s Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency reliability was
calculated as 0.85 (Özgen and Bindak 2018). It is understood that the mathematical
connection self-efficacy scale can be used as a valid and reliable measurement tool.
According to Özgen and Bindak (2018), this scale can be used for exploring, recog-
nizing, and making deductions about pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection
self-efficacy beliefs. It was emphasized by Özgen and Bindak (2018) that the scale
could be used by researchers in studies on pre-service teachers’ mathematical connec-
tion self-efficacy beliefs. Therefore, this scale was preferred in this study. Some sample
items included in the scale are given below:

& I have difficulties understanding the different representations of relationships in

mathematics itself (verbal, algebraic, geometric, etc.).
& I know where mathematical concepts are used in daily life.
& I can note the similarities and differences among mathematical concepts.
& I can think mathematically while solving the problems I encounter in daily life.
& I can explain the importance of the role of mathematics in different disciplines.

As for the pre-service teachers’ opinions, TMoNE (2013) and NCTM (2005)
sources were used to reveal the contributions of GeoGebra to the development
of mathematical connection skills. In line with this method, 10 open-ended
questions were prepared in draft interview form. Feedback was given by an
expert in mathematics education and another expert in mathematics education
who conducted research studies on mathematical connections. Considering this
feedback, out of 10 items, two were removed and only 8 remained in the scale,
and some additions were made to some questions. This draft form was orga-
nized and given to two experts for re-examination. The draft form was also
examined by an expert in the field of assessment and evaluation. This expert
suggested some adjustments to clarify the questions, and the researcher made
the necessary changes. This latest version of the form was piloted with six pre-
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service teachers, after which the open-ended questionnaire was finalized. Some
sample questions are given below:

& What contributions does the learning environment where GeoGebra is used make to
the construction of the relationship between conceptual and procedural knowledge?
Explain using concrete examples.
& What is the role of GeoGebra in constructing relationships and shifting among
mathematical concepts, processes and different representations of situations (nu-
merical, symbolic, and geometric/graphical)? Explain with justifications.
& What do you think about the potential of GeoGebra to connect mathematics with
other subjects and situations in other courses? Explain.
& What are the contributions of GeoGebra to connecting mathematics with issues and
situations encountered in daily life? Explain using concrete examples.
& Comparing the implementations carried out before and after GeoGebra, how do you
evaluate the development of your mathematical connection skills? Explain.

3.3 Process

The implementations carried out with the participants lasted 13 weeks, each week
consisting of three course hours (3*50 min). The pre-service teachers studied the
following topics within the framework of the basic use of GeoGebra in the first 7 weeks
of implementations: introduction of the most commonly used tools in GeoGebra,
algebraic input, GeoGebra’s object properties, use of commands, inserting dynamic
text into material, creating dynamic worksheets, basic statistics and 3D concepts, and
computer algebra systems’ specific commands. The pre-service teachers constructed
materials for 7 weeks, and in this process benefited from a book titled Introduction to
GeoGebra4.4 (Hohenwarter and Hohenwarter 2013). In the remaining 6 weeks, func-
tions, trigonometry, limit, derivative, definite integral, and basic geometry concepts
were studied by constructing materials using GeoGebra software. During the construc-
tion process, the pre-service teachers helped each other and created a productive
discussion environment during the course. The researcher was the instructor of the
course and played a supportive role in the implementations, adopted collaborative
learning practices. In this process, one of the materials about functions constructed
by the pre-service teachers is shown in Fig. 1.
The pre-service teachers prepared material connecting the area of a square whose
one side is a unit with the function identified as f(x) = x2 in violet that changes
depending on the length of the side. Moreover, they saved the point E’ constructed
by reflecting point E on the y-axis and numerical values of point E on the spreadsheet
view. Thanks to this material, beginning with the graphics of the function, the pre-
service teachers demonstrated that as the length of the square’s side changed, change in
the area was better understood and the graphic was better interpreted in connection with
the numerical values. One of the sample materials constructed by the pre-service
teachers is shown in Fig. 2. pffiffiffi
Pre-service teachers revolved the region between the curvef ðxÞ ¼ x, 1 ≤ x ≤ 6, and
line-i to generate the volume of a solid of revolution. The pre-service teachers examined
the solids of revolution as two-dimensional and three-dimensional in the material they
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Fig. 1 Sample material about quadratic functions constructed by the pre-service teachers

constructed by making mutual connections. Thus, the pre-service teachers took the
opportunity for a conceptual shift between relevant concepts and rules using the disk
method. The pre-service teachers analyzed the object, which they generated by rotating
the curve around line-i with a slider about 360∘ simultaneous with a 3D view. The pre-
service teachers had an opportunity to make comparisons between the concepts and rules
and could make connections between the concepts’ concrete and abstract representations.
Another sample material constructed by the pre-service teachers is shown in Fig. 3.
The pre-service teachers tried to explain the relationship between the general sine
function and the absolute value function by making connections with a jumping rabbit.
The pre-service teachers studied the application of the rules for shifting, stretching,
compressing, and reflecting the graph of trigonometric functions on the general sine
function using this material. The pre-service teachers had an opportunity to examine the
relationships in a dynamic way, specifically with the help of the slider using this example.

Fig. 2 Sample material about the volume of a solid of revolution

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Fig. 3 Sample material about trigonometric functions generated by the pre-service teachers

3.4 Data analysis

The analysis of the differences between the pre-service teachers’ mathematical con-
nection self-efficacy scale scores before and after the implementation was carried out
using a dependent t-test. This test was preferred because parametric assumptions were
obtained before and after the implementations. A Shapiro Wilk test was used to check
whether or not the data were normally distributed. In addition, examining the Q-Q plot,
box plot, kurtosis and skewness coefficients, it was decided whether or not measure-
ment results were normally distributed. With the dependent t-test, the sampling distri-
bution of the differences between scores should be normal (Field 2009). After deter-
mining that the data were normally distributed, the quantitative data were analyzed
using the dependent t-test. The qualitative data obtained with the open-ended question-
naire were analyzed using descriptive analysis.

4 Findings

The results of the dependent t-test, which was performed for the significance of the
differences between the average pre-test and post-test scores of the mathematical
connection self-efficacy scale, are presented in Table 1.
After the pre-service teachers learned the concepts by constructing materials using
the GeoGebra software program, we found a significant increase in their mathematical
connection self-efficacy (t(21) = −8.96, p < .01, r = .89). While pre-service teachers’
average mathematical connection self-efficacy scores were M = 57.13 before the im-
plementation, the average scores were M = 74.90 after the GeoGebra implementations.
These findings show that the implementations carried out by constructing materials in

Table 1 Dependent t-test results of students’ pre-test and post-test scores of mathematical connection self-efficacy

Measurement n Mean SD df t p

Pre-test 22 57.13 10.18 21 −8.96 .00

Post-test 22 74.90 6.15
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GeoGebra had an important effect on increasing pre-service teachers’ mathematical

connection self-efficacy. In addition to the qualitative findings, the codes obtained as a
result of the qualitative data analysis carried out to introduce the contributions of
GeoGebra to mathematical connection skills considering the pre-service teachers’
opinions are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that GeoGebra contributes to making mathematical connections. The
pre-service teachers stated that GeoGebra helped them understand the relationship
between conceptual and procedural knowledge. Some pre-service teachers’ opinions
can be given as an example:

BIt helps us transfer the relationship between conceptual and procedural knowl-
edge from abstract to concrete on computer environment.^ (P1).

BIt contributes to building a relationship between conceptual and procedural

knowledge. Showing a subject or a concept from various aspects such as
geometric or numerical shapes teaches to understand the relationship among
other concepts.^ (P9).

BFor example, on Riemann integral, the upper and lower sums are seen more
concretely. When we made the screen size bigger or smaller, it became clear and
we could see the relationship between the conceptual and procedural
knowledge.^ (P10).

BI believe that learning environment where GeoGebra is used is an effective

method to construct the relationship between the conceptual and procedural

P9 stated that GeoGebra not only promoted the relationship between conceptual and
procedural knowledge but also provided opportunities for the examination of different
representations of concepts. Similarly, the views of pre-service teachers who said that
GeoGebra offered opportunities for the examination of different representations of
concepts are given below:

Table 2 Pre-service teachers’ views about the contributions of GeoGebra to mathematical connections

Category Codes

The contributions of GeoGebra to Providing connections between conceptual and procedural knowledge
mathematical connections Facilitating dynamic connections among different representations
Connecting mathematics to a daily-life context
Providing connections between mathematics and other disciplines or courses
Connectional learning
Permanent learning using mathematical connections
Viewing the relationships among the concepts more clearly
Development of connection ability
Recognising dynamic connections
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BThis software shows the relationship between the different representations of

concepts, operations, and situations (numerical, symbolic, geometric/ graphical
and etc.) in a dynamic way. It also helps us to perform shifting between
themselves more easily.^ (P1)

BThe commands written into the GeoGebra’s input bar form shapes in the
graphic view toolbar. This makes it easy to understand the subject. For
example, if the equation x2+y2=r2 is written into the algebra view, a circle
of radius r from a slider is generated. Likewise, if a circle is created in
the graphic view with the circle with center and radius tool, it becomes
the equation for the circle drawn in the algebra view.^(P5)

BIt enables to view a mathematical concept from multiple dimensions. We see the
given equation as algebraic and geometric. We see the two different situations at
the same time.^ (P13)

BAs GeoGebra has more than one display, it makes it easier to build relationships
and perform shifting. For example, it facilitates the numerical, symbolic, geo-
metric, and graphical interpretations of the derivative.^(P17)

The pre-service teachers stated that GeoGebra helped to connect the conditions in real
life with mathematics and that mathematics built better relationships with other courses
or disciplines. Some pre-service teachers’ views can be given as an example:

BWe studied the mathematics in the church architecture using GeoGebra. We

understood how architectural structures are designed using GeoGebra.^(P4)

BGeoGebra plays an important role in connecting mathematics with the

subjects and situations encountered in daily life. It enables us to see the
mathematics behind the motifs and shapes we see in daily life. For
example, it helps us to see derivative and integral concepts in architectural
structures more easily.^ (P6)

BTo me, if we learn the GeoGebra properly, we will learn the mathematics we use
in other courses. Mathematics expresses itself everywhere and in almost every
facet of life, but we cannot see it. Thanks to GeoGebra, we are able to see
mathematics in nature and universe.^(P7)

BWhile comparing mathematics with the concepts and subjects in everyday

life, the GeoGebra software also has an effect. We can see the mathemat-
ics in a place or in an architectural work. However, this software helps us
to see the mathematical concepts used during the creation of this archi-
tectural work of art.^(P9)

BIn fact, it has been a great change for me. My point of view has changed. I used
to look around for beauty before, but now I look for mathematics in everything,
that is, I believe that mathematics is everywhere.^(P11)
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BWe are able to connect GeoGebra software particularly with architecture and art
in mathematical connection. It also enables us to have information about the
formation of the structures we see in our daily life.^ (P14)

BGeoGebra is a software which contributed to my learning about the concepts

which I studied in the analysis course last year, but which I did not understand.
Thanks to GeoGebra, I now understand what these concepts meant and where
they came from. It also provided opportunities for us to acquire connection skills
with the mathematics used in the architectural design of a building or a bridge due
to the practices carried out in GeoGebra. In addition, it enabled us to see and
explore the mathematics underlying works of art or household goods.^(P15)

BThe concepts I learned became clearer and I can easily transfer the daily life
events to mathematics.^(P16)

BIt allows us to make connections between the concepts used in mathematics and
physics. Considering the relationship of mathematics with all other courses,
GeoGebra allows us to make connections with most of the situations.^(P17)

The pre-service teachers stated that they could connect daily life event or situations
with mathematics using GeoGebra and, thanks to the relationship of mathematics with
other courses and disciplines, a connectional learning was provided. Below are exam-
ples of some pre-service teachers’ views:

BAn opportunity to explore was provided for us with mathematical software. In

that way, because we, ourselves, construct existing knowledge, we can under-
stand the questions in our minds. We give the answer to the question Bwhat^ by
ourselves … Before the implementation, I learned the concepts with pen and
paper in one way, but thanks to connectional learning, I can learn them in
different ways in the GeoGebra environment.^ (P2)

BIt has an important place because it helps us realize the relationship between the
changeable and revival of the given data. GeoGebra saves us from the calcula-
tions which do not provide learning or exploration opportunities and encourages
us to understand the relationship and the logic between them, which is a must, so
connectional understanding occurs. While addressing a mathematical event or a
structure of a construction, we try to understand its connections between deriv-
ative and integral concepts rather than calculating the integrals. In addition to its
many benefits in making connections, there is another apparent benefit of it,
which I consider. What I observed after GeoGebra was that while addressing
other courses or any event in my environment, I realized that there was an
underlying reason. To be more precise, I realized that everything we are offered
has a background. A flower which looks very simple in appearance has mathe-
matics behind it and this can be observed dynamically in GeoGebra.^ (P18)

BI did not notice the concept of limit in daily life because I had no idea about what
the concept of limit was or I could not conceptualize it in my mind. I learned the
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concept of limit from different ways more easily and clearly using GeoGebra
software. I started to explore this concept in my everyday life, too. We must
actively use GeoGebra with this subject. Making connections between different
subjects requires many operations, symbols, graphics, and animations. As
GeoGebra offers these opportunities, we must be actively engaged in using
GeoGebra. Thanks to GeoGebra, more permanent learning was actualized.^(P19)

BWhen a different mathematics subject is studied, we can learn the subject by

connecting with other mathematical expressions or in other words, with the
expressions we know.^(P20)

P19 stated that as GeoGebra software transferred the mathematical connections to the
learning environment, it allowed for the actualization of permanent learning. Some pre-
service teachers’ views on this issue can be given as an example:

BA student can see the difference between conceptual and procedural knowledge
more easily in a computer-based environment because if supported with visual
data, it becomes more clear and permanent.^ (P3)

BBecause a student sees the real values in GeoGebra, he has no hesitation while
interpreting the concepts. While making connections with different concepts,
students do not have question marks in their minds and more permanent learning
is actualized.^(P6)

BIt enabled us to see different representations of a concept at the same time.

Because it was displayed in a dynamic environment, it provided knowledge

BThe relationship between the mathematical concepts can be explained more

clearly in GeoGebra. As visualization stands out and the concepts are displayed
three-dimensionally, the concepts become more permanent. As the different
representations offer more numerical and symbolic options, a student can build
a much more comfortable relationship. They can understand the concepts more
fully and perform shifting more easily.^(P14)

The pre-service teachers emphasized that GeoGebra software facilitated seeing the
relationships among the concepts more clearly. Some pre-service teachers’ views on
this issue can be given as an example:

BIt is possible to understand the relationship among different mathematical

concepts by using variety of geometric shapes and diagrams with GeoGebra.
As the values change and the graphs move with visualization, the relationship
among the concepts with each other is understood more clearly and therefore,
GeoGebra must be used in the courses.^ (P3)

BUsing a dynamic environment for understanding the subjects facilitates the

learning and enables us to see the connections more clearly.^(P4)
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BMathematics is a course which is usually explained in abstract terms. When it is

concretized and explained via visualization, its connection with the other courses
can be understood. Mathematics exits in every aspect of our daily life. Although
we are not aware of it, most problems are solved with the help of mathematics.
We solve the problems with the formulas but we have difficulty in understanding
its logic. We can understand the logic of the formulas with GeoGebra. Thanks to
the tools in GeoGebra, the relationships, connections, and differences can be
regarded more easily and better.^(P5)

BIn traditional learning environment, students cannot see the connections among
number, algebra, probability, data, and geometry. The connections among them
can be seen more concretely and interpreted with GeoGebra. An algebraic
expression can be explained in geometric terms.^(P6)

BAs we learn a subject both numerically and graphically in GeoGebra, it

helps us see the relationship among them more clearly … GeoGebra
shows the connections among the numbers and algebra, geometry, data,
and probability together for us to understand and learn the subject better.
For a better understanding of the connections among different mathematics
subjects such as limit and derivative, we can make comparisons with the
GeoGebra software program and make a connection among them because,
thanks to GeoGebra, we understand both their formation graphically and
the connections among them algebraically. Thus, I believe that I have
developed in terms of making connections among the concepts.^(P7)

BWhen building relationships between the different representations of mathemat-

ical concepts, GeoGebra software generates a dynamic environment and using
proof, the subjects related to one another can be explained in GeoGebra much
more easily … Because the connection between the mathematical concepts can
be displayed as visuals in GeoGebra in a dynamic environment, they must be
used and thus they can become more understandable regarding students.^(P14)

Given the views of P7, it was emphasized that GeoGebra software developed connec-
tion skills in addition to enabling one to see the relationships among the concepts more
clearly. Similarly, some pre-service teachers’ views on GeoGebra software’s develop-
ment of mathematical connection skills can be given:

BGeoGebra is a multi-directional software program which can be used easily

while making connections between different mathematical subjects, concepts and
ideas. By studying different mathematical subjects and concepts on single mate-
rial, we can promote the students’ connection skills. By concretizing the abstract
mathematics with GeoGebra, we increased our connection skills. We could see
the connections between different concepts more easily.^(P6)

BA given equation remains operationally limited. For example, operations are

performed considering the graphic in a specific border. These borders expand
with GeoGebra and many connections based on this graphic can be seen. It is
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seen in GeoGebra that the concepts are mingled. I see that there are many
concepts within the concept of derivative and I can make connections. However,
when GeoGebra is not used, the concept of derivative remains in a limited small

BWhen I compare my connection skill before and after the implementation, I

think that my connection skill has improved. I can make better connections
between the concepts.^(P14)

BI understood what the concepts corresponded to both algebraically and geomet-

rically. I can make connections between my conceptual and procedural knowl-
edge. When I solved a problem about a subject, it made contributions to my
connection skill by understanding what a numerical expression meant geometri-
cally. It helped me to uncover the mathematics underlying the numerical expres-
sions. For example, using GeoGebra software, I learned what the numerical
expression x2+y2=1 meant geometrically and it also enabled many other
numbers and algebraic terms to acquire connection skills geometrically.^(P15)

BWe observed in a dynamic environment that proving a formula with more than
one method could be performed in GeoGebra. This increased our connection
skills… Subjects must be first explained with GeoGebra. This increases students’
capacity of understanding and connection skills. Especially, geometric represen-
tation is very important. Different representations facilitate understanding and
conceptual learning. (P17)

BI realized that I did not fully understand many concepts and subjects and could
not connect other concepts with daily life. Because I could see many concepts
and subjects more clearly with GeoGebra, I explored the details. I acquired a new
point of view. Thus, I can easily explain that GeoGebra contributes to developing
mathematical connection skills.^(P19)

BBefore the implementations, I could not make connections between the mathe-
matical concepts. I learned that a concept could be justified in any condition in a
dynamic environment. I believe that my connection skill has developed. After the
GeoGebra implementations, I think that I am good at making connections both
between subjects and concepts.^ (P22)

GeoGebra software facilitates displaying mathematical connections and making geo-

metric interpretations about the concepts. The views of P13 and P22 support this view:

BIn my opinion, I was not very good at shifting from algebra to geometry.
GeoGebra helped me with this shifting and to regard algebra and geometry as a
whole. In addition, it enabled me to see the connections.^(P13).

BI can fully understand what I have learned in GeoGebra. GeoGebra can geo-
metrically design a numerical operation. As we practice more, we can think
geometrically in our mind without drawing.^(P22).
Education and Information Technologies

Given the pre-service teachers’ views, it is clear that GeoGebra has a very important
potential for providing mathematical connections. Therefore, P9’s views support this view:

BAs GeoGebra addresses the subjects and concepts we encounter in other courses
visually and perceptively, this reveals that its potential to make connections is really
good.^ (P9).

5 Discussion and conclusions

It was determined in this study, which examined the effect of the GeoGebra software
program on pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection skills, that as a result of pre-
service teachers’ learning the concepts by constructing materials in GeoGebra, pre-
service teachers’ mathematical connection self-efficacy increased significantly. This
finding, which was obtained quantitatively, is compatible with the findings obtained
qualitatively. P6, P15, P17 and P19’s views support the quantitative results, which
show that GeoGebra software increased mathematical connection skills. The pre-
service teachers specifically emphasized that the dynamic connections provided be-
tween algebra and geometry thanks to GeoGebra positively affected their connection
skills. It can be stated that these dynamic connections between algebra and geometry
facilitated an understanding of the complex structures underlying the mathematical
expressions of pre-service teachers, thus providing a connectional learning environment
and contributing to the development of connection skills. In fact, the opinions of P5,
P15 and P18 support these views. Gómez-Chacón (2011) identified that GeoGebra
software supported students in making mathematical connections; thus, a mathematical
concept helped them to understand the connection between a graph and its equation.
Zengin (2018b) also determined that GeoGebra supported some pre-service teachers in
developing their mathematical thinking and mathematical connection skills by con-
structing a bridge between mathematical concepts and the history of mathematics.
Therefore, this finding is compatible with the results of these studies (e.g, Gómez-
Chacón 2011; Zengin 2018b). Moreover, Hohenwarter and Jones (2007) stated that
GeoGebra provided very strong dynamic connections between the symbolic manipu-
lation and the dynamic change ability. In addition, GeoGebra supports pre-service
teachers in constructing algebraic and geometric connections among difficult concepts
in a sociocultural learning setting (Zengin 2018a). For a thorough understanding,
students must understand each representation’s dynamic nature and dynamic connec-
tions among the multiple representations. In addition to this thorough understanding,
the dynamic constructions provided by GeoGebra offer students an opportunity to
develop both a mental model of a mathematical concept relation and its mathematical
connections (Bu et al. 2011). P1, P4, P14 and P18 remarked that because GeoGebra
software promotes dynamic connections between concepts, they could effect the
mathematical connections and relations much better. P17 and P22 stated that these
dynamic relations contributed to the development of their connection skills. Moreover,
this qualitative finding is compatible with the study’s quantitative finding and is similar
to the results of studies by Bu et al. (2011) and Zengin (2018a). It was revealed in
qualitative findings that GeoGebra provided opportunities to make connections be-
tween conceptual and procedural knowledge and facilitated the dynamic connections
Education and Information Technologies

between the different representations. Thus, offering an exploratory learning

environment, GeoGebra can enable students to understand the concepts much better.
The opinions of P2 and P19 support this result. The finding by Tran et al. (2014) that
GeoGebra software helped to create an exploratory learning environment supports the
results of this study. In addition to discovering the relations within mathematics itself,
GeoGebra software builds a bridge between mathematics and everyday life. Moreover,
it was determined that by connecting mathematics with different disciplines, such as
architecture and art, GeoGebra helped the development of mathematical connection
skills. P15’s views support this opinion. Mousoulides (2011) determined that GeoGebra
provided opportunities for students to make connections between the real world and the
mathematical world. Mousoulides’s (2011) finding is compatible with the one obtained
from this study, which states that GeoGebra software can build a bridge between
mathematics and daily life. Thanks to intra-mathematical connections and extra-
mathematical connections, GeoGebra software allowed learners to retain their knowl-
edge. The views of P3, P6, P13, P14 and P19, which stated that GeoGebra promoted
knowledge retention, support this result. In addition to the positive contributions of
GeoGebra to the learning environment, it provides opportunities to make mathematical
connections, thus allowing learners a wide range of connection experiences. Dynamic
constructions with GeoGebra not only provide connections in mathematical under-
standing but also allow learners to experience the aesthetic dimension of mathematical
inquiry in the broad context of STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering,
the Arts and Mathematics) (Bu and Hohenwarter 2015).
Yavuz-Mumcu (2018) believes that the activities and tasks in the mathematics
classroom should be supported with real life experience for conceptual and connectional
learning. Moreover, her results indicate that pre-service teachers cannot understand and
construct connections among different representations and concepts, connections with
real life, and connections with different disciplines. In addition, Yiğit-Koyunkaya et al.
(2018) believe that pre-service mathematics teachers have limited mathematical con-
nection skills for the development of tasks that include connectional contexts. DGS
enables users to modify their constructions with the help of the drag facility. This creates
a verification process for mathematical connections using the drag mode. DGS has
useful tools to provide deductive reasoning. Before producing a deductive justification,
DGS ensures that students can conduct empirical explorations with the help of different
representations of problems, experimentation, and obtaining instant feedback (Jones
2000). With these opportunities in DGS, pre-service teachers can test mathematical
conjectures, make meaningful-multiple representations of mathematical concepts, and
verify the mathematical connections, properties, and definitions. DGS helps pre-service
teachers become involved in building a dynamic model of mathematical concepts using
its tools (such as slider). DGS allows pre-service teachers to build mathematical
connections accurately, to recognize different representations of concepts, and to see
mathematics in everyday life. Thus, they state that using DGS in a learning environment
develops their mathematical connections skills. The opinions of P1, P2, P4, P5, and P11
support these results. Within this context, it can be said that DGS contributes to the self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers’ mathematical connection skills.
The capacity of GeoGebra software to transfer mathematical connections to the
learning environment and to have a positive effect on learning directly contributes to
the pre-service teachers’ development of connection skills. When mathematical
Education and Information Technologies

connections, which play an important role during the process of mathematical learning
and teaching, are provided using dynamic mathematical software programs such as
GeoGebra, students at all levels, from elementary to higher education, can obtain
thorough mathematical understanding opportunities. Thus, it is recommended that
mathematical connections be built by students using GeoGebra software and that
different views of GeoGebra should be used. Lee (2012) highlights that pre-service
teachers’ perspectives on mathematical connections have a positive effect on their
knowledge, which in turn is reflected in their future students’ knowledge in the
mathematics classroom. At this point, if pre-service teachers are trained in teacher
education programs with this understanding in mind, they will have a greater tendency
to transfer mathematical connections to the classroom environment when they begin
their teaching career. Given the mathematical connection potential of GeoGebra soft-
ware, which enriches the learning process, it is suggested that students at all levels
should use it. In light of the qualitative and quantitative data obtained, it was deter-
mined that the GeoGebra software could be used as an important tool for the develop-
ment of mathematical connection skills.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of interest The author declares that he has no conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
institutional affiliations.


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International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies , 2 (11) (2020), 952-960
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2020
ISSN 2684-6950 (online)

Research Original Article

The Implementation of Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model

to Improve the Mathematical Connection Ability

Maulidawati1,a, Iryana Muhammad1,b* Rohantizani1,c, & Mursalin1,d

1 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia
a; b c;

*Corresponding Author : [ Phone : +6285262807674 ]

Received: 18 September2020 Revised: 21 September 2020 Accepted: 27 October 2020

Mathematics is a discipline that is taught at every level of education in Indonesia. Mathematics are interrelated with
each other, and cannot be separated from other disciplines and problems in everyday life. Process standards that
students use in learning mathematics include problem solving, reasoning and proof, connection, communication, and
representation. This study aims to determine the mathematical connection ability of students who are taught through
the make a match cooperative learning model better than the students' mathematical connection ability through the
scientific learning model on the line and row material in class XI SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo. This research is a quasi-
experimental study using the pretest-posttest group design. The samples taken were class XI MIA 2 as the
experimental class and XI MIA 1 as the control class. Retrieval of data in research using tests. The data collected from
the test results were analyzed using SPSS version 18 to find normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test and to test the
hypothesis using the Mann-Whitney-Test. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the N-gain average score
of students who apply the make a match cooperative learning model is 0.71 (high category), higher than students who
use scientific learning of 0.36 (moderate category). From the results of the Mann-Whitney-Test above, the Asymp
value is obtained. Sig (1-tailed) is 0.0005 < α 0.05. This shows that the increase in students' mathematical connection
ability through cooperative learning type make a match is significantly better than students who get scientific

Keywords: mathematical connection capability; cooperative learning model; make a match type; scientific learning;

1. Introduction
As a whole, humans are born having the ability to face problems that arise and deal with them. Intelligence
as the basic concept of human resources is the key word for resolution. Quality human resources are a
necessity that cannot be negotiated. The era of quality and quality in all areas of life to adjust the vision,
mission and strategy as needed, as well as education. According to Sanjaya (2011: 2), "Education is a
conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students
can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, and the necessary skills. himself, the people of the nation and the state. " So education is one
very important aspect of life, education at all levels is related to gaining knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Basic education is the foundation as a guide to achieve good goals, both formal education and non-formal
education. In the implementation of non-formal education, the learning process greatly determines the
success of student learning. Therefore, the achievement of educational goals itself cannot be separated from
the important role of the teaching and learning process experienced by students and educators during the
learning process. Law No. 20 of 2013 concerning the National Education System Chapter II Article 3,
Hendriana (2016: 6) states that the purpose of education is a conscious and planned effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
spiritual power. religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by him,
society, nation and state.
Mathematics is a discipline that is taught at every level of education in Indonesia. Mathematics are
interrelated with each other, and cannot be separated from other scientific disciplines and problems in
everyday life. According to NCTM (2000: 29), the standard processes used by students in learning
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

mathematics include problem solving, reasoning and proof, connection, communication, and representation.
The ability to explain the relationship between concepts is part of the mathematical connection ability.
Mathematical connection is one of the standards of the mathematics learning process and if students are able
to relate mathematical ideas, students are also able to improve their mathematical understanding and are
able to see the linkages between mathematical ideas, with other disciplines, and also with experiences of
everyday life.
Mathematical connection is the ability to relate mathematical concepts to other disciplines and also with
everyday life that is often encountered. By having the mathematical connection capability, students will
understand more easily and also learning mathematics will feel easier. But most of the students think that
learning mathematics is just learning mathematical subjects which contain formulas and a number of
numbers that make students bored in learning because students will only memorize/remember the concepts
being taught. One of the materials in mathematics is for example the material of sequences and series. A
sequence is an arrangement of numbers formed according to a certain order and the sequence is the sum of
all terms of a sequence. The application of sequence and series material is not only in mathematics lessons
but also in everyday life such as calculating income, using labor, etc.
Based on the results of observations at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo, the researcher got information that
there are still many students who have difficulty learning mathematics, this is due to the lack of student
interest in learning mathematics. This results in students becoming less understanding of mathematics,
especially in solving math problems, let alone linking it in everyday life. They tend to record what is
explained by the teacher without understanding the concept and in solving the questions only based on the
example questions given and mathematics learning which is more centered on the teacher, students only
receive information from the teacher, resulting in students being more passive and just listening to learning.
In fact, the silence of the students during learning does not necessarily mean that they understand the lesson
given. The following is one of the students' mathematical connection ability questions on the sequence and
series material.
“Ali bought a sewing machine in 2013 for IDR 5,000,000. The machine experienced a 5% decrease in
price every year from the previous year. Determine the price of the machine in 2018? "
The following is one of the students' answers to the questions above.

Does not analyze, does not write what is known on the problem
and does not draw conclusions.

Figure 1. Analysis of Student Answers

The steps that students must take in solving the problem are identifying the problem, namely by looking
at the information that is known in the questions, but from the analysis of the students' answers above,
students do not write down what is known in the questions. This means that students have not been able to
see the information that is known in the questions. Then the next step is to plan the completion, namely by
writing the formula, the answer above proves that students can only choose information that is in
accordance with the formula given by the teacher. Then in the step of solving the problem, namely by
carrying out the calculation procedure and producing a solution, from the answers above, it can be seen that
there are mistakes in solving the questions. In the last stage, students also do not draw conclusions from the
problems given and cannot understand the relationship between mathematical topics in everyday life.
Haety and Mulyana (2013: 2) say that the ability of mathematical connections is important for students to
master, but the problem that occurs is the ability of students to connect mathematically is still low. The
results of the Program For International Student Assessment or PISA survey in 2009 (Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD in 2010) show that the percentage of secondary school
students in Indonesia who are able to solve questions that require a connection process is only 5.4%. This
shows that 95% of students have not been able to associate several different representations of a
mathematical concept both in mathematics itself and with everyday life. The low ability of students
'mathematical connections does not only come from the students' lack of ability, but there are factors that
also determine the success of students in learning mathematics, namely learning that is tailored to the needs
and situations of students, for example the selection of models or methods given in learning.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

The cooperative learning model make a match type is a learning model to find a partner. Make a match
is a solution to improve students' mathematical connection skills. The cooperative learning model of the
make a match type is a learning model developed by Lorna Curran in 1994, students must look for pairs of
question cards they have while learning about a concept or topic in a pleasant atmosphere. In determining
the answer card students are required to determine the answer or question from the card being held. Here
there is interaction between groups and interactions between students in the group to discuss the questions
and answers again so that by learning make a match can foster cooperation in answering questions in
matching the cards in their hands, the learning process is more interesting and activeness is highly required
to find a partner. card respectively. One of the advantages of this technique is that students find partners
while learning about a concept or topic in a fun atmosphere. Based on the problems described, the researcher
intends to conduct a study entitled "Application of the Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model in
Improving the Mathematical Connection Ability of Class XI Students of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo."

2. Research Methods
This study uses a quantitative approach. According to Arikunto (2017: 27) "Quantitative research is research
that is carried out using numbers, starting from data collection, data processing, interpretation of data and
discussion of research results." While the type of research used by researchers is a quasi experimental design
(quasi-experimental). According to Suryabrata (2013: 92) the objective of a quasi-experiment is to obtain
information which is an estimate for the information that can be obtained by an actual experiment in
situations where it is not possible to control and/or manipulate all relevant variables. This research design
uses the prestest-posttest control group design. The prestest-posttest control group design study used two
classes (control class and experimental class). In the experimental class, a pre-test was given to see the
mathematical connection ability of students, after which the learning treatment was given using the
cooperative model make a match. After completing the learning process, students are given a post-test to see
the improvement in students' mathematical connection skills. Likewise in the control class, before the
material is taught, a pretest will also be given. After the learning process takes place, a posttest is given to
see the progress obtained. Thus, the experimental design in this study uses the prestest-posttest control
group design by Sugiyono (2017: 112) which can be seen at table 1.
Table 1. Research Design
Treatment Class Pretest Treatment Posttest
Experiment O1 X1 O2
Control O1 - O2

O1: Pretest for the Make a Match model class
O1: Pretest for scientific class
X1: Make a Match learning treatment
O2: Postest for the Make a Match model class
O2: Postest for scientific class

This study was conducted at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo which is located at Jalan Bireun-Takengon,
Blang Ara Village, Pintu Rime Gayo District, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province. The choice of this school
as a research location was due to several reasons, including the following:
1. Research has never been carried out with the cooperative learning model type make a match
2. This school is open to conducting research.
3. There is support from teachers at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo to conduct research on line and series
materials with the make a match learning model.
This study was conducted in class XI of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo, which was studied in the even
semester of the 2019/2020 school year.
The population in this study were students of class XI SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo and the samples taken
were XI MIA 2 as the experimental class and XI MIA 1 as the control class. For sampling, researchers used
purposive sampling technique, namely sampling in the same way as the research object
In this study, the test type instrument was a test of students 'mathematical connection ability which
consisted of 4 questions in the form of a description and a given time of 90 minutes and arranged based on
the indicators of students' mathematical connection ability. The pre-test is to see the prerequisite material
and the final test is to see the level of students' mathematical connection to the material.

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Table 2. Rubric Assessment of students' mathematical connection abilities

Mathematical Connection
Student Responses to Given Questions Scores
Capability Indicators
No answer 0
Write down the relationship between mathematical concepts and procedures but is
Identify the relationships of 1
various representations of
mathematical concepts and Write down the relationship between mathematical concepts and procedures but are
procedures incomplete
Able to identify the relationship between various representations of mathematical
concepts and procedures correctly
No answer 0
Writes the relationship from one procedure to another in an equivalent but incorrect
Identify the relationship from representation
one procedure to another in Writes the relationship from one procedure to another in an equivalent but
equivalent representations 2
incomplete representation
Be able to identify the relationship from one procedure to another in the equivalent
representation correctly
No answer 0
Explain the application of
Explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life but wrong 1
mathematical topics in
Explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life but incomplete 2
everyday life
Able to explain the application of mathematical topics in everyday life correctly 3
Sources: Modified from Hendriana (2017: 86-94)

After the test scoring guidelines, a test analyst technique is needed to determine whether the test is
classified as a good or bad test. The test analysis technique is in the form of validity, reliability, level of
difficulty and differentiation.

3. Results and Discussion

This research was conducted to determine the application of the make a match type of cooperative model to
improve the mathematical connection ability of students in the line and series material implemented at
SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo.
The following table describes the descriptive data of the pre test, post test and normality gain (N-gain) for
the students' mathematical connection test. The results of the pre test, post test and N-gain scores can be seen
in the appendix.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistical Data of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Experiment Class Control Class
Variable Statistics Data
PreTest Posttest N-gain PreTest Posttest N-gain
N 20 20 20 20 20 20
X max 7 12 1.00 8 12 1,00
Students' Mathematical X min 2 6 0.00 2 4 0,00
Connection Ability 4,7 9,85 0,71 3,6 6,8 0,36
s 1,45 2,35 0,34 1,47 2,25 0,29
% 39,1 82,08 30 56,6
Max Scores = 12

From the data above, a comparison can be made for the average pre-test and post-test scores of the two
classes in the following diagram:




6 Pre-test

Experiment Control

Figure 2. Average score of Pre-test and Post-test of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on Table 3 and Figure 2 above, it can be seen that the average pre-test score for the mathematical
connection ability of the experimental class and control class students was 4.7 and 3.6, respectively. While
the average post test scores for the experimental class and the control class were 9.85 and 6.8 from the ideal
maximum score 12. This shows that there are differences in the mathematical connection abilities of students
in the experimental class and the control class before and after learning. The average post-test score of the
experimental class and the control class each experienced an increase, where the average post-test of the
experimental class who obtained the Make a Match cooperative learning model was higher than the post-test
of the control class who received scientific learning. The average N-gain score of students' mathematical
connection ability can be presented in the following table 4.
Table 4. Average and N-gain Classification of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Class Averages of N-gain Classification of N-gain
Experiment 0,71 Tinggi
Control 0,36 Sedang

Based on the the table 4, a diagram of the comparison of the average N-gain can be made as follows.


0,8 0,71




Experiment Control

Figure 3. Average N-Gain of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

Based on Table 3 and Figure 3 above, it can be seen that the average N-gain in the experimental class is
0.71 and is in the high classification, while the average N-gain in the control class is 0.36 which is in the
moderate classification. From these data it can be concluded that the increase in the mathematical connection
ability of students in the experimental class, namely the class that received the make a match cooperative
learning model was higher than the control class who received scientific learning. This shows that there is an
increase between the two classes, namely the experimental class has a higher increase than the control class.
The normality test in this study was the Shapiro-Wilk technique where decision making was used with a
significant level of α = 0.05. If the significant value < 0.05 then the data is not normally distributed or H 0 is
rejected, whereas if the significant value is ≥ 0.05 then the data is normally distributed or H0 is accepted. The
results of the normality test for the N-gain score are shown in the table 5.
Table 5. Results of the Data Normality Test on Students' Mathematical Connection Skills
Class Conclusion Description
Statistic df Sig.
Experiment 0,8 20 0,001 H0 Rejected Not Normally
Control 0,894 20 0,031 H0 Rejected Not Normally

Figure 4. Graph of Normality Test Data Results N-gain Score Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on Figure 4, it shows that the Q-Q plot of the N-Gain score data for the experimental class and
control class is not normally distributed. This can be seen from the points that are approaching, there are
some points that spread far from the direction of the line or do not follow the diagonal line. The points in the
graph represent the state of the data being tested and because the data is not normally distributed, the test
used for hypothesis making is using the non-parametric test calculation (Mann-Whitney U-Test). The
hypothesis in this study is that the students 'mathematical connection ability through the make a match type
of cooperative learning model is better than the students' mathematical connection ability through the
scientific learning model on the class XI class of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo material. The testing is carried
out based on the following statistical hypothesis:
Hσ: Rx ≤ Ry Ranking The mathematical connection ability of students with the cooperative learning model
make a match type is not better than the scientific learning model in the mathematics sequence and
series material for class XI of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo.
Ha: Rx > Ry Ranking The mathematical connection ability of students with the cooperative learning model
make a match type is better than scientific learning in class XI class XI material at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime
Rx = N-gain ranking of mathematical connection ability of students who get the make a match cooperative
learning model.
Ry = N-gain ranking of mathematical connection ability of students who receive scientific learning model.
Where the test criteria are:
If the Sig (p-value) <α (α = 0.05), then H0 is rejected, that is, the research results have increased.
If the Sig (p-value) ≥ α (α = 0.05), then H0 is accepted, that is, there is no improvement in the research results.
Table 6. Data Comparison of Rank N-gain Test Results of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Test Statisticsb
Mann-Whitney U 84,500
Wilcoxon W 294,500
Z -3,178
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] ,001a
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Grouping Variable: Groups

Based on the the results of the Mann-Whitney U-Test above, it can be concluded that the Asymp value.
Sig (2-tailed) is 0.001. Because sig < α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected, thus Ha is accepted and it can be concluded
that there is an increase in students' mathematical connection skills taught through the make a match
cooperative model is better than the mathematical connection ability of students taught through scientific
learning models. significant.
This study aims to see the increase in the mathematical connection ability of students who get the make a
match cooperative learning model better than the mathematical connection ability of students who get
scientific learning in line and series material. Based on the research results, it shows that the analysis
obtained in testing this hypothesis turns out that the mathematical connection ability of students taught
through the make a match cooperative model is better than those taught by scientific learning at SMAN 1
Pintu Rime Gayo. This is in accordance with the results of research data which show that the average score
for students' mathematical connection ability can also be seen from the average value obtained during the
learning process. In the experimental class the average n-gain value obtained by students was 0.715, while in
the control class the average n-gain value obtained by students was 0.36, of the two average values, there
was a clear difference. In this study, the students' mathematical connection ability was seen from the pre-test
before being given the treatment and the post-test scores that were carried out after being given the
treatment. The test questions are in the form of an essay consisting of 4 questions, each of which has a
maximum score of 3. There are three indicators measured in this study, namely identifying the relationship
between various representations of mathematical concepts and procedures, identifying the relationship of
one procedure to another in equivalent representation and explaining the application of the topic.
mathematics in everyday life. The following is an example of a student's pretest and posttest questions and
answers based on the student's mathematical connection ability indicator, namely explaining the application
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

of mathematical topics in everyday life.

Figure 5. Mathematical Connection Ability Test Questions for Students

The picture above is a question of student's mathematical connection ability number 4.Where students
must be able to apply mathematical topics in their daily life to the above questions, students are required to
be able to determine the profit of a coffee shop in the sixth month, whose profits are doubled every month.

Figure 6. Answer of Pre-Test

The above is one of the students 'answers when taking the pre-test, where in the picture above, it can be
seen that the students' mathematical connection ability is still low, and students have not been able to apply
mathematical topics in everyday life. This can also be seen from the 20 students who took the pre-test in the
experimental class, there were no students who could answer correctly, 1 student answered but the answers
were still incomplete, 9 students answered incorrectly and 10 students did not answer at all while in the
control class of 20 students There were no students who took the pre test who could answer correctly, 2
students answered but the answers were still incomplete, 8 students answered incorrectly and 10 students
did not answer at all.

Figure 7. Answer of Post-Test of Experiment Class

Based on the results of the post-test answers above, it shows that the mathematical connection ability of
students in the experimental class has increased compared to the pre-test. Where students have been able to
apply mathematical topics in everyday life and the results are correct. This post test was attended by 20
students in the experimental class, 13 students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life and
the results of the answers were correct, 5 students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life
but the answers were still incomplete, 1 student answered incorrectly and 1 students didn't answer at all. If
we compare the students 'pretest answers with the students' post-test answers in the experimental class, at
the time of the post-test the students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life and the results
of the answers were correct, it's just that some students were still wrong so their answers were wrong.

Figure 8. Answer of Post-Test of Control Class

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on the results of the post test above, it shows that the mathematical connection ability of students
in the control class has increased slightly compared to the pre-test. However, there were still many students
who made mistakes so that when they answered the questions there were still many who answered wrong
and the answers were incomplete. This post test was attended by 20 students in the control class, only 3
students were able to apply mathematical topics in their daily life and the results were correct, 6 students
were able to apply mathematical topics in daily life but the answers were still incomplete, 4 students
answered incorrectly and 7 students did not answer at all. The improvement in the experimental class by
applying the cooperative learning model make a match type is better than the control class with scientific
learning, this can be seen in the number of students who are able to answer correctly in the experimental
class more than the control class. Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that both the cooperative
learning model make a match type and scientific learning can improve students' mathematical connection
skills in the sequence and series material. When given the pre-test and post-test, both learning were able to
improve students' mathematical connection skills, but in the experimental class that used the cooperative
learning model make a match, students seemed to participate more in learning because students had to be
individually responsible for finding pairs of cards and solving problems even though there were several
students who do not respond to the learning process.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research that has been conducted by researchers, it is known that the application of
the make a match type of cooperative learning model can improve students 'mathematical connection skills
in the line and series material where the researcher applies three indicators of students' mathematical
connection abilities, namely Identifying the relationship between various representations of mathematical
concepts and procedures, identifying relationships one procedure to another in equivalent representation
and explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life. Based on the results of statistical
analysis data, it can be seen that the average pre-test score for the mathematical connection ability of the
experimental class and control class students was 4.7 and 3.6, respectively. While the average post-test scores
for the experimental class and control class were 9.85 and 6.8 from the ideal maximum score 12. This shows
that there is an increase in each class, both the experimental class and the control class. For the average N-
gain, it was obtained 0.71 for the high classification experiment class and 0.36 for the average N-gain in the
control class with moderate classification. From these data it can be concluded that the increase in the
mathematical connection ability of students in the experimental class, namely the class that received the
make a match cooperative learning model was higher than the control class who received scientific learning.
Based on the hypothesis test, the Sig value is 0.001. Because sig <α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected, thus Ha is
accepted and it can be concluded that there is an increase in the mathematical connection ability of students
taught through the make a match cooperative model is better than the mathematical connection ability of
students taught through the scientific learning model.

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Accelerated Learning Method Using Edmodo to Increase
Students’ Mathematical Connection and Self-Regulated
R. Poppy Yaniawati Bana G. Kartasasmita
Pasundan University Pasundan University
Sumatra 41 Bandung, Indonesia Sumatra 41 Bandung, Indonesia
+6281572002168 Evi Sari
Rahayu Kariadinata Pasundan University
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Sumatra 41 Bandung, Indonesia
Nasution 105 Bandung, Indonesia +6285294457789

ABSTRACT important role in many scientific disciplines and it enhances

This study aims to analyze implementation of accelerated e- man’s thinking powers. Mathematics forms various ways for
learning method using edmodo media to increase mathematical thinking and for solving problems in everyday life, resulting in
connection ability and self-regulated learning of students. The mathematics becoming a tool for mankind in today’s ever
research method employed was mixed method research with increasing pace in the development of science, technology, and art.
embedded design. Subjects of the study were eleventh grade The challenges demand that mathematics be taught well in schools
students of a vocational secondary school in Tasikmalaya, and in higher education institutions. Mathematics supplies early
Indonesia. Research instruments used were test for mathematical provisions for solving problems facing mankind. Today we find
connection ability, questionnaire of students’ self-regulated the use of modern technology, electronic and digital, in almost all
learning, observation and interview guidelines. Statistical analysis aspects of life. Today we live in the digital era. Education
were t-test, mann-whitney test, and two-way anova. results of this institutions are expected to possess the capability to integrate
study showed that (1) mathematical connection abillity of high developments in modern technology and information, and
and low clasification students who studied used accelerated learning activities in the classroom. Sumarmo (2004) stated that
learning with edmodo was better than that of students who studied mathematics education has a two-way development, i.e. to meet
with conventional learning; (2) no differences were found in self- demands of today’s living and demands of life in the future.
regulated learning of high and low classification students who
studied used accelerated learning with edmodo was better than The ever increasing role of mathematics education today is found
that of students who studied with conventional learning; (3) a to be in disparity with expectations in the process, quality, and
positive correlation was found between mathematical connection results of learning mathematics in the Vocational Secondary
ability and self-regulated learning students. School, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. The average score attained by its
students in mathematics in the 2014–2015 national examination
CCS Concepts was 53.62 and for the year 2015–2016 the score was 54.15. The
Social and professional topics ➝ Adult education. students were not capable to solve higher-order-thinking problems
in the examinations. The National Council of Teachers of
Keywords Mathematics (NCTM, USA) stated in 2003 that the goal of
Accelerated learning; edmodo; mathematical connection ability; learning mathematics is to develop skills for mathematical
self-regulated learning. problem solving, mathematical reasoning and proofs,
mathematical communication, mathematical connection,
1. INTRODUCTION mathematical representation, knowledge of technology, and
Mathematics is a universal science that constitutes the basis for disposition [toward learning mathematics].
the development of science and modern technology. It plays an
Cognitive ability was found to be low in those students, and self-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for regulated learning was low as well. One possible factor
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are influencing these findings could possibly be the learning process
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies that did not take full advantage of learning media, resulting in
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
less-enjoyable learning experiences. This resulted in the students’
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee. low mastery of mathematical concepts, and difficulties in their
ICEMT’17, July 9-11, 2017, Singapore, Singapore. ability to find connections among mathematical concepts.
© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery.
It is suggested, therefore, that there is a compelling need for
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5293-2/17/07…$15.00
improving the learning process, especially to improve the
DOI: mathematical connection ability and self-regulated learning in the

students. One learning methodology with a potential to meet this clasification mathematical ability test. Pre- and post-tests were
need is the accelerated learning method. In the stages of the given to gain information on effectiveness of the accelerated
accelerated method, there is a process for conditioning students to learning method using Edmodo media. Descriptive statistics,
make or discover connections among their existing knowledge, normality and homogeniety data, t-test results, and data for a two-
and for interpreting independently their conceptual way anova analysis were obtained from the pre- and post-test data.
comprehensions. Rose and Nicholl (2009) stated that students who Normalized-gain (N-gain) scores were used to measure increases
are successful in applying the MASTER steps in accelerated of students' mathematical connection ability. A t-test was used for
learning will achieve truly relaxed frame of mind (M) and self- analysis of self-regulated learning. Pearson product-moment
confidence and are ready to learn; they acquire (A) information analysis was used to find correlation between mathematical
appropriate for their needs; they search out (S) meanings and connection ability data and self-regulated learning of students.
implications in problems they face; and they are able to trigger (T)
their memory when needed; they exhibit (E) what you know 3. RESULT
(present), one group presented material, whereas the other groups
ask questions and express ideas; they reflect (R) how you've 3.1 Mathematical Connection Ability
learned, backward way of thinking about what you have done. The result of students’ mathematical connection skill is shown in
the Table 1.
The learning process grows more interesting and becomes more
interactive when student-friendly media is used. Learning media is Tabel 1. Student’s Mathematical Connection Ability Based on
a mediating infrastructure in a learning process (Daryanto, 2012). Students’ Academic Competence
Progress in technology allows us not only to learn anywhere but Experiment Class Control Class
also at anytime when facilitated by electronic learning systems. (Accelerated Learning using (Expository learning)
One of the many e-learning media that has more than sufficient Edmodo)
features to support learning with various interactive contents is the Pretest Posttest N-Gain Pretest Posttest N-Gain
Edmodo media, a product developed by Borg and O’Hara in 2008
S 𝑋� S 𝑋� S 𝑋� S 𝑋� S 𝑋� S
(Rismayanti, 2012).
This study aims to evaluate whether the mathematical connection Achiever 5,08 2,48 15,42 4,72 0,68 0,35 4,19 1,72 9,81 1,60 0,35 0,09
ablity of high and low clasification students who study use Low
accelerated learning method with Edmodo media is better than Achiever 2,90 2,65 10,70 4,71 0,46 0,25 2,69 2,10 9,38 2,53 0,39 0,13
those who study in the conventional learning; to evaluate whether
the mathematical self-regulated learning ability of students with Total 3,72 2,75 12,47 5,19 0,54 0,30 3,52 2,01 9,62 2,04 0,37 0,11
high and low clasification students who study use accelerated Note: Ideal Maximum Score 20
learning method with Edmodo media is better than those who Prior to research intervention, the two groups had no significant
study in the conventional learning; to evaluate the correlation difference in the tested abilities. After intervention, the Mann-
between the students’ ability in mathematical connection and their Whitney U analysis produced a p-value, sig = 0.855 > α at α =
self-regulated learning in mathematics. 0.05. This showed that the hypothesis H₀ was accepted. The pre-
test average score for mathematical conncetion ability of students
2. METHOD AND ANALISIS who studied with accelerated learning method using Edmodo
media is the same with the mathematical connection ability of
2.1 Method students who studied using cnventional learning.
This study used a mixed method research with embedded design
with the qualitative aspects embedded in the quantitative ones. Analysis of mathematical connection ability using N-gain scores.
The research instruments were a test to measure mathematical The normalized-gain data for mathematical connection ability of
connection ability, a survey on the students’ self-regulated the experiment group and that for the conventional group had
learning, observations on learning activities, and interviews normal distributions; Shapiro-Wilk analysis produced a
guidelines. The population for the study was the entire eleventh significance value of 0.202 > 0.05 for the experiment group while
grade students at the Manangga Pratama Vocational Secondary the conventional group had the value sig 0.314 > 0.05. The
School in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. A purposive sampling variance was not normal; Levene analysis showed a value of sig
technique was used to determine the sample for the study, 0.000 < 0.05. Thus the t-test was used and the result showed sig
followed by random sampling to accomodate differences in the 0.02 < 0.05 which rejected the H₀ hypothesis. The mathematical
students’ abilities in the same grade. The researchers chose two connection ability average N-gain score for students who studied
classes with the prediction that the students’ abilities were with accelerated learning method using Edmodo media is better
relatively equal. Determination of the experimental and the than the average N-gain score for the same ability of students who
control groups was done by random-class selection. The studied with conventional learning.
experimental class had 32 students and the control class had 29
and in both classes there were students of high and low A two-way anova analysis was used to test of mean difference for
clasificasion in mathematical abilities. N-gain data of the mathematical connection ability of the
experiment group and that of the conventional group against their
2.2 Analysis initial mathematical ability classification (high and low). Results
To gain an overall description of the mathematical ability of the showed that the H₀ hypothesis was rejected with a value of sig =
research subjects, a test for initial mathematical ability was given 0.001 < 0.05 according to learning groups, and a value of sig =
to all students in this study. The students were then divided into 0.038 according to initial mathematical ability classification. Thus
one group of high ability and another of low ability; the criteria there exists a difference in the increase of mathematical
for grouping was the ratio of individual score in the test compared connection ability of the experiment group as compared with the
to the average of scores of all students subjected to the

conventional group, according to learning groups and according to mathematical connections. This shows that learning with
initial mathematical ability classification. accelerated learning method adds contributions and roles to
students’ mathematical connection ability. This accelerated
3.2 Mathematical Self-regulated Learning learning approach is appropriate for students be they of high or
A survey of the students’ mathematical self-regulated learning low clasification. According to Cahyani (2014) the accelerated
was carried out to examine their self-regulated learning; collected learning model is a model for learning that is capable of fully
data was analyzed using mean deference test. Self-regulated awakening students’ learning abilities, creating enjoyable and
learning N-gain data from the experiment group and that from the satisfying learning experiences for them, and contributes much to
conventional group came from data distributions which were not students’ enjoyment, intelligence, competence, and success.
normal. Shapiro-Wilk analysis on data of the two groups found
Group discussions and presentations of discussion results can
that the experiment group had sig = 0.970 > 0.05 and for the
initiate students of high mathematical abilities to assist students of
control (conventional) group sig = 0.951 > 0.05. Variance
low abilities in his or her group. In group discussions, students can
homogeneity test on N-gain data using Levene test produced a
collaborate among themselves to complete presented learning
value sig = 0.929 > 0.05 This indicated that variance of data from
materials. Rose and Nicholl (2009) stated that in accelerated
the two groups was homogeneous. A t-test was administered for
learning with MASTER steps, beginning with the Mind step,
examination of N-gain data on mathematical connection ability of
motivating, conditioning students, checking prerequisite
the experiment group and of the control group. This t-test
knowledge, and explaining benefits of materials in relation to
produced a value of significance of 0.794. Test for difference
everyday living; the Search Out step, group discussions to develop
between two means used a one-way analysis that produced (0.5)
one’s own knowledge certainly demands connection ability that
sig (0.397) > 0.05 Hence, the H₀ hypothesis was accepted.
creates solutions for problems at hand.
Students in the experiment group did not significantly have better
self-regulated learning in comparison with the control group. 4.2 Students’ Self-regulated Learning
A two-way anova analysis was used to examine mean deference There was no significant difference found between students who
for survey data on students’ mathematical self-regulated learning learned using the accelerated learning method and those who
(experiment and control groups), based on initial mathematical learned in conventional ways. Based on initial mathematical
ability grouping (high and low). Results showed that, based on ability classification (high and low) there was no difference found
initial mathematical ability grouping, there was no significant in self-regulated learning in mathematics between high and low
difference in mean scores for self-regulated learning of the student groups. Students’ self-regulated learning in mathematis
experiment group and of the control group. This was because the was found to be at the good category. With reference to indicators
H₀ hypothesis was accepted with a significance value of 0.324 > for diagnosis, the students’ needs for learning is at the good level
0.05 Hence, against the background of initial mathematical ability, where students know their own shortcomings and superiorities so
the self-regulated learning of students (with high and low they are aware of their own needs. However, the students are still
clasification in initial mathematical ability) who learned weak in the indicators for learning initiatives, in the initiatives to
mathematis using accelerated learning model using Edmodo study learning materials, in asking and answering questions in
media, was significantly not better than that of students who class; in task implementation, they still wait for friends and the
learned mathematics in the conventional learning. teacher to tell them which source book to use. This finding is
enhanced by results from research on self-regulated learning by
3.3 Correlation between Students’ Hargis (Sumarmo, 2004) that the individual who has high self-
Mathematical Connection Abilities and regulated learning ability tends to study better, is capable of
effectively observing, evaluating, and regulating their learning
Mathematical Self-regulated Learning activities, saving time in finishing tasks, efficient in use of time,
To discover size measure for relationships between students’ and receives good scores. Daryanto (2013) stated that student
mathematical connection and mathematical self-regulated learning, engagement in self-diagnosis of his or her own learning needs is a
analysis used Pearson product-moment correlation calculations very important necessity because the student will be more
because the two data sets had normal distributions. Results motivated in learning and studying something that they feel and
showed that abilities for mathematical connection and for see as a learning need. In line with that, Bude (2009) states that
mathematical self-regulated learning exhibited a positive or learning does not have to be directive since the students may lose
unidirectional relationship with correlation value of 0.023 and their ideas which results in derivation of self-regulated learning as
significance value of 0.862. Thus, if a student’s mathematical self- well as learning motivation.
regulated learning increases then his or her mathematical
connection ability rises. If a student’s mathematical self-regulated A high clasification students who practices self-regulated learning
learning decreases then his or her mathematical connection ability at home using accelerated learning method using Edmodo media
diminishes. tends to get better achievements than a student learning in
conventional ways; the first student can access study materials
4. DISCUSSION easily and read them in a relaxed situation. Study materials can be
studied earlier and are interesting and easy to comprehend. The
4.1 Mathematical Connection Ability Edmodo media, however, is still expensive and some students still
The mathematical connection ability of students (of high and low do not have the necessary supporting system, like the Internet, in
clasification) who learned with accelerated learning method is their homes. The use of Edmodo media in this research study is
better than that of students (with same clasification) who learned only as an additional aspect, in agreement with Yaniawati (2010)
in conventional learning. This is in agreement with Fajri (2013) who stated that one of the characteristics of e-learning in learning
who stated that in their teaching, teachers need to develop further activities is as a supplement.
students’ mathematical connection ability. Fauzi (2012) stated
earlier that it is the student who plays the main role in making

4.3 Correlation between Mathematical matter next meeting. (Trigger).
Connection Abilities and Self-regulated
A relationship was found between mathematical connection Face display of Edmodo can be seen in Figure 1.
ability and self-regulated learning. This indicates that students
who possess high mathematical connection ability have high self-
regulated learning and vice-versa. This is in parallel with
Ratnaningsih (2012) who concluded that there is significant
influence of mathematical self-regulated learning on students’
ability in mathematical connection. The contribution of self-
regulated learning is in the determination of self-strategy for
problem solving. The teacher’s role in teaching is therefore not
only developing students’ cognitive abilities but developing their
self-regulated learning as well.

4.4 Implementation of Accelerated Learning

Using Edmodo
Tabel 2. Teacher and Students’ Activities
Stages Teacher and Students’ Activities Figure 1. Edmodo Display Face
Activities • Teachers say hello and check student
Introduction attendance; 5. CONCLUSIONS
• Teachers communicate purpose of learning. • Increases in mathematical connection ability of students
(Mind); of high and low clasifications who used the accelerated
• Teachers motivate and condition students to be learning method with edmodo were found better than
ready to learn (Mind); that of students who used conventional ways for
• The teacher asked the students about what the learning.
statistics related to everyday life and recall
statsistika material in class X (Trigger); • No differences were found in mathematical self-
• The teacher divides the students into several regulated learning of high and low classifications
groups with 3-4 people per group of students who used accelerated learning method with
heterogeneous academic abilities; edmodo when compared to mathematical self-regulated
learning of students who learned in conventional ways.
Students in conventional learning ways excel in aspects
Core • The teacher presents the core ideas chart the of diagnosis of learning needs, selection and
activities material to be studied previously uploaded implementation of learning method and self-concept;
within Edmodo (Acquire); their learning initiatives, however, are weak.
• The teacher distributes a worksheet to students
who have uploaded within Edmodo; • A positive correlation was found between students’
• In the worksheets, the students are given steps mathematical connection ability and their self-regulated
to determine the size of the centralization of learning.
data and for ways to interpret it. Students
construct their own knowledge by doing 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
worksheets and discussion with other members Author gratefully acknowledge to the Departement of
of the group (Search out); Mathematics Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Pasundan
• Teachers guide students to be active in the University, Indonesia, for providing research facilities, and the
group; Directorate General of Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia,
for the sponsorship under Grant Competence (2016).
• Teachers lead students to present the results of
their knowledge in front of the class, while 7. REFERENCES
another group respond (Exhibit); [1] Bude. L. at al. (2009). “The Effect Of Directive Tutor
Guidance In Problem-Based Learning Of Statistics On
Closing • Teachers and students evaluate learning Students’ Perceptions And Achievement”. Higher Education.
activities (Reflect); Vol. 57: 23–36
• Students fill out a learning journal as a [2] Cahyani M, dkk. (2014). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran
reflection of the learning process has been Accelerated Learning dalam Pola Lesson Study untuk
implemented; Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas III
• The teacher asks the students to make a Semester 1 SDN 3 Subang Kecamatan Sukasada
summary of the material that has been studied TahunAjaran 2014/2015. E-Journal Mimbar PGSD
(Trigger); Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Jurusan PGSD. Volume 2
• Teachers provide quiz questions and the No 1 tahun 2014.
solution is already uploaded on Edmodo;
• Teachers remind students to learn material

[3] Daryanto, (2012). Media Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT. Satu Kemandirian Belajar Siswa SMP. Tesis Pasca Sarjana
Nusa. UNPAS : Tidak diterbitkan.
[4] Fajri, N; dkk. (2013). Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi dan [9] Rismayanti, A (2012). Mengenal lebih Dekat Edmodo
Komunikasi Matematis Siswa dengan Menggunakan sebagai Media E-learning dan Kolaborasi [on line]. Tersedia
Pendekatan Contextual Theaching and Learning (CTL).
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA. Fakultas o+sebagai+ media+E-learning+%.09 dan +kolaborasi. [19
Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Matematika Syiah Kuala November 2015].
Banda Aceh. Volume 2 No 2 Hal 149 – 161. [10] Scott, K.M. (2016). “Change in University Teachers’
[5] Fauzi, A.M. (2012). Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Elearning Beliefs and Practices: A Longitudinal Study”.
dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Metakognitif di Sekolah Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 41, No 3, 582-598.
Menengah Pertama. Jurnal Pendidikan PARADIKMA [11] Sumarmo, U. (2004). Kemandirian Belajar: Apa, Mengapa,
FPMIPA UNIMED. Volume 6 No 1. Hal 49 – 64. dan Bagaimana dikembangkan pada peserta didik. Makalah
[6] Rose, C. dan Nicholl, MJ. (2009). Accelerated Learning for diajukan pada seminar pendidikan matematika dijurusan
The 21 Century Cara Belajar Cepat Abad XXI. Jakarta : matematika FPMIPA. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, tgl 8
Nuansa. Juli 2004. Tidak diterbitkan
[7] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). [12] Yaniawati, P. (2010). E-Learning Alternatif Pembelajaran
(2003). Principles and Standars for School Matematics. Kontemporer. Bandung: Arfino Raya.
Reston: NCTM, Inc. [13] Yaniawati, R. P. (2013). “E-learning to Improve Higher
[8] Ratnaningsih C. (2012). Model Group Investigation (GI) Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of Students”. Journal of
untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Education and Learning. Vol 7 (2) pp. 109.

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, September 2022, 12 (2), 237-252
p-ISSN: 2088-351X e-ISSN: 2502-5457
Accredited (S2) by Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia No. 148/M/KPT/2020
Available online at

Development of M-Learning Teaching Materials on

Trigonometric Materials to Improve Mathematic Connection

Poppy Yaniawati1), Nenden Mutiara Sari2,*), Naímmatur Rokhmah3), Nurul Fitri4),

Suhayat Hadiansyah5)
1,2,3 Universitas Pasundan, Jawa Barat
4 SMP Aisyiyah Boarding School
5 SMA Negeri 5 Cimahi

Received: February 22, 2022 Abstract Teaching material is given to students and assists students in
Revised: September 08, 2022 learning something and making learning more interesting and easy to
Accepted: September 09, 2022 understand. M-learning is a learning media containing teaching materials
that students can access with more attractive visuals and improve student
learning outcomes. This study aims to produce M-Learning teaching
materials on trigonometry and analyze the improvement of the
mathematical connection abilities of XI-grade students after using these
teaching materials. The approach in this research is a mixed method. The
research design used in this study was the One-Group Pretest-Postest
Design. This type of research is R&D (Research & Development). The
instruments in this study were validation sheets, interviews,
questionnaires, and mathematical connection ability tests, which were
analyzed using t-test and N-gain and involved 26 students of class XI
SMK Karya Pembangunan Pasirjambu Bandung. This study indicates
that the M-Learning Application of valid (feasible) trigonometric
material is used based on the validation assessment of media experts,
material experts, and student responses. In addition, there are differences
in improving mathematical connection skills before and after learning
using M-Learning teaching materials. The results of this study indicate
that the M-Learning Application of trigonometric material is valid
(appropriate) to be used based on the validation assessment of media
experts, material experts, and student responses. In addition, there are
differences in improving mathematical connection skills before and after
learning using M-Learning teaching materials. The results of this study
indicate that the M-Learning Application of trigonometric material is
valid (appropriate) to be used based on the validation assessment of
media experts, material experts, and student responses. In addition, there
are differences in improving mathematical connection skills before and
after learning using M-Learning teaching materials.
Keywords: R & D (Research & Development), E-Learning, Vocational School
Students, Plomp Model

(*) Corresponding Author:

How to Cite: Yaniawati, P., et al. (2022). Development of m-learning teaching materials on trigonometric
materials to improve mathematic connection ability. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 12 (2): 237-


Mathematics learning previously carried out face-to-face has changed since the
emergence Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) in Indonesia in early March 2020.
This change in the learning process aims to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

Seeing these conditions, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, issued circular letter Number 4 of 2020 dated March
24, 2020, containing the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency Period
for the Spread of COVID-19. The circular explains that the learning process is carried out
at home online or remotely while still providing meaningful learning experiences for
students. This online learning utilizes information technology as a medium and teaching
material to facilitate learning (Wiryanto, 2020).
Online learning must be optimized, and it is necessary to support facilities, one of
which is teaching materials. Ramdani (2016)states that teaching materials are the format
of the material given to students. The function of teaching materials for students,
according to Prastowo (2012) is to help students learn something, a) provide various
types of material choices; b) can be accessed anytime and anywhere; c) make it easier for
teachers to carry out learning; d) and make learning activities more interesting, effective,
and efficient. The utilization of teaching materials in the learning process has a very
important role, both for teachers and students so that learning is more efficient and does
not deviate from the competencies to be achieved. Meanwhile, one of the benefits of
teaching materials is that they can increase learning effectiveness and improve the quality
of learning (Gazali, 2016; Agustyarini & Jailani, 2015).
The teaching materials needed during the current pandemic are a form of
material, data, tools, and reading materials that can be used and can help teachers and
students carry out online teaching activities. In addition, the time of use must also be
accessible by students anytime and anywhere. One of the teaching materials that can be
accessed online and freely accessed by students at any time is teaching materials in the
form of mobile learning or M-learning.
Majid (2012) stated that learning with M-Learning utilizes technology and mobile
devices. Furthermore, Traxler (2014) explains that M-Learning is distance learning that
can support conventional learning or e-learning. Following Pujiono (2016), M-Learning
is part of E-learning. In addition, according to Setyadi (2016), when compared to
conventional learning, M-learning allows more opportunities to collaborate directly and
interact informally among students. So that it can be stated that M-Learning learning is
learning that provides general educational electronic information through smartphone
According to Yaniawati (2014), there are three functions of M-Learning in
learning activities in the classroom (classroom instruction), namely as a supplement
(additional) that is optional (optional), complementary (complimentary), or substitute
(substitution).In addition, mobile learning can also be used as an alternative to solve
problems in the field of education, especially the problem of equitable access to
educational information, the quality of learning content in the form of learning materials
in the form of text or images accompanied by examples of questions and improving the
quality of teachers/teachers so that better at creating or delivering learning materials and
managing teaching and learning activities (Ghozi, 2014).
Therefore, M-Learning in this study provides electronic educational information
through smartphone devices. Its advantages include 1) can be to operate anywhere and
anytime; 2) increasing student motivation in learning; 3) fostering students' self-
confidence; and 3) improving learning according to student needs.
Based on previous research, it is stated that M-learning can facilitate the teaching
and learning process both inside and outside the classroom, attract students' attention, and
generate enthusiasm and motivation in learning so that the material being delivered can
be conveyed properly and can be understood by students. (Pangalo, 2020). Drigas &
Pappas (2015) stated that online and mobile learning in mathematics could help students
solve problems, increase understanding of mathematical concepts, provide dynamic ideas,

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Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

and encourage metacognitive abilities in general. This statement follows one of the
indicators of mathematical connection, namely understanding students' mathematical
concepts. By understanding new mathematical concepts, it is possible to increase their
confidence in working on the given problems, so that they are able to relate the concepts
they are looking for wherever they are.
Mathematical connection ability is one of the abilities suggested by NCTM.
Nurudini et al. (2019)stating students' understanding in connecting ideas to the ability to
verify and formulate deductive conjectures between topics in mathematics is the
definition of mathematical connections. In line with this, the ability to connect
mathematics is the ability of students to connect various problems related to
mathematics(Haji et al., 2017). Example: linking algebraic concepts with geometric
concepts associated with other sciences in everyday life. According to the NCTM, the
objectives in learning mathematics are mathematical communication, mathematical
reasoning, mathematical problem solving, mathematical connections, and the formation
of positive attitudes towards mathematics (Warih et al., 2016; Suprianto & Pujiastuti,
Mathematical connection ability is the ability to connect mathematical concepts
with concepts in other topics in mathematics, connect mathematical concepts with ideas
outside of mathematics, and connect mathematical concepts in everyday life (Sutihat,
2019); and(Sitting & Oktaviani, 2020). Meanwhile, according to Muchlis et al. (2018),
the mathematical connection can connect mathematics to everyday life and associate
mathematics with other disciplines. Dewi (2013) adds that mathematical connection
ability is the ability to link mathematical concepts both between mathematical concepts
themselves (in mathematics) and linking mathematical concepts with other fields (outside
mathematics), which include: connections between mathematical topics, connections with
other disciplines, and connection with everyday life.
Ramdani (2016)suggested that indicators of mathematical connection ability
include: (1) finding and understanding the relationship between various representations of
concepts in other fields of study or everyday life; (3) understanding the equivalent
representation of the same concept or procedure; (4) look for the connection of one
procedure with another procedure in an equivalent representation; and (5) using
connections between math topics, and between math topics and other topics.
Thus, mathematical connections are an important ability and must be possessed
by students. However, this is not directly proportional to the facts on the ground. Based
on the results of an unstructured interview with one of the class XII mathematics teachers
at SMK Karya Pembangunan Pasirjambu, which was the place of research related to
mathematical connection thinking skills, it was found that the student's abilities at the
school were homogeneous and many students complained about the difficulty of learning
Purwaningrum (2016) states that mathematics is very boring because it is
considered difficult. In addition, after conducting a preliminary analysis of students, it
turns out that students are not used to doing or solving problems related to mathematical
connection abilities. It happened because students were still working on routine or
procedural questions. Therefore, researchers researched the school to improve
mathematical connection skills using this M-learning-based teaching material.
Success in the learning process is strongly influenced by the role of a teacher,
starting from planning to implementing to evaluating the learning process and results
(Inayah et al., 2020). Therefore, research on M-Learning-based teaching materials was
carried out to improve mathematical connection skills in trigonometry material for class
XI students. So it is

- 239 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

In accordance with the purpose of this study, namely to produce M-Learning teaching
materials on trigonometry and analyze the improvement of the mathematical connection
abilities of XI grade students after using these teaching materials.


The approach in this research is a qualitative and quantitative approach or a

mixed method. The research design used in this study was the One-Group Pretest-Postest
Design. This type of research is R & D (Research & Development), which is research-
oriented to research, design, produce, test, and the validity of the resulting product
(Sugiyono, 2019). The product produced in this research is M-Learning teaching
materials in mobile-based learning on Trigonometry material.
The ability to be improved in this research is mathematical connection ability.
The sample of this research is 26 students of class XI. The population chosen was all
class XI odd semester students for the academic year 2020/2021, which consisted of four
classes with 143 students. The research procedure in developing the M-Learning
Application used is the PLOMP model. According to Kreano (2012), the PLOMP model
is a general model used to solve problems in the field of education, especially those
related to R&D. The activities carried out in the PLOMP development model are
Preliminary investigation, design, realization/construction, evaluation, and revision,
implementation (Kreano, 2012).
This research use data collection of mathematical connection ability data using
tests and interview methods. They collect data to validate teaching materials through
material validation questionnaires, media validation, and student responses. The
mathematical connection ability test is given after studying the teaching materials
developed, and then the results are analyzed to see the mathematical connection ability.
The development of teaching materials is done by designing the required features
in advance, such as profiles, basic competencies of learning objectives, core materials and
quizzes. After designing these forms, the researchers collaborated on the mastering math
application with mathematical material. then tested for validation by several certified
mathematics lecturers and teachers. then make revisions. when the revision is complete,
a re-validity test has been carried out which states that M learning teaching materials in
mathematics are feasible to use. the final stage is implementation to students.



This section describes the research results in detail, including displaying the
results of calculations, results of needs analysis, and so on. The results of this study can
also be displayed in the form of tables or figures, provided that the tables or figures
should not be too long, too large, and too numerous. The author should use variations in
the presentation of tables or figures, and each table or figure presented must be referenced
(not rewritten) in the text. We recommend that you do not include SPSS data processing
results tables in the article (authors are required to re-summarize and create a separate
table according to the format requested in this template).
There are several stages in the process of developing this m-learning media. The
first stage is needs analysis. Needs analysis is the first step in conducting research and
development to know the development of M-Learning-based media products. The
analysis obtained by the researchers includes a) In the process of learning mathematics, it

- 240 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

is still rare to use cellphone media when learning takes place. b) There are still problems
in learning mathematics, where students lack self-confidence. c) Most students in schools
already have Android phones to support the learning process. d) Schools that are used as
research carry technology-based learning.
Second, school selection. The researcher chose SMK Karya Pembangunan
Pasirjambu as the research site. From the results of an unstructured interview with one of
the teachers in the field of mathematics who teaches at SMK Karya Pembangunan
Pasirjambu, it was found that students at SMK Karya Pembangunan Pasirjambu still
lacked focus and were not enthusiastic when learning. This matter causes students to be
weak in understanding the material given. In addition, students' mathematical connection
skills must also be improved.
Third, material selection. The material selected in this research and development
results from discussions with mathematics teachers. The specialization of this taken is
two sub-chapters. The selection of this material is adjusted to the school's lesson hours
that are used as a research location. That way, the material can be conveyed well to
Fourth, planning. After analyzing needs, selecting schools and materials, the next
step is to plan research and develop M-learning-based learning products. The steps at the
planning stage are as follows: 1) Collecting learning resources related to the material
presented. Learning resources are obtained from textbooks, worksheets, modules, or the
internet. 2) Make notes on the materials used in media development. This note is in the
form of a PPT (PowerPoint) used as the basis for media planning. 3) Designing a
design/layout for a display that matches the character of SMA/SMK level students and
equivalent. Making a design in this m learning begins with a story board and then the rest
of the math material is poured out. 4) Preparing an animation design used in teaching
materials to make the display more attractive. 5) Preparing the materials needed in media
development. 6) Prepare a questionnaire for two media validation people, seven material
validation people consisting of 5 field practitioners and two mathematics lecturers, ten
students as respondents to the teaching materials made. 7) Prepare evaluation materials in
the form of pretest and post-test questions.

1a Intro 1b Main Menu 1c Basic 1d Material


- 241 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

1e Quiz 1f Summary 1g Reference 1h Author

Figure 1. Display of M-Learning-Based Teaching Materials

Display on the first m-learning media intro. There is a Home menu in the Intro
scene, seen in Figure 1. This menu display shows which level was selected and the
material being studied. Second, the main menu is shown in Figure 2. Some buttons are
used to direct us to the menu to be selected in the main menu. The menu includes basic
competencies, concept maps, history, materials, summaries, quizzes, tests, and references.
In the basic competence scene shown in Figure 3, learning objectives show what students
must achieve in the overall learning process. In the material scene shown in Figure 4, the
sub is presented with icons that can be selected, including learning objectives in the realm
of sub-chapters, contextual problems from sub-chapters, and learning materials.
In the quiz menu in Figure 5, students are presented with practice questions with
three choices. Students can immediately answer and get corrections for incorrect answers
in this session. In the summary scene in Figure 6, a summary of all the material made in
the lesson is presented. Furthermore, in the reference scene shown in Figure 7, there is a
bibliography of a collection of theories used to assemble this teaching material. Figure 8
shows the students or teachers who use teaching materials in the author's scene. In this
scene, test in the form of questions given to measure students' cognitive abilities. The
following is a documentation of M-learning-based teaching materials.
Then the product has been tested for validity. Based on the results of material
expert validation, the highest percentage is the material aspect with a percentage of 91%,
the question aspect is 88%, the language aspect is 80%, and the implementation aspect in
learning is 81%. Thus, the average percentage of the four aspects of 85% is very feasible
to be tested.

Material Expert Validation (%)

80 91 88
80 81
Materi Soal Bahasa keterlaksana

Figure 2. Material Expert Validation

- 242 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

While the assessment results of 3 media experts obtained the percentage of visual
communication validation aspects of 63% and software engineering 83%, this means that
the device presented in the form of an android application is quite feasible to be tested.

Media Expert Validation (%)

Rekayasa Perangkat lunak Komunikasi visual

Figure 3. Validation of media experts

Then the validity of M-Learning. The validity of the M-Learning was determined
by Application by media experts, and the Cochran Q Test statistic is used. The test is used
for three or more paired samples (Riyadi et al., 2017). Cochran Q Test using the help of
IBM SPSS statistics 20. And get the following results:

Table 1. Cochran Q Test

N 22
Cochran's Q 16.533a
df 2
asymp. Sig. .000
a. 0 is treated as a success.

It can be seen that Asymp obtained media would expert validation test results.
Sig 0.00 < 0.05, so the validators gave a different assessment. Furthermore, the researcher
tested students in the field trial phase and obtained student responses to the developed
teaching materials. While the data from student responses were obtained using a
questionnaire. The following is a descriptive explanation of the results of field test
research on products developed using the questionnaire method, which consists of 3
aspects, namely aspects of software, learning design, and visual communication. The
results of student responses can seen at table 2.

- 243 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

Table 2. Test Results of Teaching Materials

Aspect (%) Category
software 68 worthy
learning design 66 worthy
Visual communication 67 worthy

Table 2 regarding student responses shows that this teaching material is

categorized as suitable for use. Furthermore, students also feel that through mobile
learning teaching materials, they can relearn the material that has been studied at another
Then the final stage, namely implementation. The implementation phase
measures students' mathematical connection abilities before and after using mobile
learning media through pretest and post-test questions. The two results were compared to
determine the significant improvement between the two. As for the learning process,
besides being assisted by M-learning teaching materials, students are also assisted by
using the zoom application because learning is not done face-to-face. The field test
showed increased student learning outcomes before and after using this Android-based
M-Learning teaching material. This is in accordance with research(Nugroho, 2014;
Nasution, 2016; Firdausi, 2016; Putra et al., 2017; Mulyana & Taufan, 2020). To
determine the increase in the ability of the mathematical connection through again test
with the following results:

Table 3. Gain Test of Mathematical Connection Ability

Pretest mean Posttest Maximum Gain test
average score results
34.67 60.83 100 0.40

The following is the ability of mathematical connections in Trigonometry

material to be seen based on the results of student work. The gain score obtained is 0.40
in the "medium" category based on the above calculation. The increase in the average
value shows that M-Learning teaching materials generally improve mathematical
connection skills after students use mobile learning in learning. Measurement of
mathematical connection ability is done through a post-test after learning is done through
a zoom meeting.

