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OBLIGATIONS upon to enforce its fulfillment or in default

(d) The Efficient Cause — Vinculum Juris or

thereof, the economic value it represents
ARTICLE 1156. An obligation is a juridical Juridical Tie → Reason why the obligation
necessity to give, to do, or not to do. exists → L-C-QC-D-QD
☆ BAR QUESTION: What is a prestation?
Definition In The Civil Code A promises B to paint his picture as a result of an
A: A prestation is an obligation; more specifically, it
● The definition in Article 1156 is incomplete. agreement.
is the subject matter of an obligation—and may
○ It only considers obligations from
consist of giving a thing, doing or not doing a
the side of the obligor, omitting the A → Debtor/ Obligor; B → Creditor/ Obligee,
certain act. The law speaks of an obligation as a
creditor. Painting → Object/ Prestation; Agreement/
juridical necessity to comply with a prestation.
Contract → Efficient Cause
There is a “juridical necessity,” for non-compliance
★ Definition By Arias Ramos
can result in juridical or legal sanction.

● An obligation juridical relation whereby the Q: Would there be a limit as to the number of
creditor may demand from the debtor the persons who may act either as active subject or [NOTE]: Prestation = obligation = subject matter →
observance of a determinate conduct, and passive subject? to give, to do, not to do
in case of breach, may obtain satisfaction
from the assets of debtor. A: There is no limit because the law recognizes the Requisites Of A Valid Prestation
concept of joint obligations, solidary obligations,
[NOTE]: This is more accurate because it views (1) Must be possible juridically and
joint indivisible obligations, etc. All of these would
obligation from a total standpoint → both active & physically;
allow for multiple personalities acting as passive
passive (2) Must be determinate or at least
subjects or acting as active subjects.
Essential Elements Of Obligation

(a) Active Subject — Obligee/ Creditor →

Possessor of a right → he in whose in
favor the obligation is constituted
(b) Passive Subject — Obligor/ Debtor → He
who has the duty of giving, doing, or not
There is also no need for the number of active
subjects to correspond to the number of passive
subjects. We can have 1 person acting as a passive
subject versus multiple personalities acting as the
active subjects and vice versa → multiple creditors &
multiple debtors
determinable according
pre-established elements or criteria;
(3) Must have a possible equivalent in

Q: Do we add pecuniary value as a requisite for a

valid object or prestation?

(c) Object/ Prestation — Subject Matter → Concept Of Prestation A: YES. The object or prestation must have a
prestation/ conduct required to be ● Prestation: Subject matter of an obligation pecuniary value and must be susceptible of
observed → to give, to do, not to do ● Obligation: Juridical Necessity to comply economic valuation.
with a prestation
● Non-compliance → Juridical or legal
sanction → Courts of justice may be called
Juridical Necessity payment was no longer required → which do Sanction → Conscience, morality or the law of the
● If the debtor without any legal justification not grant a right of action to enforce their Church
fails or refuses to promptly, fully & properly performance, but after voluntary fulfillment
perform that which he is obliged to perform by the obligor, they authorize the retention EXAMPLE: The duty of a Catholic to hear mass
→ obligation is breached of what has been delivered or rendered by every Sunday
reason thereof.
Remedies In Case Of Non-Performance Of
ARTICLE 1424. When a right to sue upon a civil
(1) Demand Performance; or obligation has lapsed by extinctive prescription, There is a juridical tie No juridical tie
(2) Demand Rescission the obligor who voluntarily performs the contract
cannot recover what he has delivered or the value Law recognizes certain Law does not recognize
of the service he has rendered. legal effects any legal consequence

Natural obligation can
A. From the viewpoint of SANCTION Sanction → do not grant a right of action to enforce be ratified & converted
their performance into a civil obligation
ARTICLE 1423. Obligations are civil or natural.
Civil obligations give a right of action to compel
their performance. Natural obligations, not being EXAMPLE: A owes B 1M. Debt has already B. From the viewpoint of SUBJECT MATTER
based on positive law but on equity and natural prescribed. A knows that it has already prescribed, (1) REAL OBLIGATION — the obligation to
law, do not grant a right of action to enforce their but still knowingly & voluntarily pays B, then A GIVE
performance, but after voluntary fulfillment by
cannot later get back what he has paid. (a) Determinate or Specific Obligation
the obligor, they authorize the retention of what
— involves an obligation to deliver a
has been delivered or rendered by reason
thereof. Some natural obligations are set forth in
the following articles.

(1) CIVIL OBLIGATION — Based on positive law

→ Perfect obligation → give right to compel
their performance
Q: What is an example of a natural obligation?
A: An obligation that has already prescribed.

[NOTE]: Since it has already been prescribed → it

can no longer be the subject of a right of action in
● Prescription, however, does not extinguish
determinate or specific thing →

(b) Indeterminate

physically segregated from all


others of the same class or species

the obligation → merely the right of action indeterminate or generic thing →
Sanction → Judicial Process
EXAMPLE: A promises B to pay his debt of 1M. designated merely by its class or
Other(s): genus
(3) MORAL OBLIGATION — Imperfect
(2) NATURAL OBLIGATION — Based on equity
obligation (2) PERSONAL OBLIGATION — the obligation
& natural law → The duty not to recover
what has voluntary been paid although the TO DO or NOT TO DO
(a) Positive
(b) Negative (2) DEBT — Duty of another person to render a
not presumed. Only those expressly determined
prestation or observe a particular conduct in this Code or in special laws are demandable,
EXAMPLE: To do → to paint a house; Not to do → to (3) RESPONSIBILITY — right of the creditor to and shall be regulated by the precepts of the law
refrain from creating a nuisance obtain satisfaction from the debtor’s which establishes them; and as to what has not
patrimony in case of the debtor’s breach been foreseen, by the provisions of this Book.
C. From the viewpoint of AFFIRMATIVENESS or
ARTICLE 2236. The debtor is liable with all his
property, present and future, for the fulfillment ● That the obligation must be clearly,
(a) POSITIVE — to give or to do of his obligations, subject to the exemptions expressly, or impliedly set forth in law.
(b) NEGATIVE — not to do (naturally includes provided by law.
not to give) Q: What does that mean–that obligations derived

Elements Of Cause Of Action from law are not presumed and must be expressly
D. From the viewpoint of PERSONS OBLIGED determined in the code or special laws?
(a) UNILATERAL — Where only 1 of the parties (1) LEGAL RIGHT — in favor of a person by
whatever means & under whatever law it
is bound A: It means that even if it may be morally right for
arises or created;
(2) CORRELATIVE LEGAL OBLIGATION – on an act to be performed, but if the law is silent, then
EXAMPLE: A owes B 1M → A needs to pay B the part of another to respect ot not to it cannot be said that it is an obligation that is ought
violate the said right; and to be performed by the supposed passive subject.
(b) BILATERAL – Both parties are bound (3) AN ACT OR OMISSION — in breach or
violation of said right by injury/ damage
EXAMPLE: Contract of Sale → A is bound to pay B to the plaintiff for which he may
● Obligation between spouses or parents &
3M, while B is bound to deliver the Honda Civic
Type R → Buyer & Seller


Reciprocal — Performance is
dependent upon the performance
of the other party
Non-reciprocal — Performance by
one is not dependent upon the
maintain an action for the recovery of
damage or other applicable relief


ARTICLE 1157. Obligations arise from:

(1) Law;
(2) Contracts;
(3) Quasi-contracts;
children to provide support under the
Family Code.
● Obligation by the employer to provide
certain benefits under the Labor Code
● Duty to pay taxes

(2) CONTRACTS — Obligations Ex Contractu

(4) Acts or Omission Punishable by Law; ARTICLE 1159. Obligations arising from
performance of the other party
(5) Quasi-Delicts contracts have the force of law between the
contracting parties and should be complied with
(1) CREDIT — Right of a person to demand a in good faith.
prestation or the observance of a particular (1) LAW — Obligations Ex Lege
conduct ARTICLE 1158. Obligations derived from law are
EXAMPLE: A duty to repay a loan by virtue of an Meaning of Article 1159 ● A juridical relation arising from a lawful,
agreement ● Neither party may unilaterally and upon his voluntary, and unilateral act → L-U-V
own exclusive volition, escape his ● In Quasi-Contracts, there is no consent →
obligations under the contract, unless the there is no meeting of the minds → hence,
ARTICLE 1305. A contract is a meeting of minds
between two persons whereby one binds himself, other party assented thereto, or unless for there is no contract
with respect to the other, to give something or to causes sufficient in law and pronounced ○ However, consent is presumed →
render some service. adequate by a competent tribunal. another may not be unjustly
● While obligations arising from a contract enriched
have the force of law between the parties, Compliance in Good Faith ● Not an implied contract
this does not mean that the law is inferior to ● “Compliance in good faith” means that we ○ An implied contract is one which
contracts. must interpret “not by the letter that killeth arises where the intention of the
but by the spirit that giveth life.”

○ This is because before a contract parties is not expressed, but an
can be enforced, it must first be agreement in fact, creating an
valid, and it cannot be valid if it is obligation, is implied or presumed
against the law. from their acts, or where there are
○ Moreover, the right of the parties to The result of a contract If valid → always results circumstances which, according to
or some other source in obligations the ordinary course of dealing and
stipulate is limited.
the common understanding of
ARTICLE 1306. The contracting parties may Does not necessarily A contract always
men, show a mutual intent to
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and presuppose meeting of presupposes a meeting
the minds for all kinds of the minds contract.
conditions as they may deem convenient,
of obligations
provided they are not contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order, or public policy.

Principle of Autonomy of Will

● With regards to the contents of contracts,
the fundamental principle is freedom of
contract or party autonomy.

ARTICLE 1160. Obligations derived from


quasi-contracts shall be subject to the provisions

of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of this Book.

✘ No meeting of the

✘ Not predicated on
consent, being
unilateral act.

To the end that there be


✔ Meeting

✔ Requires consent of
the parties

Basis is the will of the

Rights of Parties to Stipulate
no unjust enrichment parties
● Limited — may stipulate → parties may
agree to any terms → but should not be ARTICLE 2142. Certain lawful, voluntary and
unilateral acts give rise to the juridical relation of Q: Who commits these lawful, voluntary, and
contrary to law, morals, good customs,
quasi-contract to the end that no one shall be unilateral acts?
public order or public policy
unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of
A: We have a person who commits this lawful, he takes over the management WITHOUT the
In the second case, the rules on agency in Title X
unilateral, and voluntary act, and because he of this Book shall be applicable. authorization of the owner, or most likely, without
committed this lawful, unilateral, and voluntary act, the knowledge of the owner.
● Unauthorized management or
the other party now becomes indebted to him →
administration on the behalf of another
creditor It is likewise required, by way of a requisite, that the
person without the latter’s knowledge
actor or inofficious manager performs the act, not
○ Typically occurs in situations of
Q: Under what principle are we creating this because he is motivated by profit, but because he
emergency or necessity where
obligation on the part of the other party in favor of simply wants to help out. He wants to save the
someone takes action to protect the
the actor? property or the business that has been abandoned.
interests of another person
It is likewise important that he is not taking action
■ Someone → creditor/ gestor/
A: The Principle of Unjust Enrichment because we on the mistaken notion that he owns the property
officious manager
do not want unjust enrichment to take place. Unjust or the business.

■ Another person → owner/
enrichment may take place at the expense of the
actor. Requisites in Order for the Obligation to Arise
● Person undertaking → Gestor
○ While gestor acts without prior (1) A person/ officious manager/ gestor
Types of Quasi-Contracts voluntarily assumes the management or
(a) Negotiorum Gestio authorization, he acts because he
agency of the business or property of
deems it necessary under the
ARTICLE 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge circumstance (2) The property must be neglected or
of the agency or management of the business or
Elements of Negotiorum Gestio abandoned;
property of another, without any power from the
● Otherwise what results is a case
latter, is obliged to continue the same until the (1) That the business or property must be
termination of the affair and its incidents, or to
require the person concerned to substitute him,
if the owner is in a position to do so. This
juridical relation does not arise in either of these

(1) When the property or business is not

neglected or abandoned;
abandoned or neglected;
(2) That the officious manager must not have
been authorized by the owner;
(3) The officious manager must be
compelled to act, not by the prospects of
profit, but by the beneficent idea of
averting losses and damages to the
owner of the property in question; and
(4) The officious manager must not be acting
(4) The
of unauthorized/unenforceable
contract and not negotiorum
(3) There is no authorization from the
owner, whether express or implied;
● Otherwise, what results is a
contract of agency and not
negotiorum gestio; and
assumption of agency or
management must be done in good faith.
(2) If in fact the manager has been tacitly under a mistaken notion that the
authorized by the owner. property belongs to him.
[NOTE]: The actor, in negotiorium gestio, is known as Obligations of the Parties
In the first case, the provisions of Articles 1317, A. On the Part of Officious Manager/ Gestor
1403, No. 1, and 1404 regarding unauthorized the inofficious manager. He takes over the
contracts shall govern. management of a property or business which has
been neglected or abandoned. It is important that
(1) He is obliged to continue with the agency/ (6) Liability of Two or More Officious Manager
Prevents, by his intervention, a more
management until the termination of the competent person from taking up the GR Obligation is solidary
affair & its incidents. management except when the same was
● He can only require the owner to assumed to save property or business XPN Merely joint when the management was
substitute him if the latter is in the from imminent danger assumed to save the thing or business
position to do so. from imminent danger
(4) Officious Manager is personally liable for
(2) In the performance of his duties as such, he contracts he has entered into with third
is obliged to observe the diligence of a persons, insofar as the latter shall be B. On the Part of Owner
good father of a family. concerned, even though he acted in the The owner is liable to the officious manager for the
● If the owner suffers damage by name of owner. following:
reason of the fault or negligence of (1) Obligations incurred in his interest;
ARTICLE 2152. The officious manager is
the officious manager, the latter is

(2) Necessary & useful expenses;
personally liable for contracts which he has
liable to pay damages. entered into with third persons, even though he (3) Damages suffered by the officious manager
(3) Ordinarily, the officious manager is not acted in the name of the owner, and there shall in the performance of his duties, in the
liable for any loss or damage by reason of be no right of action between the owner and third following situations —
fortuitous event. persons. These provisions shall not apply: (a) If the owner enjoys the advantages
of the officious management; or
GR Officious Manager/ Gestor is not liable (1) If the owner has expressly or tacitly ratified
for any loss/ damage by reason of (b) If the management had for its
the management, or
fortuitous event purpose the prevention of an
(2) When the contract refers to things pertaining imminent & manifest loss, although
XPN Undertakes risky operation which to the owner of the business no benefit may have been derived;
owner was not accustomed to embark

Prefers his own interest of that of the


Fails to return the property or business

after demand by the owner;

There shall be no right of action between
the owner & such 3rd persons

If the owner ratified the management

either expressly or tacitly; or

When the contract refers to things

(c) Even if he did not derive any benefit
& there has been no imminent &
manifest danger to the property &
business provided that –

The officious manager has
acted in good faith;
The property or business is
Assumed the management in bad faith;
pertaining to the owner of the business intact, ready to be returned
Manifestly unfit to carry on the to the owner
(5) If the officious manager delegates to
management, except when the same was Modes of Extinguishing the Officious Management
assumed to save the property or business another person all or some of his duties, he
is liable for the acts of the delegate, (1) Repudiation of management by the owner,
from imminent danger; and
without prejudice to the direct obligation of either expressly or tacitly;
the delegate to the owner
(2) Putting an end to management by the (3) If he acted in good faith, he is responsible
him when the management had for its purpose
owner; the prevention of an imminent and manifest loss, for the impairment or loss of the thing or
(3) Death, civil interdiction, insanity or although no benefit may have been derived. its accessories & accessions insofar as he
insolvency of either the owner or the has thereby been benefited.
officious manager; and (a) If he has alienated it, he is obliged
(b) Solutio Indebiti
(4) Withdrawal from the management by the to return the price or assign the
● It is a juridical relation which arises when
officious manager, but he can only do so if action to collect the sum.
something is received when there is no
the owner is in the position to substitute for (4) The responsibility of 2 or more payees,
right to demand it & when it was unduly
him when there has been payment of what is not
delivered through mistake.
due, is solidary.
Requisites in Order for Solutio Indebiti to Arise
● JUST COMPENSATION EXAMPLE: Duty to refund an overcharge or because

(1) Payment is made when there exists no of the quasi contract of solutio indebiti or undue
ARTICLE 2168. When during a fire, flood, or binding relation between the payor, who
other calamity, property is saved from payment
has no duty to pay, and the person who
destruction by another person without the received the payment; and
knowledge of the owner, the latter is bound to Presumption of Mistake
(2) Payment is made through mistake, and
pay the former just compensation. not through liberality or some other ● Mistake in payment is presumed if
cause. something which had never been due or
● REIMBURSEMENT had already been paid was delivered.
○ But the recipient may prove that the
ARTICLE 2175. Any person who is constrained to Obligations Created
(1) Recipient has the obligation to return what delivery was made out of liberality


pay the taxes of another shall be entitled to
reimbursement from the latter.