Figure 4. The results of student answers with criteria for easy questions

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Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

The answer shows that the students have mastered the questions well. In this
answer, students can answer the questions correctly. Likewise, students can write down
what is known and what is asked in solving the problem. Thus, students already
understand the questions given following one of the indicators of mathematical
connection ability, namely "connecting the Pythagorean concept and the concept of
trigonometric comparisons to solve everyday problems."

Figure 5. The results of students' answers with difficult question criteria

Students are taught to be more careful when doing calculations because

mathematics is a hierarchical science. Students can produce correct answers to one of the
questions with "difficult" criteria. However, I found one wrong solution behind their
answer on the stage. The answer should be = 3 and indicate the student made an error
when performing arithmetic operations. If the student initially works with the wrong
answer, then the final answer will also be wrong. This statement is following research
conducted by (Sahriah, 2012: Farida, 2015; Faizal, 2015; Rahmi et al., 2017; Ni'mah,
2017; and Wati & Ningtyas, 2020) where errors in performing arithmetic operations or

- 245 -
Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

skills Computing is caused by the lack of students in mastering the steps or concepts of
arithmetic operations that should be used and the lack of thoroughness of students when
solving these problems.
However, most answered correctly based on the data obtained from the 20
students who took part in the lesson. Therefore, based on the discussion above, the study
results indicate an increase in students' mathematical connections when using the
teaching materials that have been developed.


M-learning teaching materials allow students to repeat the material independently

without being bound by time and place to improve memory of the material. This
statement follows (Ibrahim & Ishartiwi, 2017; Hakim, 2017) that digital learning media
can facilitate students in learning anytime and anywhere and increase students' motivation
and memory because they can be used repeatedly. (Sakat et al. 2012; Alfarani, 2015) also
stated that using technology learning media can increase motivation, students are more
attractive so that learning becomes interesting and fun.
Researchers developed this m-learning teaching material to improve learning
outcomes through characteristics, namely visualization that is attractive, flexible, and
practical so that it can be used anytime and anywhere and has a varied evaluation of
questions. Based on the research results, it was found that the mobile learning-based
teaching materials developed were suitable for use in classroom learning. Several theories
support this statement state that the Android-based M-learning learning media that was
developed and declared feasible can be used in learning activities (Wibowo & Arifudin,
2016; Rubiantoro & Khotimah, 2021; Wahyuaji & Taram, 2018; Kadaryanto, 2017;
Hanifah & Sari, 2021; andWahyono, 2018).
This development research produces a product of mathematics learning devices in
a mobile learning application for trigonometry material. The Application has been said to
be feasible by experts and was distributed to find out the attractiveness of the mobile
learning application based on student responses. The development of the mobile learning
application for trigonometry is carried out through stages based on the PLOMP
development model using the following steps: (1) Preliminary investigation, (2) Design,
realization/construction, (3) Evaluation and revision, (4) Test evaluation and revision, (5)
The first stage is a needs analysis. This part follows Brown's statement (Shodikin,
2017), where needs analysis is a step to collect information and identify supporting and
inhibiting factors in the learning process of learners to achieve learning development
goals that lead to improving the quality of education. This stage is needed to identify the
problem to determine the appropriate action. This development process analyzes student
needs, curriculum adapted to KI, KD, and analysis of the material used.
The second stage designs. We are designing learning media at this stage, namely
teaching materials and M-learning media. Media design is designing, layout, and display.
The design of the instruments included media assessment and evaluation instruments
obtained from media assessment questionnaires and test questions grids. The results of
this stage are then developed at the stage of developing learning media, media assessment
instruments, and test questions on the subject of trigonometry. This statement follows
Soeyono (2014), who defines teaching materials as information, tools, and texts needed
by teachers or instructors to plan and review implementation in learning.
Developing mobile learning applications as media experts and material experts
validated learning media. Expert input is used as a revision, and validation tests are made
to see the feasibility of teaching materials used in trials to students. Based on the results

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Yaniawati et al. / Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 12(2), 237-252

obtained, it can be concluded that the learning media developed is categorized as very
feasible according to the assessment of media experts and material experts, so that the
teaching materials are feasible to be tested.
Furthermore, the researcher tested students in the field trial phase and obtained
student responses to the developed teaching materials. Obtaining student responses on the
media aspect is included in the appropriate category. In learning design, it is included in
the feasible category. In the aspect of visual communication, it is in the proper category.
So, based on student responses, this teaching material is feasible to use.
The next stage is the implementation of the media by measuring the achievement
of students' mathematical connection abilities before using mobile learning media and
after using mobile learning media using pretest and post-test questions on students. The
two results were compared to determine whether there was a significant improvement in
student learning outcomes using mobile learning applications. This statement is in line
with Nasution's research (2016), which suggests that mobile learning-based learning is a
new option in learning and is very effective in achieving learning goals.
The results showed an increase in students' mathematical connection abilities, as
seen from students' work in working on mathematical connection questions. The
statement supports this that the development of teaching materials can improve students'
mathematical connection abilities (Abdullah, 2012; Firmansyah, 2016; Yunida, 2016;
Yani, 2016; Setyadi, 2017; Nurhayati, 2017; Safitri & Noviarni, 2018; Arianti, 2021).
These m-learning teaching materials that have been declared feasible are then used in the
learning process to improve mathematical connection skills and as an effort to create
innovative learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The N-gain analysis was taken from the pretest and post-test scores. Post-test and
pretest are adjusted to indicators of mathematical connection ability. The average pretest
score and the post-test mean score showed an increase. The increase is in the “medium”
category. The increase in the average value shows that M-Learning teaching materials
generally improve mathematical connection skills after students use mobile learning in
learning. Increasing students' mathematical connection skills are still not maximal
inaccuracy. This statement follows the research of Sahriah (2012); Faizal (2015);
Ramdhani et al. (2016); Ni'mah et al. (2017); Sari & Yulianti (2020); and Wati &
Ningtyas (2020), which states that errors in performing arithmetic operations or
computational skills are caused by the lack of students in mastering the steps or concepts
of arithmetic operations that should be used and students' lack of accuracy when solving
the problem.


Based on this research, it can be concluded that the development of Android-

based M-Learning teaching materials for class XI SMA/SMK/MA students using the
PLOMP model through rating scale calculations shows valid (feasible) results to be used
as student learning media. This teaching material has several advantages: having
complete Trigonometry material according to KD and having a voice that can help in the
learning process as a substitute for face-to-face learning. In addition, there are differences
in the improvement of students' mathematical connection abilities before and after using
M-learning learning media. Based on the conclusions, other researchers can make
suggestions to develop this M-Learning learning media. It is hoped that this learning
media can be disseminated using applications other than Android, such as iOS and
Blackberry systems. So that the users of this product will be even wider because all
student smartphone users can access M-learning teaching materials without exception.

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The author would like to thank the students for the assistance of the SMK Karya
Pembangunan Pasir Jambu Bandung and the teachers who have been involved in this
research, as well as the Graduate School of Pasundan University.


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Happy Math War: Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat

Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis
(Happy Math War: Educational Game as Learning Media to Improve
Mathematical Connection Ability)

Nabilah Cahyadewi 1*, Ria Sudiana 2

1 Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa – Serang, Banten, Indonesia, 42117
Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa – Serang, Banten, Indonesia, 42117
* email penulis korespondensi:

Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan produk media game edukasi Happy Math War untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Metode penelitian ini berupa
pengembangan menggunakan model Borg dan Gall yaitu potensi dan masalah,
pengumpulan data, pengembangan produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba
pendahuluan, revisi, ujicoba pemakaian skala luas, dan revisi. Subjek penelitian
merupakan siswa SMP di Kota Serang. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan
angket dan tes lalu dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan juga kualitatif. Hasil
penelitian memperoleh fakta sebuah media pembelajaran game edukasi Happy Math War
sangat valid dari segi media dan materi, bernilai praktis oleh guru dan sangat praktis dari
respons siswa. Keefektifan media tinggi dengan ditunjukkan skor n-gain sebesar 0,80.
Berdasarkan hasil tersebut media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa.
Kata kunci: game edukasi; kemampuan koneksi; media

The purpose of this research is to develop the educational game media product called
Happy Math War to improve students' mathematical connection abilities. This research
method involves development using the Borg and Gall model, which includes potential
and problem analysis, data collection, product development, design validation, design
revision, preliminary testing, revision, large-scale implementation testing, and final
revision. The research subjects are junior high school students in the city of Serang. Data
collection instruments consist of questionnaires and tests, and the data will be analyzed
using both quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The research results obtained
evidence that the educational game media called Happy Math War is highly valid in
terms of its media and content. It is considered practical by teachers and highly practical
based on student responses. The effectiveness of the media is high, as indicated by an n-
gain score of 0.80. Based on these results, the developed learning media is deemed
suitable for improving students' mathematical connection abilities.
Keywords: educational game, connection abilities, media

Cara mengutip dengan APA 7 style: Cahyadewi, N & Sudiana, R. (2023). Happy Math War:
Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis. JMPM:
Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 8(2), 114-126.

Happy Math War: Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis 114
JMPM: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika dengan lisensi CC BY
Cahyadewi, N. & Sudiana, R. 8 (2) September 2023 114-126

Dunia abad-21, menuntut berbagai macam perkembangan dalam diri manusia
maupun seluruh aspek bidang kehidupan tak terkecuali bidang pendidikan. Teknologi
informasi dan komunikasi dalam lingkup pendidikan kini sudah luas dan kaya akan
inovasi. Kelebihan hal ini pada aspek pendidikan ialah memudahkan proses informasi dan
menciptakan inovasi yang beragam dalam dunia pendidikan. Pendidikan merupakan
sumber kemajuan suatu bangsa. Pendidikan di Indonesia setiap jenjangnya senantiasa
terdapat mata pelajaran matematika, oleh karena itu matematika tergolong pelajaran yang
wajib untuk dipelajari (Kusumawati & Irwanto, 2016). NCTM (National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics) menyatakan kemampuan dasar matematika meliputi
kemampuan koneksi (connections), pemecahan masalah (problem solving), penalaran dan
pembuktian (reasoning and proofing), komunikasi (communication), dan representasi
(representation). Berdasarkan uraian basic skills matematika tersebut, siswa seharusnya
mempunyai kemampuan koneksi matematis yang baik sehingga dapat memecahkan
permasalahan matematika lainnya (Abidin, 2022). Tetapi, terdapat fakta bahwa siswa
sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami, menggambarkan dan menyelesaikan
persamaan numerik. Oleh sebab itu siswa mengatakan belajar matematika sulit dan tidak
menyenangkan. Untuk menghilangkan stigma tersebut, tugas pendidik untuk membantu
siswa dan menciptakan strategi pembelajaran yang efektif, efisien, dan menyenangkan.
Hadin (2018) menyatakan kemampuan koneksi matematis merupakan kemampuan
memahami keterkaitan matematika dengan kehidupan keseharian, kaitan matematika
dengan topik matematika lainnya, serta keterkaitan matematika dengan disiplin ilmu
selain matematika. Seorang peserta didik yang menguasai kemampuan koneksi matematis
akan memiliki pemahaman matematika dalam jangka waktu yang lebih panjang.
Studi pendahuluan dilakukan pada siswa sekolah menengah pertama di kota
serang yang melibatkan 30 responden dalam hal mengetahui potensi serta masalah yang
ada untuk kemampuan dan kegiatan belajar matematika siswa melalui aktivitas yang
mungkin dilakukan siswa, dan diperoleh informasi bahwa siswa menggunakan
smartphone lebih dari 8 jam sehari, lalu aktivitas yang dijalani ialah bermain game pada
smartphone namun bukan merupakan e-learning matematika. Akan tetapi, hal ini tidak
menjadi bernilai negatif jika terdapat suatu media yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran
pada smartphone dan fungsinya sama seperti aktivitas yang digemari peserta didik yaitu
menarik dan memberikan hiburan. Media interaktif yang dapat dijalankan pada
smartphone dan dibuat berdasarkan capaian pendidikan serta tetap membawa sifat
menghibur adalah game edukasi (Press, 2021). Pengaplikasian media pembelajaran dapat
membantu peserta didik saat mempelajari materi berkategori sulit (Wicaksono dkk.,
2018). Studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan terkait materi yang tergolong sulit menurut
peserta didik jatuh kepada materi lingkaran, kemudian guru matematika menyatakan
belum adanya media pembelajaran berteknologi digital berbasiskan android,
pembelajaran dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan pemberian tugas.
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dalam segala aspek kehidupan salah satunya
aspek pendidikan, perlu bagi pendidik melaksanakan perkembangan Zaman dengan
membantu peserta didik mengenal dan mengaplikasikan teknologi dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran sehingga pendidik sebagai fasilitator kelompok belajar tidak hanya sekadar
mentransfer ilmu yang dimilikinya melalui ceramah dan papan tulis. Pendidikan disebut
berkualitas jika mampu menciptakan pribadi siswa yang memiliki pengetahuan untuk
menyelesaikan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya (Anita dkk., 2022). Dengan
teknologi, guru memiliki pilihan strategi serta metode pembelajaran yang luas dan
mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran juga menanamkan basic skills kemampuan

Happy Math War: Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis 115
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Cahyadewi, N. & Sudiana, R. 8 (2) September 2023 114-126

koneksi matematis dengan suasana belajar yang bersifat efektif, efisien, dan
menggembirakan (Azis, 2019). Media ialah kata yang berasal dari bahasa Latin dan
bentuk jamak kata medium berarti “perantara” atau “pengantar”, media dalam
pembelajaran bermakna sebagai penyalur atau penyampai pesan antara pengirim dan
penerima pesan (Rusydiah, 2020). Kemudian teknologi dalam pembelajaran bersifat
memberi pengalaman belajar yang lebih baik dan mengajarkan peserta didik
menggunakan teknologi secara positif dalam kehidupan. Media pembelajaran sebagai
perantara dapat berupa "hardware" maupun "software", yang memuat informasi tujuan
dan isi pembelajaran serta bersifat menyukseskan kegiatan belajar mengajar (Nasaruddin,
Kemudian, berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dari Rianingtias (2019) dan Miswari
(2022) tentang penggunaan media pembelajaran abad ke-21 berbasis android, telah
selesai dilakukan setelah mengetahui valid dan praktis saja namun tidak sampai menguji
keefektifan media untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian
yang dilakukan peneliti saat ini, peneliti meneliti dengan menciptakan produk media
pembelajaran berbasis android baru yang memiliki fokus penelitian disiplin ilmu
pengetahuan dan jenjang berbeda dari sebelumnya yakni ilmu matematika materi
lingkaran pada siswa kelas VIII, lalu media game edukasi berbasis android yang
dihasilkan memiliki tujuan penelitian yang lebih luas yakni memperoleh kevalidan media
game, memperoleh kepraktisan media game, juga memperoleh informasi keefektifan
media game edukasi. Tidak sampai disitu, penelitian ini juga menghasilkan produk baru
media pembelajaran terintegritas kemampuan koneksi matematis di mana kemampuan
matematis pada media game edukasi ini belum dimiliki oleh media pembelajaran pada
penelitian terdahulu juga peneliti lainnya. Media pembelajaran pada penelitian yang lalu
memiliki fitur quiz latihan soal lalu skor yang diperoleh dari pilihan jawaban yang benar,
maka penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti saat ini memiliki kebaharuan fitur-fitur pada
aplikasi sehingga lebih beragam. Media pembelajaran game edukasi yang dikembangkan
saat ini untuk mata pelajaran matematika materi lingkaran serta tidak hanya berisi quiz
atau latihan soal saja namun juga disertai fitur-fitur sumber bacaan materi lingkaran,
contoh soal, quiz, dan yang utama terdapat permainan (games) math war yang menghibur
siswa sebagai pemainnya dari segi visual-audio serta aktivitas robot math war yang dapat
bergerak lebih dari satu arah.
Berdasarkan penelitian tentang media game quiz berbasis android yang
dilakukan oleh Hakim & Sari (2019) serta Muyaroah (2020), diketahui penggunaan
media pembelajaran ini berhasil menciptakan kegiatan positif yang dapat dilakukan
peserta didik dalam penggunaan smartphone. Seluruh media telah mendapatkan hasil
layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran dan mendapatkan respons sangat baik dari peserta
didik. Dari penelitian tersebut, peneliti menyimpulkan terdapat cara untuk memenuhi
tugas guru pada abad ke 21 dalam hal membantu siswa beradaptasi dengan
perkembangan teknologi, tanggap teknologi, meminimalisir nilai negatif penggunaan
smartphone serta memiliki pengalaman belajar lebih baik. Cara tersebut dapat dilakukan
dengan membuat inovasi produk media pembelajaran berupa game edukasi berbasis
android dengan menggunakan software pencipta game dua dimensi yakni Construct 2.
Construct 2 merupakan aplikasi pembuat game dengan memanfaatkan menu tools yang
tersedia, pembuat game dua dimensi ini berbasis HTML5 sehingga mudah digunakan
untuk menciptakan suatu produk media pembelajaran pada materi lingkaran dan hasilnya
dapat di publikasikan ke dalam android (Rohman, 2019).
Berdasarkan ulasan di atas penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh dan menciptakan
media pembelajaran game edukasi Happy Math War berbasiskan android pada
pembelajaran matematika yang mampu memfasilitasi kemampuan koneksi matematis

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siswa materi lingkaran yang valid, praktis, dan efektif meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis peserta didik kelas VIII.

Metode penelitian ini menggunakan R&D (Research and Development). Model
yang digunakan ialah Borg dan Gall yang disederhanakan menjadi sembilan langkah dari
sepuluh langkah. Penyederhanaan dilakukan karena telah terdapat pernyataan Borg dan
Gall bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Strata 1 dapat selesai pada tahap
keenam yaitu ujicoba skala kecil akibat sumber daya mahasiswa terbatas, selain itu alasan
peneliti melakukan penyederhanaan dikarenakan adanya keterbatasan dari segi waktu dan
kemampuan. Jadi, langkah tahapan penelitian saat ini yakni 1) potensi dan masalah, 2)
pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) validasi desain, 5) revisi desain, 6) uji coba
produk awal, 7) revisi, 8) uji coba pemakaian skala luas, 9) revisi akhir.
Langkah-langkah penelitian tersebut akan dijelaskan mulai dari langkah pertama
yakni langkah potensi dan masalah, langkah melihat masalah dan peluang pembelajaran
dari tindakan pra-penelitian di sekolah. Guru matematika diberi kuesioner angket berisi
data terkait proses pembelajaran, dan sarana untuk belajar. Siswa kelas 9 diberi angket
berisi kebiasaan yang banyak dilakukan, kegiatan belajar, serta mata pelajaran yang
tergolong sulit namun tidak memiliki media sehingga materi sulit dapat di integrasikan
kedalam media.
Langkah kedua, pada pengumpulan data dilakukan studi literatur untuk
menunjang pengembangan produk berdasarkan potensi serta masalah yang ada melalui
berbagai bahan bacaan. Langkah ketiga mengembangkan desain produk, terdapat dua
jenis hal yang dikembangkan yakni instrumen penilaian yang terdiri dari instrumen
angket untuk validasi media, validasi materi, respons siswa, respons guru, dan instrumen
tes pretest posttest pengukur keefektifan. Kemudian jenis kedua berupa media
pembelajaran game edukasi Happy Math War.
Langkah keempat, validasi desain produk berupa memberi angket instrumen
kepada dua validator ahli media dan tiga ahli materi melalui bahan penilaian berupa
angket. Media dinilai melalui tiga aspek yakni aspek perangkat lunak, kegrafisan dan
kemudahan. Sedangkan aspek penilaian materi terdiri dari kesesuaian kompetensi inti,
kompetensi dasar, kurikulum 2013, keakuratan materi, latihan soal, dan aspek kesesuaian
feedback jawaban. Langkah kelima berupa revisi setelah validasi, menyelesaikan hasil
masukan dan saran yang diberikan oleh ahli untuk menghasilkan produk yang layak.
Langkah keenam, ujicoba produk pada kelas IX SMP untuk mengetahui respons
peserta didik terhadap media, respons guru matematika, dan keefektifan media, ujicoba
tahap ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh produk yang jauh lebih baik. Langkah ketujuh
berupa revisi setelah di uji coba pada kelas 9, revisi dilakukan ketika produk mendapat
masukan dan memperoleh hasil di bawah normal, hasil yang diperoleh pada pengujian ini
tidak tergolong jelek atau buruk sehingga dilanjutkan kepada tahap berikutnya.
Langkah kedelapan, uji coba pemakaian (skala lebih luas). Dilakukan kepada 40
siswa SMP kelas VIII, pengujian dilakukan dengan eksperimen dan bertujuan untuk
mengetahui respons serta keefektifan media, tindakan awal berupa memberi soal pretest,
sesudah itu dilakukan pembelajaran menggunakan media, setelah itu diberikan soal
posttest, dan yang terakhir memberi angket respons atas media. Terakhir, langkah
kesembilan, revisi setelah ujicoba skala lebih luas dari masukan yang diterima.

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Gambar 1. Tahapan Model Borg and Gall

Subyek Ujicoba
Subjek dalam penelitian ini merupakan siswa SMP Negeri pada salah satu
sekolah di Kota Serang. Pemilihan siswa dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling, cara
ini sesuai untuk digunakan pada penelitian yang tidak melakukan generalisasi (Sugiyono,
2016). Uji coba produk awal dilakukan kepada 30 siswa kelas IX sedangkan ujicoba
pemakaian dilakukan kepada 40 siswa kelas VIII SMP, uji coba awal dilakukan kepada
siswa setingkat lebih tinggi karena dianggap telah mempelajari materi lingkaran saat
duduk di bangku kelas delapan terlebih dahulu sehingga dapat merasakan perbedaan
pembelajaran menggunakan media game edukasi yang dikembangkan. Penelitian
dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Desember 2022 sampai tanggal 08 Mei 2023.

Instrumen Penelitian
Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga kelompok, yaitu 1)
Lembar angket untuk kevalidan diberikan kepada ahli media dan ahli materi, 2) Lembar
angket untuk mengetahui tingkat kepraktisan diberikan kepada guru dan peserta didik, 3)
Lembar tes untuk mengetahui keefektifan dibuat menjadi dua tes yakni pretest dan
posttest, mengandung indikator pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematis.

Teknik Analisis Data

Teknik analisis data yang digunakan ialah teknik deskriptif kualitatif untuk
mendeskripsikan hasil komentar dan masukan, kemudian teknik deskriptif kuantitatif
untuk mendeskripsikan data menggunakan angka. Instrumen dilakukan uji validitas dan
reliabilitas, setelah valid dan reliabel instrumen dapat digunakan untuk mengukur respons
peserta didik dan keefektifan media. Kategori pengukur kevalidan (layak) dan
kepraktisan (respons) media menggunakan Skala Likert skala 1 sampai 5 kemudian
pengolahan data dengan rumus seperti berikut ini :
𝐽𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ
𝑃= 𝑥 100%
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
Selanjutnya, persentase penilaian tersebut diinterpretasikan kedalam kriteria penilaian
produk pengembangan pada Tabel 1 :

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Tabel 1. Kriteria penilaian produk pengembangan

Kategori Kategori Kepraktisan
Interval Persentase Keterangan
Kevalidan Media Media
0% - 20% Tidak valid Tidak Praktis Revisi
21% - 40% Kurang valid Kurang Praktis Revisi
41% - 60% Cukup valid Cukup Praktis Revisi
61% - 80% Valid Praktis Tidak perlu revisi
81% - 100% Sangat valid Sangat Praktis Tidak perlu revisi

Sementara data efektivitas kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang berupa tes pretest
dan posttest diolah menggunakan rumus n-gain. Kriteria n-gain di adaptasi dari (Hake,
1999) seperti pada Tabel 2. Berikut perhitungan n-gain skor :
𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙 − 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
Tabel 2. Kriteria N–Gain skor
Nilai N-Gain Kategori
g > 0,7 Tinggi
0,3 ≤ g ≤ 0,7 Sedang
g < 0,3 Rendah


Hasil penelitian berupa media pembelajaran game edukasi berbasis android
bernama “Happy Math War” dengan fokus materi lingkaran untuk kelas VIII SMP. Game
edukasi ini dikembangkan berdasarkan tahapan pada model pengembangan Borg dan Gall
yang telah di sederhanakan menjadi sembilan langkah dari sepuluh langkah penelitian.
Pra penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi dan masalah menggunakan kuesioner
dengan bahasan yang ditujukan kepada guru seputar kondisi sekolah, sarana pra sarana
mengajar dan belajar, media pembelajaran, serta perkembangan teknologi dalam
pembelajaran. Lalu bahasan kuesioner untuk siswa meliputi penggunaan teknologi. Hasil
yang diperoleh siswa sering menggunakan teknologi smartphone saat di luar sekolah,
Kegiatan yang sering dilakukan saat membuka smartphone adalah membuka aplikasi
permainan game, tidak adanya aplikasi berupa e-learning atau jenis pemelajaran pada
smartphone, game yang dimainkan bukan game edukasi matematika melainkan hanya
hiburan. Sedangkan hasil kuesioner guru menyatakan pembelajaran matematika
menggunakan kurikulum 2013 dan belum memiliki media pembelajaran yang dapat
digunakan pada smartphone seperti game edukasi. Setelah diketahui hasil masalah dan
potensi yang ada, dilanjutkan dengan melakukan pengumpulan data studi literatur pada
sumber tertulis. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan yang lebih maju
di sekolah yang dapat membantu pembelajaran dengan penanganan ilmu yang terarah
sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dalam berteknologi, pada fokus materi lingkaran,
diperlukan media pembelajaran yang komunikatif dan menuntaskan tujuan pembelajaran,
sehingga dibuatlah media pembelajaran yang termasuk inovasi abad dua puluh satu dan
membuat multimedia interaktif. Kemudian, diketahui software yang mampu menciptakan
game sesuai tujuan dan isi materi lingkaran yakni Construct 2 dan diketahui juga cara
mengembangkan game.
Pengembangan produk terdiri dari pengembangan instrumen pengumpulan data
berupa angket validasi, angket respons, dan tes pretest posttest kemampuan koneksi
matematis. Kemudian, pengembangan media pembelajaran game edukasi Happy Math

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War. Pengembangan game edukasi menggunakan software Construct 2 dengan sistem

pengembang game dua dimensi HTML5. Game di publikasikan khusus pada platform
android minimal Versi Kitkat. Game Happy Math War memiliki tampilan portrait skala
1080 x 1920 pixels dengan ukuran 72 MB. Game Happy Math War merupakan
permainan pertempuran memperoleh skor antara object Robot dengan batu dan benda-
benda matematika bentuk lingkaran yang dilengkapi dengan latihan soal dan materi
bacaan lingkaran koneksi matematis.

Gambar 2. Icon dan Main Menu Happy Math War

Pada main menu diketahui fitur apa saja yang terdapat pada aplikasi Happy Math
War, tidak hanya untuk bermain game tetapi juga terdapat tujuan dan isi pembelajaran
yang disampaikan dan terdapat pada pilihan “Pencapaian Materi”. Selain itu, terdapat
Quiz kemampuan koneksi matematis untuk latihan belajar peserta didik setelah bermain
game, lalu terdapat input nilai dari skor yang diperoleh peserta didik ke Google Form.
Aplikasi ini bersifat menciptakan pembelajaran sesuai perkembangan teknologi yakni
efektif, efisien, dan menggembirakan.
Selanjutnya tampilan Opening merupakan tampilan awal saat aplikasi Happy
Math War dibuka pada smartphone android. Pada opening terdiri dari tampilan kover,
informasi spesifik materi yang diangkat dan jenjang pendidikan, kemudian informasi cara
bermain. Peralihan dari kover dan info materi di setting dengan waktu 6 detik untuk
otomatis menuju informasi petunjuk bermain. Tampilan Opening dapat dilihat pada
Gambar 3.

Gambar 3. Tampilan Opening Happy Math War dan petunjuk bermain

Saat sudah berada pada halaman opening dan untuk masuk kedalam menu utama
(main menu), pengguna aplikasi harus menyelesaikan bacaan petunjuk bermain hingga
slide akhir dengan mengklik tombol “next and back” pada sisi kanan dan kiri hingga

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muncul tombol “saya sudah mengerti”.

Gambar 4. Tampilan Opsi Capaian Materi Ligkaran

Selanjutnya, salah satu fitur main menu yaitu pencapaian materi terdiri dari
beberapa sub menu seperti kompetensi dasar, materi lingkaran, dan contoh soal.
Keseluruhan bacaan pada menu pencapaian materi disediakan untuk melengkapi
permainan dan menjadi bahan bacaan materi lingkaran sebelum memulai permainan dan
sebelum mengerjakan latihan atau quiz kemampuan koneksi matematis. Pada tampilan
capaian materi terdapat tombol button home yang artinya setelah selesai membaca terkait
materi lingkaran pengguna dapat kembali ke menu utama (main menu),

Gambar 5. Tampilan Permainan Happy Math War

Selanjutnya pada Gambar 5. Menampilkan tampilan menu Permainan yang

terdiri dari empat bagian di mana setiap bagiannya terdapat level permainan, total
keseluruhan level permainan ada sepuluh. Secara berurutan dari tampilan menu
permainan terdapat tampilan halaman bermain math war kemudian tampilan latihan
berupa quiz dan pembahasan quiz. Permainan math war dimainkan dengan cara
mengarahkan objek robot war ke arah kanan dan kiri melalui tombol kursor di bawah
garis biru, tujuan mengarahkan robot war untuk mencari objek matematika berbentuk
lingkaran yang dapat ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, jika berhasil menyentuh objek
benda lingkaran hingga hilang tersentuh peluru maka skor akan bertambah namun jika
menembak batu dan benda-benda melewati garis pijakan robot war maka skor akan
berkurang. Setelah satu menit sudah bermain, maka akan muncul tampilan latihan quiz
materi lingkaran yang berkaitan dengan koneksi matematis sesuai tingkat level
permainan. Pada saat siswa salah menjawab quiz maka skor berkurang dan akan muncul
pembahasan soal sebagai feedback pembelajaran.

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Gambar 6. Tampilan Soal Lingkaran dengan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Happy Math War

Tampilan Gambar 6. Menunjukkan beberapa soal yang digunakan sebagai

latihan dalam aplikasi Happy Math War. Seluruh soal yang dapat dikerjakan sebagai
latihan kemampuan koneksi matematis oleh siswa pada aplikasi game edukasi Happy
Math War berjumlah 50 soal, di mana pada setiap level permainan terdapat lima soal, lalu
jumlah keseluruhan level permainan adalah sepuluh. Soal-soal latihan pada bagian
permainan dan level permainan telah disusun berurutan dari tingkatan kompetensi dasar
dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi materi lingkaran yang termudah ke arah yang lebih
serius, kemudian soal latihan dibuat untuk melatih kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa.
Seperti hasil yang diperoleh (Junedi & Sari, 2020) bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis
siswa jauh lebih baik setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran karena pengalaman
belajar yang lebih terfokus pada peserta didik dengan tercurahnya perhatian, perasaan,
dan minat selama pembelajaran. Hal ini sesuai teori Dale (1969) pengalaman belajar
semakin konkret suatu pengalaman belajar siswa, maka akan semakin besar ingatan siswa
terhadap materi tersebut.

Gambar 7. Tampilan Notif Saat Menjawab Quiz dan Skor Akhir

Pada Gambar 7. Secara berturut-turut menampilkan tampilan notifikasi saat

siswa menjawab benar atau salah kemudian terdapat tampilan pop-up papan skor akhir
yang diperoleh siswa. Untuk jawaban benar saat mengerjakan quiz maka notif yang

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muncul berupa checklist. Lalu, saat siswa sudah mendapatkan notifikasi pop-up skor
akhir selanjutnya siswa menginput skor yang diperoleh pada tombol “input nilai”,
nantinya siswa akan diarahkan menuju Google Forms untuk penginputan data.
Setelah produk selesai dikembangkan selanjutnya melakukan proses validasi
desain, produk dinilai melalui instrumen angket validasi ahli. Berikut hasil validasi desain
yang diperoleh:
Tabel 3. Hasil Uji Kevalidan Media
Ahli Media
No Aspek Jumlah Skor Skor Maks
1 2
1 Perangkat Lunak 30 33 63 70
2 Kegrafisan 48 51 99 110
3 Kemudahan 14 13 27 30
Jumlah 189 210

Validasi media yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 3. dilakukan oleh dua dosen ahli.
Aspek penilaian ahli media yang telah diperoleh di olah dengan perhitungan persentase
berupa jumlah total skor keseluruhan sebesar 189 dibagi dengan jumlah total skor
maksimal sebesar 210 menghasilkan persentase keseluruhan sebesar 90% artinya media
game edukasi Happy Math War termasuk kedalam kategori “sangat valid” digunakan
dalam pembelajaran.
Tabel 4. Hasil Uji Kevalidan Materi
Ahli Materi Jumlah Skor
No Indikator
1 2 3 Skor Maks
1. Kesesuaian KI & KD pada K2013 12 15 12 39 45
2. Keakuratan materi 22 24 20 66 75
3. Soal latihan pada media 14 15 12 41 45
4. Kesesuaian feedback 8 9 8 25 30
Jumlah 171 195

Setelah mengetahui kevalidan media selanjutnya menentukan kevalidan dari segi

materi. Validasi materi pada Tabel 4. dinilai oleh tiga ahli yang terdiri dari dua dosen ahli
pada bidangnya dan satu guru matematika, hasil yang telah di peroleh di olah dengan
perhitungan persentase berupa jumlah total skor keseluruhan sebesar 171 dibagi dengan
jumlah total skor maksimal sebesar 195 menghasilkan persentase keseluruhan sebesar
88% yang berarti “sangat valid’ digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Setelah produk divalidasi dan dilakukan perbaikan berdasarkan masukan para
ahli, produk di uji cobakan. Uji pertama yang dilakukan adalah uji coba produk awal (uji
skala kecil) dilakukan pada kelas IX SMP kepada 30 responden. Kegiatan uji coba
produk awal bertujuan mengetahui respons guru matematika terhadap media, mengetahui
validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen angket respons siswa dan instrumen tes pretest dan
posttest kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa setelah menggunakan produk media.
Pembelajaran menggunakan desain one group pretest posttest, jadi langkahnya ialah
peneliti memberikan tes pretest kepada peserta didik kemudian melakukan kegiatan
pembelajaran menggunakan produk yang dikembangkan lalu saat tujuan pembelajaran
tercapai diberikan instrumen tes posttest kemampuan koneksi matematis. Dan terakhir
memberikan angket respons peserta didik dan respons guru matematika untuk menilai
media pengembangan yang telah digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil yang
diperoleh ialah instrumen tes pretest dan posttest pada setiap butir soal telah valid, hal ini
dilihat dari nilai rxy lebih dari nilai r tabel (r tabel = 0,361). Berikut hasil uji validitas tes
pretest dan posttest pada ujicoba awal produk :

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Tabel 5. Hasil Uji Validitas Tes Pretest dan Posttest

No Soal .r Tabel .rxy Pretest .rxy Posttest Simpulan
1 0.361 0.581 0.872 Valid
2 0.361 0.776 0.762 Valid
3 0.361 0.736 0.661 Valid
4 0.361 0.650 0.502 Valid
5 0.361 0.525 0.522 Valid

Selanjutnya menghitung data untuk dicari tahu status reliabilitasnya. berbeda

dengan penelitian relevan terdahulu karena tidak melakukan uji efektivitas, validitas, dan
reliabilitas, penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti saat ini memiliki tujuan mengukur
efektivitas media pembelajaran dan hasil uji reliabilitas yang diperoleh ialah tes pretest
dan tes posttest reliabel yang keduanya tergolong kedalam kriteria sedang, sehingga
kesimpulannya tes dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keefektifan media. Hasil uji
reliabilitas dapat dilihat pada Tabel 6.
Tabel 6. Hasil Uji Reliabilitas Tes Pretest dan Posttest
Hasil Uji Koefisien Reliabilitas Kriteria Simpulan
Pretest 0.655 Sedang Reliabel
Posttest 0.653 Sedang Reliabel

Selanjutnya, memberikan angket penilaian respons terhadap media kepada guru

matematika. Pada penelitian relevan terdahulu (Rianingtias, 2019) hasil respons guru
menunjukkan hasil sebesar 74,34% dan penelitian (Miswari et al., 2022) menunjukkan
hasil rata-rata 4,39 yang mana kedua penelitian relevan tersebut media telah sangat layak
dan praktis digunakan dalam pembelajaran, sama halnya pada penelitian ini yang
ditunjukkan Tabel. 7 menghasilkan persentase 80% dari membagi total jumlah skor
dengan jumlah total skor maksimal. secara keseluruhan terhadap media yang
dikembangkan, artinya media game Happy Math War dapat digunakan dalam
pembelajaran dengan baik.
Tabel 7. Hasil Uji Angket Respon Guru matematika
No Aspek Pernyataan Jumlah Skor Skor Maks
1 Efektif 12 15
2 Interaktif 16 20
3 Efisien 8 10
4 Kreatif 8 10
Total Keseluruhan 44 55

Setelah diketahui hasil validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen pretest posttest

kemampuan koneksi matematis, diketahui bahwa produk media pembelajaran dan
instrumen pengukur data dapat digunakan pada penelitian selanjutnya. Sehingga, peneliti
melakukan uji coba pemakaian secara luas pada peserta didik kelas VIII SMP sebanyak
40 responden. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah sebagai berikut :
Tabel 8. Hasil uji N-Gain skor tes pretest dan posttest kemampuan koneksi
Tes Tes
Nama Siswa N-Gain Interpretasi
Awal Akhir
Total Siswa 1-40 2850 3760 0.80 Tinggi

Tabel 9. Kategorisasi hasil test pretest dan posttest berdasarkan kriteria N-Gain
Kriteria Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Kesimpulan
Siswa dengan kategori Tinggi 26
Siswa dengan kategori Sedang 11
Siswa dengan kategori Rendah 3

Happy Math War: Game Edukasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Peningkat Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis 124
JMPM: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika dengan lisensi CC BY
Cahyadewi, N. & Sudiana, R. 8 (2) September 2023 114-126

Penelitian sejenis terdahulu tidak sampai menguji keefektifan media, namun

penelitian saat ini dilakukan secara lebih luas dengan melakukan uji keefektifan. Tabel
hasil uji N-gain dalam uji coba secara luas, memperoleh hasil bahwa skor n-gain secara
keseluruhan ialah 0.80 yang tergolong kedalam interpretasi Tinggi. Artinya terdapat
peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis yang tinggi setelah menggunakan media
pembelajaran game edukasi Happy Math War pada pembelajaran materi lingkaran.
Berikut tabel respons peserta didik terhadap media pembelajaran :
Tabel 10. Hasil Uji Angket Respon Siswa
No Aspek Pernyataan Skor Skor Maks Persentase Kriteria
1 Efektif 912 1000 91% Sangat Praktis
2 Interaktif 349 400 87% Sangat Praktis
3 Efisien 550 600 92% Sangat Praktis
4 Kreatif 549 600 91% Sangat Praktis
Total Keseluruhan 2360 2600 91% Sangat Praktis

Respons peserta didik pada penelitian relevan terdahulu (Rianingtias, 2019)

respons menunjukkan hasil sebesar 85,90% dan penelitian (Miswari et al., 2022)
menunjukkan hasil rata-rata 4,27 yang mana hasil kedua penelitian relevan tersebut
menyatakan media telah sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran karena
kemenarikannya. sama halnya pada penelitian ini yang ditunjukkan Tabel. 9
menghasilkan persentase respons siswa secara keseluruhan 91% dari total seluruh skor
dibagi total seluruh skor maksimal, sehingga hasilnya termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat
praktis. Artinya menurut peserta didik pembelajaran sangat praktis dengan menggunakan
media game edukasi Happy Math War.
Setelah ujicoba secara luas, langkah selanjutnya ialah merevisi produk. Akan
tetapi, game edukasi Happy Math War menghasilkan data yang memuaskan dan hanya
memperoleh masukan untuk dapat menciptakan aplikasi permainan mainan matematika
pada materi matematika yang lain lebih banyak.


Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran yang dibuat
menggunakan software Construct 2 berupa game edukasi Happy Math War berbasis
android untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Media pembelajaran
sangat valid, praktis, dan media game edukasi ini efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran
serta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis peserta didik materi lingkaran.
Saran untuk penelitian kedepannya agar dapat mengembangkan produk game edukasi
dengan fokus materi selain lingkaran, dapat membuat game edukasi yang dapat di akses
multiplatform, dan penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan.

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Sansugiri Ginting, Edy Surya

FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstrak. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan
metode studi literatur. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya-
upaya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Dan
upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah (1) dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran
CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan Extending), (2) menggunakan pendekatan
methaphorical thinking, (3) menerapkan model pembelajaran C-MID, dan (4) menggunakan
pembelajaran kontekstual.

Kata Kunci : Upaya, Peningkatan, Kemampuan Koneksi, Koneksi Matematis

Pendidikan merupakan sebuah memiliki kemampuan tinggi, sedang,
upaya yang terencana dalam proses rendah. Terdapat standar kemampuan
pembimbingan dan pembelajaran bagi matematis tersebut. Standar-standar
individu agar berkembang dan tumbuh kemampuan matematis seperti pemecahan
menjadi manusia yang mandiri, masalah, penalaran dan pembuktian,
bertanggung jawab, kreatif, berilmu, sehat komunikasi, koneksi, dan representasi,
dan berakhlak mulia baik dilihat dari aspek seharusnya dapat dimiliki oleh siswa.
jasmani maupun rohani, (Ilma, 2015:83). Matematika memegang peranan
Pendidikan yang baik adalah pendidikan yang sangat penting dalam peningkatan
yang tidak hanya mempersiapkan peserta sumber daya manusia. Pembelajaran
didik untuk suatu profesi atau jabatan, matematika memberikan siswa
tetapi bagaimana pendidikan dapat kemampuan menalar yang logis, sistematik,
mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk dapat kritis dan cermat, menumbuhkan rasa
menyelesaikan masalah yang akan percaya diri, dan rasa keindahan terhadap
dihadapinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari keteraturan sifat matematika, serta
dan mampu menerapkannya dalam kondisi mengembangkan sikap objektif dan terbuka
apapun. Di dalam pendidikan, terdapat yang sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi
kemampuan-kemampuan yang harus masa depan yang senantiasa berubah.
dimiliki siswa. Salah satunya kemampuan Pembelajaran matematika adalah sebuah
matematis. Kemampuan matematis adalah mata pelajaran yang berhubungan dengan
kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk konsep, (Novitasari, 2016:8). Konsep
melakukan berbagai aktifitas mental, adalah ide abstrak yang dapat
berpikir, menelaah, memecahkan masalah mengklasifikasi dan menggolongkan
siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal sekumpulan objek. Konsep dalam
matematika. Kemampuan matematis setiap pembelajaran matematika saling berkaitan
siswa berbeda-beda, ada siswa yang anatara satu dengan yang lainya, contohnya
ketika ingin mempelajari konsep sumber data yang digunakan adalah jurnal-
matematika, maka dibutuhkan konsep jurnal terdahulu. Teknik pengumpulan data
matematika sebelumnya. Hal itu disebut yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan studi
kemampuan koneksi matematis. NCTM literatur dengan proses pencarian dari
menyatakan bahwa ada lima kemampuan berbagai hasil kajian atau studi yang
dasar matematika yang menjadi standar berkorelasi dengan penelitian yang sedang
pembelajaran matematika yakni problem dilakukan.
solving (pemecahan masalah), reasoning
and proof (penalaran dan bukti), PEMBAHASAN
communication (komunikasi), connection Kata matematika berasal dari
(koneksi), dan representation bahasa Latin, mathematika (dalam bahasa
(representasi). Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Yunani, mathematike), yang artinya
kemampuan komnukasi matematis perlu mempelajari. Kata tersebut juga berasal
dijadikan perhatian dalam proses dari kata mathema yang berarti
pembelajaran matematika, terutama di pengetahuan atau ilmu. Menurut para ahli
sekolah dasar. pendidikan matematika, matematika itu
Salah satu kemampuan siswa dalam adalah ilmu yang membahas pola atau
matematika yang masih dirasakan rendah keteraturan (pattern) dan tingkatan (order).
adalah kemampuan koneksi matematis itu Menurut Soedjadi (2000), matematika
sendiri. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil studi memiliki ciri-ciri, yaitu : (1) memiliki objek
Ruspiani (Sulistyaningsih, 2012:122) yang abstrak, (2) bertumpu pada
mengungkapkan bahwa pada umumnya kesepakatan, (3) berpola pikir deduktif, (4)
kemampuan siswa dalam koneksi memiliki simbol-simbol yang kosong arti,
matematis masih rendah. Rendahnya (5) memperhatikan semesta pembicaraan,
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa akan (6) konsisten dalam sistemnya. Objek
berakibat kepada rendahnya kemampuan matematika yang dimaksud itu adalah objek
memecahkan masalah di sekolah. Untuk mental yang tidak dapat diindera, seperti
mengatasi hal tersebut, diperlukan upaya- dilihat, disentuh, atau dirasakan.
upaya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman Matematika merupakan salah satu cabang
tentang kemampuan koneksi matematis ilmu pengetahuan yang berperan penting
siswa dalam sekolah. Oleh karena itu, pada dalam mengembangkan iptek, baik sebagai
artikel ini akan dipaparkan mengenai upaya alat bantu dalam penerapan bidang ilmu
meningkatkan pemahaman kemampuan lain maupun dalam pengembangan
koneksi matematis siswa. matematika itu sendiri. Matematika
bukanlah ilmu yang hanya untuk keperluan
METODE dirinya sendiri, tetapi ilmu yang bermanfaat
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan untuk sebagian besar untuk ilmu-ilmu lain.
dalam artikel ini adalah jenis penelitian Artinya, matematika mempunyai peranan
kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah yang sangat esensial untuk ilmu lain,
penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan khususnya sains dan teknologi.
cenderung menggunakan analisis. Adapun Pada hakekatnya, matematika
metode yang digunakan adalah metode sebagai ilmu yang terstruktur dan
studi literatur. Adapun jenis data yang sistematik mengandung arti bahwa konsep
digunakan adalah data kualitatif dengan dan prinsip dalam matematika adalah saling
berkaitan antara satu dengan lainnya. Kemampuan koneksi matematis
Sebagai implikasinya, untuk mencapai adalah kemampuan yang mendasar harus
pemahaman yang bermakna dalam belajar dikuasai siswa, dengan menguasai
matematika, siswa harus memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematis, siswa
kemampuan koneksi matematis yang tidak akan kesulitan untuk memahami dan
memadai. Koneksi matematis ini mengerti matematika. Karena konsep-
merupakan bagian dari kompetensi konsep matematika saling berkaitan baik
matematika yang dapat menghubungkan dengan konsep matematika sendiri yang
ide-ide dalam matematika, mengatikan sebelum memahami konsep baru
konsep matematika dengan konsep diluar diperlukan pemahaman konsep
matematika dan menerapkan konsep sebelumnya, dengan disiplin ilmu lain
matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menurut Susanti (2013:14), koneksi Kemampuan koneksi matematis adalah
matematis adalah bagian dari jaringan yang kemampuan mengaitkan konsep-konsep
saling berhubungan dari paket pengetahuan matematika baik antar konsep dalam
yang saling berhubungan dari paket matematika itu sendiri maupun mengaitkan
pengetahuan yang saling berhubungan dari konsep matematika dengan konsep dalam
paket pengetahuan yag terdiri dari konsep- bidang lainnya. Kemampuan koneksi
konsep kunci untuk memahami dan matematis juga merupakan kemampuan
mengembangkan hubungan antara ide-ide siswa dalam mencari hubungan suatu
matematika, konsep, dan prosedur. representasi konsep dan prosedur,
Menurut National Council of memahami antar topik matematika, dan
Teacher of Mathematics/NCTM (2000: kemampuan siswa mengaplikasikan konsep
274) koneksi matematika merupakan matematika dalam bidang lain atau dalam
bagian penting yang harus mendapat kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadi, dapat diartikan
penekanan di setiap jenjang pendidikan. kemampuan koneksi matematis itu adalah
Koneksi matematika adalah keterkaitan kemampuan siswa dalam mencari
antar topik matematika, keterkaitan antar hubungan suatu representasi konsep dan
matematika dengan disiplin ilmu lain, dan prosedur, memahami antar topik
keterkaitan matematika dengan dunia nyata matematika, dan kemampuan siswa
atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. mengaplikasikan konsep matematika dalam
Sumarmo (2010: 37) menyatakan bahwa bidang lain atau dalam kehidupan sehari-
koneksi matematis merupakan kegiatan hari.
yang meliputi: (1) mencari hubungan antara Kemampuan koneksi matematis
berbagai representasi konsep dan prosedur, diperlukan oleh siswa dalam mempelajari
(2) memahami hubungan antar topik topik matematika yang saling terkait.
matematika, (3) menggunakan matematika Menurut Ruspiani (2000), jika suatu topik
dalam bidang studi lain atau kehidupan diberikan secara tersendiri, pembelajaran
sehari-hari, (4) mencari koneksi atau akan kehilangan satu momen dalam usaha
prosedur lain dalam representasi yang meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam
ekuivalen, dan (5) menggunakan koneksi matematika secara umum. Tanpa
antar topik matematika dan antar topik kemampuan koneksi matematis, siswa akan
dengan topik lain. mengalami kesulitan mempelajari
matematika. Kemampuan koneksi
matematis ini harus dikuasai oleh siswa Hasil studi dari Ruspiani
dalam matematika. Namun, siswa tidak (Sulistyaningsih, 2012:122)
menyadari koneksi matematis itu penting, mengungkapkan bahwa pada umumnya
sehingga masih menganggap bahwa setiap kemampuan siswa dalam koneksi
konsep dalam matematika itu berdiri sendiri matematis masih rendah. Banyak faktor
dan tidak berkaitan dengan konsep yang menyebabkan kemampuan koneksi
matematika yang lain. Kemampuan ini matematis siswa rendah. Salah satunya
merupakan bagian penting yang harus adalah disebabkan oleh faktor kurang
dikuasai oleh siswa di setiap tingkat terlatihnya siswa untuk menghadapi
pendidikan. Dengan mempunyai permasalahan dunia nyata. Penyebab juga
kemampuan ini, siswa akan melihat dapat berasal dari proses pembelajaran di
hubungan atau keterikaran dan manfaat kelas yang menjadikan guru sebagai
matematika itu sendiri. Dengan adanya pusatnya dimana siswa cenderung kurang
koneksi matematis ini, konsep-konsep aktif dalam pembelajaran, sehingga siswa
matematika yang telah dipelajari tidak malas dan enggan untuk memecahkan
ditinggalkan begitu saja sebagai bagian masalah dan menyelesaikan soal
yang terpisah, tetapi dapat digunakan dikarenakan kurangnya rasa tanggung
sebagai pengetahuan dasar untuk jawab di dalam diri siswa tersebut (Putri
memahami konsep yang baru. dan Sentosa, 2015). Selain itu, siswa juga
Melalui koneksi matematis maka kebanyakan mendengarkan penjelasan
pemikiran dan wawasan siswa terhadap yang disampaikan guru dan mengerjakan
matematika semakin terbuka dan semakin permasalahan atau soal hanya berdasarkan
luas, tidak hanya terfokus pada konten contoh yang diberikan saja tetapi jarang
tertentu saja, yang kemudian akan siswa diminta untuk menghubungkan ide-
menimbulkan sifat positif terhadap ide baik dengan memberi pendapat atau
matematika itu sendiri. Koneksi matematis mengajukan pertanyaan kepada guru
akan membuat matematika dimengerti dan sehingga hal tersebut membuat kemampuan
bermakna, karena membantu siswa koneksi matematis siswa menjadi rendah
mempelajari konsep yang baru dan (Kusnaeni dan Retnawati, 2013).
membantu siswa dalam melihat bahwa Dengan rendahnya kemampuan
matematika merupakan sesuatu yang koneksi matematis siswa tersebut,
masuk akal. Selain itu, koneksi matematis diperlukan upaya-upaya yang dapat
juga membantu siswa mengingat suatu meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
konsep dan menggunakannya secara tepat matematis itu. Dengan melakukan
dalam situasi pemecahan masalah, serta penelitian metode studi literatur, peneliti
memungkinkan siswa untuk menerapkan memperoleh upaya-upaya yang dapat
matematika dalam mata pelajaran lain atau meningkatkan kemampuan tersebut.
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Koneksi Beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan
matematis perlu diterapkan dalam adalah sebagai berikut.
pembelajaran matematika terkait koneksi 1. Dengan menggunakan model
dengan kehidupan sehari-hari untuk pembelajaran CORE (Connecting,
membangun pengetahuan dan keterampilan Organizing, Reflecting, dan
siswa (Islamiah, 2018:48). Extending)
Model pembelajaran CORE berkembang dan kemampuan
adalah model alternatif yang dapat koneksi matematis siswa pun
digunakan untuk mengaktifkan semakin meningkat.
siswa dalam membangun 2. Menggunakan pendekatan
pengetahuannya sendiri. Di dalam methaphorical thinking
pemelajaran matematika, Menurut Sunito (2013:60),
menghubungkan pengetahuan yang pendekatan methaphorical thinking
baru dengan pengetahuan yang merupakan suatu pendekatan
lama artinya pengetahuan yang pembelajaran yang menggunakan
sudah ada dalam diri siswa dengan metafora-metafora untukn
pengetahuan yang akan diterima menjelaskan suatu konsep.
merupakan salah satu unsur yang Metafora yang dimaksud adalah
sangat penting, karena koneksi yang proses pemindahan arti dan asosiasi
baik sangat dibutuhkan dalam baru dari satu objek atau gagasan
menghubungkan pengetahuan yang abstrak ke objek yang lain
tersebut. Ada empat hal yang yang sudah lebih dikenal. Melalui
dibahas dalam model pembelajaran proses bermetafora inilah siswa
CORE yaitu diskusi menentukan dilatih untuk mengoneksikan
koneksi untuk belajar, diskusi hubungan-hubungan antara
membantu mengorganisasikan pengetahuan konsep yang telah
pengetahuan, diskusi yang baik dipelajari sebelumnya dengan
dapat meningkatkan berpikir pengetahuan konsep yang akan
reflektif dan diskusi membantu dipelajarinya, serta siswa dilatih
memperluas pengetahuan siswa. untuk mengoneksikan konsep
Model pembelajaran CORE ini matematika dengan hal nyata yang
dipadukan dengan pendekatan ada di kehidapan sehari-hari.
pembelajaran konstruktivisme, Terdapat tahapan-tahapan
yang meripakan suatu pendekatan pembelajaran dalam pendekatan
pembelajaran di mana siswa methaporical thinking ini, yaitu
diberdayakan oleh pengetahuan sebagai berikut.
yang berada dalam diri mereka yang a. Grounding methapors
berbagi strategi dan Tahap ini adalah dasar untuk
penyelesaian/solusi, debat antara memahami ide-ide
satu dengan lainnya, serta berpikir matematika yang
kritis tentang cara terbaik untuk dihubungkan dengan
menyelesaikan setiap masalah. pengalaman sehari-hari.
Melalui model pembelajaran CORE Kegiatannya adalah guru
dengan pendekatan memberikan contoh terlebih
konstruktivisme, siswa dahulu, lalu mendorong
diberdayakan untuk mengontruksi siswa untuk emnyebutkan
pengetahuan sendiri sebagai contoh lainnya. Dapat
pengalaman belajarnya. Siswa melakukan 4 langkah, yaitu
terlibat dalam diskusi sehingga (1) connection, siswa secara
aktivitas mereka semakin berkelompok
menghubungkan konsep konsep materi yang akan
yang sedang dipelajari dipelajari, contoh
dengan benda-benda nyata pengelompokan obyek
di sekitar mereka, (2) untuk memahami konsep
discovery, siswa mengalami rusuk. Siswa
proses penemuan suatu mengemukakan hasil
konsep yang berasal dari metafora yang sesuai
pemanfaatan pengetahuan konsep yang dipelajari.
tentang benda-benda nyata c. Redefinitional methapors
di sekitar mereka, (3) Pada tahap ini, guru
invention, siswa telah memilih kelompok secara
menemukan konsep yang acak untuk
sedang dipelajari, dan (4) mempresentasikan hasil
application, siswa membuat diskusi kelompok, yang
metafora dari konsep yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui
sedang mereka pelajari, sejauh mana siswa dapat
dimana membutuhkan mendefinisikan metaphor
kreatifitas dari siswa dalam pada materi yang sedang
mencari metafora yang dipelajari.
sesuai dengan konsep yang 3. Menerapkan model pembelajaran
sedang dipelajari. C-MID
b. Linking methapors C-MID merupakan singkatan
Pada tahap ini, guru dari Cooperative-Meaningful
mengarahkan siswa untuk Instructional Design. Meaningful
menghubungkan contoh learning merupakan strategi dasar
yang ada pada kehidupan daripembelajaran konstruktivistik.
nyata dengan konsep yang Model pembelajaran C-MID
sedang dipelajari, yang merupakan pembelajaran yang
mana siswa memilih mengutamakan efektivitas dan
beberapa objek benda kebermaknaan belajar dengan cara
dengan diskusi kelompok membuat kerangka kerja aktivitas
dan disepakati oleh seluruh secara konseptual kognitif-
anggota kelompok. Dalam konstruktivistik. Model
memilih beberapa obyek, pembelajaran C-MID ini bisa
setiap anggota kelompok menjadi salah satu upaya alternatif
diberi kebebasan dalam model pembelajaran yang dapat
berpendapat dan di digunakan oleh guru untuk
perbolehkan meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
mengkonsultasikannya matematis siswa. Model
kepada guru. Setelah pembelajaran C-MID terdiri atas
menemukan beberapa obyek beberapa komponen, yaitu : (1)
dilanjutkan dengan tujuan, (2) materi atau bahan ajar,
mengkelompokan obyek (3) sumber belajar, (4) prosedur dan
tersebut yang sesuai dengan (5) evaluasi.
Model ini dipilih sebagai melalui tugas-tugas komunikatif
alternatif pembelajaran matematika yang bertujuan, jelas, dan terarah.
agar pembelajaran matematika 4. Menggunakan pembelajaran
menjadi lebih menarik dan penuh kontekstual
makna, sehingga siswa dapat Pembelajaran kontekstual
merasakan manfaat mempelajari adalah usaha untuk membuat siswa
matematika dan lebih mudah aktif dalam memompa kemampuan
menguasai konsep-konsep diri tanpa merugi dari segi manfaat,
matematika, karena dikaitakn sebab siswa berusaha mempelajari
dengan struktur kognitif siswa itu konsep sekaligus menerapakan dan
sendiri. Ciri-ciri model mengaitkannya dengan dunia nyata.
pembelajaran C-MID adalah Menurut Sanjaya (2011:262),
menggunakan pengalaman dan pendekatan kontekstual memiliki
pengetahuan awal siswa untuk tujuh komponen yaitu
menerima informasi, memproses, konstruktivisme, inkuiri, bertanya,
dan menyimpan informasi untuk pemodelan, refleksi, dan penilaian
dipanggil kembali (retrieval) sebenarnya. Konstruktivisme
bilamana dibutuhkan, serta merupakan landasan filosofi
mempertimbangkan materi, pembelajaran kontekstual. Dalam
kompleksitas tugas-tugas yang proses pembelajaran, siswa
berhubungan dengan matematika membangu sendiri pengetahuan
yang melekat pada kebutuhan, mereka melalui keterlibatan aktif
minat, dan perkembangan kognitif dalam proses pembelajaran. Sangat
siswa. Adapun prosedur dari model memungkinkan pembelajaran
ini adalah (1) lead in, artinya kontekstual dapat meningkatkan
mencoba mengaitkan skemata kemampuan koneksi matematis
siswa pada awal pembelajaran siswa dengan mengoptimalkan
dengan konsep-konsep, fakta, dan komponen tersebut.
atau informasi yang akan dipelajari, Maksudnya pembelajaran
(2) reconstruction, merupakan kontekstual adalah pembelajaran
sebuah fase dengan guru yang memungkinkan guru
memfasilitasi dan memediasi menghubungkan siswa dengan
pengalaman belajar yang relevan, situasi dunia nyata. Hal ini
misalnya dengan menyajikan input didasarkan pada teori kognisi
berupa konsep atau informasi bahwa kebanyakan orang belajar
melalui kegiatan menyimak dan lebih baik jika konsep disajikan
membaca teks untuk dielaborasi, dalam situasi atau konteks yang
didiskusikan dan disimpulkan oleh akrab dan relevan dengan pelajar.
siswa, dan (3) production, Selain itu, dengan pembelajaran
merupakan fase terakhir dari model kontekstual, siswa juga akan terlatih
yang dikembangkan. Kegiatan ini menemukan apa secara mandiri atau
lebih bertumpu pada siswa untuk dengan bimbingan guru. Sehingga
mengekspresikan diri sendiri apa yang ditulis dan dipelajari siswa
akan menjadi lebih bermakna dalam
ingatannya dan akan menumbuhkan d. Siswa dapat menghubungkan
motivasinya dalam mempelajari prosedur antar representasi
matematika. ekuivalen
Terdapat pula upaya yang dapat e. Siswa dapat menggunakan ide-
dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ide matematika untuk
kemampuan koneksi matematis menurut memperluas pemahaman
NCTM (2000), bahwa pembelajaran tentang ide-ide matematika
matematika harus diarahkan pada lainnya
pengembangan kemampuan sebagai f. Siswa dapat menerapkan
berikut. pemikiran dan pemodelan
a. Memperhatikan serta menggunakan matematika untuk
koneksi matematis antar berbagai menyelesaikan masalah yang
ide matematis muncul pada disiplin ilmu lain
b. Memahami bagaimana ide-ide g. Siswa dapat mengeksplorasi
matematis saling terkait satu dengan dan menjelaskan hasilnya
yang lainnya, sehingga terbangun dengan grafik, aljabar, model
pemahaman yang menyeluruh matematika verbal atau
c. Memperhatikan serta menggunakan representasi.
matematika dalam konteks di luar Dengan kemampuan koneksi
matematika. matematis siswa akan merasakan manfaat
Untuk tercapainya kemampuan dalam mempelajari matematika, dan
koneksi dalam siswa, harus lebih kemelakatan pemahaman siswa terhadap
ditekankan lagi dalam penyelesaian konsep konsep yang dipelajarainya akan bertahan
menghubungkan ide matematik dan konsep lebih lama. Maka untuk membangun
kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam mengarahkan kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa
siswa agar dapat menyelesaikan konsep diperlukan sebuah prinsip dalam gerakan
menghubungkan ide matematik dan konsep pembaharuan dalam pembelajaran
kehidupan sehari-hari, guru dapat matematika yaitu dengan menggunakan
mengarahkan siswa seperti mencari konsep, paham konstruktivisme. Paham
menemukan konsep, dan mengaplikasikan konstruktivisme menjadi relevan dan
konsep dalam menyelesaikan masalah menjadi sebuah prinsip utama dalam belajar
dalam soal. NCTM (2000) mengemukakan matematika. Konstruktivisme
kemampuan-kemampuan yang diharapkan didefenisikan sebagai suatu pendekatan
setelah siswa menguasai kemampuan pembelajaran dimana siswa diberi
koneksi matematis adalah sebagai berikut. kesempatan untuk mengkonstruksi sense
a. Siswa dapat menggunakan mereka tentang apa yang dipelajari dengan
koneksi antar topik matematika membangun koneksi internal, atau relasi
b. Siswa dapat menggunakan antara ide-ide dan fakta-fakta yang
koneksi antara matematika diajarkan.
dengan disiplin ilmu lain
c. Siswa dapat mengenali KESIMPULAN
representasi ekuivalen dari Kemampuan koneksi matematis
konsep yang sama adalah kemampuan yang mendasar harus
dikuasai siswa, dengan menguasai
kemampuan koneksi matematis, siswa kemampuan memecahkan masalah di
tidak akan kesulitan untuk memahami dan sekolah. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut,
mengerti matematika. Karena konsep- diperlukan upaya dalam meningkatkan
konsep matematika saling berkaitan baik pemahaman kemampuan koneksi
dengan konsep matematika sendiri yang matematis siswa. Adapun upaya-upaya
sebelum memahami konsep baru yang dapat dilakukan adalah (1) dengan
diperlukan pemahaman konsep menggunakan model pembelajaran CORE
sebelumnya, dengan disiplin ilmu lain (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan
maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pada Extending), (2) menggunakan pendekatan
umumnya kemampuan siswa dalam methaphorical thinking, (3) menerapkan
koneksi matematis masih rendah. model pembelajaran C-MID, dan (4)
Rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematis menggunakan pembelajaran kontekstual.
siswa akan berakibat kepada rendahnya

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Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

Pengembangan Inovasi Modul Digital dengan Model POE2WE Sebagai

Salah Satu Alternatif Pembelajaran Daring di Masa New Normal

Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Siliwangi; Jalan Siliwangi No 24 Kota Tasiklamaya

Email :

Abstract: The objectives of this research are: (1) Development which produces teaching materials in
the form of a digital physics module based on the POE2WE Model for the School Physics subject during
the New Normal period. (2) To determine the learning steps of the POE2WE Model in fostering student
character to face the challenges of the 21st century. The research method used is literature study. The
POE2WE model has been described as feasible and effective for use in the previous description. The
POE2WE model is also equipped with a Model Book making it easier for other educators to apply the
model (Nana, 2019a; Nana, 2019b). At the beginning of the 2020 decade, besides continuing to prepare
students to live life in the 21st century and the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, there are other
challenges that need to be faced in the education sector, namely the Cocid-19 Pandemic. This has made
the learning system in Indonesia almost entirely turned to online learning. Online learning can be done
synchronously and asynchronously. Synchronous online learning means that educators and students
interact in the learning process at the same time in different places.
Keywords: POE2WE Model, New Normal

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (1) Pengembangan yang menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa modul
digital fisika berbasis Model POE2WE untuk mata kuliah Fisika Sekolah di masa New Normal. (2)
Untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah pembelajaran Model POE2WE dalam menumbuhkan karakter
Mahasiswa untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan menggunakan
metode deskriptif kualitatif berupa studi pustaka. Model POE2WE telah disebutkan layak dan efektif
untuk digunakan pada uraian sebelumnya. Model POE2WE juga dilengkapi dengan Buku Model
sehingga memudahkan bagi pendidik lain untuk menerapkan model tersebut (Nana, 2019a; Nana,
2019b). Pada awal dekade 2020, selain terus menyiapkan mahasiswa untuk menjalani kehidupan di
Abad 21 dan era revolusi industri 4.0, ada tantangan lain yang perlu dihadapi bidang pendidikan yaitu
Pandemi Cocid-19. Hal ini menjadikan sistem pembelajaran di Indonesia hampir seluruhnya berpaling
pada pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran daring dapat dilakukan secara synchronous dan asynchronous.
Pembelajaran daring secara synchronous berarti pendidik dan peserta didik berinteraksi dalam proses
pembelajaran dalam waktu yang sama di tempat yang berbeda.
Kata kunci: Model POE2WE, New Normal

Pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan tantangan yang signifikan bagi kehidupan manusia secara
global. Penanggulangan penyebaran Pandemi Covid-19 coba diatasi dengan pemberlakuan
kebijakan PSBB dan Lockdown serta menerapkan protokol kesehatan. PSSB dan Lockdown
berdampak besar pada sektor pendidikan, transportasi, dan ekonomi (Kemenkeu, 2020; ILO,
2020; Reimers dkk., 2020). Dampak sektor pendidikan di Indonesia antara lain kebijakan
penghapusan Ujian Nasional dan penutupan sementara sekolah (Kemdikbud, 2020a). Dampak
sektor transportasi di Indonesia adalah pelarangan mudik (Kemenhub, 2020). Dampak pada
sektor ekonomi adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi menurun (Kemenkeu, 2020). Masyarakat tentu
perlu segera beradaptasi agar tidak semakin terpuruk.

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

Adaptasi masyarakat saat menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 biasa disebut dengan new normal
(kenormalan baru). New normal di sini dapat dimaknai sebagai pola hidup pada situasi Covid-
19 (Kemenkes, 2020). New normal merupakan usaha masyarakat untuk tetap menjalankan
kehidupan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Perilaku new normal antara lain
membiasakan memakai masker, disiplin menjaga kebersihan terutama tangan secara rutin dan
benar, disiplin menerapkan etika batuk, menjaga jarak secara fisik (Kemenkes, 2020). Perilaku
menjaga jarak secara fisik berdampak pada sistem belajar berupa adanya kebijakan belajar dari
Belajar di rumah saat new normal menjadikan pendidik dan peserta didik terlibat dalam
interaksi synchronous atau asynchronous. Interaksi synchronous memungkinkan pendidik dan
peserta didik berinteraksi dalam satu waktu yang sama meski di tempat yang berbeda sementara
asynchronous memungkinkan pendidik dan peserta didik berinteraksi dalam waktu dan tempat
yang berbeda (Oye dkk., 2012; Shahabadi & Uplane, 2014). Belajar saat new normal
mengharuskan peserta didik memiliki tingkat mandiri, disiplin, tanggung jawab, dan self-
regulated learning yang lebih tinggi. Sementara itu, kebijakan belajar di rumah mengharuskan
pendidik menyajikan materi dengan lebih kreatif, variatif, komunikatif.
Sementara itu, abad 21 menuntut karakteristik siswa antara lain: (1) Keterampilan belajardan
inovasi: berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah dalam komunikasi dan kreativitas
kolaboratifdan inovatif; (2) Keahlian literasi digital: literasi media baru dan literasi ICT; dan
(3) Kecakapan hidup dan karir: memiliki kemamuan inisiatif yang fleksibel dan inisiatif adaptif,
dan kecakapandiri secara sosial dalam interaksi antarbudaya, kecakapan kepemimpinan
produktif dan akuntabel,serta bertanggungjawab.
Bidang pendidikan tak lepas dari teknologi. Teknologi berpengaruh pada bidang pendidikan
misalnya pada metode pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan penilaian (Putra & Sujarwanto,
2017; DeVore & Singh, 2020; Wilcox & Pollock, 2019, Formanek dkk., 2019). Contoh
teknologi yang berpengaruh pada pendidikan misalnya jaringan internet dan Android. Internet
dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar selain dari buku dan pendidik. Bahkan, penggunaan
Android sebagai basis media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu gaya belajar di Abad ke-21
(Calimag dkk., 2014).
Dampak perkembangan teknologi di bidang pendidikan sangat terasa saat new normal.
Peningkatan penggunaan internet selama masa darurat kesehatan di indonesia mengalami
kenaikan. Aplikasi pendidikan berbasis Android, aplikasi video konferensi, dan aplikasi pesan
instan mengalami peningkatan jumlah unduhan dan penggunaan yang sangat signifikan, lebih
dari 25% (CNN Indonesia, 2020). Berdasarkan data dari CNN Indonesia ada kenaikan trafik
jaringan internet dari operator seluler rata-rata 16% (CNN Indonesia, 2020). Hal ini karena
seluruh perguruan tinggi dan sekolah ditutup sementara dan beberapa menerapkan kebijakan
belajar di rumah secara daring (Crawford dkk., 2020). Perkembangan teknologi dapat
dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung belajar di rumah secara daring (Crawford dkk., 2020; Sintema,

Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuaitatif. Pengembangan modul
digital Menggunakan Model POE2WE dalam Pembelajaran Daring di Masa New Normal dalam
Penumbuhan Karakter Mahasiswa untuk Menghadapi Tantangan Abad 21. dapat
berupa:Pengembangan yang menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa modul digital fisika berbasis
Model POE2WE untuk mata kuliah Fisika Sekolah pembelajaran daring di masa New Normal.
Dan Untuk mengetahui langkah-langkah pembelajaran Model POE2WE dalam menumbuhkan
karakter Mahasiswa untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21.

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317


Dalam memahami konsep dan situasi pembelajaran abad 21 pada prinsipnya memahami
perubahan masyarakat, yang disebut sebagai era informasional atau revolusi industri 4.0. Ciri
utama masyarakat informasional berbasis digital antara lain: kemunculan masyarakat
informasional itu ditandai dengan lima karateristik dasar: Pertama, ada teknologi-teknologi
yang bertindak berdasarkan informasi. Kedua,karena informasi adalah bagian dari seluruh
kegiatan manusia, teknologi-teknologi itu mempunyai efek yang meresap. Ketiga, semua sistem
yang menggunakan teknologi informasi didefinisikan oleh ‘logika jaringan’ yang
memungkinkan mereka memengaruhi suatu varietas luas proses-proses dan organisasi-
organisasi. Keempat, teknologi-teknologi baru sangat fleksibel, memungkinkan mereka
beradaptasi dan berubah secara terus-menerus. Akhirnya, teknologi-teknologi spesifik yang
diasosiasikan dengan informasi sedang bergabung menjadi suatu sistem yang sangat
Pada awal dekade 2020, selain terus menyiapkan mahasiswa untuk menjalani kehidupan di
Abad 21 dan era revolusi industri 4.0, ada tantangan lain yang perlu dihadapi bidang pendidikan
yaitu Pandemi Cocid-19. Hal ini menjadikan sistem pembelajaran di Indonesia hampir
seluruhnya berpaling pada pembelajaran daring. Pembelajaran daring dapat dilakukan secara
synchronous dan asynchronous. Pembelajaran daring secara synchronous berarti pendidik dan
peserta didik berinteraksi dalam proses pembelajaran dalam waktu yang sama di tempat yang
berbeda. Pembelajaran daring synchronous bisa memanfaatkan teknologi berupa telepon
melalui jaringan internet, video telekonferensi, chatting, sistem pesan singkat, lingkungan
belajar virtual berbasis teks, dan lingkungan virtual reality. Pembelajaran daring secara
synchronous mempromosikan pemecahan masalah, penjadwalan, dan pengambilan keputusan
secara lebih cepat, dan meningkatkan peluang untuk berkembang (Oye dkk., 2012).
Pembelajaran daring secara asynchronous berarti pendidik dan peserta didik memiliki
kebebasan tempat dan waktu dalam pembelajaran. Pembelajaran daring secara asynchronous
dapat memanfaatkan email dan forum diskusi daring yang bisa diakses kapan saja.
Pembelajaran daring secara asynchronous memungkinkan lebih banyak waktu untuk
melakukan refleksi dengan lebih baik dan belajar tidak terhambat oleh perbedaan zona waktu
(Oye dkk. 2012).
Kelemahan pembelajaran daring adalah terkait dengan kontrol terhadap mahasiswa dan cara
penyampaian dan penyajian materi pembelajaran. Tantangan ini oleh tim peneliti berusaha
diatasi dengan menerapkan sintaks model pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran daring. Sintaks
yang digunakan adalah model POE2WE. Model POE2WE adalah model pembelajaran yang
yang telah dikembangkan oleh Nana dkk. (2014). Model POE2WE dinyatakan layak dan efektif
untuk digunakan. Penelitian ini memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan menjadi role model bagi
best practice pembelajaran daring di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendekrispikan
efektifitas model pembelajaran POE2EWE dalam proses pembelajaran daring di masa New
Normal untuk menumbuhkan karakter mahasiswa untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21.
Model POE2WE telah disebutkan layak dan efektif untuk digunakan pada uraian
sebelumnya. Model POE2WE juga dilengkapi dengan Buku Model sehingga memudahkan bagi
pendidik lain untuk menerapkan model tersebut (Nana, 2019a; Nana, 2019b). Model
pembelajaran Prediction, Observation, Explanation, Elaboration, Write dan Evaluation
(POE2WE) dikembangkan dari model pembelajaran POEW dan model pembelajaran Fisika
dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivistik. Model POE 2WE merupakan model pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa mengenai suatu konsep dengan
pendekatan konstruktivistik. Model ini membangun pengetahuan dengan urutan proses terlebih
dahulu meramalkan atau memprediksi solusi dari permasalahan, melakukan eksperimen untuk

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

membuktikan prediksi, kemudian menjelaskan hasil eksperimen yang diperoleh secara lisan
maupun tertulis, membuat contoh penerapan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menuliskan hasil
diskusi dan membuat evaluasi tentang pemahaman siswa baik secara lisan maupun tertulis.
Model pembelajaran POE2WE dapat menjadikan siswa sebagai subjek di dalam
pembelajaran. Siswa aktif dalam menemukan suatu konsep melalui pengamatan atau
eksperimen secara langsung, bukan dari menghafal buku materi maupun penjelasan dari guru.
Model ini memungkinkan siswa aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, memberikan kesempatan
kepada siswa untuk mengonstruksi pengetahuannya, mengkomunikasikan pemikirannya dan
menuliskan hasil diskusinya sehingga siswa lebih menguasai dan memahami konsep yang akan
berdampak pada peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan pendapat
Permatasari (2011:1) bahwa model ini memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk
mengonstruksi pengetahuannya sendiri, melakukan pengamatan terhadap fenomena serta
mengkomunikasikan pemikiran dan hasil diskusi sehingga siswa akan lebih mudah menguasai
konsep yang di ajarkan.
Penggabungan tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran model POEW dan model pembelajaran Fisika
dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivistik maka dapat di susun langkah-langkah pembelajaran model
POE2WE secara terinci sebagai berikut:

3.1. Prediction
Tahap prediction yaitu siswa membuat prediksi atau dugaan awal terhadap suatu
permasalahan. Permasalahan yang ditemukan berasala dari pertanyaan dan gambar tentang
gerak lurus oleh guru yang ada di LKS/buku siswa sebelum siswa membuat prediksi.
Pembuatan prediksi jawaban tahap Prediction pada model POEW identik dengan fase
Engagenent pada pendekatan konstruktivistik. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan yang dapat
mendorong siswa untuk dapat membuat prediksi atau jawaban sementara dari suatu

3.2. Observation
Tahap Observation yaitu untuk membuktikan prediksi yang telah di buat oleh siswa. Siswa
diajak melakukan eksperimen berkaitan dengan masalah atau persoalan yang di temukan.
Selanjutnya siswa mengamati apa yang terjadi, kemudian siswa menguji kebenaran dari dugaan
sementara yang telah dibuat. Tahap Observation pada model POEW identik dengan fase
Exploration pada pendekatan konstruktivistik.

3.3. Explanation
Tahap Explanation atau menjelaskan yaitu siswa memberikan penjelasan terhadap hasil
eksperimen yang telah dilakukan. Penjelasan dari siswa dilakukan melalui diskusi dengan
anggota kelompok kemudian tiap kelompokn mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya di depan
kelas. Jika prediksi yang di buat siswa ternyata terjadi di dalam eksperimen, maka guru
membimbing siswa merangkum dan memberi penjelasan untuk menguatkan hasil eksperimen
yang dilakukan. Namun jika prediksi siswa tidak terjadi dalam eksperimen, maka guru
membantu siswa mencari penjelasan mengapa prediksi atau dugaannya tidak benar. Tahap
explanation identik dengan fase explanation pada pendekatan konstuktivistik.

3.4. Elaboration
Tahap elaboration yaitu siswa membuat contoh atau menerapkan konsep dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Tahap elaboration di ambil dari pendekatan konstruktivistik. Tahap ini guru
medorong siswa untuk menerapkan konsep baru dalam situasi baru sehingga siswa lebih

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

memahami konsep yang di ajarkan guru. Tahap ini pengembangan dari pendekatan

3.5. Write
Tahap write atau menulis yaitu melakukan komunikasi secara tertulis,merefleksikan
pengetahuan dan gagasan yang dimiliki siswa. Menurut Masingilia dan Wisniowska (1996)
dalam Ansari (2012) menulis dapat membantu siswa untuk mengekspresikan pengetahuan dan
gagasan mereka. Siswa menuliskan hasil diskusi dan menjawab pertanyaan yang ada pada LKS.
Selain itu pada tahap write ini, siswa membuat kesimpulan dan laporan dari hasil eksperimen.
Tahap ini merupakan pengembangan dari model TTW.

3.6. Evaluation
Tahap Evaluationyaitu evaluasi terhadap pengetahuan, keterampilan dan perubahan proses
berfikir siswa. Pada tahap ini siswa di evaluasi tentang materi gerak lurus berupa lisan maupun
tulisan.Tahap ini merupakan pengembangan dari pendekatan konstruktivistik. Penggabungan
tahap-tahap model POEW dan pendekatan konstruktivistik dapat di lihat pada
Tabel 1. Sintaks Pengembangan model POE2WE
Sintaks POEW Sintaks model Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Model POE2WE
(Samosir 2010) Konstruktivistik (Duffy dan Jonassen 1992) (Nana et al 2014)

1. (Prediction) membuat 1. (Engagement) pendahuluan membuat 1.(Prediction)

prediksi, membuat dugaan pertanyaan menggali pengetahuan awalpeserta Membuat dugaan atau
didik. prediksi. Tahap Engagement
identik dengan Predict pada
2. (Observation) 2. (Exploration) menguji prediksi ,melakukan dan 2. (Observation)
Melakukan penelitian, mencatat hasil pengamatan. Melakukan
pengamatan observasi/pengamatan
Tahap Exploration identik
dengan tahap observation pada

3. (Explanation) 3. (Explation) menjelaskan konsep dengan 3. (Explanation)

Yaitu memberi penjelasan kalimat mereka sendiri Menjelaskan Pada tahap
explanation identik dengan
explation pada pendekatan
4. (Write) 4. (Elaboration) 4.(Elaboration)
Membuat kesimpulan Aplikasi konsep dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Aplikasi konsep dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
merupakan pengembangan dari
pendekatan Konstruktivistik
5. (Evaluation) 5.(Write)
Evaluasi terhadap pengetahuan, keterampilan Menuliskan hasil diskusi.
dan perubahan proses berfikir peserta didik. Merupakan pengembangan dari
model POEW
Evaluasi terhadap efektifitas
fase-fase sebelumnya.
Merupakan pengembangan dari
pendekatan Konstruktivistik

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

Tabel 2. Kegiatan pembelajaran Model Pembelajaran Model POE 2WE

Fase- fase Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Peserta Didik
Prediction - Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. - Memperhatikan penjelasan dari guru.
- Mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa - Memprediksi jawaban pertanyaan dari
- Menginventarisir prediksi dan alasan yang guru
di kemukakan peserta didik. - Mendiskusikan hasil prediksinya
Observation - Mendorong peserta didik untuk bekerja - Membentuk kelompok
secara kelompok - Melakukan percobaan
- Membagikan LKS - Mengumpulkan data hasil percobaan
- Mengawasi kegiatan percobaan - Melakukan diskusi kelompok
yangdilakukan oleh peserta didik - Menyimpulkan hasil percobaan

Explanation - Mendorong peserta didik untuk - Mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang

menjelaskan hasil percobaan. hasil percobaan
- Meminta peserta didik pempresentasikan - Mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang
hasil percobaannya gagasan baru berdasarkan hasil
- Mengklarifikasikan hasil percobaannya percobaan.
- Menjelaskan konsep/definisi baru - Menanggapi presentasi dari kelompok
- Konsep baru dari guru dapat di terima
Elaboration - Memberi permasalahan berkaitan dengan - Menerapkan konsep baru dalam situasi
penerapan konsep. baru atau kehidupan sehari-hari.
- Mendorong peserta didik untuk
menerapkan konsep baru dalam situasi
Write - Memberi kesempatan kepada peserta didik - Mencatat hasil penjelasan dari guru dan
untuk mencatat diskusi kelompok
Evaluation - Mengajukan pertanyaan untuk penilaian - Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan data
proses - Mendemonstrasikan kemampuan
- Menilai pengetahuan peserta didik dalam penguasaan konsep
- Memberikan balikan terhadap jawaban
peserta didik

3.7. Rencana yang Akan Dikerjakan

Bahan Pembelajaran merupakan faktor eksternal siswa yang mampu memperkuat motivasi
internal untuk belajar. Salah satu acara pembelajaran yang mampu mempengaruhi aktivitas
pembelajaran adalah dengan memasukkan bahan pembelajaran dalam aktivitas tersebut. Bahan
pembelajaran yang didesain secara lengkap, dalam arti ada unsur media dan sumber belajar
yang memadai akan mempengaruhi suasana pembelajaran sehingga proses belajar yang terjadi
pada diri siswa menjadi lebih optimal. Dengan bahan pembelajaran yang didesain secara bagus
dan dilengkapi isi dan ilustrasi yang menarik akan menstimulasi siswa untuk memanfaatkan
bahan pembelajaran sebagai bahan belajar atau sebagai sumber belajar.
Untuk mendukung model pembelajaran POE2WE secara daring maka perlu dan akan
disusun bahan ajar dengan karakter yang menyesuaikan model pembelajaran dan sistem daring.
Bahan pembelajaran dalam konteks pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen yang harus
ada, karena bahan pembelajaran merupakan suatu komponen yang harus dikaji, dicermati,
dipelajari dan dijadikan bahan materi yang akan dikuasai oleh siswa dan sekaligus dapat
memberikan pedoman untuk mempelajarinya. Bahan ajar yang akan dikembangkan akan
bermuatan pendidikan karakter dan keterampilan abad 21.
Terdapat lima kompetensi sebagai modal yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk mampu bersaing
dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. Lima kompetensi tersebut adalah:1)Kemampuan berpikir kritis:
(2)Memiliki kreatifitas dan kemampuan yang inovatif; (3)Kemampuan dan keterampilan
berkomunikasi yang baik; (4) Kemampuan kerjasama; (5)Memiliki kepercayaan diri yang
tinggi. Untuk menghadapi perkembangan zaman pada era revolusi 4.0, para pelaku pendidikan
serta kebudayaan juga harus sigap dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai perkembangan

Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya) 2020 E-ISSN: 2548-8325 / P-ISSN 2548-8317

yang ada. Diperlukan reformasi sekolah, peningkatan kapasitas, profesionalisme guru,

kurikulum yang dinamis, sarana dan prasarana andal, dan teknologi pembelajaran yang
mutakhir untuk siap menghadapi era revolusi 4.0.Itulah beberapa informasi mengenai metode
pembelajaran pendidikan dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0 yang perlu diketahui. Dengan
menggunakan metode pembelajaran pendidikan yang tepat, diharapkan generasi muda
Indonesia bisa siap dan percaya diri menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan perubahan yang terjadi
akibat pengaruh dari revolusi industri 4.0.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar berbasis POE2WE di kembangkan berdasarkan PPK dan Abad 21
Sintak Model Pembelajaran PPK
POE2WE Abad 21
Prediction Creative Religius
Observation Critical Thinking Nasionalisme
Explanation Communicative Integritas
Elaboration Colaborative Kemandirian
Write Gotong Royong

Model POE2WE dan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan nantinya akan diterapkan pada
pembelajaran daring untuk untuk menumbuhkan karakter mahasiswa

Dari analisis diatas dapat dihasilkan (1). Pengembangan yang menghasilkan bahan ajar
berupa modul digital fisika berbasis Model POE2WE untuk mata kuliah Fisika Sekolah di masa
New Normal Yang berupa vclass dan google class room( yang di gunakan mhasiswa Fisika. (2)
dapat di temukan langkah-langkah pembelajaran Model POE2WE dalam menumbuhkan
karakter Mahasiswa untuk menghadapi tantangan abad 21 dalam mata kuliah Fisika Sekolah

Semoga penelitian ini bisa di gunakan di mata kuliah lain terutama di Jurusan Pendidikan
Fisika dan Jurusan Lainnya untuk menumbuhkan karakter Mahasiswa terutama di musim Covid
19 ini.

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Milytia Cristy Kamu (1), Victor Sulangi (2), Derel Kaunang (3)*,
Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Manado, Kota Manado
e-mail:,, derelkaunang


This study aims to produce a valid, practical and effective GeoGebra-Classroom-

assisted mathematical modeling learning design using the Mckenney & Reeves generic
development model. The phases performed are the analysis-exploration phase, the design-
construction phase and only up to the evaluation-reflection phase. The developed learning
design product has passed validation results with an average RPP validation value of 96%, an
average LKPD validation value of 93% and an average THB validation value of 95% that fall
into the good category and meet the valid criteria. The results of the student responses were
positive, so that the developed learning design products were regarded as practical. Student
learning outcomes in small group trials exceeded the minimum completeness criteria, so the
developed learning design products were declared effective.

Keywords : Instructional design, mathematical modelling, GeoGebra-Classroom

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan desain pembelajaran Pemodelan
Matematika berbantuan GeoGebra-Classroom yang valid, praktis dan efrektif dengan
menggunakan model pengembangan generik karya Mckenney & Reeves. Tahap-tahap yang
dilakukan yaitu tahap analisis-eksplorasi, tahap desain-konstruksi dan hanya sampai pada
tahap evaluasi-refleksi. Produk desain pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah melewati
hasil validasi dengan rata-rata nilai validasi RPP 96%, rata-rata nilai validasi LKPD 93%,
dan rata-rata nilai validasi THB 95% berada pada kategori baik dan memenuhi kriteria
valid. Hasil respon peserta didik positif sehingga produk desain pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis. Adapun hasil belajar peserta didik pada uji coba
kelompok kecil berada diatas nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal sehingga produk desain
pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan efektif.

Kata kunci : Desain Pembelajaran, Pemodelan Matematika, GeoGebra-Classroom

Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 65

Jurnal Sains Riset (JSR)
p-ISSN: 2088-0952, e-ISSN: 2714-531X
DOI. 10.47647/jsr.v10i12

1. Pendahuluan Peneliti menyarankan agar guru-guru

Pendidikan berperan penting dalam matematika lebih mengasah soft skill dan
mengembangkan potensi Sumber Daya hard skill yang lebih kontenporer sesuai
Manusia. Pendidikan harus beradaptasi dengan petunjuk teknis kurikulum 2013
dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi bahwa dengan adanya penerapan
dalam kehidupan. Berada di era revolusi kurikulum 2013 diharapkan siswa senang
industri 4.0 membawa banyak dampak terhadap pelajaran matematika dengan
positif bagi dunia pendidikan. Kemajuan adanya penggunaan desain pembelajaran
ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah berbasis Information and Communication
salah satu dampak positif jika dapat Technology (ICT).
dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin.
GeoGebra Classroom adalah media
Matematika adalah salah satu mata pembelajaran yang memudahkan guru dan
pelajaran yang mempunyai peran untuk siswa dalam proses pembelajaran antara
menigkatkan potensi sumber daya manusia. lain, dapat digunakan secara gratis, dapat
Kemampuan berpikir matematis dan kritis diakses dengan mudah, dapat
serta cara menyelesaikan masalah adalah memvisualisasi serta mendemonstrasikan
manfaat belajar matematika. materi pemodelan matematika.
Peneliti menemukan bahwa kurangnya Pada penelitian ini digunakan Model
pengertian dan pemahaman terkait dengan Generik Desain Riset (McKenney and
pemahaman konsep salah satu materi Reeves 2012) sebagai model
matematika yaitu pemodelan matematika pengembangan produk yang efektif secara
yang menjadi subfokus peneliti adalah sumber daya dan efisiensi waktu untuk
kurangnya inovasi dari guru-guru menciptakan produk yang valid, praktis dan
matematika yang ada di SMA Negeri 1 efektif.
Langowan dalam proses pembelajaran yang
Maka dari itu, perlu adanya pembaharuan
dimana masih menggunakan metode-
desain pembelajaran berbasis media
metode lama yang kurang efektif dan
pembelajaran yang menjadi latar belakang
efisien untuk membuat para siswa lebih
masalah mengapa peneliti tertarik
mengerti tentang pemodelan matematika,
mengangkat judul tentang Pengembangan
yang dimaksud peneliti adalah metode
Desain Pembelajaran Pemodelan
pembelajaran contohnya; ceramah,
Matematika berbantuan GeoGebra

2. Metode Lidinillah, 2012) menjelaskan bahwa

Penelitian ini adalah pengkajian sistematik Educational Design Research merupakan
terhadap pendesainan dan pengembangan jenis penelitian yang pada pelaksanannya
produk pembelajaran. Sehingga, dalam terdapat proses yang berulang untuk
penelitian ini menggunakan desain mengembangkan solusi dari masalah
penelitian Educational Desain Research. pendidikan yang kompleks. Penelitian ini
Menurut McKenney & reeves (dalam mengembangkan desain pembelajaran

Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 66

Jurnal Sains Riset (JSR)
p-ISSN: 2088-0952, e-ISSN: 2714-531X
DOI. 10.47647/jsr.v10i12
berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
(RPP), Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik 3. Hasil dan Pembahasan
(LKPD) dan Tes Hasil Belajar (THB)
menggunakan model pengembangan Tahap Analisis-Eksplorasi
Generik desain riset yang melewati tiga Proses ini adalah tahapan awal, peneliti
tahap yaitu analisis-eksplorasi, desain- melakukan identifikasi dan analisis
konstruksi dan evaluasi-refleksi berbantuan masalah yang terjadi dilapangan. Melalui
GeoGebra-Classroom. wawancara peneliti melakukan studi
Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis pendahuluan di SMA Negeri 1 Langowan
data deskriptif yang meliputi data kualitatif untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang
dan kuantitatif. Untuk menganalisis terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara
kevalidan produk digunakan lembar Wawancara dengan guru mata pelajaran
validasi, sedangkan untuk analisis matematika di SMA Negeri 1 Langowan
kepraktisan produk dilihat dari respon dan pada jumat, 19 agustus 2022 dapat
tanggapan peserta didik dan untuk disimpulkan kurikulum 2013 belum
menganalisis keefektifan produk dilihat terlaksana sebagaimana seharusnya, masih
dari hasil uji coba produk pada kelompok minimnya inovasi dan kreatifitas guru
kecil. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan dalam pemanfaatan teknologi digital untuk
Agustus 2022. Adapun Subjek pada kegiatan pembelajaran dan data hasil
penelitian ini adalah 9 orang siswa kelas XI wawancara menunjukkan bahwa untuk
MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Langowan yang materi ajar kelas XI yang perlu
dipilih dengan kategori masing-masing 3 dikembangkan salah satunya adalah
siswa berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan Pemodelan Matematika.

Tahap Desain-Konstruksi
Tahap ini dimulai dengan
perancangan produk yaitu RPP, LKPD dan
THB kemudian produk divalidasi oleh tiga
validator setelah melewati tahap validasi
selanjutnya produk hasil desain
ditambahkan ke Geo-Gebra Classroom.

Gambar 1. Tampilan akun Peneliti

Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 67

Jurnal Sains Riset (JSR)
p-ISSN: 2088-0952, e-ISSN: 2714-531X
DOI. 10.47647/jsr.v10i12
GeoGebra-Classsroom yang meliputi

Hasil Validasi Instrumen Penelitian
Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari tim
validator instrumen menyatakan bahwa
instrumen pedoman wawancara disetujui
dan sudah layak untuk digunakan. Adapun
berikut hasil penilaian validator untuk
desain produk .

Tabel 1. Hasil Validasi RPP

Gambar 2. Tampilan cover LKPD
No Validator Nilai
sebelum revisi Dosen 95,2%
Dosen 96,4%
Guru 97,6%
RATAAN 96,4%

Tabel 2. Hasil Validasi LKPD

No Validator Nilai
Dosen 94,2%
Dosen 91,4%
Gambar 3. Tampilan LKPD sesudah Matematika
revisi Guru 94,2%
Tahap Evaluasi-Refleksi RATAAN 93,2%
Pada tahap ini produk desain NILAI
pembelajaran yaitu pengembangan desain
pembelajaran Pemodelan Matematika Tabel 3. Hasil Validasi THB
berbantuan GeoGebra-Classsroom di uji
No Validator Nilai
coba. Diimplementasi pada kelompok kecil Dosen 95%
22 Agustus 2022 yang terdiri dari 9 orang 1
dengan kriteria 3 orang berkemampuan Dosen 95%
rendah, 3 berkemampuan sedang dan 3 Matematika
berkemampuan tinggi. Tahap uji coba ini Guru 95%
dilakukan dengan Matematika
tujuan untuk memvalidasi produk RATAAN 95%
pengembangan desain pembelajaran
pemodelan matematika berbantuan
Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 68
Jurnal Sains Riset (JSR)
p-ISSN: 2088-0952, e-ISSN: 2714-531X
DOI. 10.47647/jsr.v10i12
Hasil Validasi menunjukkan bahwa desain pada uji coba kelompok kecil yaitu
pembelajaran pemodelan matematika gangguan jaringan internet. Permasalahan
berbantuan GeoGebra-Classroom yang ini teratasi dengan menggunakan kuota
dikembangkan berada pada kriteria valid. pribadi, dan jika ada yang tidak memiliki
kuota, peneliti meminta untuk saling
berbagi melalui hotspot portable.
Hasil Uji Coba Produk
Secara keseluruhan berdasarkan hasil uji
Pada uji coba kelompok kecil
coba produk, peserta didik merespon positif
dilaksanakan secara tatap muka pada rabu,
penggunaan produk yang dikembangkan
22 Agustus 2022. Peneliti mengawali
pada pembelajaran pemodelan matematika
pembelajaran dengan memberikan motivasi
yang dilaksanakan sehngga produk
agar siswa mempunyai semangat belajar
dinyatakan praktis. Adapun nilai tes hasil
kemudian meminta salah satu peserta didik
belajar siswa menunjukkan nilai diatas
untuk berdoa dan setelah itu pendidik
Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal atau berada
memperkenalkan GeoGebra-Classroom
diatas nilai 75 sehingga produk dinyatakan
dan membimbing peserta didik untuk
efektif untuk digunakan.
masuk ke alamat website LMS GeoGebra-
Classroom dan mengecek kehadiran lewat
Simpulan dan Saran
GeoGebra-Classroom kemudian Pendidik
Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan,
menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang
menyimpulkan bahwa produk desain
akan dicapai.
pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berada
Hasil observasi keterlaksanaan
pada kategori baik dan memenuhi kriteria
pembelajaran dan respon peserta didik
valid, praktis dan efektif sehingga produk
terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran yaitu,
ini menjadi solusi atas urgensi pendidikan
Pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah sesuai
saat ini.
dengan RPP yang disusun dan
Sebagai saran, Desain pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan, peserta didik secara aktif
sudah dikembangkan ini belum pada tahap
mengakses desain pembelajaran yang
uji coba lapangan, sehingga terbuka
diunggah di GeoGebra-Classroom, peserta
peluang bagi peneliti lain untuk mengkaji
didik dengan antusias menggunakan
lebih lanjut tentang keefektifan perangkat
GeoGebra-Classroom karena GeoGebra-
pembelajaran ini.
Classroom merupakan hal baru bagi siswa
kelas XI SMA N 1 Langowan, sehingga
saat dilaksanakan pembelajaran
menggunakan GeoGebra-Classroom para
peserta didik begitu antusias untuk
mengaksesnya dan peserta didik secara
individu mampu menyelesaikan soal.
Adapun kendala dan masalah yang ditemui

Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 69

Jurnal Sains Riset (JSR)
p-ISSN: 2088-0952, e-ISSN: 2714-531X
DOI. 10.47647/jsr.v10i12
Daftar Pustaka LINIER. Indiktika: Jurnal Inovasi
Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1), 65-74.
Djumanan, H. R. (2021). Peningkatan Hasil Japa, N., Suarjana, I. M., & Widiana, W.
Belajar Matematika Materi Program Linier (2017). Media Geogebra dalam
Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran pembelajaran matematika. International
Discovery Learning Berbantuan Aplikasi Journal of Natural Science and
Geogera Versi Android. JURNAL Engineering, 1(2), 40-47.
GAMMA-PI, 3(1), 22-27. Lidinillah, D. A. M. (2012). Educational
Design Research : a Theoretical
Fitriani, Y. (2020). Analisa pemanfaatan Framework for Action. Universitas
learning management system (LMS) Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus
sebagai media pembelajaran online selama Tasikmalaya.
pandemi covid-19. Journal of Information McKenney, Susan E., and Thomas C.
System, Informatics and Computing, 4(2), Reeves. 2012. “Book Conducting
1-8. Educational Design.”
Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif
Hadi, M. S., Fattah, A. H., & Rizta, A. Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung:
(2018). PENGGUNAAN GEOGEBRA Alfabeta,2013
TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR Suharsimi Arikunto. Evaluasi Program
MATEMATIKA MATERI PROGRAM Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2018.

Jurnal Sains Riset | Volume 13, Nomor 1, April 2023 70

Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Volume 12. Nomor 4, Desember 2022 | ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166

Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivisme

Muh. Ilham Dhani1),*, Tian Abdul Aziz1), Lukman El Hakim1)

Program Studi Pendidikan, Matematika Pascasarjana (FPMIPA), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan teori konstruktivisme dalam berbagai pembelajaran
mataematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode telaah pustaka sistematis dengan mengumpulkan 20 artikel
yang relevan dan kemudian dipilih untuk memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan kriteria penilaian kualitas hasil studi.
Ditemukan informasi tentang berbagai macam variasi hasil belajar matematika menggunakan pendekatan ini,
mulai dari SD, SMP, SMA, dan Perguruan Tinggi. Pendekatan teori konstruktivisme dinilai efektif dan memiliki
manfaat yang cukup baik, serta dinilai berhasil dalam meningkatkan pembelajaran di kelas, adapaun teori ini
dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan modul pembelajaran, pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
(LKPD), dan bahkan dapat digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep
matematika siswa, meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, dan dapat meningkatkan komumikasi matematis siswa
dalam berbagai bidang pendidikan matematika.
Keywords: Pembelajaran Matematika, Pendekatan Teori Konstruktivisme

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang sangat penting di dunia pendidikan yaitu matematika, dimana matematika
merupakan ilmu yang bersifat universal dan realistis, hal ini berarti matematika merupakan ilmu induk yang
dapat diaplikasikan pada cabang ilmu lainnya (Supardi et al., 2019). Matematika juga dikenal sebagai ilmu
pengetahuan yang abstrak yang dimana karakter utama pembelajaran matematika ini merupakan disiplin serta
pola pikir yang logis, kritis, sistematis serta konsisten, dan menuntut daya kreatif serta inovatif (Azmil Azman et
al., 2020).
Matematika menuntut untuk memiliki daya fikir yang kreatif dan inovaif, dalam hal ini guru di kelas
tentunya dituntut untuk berfikir kreatif agar bagaimana pembelajaran yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan
baik dan mudah difahami oleh siswa (Marliani, 2015). Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan, serta berbagai metode
telah diterapkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran namun dalam realita, siswa masih belum optimal dikatakan dapat
berfikir kreatif dan inovatif dalam pembelajaran matematika sebelum mereka mampu memecahkan persoalan
matematika yang berkaitan dengan konsep dunia nyata (L. N. Sari, 2016). Kunci perubahan tersebut terdapat
pada pemikiran bahwa siswa secara aktif membentuk pengetahuannya sendiri, yang dikenal sebagai pemikiran
kontruktivisme. Pendekatan Kontruktivisme tersebut dalam implementasinya melahirkan pendekatan student
centered learning (SCL), yaitu pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa (Trinova, 2013). Hal ini sejalan dengan
model pembelajaran konstruktivisme, yang dimana pendekatan atau metode pembelajaran konstruktivisme
adalah suatu pendekatan atau model pembelajaran yang berdasarkan pada premis bahwa kognisi (pembelajaran)
adalah hasil dari "konstruksi mental." Dengan kata lain, siswa belajar dengan memasukkan informasi baru
bersama dengan apa yang sudah mereka ketahui (Sugrah, 2020).
Dalam pembelajaran konstruktivisme, siswa mengembangkan pengetahuan awal dengan pengetahuan
yang baru, dalam hal ini student centered dinilai sangat efektif dalam mengembangkan pemikiran dan daya nalar
tiap- tiap siswa dalam belajar mandiri atau kelompok. Guru sebagai fasilitator harus memiliki sikap yang baik,
pemahaman terhadap peserta didik melalui kegiatan dalam pembelajaran dan memiliki kompetensi dalam
menyikapi perbedaan individual peserta didik (Esi et al., 2016). Tugas guru adalah membantu siswa yang
mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami materi pelajaran, untuk itu guru sebagai fasilitator mendorong siswa
untuk aktif mengikuti pelajaran yang berlangsung, sehingga siswa diharapkan dapat mampu memecahkan
masalah konsep matematika (Srirahmawati, 2021). 1236
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166
Vol. 12, No. 4, Desember 2022

Adapun tujuan dari kajian literatur ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan model
pembelajaran konstruktivisme dinilai efektif sehingga bermanfaat dalam pembelajaran matematika serta dalam
rangka menganalisis sejauh mana model ini mampu meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran matematika di berbagai
lembaga pendidikan seperti sekolah dan berbagai instansi pendidikan lainnya.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistematika kajian literatur (artikel) yang berjumlah 20
artikel dan terakreditasi, kemudian di kaji untuk mendapatkan poin- poin penting yang berhubungan dengan
konsep pembelajaran, model pembelajran, dan hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian.
Kriteria artikel penelitian yang di seleksi pada penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada tabel 1
Tabel 1. kriteria yang diseleksi
Penerimaan atau Penolakan Kriteria
Inklusi (Penerimaan) 1. Artikel merupakan hasil penelitian jurnal Indonesia
2. Pembahasan artikel sesuai topik penelitian
3. Publikasi dari tahun 2018 hingga 2022
Pengecualian (Penolakan) 1. Artikel bukan merupakan hasil penelitian jurnal Indonesia
2. Pembahasan artikel di luar topik penelitian
3. Publikasi sebelum tahun 2018
Pengambilan data berupa 20 artikel yang terakreditasi dapat peneliti peroleh melalui aplikasi Harzing’s
Publish or Perish, selain itu bisa juga menggunakan aplikasi lainnya seperti Google Schoolar, dan aplikasi
lainnya. Kriteria yang diseleksi dalam artikel- artikel ini adalah: 1). Artikel dalam Negeri, bukan artikel
Internasional, 2). Pembahasan dalam artikel harus relevan dengan topik yang diteliti, 3) tahun publikasi artikel
yang dipilih adalah dari tahun 2018 sampai 2022 (lima tahun terakhir).


Ilmu matematika tidak lepas dari kehidupan dunia nyata, karena tujuan pendidikan matematika tidak
terlepas dari peran penting dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Salah satunya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan
dan teknologi (Iptek) yang semakin cepat menyebabkan semua orang dituntut untuk mampu berfikir kritis, logis,
dan mampu menalar. Sehingga, pendidikan matematika ini sesuai dengan tuntutan dunia pendidikan era
globalisasi untuk berpikir kritis dan logis (Ramdani, 2003). Selain itu ilmu matematika juga sangat penting untuk
dipelajari dalam dunia pendidikan, terlebih, guru sebagai tenaga pendidik harus mampu mengajarkan
matematika yang terkesan rumit dan sulit (Wasiah, 2021). Sudah banyak metodologi yang diterapkan guna
mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik dalam penguasaan konsep matematika, dan memperoleh hasil yang maksimal.
Di sisi lain metodologi pembelajaran juga banyak diterapkan dalam penelitian. Salah satunya adalah penelitian
tindakan kelas (action research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme. Penelitian dengan metode
literature review (kajian artikel) sangat memudahkan kita dalam menemukan dan menganalisis keberhasilan dari
metodologi- metodologi yang sudah digunakan oleh para peneliti. Diharapkan kedepannya para pembaca
memiliki wawasan yang mendalam untuk bisa melakukan penelitian dengan berbagai metode dan konsep
dengan menerapkan kajian pustaka dalam penelitiannya secara baik dan benar, sehingga dari sini akan
melahirkan karya tulis yang berkualitas (Ridwan et al., 2021).
Dalam hal ini, peneliti mengkaji artikel yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam
pembelajaran matematika. Data- data yang di ambil dalam penelitian diseleksi berdasarkan fokus penelitian,
adapun yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran matematika dan pendekatan teori
konstruktivisme. 20 artikel yang sudah di seleksi selanjutnya dikaji oleh peneliti guna melihat peranan
pendekatan teori konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran matematika. Adapun hasil kajian dari 20 artikel dapat
dilihat pada tabel 2. 1237
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166
Vol. 12, No. 4, Desember 2022

Tabel 2. Hasil Kajian Artikel

Penulis (Tahun) Penerbit Hasil Penelitian
Elsi Indria Sari, Jurnal Cendekia: Didapatkan hasil (KKM) yang berlaku di kelas VII SMP.
Nizlel Huda, Jurnal Pendidikan Sehingga nilai siswa yang dibawah 76 dinyatakan tidak tuntas.
Syamsul rizal (2021) Matematika dan terdapat 17 siswa yang tuntas, 3 siswa yang tidak tuntas.
persentase diperoleh 85% dengan kriteria sangat efektif. dapat
dismpulkan bahwa produk yang dihasilkan layak digunakan
sebagai media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran.
Amin Asri Yati, Universitas Syiah Pendekatan pembelajaran konstruktivisme dan tingkat self-
Jefri Marzal, Kuala efficacy siswa terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis
Yantoro (2019) siswa, terlihat bahwa nilai F hitung yang di dapat adalah
14304.838, Nilai F tabel adalah 3,11. F hitung > F tabel. Nilai
sign. dari hasil analisis adalah 0.00. Nilai probabilitas tersebut
kurang dari pada 0.05 (>0.05) maka H0 ditolak. Dengan kata
lain terdapat pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran
konstruktivisme dan self-efficacy siswa terhadap kemampuan
komunikasi matematis siswa kelas VII SMP Yayassan Wanita
Islam Jambi.
Triwahyu Al-Aulad: Journal of Gambaran dari penelitian ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan
Riyatuljannah Islamic Primary hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkannya pendekatan
(2018) Education konstruktivisme pada siklus II, hal ini dapat dilihat dari KKM,
Kriteria Ketuntasan Miinimal.

Ade Mutiarawati Jurnal Pendidikan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian data yang diperoleh
(2019) MIPA Penerbit: menggunakan uji-t diketahui bahwa t hitung = 17,782 dan t
LPPM STKIP tabel = 1,645 dengan dk = 31 pada taraf signifikasi α = 0,05.
Jadi, t hitung > t tabel (17,782 > 1,645) ini menunjukkan
bahwa hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis kerja (H1)
Imratul Handayani Pythagoras: Jurnal Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran
(2019) Matematika dan matematika berbasis konstruktivisme yang dikembangkan
Pendidikan sudah efektif, dilihat dari prediksi efektivitas menurut para
Matematika ahli dan data empiris. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan aktivitas
dan hasil belajar siswa.
Awal Nur DWIJA Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 81% mahasiswa
Kholifatur CENDEKIA: Jurnal memenuhi indikator pencapaian nilai karakter kerja keras;
Rosyidah, Baiq Riset Pedagogik 60% mahasiswa memenuhi indikator pencapaian nilai
Niswatul Khair, karakter kreatif; 77% mahasiswa memenuhi indikator
Husniati (2020) pencapaian nilai karakter mandiri; 92% mahasiswa memenuhi
indikator pencapaian nilai karakter disiplin; 98% mahasiswa
memenuhi indikator pencapaian nilai karakter tanggung
jawab; 81% mahasiswa memenuhi indikator pen-capaian nilai
karakter kerja ber-sahabat dan komunikatif
Aizyah Alifia AKSIOMA: Jurnal Rata-rata skor penilaian ahli 3,59 rata-rata skor penilaian
Supardi, Yesi Matematika dan modul sebesar 3,68 pada rentang skor skala 4 sehingga didapat
Gusmania, Fitrah Pendidikan validasi dengan skor rata-rata 3,64 berkategori sangat baik.
Amelia (2019) Matematika kepraktisan modul yaitu 3,15 kategori baik. modul dinyatakan
efektif apabila ketuntasan belajar siswa adalah 87% yang
termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik.
Ahmad Syukri, Jefri Indonesian Journal Hasil pre-test dan post-test diketahui 13 siswa mengalami
Marzal, Muhaimin of Science and peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis pada kategori
(2020) Mathematics tinggi, 7 siswa mengalami peningkatan kemampuan
Education komunikasi matematis pada kategori sedang, dan 12 siswa 1238
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166
Vol. 12, No. 4, Desember 2022

mengalami peningkatan. dalam keterampilan komunikasi

matematis dalam kategori rendah. Jadi, total skor N-Gain
adalah 0,46 dengan kriteria “sedang”.
Melia Roza, Sefrina, Jurnal LKS berbasis konstruktivisme yang dilengkapi mind map
Muhammad Arif Kepemimpinan sudah dikatakan valid berdasarkan hasil validasi para validator
(2020) Dan Kepengurusan dengan nilai rata-rata validasi yaitu 81,00%. Sedangkan hasil
Sekolah nilai rata- rata praktikalitas siswa diperoleh sebesar 82,04%.
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis
konstruktivisme yang dilengkapi Mind Map terbukti dapat
meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa.
Nadiah Dirayati Jurnal Riset Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 90,93%
Atikah, Makmuri, Pembelajaran untuk uji coba siswa dan nilai rata-rata sebesar 88,76% untuk
Tri Murdiyanto Matematika uji coba guru. Hasil ini menunjukkan modul dikategorikan
(2018) Sekolah sangat baik.

Maximus Tamur, EAI Berdasarkan model efek acak ukuran efek gabungan dalam
Dadang Juandi penelitian ini adalah 0,884 (interval kepercayaan 95%, batas
(2020) bawah 0,677, dan batas atas 1,091). Ukuran efek diterima
sebagai efek tinggi. Ukuran efek yang kuat ini menunjukkan
bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis
konstruktivisme di kelas matematika cukup efektif.
Putri Inayati, Puji Jurnal Riset Hasil dari validitas Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis
Rahayu (2020) Pembelajaran konstruktivisme divalidasi oleh ahli materi memperoleh skor
Matematika rata-rata secara keseluruhan adalah 75,83% dengan kriteria
baik, sedangkan validasi oleh ahli media mendapatkan skor
rata-rata keseluruhan 89,72% dengan kriteria sangat baik.
Dengan demikian hasil penelitianpengembangan ini
menunjukkan bahwa LKS matematika berbasis
konstruktivisme pada materi Program Linear memenuhi
kualifikasi yang valid.
Sumihariantini JTAM: Jurnal Teori Dari hasil pembelajaran yang dilakukan, diperoleh skor nilai
(2018) dan Aplikasi rata-rata hasil tes belajar siswa sebesar 78, dimana nilai
Matematika ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal adalah sebesar 81% dan ini
menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan model
pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah dapat meningkatkan hasil
belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan program linear.
Amin Asri Yati, Jurnal Didaktik Kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang menerapkan
Jefri Marzal,Yantoro Matematika pendekatan pembelajaran konstruktivisme sebesar 72,55. nilai
(2018) kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang diajarkan
melalui pendekatan pembelajaran konstruktivisme dan
ditambahkan media pembelajaran adalah sebesar 73,38.
Secara konvensional diperoleh nilai sebesar 66,32. Ini
membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan
konstruktivisme dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan
komunikasi matematis siswa.
Uffun Ainullia Publisher: Faculty Secara komulatif pada pembelajaran matematika pada siklus
Manan dan Sabar of Teacher Training pertama nilai pemahaman konsep matematika siswa kelas VIII
Narimo (2018) and Education B yang memperoleh nilai ≥ 75 ada 5 siswa atau 34,78 % dan
(UMY) pada siklus kedua yang memperoleh nilai ≥ 75 ada 18 siswa
atau 78,26 % (KKM Matematika = 75) , sehingga pada siklus
kedua secara klasikal pembelajaran matematika adalah tuntas.
Dari pemaparan hasil kajian 20 arikel pada tabel 2, penedekatan teori konstruktivisme berbantukan bahan
ajar seperti buku, modul, LKPD lebih mendominasi dari hanya sekedar menerapkan pendekatan teori 1239
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166
Vol. 12, No. 4, Desember 2022

konstruktivisme saja (E. I. Sari et al., 2021). Hal ini menadakan bahwa begitu pentingnya media pembelajaran
dalam belajar matematika. Media pembelajaran adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk
menyampaikan pesan atau informasi dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga dapat merangsang perhatian dan
minat siswa untuk belajar. Hal ini sangat penting karena dengan media diharapkan siswa dapat mempelajari
materi yang diajarkan oleh guru (Nurfadhillah et al., 2021). Adapun media pembelajaran yang dapat
menghantarkan siswa pada pencapaian hasil yang baik dalam belajar matematika adalah media pembelajaran
berupa buku dan lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD). Dalam penerapannya, pendekatan teori konstruktivisme
yang memusatkan pembelajaran pada peserta didik (student centered) harus berbantukan buku dan LKPD, hal
ini dapat menghasilkan pembelajaran yang optimal (Apriani et al., 2021).
Pembelajaran matematika yang berkaitan dengan konteks dunia nyata seperti halnya aritmatika sosial dan
aljabar akan lebih epektif menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran konstruktivisme (Atikah et al., 2018). Dalam
konteks ini siswa dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan yang ia dapatkan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari dengan
apa yang ia pelajari di sekolah, hal ini dapat membantu siswa dalam meliterasi maksud dari konsep yang diajarkan
bahkan sebaliknya, siswa dapat mengaplikasikan atau menumerasikan simbol- simbol matematika dalam
kehidupan sehari- hari.
Pembelajaran matematika yang bermakna kepada siswa dan tidak memisahkan belajar matematika dengan
pengalaman siswa sehari-hari agar siswa tidak cepat lupa dan agar siswa dapat mengaplikasikan matematika dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadi, pembelajaran matematika di kelas perlu ditekankan pada keterkaitan antara konsep-
konsep matematika dengan pengalaman siswa sehari-hari (Palapasari et al., 2017). Implikasi perspektif filsafat
Konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran matematika yang menjadi pokok esensial belajar matematika ialah
pemberdayaan siswa akan berpikir secara mendalam menginterpretasi pengetahuan-pengetahuan matematika
yang telah ditemukan oleh pakar. Jadi tidak hanya sekedar melaksanakan metode-metode yang ditemukan pakar
matematika. Pada tahapan implementasi pembelajaran matematika konstruktivisme diperlukan juga
pemahaman terhadap dimensi-dimensi pembelajaran matematika (Hendrayanto, 2019). Pada kajian artikel ini
atau dalam istilah lainnya (literature review), dapat dilihat peranan pendekatan konstruktivisme dinilai sudah
mampu meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran yang baik bagi siswa, terutama dalam mata pelajaran matematika di

Berdasarkan hasil analisis 20 artikel yang telah di kemukakan diatas, pendekatan Konstruktivisme telah
digunakan dalam berbagai model pembelajaran dan sebagai pendekatan dalam pembelajaran matematika, serta
dapat dilihat hasil dari penerapannya metode ini dikatakan sudah efektif dan mampu dalam meningkatan hasil
belajar matematika siswa yang lebih baik.

Daftar Pustaka
Apriani, F. N., Novaliyosi, N., & Jaenudin, J. (2021). PENGEMBANGAN Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)
dengan problem based learning terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis. Wilangan: Jurnal
Inovasi Dan Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 2(2), 88.
Atikah, N. D., Makmuri, M., & Murdiyanto, T. (2018). Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Matematika
dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivisme pada Pokok Bahasan Bentuk Aljabar Kelas VII SMP Terbuka 264
Jakarta Barat. Jurnal Riset Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah, 2(1), 31–42.
Azmil Azman, Nizwardi Jalinus, Ambiyar, & Muhammad Giatman. (2020). Model Pembelajaran
Konstruktivisme dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Teknik. Jurnal Teknik, 14(1), 142–147.
Esi, Purwaningsih, E., & Okianna. (2016). Peranan guru sebagai fasilitator dan motivator dalam meningkatkan
hasil belajar di kelas XI SMK. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 5(10), 1–14.
Hendrayanto, D. N. (2019). Implications of the Constructivism Philosophy Perspective in Mathematics
Learning. Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 9(1), 15. 1240
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA ISSN: 2088-0294 | e-ISSN: 2621-9166
Vol. 12, No. 4, Desember 2022
Marliani, N. (2015). 234813-Peningkatan-Kemampuan-Berpikir-Kreatif-M-69C902C2. Jurnal Formatif, 5(1), 14–
Nurfadhillah, S., Ramadhanty Wahidah, A., Rahmah, G., Ramdhan, F., & Claudia Maharani, S. (2021).
Penggunaan Media dalam Pembelajaran Matematika dan Manfaatnya di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Plus Ar-
Rahmaniyah. EDISI : Jurnal Edukasi Dan Sains, 3(2), 289–298.
Palapasari, R., Kadir, & Anggo, M. (2017). Pengaruh Penerapan Konstruktivis Realistik Dan Kemampuan Dasar.
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 8(1), 46–56.
Ramdani, Y. (2003). Sosok Pendidikan Matematika Menyongsong Masyarakat Dalam Era Globalisasi. Mimbar,
XIX(3), 330–345.
Ridwan, M., Ulum, B., Muhammad, F., Indragiri, I., & Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, U. (2021). Pentingnya
Penerapan Literature Review pada Penelitian Ilmiah (The Importance Of Application Of Literature
Review In Scientific Research). Jurnal Masohi, 2(1), 42–51.
Sari, E. I., Huda, N., & Syamsurizal, S. (2021). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis
Konstruktivisme pada Materi Segitiga Siswa Kelas VII SMP. Jurnal Cendekia : Jurnal Pendidikan
Matematika, 5(2), 1721–1728.
Sari, L. N. (2016). Proses Berpikir Kreatif Siswa SMP dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika Nonrutin
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Matematika. Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 7(2), 163–170.
Srirahmawati, I. (2021). Peran Guru Sebagai Fasilitator dalam Mengasah Penalaran Matematika Siswa SDN 29
Dompu Tahun Pembelajaran 2020/2021. Ainara Journal (Jurnal Penelitian Dan PKM Bidang Ilmu
Pendidikan), 2(2), 114–123.
Sugrah, N. U. (2020). Implementasi teori belajar konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran sains. Humanika, 19(2),
Supardi, A. A., Gusmania, Y., & Amelia, F. (2019). Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis
Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Pada Materi Logaritma. AKSIOMA : Jurnal Matematika Dan Pendidikan
Matematika, 10(1), 80–92.
Trinova, Z. (2013). Pembelajaran Berbasis Student-Centered Learning. Jurnal Al-Ta’lim, Volume 1, 324–335.
Wasiah, U. (2021). Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Siswa Smp Dalam Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa
Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Lampung, 9(3), 307–317. 1241
Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

Konstruktivisme: Sebuah Analisis Perspektif Pembelajaran

Mawardi Saleh
Dosen Jurusan IPS Ekonomi, IAIN Mataram

Abstrak: Konstruktivisme merupakan salah satu aliran filsafat pengetahuan yang menekankan bahwa pengetahuan
merupakan hasil bentukan (konstruksi) kita sendiri. Pengetahuan bukanlah konten idiologi yang bersifat given dan
instan melainkan dia adalah hasil dari olah pikir dan olah tindak yang disertai dengan proses permentasi pendidikan
itu sendiri. Dalam prosesi pendidikan (baca; pembelajaran) untuk mendapatkan sejumlah pengetahuan, sudah pasti
terjadi berbagai peristiwa pembelajaran silih berganti oleh peserta didik maupun pendidik. Kedua unsur peserta
didik dan pendidik menjadi pihak yang paling aktif terlibat dalam mencari, mengamati, mendiskusikan,
menggambar, merancang, sebagai keseluruhan aktivitas pembelajaran untuk memperoleh sejumlah pengalaman dan
pengetahuan. Disamping itu, eksistensi media, sumber dan metode juga relatif menentukan berjalannya aktivitas
pembelajaran secara efektif. Alhasil, pembelajaran yang didasarkan pada faham konstruktivis mewajibkan kepada
peserta didik khususnya untuk berperan serta secara aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran agar mereka menemukan
dan merakit sendiri pengetahuannya tersebut.

Kata kunci: Konstruktivisme, Pembelajaran.

PENDAHULUAN menggunakan ide-ide untuk kepentingan

konstruksi tersebut. Siswa memiliki koneksi
Menurut faham konstruktivis, pengetahuan
langsung (direct conection) terhadap media,
bukanlah suatu imitasi dan gambaran umum
sumber dan instrumen informasi yang dapat
belaka dari suatu realitas (kenyataan).
digunakannya untuk belajar.
Pengetahuan selalu merupakan akibat dari
Karenanya, pembelajaran yang beraliran pada
suatu konstruksi kognitif dari realitas yang
konstruktivisme menegaskan bahwa proses
terjadi melalui serangkaian aktivitas peserta
pembelajaran tidak disandarkan kepada satu-
didik. Dasar itu, konstruktivisme menyatakan
satunya sumber dan media yang paling benar.
bahwa siswa harus menemukan sendiri dan
Pembelajaran adalah proses negosiasi makna,
mentransformasikan pesan maupun fakta,
proses asimilasi antara konsep yang baru ke
menangkap serta mengkaji informasi baru
dalam skema pengetahuan yang dimiliki
dengan klausul lama dan merevisinya apabila
peserta didik. Dengan demikian, makna
klausul itu tidak relevan lagi. Bagi peserta
tidaklah absolut, makna dapat berubah-ubah
didik, untuk bisa mendapatkan pengetahuan
tergantung dari sisi mana seseorang
yang mendasar serta konfrehensif, mereka
mengkonstruksinya. Dengan tidak adanya satu
harus terlibat secara intensif dalam
otoritas sumber, dengan terbukanya akses
memecahkan masalah, membentuk sendiri
terhadap beragam sumber dan media
pengalamannya, menemukan segala sesuatu
informasi, dan dengan bebasnya peserta didik
untuk dirinya, berusaha dengan ekstra

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

memilih informasi yang dipelajarinya, maka Pengetahuan merujuk pada pengalaman

hanya satu jawaban yang benar menjadi tidak seseorang akan dunia dan realitas, tetapi
ada lagi. Akan banyak lagi alternatif jawaban bukan dunia itu sendiri, dan tanpa pengalaman
terhadap satu masalah yang kompleks. seseorang tidak dapat membentuk
Pemilihan alternatif jawaban, sekali lagi selalu pengetahuannya. Oleh karena itu, abstraksi
dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan seseorang terhadap sesuatu hal akan
konteks, tempat, permasalahan, waktu, bidang membentuk struktur konsep dan menjadi
dan lain-lain. pengetahuan seseorang akan hal tersebut.
dalam hal ini, konstruktivisme mengatakan
bahwa semua pengetahuan yang kita peroleh
Konstruktivisme Sebuah Pendekatan
adalah hasil konstruksi (bentukan) kita sendiri,
maka sangat kecil kemungkinan adanya
Konstruktivisme merupakan salah satu aliran transfer pengetahuan dari seseorang kepada
filsafat pengetahuan yang menekankan bahwa orang lain. Setiap orang membangun
pengetahuan kita merupakan hasil konstruksi pengetahuannya sendiri, mengkordinasi dan
(bentukan) kita sendiri (Von Glaserfeld dalam membentuk melalui sederetan aktivitas
Bettencourt, 1989). Pengetahuan bukanlah pembelajaran baik di luar maupun di dalam
suatu imitasi dan gambaran umum belaka dari kelas. Karena itu, dalam pandangan
suatu realitas (kenyataan). Pengetahuan selalu konstruktivisme keliru kalau pengetahuan itu
merupakan akibat dari suatu konstruksi disampaikan melalui proses transfer dari
kognitif dari realitas yang terjadi melalui seorang pendidik kepada peserta didik,
serangkaian aktivitas peserta didik. Siswa melainkan dia dieproleh melalui setumpuk
melakukan skematisasi, kategorisasi, konsepsi aktivitas siswa dan pengalamannya.
dan struktur pengalaman tertentu untuk Hubungan konstruktivisme dengan
mengkonstruksi pengetahuan itu sendiri. pembelajaran
Pengetahuan bukanlah atribut hampa yang
Konstruktivisme relatif berbeda dari
terurai atau terlepas dari pengamatan dan
idealisme. Idealisme menyakatan bahwa
pengalaman, akan tetapi pengetahuan justru
pikiran dan konstruksinya adalah satu-satunya
merupakan karya cipta manusia yang
realitas, sedangkan konstruktivisme meyakini
diperoleh dari hasil pragmentasi dan
bahwa kenyataan adalah apa yang
pengalaman dunia nyata.
dikonstruksi oleh pikiran seseorang. Bagi

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

konstruktivis, bentukan selalu berjalan, namun pengalaman atau informasi yang dipelajari
tidak selalu merupakan representasi dari dunia dengan pengertian yang sudah dimiliki oleh
nyata. Konstruktivisme juga tidak sejalan peserta didik sehingga pengetahuannya dapat
dengan pandangan objektivisme yang berkembang.
beranggapan bahwa realitas itu ada, terlepas Konstruktivisme menekankan bahwa
dari pengamatan, pengalaman atau dapat pengetahuan dibentuk oleh manusia yang
ditemukan melalui langkah-langkah sistematis sedang belajar, dan teori perubahan konsep
realitas yang ada. yang menjelaskan bahwa peserta didik
Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, mengalami perubahan konsep terus-menerus,
konstruktivisme telah mempengaruhi sangat berperan dalam menjelaskan mengapa
pendidikan di banyak negara. Secara garis seorang peserta didik dapat salah mengerti
besar, prinsip-prinsip konstruktivisme yang dalam menangkap suatu konsep yang ia
diambil adalah bahwa pengetahuan dibangun pelajari. Tugas pendidik membantu untuk
oleh peserta didik sendiri, baik secara personal mengarahkan peserta didik dalam
maupun sosial, pengetahuan tidak bisa pembentukan pengetahuan mereka ke arah
dipindahkan dari pendidik ke peserta didik, yang lebih tepat. Teori perubahan konsep
kecuali melalui keaktifan peserta didik sendiri membantu menciptakan suasana dan keadaan
untuk menalar, peserta didik aktif pembelajaran yang memungkinkan perubahan
mengkonstruksi terus-menerus, sehingga konsep terjadi pada peserta didik sehingga
selalu terjadi perubahan konsep menuju ke terjadi pemahaman. Baik konstruktivisme
yang lebih rinci, lengkap serta sesuai dengan maupun teori perubahan konsep menjelaskan
konsep ilmiah. bahwa pengertian yang dibentuk peserta didik
Konstruktivisme menjadi landasan bagi mungkin berbeda dengan pengertian ilmuan.
beberapa teori belajar, seperti teori perubahan Salah pengertian dalam memahami sesuatu,
konsep, teori belajar bermakna, dan teori menurut konstruktivisme maupun teori
skema. Konstruktivisme maupun teori perubahan konsep bukanlah akhir dari segala-
perubahan konsep percaya bahwa dalam galanya, melainkan justru menjadi awal untuk
proses belajar seorang mengalami perubahan perkembangan yang lebih baik (Suparno
konsep. Pengetahuan seseorang tidak sekali dalam Paulina Pannen, 2001).
jadi, tetapi melalui proses perkembangan yang Sementara teori skema melandasi
terus-menerus. Belajar merupakan proses pandangannya terhadap konstruktivisme
mengasimilasi dan menghubungkan maupun teori perubahan konsep bahwa

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

seorang belajar dengan mengadakan Sebaliknya, konstruktivisme sosial percaya

restrukturisasi atas skema yang sudah dimiliki, bahwa pengetahuan adalah transaksional,
baik dengan menambah atau mengganti skema dikonstruksi secara sosial, dan didistribusikan
tersebut. Proses pembentukan dan pengubahan ke sesama partisipan. Belajar di kelas selama
skema merupakan proses belajar. Peserta didik beberapa bulan dapat dideskripsikan dalam
dapat membentuk skema baru dari term latihan matematika di dalam komunitas
pengalaman dan informasi baru. Peserta didik pebelajar. Tetapi salah satu pendapat
dapat menambah atribut baru dalam sekmanya konstruktivis sosial menganalisis belajar dari
yang lama. Peserta didik juga dapat perspektif sosial (menegosiasikan aturan
melengkapi dan memperluas skema yang yang diskursus) dan individual (keyakinan
lama. Peserta didik juga dapat melengkapi dan matematika anak dan pendapat peran
memperluas skema yang telah dimiliki ketika seseorang di dalam kelas). Pendapat
berhadapan dengan pengalaman, konstruktivis sosial lainnya adalah
permasalahan dan juga pemikiran yang baru. apprenticeship, dimana pengetahuan
diletakkan dalam relasi antar praktisi.
Konstruktivisme Edukasional
Pendukungnya berpendapat, aktivitas kelas
Belakangan, ada tiga tipe konstruktivisme
yang didesain secara khusus dapat
edukasional: a) konstruktivisme memandang
memungkinkan pemula untuk yang didesain
semua pengetahuan sebagai konstruksi
secara khusus dapat memungkinkan pemula
manusia; b) individu menciptakan
untuk mengembangkan penguasaan domain
pengetahuan dan mengkonstruksi konsep; c)
pengetahuan sederhana. Tetapi, beberapa
sudut pandang hanya bisa dinilai secara parsial
pendidik berpendapat bahwa pandangan
berdasarkan korespondesinya dengan norma
mengenai belajar situasional ini tidak bisa
yang diterima umum. Dipengajaran dalam
disebut konstruktivis karena tidak
kelas, konstruktivisme pribadi mendukung dua
menekankan pada cara pengetahuan
prinsip piagetian yaitu belajar adalah proses
dikonstruksi berdasarkan level yang berbeda
internal dan komplik kognitif dan refleksi
secara kualitatif.
berasal dari tantangan terhadap pemikiran
Pendekatan ketiga, afilosofis tidak
seseorang. Beberapa pendidik yang
menggunakan asumsi tentang sifat
mendukung konstruktivisme pribadi juga
pengetahuan. Ruang kelas mungkin bisa
mencatat bahwa siswa juga harus diberi akses
dianggap tempat belajar berorientasi pada
ke konsep ilmu konvensional.
siswa mengimplementasikan pendekatan

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

holistik untuk literasi atau fokus pada cara informasi yang diperolehnya sehingga peserta
pembaca dan penulis menyusun makna. didik menyadari bahwa informasi tertentu
Karena itu pengembangan literasi hanya benar dalam konteks, tempat,
membutuhkan aktivitas yang menggunakan permasalahan, waktu, dan bidang tertentu.
bahasa secara fungsional dan memiliki makna Dengan demikian, pembelajaran yang
bagi siswa. berlandaskan pada konstruktivisme tidak
menyediakan “satu-satunya
Konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran
jawaban/penjelasan/teori apalagi makna yang
Salah satu teori pembelajaran yang mengisi
benar”. Pembelajaran adalah proses negosiasi
ruang psykologi pendidikan adalah teori
makna, proses asimilasi (Piaget) antara konsep
konstruktifisme. Teori konstruktivisme
yang baru ke dalam skema kognitif yang
menyatakan bahwa peserta didik harus
dimiliki peserta didik. Dengan demikian,
menemukan sendiri dan mentransformasikan
makna tidaklah absolut, makna dapat berubah-
informasi kompleks, mengecek informasi baru
ubah tergantung dari sisi mana seseorang
dengan aturan-aturan lama dan merevisinya
mengkonstruksinya. Ketika permasalahan
apabila aturan-aturan itu tidak lagi relevan.
masih sederhana, mungkin akan mudah
Bagi peserta didik agar benar-benar memhami
ditemukan satu jawaban yang benar. Namun,
dan untuk dapat menerapkan pengetahuan,
dengan hilangnya satu otoritas sumber
mereka harus bekerja keras memecahkan
informasi yang tunggal, dengan terbukanya
masalah, menemukan segala sesuatu untuk
akses terhadap beragam sumber informasi, dan
dirinya, berusaha dengan ekstra menggunakan
dengan bebasnya peserta didik memilih
ide-ide untuk kepentingan konstruksi tadi
informasi yang dipelajarinya, maka hanya satu
(Slavin dalam Trianto : 28).
jawaban yang benar menjadi tidak ada lagi.
Berdasarkan konstruktivisme, pendidik dan
Akan banyak lagi alternatif jawaban terhadap
buku teks bukan satu-satunya sumber
satu masalah yang kompleks. Pemilihan
informasi dalam pembelajaran (Hlynka dalam
alternatif jawaban, sekali lagi selalu dilakukan
Paulina Pannen, 2001: 31). Peserta didik
dengan mempertimbangkan konteks, tempat,
mempunyai akses terhadap beragam sumber
permasalahan, waktu, bidang dan lain-lain.
informasi yang dapat digunakannya untuk
Konstruktivisme juga menjadi landasan bagi
belajar. Namun yang paling penting adalah
pemanfaatan beragam media dalam
bagaimana pendidik dapat membekali peserta
pembelajaran yang memungkinkan berbagai
didik untuk melakukan seleksi terhadap
kreativitas peserta didik akan muncul dengan

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

maksimal. Pengalaman peserta didik tidak dibutuhkan, menyiapkan kesempatan yang

hanya diperoleh dari ruang kelas melalui seluasnya bagi peserta didik untuk bekerja dan
interaksinya dengan pendidik dan buku, akan membentuk pengetahuannya melalui sejumlah
tetapi di luar kelas dengan berbagai media kegiatan yang dikerjakannya. Pendidik dapat
pembelajaran yang berasal dari lingkungan menyediakan anak tangga yang dapat
sosial dan masyarakat. Maka, pembelajaran membawa peserta didik kepada pemahaman
dapat terjadi di manapun dan setiap saat yang lebih tinggi tetapi dengan syarat peserta
melalui beragam media. didik lah yang harus memanjat anak tangga
Akibat perkembangan berbagai bidang ilmu tersebut (Trianto, 2009: 28).
yang begitu cepat, informasi tidak lagi
Strategi Teknis dalam Pembelajaran
disampaikan secara linier satu per satu, tetapi
sejumlah informasi disampaikan pada saat
Pertama, Discovery Learning. Discovery
tertentu secara bersamaan. Dengan demikian,
learning bukan semata-mata menemukan
tidak ada lagi linieritas, yang ada adalah
jawaban yang benar atas hal-hal yang sudah
multiple perspectives, sementara pendidik dan
diketahui guru. Proses pembelajarannya juga
interaksi di dalam kelas hanya merupakan
bukan merupakan proses sekedar untuk
salah satu perspektif saja. Jalur yang dipilih
memperoleh pengetahuan (acquisition).
oleh masing-masing orang untuk menghimpun
Discovery learning yang berlandaskan
dan mengakses informasi adalah unik
konstruktivisme merupakan proses belajar
berdasarkan konteks, situasi, permasalahan,
untuk menemukan sesuatu yang baru
dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki.
(invention) secara individu maupun kelompok.
Menurut teori konstruktivisme, satu prinsip
Dalam hal ini Discovery learning berfokus
yang paling penting dalam psykologi
pada kemampuan belajar untuk belajar
pendidikan adalah bahwa guru tidak hanya
(learning to learn), termasuk kemampuan
bertugas memberikan pengetahuan kepada
bertanya, mengevaluasi strategi individual,
peserta didik, akan tetapi peserta didik sendiri
dan mencari jawaban terhadap pertanyaan-
harus membangun dan membentuk
pertanyaan keilmuan. Discovery learning
pengetahuannya sendiri dengan seluruh seleksi
berpersepsi bahwa pengetahuan merupakan
edukasi nyata dalam proses pembelajaran.
hasil interaksi individu peserta didik dengan
Tugas pendidik adalah memberikan
beragam sumber belajar (termasuk teman dan
kemudahan dalam proses tersebut,
menyediakan berbagai fasilitas yang

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

Berlandaskan pada persepsi tersebut, akan menyematkan ingatan tersebut dalam

discovery learning mempersyaratkan adanya otak (Souders dan Prescott, 1999).
kesatuan antara proses konstruksi pengetahuan Dalam pembelajaran mandiri siswa dapat
(secara individual atau kelompok) dengan dengan mudah mengingat informasi yang
ruang lingkup bidang ilmu, karena keduanya mereka peroleh ketika belajar aktif secara
merupakan kesatuan yang akan fisik. Sebuah misal, saat mereka bertugas
mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk mewawancari orang kemudian diawali dengan
bekerja dan bernalar dalam bidang ilmu. mencari nomor telepon seorang pakar,
Artinya, untuk setiap bidang ilmu perlu menekan nomornya, bertemu dan berbicara
diidentifikasi keterampilan belajar yang akan dengannya, mencatat selama pembicaraan
dicapai sebagai sarana untuk mencapai sampai melaporkan apa yang mereka
keterampilan belajar tersebut. Setiap bidang temukan-itu semua karena sensasi fisik dapat
ilmu memiliki keterampilan belajar yang unik mempengaruhi struktur otak. Siswa yang
yang harus dikuasai siswa. Maka dengan menghimpun, menyentuh dan mengumpulkan
berbekal keterampilan belajar dan penguasaan pengetahuan memiliki otak yang berbeda
materi pada bidang ilmu, siswa dapat dibandingkan dengan siswa yang hanya
melakukan penemuan-penemuan baru dalam monoton, mendengar dan menyerap informasi,
bidang ilmu tersebut. baik dari televisi, video, komputer, perangkat
Kedua, Self learning. Pembelajaran mandiri lunak maupun kuliah yang hanya dialogis,
mengharuskan siswa untuk memiliki keahlian karena sesungguhnya makanan otak adalah
dan pengetahuan tertentu. Mereka harus tahu dunia luar.
dan mampu melakukan hal-hal tertentu, Menurut Sizer, self learning menekankan pada
mengambil tindakan, bertanya, membuat tindakan, memberi otak kesempatan untuk
keputusan mandiri, berpikir kreatif dan kritis, merasakan dunia luar dengan cara-cara yang
memiliki kesadaran diri, dan bisa tak terhitung (1992). Tindakan fisik secara
bekerjasama. Belajar aktif yang disebut juga langsung dapat memperkuat ingatan dan
belajar langsung adalah belajar yang membuat meningkatkan skills yang terpendam.
pelajaran melekat. Mencari dan Kebiasaan dalam aktivitas mapping
menggabungkan informasi secara aktif dari (pemetaan), wawancara ahli, mengukur benda,
tempat kerja, masyarakat maupun ruang kelas, menggambar struktur, menulis cerita,
lalu menggunakannya untuk alasan tertentu merancang poster, menghitung anggaran-
semua itu akan memberi sinyal pada neuron

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

dalam otak untuk berhubungan, membentuk penelitian yang mengharuskan siswa untuk
dasar bagi pembentukan jaringan saraf yang mengidentifikasi masalah, mengumpulkan
kuat. data dan menggunakan data tersebut untuk
Para siswa dengan pembelajaran mandiri memecahkan permasalahan.
(yang tak terpisahkan dari filosofi Dalam pelaksanaannya problem based
pembelajaran konstruktivisme), tidak hanya learning berupa aktivitas individu siswa
memilih rancangan kerja, tetapi juga maupun aktivitas kelompok. Problem based
memutuskan bagaimana mereka harus learning yang dilakukan secara individu
berperan serta. Siswa memilih berpartisipasi adalah memberikan fasilitas terhadap proses
dalam rencana kerja yang paling sesuai konstruksi pengetahuan siswa berdasarkan
dengan minat pribadi dan bakat mereka. penelitian dan upaya individu. Sementara
Mereka juga memilih gaya belajar yang paling ketika dilakukan dalam perspektif kelompok,
tepat bagi dirinya sambil mencari keterkaitan maka proses konstruksi pengetahuan
antara tugas sekolah dan kehidupan keseharian dilakukan secara bersama-sama.
mereka. Bagi siswa dengan pembelajaran Dalam idiologi konstruktivisme, problem
mandiri mungkin memilih dengan based learning memposisikan siswa untuk
mendapatkan informasi, misalnya, dengan terlibat sangat intensif, sehingga motivasi
jalan mengamati, mendengarkan, membaca untuk terus belajar dan terus mencari tahu
atau berdiskusi. Mereka juga mungkin terlibat menjadi meningkat. Meskipun demikian,
melakukan riset dengan cara menonton video, semakin tinggi tingkat kebebasan yang
mendengarkan kaset, membaca buku atau diberikan kepada siswa dalam PBL, semakin
mewawancarai orang atau praktisi. Karena tinggi pula pembimbingan yang harus
pembelajaran mandiri ini membebaskan anak dilakukan oleh guru. Dalam posisi guru
untuk mengkonstruksi pengalaman dan memberikan bimbingan maka status guru
memilih cara belajar terbaik yang paling bergeser menjadi fasilitator atau pembimbing.
sesuai untuk mereka demi mencapai prestasi Model problem based learning minimal
yang tinggi dan unggul. menggunakan empat pendekatan yaitu
Ketiga, Problem Based Learning. Model identifikasi masalah, mengumpulkan data,
pembelajaran ini dikembangkan oleh Barrows, analisis data dan menghasilkan pemecahan
dan sangat populer di dunia kedokteran sekitar masalah. Jika pembelajaran dimaksudkan
tahun 1970. Melalui problem based learning untuk mencapai keterampilan berpikir tingkat
siswa diharapkan dapat terlibat dalam proses tinggi (higher order thinking skills), maka

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

pencapaian empat tahap pertama tentu belum Dalam tahap identifikasi masalah, siswa fokus
memadai. Bahkan, sesungguhnya empat tahap bekerja untuk menemukan permasalahan yang
pertama merupakan langkah awal yang tepat, dengan cara dan instrumen yang tepat
menjadi prasyarat bagi kemampuan berpikir pula. Masalah yang tepat dicirikan dengan
yang lebih tinggi yang dapat dicapai melalui relevansi, kebermaknaan bagi siswa,
empat tahap berikutnya, yaitu memilih cara sedapatkan mungkin permasalahannya nyata,
pemecahan masalah, merencanakan penerapan dan berhubungan langsung dengan
pemecahan masalah, uji coba dan action. pengalamannya, ruang lingkup permasalahan
Dalam proses pemecahan masalah sehari-hari, itu mampu menantang aplikasi keterampilan
seluruh tahapan terjadi dan bergulir dengan yang sudah dimiliki siswa dan pengembangan
sendirinya, demikian pula keterampilan keterampilan tersebut ke tingkat yang lebih
seseorang harus mencapai seluruh tahapan tinggi. Selain itu siswa disarankan juga dapat
tersebut. memahami kompleksitas atau tingkat
Hal yang dipentingkan dalam proses kerumitan permasalahan, yaitu sejauhmana
pembelajaran dengan model problem based permasalahan itu dinilai nyata atau tidak.
learning adalah pertanyaan why bukan sekedar Kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi dalam
how. Oleh karena itu, untuk setiap tahapan identifikasi masalah menyebabkan
dalam pemecahan masalah, keterampilan permasalahan menjadi terlalu besar dan bias
siswa dalam tahapan tersebut hendaknya tidak makna, permasalahan diminati siswa namun
semata-semata keterampilan how, tetapi tidak layak dan seterusnya. Peran guru untuk
kemampuan menjelaskan permasalahan dan mengatasi dan menghindari permasalahan
bagaimana permasalahan dapat terjadi. tersebut sangat diperlukan, mengingat tahap
Tahapan proses pemecahan masalah identifikasi masalah merupakan tahap awal
digunakan sebagai kerangka atau panduan yang akan terus mewarnai proses selanjutnya
dalam pembelajaran problem based learning. untuk bisa mengkonstruksi pengetahuan dan
Namun yang harus dicapai pada akhir pengalamannya melalui problem based
pembelajaran adalah kemampuan siswa untuk learning.
memahami permasalahan dan alasan Sementara dalam tahap pengumpulan data,
timbulnya permasalahan serta kedudukan siswa ditekankan memperkuat akses untuk
permasalahn tersebut dalam tatanan sistem mendapatkan dan mengumpulkan informasi.
yang lebih luas. Informasi yang dikumpulkan harus informasi
yang benar-benar dibutuhkan, sehingga efektif

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

dan efisien. Hindari informasi yang terlalu merencanakan-yang didalamnya terdapat

banyak dan tidak jelas artikulasinya. Boleh aktivitas identifikasi permasalahan,
saja mengambil informasi yang di luar menemukan kasus, mempelajari dan mengkaji
perencanaan, tetapi mesti dipastikan dulu permasalahan, kemudian mendapat data
informasi tersebut bisa mendukung data pokok sampai pada menggunakan suatu data tersebut
yang dibutuhkan. Dan untuk mendukung untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada.
informasi/data yang akurat maka alat Pada akhirnya, suatu masalah teratasi
pengumpul data (instrumen) harus memiliki disebabkan karena kegiatan nyata dalam
tingkat validitas yang tinggi. pembelajaran yang dilakoni dua komunitas
Dalam tahap analisis dan penulisan laporan, pembelajaran yaitu guru dan peserta didik.
modal dasar yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa
adalah mampu berpikir holistik dan sintetis.
Prinsip konstruktivisme adalah pengetahuan
Artinya, dengan beragam dan kompleksitas
itu dibangun dalam suatu proses panjang
jenis dan karakter informasi/data, pekerjaan
dimana dalam proses tersebut terjadi negosiasi
berat siswa adalah melakukan kodifikasi data,
dan artikulasi sesuai dengan pengalaman dan
reduksi data, klasifikasi dan menyuplai data.
setingnya. Konstruksi tersebut tentu dilakukan
Siswa bekerja mempersatukan berbagai
oleh peserta didik sendiri, baik secara personal
informasi yang sudah diperoleh menjadi satu
maupun sosial. Pengetahuan tidak bisa
kesimpulan yang bermakna, serta adanya
dipindahkan dari pendidik semata ke peserta
pengetahuan tertentu yang perlu dikuasai
didik, kecuali melalui keaktifan peserta didik
siswa sebelum mampu mengambil
sendiri untuk menalar, aktif mengkonstruksi
kesimpulan. Dalam hal adanya prasyarat,
pola, sehingga selalu terjadi perubahan konsep
maka mungkin terjadi siswa harus mencari
menuju ke yang lebih rinci, utuh serta sesuai
informasi lain terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian
dengan konsep ilmiah. Bagi faham
dapat menyelesaikan analisis pemecahan
konstruktivis, bahwa pembelajaran ibarat alat
mesin yang bekerja membentuk suatu pola
Dari tiga pendekatan konstruktivis yang telah
barang tertentu. Dalam konstruksi pola
dijabarkan, semuanya memposisikan siswa
tersebut ada banyak komponen yang terlibat
sebagai subyek pembelajaran dimana para
seperti penyediaan bahan, ruang, kesempatan,
siswa diwajibkan memerankan diri secara fisik
alat dan metode pembentukan. Ibarat peserta
dan langsung dalam keseluruhan aktivitas
didik sebagai komponen utama dalam
pembelajaran. Proses yang dimulai dari

Jurnal Transformasi
Volume 2 Nomor 2 Edisi September 2016

pembelajaran itu memiliki kesempatan yang Pannen, P., Mustafa, D. (2001).

sangat luas dan terbuka untuk berkreasi Konstruktivisme dalam Pembelajaran.
melalui konstruksi pengetahuan dan PAU – PPAI – UUT. Jakarta.
pengalamannya. Pengalaman peserta didik Sanjaya., Wina. (2011). Strategi
tidak hanya diperoleh dari ruang kelas melalui Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar
interaksinya dengan pendidik dan buku, akan Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Pen.
tetapi di luar kelas dengan berbagai media Kencana Prenada Media Group.
pembelajaran yang berasal dari lingkungan Silberman, ML. (2009). Active Learning; 101
sosial dan masyarakat. Maka, pembelajaran Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif. Bandung:
dapat terjadi di manapun dan setiap saat Pen. Nusamedia bekerjasama dengan
melalui beragam media. Sementara posisi guru Pen. Nuansa.
tetap berperan sebagai fasilitator dan mediator Souders, J., dan Prescott, C., (199). A Case for
yang setiap waktu dapat memberikan Contextual Learning. Schools in the
bimbingan teknis langsung agar siswa tidak Middle.
keluar dari batasan pengetahuan dan
pengalaman yang harus diperolehnya.
Wallahu a’lamu bisshowab.


Dananjaya., U. (2010). Media Pembelajaran

Aktif. Bandung: Pen. Nuansa.
Gredler., Margaret., E. (2011). Learning and
Instruction; Teori dan Aplikasi.
Jakarta: Pen. Kencana Prenada Media
Huda., Miftahul. (2011). Cooperative
Learning; Metode, Teknik, Struktur,
dan Model Penerapan. Yogyakarta:
Pen. Pustaka Pelajar.
Isjoni. (2009). Menuju Masyarakat Belajar;
Pendidikan dalam Arus Perubahan.
Yogyakarta: Pen. Pustaka Pelajar.


H. Dadang Supardan1
1. Guru Besar & Ketua Program Studi Pend. Sejarah SPs UPI

Kontruktivisme menjadi pendekatan yang populer dan berkembang dalam praktik
pembelajaran saat ini. Hal tersebut tidak lepas dari teori-teori mendasarinya. Teori utama
pendekatan ini digagas oleh psikolog-psikolog yang dianggap besar. Artikel ini mengulas
sejarah, ilmuan-ilmuan serta teori-teorinya yang melandasi berkembangnya konstruktivisme.
Selain itu prinsip-prinsip dan penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran
akan dibahas melalui kajian kepustakaan yang sangat mendalam pada artikel ini ini. Tidak
hanya banyak memiliki keunggulan ketika menerapkan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam
proses pembelajaran di kelas, akan tetapi terdapat dilema-dilema dalam pendekatan
mempraktikan pendekatan ini.