2150. Although the

management may not have been expressly

ratified, the owner of the property or business

who enjoys the advantages of the same shall be
has been unduly delivered
(2) If he acted in bad faith in accepting the
undue payment he is liable
(a) To pay legal interest, if a sum of
money is involved;
(b) To return the fruits he received or
those which should have been
received, if the thing products
or for any just cause.

Accion in Rem Verso

● A person who acquires or comes into
possession of something at the expense of
another without just or legal grounds, has
the obligation to return the same.

liable for obligations incurred in his interest, and fruits; Elements of Accion in Rem Verso
shall reimburse the officious manager for the (c) To answer for any loss or
necessary and useful expenses and for the impairment of the thing from any (1) That the defendant has been enriched;
damages which the latter may have suffered in cause, until it is recovered; and (2) That the plaintiff has suffered a loss;
the performance of his duties. (d) To pay the damages to the person (3) That the enrichment is without just or
who delivered the things, until it is legal ground; and
The same obligation shall be incumbent upon recovered (4) That the plaintiff has no other action
based on contract, quasi contract, crime XPN Unless it involves the crime of treason,
or quasi-delict. OR DELICTS — Ex Delicto rebellion, espionage, contempt and others
ARTICLE 2177. Responsibility for fault or wherein no civil liability arises on the
negligence under the preceding article is entirely part of the offender either because there
Distinguished from Accion in Rem Verso are no damages to be compensated or
separate and distinct from the civil liability
SOLUTIO INDEBITI ACCION IN REM VERSO arising from negligence under the Penal Code. there is no private person injured by the
But the plaintiff cannot recover damages twice crime.
Mistake is an Mistake is not necessary for the same act or omission of the defendant.
essential element
Underlying Principle
Considered merely an
auxiliary action Basis for Civil Liability Ex Delicto ● Crime has a dual character
● Civil liability arising from Crime (1) As an offense against the State
Available only when because of the disturbance of the

● Under Article 100 of the RPC, every person
there is no other remedy social order; and
criminally liable is also civilly liable.
○ "every person criminally liable for a (2) As an offense against the private
felony is also civilly liable." person injured by the crime
crime or quasi-delict
GR Civil liability is deemed instituted with
Effect of Acquittal of Accused
(c) Other Quasi-contracts under the the criminal action
(1) Not the author/ perpetrator of act/
Civil Code
XPN Unless the offended party: omission – closes the door to civil liability →
ARTICLE 2143. The provisions for (a) Waives the civil action; civil action based on delict shall be deemed
quasi-contracts in this Chapter do not exclude extinguished if there is a finding in a final
other quasi-contracts which may come within the
purview of the preceding article.
Examples of Other Forms
1) Support — when support was given by a
stranger whose intention was to help
2) Funeral expenses — When borne by a 3rd
person without the knowledge of the
deceased’s relatives

(b) Reserves the right to institute it
separately; or

(c) Institutes the civil action prior to

the criminal action
In crimes, the defendant shall be liable for
all damages—which are the natural &
probable consequences of the act or
judgment in criminal action that the act or
omission from which the civil liability arise,
did not exist

[NOTE]: Applies only to a civil liability arising from

Ex Delicto, NOT to civil action arising from
quasi-delict or culpa aquiliana.
omission complained of.
3) Accident — when a person is injured & he (2) Reasonable Doubt – even if the guilt of the
● Civil liability → proved by mere
cannot give his consent because he was accused has not been satisfactorily
preponderance of evidence
unconscious then he was helped & treated established, he is not exempt from civil
4) Calamities – when there is a fire & a person liability
saved the house of the other from burning GR Every person who is criminally liable is
also civilly liable
○ Again, civil liability based on delict act or omission complained of as ● Fault/ act of negligence which causes
may be proved by mere felony damage → to another → there being no
preponderance of evidence. EXAMPLE: A civil action for breach of contract of pre-existing contractual relations between
deposit, independent of a criminal action for estafa the parties
[NOTE]: The state may acquit the accused based on (2) Article 32 — Violation of civil or ● Negligence is defined as the failure to
reasonable doubt, and at the same time, order the constitutional rights & liberties exercise the standard of care that a
payment of civil liability already proved in the same (3) Article 33 — Defamation, fraud & reasonably prudent person would have
case without need for a separate civil action. physical injuries exercised in a similar situation
(4) Article 34 — Failure of a policeman
Instances where Acquittal does not Extinguish Civil or a police officer to render aid or Requisites for Quasi-delicts to exist/ Requisite for
Liability — protection to any person in case of Recovery
(a) Acquittal based on reasonable doubt → mere danger to life or property

(1) Fault or negligence on the part of the
preponderance of evidence is required (5) Article 2176 — defendant;
(b) Court declares that the liability of the (2) Injury or damage suffered by the
accused is civil Liability of an Insane Criminal plaintiff; and
(c) Civil liability of the accused does not arise ● Criminal Liability → Exempt ✗ (3) Causal connection between the fault or
from or is not based upon the crime of ● Civil Liability → on the guardian ✔ negligence of the defendant and the
injury or damage suffered by the
which accused is acquitted ○ If guardian was diligent → exempt

Effect of Death of Accused Pending Appeal of His ○ No guardian/ guardian is insolvent [NOTE]: D → Fault/ Negligence; P → Injury/ Damage;
Conviction → Property Connection → fault & damage → proximate cause
(1) Criminal Liability → Extinguished
(2) Civil liability arising from Ex Delicto →

[NOTE]: Because there is no final judgment

rendered yet by the time of his death

Independent Civil Action

No Double Recovery
● In no case, even in independent civil
action, may the offended party recover
damages twice for the same act or
omission charged in the criminal action

Distinguished from Delicts
● A quasi-delict is a separate legal institution
under the Civil Code with a substantivity all
its own, and individuality that is entirely
apart and independent from delict

ARTICLE 2176. Whoever by act or omission
● In the following cases, the offended party Affect public interest Affect private concern
causes damage to another, there being fault or
may file an independent civil action, which negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage Not broad as Include all acts in which
shall proceed independently — Articles 31, done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no quasi-delicts any kind of fault or
32, 33, 34, 2176 pre-existing contractual relation between the negligence intervenes
(1) Article 31 —Civil action based on parties, is called a quasi-delict and is governed by
an obligation not arising from the the provisions of this Chapter
Distinguished from Other Sources of Obligations or injuries to his
The State is responsible in like manner when it
passengers. acts through a special agent; but not when the
Negligence may be classified into three (3): SECOND damage has been caused by the official to whom
(a) Culpa Contractual → Contract of Carriage (1) The source of obligation is the crime the task done properly pertains, in which case
(b) Culpa Aquiliana committed by the employee what is provided in Article 2176 shall be
(c) Culpa Criminal (2) The employee → primarily liable; Employer applicable.
→ subsidiarily liable
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts
and trades shall be liable for damages caused by
Q: Taxi driver, driving recklessly, killed his PRINCIPLE: Subsidiarily liable because → Vicarious their pupils and students or apprentices, so long
passenger. What are the sources of obligation? liability under Article 2176 & 2180 of the Civil Code as they remain in their custody.

A: The responsibility treated of in this article shall

ARTICLE 2180. The obligation imposed by Article cease when the persons herein mentioned prove
FIRST 2176 is demandable not only for one's own acts or that they observed all the diligence of a good
(1) The source of liability is the breach of omissions, but also for those of persons for father of a family to prevent damage.
contract → common carrier → obliged to whom one is responsible.
bring its passenger safely to his destination
(2) Liability devolves upon the employer → The father and, in case of his death or incapacity, EXAMPLE: A taxi passenger who became a victim of
the mother, are responsible for the damages a vehicular accident may sue the taxi operator
driver is not a party to the contract of
caused by the minor children who live in their under their contract of carriage → this is culpa
carriage & may not be held liable under the
contract contractual, and also sue the driver of the other
(3) Employer cannot relieve himself of liability vehicle which collided with the taxi for quasi-delict,
Guardians are liable for damages caused by the
by provoking that he exercised all the
diligence of a good father of a family in the
selection & supervision of his employees
● Proof of diligence may only serve to
mitigate his liability.
(4) Plaintiff is not required to prove the
existence of negligence in order to recover.
● Proof of the contract & of its
minors or incapacitated persons who are under
their authority and live in their company.

The owners and managers of an establishment or

enterprise are likewise responsible for damages
caused by their employees in the service of the
branches in which the latter are employed or on
the occasion of their functions.
since they had no pre-existing contractual
obligations → this is culpa aquiliana.

The negligent drivers may also be criminally

prosecuted for criminal negligence → this is culpa
criminal, which will also give rise to civil liability.
The acquittal of the accused in the criminal case
does not carry with it the extinction of the civil
non-performance is sufficient to Employers shall be liable for the damages caused liability based on quasi-delict, because they are
by their employees and household helpers acting based on different sources of obligation.
prima facie to warrant recovery.
within the scope of their assigned tasks, even
○ Common carrier is
though the former are not engaged in any
presumed to have been at business or industry.
fault or to have acted CULPA CULPA CULPA
negligently in case of death
CONTRACTUAL ACQUILLIANA CRIMINAL convicted employees; ARTICLE 1178. Subject to the laws, all rights
(2) They are engaged in some kind of acquired in virtue of an obligation are
Parties have a Parties Negligence industry; transmissible, if there has been no stipulation to
pre-existing generally have punished by (3) The crime was committed by the the contrary.
contractual no pre-existing Article 365 of employee in the discharge of their duties;
relations contractual the RPC (4) The execution against the employees has
relations not been satisfied due to insolvency GR Rights are transmissible

Negligence is an It is negligence Foregoing XPN (1) If the law provides otherwise

incident of the itself which liabilities & Prohibition Against Double Recovery (2) If the contract provides
performance of creates the corresponding ● Civil Code expressly prohibits plaintiff from otherwise;
the contractual obligation & liabilities are recovering damages twice under delict & (3) If the obligation is purely
obligation, and juridical independent quasi-delict “for the same act or omission” personal

serves to increase relation from each
the liability between parties other, provided
arising from the that the Assignment by a Guarantor
contractual offended party ● When a person with a time deposit assigns
obligation cannot recover the same to the bank to guarantee the debts
more than once or overdrafts of others, the assignor is NOT
Vinculum juris →
a mere guarantor.
independently of ○ He is bound by all the terms
SI included in the assignment

Proof of the Burden of proof Negligence of KINDS OF OBLIGATION

contact & its rests upon the fault should be ● An obligation to give may either be:
non-performance plaintiff to clearly
(1) To give a specific/determinate thing; or
is sufficient prima prove the established
facie to warrant negligence & (2) To give a generic thing or object
recovery failure to do so
shall result in [NOTE]: The enumeration laid down in Article 1157 Q: What is a determinate thing?
Not necessary to the dismissal of is not scientific because in reality there are only two A: A thing that can be individualized or identified
prove → the action sources: the law and contracts, because obligations from all others of the same kind.
negligence arising from quasi-contracts, crimes, and
quasi-delicts are really imposed by the law. Q: What is a generic thing?
Requisites in Order for Subsidiary Liability of the A: One that is indicated solely by its kind without
Employer to Attach being designated and distinguished from all
others of the same kind.
(1) They are indeed the employers of the
Q: Why is it important to know whether the GENERIC OR INDETERMINATE OBLIGATION TO
obligation to give involves a generic or a specific GIVE SPECIFIC/ DETERMINATE OBLIGATION TO GIVE
object? When Considered Determinate
ARTICLE 1165. When what is to be delivered is a
A: determinate thing, the creditor, in addition to the ● When it has been particularly designated
1) A determinate obligation has accessory right granted him by Article 1170, may compel or physically segregated → from all others
obligations which are not available in the debtor to make the delivery. of the same class or species
generic obligations to give;
2) The availability of remedies in case of loss, If the thing is indeterminate or generic, he may
ask that the obligation be complied with at the ARTICLE 1116. The obligation to give a
specifically specific performance and determinate thing includes that of delivering all
expense of the debtor.
substitute performance, are different. its accessions and accessories, even though they
Substitute performance does not lie in If the obligor delays, or has promised to deliver may not have been mentioned.
determinate obligation to give; and

the same thing to two or more persons who do
3) A determinate obligation may be not have the same interest, he shall be
extinguished by the loss of the thing due if responsible for any fortuitous event until he has ACCESSIONS ACCESSORIES
the same is on account of a fortuitous effected the delivery.
Fruits of a thing or Things joined to or
event, which does not apply in generic additions to or included with the
obligation to give. When Considered Generic improvements upon a principal thing for the
● Generic → If it has been designated merely thing latter’s embellishment,
by its class or genus better use or
Remedies In Case of Breach




extinguished by the

May be substituted →
generic → genus never

Does not extinguish

(1) Right to compel the debtor to make the
delivery of the generic thing, with a right to
recover damages
(2) Right to ask another person to make the
delivery, at the expense of the debtor, with
a right to recover damages
(3) Right to rescind the obligation, in proper
case, with a right to recover damages
e.g. House or trees on
land; air conditioner in
a car
e.g. Key of a house;
charger of phone

Accessory Obligations in Determinate Ones

● Principal Obligation → deliver the specific
thing/ determinate thing due
○ The obligation to deliver comes
loss of a thing due → if with the delivery accessions &
the same is on account ARTICLE 1166. The obligation to give a accessories
of fortuitous event determinate thing includes that of delivering all ● Accessory Obligation → Obligation to
its accessions and accessories, even though they preserve the thing to be delivered with the
e.g. An iPhone 14+ e.g. iPhone 14+, purple, may not have been mentioned.
proper diligence of a good father of a
with serial # 1222
○ Unless the law or the stipulation of ● Such waiver is contrary to public the source of obligation → birth of contract
the parties requires another policy → meeting of the minds
standard of care Obligation to Deliver Fruits if the Creditor is Already ● Except, if the obligation to deliver
Entitled to It is made to depend upon the
Other Standard of Care happening of a suspensive
ARTICLE 1164. The creditor has a right to the
(1) Parties may validly agree on a kind of fruits of the thing from the time the obligation to condition → obligation only arises
diligence which is lower than that of a good deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real upon the happening of the
father of a family → SLIGHT CARE right over it until the same has been delivered to condition
(2) Parties may validly agree on a degree of him. ● Except, in a contract of sale → even
diligence higher than that of a good father if subject to a suspensive term or
of a family → EXTRAORDINARY DILIGENCE Kinds of Fruits condition → IF debtor has already
paid the price → acquires right over

[NOTE]: The duty to preserve only applies to the fruits upon perfection of
specific obligations to give. It does not apply to Spontaneous Produced by Derived from contract
generic obligations to give. products of lands of any virtue of (c) But if the obligation to deliver the specific
the soil, and kind through juridical things is merely subject to a term or
Q: Why does it not apply to generic obligations to the young and cultivation of relations period → when another date has been fixed
give? other products labor for the delivery of thing → the right of the
of animals
creditor attaches from the moment the
A: Because in generic obligations, there is nothing Produced Brought about vinculum attaches or upon the perfection
to preserve. without by reason of the the contract
PRINCIPLE: Since in generic obligations it can
always be substituted for another object that is the
same quality and quantity → Genus never perishes!

Other Stipulations on Liability of Debtor

(1) The parties may also validly agree to make
the debtor liable even if the loss or
intervention of
human labor

e.g. grass; al
trees & plants
human labor


e.g. rents of
price of leases

(a) Creditor acquires a right to demand for the

[NOTE]: Article 1164 speaks of the arising or birth of
the obligation to deliver → not the demandability of
its performance

Q: With regard to the fruits, to whom will the fruits


A: It belongs to the owner. Once the thing has been

delivery of the fruits of the determinate
deterioration is by reason of fortuitous delivered, he would also be entitled to the fruits.
thing due from the time the obligation to
event However, by special provision under Article 1164,
deliver determinate thing arises
(3) Parties may not validly agree to make the once the obligation to give is constituted, once it
(b) The obligation to deliver the determinate
debtor absolutely exempt from any arises, then the creditor shall be entitled to the
thing ordinarily arises at the time of the
liability arising from his own negligence fruits. Since he still has no real right over the thing
perfection of the contract → if contract is
due then he also does not have any real right to the [NOTE]: Real right is acquired UPON the delivery of No Compulsion of Debtor
fruits. the thing due ● In case of breach of an obligation to do, the
creditor may not compel the debtor to
Q: What kind of right does he have? perform the act required against the latter’s
A: Only a personal right. Alternative Remedies of the Creditor in Case of will → amounts to involuntary servitude →
Breach of Determinate Obligation prohibited under the Constitution
Q: How will you differentiate a personal right from (1) Right to compel the debtor to deliver the
a real right? determinate things due in an action for Remedy in Case of Non-Performance
specific performance, with a right to (1) Specific Performance
A: recover damages; (2) Ask another person to perform the
(2) Right to rescind the obligation, in proper obligation & to have the cost thereof
cases, with a right to recover damages; charged against the debtor in addition to his

A right that can be A right that can be (3) Right to recover damages where it is the right to recover damages from the debtor
enforced against the enforced against only feasible remedy (3) To recover damages
whole world specific person only
GENERIC OR INDETERMINATE OBLIGATIONS TO Remedy in Cases of Obligation Done in Poor Manner
Rights or interest of a Right or power of
person over a specific creditor to demand DO or In Contravention of the Tenor of the Obligation
thing → ownership, from debtor the ● Creditor has additional remedy for →
ARTICLE 1167. If a person obliged to do
possession, mortgage fulfillment of something fails to do it, the same shall be UNDOING of what has been done if the
obligation executed at his cost. same is still possible at the expense of the

There is only a definite
active subject without
any definite passive
There is a definite
active subject & a
definite passive subject

Ownership Acquired by Delivery

● “He shall acquire no real right over it until the
same has been delivered”
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has
been poorly done be undone.

When Considered Breach

a) If the debtor fails to do an obligation;
b) Even in case of performance, but the same

ARTICLE 1168. When the obligation consists in

not doing, and the obligor does what has been
forbidden him, it shall also be undone at his

○ Hence, if there has been no delivery Nature of Creditor’s Right

is done either in poor manner; or
yet → the remedy is not for recovery ● The right of the creditor is not to demand
c) Done in contravention of the tenor of the
→ but specific performance or an act, but an omission & its
rescission non-fulfillment consists in executing the
act of which the obligor is forbidden to do
● Duty → to abstain from an act
Remedies Of Creditor In Case Of Breach Of A: They cannot be availed of simultaneously
Obligation REMEDIES REMEDIES because they are incompatible with one another.
● If the obligor does what he is forbidden to
do, the creditor may demand the undoing (1) Action for (1) To exhaust the Q: What are they incompatible?
of what has been done at the expense of the specific properties of the
obligor in addition to the creditor’s right to performance/ debtor; A: When you avail of specific performance, you are
recover damages (2) To be subrogated to enforcing the obligation, while if you avail of
○ If it becomes physically or legally all of the rights & rescission, you are asking for the opposite—that the
Alternative Remedies:
impossible to exercise right to (2) Action to actions of the debtor obligation be set aside and the parties be restored to
demand the undoing of what has rescind; and → save those which the status quo before the obligation was constituted.
been done → simply recover (3) Action for are inherent in his
damages from debtor damages person → accion [NOTE]: This is why one of the consequences of

subrogatoria; and rescission is mutual restitution. The parties would
Q: What are the remedies available to the creditor (3) To impugn all of the have to give back whatever they have received
whenever there is a breach of the obligation to give acts which the under the obligation if they avail of rescission.
and obligation to do or not to do? debtor may have
A: We have ordinary remedies and extraordinary → accion pailuana ● There are two kinds of performance as a
remedies. The ordinary remedies must be availed remedy:
first before availing the extraordinary remedies. Q: How are the ordinary remedies related to one (1) Specific performance;
another? (2) Substitute performance
Remedies of Creditor & Enforce His Credit
(1) To exhaust the properties of the debtor;
(2) To be subrogated to all of the rights &
actions of the debtor → save those which
are inherent in his person → accion
subrogatoria; and
(3) To impugn all of the acts which the debtor
may have done to defraud him → accion
A: In case the specific performance would not be
available, the creditor has the option to rescind the
obligation and to ask for damages. It would be
alternative remedies.

[NOTE]: These are alternative remedies & not


Performance of the
obligation by
debtor himself

reimbursement from
the debtor for the
expenses incurred in

cumulative remedies. You cannot avail of both availing for substitute

pailuana specific performance and rescission at once. performance

[NOTE]: Remedies must be availed of IN ORDER; Q: Why can you not avail of specific performance i.e. contracting with a
2nd & 3rd remedies are subsidiary to the 1st third person to perform
and rescission at the same time?
the prestation
EXAMPLE: A is a supplier of tiles for a construction
installments have been paid.
& is obligated to deliver to B tiles for the This is understood to be without prejudice to the
construction. However, A was not able to deliver & ● Paragraph 1 — A creditor of P1,000,000,
rights of third persons who have acquired the
comply with the delivery. Hence, B looked for with 8% interest, received P1,000,000 in thing, in accordance with Articles 1385 and 1388
another tile supplier chargeable to A → payment of the principal. Interest was not and the Mortgage Law.
reimbursement referred to in the payment.
○ It is presumed that the 8% interest
When Available
When available had already been previously paid.
● When the creditor chose to rescind the
● Specific performance → may be availed of ○ This is because under Article 1253,
obligation instead of compelling its
in both obligations to give a specific or a Civil Code, payment of the interest
generic thing. as a rule precedes payment of the
○ Creditor may also seek rescission
● Substitute performance → may be availed of principal.

after fulfillment → if latter becomes
in obligations to give a generic thing only ARTICLE 1253. If the debt produces interest, impossible
payment of the principal shall not be deemed to ● Arise from same cause
PERFORMANCE IN PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS have been made until the interests have been ○ C ♺ D → Creditor & Debtors of one
● In specific performance in obligations to covered.
do, specific performance → out of question ● Paragraph 2 — If a creditor receives the 4th ○ More accurately called → Resolution
already → proscription against involuntary installment of a debt, it is understood that ● The remedy of rescission is available in
servitude the first 3 installments have been paid reciprocal obligations → implied
● Substitute performance → available
○ Except if the obligation is personal RECISSION When Applicable
SI in character, which contemplates a
situation where the prestation is
something which only the debtor
can perform


ARTICLE 1176. The receipt of the principal by

ARTICLE 1191. The power to rescind obligations
is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the
obligors should not comply with what is
incumbent upon him.

The injured party may choose between the

fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation,
with the payment of damages in either case. He
● Rescission may take place as long as there is
a substantial breach

● Those which arise from the same cause, in
which parties are both creditors & debtors
of on another, and the obligation of one is
the creditor without reservation with respect to may also seek rescission, even after he has dependent upon the other
the interest, shall give rise to the presumption chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become
that said interest has been paid. impossible. Requisites for Rescission under Article 1191

The receipt of a later installment of a debt The court shall decree the rescission claimed, (1) The breach in the obligation must be
without reservation as to prior installments, shall unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing substantial;
likewise raise the presumption that such of a period. (2) The rescission must be brought by the
aggrieved party; lesion by more than one-fourth of the value of the Prescription 6 years → oral 4 years
(3) There must be mutual restitution of things which are the object thereof; 10 years → written
whatever they received;
(4) It must not be proper to grant the debtor (2) Those agreed upon in representation of How to Assail Direct Action Direct Action
additional time to perform the absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion stated in
obligation; and the preceding number; (Subsidiary
(5) There must be notice on the part of the nature: accion
plaintiff that he intends to rescind. (3) Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when pauliana)
the latter cannot in any other manner collect
Forms of Rescission Who can Only a party to a Parties to the
the claims due them;
Judicial & Extrajudicial Assail contract contract; 3rd
● Nissan Car Lease v. LICA — Extrajudicial (4) Those which refer to things under litigation if persons →
rescission is the default even if the they have been entered into by the defendant provided that

obligation is silent to its availability without the knowledge and approval of the there is economic
litigants or of competent judicial authority; damage
GR Extrajudicial rescission is the default even
if the obligation is silent to its availability (5) All other contracts specially declared by law to Period & Court may fix a Court cannot
be subject to rescission. Grant of period/ grant grant extension
XPN If the other party denies that rescission is Extension extension of time
justified, it is free to resort to judicial for the fulfillment
action on its own behalf, and bring the Article 1191 Distinguished from Article 1381(3) of obligation
matter to court → burden of proof → one
who disputes it ARTICLE 1191 ARTICLE 1381 Purpose Cancel the contact Seek reparation
for the damage
[NOTE]: Court’s role is to → verify the validity of
the recission

[NOTE]: If the Court finds that the breach is not

substantial → defendant may be given additional
period of time to perform the obligation → POWER

Nature of


Perfectly Valid



Applicable to all
arising from
Characteristics of Right to Rescind
caused & restore
the parties status
quo ante

(a) It only exists in reciprocal obligations

● However, if reciprocal obligation
with a period → neither party can
contracts →
RESCISSION IN ARTICLE 1381 whether same are demand performance or be
reciprocal in considered default before the
ARTICLE 1381. The following contracts are
character or not expiration of the period
(b) May be demanded by the plaintiff, only
Grounds Breach of Economic
(1) Those which are entered into by guardians when he is ready, willing & able to comply
Obligation Prejudice/ Lesion
whenever the wards whom they represent suffer
with his own obligation, and the other is (1) Judicial Sufficiency of Written Notice
not. (2) Extrajudicial
GR Written Notice to rescind the contract is
● Guilty party may not rescind → he sufficient
who comes to equity must come Requisites for Rescission under 1381
with clean hands XPN ARTICLE 1592. In the sale of immovable
(1) The action for rescission must originate
(c) The right to rescind is not absolute property, even though it may have been
from any of the causes specified in
stipulated that upon failure to pay the
● Trivial causes or slight breaches Articles 1381 & 1382;
price at the time agreed upon the
will not cause rescission (2) The party suffering damages & who is
rescission of the contract shall of right
(d) Right to rescind is implied → presumed to asking for rescission has no other legal
take place, the vendee may pay, even after
exist & need not expressly stated upon means to obtain reparation for the
the expiration of the period, as long as no
damage suffered by him;
(e) The right to rescind may be waived → demand for rescission of the contract has
(3) The person demanding rescission must
expressly or impliedly been made upon him either judicially or

be able to return what he may be
by a notarial act. After the demand, the
obliged to restore if rescission is granted
court may not grant him a new term.
Choice by the Injured Party by the court;
1) Fulfillment of specific performance plus (4) The things which are the object of the Sections 3 & 4 of the Maceda Law/ RA 6552
damages contract must not be legally in
2) Rescission plus damages possession of third persons who do not
act in bad fact; Mutual Restitution
(5) The action for rescission must be filed ● Restoration of Status Quo
Conditions within 4 years from accrual of the right ● Required to bring back the parties, as far
(a) The right is alternative of action.
as practicable, to their original situation or
(b) The right is not conjunctive → cannot ask
for both remedies
● However, in some cases, in the
interest of justice → partial
fulfillment & partial rescission
may be allowed
(c) The injured party who has elected
fulfillment, may, if fulfillment be
impossible, still ask for rescission

When there has


been delivery of
the object
Not Needed

When there has been no

delivery yet

When there has been GR

position prior to the inception of the
● Creates the obligation to return the object
of the contract
● Can be carried out only when the one who
demands the rescission can return
whatever he may be obliged to restore

Mutual restitution → both parties must

delivery, but the contract give back to each other what they received
(d) If an action is brought for specific
stipulates that either party
performance, the damages sought must be can rescind the same or take XPN When there is an express stipulation to
asked in the same action → otherwise, the possession of the property the contrary by way of a forfeiture or
damages are deemed waived upon non-fulfillment of the penalty clause in recognition of the
other parties' autonomy to contract; or →
(d) Contravention of the Tenor of the
automatic rescission
If Both Parties Committed a Breach in Reciprocal Obligation
If the buyer was given possession or was Obligations
able to use the property prior to transfer DAMAGES
ARTICLE 1192. In case both parties have
of title, where in such case, partial
committed a breach of the obligation, the liability ARTICLE 1170. Those who in the performance of
payments may be retained and
of the first infractor shall be equitably tempered their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence,
considered as rentals by the seller to
by the courts. If it cannot be determined which of or delay, and those who in any manner
avoid unjust enrichment
the parties first violated the contract, the same contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for
shall be deemed extinguished, and each shall damages.
Requisites before the Action for Rescission may be bear his own damages.
Grounds for Liability

(a) Plaintiff must be able to return what has GR The liability of the 1st infractor shall be (a) Fraud → deceit or dolo → intentional evasion
been received by virtue of rescissible equitably tempered by the courts of fulfillment
contract; (b) Negligence → fault or culpa → Article 1173
(b) The thing object of the contract is not in XPN If cannot be determined who 1st violated (c) Default or delay/mora → if imputable to the
the legal possession of 3rd persons in → The obligations are deemed
good faith; debtor
extinguished and each shall bear their
(c) The must be no other legal remedy; own damages (d) Contravention of the tenor of the
(d) The action must be brought within the obligation/ Violation of the terms of
proper prescriptive period obligation
● Unless excused in proper cases by
● There is breach when a person fails or
Q: What should be returned in rescinding a fortuitous event
(1) The object of contract, with its fruits, must
be returned
(2) The price, with its interest, must be
refuses to perform his obligation without
legal justification

Causes Of Non-Performance
(1) Involuntary — causes which are
independent of the will of the parties →
fortuitous event & force majeure → Article
Kinds of Damages → M-E-N-T-A-L
(a) MORAL → mental & physical anguish
(b) EXEMPLARY → corrective to set an example
(c) NOMINAL → to vindicate a right → when no
other kind of damages may be recovered
(d) TEMPERATE → when the exact amount of
Q: A bought a real property from B. A brought damages cannot be determined
(2) Voluntary → those which arise from the
action to rescind the contract on the ground of (e) ACTUAL → actual losses as well as
will of the parties → M-D-C-C → Article
non-delivery of the property. Does B have to give unrealized profits
also the fruit received in the meantime? (f) LIQUIDATED → predetermined beforehand
(a) Mora or Delay
— by agreement
(b) Dolo or Fraud
A: NO. The right takes place only when delivery of
(c) Culpa or Negligence
the thing sold has been made.
FRAUD OR DOLO ○ Rationale → obligor knows that performance of an obligation which is already
● The deliberate & intentional evasion of the even if he commits fraud → he is existing.
normal fulfillment of obligations free from liability
○ It is distinguished from negligence ○ But, waiver for past action may be Q: What is dolo causante?
→ by the presence of deliberate → valid → generosity, magnanimity
intent & forgiveness of victim A: Dolo causante is more appropriately referred to as
● Implies some kind of dishonesty → deceit. You deceive the other party with
○ Does not cover cases of errors & Dolo Causante & Dolo Incidente falsehoods into entering a contract with you. The
mistakes of judgment done in good result of dolo causante is to render the contract
faith CAUSAL FRAUD INCIDENTAL FRAUD voidable because the commission of dolo causante
● Synonymous with → bad faith → involves a vitiates consent.
Refers to those Deceptions employed

design to mislead or deceive another
insidious words or or misrepresentations Whenever we have vitiation of consent in a
machinations resorted which are not serious contract it result to → voidable contract which is
Kinds of Fraud
by 1 of the contracting in character & without
● Fraud may be employed either: valid until annulled.
parties to induce the which the other party
1) During the birth or perfection of other to enter into a would still have
contract → either dolo causante → contract without entered the contract Requisites of Annulment Based on Fraud → Dolo
Article 1338 them, he would not Causante
2) Only during the performance of an have agreed to
1) It must have been employed by one
already existing obligation → dolo contracting parties upon the other;
Serious in character Not serious in
incidente → Article 1170 & 1171 2) It must have induced the other party to
SI ● Which renders the debtor
liable for the payment of