Kata kunci : kontruktivisme, pembelajaran

PENDAHULUAN sesuatu untuk mengorganisir pengalaman

Seperti cendawan di musim hujan, dunia itu, dan bukan untuk menemukan
kini terminologi “konstruktivisme” telah suatu tujuan kenyataan (von Glasersfeld,
muncul dan merebak dalam dunia 1995). Dengan demikian‘konstruktivisme‘
pendidikan. Merebaknya istilah merupakan istilah luas yang digunakan oleh
“konstruktivisme‘ itu sejalan dengan para filsuf, ahli kurikulum, psikologi,
kebingungan kita khususnya dalam maupun pendidik, yang menurut
menerapkan pada tataran praktis Glasersfeld (1987: 204) konstruktivisme
pembelajaran. Menurut Brooks & Brooks sebagai "teori pengetahuan dengan akar
(1993) semula konstruktivisme adalah lebih dalam ―filosofi, psikologi, dan
merupakan suatu filosofi dan bukan suatu cybernetics" menekankan; (1) pembelajar
strategi, pendekatan, maupun model aktif dalam mengkonstruksikan
pembelajaran. “Constructivism is not an pengetahuannya sendiri; (2) interaksi sosial
instructional strategy to be deployed under itu penting bagi pengkonstruksian
appropriate conditions. Rather, pengetahuan. Perspektif konstruktivis
constructivism is an underlying philosophy berpijak pada, antara lain; penelitian John
or way of seeing the world”. Bahkan Dewey (1859-1952), Bartlett (1886-1969),
menurut Von Glasersfeld (1987: 204) Piaget (1896-1980), Vygotsky (1896-1934),
konstruktivisme sebagai "teori pengetahuan Ausubel (1918–2008), Jerome Bruner
dengan akar dalam ―filosofi, psikologi dan (1915-1980).
cybernetics". Von Glasersfeld Tidak ada teori konstruktivisme
mendefinisikan konstruktivisme apapun tunggal, tetapi sebagian besar
namanya secara aktif dan kreatif akan konstruktivisme memiliki dua ide utama
selalu membentuk konsepsi pengetahuan. yang sama, yakni; ―pembelajar aktif dalam
Ia melihat pengetahuan sebagai sesuatu hal mengkonstruksikan pengetahuannya
yang dengan aktif menerima apapun sendiri, dan bahwa interaksi sosial penting
melalui pikiran sehat atau melalui bagi pengkonstruksian pengetahuan
komunikasi dan interaksinya. Hal itu secara (Bruning, Schraw, Norby & Ronning,
aktif dan kreatif terutama dengan 2004: 195). Dalam konstruktivisme
membangun pengetahuan itu. Kognisi memandang belajar lebih dari sekedar
adalah adaptif dan membiarkan menerima dan memproses informasi yang

1 Edunomic | Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016

disampaikan oleh guru maupun teks.Alih- gerakan besar yang memiliki posisi filosofis
alih, pembelajaran adalah konstruksi dalam pendekatan dan strategi
pengetahuan yang bersifat aktif dan pembelajaran.Karena itu konstruktivisme
personal (de Kock, Sleegers, dan Voeten, sangat berpengaruh dalam bidang
2004).Jadi banyak teori di bidang ilmu pendidikan, yang memunculkan
kognitif yang memasukkan jenis beragamnya metode/strategi pembelajaran
konstruktivisme tertentu karena teori-teori baru. Dalam bab ini kita akan menyimak
tersebut berasumsi bahwa individu-individu filsafat konstruktivisme, prinsip-prinsip,,
mengkonstruksikan struktur kognitifnya bagaimana hubungannya dengan
sendiri pada saat mereka pembelajaran, ragamnya, penerapannya
menginterpretasikan pengalamannya dalam dalam pembelajaran, serta evaluasi
situasi tertentu (Palinscar, 1998).Ada pembelajaran konstruktivisme.
beberapa pendekatan konstruktivis di Terminologi “konstruktivisme”
bidang pendidikan sains dan matematika, di dapat dimetaforakan sebagai samudera
bidang psikologi dan antropologi, dan di luas, sejauh kita memandang tidak nampak
bidang pendidikan berbasis computer. batas teritorialnya.Wajar jika istilah ini
Meskipun banyak psikolog dan pendidik banyak digunakan oleh para filsuf,
menggunakan instilah konstruktivisme, perancang kurikulum, psikolog, pendidik
seringkali mereka dimaksudkannya untuk dan lain-lain.Glaseerfeld (1997: 204)
hal-hal yang sangat berbeda (Driscoll, sebagai salah seorang pionir gerakan
2000; McCaslin & Hickey, 2001; Philips, konstruktivis, menyebutnya ―bidang yang
1997). sangat luas ini tidak jelas batas-batasnya
Salah satu cara untuk dalam psikologi, epistemologi, dan
mengorganisasikan pandangan-pandangan pendidikan. Sebenarnya, perspektif
konstruktivis adalah berbicara tentang tiga konstruktivis yang sekarang makin marak
bentuk konstruktivisme, konstruktivisme tersebut embrionya berpijak dari penelitian;
psikologis/individual/personal, social, dan John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotky,
dialektikal (Palincsar, 1998; Philips, 1997). Jerome Bruner, dan termasuk para ahli
Kita bisa saja sedikit terlalu psikologi Gestalt (Max Wertheimer, Kurt
menyederhanakan dengan mengatakan Kofka, dan Wolfgang Kohler).
bahwa konstruktivis psikologis Prinsip dasar yang melandasi
memfokuskan pada bagaimana individu- filsafat konstruktivisme adalah bahwa
individu menggunakan informasi, sumber semua pengetahuan dikonstruksikan
daya, dan bantuan dari orang lain untuk (dibangun) dan bukan dipersepsi secara
membangun dan meningkatkan model langsung oleh indera (penciuman,
mental dan strategi problem solving-nya. perabaan, pendengaran, perabaan, dan
Sebaliknya, konstruktivisme sosial melihat seterusnya) sebagaimana asumsi kaum
belajar sebagai peningkatan kemampuan realis pada umumnya. Selain itu tidak ada
untuk berpartisipasi bersama orang lain teori konstruktivisme tunggal, tetapi
dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermakna sebagian besar para konstruktivis memiliki
dalam budaya dan masyarakat (Windschitl, setiadaknya dua ide utama yang sama; (1)
2002). Atau juga dialektikal yang pembelajar aktif dalam mengkonstruksikan
merupakan perpaduan antara pengetahuannya sendiri, dan; (2) interaksi
psikologia/individual dengan sosial. sosial merupakan aspek penting bagi
pengkonstruksian pengetahuan (Bruning,
TEORI UTAMA Scraw, Norby, & Ronning, 2004: 195).
Sebuah filsafat pembelajaran yang kini Konstruktivisme memandang belajar lebih
makin popular selama beberapa dekade ini dari sekedar menerima dan memproses
adalah konstruktivisme (constructivism). informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru atau
Konstruktivisme juga merupakan sebuah teks.Alih-alih pembelajaran adalah

Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016 | H. Dadang Supardan 2

konstruksi pengetahuan yang bersifat aktif sekali lagi kebenaran itu sangat relatif,
dan personal (de Kock, Sleegers, dan dengan demikian, tidak aneh keberagaman
Voeten, 2004). Pernyataan tersebut sejalan itu dan banyak teori di bidang ilmu kognitif
dengan pendapat Von Glaserfeld (1987), yang memasukkan jenis konstruktivisme
pendiri gerakan konstruktivis, tertentu, karena teori-teori tersebut
konstruktivisme berakar pada asumsi berasumsi bahwa individu-individu
bahwa pengetahuan, tidak peduli mengkonstruksikan struktur kognitifnya
bagaimana pengetahuan itu didefinisikan, sendiri pada saat mereka
terbentuk di dalam otak manusia, dan menginterpretasikan pengalamannya dalam
subjek yang berpikir tidak memiliki situasi tertentu (Palincsar, 1998). Ada
alternatif selain mengkonstruksikan apa berbagai pendekatan konstruktivisme di
yang diketahuinya berdasarkan bidang pendidikan sains, dan matematika,
pengalamannya sendiri. Semua pikiran kita psikologi, sejarah, antropologi, sosiologi,
didasarkan pada pengalaman kita sendiri, sastera, dan bidang pendidikan berbasis
dan oleh karenanya bersifat subyektif. komputer. Meskipun banyak ahli psikologi
Sebaliknya kita tidak dapat pendidikan serta praktisi pendidikan
mengobservasi segala sesuatu secara menggunakan istilah konstruktruktivisme,
objektif, karena kita menjadi bagian dari sering kali mereka dimaksudkan hanya
yang kita observasi.Realitas bukan ―ada di untuk hal-hal yang sangat berbeda (Driscol,
luar sana‖ untuk kita observasi secara 2005; MacCaslin & Hickey, 2001; Philips,
objektif dan tanpa nafsu, tetapi paling tidak 1997),
sebagian dikonstruksikan oleh kita dan oleh Salah satu cara untuk
observasi kita. Tidak ada realitas mengorganisasikan pandangan-pandangan
objektifyang sudah ada sebelumnya yang konstruktivis adalah berbicara tentang tiga
dapat diobservasi. Masing-masing orang bentuk konstruktivisme; konstruktivisme
menciptakan "aturan-aturan" dan "model- psikologis/individual/ endogenous,
model mentalnya" sendiri yang digunakan konstruktivisme sosial/eksogenous, serta
untuk memaknai pengalamannya. Proses konstruktivisme dialektikal (Palincsar,
mengobservasi realitas mengubah dan 1998; Philips, 1997). Kita bisa saja sedikit
mentransformasikannya, dan oleh terlalu menyederhanakan dengan
karenanya subjektivisbersifat relativistik. mengatakan bahwa konstruktivisme
Semua kebenaran hanya dapat bersifat psikologis memfokuskan pada bagaimana
relatif tidak pernah defmitif. individu-individu menggunakan informasi,
Pandangan ini berlawanaan dengan sumber daya, dan bantuan dari orang lain
pandangan "realis" yang mengatakan untuk membangun dan meningkatkan
bahwa "kebenaran itu ada diluar sana" dan model mental dan strategi problem solving-
oleh karena itu kita dapat mengobservasi nya. Sebaliknya konstruktivisme
realitas secara objektif, selama kita sosial/eksogenous melihat belajar sebagai
menggunakan metode-metode yang "tepat" peningkatan kemampuan untuk
(akurat dan reliable). Positivisme adalah berpartisipasi bersama orang lain dalam
bentuk pandangan yang paling ekstrem kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermakna dalam
daerhadap dunia ini pandangan terhadap budaya (Woolfolk, 2009; Windschit, 2002).
dunia ini (Muijs & Renolds, 2009: 96). Untuk itu mari kita lihat lebih dekat.
Menurut positivisme dunia bekerja Sedangkan konstruktivisme dialektikal,
menurut hukum-hukum sebab-akibat yang merupakan perpaduan antara
pasti, Pemikiran ilmiah digunakan untuk psikologis/individual/endogenous dengan
menguji teori-teori tentang hukum ini, dan sosial/eksogenous.
kemudian menolak atau menerimanya
secara provisional kea rah bentuk tunggal.
Dalam pandangan konstruktivistik,

3 Edunomic | Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016

Konstruktivisme Psikologis/ 1996).
Individual/Endogenous Namun, sebaliknya, perspektif
Konstruktivisme psikologis terfokus konstruktivis psikologis (kognitif) Piaget
pada bagaimana individu membangun kurang memperhatikan represntasi-
elemen-elemen tertentu dari aparatus representasi yang "benar" dan lebih
kognitif atau emosionalnya (Philips, 1997; tertarik dengan makna sebagaimana yang
153). Para konstruktivis ini tertarik dengan dikonstruksikan oleh individu.
pengetahuan, keyakinan, konsep-konsep Sebagaimana kita ketahui, Piaget
diri, atau identitas individual, sehinnga mengusulkan suatu sekuensi tahap-tahap
mereka kadang-kadang disebut kognitif yang dilalui semua orang. Pekiran
konstruktivis individual, atau konstruktivis di setiap tahap berdasarkan diri dan
psikologi-kognitif, atau konstruktivis memasukkan tahap-tahap sebelumnya pada
endogenous; mereka semuanya saat pemikiran itu menjadi lebih terorganisir
memfokuskan pada kehidupan psikologis dan adaptif serta kurang terkait dengan
dalam diri orang. kejadian-kejadian konkret. Perhatian
Ketika Chelsea berbicara kepada khusus Piaget adalah pada logic dan
dinding di bagian sebelumnya, ia sedang pengonstruksian pengetahuan universal
membuat makna dengan menggunakan yang tidak dapat dipelajari secara langsung
pengetahuan dan keyakinan sendiri tentang dari lingkungan—pengetahuan seperti
bagaimana cara merespons ketika seseorang konservasi atau reversibilitas (Miller,
atau sesuatu, berbicara kepadanya. Ia 2002). Pengetahuan itu berasal dari
menggunakan apa yang sudah diketahuinya merefleksikan dan mengkoordinasikan
untuk menentukan struktur intelektual kognisi atau pikiran kita sendiri, bukan dari
tentang dunianya (Piaget, 1971; Windschitl, memetakan realitas eksternal. Piaget
2002). melihat lingkungan sosial sebagai salah
Menggunakan standar-standar ini, satu faktor perkembangan yang penting,
kebanyakan teori pemrosesan informasi tetapi tidak percaya bahwa interaksi sosial
mutakhir bersifat konstruktivis (Mayer, merupakan mekanisme utama untuk
1993). Pendekatan pemrosesan informasi mengubah pemikiran (Moshman, 1997).
tentang pembelajaran menganggap pikiran Sebagian ahli psikologi pendidikan dan
manusia sebagai sebuah sistem pemroses perkembangan menyebutnya jenis
simbol. Sistem ini mengkonversi inpus konstruktivisme Piaget itu
sensorik menjadi struktur simbol "Konstruktivisme Gelombang Pertama"
(proposisi, gambaran, atau skema), dan atau "Konstruktivisme Solo", dengan
kemudian memproses (me-rehearse, atau penekanannya pada pembuatan-makna
mengelaborasi) struktur simbol itu sehingga idividual (De Corte, Greer, dan
pengetahuan dapat disimpan dalam ingatan Verschaffel, 1996; Paris, Byrness & Paris,
dan di-retrive (Woolfolk, 2009: 146). 2001).
Dunia luar dianggap sebagai sumber input, Pada kontinum ujung
tetapi begitu sensasi dipersepsi dan konstruktivisme Psikologis/ individual /
memasuki working memory, tugas endoganous terdapat gagasan
pentingnya diasumsikan terjadi "dalam Konstruktivisme Radikal. Perspektif ini
kepala" individu (Schunck, 2000; Vera, & mengatakan bahwa tidak ada realitas atau
Simson, 1993). Akan tetapi sebagian kebenaran di dunia ini secara objektif, yang
psikolog percaya bahwa pemrosesan ada hanya persepsi dan keyakinan individu
informasi adalah konstruktivisme "triviaF yang relatif. Masing-masing orang
atau lemah, karena satu-satunya kontribusi mengkonstruksikan makna dari pengalaman
konstruktif individu adalah membangun kita, tetapi sama sekali tidak ada cara untuk
represntasi yang akurat tentang dunia luar memahami atau mengetahui realitas orang
(Deny, 1992; Garrison, 1995; Marshall, lain (Woods & Murphy, 2002). Salah satu

Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016 | H. Dadang Supardan 4

kesulitan pendapat ini adalah bila didesak pembelajaran, kebanyakan ahli psikologi
ke titik ekstrem relativisme, seluruh mengklasifikasikan Vygotsy sebagai
pengetahun dan seluruh keyakinan adalah seorang konstruktivisme sosial (Palincsar,
sama karena semuanya adalah persepsi 1998; Prawat, 1996). Akan tetapi sebagian
individual yang valid. Bagi para pendidik, lagi teoretisi mengkategorikannya sebagai
ada masalah dengan pemikiran semacam konstruktivis psikologis, karena ia terutama
ini. Pertama, para guru memiliki tanggung tertarik dengan perkembangan dalam diri
jawab profesional untuk menekankan individu (Moshman, 1997; Philips, 1997).
beberapa nilai, seperti kejujuran atau Dalam pengertian tertentu, Vygotsky adalah
keadilan, di atas nilai-nilai seprti keduanya. Salah satu keunggulan teori
kefanatikan atau kecurangan. Tidak semua pembelajaran adalah karena ia memberikan
persepsi atau keyakinan sama. Sebagai cara untuk mempertimbangkan yang
guru, kita meminta siswa berusaha keras bersifat psikologis maupun sosial; Ia
untuk belajar. Bila pembelajaran tidak dapat menjembatani keduanya. Sebagai contoh,
memajukan pemahaman karena semua konsep Vygotsky tentang Zone of Proximal
pemahaman sama baiknya, maka Development (Zona Perkembangan
sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Moshman Proksimal)—wilayah tempat seorang anak
(1992: 230), "kita mungkin akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan
membiarkan siswa terus mempercayai apa bantuan (scaffolding) orang dewasa atau
yang mereka percaya". Selain itu yang sebayanya yang lebih mampu—disebut
kedua, sebagian pengetahuan, seperti sebagai tempat budaya dan kognisi saling
menghitung atau korespondensi satu-satu, menciptakan (Cole, 1985). Budaya
tampaknya tidak dikonstruksikan, tetapi menciptakan kognisi ketika orang dewasa
bersifat universal. Mengetahui menggunakan alat-alat dan praktik-praktik
korespondensi satu-satu merupakan bagian dari budayanya (membaca, menulis,
dari menjadi manusia (Woolfolk, 2009; menenun, menari). Kognisi menciptakan
Geary, 1995; Shunck, 2000). budaya ketika orang dewasa dan anak-anak
bersama melahirkan praktik dan solusi
Konstruktivisme Sosial Vygotsky masalah baru untuk ditambahkan ke dalam
Vygotsky percaya bahwa interaksi repertoar kelompok budayanya (Serpel,
sosial, perangkat kultural dan aktivitas 1993). Salah cara untuk mengintegrasikan
menentukan perkembangan dan konstruktivisme individual dan soaial
pembelajaran individual, persis seperti adalah memikirkan pengetahuan yang
interaksi Si Ben dengan ayahnya di pantai dikonstruksikan secara indovidual dan
yang menjelaskan pembelajaran makhluk- dimediasi secara sosial (Windschitl, 2002).
makhluk laut yang terancam polusi laut. Istilah konstruktivisme kadang-kadang
Dengan berpartisipasi di rentang aktivitas digunakan untuk berbicara tentang
yang luas bersama orang lain, pembelajar bagaimana pengetahuan publik diciptakan.
appropriate (mengapropriasikan, Meskipun ini bukan concern utama kita di
menginternalisasikan atau mengambil untuk bidang psikologi pendidikan, ada gunanya
dirinya sendiri) produk-produk yang untuk melihatnya secara sekilas.
dihasilkan dengan bekerja bersama-sama;
hasil-hasil ini dapat mencakup strategi dan Konstruktivisme Dialektika (Campuran)
pengetahuan baru, Meletakkan belajar Pengetahuan dikonstruksikan berdasarkan
dalam konteks sosial dan kultural disebut pengalaman individual dengan interaksi
"Konstruktivisme Gelombang Kedua" sosial, di mana pengetahuan merefleksikan
(Paris, Byrnes, & Paris, 2001). dunia luar yang disaring melalui dan
Oleh karena teori ini banyak dipengaruhi oleh budaya, bahasa,
menyandarkan diri pada interaksi sosial dan keyakinan, interaksi dengan orang lain,
konteks kultural untuk menjelaskan pelajaran langsung, dan modeling. Dalam

5 Edunomic | Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016

hal ini relevan kiranya untuk membahas langsung, maka pembelajaran kehilangan
tipe ketiga ini adalah teori kognitif- sebagian efektivitasnya. Hal ini karena
strukturalis Bruner yang memiliki asumsi anak-anak diminta untuk memahami
serupa dengan pernyataan di atas. Ia kejadian-kejadian yang sudah terlepas dari
berbeda pendapat dengan Piaget maupun konteks yang melingkupi kejadian itu.
Vygotsky, bahwa dalam teorinya itu Bruner
berasumsi pertumbuhan kognitif PRINSIP-PRINSIP
‘beralngsung dari luar ke dalam dan juga Di dalam pembelajaran
dari dalam ke luar (Bruner, 1966: 57; konstruktivisme, konstruktor pengetahuan
Salkind, 2009: 358). Asumsi ini aktif memiliki prinsip-prinsip sebagai
memunculkan dampak yang mendalam berikut:
pada cara kita memahami pertumbuhan 1. Belajar selalu merupakan sebuah proses
keahlian intelektual anak-anak dan juga aktif. Pembelajar secara aktif
bagaimana caranya mereka diajar dan mengkonstruksikan belajarnya dari
belajar dalam keadaan informal maupun berbagai macam input yang diterimanya.
formal. Hal ini mengisyaratkan bahwa
Jika kita simpulkan sebagian asumsi pembelajar perlu bersikap aktif agar
Bruner tersebut memiliki kemiripan dengan dapat belajar secara efektif. Belajar
asumsi pendekatan etologi, di mana adalah tentang membantu untuk
manusia mewarisi kecenderungan mengkonstruksikan makna mereka
berperilaku dengan cara tertentu yang sendiri, bukan tentang "mendapatkan
berasal dari generasi-generasi terdahulu jawaban yang benar" karena dengan
berdasarkan pada latar evolusi dan biologi cara seperti ini siswa dilatih untuk
manusia (Salkind, 2009: 104). Menurut mendapatkan jawaban yang benar tanpa
Bruner, perkembangan pada diri manusia benar-benar memahami konsepnya
itu bersifat unik— yankni berbeda dari (Muijs, & Reynolds, 2009)..
hewan-hewan lainnya—karena adanya 2. Anak-anak belajar dengan paling baik
konteks kultural tempat perkembangan dengan menyelesaikan berbagai konflik
manusia terjadi. Lebih jauh lagi dalam kognitif (konflik dengan berbagai ide
kultur-kultur yang canggih (seperti di dunia dan konsepsi lain) melalui pengalaman,
Barat) batas-batas pertumbuhan bergantung refleksi, dan metakognisi (Beyer,
pada seberapa baik kultur mendukung 1985).
proses perkembangan. Sebagai contoh, 3. Bagi konstruktivis, belajar adalah
seberapa baik proses pembelajaran pencarian makna, Pembelajar secara
menyodorkan tantangan dan misteri ke aktif berusaha mengkonstruksikan
hadapan anak? Dengan cara atau metode makna. Dengan demikian guru
apa pengajaran menyajikan materi-materi mestinya berusaha mengkonstruksikan
seperti itu? Dan, apa yang diharapkan dari berbagai kegiatan belajar seputar ide-
perubahan kemampuan dan pertumbuhan ide besar dan eksplorasi yang
intelektual itu? Bertolak dari asumsi Bruner memungkinkan pembelajar untuk
bahwa perkembangan intelektual mengkonstruksikan makna.
disuburkan dan dibatasi oleh kultur dan 4. Konstruksi pengetahuan bukan sesuatu
terantul pada kultur, maka tidak heran bila yang bersifat individual semata-mata.
Bruner juga berpendapat bahkan pada titik Belajar juga dikonstruksikan secara
ini kita belum mulai membuka keran sosial, melalui interaksi dengan teman
potensi kita. Hal lain yang sangat penting sebaya, guru, orang tua dan sebagainya.
dalam pandangan Bruner bahwa ketika Dengan demikian yang terbaik adalah
pembelajaran berlangsung dalam konteks adalah mengkonstruksi u topik k
formal, seperti di sekolah-sekolah, bukan 5. Elemen lain yang berakar pada fakta
melalui sarana informal yang bersifat tidak bahwa pembelajar secara individual dan

Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016 | H. Dadang Supardan 6

kolektif mengkonstruksilan seharusnya mendorong siswa untuk
pengetahuan adalah bahwa agar efektif memberikan jawaban-jawaban terbuka dan
guru harus memiliki pengetahuan yang mendiskusikan tentang subjek yang
baik tentang perkembangan anak dan dikajinya. Berdasarkan jenis dan bentuknya
teori belajar, sehingga mereka dapat penyajian model pembelajaran
menilai secara lebih akurat belajar konstruktivisme, terdapat tiga model
seperti apa yang dapat terjadi. kecenderungan, yakni; Model
6. Di samping itu belajar selalu Konstruktivisme "Siklus Belajar", yang
dikonseptualisasikan. Kita tidak tahapan-tahapannya; (a) diskaveri, di mana
mempelajari fakta-fakta secara murni para siswa didorong untuk membuat
abstrak, tetapi selalu dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka maupun
hubungannya dengan apa yang telah hipotesis-hipotesis; (b) Pengenalan
kita ketahui. Kita juga belajar dalam Konsep; dalam hal ini guru
kaitannya dengan prakonsepsi kita. Ini mempertanyakan konsep-konsep yang
berarti bahwa kita dapat belajar dengan berhubungan dengan topik itu; (c) Aplikasi
paling baik bila pembelajaran baru itu Konsep; dengan menerapkan konsep-
berhubungan secara eksplisit dengan konsep yang dikemukakan tahap 1 & 2
apa yang telah kita ketahui. serta boleh mengulangi tahapannya lagi;
7. Belajar secara betul-betul mendalam Model Konstruktivisme Gagnon &
berarti mengkonstruksikan pengetahuan Collay; yang terdiri atas enam tahapan,
secara menyeluruh, dengan yakni; (a) Situasi: gambarkan situasi
mengeksplorasi dan menengok kembali tertentu yang berhubungan dengan
mated yang kita pelajari dan bukan tema/topik pembhs; (b) Pengelompokan:
dengan cepat pindah dari satu topik buat kelompok bisa berdasarkan no urut
seperti pada pendekatan pengajaran maupun campuran tingkat kecerdasannya;
langsung. Murid hanya dapat (c) Jembatan; memberikan suatu masalah
mengkonstruksikan makna bila mereka sederhana/permainan/ teka-teki untuk
dapat melihat keseluruhannya. 8. dipecahkan; (d) Pertanyaan; buat pertanyan
Mengajar adalah sebagai pemberdayaan pembuka maupun kegiatan inti agar siswa
pembelajar, dan memungkinkan tetap termotivasi untuk belajar lebih jauh;
pembelajar untuk menemukan dan (e) Mendemonstrasikan: memajangkan/
melakukan refleksi terhadap memamerkan/menyajikan hasil kerja siswa
pengalaman-pengalaman realistis. Ini di kelas; (f) Refleksi: merenungkan,
akan menghasilkan pembelajaran menindak-lanjuti laporan kelompok yang
otentik dan pemahaman yang lebih dipresentasikan.
dalam bila dibandingkan dengan Model Konstruktivisme McClintock
memorisasi permukaan yang sering dan Black; yang terdiri atas tujuh tahapan,
menjadi ciri pendekatan-pendekatan yakni; (a) Observasi: siswa melakukan
mengajar lainnya (Von Glassersfeld, observasi terutama atas sumber-sumber,
1989). Ini juga membuat kaum materi-materi, foto, gambar, rekaman
konstruktivis percaya bahwa lebih baik video, & permainan ttg kebudayaan daerah;
menggunakan bahan-bahan hands-on (b) Konstruksi Interpretasi: siswa
dari riil daripada texbook. menginterpretasikan pengmt dan
memberikan penjelasan; (c)
PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN Kontekstualisasi/siswa membangun
Suatu hal yang perlu diingat, tidak konteks untuk penjelasan mereka; (d)
mungkin untuk menciptakan sebuah Belajar keahlian kognitif. guru membantu
pembelajaran konstruktivis yang bersifat pengamatan, penguasaan siswa,
"generik", berlaku untuk semua situasi. interpretasi, dan kontekstualisasi; (e)
Menurut sifatnya, konstruktivisme Kolaborasi:Para siswa bekerja sama dalam

7 Edunomic | Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016

observasi, menafsirkan, dan Ketiga, fase aplikasi konsep;
kontekstualisasi; (f) Interpretasi jamak: dengan menerapkan konsep-konsep yang
Para siswa memperoleh fleksibilitas dikemukakan tahap 1 & 2 serta boleh
kognitif dengan memiliki kemampuan mengulangi tahapannya lagi jika hal itu
mengunjukkan berbagai penafsiran dari dianggap perlu.Pada tahap ini siswa
berbagai perspektif; (g) Manifestasi mampu menghubungkan organisasi-
jamak.siswa memperoleh transferabilitas organisasi Pergerakan Nasional tempo dulu
dengan melihat berbagai penjelmaan dengan organisasi-organisasi profesi
penafsiran yang beragam (Supardan, 2015: sekarang, dan siswa mampu memberikan
175-177; 2004:5). usulan-usulan baru dalam memecahkan
masalah-masalah politik, ekonomi, social,
Dalam contoh penerapan pembelajaran di budaya dalam kehidupan sekarang ini.
bawah ini, penulis mengambil bentuk Contoh; Siswa dapat menjelaskan
Model Pembelajaran Konstruktivisme hubungan organisasi-organisasi politik
"Siklus Belajar". dahulu dengan partai-partai politik yang
Pertama, fase discovery (diskaveri); berkembang sekarang ini; perbandingan
pada tahap ini di mana para siswa didorong bentuk-bentuk organisasi Pergerakan
untuk membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan Nasional dengan organisasi profesi yang
terbuka maupun hipotesis-hipotesis. Sebut sekarang berkembang, seperti IDI (Ikatan
saja tentang kajian Pergerakan Nasional Dokter Indonesia), PGRI (Persatuan Guru
sebagai perlawanan terhadap Imperialisme Republik Indonesia), dan sebagainya.
& Kolonialisme Barat, maka pada kegiatan Siswa juga mampu menganalisis serta
awal tersebut guru harus mampu mendiskusikan apa yang teleh mereka
mendorong siswa untuk belajar tentang kerjakan dalam diskusi kelompok kecil,
Pergerakan Nasional tersebut.Misalkan, agar bangsa Indonesia tidak dijajah secara
mengapa periode 1908-1942 sering disebut ekonomi, budaya, dan politik sekarang ini
sebagai Pergerakan Nasional? Apa yang oleh negara-negara Barat khususnya, dan
menjadi ciri yng khas dalam periode negara-negara maju umumnya. Pentingnya
Pergerakan Nasional itu? Bagaimana beretos kerja yang kreatif dan produktif
menurut Anda pentingnya merupakan modal dasar yang harus
Pergerakan/perjuangan dalam kehidupan dimiliki sebagai bangsa yang berupaya
kita sekarang ini? membebaskan belenggu dari kemiskinan,
Kedua, fase Pengenalan Konsep; serta pengembangan jiwa wira-usaha yang
dalam hal ini siswa sibuk membahas gigih merupakan keniscayayaan dalam
beberapa konsep baru tentang Pergerakan meniti ekonomi mandiri. Dalam hal ini
Nasional melalui bimbingan guru dengan guru dapat memberikan scaffolding yang
mendiskusikan dan mempertanyakan bermanfaat siswa sangat—sebuah teknik
konsep-konsep yang berhubungan dengan mengubah level dukungan, saat
topik tersebut. Misalkan konsep; kemampuan siswa meningkat, maka
Kebangkian Nasional; Organisasi Budi semakin sedikit bimbingan yang diberikan
Utomo, Muhammadiyah, Sarekat Islam, (Santrock, 2009: 43).
Indische Partij, PNI, Partindo, Parindra,
GAPI, Volksraad, Petisi Sutardjo, dan EVALUASI TEORI
sebagainya. Atau para siswa dapat mencari Hadirnya pendekatan
konsep-konsep bagiannya yang menyertai kontruktivisme dalam pembelajaran dalam
pembahasan tersebut, seperti: Pendiri, perkembangannya, memang banyak
Pejuang Perintis, Penjara Sukamiskin, digunakan dalam pendidikan ataupun
diekstradisi /diasingkan ke Digul, Negeri pendekatan-pendekatan pembelajaran.
Belanda, Golongan Konservatif, Konstruktivisme pada dasarnya adalah
kooperatif, nonkooperatif, dan sebagainya suatu pandangan yang didasarkan pada

Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016 | H. Dadang Supardan 8

aktivitas siswa untuk menciptakan, jenis wacana baru dan kerja kolaboratif di
menginterpretasikan, dan kelas.
mereorganisasikan pengetahuan dengan III.Dilema kultural: Menjadi paham akan
jalan individual (Windschitl, dalam budaya kelas Anda; mempertanyakan
Abbeduto, 2004). Sejalan dengan pendapat asumsi-asumsi tentang apa jenis-jenis
kegiatan yang seharusnya dihargai;
tersebut menurut Schwandt (1994) bahwa
memanfaatkan pengalaman, pola-pola
konstruktivisme adalah seperti interpretivis wacana, dan pengetahuan lokal siswa dengan
dan konstruktivis. Hal ini sejalan pula beragam latar belakang budaya.
dengan pendapat von Glaserfeld (1987) IV.Dilema politis: Menghadapi isu-isu
bahwa pengetahuan bukanlah suatu akuntabilitas dengan berbagai stakeholder
komunikasi dan komoditas yang dapat dalam komunitas sekolah, bernegosiasi dengan
dipindahkan dan tidak satu pengantar-pun orang kunci tentang wewenag dan dukungan
itu ada. untuk mengajar demi pemahaman.
Namun ternyata teori dan praktik
pembelajaran konstruktivisme bukannya Sumber: M.Windschitl (2002) “Framing
tanpa kritik. Bertahun-tahun silam, Larry constructivism in practice as the negotiation of
Cremin (1961) mengamati bahwa pedagogi dilemmas: An analysis of the conceptual,
yang progresif dan inovatif membutuhkan pedagogical, cultural, and political challenges
guru-guru yang sangat terampil. Sekarang, facing teachers”. Review of Educational
hal yang sama dapat dikatakan tentang Research, 72, Copyright, oleh American
pembelajaran konstruktivisme. Kita sudah Educational Research Association, hlm. 13
melihat bahwa ada banyak ragam
konstruktivisme dan banyak praktik yang Dilema yang pertama bersifat konseptual:
mengalir dari konsepsi-konsepsi yang Bagaimana saya memahami konsepsi
berbeda ini. Kita juga tahu bahwa semua kognitif/individual, sosial, maupun
pembelajaran orang dewasa ini terjadi dialektikal tentang konstruktivisme dan
dalam konteks high-stakes testing dan merekonsialiasi perspektif-perspektif yang
akuntabilitas. Dalam situasi seperti ini, para berbeda ini dengan praktik saya
guru konstruktivis menghadapi banyak membelajarkan siswa? Dilema yang kedua
tantangan. Mark Windschitl (2002) bersifat pedagogis; Bagaimana saya
mengidentifikasi empat dilema praktik membelajarkan dengan cara-cara yang
konstruktivisme yang dihadapi guru, yang benar-benar konstruktivis, yang juga
dirangkum dalam tabel 5.1. sebagai berikut: menghormati usaha siswa saya untuk
berpikir bagi dirinya sendiri, tetapi tetap
Tabel 5.1 memastikan bahwa mereka mempelajari
Dilema-dilema Praktik Konstruktivisme materi akademiknya? Yang ketiga, adalah
yang Dihadapi Guru dilema-dilema kultural: Kegiatan,
pengetahuan kultural, dan cara bicara
Kategori Dilema Guru seperti apa yang akan membangun sebuah
I. Dilema konseptual: Menangkap tiang fondasi komunitas dalam kelas yang beagam?
konstruktivisme kognitif, sosial, dan Dilema keempat, dilema politik:
dialektikal; merekonsiliasikan keyakinan saat Bagaimana saya dapat mengajar untuk
ini tentang pedagogi dengan keyakinan yang pemahaman yang mendalam dan berpikir
dibutuhkan untuk mendukung lingkungan kritis, tetapi tetap dapat memuaskan
belajar yang konstruktivis. tuntutan akuntabilitas dari para orang tua
II.Dilema pedagogis: Menghormati usaha
dan keharusan no child left behiand
siswa untuk berpikir bagi dirinya sendiri
sambil tetap meyakini ide-ide disipliner yang
diterima; mengembangkan pengetahuan
yang lebih mendalam tentang subjek;
menguasai seni fasilitasi; mengelola jenis-

9 Edunomic | Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan Representatif IV. Dilema politis
yang Terkait  Bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan dukungan
I. Dilema konseptual dari administrator dan para orang tua untuk
 Manakah versi konstruktivisme yang sesuai mengajar dengan cara berbeda secara radikal
sebagai dasar pembelajaran saya? dan tidak familier itu?
 Apakah kelas saya seharusnya merupakan  Haruskah saya memanfaatkan kurikulum-
sekumpulan individu yang bekerja kearah kurikulum yang telah disetujui tetapi tidak
perubahan konseptual atau sesuatu masyarakat cukup sensitif terhadap
pembelajar yang perkembangannya diukur  kebutuhan siswa-siswa saya, atau haruskah
berdasarkan partisipasi dalam praktik-praktik saya membuat kurikulum sendiri?
disipliner autentik?  Bagaimana pengalaman-pengalaman berbasis
 Jika ide-ide khusus ini dipertimbangkan benar masalah yang sangat beragam dapat membantu
oleh para ahli, haruskah para siswa siswa untuk memenuhi standar-standar
menginternalisasikan ide-ide ini daripada spesifik negara bagian dan lokal?
mengkonstruksikan milik mereka?  Akankah pendekatan konstruktivis
mempersiapkan secara adekuat siswa-siswa
saya untuk menghadapi high-stakes untuk
II. Dilema pedagogis seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi.
 Apakah saya mendasarkan pengajaran saya
pada ide-ide yang sudah dimiliki siswa dan
bukan pada tujuan belajar?
 Keterampilan dan strategi apa saja yang saya DAFTAR PUSTAKA
butuhkan untuk menjadi fasilitator? Abbeduto, Leonard, (2004) Taking
 Bagaimana saya mengelola kelas yang siswa- Sides: Clashing Views on
siswanya saling berbicara satu sama lain dan Controversial Issues in Educational
bukan berbicara dengan saya? Psychology, Third Edition, McGraw-
 Haruskah saya meletakkan batas-batas pada Hill/Dushkin.
konstruksi ide-ide siswa sendiri?
 Tipe-tipe asesmen apa yang akan menangkap Beyer BK (1985).Critical Thinking:What is
pembelajaran yang ingin saya bantu it? Social Education, 49:270-276.
Brookfield, Stephen. (1986) Understanding
and facilitating adult learning. San
III. Dilema kultural Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
 Bagaimana kita dapat mengontradiksikan Brooks, Jacqueline Grennon and Brooks,
rutinitas-rutinitas kelas yang tradisional dan Martin G. (1993). The case for
efisien dan melahirkan kesepakatan dengan constructivist classrooms. Alexandria,
siswa tentang apa yang dihargai dan diberi
 Bagaiumana gambaran-gambaran masa lalu Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of
saya sendiri tentang apa yang baik dan Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
mungkin dikelas membuat saya tidak dapat University Press.
melihat potensi jenis lingkungan belajar yang
berbeda? Bruning, R., Schraw, G., Norby, M., &
 Bagaimana saya dapat mengakomodasikan Ronning, R. (2004).Cognitive
pandangan tentang dunia siswa saya yang psychology and instruction. Upper
berasal dari latar belakang yang beragam dan Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
sekaligus mentransformasikan budaya kelas
Cole, M. (1985). The Zone of Proximal
saya sendiri?
 Dapatkah saya mempercayai siswa untuk
Development: Where Culture and
memikul tanggung jawab atas Cognition Create Each Other. In J.V.
pembelajarannya sendiri? Wertsch (ed.), Culture,
Communication and Cognition, p.
146-161. Cambridge: Cambridge

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Volume 4 No. 1 Tahun 2016 | H. Dadang Supardan 12

Journal on Education
Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, pp. 280-292
E-ISSN: 2654-5497, P-ISSN: 2655-1365

Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan

Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver

Donna Bella Kasiuhe1*, Victor R Sulangi2, Anekke Pesik3

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPAK, Universitas Negeri Manado, Indonesia

This study aims to produce a mathematical learning design of two-variable linear equation system material with
teachmint assisted by Microsoft Math Solver, which was carried out at SMK Kristen 2 Tomohon. This research
uses the Generic EDR model by Mckenney and Reeves with the stages carried out, namely the analysis-
exploration stage, the design-construction stage, the evaluation-reflection stage, the maturation stage of
theoretical intervention-meaning, and the implementation stage. In the development of this learning design,
there are three things that will be assessed, namely valid, practical and effective. The results showed that the
average total validation score of the Teaching Module was 4.47 and the average total validation score of THB
4.55 with excellent categories that met the valid criteria. The results of the student response questionnaire
showed an average total score of 4.31 which shows that the learning design is very practical. Then the
percentage of completeness of the student learning outcomes test is 86.36, so this shows the design of the
Keywords: Learning design, Teachmint, Microsoft Math Solver, SPLDV.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan desain pembelajaran matematika materi sistem persamaan linear
dua variabel dengan teachmint berbantuan microsoft math solver, yang dilaksanakan di SMK Kristen 2
Tomohon. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Generik EDR karya Mckenney dan Reeves dengan tahapan yang
dilakukan yaitu tahap analisis-eksplorasi, tahap desain-konstruksi, tahap evaluasi-refleksi, tahap pematangan
intervensi-pemaknaan teoritik, dan tahap implementasi. Dalam pengembangan desain pembelajaran ini, ada tiga
hal yang akan dinilai yaitu valid, praktis dan efektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata total nilai
validasi Modul Ajar 4,47 dan rata-rata total nilai validasi THB 4,55 dengan kategori sangat baik yang memenuhi
kriteria valid. Hasil angket respon peserta didik menunjukan rata-rata total nilai 4,31 yang menunjukkan desain
pembelajaran sangat praktis. Lalu persentase ketuntasan tes hasil belajar peserta didik adalah 86,36, sehingga ini
menunjukkan desain pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat efektif. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil uji coba,
disimpulkan bahwa desain pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat efektif.
Kata Kunci: Desain pembelajaran, Teachmint, Microsoft Math Solver, SPLDV.

Copyright (c) 2023 Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
Corresponding author: Donna Bella Kasiuhe
Email Address: (Jl. Kampus Unima, Tonsaru, Kec. Tondano Sel., Kabupaten
Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara)
Received 16 May 2023, Accepted 23 May 2023, Published 23 May 2023

Pendidikan berbasis ICT (Information Communication Technology) saat ini sudah berkembang
pesat di berbagai daerah Indonesia. Salah satu alasannya adalah hadirnya pandemi Covid-19 dalam
kehidupan global dua tahun terakhir ini yang berdampak pada berubahnya aktivitas pendidikan yang
menuntut para siswa dan guru lebih menguasai teknologi dan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran
berbasis ICT (Mubarok, 2021; Runtu et al., 2023). Perubahan proses belajar ini dapat mengubah
paradigma atau pandangan peserta didik tentang matematika yang akan mempengaruhi cara dia
belajar dan mengenal lebih lanjut tentang matematika (Mangelep, 2017; Domu etc., 2023). Salah satu
tujuan pembelajaran matematika adalah peserta didik dapat menerapkan matematika secara tepat
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math
Solver, Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta dalam berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, guna mempersiapkan dan
meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (Mangelep, 2017). Untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran
matematika, terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran antara lain
penggunaan model pembelajaran yang kurang bervariasi dan minimnya penggunaan media
pembelajaran sehingga bisa menyebabkan proses pembelajaran matematika terkesan monoton dan
kurang kreatif (Mangelep et al., 2013; Masykur et al., 2017).
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara peneliti dengan seorang guru matematika di SMK Kristen 2
Tomohon, ketika pembelajaraan matematika di lakukan secara daring maupun luring, peserta didik
menjadi tidak aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kurang mampu memahami konsep matematika.
Kurangnya pemahaman dan kesulitan peserta didik terhadap matematika khususnya pada pokok
bahasan sistem persamaan linear dua variabel atau SPLDV yang sering berkaitan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari, sehingga berdasarkan data hasil belajar peserta didik tidak mencapai kriteria ketuntasan
minimal atau KKM yaitu 75. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, peneliti mengetahui hal ini terjadi karena
desain pembelajaran matematika yang tidak menarik dan kurang memanfaatkan media pembelajaran
berbasis ICT atau digital sehingga tujuan pembelajaran matematika tidak tercapai.
Pada dasarnya desain pembelajaran berkenaan dengan proses menentukan tujuan pembelajaran,
strategi dan teknik untuk mencapai tujuan serta merancang media yang dapat digunakan untuk
keefektifan pencapaian tujuan. Dalam pembelajaran matematika aplikasi Microsoft math solver dapat
digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan desain pembelajaran dan dapat di
download secara gratis (Mangelep, 2015). Microsoft math solver dirancang seperti kalkulator namun
memiliki fitur lebih lengkap dan memiliki kemampuan menjabarkan langkah demi langkah
penyelesaian (Sulistyaningsih & Mangelep, 2019). Microsoft Math solver dapat digunakan siswa
sebagai media pembelajaran untuk memahami matematika memiliki fitur yang dibuat untuk
membantu dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika juga dapat memvisualisasikan konsep-
konsep matematika (Microsoft, n.d.; Mangelep et al., 2020). Hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat Wright
(Rahayuningsih, 2018:75) yang menyatakan bahwa penggunaan ICT dalam pembelajaran matematika
akan lebih interaktif dalam mengkomunikasikan konsep matematika melalui suatu software yaitu
salah satunya adalah Microsoft Math Solver.
Learning Management System atau LMS adalah sistem pembelajaran yang mendukung dan
memfasilitasi penggunanya untuk belajar melalui komputer dan teknologi berjaringan (Wahyuaji &
Taram, 2018; Tiwow et al., 2022). Learning management system dapat membantu meningkatkan
metode pendidikan tradisional, menghemat waktu dan biaya (Tiwow et, al., 2022). Terutama di saat
pandemi terjadi yang mungkin menghambat kesempatan belajar tatap muka. Sistem yang efektif akan
membantu instruktur dan administrator untuk mengelola fungsi administrasi secara lebih efisien.
Salah satu perangkat lunak atau aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun sebuah LMS adalah
aplikasi Teachmint (Kambey & Mangelep, 2019). Teachmint adalah salah satu Learning Management
System yang dapat digunakan sebagai media penghubung dalam pembelajaran interaktif untuk
282 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, hal. 280-292

mempermudah interaksi pendidik dengan peserta didik (Rompas et al., 2023). Teachmint
menyediakan kelas live tak terbatas dan tanpa batas waktu, mengajar efektif dengan berbagi layar dan
papan tulis, membagi rekaman kelas live, bahan studi,dan catatan, melakukan polling siswa selama
kelas live, mengobrol dengan siswa, mengirim pengingat, tugas, dan kuis, papan pengumuman selain
itu aplikasi Teachmint adalah LMS gratis untuk pendidik dan peserta didik (Teachmint, 2021).
Beberapa penelitian yang relevan untuk mendukung penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang
dilakukan oleh (Rizki & Widyastuti, 2019) “Penggunaan Aplikasi Microsoft Mathematics untuk
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar matematika Siswa”, menyimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar matematika
berbantuan aplikasi Microsoft Mathematics layak, respon guru terhadap bahan ajar ini mengatakan
bahwa bahan ajar ini sangat menarik dan dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa sebagai media
pembelajaran. Siswa sangat antusias dan mengatakan bahwa bahan ajar ini sangat menarik untuk
digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Juga penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dalu & Rohman, (2019)
“Pengembangan E-Learning Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Simulasi dan Komunikasi Digital bagi
Siswa SMK”, Pengembangan media ini memfokuskan pada keaktifan siswa dalam melaksanakan
tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Hasil review (Dalu & Rohman, 2019) menunjukkan bahwa e-
learning yang dikembangkan sudah valid dan layak untuk digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang
bersifat suplemen bagi siswa. Hasil belajar melalui aktivitas di kelas online menunjukkan rata-rata
siswa telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar minimal yang standar ketetapannya telah ditentukan oleh
Berdasarkan pada latar belakang dan beberapa penelitian yang relevan ini, maka peneliti
menganggap perlu untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan desain pembelajaran matematika
materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver.

Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah Educational Design Research. Menurut (Plomp,
2013) Educational Design Research adalah suatu kajian sistematis tentang merancang,
mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi intervensi pendidikan (seperti program, strategi dan bahan
pelajaran, produk dan sistem) sebagai solusi untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks dalam
praktik pendidikan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian didaktik matematika model Generik Desain Riset
(McKenney & Reeves, 2012). Model ini hanya menunjukkan elemen inti dari proses fleksibel yang
menampilkan tiga tahap utama, yang berlangsung di interaksi dengan praktik dan menghasilkan
keluaran ganda dari pengetahuan dan intervensi. McKenney & Reeves, (2012) membagi model
generik untuk desain penelitian pada pendidikan ke dalam tiga tahapan yaitu analisis, desain dan
evaluasi kemudian dua output utama yaitu pematangan intervensi dan implementasi.
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math
Solver, Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan produk dari pengembangan desain pembelajaran matematika
materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver berupa Modul Ajar dan Tes
Hasil Belajar. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode pengembangan EDR (Educational Desaign
Research) model Generik EDR (McKenny and Reeves 2012) yang merancang, mengembangkan dan
mengevaluasi intervensi pendidikan (seperti program, strategi dan bahan pelajaran, produk dan
sistem) sebagai solusi untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks dalam praktik pendidikan.
Kegiatan model generik untuk desain penelitian pada pendidikan dibagi ke dalam lima tahapan
yaitu analisis, desain, evaluasi, pengetahuan dan intervensi, dan implementasi. Berikut ini merupakan
langkah-langkah pengembangannya:
1. Tahap Analisis – Eksporasi
Tahap analisis merupakan tahapan awal bagi peneliti untuk melakukan indentifikasi serta
menganalisis masalah untuk mendapatkan informasi yang terjadi dilapangan. Melalui wawancara
peneliti melakukan penelitian pendahuluan di SMK Kristen 2 Tomohon untuk menganalisis masalah
yang terjadi.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan :
a. Kurikulum merdeka belajar tidak terlaksana sebagaimana mestinya.
b. Guru kurang bereksplorasi secara maksimal dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran, metode,
dan pemanfaatan media.
c. Inovasi dan kreatifitas guru dalam memanfaatkan media digital masih kurang untuk kegiatan
d. Motivasi dan minat belajar siswa menurun yang berdampak pada hasil belajar, hal ini
disebabkan oleh kegiatan belajar online yang diterapkan karena covid-19.
Data hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa pada materi ajar fase E kelas X, yang akan
dikembangkan salah satunya materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel. Kemudian pada tahapan
ini setelah data dianalisis dan dieksplorasi, peneliti akan berkolaborasi dengan dosen pembimbing dan
guru matematika disekolah untuk membahas dan mencari solusi atas masalah yang terjadi.
Langkah peneliti dalam tahap ini adalah perencanaan materi dan media, yang diuraikan sebagai
berikut :
a. Melakukan kajian pada materi pembelajaran yang berdasar pada Capaian Pembelajaran (CP)
pada Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran (ATP) fase E SMK, dan membaca buku sumber yang
berhubungan dengan materi SPLDV.
b. Melakukan kajian pada hasil wawancara dari guru tentang penggunaan media dan aplikasi
digital dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.
284 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, hal. 280-292

2. Tahap Desain-Konstruksi
Dalam tahap ini informasi yang telah diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan studi pendahuluan
digunakan peneliti sebagai acuan dalam menyusun suatu desain produk yang dapat memecahkan
masalah yang terjadi. Peneliti merancang produk dengan membuat akun kelas Teachmint, Microsoft
Math Solver yang akan digunakan oleh peserta didik dan merancang desain pembelajaran berupa
Modul Ajar dan Teas Hasil Belajar. Kemudian untuk menilai kualitas dan kevalidan produk yang
dikembangkan, peneliti merancang instrumen penelitian dan validasi instrumen penelitian yang akan
divalidasi oleh validator.
a. Rancangan Teachmint
Peneliti membuat akun kelas Teachmint menggunakan nomor telepon atau akun google.
Kemudian peneliti merancang ruang kelas dengan fitur-fitur yang ada dalam Teachmint.

Gambar 1. Tampilan Ruang Kelas Teachmint

b. Rancangan Microsoft Math Solver
Pada Microsoft Math Solver peserta didik akan diminta untuk memasukkan sistem persamaan
dan menentukkan himpunan penyelesaiannya.

Gambar 2. Tampilan Menyelesaikan SPLDV dengan Microsoft Math Solver

c. Rancangan Modul Ajar dan Tes Hasil Belajar
Modul Ajar dan Tes Hasil Belajar dirancang sesuai dengan komponen-komponenya. Desain
pembelajaran dirancang dengan menggunakan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver.
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math
Solver, Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
1. Modul Ajar
Modul ajar dikembangkan berdasarkan format kurikulum merdeka belajar. Pada Modul Ajar
terdapat langkah-langkah pembelajaran, lampiran materi, LKPD, dan soal-soal latihan.
Langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang dibuat menggambarkan penggunaan Teachmint dengan
bantuan penyelesaian soal menggunakan Microsoft Math Solver dengan model pembelajaran
Project Based Learning.
2. Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) online
Tes Hasil Belajar ini disajikan secara online pada aplikasi Teachmint. Tes Hasil Belajar yang
diberikan terdiri dari 7 soal pilihan ganda dan 3 soal uraian/esai.

Gambar 3. Tampilan THB melalui Teachmint

d. Pembuatan Instrumen Penelitian
Instrumen Penelitian ini terdiri atas instrumen penilaian desain pembelajaran dan angket respon
peserta didik terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan.
1. Instrumen Penilaian Perangkat Pembelajaran
Instrumen penilaian perangkat pembelajaran yang dibuat terdiri dari Modul Ajar, dan THB.
Instrumen tersebut untuk menilai kualitas dan kevalidan Modul Ajar dan THB.
2. Angket Respon Peserta Didik
Data dari hasil angket respon peserta didik digunakan untuk mengetahui kepraktisan desain
pembelajaran yang dikembangkan.
e. Validasi Instrumen Penelitian
Instrumen penelitian pada tahap desain selanjutnya divalidasi oleh validator yaitu salah seorang
guru di SMK Kristen 2 Tomohon dan dua dosen dari Jurusan Matematika Universitas Negeri Manado.
Berikut daftar nama ketiga validator:
1. Validator 1 : Joula P. Rose Togas, S.Pd, M.Pd (Guru Matematika SMK Kristen 2
2. Validator 2 : Dr. Victor R. Sulangi, M.Sc.Ed (Dosen Jurusan Matematika
3. Validator 3 : Navel Oktaviandy Mangelep, M.Pd (Dosen Jurusan Matematika
286 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, hal. 280-292

Instrumen yang telah di validasi digunakan sebagai alat ukur penilaian desain pembelajaran
yang menyatakan bahwa instrumen penelitian valid dan layak digunakan dengan revisi sesuai dengan
saran dan masukan dari validator.
1. Validasi Modul Ajar
Hasil validasi Modul Ajar yang dilakukan oleh tim validator dapat dinyatakan dalam tabel
Tabel 1. Hasil validasi Modul Ajar
Aspek Validator Skor Rata- rata Kategori
V1 V2 V3
Format 4,80 4,80 5,00 4,86 Sangat Baik
Kegiatan 4,80 4,00 4,80 4,40 Sangat Baik
Bahasa 4,00 4,00 4,50 4,16 Baik
Kesimpulan 4,47 Sangat Baik
Setelah dilakukan validasi oleh validator, peneliti mendapat saran perbaikan Modul Ajar.
2. Validasi THB
Hasil validasi THB yang dilakukan oleh tim validator dapat dinyatakan dalam tabel berikut.
Tabel 2. Hasil validasi THB
Aspek Validator Skor Rata- Kategori
V1 V2 V3 rata
Materi 4,33 5,00 5,00 4,77 Sangat Baik
Konstruksi 4,00 4,00 4,66 4,22 Sangat Baik
Bahasa 5,00 4,50 4,50 4,66 Sangat Baik
Kesimpulan 4,55 Sangat Baik
3. Tahap Evaluasi- Refleksi
Pada tahap ini, peneliti melakukan uji coba produk desain pembelajaran yang sudah
dikembangkan yaitu desain pembelajaran matematika materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint
berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver untuk dievaluasi, sehingga dapat diketahui keterpakaian
dan kepraktisan produk yang telah dikembangkan berupa Modul Ajar dan THB. Uji coba
pada kelompok kecil ini terdiri dari 6 orang dengan kriteria 2 orang berkemampuan rendah, 2
orang berkemampuan sedang, dan 2 orang berkemampuan tinggi yang dilaksanakan pada
tanggal 17 Oktober 2022. Berikut ini kegiatan-kegiatan yang berlangsung selama proses uji
a. Fase 1 – Menentukan Pertanyaan Mendasar
b. Fase 2 – Menyusun Perencanaan Proyek
c. Fase 3 – Menyusun Jadwal Perencanaan Proyek
d. Fase 4 – Memantau Peserta Didik dan Kemajuan Proyek
e. Fase 5 – Mempresentasikan dan Menguji Hasil Proyek
f. Fase 6 – Evaluasi Proyek
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math
Solver, Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
Setelah peneliti melaksanakan uji coba pada kelompok kecil, produk desain pembelajaran
matematika materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver ditinjau
kembali untuk merefleksi produk desain pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan oleh peneliti
berdasarkan respon dari peserta didik.
Berdasarkan hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan respon peserta didik terhadap
pelaksanaan pembelajaran, disimpulkan bahwa :
a) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan Modul Ajar yang disusun dan
b) Peserta didik secara aktif mengakses desain pembelajaran yang di unggah di Teachmint
berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver.
c) Peserta didik antusias menggunakan LMS Teachmint meskipun ada sedikit kendala
d) Peserta didik secara individu maupun kelompok mampu menyelesaikan soal.
3. Tahap Pematangan Intervensi – Pemaknaan Teoritik
Setelah melaksanakan evaluasi terhadap desain pembelajaran yang telah di uji coba pada
kelompok kecil, peneliti akan melakukan revisi atau perbaikan terhadap produk desain pembelajaran
matematika materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver. Dalam hal ini tidak
ada perbaikan atau revisi dari desain pembelajaran dari peneliti maupun peserta didik, sehingga akan
dilakukan uji coba lapangan.
4. Tahap Implementasi
Pada tahap implementasi, peneliti melakukan uji coba produk desain pembelajaran matematika
materi SPLDV dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver pada kelompok besar yaitu
peserta didik Fase E program keahlian Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak dan Gim SMK Kristen 2
Tomohon yang berjumlah 22 orang pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2022. Uji coba ini dilakukan untuk
meyakinkan data dan mengetahui respon peserta didik terhadap produk secara luas. Berikut ini
kegiatan-kegiatan yang berlangsung selama proses uji coba kembali dengan menerapkan model
pembelajran project based learning.
a. Fase 1 – Menentukan Pertanyaan Mendasar
Peneliti memberikan pertanyaan mendasar kepada peserta didik, kemudian peserta didik
mengakses materi SPLDV yang telah di unggah pada bahan studi Teachmint, melakukan
eksplorasi materi melalui aplikasi Microsoft Math Solver.
b. Fase 2 – Menyusun Perencanaan Proyek
Peneliti membagi peserta didik dalam bentuk kelompok dan menyampaikan informasi proyek
kelompok dan kegiatan proyek telah di unggah pada papan pengumuman Teachmint dalam hal ini
setiap kelompok diminta untuk membeli 2 jenis barang dengan jumlah yang berbeda, membuat
model matematika dari barang yang ada sehingga membentuk persamaan linear dua varibel, dan
288 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, hal. 280-292

menentukan harga dari setiap jenis barang, kemudian peserta didik menggunakan Microsoft Math
Solver untuk menyelesaikan proyek .
c. Fase 3 – Menyusun Jadwal Perencanaan Proyek
Peneliti mengarahkan setiap kelompok untuk menyusun jadwal kegiatan-kegiatan yang berkaitan
dengan proyek. Kemudian setiap kelompok mulai mengerjakan proyek yang diberikan.
d. Fase 4 – Memantau Peserta Didik dan Kemajuan Proyek
Peneliti memantau peserta didik yang masih kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran dan memantau
kemajuan proyek dari setiap kelompok.
e. Fase 5 – Mempresentasikan dan Menguji Hasil Proyek
Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan hasil proyek, kemudian bersama dengan peneliti, peserta
didik melakukan pembuktian hasil proyek dengan menggunakan Microsoft math solver.
f. Fase 6 – Evaluasi Proyek
Peneliti bersama dengan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan mengenai materi SPLDV yang telah
Pada akhir pembelajaran, peneliti mengarahkan setiap kelompok untuk menyelesaikan LKPD
yang telah di unggah pada study materials Teachmint dengan bantuan Microsoft math solvert,
sehingga peserta didik lebih memahami tentang sistem persamaan linear dua variabel. Pelaksanaan tes
hasil belajar dilaksanakan pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2022 dengan tujuan mengevaluasi dan mengukur
ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran peserta didik dan menguji keefektifan dari desain pembelajaran
yang dikembangkan. Setelah melakukan tes hasil belajar peserta didik mengisi angket respon siswa
yang dibagikan melalui Teachmint.
Berdasarkan langkah-langkah pengembangan yang telah dilakukan di atas diperoleh beberapa
hasil analisis terkait kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektivan, sebagai berikut:
1. Hasil Analisis Kevalidan
Desain pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan divalidasi oleh 3 orang validator. Terdapat
beberapa aspek yang dinilai dalam validasi desain pembelajaran matematika materi SPLDV
dengan Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver yaitu aspek format, aspek kegiatan
pembelajaran dan aspek bahasa. Berikut ini merupakan hasil penilaian terhadap masing-
masing desain pembelajaran:
a. Validasi Modul Ajar
Berdasarkan validasi Modul Ajar diperoleh hasil rata-rata dari setiap aspek. Aspek format
memperoleh 4,86 dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penyajian
Modul Ajar sesuai dengan karakteristik dan sistematika penyusunan. Kemudian Aspek
kegiatan pembelajaran memperoleh 4,40 dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik. Hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa Modul Ajar yang dirancang sudah jelas dengan capaian
pembelajaran dan tujuan pembelajaran. Dan aspek bahasa memperoleh 4,16 dengan
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika Materi SPLDV Dengan Teachmint Berbantuan Microsoft Math
Solver, Donna Bella Kasiuhe, Victor R Sulangi, Anekke Pesik
kualifikasi Baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bahasa yang digunakan sudah sesuai kaidah
bahasa Indonesia dan mudah dipahami oleh peserta didik.
Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari masing-masing aspek penilaian tersebut maka
secara keseluruhan Modul Ajar memperoleh rata-rata skor yaitu 4,47 dengan kategori
Sangat Baik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Modul Ajar yang dikembangkan peneliti
layak digunakan. Meskipun hasil pengembangan Modul Ajar dikatakan sangat baik,
namun peneliti tetap merevisi Modul Ajar sesuai saran yang diberikan oleh validator agar
tidak terjadi kekeliruan pada saat uji coba kepada peserta didik.
b. Validasi Tes Hasil Belajar
Berdasarkan validasi Tes Hasil Belajar diperoleh hasil rata-rata dari setiap aspek. Aspek
materi memperoleh 4,77 dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik. Hal tersebut menunjukkan
bahwa soal yang dibuat sudah sesuai dengan capaian dan tujuan pembelajaran kurikulum
merdeka belajar . Aspek konstruksi memperoleh 4,22 dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut penyajian rumusan pertanyaan menggunakan kata tanya dan
kata perintah yang menuntut jawaban uraian siswa serta informasi masalah pada soal
mudah dimengerti. Dan aspek bahasa memperoleh 4,66 dengan kualifikasi Sangat Baik.
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketepatan bahasa yang digunakan sesuai dengan kaidah
Bahasa Indonesia dan kalimat yang digunakan jelas dan mudah dimengerti.
Berdasarkan hasil yang di peroleh dari masing-masing aspek penilaian tersebut maka
secara keseluruhan THB memperoleh rata-rata skor yaitu 4,55 dengan kategori Sangat
Baik, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa THB yang dikembangkan peneliti layak
digunakan. Meskipun hasil pengembangan THB dikatakan sangat baik, namun peneliti
tetap merevisi THB sesuai saran yang diberikan oleh validator agar tidak terjadi
kekeliruan pada saat uji coba kepada peserta didik.
2. Hasil Analisis Kepraktisan
Penilaian kepraktisan dapat dilihat dari data hasil angket respon peserta didik. Berdasarkan
angket yang diberikan kepada pesera didik, terdapat beberapa aspek yang dinilai yaitu
perasaan dan pendapat peserta didik tentang pembelajaran matematika materi SPLDV dengan
Teachmint berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver , kemudahan dalam menggunakan dan
membantu meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil angket peserta didik
diperoleh rata-rata skor dari respon peserta didik adalah 4,31. Berdasarkan kategori
kepraktisan angket respon peserta didik, menunjukkan bahwa desain pembelajaran
dikategorikan Sangat Praktis.
3. Hasil Analisis Keefektifan
Penilaian keefektifan dilihat dari tes hasil belajar yang diberikan kepada peserta didik Fase E
program keahlian Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak dan Gim. Secara umum data yang
290 Journal on Education, Volume 06, No. 01, September-Desember 2023, hal. 280-292

diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar peserta didik Fase E program keahlian Pengembangan
Perangkat Lunak dan Gim sebanyak 22 peserta didik yaitu jumlah peserta didik yang tuntas
ada 19 peserta didik dan yang tidak tuntas 3 peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil tes diperoleh
nilai rata- rata peserta didik yaitu 88. Persentase ketuntasan tes hasil belajar peserta didik
sebesar 86,36 dan memperoleh kategori Sangat Efektif.

Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan, maka kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari
penelitian ini yaitu (1) Pada penelitian ini telah dikembangkan produk desain pembelajaran
matematika materi SPLDV yaitu Modul Ajar, dan Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) dengan Teachmint
berbantuan Microsoft Math Solver, (2) Hasil pengembangan produk desain pembelajaran matematika
materi SPLDV yaitu Modul Ajar, dan Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) dengan Teachmint berbantuan
Microsoft Math Solver layak digunakan ditinjau dari aspek kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan.
Ditinjau dari aspek kevalidan dilihat dari validasi produk pembelajaran berupa Modul Ajar
memperoleh skor akhir rata- rata hasil penilaian yaitu 4,47 dan dikategorikan Sangat Baik. Dan Tes
Hasil Belajar (THB) memperoleh skor akhir rata-rata hasil penilaian yaitu 4,47 dan dikategorikan
Sangat Baik.
Ditinjau dari aspek kepraktisan dilihat dari hasil angket respon peserta didik memperoleh skor
rata-rata sebesar 4,31. Berdasarkan kategori kepraktisan angket respon peserta didik, menunjukkan
bahwa desain pembelajaran dikategorikan Sangat Baik.
Ditinjau dari aspek keefektifan dilihat dari tes hasil belajar peserta didik persentase ketuntasan
tes hasil belajar peserta didik adalah 86,36. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa desain pembelajaran
dikategorikan Sangat efektif.

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UJMER 10 (1) (2021) 35 - 39

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research

Analysis of Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Independent

Character in Project Based Learning Assisted With Digital Module

Kusnandar Kusnandar 1, Iwan Junaedi2, Amin Suyitno2

SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman, Batang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

____________ ____________________________________________________________
Article History: The purpose of this study is to describe the students' mathematical connection
Received : ability based on their independent character in Project Based Learning assisted
10 January 2021 with digital module. The study was conducted using a qualitative method with the
Accepted: research subjects are students of grade XI TAV 1 SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman in the
03 February 2021 2019/2020 academic year as many as 36 people. The data were collected by using
Published: questionnaire, observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis was
30 June 2021
conducted by data reduction, data display, triangulation, data interpretation, and
data conclusion. The result show that the students' independent character has two
Digital module, categories, namely very independent and independent. Students’ mathematical
independent character, connection ability are varied for both independent character category.
connection ability,
project based learning

Correspondence: p-ISSN 2252-6455
Jalan Raya Kandeman KM. 4 Batang, Jawa Tengah 51261 Indonesia
e-ISSN 2502-4507

Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

INTRODUCTION that are systematically arranged into specific learning

units, which are presented in an electronic format
Students' mathematical connection skills need (Directorate of SHSD, 2017). The digital module can
to be further developed so that students can better be created in various file formats, including epub. The
understand mathematical topics and can use epub format digital module can contain videos and
mathematics in their daily life. This is necessary interactive exercises, and is equipped with video
because a mathematical connection can link a tutorials, animations, or audio presentations to enrich
mathematical material with other materials, subjects the learning experience. The epub format digital
other than mathematics, and everyday life. module can be accessed via a computer or smart
Mathematical connection ability is the ability device which has software installed to read this epub
to understand and associate relationships between format file.
mathematical topics or mathematical topics with The use of digital module can help students
other topics outside mathematics, and to use these learn independently, increase student learning
relationships (Kenedi et al, 2019; Junaedi & Asikin, motivation, are effective and efficient, easy to
2012). Mathematical connections are structured understand and use, contain various features such as
networks as links or intermediaries between videos, and are practical (Amielia et al, 2018;
mathematical ideas just like spider webs (Eli et al, Sugianto et al, 2013; Febrianti et al, 2017). Learning
2013; Zengin, 2019). to use digital modules supports students to develop
Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman is learning steps, needs, and abilities that affect student
directed to make students achieve skills and learning outcomes (Hairida, 2016; Hamdunah et al,
competencies so that they are ready to enter the 2016).
world of work. Students’ character, one of which is Since March 16, 2020, learning at SMK Negeri
independent character, is needed to support their 1 Kandeman has been carried out online due to the
skills and competencies. Independent character is the Covid-19 pandemic. Learning during a pandemic
tendency to determine by himself the actions he takes needs to be done in an interesting way, for example
and not determined by others (Suharnan, 2012). using software or learning videos (Wijaya et al, 2020).
Independent character supports students to be able to Learning is carried out virtually using Google Meet.
adapt to the environment, determines job readiness, Efforts in facilitating students' mathematical
influences career maturity, and supports creativity, connection ability can be carried out in Project Based
and determines the level of life satisfaction and Learning assisted with digital module. This
happiness (Simamora et al, 2015; Suharnan, 2012). mathematical connection ability needs to be
Independent character is also one of the priorities for described according to the students' independent
character strengthening education at SMK Negeri 1 character, whether the value of the mathematical
Kandeman, in addition to the character of religious connection obtained is really a representation of the
values. independent character they have or not.
Learning facilitation by the teacher needs to be The purpose of this study is to describe
adjusted to the chosen learning model, one of which students’ mathematical connection ability based on
is Project Based Learning which is in line with the the students’ independent character in Project Based
implementation of the 2013 Curriculum at SMK Learning assisted with digital module.
Negeri 1 Kandeman. The implementation of Project
Based Learning allows students to explore their METHOD
activities in achieving learning goals, by using various
learning resources, learning methods, and learning The study was conducted using qualitative
media. This exploration encourages students to methods. The research subjects were 36 students of
develop their mathematical connection ability. class XI TAV 1 SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman in the
Project Based Learning can be combined with 2019/2020 academic year. The study data were
the use of digital modules. The digital module is a collected by means of questionnaires, tests,
form of presenting independent learning materials documentation, interviews, and observations.
Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

Students’ independent character data were obtained 2012). The independent character of the students is
through questionnaires, while data on students' categorized as very independent, independent and
mathematical connection abilities was obtained less independent (Hidayah et al, 2019; Anzora, 2017).
through tests. Data analysis was performed by data The independent character questionnaire link
reduction, data display, triangulation, data was shared via class WhatsApp group with a time
interpretation, and data conclusion. Meanwhile the limit for filling out. From a total of 36 students, 33
data validity test includes credibility test, students filled out the questionnaire before the
transferability test, dependability test, and deadline, 2 students filled out the questionnaire on
confirmability test (Sugiyono, 2017). The credibility the time limit, and 1 student filled out after the time
test was carried out by triangulation of method and limit.
triangulation of sources, the transferability test was After obtaining the students’ independent
carried out by describing students’ mathematical character data, the researcher analyzed the result of
connection ability in Project Based Learning assisted the students' independent character. Based on the
with digital module in detail and systematically. The research data, it was found out that the students’
dependability test was carried out by taking students independent character in the category of very
data according to the independent character and the independent and independent. Sixteen students were
pattern of their mathematical connection ability, the in very independent character category and 20
confirmability test was conducted by linking the students were in independent character category.
research data with existing theories, confirming the Furthermore, it was conducted Project Based
result of research with experts or supervisors. learning assisted with digital module and a
mathematical connection ability test (MCAT) was
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS given to the research subjects at the end of the lesson.
Based on the result of the final MCAT, the data
To obtain a description of students' obtained from the students' mathematical connection
mathematical connection ability based on students' ability were 10 students with very high mathematical
independent character, the researcher determined 3 connection ability, 18 students with high
instruments consisting of an independent character mathematical connection ability, and 8 students with
questionnaire, a mathematical connection ability test, moderate mathematical connection ability. The
and an interview. Independent character students' mathematical connection ability is
questionnaire was compiled using Google Forms, confirmed by the students' independent character
where links were shared to the students via the class through analysis of the final MCAT result and
WhatsApp group to identify students' independent deepened by interviews. Interviews were conducted
character. The mathematical connection ability test in by researcher with several subjects and two
the form of an essay written test description was vocational subject teachers because there were more
given to identify the students’ mathematical hours of vocational subjects than mathematics, so it
connection ability according to the mathematical was possible that vocational teachers could recognize
connection indicators. Interviews were conducted in students' character and ability.
private between the researcher and the research The pattern of students' mathematical
subject through the WhatsApp message service to connection ability is described based on mastery of
ensure the identification result of the students' the mathematical connection indicators (MCI). The
independent character with the students’ mathematical connection indicators used are (1) inter-
mathematical connection ability. topic connection in a mathematics material; (2) the
The independent character questionnaire is connection between the topic in a mathematics
prepared according to the characteristics of material with other material in mathematics that has
independent behavior which include, (1) taking the been studied; (3) the connection between
initiative to act and controlling the activities carried mathematics topic and other subjects other than
out, (2) empowering one's ability, and (3) mathematics; (4) the connection between
appreciating the results of one's own work (Suharnan, mathematics topics and everyday life; (5) the
Kusnandar Kusnandar, et al./ Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research 10 (1) 2021: 35-39

connection between the topic of mathematics and mathematical connection ability which is not
technology (Agustini et al, 2017; Saminanto & necessarily the same.
Kartono, 2018). The description of the pattern of
students' mathematical connection ability based on CONCLUSION
the students' independent character is as follows.
The pattern of the students’ mathematical
Students with very independent character connection ability of grade XI of SMK Negeri 1
There are 16 students who belong to very Kandeman based on the students’ independent
independent character category with 3 categories of character of in Project Based Learning assisted with
mathematical connection ability, namely very high, digital module is varied. There are students with very
high, and moderate. Of the 16 students, 9 students independent character who have very high, high, and
have very high mathematical connection ability, 6 moderate category of mathematical connection
students have high mathematical connection ability, ability. There are students with very independent
and 1 student has moderate mathematical connection character who master indicator 2, indicator 3, and
ability. The following is a description of the pattern of indicator 5 well, enough to master indicator 4, but
the students' mathematical connection ability with less master indicator 1. There are students with
very independent character. independent character who have very high, high, and
Students with very independent character moderate category of mathematical connection
having very high mathematical connection ability ability. There are students with independent character
gain the scores of 84, 80, and 76. Those with high who master indicator 3 well, enough to master
mathematical connection ability get the scores of 72, indicator 2 and indicator 4, while indicator 1 and
68, and 68. One student with moderate mathematical indicator 5 are not well mastered by students.
connection ability scores 44.
Students with independent character
There are 20 students with independent Agustini, R. Y., Suryadi, D., & Jupri, A. (2017).
character category. They belong to 3 categories of Construction of Open-Ended Problems for
mathematical connection ability, namely very high, Assessing Elementary Student Mathematical
high, and moderate. Of the 20 students, 1 student has Connection Ability on Plane Geometry.
very high mathematical connection ability, 12 Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 895, 1-8.
students have high mathematical connection ability, Amielia, S. D., Suciati, & Maridi. (2018). Enhancing
and 7 students have moderate mathematical Students’ Argumentation Skills Using an
connection ability. The following is a description of Argument Driven Inquiry-Based Module.
the pattern of the students' mathematical connection Journal of Education and Learning, 12(3), 464-
ability with independent characters. 471.
Among the 20 students with independent Anzora. (2017). Analisis Kemandirian Siswa pada
character, there are students who scoring 76 in Pembelajaran Matematika dengan
mathematical connection ability which are Menerapkan Teori Belajar Humanistik. Jurnal
categorized very high, scoring 68, 64, and 60 with Gantang, 2(2), 99-103.
high category, and scoring 56, 52, and 48 with Eli, J. A., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., & Lee, C. W.
moderate category. (2013). Mathematical Connections and Their
From 36 students as research subjects, it was Relationship to Mathematics Knowledge for
obtained that the mathematical connection ability of Teaching Geometry. School Science and
students based on their independent character had Mathematics, 113(3), 120-134.
various patterns. Even students who have Febrianti, K. V., Bakri, F., & Nasbey, H. (2017).
independent character and mathematical connection Pengembangan Modul Digital Fisika Berbasis
ability with the same category have a pattern of Discovery Learning pada Pokok Bahasan

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Kinematika Gerak Lurus. Jurnal Wahana Directorate of Senior High School Development
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Hairida. (2016). The Effectiveness Using Inquiry Jakarta, Kemdikbud.
Based Natural Science Module with Authentic Saminanto & Kartono. (2015). Analysis of
Assessment to Improve The Critical Thinking Mathematical Connection Ability in Linear
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Students. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 5(2), Connectivity Theory. International Journal of
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International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434
ISSN 2621-8488 (online)

Research Article

Developing e-learning based on animation content to improve

students’ mathematical connection abilities

Rusdyi Habsyi, Rusmin R. M. Saleh

STKIP Kie Raha Ternate, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: | Phone: +6282194429497

Received: 16 September 2022 Revised: 27 October 2022 Accepted: 25 November 2022 Available online: 30 December 2022
Mathematical connection capabilities are part of an interconnected network of interconnected knowledge packages of
interconnected knowledge packages of knowledge packages consisting of key concepts for understanding and developing
relationships between mathematical ideas, concepts, and procedures. The purpose of this paper is to develop e-learning
based on animation content to improve mathematical connection abilities in senior high school students. The e-learning
was developed using framework proposed by Moodle, while the animation content was developed using macromedia
flash. To get the student mathematical connection abilities, pretest and posttest were administered before and after
teaching and learning process. The data were analyzed using t-test and found that e- learning which was based on
animation content not only had significant effect on mathematical connection abilities but also been able to improve
students’ mathematical connection abilities far better than that of conventional approach. From the posttest results
show that the total score of mathematical connection abilities presented shows that the average posttest of mathematical
connection abilities is 72.9 e-learning based on animation content, this shows that e-learning based on animation content
can improve mathematical connection skills students with e-learning.
Keywords: animation; contents; e-learning; mathematical; connection;

Mathematical connection capabilities are part of an interconnected network of interconnected knowledge packages of
interconnected knowledge packages of knowledge packages consisting of key concepts for understanding and developing
relationships between mathematical ideas, concepts, and procedures (Diana et al. al., 2020). The ability of students to make
mathematical connections is one of the important points that must be achieved in the learning process, because by knowing
the interrelationships between mathematical concepts, students will find it easier to understand mathematics itself and
open up opportunities for students to be able to develop their abilities towards mathematics (Siregar et al., 2021).
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NTMC) states that mathematical connection is one of the basic abilities
that must be possessed by students (Latif, 2017). Connection is a relationship or connection. Connections in mathematics
are a link between mathematical concepts both from within (internally) and from outside (externally) (Nunes et al., 2012).
When viewed from an internal perspective, the mathematical connection is a relationship related to the concepts that exist
in mathematics, while from an external perspective the connection is very closely related to other fields of science in
everyday life (Hazrati et al., 2020). Learning mathematics is a subject related to concepts (Dinni & Isnarto, 2018; Nunes et
al., 2012). Concepts are abstract ideas that can classify and classify a set of objects (Ningsih et al., 2019). Concepts in
learning mathematics are interrelated with one another, we can see when studying a mathematical concepts it is necessary
to pay attention to other concepts from previous mathematics learning. This is what is called the ability of mathematical
connections, namely the ability of students to connect a concept with other concepts (Rohendi, 2012).
According to NCTM, there are two general types of mathematical connections, namely modeling connections and
mathematical connections (Ariawan & Nufus, 2018). Modeling connections are relationships between problem situations
that arise in the real world or in other disciplines and their mathematical representations, while mathematical connections
are relationships between two equivalent representations, and between the completion process of each representation. The
two connections are illustrated as shown in Figure 1 (Siagian, 2016). The ability to connect mathematics has the following
indicators: a) Finding the relationship between various representations of concepts and procedures, b) Understanding the
relationship between mathematical topics, c) Using mathematics in other fields of study or everyday life, d) Understanding
representations of equivalent concepts or similar procedures, e) Finding the relationship between one procedure and another
in an equivalent representation, f) Using the relationship between mathematics topics and between mathematics and other
subjects (Latipah & Afriansyah, 2018).

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

Mathematical connection abilities are really needed by students because mathematics is a unified whole, where one
concept is closely related to other concepts, or in other words that learning certain concepts in mathematics requires
prerequisites from other concepts (Ariawan & Nufus, 2018); Suhandri et al., 2017). Mathematical connection ability holds
very important importance in improving students' understanding in learning mathematics (Azzatia et al., 2019). The
purpose of mathematical connection ability is so that students can view mathematics as a unified whole, understand
mathematical ideas in order to understand further mathematical ideas, investigate and describe the results of the problems
they investigate, and use their minds and create models to solve problems both both in mathematics and in other disciplines.

Figure 1. Types of Mathematical Connection

In the 2019 research on mathematical connection skills, there are still many students who do not yet have mathematical
connection abilities. The results of his research have shown that students who have mathematical connection skills are still
low (Septian & Komala, 2019). In addition, other research results in 2021, show that the average mathematical connection
ability of students in secondary schools is still relatively low, the average score is still less than 60 at a maximum score of
100, which is around 22.2% for mathematical connections between topics, 44% for mathematical connections between other
fields of study, and 67.3% for mathematical connections in real life (Hasbi et al., 2021).
One of the media that can be used to improve the ability of mathematical connections is to use electronic technology in
the form of e-learning based on animation media (Fani & Effendi, 2021). Electronic technology can be used to assist students
in understanding visual representations of mathematical ideas, also make it easier for students to organize and analyze
data, and help students to calculate quickly and accurately. One technology that can be used is a computer (Rusli, 2017).
Computers can be used as a tool to complement the excellence of mathematical thinking in various ways (Jalinus & Alim,
2019). Based on the advantages of the role of technological advances, in facing the challenges of the 21st century it is
necessary to develop various strategies, learning models, and the use of electronic technology-based learning media in such
a way as to create a pleasant atmosphere. both for students and teachers (Maryeni et al., 2020).
Technological tools can be used to help students investigate various mathematical phenomena. ICT can also help students
in learning mathematics (Hasin & M Nasir, 2021). For example, through computers students can check more examples or
formats that are seen visually and observed directly, so students can easily formulate and explore mathematical conjectures.
Using the right computer technology, students are expected to be able to learn mathematics in a more meaningful and in-
depth way. Furthermore, it is argued that computers can also provide much-needed meaning to mathematical concepts that
students may perceive 'not from the physical world' but in the mind or in an ideal world (Perienen, 2020). With the rapid
development of ICT, there has been a shift in views towards learning inside and outside the classroom (Wibowo, 2018). In
the field of education, especially in learning, the use of ICT in Indonesia is still lacking. Although many educational
application programs such as learning software are traded, the suitability of the material, the technology used, learning
strategies, and language are still obstacles (Wibowo & Pratiwi, 2018). Thus, the development of the use of computers in
mathematics, which is designed according to needs, is expected to help a lot in increasing students' mastery of mathematics.
In accordance with the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the need for ICT-based
concepts and mechanisms for teaching and learning (education) has become a necessity. One of the concepts known as e-
learning has had an influence on the process of transforming conventional education into digital, both in content and system
(Ahn & Edwin, 2018). The term e-learning contains a very broad meaning, so many experts describe the definition of e-
learning from various points of view. E-learning is a type of teaching and learning that allows the delivery of teaching
materials to students using the internet, intranet or other computer network media (Panyajamorn et al., 2018). The
definition that explains that e-learning is an educational system that uses electronic applications to support learning and
teaching with internet media, computer networks, or standalone computers (Moreno-Guerrero et al., 2020; Yaniawati et al.,
2020). The learning program was developed by the researcher for the purposes of this research. The teaching materials
displayed in e-learning have animations. Thus, with interactive teaching materials, students can interact with the e-
learning system independently, including doing exercises interactively.

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

This study aims to develop e-learning based on animation content to improve students' mathematical connection skills.
According to this research procedure, in developing learning based on animation content, it was developed with the following
steps: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) content design and writing, (4) material development, and (5) final testing and
examination (Bauer et al., 2021; Qammach & Al-Sharifi, 2021). The steps taken in this research process lead to a cycle based
on the findings of research studies and then develop a product. Product development based on the initial findings of this
study was tested in a situation and then revised from the test results until finally a product was obtained. The product itself
is an e-learning based on animated content. This research procedure uses research and development techniques with the
following steps: (i) model development, namely: preliminary study, planning, content design and writing, material
development, as well as field testing and model revision. (ii) analysis of the effect of the e-learning model on students'
mathematical connection abilities. To determine students' mathematical connection abilities, experimental designs using
non-experimental designs were used as shown in Figure 3 (Suparman et al., 2020).

Figure 2. Non-experimental pretest/posttest design

The subjects in this study were students of class XI SMA Muhammadiyah Ternate. Collecting data by using pre-test and
post-test questions. The data were analyzed by t-test and it was found that animated content-based e-learning not only had
a significant effect on mathematical connection skills but also improved students' mathematical connection skills much
better than the conventional approach.


3.1 Results
a. Animated Content-Based E-Learning Development
According to this research procedure, in developing e-learning based on animation content, it was developed with the
following steps according to Backroad Connections Pty Ltd 2003: (1) preliminary study, (2) planning, (3) content design and
writing, (4) material development, and (5) Final testing and inspection (Bauer et al., 2021; Qammach & Al-Sharifi, 2021),
with the following results.
1. Preliminary Research
At this stage, an analysis of the needs for developing animated content-based e-learning is carried out, including: student
needs, software and hardware requirements, animated content, etc. Based on these results, a needs analysis was obtained
which did the following:
a) The need for e-learning materials that can display the form of animation.
b) Software to develop e-learning using Moodles version 2.0.
c) The form of content is created using Macromedia Flash animation.
2. Planning
Animated content-based e-learning development planning includes: e-learning menu planning, animated content, quizzes,
exercises, assignments, and evaluations. All of them are adjusted to the target students who will be given e-learning.
3. Contents Design and Writing
There are several steps that have been taken in this phase, including:
a) Applying an effective learning design.
b) Deciding what should be shown on the screen and what can be downloaded/printed.
c) State the time allocation for each learning activity in accordance with the content and objectives of learning.
d) Define and provide learning support needs for students, as well as for teachers.

In this stage, the design of an example of e-learning based on animated content is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. An Example of e-learning based on Animation Contents

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

4. Material Development
This phase includes: user guides, implementation guides, etc.
5. Final Testing and Checking
a) Knowing what standards to aim for.
b) Establish ways to measure or test that the standards and usability objectives have been achieved. Consider when to
measure, and how information from this will feed back into the development process to achieve the best results most

b. Research Results on the Implementation of Animated Content-Based E-Learning

After e-learning is developed, it is continued by implementing it to students. The results of the study are seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Average results of Pre and Post Test of Mathematical Connection Abilities
Average results of test
Pre test Posttest
e-learning 65 72,9
conventional 64 71,3

After the pretest and posttest data are normally distributed, a statistical test will be carried out using a dependent t test,
namely one sample with two pretest and posttest data with one-sided test criteria, as seen in Table 2.

Table 2. t-test of Mathematical Connection Abilities

Mean SD Std. Error Mean T df Sig

18.60 9.39 2.97 6.26 20 .00

3.2 Discussion
The development of content-based e-learning in this study used the following steps, namely 1) needs analysis, 2) planning,
3) content design and writing, 4) material development, and 5) final testing and examination. At the stage of needs analysis
regarding the development of animated content-based e-learning which includes students' needs for software and hardware
needs, animated content, etc. From the results of the needs analysis, it is obtained that the material needs that can be
displayed in the form of animation, software for developing e-learning using Moodles version 2.0, the form of animation
content created using Macromedia Flash. At the planning stage of developing animated content-based e-learning includes:
e-learning planning menus, animated content, quizzes, exercises, assignments, and evaluations. Everything is adjusted to
the target students who will be given e-learning. At the content design and writing stage, it is done by implementing a
learning design, deciding what should be displayed on the screen and what can be downloaded/printed, stating the time
allocation for each learning activity according to the content and learning objectives, and defining and providing learning
support needs for students, also for teachers. At the material development stage, what is done is to create a user guide and
an e-learning implementation guide based on animated content. The last stage is the testing and final inspection stage,
which is to find out what standards you want to achieve, determine how to measure or test that the standards and usability
goals have been achieved. Based on the last stage of testing and examination, it can be seen that the total score of
mathematical connection abilities is presented in Table 1 and Table 2, the results show that the average posttest of
mathematical connection abilities is 72.9 using e-learning based on animation content, this shows that e-learning based on
animation content can improve mathematical connection abilities, as shown in Figure 4. From these results it can be said
that e-learning improves students' mathematical connection abilities compared to conventional ones

Pretest and Posttest





E-learning Contekstual

pretest posttest

Figure 4. Pretest and Posttest Results

Habsyi et al International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2022), pp. 429~434

Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that e-learning based on animation content can be
developed according to the system model development, namely: preliminary studies, planning, field testing and model
revision. From the posttest results show that the total score of mathematical connection abilities presented shows that the
average posttest of mathematical connection abilities is 72.9 using e-learning based on animation content, this shows that
e-learning based on animation content can improve mathematical connection skills students with e-learning.