Liability for Fraud or Dolo

ARTICLE 1171. Responsibility arising from fraud

is demandable in all obligations. Any waiver of an
Renders the contract

Determines or is the
essential cause of the


Refers only to some

or accident of the
enter into the contract;
3) It must have been serious; and
4) It must have resulted in damage & injury
to the party seeking annulment


ARTICLE 1172. Responsibility arising from

action is void. negligence in the performance of every kind of
obligation is also demandable, but such liability
● Refers to → incidental fraud/ dolo incidente Q: What type of fraud are we referring to when we
may be regulated by the courts, according to the
● Any waiver for future action → void → discuss the right to ask for damages? circumstances.
against the law & public policy
A: Dolo incidente, which is fraud in the
performance of the obligation—or the fraud in the ARTICLE 1173. The fault or negligence of the
When Culpa Becomes Dolo Validity of Waiver
obligor consists in the omission of that diligence
which is required by the nature of the obligation ● When negligence shoes bad faith → (1) An action for future negligence may be
and corresponds with the circumstances of the tantamount to fraud renounced, except when the nature of the
persons, of the time and of the place. When obligation requires → extraordinary
negligence shows bad faith, the provisions of [NOTE]: Any waiver of action for future negligence diligence
Articles 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2, shall apply. is void. ● As in the case of common carriers
which requires extraordinary
If the law or contract does not state the diligence
diligence → Article 1733
which is to be observed in the performance, that DOLO CULPA
which is expected of a good father of a family ARTICLE 1733. Common carriers, from the
shall be required. Voluntary act nature of their business and for reasons of public
● Any voluntary act or omission → there policy, are bound to observe extraordinary
There is a DELIBERATE Although voluntary still diligence in the vigilance over the goods and for

being no bad faith or malice → prevents intention to cause there is NO the safety of the passengers transported by them,
the fulfillment of the obligation damage or prejudice DELIBERATE intention according to all the circumstances of each case.
● Negligence is the omission of that to cause damage
diligence which is required by the nature Such extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over
Liability cannot be Liability may be
of the obligation & corresponds with the the goods is further expressed in Articles 1734,
mitigated or reduced reduced in certain
circumstances of the persons, time & of the 1735, and 1745, Nos. 5, 6, and 7, while the
by the courts cases
place extraordinary diligence for the safety of the
passengers is further set forth in Articles 1755
● Failure to observe for the protection of the Waiver of an action to Waiver of an action to
and 1756.
interests of another persons that degree of enforce liability due to enforce liability due to
future fraud is void future culpa may in a
care, precaution & vigilance which
circumstance justly demand, by reason of
which such other person suffers injury

Test in Determining Existence of Negligence

● Did the defendant in the performance of the
alleged negligent act use reasonable care &
caution which an ordinary person would have
Clearly proved




contractual obligations
(2) When negligence shows bad faith → VOID
→ as it is tantamount to fraud

Kinds of Culpa according to Source of Obligation

(a) culpa contractual/ contractual negligence
— or that which results in a breach of a
(b) culpa aquiliana/ civil negligence — source
used in the same situation? Can never be excused May in certain cases be
○ If not, then he is guilty of of obligation between 2 parties who do not
in advance for this excused or mitigated
negligence. would be contrary to have pre-existing agreement — also called
public policy tort or quasi-delict
(c) culpa criminal/ criminal negligence —
negligence that which results in the
commission of a crime or a delict
CULPA CULPA CULPA CRIMINAL As long as it is Victim has to Accused is
CONTRACTUAL AQUILIANA proved that prove the presumed
there was a negligence of innocent until the MORA OR DELAY
Negligence is Negligence Negligence here contract, and the defendant contrary is proved ● There is delay when there is
merely here is direct, that it was not non-performance of the obligation with
incidental, is direct, substantive, and carried out, it is respect to time.
incident to the substantive, independent of a presumed that
performance of and contra the debtor is at ARTICLE 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do
an obligation independent fault, and it is something incur in delay from the time the
already existing his duty to obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands
because of a prove that there from them the fulfillment of their obligation.
contract was no
negligence in However, the demand by the creditor shall not be

There is a No pre-existing obligation carrying out the necessary in order that delay may exist:
pre-existing terms of the
obligation → contract (1) When the obligation or the law expressly so
contract declare; or

Proof needed — preponderance Proof needed in Effect of Negligence on the Part of the Injured Party (2) When from the nature and the circumstances
of a crime — proof ● When injured party is also negligent → his of the obligation it appears that the designation of
evidence of guilt beyond act was the immediate & proximate cause the time when the thing is to be delivered or the
reasonable service is to be rendered was a controlling motive
→ he may not recover damages
doubt for the establishment of the contract; or
○ Except, if the negligence of the

supervision of
not a proper
“good father of
a family” in the
selection &


defense in culpa
Liability can

according to

“good father,
is a
Employee’s guilt
civil guilt, if the
injured party is

→ may recover damages, BUT the

court may mitigate liability

Kind of Diligence Required

contributory → proximate cause is
still the defendant’s lack of due care

(1) That stipulated by the parties, orally or in

(3) When demand would be useless, as when the
obligor has rendered it beyond his power to

In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in

delay if the other does not comply or is not ready
to comply in a proper manner with what is
incumbent upon him. From the moment one of
the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the
contractual complete writing → slight, extraordinary other begins.
defense (2) In the absence of stipulation → what is
insofar as required by law (e.g. for common carriers →
employers or Q: We have ordinary delay and legal delay. How
extraordinary diligence)
guardians are would ordinary delay be different from legal delay?
concerned (3) If both contract & law are silent →
diligence of a good father of a family
A: There is ordinary delay if the obligor does not When Demand is not Necessary
perform the obligation on time. There will be legal [NOTE]: Mora may only occur in obligations to give
GR Demand must be made → whether
delay if the oblige has made a demand to the obligor & obligations to do, but not in obligations not to do judicially or extrajudicially
to perform the obligation, but the latter does not → debtor fulfills by not doing what is forbidden
perform the obligation upon demand. XPN When the obligation expressly so
Requisites of Mora Solvendi declares; → when parties stipulate to
In legal delay, there will already be legal dispense with demand
(1) The the obligation be demandable &
consequences. When legal delay sets in, there will already liquidated; When the law expressly so declares;
be a change in the status of the debtor. With this (2) The the debtor delay performance; and
change of status, there will be legal consequences (3) That the creditor requires performance When from the nature & the
affecting him. judicially or extrajudicially circumstances of obligation it appears
(a) Once the creditor makes a that the designation of time when the

demand, whether judicial or thing is to be delivered or the service is
ORDINARY DELAY LEGAL DELAY extrajudicially → the debtor to be rendered was a controlling motive
incurs delay for the establishment of the contract; or
If the obligor does not If obligee has made
perform the obligation demand to the obligor When demand would be useless, as
on time to perform the Q: Explain judicial and extrajudicial demand. when the obligor has rendered it beyond
obligation, but the his power to perform
latter does not A: Extrajudicial demand is done outside the court, [NOTE]: There is no mora or delay when there is no
perform upon demand in which the obligee will just give a demand to the demand → cause of action against the obligor does
defaulting party, whether oral or written. not commence to run until demand is made
Kinds of Delay
(1) Mora Solvendi — Debtor’s fault → imputable
to the debtor
● May be because of dolo or culpa
● Delay must be either malicious or
negligence, otherwise → cannot be
held liable for damages
(2) Mora Accipiendi — Creditor’s fault → delay
In judicial demand, it is done by the filing of an
action in court to compel performance.

Requisites of Mora Accipiendi

(1) An offer or performance by the debtor

who has the required capacity;
(2) The offer must be to comply with the
[NOTE]: Fixing of a period is noth enough. The
arrival of the period → merely makes the obligation

Mere Expiration of Period is Not Delay

● It is not enough that the law or the
obligation fixes a period for the
on the part of obligee in accepting the prestation as it should be performed; performance of the latter → if upon
performance of the obligation by the and
expiration thereof that delay shall
obligor (3) The creditor refuses performance
without just cause commence
(3) Compensation Morae — default on the part
of both parties → neither has completed Effects of Mora Solvendi
their part in the reciprocal obligation ● Debtor → guilty of breach of obligation
● Debtor becomes liable for damage ● Performance of one is conditioned upon the Concept
● If the obligations consists in the sum of fulfillment of the other → mutual inaction → ● The law protects the creditors
money & the debtor incurs delay, the gives rise to compensation morae ● The nature of a civil obligation is that it is
indemnity for damages there being no ● From the moment one of the parties demandable & enforceable in a court of
stipulation to the contrary → shall be the fulfilled his obligation → the other incurs law
payment of the interest agreed upon delay ● Since an obligor is either bound by the
○ In the absence of stipulation → legal [NOTE]: Demand is still necessary for reciprocal prestation to give or to do, the creditor is
interest which is 6% per annum obligations before the obligor can be considered in given by law all possible remedies to
■ Whether constituting a loan default & before a cause of action for rescission will enforce such obligations
or forbearance of money or accrue ○ Hence, the creditor, after
not exhausting all means to satisfy his

● Liable even loss is due to fortuitous event claim, is given the opportunity to
→ if determinate/ specific thing OBLIGATION bring all actions which the obligor
● Violation of terms & conditions of the can institute against his own
Effect of Mora Accipiencdi obligation debtors to protect and satisfy his
● Creditor → Guilty of breach of obligations ● Means any illicit act, which impairs the claims against the said obligor
● Liable for damages suffered by debtor, if strict and faithful fulfillment of the
any obligation, or every kind of defective Levy by Attachment & Execution
● Bears the risk of loss of the thing due → performance.
ARTICLE 2236. The debtor is liable with all his
Article 1262 property, present and future, for the fulfillment
● When obligation involves paing a sum of of his obligations, subject to the exemptions
money → debtor is not liable for interests
● Debtor may release himself from the
obligation by consignation

Delay in Reciprocal Obligations

GR Reciprocal obligations are

performed simultaneously
to be


Only one remedy can be exercised

Failure of obligations under Article

1170 (Damages) & Art. 1191 (Rescission
of Contract) does not preclude the use
of other remedies and may therefore
avail other remedies
provided by law.
● Exhaust the properties of the debtor
through levying by attachment and
execution upon all the property of the
debtor, except such as are exempt by law
from execution
○ EXEMPT → family home under
Article 155
XPN When different dates for the performance
are fixed
EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES EXAMPLE: B can ask for the attachment on A’s car
● Reciprocal obligations are to be performed (1) Levy by Attachment & Execution so that the car may be sold & payment made from
simultaneously (2) Accion Subrogatoria the proceeds of the sale.
(3) Accion Pauliana
Accion Suborgatoria Requisites for Accion Pauliana
(2) Those agreed upon in representation of
ARTICLE 1177. The creditors, after having absentees, if the latter suffer the lesion stated in (1) The plaintiff asking for rescission has a
pursued the property in the possession of the the preceding number; credit prior to the alienation, although
debtor to satisfy their claims, may exercise all the demandable later;
rights and bring all the actions of the latter for (3) Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when (2) The debtor has made a subsequent
the same purpose, save those which are inherent the latter cannot in any other manner collect contract conveying a patrimonial
in his person; they may also impugn the acts the claims due them; benefit or to a third person;
which the debtor may have done to defraud (3) The creditor has no other legal remedy
them. (4) Those which refer to things under litigation if to satisfy his claim;
they have been entered into by the defendant (4) The act being impugned is fraudulent;
● Exercise all the rights and actions of the without the knowledge and approval of the (5) The 3rd person who received the
debtor & save those personal to him litigants or of competent judicial authority; property conveyed, if it is by onerous
● An action where the creditor whose claims title, has been an accomplice in the

had not been fully satisfied, may go after (5) All other contracts specially declared by law to fraud; and
the debtors of the defendant debtor → 3rd be subject to rescission. (6) The conveyance must not be absolutely
persons → who owes debtor simulated
● Creditor would be exercising rights that
ARTICLE 1383. The action for rescission is
belong to the debtor → action to collect subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except when [NOTE]: Basically you have to show that → you are a
payment the party suffering damage has no other legal judgment creditor; that you have an unsatisfied writ
○ Limitations would be creditor means to obtain reparation for the same. of execution; that accion subrogatoria is no longer
cannot exercise rights which are available.
● Remedy of last resort → when there is no
purely personal to the debtor
other legal means for the creditor → seek
○ e.g. revoking donations on the ground
of ingratitude

EXAMPLE: A owes S money. M owes A money. S

may collect payment from M who is indebted to A.

Accion Pauliana

rescission of contracts
Article 1381 (3) → those undertaken in
fraud of creditors
Premised on the non-availability of other
legal remedies → made as against the
contracts that was entered into by the
debtor in fraud of the creditors
Accion Pauliana Presupposes The Following
(1) A judgment;
(2) The issuance by the trial court of a writ
of execution for the satisfaction of the
judgment; and
(3) The failure of the sheriff to enforce and
satisfy the judgment of the court

ARTICLE 1381. The following contracts are ● Since an accion pauliana is a subsidiary
[NOTE]: All remedies are successive. For example,
rescissible: remedy, it is necessary that the following one can only resort to accion pauliana when they
successive measures must be taken by a have resorted to accion subrogatoria & levy by
(1) Those which are entered into by guardians
creditor before he may bring an action for attachment and execution.
whenever the wards whom they represent suffer
rescission of an allegedly fraudulent
lesion by more than one-fourth of the value of the
things which are the object thereof; contract
Q: Are you saying that at the time the contract with of creditors when the debtor’s transaction was Q: With regard to the intention to defraud the
this 3rd person was entered into, there must already entered into after a judgment and a writ of creditor, there is no doubt that it is present on the
be a judgment against the debtor? execution has been issued and remained part of the debtor when we speak of accion
unsatisfied. pauliana. But the next logical question is “What
A: NO. We only require that the credit precedes the about the third party?” Do we require it for him to
contract with the 3rd person. In case the transaction is gratuitous, the be in connivance with the debtor?
presumption that the transaction was entered into
The judgment affirming the existence of the credit in fraud of creditors when the debtor did not A: NO. It depends on the type of transaction.
making the creditor a judgment-creditor may come reserve sufficient properties to pay for his debts
after or subsequent to the contract with a 3rd contracted prior to the gratuitous transaction. For onerous transactions – if the third person is in
person, because after all, the effect of the judgment good faith, accion pauliana does not lie.
will retroact to the time of the constitution of the Prescription For Accion Pauliana

credit in favor of the plaintiff. What we need to ● 4 years For gratuitous transactions – accion pauliana lies
establish is that the credit must be existing at the ● Since this provision of law is silent as to regardless of the good faith or bad faith of the third
time that the contract was entered into by the when the prescriptive period would person.
debtor with the 3rd person. commence, the general rule, i.e. from the
moment the cause of action accrues, therefore, [NOTE]: To be clear, good faith would only be a
Q: Why do we need the credit to precede the contract applies. defense if the transaction with the third person
with the third person? Defense of Good Faith on the Part of Third Party happens to be onerous in character.

A: It is the only possible way by which we can say Q: If the transaction is gratuitous, we do not even
that the contract was entered into with the
intention to defraud, because, if there is no credit,
how can you have the intention to defraud?

Q: We have been using the phrase “intention to

defraud.” Intention to defraud is a state of mind.
How do we prove that such an intention exists?



faith is
Through liberality


Did not give anything up

Good faith immaterial

care about the good faith or bad faith of the third
person. His good faith will not save him. Why?

A: Good faith will not save the 3rd person in a

gratuitous transaction because in such a
transaction, there is no consideration given by the

A: It can be proved depending on the nature of the However, in an onerous transaction, there is
Each party expects to Contract of pure
transaction. Under the law, there is the give and receive a beneficence is → one consideration given by the 3rd person. The
presumption of the intention to defraud: benefit or where one of the parties buyer/3rd person will now stand on the same
consideration intends to benefit the footing as the judgment creditor.
In case the transaction is onerous in character, it other without expecting
would be presumed that the transaction is in fraud anything in return
FORTUITOUS EVENT OR CASO FORTUITO ○ When the effect, the cause of which
damage, the obligor cannot escape
● An event which could not be foreseen, or is to be considered, is found to be liability.
which though foreseen, is inevitable in part the result of the
● Extraordinary events not foreseeable or participation of man, whether it be XPN When the law expressly so specifies;
avoidable from active intervention or neglect, TO
XPN When it is otherwise declared by the
or failure to act, the whole
[NOTE]: It is not enough that the event should not occurrence is thereby humanized,
have been foreseen or anticipated → it must be as it were, and removed from the When the nature of the obligation
impossible to foresee or avoid → the mere rules applicable to the acts of God. requires the assumption of risks;
difficulty to foresee the happening is not
If the debtor has promised to deliver the
impossibility to foresee the same
ARTICLE 1174. Except in cases expressly same thing to 2 or more persons who do

specified by the law, or when it is otherwise not have the same interest
Acts Of God & Force Majure declared by stipulation, or when the nature of the
● A fortuitous event may either be obligation requires the assumption of risk, no Possessor in bad faith
(1) An act of God/ Natural person shall be responsible for those events
which could not be foreseen, or which, though Debtor contributed to the loss of thing;
Occurrences → floods, typhoons,
foreseen, were inevitable.
earthquake → independent of the The obligor is guilty of fraud,
will of obligor, but not of other negligence ot delay, or if he contrances
human wills ARTICLE 1170. Those who in the performance of the tenor of the obligation; and
(2) Act of Man → riots, war, strikes → their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence,
totally independent of other human If the obligation arises from a criminal
or delay, and those who in any manner
SI wills

Kinds of Fotuitous Events

(1) Ordinary Fortuitous → common & could
reasonably foresee → rain
(2) Extraordinary Fotuitous → uncommon →
parties cannot reasonably foresee
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for

GR No one should be held to account for

fortuitous cases, which are those
situations that could not be foreseen, or
which though foreseen, were inevitable.
offense and the loss of the thing due to
fortuitous event takes place, the
obligation will not be extinguished
unless the loss occurs after the obligor
has offered to deliver the thing to the
obligee and the latter refused without
any justifiable reason

Requisites to Exempt Obligor from Liability

Act Of God Doctrine XPN If upon the happening of a fortuitous
event or an act of God, there concurs a (1) The cause of the breach of the obligation
● The act must be one occasioned exclusively must be independent of the will of the
corresponding fraud, negligence,
by the violence of nature & all human delay or violation or contravention in debtor;
agencies are to be excluded from creating any manner of the tenor of the (2) The event must either be unforeseeable
or entering into the cause of the mischief. obligation as provided for in Article or unavoidable;
1170 of the Civil Code, which results in (3) The event must be such as to render it
his money is insufficient. It will not be reasonable
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his condition shall also be demandable, without
obligation in a normal manner; and prejudice to the effects of the happening of the for you to immediately demand payment soon
(4) The debtor must be free from any event. after giving him the money. It defeats the purpose
participation in, or aggravation of, the of the constitution of the obligation.
● A pure obligation is one which is not
injury to the creditor
subject to a condition or not subject to a
What would be a reasonable time here? At least give
KINDS OF OBLIGATION him time to go back to the classroom, get his things
● The hallmark of a pure obligation is it is
and his wallet to be able to pay you. That is what we
demandable at once
Q: Give us the different kinds of obligations. say "demandable at once."
○ Even though we say it is
A: demandable at once of course we
1) Pure and conditional obligations; [NOTE]: Other obligations which are demandable at
take this to mean that you may
once: (a) obligations with a resolutory condition;

2) Joint and solidary obligations; demand at a reasonable time and
3) Positive and negative obligations; and (b) obligations with a resolutory term/ period
what is reasonable depend upon
4) Alternative obligations; the circumstances
5) Obligations with a penal clause; and Conditional Obligation

Q: What is the characteristic of a pure obligation? ARTICLE 1181. In conditional obligations, the
PURE AND CONDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS A: It is demandable at once. acquisition of rights, as well as the
extinguishment or loss of those already acquired,
shall depend upon the happening of the event
Q: When you say it is demandable at once, what do
which constitutes the condition.
Not subject to any Consequences are you mean by that?
condition subject in one way/ ● It is an obligation subject to a condition

No date specified for its

Pure Obligations
due &
A: Not subject to any condition or term and must be
performed by the obligor within a reasonable
period of time.

Meaning Of Demandable At Once

● When we say demandable at once, what we
mean is that it may be demanded within a

A condition is a future AND uncertain
○ It is not a future or uncertain event.
○ It is BOTH in the future and it is
But the law also speaks of a past event
unknown to the parties as may be
reasonable period of time constituting a condition
ARTICLE 1179. Every obligation whose
performance does not depend upon a future or ● The debtor must first be allowed to enjoy
uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown what has been delivered to him Characteristics of a Condition
to the parties, is demandable at once. 1) Future & uncertain
EXAMPLE: If a classmate borrows money from you 2) Past but unknown
Every obligation which contains a resolutory to pay for his food because he forgot his money or 3) Must not be impossible
Q: What is a Condition? A: It may happen that although an event happened POTESTATIVE
A: Condition is a future AND uncertain event or a in the past, there would still be an aspect of it that
ARTICLE 1182. When the fulfillment of the
past event unknown to the parties. It must happen will be uncertain or unknown even today. When condition depends upon the sole will of the
in the future and must not be certain to happen. It such a factor becomes known today, then that will debtor, the conditional obligation shall be void. If
may or may not happen. be the time when the condition is fulfilled. it depends upon chance or upon the will of a
third person, the obligation shall take effect in
If the uncertainty lies in the time when it will In other words, the uncertainty here exists in the conformity with the provisions of this code.
happen but there is no doubt that it will happen, mind of the parties. Although the event may have ● A condition dependent on the will of the
what we have is a period. already happened in the past, the outcome of the debtor
event may not yet be known to them.
EXAMPLE: When we speak of death, death is Effect of Potestative Condition
certain to happen to everyone, no exceptions. So EXAMPLE: I will give Mr. Nelli 5k if it turns out that

death will constitute → a period because here the his grade in Civil Law is higher than my grade in A. Which is also Suspensive → happening of which
uncertainty with death lies on when it will happen. civil law during my bar examination. What are we gives rise to the obligation → “if”
referring to here? It is a past event that has taken ● An obligation subject to a suspensive
But, death in the context of who will die first or place because we had already taken the bar. The condition, the fulfillment of which is
who will die last, it now becomes → a condition uncertainty here lies in our acquisition of the dependent upon the sole will of the
because the focus is no longer as to whether or not confirmation of whether or not he got a higher debtor, is non demandable, and hence,
the person will die but whether or not this person grade than I did in civil law and that would be valid illusory.
will die ahead of or after another person, it now as a condition. ● Such a condition renders the obligation
becomes a condition. dependent upon it void.

Death in the context

that everyone will die →
it is future & certain

Death in the context on

who will die first →
future & uncertain

Q: Explain how a past event can be a condition when

we said that the characteristics of a condition are
[NOTE]: The condition must be imposed by the will
of the parties. It must not be a necessary legal
requisite of an act, for instance, we speak of
donation propter nuptias, the law requires that it
must take place before the marriage and in
consideration of an impending marriage. We
cannot read that event of impending marriage as a
condition because that is no longer imposed by law
○ However, where the fulfillment of
the condition which is dependent
upon the sole will of the debtor
relates to the fulfillment of an
already existing obligation and not
to its inception, it is only such
condition that is avoided as being
contrary to law and public policy,
that it is in the future and it is uncertain. Explain and that is no longer imposed by the will of the leaving unaffected the obligation
how a past event unknown to the parties may parties rather it is a requisite of the law for a valid itself → only the condition is void
constitute a condition even if it is in the past and donation propter nuptias.
therefore no longer uncertain. EXAMPLE: I will pay you if I want; I will pay you if B
pays me
B. Which is also resolutory → happening of which applicant while he is in good health. There was non Third persons → panel; Chance → earthquake
extinguishes the obligation → “until” fulfillment of the condition, however, inasmuch as
● Article 1182 is applicable only when the the applicant was already dead at the time the Effect of Mixed Condition
condition is suspensive and not when the policy was issued. Hence, the non-fulfilment of the ● A mixed condition is one where the
condition is resolutory → void condition resulted in the non perfection of the fulfillment of which depends partly upon
● A condition that is both potestative and contract. the will of the contracting parties and partly
resolutory is → valid, even though the upon other circumstances, including the
condition is made to depend upon the sole CASUAL will of a third person or chance.
will of the debtor. ● Fulfillment depends exclusively upon ● Obligations which are made to depend on
chance or other factors (including the will of mixed conditions are valid.
EAMPLE: I will pay for your needs until you third persons), and not upon the will of the ● In such cases of mixed conditions, as to the
graduate from High School. parties to the juridical relation → valid part that depends on the will of the debtor,

the provisions of Article 1186 will be
EXAMPLE: Where S binds himself to sell his land to applicable.
Potestative on the part of creditor
S if he wins a case which is pending before the ○ Said article provides that the
● When the fulfillment of the condition
Supreme Court. condition shall be deemed fulfilled
depends solely upon the will of the creditor
the obligation does not become illusory, when the obligor voluntarily
Effects of Casual Conditions
inasmuch as the creditor is interested in prevents its fulfillment
● A casual condition is one the fulfillment of
its fulfillment and will fulfill the same.
which depends upon chance or other
factors, and not on the will of the
EXAMPLE: The condition imposed by the
corporation that the policy must have been
delivered to and accepted by the applicant while he
is in good health can hardly be considered as a
potestative or facultative condition.

On the contrary, the health of the applicant at the

time of the delivery of the policy is beyond the
control or will of the insurance company. Rather,
contracting parties.
● Obligations which are made to depend on
casual conditions are valid.

● Fulfillment depends partly upon chance or

partly will of third persons → valid

ARTICLE 1306. The contracting parties may

establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and
conditions as they may deem convenient,
provided they are not contrary to law, morals,
good customs, public order, or public policy.
● Fulfillment is possible.
EXAMPLE: Where X, building contractor, obliges
the condition is a suspensive one whereby the ● The fulfillment is impossible, either
himself in favor of Y, owner, to repair at X’s
acquisition of rights depends upon the happening physically or legally → void
expense, any damage to the building taking place
of an event which constitutes the condition.
after an earthquake if found by a panel of ARTICLE 1183. Impossible conditions, those
In this case, the suspensive condition was the policy arbitrators that construction defects contributed in contrary to good customs or public policy and
any way to the damage. Both conditions must take those prohibited by law shall annul the obligation
must have been delivered and accepted by the
place in order that X’s obligation will arise.
written because the condition → is useless
which depends upon them. If the obligation is
divisible, that part thereof which is not affected A. If Attached To A Simple/ Remuneratory Donation → it is as if there was no condition
by the impossible or unlawful condition shall be ● The condition is considered as not imposed ● As a consequence, the obligation should be
valid. and will simply be disregarded. regarded as → pure & valid
○ Hence, the impossible condition
The condition not to do an impossible thing shall shall not affect the validity of a POSITIVE & NEGATIVE
be considered as not having been agreed upon.
simple remuneratory donation. POSITIVE
● Condition refers to an act
When considered impossible B. If Attached To A Testamentary Disposition
ARTICLE 1184. The condition that some event
● The impossibility of a condition may either ● The impossible condition is considered as happen at a determinate time shall extinguish
be physical or legal. not imposed and will simply be the obligation as soon as the time expires or if it
○ Hence, conditions which are disregarded.

has become indubitable that the event will not
contrary to nature, as well as those ○ Hence, the impossible condition take place.
contrary to good customs or shall not affect the validity of the ● A positive condition that a certain event will
public policy and those prohibited testamentary disposition and shall happen within a specific period has the
by law are considered as in no manner prejudice the heir, effect of extinguishing the obligation
impossible conditions. even if the testator should dependent upon such condition from the
otherwise provide. moment:
Two Kinds of Impossible Conditions (1) Said period lapses without the
PHYSICAL LEGAL IMPOSSIBILITY C. If Attached To An Obligation Arising From condition having been fulfilled; or
IMPOSSIBILITY Contracts (2) When it becomes certain that the
Contrary to nature

By nature of things →
cannot exist/ happen

e.g. I will pay you if it

will not rain for 1 year
in the PH
Contrary to good customs.
Public policy & those
prohibited by law

e.g. I will give you 20M if you

kill S; I will give you 20M if
you cheat on your GF
● The impossible conditions shall render
the obligation which depends upon them
○ But if the obligation is divisible,
that part thereof which is not
affected by the impossible or
unlawful condition shall be valid.
event will not take place, even
before said period expires.

The Obligation is Extinguished

(1) As soon as the time expires without the
event taking place; or
(2) As soon as it has become indubitable that
the event will not take place although the
time specified has not yet expired.
Effects Of Impossible Conditions
● Both obligation & condition are void D. Condition Not To Do An Impossible Thing EXAMPLE: If X says: I will give Y P500,000 if he gets
● The condition not to do an impossible thing married to W before reaching the age of 25 years. This
RATIONALE: Obligor knows that the obligation is considered as not agreed upon or not obligation will cease to exist from the moment Y
cannot be fulfilled reaches the age of 25 years and is still a bachelor or,
even prior to the expiration of the said period, if ● However, if the object is not physically
either Y or W dies before Y reached that age. DIVISIBLE divisible or the service is not susceptible
● If by its nature, by agreement or under the of partial performance [Article 1225(1)] →
NEGATIVE law, it can be performed in parts. the obligation is always indivisible, the
● Condition refers to an omission ○ Hence, the condition is susceptible intention of the parties to the contrary
of partial performance notwithstanding. This rule is absolute.
ARTICLE 1185. The condition that some event
will not happen at a determinate time shall INDIVISIBLE ● An obligation is presumed indivisible
render the obligation effective from the moment ● If by its nature, by agreement or under the where there is only 1 creditor & only 1
the time indicated has elapsed, or if it has law, it CANNOT be performed in parts. debtor (Article 1248).
become evident that the event cannot occur. ○ Hence, the condition is not
susceptible of partial [NOTE]: object divisible → may still be an indivisble
If no time has been fixed, the condition shall be
obligation if so provided by law; an indivsble object

deemed fulfilled at such time as may have
→ will always be an indivisible obligation
probably been contemplated, bearing in mind
the nature of the obligation. DIVISIBLE INDIVISIBLE
● A negative condition that some event will ARTICLE 1225. For the purposes of the preceding
A divisible obligation is An indivisible obligation articles, obligations to give definite things and
not happen at a determinate time has the
one the object of which, is one the object of those which are not susceptible of partial
effect of rendering the obligation effective in its delivery or which, in its delivery or performance shall be deemed to be indivisible.
from the moment: performance, is capable performance, is not
(1) The period indicated has elapsed; of partial fulfillment. capable of partial When the obligation has for its object the
or fulfillment. execution of a certain number of days of work,
(2) If it has become evident that the
event cannot occur.
EXAMPLE: If X says: I will give A P500,000 if Y will
not marry M within 2 years from now. This obligation
will become effective if, after 2 years, Y has not
married M yet or, even if the 2 year period has not
yet expired, if Y marries another or M dies.
Test For Distinction
● In determining whether an obligation is
divisible or not, the controlling
circumstance is not the possibility or
impossibility of partial prestation but the
purpose of the obligation or the intention
of the parties.
the accomplishment of work by metrical units, or
analogous things which by their nature are
susceptible of partial performance, it shall be

However, even though the object or service may

be physically divisible, an obligation is
indivisible if so provided by law or intended by
the parties.
DIVISIBLE & INDIVISIBLE ○ Hence, even though the object or
ARTICLE 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility of service may be physically
ARTICLE 1248. Unless there is an express
the things that are the object of obligations in divisible, an obligation is stipulation to that effect, the creditor cannot be
which there is only one debtor and only one indivisible if so provided by law or compelled partially to receive the prestations in
creditor does not alter or modify the provisions intended by the parties [Article which the obligation consists. Neither may the
of Chapter 2 of this Title. 1225(3)]. debtor be required to make partial payments.
Kinds Of Indivisibility ● The creditor cannot be compelled
However, when the debt is in part liquidated and LEGAL Where a specific provision of partially to receive the prestations in
in part unliquidated, the creditor may demand law declares as indivisible, which the obligation consists; and
and the debtor may effect the payment of the obligations which, by their ○ In accordance with Article 1232, an
former without waiting for the liquidation of the nature, are divisible (Article obligation is not deemed paid
latter. 1225, paragraph 3). unless the thing or service in
CONVENTIONAL Where the will of the parties which the obligation consists has
Applicability Of Article 1223 is indivisible, obligations been completely delivered or
● While Article 1223 appears to be limited to which, by their nature, are rendered.
real obligations because it speaks of things, divisible.
the word is used in its broad sense as NATURAL Where the nature of the Effect Of Non Compliance By A Debtor In A Joint
Indivisible Obligation

referring to the object or prestation of the object or prestation does not
obligation, which may be to deliver a thing admit of division, e.g., to give a
1. Obligation transformed into one for
or to render some service. particular car, to sing a song,
● The divisibility of an obligation should etc.
● If any one of the debtors does not
not, therefore, be confused with the
comply with his undertaking in a
divisibility of the thing which is the object When There Is Only One Creditor & One Debtor
joint indivisible obligation, the
ARTICLE 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives obligation is transformed into one
rise to indemnity for damages from the time for damages.
Kinds of Division
anyone of the debtors does not comply with his
QUALITATIVE One based on quality, not on ● The creditor cannot ask for
undertaking. The debtors who may have been
number or quantity of the
things that are the object of
the obligation.