The current preparing this manuscript, we are fully aware that the completion of this article is inseparable from support,
enthusiasm, and guidance from various parties, both moral and material. Because of this, we would like to express our
gratitude to the supervisors, postgraduate lecturers, principals and teachers of the partner SMA Muhammadiyah Ternate,
as well as friends from the STKIP Kie Raha Ternate.

The authors discussed the results and contributed to from the start to final manuscript.

There are no conflicts of interest declared by the authors.

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International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies , 2 (11) (2020), 952-960
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2020
ISSN 2684-6950 (online)

Research Original Article

The Implementation of Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model

to Improve the Mathematical Connection Ability

Maulidawati1,a, Iryana Muhammad1,b* Rohantizani1,c, & Mursalin1,d

1 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia
a; b c;

*Corresponding Author : [ Phone : +6285262807674 ]

Received: 18 September2020 Revised: 21 September 2020 Accepted: 27 October 2020

Mathematics is a discipline that is taught at every level of education in Indonesia. Mathematics are interrelated with
each other, and cannot be separated from other disciplines and problems in everyday life. Process standards that
students use in learning mathematics include problem solving, reasoning and proof, connection, communication, and
representation. This study aims to determine the mathematical connection ability of students who are taught through
the make a match cooperative learning model better than the students' mathematical connection ability through the
scientific learning model on the line and row material in class XI SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo. This research is a quasi-
experimental study using the pretest-posttest group design. The samples taken were class XI MIA 2 as the
experimental class and XI MIA 1 as the control class. Retrieval of data in research using tests. The data collected from
the test results were analyzed using SPSS version 18 to find normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test and to test the
hypothesis using the Mann-Whitney-Test. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the N-gain average score
of students who apply the make a match cooperative learning model is 0.71 (high category), higher than students who
use scientific learning of 0.36 (moderate category). From the results of the Mann-Whitney-Test above, the Asymp
value is obtained. Sig (1-tailed) is 0.0005 < α 0.05. This shows that the increase in students' mathematical connection
ability through cooperative learning type make a match is significantly better than students who get scientific

Keywords: mathematical connection capability; cooperative learning model; make a match type; scientific learning;

1. Introduction
As a whole, humans are born having the ability to face problems that arise and deal with them. Intelligence
as the basic concept of human resources is the key word for resolution. Quality human resources are a
necessity that cannot be negotiated. The era of quality and quality in all areas of life to adjust the vision,
mission and strategy as needed, as well as education. According to Sanjaya (2011: 2), "Education is a
conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students
can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble character, and the necessary skills. himself, the people of the nation and the state. " So education is one
very important aspect of life, education at all levels is related to gaining knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Basic education is the foundation as a guide to achieve good goals, both formal education and non-formal
education. In the implementation of non-formal education, the learning process greatly determines the
success of student learning. Therefore, the achievement of educational goals itself cannot be separated from
the important role of the teaching and learning process experienced by students and educators during the
learning process. Law No. 20 of 2013 concerning the National Education System Chapter II Article 3,
Hendriana (2016: 6) states that the purpose of education is a conscious and planned effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
spiritual power. religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by him,
society, nation and state.
Mathematics is a discipline that is taught at every level of education in Indonesia. Mathematics are
interrelated with each other, and cannot be separated from other scientific disciplines and problems in
everyday life. According to NCTM (2000: 29), the standard processes used by students in learning
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

mathematics include problem solving, reasoning and proof, connection, communication, and representation.
The ability to explain the relationship between concepts is part of the mathematical connection ability.
Mathematical connection is one of the standards of the mathematics learning process and if students are able
to relate mathematical ideas, students are also able to improve their mathematical understanding and are
able to see the linkages between mathematical ideas, with other disciplines, and also with experiences of
everyday life.
Mathematical connection is the ability to relate mathematical concepts to other disciplines and also with
everyday life that is often encountered. By having the mathematical connection capability, students will
understand more easily and also learning mathematics will feel easier. But most of the students think that
learning mathematics is just learning mathematical subjects which contain formulas and a number of
numbers that make students bored in learning because students will only memorize/remember the concepts
being taught. One of the materials in mathematics is for example the material of sequences and series. A
sequence is an arrangement of numbers formed according to a certain order and the sequence is the sum of
all terms of a sequence. The application of sequence and series material is not only in mathematics lessons
but also in everyday life such as calculating income, using labor, etc.
Based on the results of observations at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo, the researcher got information that
there are still many students who have difficulty learning mathematics, this is due to the lack of student
interest in learning mathematics. This results in students becoming less understanding of mathematics,
especially in solving math problems, let alone linking it in everyday life. They tend to record what is
explained by the teacher without understanding the concept and in solving the questions only based on the
example questions given and mathematics learning which is more centered on the teacher, students only
receive information from the teacher, resulting in students being more passive and just listening to learning.
In fact, the silence of the students during learning does not necessarily mean that they understand the lesson
given. The following is one of the students' mathematical connection ability questions on the sequence and
series material.
“Ali bought a sewing machine in 2013 for IDR 5,000,000. The machine experienced a 5% decrease in
price every year from the previous year. Determine the price of the machine in 2018? "
The following is one of the students' answers to the questions above.

Does not analyze, does not write what is known on the problem
and does not draw conclusions.

Figure 1. Analysis of Student Answers

The steps that students must take in solving the problem are identifying the problem, namely by looking
at the information that is known in the questions, but from the analysis of the students' answers above,
students do not write down what is known in the questions. This means that students have not been able to
see the information that is known in the questions. Then the next step is to plan the completion, namely by
writing the formula, the answer above proves that students can only choose information that is in
accordance with the formula given by the teacher. Then in the step of solving the problem, namely by
carrying out the calculation procedure and producing a solution, from the answers above, it can be seen that
there are mistakes in solving the questions. In the last stage, students also do not draw conclusions from the
problems given and cannot understand the relationship between mathematical topics in everyday life.
Haety and Mulyana (2013: 2) say that the ability of mathematical connections is important for students to
master, but the problem that occurs is the ability of students to connect mathematically is still low. The
results of the Program For International Student Assessment or PISA survey in 2009 (Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD in 2010) show that the percentage of secondary school
students in Indonesia who are able to solve questions that require a connection process is only 5.4%. This
shows that 95% of students have not been able to associate several different representations of a
mathematical concept both in mathematics itself and with everyday life. The low ability of students
'mathematical connections does not only come from the students' lack of ability, but there are factors that
also determine the success of students in learning mathematics, namely learning that is tailored to the needs
and situations of students, for example the selection of models or methods given in learning.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

The cooperative learning model make a match type is a learning model to find a partner. Make a match
is a solution to improve students' mathematical connection skills. The cooperative learning model of the
make a match type is a learning model developed by Lorna Curran in 1994, students must look for pairs of
question cards they have while learning about a concept or topic in a pleasant atmosphere. In determining
the answer card students are required to determine the answer or question from the card being held. Here
there is interaction between groups and interactions between students in the group to discuss the questions
and answers again so that by learning make a match can foster cooperation in answering questions in
matching the cards in their hands, the learning process is more interesting and activeness is highly required
to find a partner. card respectively. One of the advantages of this technique is that students find partners
while learning about a concept or topic in a fun atmosphere. Based on the problems described, the researcher
intends to conduct a study entitled "Application of the Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model in
Improving the Mathematical Connection Ability of Class XI Students of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo."

2. Research Methods
This study uses a quantitative approach. According to Arikunto (2017: 27) "Quantitative research is research
that is carried out using numbers, starting from data collection, data processing, interpretation of data and
discussion of research results." While the type of research used by researchers is a quasi experimental design
(quasi-experimental). According to Suryabrata (2013: 92) the objective of a quasi-experiment is to obtain
information which is an estimate for the information that can be obtained by an actual experiment in
situations where it is not possible to control and/or manipulate all relevant variables. This research design
uses the prestest-posttest control group design. The prestest-posttest control group design study used two
classes (control class and experimental class). In the experimental class, a pre-test was given to see the
mathematical connection ability of students, after which the learning treatment was given using the
cooperative model make a match. After completing the learning process, students are given a post-test to see
the improvement in students' mathematical connection skills. Likewise in the control class, before the
material is taught, a pretest will also be given. After the learning process takes place, a posttest is given to
see the progress obtained. Thus, the experimental design in this study uses the prestest-posttest control
group design by Sugiyono (2017: 112) which can be seen at table 1.
Table 1. Research Design
Treatment Class Pretest Treatment Posttest
Experiment O1 X1 O2
Control O1 - O2

O1: Pretest for the Make a Match model class
O1: Pretest for scientific class
X1: Make a Match learning treatment
O2: Postest for the Make a Match model class
O2: Postest for scientific class

This study was conducted at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo which is located at Jalan Bireun-Takengon,
Blang Ara Village, Pintu Rime Gayo District, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province. The choice of this school
as a research location was due to several reasons, including the following:
1. Research has never been carried out with the cooperative learning model type make a match
2. This school is open to conducting research.
3. There is support from teachers at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo to conduct research on line and series
materials with the make a match learning model.
This study was conducted in class XI of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo, which was studied in the even
semester of the 2019/2020 school year.
The population in this study were students of class XI SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo and the samples taken
were XI MIA 2 as the experimental class and XI MIA 1 as the control class. For sampling, researchers used
purposive sampling technique, namely sampling in the same way as the research object
In this study, the test type instrument was a test of students 'mathematical connection ability which
consisted of 4 questions in the form of a description and a given time of 90 minutes and arranged based on
the indicators of students' mathematical connection ability. The pre-test is to see the prerequisite material
and the final test is to see the level of students' mathematical connection to the material.

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Table 2. Rubric Assessment of students' mathematical connection abilities

Mathematical Connection
Student Responses to Given Questions Scores
Capability Indicators
No answer 0
Write down the relationship between mathematical concepts and procedures but is
Identify the relationships of 1
various representations of
mathematical concepts and Write down the relationship between mathematical concepts and procedures but are
procedures incomplete
Able to identify the relationship between various representations of mathematical
concepts and procedures correctly
No answer 0
Writes the relationship from one procedure to another in an equivalent but incorrect
Identify the relationship from representation
one procedure to another in Writes the relationship from one procedure to another in an equivalent but
equivalent representations 2
incomplete representation
Be able to identify the relationship from one procedure to another in the equivalent
representation correctly
No answer 0
Explain the application of
Explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life but wrong 1
mathematical topics in
Explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life but incomplete 2
everyday life
Able to explain the application of mathematical topics in everyday life correctly 3
Sources: Modified from Hendriana (2017: 86-94)

After the test scoring guidelines, a test analyst technique is needed to determine whether the test is
classified as a good or bad test. The test analysis technique is in the form of validity, reliability, level of
difficulty and differentiation.

3. Results and Discussion

This research was conducted to determine the application of the make a match type of cooperative model to
improve the mathematical connection ability of students in the line and series material implemented at
SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo.
The following table describes the descriptive data of the pre test, post test and normality gain (N-gain) for
the students' mathematical connection test. The results of the pre test, post test and N-gain scores can be seen
in the appendix.
Table 3. Descriptive Statistical Data of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Experiment Class Control Class
Variable Statistics Data
PreTest Posttest N-gain PreTest Posttest N-gain
N 20 20 20 20 20 20
X max 7 12 1.00 8 12 1,00
Students' Mathematical X min 2 6 0.00 2 4 0,00
Connection Ability 4,7 9,85 0,71 3,6 6,8 0,36
s 1,45 2,35 0,34 1,47 2,25 0,29
% 39,1 82,08 30 56,6
Max Scores = 12

From the data above, a comparison can be made for the average pre-test and post-test scores of the two
classes in the following diagram:




6 Pre-test

Experiment Control

Figure 2. Average score of Pre-test and Post-test of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on Table 3 and Figure 2 above, it can be seen that the average pre-test score for the mathematical
connection ability of the experimental class and control class students was 4.7 and 3.6, respectively. While
the average post test scores for the experimental class and the control class were 9.85 and 6.8 from the ideal
maximum score 12. This shows that there are differences in the mathematical connection abilities of students
in the experimental class and the control class before and after learning. The average post-test score of the
experimental class and the control class each experienced an increase, where the average post-test of the
experimental class who obtained the Make a Match cooperative learning model was higher than the post-test
of the control class who received scientific learning. The average N-gain score of students' mathematical
connection ability can be presented in the following table 4.
Table 4. Average and N-gain Classification of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Class Averages of N-gain Classification of N-gain
Experiment 0,71 Tinggi
Control 0,36 Sedang

Based on the the table 4, a diagram of the comparison of the average N-gain can be made as follows.


0,8 0,71




Experiment Control

Figure 3. Average N-Gain of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

Based on Table 3 and Figure 3 above, it can be seen that the average N-gain in the experimental class is
0.71 and is in the high classification, while the average N-gain in the control class is 0.36 which is in the
moderate classification. From these data it can be concluded that the increase in the mathematical connection
ability of students in the experimental class, namely the class that received the make a match cooperative
learning model was higher than the control class who received scientific learning. This shows that there is an
increase between the two classes, namely the experimental class has a higher increase than the control class.
The normality test in this study was the Shapiro-Wilk technique where decision making was used with a
significant level of α = 0.05. If the significant value < 0.05 then the data is not normally distributed or H 0 is
rejected, whereas if the significant value is ≥ 0.05 then the data is normally distributed or H0 is accepted. The
results of the normality test for the N-gain score are shown in the table 5.
Table 5. Results of the Data Normality Test on Students' Mathematical Connection Skills
Class Conclusion Description
Statistic df Sig.
Experiment 0,8 20 0,001 H0 Rejected Not Normally
Control 0,894 20 0,031 H0 Rejected Not Normally

Figure 4. Graph of Normality Test Data Results N-gain Score Students' Mathematical Connection Ability

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on Figure 4, it shows that the Q-Q plot of the N-Gain score data for the experimental class and
control class is not normally distributed. This can be seen from the points that are approaching, there are
some points that spread far from the direction of the line or do not follow the diagonal line. The points in the
graph represent the state of the data being tested and because the data is not normally distributed, the test
used for hypothesis making is using the non-parametric test calculation (Mann-Whitney U-Test). The
hypothesis in this study is that the students 'mathematical connection ability through the make a match type
of cooperative learning model is better than the students' mathematical connection ability through the
scientific learning model on the class XI class of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo material. The testing is carried
out based on the following statistical hypothesis:
Hσ: Rx ≤ Ry Ranking The mathematical connection ability of students with the cooperative learning model
make a match type is not better than the scientific learning model in the mathematics sequence and
series material for class XI of SMAN 1 Pintu Rime Gayo.
Ha: Rx > Ry Ranking The mathematical connection ability of students with the cooperative learning model
make a match type is better than scientific learning in class XI class XI material at SMAN 1 Pintu Rime
Rx = N-gain ranking of mathematical connection ability of students who get the make a match cooperative
learning model.
Ry = N-gain ranking of mathematical connection ability of students who receive scientific learning model.
Where the test criteria are:
If the Sig (p-value) <α (α = 0.05), then H0 is rejected, that is, the research results have increased.
If the Sig (p-value) ≥ α (α = 0.05), then H0 is accepted, that is, there is no improvement in the research results.
Table 6. Data Comparison of Rank N-gain Test Results of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability
Test Statisticsb
Mann-Whitney U 84,500
Wilcoxon W 294,500
Z -3,178
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] ,001a
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Grouping Variable: Groups

Based on the the results of the Mann-Whitney U-Test above, it can be concluded that the Asymp value.
Sig (2-tailed) is 0.001. Because sig < α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected, thus Ha is accepted and it can be concluded
that there is an increase in students' mathematical connection skills taught through the make a match
cooperative model is better than the mathematical connection ability of students taught through scientific
learning models. significant.
This study aims to see the increase in the mathematical connection ability of students who get the make a
match cooperative learning model better than the mathematical connection ability of students who get
scientific learning in line and series material. Based on the research results, it shows that the analysis
obtained in testing this hypothesis turns out that the mathematical connection ability of students taught
through the make a match cooperative model is better than those taught by scientific learning at SMAN 1
Pintu Rime Gayo. This is in accordance with the results of research data which show that the average score
for students' mathematical connection ability can also be seen from the average value obtained during the
learning process. In the experimental class the average n-gain value obtained by students was 0.715, while in
the control class the average n-gain value obtained by students was 0.36, of the two average values, there
was a clear difference. In this study, the students' mathematical connection ability was seen from the pre-test
before being given the treatment and the post-test scores that were carried out after being given the
treatment. The test questions are in the form of an essay consisting of 4 questions, each of which has a
maximum score of 3. There are three indicators measured in this study, namely identifying the relationship
between various representations of mathematical concepts and procedures, identifying the relationship of
one procedure to another in equivalent representation and explaining the application of the topic.
mathematics in everyday life. The following is an example of a student's pretest and posttest questions and
answers based on the student's mathematical connection ability indicator, namely explaining the application
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

of mathematical topics in everyday life.

Figure 5. Mathematical Connection Ability Test Questions for Students

The picture above is a question of student's mathematical connection ability number 4.Where students
must be able to apply mathematical topics in their daily life to the above questions, students are required to
be able to determine the profit of a coffee shop in the sixth month, whose profits are doubled every month.

Figure 6. Answer of Pre-Test

The above is one of the students 'answers when taking the pre-test, where in the picture above, it can be
seen that the students' mathematical connection ability is still low, and students have not been able to apply
mathematical topics in everyday life. This can also be seen from the 20 students who took the pre-test in the
experimental class, there were no students who could answer correctly, 1 student answered but the answers
were still incomplete, 9 students answered incorrectly and 10 students did not answer at all while in the
control class of 20 students There were no students who took the pre test who could answer correctly, 2
students answered but the answers were still incomplete, 8 students answered incorrectly and 10 students
did not answer at all.

Figure 7. Answer of Post-Test of Experiment Class

Based on the results of the post-test answers above, it shows that the mathematical connection ability of
students in the experimental class has increased compared to the pre-test. Where students have been able to
apply mathematical topics in everyday life and the results are correct. This post test was attended by 20
students in the experimental class, 13 students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life and
the results of the answers were correct, 5 students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life
but the answers were still incomplete, 1 student answered incorrectly and 1 students didn't answer at all. If
we compare the students 'pretest answers with the students' post-test answers in the experimental class, at
the time of the post-test the students were able to apply mathematical topics in everyday life and the results
of the answers were correct, it's just that some students were still wrong so their answers were wrong.

Figure 8. Answer of Post-Test of Control Class

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2 (11) (2020), 952-960

Based on the results of the post test above, it shows that the mathematical connection ability of students
in the control class has increased slightly compared to the pre-test. However, there were still many students
who made mistakes so that when they answered the questions there were still many who answered wrong
and the answers were incomplete. This post test was attended by 20 students in the control class, only 3
students were able to apply mathematical topics in their daily life and the results were correct, 6 students
were able to apply mathematical topics in daily life but the answers were still incomplete, 4 students
answered incorrectly and 7 students did not answer at all. The improvement in the experimental class by
applying the cooperative learning model make a match type is better than the control class with scientific
learning, this can be seen in the number of students who are able to answer correctly in the experimental
class more than the control class. Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that both the cooperative
learning model make a match type and scientific learning can improve students' mathematical connection
skills in the sequence and series material. When given the pre-test and post-test, both learning were able to
improve students' mathematical connection skills, but in the experimental class that used the cooperative
learning model make a match, students seemed to participate more in learning because students had to be
individually responsible for finding pairs of cards and solving problems even though there were several
students who do not respond to the learning process.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research that has been conducted by researchers, it is known that the application of
the make a match type of cooperative learning model can improve students 'mathematical connection skills
in the line and series material where the researcher applies three indicators of students' mathematical
connection abilities, namely Identifying the relationship between various representations of mathematical
concepts and procedures, identifying relationships one procedure to another in equivalent representation
and explaining the application of mathematical topics in everyday life. Based on the results of statistical
analysis data, it can be seen that the average pre-test score for the mathematical connection ability of the
experimental class and control class students was 4.7 and 3.6, respectively. While the average post-test scores
for the experimental class and control class were 9.85 and 6.8 from the ideal maximum score 12. This shows
that there is an increase in each class, both the experimental class and the control class. For the average N-
gain, it was obtained 0.71 for the high classification experiment class and 0.36 for the average N-gain in the
control class with moderate classification. From these data it can be concluded that the increase in the
mathematical connection ability of students in the experimental class, namely the class that received the
make a match cooperative learning model was higher than the control class who received scientific learning.
Based on the hypothesis test, the Sig value is 0.001. Because sig <α = 0.05 then Ho is rejected, thus Ha is
accepted and it can be concluded that there is an increase in the mathematical connection ability of students
taught through the make a match cooperative model is better than the mathematical connection ability of
students taught through the scientific learning model.

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Suska Journal of Mathematics Education
(p-ISSN: 2477-4758|e-ISSN: 2540-9670)
Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019, Hal. 30 – 38

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau dari

Kemampuan Awal Matematika Siswa SMP pada Materi
Persamaan Garis Lurus
Putri Chania Sari1 , Dea Siti Mutmainah2, Wahyu Setiawan3

1,2,3 Program
Studi Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Siliwangi

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan koneksi
matematik (KKM) ditinjau dari kemampuan awal matematika (KAM) dan menelaah kesalahan
siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal tes KKM. Subjek penelitian ini siswa SMP Angkasa Lanud
Sulaiman kelas VIII C sebanyak 25 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu
metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun instrumen penelitian ini berupa instrumen
tes yang terdiri dari 5 soal uraian kemampuan koneksi matematik. Hasil analisis data menunjukan
bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa masih tergolong rendah. Kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan awal matematikanya, yaitu siswa yang berada di
kelompok atas memiliki KKM 69%, siswa kelompok menengah sebesar 58% dan kelompok
bawah sebesar 45%. Kesalahan yang banyak dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal koneksi
matematik adalah kesalahan ketika melakukan operasi bilangan bulat, operasi aljabar dan berkaitan
dengan operasi persamaan liniear satu variabel.

Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Awal Matematika, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik, Persamaan Garis

Mata pelajaran matematika dibangun atas bermacam topik dan konsep yang saling berhubungan
atau berkaitan satu sama lain. Hubungan tersebut bukan hanya antar topik dan konsep dalam
matematika, melainkan terdapat hubungan matematika dengan disiplin ilmu atau bidang studi
lain serta adanya matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang langsung dirasakan oleh siswa di
lapangan. Artinya, matematika memiliki koneksi, baik antar konsep, dengan ilmu lain maupun
dengan kehidupan nyata. Kemampuan koneksi matematika merupakan salah satu kemampuan
yang wajib dimiliki siswa. Siswa akan lebih mudah memahami materi matematika ketika siswa
memahami koneksi antar konsep matematika (Nurdin, Nufus & Hasanuddin, 2018).
Khairunisa, Anita & Sugandi (2018) menyatakan bahwa keterampilan koneksi matematik
merupakan keterampilan dalam menghubungkan gagasan matematika ke dalam gagasan
matematika itu sendiri dan kemampuan dalam menghubungkan gagasan matematika dengan
cabang pengetahuan yang lain dalam keseharian kita. Artinya, kemampuan koneksi matematika
adalah kemampuan siswa dalam memahami, mencari dan menerapkan hubungan antar topik,
antar konsep, antar prosedur dalam mtaematika. Agar mampu mengaitkan dan menghubungkan
antar topik matematika tersebut, siswa perlu memahami konsep matematik yang saling
berkesinambungan antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Karena jika kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa rendah, maka ketika menghadapi topik yang saling terkoneksi siswa akan
kesulitan menyelesaikannya. Kemudian akan menghambat siswa dalam proses pembelajaran

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

Suhandri, Nufus & Nurdin (2017) menyatakan bahwa dengan memahami koneksi, siswa
akan memahami bahwa konsep-konsep matematika saling terintegrasi, bukan topik-topik yang
saling terpisah. Anita (2014) memaparkan bahwa keterampilan menghubungkan
(mengkoneksikan) sebuah konsep matematik menjadi tahapan awal dan syarat utama agar siswa
mampu menguasai dan memahami kemampuan lainnya yang lebih tinggi. Selanjutnya,
Machmudah (2018) mengungkapkan bahwa konsep matematika tersusun secara hierarkis,
terstuktur, logis dan matematis mulai dari konsep paling sederhana sampai pada konsep yang
paling kompleks. Dalam matematika terdapat topik atau konsep prasyarat sebagai dasar untuk
memahami topik dan konsep selanjutnya. Ibarat membangun sebuah gedung bertingkat, lantai
kedua dan selanjutnya tidak akan terwujud apabila pondasi dan lantai sebelumnya yang menjadi
prasyarat benar-benar tidak kuat untuk menopang bangunan di atasnya. Pernyataan ini
menunjukkan bahwa siswa perlu memahami materi prasayarat untuk dapat memahami konsep
selanjutnya. Kemampuan prasyarat ini biasa disebut dengan kemampuan awal. Mardaleni,
Noviarni & Nurdin (2018) menyatakan bahwa kemampuan awal dapat mempengaruhi
kemampuan matematis siswa.
Meskipun kemampuan koneksi matematik sangat penting, namun hal ini tidak sejalan
dengan yang terjadi di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil tes Trend in International Matematics and Sciense
Study (TIMSS), lembaga yang mengukur dan membandingkan kemampuan matematik siswa-siswi
tingkat 8 antar negara, kemampuan matematika siwa Indonesia masih tergolong rendah. Tahun
1999 Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke 32 dari 38 negara yang disurvei. Tahun 2003 Indonesia
menduduki peringkat ke 36 dari 45, pada tahun 2007 Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke 41 dari
48 negara yang disurvei dengan rerata skor yang diperoleh siswa-siswi Indonesia adalah 397. Skor
ini masih jauh dari rata-rata skor internasional yaitu 500 (Setiawan, 2015). Hal ini didukung hasil
penelitian Zuyyina, Wijaya & Senjawati (2018); Qotbiyah (2018) yang menyatakan bahwa
kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa SMP berada dalam kategori rendah, hanya 36% (Sudirman,
Untuk mengatasi rendahnya kemampuan matematika siswa ini, maka kita perlu mengecek
bagaimana kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa di lapangan, juga perlu dilihat kemampuan awal
matematisnya. Apakah siswa dengan kemampuan awal matematika yang berbeda juga memiliki
kemampuan koneksi yang berbeda pula. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti melakukan studi pendahuluan
yang bertujuan menganalisis kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa berdasarkan kemampuan
awalnya. Hasil studi ini dapat dijadikan landasan untuk mengatasi rendahnya kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-
soal koneksi matematik (KKM) yang diihat dari berdasarkan kemampuan awal matematika
(KAM). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII C SMP Angkasa di Kabupaten Bandung.
Subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok kemampuan matematika berdasarkan hasil
peniliaian tengah semester (PTS) ganjil kelas VIII C tahun ajaran 2018-2019. Tes yang diberikan
berupa tes objektif yang berjumlah 15 soal. Hasil PTS yang diperoleh kemudian diurutkan dari
siswa yang mendapat nilai paling tinggi ke paling rendah. Dari urutan siswa dibagi menjadi 3
kategori, yaitu siswa yang memiliki KAM atas, KAM menengah dan KAM bawah. Adapun
kriteria pengelompokan KAM adalah sebagai berikut (Lestari & Yudhanegara, 2018):
Tabel 1. Kriteria Pengelompokan KAM
No Kriteria Kategori
1 KAM ≥ X + s Atas
2 X - s < KAM < X + s Menengah
3 X - s ≤ KAM Bawah

Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019 31

Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

KAM = Kalompok Awal Matematika
s = Simpangan baku
X = Nilai rata-rata
Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri, dimana peneliti sebagai
perencana, pelaksana, pengumpul data, penganalis dan penafsir. Dalam penelitian ini juga
digunakan instrumen tes berupa soal kemampuan koneksi matematik. Kemampuan koneksi
matematik dikatakan tinggi jika persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik minimal 75%
(Zuyyina, Wijaya & Senjawati, 2018). Adapun indikator kemampuan koneksi matematik yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (a) memahami hubungan antar topik matematika,
(b) mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama, (c) menjelaskan topik matematika
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, (d) mencari hubungan antar topik matematika dan (e) mencari
koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen.
Data yang diperoleh melalui tes kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan kemampuan awal
matematika siswa. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dari jawaban-jawaban siswa yang dipilih secara


Sebagaimana telah diuraikan sebelumnya, bahwa pengelompokkan KAM siswa diperoleh dari
hasil penilaian tengah semester (PTS). Dari hasil perhitungan 25 siswa, terdapat 5 orang siswa
tergolong dalam kelompok KAM atas, 14 orang siswa memiliki KAM menengah dan 6 orang
siswa dengan KAM bawah. Kelima siswa pada kelompok KAM atas memiliki kemampuan
koneksi matematik tinggi, 6 orang siswa memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematik rendah berasal
dari kelompok KAM menengah dan rendah, 16 siswa lainnya memiliki kemampuan koneksi
matematik sedang. Pengelompokan kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa berdasarkan KAM
dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:
Tabel 2. Kategori KKM Siswa pada Setiap Kelompok KAM
Kategori KAM Total
Atas Menengah Bawah
KKM Tinggi 5 0 0 5
Sedang 0 14 2 16
Rendah 0 0 4 4
Total 5 14 6 25
Adapun persentase setiap indikator kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa berdasarkan
kelompok KAM dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:
Tabel 3. Persentase Skor Siswa Pada Tiap Indikator KKM
No Indikator Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik Kategori KAM
Soal Atas Menengah Bawah
1 Memahami hubungan antar topik matematika. 92% 69% 68%
2 Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama 37% 37% 26%
3 Menjelaskan topik matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 76% 71% 62%

4 Mencari hubungan antar topik matematika. 85% 55% 43%

5 Mencari koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang 54% 58% 26%
Rata-Rata Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik 69% 58% 45%

Berdasarkan tabel di atas, siswa yang termasuk KAM atas memperoleh persentase skor
tertinggi sebesar 92% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun hanya 37%

32 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Begitu pula pada siswa
kelompok KAM menengah, 69% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun
hanya 37% yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Untuk siswa
kelompok KAM bawah, 68% sudah memahami hubungan antar topik matematika, namun hanya
26% yang mampu mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama dan mencari koneksi
satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekivalen.
Dari tabel di atas juga dapat dilihat bahwa, baik siswa kelompok KAM atas, menengah ataupun
bawah, ketiganya memperoleh persentase tertinggi pada indikator memahami hubungan antar
topik matematika. Adapun presentase terkecil dari ketiga kelompok KAM berada pada soal no 2,
yaitu indikator mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama. Meskipun begitu, untuk
kelompok KAM bawah juga memperoleh persentase kecil pada soal no 5, yaitu indikator mencari
koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen. Selanjutnya untuk nilai rata-rata
yang diperoleh dari masing kelompok KAM, menggambarkan kemampuan koneksi matematik
siswa sesuai dengan kategori kemampuan awalnya. Siswa kelompok KAM atas memiliki
kemampuan koneksi matematik (KKM) yang tinggi, kelompok KAM menengah memiliki KKM
sedang dan siswa kelompok KAM bawah memiliki KKM kategori rendah. Namun, persentase
KKM setiap KAM kurang dari 75%, artinya kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa masih
tergolong rendah.
Selanjutnya akan diuraikan analisis terhadap hasil jawaban siswa terhadap tes kemampuan
koneksi matematik. Soal tes pertama merupakan soal dengan indikator memahami hubungan
antar topik matematik. Soal dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 1. Soal no 1: Memahami hubungan topik relasi dan fungsi dengan persamaan garis lurus

Sampel 22 Sampel 13
Gambar 2. Jawaban siswa sampel 22 dan sampel 13 pada soal no 1
Sebagaimana telah disebutkan bahwa, analisis terhadap jawaban siswa dipilih secara
random. Pada soal no 1, baik siswa sampel 22 dan sampel 13. Sampel 22 merupakan siswa
dengan KAM atas dan sampel 13 adalah siswa dengan KAM menengah. Kedua siswa sudah bisa
memahami hubungan relasi dan fungsi dengan persamaan garis lurus. Meski terdapat kesalahan
dalam jawaban mereka yang mempengaruhi dari hasil gambar grafik. Keduanya mensubtitusikan
sembarang untuk memperoleh titik . Hanya saja, sampel 22 kurang teliti pada perhitungan
bilangan bulat dan persamaan liniear satu variabel. Kemudian untuk siswa sampel 13lebih banyak

Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019 33

Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

melakukan kekeliruan dibanding sampel 22. Walau begitu kesalahan yang dilakukan sampel 13
sama dengan sampel 22 yaitu pada operasi bilangan bulat yang dipadukan dengan persamaan
liniear satu variabel. Sehingga dari soal no 1 bisa kita simpulkan jika siswa melakukan
kecenderungan kesalahan perhitungan yang berkaitan dengan operasi bilangan bulat dan
persamaan liniear satu variabel.
Selanjutnya, akan dibahas jawaban soal dengan indikator mengenali representasi ekivalen
dari konsep yang sama.

Gambar 3. Soal no 2: Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama

Sampel 7 Sampel 30
Gambar 4. Jawaban siswa sampel 7 dan sampel 30 pada soal no 2
Jawaban soal no.2 yang akan dibahas adalah jawaban dari sampel 7 dan 30. Sampel 7 adalah
siswa dengan KAM atas dan sampel 30 merupakan siswa kelompok KAM bawah. Tampak pada
jawaban soal no 2, sampel 7 dapat mengenali reprsentase ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama.
Sampel 7 mencari gradien dari persamaan garis dengan menggunakan persamaan aljabar ke
bentuk “ ”. Meski hasil gradien yang diperoleh sudah benar, namun sampel 7 tidak menuliskan
kesimpulan sebagai jawaban no 2. Selanjutnya untuk sampel 30 menggunakan alternatif rumus
mencari gradien. Sayangnya rumus yang sampel 30 tulis tidak tepat, sehingga meski jawaban yang
diperoleh benar, dikarenakan proses yang salah, skor yang diperoleh sampel 30 tidak maksimal.
Berdasarkan soal no 2, bisa disimpulkan siswa yang belum memahami dan mengenali konsep
matematika, melakukan kekeliruan karena menuliskan rumus yang salah. Kemungkinan karena
siswa belajar dengan mengahafal rumus bukan memahami konsep.
Selanjutnya, soal no 3 dengan indikator menjelaskan topik matematika dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Jawaban siswa yang dibahas adalah jawaban siswa sampel 18 dan sampel 29. Sampel
18 merupakan siswa kelompok KAM bawah, sedangkan sampel 29 merupakan siswa dengan
KAM menengah. Adapun soal yang diberikan dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

34 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

Gambar 5. Soal no 3: Menjelaskan kemiringan garis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

Sampel 18 Sampel 29
Gambar 6. Jawaban siswa sampel 18 dan sampel 29 pada soal no 3
Siswa sampel 18 melakukan kesalahan pada perhitungan hasil akhir. Meski begitu, sampel
18 menuliskan rumus untuk mencari gradien. Sedangkan sampel 29 sudah tepat menuliskan
rumus gradien dan benar dalam hasil mengurangi kedua titik. Namun, sampel 29 tidak memberi
jawaban untuk no 3 bagian b. Ini artinya sampel 29 belum memahami makna gradien garis di
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga tidak bisa menuliskan makna gradien dalam grafik di soal
nomor 3.
Soal no 4 merupakan soal untuk indikator mencari hubungan antar topik matematika.
Jawaban siswa yang dianalisis adalah jawaban siswa sampel 9 dan sampel 1. Sampel 9 merupakan
siswa kelompok KAM menengah dan sampel 1 termasuk kelompok KAM bawah. Soal no 4
dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 7. Soal no 4: Mencari hubungan gradien dengan persamaan garis lurus

Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019 35

Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

Sampel 9 Sampel 1
Gambar 8. Jawaban siswa sampel 9 dan sampel 1 pada soal no 4
Sampel 9 sudah memahami dan dapat mencari hubungan gradien dengan persamaan garis
lurus. Namun, sampel 9 melakukan kesalahan dengan tidak mensubtitusi nilai dan . Hal ini
karena sampel 9 tidak menuliskan terlebih dahulu rumus mencari persamaan garis lurus.
Melainkan langsung mensubtitusikan gradien yang diperoleh. Selain itu pada proses mencari
gradien, sampel 9 tidak menuliskan titik-titik yang digunakan untuk mencari gradien. Tetapi hanya
menuliskan rumus dan hasil akhir pengurangan.
Sedangkan sampel 1 sudah menunjukan ia memahami dan dapat mencari hubungan
gradien dengan persamaan garis lurus. Sampel 1 juga lebih sistematis dibanding sampel 9. Sampel
1 menuliskan rumus mencari gradien terlebih dahulu kemudian mensubtitusi nilainya. Kesalahan
yang dilakukan sampel 1 adalah dalam perkalian aljabar dan penyelesaian persamaan liniear satu
Terakhir adalah soal no 5 dengan indikator mencari koneksi satu prosedur lain dalam
representasi yang ekuivalen. Soal dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:

Gambar 9. Soal no 5: Mencari koneki satu prosedur lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen

Sampel 17 Sampel 19
Gambar 10. Jawaban siswa sampel 17 dan sampel 19 pada soala no 5
Jawaban sampel 17 yang termasuk kelompok KAM atas memperlihatkan siswa dapat
mencari koneksi antara garis yang sejajar dengan titik yang dilalui. Hanya saja sampel 17 tidak
memberikan alasan mengapa gradien yang diambil adalah , yaitu karena garis yang saling

36 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019

Analisis Kemampuan Koneksi Matematik ditinjau..

sejajar memiliki nilai gradien yang sama. Kemudian kesalahan siswa sampel 17 dilakukan ketika
melakukan operasi hitung perkalian bentuk aljabar. Hasil perkalian dengan -6 menjadi -6.
Jawaban seharusnya adalah . Pada jawaban siswa sampel 19 yang termasuk KAM menengah,
dalam pengambilan nilai gradien tidak memberikan alasan menggunakan nilai sebagai
gradien, sama halnya dengan sampel 17. Kemudian kesalahan dari sampel 19 adalah pada saat
mengubah bentuk pecahan aljabar menjadi bilangan biasa. Perkalian 12 dengan di tulis -1,
seharusnya . Meskipun pada baris selanjutnya sampel 19 menuliskan -1 menjadi . Selain itu
kesalahan terjadi pada operasi bilangan 6 dikurang 48. Sampel 19 menuliskan hasilnya 42,
sedangkan jawaban yang benar adalah -42.
Dari hasil pembahasan jawaban-jawaban siswa dari kelima nomor, bisa disimpulkan
kesalahan-kesalahan siswa beraneka ragam. Diantaranya, tidak memahami konsep kemiringan
garis, tidak menguasai materi sebelumnya yang menjadi prasyarat materi persamaan garis lurus,
dan tidak mengingat rumus. Sejalan dengan hal itu Budiyono (2008) menyatakan bahwa jenis-jenis
kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika yaitu kesalahan konsep,
meliputi (1) kesalahan menentukan teorema atau rumus untuk menjawab masalah, (2)
pengaplikasian rumus atau teorema oleh siswa tidak sesuai dengan kondisi prasyarat berlakunya
rumus tersebut.

Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah disajikan, maka dapat dirangkum kesimpulan
sebagai berikut:
1. Persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan awal
2. Persentase kemampuan koneksi matematik tertinggi dari ketiga kelompok KAM adalah pada
indikator memahami hubungan antar topik matematika dan yang terendah pada indikator
mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama.
3. Rata-rata persentase kemampuan koneksi maatematik siswa kelompok KAM atas, menengah
dan bawah berturut-turut adalah 69%, 58%, dan 45%. Artinya, kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa masih tergolong rendah.
4. Dari kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa saat menjawab soal KKM, paling banyak terjadi dalam
mengerjakan operasi bilangan bulat, operasi aljabar dan berkaitan dengan operasi persamaan
liniear satu variabel. Sehingga materi prasyarat untuk materi selanjutnya memang sangat
penting dikuasai siswa untuk menunjang pembelajaran berikutnya.

Anita, I. W. (2014). Pengaruh kecemasan matematika (mathematics anxiety) terhadap
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa SMP. Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Metematika
STKIP Siliwangi Bandung, 3(1), 125–132.
Budiyono. (2008). Kesalahan mengerjakan soal cerita dalam pembelajaran matematika. Jurnal
Pedagogia, 11(1), 7-8.
Khairunisa, S., Anita, I. W., & Sugandi, A. I. (2018). Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa SMP dengan pendekatan kontekstual melalui pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe team assisted individualization. JPMI: Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika
Inovatif, 1 6), 1129-1134.
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Putri Chania Sari , Dea Siti Mutmainah, Wahyu Setiawan

Machmudah, D. N. (2017). Deskripsi kemampuan koneksi matematis dan self regulated siswa
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38 Suska Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019


Usman Mulbar
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan desain pembelajaran matematika dengan memanfaat-
kan sistem sosial masyarakat untuk menumbuhkembangkan budaya kesatria dan integritas diri siswa
SMP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang produknya diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi
proses belajar mengajar matematika. Sesuai dengan tahapan pengembangan, diperoleh hasil adalah sebagai
berikut. Pertama, teori yang digunakann untuk mengembangkan desain pembelajaran adalah modifikasi mo-
del pengembangan sistem instruksional pembelajaran Thiagarajan. Fase-fase pengembangan yang dilalui
adalah tahap: (1) pendefinisian (define); (2) perancangan (design); dan (3) dan pengembangan (develop). Ke-
dua, desain pembelajaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat (rencana pelaksanaan
pembelajaran, buku petunjuk guru, buku siswa, lembar kegiatan siswa, dan tes hasil belajar matematika)
berkualitas baik adalah memenuhi kriteria validitas, praktisitas, dan efektivitas. Tes hasil belajar matematika
dalam funginya sebagai instrumen penelitian memenuhi kriteria validitas, sensitivitas, dan reliabilitas. Vali-
ditas setiap item tes hasil belajar adalah sangat tinggi dan tinggi, sensititivitas setiap item tes memiliki kepe-
kaan, dan reliabilitas tes sangat tinggi.

Kata Kunci : desain pembelajaran matematika, sistem sosial masyarakat



Abstract: This study aims to produce designs that take advantage of mathematics learningsocial system
to develop the practice of knight sand integrity in junior high schoolstudents. Therefore, this type of re-
search isthe development of the productis expected to facilitate the teaching and learning of mathema-
tics that lead to quality learning. Based on the stage of development reached, the obtained results, na-
mely. First, the theory digunakann to develop mathematics instructional designis a modified model of
learning instructional systems development Thiagarajan (1974). Phases of development to be taken, na-
mely: (1) define; (2) design; and (3) develop. Second, mathematics instructional design that utilizes so-
cial system (lesson plan, guidethe teacher, student books, student activity sheet, and math achievement
test) good quality, which meets the criteria ofa valid, practical, and effective. Medium math achievement
test in funginya as research instrumentsmeet the criteria ofvalidity, sensitivity, and reliability. The vali-
dity of each item achievement test is very high and high; sensititivitas each item test has sensitivity; and
reliability of the test is very high.

Keywords: design study of mathematics, social system

PENDAHULUAN na itu, untuk menguasai dan memanfaatkan tek-

Matematika merupakan ilmu universal yang nologi di masa depan diperlukan penguasaan ma-
mendasari perkembangan teknologi modern, mem- tematika yang kuat sejak dini.
punyai peran penting dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu Berkaitan dengan penguasaan matematika
dan memajukan daya pikir manusia. Perkembang- sejak dini oleh siswa, dalam praktiknya pembela-
an pesat di bidang teknologi informasi dan komu- jaran matematika harus dikaitkan dengan penga-
nikasi dewasa ini dilandasi oleh perkembangan laman kehidupan nyata siswa, sehingga apa yang
matematika di bidang teori bilangan, aljabar, ana- dipelajarinya menjadi bermakna dan dirasakan sa-
lisis, teori peluang, dan matematika diskret. Kare- ngat bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Se-


bagian besar siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam didikan terdahulu. Model-model dengan para-
pembelajaran matematika karena ketidakmampu- digma baru pembelajaran dari dunia luar yang
annya dalam mengaplikasikan matematika ke da- diadopsi dan diadaptasikan di sekolah tidak ser-
lam situasi kehidupan nyata. Hal lain yang me- ta merta dapat diterapkan karena pada hakikat-
nyebabkan matematika dirasakan sulit oleh siswa nya cara berpikir, persepsi, dan cara bertindak
adalah proses pembelajarannya yang kurang ber- seseorang sangat dipengaruhi oleh budaya, ling-
makna. Guru dalam pembelajarannya di kelas ti- kungan, dan orang lain di sekitarnya (Taylor,
dak mengaitkan materi yang diajarkan dengan ske- 1993). Oleh karena itu, dalam proses pembela-
ma yang dimiliki oleh siswa, dan siswa kurang di- jaran, berbagai hasil penelitian menunjukkan
beri kesempatan untuk menemukan kembali dan bahwa pembelajaran selama ini berpusat pada
mengkonstruksi sendiri ide-ide matematikanya. guru, kemudian siswa dijadikan sebagai objek
Mengaitkan pengalaman kehidupan nyata siswa sehingga siswa tidak mempunyai cukup waktu
dengan ide-ide matematika dalam pembelajaran untuk mengkonstruksi pengetahuan yang dimi-
di kelas penting dilakukan agar pembelajaran men- liki. Konsep dan prinsip yang diberikan dalam
jadi bermakna. Heuvel-Panhuizen (2000) menge- bentuk “jadi” dari guru ke siswa tanpa melalui
mukakan bahwa bila belajar matematika terpisah proses abstraksi dan generalisasi.
dari pengalaman mereka sehari-hari, siswa akan Selain itu, ditinjau dari konsep pengem-
cepat lupa dan tidak dapat mengaplikasikan mate- bangan sistem pendidikan, penerapan model
matika. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran matema- pembelajaran berbasis sistem sosial masyarakat
tika di kelas sebaiknya ditekankan pada keterkaitan sesuai dengan ide desentralisasi pendidikan yang
antara konsep-konsep matematika dengan pengala- sedang dikumandangkan saat ini. Desentralisasi
man siswa sehari-hari. Selain itu, siswa perlu dila- merupakan salah satu upaya perbaikan efektivi-
tih menerapkan kembali konsep matematika yang tas dan efisiensi pendidikan. Hal ini diharapkan
telah dimilikinya pada kehidupan sehari-hari atau dapat menumbuhkembangkan kemampuan da-
pada bidang lainnya. erah untuk meningkatkan potensinya secara man-
Kecenderungan terjadinya pergeseran filo- diri melalui dua aspek, yaitu mendapat insentif
sofi pembelajaran, yaitu dari paradigma beha- dari penerapan model berbasis sistem sosial ma-
vioristik menuju konstruktivistik memaksa guru syarakat. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan model
mengubah kebiasaan mengajarnya dan tidak se- pembelajaran matematika yang berorientasi pada
dikit yang merasa kebingungan dalam menerap- pemahaman, pemecahan masalah, berbasis sis-
kan paradigma baru yang diinginkan. Guru sa- tem sosial masyarakat sangat diperlukan guna
ngat sulit mengubah perilaku mengajar (teacher memperkaya pengetahuan matematika siswa. Se-
center) karena pergeseran filosofi tersebut ber- lain itu, juga untuk memampukan siswa meng-
orientasi pada pembelajaran yang utuh (who- hadapi tantangan global, dan juga mendekatkan
listic) yang memperhatikan perkembangan anak siswa pada lingkungan sosialnya.
secara menyeluruh (comprehendship), meliputi Berdasarkan uraian yang dikemukakan di
pertumbuhan fisik, sosial, emosional, dan inte- atas, maka permasalahan utama dalam peneli-
lektual. Karena tujuan pembelajaran yang jauh tian ini adalah mengembangkan desain pembe-
berbeda, sedangkan guru melaksanakan pembe- lajaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem
lajaran dengan cara yang sama berdasarkan pe- sosial masyarakat. Dengan demikian, dalam pe-
ngalaman sebelumnya sehinga dimungkinkan nelitian ini perlu diantisipasi persiapan guru da-
terjadinya mal fungsi paradigma. lam melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika
Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa sampai dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran ma-
saat ini tingkat satuan pendidikan belum memi- tematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial.
liki model pembelajaran (khususnya pembela-
jaran) yang lahir dari negeri ini berdasarkan ka- METODE
jian filosofi sistem sosial masyarakat, nilai didik- Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengem-
an leluhur atau hasil pemikiran para tokoh pen- bangan (development research) yang dimaksud-

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2015, Th. XXXIV, No. 2


kan untuk mengembangkan desain pembelajaran siswa; (3) analisis data kemampuan guru dalam
matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial ma- mengelola pembelajaran; (4) analisis data respons
syarakat. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah sekum- siswa terhadap desainpembelajaran; dan (5) anali-
pulan sumber belajar yang dipergunakan oleh sis data tes hasil belajar matematika.
guru dan siswa sebagai pedoman untuk mewujud- Analisis data tersebut adalah sebagai beri-
kan proses pembelajaran matematika sehingga tu- kut. Berdasarkan data hasil penilaian kevalidan
juan pembelajaran tercapai. Sumber belajar yang desain pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem
dimaksud adalah rencana pelaksanaan pembela- sosial masyarakat dari para pakar dan praktisi
jaran, buku guru, buku siswa, lembar kegiatan sis- pendidikan matematika, kemudian ditentukan ni-
wa, dan tes hasil belajar matematika. lai rata-rata dari rata-rata nilai yang diberikan oleh
Penelitian ini dibatasi pada siswa kelas VII masing-masing penilai. Selanjutnya, ditentukan
SMP Negeri di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pemi- nilai rata-rata total kevalidan desain pembelajaran
lihan subjek penelitian dilakukan dengan langkah- yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat de-
langkah, yaitu: (1) memilih 6 kabupaten/kota se- ngan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut. Pertama,
cara purposif; (2) memilih satu SMP negeri di ibu melakukan rekapitulasi data, yaitu skor hasil peni-
kota kabupaten/kota secara random sebagai tem- laian pakar dan praktisi pendidikan matematika ke
pat pelaksanaan penelitian ini; (3) memilih dua dalam banyaknya aspek. Kedua, menentukan nilai
kelas secara random dari sejumlah kelas yang rata-rata validasi (skor hasil penilaian pakar dan
ada untuk dijadikan subjek penelitian. Dengan praktisi pendidikan matematika) untuk setiap as-
demikian, siswa/guru matematika yang kelasnya pek yang dinilai. Ketiga, menentukan nilai rata-
terpilih merupakan subjek penelitian. rata total (skor hasil penilaian pakar dan praktisi
Pengembangan desain pembelajaran yang pendidikan matematika) untuk setiap aspek (Va).
memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat dalam pe- Rata-rata nilai total (Va) tersebut, selan-
nelitian ini berpedoman pada model pengembang- jutnya dirujuk pada interval pengkategorian kua-
an sistem instruksional pembelajaran yang dikem- litas desain yang diadaptasi dari Bloom, Ma-
bangkan oleh Thiagarajan, dkk. (1974) dengan daus & Hasting (1981) untuk menentukan ting-
beberapa modifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil modifika- kat validitas desain pembelajaran yang meman-
si tersebut, tahap-tahap pengembangan pembela- faatkan sistem sosial masyarakat, yaitu:
jaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyara- Va ≤ 1,5 tidak valid.
kat adalah sebagai berikut. Tahap pendefinisian: 1,5< Va ≤ 2,5 kurang valid.
kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahap pendefinisian 2,5< Va ≤ 3,5 cukup valid.
adalah mendeskripsikan hasil: analisis awal-akhir, 3,5< Va ≤ 4,5 valid.
analisis siswa, analisis materi, analisis tugas, dan 4,5 <Va ≤ 5 sangat valid.
spesifikasi tujuan pembelajaran. Tahap perancang- Keterangan: Va adalah nilai validitas desain
an: kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tahap peran- pembelajaran
cangan yaitu: penyusunan tes acuan patokan, pe- Kriteria kevalidan desain pembelajaran yang
milihan media, pemilihan format, disain awal. memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat, apabila
Tahap pengembangan: kegiatan yang dilakukan menurut penilaian pakar dan praktisi pendidikan
pada tahap ini, yaitu: validasipakar dan praktisi matematika nilai Va berada pada kategori mini-
dan uji pengembangan. mal valid. Apabila nilai Va pada kategori cukup
Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar valida- valid, maka perlu dilakukan revisi berdasarkan
si, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, lembar obser- masukan (koreksi) para pakar dan praktisi pendi-
vasi kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembe- dikan matematika. Selanjutnya, dilakukan kem-
lajaran matematika, angket respons siswa terhadap bali validasi, demikian seterusnya sampai diper-
desain pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem oleh desain pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sis-
sosial masyarakat, dan tes hasil belajar matemati- tem sosial masyarakat yang ideal berdasarkan
ka. Analisis data yang dilakukan meliputi (1) ana- ukuran validitas isi dan validitas konstruk dengan
lisis data hasil validasi; (2) analisis data aktivitas kriteria minimal valid.

Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem Sosial Masyarakat


Analisis Data Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembe- an guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran matema-
lajaran tika realistik adalah sebagai berikut.
Analisis data aktivitas dilakukan dengan  Melakukan rekapitulasi data, yaitu skor hasil
menentukan frekuensi dan persentase frekuensi penilaian pengamat kedalam setiap aspek
yang dipergunakan oleh siswa dalam pembelajar- yang dinilai.
an matematika realistik. Langkah-langkah analisis  Menentukan nilai rata-rata, yaitu skor hasil pe-
aktivitas siswa adalah sebagai berikut. nilaian pengamat untuk setiap aspek yang di-
 Menentukan frekuensi hasil pengamatan akti- nilai. Nilai tersebut merupakan nilai Kemam-
vitas siswa untuk setiap indikator dalam satu puan Guru (KG).
kali pertemuan. Nilai Kemampuan Guru (KG), selanjutnya
 Mencari persentase frekuensi setiap indika- dirujuk pada interval kriteria kualitas desain yang
tor, yaitu membagi besarnya frekuensi de- diadaptasi dari Bloom, Madaus & Hasting (1981)
ngan jumlah frekuensi untuk semua indika- untuk menentukan tingkat kemampuan guru da-
tor, kemudian dikalikan 100%. lam mengelola pembelajaran, yaitu:
Waktu ideal aktivitas siswa untuk setiap  4,5 < KG≤5 sangat baik
indikator aktivitasnya dalam pembelajaran ma-  3,5< KG ≤4,5 baik
tematika realistik merujuk pada waktu yang  2,5< KG ≤3,5 cukup baik
telah ditetapkan pada rencana pelaksanaan pem-  1,5< KG ≤2,5 kurang baik
belajaran (RPP).  KG ≤1,5 tidak baik
Kriteria aktivitas siswa dikatakan efektif, Keterangan: KG adalah nilai kemampuan guru
apabila untuk setiap pertemuan yaitu rencana pe-
Kriteria kemampuan guru dalam mengelola
laksana pembelajaran (RPP) persentase frekuensi
pembelajaranmatematika realistik, apabila setiap
seluruh indikator aktivitas siswa dalam tugas (on-
aspek yang dinilai tingkat pencapaian nilai ke-
task) dan aktivitas siswa luar tugas (off-task) me-
mampuan guru memenuhi kriteria minimal cukup
menuhi batas kriteria waktu ideal yang telah di-
baik. Apabila nilai kemampuan guru dalam me-
tetapkan dengan toleransi sebesar 5%. Apabila
ngelola pembelajaran untuk setiap pertemuan ren-
kriteria aktivitas siswa belum memenuhi kriteria
cana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) di bawah
efektif, maka peneliti melakukan peninjauan de-
kriteria minimal cukup baik, maka peneliti mela-
ngan merevisi desain pembelajaran yang meman-
kukan peninjauan dengan merevisi desain pembe-
faatkan sistem sosial masyarakat atau memberi
lajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masya-
masukan pada guru untuk memperhatikan aspek
rakat atau memberi masukan pada guru untuk me-
aktivitas siswa, khususnya pada indikator yang
ningkatkan penguasaan dan keterampilan meng-
belum memenuhi kriteria waktu ideal yang telah
ajarnya, khususnya pada bagian yang teramati be-
ditetapkan. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji coba ulang
lum memenuhi kriteria minimal cukup baik. Se-
yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keefektifan
lanjutnya, dilakukan uji coba ulang yang bertuju-
desain pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem
an untuk mendapatkan kepraktisan desain pembe-
sosial masyarakat berdasarkan indikator aktivitas
lajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masya-
siswa dalam mengelola pembelajaran.
rakat berdasarkan indikator kemampuan guru da-
lam mengelola pembelajaran.
Analisis Data Kemampuan Guru dalam Me-
ngelola Pembelajaran
Analisis Data Respons Siswa terhadap Desain
Analisis data kemampuan guru dalam me-
Data hasil angket dianalisis dengan menen-
ngelola pembelajaran matematika realistik dilaku-
tukan banyaknya siswa yang memberi jawaban
kan dengan mencari nilai kategori dari beberapa
bernilai respons positif dan negatif untuk setiap
aspek penilaian yang diberikan berdasarkan ren-
kategori yang ditanyakan dalam angket. Respons
cana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Langkah-langkah
positif artinya siswa merespons dalam kategori se-
yang dipergunakan untuk menentukan kemampu-
nang, baru, berminat, jelas, dan tertarik untuk se-

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2015, Th. XXXIV, No. 2


tiap aspek yang direspons terhadap desain pem- ka yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat
belajaran matematika. Respons negatif berarti se- yang berkualitas baik. Karena itu, melalui fase-
baliknya. fase pengembangan desain pembelajaran, diper-
Kriteria untuk menyatakan bahwa respons oleh prototipe desain pembelajaran matematika
siswa terhadap desain pembelajaran yang meman- yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat
faatkan sistem sosial masyarakat adalah positif, yang memenuhi keriteria valid, praktis, dan efek-
apabila lebih dari 80% siswa yang menyatakan tif. Hasil proses pengembangan desain pembela-
seperti berikut. Pertama, senang terhadap desain jaran adalah sebagai berikut.
pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial Pertama, pengembangan desain pembela-
masyarakat. Kedua, desain pembelajaran yang me- jaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem
manfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat merupakan sosial masyarakat disesuaikan dengan prinsip
hal baru. Ketiga, dapat memahami dengan jelas dan karakteristik pembelajaran matematika. Ber-
bahasa yang dipergunakan. Keempat, tertarik de- dasarkan hasil validasi, diperoleh bahwa: rencana
ngan penampilan (tulisan, ilustrasi/gambar dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, buku petunjuk guru,
letak gambar). Komentar siswa yang bersifat kon- buku siswa, lembar kegiatan siswa, dan tes hasil
struktif dipergunakan sebagai bahan pertimbang- belajar matematika memenuhi kriteria valid. Ha-
an untuk melakukan revisi terhadap desain pem- sil ini, sesuai dengan pendapat Neeven (2007)
belajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial ma- yang menyatakan bahwa suatu material pembe-
syarakat. lajaran dikatakan valid, apabila memenuhi: (1)
Apabila respons siswa terhadap desain pem- material pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berda-
belajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial ma- sarkan pada rasional teoretik yang kuat, dan (2)
syarakat belum memenuhi kriteria efektif, maka terdapat konsistensi secara internal antara kom-
peneliti melakukan peninjauan dengan merevisi ponen material pembelajaran yang dikembang-
desain pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem kan. Berikut disajikan hasil belajar matematika
sosial masyarakat berdasarkan hasil respos siswa. setiap pelaksanaan uji coba. Persentase siswa
Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji coba ulang yang ber- yang memperoleh skor sangat baik untuk uji-
tujuan untuk mendapatkan keefektifan desain coba II melebihi persentase siswa untuk uji-
pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial coba I. Untuk skor rendah, sedang, dan baik
masyarakat berdasarkan indikator respons siswa persentase siswa untuk uji coba I lebih baik dari
terhadap desainpembelajaran yang memanfaatkan persentase siswa pada uji coba II. Perbandingan
sistem sosial masyarakat. keadaan skor keduanya divisualisasikan pada
Gambar 1.
Analisis Data Tes Hasil Belajar Matematika
Analisis data tes hasil belajar matematika
Uji-Coba I
Uji-Coba I

bertujuan untuk mendapatkan tes hasil belajar ma- 50%

Uji-Coba II

tematika yang berkualitas baik. Tes hasil belajar

matematika dikatakan berkualitas baik, apabila
memenuhi kriteria: (1) koefisien korelasi validitas
Uji-Coba I

Uji-Coba II

Uji-Coba I

tes memenuhi kriteria minimal tinggi; (2) sensiti- 25%

Uji-Coba II

vitas setiap item tes lebih besar atau sama dengan 20%
Uji-Coba II

0,30; dan (3) koefisien reliabilitas tes memenuhi 15%

kriteria minimal tinggi. Karena itu, analisis tes 10%
hasil belajar matematika difokuskan pada analisis 5%
validitas, sesitivitas, dan reliabilitas.
Rendah Sedang Baik Sangat Baik


Salah satu produk dalam penelitian ini ada- Gambar 1: Perbandingan Perolehan Skor
lah menghasilkan desain pembelajaran matemati- Siswa dalam Uji Coba I dan II

Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem Sosial Masyarakat


Kedua, Secara teoretis dan empiris desain struksi konsep dan prinsip matematika, maka
pembelajaran matematika yang memanfaatkan siswa lebih menguasai materi yang diajarkan.
sistem sosial masyarakat memenuhi kriteria prak- Hal ini disebabkan karena informasi baru be-
tis. Secara teoretis, hasil penilaian pakar dan prak- rupa pengetahuan lebih bertahan lama di dalam
tisi pendidikan matematika menyatakan bahwa ingatan siswa, dan pembelajaran lebih bermak-
desainpembelajaran matematika yang memanfaat- na sebab konsep dan prinsip matematika diba-
kan sistem sosial masyarakat dapat diterapkan di ngun berdasarkan pengalaman belajar dan pe-
kelas. Secara empiris, hasil uji-coba memenuhi ngalaman hidup yang dimiliki siswa. Selanjut-
kriteria praktis ditinjau dari indikator kemampuan nya, guru menjelaskan penerapan pola interaksi
guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran. sosial masyarakat yang mengkondisikan keak-
Ketiga, keefektifan desain pembelajaran tifan siswa dalam belajar (memecahkan masa-
matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial ma- lah).
syarakat ditentukan oleh tiga indikator, yaitu: ak-
tivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran, ketuntasan be- Fase II: Representasi pembelajaran melalui
lajar siswa secara klasikal, dan respons positif sis- pola interaksi sosial masyarakat dan
wa terhadap proses pembelajaran. Pada pelaksana- pengorganisasian siswa kedalam ke-
an uji coba I, dari ketiga indikator, yaitu: indikator lompok
ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal dan indi- Tahap representasi dan pemecahan masa-
kator respons siswa memenuhi kriteria keefektif- lah dengan pola interaksi sistem sosial masya-
an, sedangkan indikator aktivitas siswa dalam rakat, guru meminta siswa duduk berkelompok.
pembelajaran belum memenuhi kriteria. Pada pe- Pembentukan kelompok belajar menerapkan
laksanaan uji-coba II, indikator aktivitas siswa da- prinsip falsafah masyarakat. Guru memfasilitasi
lam pembelajaran matematika, ketuntasan belajar siswa dengan buku, dan lembar kegiatan siswa
siswa secara klasikal, dan respons siswa terhadap (LKS). Selanjutnya, guru mengajukan masalah
desainpembelajaran matematika yang memanfaat- yang ada pada buku siswa untuk diselesaikan
kan sistem sosial masyarakat memenuhi kriteria tiap-tiap kelompok. Guru menanamkan nilai-
keefektifan. nilai falsafah masyarakat agar para siswa saling
Keempat, fase-fase pembelajaran matema- berinteraksi secara sosio-kultural, memotivasi
tika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masya-ra- dan mengarahkan jalannya diskusi agar lebih
kat ditunjukkan pada Tabel 1. efektif, memberi petunjuk dan membimbing kerja
siswa, dan mendorong siswa bekerja sama.
Fase I: Apersepsi sistem sosial masyarakat
sebagai pengantar sekaligus menyam-
Fase III: Persentase dan pengembangan hasil
paikan tujuan pembelajaran dan me-
motivasi siswa.
Pada tahapan ini, guru meminta salah satu
Tahap apersepsi sistem sosial masyarakat
kelompok mempresentasikan hasil kerjanya di
diawali dengan menginformasikan kompetensi
depan kelas dan memberi kesempatan pada ke-
dasar dan indikator yang akan dimiliki siswa
lompok lain untuk memberi tanggapan berupa
setelah mempelajari materi yang akan diajar-
kritikan disertai alasan-alasan. Sesekali guru
kan. Kemudian guru menumbuhkan persepsi
mengajukan pertanyaan menguji pemahaman/
positif dan motivasi belajar pada diri siswa me-
penguasaan penyaji dan dapat ditanggapi oleh
lalui pemaparan keterkaitan pembelajaran de-
kelompok lain. Kriteria untuk memilih hasil
ngan sistem sosial masyarak dan teori didikan
diskusi kelompok yang akan dipresentasikan
leluhur. Selain itu, guru meyakinkan siswa bah-
wa jika siswa terlibat aktif dalam merekon-

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2015, Th. XXXIV, No. 2


Tabel 1. Fase Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Pemanfaatan Sistem Sosial

Fase I: Apersepsi sistem sosial masyarakat sebagai pengantar sekaligusmenyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memotivasi
Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa
 Menginformasikan kompetensi dasar &  Mendengar penjelasan guru.
indikator  Mendengar penjelasan guru dan bertanya bila belum jelas
 Menciptakan persepsi positif dalam diri siswa tentang sistem sosial masyarakat dan membayangkan masalah
terhadap sistem sosial masyarakat (budaya) dan matematika yang bersumber dari fakta dan lingkungan
memandang matematika sebagai hasil konstruksi masyarakat
sosial.  Mendengar penjelasan guru tentang sistem sosial masyarakat
 Menjelaskan pola interaksi sosial masyarakat dalam memecahkan masalah, seperti: pantang menyerah, jujur,
dalam belajar (memecahkan masalah). berprinsip, konsisten dan sebagainya.
 Memberikan motivasi belajar pada siswa melalui  Mendengar penjelasan guru tentang nilai-nilai didikan sosial
penanaman nilai-nilai didikan sosial masyarakat masyarakat (pantang menyerah, jujur, berprinsip, konsisten, dsb)
Fase II:Representasi pembelajaran melalui pola interaksi sosial masyarakat dan pengorganisasiansiswa kedalam kelompok
 Membentukan kelompok  Membentuk kelompok
 Mengajukan masalah yang bersumber dari fakta  Bersama kelompok berdiskusi tentang penyelesaian masalah
dan lingkungan masyarakat yang diberikan
 Mendorong siswa bekerjasama menyelesaikan  Bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang diberikan
tugas-tugas  Menyelesikan masalah dan menuliskan penyelesaiannya di LKS
 Membimbing, mendorong/mengarahkan siswa  Menyelesikan masalah, namun bila ada yang belum jelas
memecahkan masalah dan mengerjakan LKS menanyakan pada guru (baik kelompok maupun individu) dan
 Memberikan scaffolding pada kelompok atau memperhatikan penjelasan guru
individu yang mengalami kesulitan
Fase III: Presentase dan pengembangan hasil kerja.
 Memberi kesempatan pada kelompok  Salah seorang anggota kelompok mempersentasikan hasil
mempresentasikan hasil pemecahan masalah di penyelesaiannya d kelas
depan kelas  Menyajikan hasil kinerja kelompok sambil mendengan
 Membimbing siswa menyajikan hasil kerja penjelasan guru
 Memberi kesempatan kelompok lain mengkritisi/  Memperhatikan, berdiskusi, dan menjawab/memberi tanggapan
menanggapi hasil kerja kelompok penyaji tentang hasil penyelesaian masalah
 Mengontrol jalannya diskusi agar pembelajaran
berjalan dengan efektif
 Mendorong keterbukaan, proses-proses
demokrasi dalam bedisikusi  Menjawab beberapa pertanyaan guru/siswa
 Menguji pemahaman siswa
Fase IV: Penemuan objek matematika disertai pengembangan skemata baru.
 Mengarahkan siswa membangun konsep dan  Mengkaji ulang hasil pemecahan masalah yang telah
prinsip secara ilmiah diselesaikan baik secara individu maupun secara berkelompok
 Menyelesaikan soal-soal yang diberikan baik secara individu
 Menguji pemahaman siswa atas konsep yang maupun secara berkelompok
ditemukan melalui pengajuan contoh dan bukan
 Membantu siswa mendefinisikan dan  Baik secara berkelompok atau secara individu melakukan
mengorganisasikan tugas-tugas belajar yang pengorganisasian tuga-tugas belajar yang telah ia lakukan
berkaitan dengan masalah  Baik secara berkelompok atau secara individu menyelesikan
 Memberi kesempatan melakukan konektivitas soal-soal dan meminta bantuan dari guru bila ada yang belum
konsep dan prinsip dalam mengerjakan soal jelas
 Memberikan scaffolding
Fase V: Refleksi hasil pembelajaran disertai penghargaan.
 Membantu siswa mengkaji ulang hasil  Menjawab pertanyaan guru dan menjawab pertanyaan guru dan
pemecahan masalah bertanya bila ada permasalahan belum ia pahami
 Memotivasi siswa untuk terlibat dalam  Membuat catatan tentang hal-hal yang dianggap penting sebagai
pemecahan masalah yang selektif rangkuman hasil pembelajaran
 Mengevaluasi materi akademik: membuat peta  Menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan dan menyelesaikan soal-
konsep atau peta materi atau pemberian kuis soal yang diberikan
 Memberi tugas PR  Mencatat tuga-tugas yang diberikan baik secara individu atau

Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem Sosial Masyarakat


antara lain: jawaban kelompok berbeda dengan dan bukan contoh konsep. Selanjutnya, siswa
jawaban dari kelompok lain, ada ide penting diberi kesempatan mengerjakan soal-soal tan-
dalam hasil diskusi kelompok yang perlu men- tangan untuk menunjukkan kebergunaan kon-
dapat perhatian khusus. Dengan demikian, ke- sep dan prinsip matematika yang ditemukan.
lompok penyaji bisa lebih dari satu. Selama pre-
Fase V: Refleksi hasil pembelajaran disertai
sentasi hasil kerja, guru mendorong terjadinya
diskusi kelas dan mendorong siswa mengajukan
Pada tahapan ini, guru membantu siswa
ide-ide secara terbuka dengan menanamkan ni-
secara individu mengkaji ulang hasil pemecah-
lai-nilai sosial masyarakat
an masalah, menguji pemahaman siswa dalam
Tujuan tahapan ini adalah untuk menge-
proses penemuan konsep dan prinsip. Selanjut-
tahui keefektifan hasil diskusi dan hasil kerja
nya, guru melakukan evaluasi materi akademik.
kelompok pada tahapan sebelumnya. Dalam pe-
Misalnya, meminta siswa mengerjakan kuis,
nyajiannya, kelompok penyaji akan diuji oleh
membuat peta konsep atau materi.
kelompok lain dan guru tentang penguasaan dan
Ada sejumlah penelitian yang terkait de-
pemahaman mereka atas pemecahan masalah
ngan pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Misal-
yang dilakukan. Dengan cara tersebut di-mung-
nya, penelitian pengembangan bahan matematika
kinkan tiap-tiap kelompok mendapatkan pemi-
untuk level SMP yang dikembangkan oleh Mur-
kiran-pemikiran baru dari kelompok lain atau
waningsih, dkk. (2014), yaitu tentang pengem-
alternatif jawaban lain yang berbeda. Selain itu,
bangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika
tujuan tahapan ini adalah melatih siswa teram-
realistik, dengan prosedur yang tidak berbeda.
pil menyajikan hasil kerjanya melalui penyam-
Hasilnya adalah buku perangkat pembelajaran
paian ide-ide di depan umum (teman satu ke-
yang dapat dipergunakan di sekolah. Sebelum-
las). Keterampilan mengkomunikasikan ide-ide
nya, pembelajaran dengan pendekatan matema-
tersebut adalah salah satu kompetensi yang di-
tika realistik juga pernah dilakukan oleh Syah-
tuntut dalam pembelajaran model sismat untuk
putra (2013), yaitu berikaitan dengan kemam-
memampukan siswa berinteraksi/berkolaborasi
puan spasial. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bah-
dengan orang lain.
wa siswa dibelajarkan dengan pendekatan ma-
Fase IV: Penemuan objek matematika disertai tematika realistik lebih baik daripada kemam-
pengembangan skemata baru puan spasial siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan
Objek-objek matematika berupa model pendekatan konvensional. Jadi, pengembangan
(contoh konsep) yang diperoleh dari proses dan perangkat pembelajaran matematika realistik ini
hasil pemecahan masalah untuk dijadikan bahan cukup baik. Di pihak lain, Redhana (2014) me-
inspirasi dan abstraksi konsep melalui penemu- lakukan penelitian lain yang meneliti perbedaan
an ciri-ciri konsep oleh siswa dan mengkon- hasil belajar sebagai akibat penerapan model
struksi konsep secara ilmiah. Setelah konsep pembelajaran tertentu yaitu yang meneliti efek
ditemukan, guru melakukan teorema pengon- penerapan pembelajaran model seminar Socra-
trasan melalui pengajuan contoh dan bukan tes dan model pembelajaran langsung. Hasilnya
contoh. Dengan mengajukan sebuah objek, guru memperlihatkan bahwa siswa yang belajar de-
meminta siswa memberi alasan, apakah objek ngan model pembelajaran seminar Socrates me-
itu termasuk contoh atau bukan contoh konsep. nunjukkan hasil lebih tinggi daripada siswa
Guru memberi kesempatan bertanya atas yang belajar dengan model pembelajaran lang-
hal-hal yang kurang dipahami. Sesekali guru sung.
menguji pemahaman siswa atas konsep dan Berikut disajikan prototife desain pembela-
prinsip yang ditemukan, serta melengkapi hasil jaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem so-
pemikiran siswa dengan memberikan contoh sial masyarakat.

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2015, Th. XXXIV, No. 2


PENUTUP strumen penelitian memenuhi kriteria validitas,

Produk penelitian ini adalah desain pem- sesitivitas, dan reliabilitas. Validitas setiap item tes
belajaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem hasil belajar matematika adalah sangat tinggi dan
sosial masyarakat. Melalui fase-fase pengemba- tinggi; sensititivitas setiap item tes hasil belajar
ngan desain pembelajaran, diperoleh simpulan matematika memiliki kepekaan; dan reliabilitas tes
dan saran dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai be- hasil belajar matematika adalah sangat tinggi.
Simpulan Berdasarkan simpulan penelitian, dapat di-
Desain pembelajaran matematika yang beri beberapa saran kepada praktisi yang berminat
memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat diper- untuk menerapkan desain pembelajaran matema-
oleh melalui proses pengembangan yang telah tika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat
memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas adalah
Desain pembelajaran ini merupakan hasil pe- sebagai berikut.
ngembangan yang mencakup komponen-kom- Pertama, desain pembelajaran matema-
ponen: rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, bu- tika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial masya-
ku petunjuk guru, buku siswa, lembar kegiatan rakat yang dihasilkan, belum dimplementasi-
siswa, dan tes hasil belajar matematikayang me- kan secara luas di sekolah-sekolah, khusus-
menuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Tes ha- nya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP).
sil belajar matematika dalam funginya sebagai in- Karena itu, untuk mengetahui keefektifan

Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Memanfaatkan Sistem Sosial Masyarakat


desain pembelajaran matematika yang me- DAFTAR PUSTAKA

manfaatkan sistem sosial masyarakat, disaran- Bloom, Madaus & Hasting. 1981. Methods Gra-
kan kepada para guru dan peneliti lainnya ding in Summative Evaluation. New York:
untuk mengimplementasikan desain pembela- McGraw-Hill.
jaran matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem
sosial masyarakat pada ruang lingkup yang Murwaningsih, Utami, Erika Laras Astutining-
lebih luas di sekolah-sekolah, khususnya di tyas, & Nuryani Tri Rahayu. 2014. “Im-
SMP. Dengan demikian, hasil-hasil penelitian plementasi Pengembangan Perangkat
yang terkait dengan desain pembelajaran ma- Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik di
tematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial Sekolah Menengah Pertama”. Cakrawala
masyarakat dapat dijadikan referensi untuk
Pendidikan. Th. XXXIII, No.3, hlm. 463-
mengembangkan desain pembelajaran lain-
nya dan tetap melibatkan metakognisi siswa.
Kedua, bagi guru matematika yang ber-
keinginan menerapkan desain pembelajaran Nieveen, Nienke., 2007. “An Introduction to
matematika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial Educational Design Research”. Procee-
masyarakat pada materi yang lain, dapat me- dings of the Seminar Conducted at the
ngembangkan sendiri desain pembelajaran East China Normal University, Shanghai
yang diperlukan dengan memperhatikan ka- (PR China), November 23-26, 2007.
rakteristik dari materi pelajaran yang akan di-
kembangkan. Redhana, I Wayan. 2014. “Pengaruh Model
Ketiga, guru yang berupaya untuk me- Pembelajaran Seminar Socrates terhadap
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puan siswa menyelesaikan masalah, serta me- dikan. Th. XXXIII, No.1, hlm. 27-38.
ningkatkan minat siswa dalam belajar mate-
matika, penerapan desain pembelajaran mate- Syahputra, Edi. 2013. “Peningkatan Kemampu-
matika yang memanfaatkan sistem sosial ma- an Spasial Siswa melalui Penerapan Pem-
syarakat dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif belajaran Matematika Realistik”. Cakra-
jawaban permasalahan tersebut. wala Pendidikan. Th. XXXII, No.3, hlm.
Segala puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan
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kepada Allah SWT karena dengan kehendak
Concepts: Implications for Mathematics
dan izin-Nya serta rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, pe-
Education”. Focus on Learning Problems
nelitian ini dapat diselesaikan. Berkenaan de-
In Mathematics. Vol. 15, 2-3.
ngan itu, sepantasnya penulis menyampaikan
penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada:
Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D.S., dan Semmel, M.I.
(1) Direktur DP2M Dikti yang telah meberikan
1974. Intructional Development for Train-
dana melalui penelitian Hibah Bersaing multi-
ing Teachers of Exceptional Children.
years; (2) Pimpinan UNM Makassar atas ke-
Minnesota: University of Minnesota.
sempatan yang diberikan kepada kami untuk
melaksanakan penelitian ini; dan (3) pengelola
Jurnal Ilmiah Cakrawala Pendidikan Univer-
sitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang telah menerbitkan
hasil penelitian ini.

Cakrawala Pendidikan, Juni 2015, Th. XXXIV, No. 2

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika, FTMIPA Unindra. 20 Agustus 2016


Dwi Nurjanah & Leonard
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Teknik, Matematika, dan IPA
Universitas Insdraprasta PGRI

Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan desain pembelajaran

metematika pada kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Desain pembelajaran yang dibuat diharapkan mampu
memfasilitasi pembelajaran matematika untuk siswa kelas v sekolah dasar. Model pengembangan
yang digunakan mengacu pada Model Pengembangan Instruksional (MPI) Atwi Suparman.
Langkah-langkah yang digunakan adalah Analisis Kebutuhan, Perumusan TIU, Analisis
Instruksional, Identifikasi Perilaku atau Karakteristik Awal, Perumusan TIK, Alat Penilaian,
Strategi Pembelajaran, mengembangkan bahan instruksional, dan melakukan evaluasi formatif.
Setelah melalui langkah-langkah tersebut terbentuklah satu buah bahan ajar dalam bentuk buku.
Buku tersebut terdiri dari 6 bab yang terdiri dari Operasi hitung bilangan bulat, KPK & FPB,
Pecahan, Satuan Pengukuran, Bangun Datar, dan Bangun Ruang Sederhana. Didalamnya terdapat
Materi, Contoh soal, Latihan, dan Rangkuman. Dengan adanya bahan ajar yang telah dibuat ini
diharapkan agar dapat memudahkan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran matematika. Selain itu
mampu membantu pengajar dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran matematika.