One based on quantity rather

than on quality.
ready to fulfill their promises shall not contribute
to the indemnity beyond the corresponding
portion of the price of the thing or of the value of
the service in which the obligation consists.

● Divisibility or indivisibility refers to the

object or prestation.
○ When there is only one creditor and
specific performance or rescission
because there is no cause of action
against the other debtors who are
willing to fulfill their promises.

Contribution of innocent debtors

limited to their respective shares.
● In a solidary obligation, the breach
one debtor, the latter has to by co-debtor makes all debtors
IDEAL/ One which exists only in the perform the obligation in its liable for damages.
INTELLECTUAL minds of the parties. totality, whether or not the ● The obligation remains solidary
prestation is divisible. Unless there without prejudice to their right
is an express stipulation to that against the guilty or negligent
effect. debtor.
● In a joint indivisible obligation, the be delivered in toto, not ● Here, the obligation should be
effect of non-compliance by a partially. fulfilled continuously during a
debtor is to make all the debtors certain period.
liable for damages but the e.g. Obligation to give D P100k (2) Divisible Obligation — If the obligation of
innocent debtors shall not OBLIGATIONS → although money is divisible Xavier is not to sell cigarettes in his stores
contribute beyond their respective INTENDED BY THE → if intended by the parties only during Sundays and holidays
PARTIES TO BE that payment must be done in
shares of the obligation. ● Here, the obligation is divisible
full → indivisible
○ The obligation becomes a INDIVISIBLE EVEN because the forbearance is not
divisible one. IF THING OR continuous.
Obligations Deemed Indivisible PHYSICALLY [NOTE]: Obligations to do and not to do are
DIVISIBLE generally indivisible. Obligations “to do” stated in

OBLIGATIONS TO The obligation is indivisible paragraph 2 of Article 1225 are divisible.
GIVE DEFINITE because of the nature of the
THINGS subject matter Obligations Deemed Divisible CONJUNCTIVE & DISJUNCTIVE
1. Obligations which have for their object
e.g. To deliver a specific car the execution of a certain number of CONJUNCTIVE
days of work ● Requires the fulfillment of ALL conditions
2. Obligations which have for their object ○ There are several conditions & all
OBLIGATIONS The obligation is indivisible
the accomplishment of work by must be fulfilled
WHICH ARE NOT by reason of its purpose
metrical units
SUSCEPTIBLE OF which requires the

performance of all the parts

Ex: to sing a song

e.g. Under the law, taxes

should be paid within a
definite period.
3. Obligations which by their nature are
susceptible of partial performance

Divisibility Or Divisibility In Obligations Not To Do

● In negative obligations not to do, the
character of the prestation in each
particular case shall determine their
divisibility or indivisibility.
● Requires the fulfillment of ONE condition
○ There are several conditions and
only one or some of them must be



SERVICE IS Although money is EXAMPLES: ● The condition is stated.
PHYSICALLY physically divisible, the (1) Indivisible Obligation — Xavier obliged
DIVISIBLE amount of tax payable must himself to Yuno not to sell cigarettes in his IMPLIED
store for 1 year. ● The condition is merely inferred.
In a period, you already have an existing
TWO PRINCIPAL KINDS OF CONDITION obligation, but only the demandability of the B. Creditor No Right Yet
● These classifications are not mutually obligation is affected by the suspensive period. ● Does not acquire a right until the
exclusive, we can combine these happening of an event which constitutes
classifications in the same condition. the condition
● The condition can be both suspensive and ● Has an expectancy based upon the
at the same time mixed or casual. Doctrine Constructive Fulfillment Of Suspensive occurrence of the condition & one of which
○ Each classification when combined Condition he has the right to protect by taking
with the others will have their appropriate actions.
ARTICLE 1186. The condition shall be deemed
respective consequences. fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents its ARTICLE 1188. The creditor may, before the
fulfillment. fulfillment of the condition, bring the

appropriate actions for the preservation of his
● Condition precedent or condition right.
3 Requisites for application
● The happening of which → gives rise to an (1) The condition is suspensive; The debtor may recover what during the same
(2) The obligor actually prevents the time he has paid by mistake in case of a
fulfillment of condition; suspensive condition.
● A suspensive condition attaches to an
(3) He acts voluntarily
obligation & determines whether that
obligation will come into existence. Q: What will be the rights and obligations of the
[NOTE]: Thaw law does not require that obligor parties in obligations subject to a suspensive
● The obligation and demandability will
acts with malice or fraud → as long as the purpose condition prior to the fulfillment of the condition?
only arise upon the happening of the
future condition.

[NOTE]: This is the difference between a condition

and a period. In a condition, it is not only the
demandability of the obligation which is affected,
but also its very existence. It goes without saying
that if the obligation is inexistent then it cannot be
demanded. In a way, if you are to analyze it, the
of to prevent the fulfillment of the condition

[NOTE]: In suspensive conditions, we ought to

divide the period of the condition into 2:
(a) before it happens; and
(b) upon its fulfillment

During the Pendency of Obligation

A: When the obligation is subject to a suspensive
condition, prior to the fulfillment of the suspensive
condition, there is no obligation to speak of yet.

[NOTE]: Is there a potential obligation? Yes. The

situation is different when the parties have not even
interacted. In the past, since they have not yet even
A. Debtor has No Obligation Yet interacted, they have not even thought of
scope of a condition is broader since the
demandability is also affected simply because you ● There is no obligation to speak of yet constituting an obligation, then absolutely, there is
do not have an obligation in existence yet for one of ● Obligation does not arise yet → hence no obligation to speak of. There is even no potential
fulfillment of a suspensive condition. cannot be demanded for the obligation to exist between them.
● Debtor → may recover what during the
same time has been paid by mistake
However, if what we have is an obligation subject to (3) Civil loss – When a thing disappears in such
that its existence is unknown or it cannot
a suspensive condition, at the very least, there is a a way the its existence cannot be
be recovered;
potential for that obligation to exist. Even though ascertained → it may or may not exist/ may
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the
we say that until the condition is fulfilled, the or may not be retrieved
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to
creditor cannot make a demand upon the debtor
be borne by the creditor;
and the debtor cannot be compelled to perform the
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the GR If the lost is without the fault of debtor →
obligation, the law nonetheless provides for a right extinguished
debtor, the creditor may choose between
in favor of the creditor to preserve whatever rights
the rescission of the obligation and its
he may have on account of the obligation that is XPN Unless there is a stipulation
fulfillment, with indemnity for damages
yet to come into existence, that is subject to a
in either case;
suspensive condition. What is our basis? Article LOSS
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or

by time, the improvement shall inure to (1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the
the benefit of the creditor; debtor, the obligation shall be
(6) If it is improved at the expense of the
● It is also possible that pending the (2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the
debtor, he shall have no other right than
fulfillment of the condition, the thing due debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages.
that granted to the usufructuary.
(in an obligation to give) may suffer loss,
deterioration, and improvement. DETERIORATION
[NOTE]: If the debtor is at fault, the option is always
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the
Rules that Must be Followed given to the creditor, plus damages. If, on the other
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be
hand, the debtor is not at fault, then it results in the
borne by the creditor;
ARTICLE 1189. When the conditions have been
imposed with the intention of suspending the
efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
rules shall be observed in case of the
improvement, loss or deterioration of the thing
during the pendency of the condition:
(1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the
debtor, the obligation shall be
extinguishment of the obligation.

Concept of Loss
(1) When a thing perishes
(2) Goes out of commerce
(3) Disappears in such a way its existence is
unknown or cannot be recovered
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the
debtor, the creditor may choose between
the rescission of the obligation and its
fulfillment, with indemnity for damages in
either case;

extinguished; (5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by
Kinds of Loss
(2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the time, the improvement shall inure to the
(1) Physical loss — Persishes → lost through fire
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay benefit of the creditor;
(2) Legal loss — When a thing goes out of
damages; it is understood that the thing (6) If it is improved at the expense of the
commerce → when a thing is expropriated
is lost when it perishes, or goes out of debtor, he shall have no other right than
or forbidden/ became illegal
commerce, or disappears in such a way that granted to the usufructuary.
[NOTE]: If there is such a reference made in the law, recover interest when he asks it from the creditor? Effects of Fulfillment
you go to that referred provision. Do not just stop Can the debtor say that the creditor should return Birth of the Obligation
with the rights of the usufructuary. the P10,000 he paid because he just realized that his ● The happening of the suspensive condition
obligation is subject to a suspensive condition which gives birth to the right of the creditor &
was not fulfilled yet, with interest because while the obligation of the debtor
ARTICLE 579. The usufructuary may make on the
money was with the creditor, he was not able to use
property held in usufruct such useful
it? Retroactivity
improvements or expenses for mere pleasure as
he may deem proper, provided he does not alter ARTICLE 1187. The effects of a conditional
A: The law is silent with regard to the liability of the obligation to give, once the condition has been
its form or substance; but he shall have no right
creditor for interest and like in the case of an fulfilled, shall retroact to the day of the
to be indemnified therefor. He may, however,
obligation subject to a suspensive period where constitution of the obligation. Nevertheless,
remove such improvements, should it be possible
there is premature payment. when the obligation imposes reciprocal

to do so without damage to the property.
prestations upon the parties, the fruits and
interests during the pendency of the condition
ARTICLE 580. The usufructuary may set off the Q: What is the solution?
shall be deemed to have been mutually
improvements he may have made on the compensated. If the obligation is unilateral, the
property against any damage to the same. A: We can look into the rules on solutio indebiti debtor shall appropriate the fruits and interests
and apply it. If there is bad faith, he will have to received, unless from the nature and
pay interest. And if it is an obligation to give a circumstances of the obligation it should be
[NOTE]: If you look at Articles 579 & 580, the inferred that the intention of the person
specific thing, the creditor is also liable to return
usufructuary’s right will be limited to limited right constituting the same was different.
the fruits (not just the fruits he received, but also
of removal for useful improvements and the right
the fruits which he would have received on account
to set off the improvements against any damage he
may have caused to the property.

Q: What if the condition has not yet been fulfilled but

the creditor went to the debtor and the debtor paid?
What can be done by the debtor since the obligation
is not yet due and technically, there is no obligation
to speak of yet?
of his bad faith).

Q: What happens if the obligation is fulfilled?

A: If the obligation is fulfilled, then the obligation

comes into existence and the obligation is now
demandable (demandability flows from the
existence of the obligation). One characteristic of an
In obligations to do and not to do, the courts shall
determine, in each case, the retroactive effect of
the condition that has been complied with.

In Obligations to Give
● Once a suspensive condition is fulfilled, the
effect of a conditional obligation is to
retroact to the day on which the obligation
was constituted.
obligation subject to a suspensive condition is that
A: He should be allowed to recover what he has ● Obligation is considered as if it were pure &
the effect of the fulfillment of the condition
paid. simple from the 1st day
retroacts to the time that the obligation has been
Q: When speaking of an obligation consisting of the
payment of a sum of money, would he be able to
In Obligations which Imposes Reciprocal Prestations Spetty has to return the Honda Civic to Nelli → role
shall be applied to the party who is bound to
● When the obligation to give imposes return. reversal comes to play
reciprocal prestations upon the parties, the
fruits and interests during the pendency As for the obligations to do and not to do, the Q: When will it happen?
of the condition are deemed to have been provisions of the second paragraph of Article
mutually compensated. 1187 shall be observed as regards the effect of the A: If the resolutory condition is fulfilled. This is the
extinguishment of the obligation.
● The purpose is to avoid the necessity of difference between a resolutory condition and
mutual accounting of the fruits and interest resolutory period. In resolutory period, the
received. ● A resolutory condition does not affect the question on the extinguishment of the obligation
obligation’s existence. need not be asked because it is certain to happen.
In Unilateral Obligations ○ It does not suspend the The period is intended to happen. In all aspects, an
● When the obligation to give is unilateral, demandability of the obligation. obligation subject to a resolutory condition and one

the debtor owns all the fruits and interests ○ In fact, as we pointed out, if an subject to a resolutory period, they are basically the
received up to the day the condition is obligation is subject to a resolutory same. Only for one extinguishment is certain, for
fulfilled, unless by nature and condition, then it is immediately the other depends if the obligation is fulfilled.
circumstances of the obligation it should be demandable, only what is
inferred that the intention of the person threatened here is the existence of Upon Fulfillment Of Resolutory Condition
constituting it was different. the obligation because it may be A. In obligations to give
extinguished at any time. ● The obligation is extinguished, and
In Obligations to do & not to do ● The happening of the condition the parties shall return to each
● The courts may, in each case, determine the extinguishes the obligation, and the other what they have received
retroactive effect of the condition that has
been complied with, including fixing the
date of such retroactive effect.


ARTICLE 1190. When the conditions have for

their purpose the extinguishment of an

parties will have to give back what they
have received from one another.
In cases of loss, deterioration or
improvement, we apply Article 1189, but
there will be a role reversal—the creditor
in the beginning, once the resolutory
condition is fulfilled, will now become our
debtor. (since the creditor is now ordered to
(Article 1190).

B. In obligations to do and not to do

● The courts shall determine, in each
case, the effect of
extinguishment of the obligation

(Article 1190, in relation to Article

obligation to give, the parties, upon the
fulfillment of said conditions, shall return to each return the thing to the original debtor)
other what they have received.
EXAMPLE: While Spetty is in law school, Nelli will
In case of the loss, deterioration or improvement let Spetty borrow his Honda Civic for the latter’s
of the thing, the provisions which, with respect to
transportation, but when once Spetty’s graduates →
the debtor, are laid down in the preceding article
as a result of a juridical act, and either ○ It is true that period may have
suspends their demandableness or either a suspensive or resolutory
Future and uncertain Future and certain produces their extinguishment. effect; but in the former, it cannot
prevent the birth of the obligation
ARTICLE 1193. Obligations for whose fulfillment
a day certain has been fixed, shall be demandable in due time, and in the latter, it does
SUSPENSIVE RESOLUTORY not annul the fact of its existence.
only when that day comes.
● Because of this difference, a period does
Demandability Only arises Immediately
Obligations with a resolutory period take effect at not carry with it, except when there is a
when the demandable
once, but terminate upon arrival of the day special agreement, the same
happens/ accompaniment of retroactive effects that
term arrives follow a condition
A day certain is understood to be that which must

Extinguishment Obligation is Obligation is necessarily come, although it may not be known
when. As to the will of the debtor
extinguished extinguished
after upon the ● If the fulfillment of a condition is left
obligation has happening of If the uncertainty consists in whether the day will exclusively upon the will of the debtor
been fulfilled the condition/ come or not, the obligation is conditional, and it (and the condition is also suspensive in
period shall be regulated by the rules of the preceding
character), the same renders the obligation
dependent upon it void.
○ On the other hand, if the
CONDITION PERIOD Distinguished From Condition
designation of the period is left to
SUSPENSIVE I will buy I will buy the exclusive will of the debtor, the
Spetty a V6
Camry IF she
passes the bar.

I will pay for

Spretty a V6
Camry on July
1, 2029, on her

I will pay for

Spetty’s gas
expenses until
the end of this
● A condition is an uncertain event, but a
term or period is an event which must
happen sooner or later, at a date known
beforehand or at a time which cannot be
determined but must necessarily happen.

Influence on Obligation
● A condition may cause an obligation to have
obligation remains valid but it
empowers the court to fix the
period for its performance.


● Obligations with a period or term are those
which become demandable or which
she graduates year. or not to have any effects, or to cause it to
terminate upon the arrival of a "day
law school. exist or to cease to exist; a period does not
go beyond imposing limitation as to time on
● A day certain is that which must necessarily
the production of the effects and the
OBLIGATIONS SUBJECT TO TERM OR PERIOD come, although it may not be known when.
efficacy of the obligation.
● A term or period consists in a space of time
which, having an influence on obligations
EXAMPLES: OBLIGATIONS WITH RESOLUTORY PERIOD (IN ○ Unlike a condition, a period has no
● January 1, 2025 is a day certain because it DIEM) effect on the existence of the
must necessarily come. ● They take effect at once, but terminate upon obligation, but only on their
● The death of a certain person, X, is also a arrival of the day certain. demandability or performance.
day certain, because it must necessarily ○ Thus, the arrival of a period does
come, although it is not known when Effects not have a retroactive effect.
In Case Of Loss, Deterioration Or Improvement
[NOTE]: If the uncertainty consists in whether the ● In case of loss, deterioration or
ARTICLE 1195. Anything paid or delivered before
day will come or not, the obligation is conditional, improvement of the thing before the arrival
the arrival of the period, the obligor being
and it shall be regulated by the rules of Article 1193. of the day certain, the rules in Article 1189
unaware of the period or believing that the
on conditional obligations shall be
obligation has become due and demandable, may
Q: What is a period? observed.

be recovered, with the fruits and interests.
ARTICLE 1194. In case of loss, deterioration or
A: A period would be a space of time which affects
improvement of the thing before the arrival of
an obligation by either suspending their ● Apart from being categorical about the
the day certain, the rules in Article 1189 shall be
demandability or determining their obligation of the creditor to return what is
extinguishment. not yet due along with its fruits and
● Article 1194 makes reference to Article interests, Article 1195 does not give weight
Period May Be Suspensive Or Resolutory 1189, so this is also applicable to obligations or bearing to the good faith or bad faith of
subject to a suspensive period. the creditor.
Q: What are the different kinds of terms? ● For obligations subject to a suspensive ○ What is focused upon here is the

A: Resolutory and Suspensive.


● Obligations for whose fulfillment a day

certain has been fixed, and shall be
demandable only when that day comes.
condition where there is premature
payment, we said earlier that the law is
silent regarding liability as to interest or
○ But let’s look at Article 1195.

Advance Payment By Mistake

● If the obligor is unaware of the period or

○ It must be shown that the obligor
is unaware of the period or has
believed that the obligation has
become due and demandable.
It is the obligor’s bad faith (awareness that it
is not yet due) which may defeat his
entitlement to recover what he has paid,
believes that the obligation has become due along with the fruits and interest.
EXAMPLE: Promissory note payable next year on and demandable, and thus pays or delivers
July 25, 2024; Repainting of a ceiling of the unit before the arrival of the period, he may Debtor is Presumed Aware of the Period
after 1 year from the date of the execution of the recover the thing paid or delivered, with ● He has the burden of prvoing that he was
contract. the fruits and interests. unaware or that the payment was made by
the mistaken notion that the period had performance before the arrival of the lent him money or to wait it out until the end of the
already arrived period. 1 year period. If A pays within 3 months, B cannot
● Article 1195 states that once the period ● Also, because the term is generally say “I do not want to accept the money yet.” This is not
arrives → debtor may no longer recover the for the benefit of both creditor and allowed because under the circumstances and
payment → only the fruits & interests from debtor, a contract whose term has looking into their agreement as a whole, the one
the date of the premature payment already expired may only be who has the benefit of the period is the debtor → to
renewed if both parties consent. pay within the period of 1 year.
No Recovery in Personal Obligations
● To do → it is physically impossoble to undo Q: When an obligation is subject to a period, who is EXAMPLE: You lent money to A, saying “here’s the
something that has been done/ service intended to be benefited by that period? money instead of being stuck in a bank. You can just
rendered pay me interest that is slightly higher than what is given
A: Both parties are intended to benefit from it. It is by the bank, and you can pay me within 1 year.” In this

Benefit Of Period important to know that both parties benefit from it case, the debtor will be benefited by the period,
because the imposition of a period is also a right but the creditor is also benefited since you also
ARTICLE 1196. Whenever in an obligation a
period is designated, it is presumed to have been which may be waived. There is also an important have an interest earned which is higher than those
established for the benefit of both the creditor qualification to this. in the bank to be paid within 1 year.
and the debtor, unless from the tenor of the same ● If the period is for the benefit of the
or other circumstances it should appear that the debtor, he may not be compelled to PERIOD BENEFIT OF THE CREDITOR
period has been established in favor of one or of perform the obligation before the arrival ● He may not be compelled to accept
the other.
of the period, but he may validly do so performance before the arrival of the
(prepayment) if he so wishes. period, but he may validly demand

Whenever in an obligation a period is
designated, it is presumed to have been
established for the benefit of both the
creditor and the debtor.

Unless from the tenor of the same or

other circumstances it should appear
that the period has been established in
EXAMPLE: If the obligation provides that payment
may be made "within" the stipulated period, or "on
or before" the stipulated date, the period is for the
benefit of the debtor. The debtor then has the right,
but not the duty, to pay before the deadline.

EXAMPLE: If debtor A borrows money from B, the

performance if he so wishes.
● The creditor may decline pre-payment for
various reasons
○ He may want the interest on his
○ He may want to avoid the risk of
holding his money;
○ Risk of near-term depreciation in
favor of one or of the other creditor tells A: “you can pay within 1 year.” There is currency
● Thus, in such a case, the debtor may not be also no interest that is imposed.
compelled to perform the obligation
before the arrival of the period, and the Under these circumstances, it is obvious that the
creditor may not be compelled to accept period is meant to benefit the debtor alone. It is
within the debtor’s power to pay shortly after B has
period, but from its nature and the period, subject to the provisions of Article 1197.
circumstances it can be inferred that a period
Q: Is the debtor’s right to make use of a period ever was intended, the courts may fix the duration
lost? thereof. b) If the period depends upon the will
A: YES. Article 1198. of the debtor
The courts shall also fix the duration of the ● But if the performance of the obligation
period when it depends upon the will of the depends upon the sole will of the debtor
Q: When does the debtor lose the right to make use of
debtor. (purely potestative) → the obligation is
the period?
A: ● The courts may fix the duration of the c) In case of breach of reciprocal
period in the ff cases: obligation, the court may fix a
ARTICLE 1198. The debtor shall lose every right period (instead of ordering rescission)
a) If the obligation does not fix a

to make use of the period: if there is just cause for the same.
period, but from its nature and the
circumstances it can be inferred
(1) When after the obligation has been Premature Until Period Is Fixed
that a period was intended
contracted, he becomes insolvent, ● Until the period is first determined, there
EXAMPLE: When the debtor undertakes to pay "as
unless he gives a guaranty or security for can be no breach of contract or failure to
soon as possible," or as soon as he has money, or
the debt; perform the obligation.
"little by little,” or when his means permit him to do
(2) When he does not furnish to the ○ Before the fixing of the period, it
creditor the guaranties or securities would be premature for the creditor
which he has promised; GR If the obligation does not fix a period & no
period is intended → court is not to complain of the debtor's alleged
(3) When by his own acts he has impaired
said guaranties or securities after their
establishment, and when through a
fortuitous event they disappear, unless
he immediately gives new ones equally
(4) When the debtor violates any
undertaking, in consideration of which
authorized to fix a judicial period

RATIONALE: The contract is the law between the

parties & its terms cannot be changed by the

No period is fixed → but a period was


Standard In Fixing The Period

● The courts shall determine such a period as
may under the circumstances have been
probably contemplated by the parties.

Finality of Period
the creditor agreed to the period; Duration of the period depends → upon ● Once fixed by the Courts, the period cannot
(5) When the debtor attempts to abscond. the will of the debtor
be changed by the courts.

Fixing Of Period ARTICLE 1180. When the debtor binds himself to ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATIONS
pay when his means permit him to do so, the ● There is more than one object, and the
ARTICLE 1197. If the obligation does not fix a
obligation shall be deemed to be one with a fulfillment of one is sufficient, determined
by the choice of the party who has the prestation due but the debtor has been given the A: Yes. Only if that right is expressly granted to him.
right to choose. right to substitute the prestation with another.
Q: If the choice belongs to the debtor by default,
would there be any limit to his discretion in
different prestations shall completely perform exercising his right of choice?
one of them. Several Objects One object
A: Yes. First, the right to choose is indivisible. The
The creditor cannot be compelled to receive part Only need to Perform ALL/ Only ONE, but debtor cannot perform a part of a prestation and
of one and part of the other undertaking. perform ONE both of the may substitute
then perform another part of another prestation to
objects another object
complete the performance. He has to choose one
Q: What are alternative obligations? prestation & perform it in its entirety.
Contrast With Conjunctive Obligations

A: This is a kind of obligation falling under those ● There are also several objects, but all must Second, he cannot perform any prestation which
which have multiple objects. In multiple objects, be fulfilled has become impossible or unlawful, or which could
there would be several prestations due. As to how ● TV and Refrigerator, BOTH not have been the object of the obligation.
the prestations should be performed would depend
on the classification of the obligation with multiple Contrast With Facultative Q: Is the other party given the power to consent or to
objects, it could be alternative, conjunctive or ● There is only one object, but the debtor may withhold approval to the choice of the party given
facultative. In conjunctive, you have to perform all substitute another object. the choice?
of the objects. If it is alternative there would be
several prestations due but you only need to Complete Performance A: No. Under the law, the person who was given the

perform one to bring about the extinguishment of
the obligation.

1) Obligation to deliver a TV or a refrigerator:

it is sufficient for the debtor to deliver
either, not both
2) Obligation of the fire insurance company to
● A person alternatively bound by different
prestations shall completely perform one
of them.
● The creditor cannot be compelled to
receive part of one and part of the other

Q: In an alternative obligation, who chooses which

choice does not need the consent of the other
party. He only needs to communicate his choice.
That would produce a legal consequence. Once the
choice has been communicated then the obligation
ceases to be alternative.

Q: What is the effect of the loss of the things due or

impossibility of the prestation before the choice is
rebuild the insured house destroyed by fire prestation to perform? made known?
or to pay its value.
A: The default is that it would be the debtor who A: If the choice belongs to the debtor: If all the
[NOTE]: Prestations and objects referred here are gets to choose. choices are rendered impossible due to the fault of
one and the same. In a facultative, there is only one the debtor, the creditor shall have the right to
Q: Can the creditor make the choice? indemnity under Article 1204, i.e., amount of the last
thing/service which disappeared or became impossible, Effects Of The Loss Of The Things Due To Or
plus other damages If some but not all of the things due Impossibility Of Prestation Before The Choice Is
are lost, then look into the circumstances under which e.g. If the obligation permits payment in Made Known
they were lost. local or foreign currency, but the (1) The choice belongs to the debtor
government outlawed all foreign a. If one of the things is lost through a
currency, the debtor may only pay in the fortuitous event, he shall perform
ARTICLE 1200. The right of choice belongs to the local currency.
debtor, unless it has been expressly granted to the obligation by delivering that
the creditor. The debtor shall lose the right of which the creditor should choose
choice when among the prestations from among the remainder, or that
The debtor shall have no right to choose those whereby he is alternatively bound, which remains if only one
prestations which are impossible, unlawful or only one is practicable subsists;
which could not have been the object of the
b. If the creditor's fault prevents the

debtor from making a choice, the
ARTICLE 1202. The debtor shall lose the right of
latter may rescind the contract
choice when among the prestations whereby he
ARTICLE 1306. The contracting parties may is alternatively bound, only one is practicable. with damages.
establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and c. If some are lost but several
conditions as they may deem convenient, remain, the obligation subsists
provided they are not contrary to law, morals, Effectivity
regardless of the reason for the loss
good customs, public order, or public policy. ● The choice shall produce no effect except
and the debtor may choose from
from the time it has been communicated.
what remains.
● The selection may be made in any form, as
d. If all but one are lost, the


The right of choice belongs to the

Unless it has been expressly granted to

the creditor.

To 3rd persons when the right is given

to him by common agreement

The debtor cannot choose part of one

long as it is unequivocal. It may even be
made tacitly, such as by actually performing
the chosen prestation.

Impairment Of Right To Choose

● If through the creditor's acts the debtor
cannot make a choice according to the
terms of the obligation, the latter may
obligations subsists and the debtor
must deliver what remains.

ARTICLE 1204. The creditor shall have a right to

indemnity for damages when, through the fault
of the debtor, all the things which are
alternatively the object of the obligation have
been lost, or the compliance of the obligation has
become impossible.
prestation & part of another rescind the contract with damages.
prestation The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the
ARTICLE 1203. If through the creditor's acts the value of the last thing which disappeared, or that
debtor cannot make a choice according to the of the service which last became impossible.
The debtor shall have no right to
terms of the obligation, the latter may rescind the
choose those prestations which are
contract with damages. Damages other than the value of the last thing or
impossible, unlawful or which could
not have been the object of the service may also be awarded.
Right To Choose By Creditor
fault because of the
(2) The choice belongs to the creditor: creditor) ● The creditor has the right to choose
a. If all the choices are rendered between alternative prestations only when
impossible due to the fault of the The debtor is it is expressly given to him
debtor, the creditor shall have the relieved of liability ○ When the choice has been
right to indemnity under. expressly given to the creditor, the
Due to The debtor may
b. If the loss of one of the things obligation shall cease to be
Creditor’s choose to rescind
occurs through the fault of the fault the obligation, alternative from the day when the
debtor, the creditor may claim any with damages selection has been communicated
of those subsisting, or the price of to the debtor
that which, through the fault of the
EXAMPLE: There are 4 things due, the first 3 were
former, has disappeared, with a

lost due to the fault of the debtor. And the last thing ARTICLE 1201. The choice shall produce no
right to damages; effect except from the time it has been
was lost due to a fortuitous event.
c. If all the things are lost through communicated.
the fault of the debtor, the choice
Q: How should we treat the loss of the last thing due
by the creditor shall fall upon the
to a fortuitous event? Should this have the effect of
price of any one of them, also with ARTICLE 1205. When the choice has been
extinguishing the obligation? Or should it make the expressly given to the creditor, the obligation
indemnity for damages.
debtor liable for the loss? shall cease to be alternative from the day when
LOSS OF ALL LOSS OF SOME the selection has been communicated to the
A: debtor.
Due to Creditor shall have Debtor is not
a right

Indemnity shall be
fixed taking as a
basis the value of
the last thing
liable because he
may still comply
by choosing the
at that

He should not be liable

because the obligation
point has
become simple.