Kata kunci: Pengembangan, desain pembelajaran, pelajaran matematika, kompetensi,


Dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara untuk menjadi suatu negara yang maju
diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Untuk menjadi sumber daya manusia yang
berkualitas dapat dibentuk dari pendidikan yang berkualitas pula. Sementara itu pendidikan formal
diindonesia dimulai dari sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, sekolah menengah atas hingga
perguruan tinggi.
Pendidikan formal diindonesia sendiri dirasa kurang efektif sebab dalam praktiknya banyak
pengajar yang kurang mampu mengolah materi dengan baik dan menarik. sedangkan menurut
undang – undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional, mengatakan bahwa
guru yang profesional diharapkan dapat melaksanakan tugasnya, mampu menunjukkan
kemampuannya yang ditandai dengan penguasaan materi kompetensi akademik kependidikan dan
kompetensi substansi dan atau bidang studi sesuai bidang ilmunya. Salah satu indikator guru yang
profesional adalah mampu mengembangkan atau menetapkan dan menggunakan pendekatan,
metode, model pembelajaran yang tepat dengan materi yang diajarkan.
Seorang guru harus mampu mengolah materi dengan baik dan menarik. Kebanyakan guru
masih terpaku dalam menggunakan pendekatan konvensional. Dimana dalam pendekatan
konvensional sendiri guru yang mendominasi yakni guru yang menyampaikan materi, menjelaskan
isi dari materi tersebut sehingga pembelajaran terkesan monoton. Hal tersebut sangat erat
hubungannya dengan karakteristik pada peserta didik, menurut Piaget perkembang berfikir anak
terbagi dalam beberapa tahap yakni pada usia 0-2 tahun (sensomotor), 2-7 tahun (praoperasional),
7-11 tahun (operasi konkrer) dan usia 11 tahun lebih (operasi formal). Pada setiap tahapan tersebut
menunjukan perilaku yang unik, dinamis dan menjadi ciri psikologis dari perilaku belajar pada
rentang usia tersebut.
Dari hasil pengamatan disekolah pada anak kelas V SD masih suka bermain dan kurang
memperhatikan penjelasan guru. Sehingga dibutuhkan desain pembelajaran yang baik. Terutama
dalam penyampaian materi agar tidak terkesan membosankan.
Hal tersebut dapat terjadi pula dalam pembelajaran matematika dikelas V SD hal ini sejalan
dengan pendapat suryanto (Tojibah: 2015) pembelajaran matematika saat ini banyak disajikan

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sebagai barang jadi, yaitu sebagai sistem deduktif. Tugas peserta didik adalah menghafal definisi
dan teorema, mengerjakan soal-soal atau berlatih menerapkan rumus-rumus.
Pembelajaran atau pengajaran menurut Degeng (Hamzah, 2014: 2) adalah upaya untuk
membelajarkan siswa. Dalam pengertian secara implisit dalam pengajaran terdapat kegiatan
memilih, menetapkan, mengembangkan metode untuk mencapai hasil pengajaran yang diinginkan.
Pemilihan, penetapan, dan pengembangan metode ini didasarkan pada kondisi pengajaran yang
ada. Adapun hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran adalah
bagaimana cara mengorganisasikan pembelajaran, bagaimana menyampaikan isi pembelajaran, dan
bagaimana menata interaksi antara sumber-sumber belajar yang ada agar dapat berfungsi secara
Untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran yang ada, diperlukan perancangan pembelajaran
atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan desain pembelajaran yang baik. Desain Pembelajaran sekurang –
kurangnya memuat: a) Judul atau Tema yang akan dipelajari, b) Mata pelajaran, c) Kompetensi
yang akan dicapai ( Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar), d) Kelas dan Semester, e)
Alokasi waktu, f) Peralatan/bahan/sumber belajar, g) Langkah pembelajaran, dan h) Penilaian.
Desain instruksional dapat digunakan untuk pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran. selain
itu dengan desain pembelajaran yang baik dapat membuat pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan

Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar
Menurut Dimiyati dan Mudjiono (Sobry, 2014: 11) pembelajaran dapat diartikan juga
sebagai kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk membelajarkan siswa. dalam pengertian lain, pembelajaran
menurut Winkel (Sobry, 2014: 12) merupakan seperangkat tindakan yang dirancang untuk
mendukung proses belajar peserta didik, dengan memperhitungkan kejadian-kejadian eksternal
yang berperan terhadap serangkaian kejadian-kejadian internal yang berlangsung didalam peserta
didik. Degeng (Sobry, 2014: 12) mengartikan pembelajaran sebagai upaya untuk membelajarkan
Dari beberapa pengertian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran adalah segala
upaya yang dilakukan oleh pendidik agar terjadi prose belajar pada diri peserta didik. Secara
implisit didalam pembelajaran, ada kegiatan memilih, menetapkan dan mengembangkan metode
dan model untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang diinginkan.
Menurut Dienes (Hasbullah, 2014: 3) menyatakan bahwa setiap konsep matematika dapat
dipahami dengan mudah apabila kendala utama yang menyebabkan anak sulit memahami dapat
dikurangi atau dihilangkan. Dienes berkeyakinan bahwa anak pada umumnya melakukan abstraksi
berdasarkan intuisi dan pengalaman konkret, sehingga cara mengajarkan konsep-konsep
matematika dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan objek konkret.
Bruner (Hasbullah, 2014: 3) menyatakan bahwa mengetahui adalah proses bukan produk.
Oleh karena itu pembelajaran matematika akan lebih menarik jika siswa dilibatkan melalui
interaksi langsung dengan lingkungan.
Sedangkan menurut Hudoyo (Tilaar, 2011: 187) mengatakan bahwa belajar matematika
merupakan kegiatan mental yang tinggi, sehingga dalam mengajarkan matematika guru harus
mampu memberikan penjelasan dengan baik sehingga konsep – konsep matematika yang abstrak
dapat dipahami siswa. keabstrakan matematika dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
1. Objek matematika adalah abstrak yang terdiri dari fakta, konsep, operasi dan prinsip.
2. Matematika menggunakan simbol – simbol, sehingga kemungkinan belajar materi matematika
dapat memasuki wilayah bidang studi atau cabang ilmu yang lain.
3. Berfikir secara matematika dilandasi oleh kesepakatan – kesepakatan yang disebut aksioma,
sehingga matematika bersifat aksiomatik.
4. Belajar matematika dengan cara menalar matematika deduktif.

Dari pendapat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam pembelajaran matematika

merupakan kegiatan yang menarik jiwa karena mempelajari dalam bentuk konsep, objek – objek
dan juga simbol yang bersifat abstrak.

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Teori Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran

Desain Pembelajaran adalah format yang berisi langkah – langkah yang harus dikerjakan
oleh guru dalam merancang proses pembelajaran. Desain Pembelajaran sekurang – kurangnya
a. Judul atau Tema yang akan dipelajari
b. Mata pelajaran
c. Kompetensi yang akan dicapai ( Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar)
d. Kelas dan Semester
e. Alokasi waktu
f. Peralatan/bahan/sumber belajar
g. Langkah pembelajaran
h. Penilaian
Menurut Pribadi (Suparman, 2012: 105) menyatakan Bahwa “Penerapan Desain Sistem
pembelajaran bertujuan untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang sukses, yaitu pembelajaran yang
mampu membantu siswa mencapai kompetensi yang diinginkan”.
Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran adalah serangkaian proses atau kegiatan yang
dilakukan untuk menghasilkan suatu desain pembelajaran guna memperbaiki desain pembelajaran
yang telah ada agar lebih efektif.

Pembelajaran lebih menekankan pada bagaimana cara agar tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran
tersebut. Adapun hal-hal yang tidak bisa dilupakan untuk mencapai tujuan adalah bagaimana cara
mengorganisasikan pembelajaran, bagaimana menyampaikan isi pembelajaran, dan bagaimana
menata interaksi anata sumber – sumber belajar yang ada agar dapat berfungsi secara optimal.

Konsep Model Pengembangan Instruksional

Istilah instruksional dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah sistem yang mengacu pada suatu objek
yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Menurut Suparman (2012: 82) bahwa
kegiatan instruksional dipandang sebagai suatu sistem. Istilah sistem merujuk pada benda,
peristiwa, keajaiban, atau cara yang terorganisir yang terdiri dari bagian – bagian yang lebih kecil
dan seluruh bagian tersebut secara bersama – sama berfungsi untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.
Sedangkan Desain Instruksional ialah proses yang sistematis yang mensyaratkan penggunaan
teori pembelajaran untuk merencanakan dan menyajikan pembelajaran (rangkaian urutan) dari
instruksional. Tujuan dari desain instruksional adalah untuk meningkatkan belajar. Beberapa nilai
yang menggaris bawahi desain instruksional adalah:
1. Maksud dan tujuan dari instruksional harus diidentifikasikan dan dicatat
2. Semua hasil instruksional harus terukur dan memenuhi standar reliable dan valid
3. konsep desain instruksional berpusat pada perubahan dari perilaku murid.
Atas dasar inilah maka dipilihlah model pengembangan instruksional yang mengacu pada
model pengembangan instruksional atwi suparman.

Pada Model Pengembangan Instruksional (MPI) Atwi Suparman ada beberapa tahapan.
Tahapan pertama adalah mengidentifiskasi kebutuhan instruksional melalui wawancara dilapangan.
Pada tahapan berikutnya merumuskan Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU) yang diharapkan.
Selanjutnya menganalisis kebutuhan instruksional dengan menentukan kompetensi yang
diharapkan dicapai oleh peserta didik. dari hasil analisis instruksional ini akan didapatkan sebuah
peta kompetensi. serta membuat Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK) untuk mencapai TIU.
Untuk tahapan berikutnya membuat alat penilaian yang bertujuan mengetahui sejauh mana
keefektifan desain pembelajaran yang dibuat. Dan pemahaman peserta didik terhadap kompetensi
yang diharapkan.
Setelah membuat alat penilaian, peneliti membuat strategi pembelajaran yang terdiri dari:
tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan dicapai oleh peserta didik, isi dan materi, metode
pembelajaran yang digunakan, media, alat dan alokasi waktu.
Pada tahapan yang terakhir adalah evaluasi formatif oleh para ahli. Evaluasi formatif ini
dilakukan oleh ahli materi, ahli desain, serta ahli ketatabahasaan. Evaluasi formatif ini bertujuan

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untuk mengetahui kekurangan yang ada dalam bahan ajar. setelah evaluasi formatif ini, peneliti
melakukan revisi sesuai masukan dari para ahli.


Tahap pembuatan desain pembelajaran yang akhirnya menghasilkan bahan ajar Matematika
SD kelas V ini dilakukan oleh pendesain diadaptasi dari langkah-langkah model pengembangan
instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh M.Atwi Suparman. Adapun tahapan tersebut adalah sebagai
a. Analisis kebutuhan dan Menentukan Tujuan Instruksional Umum
Analisis kebutuhan peserta didik merupakan kegiatan awal pada proses pengembangan
desain pembelajaran. Analisis kebutuhan ini adalah kunci utama dalam keberhasilan membuat
bahan ajar. Jika proses ini berjalan baik dan mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dilapangan maka
akan berjalan baik pula dalam keseluruhan proses pengembangan desain pembelajaran
matematika SD kelas V ini.
Pada tahap analisis kebutuhan pendesain melakukan wawancara langsung kepada guru
SD kelas V dan Siswa kelas V untuk mendapatkan informasi secara konkret mengenai
karakteristik peserta didik serta kompetensi yang diharapkan dapat dicapai oleh peserta didik
yang duduk di Sekolah Dasar kelas V.
Dalam wawancara tersebut beberapa dari narasumber mengatakan bahwa karakteristik
peserta didik SD kelas V masih memiliki kategori yang hampir sama dengan tingkatan kelas
rendah. Selain itu dalam proses penyampaian materi guru menggunakan metode pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan wawancara dari narasumber maka didapatkan beberapa materi yang
diharapkan dikuasai oleh peserta didik. Sehingga dari hasil wawancara tersebut dapat dibuat
Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU) untuk menentukan kompetensi yang harus dicapai oleh
peserta didik. Tujuan Instruksional Umum ini akan menjadi acuan atau patokan dalam
mengembangkan bahan ajar. Isi dari Tujuan Instruksional Umum tersebut adalah “jika
diberikan soal latihan matematika mengenai pelajaran matematika Sekolah Dasar kelas V,
maka siswa Sekolah Dasar kelas V diharapkan mampu memahami dan mengerjakan dengan
baik, dalam menyelesaikan soal – soal latihan maupun dalam pemecahan masalah yang
berbentuk soal cerita dengan mengerjakan sendiri, cepat, dan minimal benar 80%, yang
meliputi materi Sekolah dasar kelas V”.

b. Analisis Instruksional
Setelah melalui analisis kebutuhan dan didapat kompetensi yang harus dikuasai,
selanjutnya pendesain membuat analisis instruksional yakni menentukan indikator apa saja
yang berhubungan dengan kompetensi yang harus dikuasai. pada proses ini, analisis
instruksional ini harus benar-benar matang. Hasil dari analisis instruksional ini berupa peta
kompetensi yang menunjukkan mulai dari indikator atau kompetensi dasar hingga yang paling
tinggi seperti yang dirumuskan pada TIU. Adapun uraian kompetensinya sebagai berikut:
1) Mampu melakukan penjumlahan dan pengurangan pada bilangan bulat
2) Mampu melakukan perkalian dan pembagian pada bilangan bulat
3) Mengenal sifat-sifat asosiatif, komutatif dan distributif
4) Mampu melakukan operasi hitung campuran.
5) Mengenal penaksiran dan pembulatan suatu bilangan
6) Mampu menghitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan dengan menggunakan penaksiran
suatu bilangan
7) Mampu menghitung perkalian dan pembagian dengan menggunakan penaksiran suatu
8) Mampu memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan operasi hitung campuran.
9) Mengenal bilangan berpangkat
10) Mampu menentukan hasil pangkat suatu bilangan
11) Mengenal bilangan prima
12) Mampu menentukan Bilangan Prima
13) Mampu menentukan faktor suatu bilangan

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14) Mampu menentukan Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil (KPK) dan Faktor Persekutuan
Terbesar (FPB)
15) Mampu memecahan masalah yang berkaitan dengan Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil
(KPK) dan Faktor Persekutuan Terbesar (FPB)
16) Mengenal akar suatu bilangan
17) Menentukan hasil akar suatu bilangan
18) Mengenal bentuk pecahan biasa, persen, desimal dan campuran
19) Mampu menghitung penjumlahan dan pengurangan suatu pecahan
20) Mampu menghitung perkalian dan pembagian suatu pecahan
21) Mengubah bentuk pecahan campuran kedalam bentuk pecahan biasa dan sebaliknya
22) Mengubah bentuk pecahan biasa kedalam bentuk pecahan desimal dan sebaliknya
23) Mengubah bentuk pecahan biasa kedalam bentuk pecahan persen dan sebaliknya
24) Mampu mengoperasikan pecahan berbeda
25) Mampu menggunakan konsep pecahan dalam kehidupan sehari – hari
26) Mengenal perbandingan
27) Mampu menghitung perbandingan
28) Mengenal skala pada peta
29) Mampu menghitung skala pada peta
30) Mengenal satuan waktu, sudut, panjang dan berat
31) Mampu mengubah satuan waktu, panjang dan berat
32) Melakukan operasi hitung satuan waktu
33) Melakukan operasi hitung satuan panjang
34) Melakukan operasi hitung satuan berat
35) Mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan satuan waktu, sudut, panjang dan
berat dalam bentuk soal cerita
36) Mengenal bentuk bangun datar
37) Mampu mendeskripsikan sifat-sifat bangun datar
38) Mampu menghitung luas dan keliling bangun datar
39) Mampu menghitung luas dan keliling gabungan dua bangun datar
40) Mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan luas dan keliling bangun datar
41) Mampu menentukan simetri lipat suatu bangun datar
42) Mampu menentukan simetri putar suatu bangun datar
43) Mampu menentukan pencerminan suatu bangun datar
44) Mengenal kubus dan balok
45) Mampu mengidentifikasi sifat-sifat bangun ruang
46) Mampu membuat jaring-jaring bangun ruang
47) Menentukan panjang rusuk
48) Mampu menghitung volume bangun ruang
49) Mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan bangun ruang

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Peta Kompetensi Pencapaian Hasil Belajar

jika diberikan soal latihan matematika mengenai pelajaran matematika

Sekolah Dasar kelas V, maka siswa Sekolah Dasar kelas V mampu memahami
dan mengerjakan dengan baik, dalam menyelesaikan soal – soal latihan
maupun dalam pemecahan masalah yang berbentuk soal cerita dengan
mengerjakan sendiri, cepat, dan minimal benar 80%, yang meliputi materi
Sekolah dasar kelas V

8 17 25 35 40 49
26 28
27 29

45 46

21 22 23
41 42 43
5 16 19 20
37 38 39

6 7 15
31 30

4 13 14 32 33 34

Garis Entry Behavior

3 9 11
4 4

1 2 10 12
4 4 4

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c. Identifikasi perilaku peserta didik SD kelas V

Hasil Wawancara: Identitas Kebutuhan Untuk Menentukan Tujuan

Karakteristik umum Kompetensi yang Tujuan mempelajari Sumber
anak kelas 5 SD harus dimiliki matematika
oleh siswa kelas 5
siswa kelas 5 SD 1. Operasi hitung Penerapannya dalam Lusiah,
memiliki karakter 2. Pengukuran kehidupan sehari- S.Pd.i
yang berbeda-beda, (geometri) hari. (guru kelas
rata-rata siswa 3. Perbandingan 5 MI Nurul
memiliki karakter Falah)
yang baik, peduli,
konsentrasi dalam Pada:
belajar, akan tetapi Maret 2016
sebagian siswa laki-
lakinya aktif
Karakteristik pada Pemecahan Matematika Amsari
siswa kelas 5 SD, masalah digunakan dalam lubis S.Pd.i
terkadang masih sederhana kehidupan sehari- (guru kelas
kurang teliti dan hari 5 MI Nurul
bertanggung jawab Falah)
Maret 2016
Karakteristik siswa Berhitung, Tujuan dari Pratami
pada kelas 5 SD mencakup pembelajaran dewi
memiliki karakter perkalian, matematika adalah (guru kelas
yang berbeda-beda pembagian, untuk pemecahan 5 SDN
ada yang masih suka pengurangan, masalah dalam Batu
bermain dan ada juga penjumlahan, kehidupan sehari- Ampar 02
yang serius dalam bilangan hari. Selain itu pagi)
memperhatikan guru bulat maupun matematika adalah Pada:
pada pecahan dasar dari ilmu lain. Maret 2016
1. Bangga akan 1. Melakukan Tindak lanjut dari Fitriani
prestasi yang operasi hitung kelas bawah, S.Pd
diraih pada bilangan Aplikasi dalam (guru kelas
2. Gemar bermain bulat dalam kehidupan sehari- 5 SDN
menggunakan pemecahan hari, melatih barfikir Batu
bola masalah cepat, sebagai dasar Ampar 03
3. Tidak stabil 2. Menggunakan sd dan seterusnya. pagi)
4. Bisa berontak pengukuran Pada:
5. Bersifat kritis waktu dan Maret 2016
3. Menghitung
luas bangun
4. Menggunakan
pecahan dalam
5. Memahami
bangun dan

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antar bangun
1. Masih suka 1. Menguasai Matematika sangat Dra. Meita
bermain perkalian 1-9 berguna dalam ismiati
2. Interaktif 2. Rumus bangun kehidupan sehari- (guru SDN
3. Kritis datar hari, matematika Batu
4. Belum sederhana untuk sekolah dasar Ampar 12
sepenuhnya dapat 3. KPK dan FPB sangat perlu untuk pagi)
bertanggung 4. Pecahan dipelajari, karena Pada:
jawab 5. Jaring-jaring sebagai dasar Maret 2016
5. Karakter anak bangun ruang berhitung dikelas
yang supel 6. Perbandingan berikutnya. Selain itu
6. Pada masa kelas 5 dan skala jika telah masuk
SD adalah masa 7. Pengukuran SMP maka
peralihan dari berat matematika akan
kelas rendah digunakan dalam
cabang ilmu lainnya

Pada tahap ini pendesain menyimpulkan karakteristik Siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar sangat
bervariatif. Dari beberapa siswa ada yang terlihat aktif dan ada juga yang pasif, ada dari mereka
yang sangat suka belajar ataupun antusias mendengarkan penjelasan guru. Akan tetapi dari segi
tanggung jawab terhadap tugas, masih ditemukan siswa yang tidak mengerjakan PR.
Hasil dari karakteristik awal peserta didik yang dilakukan dilapangan saat proses
pembelajaran matematika, ada beberapa siswa yang menjahili temannya dan berlarian didalam
kelas. Hal ini, menjadi salah satu kesulitan guru dalam proses pembelajaran matematika.

d. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK)

Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK) merupakan dasar dalam membuat kisi-kisi dan alat
penilaian. Dalam menentukan isi dari bahan ajar yang akan diajarkan, pendesain merumuskan
berdasarkan kompetensi dasar yang ada dalam TIK. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus merupakan
penjabaran dari TIU. Perumusan TIK sangat bergantung pada TIU. Pendesain membuat 6 TIK dari
TIU tersebut. Untuk mencapai TIK maka pendesain menentukan indikator atau kompetensi dasar
dari analisis instruksional yang telah dibuat untuk mencapai keberhasilan dari TIU tersebut.
Salah satu kendala yang ditemui saat pendesain membuat TIK adalah ada indikator atau
kompetensi dasar yang dirasa penting menurut pendesain akan tetapi kurang penting menurut guru.
Akan tetapi setelah dibicarakan lebih lanjut guru yang bersangkutanpun merasa hal tersebut penting
juga. Karena jika indikator atau kompetensi dasar yang dapat dikuasai oleh siswa, maka TIK yang
diharapkanpun tercapai dan secara otomatis TIUnya pun tercapai.

e. Alat Penilaian Hasil Belajar

Alat penilaian atau instrumen penilaian ini akan digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana
keberhasilan pencapaian kompetensi yang diharapkan pada akhir pembelajaran metematika kelas V
Sekolah Dasar. Instrumen yang dibuat oleh pendesain berupa butir-butir soal yang akan diujikan di
akhir pembelajaran. Butir-butir soal yang dibuat mengacu pada tabel spesifikasi tes yang
komperhensif. Tabel spesifikasi ini memuat indikator-indikator pencapaian siswa dalam
pembelajaran metematika.
Dalam pembuatan tabel spesifikasi tes pendesain mengamati indikator-indikator umum yang
telah disusun oleh Depdiknas untuk mata pelajaran matematika SD kelas V yang kemudian
disesuaikan dengan kompetensi-kompetensi yang diharapkan dicapai siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar.

f. Strategi Pembelajaran
Stategi Pembelajaran ini dibuat agar kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan terarah.
Setiap TIK dibuat strategi pembelajaran yang dirasa sesuai untuk mencapai tujuan yang
diharapkan. Adapun komponen yang harus ada dalam strategi pembeljaran seperti urutan kegiatan
instruksional, isi atau materi, media dan alat, metode hingga waktu. Dalam hal ini pendesain
membuat strategi pembelajaran menggunakan tabel.

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Dalam membuat strategi pembelajaran pendesain perlu memahami beberapa metode-metode

agar sesuai dengan materi yang akan disampaikan. Selain itu media atau alat peraga juga akan
membantu guru untuk menyampaikan materi. Dengan adanya waktu dalam Strategi Pembelajaran
ini, diharapkan memudahkan guru untuk mengolah kelas agar waktu yang digunakan lebih efisien.
Strategi pembelajaran akan memudahkan guru dalam mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan
dikuasai oleh peserta didik.

g. Mengembangkan Bahan Instruksional

Bahan ajar ini merupakan produk yang dihasilkan dalam proses pengembangan desain
pembelajaran. Bahan ajar ini berisi materi-materi, contoh soal serta latihan untuk memfasilitasi
peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran matematika.
Dari segi muatan ini, pendesain menyusun bahan ini sesuai dengan TIK dan TIU. Selain itu
pendesain juga mencari buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan kompetensi yang akan dicapai untuk
dijadikan referensi dalam pembuatan soal dan kelengkapan isi atau materi. dari segi desain atau
tampilan bahan ajar ini penulis membuat cover yang lebih sederhana namun didalamnya diberikan
gambar-gambar yang menarik serta warna yang cukup menarik untuk Siswa kelas V Sekolah
Dasar. Hal ini bertujuan agar siswa lebih tertarik dengan pembelajaran matematika dan mau
berlatih dalam mengerjakan soal matematika.
Adapun kesulitan yang ditemui pendesain dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar ini diantaranya
menemukan ide keunggulan bahan ajar yang dibuat, menentukan desain yang sesuai dengan
karakteristik siswa namun tetap membuat siswa tetap fokus pada materi, karena jika desain yang
dibuat terlalu banyak dapat mengganggu konsentrasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran matematika.

h. Melakukan Evaluasi Formatif

Evaluasi Formatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keefektifan bahan ajar yang
telah dibuat. Idealnya dalam melakukan efaluasi formatif dilakukan yaitu evaluasi satu-satu oleh
para ahli, evaluasi satu-satu oleh peserta didik, evaluasi kelompok kecil, hingga uji coba lapangan.
Dan dari setiap evaluasi jika ada yang salah dilakukan revisi.
Akan tetapi evaluasi formatif ini hanya sampai pada tahap evaluasi formatif satu-satu oleh
para ahli. Evaluasi formatif para ahli disini terdiri dari ahli materi yaitu guru yang bersangkutan,
ahli ketatabahasaan yaitu dosen bahasa indonesia yang menilai sejauh mana keefektifan bahasa
yang digunakan hingga susunan dalam membuat jawaban dalam soal pilihan ganda, dan ahli desain
untuk menilai desain yang dibuat dalam bahan ajar tersebut.
Hasil dari pengembangan desain instruksional ini adalah produk berupa bahan ajar yang
memuat materi kelas 5 SD. Bahan ajar ini dilengkapi dengan Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU)
dan Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK), indikator pencapaian kompetensi, peta konsep, materi
yang mudah dimengerti, contoh-contoh yang mudah dipahami dan berkaitan dengan permasalahan
kehidupan sehari-hari, latihan soal yang dapat digunakan untuk lebih memahami materi yang
dipelajari, dan disetiap akhir bab diberikan ulangan akhir bab yang bertujuan mengukur sejauh
mana kemampuan dan pengetahuan siswa tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.
Dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar ini penulis menyusun materi berdasarkan analisis
kebutuhan. Sehingga apa yang dibutuhkan siswa dapat mereka temukan dibahan ajar ini. Isi
materinya terdiri dari 6 bab, yaitu: operasi hitung bilangan bulat, Kelipatan Persekutuan
Terkecil(KPK) dan Faktor Persekutuan terBesar(FPB), Pecahan, Satuan Pengukuran, Bangun Datar
dan Bangun Ruang. Pada bahan ajar yang dibuat penulis kembangkan setiap bab diberikan contoh
yang berkenaan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dalam bentuk soal cerita. Dalam penyampaian
materipun penulis menggunakan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami oleh siswa. Sehingga dengan
segala kemudahan yang disajikan diharapkan peserta didik mampu memahami pelajaran yang
disampaikan oleh guru.

Bahan ajar matematika kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar selama satu tahun pelajaran dalam desain
instruksional yang dikembangkan dengan model pengembangan instruksional M. Atwi Suparman,
meliputi tahap pendahuluan, analisis dan pengembangan prototype, serta melaksanakan evaluasi

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika, FTMIPA Unindra. 20 Agustus 2016

formatif. Pada tahap pendahuluan terdiri dari mengidentifikasi kebutuhan instruksional dan menulis
tujuan instruksional umum, melakukan analisis instruksional, serta mengidentifikasi perilaku dan
karakteristik awal peserta didik. pada tahap berikutnya, yakni analisis dan pengembangan prototype
terdiri dari menulis tujuan instruksional umum, menulis alat penilaian hasil belajar, menyusun
strategi instruksional, dan mengembangkan bahan instruksional. Untuk tahap terakhir dalam
melaksanakan evaluasi formatif terdiri dari penelaahan oleh pakar dan revisi.
Penilaian kualitas bahan ajar dilaksanakan pada tahap evaluasi formatif oleh tiga ahli yang
terdiri dari ahli materi yaitu guru yang bersangkutan, ahli desain dan ahli ketatabahasaan. Hasil
penilaian dari ahli tersebut adalah bahan ajar instruksional yang telah dibuat sudah baik hanya saja
ada beberapa hal yang masih perlu diperbaiki lalu direvisi.

Adapun saran pemanfaatan dan pengembangan produk lebih lanjut adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Saran pemanfaatan
Bahan ajar matematika sekolah dasar kelas 5 dalam desain instruksional hasil penelitian ini
sangat baik digunakan sebagai sumber belajar dalam pembelajaran matematika dalam upaya
memfasilitasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa.

2. Saran pengembangan produk lebih lanjut

a. Bahan ajar matematika sekolah dasar kelas 5 dalam desain instruksional ini dapat
dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar tersebut dengan
memperhatikan berbagai kekurangan dan kelebihan sehingga dihasilkan produk bahan
ajar yang lebih baik.
b. Dalam bahan ajar ini, dari segi isi ditambahkan beberapa gambar lagi agar lebih menarik
lagi. Dan untuk cover dapat dicoba dengan warna yang lebih colour full.

Hamzah, B. Uno. 2014. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Hasbullah. 2014. Media Pembelajaran Matematika. Jakarta: Savitra Collage
LF.Tilaar, Anetha. 2011. Efektivitas pembelajaran kontekstual dalam mengajarkan
matematika. Jurnal Formatif, 1 (3): 187-188
Suparman, M. Atwi. 2012. Desain Instruksional Modern. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Sutikno, M.Sobry. 2014. Metode & Model-model Pembelajaran. Lombok: Holistica
Tojibah, M. 2015. Efektifitas penerapan strategi pembelajaran metakognitif dalam
pembelajaran matematika. EduResearch (dalam Leonard). 1: 25-49. Jakarta: Unindra

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Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376


Risma Ramadanti Jaelani, 2)Nita Hidayati

Mahasiswa Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Jl.HS. RonggoWaluyo, Kec. Teluk Jambe Timur, Kabupaten
Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361
Dosen Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Jl.HS. RonggoWaluyo, Kec. Teluk Jambe Timur, Kabupaten Karawang,
Jawa Barat 41361,E-mail:

Abstrak: Menganalisis serta mendeskripsikan kemampuan koneksi matematis pada materi pola bilangan
merupakan suatu tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif.
Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII G berjumlah 38 orang.Instrument yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini ialah tes dengan tipe subjektif (uraian)yang diguanakan untuk mengukur kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa pada materi pola bilangan. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang diperoleh dari lembar
kerja siswa kelas VIII G di SMP Negeri 2 Majalaya mengenai kemampuan koneksi matematis pada materi
pola bilangan menunjukan tergolong rendah. Hal tersebut terlihat dari masing-masing indikator yang
menunjukan hasil nilai jawaban siswa masih banyak yang belum mampu mencapai indikator dari setiap
kemampuan koneksi matematis. Karena nilai yang diperoleh siswa sangat bervariasi dari setiap soalnya, ada
yang memperoleh nilai minimum dan maksimum, sehingga hanya 3 indikator yang mampu dicapai oleh
sebagian siswa pada kemampuan koneksi matematis.

Kata-kata kunci: Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis, Materi Pola Bilangan, Pembelajaran Matematika SMP

PENDAHULUAN pembelajaran khususnya matematika pasti

Pendidikan mempunyai peranan yang memiliki tujuan pembelajaran yang akan
sangat berarti untuk kehidupan setiap individu. dicapai. Menurut PERMENDIKNAS No. 22
Sebab dengan adanya pendidikan, individu tahun 2006, bahwa dalam pelajaran matematika
tersebut akan memegang suatu pandangan dan terdapat lima tujuan yang harus dimiliki oleh
arah tujuan hidup yang jelas dan terarah. siswa, salah satunya adalah memahami konsep
Sehingga pendidikan dapat mempersiapkan matematika, menjelaskan keterkaitan
individu untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang antarkonsep dan mengaplikasikan konsep atau
dihadapi dan bisa menerapkan dalam kondisi algoritma, secara luwes, akurat, efisien, dan
apapun, terutama dalam pembelajaran tepat, dalam pemecahan masalah. Kemampuan
matematika yang amat berguna bagi kehidupan dalam memahami dan menjelaskan keterkaitan
sehari-hari. antarkonsep merupakan bagian dari
Matematika merupakan ilmu yang kemampuan koneksi matematis. Oleh sebab itu
terstruktur dan sistematik yang mengandung dalam belajar matematika untuk mencapai
arti bahwa konsep dan prinsip dalam pemahaman yang bermakna peserta didik harus
matematika adalahhal yang saling berkaitan memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematis yang
antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Dalam memadai.

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Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

Koneksi matematis pada dasarnya suatu penting dalam mempelajari matematika.

keterampilan yang harus dibangun dan mengapa penting? Sebab dengan kita
dipelajari oleh peserta didik, karena dengan mengetahui hubungan – hubungan matematik,
kemampuan koneksi matematis yang baik akan peserta didik akan lebih memahami matematika
membantu peserta didik untuk dapat dan juga memberikan daya matematik yang
mengetahui hubungan berbagai konsep dalam lebih luas. Namun berdasarkan beberapa
matematika dan mengaplikasikan matematika penelitian mengemukakan bahwa kemampuan
dalam kehidupan sehari – hari, sebagai contoh koneksi matematis siswa masih perlu
yaitu penerapan materi aljabar dalam ditingkatkan, karena masih banyak peserta
memanajemen uang saku, membuat kolam ikan didik yang belum menyadari pentingnya
yang berbentuk balok, dll. Dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis sehingga masih menganggap
koneksi matematis peserta didik akan bahwa setiap konsep dalam matematika itu
merasakan manfaat dalam mempelajari berdiri sendiri dan tidak berkaitan dengan
matematika, dan kemelakatan pemahaman konsep yang lainnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan
peserta didik terhadap konsep yang hasil studi Ruspiani (Siagian, 2016)
dipelajarinya akan bertahan lebih lama, mengungkapkan bahwa pada umumnya
sehingga dapat membangkitkan minat belajar kemampuan peserta didik dalam koneksi
peserta didik dalam pelajaran matematika. matematik masih rendah. Berdasarkan hasil
Kemampuan koneksi matematis adalah observasi di SMP Negeri 15 Kota Bengkulu,
kemampuan mengaitkan konsep – konsep baik lemahnya kemampuan koneksi siswa terlihat
matematika itu sendiri (dalam matematika), dari ketidakmampuan siswa dalam
mengaitkan matematika dengan disiplin ilmu menghubungkan konsep – konsep atau materi
lain, dan mengaitkan matematika dengan dunia yang telah di pelajari dan membuat mereka sulit
nyata atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. untuk mengerjakan soal yang diberikan oleh
Menurut Sumarmo (Badjeber & Fatimah, 2015) guru (Puteri & Riwayati, 2017). Oleh sebab itu
kemampuan koneksi matematis merupakan agar peserta didik berhasil dalam belajar
kemampuan untuk mengaitkan konsep, prinsip matematika, maka peserta didik harus lebih
atau prosedur yang terdapat didalam sering diarahkan dan diberi kesempatan dalam
matematika dengan matematika itu sendiri, melihat keterkaitan-keterkaitan atau
dengan bidang ilmu lain serta dengan hubungannya antar satu konsep dengan konsep
kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemampuan koneksi lainnya.
matematika merupakan salah satu faktor Pembelajaran matematika mengikuti
penting dalam melakukan pemahaman konsep metode spiral yang artinya dalam setiap
matematika. Sesuai dengan pendapat Sugiman memperkenalkan suatu konsep atau bahan yang
(Sudirman, Cahyono, & Kadir, 2018) bahwa baru perlu memperhatikan konsep atau bahan
keterkaitan antar konsep atau prinsip dalam yang sudah dipelajari oleh peserta didik
matematika memegang peranan yang sangat sebelumnya. Bahan yang baru tersebut selalu
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Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

dikaitkan dengan bahan atau konsep yang sudah saat siswa diberikan soal – soal yang
dipelajari dan sekaligus untuk mengingatkan berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari – hari
atau mengulang kembali. Peserta didik siswa tidak bisa menyelesaikan soal tersebut.
dikatakan memiliki kemampuan koneksi Hal ini sejalan dengan yang diungkap oleh Putri
matematis yang tinggi dalam pembelajaran dan Santosa (Latipah & Afriansyah, 2018) yaitu
matematika, jika semua indikator pada koneksi penyebab rendahnya kemampuan koneksi
matematis dapat terpenuhi. Indikator koneksi matematis siswa dapat dilihat dari proses
matematis menurut Sumarno (Sriharyati, 2019), pembelajaran yang dilakukan dikelas yang
yaitu (1) Mencari hubungan berbagai cenderung pembelajaran berpusat pada guru,
representasikonsep, (2) Prosedur, memahami dimana siswa cenderung pasif dalam menerima
hubungan antar topik matematika, (3) pelajaran, kurangnya rasa tanggung jawab
Menggunakan matematika dalam bidang studi dalam diri sendiri, sehingga mengakibatkan
lain atau kehidupan sehari-hari, (4) Memahami siswa malas dan enggan dalam memecahkan
representasi ekuivalen konsep yang sama, (5) masalah dan menyelesaikan suatu soal. Dengan
Mencari koneksi satu prosedur ke prosedur lain adanya kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
dalam representasi yang ekuivalen, (6) diharapkan mampu menghubungkan keterkaitan
Menggunakan koneksi antar topik matematika antara satu konsep dengan konsep yang lain
dan antar topik matematika dengan topik lain. untuk digunakan atau diaplikasikan pada
Dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa konteks yang nyata, sehingga dapat memberi
dapat memahami matematika lebih menyeluruh makna yang lebih baik kepada siswa akan
dan lebih mendalam. Selain itu dalam manfaat dari pembelajaran matematika yang
menghafal juga semakin sedikit akibatnya berguna untuk kehidupan sehari – hari dan
belajar matematika menjadi lebih mudah dapat membangkitkan minat belajar siswa
(Farida, Alauzi, & Zanthy, 2019). Sehingga terhadap pelajaran matematika. Berdasarkan
melalui koneksi matematis, wawasan siswa uraian di atas menunjukan pentingnya siswa
akan semakin terbuka terhadap matematika, memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam
yang kemudian akan menimbulkan sikap positif pembelajaran matematika sehingga peneliti
terhadap matematika itu sendiri. Melalui proses tertarik untuk menganalisis kemampuan
koneksi matematis, konsep pemikiran dan koneksi matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan
wawasan siswa terhadap matematika akan masalah yang berkaitan dengan materi pola
semakin lebih luas, tidak hanya terfokus pada bilangan di SMP Negeri 2 Majalaya.
topik yang sedang dipelajari.
Adapun beberapa penyebab rendahnya
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
kualitatif dengan jenis metode deskriptif.
diantaranya adalah pembelajarannya masih
MenurutMenurut (Sugiyono, 2018)menyatakan
berpusat pada guru, dan soal yang di berikan
bahwa metode deskriptif adalah suatu metode
kepada siswa kurang bervariasi, sehingga pada
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Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

yang digunakan untuk mengilustrasikan dan HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN

menganalisis hasil penelitian, akan tetapi tidak Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil tes
digunakan untuk membuat kesimpulan yang kemampuan koneksi matematis pada materi
lebih luas. Oleh karena itu, metode deskriptif pola bilangan yang dilaksanakan di SMP
ini peneliti gunakan untuk menghasilkan data Negeri 2 Majalalaya
yang mengilustrasikan pada keakuratan sesuai
Tabel 2Hasil Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis
dengan keadaan berdasarkan fakta dilapangan.
Jumlah siswa Minimum Maksimum Mean
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk
38 6,67 56,67 31,67
menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan
Berdasarkan tabel di atas menunjukan nilai
koneksi matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan
siswa belum mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan
masalah yang berkaitan dengan pola
Minimal (KKM) dalam sekolah tersebut.
bilangan.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah
Dimana diperoleh rata-rata nilai siswa 31,67
siswa kelas VIII G di SMP Negeri 2
dari 38 orang siswa. Untuk nilai maksimum
Majalaya.Instrument yang digunakan dalam
diperoleh sebesar 56,67 dan nilai minimum
penelitian ini ialah tes dengan tipe subjektif
sebesar 6,67. Jika dilihat dari hasil nilai
(uraian) yang diadopsi dari(Sriharyati, 2019).
tersebut, kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan
masih tergolong rendah, karena nilai yang
data ialah tipe tes subjektif (uraian), karena
diperoleh siswa sangat bervariasi dari setiap
dengan menggunakan tes uraian dapat memiliki
indikatornya, ada yang memperoleh nilai
keunggulan tersendiri terhadap kemampuan
minimum dan nilai maksimum. Dimana nilai
siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal
maksimum pun belum mencapai nilai KKM
tersebut.Selanjutnya, hasil tes diolah dan
sekolah tersebut. Maka dapat dikatakan bahwa
dianalisis kemudian dalam sistem penilaian
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dalam
instrument peneliti menggunakan pedoman
menyelesaikan persoalan pola bilangan masih
penskoran yang diadaptasi dari Sumarmo
tergolong rendah. Selanjutnya untuk
(Isnaeni, Ansori, Akbar, & Bernard, 2019).
mengetahui kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah
Setelah itu hasil yang diperoleh dikategorikan
kemampuan koneksi matematis pada kelas
berdasarkan Suharsimi Arikunto (Handayani,
tersebut, peneliti menggunakan cara yang
2020) yang terdiri dari kategori tinggi, sedang,
dikemukakan oleh Suharsimi Arikunto
dan rendah, dimana nilai rata – rata dan standar
(Handayani, 2020). Berikut ini hasil kategori
deviasi dari data penelitian menjadi dasar dalam
koneksi matematis siswa:
Tabel 1 Kategorisasi Koneksi Matematis Tabel 3Tingkat Koneksi Matematis Siswa
Kategori Kategori Kategori Kategori Kriteria Nilai Jumlah Persentase
Tinggi Sedang Rendah
(X (Mi − 1SDi) (X
≥ Mi ≤X < Tinggi X>40,00 4 10,53
+ 1 SDi) ≤ (Mi + SDi) −1 )
MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

Sedang 23,34 < X 16 42,10 tersebut masih memperoleh nilai dari masing -
<40,00 masing soal, yang berarti setiap indikator dari
Rendah X < 23,34 18 47,37 koneksi matematis belum terpenuhi secara
maksimal. Terlihat dari nilai yang dicapai pada
Berdasarkan tabel diatas menunjukan setiap indikatornya hanya ada beberapa siswa
bahwa kategori kemampuan koneksi matematis yang mampu mencapai indikator koneksi
siswa dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang matematis. Berikut adalah jumlah siswa yang
berkaitan dengan pola bilangan. Pada kategori mencapai atau tidaknya dari indikator
tinggi diperoleh persentase sebesar 10,53% kemampuan koneksi matematis.
sebanyak 4 orang siswa dengan perolehan nilai Tabel 4Indikator Kemampuan Koneksi
lebih dari 40,00, selanjutnya persentase pada Matematis
kategori sedang sebesar 42,10% yang terdiri No Indikator Jumlah Jumlah
dari 16 orang siswa dengan perolehan nilai Koneksi Siswa Siswa yang
Matematis yang Tidak
diantara 23,34 dan 40,00. Sedangkan kategori Mencapai Mencapai
rendah sebesar 47,37% sebanyak 18 orang Indikator Indikator
1. Memahami 0 38
siswa dengan perolehan nilai kurang dari 23,34. representasi
Kategorisasi tersebut menunjukan bahwa siswa ekuivalen
konsep yang
dikelas VIII G belum mampu menguasai sama
kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam 2. Mencari 6 32
koneksi satu
menyelesaikan materi pola bilangan, karena prosedur ke
berdasarkan nilai yang diperoleh menunjukan prosedur lain
seluruh siswa dikelas tersebut belum mampu representasi
mencapai nilai KKM, Berikut adalah yang
perbandingan persentase kemampuan koneksi 3. Mencari 8 30
matematis siswa pada materi pola bilangan. hubungan
4. Prosedur, 0 38
antar topik
5. Menggunakan 4 34
dalam bidang
Berdasarkan uraian diatas yang menyatakan studi lain atau
bahwa masih tergolong rendah kemampuan kehidupan
sehari – hari.
koneksi matematis siswa, karena masih banyak 6. Menggunakan 0 38
siswa yang mendapat nilai minimum pada koneksi antar
jawaban setiap soal tersebut. Akan tetapi, siswa matematika
MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

dan antar 3.000,00 dan jumlah tabungan Ahnaf

menjadi Rp.2.000,00. Hari berikutnya,
dengan topik jumlah tabungan Keyla menjadi
Rp.6.000,00 dan jumlah tabungan Ahnaf
menjadi Rp.4.000,00, dan begitu seterusnya
Berdasarkan tabel diatas terlihat bahwa hasil dengan pola yang teratur. Pada hari apakah
nilai jawaban siswa masih banyak yang belum jumlah uang tabungan Keyla dan Ahnaf
mampu mencapai indikator dari setiap jika dijumlahkan hasilnya Rp.92.000,00?
kemampuan koneksi matematis. Karena nilai Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam
yang diperoleh siswa sangat bervariasi dari mengerjakan butir soal no.1
setiap soalnya, ada yang memperoleh nilai
minimum dan maksimum, sehingga hanya 3
indikator yang mampu dicapai oleh sebagian
siswa pada kemampuan koneksi matematis.
Maka dapat dikatakan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa di kelas tersebut dikategorikan Gambar 1 Jawaban Soal No.1

rendah. Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 1,

Berikut ini hasil analisis peneliti terhadap
siswa tersebut belum mampu
jawaban siswa untuk masing – masing indikator merepresentasi ekuivalen konsep yang
kemampuan koneksi matematis yang sama, karena siswa tersebut belum mampu
dideskripsikan sebagai berikut:
menentukan pola bilangan persegi panjang

1. Memahami representasi ekuivalen konsep dengan menggunakan konsep jumlah n

yang sama bilangan genap pertama. Terlihat pada

Butir soal yang memperlihatkan gambar 1siswa masih keliru dalam

kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan menuliskan secara ulang apa yang diketahui

indikator Memahami representasi ekuivalen dalam soal tersebut yaitu jumlah tabungan

konsep yang sama terdapat pada butir soal masing-masing anak pada hari selanjutnya

nomor 1 yang menggunakan suatu pola berturut-

Analisis soal nomor 1 turut. Berdasarkan pendapat dari Widodo

Ibu berpesan kepada Keyla dan Ahnaf (Sudiono, 2017) siswa dikatakan kesalaham

untuk menabung sisa uang jajan nya masing dalam memahami soal jika siswa tidak

– masing. Mereka menabung dua hari sekali mampu menentukan apa yang diketahui dan

dan menabung pada hari yang sc ama. Pada apa yang ditanyakan. Seharusnya untuk

hari senin, Keyla dan Ahnaf menabung tabungan Ahnaf hari selasa sebesar

sebesar Rp. 1.000,00. Pada hari kedua, Rp.2.000 dan hari rabu Rp.4.000. untuk

jumlah tabungan Keyla menjadi Rp. tabungan Keyla hari selasa sebesar

MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

Rp.3.000 dan hari rabu Rp.6.000. Karena hubungan dari berbagai unsur yang
siswa belum mampu memahami diketahui dalam soal nomor 2, karena siswa
refresentasi konsep yang sama, sehingga sudah mampu untuk menentukan suku
hasil pengerjaan siswa tersebut kurang tepat selanjutnya dari suatu pola bilangan
dalam menemukan jawaban dengan benar. tersebut, sehingga siswa mampu
Berdasarkan hasil jawaban siswa semuanya melengkapi barisan bilangan yang terdapat
belum mampu dalam mencapai indikator dalam soal tersebut dengan benar. Akan
pertama. Maka dapat dikatakan siswa pada tetapi siswa kurang lengkap dalam
indikator pertama koneksi matematis yaitu menjawab soal nomor 2, karena siswa
memahami representasi ekuivalen konsep hanya melengkapi bagian kotak yang
yang sama masih dalam kategori sangat kosong saja tanpa mencari nilai hasil dari
rendah, karena dilihat dari hasil pengerjaan jumlah semua bilangan yang terdapat dalam
siswa pada soal nomor 1 belum ada yang kotak tersebut. Menurut Nolting (Imelda,
mampu mengerjakan dengan benar dan Yusmin, & Suratman, 2014) kesalahan
kebanyakan siswa tidak menjawab soal memahami soal adalah kesalahan yang
tersebut. dilakukan karena cara memahami soal
2. Mencari koneksi satu prosedur ke prosedur dengan cara khusus, seperti tidak
lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen melengkapi masalah untuk langkah terakhir
Butir soal yang memperlihatkan atau tidak menjawab sebuah soal secara
kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan penuh dan hanya menyelesaikan satu tahap
indikator mencari koneksi satu prosedur ke dari dua tahap masalah yang menyebabkan
prosedur lain dalam representasi yang beberapa siswa kehilangan poin.
ekuivalen terdapat pada butir soal 2 Berdasarkan hasil jawaban siswa semuanya
Analisis soal nomor 2 sudah mampu dalam mencapai indikator
Diketahui pola barisan bilangan Fibonacci kedua. Maka dapat dikatakan siswa pada
sebagai berikut: indikator kedua koneksi matematis yaitu
0 1 1 2 … 5 8 … mencari koneksi satu prosedur ke prosedur
Tentukanlah jumlah bilangan dari pola lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen
barisan bilangan diatas! masuk dalam kategori rendah, karena
Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam dilihat dari hasil pengerjaan siswa pada soal
mengerjakan butir soal no.2 nomor 2 sudah mampu mengerjakan
dengan benar, meskipun hanya 6 orang
siswa yang mencapai nilai maksimal dari
indikator kedua.
Gambar 2 Jawaban Soal No.2
3. Mencari hubungan berbagai representasi
Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 2, konsep
siswa tersebut sudah mampu mencari
MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

Butir soal yang memperlihatkan berbagai representasi konsep masuk dalam

kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan kategori rendah, karena dilihat dari hasil
indikator Mencari hubungan berbagai pengerjaan siswa pada soal nomor 3 masih
representasi konsep terdapat pada butir soal banyak siswa yang belum mampu
3 menjawab soal tersebut dengan benar, dan
Analisis soal nomor 3 hanya 8 orang siswa yang mencapai nilai
Perhatikan pola di bawah ini! maksimal dari indikator ketiga.
4. Prosedur, memahami hubungan antar topik

Membentuk pola apakah barisan tersebut Butir soal yang memperlihatkan

dan tentukanlah persamaannya? kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan

Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam indikator Prosedur, memahami hubungan

mengerjakan butir soal no.3 antar topik matematika terdapat pada butir
soal 4
Analisis soal nomor 4
Terdapat segitiga yang tersusun dengan
pola sebagai berikut.
Gambar 3 Jawaban Soal No.3

Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 3,

siswa tersebut sudah mampu mencari
hubungan berbagai representasi konsep.
Karena dari hasil jawaban siswa sudah Jika luas satu segitiga kecil adalah 2 .

mampu menentukan persamaan dari pola Berapakah luas total pada pola segitiga ke-

tersebut, akan tetapi siswa kurang teliti 7?

dalam membaca soalnya. Terlihat dalam Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam

soal tersebut hanya diminta untuk mengerjakan butir soal no.4

menentukan persamaannya saja bukan

untuk menentukan pola ke-5 dengan suatu
persamaan berdasarkan pola tersebut.
Sehingga dalam penyelesaiannya kurang Gambar 4 Jawaban Soal No.4
tepat karena tidak sesuai dengan apa yang
Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 4,
ditanyakan. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban
siswa tersebut belum mampu memahami
siswa masih banyak yang belum mampu
hubungan antar topik matematika. Karena
dalam mencapai indikator ketiga. Maka
siswa tersebut belum mampu memahami
dapat dikatakan siswa pada indikator ketiga
topic matematika secara berkaitan satu
koneksi matematis yaitu mencari hubungan
sama lain. Terlihat dari hasil jawaban siswa
MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

yang keliru dalam menggunakan rumus Dalam suatu gedung pertemuan terdapat 25
dalam pola bilangan.Hal ini sejalan dengan kursi pada baris pertama, dan setiap baris
penelitian ( Sopiany & Rahayu, 2019) yang berikutnya bertambah 2 kursi dari baris di
menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan hasil depannya. Jika dalam gedung tersebut ada
observasi pada MTS Asy-Syifa diperoleh 15 baris kursi. Berapakah banyak kursi
jawaban siswa yang menunjukan masih pada baris ke-15?
banyaknya melakukan kesalahan, salah satu Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam
kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa seperti mengerjakan butir soal no.5
keliru dalam menggunakan rumus dan lupa
dalam menuliskan satuan pada hasil
jawaban. Seharusnya menggunakan rumus
pola bilangan persegi yaitu = , akan
tetapi siswa tersebut menggunakan rumus
Gambar 5 Jawaban Soal No.5
pola bilangan ganjil yaitu = 2 − 1.
Sehingga hasil akhir dari penyelesaiannya Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 5,
salah karena siswa keliru dalam siswa tersebut sudah mampu menjawab
menggunakan rumus.Berdasarkan hasil pertanyaan dengan lancar menggunakan
jawaban siswa semuanya belum mampu rumus barisan aritmatika, akan tetapi
dalam mencapai indikator keempat. Maka terdapat kekeliruan dalam operasinya,
dapat dikatakan siswa pada indikator sehingga hasil yang didapatkan salah.
keempat koneksi matematis yaitu prosedur, Sejalan dengan pendapat(Ananda Pradipta,
memahami hubungan antar topik Sanapiah, & Yuliyanti, 2018) kesalahan
matematika masih dalam kategori sangat operasi yang dilakukan oleh siswa
rendah, karena dilihat dari hasil pengerjaan disebabkan kekeliruan dalam menghitung
siswa pada soal nomor 4 belum ada yang hasil dari operasi matematika.Hal tersebut
mampu mengerjakan dengan benar terlihat dari hasil pengerjaan siswa pada
mencapai nilai maksimum dan kebanyakan baris ke-3, yang seharusnya didahulukan
siswa tidak menjawab soal tersebut. adalah operasi perkalian selanjutnya
5. Menggunakan matematika dalam bidang penjumlahan. Maka, jika siswa tidak
studi lain atau kehidupan sehari – hari mengalami kekeliruan dalam operasinya
Butir soal yang memperlihatkan hasil yang didapatkan akan benar yaitu 53
kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan kursi. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban siswa
indikator Menggunakan matematika dalam kebanyakan belum mampu dalam mencapai
bidang studi lain atau kehidupan sehari – indikator kelima. Maka dapat dikatakan
hariterdapat pada butir soal 5 siswa pada indikator kelima koneksi
Analisis soal nomor 5 matematis yaitu menggunakan matematika
dalam bidang studi lain atau kehidupan
MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

sehari – harimasih dalam kategori rendah, Berdasarkan jawaban siswa pada gambar 6,
karena dilihat dari hasil pengerjaan siswa siswa tersebut belum mampu menggunakan
pada soal nomor 5 masih banyak siswa koneksi antar topik matematika dan antar
yang belum mampu mengerjakan soal topik matematika dengan topik lain. Karena
tersebut dengan benar dan hanya 4 orang siswa belum mampu menerapkan pola
yang mampu mengerjakan dengan benar bilangan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk di
dan mendapat nilai maksimum. suatu daerah.Terlihat pada jawaban siswa
6. Menggunakan koneksi antar topik tersebut hanya menerka-nerka dan tidak
matematika dan antar topik matematika lengkap hanya menyebutkan pada tahun
dengan topik lain 2019, tanpa menyajikan perolehan nilai dari
Butir soal yang memperlihatkan 2019 tersebut.Berdasarkan hasil jawaban
kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan siswa semuanya belum mampu dalam
indikator Menggunakan koneksi antar topik mencapai indikator keenam. Maka dapat
matematika dan antar topik matematika dikatakan siswa pada indikator keenam
dengan topik lain terdapat pada butir soal 6 koneksi matematis yaitu menggunakan
Analisis soal nomor 6 koneksi antar topik matematika dan antar
Dinas kependudukan Kabupaten Karawang topik matematika dengan topik lain masih
akan menerapkan kebijakan untuk dalam kategori sangat rendah, karena
membatasi jumlah penduduk. Populasi dilihat dari hasil pengerjaan siswa pada soal
penduduk pada suatu daerah di Kabupaten nomor 6 belum ada yang mampu
Karawang bertambah konstan setiap dua mengerjakan dengan benar mencapai nilai
tahun. Pada tahun 2015 tercatat banyaknya maksimum dan kebanyakan siswa tidak
penduduk daerah tersebut yaitu 750 jiwa, menjawab soal tersebut.
tahun 2017 tercatat sebanyak 1.500 jiwa.
Kebijakan tersebut akan diterapkan jika
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan
jumlah penduduk mencapai 6.750 jiwa.
pembahasan yang diperoleh dari lembar
Dengan demikian, pada tahun berapakah
kerja siswa di SMP Negeri 2 Majalaya
kebijakan akan diterapkan?
mengenai kemampuan koneksi matematis
Berikut hasil jawaban siswa dalam
pada materi pola bilangan menunjukan
mengerjakan butir soal no.6
tergolong rendah. Hal tersebut terlihat dari
masing-masing indikator yang menunjukan
hasil nilai jawaban siswa masih banyak
yang belum mampu mencapai indikator dari
setiap kemampuan koneksi matematis.
Gambar 6 Jawaban Soal No.6
Karena nilai yang diperoleh siswa sangat
bervariasi dari setiap soalnya, ada yang

MAJU, p-ISSN: 2355-3782
Volume 8 No. 1, Maret 2021 e-ISSN: 2579-4647
Page : 365-376

memperoleh nilai minimum dan satunya penelitian yang dapat dijadikan

maksimum, sehingga hanya 3 indikator sebagai acuan dalam penelitian
yang mampu dicapai oleh sebagian siswa selanjutnya mengenai kemampuan
pada kemampuan koneksi matematis.
koneksi matematis .


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JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017


Martinus Tekege
Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Satya Wiyata Mandala

Abstrak: Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu sarana penyalur pesan dan
informasi belajar. Media pembelajaran yang dirancang secara baik, sangat membantu
peserta didik dalam mencerna dan memahami materi pelajaran. Perkembangan
teknologi informasi di globalisasi dan informasi saat ini, memacu perkembangan
media pembelajaran semakin maju pula. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan
Komunikasi (TIK) sebagai media pembelajaran sudah merupakan suatu tuntutan.
Walaupun perancangan media berbasis TIK memerlukan keahlian khusus, bukan
berarti media tersebut dihindari dan ditinggalkan. Media pembelajaran berbasis TIK
dapat berupa internet, intranet, mobile phone,dan CD Room/Flash Disk.
. Perubahan dalam pola pembelajaran dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pembaruan
mengikuti dinamika perubahan zaman yang semakin cepat yang dipicu oleh
perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian ini, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan
model deskriptif untuk menganalisis serta memaparkan bagaimana pemanfaatan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI Nabire.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disampaikan bahwa Paradigma guru
ketika memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran
masih terbatas pada penggunaan media Komputer berbasis TIK sebagai bahan
presentasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Penggunaan internet masih terbatas untuk
mencari informasi seputar materi yang akan disampaikan bukan dijadikan sebagai
sebuah sistem pembelajaran baru yang terintegrasi, begitu pula dengan jejaring
sosial masih belum banyak digunakan sebagai sebuah sistem pembelajaran baru
guna lebih meningkatkan efektivitas serta efisiensi proses pembelajaran.
Dimanfaatkannya teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran dalam proses
belajarmengajar, dapat mempermudah cara pengajar dalam berkomunikasi dan
berinteraksidengan para siswa baik di dalam kelas maupun di luar kelas.Kebutuhan
akan teknologi dalam ranah pendidikan bukanlah hal yang baru, pemanfaatan
teknologi untuk membentuk pembelajar yang kondusif dan inovatif. Pemanfaatan
tersebut terbukti berperan besar dalam kelancaran proses belajar.
Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Teknologi Informasi, Komunikasi dan

Learning media is one means of channeling messages and learning information. Well-
designed learning media, is very helpful for students in digesting and understanding
the subject matter. The development of information technology in globalization and
information today, spurred the development of learning media increasingly advanced
as well. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a medium of
learning is already a demand. Although the design of ICT-based media requires special
expertise, it does not mean that the media is avoided and abandoned. ICT-based
learning media can be in the form of internet, intranet, mobile phone, and CD Room /
Flash Disk.
. Changes in the pattern of learning are needed to make an update following the
increasingly fast changing dynamics that are triggered by technological developments.
This study, using a qualitative approach with a descriptive model to analyze and
explain how to use information and communication technology in learning at YPPGI
Nabire High School. Based on the research conducted it can be said that the teacher's

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

paradigm when utilizing information and communication technology in learning is

still limited to the use of ICT-based computer media as a presentation material in the
learning process. The use of the internet is still limited to finding information about the
material to be delivered rather than being used as a new learning system that is
integrated, as well as social networking is still not widely used as a new learning
system to further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.
The use of technology as a learning medium in the teaching and learning process can
facilitate teaching methods in communicating and interacting with students both in the
classroom and outside the classroom. The need for technology in the realm of education
is not new, the use of technology to form conducive and innovative learners. This
utilization proved to play a major role in the smooth process of learning.

Keywords: Learning Media, Information Technology, Communication and learning

Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terus meningkat seiring dengan
meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, tanpa terkecuali dalam bidang pendidikan.
Kecenderuan penggunaan simbol “e” yang diartikan sebagai elektronik, sudah mulai
banyak bermunculan dan diaplikasikan di hampir semua bidang. sebut saja e-
education, e-government, e-learning dan lain sebagainya, peran serta guru dalam
mengaplikasikan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi secara lebih tepat
guna amat sangat diperlukan guna lebih memberikan gambaran kepada para
generasi muda mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi secara lebih tepat dan lebih
Memasuki Abad Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sekarang ini
sangat dibutuhkan dan pentingnya penggunaan ICT (Information and
Communications Teknology) dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Melalui pemanfaatan TIK
kita dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, yaitu dengan cara membuka lebar-lebar
terhadap akses ilmu pengetahuan dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan bermutu. Sistem
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi memberikan jangkauan yang luas, cepat, efektif,
dan efesien terhadap penyebarluasan informasi ke berbagai penjuru dunia. Teknologi
informasi berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan teori dan komunikasi teknologi
yang menunjang terhadap praktik kegiatan pembelajaran. Kegiatan pembelajaran
merupakan kegiatan yang paling pokok dalam keseluruhan proses pendidikan.
Semakin berkembangnya manusia, berkembanglah pula ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi di segala bidang. Hal itu menjadikan pendidikan menjadi kian mahal, satu
kenyataan yang sering kurang disadari oleh banyak orang. Dilain pihak
berkembangnya umat manusia mendorong makin banyak orang untuk maju dan tak
mau tertinggal. Dan mereka semua memerlukan pendidikan yang lebih baik.
Akibatnya, baik faktor kualitas maupun kuantitas pendidikan tidak dapat bisa
diabaikan. Pendidikan harus diselenggarakan secara bermutu dan adil mereta bagi
seluruh rakyat. Maka, pendidikan yang sudah mahal, karena harus mencapai
kualitas, menjadi semakin mahal karena harus melayani pula kuantitas.
Pencapaian tujuan pendidikan banyak bergantung kepada bagaimana proses
pembelajaran dirancang dan dijalankan secara profesional. Setiap kegiatan
pembelajaran selalu melibatkan dua pelaku aktif, yaitu Pengajar dan siswa. Pengajar
adalah pencipta kondisi belajar siswa yang didesain secara sengaja, sistematis, dan
berkesinambungan. Sedangkan siswa sebagai peserta didik merupakan pihak yang
menikmati kondisi belajar yang diciptakan Oleh pengajar tersebut. Dengan kata lain
untuk pendidikan dan pengembangan guru/pengajar sangat penting bagi
keberhasilan penerapan kurikulum berbasis TIK.
Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi tidak bisa dipungkiri semakin memanjakan
manusia, contohnya dalam hal berkomunikasi. Interaksi yang terjadi dengan adanya
bantuan teknologi menjadi semakin mudah dan beragam. Teknologi yang dimaksud

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antara lain dan yang sekarang sedang marak bahkan menjadi fenomena adalah
website, blog, micro blogging site, electronic mail (e-mail), Yahoo Messenger (YM),
Google talk (Gtalk), serta yang sekarang sedang menjadi primadona di semua
kalangan adalah jejaring sosial.
Di era sekarang ini teknologi semakin canggih dan modern, contoh teknologi
informasi. Di sini aku mau bagi essay/ulasan tentang teknologi informasi bidang
edukasi, dimana teknologi informasi dalam pendidikan ini praktis, mudah dan
membantu dalam pembelajaran juga mencari ilmu atau pengetahuan lebih mudah
dan luas.

Gambar Model Integrasi Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran

Teknologi (ICT) berperan pada tiga fungsi:
1. Memberikan kondisi belajar yang menyengkan dasn mengasyikkan (efek
2. Membekali kecakapan menggunakan teknolgi tinggi. Ini menjawab tantangan
relevansi dengan dunia di luar sekolah.
3. Berfungsi sebagai learning tools dengan program-program aplikasi dan
utilitas, yang selain mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan, juga memperluas
variasi dan teknik-teknik melakukan analisis, interpretasi, dsb.
Emosi positif, keterampilan menggunakan teknologi dan kecakapan memanfaatkan
program-program dan utilitas itu merupakan bekal dan “conditioning” yang positif
bagi pengembangan kapasitas intelektual siswa melalui:
1. Pengembangan kemampuan menciptakan, memanipulasi dan kapasitas belajar.
2. Berlatih dengan tugas-tugas yang berbasis pemecahan masalah.
3. Membangun lingkungan belajar konstruktivis.
Menurut Thomas C. Reeves, untuk kepentingan pembelajaran di sekolah, terdapat
dua pendekatan pokok penggunaan teknologi, yaitu para siswa dapat belajar “dari”
teknologi dan “dengan” teknologi.
Belajar “dari” teknologi dilakukan seperti pada penggunaan computer-based
instruction (tutorial) atau integrated learning sistems.
Belajar “dengan” teknologi adalah penggunaan teknologi sebagai cognitive tools (alat
bantu pembelajaran kognitif) dan penggunaan teknologi dalam lingkungan
pembelajaran konstruktivis
Pendekatan pembelajaran “dari” teknologi
1. Komputer sebagai tutor (computer based instruction) mempunyai efek positif
setelah diukur dengan standar pencapaian hasil belajar, yaitu meningkatkan,
memotivasi siswa untuk belajar, diterima luas oleh guru dari pada alat belajar
lain, didukung luas oleh administrator, orang tua, politikus dan masyarakat
pada umumnya.

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2. Siswa dapat menyelesaikan sasaran-sasaran tugas pembelajaran (educational

objectives) dalam waktu yang lebih singkat dari pada dengan tidak
menggunakan CBI.
3. Intregrated learning sistems merupakan format efektif dari CBI, dapat
memerankan peran lebih besar dan penting dimasa mendatang.
Pendekatan pembelajaran “dengan” teknologi
1. Sebagai alat bantu belajar, cognitive tools akan memiliki efektivitas paling
tinggi apabila ia digunakan pada lingkungan belajar konstruktivis.
2. Cognitive tools lebih memberdayakan para pembelajar dalam merancang cara
mereka sendiri dalam memahami ilmu pengetahuan, dari pada menyerap
pengetahuan dari cara-cara yang sudah jadi (dirancang oleh orang lain).
3. Cognitive tools dapat digunakan untuk menunjang proses belajar bermakna
(meanigful learning).
4. Cognitive tools memiliki dua macam efek kognitif penting, yaitu efek dengan
teknologi sebagai partner intelektual dan efek dari pemahaman kognitif
setelah tools tersebut digunakan.
5. Cognitive tools menciptakan daya tarik, belajar yang menantang.
6. Sumber dari tugas-tugas atau masalah dalam pembelajaran dimana cognitive
tools diaplikasikan, sebaiknya berasal dari siswa, dibimbing oleh guru atau
7. Idealnya, tugas-tugas atau masalah yang akan diaplikasikan dengan cognitive
tools dikondisikan dalam konteks yang realistis dengan hasil-hasil yang
bermakna bagi pembelajar.
8. Menggunakan program-program konstruksi multimedia sebagai cognitive
tools, akan mengintegrasikan banyak kecakapan bagi pembelajar, seperti
kecakapan manajemen proyek, kecakapan riset, kecakapan organisasi dan
representasi, kecakapan presentasi dan kecakapan refleksi.
9. Dari riset mengenai efektivitas dari lingkungan belajar konstruktivis, seperti
lingkungan belajar berbasis kelas dan virtual, diketahui bahwa pembelajaran
kolaboratif menunjukkan hasil positif pada berbagai indikator.

Teknologi Informasi (TI), atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan istilah
Information technology (IT) adalah istilah umum untuk teknologi apa pun yang
membantu manusia dalam membuat, mengubah, menyimpan, mengomunikasikan
dan/atau menyebarkan informasi. TI menyatukan komputasi dan komunikasi
berkecepatan tinggi untuk data, suara, dan video. Contoh dari Teknologi Informasi
bukan hanya berupa komputer pribadi, tetapi juga telepon, TV, peralatan rumah
tangga elektronik, dan peranti genggam modern (misalnya ponsel).
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Bidang
Dalam konteks pendidikan, akhir-akhir telah banyak diperkenalkan model
pembelajaran berbasis teknologi dengan berbagai macam istilah yang digunakan,
seperti: Computer Assisted Intsruction (CAI), Computer Based Education
(CBE), ICT, Computer Based Training (CBT), Computer Based Instruction
(CBI), Distance Learning, Distance Education, Cybernetic Learning
Environment (CLE), Desktop Video Conferencing, Integrated Learning System
(ILS), Learner-Cemterted Classroom (LCC), Teleconferencing, WBT (Web-
Based Training), dan sebagainya. Semua istilah tersebut pada intinya sama,
yakni mengacu kepada sistem pembelajaran yang mengandalkan pemanfaatan
Degeng (2004) melihat kualitas pembelajaran dari dua segi yaitu segi proses dan
hasil pembelajaran. sedangkan upaya untuk memperbaiki kualitas proses
pembelajaran mengarah kepada munculnya prakarsa baik dari peserta didik maupun
tenaga pendidik.

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

Berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran seperti apa yang disampaikan oleh

Degeng (2004), maka Miarso (2004) mengatakan faktor yang berpengaruh atau
mendukung terwujudnya proses pembelajar-an yang berkualitas dalam upaya
mencapai tujuan pendidikan, salah satu diantaranya adalah penggunaan atau
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam proses pendidikan dan
pembelajaran. TIK dalam pembelajaran dikenal dengan teknologi pendidikan,
UNESCO secara resmi menggunakan istilah ICT yang kemudian diadopsi kedalam
bahasa indonesia menjadi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi atau TIK (Surjono,
Menurut Haag dan Keen (1996), teknologi Informasi adalah seperangkat alat yang
membantu anda bekerja dengan informasi dan melakukan tugas-tugas yang
berhubungan dengan pemrosesan informasi.
Martin (1999) mengatakan bahwa teknologi Informasi tidak hanya terbatas pada
teknologi komputer (perangkat keras, perangkat lunak) yang digunakan untuk
memproses dan menyimpan informasi, melainkan juga mencakup teknologi
komunikasi untuk mengirimkan informasi.
Turban et al., (2002) mendefinisikan teknologi informasi sebagai cara untuk
mendeskripsikan sejumlah sistem informasi, pengguna, dan manajemen untuk
kepentingan organisasi.
Teknologi Informasi adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan komputasi (komputer)
dengan jalur komunikasi berkecepatan tinggi yang membawa data, suara, dan video
(Williams dan Sawyer 2003).
Perubahan dalam pola pembelajaran amat sangat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan
pembaharuan dalam sebuah sistem pembelajaran konvensional yang dinilai sudah
usang dan tidak relevan dengan dinamika perkembangan zaman yang berkembang
semakin cepat dan intensif yang dipicu oleh perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran berperan sebagai
penghubung dalam pelaksanaan transfer ilmu pengetahuan tanpa sama sekali
menghilangkan model awal pembelajaran yang berlangsung secara tatap muka di
dalam kelas
Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran
dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan efektifitas dalam pelaksanaan proses
pembelajaran yang pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar
siswa serta mutu individu para peserta didik dalam hal penggunaan teknologi secara
lebih tepat dan bermanfaat.
Berdasarkan atas apa yang telah disampaikan, maka penulis tertarik untuk
mendalami lebih jauh berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi dalam pembelajaran dengan lokasi penelitian di SMA YPPGI Nabire. hal
ini dikarenakan peneliti melihat masih banyaknya guru yang dalam proses
pembelajaran masih belum memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam
Metode Penelitian
Penelitian ini, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menganalisis
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI
Nabire, apa saja yang menjadi faktor penghambat dan pendukung pemanfaatan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran, serta bagaimana upaya
sekolah dalam melakukan optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI Nabire.
Penelitian Kualitatif merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk meneliti pada
kondisi objek yang alamiah. Pendekatan kualitatif dalam penelitian dengan cara
mencocokkan antara realita empirik dengan teori yang berlaku dengan menggunakan
metode deskriptif (Sugiyono, 2009; Moleong, 2013).
Informan adalah orang yang dianggap mampu oleh peneliti untuk memberikan
uraian, cerita detail selain tentang dirinya dan terutama individu lain, situasi dan
kondisi yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian.(Hamidi, 2010). Informan

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, wakasek kurikulum, wakasek sarana
prasarana serta siswa siswi di SMA YPPGI Nabire.
Dalam penelitian ini lebih menekankan dan menjelaskan masalah yang berkaitan
dengan 1) Apa yang dimaksud dengan TIK?, 2) Bagaimana peranan TIK dalam dunia
pendidikan? dan 3) Bagaiman peranan TIK terhadap peningkatan profesionalisme
pengajar/guru. Agar hasilnya akan menjadi tujuan capaian penelitian yang mampu 1)
Untuk menjelaskan pengertian mengenai TIK, 2) Untuk mengetahui peranan TIK
dalam dunia pendidikan serta 3) mengetahui bagaimana peranan TIK sebagai upaya
untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan.
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Pemanfaatan TIK dalam Pembelajaran
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) atau yang lebih populer dengan sebutan
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sudah semakin berkembang serta
memberikan pengar uh terhadap berbagai bidang. (Bambang Warsita 2006),
berpendapat bahwa perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) telah
mencapai gelombang yang ketiga. Gelombang pertama timbul dalam bentuk teknologi
pertanian. Gelombang kedua timbul dalam bentuk teknologi industri. Kini,
gelombang ketiga yang ditandai dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi
elektronika dan informatika.
Dunia pendidikan saat ini mulai mengintegrasikan teknologi pada berbagai aspek
termasuk dalam pembelajaran. Kebijakan pendidikan diarahkan untuk
memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sehingga mampu mempersiapkan
sumber daya manusia yang mampu menghadapi tantangan global.
Dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada pembelajaran
setidaknya pendidik mampu menguasai dan mau menggunakan teknologi. Dalam
Permendiknas No 16 tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kualifikasi Akademik dan
Kompetensi Guru, pada bagian kompetensi Pedagogik Guru SMA, dikatakan bahwa
kompetensi guru mata pelajaran adalah memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi dalam pembelajaran yang diampu. Artinya pembelajaran tidak lagi
bersifat konvensional. Guru diharapkan mampu memanfaatkan teknologi informasi
dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran, menerapkan berbagai pendekatan, strategi,
metode, dan teknik pembelajaran yang mendidik secara kreatif dalam mata pelajaran
yang diampu. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi diharapkan mampu
meningkatkan keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar.
Penerapan aplikasi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang tepat dalam dunia
pendidikan merupakan salah satu faktor kunci penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas
pendidikan dan kualitas sumber daya manusia (Munir, 2009). Oleh karena itu
penerapan dan pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi bukan sekedar
mengikuti trend global melainkan merupakan suatu langkah strategis dalam upaya
meningkatkan akses dan mutu pendidikan. Hal ini juga merupakan salah satu faktor
kunci untuk mengejar ketertinggalan dunia pendidikan dan kualitas sumber
daya manusia Indonesia dengan bangsa bangsa lain.
Model pemanfaatan TIK dalam proses pembelajaran pada penelitian ini
mengacu kepada Munadi (2013) yang mengklasifikasikan pemanfaatan komputer
dalam pembelajaran ke dalam berapa bentuk termasuk pemanfaatan multimedia
presentasi, kemudian berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan internet dalam pembelajaran
yang mana termasuk di dalamnya pemanfaatan e-mail dan website.
Komputer juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana permainan (game) yang tentu
saja permainan yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk
menghindarkan siswa dari kejenuhan, sehingga apa yang diharapkan oleh guru dapat
tercapai dengan optimal.
Pemanfaatan media presentasi dapat digunakan oleh pendidik maupun peserta
didik untuk mempresentasikan materi pembelajaran maupun tugas-tugas yang telah
diberikan. Melalui peman-faatan media presentasi guru dan siswa akan lebih
terbantu dalam hal waktu, hal ini dikarenakan guru tidak perlu lagi untuk menulis di

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

papan tulis mengenai pembahasan materi yang sedang disampaikan sementara itu
siswa juga dapat menggunakan lebih banyak waktu untuk berkomunikasi, berdiskusi,
ataupun bertanya kepada guru.
Pemanfaatan e-mail, website maupun blog dalam pembelajaran, berdasarkan
data yang didapatkan pada saat pelaksanaan penelitian dapat disampaikan bahwa
mayoritas guru di SMA YPPGI Nabire belum menggunakan e-mail maupun website
sebagai sebuah sistem pembelajaran serta sarana komunikasi kepada para siswa
maupun untuk mendukung kepentingan pelaksanaan pembelajaran seperti
penugasan maupun yang lainnya. Pemanfaatan internet hanya sebatas pada kegiatan
browsing guna keperluan mencari tambahan materi yang akan disampaikan atau
mencari informasi-informasi lain.
Hal tersebut sangat disayangkan mengingat dengan pemanfaatan internet
terlebih website, blog, maupun e-mail dapat dijadikan sebagai sebuah strategi
pembelajaran baru sehingga dapat memudahkan para siswa untuk belajar dari
manapun dan kapanpun dengan tetap berpedoman pada materi yang disampaikan di
dalam kelas.
Kehadiran internet sebagai media pengajaran dapat memberikan karakteristik
kekhasan tersendiri seperti apa yang disampaikan oleh Purnomo (2008) yaitu: 1)
sebagai media interpersonal dan massa; 2) bersifat interaktif; 3) memungkinkan
komunikasi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Karakteristik internet
memungkinkan peserta didik melakukan komunikasi dengan berbagai sumber ilmu
secara lebih luas jika dibandingkan dengan hanya menggunakan media konvensional
di dalam kelas.
Pemanfaatan internet dalam pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI Nabire tidak sejalan
dengan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh Sudarma (2008) yang dalam salah satu
bukunya berpendapat bahwa, Teknologi informasi dan internet sudah merasuk ke
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Maksud dari
pernyataan tersebut adalah di era keterbukaan sekarang internet sudah tidak lagi
menjadi barang mewah, bahkan sekarang sudah menjadi bagian yang tidak
terpisahkan dalam aktivitas setiap hari baik dikalangan masyarakat, terlebih lagi
para pelajar dan mahasiswa.
Para guru diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan internet sebagai suatu strategi
sistem pembelajaran baru, tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar dengan
hanya melakukan browsing untuk mencari dukungan materi yang akan diajarkan
Warsita (2008) dalam salah satu bukunya berpendapat bahwa, tingkat
pertumbuhan pengguna teknologi informasi dan internet menunjukkan angka yang
begitu fantastik, bahkan internet telah menjadi bagian kebutuhan dalam sebuah
rumah tangga dan satuan pendidikan. Fenomena ini menunjukkan bahwa di tahun
yang akan datang teknologi informasi akan menguasai sebagian besar pola belajar
peserta didik.
Pemanfaatan internet dapat dijadikan sebagai sebuah sistem untuk
mewujudkan situasi belajar yang lebih efektif serta efisien, sehingga guru dapat lebih
mengoptimalkan jam pembelajaran tatap muka di kelas ke arah hal yang lebih
bermanfaat tidak hanya sebatas pada pemaparan materi yang mana seharusnya hal
tersebut bisa dibuat dalam bentuk tulisan sederhana dan dibagikan melalui website,
blog atau e-mail kepada para siswa.
Internet adalah jaringan global yang menghubungkan beribu-ribu bahkan
berjuta-juta jaringan komputer dan komputer pribadi, memungkinkan setiap
komputer yang terhubung dapat menghubungi banyak komputer kapan saja dan dari
mana saja di belahan bumi untuk mengirim berita, memperoleh informasi ataupun
mentransfer data (Murni, 2008).
Munadi (2013), dalam bukunya mengatakan bahwa internet mempunyai efek
yang cukup berarti terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran baik di dalam dan diluar
kelas. Pemanfaatan internet memungkinkan terjadinya proses kemandirian,

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

akselerasi, pengayaan, perluasan, efektifitas serta produktifitas dalam pelaksanaan

proses pembelajaran.
Pemanfaatan internet dalam pembelajaran diharapkan dapat merangsang siswa
untuk belajar secara lebih mandiri serta berkelanjutan sesuai dengan kecakapan
serta potensi alami yang dimiliki. Pengembangan kreativitas serta kemandirian
peserta didik juga terbuka sangat lebar dengan menjadikan internet sebagai sebuah
sistem pembelajaran baru. Pemanfaatan internet sebagai sebuah sistem pembelajaran
cukup bermanfaat untuk mengurangi jarak antara guru dan siswa. Dengan e-mail
guru dapat menyampaikan pesan kepada siswa tanpa dibatasi waktu dan tempat,
siswa juga dapat melakukan konsultasi kapan saja dan dari mana saja.
Melalui pemanfaatan website siswa juga dapat berperan tidak hanya sebagai
penikmat informasi tetapi juga sebagai seorang peneliti maupun analis, dengan
menganalisis berbagai data serta informasi yang telah diperoleh. Sementara itu
dengan menggunakan e-mail siswa diharapkan dapat berkomuni-kasi dengan guru
maupun siswa lainnya serta masyarakat online lainnya untuk dapat saling bertukar
informasi tentang materi yang sedang dipelajari. Pemanfaatan media e-mail maupun
website atau blog dalam pembelajaran diharapkan dapat menghapus batasan ruang
dan waktu.
Berkaitan dengan penggunaan jejaring sosial sebagai sebuah sistem
pembelajaran belum banyak dilirik oleh para guru, hal ini dikarenakan masih
banyaknya guru yang belum mencoba untuk mulai memanfaatkan jejaring sosial
sebagai salah satu alternatif strategi pembelajaran. Situs jejaring sosial yang akrab di
kalangan siswa berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana pembelajaran, guna
menggantikan fungsi perangkat lunak learning management system. Dibandingkan
dengan perangkat lunak learning management system, jejaring sosial memiliki
keunggulan karena bisa digunakan tanpa harus menyewa atau mengelola server serta
yang terpenting adalah lebih akrab dikalangan siswa.
Situs pertemanan sosial seperti facebook, twitter, myspace dan lain sebagainya
telah menjadi tren dan seakan menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi setiap orang. Demikian
pula dikalangan para pendidik dan kalangan para siswa, di kalangan siswa, facebook
diakses setiap hari dan berbagai komunitas mulai bermunculan.
Situs jejaring sosial sebenarnya dapat dijadikan sebagai sebuah alternatif baru
yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam dunia pembelajaran. Hal tersebut terkait dengan
upaya meningkatkan semangat belajar para siswa yang pada akhirnya diharapkan
dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar secara lebih maksimal. Mayoritas siswa, guru dan
masyarakat luas sudah memiliki akun jejaring sosial, dan semestinya hal ini dapat
dimanfaatkan dengan baik guna mendukung proses pembelajaran, sehingga siswa
memiliki lebih banyak variasi dalam proses pembelajaran.
Banyak siswa dalam sehari log in ke akun jejaring sosial mereka lebih dari
sekali. Hal tersebut cenderung membuat para siswa lupa waktu dalam penggunaan
situs jejaring sosial sehingga mengalihkan waktu yang seharusnya dapat digunakan
untuk belajar atau kesibukkan lain yang lebih bermanfaat. Jejaring sosial yang
sangat diminati para siswa selain lebih menarik, tentu saja lebih mudah digunakan
karena tidak hanya bisa diakses di kelas saat pelajaran berlangsung, tetapi bisa dari
mana saja bahkan melalui ponsel pribadi.
Sebagai seorang tenaga pendidik seharusnya jeli untuk melihat perkembangan
yang ada, Dengan memanfaatkan jejaring sosial untuk berinteraksi secara lebih
personal dengan para siswa, hal ini memungkinkan guru dapat menjadi pengarah
sekaligus pengawas yang baik bagi para siswa baik di dalam sekolah maupun di luar
Contoh jejaring sosial yang umum digunakan saat ini adalah facebook, guru
dapat membuat sebuah grup. Dalam grup tersebut beranggotakan siswa atau kelas
dari mata pelajaran yang diampu. Dalam grup guru bisa membagikan bahan ajar
dengan cara mengunggah file bahan ajar yang dimaksud seperti pdf, word, maupun

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

power point atau file lainnya. Dengan begitu siswa bisa mengunduh file materi
dimanapun dan kapanpun ketika dibutuhkan.
Berkaitan dengan komunikasi, dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas grup yang ada
siswa juga bisa bertanya secara langsung kepada guru tentang materi yang belum
dimengerti, begitu pula dengan peserta grup lainnya juga bisa menyimak pertanyaan
tersebut secara interaktif. Hal tersebut sama seperti ketika guru sedang berada di
dalam kelas.
Patria & Kristianus (2010) dalam sebuah artikel menyampaikan begitu banyak
fitur yang ditawarkan oleh jejaring sosial yang dapat digunakan oleh para user untuk
memudahkan proses interaksi antara sesama pengguna. Berbagai fitur yang
ditawarkan oleh jejaring sosial yang jika ditelaah lebih jauh dapat pula digunakan
sebagai media pembelajaran guna mendukung efektivitas serta efisiensi dalam
pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran.
Faktor Penghambat Pemanfaatan TIK dalam Pembelajaran
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan melalui beberapa tahapan
maka dapat diketahui beberapa hal yang penghambat pemanfaatan teknologi
informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran yaitu :
1. Masalah tidak stabilnya jaringan internet, dirasa sangat mengganggu berbagai
perencanaan yang telah dibuat oleh guru bidang studi mengenai pembelajaran
dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, walaupun seluruh
area sekolah telah tercover oleh fasilitas wireless hotspot namun tidak dapat
terkoneksi ke jaringan internet.
2. Hambatan berikutnya yang dialami dalam pemanfaatan TIK di SMA YPPGI
Nabire adalah guru merasa terbebani untuk bisa mengajar dengan memanfaatkan
media pengajaran, hal ini dikarenakan dengan media pengajaran guru dituntut
harus lebih kreatif serta persiapan pengajaran lebih matang. Sebelum mengajar
menggunakan media, guru sudah harus mencobanya sehingga ketika di kelas guru
sudah terbiasa dan tidak canggung lagi, guru perlu menyiapkan waktu yang lebih
lama serta tenaga lebih agar media pembelajaran yang disiapkan bisa berjalan
dengan baik.
3. Keterbatasan tenaga operasional untuk bisa memanfaatkan TIK, perlu adanya
tenaga khusus yang mengelola media tersebut, karena tidak setiap guru mampu
mengoperasikan media tersebut. kondisi ini merupakan masalah baru yang akan
sulit mengatasinya. Hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan tenaga operasional untuk
melakukan penjadwalan, perawatan dan pengoperasian ketika guru akan
memanfaatkan media.
4. Kurangnya kompetensi guru dalam memanfaatkan berbagai fasilitas TIK
yang telah disediakan oleh pihak sekolah hal ini terkadang dipengaruhi oleh factor
kompetensi guru yang bersangkutan, dari segi usia terkadang guru yang sudah
berumur kesulitan untuk mengikuti derasnya perkembangan arus teknologi
informasi dan komunikasi yang pada akhirnya membuatnya kewalahan dalam
memanfaatkan perangkat tersebut dalam mendukung materi yang diajarkan.
Sejatinya seorang guru harus mampu mengintegrasikan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Hal itu harus terus dilakukan agar
kualitas proses dan hasil pembelajaran lebih baik, sehingga pada gilirannya dapat
meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan itu sendiri baik itu dari tenaga pendidik sendiri
maupun para siswa sebagai output dari sebuah proses pendidikan.
5. Masalah pembiayaan, faktor pembiayaan sangat mempengaruhi dalam
penerapan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi guna
peningkatan proses pembalajaran guru di sekolah. yang mana hal ini berkaitan
erat dengan pemenuhan perangkat pembelajaran berbasiskan teknologi informasi
dan komunikasi guna mendukung peningkatan profesionalisme guru dalam
penerapan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

Berbagai hambatan yang berhasil ditemui oleh penulis dapat dikatakan bahwa
hambatan yang paling dominan adalah berkaitan dengan kompetensi guru dalam
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran, hambatan
lainnya yang ditemukan oleh penulis berupa masalah teknis dan pembiayaan.
Sistem pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi merupakan
sebuah proses pembelajaran yang menggambarkan pemanfaatan kecanggihan
teknologi dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas serta efektivitas proses pembelajaran
yang pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para peserta
Guru memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam pelaksanaan proses
belajar mengajar, oleh karena itu pengetahuan, keterampilan serta penguasaan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi guna mendukung proses pembelajaran menjadi
sesuatu hal yang penting untuk diketahui oleh guru saat ini.
Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pendidikan telah
diamanatkan dalam Permendiknas Nomor 16 Tahun 2007 Tentang Standar
Kualifikasi Akademik dan Kompetensi Guru, dalam permendiknas tersebut
dinyatakan bahwa seorang guru harus memiliki kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk pengembangan diri. Kemudian dijabarkan
dalam bentuk 1) memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam
berkomunikasi; 2) memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk
pengembangan diri.
Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 menyebutkan Pendidikan Nasional
berfungsi mengem-bangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban
bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan
untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan
bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, berilmu, kreatif, mandiri,
bertanggung jawab. Tugas dan tanggung jawab guru dalam mengemban amanat
tujuan pen-didikan nasional, seorang guru dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi,
profesionalitas serta kreatifitas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran termasuk dalam
hal pemanfaatan teknologi untuk kepentingan pembelajaran.
Berkenaan dengan profesionalisme guru, berdasarkan PP No.74 tahun 2008
tentang guru, maka ada empat kompetensi yang harus dikuasai yaitu pedagogik,
kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional. Kompetensi profesional dapat diartikan sebagai
kemampuan guru untuk menguasai serta memanfaat-kan berbagai sumber daya
untuk mendukung pembelajaran, termasuk kemampuan untuk menguasai ilmu
pengetahuan serta teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sesuai dengan perkembangan
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memberikan peluang baru yang sangat
luas sehingga kreativitas seorang guru menjadi sangat penting dalam memanfaatkan
berbagai peluang baru yang disediakan oleh teknologi, tanpa adanya kreatifitas dari
seorang guru teknologi secanggih apapun tidak akan memberikan dampak yang
Secanggih apapun teknologi yang digunakan dalam mendukung proses
pembelajaran, seorang guru tetap memegang peran sentral sebagai pengembang
konten dan tutor pembelajaran. Peran seorang guru tidak dapat tergantikan sehingga
kreatifitas seorang guru mutlak diperlukan dalam pemanfaatan teknologi dalam
pembelajaran. Diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih dari seorang guru atau tenaga
pendidik untuk memanfaatkan berbagai kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh teknologi
dimasa sekarang agar dapat dimanfaatkan dengan optimal sehingga proses transfer
materi dapat berjalan dengan menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga pada akhirnya
dapat meningkatkan fokus serta semangat siswa dalam pembelajaran.
Faktor Pendukung Pemanfaatan TIK
Sarana dan prasarana secara langsung memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia
pendidikan guna mendukung tercapainya tujuan pendidikan terutama berkaitan
dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran.

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

Berkenaan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam

pembelajaran. Sarana dan prasarana juga harus terus dikembangkan demi
keberhasilan proses pendidikan di sekolah. Projector serta akses internet merupakan
sarana dan prasarana wajib yang sudah harus dimiliki oleh sekolah di era sekarang.
Sarana prasarana sebagai salah satu unsur penting dalam sumber daya pendidikan
juga harus terus mengikuti perkembangan jaman yang semakin pesat.

Tabel 2 Kelengkapan sarana & prasarana pembelajaran (ruang teori dan praktik)

Sumber Data : Olahan Hasil Penelitian

Upaya Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan TIK dalam Pembelajaran

Pelaksanaan program pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi
dan komunikasi tentu memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi pihak sekolah guna
mengupayakan secara lebih optimal pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi
dalam pembelajaran.
Berbagai upaya untuk selalu meningkatkan kompetensi profesional tenaga
pendidik terus dilakukan antara lain peningkatan dalam mengembangkan materi
pembelajaran yang diampu secara lebih kreatif sehingga seorang guru harus selalu
mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang ada.
Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui berbagai langkah yang
dilakukan oleh SMA YPPGI Nabire sebagai upaya melakukan optimalisasi
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran yaitu :
1. Sekolah melaksanakan berbagai program serta strategi guna melengkapi sarana
dan prasarana yang berbasiskan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Seperti
melengkapi seluruh ruang kelas dengan LCD, penambahan bandwith akses
internet, dan peralatan lainnya yang berbasiskan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi (TIK). Menyediakan laptop bagi guru yang belum memiliki laptop
2. Giatnya sekolah mengkampanyekan dan atau memotivasi para guru secara
personal untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Hal ini
dikarenakan dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang
begitu pesat saat ini, guru tidak hanya menjadi satu-satunya sumber belajar, siswa
dapat mencari materi pembelajaran secara mandiri dengan memanfaatkan
jaringan internet.
3. Memberikan workshop maupun pelatihan-pelatihan untuk memanfaatkan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, baik
pelatihan yang dilaksanakan secara mandiri maupun pelatihan yang
diselenggarakan oleh pihak lainnya.

JURNAL FATEKSA: Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Volume 2, No 1 Juli 2017

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan beberapa

hal berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam
pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI Nabire:
1. Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di SMA YPPGI Nabire
belum dimanfaatkan secara keseluruhan oleh semua guru. Paradigma guru ketika
memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran masih
terbatas pada penggunaan presentasi terutama power point. Penggunaan internet
masih terbatas untuk mencari informasi tambahan seputar materi yang akan
disampaikan bukan dijadikan sebagai sebuah strategi sistem pembelajaran baru
yang reintegrasi dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan, begitu pula dengan
jejaring sosial masih belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik sebagai sistem
2. Profesionalisme guru dapat dikatakan masih menjadi hambatan utama yang cukup
mengganggu pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam
pembelajaran, selain hambatan teknis lainnya seperti listrik dan persoalan
konektifitas internet serta masalah pembiayaan.
Faktor pendukung yang utama adalah tersedianya berbagai sarana dan prasarana
berbasiskan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang begitu memadai guna
mengakomodir pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam
3. Bentuk upaya yang dilakukan sekolah dalam rangka mengoptimalkan
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran adalah
dengan memberikan motivasi secara pribadi kepada para guru berkenaan dengan
pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran serta
berbagai pelatihan dan workshop baik yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak sekolah
secara mandiri maupun dari pihak luar sekolah.
1. Kepada pihak sekolah penulis menyaranan untuk lebih melengkapi lagi sarana
dan prasarana yang berbasiskan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sebagai
upaya optimalisasi pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran. Pelatihan maupun
workshop harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi, guna lebih meningkatkan pemahaman
serta keterampilan guru berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran,
sehingga pemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran lebih optimal dan menyeluruh.
2. Penulis menyarankan para guru agar dapat mulai memaksimalkan pemanfaatan
TIK dalam pembelajaran, dimulai dengan memanfaatkan hal yang paling mudah
semisal facebook untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran, dikarenakan setiap
siswa dan guru telah memiliki akun pada jejaring sosial facebook maka diharapkan
proses adaptasi penggunaan jejaring sosial dalam pembelajaran menjadi lebih
mudah. Jika hal tersebut sudah terbiasa untuk dilakukan maka bukan tidak
mungkin untuk kedepan pengembangan website atau blog untuk mendukung
proses pembelajaran menjadi semakin mudah.
3. Penulis juga sangat menyarankan kepada pihak sekolah untuk dapat membentuk
tim pengembang teknologi pembelajaran di sekolah. Tim pengembang teknologi
pembelajaran dapat terdiri dari unsur guru utamanya yang berlatar belakang TIK,
bidang kurikulum, serta bidang sarana dan prasarana. Tugas pokok dari tim
pengembang teknologi pembelajaran di sekolah adalah melaksanakan analisis,
pengkajian serta implementasi sistem atau sebuah model pembelajaran dengan
memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Setelah melakukan berbagai
analisis pengkajian dan implementasi maka dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Daftar Pustaka
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Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391



Ratna Septia Lestari1), Euis Eti Rohaeti2), Ratni Purwasih3)

IKIP Siliwangi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dalam
menyelesaikan soal bangun ruang sisi datar yang di tinjau dari gaya belajar dan kemampuan dasar
matematika siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Ngamprah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif
kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 34 siswa
kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 ngamprah. Hasil data menunjukan bahwa hasil skor presentase tiap indikator
diperoleh bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal bangun ruang sisi datar
ditinjau dari kemampuan dasar, yaitu: kelompok atas dengan rata-rata 69% lebih rendah dibandingkan
dengan nilai rata-rata nilai ulangan pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar yaitu sebesar 80%, kelompok
menengah dengan rata-rata 67% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata nilai ulangan pada materi
materi bangun ruang sisi datar yaitu sebesar 77%, dan kelompok bawah dengan rata-rata 57% lebih rendah
dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata nilai ulangan pada materi materi bangun ruang sisi datar yaitu 75%.

Kata kunci: Koneksi Matematis, Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar, Kemampuan Dasar

PENDAHULUAN National Council of Teacher of

Upaya peningkatan kualitas Mathematics (Sariningsih & Purwasih,
pendidikan yang diwujudkan dengan 2017: 164). Prinsip pengajaran menyatakan
pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 diharapkan bahwa pengajaran matematika akan efektif
dapat meningkatkan potensi peserta didik mengusahakan siswa supaya mengetahui
sebagai generasi penerus bangsa di masa dan menyadari perlunya belajar
depan. Salah satu upaya tersebut yaitu matematika, kemudian mendukung mereka
saling terkait antara topik yang satu dan untuk belajar matematika dengan baik.
lainnya dalam pembelajaran. Keterkaitan Sementara prinsip belajar matematika
antar materi pada matematika dan juga dengan pemahaman, membangun
matematika pada dunia nyata tersebut pengetahuan.
melandasi terbentuknya koneksi Gagasan koneksi matematis telah
matematika NCTM (Anggraeni & lama di teliti oleh Brownell tahun 1930-an
Khabibah, 2014: 108). akan tetapi saat itu ide koneksi matematis
Pendidikan matematika memegang hanya terbatas pada koneksi pada aritmetik
peranan penting dalam peningkatan mutu (Bergeson, 2000: 37). Koneksi matematis di
manusia. Karena matematika sangat ilhami dari ilmu matematika secara
berguna dan erat kaitannya dalam segala terintegrasi dalam berbagai topik dan
segi kehidupan manusia. Faktanya, saling terpisah, namun matematika
pendidikan matematika mendorong merupakan satu kesatuan. Selain itu
masyarakat untuk selalu maju, terbukti matematika juga tidak bisa terpisahkan dari
dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi ilmu lainnya di luar bidang matematika
modern. Oleh karena itu, mempelajari dan dan masalah-masalah yang terjadi dalam
menguasai matematika dengan baik adalah kehidupan. Tanpa koneksi matematika
sebuah keharusan bagi setiap orang. Sesuai maka siswa harus belajar dan mengingat
dengan prinsip pengajaran dan prinsip terlalu banyak konsep dan prosedur
belajar matematika yang ditetapkan

Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi 51
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

matematika yang saling terpisah (NCTM, furnish useful information to both teachers
2000: 275). and students”. Pandangan ini menyiratkan
Kemampuan koneksi matematis bahwa asesmen yang dilakukan hendaknya
merupakan hal yang penting namun siswa dapat memberikan informasi penting bagi
yang menguasai konsep matematika tidak guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran
dengan sendirinya pintar dalam matematika.
mengkoneksikan matematika. Dalam Dari sekian banyak materi
sebuah penelitian ditemukan bahwa siswa matematika, salah satu pokok bahasan yang
sering mampu mendaftar konsep-konsep sering muncul sebagai permasalahan adalah
matematika yang terkait dengan masalah bangun ruang sisi datar yang di ajarkan di
rill, tetapi hanya sedikit siswa yang mampu kelas VIII semester genap. Cangkupan
menjelaskan mengapa konsep tersebut materi bangun ruang sisi datar ini, meliputi,
digunakan dalam aplikasi itu Lembke dan Balok, Kubus, Prisma, Limas. Bangun
Reys (Bergeson, 2000: 38). Dengan tersebut merupakan bentuk geometris dari
demikian kemampuan koneksi perlu bangun ruang sisi datar. Kemampuan untuk
dilatihkan kepada siswa sekolah. Apabila memecahkan masalah-masalah dalam
siswa mampu mengaitkan ide-ide materi bangun ruang sisi datar tentunya
matematis maka pemahaman sangat berkaitan dengan kemampuan dasar
matematikanya akan semakin dalam dan matematika siswa, karena kemampuan
bertahan lama karena mereka mampu dasar merupakan aspek yang paling
melihat keterkaitan antar topik dalam mempengaruhi untuk menganalisis suatu
matematika, dengan konteks selain permasalahan, sehingga kemampuan dasar
matematika, dan dengan pengalaman hidup dalam penelitian ini menjadi faktor utama
sehari-hari (NCTM, 2000: 64). Bahkan yang akan dilihat dari hasil belajar
koneksi matematika dengan matematika matematika siswa di kelas VIII selama 1
jaman dahulu, misalkan dengan matematika tahun.
zaman Yunani, dapat meningkatkan Berdasarkan uraian diatas, dapat
pembelajaran matematika dan menambah disimpulkan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan
motivasi siswa (Banihashemi, 2003). antara yang dikehendaki dengan apa yang
Untuk mencapai kemampuan terjadi di lapangan. Salah satu tujuan dari
koneksi dalam matematika bukanlah suatu pembelajaran matematika adalah
hal yang mudah karena kemampuan untuk memahami konsep matematika,
mengkoneksikan dalam matematika menjelaskan keterkaitan antar konsep dan
dilakukan secara individual. Setiap peserta mengaplikasi konsep secara luwes, akurat,
didik mempunyai kemampuan yang efesien, dan tepat, dalam memecahkan
berbeda dalam mengkoneksikan hubungan masalah. Sehingga dipandang perlu untuk
dalam matematika. Namun demikian mengkaji kemampuan koneksi matematis
peningkatan kemampuan koneksi siswa dalam materi bangun ruang sisi datar
matematis siswa perlu diupayakan dan berdasarkan indikator kemampuan koneksi
dicarikan suatu alternative untuk membantu NCTM ( Linto, Elniati, & Rizal, 2012)
guru didalam meningkatkan kemampuan menyatakan tujuan koneksi matematika
koneksi matematis pada materi bangun diberikan pada siswa di sekolah menengah
ruang sisi datar. Salah satu alternative yang adalah agar siswa dapat: (1) Mengenali
ditawarkan adalah dengan mengeksplorasi representasi yang ekuivalen dari suatu
lebih jauh mengenai kemampuan koneksi konsep yang sama, (2) Mengenali hubungan
matematis siswa. Alternatif ini dipilih prosedur satu representasi ke prosedur
dengan pertimbangan pandangan (NCTM, representasi yang ekuivalen, (3)
2000:11), “assessement should support the Menggunakan dan menilai koneksi
learning of important mathematics and beberapa topic matematika, (4)

52 Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

Menggunakan dan menilai koneksi antara Prosuder dalam penelitian ini untuk
matematika dan disiplin ilmu lain. Adapun mengetahui kemampuan koneksi matematis
indikator dalam penelitian ini berkenaan siswa terdiri dari 3 tahapan, yaitu: 1)
dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis tahapan Persiapan, 2) tahap pelaksanaan, 3)
yaitu: (1) Mengenali representasi ekuivalen analisi data. Tahap persiapan: langkah-
dari konsep yang sama; (2) Mengenali langkah yang dilakukan pada tahap
hubungan prosedur matematika suatu persiapan antara lain: (1) Melakukan
representasi keprosedur representasi yang prariset ke SMP Negeri 2 Ngamprah.
ekuivalen; (3) Menggunakan dan menilai Prariset dilakukan untuk memperoleh data
keterkaitan antar topik matematika dan tentang jumlah siswa, mengetahui jumlah
keterkaitan diluar matematika; dan (4) jam pelajaran, mengetahui jadwal
Menggunakan matematika dalam pelaksanaan penelitian, dan
kehidupan sehari-hari (Sumarmo, 2012). mengetahuinkemampuan koneksi siswa.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu Tahap pelaksanaan: (1) Mengurus perizinan
untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan untuk melakukan penelitian di SMP Negeri
koneksi matematis siswa smp dalam 2 Ngamprah. (2) Menentukan waktu
menyelesaikan soal bangun ruang sisi datar penelitian dengan guru mata pelajaran
ditinjau dari matematika dasar. matematika kelas IX SMP Negeri 2
Kemampuan matematika siswa terdiri dari Ngamprah. (3) Membagi siswa dalam
kemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah. kelompok atas, menengah, dan bawah
berdasarkan nilai ulangan kelas VIII
METODE semester genap. (4) Memberikan tes
Metode penelitian yang digunakan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada
adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam materi bangun ruang sisi datar. (5)
penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IX Menganalisis jawaban siswa. (6)
G SMP Negeri 2 Ngamprah. Subjek Mewawancarai beberapa siswa dari masing-
penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok masing tingkat kemampuan untuk
kemampuan matematika yaitu kemampuan mendukung jawaban siswa. (7) Mengolah
matematika tingkat tinggi, sedang dan data yang telah diperoleh dengan uji
rendah yang didapat berdasarkan statistic yang sesuai. Adapun analisis data
kemampuan dasar siswa dari hasil ulangan meliputi: (1) Mengumpulkan hasil data
umum semester genap kelas VIII berupa tes kualitatif dan kuantitatif. (2) Melakuakan
objektif yang berjumlah 40 soal.analisis analisis data Kuantitatif terhadap hasil tes.
data dengan standar deviasi Arikunto (3) Melakukan analisis data kualitatif
(2009: 263) untuk mengelompokan siswa berdasarkan hasil wawancara siswa. (4)
ke dalam kategori tingkat kemampuan dasar Mendeskripsikan hasil pengolahan data dan
siswa. Rentang nilai siswa untuk masing- menyimpulkan sebagai jawaban dari
masing kategori kemampuan dasar masalah dalam penelitian ini. Prosedur yang
matematika adalah sebagai berikut: dilakukan dalam penelitian untuk
mengetahui respon hasil wawancara siswa
Tabel 1. Kategori Tingkat Kemampuan adalah: (a) Memberikan dan mencatat hasil
Dasar Matematia wawancara. (b) Menganalisis dan
Tingkat Kode Nama mendeskripsikan data. (c) Membuat
Kemampuan Dasar kesimpulan. (5) Penarik kesimpulan. (a)
Matematika Menarik kesimpulan dari data kuantitatif
Tinggi X ≥ mean + SD yang diperoleh, yaitu mengenai
Sedang Mean – SD ˂ x kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. (b)
˂ Mean + SD Menarik kesimpulan dari data kualitatif
Rendah x ≤ Mean – SD
yang diperoleh, yaitu mengenai hasil

Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi 53
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

wawancara. (6) Menyusun laporan Sesuai dengan masalah yang diberikan,

penelitian. SKA menentukan total biaya pengecatan
dinding ruangan berbentuk balok.
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Dengan memahami masalah yang
Berdasarkan nilai hasil tes diberikan, SKA menentukan luas
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada dinding tanpa alas dan tutup. Setelah
materi bangun ruang sisi datar siswa kelas mendapatkan nilai luas dinding dan
IX SMP Negei 2 Ngamprah maka dapat memahami permasalahan, SKA
tiga kelompok siswa dengan kemampuan menerjemahkan jawaban permasalahan
atas, sedang, dan bawah sebagai berikut: ke dunia nyata dengan membuat
kesimpulan sesuai dengan perintah pada
Tabel 2. Hasil tes siswa kelas IX soal.
materi bangun ruang sisi datar b. Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari
No Indikator Presentase konsep yang sama
Soal Kemampuan Kemampuan Siswa Dengan membaca permasalahan yang
Matematis Atas Sedang Bawah
telah ditentukan, SKA saat olimpiade
1 Menggunakan 78% 73% 68%
olah raga menentukan konsep yaitu
matematika mencari jarak tempuh seorang atlet
dalam pelari saat mengelilingi lapangan,
kehidupan symbol yang ditentukan adalah (d untuk
2 Mengenali 76% 76% 64%
mencari jarak, v kecepatan rata-rata, dan
representasi t untuk waktu). Dengan memahami
ekuivalen dari masalah yang diberikan SKA dapat
konsep yang mencari jarak yang ditempuh seorang
3 Mengenali 60% 57% 38% atlet pelari, mencari lebar lapangan
hubungan dengan diketahui keliling lapangannya,
prosedur sehingga dapat menentukan luas
matematika keseluruhan lapangan yang dipakai
representasi olimpiade. Sehingga SKA dapat
keprosedur menentukan nilai sesuai permasalahan.
representasi c. Mengenali hubungan prosedur
yang ekuivalen matematika suatu representasi
4 Menggunakan 63% 62% 58%
dan menilai keprosedur representasi yang ekuivalen
keterkaitan Dengan mengingat materi yang
antar topik dipelajari sebelumnya yaitu
dan keterkaitan
perbandingan, SKA menentukan
diluar prosedur yang akan digunakan untuk
matematika menyelesaikan masalah yaitu
Nilai rata-rata total 69% 67% 57% menentukan perbandingan volume kubus
uji coba soal
sebelum dan sesudah diperbesar. Dengan
memahami masalah yang diberikan
Berikut analisis data hasil penelitian tentang dapat mengingat kembali prosedur-
kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam prosedur pada materi yang pernah
menyelesaikan soal bangun ruang sisi datar dipelajari sebelumnya sehingga bisa
dari ketiga subjek tersebut. membuat kesimpulan sesuai perintah.
Subjek Kemampuan Matematika Atas d. Menggunakan dan menilai keterkaitan
(SKA) antar topik matematika dan keterkaitan
a. Menggunakan matematika dalam diluar matematika
kehidupan sehari-hari.

54 Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

Dengan membaca dan mengingat t untuk waktu). Dengan memahami

permasalan berulang kali yang diberikan, masalah yang diberikan SKS dapat
SKA menentukan konsep pada fisika mencari jarak yang ditempuh seorang
yaitu tentang kecepatan gravitasi bumi atlet pelari, namun ada satu konsep yang
dan menghitung tekanan pada benda. tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan benar,
Sesuai masalah yang diberikan symbol SKS kurang tepat untuk menentukan
matematika yang di tentukan ( m untuk lebar sebuah lapangan yang dipakai
massa, g untuk percepatan gravitasi, F untuk olimpiade. SKS mengalami
untuk hitung gaya, P untuk hitung kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan rumus,
tekanan). Symbol tersebut sesuai dengan SKS tidak bisa menentukan luas
variable yang telah ditentukan pada keseluruhan lapangan jika lapangan
fisika. Dengan memahami masalah yang berbentuk balok dan lebarnya tidak
diberikan, SKA dapat menetukan sesuai perintah yang diberikan.
langkah-langkah untuk menghitung gaya c. Mengenali hubungan prosedur
(F) dan kemudian menghitung tekanan matematika suatu representasi ke
(P). Setelah menentukan nilai dari prosedur representasi yang ekuivalen
permasalahan, kemudian SKA dapat Dengan mengingat materi yang
menerjemahkan jawaban pada dunia dipelajari sebelumnya yaitu
nyata dengan membuat kesimpulan perbandingan, SKS dapat menentukan
sesuai perintah. prosedur yang akan digunakan untuk
Subjek Kemampuan Matematika Sedang menyelesaikan masalah. Namun, untuk
(SKS) menentukan perbandingan volume kubus
a. Menggunakan matematika dalam sebelum dan sesudah diperbesar SKS
kehidupan sehari-hari mengalami kesulitan. Meskipun
Sesuai dengan masalah yang diberikan, mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan
SKS menentukan total biaya pengecatan nilai perbandingan, SKS memahami apa
dinding ruangan berbentuk balok. yang ditanyakan dalam soal dengan
Dengan memahami masalah yang dibantu peneliti dengan membuat
diberikan, SKS menentukan luas dinding kesimpulan dari permasalahan.
tanpa alas dan tutup. Namun kesalahan d. Menggunakan dan menilai keterkaitan
yang dilakukan SKS dalam menulis antar topik matematika dan keterkaitan
rumus mencari luas dinding (tanpa alas diluar matematika
dan tutup), rata- rata menghitung luas Dengan membaca dan mengingat
permukaan balok keseluruhan dan permasalan berulang kali yang diberikan,
mengoperasikan hasil luas permukaan SKS menentukan konsep pada fisika
dengan biaya pengecatan cat. Setelah yaitu tentang kecepatan gravitasi bumi
rurmus tersebut dibenarkan oleh peneliti, dan menghitung tekanan pada benda.
SKS bisa menentukan harga biaya Sesuai masalah yang diberikan symbol
pengecatan ruangan tetapi biayanya matematika yang di tentukan (m untuk
menjadi sangat besar. massa, g untuk percepatan gravitasi, F
b. Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari untuk hitung gaya, P untuk hitung
konsep yang sama tekanan). Symbol tersebut sesuai dengan
Dengan membaca permasalahan yang variable yang telah ditentukan pada
telah ditentukan, SKS saat olimpiade fisika. Namun dengan ragu SKS dalam
olah raga menentukan konsep yaitu menentukan langkah-langkah pada
mencari jarak tempuh seorang atlet permasalahan. SKS dengan dibantu
pelari saat mengelilingi lapangan, peneliti menghubungkan konsep fisika
symbol yang ditentukan adalah ( d untuk dan matematika yang terlibat dalam
mencari jarak, v kecepatan rata-rata, dan masalah, SKS menyelesaikan model

Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi 55
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

matematika dengan rumus menghitung Ontario (Romli, 2014) menegaskan

gaya, dengan diketahui kecepatan bahwa dengan melihat hubungan antara
gravitasi bumi dan massa, dan harus prosedur dan konsep matematika akan
mencari luas balok tersebut. dengan membantu siswa memperdalam
rumus tekanan pada fisika sehungga pemahaman matematikanya, membuat
SKS dapat membuat kesimpulan sesuai koneksi antara pengetahuan matematika
dengan perintah. yang siswa pelajari dengan aplikasinya
Subjek Kemampuan Matematika Bawah dalam kehidupan nyata mereka akan
(SKB). lebih membantu siswa melihat dan
a. Menggunakan matematika dalam memahami kegunaan dan relevansi
kehidupan sehari-hari matematika di luar kelas.
Sesuai dengan masalah yang diberikan, c. Mengenali hubungan prosedur
SKB menentukan total biaya pengecatan matematika suatu representasi
dinding ruangan berbentuk balok. keprosedur representasi yang ekuivalen
Dengan memahami masalah yang Dengan mengingat materi yang
diberikan, SKB tidak dapat menentukan dipelajari sebelumnya yaitu
luas dinding tanpa alas dan tutup. Karena perbandingan, SKB dapat menentukan
tidak mengetahuinya. Dengan prosedur yang akan digunakan untuk
memahami masalah yang diberikan SKB menyelesaikan masalah. Namun, untuk
mengalami kesalahan dalam menentukan menentukan perbandingan volume kubus
rumus dengan benar untuk sebelum dan sesudah diperbesar SKB
menyelesaikan masalah yaitu mencari mengalami kesulitan. SKB tidak dapat
luas balok tanpa alas da tutup, namun menentukan panjang rusuk kubus baru
SKB menentukan nilai dengan mencari setelah diperbesar karena tidak paham
volume balok. Sehingga biaya dengan masalah yang diberikan, dan
pengecatan ruangan menjadi tidak SKB tidak melanjutkan jawabannya
sesuai, karena SKB tidak memahami karena merasa tidak bisa.
permasalahan yang diberikan. d. Menggunakan dan menilai keterkaitan
b. Mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari antar topik matematika dan keterkaitan
konsep yang sama diluar matematika.
Dengan membaca permasalahan yang Dengan membaca dan mengingat
telah ditentukan, SKB saat olimpiade permasalan berulang kali yang diberikan,
olah raga menentukan konsep yaitu SKB menentukan konsep pada fisika
mencari jarak tempuh seorang atlet yaitu tentang kecepatan gravitasi bumi
pelari saat mengelilingi lapangan, dan menghitung tekanan pada benda.
symbol yang ditentukan adalah ( d untuk Sesuai masalah yang diberikan symbol
mencari jarak, v kecepatan rata-rata, dan matematika yang di tentukan ( m untuk
t untuk waktu). Dengan memahami massa, g untuk percepatan gravitasi, F
masalah yang diberikan SKB tidak dapat untuk hitung gaya, P untuk hitung
mencari jarak yang ditempuh seorang tekanan). Symbol tersebut sesuai dengan
atlet pelari karena lupa pada materi jarak variable yang telah ditentukan pada
yang sebelumnya sudah dipelajari. SKB fisika. Namun SKB mengetahui kalau
mencari lebar dari lapangan olimpiade masalah tersebut terkait pada fisika
tetapi kurang teliti, Ada beberapa yang tetapi tidak dapat menyebutkan konsep
tidak sesuai dengan konsep yang fisika yang terlibat pada masalah. SKB
diberikan. SKB tidak dapat tidak dapat menyebutkan konsef fisika
menyelesaikan jawaban dari yang terlibat dalam masalah karena SKR
permasalahan yang diberikan. Hal ini tidak pernah mengerjakan permasalahan
sejalan dengan Ministry of Education of serupa sehingga SKB tidak dapat

56 Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

menyelesaikan permasalahan yang menghubungkan beberapa konsep

diberikan. matematika dengan fisika karena siswa
tidak pernah menemukan permasalahan
Berdasarkan analisis di atas, dari yang melibatkan konsep pada fisika dan
hasil tersebut, kemampuan koneksi matematika sebelumnya. Permasalahan
matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal tersebut menjelaskan bahwa koneksi
bangun ruang sisi datar, sesuai dengan matematika harus mendapatkan penekanan
kemampuan dasar matematika siswa terlihat dalam setiap jenjang pendidikan (NCTM,
bahwa ketiga subjek berbeda pula. Hal ini 2000) sehingga siswa menjadi terbiasa
sejalan dengan penelitian Supriadi (2015) dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang
bahwa peningkatan kemampuan koneksi melibatkan beberapa konsep matematika
matematis siswa ditunjukkan dengan keterkaitan diluar matematika.
kemampuan siswa memahami koneksi antar Subjek dengan kemampuan bawah
keterampilan matematis dan koneksi tidak pernah menyelesaikan masalah
matematis dengan mata pelajaran lain. kemampuan koneksi sebelumnya. Menurut
Sebagai ilustrasi, untuk menjawab Ramlah, Bennu, & Paloloang (2017) bahwa
pertanyaan tentang table distribusi kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan
frekuensi. masalah matematika tersebut yaitu
Kemampuan koneksi matematika kesalahan konseptual diantaranya siswa
yang berbeda salah satunya disebabkan tidak memahami makna soal yang
karena subjek memiliki pemahaman yang diberikan. Sedangkan kesalahan prosedural
berbeda terhadap konsep yang digunakan yaitu siswa tidak dapat melakukan
untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Hal tersebut perkalian dan penjumlahan berkenaan
sesuai dengan yang dijelaskan Siswono dengan laus daan keliling bangun datar
(Anggraeni & Khabibah 2014: 111) yaitu dalam menghitung. Hal ini menyebabkan
perbedaan kemampuan siswa dalam subjek kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan soal
memahami konsep matematika dalam kemampuan koneksi, karena nilai ulangan
memahami konsep matematika dapat kls VIII pun susah, sehingga nilai
menyebabkan perbedaan kemampuan siswa kemampuan dasar matematikanya pun
dalam memecahkan masalah. rendah. selain itu subjek tidak memahami
Subjek dengan kemampuan konsep yang tetlibat pada masalah sehingga
matematika atas, Menggunakan matematika tidak bisa sama sekali mengerjakan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Mengenali permasalahan yang diberikan. Sebagaimana
representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang pendapat Sari, Purwasih, & Nurjaman
sama, Mengenali hubungan prosedur (2017) bahwa hambatan siswa dalam
matematika suatu representasi keprosedur menyelesaikan soal-soal matematika
representasi yang ekuivalen, Menggunakan terletak pada konsep dasar karena terjadi
dan menilai keterkaitan antar topik missconcept sebelumnya sehingga siswa
matematika dan keterkaitan diluar sulit untuk memahami konsep berikutnya.
matematika. Subjek sedikit sekali menemui
kesulitan dalam mengerjakan masalah yang SIMPULAN
diberikan karena sebagian mengikuti les Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan
dan terbiasa menyelesaikan masalah pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan
matematika dengan soal-soal yang bahwa untuk kemampuan koneksi
diberikan di tempat lesnya. Subjek dengan matematis siswa berdasarkan indikator
kemampuan sedang, mengalami kesulitan koneksi pada tingkat atas, berada dalam
dalam menghubungkan beberapa konsep kategori sedang. Kemampuan siswa dalam
matematika dalam menyelesaikan masalah. kelompok menengah termasuk ke dalam
Dan juga mengalami kesulitan dalam kategori sedang. Untuk kemampuan siswa

Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi 57
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Volume 3 Nomor 1
P-ISSN: 2502-7638; E-ISSN: 2502-8391

dalam kelompok bawah tergolong sangat Jurnal JNPM (Jurnal Nasional

rendah. Pendidikan Matematika), 4(1),164.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka
peneliti mengemukakan saran bahwa Sari, I.P., Purwasih, R., & Nurjaman, A.
hendaknya mengfasilitasi kegiatan (2017). Analisis Hambatan Belajar
pembelejaran dengan membiasakan siswa Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah
untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan Program Linear. JIPM (Jurnal Ilmiah
kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan Pendidikan Matematika), 6 (1), 39-46.
banyak latihan soal matematika khususnya
Ramlah,R., Bennu, S., & Paloloang, B.
bangun ruang sisi datar agar dapat
(2017). Analisis Kesalahan Siswa
meningkatkan kemampuan menjawab soal
dalam Menyelesaikan Soal
dengan cara yang beragam, sehingga
Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan
kemampuan koneksi matematis siwa
Pecahan Di Kelas VII SMPN Model
Terpadu Madani. JIPMat: Jurnal
Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 1(2),
182 – 194.
Arikunto, S. (2009). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Romli, M. (2014). Profil Koneksi
Pendidikan. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara. Matematis Siswa Perempuan Sma
Dengan Kemampuan Matematika
Anggraeni I.S , Khabibah S. (2014). Profil
Tinggi Dalam Menyelesaikan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika
Masalah Matematika . Jurnal Ilmiah
Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah
Pendidikan Matematika, 1(2), 145-
Kontekstual Ditinjau dari
Kemampuan Matematika. Jurnal
Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 3(3), Sumarmo, U. (2003). Daya dan Disposisi
103-117. Matematik: Apa, Mengapa dan
Bagaimana Dikembangkan pada
Banihashemi, S.S.A. (2003). Connection of
Siswa Sekolah Dasar dan
Old and New Mathematics on Works
Menengah. Makalah disajikan pada
of Islamic Mathematician with a
Seminar Sehari di Jurusan
Look to Role of History of
Matematika ITB.
Mathematics on Education of
Mathematics. Informing Science. Supriadi, N. (2015). Mengembangkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis
Linto, R.L., Elniati, S., & Rizal, Y. (2012).
Melalui Buku Ajar Elektronik
Kemampuan koneksi matematis dan
Interaktif (BAEI) yang Terintegrasi
metode pembelajaran quantum
Nilai-Nilai Keislaman. Al-Jabar:
teaching dengan peta pikiran. Jurnal
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika , 6(1),
Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1), 83-87.
63 –73.
NCTM (1989). Curriculum and Evaluation
Standards for School Mathematics.
Reston, VA : NCTM.
Sariningsih R, Purwasih R. (2017).
Pembelajaran Problem Based
Learning Meninngkatkan
Kemampuan Masalah Matematis da
Self Efficacy Mahasiswa Calon Guru.

58 Ratna Septia Lestari, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Ratni Purwasih: Profil Kemampuan Koneksi
Matematis Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar
Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Dasar│Halaman 51 - 58
vol. 4 no. 1, pp. 31–34
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika terbit: 31 Maret 2019

Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa melalui

model pembelajaran CORE dengan metode diskusi

Nita Hidayati, Lessa Roesdiana

Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Matematika,
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia


Penelitian ini dimotivasi oleh hasil belajar yang rendah. Fokus penelitian membahas
tentang hasil belajar yang dipengaruhi oleh model pembelajaran CORE. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki masalah pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematis
mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran CORE. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen
semu dengan desain tes posttest only control group design. Penelitian ini dilakukan
kepada siswa dari salah satu universitas di Karawang secara proporsional random
sampling. Pengumpulan data melalui tes kemampuan koneksi matematis yang mengukur
nilai posttest tingkat kemampuan koneksi matematis. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis
menggunakan analisis statistik. Berdasarkan analisis data, pencapaian kemampuan
koneksi matematika dari mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan pembelajaran
CORE lebih baik daripada mereka yang belajar menggunakan pembelajaran
ekspositori. Prestasi keterampilan koneksi matematika mahasiswa di kelas yang belajar
menggunakan pendekatan CORE dikategorikan setinggi sedangkan mereka di kelas yang
belajar menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori dikategorikan sebagai sedang. Dengan
demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hasil belajar
mahasiswa antara pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan CORE dan menggunakan
pembelajaran ekspositori.

Kata kunci: kemampuan koneksi matematis, model pembelajaran CORE, meningkatkan

kemampuan matematika


This study was motivated by the low learning outcomes. The focus of the study discussed
about learning outcomes that was influenced by CORE learning model. This study aim
to investigate the problem of students’ achievement of mathematical connection ability
througt the CORE learning model. This study used a quasi-experimental with a test design
of posttest only control group design. This study was conducted to the students of one
of the universities in Karawang by proportion random sampling. Data collection througt
a mathematical connection ability test that measure the posttest value of mathematical
connection ability level. Data were collected and analyzed using statistical analysis. Based
on data analysis, the achievement of mathematical connection abilities of the students
who studied using CORE learning were better than those who studied using expository
learning. The achievement of students’ mathematical connection skills in the class who
studied using the CORE approach was categorized as high while those in the class who
studied using expository learning were categorized as medium. Thus, it can be concluded
that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes between the learning
using CORE approach and using expository learning.

Keywords: mathematical connection ability, CORE learning model, improving

mathematical ability


Secara umum setiap ilmu memiliki manfaatnya masing-masing. Namun pada kenyataannya
tidak semua orang mampu menemukan manfaat tersebut, tergantung sejauh mana dia
mempelajari ilmu itu, bagian mana ilmu yang dipelajarinya, seperti apa pengerjaannya,
ketika bagaimana dia belajarnya, sekomunikatif apa informasi yang di dapatnya dan banyak
faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhinya.

p-ISSN: 2460-8599 e-ISSN: 2581-2807

32 • Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran CORE

Begitupun ilmu matematika, ketika seseorang mempelajari matematika maka pada saat
itu sebenarnya dia sedang melatih kemampuan berpikir yang bukan hanya melibatkan
konstruksi ide dan konsep-konsep saja namun juga penerapan abstraksi yang dia pelajari
dari ilmu matematika tersebut. Kemudian ide-ide yang dia peroleh dari mempelajari ilmu
matematika akan membentuk jaringan pemahaman dari beberapa konsep matematika
bahkan membentuk kesatuan jaringan ide, pengetahuan dan pemahaman ilmu-ilmu lain
terutama dengan masalah-masalah sains, teknologi dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kemampuan
tersebut dinamakan dengan kemampuan koneksi.

Koneksi matematis bertujuan untuk membantu persepsi siswa dengan cara melihat
matematika sebagai bagian yang terintegrasi dengan kehidupan. Tujuan pembelajaran
koneksi matematis di sekolah dapat dirumuskan ke dalam tiga bagaian yaitu memperluas
wawasan pengetahuan siswa, memandang matematika sebagai suatu keseluruhan yang
terpadu bukan sebagai materi yang berdiri sendiri, serta mengenal relevansi dan manfaat
matematika dalam konteks dunia nyata.

Namun pada kenyataannya matematika yang sudah dijadikan sebagai salah-satu pelajaran
dalam sistem pendidikan kita selama ini lebih sering diajarkan secara parsial, pelajaran
yang berdiri sendiri seolah-olah terpisah dari pelajaran lain, selain itu materi-materi
dalam pembelajaran matematika pun lebih kepada pembelajaran konsep teoretis dan
kurang memperhatikan makna aplikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sehingga siswa yang
mempelajari matematika merasa jika ilmu yang sedang dia pelajari kurang bermakna atau
bahkan dianggap tidak terlalu berguna dalam kehidupannya.

Permasalahan rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa bisa dikarenakan faktor

kemampuan guru dalam memberikan pembelajaran tentang matematika, atau kemampuan
guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran matematika, atau bisa juga karena faktor
siswa yang sudah tidak memiliki memiliki keyakinan diri untuk belajar. Proses belajar
mengajar selalu menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk dikaji. Belajar adalah suatu aktivitas
memperoleh pengetahuan (Dimiyati, 2006) yang dilakukan oleh individu (Farrell, 2009) agar
terjadi perubahan kemampuan diri. Tujuan belajar yaitu untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan;
pembentukan sikap; dan mengasah keterampilan (Sardiman, 2011). Hasil belajar
merupakan suatu ukuran terhadap berhasil atau tidaknya suatu kegiatan pembelajaran
dilaksanakan. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang baik hanya dapat dilaksanakan oleh guru yang
tepat dan efektif. Terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar salah satunya
adalah Model Pembelajaran.

Untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran yang meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi

matematik mahasiswa tersebut diperlukan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa. Akhir
akhir ini telah banyak dikembangkan dalam bidang pendidikan matematika secara khusus
untuk menjawab segala kebutuhan siswa akan pendidikan tersebut. Beberapa penelitian
menunjukan hasil yang signifikan pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah (Permana &
Sumarmo, 2007), pembelajaran quantum teaching dengan peta pikiran (Linto, 2012),
pendekatan kontekstual (Ulya, Irawati, & Maulana, 2012) brain-based learning (Lestari,
2014). Selain itu dikembangkan pula instrumen dan bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan komunikasi matematik (Ramdani, 2012). Melalui beberapa hasil penelitian
tersebut, kiranya perlu mencoba model pembelajaran lain yang dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa, di antaranya model pembelajaran CORE.

Model CORE merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi. Model
CORE mencakup empat proses, yaitu Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan Extending.
Dalam Connecting, siswa diajak untuk dapat menghubungkan pengetahuan baru dengan
Nita Hidayati, Lessa Roesdiana • 33

pengetahuannya terdahulu. Organizing membantu siswa untuk dapat mengorganisasikan

pengetahuannya. Reflecting, siswa dilatih untuk dapat menjelaskan kembali informasi yang
telah mereka dapatkan. Terakhir yaitu Extending atau proses memperluas pengetahuan
siswa, salah satunya dengan jalan diskusi.

Model pembelajaran CORE dapat menjembatani siswa untuk mengenali representasi ekuivalen
dari konsep yang sama, mengenali hubungan prosedur matematika suatu representasi ke
prosedur representasi lain yang ekuivalen, menggunakan dan menilai keterkitan antar topik
matematika dan keterkaitan topik di luar matematika, dan menggunakan matematika dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan koneksi matematis
siswa. Penelitian relevan telah dilaksanakan pada materi lingkaran (Dwijayanti, 2014) dan
materi dimensi tiga (Putra, 2013) bahkan terdapat penelitian model pembelajaran CORE
dengan strategi pengelompokkan pasangan (Retnowati & Aqilia, 2017). Beberapa penelitian
tersebut dilaksakan bukan di perguruan tinggi, sehingga membuka kesempatan penelitian
ini dilakukan kepada mahasiswa melalui metode diskusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menyelidiki masalah pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa melalui model
pembelajaran CORE dengan metode diskusi.


Metode penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen. Pada penelitian ini digunakan dua kelas,
kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pada kelas eksperimen, 23 mahasiswa dibelajarkan
menggunakan model pembelajaran CORE dan kelas kontrol, 24 mahasiswa dengan model
pembelajaran biasa. Indikator penelitian adalah pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematik
mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran CORE dibanding dengan
yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa dan variabel yang diukur meliputi skor posttest
dalam tes koneksi matematik.


Data yang diolah dan dianalisis pada penelitian ini berupa skor kemampuan koneksi
matematik mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran CORE. Skor rata-rata pada kelas eksperimen
sebesar 90,87 (pada rentang 52-100) dan kelas kontrol sebesar 82,33 (pada rentang 30-

Analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak SPSS 22 for windows. Analisis
dilakukan pada taraf kesalahan a = 0,05. melalui uji Mann-Whitney untuk menguji rerata
skor kemampuan koneksi matematik. Hasil uji satu pihak melalui uji Mann-Whitney, Nilai
sig.(1-pihak) yang diperoleh kurang dari 0,05, sehingga Ho ditolak. Artinya pencapaian
kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran CORE lebih
baik dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori.

Dari analisis data hasil penelitian bahwa pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematik
mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran CORE lebih baik daripada
mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori. Pencapaian
kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa pada kelas yang pembelajarannya menggunakan
pendekatan CORE tergolong kategori tinggi sedangkan pada kelas yang pembelajarannya
menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori tergolong kategori sedang.

Hal ini dikarenakan dalam setiap elemen dalam pembelajaran CORE digunakan untuk
34 • Meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran CORE

menghubungkan informasi lama dengan informasi baru, mengorganisasikan sejumlah

materi yang bervariasi, merefleksikan segala sesuatu yang mahasiswa pelajari dan
mengembangkan lingkungan belajar. Berdasarkan pengamatan penulis di lapangan
bahwa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan CORE memiliki kelebihan dalam meningkatkan
kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiwa, karena dalam pendekatan CORE mendorong
mahasiswa aktif belajar, melatih daya ingat tentang suatu konsep, melatih daya pikir kritis
terhadap suatu masalah dan memberikan pembelajaran yang bermakna.


Berdasarkan temuan dan pembahasan, penelitian ini memberi suatu kesimpulan

bahwa pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya
menggunakan pembelajaran CORE lebih baik daripada yang menggunakan pembelajaran
ekspositori. Pencapaian kemampuan koneksi matematik mahasiswa pada kelas yang
pembelajarannya menggunakan pendekatan CORE tergolong kategori tinggi sedangkan
pada kelas yang pembelajarannya menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori tergolong
kategori sedang.


Azizah, L., Mariani, S., & Rochmad. (2012). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran
Model CORE Bernuansa Konstruktivitis Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi
Matematis. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research, 1(2), 100-105. Retrieved
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Dimiyati, Mudjiono. (2006). Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
Farrell, J.B. (2009). Active Learning: Theories and Research. The Lookstein Center for Jewish
Education. 40 (6). Retrieved from:
Sardiman. (2011). Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: PT, Rajagrafindo.
Permana, Y., & Sumarmo, U. (2007). Mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran dan koneksi
matematik siswa SMA melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah. educationist, 1(2), pp-
Linto, R. L. (2012). Kemampuan koneksi matematis dan metode pembelajaran quantum
teaching dengan peta pikiran. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 1(1).
Ramdani, Y. (2012). Pengembangan instrumen dan bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan komunikasi, penalaran, dan koneksi matematis dalam konsep integral.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 13(1), 44-52.
Ulya, I. F., Irawati, R., & Maulana, M. (2016). Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis
dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Pendekatan Kontekstual. Jurnal Pena Ilmiah,
1(1), 121-130.
Lestari, K. E. (2014). Implementasi Brain-Based Learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
koneksi dan kemampuan berpikir kritis serta motivasi belajar siswa SMP. JUDIKA
Retnowati, E., & Aqiila, A. (2017). Efektivitas strategi pengelompokan berpasangan dalam
pembelajaran matematika model CORE. Cakrawala Pendidikan, (1), 13-23.
Dwijayanti, A. (2014). Komparasi Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika antara
Model PBI dan CORE Materi Lingkaran. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(3).
Putra, Y. S. W. (2013). Keefektifan Pembelajaran CORE Berbantuan CABRI Terhadap Motivasi
dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Materi Dimensi Tiga (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas
Negeri Semarang).
E-ISSN : 2579-9258 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
P-ISSN: 2614-3038 Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, pp 933-944

Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan

Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa
SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan

Lidia Saminer Pakpahan1, Bornok Sinaga2, Mangaratua M Simanjorang3

1,2,3Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan

Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan William IskandarPasar V, Medan, Indonesia

The research aims to: (1) obtain valid, practical, and effective learning tools, (2) find out how to improve
students' mathematical connection skills and metacognition by using the developed learning tools. This
research is development research. The development model used is a 4-D model. The results of the definition
stage are used to design learning tools, then the draft results are validated and tested to see their effectiveness.
Valid, practical, and effective learning tools are distributed to the MGMP forum for use when studying
comparative materials. The trial was conducted on seventh grade students of Budi Insani Private Junior High
School Medan. The trial was conducted on students of class VII-2 and class VII-3. From the results of this
development, it was obtained that: (1) the learning tools developed were valid with an average total validity of
lesson plans = 4.45, student books = 4.29, LKPD = 4.40; (2) practical developed learning tools with responses
from validators and practitioners on practicality criteria can be used with a little revision; (3) the learning tools
developed are effective, seen from the achievement of student learning completeness, student activities within
the specified tolerance limits and student responses to learning in the good category; (4) the increase in
mathematical connection ability seen from the N-gain value, namely in the first trial it was 0.52 in the medium
category and in the second trial it was 0.60 in the medium category; and (5) students' metacognition after
learning using learning tools based on a problem-based learning model that has been developed based on the
KAM category (upper, medium and lower) the average metacognition of students in trial II is higher than the
average metacognition of students in trial I namely 41.95 to 46.91.
Keywords: Learning tools, problem-based learning models, mathematical connection skills, metacognition

Penelitian bertujuan untuk: (1) memperoleh perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, praktis dan efektif, (2)
mengetahui bagaimana peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis dan metakognisi siswa dengan
menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
pengembangan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model 4-D. Hasil tahap pendefinisian digunakan
untuk merancang perangkat pembelajaran, selanjutnya draf hasil rancangan divalidasi dan diuji coba untuk
melihat efektivitasnya. Perangkat pembelajaran yang valid, praktis dan efektif disebarkan ke forum MGMP
untuk digunakan saat mempelajari materi perbandingan. Uji coba dilakukan pada siswa kelas VII SMP Swasta
Budi Insani Medan. Uji coba dilakukan pada siswa kelas VII-2 dan kelas VII-3. Dari hasil pengembangan ini
diperoleh bahwa: (1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid dengan rata-rata total validitas RPP =
4,45, buku siswa = 4,29, LKPD = 4,40; (2) perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis dengan respon
validator dan praktisi, kepraktisan dapat digunakan sedikit revisi; (3) perangkat pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan efektif, dilihat dari ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa, aktivitas siswa dalam batas toleransi
yang ditetapkan dan respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran dalam kategori baik; (4) peningkatan kemampuan
koneksi matematis dilihat dari nilai N-gain yaitu pada uji coba I adalah 0,52 dalam kategori sedang dan pada
uji coba II adalah 0,60 dalam kategori sedang; dan (5) Metakognisi siswa setelah pembelajaran menggunakan
perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang telah dikembangkan
berdasarkan kategori KAM (Atas, sedang dan bawah) rata-rata metakognisi siswa pada ujicoba II lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan rata-rata metakognisi siswa pada ujicoba I yakni 41,95 menjadi 46,91.
Kata kunci: Perangkat pembelajaran, model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, kemampuan koneksi matematis,
kemampuan metakognisi

Copyright (c) 2022 Lidia Saminer Pakpahan, Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang
 Corresponding author: Lidia Saminer Pakpahan
Email Address: (Jalan William Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia)
Received 22 January 2022, Accepted 08 February 2022, Published 18 February 2022

934 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

Pendidikan adalah salah satu bentuk perwujudan kebudayaan manusia yang dinamis dan sarat
Dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah seringkali membuat kita kecewa. Salah satu yang banyak
dihadapi adalah rendahnya kemampuan matematika siswa penguasaan dan pemahaman siswa
terhadap konsep-konsep matematika lemah karena tidak mendalam sehingga hasil belajar matematika
siswa sampai saat ini masih jauh dari yang diharapkan. Hasratuddin (Hasratuddin, 2013)
mengungkapkan bahwa dilihat dari hasil belajar matematika siswa tingkat Sekolah Dasar sampai
Sekolah Lanjut Tingkat Atas selalu di bawah bidang studi lain. Fenomena tersebut dapat dilihat dari
berbagai indikator hasil belajar antara lain ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya prestasi siswa pada skala
internasional seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Trends in Internasional Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS, 2007) dan temuan sejumlah penelitian. TIMSS melaporkan bahwa peringkat matematika
Indonesia yang pesertanya SMP kelas satu adalah tahun 1999 peringkat 34 dari 38 peserta, tahun 2003
peringkat 34 dari 45 peserta, serta pada tahun 2007 Indonesia berada pada urutan ke 36 dari 48
negara dengan skor 397. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa kita kurang mampu menyelesaikan
masalah matematika dan pada tahun 2011 Indonesia di peringkat ke-38 dari 42 negara. Skor rata-rata
yang diperoleh siswa-siswa Indonesia adalah 386. Menurut Program for International Assessment
(PISA) tahun 2012, siswa Indonesia berada pada peringkat ke-64 dari 65 negara yang berpartisipasi.
Kenyataannya di lapangan, dari penelitian Ruspiani mengungkap bahwa “rata-rata nilai
kemampuan koneksi matematik siswa sekolah menengah rendah, nilai rata-ratanya kurang dari 60
pada skor 100, yaitu sekitar 22,2 % untuk koneksi matematik siswa dengan pokok bahasan lain,
44,9% untuk koneksi matematik dengan bidang studi lain, dan 7,3% untuk koneksi matematik dengan
kehidupan keseharian”.
Selain kemampuan koneksi matematis, yang menjadi fokus peneliti juga adalah metakognisi
siswa. Dalam proses pembelajaran matematika guru harus mampu mengoptimalkan potensi belajar
siswa yaitu dengan cara mengaktifkan metakognisinya. Metakognisi adalah suatu kemampuan siswa
untuk menyadari, mengetahui proses kognitif yang terjadi pada diri sendiri yang terdiri atas tiga
tahapan yaitu perencanaan mengenai apa yang harus dipelajari, pemantauan terhadap proses belajar
yang dilakukan, serta evaluasi terhadap apa yang telah direncanakan, dilakukan dan hasil yang
diperoleh dari proses tersebut. Metakognisi juga biasa disebut sebagai aktivitas berpikir tingkat tinggi.
Ridley, Schutz Dan Weisten (Fauzi, 2011) mengartikan kemampuan metakognisi sebagai :”
metacognitive skills include taking conscious control of learning, correcting errors, analizing the
effectiveness of learning strategies, and changing learning behaviours and strategies when
necessary”. Menurut Suherman (Suherman, 2001), metakognisi merupakan suatu kemampuan untuk
menyadari apa yang siswa ketahui tentang dirinya sebagai pembelajar, sehingga ia dapat mengontrol
serta menyesuaikan perilakunya secara optimal. Dengan kemampuan metakognisi, siswa dapat
memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi dalam menyelesaikan masalah karena setiap langkah yang
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan, Lidia Saminer Pakpahan,
Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang 935
dikerjakan dapat menyadarkan proses berpikirnya, sehingga ia dapat memecahkan masalah secara
Menurut Romadhoni (Romadhoni, 2011) “salah satu cara meningkatkan kemampuan siswa
adalah dengan memilih dan menetapkan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi
pembelajaran dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai serta karakteristik dari siswa”. Untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan koneksi matematis Model pembelajaran yang dipilih hendaknya disesuaikan dengan
metode, media dan sumber belajar lainnya yang relevan dalam menyampaikan informasi dan
membimbing siswa agar terlibat secara optimal, sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman
belajar dalam rangka menumbuh kembangkan kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotornya.
Berdasarkan temuan peneliti di SMP Methodist 2, menunjukkan bahwa metakognisi siswa
masih rendah. Rendahnya metakognisi siswa juga terlihat dari proses jawaban siswa pada tes
kemampuan koneksi. Siswa diminta terlebih dahulu menyelesaikan soal, kemudian menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan kesadaran berpikir siswa sendiri. Adapun pertanyaan-pertanyaan
tersebut yaitu:
Ketika kamu mengembangkan rencana penyelesaian, tanyakan dirimu:
1. Pengetahuan awal apa yang akan membantu saya dalam menyelesaikan soal?
2. Apa yang pertama akan saya lakukan untuk menjawab soal?
3. Berapa lama saya akan mengerjakan soal ini sampai selesai?
Ketika kamu sedang melaksanakan rencana penyelesaian, tanyakan dirimu?
1. Bagaimana cara saya menjawab soal diatas? Ceritakanlah!
2. Apakah saya memilih cara yang benar untuk menjawab soal?
3. Apa yang perlu saya lakukan jika saya tidak mengerti?
Setelah kamu melakukan penyelesaian, tanyakan dirimu:
1. Seberapa baik saya menjawab soal tersebut?
2. Apakah saya dapat menggunakan cara lain untuk menjawab soal tersebut?
3. Apakah saya harus memeriksa kembali jawaban tersebut agar tidak terjadi kesalahan-kesalahan?

Dalam menyelesaikan soal ini kebanyakan siswa tidak dapat menganalisa informasi untuk
menentukan strategi memecahkan masalah. Siswa langsung menjawab pertanyaan tanpa menuliskan
proses penyelesaian dan kebanyakan siswa juga tidak mengevaluasi kembali jawaban yang diberikan.
Hal ini terjadi karena metakognisi siswa masih rendah.
Salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis dan metakognis siswa adalah pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM). Dalam PBM siswa
dituntut untuk bertanya dan mengemukakan pendapat, menemukan informasi yang relevan dari
sumber yang tersembunyi, mencari berbagai cara (alternatif) untuk mendapatkan solusi, dan
menemukan cara yang paling efektif untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat
Arends (Arends, 1997) yang menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM) merupakan
936 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

suatu model pembelajaran dimana siswa mengerjakan permasalahan yang autentik dengan maksud
untuk menyusun pengetahuan mereka sendiri, mengembangkan inkuiri dan keterampilan berpikir
kritis, mengembangkan kemandirian, dan percaya diri.
Untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan siswa maka salah satu cara adalah
menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Menurut Nur (Nur, 2008) menyatakan,
Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah merupakan suatu model pembelajaran yang menggunakan masalah
dunia nyata sebagai suatu konteks bagi siswa untuk belajar tentang berpikir kritis dan kreatif,
keterampilan pemecahan masalah, serta untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan konsep yang esensial
dari materi pelajaran. Berarti apabila siswa menggunakan model PBM pada proses belajar mengajar
salah satu karakteristiknya adalah masalah ditemukan terlebih dahulu.
Penggunaan masalah-masalah kontekstual dalam model pembelajaran berbasis masalah
menjadikan pembelajaran tersebut lebih bermakna. Ibrahim dan Nur (Ibrahim & Nur, 2008)
menyampaikan bahwa dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah merupakan model belajar yang
mengorgansisasikan pembelajaran di sekitar pertanyaan dan masalah, melalui pengajuan situasi
kehidupan nyata yang otentik dan bermakna, yang mendorong siswa untuk melakukan penyelidikan
dan inkuiri, dengan menghindari jawaban sederhana, serta memungkinkan adanya berbagai macam
solusi dari situasi tersebut.
Menurut Nur (Nur, 2008) bahwa perangkat pembelajaran memberikan kemudahan dan dapat
membantu guru dalam mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas.
Sehingga dengan perangkat pembelajaran yang tepat dapat membuat kemudahan siswa dalam
mempelajari matematika.
Berdasarkan analisis terhadap perangkat yang digunakan di SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan,
terdapat beberapa kelemahan pada perangkat pembelajaran. RPP belum sesuai dengan karakteristik
dan kebutuhan siswa, RPP yang digunakan juga masih berpusat pada guru atau belum menggunakan
model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, guru tidak mencantumkan materi prasyarat yang harus
dikuasai siswa, guru tidak memisahkan kegiatan guru dan kegiatan siswa secara lebih rinci, guru tidak
menampakkan matematika (masalah yang ada dalam LKS) dan RPP yang dipakai masih dalam bentuk
RPP lama.
Menurut Mertayasa (Mertayasa, 2012) bahwa masalah-masalah matematika yang disajikan
dalam buku siswa selama ini merupakan masalah-masalah dunia nyata yang masih sulit untuk
dibayangkan dan kurang masuk akal sesuai nalar siswa atau dapat dikatakan masalah-masalah
matematika tersebut tidak nyata. Sebaiknya masalah-masalah matematika yang disajikan dalam buku
siswa berhubungan dengan kehidupan siswa, masuk akal, atau paling tidak dapat dibayangkan
berdasarkan nalar siswa, sehingga siswa memiliki gambaran untuk menyelesaikannya. Oleh sebab itu,
buku guru dan siswa perlu dikembangkan untuk memperbaiki kondisi di atas.
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan, Lidia Saminer Pakpahan,
Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang 937
Berdasarkan rumusan masalah dan tujuan penelitian yang ditetapkan, maka penelitian ini
dikategorikan ke dalam jenis Penelitian Pengembangan (Development Research). Yang
dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah perangkat pembelajaran berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan
Pembelajaran (RPP), Buku Siswa (BS), Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), instrumen penelitian berupa tes
kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa, dan angket metakognisi. Prosedur pengembangan perangkat
pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran
menurut Thiagarajan dkk., yaitu model 4D (four D models) yang terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu tahap
pendefinisian (define), tahap perencanaan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop) dan tahap
penyebaran (disseminate).
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan semester ganjil tahun pelajaran
2021/2022 pada materi perbandingan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas VII SMP
Swasta Budi Insani Medan.
Instrumen Penelitian
Untuk mengukur kevalidan dan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran matematika, maka
disusun dan dikembangkan instrumen penelitian. Instrumen yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini
diuraikan sebagai berikut:
1. Lembar Validasi
Lembar validasi ini digunakan untuk mengukur validitas perangkat pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan dan instrumen yang dibutuhkan. Beberapa lembar validasi yang digunakan adalah: (a)
lembar validasi Rencana Pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP); (b) lembar validasi buku siswa; (c) lembar
validasi LKS; (d) lembar validasi tes kemampuan koneksi matematis.
2. Instrumen Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis
Jenis tes yang diberikan adalah tes uraian untuk mengungkapkan pemahaman siswa secara
menyeluruh terhadap materi yang telah diberikan. Tes yang diberikan sebanyak 6 soal tentang
perbandingan yang berkaitan dengan koneksi matematis siswa. Sebelum intrumen ini digunakan
terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh pakar dan diuji cobakan. Penilaian kevalidan tes kemampuan koneksi
matematika siswa yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari 3 aspek, yaitu (1) isi, (2) konstruksi, (3)
penggunaan bahasa. Hasil penilaian terhadap tes kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa yang
dikembangkan adalah valid, cukup valid dan tidak valid.
3. Instrumen Metakognisi
Metakognisi siswa dalam pembelajaran ini diperoleh melalui skala angket tertutup, yang
disusun dan dikembangkan berdasarkan level (tingkat kesulitan masalah). strength (ketahanan) dalam
menyelesaikan masalah, generality (keluasan) dan tiga sumber metakognisi. Instrumen ini berguna
untuk menjaring data metakognisi siswa. Bentuk instrumen ini adalah angket sejumlah 16 pernyataan
yang menggunakan skala Likert. Sebelum instrumen ini digunakan terlebih dahulu divalidasi oleh
938 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

pakar. Selanjutnya diberikan pada siswa pada uji coba 1 untuk melihat validitas butir dan reliabilitas
Analisis Data
1. Analisis Kevalidan Perangkat Pembelajaran
Analisis berikut ini berlaku untuk perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP, buku siswa dan LKS.
Untuk melihat validitas perangkat pembelajaran digunakan analisis statistik deskriptif berdasarkan
rata-rata skor dari masing-masing perangkat pembelajaran yang telah divalidasi. Selanjutnya
perangkat tersebut direvisi berdasarkan koreksi dan saran validator.
Selanjutnya nilai Va atau nilai rerata total ini dirujuk pada interval penentuan tingkat
kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran (Sinaga, 2007) sebagai berikut.

Tabel 1. Kriteria Kevalidan

1 ≤ Va < 2 Tidak valid
2 ≤ Va < 3 Kurang valid
3 ≤ Va < 4 Cukup valid
4 ≤ Va < 5 Valid
Va = 5 Sangat valid

Va adalah nilai penentuan tingkat kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran
Perangkat pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan penemuan terbimbing yang dikembangkan
memiliki derajat validitas yang baik jika minimal berada pada kriteria kevalidan “valid”. Jika derajat
validitas di bawah valid, maka perlu dilakukan revisi berdasarkan saran dari validator. Demikian
seterusnya hingga diperoleh perangkat pembelajaran yang ideal dari ukuran validitas isi dan
2. Analisis Data Kepraktisan Perangkat Pembelajaran
Kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah
dilihat dari dua penilaian, yaitu penilaian ahli dan penilaian atas keterlaksanaan perangkat
pembelajaran dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model PBM. Penilaian
kepraktisan perangkat berdasarkan penilaian ahli dilakukan bersamaan dengan penilaian validitas.
Penilaian ahli tersebut tampak pada rekomendasi validator atas penggunaan perangkat.
3. Analisis Data dan Efektivitas Perangkat Pembelajaran
Kriteria yang menyatakan siswa telah memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematis apabila lebih
atau sama dengan 85% siswa telah memiliki kemampuan koneksi matematis dengan skor rerata paling
kecil 2,67 (berada dalam interval 0-4) atau berada pada kategori B-. Apabila kriteria tersebut belum
terpenuhi maka perlu diadakan peninjauan ulang proses dan hasil pembelajaran untuk mendapatkan
perangkat yang efektif.
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan, Lidia Saminer Pakpahan,
Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang 939
Data Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran
Berdasarkan kriteria kevalidan maka dapat dikatakan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan “Valid”. Berikut ditampilkan Rekapitulasi Hasil Validasi Perangkat Pembelajaran.

Tabel 2. Rekapitulasi Hasil Validasi Perangkat Pembelajaran oleh Ahli

No Objek yang dinilai R Interpretasi
1. Buku Siswa (BS) 4,25 Valid
2. Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) 4,27 Valid
3. Lembar Peserta Didik (LKPD) 4,26 Valid

Berdasarkan Tabel 2., didapat rata-rata total validitas perangkat pembelajaran berada pada
interval: 4 ≤ Va < 5. Berdasarkan kriteria kevalidan maka dapat dikatakan bahwa perangkat
pembelajaran yang dikembangkan “Valid”. Uji coba tes kemampuan koneksi matematis bertujuan
untuk mengetahui validitas dan reabilitas serta tingkat kesukaran dari soal test kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa. Berdasarkan rumus korelasi product moment, diperoleh validitas setiap post-test
disajikan pada Tabel 3. sebagai berikut:

Tabel 3. Validitas Butir Post-test Kemampuan Koneksi matematis

No 𝒓𝒙𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒍 Interpretasi
1 0,71 4,61 1,71 Valid
2 0,65 3,91 1,71 Valid
3 0,87 8,08 1,71 Valid

Berdasarkan data pada tabel di atas, interpretasi dari masing- masing butir post-test berada
pada kategori valid. Dengan demikian berdasarkan perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan manual, dan
excel, maka disimpulkan bahwa semua butir post-test tersebut dapat dikatakan layak digunakan.
Ketuntasan Tes Kemampuan Koneksi matematis
Pemberian Pre-Test dan Post-Test bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan
koneksi matematis yang diperoleh siswa setelah diberi perlakuan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan
model pembelajaran model pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada materi perbandingan. Adapun data
hasil uji coba lapangan untuk kemampuan koneksi matematis dapat dilihat pada Tabel 4. dibawah ini:

Tabel 4. Tingkat Ketuntasan Pre-Test dan Post-Test Kemampuan Koneksi

Matematis Pada Uji Coba I
Pre-Test Presentase Post-Test Presentase
Kategori Ketuntasan Ketuntasan
Jumlah Siswa Jumlah Siswa
Klasikal Klasikal
Tuntas 6 26,08 % 16 73,91 %
Tidak Tuntas 17 73,91 % 7 26,08 %
Jumlah 23 100 % 23 100 %
Rata-rata Kelas 53,3 77,9
940 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

Adapun data hasil uji coba II untuk kemampuan koneksi matematis dapat dilihat pada Tabel 5:

Tabel 5. Tingkat Ketuntasan Pre-Test dan Post-Test Kemampuan Koneksi

Matematis Pada Uji Coba II
Pre-Test Presentase Post-Test Presentase
Kategori Ketuntasan Ketuntasan
Jumlah Siswa Jumlah Siswa
Klasikal Klasikal
Tuntas 4 17,39 % 20 86,95 %
Tidak Tuntas 19 82,60 % 3 13,04 %
Jumlah 23 100 % 23 100 %
Rata-rata Kelas 50 80,4

Dari Tabel 5. dapat terlihat bahwa rata-rata kelas kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada
pre-test uji coba II sebesar 50 sedangkan rata-rata kelas kemampuan koneksi matematis pada post-test
uji coba II sebesar 80,4.
Metakognisi Siswa
Data angket metakognisi siswa dikumpulkan dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui kemampuan
metakognisisiswa sebelum perlakuan pembelajaran. Pilihan jawaban dari butir angket metakognisi
menggunakan skala linkert. Jenis data yang diperoleh dari jawaban angket tersebut adalah skala
ordinal. Hasil angket metakognisi setiap indikator ditampilkan pada Tabel. 6. sebagai berikut

Tabel 6. Hasil Angket Metakognisi Setiap Indikator pada Uji Coba II

Variabel Indikator
Uji Coba I Uji Coba II
Metakognisi 1. Menyusun Strategi/ Rencana Tindakan
Siswa (Planning) 2,92 2,57
2. Memonitor Tindakan (Monitoring) 2,97 2,71
3. Evaluasi Rencana Tindakan (Evalution) 2,95 2,64

Dari Tabel 5. dapat dilihat pada uji coba I bahwa rata-rata nilai tertinggi adalah 2,71 yakni
indikator memonitor tindakan (monitoring). Sedangkan rata-rata nilai terendah adalah 2,57 yakni
menyusun strategi/ rencana tindakan (planning). Dari Tabel tersebut juga dapat dilihat pada uji coba II
bahwa rata-rata nilai tertinggi adalah 2,97 yakni indikator memonitor tindakan (monitoring)
sedangkan rata-rata nilai terendah adalah 2,92 yakni indikator menyusun strategi/ rencana tindakan
(planning). Nilai rata-rata pada indikator evaluasi rencana tindakan (evalution) yaitu sebesar 2,95.
1. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran membutuhkan perangkat pembelajaran pendukung untuk mempermudah
prosesnya. Pembelajaran pada siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan dengan rentang usia 12-14
tahun yang jika dirujuk pada pendapat piaget, maka perkembangan kognitif siswa pada usia tersebut
adalah tahap operasional formal. Dalam perkembangan terjadi proses asimilasi dan akomodasi.
Asimilasi merupakan proses kognitif yang dengannya seseorang mengintegrasikan stimulus yang
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan, Lidia Saminer Pakpahan,
Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang 941
dapat berubah persepsi, konsep, prinsip ataupun pengalaman baru ke dalam skema yang sudah ada
dalam pikirannya sedangkan akomodasi dapat berupa pembentukan skema baru yang dapat cocok
dengan ciri-ciri rangsangan yang ada atau memodifikasi skema yang cocok dengan ciri-ciri stimulus
yang ada. Dalam pembelajaran diperlukannya adanya penyeimbangan antara asimilasi dan akomodasi.
Selanjutnya Vygotsky menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran terjadi apabila peserta didik bekerja
menangani tugas-tugas yang belum dipelajari namun tugas-tugas itu masih berada dalam Zone of
proximal development daerah terletak pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah di bawah bimbingan
orang dewasa atau teman sebaya yang lebih mampu.
Proses pembelajaran yang dialami oleh siswa dalam penelitian ini telah melalui proses
asimilasi dan akomodasi juga berada pada Zone of proximal development. Hal ini terlihat dari berhasil
dikembangkannya suatu perangkat pembelajaran matematika pada materi perbandingan dengan
menggunakan model pengembangan Thiagarajan, dkk yang lebih dikenal dengan model 4-D.
Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini meliputi Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Buku Siswa (BS), Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD), tes
kemampuan koneksi matematis dan angket metakognisi siswa. Seluruh perangkat pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan ini menggunakan pembelajaran model Pembelajaran berbasis masalah.
2. Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa dengan Menggunakan Perangkat
Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

Berdasarkan hasil analisis peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada uji coba I
dan II menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada hasil posttest uji coba
I adalah sebesar 77,9 meningkat menjadi 80,4 pada uji coba II. Dengan demikian, terjadi peningkatan
nilai rata-rata kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa sebesar 3,75. Dan dilihat berdasarkan perhitungan
N-Gain untuk melihat peningkatan pada kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada uji coba I dan uji
coba II mengalami peningkatan yaitu dari 1,11 menjadi 1,56. Selanjutnya, peningkatan setiap
indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis yaitu terjadi peningkatan kemampuan koneksi pada
indikator antar topic matematika sebesar 1,92, pada indikator antar disiplin ilmu lain sebesar 1,35, dan
pada kehidupan sehari hari sebesar 1,55. Hal ini menunjukkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berdasarkan model pembelajaran berbasis
masalah mengalami peningkatan dari ujicoba I ke uji coba II.
Merupakan hal yang wajar jika terdapat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematisdengan
menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Hal ini
dikarenakan dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah akan meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa sendirilah yang menemukan konsepnya dan menguasai
benar temuannya, sedangkan peran guru yaitu membimbing siswa dengan memberi arahan (guided)
dan siswa didorong untuk berpikirsendiri sehingga dapat menemukan prinsip umum berdasarkan
arahan/pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru dansampai seberapa jauh siswa dibimbing
tergantung pada kemampuannya dan materi yang sedang dipelajari.
942 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

Seperti telah dikemukakan sebelumnya, bahwa yang dimaksud dengan kemampuan koneksi
matematis adalah kemampuan menghubungkan pengetahuan konseptual dan prosedural,
menggunakan matematika pada topik lain, menggunakan matematika dalam aktivitas kehidupan,
mengetahui koneksi antar topik dalam matematika. Kemampuan koneksi matematis dapat meningkat
disebabkan karena perangkat yang diterapkan kepada siswa telah memenuhi kriteria kualitas
perangkat pembelajaran yang baik, dengan baiknya perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan serta
dengan adanya penerapan model pembelajaran berdasarkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah
maka kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa tersebut meningkat.
Hal tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian menurut Fauzi (Fauzi, 2011) kemampuan koneksi
matematika siswa dapat meningkat dengan menggunakan pendekatan metakognitif dibandingkan
dengan menggunakan pembelajaran biasa. Menurut Amin secara keseluruhan terdapat perbedaan
kemampuan koneksi matematis pada kelompok pembelajaran PPMG, PPMK, dan PB dan masing-
masing terjadi peningkatannya. Dan penelitian oleh Lubis (Lubis, 2014) menggunakan model
Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah pada siswa kelas VII SMP Swasta Harapan 2 Medan menyimpulkan
bahwa kemampuan metakognisi matematika siswa yang diberi PBM lebih baik daripada yang diberi
model ekpositori.
3. Peningkatan Metakognisi Siswa Menggunakan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan
Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

Rata-rata skor metakognisi matematika siswa pada uji coba I sebesar 73,43 sedangkan rata-
rata skor metakognisi siswa pada uji coba II sebesar 83,08. Berdasarkan data tersebut secara
keseluruhan metakognisi siswa pada uji coba II lebih baik dari pada uji coba I. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan peningkatan metakognisi antara siswa yang
memperoleh pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada uji coba I dengan uji coba II. Demikian juga terlihat
pada masing masing indikator metakognisi siswa, terlihat bahwa pada indikator menyusun strategi/
rencana tindakan (planning) memperoleh 3,53, pada indikator memonitor tindakan (memonitoring)
memperoleh 3,55, evaluasi rencana tindakan memperoleh 3.34. Pada masing-masing indikator
mengalami peningkatan pada uji coba I ke uji coba II.

1. Peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan
model pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang telah dikembangkan dilihat pada ujicoba I dari nilai N-
gain adalah 0,52 sedangkan dilihat pada ujicoba II dari nilai N-gain adalah 0,6 artinya berada
dalam kategori “sedang”.
2. Metakognisi siswa setelah pembelajaran menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan model
pembelajaran berbasis masalah yang telah dikembangkan berdasarkan kategori KAM (Atas,
sedang dan bawah) rata-rata metakognisi siswa pada ujicoba II lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
rata-rata metakognisi siswa pada ujicoba I yakni 41,95 menjadi 46,91.
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis dan Metakognisi Siswa SMP Swasta Budi Insani Medan, Lidia Saminer Pakpahan,
Bornok Sinaga, Mangaratua M Simanjorang 943

3. Perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa memenuhi kriteria efektif yaitu 1) Ketuntasan kemampuan
koneksi mencapai 86,95% yakni telah memenuhi criteria ketuntasan yakni ≥ 85% siswa mencapai
KKM. 2) Kemampuan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran diperoleh rata-rata 4,08 atau dalam
kategori “baik”. 3) Pencapaian persentase waktu ideal aktivitas siswa berada dalam pencapaian
waktu ideal aktivitas siswa dengan toleransi waktu 5%. 4) Respon siswa pada ujicoba lapangan
terhadap pembelajaran diperoleh rata-rata 94,31%.


Terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada dosen pembimbing Bapak. Pror. Dr. Bornok Sinaga,
M.Pd. dan Bapak Mangaratua M Simanjorang, M.Pd., Ph.D. Terima kasih juga saya ucapkan untuk
semua pihak yang membantu dalam menyelesaikan penelitian ini.

Arends, R. I. (1997). Classroom Instruction and Management. Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Fauzi, A. (2011). Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Dan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa
Dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Metakognitif Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Presented at
International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference, 21–23.
Hasratuddin. (2013). Membangun Karakter Melalui Pembelajaran Matematika. Jurnal Pendidikan
Matematika PARADIKMA, 6(2), 130–141.
Ibrahim, M., & Nur, M. (2008). Pengajaran Berdasarkan Masalah. Unesa-University Press.
Lubis, N. (2014). Perbedaan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Metakognisi Matematika Antara
Siswa Yang Diberi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dengan Pembelajaran Ekspositori.
Universitas Negeri Medan.
Mertayasa, D. M. (2012). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berorientasi Masalah
Realistik Untuk Model Pembelajaran Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Sebagai Upaya
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII [UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN
Nur, M. (2008). Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah. Pusat Sains dan Matematika Sekolah
(PSMS) Unesa.
Romadhoni, I. F. (2011). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri Pada Pokok
Bahasan Membuat Hidangan Penutup Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK. Jurnal
Universitas Dhyana Pura, 1(1), 1–12.
Sinaga, B. (2007). Pengembangan Model pembelajaran matematika Berdasarkan Masalah Berbasis
Budaya Batak (PBMB3). Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Suherman, E. (2001). Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Kontemporer. JICA-Universitas Pendidikan
944 Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Volume 06, No. 01, Maret 2022, hal. 933-944

TIMSS. (2007). International Mathematics Report: Findings from IEA’s Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study at the Fourth and Eighth Grades. TIMSS & PIRLS
International Study Center, Boston College.
MES: Journal of Mathematics Education and Science
ISSN: 2579-6550 (online) 2528-4363 (print)
Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

Situs web: Email:


Ade Evi Fatimah1*, Khairunnisyah
STKIP Al-Maksum, Stabat, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, 22865

Abstrak. Kemampuan koneksi merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematis yang masih perlu
mendapat perhatian guru dalam proses pembelajaran matematika dikelas. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
memperoleh pembelajaran dengan Model Pembelajaran Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-
Extending (CORE) dibandingkan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran matematika secara
konvensional. Pendekatan penelitian yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian
ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen APIPSU Medan sedangkan
sampel adalah siswa kelas X-1 (kelas eksperimen) dan siswa kelas X-2 (kelas kontrol). Teknik
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan tes hasil belajar siswa. Analisis data
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dilakukan dengan menggunakan Independent Sample t-
test. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa: kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
kelas eksperimen terhadap seluruh indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam kategori
rendah mengalami penurunan dari yang sebelumnya 74% menjadi 34% , sedangkan siswa yang
berkategori baik/baik sekali mengalami peningkatan dari yang sebelumnya 27% menjadi 66%.
Pada kelas kontrol, siswa cukup berani dalam menghadapi tantangan tetapi tidak yakin dapat
mengatasi masalah.

Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis, Pembelajaran Kontekstual.

Abstract. Connection ability is one of the mathematical abilities that still needs attention from
the teacher in the process of learning mathematics in the classroom. This study aims to
determine the increase in mathematical connection ability of students who get learning with the
Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending (CORE) Learning Model compared to students
who obtain conventional mathematics learning. The research approach is a quantitative
approach. The population in this study were all grade X students of the SMK Business and
Management APIPSU Medan while the samples were students of class X-1 (experimental
class) and students of class X-2 (control class). Data collection techniques carried out by means
of tests of student learning outcomes. Data analysis of students' mathematical connection
capabilities was performed using the Independent Sample t-test. Hypothesis testing results
show that: the mathematical connection ability of experimental class students to all indicators
of mathematical connection ability in the low category has decreased from the previous 74%
to 34%, while students who are categorized good / excellent have increased from the previous
27% to 66% . In the control class, students are brave enough to face challenges but are not sure
they can overcome problems.

Keywords: Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, Contextual Learning.

Sitasi: Fatimah, A. E., Khairunnisyah. (2019). Peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis melalui
pembelajaran model connecting-organizing-reflecting-extending (core). MES: Journal of Mathematics
Education and Science, 5(1), 51-58.
Submit: Revisi: Publish:
23-09-2019 05-10-2019 25-10-2019

Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia.
Pendidikan merupakan proses dinamis dan berkelanjutan yang bertugas memenuhi

*Corresponding Author:

Ade Evi Fatimah, Khairunnisyah
Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Melalui Pembelajaran Model…

kebutuhan siswa dan guru sesuai dengan minat masing-masing. Pendidikan dilakukan
secara terencana dalam mewujudkan proses pembelajaran agar siswa aktif
mengembangkan potensi diri dan keterampilan yang dimiliki sebagai bekal kehidupan
bermasyarakat. Dengan demikian, pendidikan dapat membantu mengarahkan siswa
menjalani kehidupan sebagai makhluk beragama dan makhluk sosial dengan baik.
Kehidupan yang demikian dapat mewujudkan peradaban bangsa yang cerdas dan
bermartabat. Tujuan pendidikan nasional yang tercantum dalam Undang-undang Republik
Indonesia Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional adalah
mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang
bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan untuk mengembangkan
potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan
Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi
warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.”
Tujuan pendidikan tersebut dicapai antara lain melalui pendidikan di sekolah. Dalam
mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional tersebut maka terdapat beberapa pelajaran yang
diajarkan di sekolah, salah satunya adalah mata pelajaran matematika. Matematika
memegang peranan strategis dalam pengembangan sains dan teknologi. Matematika
mempunyai sifat universal yang mendasari perkembangan teknologi modern yang
memiliki karakteristik menurut kemampuan berfikir logis, analistis, sistematis, kritis,
kreatif, dan inovatif. Konsep-konsep matematika dapat digunakan membantu peserta didik
mengembangkan potensi intelektual yang ada dalam dirinya serta memudahkan
mempelajari bidang-bidang lain.
Namun kenyataannya matematika yang sudah dijadikan sebagai salah satu pelajaran
dalam sistem pendidikan kita selama ini lebih sering di ajarkan secara parsial, pelajaran
yang berdiri sendiri seolah-olah terpisah dari pelajaran lain, selain itu materi-materi dalam
pembelajaran matematika pun lebih kepada pembelajaran konsep teoritis dan kurang
memperhatikan kebermaknaan aplikasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran
matematika selama ini merupakan pelajaran yang berdiri sendiri (terpisah dari mata
pelajaran lainnya). Pembelajaran matematika di sekolah sangat teoretik dan mekanistik
(Hidayati & Roesdiana, 2019).
Sehingga siswa yang mempelajari matematika merasa jika ilmu yang sedang dia
pelajari ini kurang bermakna atau bahkan dianggap tidak terlalu berguna dalam
kehidupannya, dengan kata lain kebermaknaan matematika bagi siswa yang
mempelajarinya dirasakan kurang atau mungkin bahkan dianggap tidak ada. Dan hal ini
akan sangat mempengaruhi motivasi dan keberminatan siswa pada pelajaran Matematika,
ditambah dengan stigma anggapan yang sudah mengakar dan terwariskan jika matematika
adalah pelajaran paling menakutkan karena kesulitannya di pelajari di sekolah.
Lebih lanjut, Depdikbud (2013) menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran matematika
diantaranya adalah agar peserta didik memiliki kemampuan; 1) menggunakan penalaran
pada pola dan sifat, melakukan manipulasi matematis dalam membuat generalisasi,
menyusun bukti, atau menjelaskan gagasan dan pernyataan matematika, 2) memecahkan
masalah yang meliputi kemampuan memahami masalah, merancang model matematika,
menyelesaikan model dan menafsirkan solusi yang diperoleh, 3)mengomunikasikan
gagasan dengan symbol, table, diagram, atau media lain untuk memperjelas keadaan atau
masalah, 4) memiliki sikap menghargai kegunaan matematika dalam kehidupan, yaitu
memiliki rasa ingin tahu, perhatian, dan minat dalam mempelajari matematika, serta sikap
ulet dan percaya diri dalam pemecahan masalah. Sesuai dengan apa yang dirumuskan oleh
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000), menetapkan ada lima
standar proses yang harus dikuasai siswa melalui pembelajaran matematika, yaitu

52 Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

pemecahan masalah (problem solving), penalaran dan pembuktian (reasoning and proof),
koneksi (connection), komunikasi (communication), dan representasi (representation).
Sesuai dengan beberapa rumusan mengenai standar matematika di atas,
salah satu kemampuan matematis yang harus dikuasai adalah kemampuan koneksi
(connection). Dalam koneksi matematis, keterkaitan antar topik dalam matematika
sangat erat sebagai akibat bahwa matematika sebagai ilmu yang terstruktur, artinya yaitu
adanya keterkaitan satu konsep dengan konsep yang lainnya. Pengetahuan sebelumnya
sebagai konsep prasyarat untuk mempelajari konsep selanjutnya, sehingga antara konsep
yang satu dengan yang lainnya saling berkaitan. Hal ini sesuai dengan yang dijelaskan
oleh Permana dan Sumarmo (2007) bahwa koneksi matematis (mathematical
connections) merupakan kegiatan yang meliputi: mencari hubungan antara berbagai
representasi konsep dan prosedur; memahami hubungan antar topik matematik;
menggunakan matematika dalam bidang studi lain atau kehidupan sehari-hari;
memahami representasi ekuivalen konsep yang sama; mencari koneksi satu prosedur
lain dalam representasi yang ekuivalen; menggunakan koneksi antar topik matematika,
dan antar topik matematika dengan topik lain. Koneksi matematis merupakan salah satu
kemampuan kognitif yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa. Menurut Glacey (2011) jika siswa
sudah mengkoneksikan dan menerapkan pemecahan masalah ke dalam situasi lain,
maka hal tersebut akan merubah keseluruhan proses pembelajaran. Artinya siswa sudah
dapat memaknai proses pembelajaran.
Menurut (NCTM ,2000) terdapat tujuan koneksi matematis sekolah yaitu: “Pertama,
memperluas pengetahuan siswa. Kedua, memandang matematika sebagai suatu
keseluruhan yang terpadu bukan sebagai materi yang berdiri sendiri. Ketiga, menyatakan
relevansi dan manfaat baik di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah”. Siswa memerlukan
matematika untuk memenuhi kebutuhan praktis dan memecahkan masalah, baik masalah
dalam mata pelajaran lain ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun sampai sekarang
ini, masih banyak siswa yang berpendapat bahwa matematika adalah pelajaran yang sulit
dan merupakan pelajaran yang penuh dengan rumus-rumus. Terutama dalam
menyelesaikan masalah yang berhubungan dengan soal cerita atau pun kehidupan sehari-
Hal yang berbeda akan terjadi ketika siswa menemukan manfaat matematika dalam
hidupnya, siswa yang mengetahui manfaat yang akan mereka dapatkan setelah mempelajari
sebuah topik akan berbeda motivasi belajarnya dengan siswa yang menganggap topik itu
hanyalah sebatas topik dalam pelajaran mereka dan tidak menemukan manfaatnya apa
setelah mereka memahami itu dalam kehidupan mereka nanti, sehingga kita akan
menemukan sebuah kaitan dan pengaruh yang kuat antara kemampuan koneksi matematika
siswa dengan motivasi belajar mereka teradap pelajaran matematika itu sendiri. Seperti hal
nya kita yang akan membutuhkan pemahaman ilmu mengendarai kendaraan ketika kita
memiliki kendaraan, sehingga waktu tenaga dan pikiran kita gunakan semaksimal mungkin
agar kita dapat dengan cepat menguasai ilmu mengendarai kendaraan. Begitupun dengan
siswa ketika mereka mempelajari matematika.
Menurut sejumlah studi (Fauzi, 2011; Lasmanawati, 2011) yang menyatakan bahwa
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa masih rendah, berada pada level di bawah rata-
rata. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang diungkapkan dalam penelitiannya, pembelajaran
di kelas umumnya dengan pemberian masalah dan latihan, sampai akhirnya siswa mahir
menyelesaikan latihan, akan tetapi kekamampuan koneksinya tidak meningkat. Dean
(2008) menjelaskan bahwa matematika merupakan hal yang sukar dan membosan kan
bagi siswa, karena mereka tidak melihat keterkaitan di dalam matematika.
Rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dapat berpengaruh pada prestasi
belajar siswa. Menurut Wahyudin (Rahman, 2010), penyebab rendahnya pemahaman siswa

Ade Evi Fatimah, Khairunnisyah
Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Melalui Pembelajaran Model…

dalam pembelajaran matematika diantaranya karena proses pembelajaran yang belum

optimal. Pada proses pembelajaran, umumnya guru hanya sibuk sendiri menjelaskan apa
yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya, sedangkan siswa hanya sebagai penerima informasi.
Akibatnya, siswa hanya mengerjakan apa yang dicontohkan oleh guru, tanpa tahu makna
dan pengertian dari apa yang ia kerjakan. Hal tersebut menyebabkan siswa kurang memiliki
kemampuan mengenali representasi ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama, mengenali
hubungan prosedur matematika suatu representasi ke prosedur representasi lain yang
ekuivalen, menggunakan dan menilai keterkaitan antar topik matematika dan keterkaitan
topik diluar matematika, serta menggunakan matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Keempat kemampuan tersebut merupakan indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam
pembelajaran matematika. Dengan demikian, kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa harus
dikembangkan agar kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dapat meningkat.
Permasalahan rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematika siswa bisa dikarenakan
oleh faktor kemampuan guru dalam memberikan pembelajaran tentang matematika, atau
kemampaun guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran matematika, atau bisa juga
karena memang media pembelajarannya yang tidak tersedia dan bisa juga karena faktor
siswa yang memang sudah dan tidak memiliki motivasi untuk belajar. Saat ini, terdapat
beragam model pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa seperti model connecting,
organizing, reflecting, extending (CORE). Model CORE merupakan salah satu model
pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi. Miller dan Calfee (2004) mengungkapkan bahwa
model CORE adalah model pembelajaran menggunakan metode diskusi yang dapat
mempengaruhi perkembangan pengetahuan dan berpikir reflektif dengan melibatkan siswa.
Pembelajaran dengan model CORE menggabungkan empat unsur konstruktivis penting
yaitu: menghubungkan pengetahuan siswa, mengatur konten (pengetahuan) baru bagi
siswa, memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk merefleksikanya, dan memberi siswa
kesempatan untuk memperluas pengetahuan (Curwen, Miller, White-Smith, & Calfee,
Di dalam pembelajaran model CORE, tahapan pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah
(connecting), dengan mengoneksikan pengetahuan yang dimilikinya, kemampuan
koneksi matematis siswa dapat berkembang. Hal tersebut diungkapkan NCTM (2000)
bahwa dengan koneksi matematika, siswa akan menjangkau ke berbagai permasalahan
baik di dalam maupun di luar sekolah. Melalui koneksi, wawasan siswa akan terbuka luas
dan keinginan siswa untuk memperdalam wawasannya akan semakin berkembang. Ketika
keinginan siswa berkembang, maka keyakinan siswa akan kemampuannya pun juga akan
berkembang. Oleh karena itu, model pembelajaran CORE memiliki keterkaitan dengan
kemampuan koneksi matematis. Pada saat terjadi proses pembelajaran, siswa diarahkan
untuk menghubungkan pengetahuan yang baru yang akan dipelajarinya dengan
pengetahuan lama yang sudah dimilikinya (connecting), pada tahap ini sangat
mendukung untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Kemudian
siswa mengorganisasikan pengetahuannya tersebut, untuk mengetahui apakah siswa
memahami dan mengerti materi yang sedang diajarkan (organizing), selanjutnya siswa
diminta kembali untuk menjelaskan informasi yang telah didapatnya (reflecting),
kemudian apabila siswa sudah memahami materi tersebut maka siwa dapat melanjutkan
dengan mengerjakan permasalahan-permasalahan yang diberikan yang berkaitan dengan
materi yang sedang berlangsung (extending).
Model pembelajaran CORE dapat menjembatani siswa untuk mengenali representasi
ekuivalen dari konsep yang sama, mengenali hubungan prosedur matematika suatu
representasi ke prosedur representasi lain yang ekuivalen, menggunakan dan menilai
keterkaitan antar topik matematika dan keterkaitan topik di luar matematika, dan

54 Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

menggunakan matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi

kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Hasil penelitian Azizah, Mariani, & Rochmad (2012)
menunjukkan bahwa siswa di kelas yang menggunakan pembelajaran CORE bernuansa
konstruktivistik pada materi persamaan lingkaran mencapai tuntas belajar dengan nilai rata-
rata kelas 73 dan terdapat 87,5% siswa melampaui batas nilai KKM. Khafidhoh (2014)
menjelaskan bahwa model pembelajaran CORE menawarkan sebuah proses pembelajaran
yang memberi ruang bagi siswa untuk berpendapat, meningkatkan pemahaman siswa
terhadap suatu konsep, mencari solusi, dan membangun pengetahuannya sendiri. Oleh
karena itu model pembelajaran CORE diperkirakan dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan koneksi dan penalaran matematis siswa.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi-eksperimen. Pada kuasi eksperimen,
subjek tidak dikelompokkan secara acak, tetapi peneliti menerima keadaan subjek apa
adanya, (Ruseffendi, 2005). Penggunaan desain ini dilakukan dengan pertimbangan untuk
mengefektifkan waktu penelitian supaya tidak membentuk kelas baru yang akan
menyebabkan perubahan jadwal yang telah ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada dua kelas
yang memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan model pembelajaran yang berbeda. Pada
kelas eksperimen deberikan pembelajaran dengan model CORE dan pada kelas kontrol di
berikan pembelajaran konvensional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperoleh
gambaran tentang peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dan self-efficacy
siswa pada pembelajaran matematika melalui model CORE. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen APIPSU Medan sedangkan
sampel adalah siswa kelas X-1 (kelas eksperimen) dan siswa kelas X-2 (kelas kontrol).
Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain kelompok
kontrol pretes-postes (pretest-posttest control grup design) yang melibatkan dua
kelompok. Karena penelitian ini tergolong pada penelitian eksperimen atau percobaan.
Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji-t, pengolahan data pretes dan postes di analisis
dengan cara menguji persyaratan statistik yang diperlukan yaitu uji normalitas dan uji
homogenitas. Selanjutnya untuk menguji hipotesis maka dilakukan uji-t terhadap hasil tes
yang diperoleh. Sebelum melakukan uji-t, untuk melihat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa dilakukan dengan menganalisis data indeks gain kemampuan koneksi
matematik siswa kedua kelas setelah dilakukan pembelajaran matematika dengan
perlakuan yang berbeda. Menurut Hake (1999) untuk menghitung gain ternomalisasi
digunakan rumus sebagai berikut.

Tabel 1. Klasifikasi Interpretasi Rerata Gain

Interval Interpretasi
g > 0,70 Tinggi
0,30 < g  0,70 Sedang
g  0,30 Rendah

Hasil tes kemampuan koneksi matematis dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil
pengolahan skor pretest dan postest yang diberikan kepada dua kelas yaitu siswa kelas X
SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen APIPSU Medan. Skor pretest dan postest diolah dan dikaji
sesuai dengan pengolahan data yang telah dirancang dalam metode penelitian. Semua ini
dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membuktikan kebenaran hipotesis dalam menganalisis
penyebab dan hal-hal yang terkait. Berikut disajikan data deskriptif pada tabel 2 berikut.

Ade Evi Fatimah, Khairunnisyah
Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Melalui Pembelajaran Model…

Tabel 2. Persentase Skor Hasil Pretest dan Postest Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa
Pretes Protes
No Indikator Yang Diukur Baik/Baik Baik/Baik
Rendah Rendah
Sekali Sekali
1 Menggunakan keterkaitan ide- 61% 39% 43% 57%
ide matematika
2 Mengaplikasikan ide-ide 86% 14% 25% 75%
matematika dalam kehidupan

Selanjutnya melakukan uji hipotesis dengan uji-t. Adapun hipotesis yang diuji
H0: 1 ≤ 2
Tidak terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa antara
yang memperoleh model pembelajaran CORE dan model pembelajaran konvensional.
H1: 1 > 2
Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang menggunakan model
pembelajaran CORE lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran konvensional.

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan secara manual diperoleh nilai t sebesar 4,470, dimana
harga ttabel dengan taraf signifikan 𝛼 = 0,05 dk = n – 1 = 27 dari daftar distribusi-t diperoleh
ttabel sebesar 1,70 dan thitung sebesar 4,470 yang berati thitung > ttabel maka tolak H0 sehingga
terima H1, yaitu terdapat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
menggunakan model pembelajaran CORE lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran
konvensional, dengan makna lain model pembelajaran CORE dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan koneksi matematis siawa.

Mencermati hasil penelitian yang telah dikemukakan diatas, menunjukkan bahwa
pembelajaran dengan model CORE lebih baik dalam meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Salah satu faktor yang
mendukung terjadinya peningkatan ini adalah proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dengan
menggunakan model CORE. Model pembelajaran yang menekankan kemampuan berpikir
siswa untuk menghubungkan, mengorganisasikan, mendalami, mengelola, dan
mengembangkan informasi yang didapat. Dalam model ini aktivitas berpikir sangat
ditekankan kepada siswa. Siswa dituntut untuk dapat berpikir kritis terhadap informasi
yang didapatnya.Kegiatan mengoneksikan konsep lama-baru siswa dilatih untuk
mengingatinformasi lama dan menggunakan informasi/konsep lama tersebut untuk
digunakandalam informasi/konsep baru. Kegiatan mengorganisasikan ide-ide, dapat
melatih kemampuan siswa untuk mengorganisasikan, mengelola informasi yang telah
dimilikinya. Kegiatan refleksi, merupakan kegiatan memperdalam, menggali informasi
untuk memperkuat konsep yang telah dimilikinya. Extending, dengan kegiatan ini siswa
dilatih untuk mengembangkan, memperluas informasi yang sudah didapatnya dan
menggunakan informasi dan dapat menemukan konsep dan informasi baru yang
Connecting erat kaitannya dengan belajar bermakna. Menurut Ausabel, belajar
bermakna merupakan proses mengaitkan informasi atau materi baru dengan konsep-
konsep yang telah ada dalam struktur kognitif seseorang (Dahar, 1989). Sruktur

56 Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

kognitif dimaknai oleh Ausabel sebagai fakta-fakta, konsep-konsep dan generalisasi-

generalisasi yang telah dipelajari dan diingat oleh peserta belajar. Coesamin (2010)
menyatakan bahwa, dengan belajar bermakna, ingatan siswa menjadi kuat dan transfer
belajar mudah dicapai. Koneksi (connection) dalam kaitannya dengan matematika dapat
diartikan sebagai keterkaitan secara internal dan eksternal. Keterkaitan secara internal
adalah keterkaitan antara konsep-konsep matematika yaitu berhubungan dengan
matematika itu sendiri dan keterkaitan secara eksternal yaitu keterkaitan antara konsep
matematika dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, untuk mempelajari suatu
konsep matematika yang baru, selain dipengaruhi oleh konsep lama yang telah
diketahui siswa, pengalaman belajar yang lalu dari siswa itu juga akan
mempengaruhi terjadinya proses belajar konsep matematika tersebut. Sebab, seseorang
akan lebih mudah mempelajari sesuatu apabila belajar itu didasari oleh apa yang telah
diketahui orang tersebut.
Model pembelajaran CORE memiliki keterkaitan dengan kemampuan koneksi
matematis. Pada saat terjadi proses pembelajaran, siswa diarahkan untuk
menghubungkan pengetahuan yang baru yang akan dipelajarinya dengan
pengetahuan lama yang sudah dimilikinya (connecting), pada tahap ini sangat
mendukung untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Hal ini sejalan
dengan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Hariyanto (2016), bahwa peningkatan prestasi dan
kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang memperoleh model pembelajaran CORE
lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional dan sebagian
besar siswa menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan
menggunakan model CORE yang telah dilakukan.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan
koneksi matematis siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan model CORE lebih baik
dari pada siswa yang belajar melalui pembelajaran konvensional. Peningkatan kemampuan
koneksi matematis siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan model CORE berada
pada kategori sedang.

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matematis. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research, 1(2), 100-105.
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58 Vol. 5, No. 1, Oktober 2019

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The “Mozart Effect” and the

Mathematical Connection
Judy M. Taylor & Beverly J. Rowe
Published online: 07 Jul 2014.

To cite this article: Judy M. Taylor & Beverly J. Rowe (2012) The “Mozart Effect” and
the Mathematical Connection, Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42:2, 51-66,
DOI: 10.1080/10790195.2012.10850354

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Judy M. Taylor;
Beverly 1. Rowe
The "Mozart
Effect" and the
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

Educators are always looking for ways to enhance the performance ofstudents
on outcome assessments. There is a growing body of research showing the
benefits ofmusic on educational performance. The purpose ofthis study was
to determine if a "Mozart Effect" improves student performance on outcome
assessments in mathematics. In this study, during the six major tests that
were given for three college trigonometry classes (n = 69) a CD of Mozart
music was played for the duration ofthe test. The results were compared to
three trigonometry classes (n = 59) that were given six major trigonometry
tests with no music playing. The results indicate that students performed
significantly better when Mozart was being played as background music
during the outcome assessment. This study adds validity to the "Mozart
Effect"and considers improved effectiveness for some learners through altered
assessment environments.

O c r the Ias 17 years, researchers

have claimed that the "Mozart Effect" accomplished everything from
temporary increases in IQ to creating the mental mechanism needed for
infants to develop reasoning and analytical prowess. The term "Mozart
Effect" relates specifically to the Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky (1993, 1995)
neuropsychology research that reported temporary increases in college
students' ability to perform spatial-temporal tasks as evidenced by
increased IQ scores after passively listening to 10 minutes of Mozart's
sonata K. 448. Spatial-temporal reasoning is the ability to visualize
spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them over a time-ordered
sequence of spatial transformations. Following Rauscher's initial
report, a rigorous scientific discussion ensued in the psychological and
educational literature with findings that supported the Rauscher studies

"Mozart Effect n and the Mathematical Connection 51

52 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

(Rauscher & Shaw, 1998; Rideout, Dougherty, & Wernert, 1998; Rideout
& Laubach, 1996; Rideout & Taylor, 1997; Sarnthein et a1., 1997; Wilson
& Brown, 1997) and those that repudiated Rauscher's findings (Newman
et a1., 1995; Steele, Ball, & Runk, 1997; Steele, Brown, & Stoecker, 1999;
Stough, Kerkin, Bates, & Mangan, 1994).
The inability of some to replicate the Mozart Effect in similar labo-
ratory experiments (Steele, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006; Steele, Brown, &
Stoecker, 1999) served only to fuel the Rauscher camp's staunch replies
and extensions of the Mozart Effect evidence (Rauscher, 1997, 1999,
2000, 2002, 2006; Rauscher & Hinton, 2006; Rauscher, Robinson, & Jens,
1998; Rauscher & Shaw, 1998; Rauscher & Zupan, 2000; Rauscher et
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

a1., 1997; Rideout, 1999). The controversy over the Mozart Effect exists
as a result of the misconception that listening to Mozart can enhance
general intelligence (Newman et a1., 1995; Rauscher, 1999; Steele, Ball,
& Runk, 1997). Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky (1993, 1995) only claimed tem-
porary increases in college students' ability to perform spatial-temporal
tasks as evidenced by increased IQ scores after passively listening to
Mozart. Conflicting results from meta-analyses and rebuttals furthered
the debate (Chabris, 1999; Hetland, 2000; Rauscher, 1999; Steele et
a1., 1999) and spurred continued investigation into the Mozart Effect
phenomenon resulting once again in mixed results (Bridgett & Ceuvas,
2000; Hui, 2006; Jausovec & Habe, 2004; Jausovec, Jausovec, & Gerlic,
2006; McKelvie & Low, 2002; Standing, Verpaeist, & Ulmer, 2008; Zhu
et a1., 2008). Chabris (1999) conducted a meta-analysis of 16 Mozart
Effect studies that found no change in IQ or spatial reasoning ability.
According to Rauscher and Hinton (2006), Chabris used "inappropriate
tasks, music, and diverse research methods" (p. 233). A more recent
meta-analysis conducted by Hetland (2000) that included 36 studies
and involved 2,465 participants found that the Mozart Effect does exist,
but "is limited to a specific type of spatial task that requires mental
rotation in the absence of a physical model" (p. 136). The theoretical
and educational questions regarding the existence and applicability
of the Mozart Effect remain unresolved.
Even though the controversy over the Mozart Effect continued,
some were willing to take the risk. The thought of a quick solution to
better develop babies' minds captured the public's attention. Lending
credibility to the public's Mozart Effect furor, Zell Miller, governor
of Georgia at the time, required the distribution of classical music
CDs to all infants born in Georgia (Winner & Hetland, 1999). Other
states soon followed, requiring classical music to be played in daycare
centers and even for inmates in prison (Bangerter & Heath, 2004).
At its peak, the popularized notion ofthe Mozart Effect morphed into a
"Mozart Effect' and the Mathematical Connection 53

scientific legend (Bangerter & Heath, 2004), driving a huge electronic

media market that coupled classical music and simple imagery in a
variety of videos and other products promoted to expedite education
for babies and toddlers. The popular market bubble burst when the
American Academy of Pediatrics released its recommendation that
children under the age of two not be exposed to television or video
screen time (Wolf, 2010). In an effort to avoid significant losses in a
class-action lawsuit, the Walt Disney Company (current distributor of
the Baby Einstein videos) raised the white flag and offered to refund
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

the full purchase price to all who bought the Baby Einstein videos since
2004 (Lewin, 2009).
Although listening to Mozart may not turn infants into mathematical
geniuses, there is a significant literature base developing in both basic
and applied research considering the efficacy of music, in general, and
Mozart, in particular, in therapeutic and educational settings. Spatial-
temporal reasoning is used to suggest an even higher level of scientific
thought. This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing
solutions to multistep problems that arise in areas such as architecture,
engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life. Spatial-
temporal reasoning can have as much or more to do with one of the other
five main modes of thought: the logical (mathematical/systems), visual,
verbal, physical (kinesthetic), and aural (musical) modes. Rauscher con-
ducted a series of studies considering the impact of music instruction on
spatial-temporal cognition and the resulting impact on early education
(Rauscher, 1997; Rauscher et al., 1997; Rauscher & Zupan, 2000). Based
on the Leng and Shaw (1991) trion model, Rauscher (1997) postulated
that musical activity strengthens neural firing patterns in large regions
of the brain's cortex, which are the same type of firing patterns required
for spatial-temporal reasoning tasks. Rauscher and Shaw (1998) defined
the trion model as
a highly structured mathematical realization of Mountcastle's
organizational principle for the cerebral cortex. Mountcastle
proposed that the cortical column, the basic neural network of the
cortex, can be excited into complex firing patterns which, in the
trion model, are exploited in the performance of tasks requiring
ability to recognize and classify physical similarities among
objects-spatial recognition tasks. (p. 835)
Rauscher theorized that listening to music or participating in music
instruction excites and primes the cortical firing patterns necessary
for spatial-temporal reasoning. Rauscher and Zupan's (2000) results
supported the Leng and Shaw (1991) model, reporting that early music
training enhanced spatial-temporal reasoning in kindergarten children.
54 [ournal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

Background Music
Research investigating the effects of music on moods, emotions, and
behavior is addressed in many fields including business, education,
psychology, and others (Gaston, 1968; Hargreaves & North, 1997; Mer-
riam, 1964). Background music is widely used by individuals person-
ally and is also common in most public arenas: grocery stores, malls,
airports, waiting rooms for all types of offices, and a wide variety of
other venues. In that background music plays a significant role in an
individual's everyday private and public life, it is a natural progression
for educational researchers to question whether using background music
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

will stimulate learning in the classroom. Such questions have been inves-
tigated for many years with mixed results (Fogelson, 1973; Hall, 1952;
Kiger, 1989; Mitchell, 1949). More recent studies have found positive
results that background music enhances performance on cognitive tasks
as a result of arousal or mood (Hallam & Price, 1998; Hallam, Price, &
Katsarou 2002; Isen, 2000; Savan, 1999). This finding concurs with the
extant arousal-mood literature supporting the Mozart Effect (Nantanis &
Schellenberg, 1999; Thompson, Schellenberg, & Husain, 2001). Recent
literature also concludes that background music in educational settings
reduces anxiety (Crncec, Wilson, & Prior, 2006; Graham, Robinson, &
Mulhall, 2009; Hallam & Price, 1998; Hallam et al., 2002).

The Mozart Effect Mosaic

Ivanov and Geake (2003), in a recent study of the Mozart Effect,
concluded that there are a number of issues surrounding the Mozart
Effect that justify its further investigation. Overy (1998), in an editorial
discussion of the Mozart Effect, emphasized that the link between music
and the development of cognitive processes is not clearly established.
She questioned not only the development of the cognitive processes,
but the transferability to other learning areas. Finally, Rauscher (2000)
stated, "The Mozart Effect is neither magic nor an article of faith, but
the subject of ongoing serious research." As such, Rauscher (2000)
asserted that it "is worthy of ongoing research not only for its theoretical
importance but also its potential practical implications, especially in
education" (para. 17).
The extant literature regarding the Mozart Effect has become a mosaic:
internationally flavored with research from Australia, Canada, China,
Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States, and generationally
pertinent to grandparents, parents, educators, and children. It bridges
both basic and applied research and stretches across a variety of
disciplines such as psychology, the neuro-sciences, music, education,
business, and law.
'Mozart Effect' and the Mathematical Connection 55

Our contribution to the Mozart Effect mosaic primarily builds upon

the cross-modal priming effect (Leng & Shaw, 1991; Rauscher & Zupan,
2000), investigating the indirect impact of the Mozart Effect on the assess-
ment of mathematics performance by college students. Cross-modal
priming is a memory effect in which exposure to some type of stimulus
enhances recall of previously learned information. Linking to the arousal
and mood literature (Nantanis & Schellenberg, 1999; Thompson et al.,
2001), we used a modified background music approach, allowing the
music treatment to extend the full 55-minute interval required by the
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

mathematics performance assessment. We based our decision to elon-

gate the music exposure time on suggestions made by Jenkins (2001).
Our music treatment students as well as our control group students
completed the mathematics performance assessment in the natural
setting of their regular classroom. Thus, the control group "silence" is
routine background noise in the classroom setting (Ivanov & Geake,
2003; Jackson & Tlauka, 2004). Standing, Verpaeist, and Ulmer (2008)
reported that participants displayed higher spatial and verbal intelligence
scores when a neutral announcement regarding the effect of the music
was given versus either a positive or negative announcement. To avoid
any form of interpretation by students that would bias their response
to the music treatment, we chose to make no announcement either
before or after administering the mathematics performance assessments
regarding the expected effect of the background music.
Finally, we considered which music to play in the background dur-
ing the assessment. Hughes and Fino (2000) determined that a large
number of Mozart selections and two Bach selections have a high degree
oflong-term periodicity, which is interpreted by Jenkins (2001) as the
essential element that makes Mozart's music effective in cross-modal
priming. Marsden (1987) studied the complexity of Mozart music, and
found that Mozart's music neither bores the listener with low cognitive
demand nor overstimulates the listener with high cognitive demand.
In Marsden's words, "pieces of music by Mozart... maintain a constant
level of cognitive demand throughout" (p. 57). Thus, we decided to use
Mozart music. 1b eliminate listener boredom that might be induced by
repeating the same short Mozart selection throughout the 55 minutes
and to explore the use of selections other than Mozart sonata K. 448, we
determined to playa larger selection of music by Mozart. The combina-
tion of these factors in the experimental design adds one more piece to
the Mozart Effect mosaic by extending the extant literature.
The present study sought to answer the question: Is there a
"Mozart Effect" for outcome assessments for students taking a
trigonometry course?
56 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

The participants were 128 undergraduate aviation students (25 females
and 103 males) who received course credit. There were 59 (nine female
and 50 male) students in the group who tested in silence and 69 (16
female and 53 male) students who listened to Mozart while they tested.
The students were enrolled in a required trigonometry class. The
course was chosen for the study at the discretion of the researcher. The
researcher teaches three trigonometry classes each spring, which would
allow for a larger sample size. SAT scores were obtained for as many of
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

the participants in the study as possible to test for homogeneity ofgroups.

The mathematics performance assessment is a composite score made
up of the sum of scores on six trigonometry tests administered to each
student during the trigonometry course spaced throughout the semester.
Each test included between 25 to 35 questions indicative ofthe concepts
covered in the relevant chapters of the trigonometry course. For the
music treatment, the background music was played for the duration
of each of the tests on a regular quality CD player at a reasonably low
volume that could be heard by all individuals in the classroom. The
music played included 12 Mozart pieces (see Appendix).

Each participant was given a total of six tests over the course of a
semester. The sum of the scores of the six tests comprised the math-
ematical performance assessment variable in the experiment. During
the two semesters in which the experiment occurred (spring 2008 for the
silence control group and spring 2009 for the music treatment group),
all participating students received mathematics instruction from the
same professor; they were assigned exactly the same homework, and
they were given exactly the same six tests.
The control group (henceforth referred to as the silence group)
completed all six tests comprising the mathematical performance
assessment in the spring semester, 2008. The tests were administered
in their regular classroom without background music. By experimental
design, the natural setting of the classroom with the common sounds
of a classroom-testing environment substitutes for music in the control
group. In the spring of 2009, the music treatment group (henceforth
referred to as the Mozart group) completed all six tests comprising the
mathematical performance assessment. The Mozart group listened
to low-volume background Mozart music, and the professor handed
"Mozart Effect" and the Mathematical Connection 57

out the tests without comment regarding the music. A student in the
second class entered the room while the music was playing and asked
the instructor if that music was going to be played during the test. The
instructor told the student if the music was a distraction, the student
could go to a testing center to take the test. If students questioned the
benefit of the music, or thought that the music would not benefit them,
they were allowed to take the test at an alternative location in silence.
Although no students in the Mozart group requested to take the tests at
an alternative location, such accommodations had been prearranged in
case that request was made.
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

At the end ofthe semester, the professor explained to the Mozart group
that there was a body of research suggesting that listening to Mozart
during testing may enhance their ability to think through mathematical
problem solving. Following the explanation, students were given the
opportunity to allow their test scores to be used for analysis purposes.
The students signed a consent form giving the researcher permission
to use the scores for analyses.

Using SPSS, a least-squares regression analysis and analysis of variance
were conducted. Descriptive statistics were reported. The null hypoth-
esis (HO) on the regression on the music variable was that it would have
no significant effect. The alternative (HI) for the regression on the music
variable was that it would have a significant effect.
For the analysis of variance, the null hypothesis (HO) was that there
would be no significant difference in the mean performance on the math-
ematical assessment between the silence and Mozart groups across tests.
The alternative hypothesis (HI) was that there would be a significant
difference in the mean performance on the mathematical assessment
between the silence and Mozart groups across tests. An ANOVArequires
the following: one independent, categorical variable that has two levels
and one dependent variable. The ANOVA requires that the dependent
variable be approximately normally distributed within each group (Pal-
lant, 2001). In order to determine normality, a normal Q-QPlot can be
created. The QQ plots for the Mozart Effect data were approximately
normally distributed and met the requirement to run an ANOVA.

Descriptive Statistics
The means for the six tests for students who listened to Mozart were
81.55,94.06,73.16,80.70,94.83, and 71.67 respectively (SDs 14.59,16.15,
20.47, 18.79, 16.91, and 15.99); see Table 1. The combined mean for all
58 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Music and Silence Scores for Experimental,
Control, and Both Groups for Six 7hgonometry Tests

'Iiigonometry 'Iests

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Exp Control Both Exp Control Both Exp Control Both

en ~ 69) en ~ 59) en ~ 128) en ~ 69) en ~ 59) en ~ 128) en ~ 69) en ~ 59) en ~ 128)
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

Mean 81.5579.7380.71 94.0688.10 91.31 73.1656.3665.41

SD 14.5913.5614.10 16.1519.0617.73 20.4725.0724.13

SE 1.77 1.77 1.25 1.95 2.48 1.57 2.473.262.13

Test 4 Test 5 Test 6

Exp Control Both Exp Control Both Exp Control Both

en ~ 69) en ~ 59) en ~ 128) en ~ 69) en = 59) en = 128) en = 69) en = 59) en = 128)
Mean 80.70 83.64 82.05 94.8389.0392.16 71.6769.93 70.87

SD 18.7918.2718.54 16.9116.1016.74 15.9917.6516.73

SE 2.26 2.39 1.64 2.042.10 1.48 1. 92 2.30 1.48

All Tests

Exp Control Both

en = 69) en ~ 59) en ~ 128)

en ~ 69) en ~ 59) en = 128)

Mean 82.66 77.8080.42

SD 19.41 21.7820.67

SE .951.16 .75
"Mozart Effect' and the Mathematical Connection S9

scores for the music treatment group was 82.66 with a standard devia-
tion of 19.41. The means for the six tests for students who took the test
in silence were 79.73, 88.10, 56.36, 83.64, 89.03, and 69.93 respectively
(SDs 13.56,19.06,25.07,18.27,16.10, and 17.65). The combined mean
for all scores for the silence control group was 77.80 with a standard
deviation of 21.78.
SAT scores were obtained for as many of the participants in the study
as available. Any student for whom an SATscore could not be obtained
was excluded from the analyses. SAT scores were used to ensure the
homogeneity of the silence group and the Mozart group. The assump-
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

tion of homogeneity of variance can be tested by using Levene's 'Test of

Equality of Variance. Levene's 'Test indicated equal variance (F = 1,766,
P = .12). There was no significant difference in the means of the SAT
scores of the two groups.

Analyses of the Experiment

A least-squares regression analysis and an analysis of variance were
conducted using SPSS to explore the impact of listening to Mozart and
SAT scores on the composite mathematics performance assessment
score. The dependent variable was the mathematics performance assess-
ment score, which was comprised of the scores on six trigonometry
tests as measured by professor-created exams that were indicative ofthe
mathematical concepts covered in each trigonometry chapter. 'Test scores
were totaled for all six exams to create the mathematics performance
assessment measure. The independent variables were SAT score and
Music. Music was a binary variable where 1 indicated the Mozart group
with background music during assessment and 0 indicated the silence
group without background music during assessment. Participants were
divided into two groups. The silence group (n = 59) tested in silence,
while the Mozart group (n = 69) listened to twelve Mozart selections
as background music while testing.
In the least-squares regression, the model fit (the impact of listening
to Mozart and SAT scores on the composite mathematics performance
assessment score) was statistically significant [F(2,765) = 32.947,
P <. 0001] with an adjusted R-square of .077; although the individual
variable in this model was significant, there still remained 93 percent
of the variability in test scores that were unexplained. Both the SAT
variable and the Music variable were statistically significant (p < .0001
for both), with positive coefficients. The SAT variable functions as a
control variable. The regression coefficient for SATvariable was .08. The
positive, statistical significant coefficient (5.52) for the Music variable
indicates a positive Mozart Effect for the Mozart group.
60 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

The mathematics performance assessment mean was higher for the

Mozart group (82.66) than for the silence group (77.80). The analysis of
variance resulted in a statistically significant difference for the Mozart
variable F(l, 766) = 10.68, P = .001, indicating that there was a Mozart
Effect for the mathematics performance assessment measure; see
Thble 2.
The results indicate that the mean difference in performance on
mathematics assessments was statistically significant.

Our investigation of three college trigonometry classes brings together
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

diverse research to consider temporal cognitive effects of passive music

intervention in assessing learning in mathematics. The purpose of this
study was to determine if a Mozart Effect might improve college student
performance on outcome assessments in mathematics. Based on previ-
ous work in the Mozart Effect mosaic, we took into consideration which
music to play, when it should be played, for what duration it should be
played, and in what setting it should be played. Our decisions in these
design elements allow our study to make a unique contribution to the
current literature base. First, we considered the impact of the Mozart
Effect indirectly as it manifested in the actual assessment of a learning
experience. Second, we determined to elongate the listening time to
55 minutes and to playa wide selection of Mozart, based on prior
research that indicated Mozart music is most efficient in priming cross-
modal brain activities. Third, we chose to locate our study in the natural
setting of a classroom in order to test the generalizability of the previous
lab experiments into the more common classroom environment. Finally,
we linked the arousal-mood literature and the trion model literature to
help explain the Mozart Effect.
Our findings indicate that the Mozart Effect does impact the dem-
onstration of learning in mathematics. Whether it is through priming
cortical firing patterns, reducing anxiety, and/or generating arousal
is a theoretical matter beyond the scope of this experiment. Of most
importance to educators is that the Mozart Effect is not merely a lab
experience, but has potential to assist students in performing their best
on mathematical assessments.
Further study is needed in how to best use the Mozart Effect in other
areas such as during the instruction phase as well as in the assessment
phase. Other modalities could consider whether the Mozart Effect is
present in applied disciplines such as accounting, business management,
or finance. Finally, further consideration could seek to determine other
types of music that facilitate the learning process.
'Mozart Effect' and the Mathematical Connection 61

Table 2
One- Way Analyses of Variance of Music and Silence on
Six 'Irigonometrq Tests and All Tests

Variable and source df SS MS F Sig.

'lest 1
Between groups 105.57 105.57 .53 .47
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

Within groups 126 25140.73 199.53

Test 2
Between groups 1128.34 1128.34 3.66 .05

Within groups 126 38813.15 308.04

Test 3
Between groups 1 8920.88 8920.88 17.42 < .0001

Within groups 126 64958.77 515.55

Test 4
Between groups 276.48 276.48 .804 .37

Within groups 126 43356.13 344.10

Test 5
Between groups 1067.03 1067.03 3.90 .05

Within groups 126 34503.85 273.84

'lest 6
Between groups 1 95.68 95.68 .34 .56

Within groups 126 35449.06 281.34

'lest All
Between groups 1 4507.26 4507.26 10.68 .001

Within groups 766 323041. 74 421.72

62 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012

The results of this study imply that playing Mozart during mathematics
outcome assessments improves student scores. Students in trigonometry
classes did statistically significantly better on a mathematics outcome
assessment while listening to Mozart. This study adds one more colored
tile to the Mozart Effect mosaic, validating the Mozart Effect and sug-
gesting a method for improving learner performance through altering
the assessment environment.

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"Mozart Effect" and the Mathematical Connection 65

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Judy M. Thylor is associate professor of mathematics at Le'Iburneati University.

Her research interest is discovering best practices in the teaching of mathematics.

Beuerlg }, Rowe holds a BA from the University of Houston, an MSM from Purdue
University, and a PhD from Texas A&M.
66 Journal of College Reading and Learning, 42(2), Spring 2012


Twelve Mozart Pieces

"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," Romance;

Sonata for Violin and Piano in G, K. 301, Allegro;

Sonata for Piano No. 11 in A Major, K. 331;

Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 22:16 29 December 2014

Ronda alla Turca: Quartet for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Cello in F Major, K. 370;

Quartet for Flute, Violin, Viola and Cello NO.1 in D Major, K. 285, Adagio;

String Quartet No. 14 in G Major, K. 387-"Spring," Allegro vivace assai;

Divertimento in D Major-"Salzburg Symphony No. I," K. 136, Andante;

Quintet for Clarinet, Violins, Viola and Cello in A Major, K. 581, Larghetto;

String Quartet NO.4 in C Major, K. 157, Allegro;

String Quartet No. 17 in B Flat Major, K. 485 -"Hunt," Minuetto moderato;

Sonata for Piano NO.8 in A Minor, K. 310, Andante cantabile con espressione:

Sonata for Violin and Piano in B Flat Major, K. 378, Andantino sostenuto e cantabile.
Available online at
Jurnal MathEducation
M Nusantara Vol. 4 (2), 2021, 1-12

Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dengan Berbantuan Video Animasi
Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa Pada Materi SPLDV

Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Pendidikan MatematikaUniversitas Malikussaleh, TeungkuNie, Cot Rd, Reuleut Tim.,
MuaraBatu, KabupatenAceh
Kabupaten Utara, Aceh, Indonesia 1,2,3

Email :, Telp: +6285277065900

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
diajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) berbantuan video
animasi lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajarkan menggunakan model pembe pembelajaran konvesional.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen yang menggunakan Pretest-PosttestControl
Group Design.. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon dan
seca sampling purposive yaitu kelas X TKJ 1 sebagai
sampelnya sebanyak dua kelas. Sampel dipilih secara
kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran PBL dengan bantuan video animasi dan
kelas X TKJ 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvesional. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menunjukkan
jukkan bahwa: Sig (p-value)
(p value) > α (0,05), maka diterima yaitu 0,110 pada kelas
kontrol dan 0,914 kelas eksperimen sehingga data bertribusi normal. Analisis uji uji-t kemampuan
koneksi matematis siswa di peroleh 0,006 < 0,05, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini
menunjukan bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran
PBL dengan bantuan video animasi lebih baik dari pada kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
diajarkan dengan pembelajaran konvesional. Pengolahan data mengunakan
mengunakan spss versi 18. Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang di ajarkan melalui model pembelajaran
PBL dengan dengan bantuan video animasi lebih baik dari pada kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
yang diajarkan melalui pembelajaran konvensional
konvensional pada materi sistem persamaan linear dua variabel
(SPLDV) di kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon
Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa, Pembelajaran Konvesional, Problem Based
Learning,, Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel, Video Animasi.

Application of Problem Based Learning Learning Model with the Aid of Video Animation to
Improve Students' Mathematical Connection Ability in SPLDV Materials
This study aims to determine whether the mathematical connection ability of students who are taught
using the PBL learning model assisted by animated video is better than students who are taught using
conventional learning models. This research is quasi-experimental
quasi experimental and also used a Pretest
Control Group Design. The population in this study wasstudents
students of class X SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon,
the sample in this study were two classes.Those
classes selected by purposive sampling were class X TKJ 1 as
the experimental class using PBL model assisted by animation video and class X TKJ 2 as the control
lass using conventional learning model. The results of this study indicate that: Sig (p-value)>
(p α
(0.05), it is accepted that 0.110 in the control class and 0.914 in the experimental class so that the data
is normally distributed. The t-test
t analysis of students'
udents' mathematical connection ability was obtained
0.006 < 0.05, then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means that the mathematical connection
ability of students taught by the PBL learning model assisted by animated video is better than the
ematical connection ability of students taught by conventional learning. Data processing uses
SPSS version 18. It can be concluded that the mathematical connection ability of students taught
through the PBL learning model assisted by animated video is better better than the mathematical
connection ability of students taught through conventional learning on Systems of Linear Equations
with Two Variables subject in class X SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon.
Keywords : Students' Mathematical Connection Ability, Conventional Le Learning, Problem Based
Learning, Systems of Linear Equations with Two Variables,
Variables, Animation Videos
Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara
ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

PENDAHULUAN pelajaran yang lain atau dengan kehidupan

Matematika merupakan ilmu yang sehari-hari. Siswa dapat menghubungkan
mempelajari tentang besaran, struktur, pelajaran matematika yang didapatnya
bangun ruang, dan perubahan-perubahan kedalam kehidupan sehari-harinya atau
yang ada pada suatu bilangan. Matematika dengan bidang studi lain yang akan
berasal dari bahasa Yunani Mathematikos dibahas. Penggunaan koneksi matematis
yang artinya ilmu pasti. Segala hal yang dalam pembelajaran harus dikembangkan
bersangkutan dan berhubungan dengan pada pola pikir siswa agar dapat
matematika disebut sebagai matematis. berkembang secara optimal. Dengan
Matematis juga di gunakan untuk meningkatnya kemampuan koneksi
menyebut sesuatu secara sangat pasti dan matematis siswa, siswa dapat memahami
sangat tepat. kemampuan rasional dan lebih memahami
Menurut Suherman (2003: 253), konsep yang diterapkan.
matematika adalah disiplin pemikiran dan Berdasarkan dari pengalaman di
prosedur pengolahan logika, baik secara lapangan dan hasil observasi dengan guru
kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Matematika matematika di sekolah SMK Negeri 1
juga merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang Lhoksukon. Siswa mengalami beberapa
memiliki peranan penting bagi kemajuan pemasalahan yang meliputi beberapa
teknologi sekarang ini. Oleh sebab itu, faktor, salah satu faktor tersebut yaitu
matematika perlu dipelajari oleh siswa faktor dari diri siswa sendiri dan faktor dari
sejak dari sekolah dasar, sekolah luar. Faktor dari diri siswa tersebut,
menengah dan sampai keperguruan tinggi. diantaranya: 1) Beberapa siswa
Sebagai suatu ilmu pengetahuan, menganggap matematika pelajaran yang
matematika bertujuan untuk melatih sulit dan menakutkan untuk di pelajari, 2)
manusia berfikir logis, kritis, dan Beberapa siswa kurangnya merespon
bertanggung jawab di era yang semakin dalam mengikuti proses belajar khususnya
canggih ini. Pembelajaran Matematika matematika, 3) Siswa tidak terlalu aktif
merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang saat pelajaran matematika, 4) Siswa tidak
memiliki tujuan kurikuler untuk dapat menghubungkan matematika
menunjang tercapainya tujuan dari kedalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan 5)
pendidikan nasional. Siswa merasa bosan dengan model
Menurut National Council of pembelajarannya. Sedangkan faktor dari
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2000 luar juga disebabkan dari lingkungan
(Saepuloh, 2013: 2), terdiri dari lima keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat. Yaitu:
standar kemampuan matematis yang harus Suasana atau kondisi lingkungan membuat
dimiliki oleh siswa, yaitu: kemampuan siswa merasa jenuh dan bosan saat
pemecahan masalah (problem solving), pembelajaran berlangsung dan saat
kemampuan komunikasi (communication), pelajaran matematika di jam terakhir.
kemampuan koneksi (connection),
kemampuan penalaran (reasoning), dan
kemampuan representasi (representation).
Berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaran yang
telah disebutkan, salah satu kemampuan
yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa yaitu
kemampuan koneksi matematis.
Kemampuan koneksi matematis
siswa merupakan kemampuan yang mana
siswa harus menghubungkan konsep-
konsep luar, yakni matematika dengan
Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara
ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Berikut adalah salah satu soal desain dari pembelajaran yang kurang
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. efektif. Siswa tidak ada keinginan untuk
berusaha serta berpikir tingkat tinggi
“Ibu nita mempunyai seorang anak yang mencari solusi pada setiap kesulitan yang
bernama dila. Jika umur ibu nita empat kali dari ditemukan dalam mempelajari matematika
umur dila, dan selisih umur mereka adalah 30
tahun maka tentukanlah umur mereka masing-
dan selalu menghindar dari kesulitan yang
masing?” dialaminya, akibat yang terjadi rendahnya
hasil belajar siswa pada bidang
matematika. Hal tersebut menuntut kita
untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam
menyajikan model pembelajaran yang
sesuai dengan bahan ajar.
Rusman (2010) berpendapat bahwa
model pembelajaranPBL ini dapat
Siswa 1 Analisis
tidak dapat
tidak dapatsiswa
membuat membantu siswa untukmemecahkan
model matematika yang benar
menarik kesimpulan
dari soal yang diberikan, masalah-masalah yang diberikan oleh guru
dari soal tersebut bahkan siswa salah menjawab melalui suatu kemampuan koneksi
soal karena menggunakan cara
pertidaksamaan linear. matematis siswa. Dengan model
pembelajaran PBL, siswa aktif berpikir dan
bekerja secara kelompok dalam
Langkah yang harusnya dilakukan menyelesaikan soal-soal yang diberikan
oleh siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal guru. Model pembelajaran PBL adalah
tersebut adalah mengindentifikasi masalah salah satu model pembelajaran yang
yang diketahui dalam soal, tapi dikembangkan sebagai upaya untuk
berdasarkan jawaban siswa diatas meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
menunjukkan siswa tidak dapat memahami matematis siswa. Model pembelajaran PBL
serta menghubungkan soal matematika ini menempatkan siswa dalam kelompok-
dengan antar topik matematika yang benar, kelompok belajar beranggotakan 4 sampai
siswa tidak dapat membuat model 5 orang siswa yang memiliki kemampuan,
matematika dari soal, siswa bahkan tidak jenis kelamin, dan suku atau ras yang
tahu dengan cara apa menyelesaikan soal berbeda.
tersebut dan menggunakan cara yang lain Salah satu upaya yang dapat
yang dianggap siswa benar, siswa tidak meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
dapat menarik kesimpulan, siswa merasa matematis siswa yaitu dengan
takut salah dalam menjawab soal dan siswa menggunakan alat bantu atau media
merasa sulit dalam proses belajar. Hal ini pembelajaran. Media yang dapat
dapat menyebabkan beberapa siswa kurang digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika
mampu dalam mengemukakan ide-idenya yang pada dasarnya dikaitkan dengan
dikarenakan proses pembelajaran yang kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Dan media
masih bersifat pasif. Siswa kesulitan dalam yang di gunakan disini yaitu media video
belajar juga dalam menjawab soal, hal itu animasi yang berhubungan materi yang
mengakibatkan siswa menggunakan cara akan di bahas.Menurut Blake dan Haralsen
penyelesaian soal berbeda dari cara yang (Choirunnisa, 2016: 5), “Media adalah
seharusnya. medium yang digunakan untuk
Menurut Silbert (Nurlaila, 2019: 5) membawa/menyampaikan sesuatu pesan,
individu yang mengalami kesulitan belajar dimana medium ini merupakan jalan atau
bukan berarti memiliki kekurangan atau alat dengan suatu pesan berjalan antara
gangguan dalam intelektual atau komunikator dengan komunikan”.
kecerdasan namun juga disebabkan karena

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka peneliti dikelas kontrol sehingga siswa perlu
diberikan tes awal (pre-test) untuk
ingin melakukan penelitian dengan judul :
mengetahui sejauh mana kesiapan siswa
“Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem menerima pembelajaran dan tes akhir
(post-test). Dengan demikian, desain
Based Learning (PBL) dengan berbantuan
eksperimen dalam penelitian ini
video animasi untuk Meningkatkan menggunakan Pretest-Posttest Control
Group Desaign, Sugiyono (2016: 112)
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa
yang dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua
Tabel. Pretest-Posttest Control
Variabel di kelas X SMK Negeri 1
Lhoksukon Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020”.
O1 X O2

METODE --------------------------

O3 O4
Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kuantitatif, karena data yang
akan diperoleh dari hasil penelitian berupa Keterangan:
angka-angka dan akan dianalisis O1 : Pretest untuk kelas Eksperimen
menggunakan metode statistik. Menurut O3 : Pretest untuk kelas Kontrol
Dinata (Nurlaila 2019:27) pendekatan X :Perlakuan pembelajaran dengan model
penelitian kuantitatif adalah metode pembelajaran Problem Based Laerning
penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat dengan berbantuan video animasi.
postivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada O2 : Postest untuk kelas Eksperimen
populasi atau sampel tertentu, teknik O4 : Postest untuk kelas Kontrol
pengambilan pada umumnya dilakukan
secara random, pengumpulan data Penelitian ini akan di laksanakan
menggunakan instrumen peneliti, analisis dikelas X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 1
data bersifat kuantitatif atau statistik Lhoksukon, Jln. Medan-Banda.Aceh, Desa
dengan tujuan untuk menguji hipotesis Alue Buket, KM 307, Kecamatan
yang telah ditetapkan. Sedangkan jenis Lhoksukon, Kabupaten Aceh Utara.Pada
penelitian yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah
penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen seluruh siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1
(eksperimen semu). Menurut Sugiyono Lhoksukon tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Yaitu
(2016) yang menyatakan “bahwa ada 9 kelas yang menjadi populasi pada
penelitian eksperimen adalah metode penelitian ini.
penelitian yang digunakan untuk mencari Sampel merupakan sebagian dari
pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang subjek populasi yang diteliti, mewakili dari
lain dalam kondisi yang terkendali.” seluruh populasi. Pengambilan sampel
Sesuai dengan tujuan, penelitian ini pada penelitian ini yaitu secara sampling
dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah purposive atau dengan cara penentuan
terdapat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi sampel penuh pertimbangan. Dan terpilih 2
matematis siswa antara siswa yang kelas, yaitu kelas X TKJ 1 sebagai kelas
memperoleh model pembelajaran Problem eksperimen yang di ajarkan menggunakan
Based Learning dengan berbantuan video model pembelajaran Problem Based
animasi dikelas eksperimen dengan siswa Learning berbantuan video animasi dan
yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa kelas X TKJ 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

tidak diberikan perlakuan atau kelas yang Dalam penelitian ini, instrumen tes
menggunakan pembelajaran konvesional. kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
Prosedur penelitian merupakan suatu terdiri dari 5 soal berbentuk essay di
proses rangkaian umum atau susunan berikan kepada siswa dalam waktu 120
tatacara yang dapat digunakan dalam menit yang sudah disusun berdasarkan
melakukan sebuah penelitian. Adapun indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis
tahapan prosedur penelitian adalah sebagai siswa. Tes awal diberikan untuk melihat
berikut: materi prasyarat dan tes akhir diberikan
untuk melihat peningkatan koneksi
• Instrumen • Menentuka
n kelas matematis siswa terhadap materi.
• RPP eksperimen
• LAS dan kontrol
• Soal tes • Pretest
kemampuan • Perlakuaan
koneksi Tahap
Tahap Awal Pelaksanaan • Posttest

Tahap Tahap
Penarikan Analisis
Kesimpulan Datas

• Penarikan • Olah data

kesimpulan pretest dan
dari hasil uji posttest

Tabel. Hasil item soal kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa

Kemampua Validitas Reliabilitas Daya Tingkat Keterangan
n pembeda kesukaran

Soal 1 Valid Baik Sekali Sedang Digunakan

Soal 2 Valid Baik Sekali Sedang Digunakan
Sangat Tinggi
Soal 3 Valid Baik Sedang Digunakan
Soal 4 Valid Baik Sekali Sedang Digunakan
Soal 5 T valid Cukup Sedang T. Digunakan

Soal 6 Valid Baik Sekali Sukar Digunakan

Berdasarkan hasil analisis validitas, fungsinya sehingga memiliki makna yang
reliabilitas, daya pembeda dan tingkat jelas sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian.
kesukaran tes kemampuan koneksi Dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini, data
matematis siswa yang telah diuji coba kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
layak untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen diperoleh melalui hasil pre-test dan post-
tes. Dari hasil uji coba, soal yang akan test. Analisis data kuantitatif disebut juga
digunakan pada penelitian ini sebagai dengan data keras yang diperoleh melalui
pretest dan posttest sebanyak 5 soal. riset dengan menggunakan data
Teknik analisis data merupakan suatu kuantitatif.Setelah keseluruhan data
proses menginterpretasi dan pengolahan terkumpul, maka data akan diolah
data dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan menggunakan analisis statistik uji-t.
berbagai informasi sesuai dengan
Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara
ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Uji Normalitas Uji Hipotesis

Uji normalitas dilakukan untuk melihat Adapun rumusan hipotesis nol (H0)
data yang diperoleh merupakan sebaran dan hipotesis alternatif ( ) adalah sebagai
secara normal atau tidak. Uji normalitas berikut:
yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniyaitu H0 : = Peningkatan kemampuan
dengan menggunakan uji shapiro wilk pada koneksi matematis siswa
SPSS ver 18 dengan kriteria pengujian: dengan menggunakan
model pembelajaran
Nilai signifikan p-value < α (α = 0,05), Problem Based Learning
maka Ditolak dengan berbantuan video
Nilai signifikan p-value ≥ α (α = 0,05), animasi sama dengan model
maka Diterima pembelajaran konvesional
pada materi sistem
Uji Homegenitas persamaan linear dua
Uji homogenitas dilakukan variabel kelas X TKJ 1
menggunakan uji levene. Mengenai hasil SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon.
uji normalitas yang dilakukan sebelumnya : : > Peningkatan kemampuan
pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol koneksi matematis siswa
berdistribusi normal. Kriteria untuk dengan menggunakan
mengetahui homogen atau tidaknya data model pembelajaran
yaitu apabila sig > taraf sig (0.05), maka Problem Based Learning
H0 diterima atau data bersifat homogen dan dengan berbantuan video
apabila sig< taraf sig (0.05), maka H0 animasi lebih baik dari
ditolak atau data tidak bersifat homogen. model pembelajaran
konvesional pada materi
Uji G-score sistem persamaan linear dua
Menurut Hake (Kadir dan Mayjen, variabel kelas X TKJ 1
2013) untuk mengetahui adanya SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon.
peningkatan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa antara sebelum dan HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN
sesudah pembelajaran dapat dihitung
dengan rumus g faktor (gain score Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
ternormalisasi) sebagai berikut: mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran
− problem based learning dengan berbantuan
− video animasi untuk meningkatkan
= kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada

materi sistem persamaan linear dua
Dengan kriteria nilai gain sebagai berikut: variabel (SPLDV) di SMK Negeri 1
Tabel. Kriteria nilai gain score hake Lhoksukon.
Skor Gain Kategori Berikut adalah tabel yang
g> 0,7 Tinggi menggambarkan data dari deskriptif
Pretest, Posttest, dan n-Gain untuk tes
0,3 < g < 0,7 Sedang
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa.
g < 0,3 Rendah
Sumber : (Hake, 1999. dalam jurnal Risa

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Tabel. Data skor kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa

Hasil N X % S
Eksperimen Pretest 20 2 13 6,65 0,51 3,453
Posttest 20 13 21 16,85 0,80 2,007
Kontrol Pretest 16 3 9 5,53 0,61 1,821
Posttest 16 5 20 13,63 0,68 3,793
N-gain 36 1,88 14,92 8,9744 0,60 3,09042
Skor Maksimal Ideal = 25

Dari data di atas dapat dibuat Problem Based Learning dengan

perbandingan rata-rataskor pretest dab berbantuan video animasi lebih baik
posttest kedua kelas tersebut dalam bentuk dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model
diagram berikut: pembelajaran konvesional, dan dapat
meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi
20 matematis siswa.Oleh karena itu akan
disajikan data peningkatan dari data N-
gain pada tabel berikut:
5 Pretest Tabel. Rataan hitung nilai n-gain data
0 Posttest
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
Kelas Rataan N- Klasifikasi
Eksperimen 0,5533 Sedang
Kontrol 0,4138 Sedang

Gambar. Rataan Skor Pretest Dan Pottest Dari tabel dapat di gambarkan diagram
Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa batang perbandingan N-gain berikut ini:
Berdasarkan tabel 4 diatas, maka
diperoleh rataan pretest kemampuan
koneksi matematis siswa dari kelas 0.4
eksperimen dan kelas kontrol berturut-turut 0.2
6,65 dan 5,53 dari skor maksimum N-gain
idealnya 25. Rataaan Pretest kedua tidak 0
berelatif sama, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada
kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol
terdapat perbedaan. Sedangkan rataan
Posttest kelas eksperimen dan kelas Gambar. Rataan N-Gain Kemampuan
kontrol masing-masing adalah 16,85 dan Koneksi Matematis Siswa
13,63, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil
dari kedua kelas tersebut memiliki Dari gambar 3 diatas menerangkan
peningkatan. bahwa rataan N-gain kelas eksperimen
Tujuan dari N-gain yaitu untuk memiliki sebesar rata-rata 0,55 , sedangkan
melihat apakah kemampuan koneksi di kelas kontrol memiliki rata-rata sebesar
matematis siswa yang diajarkan 0,41. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan
menggunakan model pembelajaran terdapat peningkatan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa melalui model
Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara
ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

pembelajaran Problem Based Learning

berbantuan video animasi lebih baik
daripada kemampuan koneksi matematis
siswa yang diajarkan melalui model
pembelajaran konvesional pada materi
sistem persamaan linear dua variabel.
Uji normalitas pada penelitian ini
menggunakan Shapiro-Wilk. Dimana nilai
yang signifikan lebih besar dari 0,05 maka
data yang diperoleh akan berdistribusi
normal dan dapat diterima.
Pengujian yang menggunakan uji
Shapiro-Wilk memenuhi kriteria sebagai
Apabila nilai signifikan p-value < α (α =
0,05), maka Ditolak Gambar. Grafik dari hasil uji normalitas
Apabila nilai signifikan p-value ≥ α (α = data kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
0,05), maka Diterima. pada kelas kontrol

Tabel. Hasil Uji Normalitas Kemampuan Berdasarkan gambar grafik diatas

Koneksi Matematis Siswa juga menunjukkan garis diagonalnya
Tests of Normality menggambarkan bahwa data dalam
keadaan berdistribusi normal. Dimana
Kel Kolmogorov- titik-titik yang berada disekitar garis
omp Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
merupakan keadaan data yang kita uji. Ada
ok Sta sebagian titik-titik menempel bahkan
Stat Sig tist berada sangat dekat dengan garis, hal ini
istic Df . ic Df Sig. dapat kita simpulkan bahwa data
N Eks ,15 20 ,20 ,92 20 ,110 berdistribusi normal.
ga peri 3 0* 2 Uji homogenitas dilakukan
in men menggunakan uji levene. Mengenai hasil
Kon ,12 16 ,20 ,97 16 ,914 uji normalitas yang dilakukan sebelumnya
trol 6 0* 5 pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol
berdistribusi normal. Kriteria untuk
mengetahui homogen atau tidaknya data
yaitu apabila sig > taraf sig (0.05), maka
H0 diterima atau data bersifat homogen dan
apabila sig< taraf sig (0.05), maka H0
ditolak atau data tidak bersifat homogen.

Tabel. Hasil uji homogenitas kemampuan

koneksi matematis siswa

Test of Homogeneity of VariancesNgain

Gambar. Grafik dari hasil uji normalitas Levene

data kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
pada kelas eksperimen 3,918 1 34 ,056
Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara
ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

pembelajaran konvensional
Berdasarkan tabel diatas padamateri Sistem
menunjukkan bahwa hasil dari uji Persamaan Linear Dua
homogenitas data kemampuan koneksi Variabel dikelas X TKJ
matematis siswa pada kelas eksperimen SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon.
dan kelas kontrol tersebut diperoleh 0,056 Keterangan:
> 0,05. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa : Rataan skor N-gain kemampuan
variasi dari data kemampuan koneksi koneksi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen.
matematis tersebut memiliki varians yang : Rataan skor N-gain kemampuan
sama sehingga diterima. koneksi matematis siswa kelas kontrol.
Uji Hipotesis dilakukan untuk
mengetahui apakah kemampuan koneksi Dengan kriteria pengujian yaitu
matematis siswa yang diajarkan dengan terima H0 apabila nilai sig > taraf sig (0.05)
menggunakan model pembelajaran dan tolak H0 apabila nilai sig < taraf sig
problem based learning berbantuan video (0.05). Berikut rangkuman hasil uji
animasi lebih baik dari pada model hipotesis yang disajikan dalam tabel
pembelajaran konvensional, maka akan dibawah ini:
dilanjutkan ke uji Hipotesis Compare
Means Independent-Sampel T-Test dengan Tabel. Hasil uji hipotesis kemampuan
menggunakan software SPSS versi 18. koneksi matematis siswa
Adapun hipotesis pada penelitian ini t-test for Equality of Keterangan
yaitu: Means
∶ = : Rata-rata peningkatan T Df Sig (1-
kemampuan koneksi tailed)
matematis siswa yang 2.956 34 0,006 H0 ditolak
diajarkan melalui model
pembelajaran Problem
Based Learning berbantuan Analisis uji-t dengan cara SPSS versi
video animasi tidak berbeda 18 untuk data koneksi matematis siswa di
secara signifikan dengan peroleh signifikan 1 tailed 0,006 < 0,05,
kemampuan koneksi maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal
matematis siswa yang tersebut berarti bahwa kemampuan koneksi
diajarkan melalui model matematis siswa yang diajarkan dengan
pembelajaran konvensional menggunakan model pembelajaran
pada materi Sistem Problem Based Learning dengan
Persamaan Linear Dua berbantuan video animasi lebih baik dari
Variabel dikelas X TKJ pada kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon. yang diajarkan dengan model
∶ µ > : Rata-rata peningkatan pembelajaran konvensional.
kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa yang Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk
diajarkan melalui model mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan
pembelajaran Problem koneksi matematis siswa kelas X di SMK
Based Learning berbantuan Negeri 1 Lhoksukon. Dan pada penelitian
video animasi lebih baik ini diambil dua kelas sebagai sampel yaitu
secara signifikan dengan kelas X TKJ 1 dan kelas X TKJ 2. Yang
kemampuan koneksi mana kelas X TKJ 1 sebagai kelas
matematis siswa yang eksperimen dan kelas X TKJ 2 sebagai
diajarkan melalui model kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan dari analisis

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
| 10
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

data yang diperoleh di lapangan. Data yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvesional.

digunakan dalam penelitian ini didapat dari Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan skor N-gain
tes kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa siswa yang diterapkan model pembelajaran
yang diberikan pada diawal pembelajaran PBL dengan berbantuan video animasi
(pretest) dan pada akhir pembelajaran mendapat nilai 0,55 dalam kategori sedang,
(posttest) dengan perlakuan yang berbeda lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang mengikuti
yaitu pada kelas eksperimen menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional yang
model pembelajaran PBL berbantuaan mendapatkan nilai sebesar 0,41 yang
video animasi, sedangkan pada kelas dalam kategori sedang.
kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran Berikut salah satu contoh soal dan
konvensional. Soal yang diberikan pada jawaban posttest siswa berdasarkan
kedua kelas sama yaitu soal Essay yang indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian
terdiri dari 5 soal. ini.

Soal tes berbentuk essay ini terdiri dari

5 soal yang setiap soalnya mempunyai skor
maksimal 5. Terdapat 2 indikator
yangdiukur pada penelitian ini yaitu
menggunakan matematika dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari dan memahami
hubungan antar topik matematika.
Sebelum diberikannya perlakuan,
kedua kelas diberikan tes awal (pretest)
untuk mengetahui kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa. Setelah diberikannya
perlakuan, kemudian kedua kelas tersebut
diberikan posttest untuk mengetahui
peningkatan kemampuan koneksi
matematis siswa setelah diterapkannya
perlakuan. Untuk siswa kelas eksperimen
yang mengikuti pretest dan postest ada 20
siswa, sedangkan siswa yang mengikuti
pretest dan postest dikelas kontrol adalah
16 siswa. Materi yang diajarkan pada
penelitian ini yaitu sistem persamaan linear
dua variabel.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data
diatas, maka pada kelas eksperimen
diperoleh nilai rata-rata pretest 6,65 dan
rata-rata posttest 16,85. Dan untuk kelas
kontrol diperoleh rata-rata pretest adalah
5,53 dan rata-rata posttest dengan nilai
13,63. Hasil dari penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa yang
menggunakan model pembelajaran PBL
dengan berbantuan video animasi dilihat Gambar. Jawaban posttest salah satu siswa
dari hasil signifikan dan lebih baik kelas eksperimen kemampuan koneksi
dibandingkan dengan siswa yang matematis siswa

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
| 11
Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara Vol. 4(2), 2021
Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

Dari hasil jawaban siswa diatas guru kepada siswa, serta akan bisa
membuktikan bahwa terdapat peningkatan meningkatan mutu pendidikan Indonesia
kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. khususnya pada pembelajaran matematika.
Dapat dilihat dari skor yang diperoleh
siswa, maka dengan menggunakan model
pembelajaran PBL berbantuan video
animasi siswa dapat menghubungkan Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian data
matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. yang sudah diperoleh dan dianalisis bahkan
Siswa dapat menghubungkan antar topik dilakukannyapengujian hipotesis,
pembelajaran matematika dalam kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada
menyelesaikan soal, siswa harus mampu siswa yangditerapkan dengan model
menguasai permasalahan yang diberikan pembelajaran PBL berbantuan video
serta mendapat kesempatan menyelesaikan animasi dikelas eksperimen dan
soal. pembelajaran konvensional yang
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas, diterapkan dikelas kontrol pada materi
maka sesuai dengan pendapat menurut sistem persamaan linear dua variabel
Triyadi (2018), dengan hasil penelitian, (SPLDV) di SMK Negeri 1
Penerapan model pembelajaran problem Lhoksukondiperoleh kesimpulan sebagai
based learning dapat meningkatkan berikut:
keaktifan belajar peserta didik kelas XI 1. Kemampuan koneksi matematis
TKRB SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan siswa yang di ajarkan melalui model
pada kompetensi memahami sistem bahan pembelajaran Problem Based
bakar bensin. Peningkatan keaktifan Learning berbantuan video
belajar peserta didik terlihat dari adanya animasilebih baik dari pada
peningkatan aktivitas positif dan kemampuan koneksi matematis
penurunan aktivitas negatif pada tiap siswa yang diajarkan melalui
siklusnya. Pada siklus I aktivitas positif pembelajaran konvensional pada
sebesar 58 % meningkat pada siklus II materi sistem persamaan linear dua
menjadi 70 % dan meningkat lagi pada variabel (SPLDV) di kelas X TKJ
siklus III menjadi 79 %. SMK Negeri 1 Lhoksukon.
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menunjukkan suatu gambaran bahwa koneksi matematis siswa pada kelas
terjadinya perbedaan kemampuan koneksi eksperimen (X TKJ 1) setelah
matematis siswa yang telah diajarkan diterapkan model pembelajaran
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dengan anggota kelompoknya dalam Bulan Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri
mengemukakan pendapatnya, hal itu Proyonanggan 01Batang.”Skripsi.
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ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)
| 12
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Erna Isfayani1, Hayatun Nufus2, Sri Muliana3

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Copyright © 2018, Jurnal MathEducation Nusantara

ISSN: 2614-512X (print), Online ISSN: 2614-5138 (online)

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