Since the last remaining

possible thing due was

The debtor should still be


Where there is only one

possible thing due would
not have arisen were it not
for the fault of the debtor.
Until then the responsibility of the debtor shall
be governed by the following rules:

(1) If one of the things is lost through a fortuitous

event, he shall perform the obligation by
delivering that which the creditor should choose
from among the remainder, or that which
remains if only one subsists;

disappeared, or lost due to a fortuitous (2) If the loss of one of the things occurs through
that of the service event then that should The fact that the last the fault of the debtor, the creditor may claim any
which last became have the effect of possible thing due was of those subsisting, or the price of that which,
impossible extinguishing the lost due to a fortuitous through the fault of the former, has disappeared,
obligation. event should not excuse with a right to damages;
Not Due to (i.e. because of the debtor from incurring
Debtor’s fortuitous event, or any liability.
(3) If all the things are lost through the fault of obligation → is alternatives, as long as FACULTATIVE ALTERNATIVE
the debtor, the choice by the creditor shall fall extinguished, even if other alternatives are
upon the price of any one of them, also with substitutes are # OF 1 prestation is Several
still available
indemnity for damages. available PRESTATIONS due → prestations →
substitution is compliance of
The same rules shall be applied to obligations to allowed 1 → suffient
do or not to do in case one, some or all of the Effect of Loss
prestations should become impossible. A. Before Substitution RIGHT OF Credior/ 3rd Debtor
● If principal thing is lost through fortuitous CHOICE person chooses
event → obligation is extinguished
[NOTE]: The same applies in obligations to do or not LOSS Extinguishes Loss of 1 or
● If principal thing is lost through fault of
to do, in case one, some or all of the prestations THROUGH the obligation more → does
debtor → liable for damages FORTUITOUS not extinguish
should become impossible

● The loss or deterioration of the thing EVENT obligation
intended as a substitute, through the
FACULTATIVE OBLIGATIONS LOSS Loss of thing Loss of one →
negligence of the obligor, does not render
ARTICLE 1206. When only one prestation has THROUGH due → liable not liable
him liable
been agreed upon, but the obligor may render DEBTOR’S
○ RATIONALE: The thing intended as FAULT
another in substitution, the obligation is called
a substitute is not due → effect of
loss → merely ceases for the
The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as obligation to be facultative
a substitute, through the negligence of the ARTICLE 1207. The concurrence of two or more
obligor, does not render him liable. But once the Upon Substitution creditors or of two or more debtors in one and

substitution has been made, the obligor is liable
for the loss of the substitute on account of his
delay, negligence or fraud.
This is when only one prestation has been
agreed upon, but the obligor may render
another in substitution

● If principal thing is lost → debtor is not
liable → no matter what the cause
● If substitute is lost → liability depends
whether loss is through fault of debtor
○ Once the substitution has been
made, the obligor is liable for the
loss of the substitute on account of
the same obligation does not imply that each one
of the former has a right to demand, or that each
one of the latter is bound to render, entire
compliance with the prestation. There is a
solidary liability only when the obligation
expressly so states, or when the law or the nature
of the obligation requires solidarity.

his delay, negligence or fraud Kinds of Obligation According to Number of Parties

There is only one The obligation is not ● Once substitution is made, obligation → (1) Individual obligation — 1 creditor & 1
principal prestation extinguished by the simple obligation debtor
nullity, loss or
Principal → void, or (2) Collective obligation — 2 or more debtors/
impossibility of one or
lost, or becomes 2 or more creditors
impossible, the some of the
(a) Joint
(b) Solidary
ARTICLE 1207. The concurrence of two or more a proportionate part of the entire obligation.
● In both joint and solidary obligations, there creditors or of two or more debtors in one and the credit from each
is a concurrence or plurality of debtors the same obligation does not imply that each one debtor.
and/or creditors in the same obligation. of the former has a right to demand, or that each
● They differ, however, in extent the one of the latter is bound to render, entire Presumption in favor of Exists only when the
compliance with the prestation. There is a joint obligations obligation expressly so
obligation to which each debtor can be held
solidary liability only when the obligation states; when the law
liable and/or the extent which each creditor Can be joint active, joint
expressly so states, or when the law or the provides, or when the
can demand. nature of the obligation requires solidarity. passive, or completely nature of the obligation
joint. so requires
● Joint or several or juntos o separadamente or
in solidum
ARTICLE 1208. If from the law, or the nature or ● Each of the debtors is liable for the entire No mutual guaranty There is mutual guaranty

the wording of the obligations to which the among debtors; no among the debtors; there
obligation, and
preceding article refers the contrary does not mutual representation is mutual representation
● Each of the creditors is entitled to demand
appear, the credit or debt shall be presumed to among the creditors among the creditors
be divided into as many shares as there are the whole obligation.
creditors or debtors, the credits or debts being ○ Otherwise put, each creditor may
considered distinct from one another, subject to enforce the entire obligation, and [NOTE]: The presumption is that whenever you
the Rules of Court governing the multiplicity of each debtor may be obliged to pay have multiple debtors or multiple creditors, then
suits. it in full the obligation is joint. And when an obligation is
● Mancomunada or pro rata joint, that means that you have as many debts as you
● Each of the debtors is liable only for a EXAMPLE: The obligation is solidary if A, B, and C have debtors because each one of your debtors will

proportionate part of the debt; and
Each of the creditors is entitled only to a
proportionate part of the credit.
○ Otherwise put, each creditor can
recover only his share of the
obligation, and each debtor can be
made to pay only his part.
say, "We jointly and severally promise to pay P300 to X',
in which case A (or B or C) can be made to pay the
entire P300. The obligation is also solidary if it says
"individually and jointly," or "together or separately”
or if it says, "I promise to pay" signed by two or
more persons.


only be liable for their respective portions of the
obligation. There is no mutual guaranty among
the debtors. There is no mutual representation
among the creditors. It is different for solidary
obligations. Each one of the debtors is liable for
the entire obligation & each one of the creditors
can demand performance of the entire obligation.
We can see that in a solidary obligation, there is
EXAMPLE: The obligation is joint if A, B, and C say mutual guaranty among the debtors. Then, there
"We promise to pay P300 to X.” A, B, and C are liable Each debtor is liable Each one of the debtors is is mutual representation among the creditors.
only for P100 each. only for a proportionate liable for the entire
part of the debt and each obligation and each one [NOTE]: The default is if there is no indication of
one of the creditors is of the creditors can the sharing among the creditors or among the
entitled to demand only demand performance of debtors, we assume this to be equal.
In active subject, the P360 will be divided into three who received payment in favor of debtor if remission came after payment of
among A, B, and C, making each one entitled to his co-creditors. the entire obligation.
P120. (7) Solidary creditor cannot assign his rights
[NOTE]: We are assuming here that they are without the consent of the others.
Similarly, in our passive subject, we will divide the solidary on both sides. The solidary obligation is (8) Solidary creditor may do whatever is
P360, making each one liable for P120. That means extinguished but a new obligation arises. But this useful to the others but not what may be
that the total liability of D to A, to B, and to C should would just be among the solidary debtors and the harmful to them.
be P120. obligation here centers on the right to be (9) The other co-debtors must reimburse the
reimbursed on the part of the paying solidary paying solidary co-debtor with interest
The total entitlement of A from D, from E, and from co-debtor. from the time of payment except if
F should also be P120. payment is made before due date.
(3) Novation, Compensation, Confusion or (10) Solidarity is not lost even if the debtors are

Q: How much can A demand from D? Remission of the debt, made by any of the not uniformly bound.
solidary creditors or with any of the (11) The debtor upon whom demand is made is
A: Although A is entitled to a total of P120, he can solidary debtors, shall extinguish the allowed to make defenses which are
only get from D this portion of the liability to A in obligation. derived from the nature of the obligation
the amount of P120. That portion is the ⅓ of 120. (a) The creditor who may have and of those which are personal to him, or
Hence, what A can claim from D is P40. Same rule executed any of these acts, shall be pertain to his own share.
applies to E and F. liable to the others for their (a) With respect to those which
shares. personally belong to the others, he
Rule On Solidary Obligations (4) The solidary debtor effecting payment or may avail himself thereof only as
(1) While anyone of the creditors may demand
payment of the entire obligation from any
of the debtors, demand by one creditor
restricts the option of the debtor to only
making payment to the demanding
(2) Once payment is made, the creditor
receiving payment becomes obligated to
any of the modes of extinguishing
obligations except remission will be
entitled to reimbursement from his
(5) Remission extinguishes the obligation but
the debtor in whose favor the remission of
the entire obligation was made cannot
demand reimbursement from his
regards that part of the debt for
which the latter are responsible.

Joint Obligations Is The General Rule

In case of concurrence of two or more

creditors or of two or more debtors in one
& the same obligation, the presumption is
that the obligation is joint so that each of
deliver the portions pertaining to his co-debtors. the debtors is liable only for a
co-creditors. (a) Same rule applies if payment is proportionate part of the debt
(a) The solidary obligation is made after prescription has set in
a. The credit or debt shall be
extinguished but a new obligation or the obligation becomes illegal. presumed to be divided into as
arises on the part of the creditor (6) The debtor whose share was remitted many shares as there are
cannot refuse to reimburse the paying
increase the liability of his
creditors or debtors, the credits employees done with malice or bad faith.
or debits being considered distinct co-debtors.
from one another, subject to the ARTICLE 1209. If the division is impossible, the
Rules of Court governing the Effects Of Joint Obligation
right of the creditors may be prejudiced only by
multiplicity of suits ● In a joint obligation, the debt/credit is
their collective acts, and the debt can be enforced
b. Thus, if the obligation or legally divided into as many shares as only by proceeding against all the debtors. If one
judgment holding several there are e creditors or debtors, the credits of the latter should be insolvent, the others
persons liable is silent as to the or debts being considered distinct from one shall not be liable for his share.
nature of extent of their liability, another.
such liability is considered joint. ● The indivisibility of performance does not
○ Thus, because the shares are prevent the obligation from being
XPN There is a solidary liability only in any of distinct from each other: considered joint.
the following instances: a. A joint creditor cannot act

a. The indivisibility of an obligation
in representation of the does not necessarily give rise to
a. When the obligation expressly so others. Neither can a joint
states solidarity. Nor does solidarity of
debtor be compelled to itself imply indivisibility.
EXAMPLE: It is not required that the party answer for the liability of
use the precise word "solidary"; it is the others.
enough that the obligation state, for b. The effect of a demand or ARTICLE 1210. The indivisibility of an obligation
example, that each of the debtors can be does not necessarily give rise to solidarity. Nor
interruption of prescription
compelled to pay the entire debt. does solidarity of itself imply indivisibility.
is limited only to the
b. When the law requires solidarity particular creditor or
EXAMPLE: Liability for quasi-delict (Art.
2194) and liability arising from crime (Art.
110, RPC). See also: Arts. 927, 1824, 1911,
1915, 2157 of the Civil Code.

c. When the nature of the obligation

requires solidarity
debtor who made or
received the demand or
c. The extinguishment of the
obligation of one of the
debtors does not affect the
shares of his co-debtors.
d. The nullity or vices of
b. The indivisible obligation is still
presumed joint. However, in such a
case of joint indivisible obligation:

The right of the creditors
may be prejudiced only by
their collective acts, and
The debt can be enforced
only by proceeding against
EXAMPLE: Liability for torts or other obligation affecting one of all the debtors.
wrongful acts (e.g., abuse of rights, libel, (1) Since the prestation can only be
the debtors do not
infringement, etc.) is considered solidary,' performed by all of the debtors,
necessarily extend to the
because a "moral wrong cannot be divided
shares of his co-debtors. they must all be sued. If one of the
into parts.” Thus, corporate directors and
officers are solidarity liable with the e. The insolvency of one of debtors cannot perform, the
corporation for the termination of the debtors does not prestation becomes incapable of
performance and is converted to demand (for the debtor to be
ARTICLE 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign
liability for damages. The debtors in default and for interest to his rights without the consent of the others.
are liable only for their run), which is beneficial to
proportionate shares in the his co-creditors.
damages. (b) However, that under Art.
● Solidarity in the debtors
(2) If one of the debtors should be 1215, a solidary creditor
● Each of the debtors can be made to answer
insolvent, the others shall not be may effect the novation,
for the others, with the resulting right to
liable for his share. compensation, confusion
recover from the other co­ debtors their
or remission of the debt,
respective shares; there is a mutual
Effects Of Solidary Obligation which shall extinguish the
Classification As To Subject obligation. However, the
creditor who extinguished

(1) ACTIVE SOLIDARITY the obligation shall be
● Solidarity in both the creditors or debtors
● Solidarity in the creditors liable to the others for the
● Each creditor has the authority to claim & share in the obligation
Varied Solidarity
enforce the rights of all, with the resulting corresponding to them.
● Solidarity may exist although the creditors
obligation of paying his co-creditors their
and the debtors may not be bound in the
respective shares; there is mutual
ARTICLE 1215. Novation, compensation, same manner and by the same periods and
representation or agency. confusion or remission of the debt, made by any
(A) Each of the solidarity creditors of the solidary creditors or with any of the
may sue alone, and payment to the solidary debtors, shall extinguish the obligation, ARTICLE 1211. Solidarity may exist although the
suing creditor is sufficient to
discharge the entire obligation.
(B) Each of the solidary creditors may
do whatever may be useful to the
others, but not anything which may
be prejudicial to the latter

Each one of the solidary

without prejudice to the provisions of Article

The creditor who may have executed any of these

acts, as well as he who collects the debt, shall be
liable to the others for the share in the obligation
corresponding to them.
creditors and the debtors may not be bound in
the same manner and by the same periods and

EXAMPLE: X, Y, and Z are solidarily liable to J for

P30,000. X's liability matures in Year l, Y's in Year 2
and Z's in Year 3. Solidarity still exists in such a
scenario. In Year 1, J may sue X or Y or Z (because
creditors may do whatever may be useful to the (C) A solidary creditor cannot assign
others, but not anything which may be they are solidarily liable), but only for Pl0,000 (the
his rights without the consent of the
prejudicial to the latter. portion which matures in Year I ). In Year 2, J may sue
others. This is because active
X or Y or Z (because they are solidarily liable), but only
solidarity is essentially a mutual
for P20,000 (the portion which matures by Year 2).
(a) Thus, a solidary creditor agency, which involves a relation of
may interrupt confidence.
Extinguishment Of The Obligation
prescription or make a
the others for their with the principal debtor), an
A) In general, payment of the debt to one of corresponding share in the extension of time granted by the
the solidary creditors, or made by one of credit. creditor to the principal debtor
the solidary debtors, is sufficient to (b) As among the debtors, the (without consent of surety) will
extinguish the debt. debtor who caused the extinguish the liability of the surety.
extinguishment of the (Article 2079)
ARTICLE 1214. The debtor may pay any one of
the solidary creditors; but if any demand, judicial obligation is entitled to ○ But mere delay by the creditor in
or extrajudicial, has been made by one of them, recover from his collecting from the debtor is not an
payment should be made to him. co-debtors their shares in extension which will discharge the
whatever he may have paid surety (Article 2079)
ARTICLE 1217. Payment made by one of the or given up to extinguish
solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation. If
the obligation. Right of Debtor-Payor to Reimbursement

two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the
creditor may choose which offer to accept. ● He who made the payment may claim from
EXAMPLE: If X, Y and Z are solidarily liable to N for his co-debtors only the share which
P30,000, whose debt is extinguished by corresponds to each, with the interest for
● The paying debtor is generally
compensation with X's credit against N for the same the payment already made.
entitled to reimbursement of the
amount, then N is entitled to recover P10,000 each ○ If the payment is made before the
shares of his co-debtors.
from Y and Z as their share in the obligation. debt is due, no interest for the
● The collecting creditor is generally
● In case the remission was made after the intervening period may be
responsible to give to his
debt had already been totally paid, apply demanded.
co-creditors their corresponding
Article 1219. ○ When one of the solidary debtors
SI shares.
B) Novation, compensation, confusion or
remission of the debt, made by any of the
solidary creditors or with any of the
solidary debtors, shall extinguish the
● With such extinguishment, the
debtors are released from their
ARTICLE 1219. The remission made by the
creditor of the share which affects one of the
solidary debtors does not release the latter from
his responsibility towards the co-debtors, in case
the debt had been totally paid by anyone of them
before the remission was effected.

● Novation, generally, a mere extension of

cannot, because of his insolvency,
reimburse his share to the debtor
paying the obligation, such share
shall be borne by all his
co-debtors, proportion to the debt
of each.

EXAMPLE: X, Y and Z are solidarily liable to pay

obligation to the creditors.
time for payment given to some of the P45,000. X pays the entire debt, which is thus
solidary debtors does not constitute a extinguished. X can then recover P 15,000 from Y
(a) As among the creditors, the
novation which will extinguish the and P 15,000 from Z as their respective shares (1/3
creditor who may have
obligation or the solidarity of the obligation. each) in the debt. In case Z is insolvent his share
extinguished or collected
○ However, in case of suretyship shall be borne by X and Y: Y will therefore
the debt shall be liable to
(wherein the surety is solidarily liable reimburse P7,500 (in addition to his original share
of P15,000), while the other P7,500 will be a loss Enforcement against Solidary Debtors Remission Of Debt
shouldered by X. ● The creditor may proceed against any one Remission of a Share after Payment
of the solidary debtors or some or all of
ARTICLE 1219. The remission made by the
[NOTE]: That if the payor is merely a surety, he is them simultaneously. creditor of the share which affects one of the
not principally liable for the debt. Thus, he may solidary debtors does not release the latter from
ARTICLE 1216. The creditor may proceed against
generally recover from the principal debtors the any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of his responsibility towards the co-debtors, in case
entire payment he has made. them simultaneously. The demand made against the debt had been totally paid by anyone of them
● The debtor-payor is not entitled to one of them shall not be an obstacle to those before the remission was effected.
reimbursement from his co-debtors if his which may subsequently be directed against the ● The debtor whose share was "remitted"
payment is made after. the obligation has others, so long as the debt has not been fully must still pay his share to reimburse the
prescribed or become illegal. debtor-payor.
● The choice is left to the solidary creditor to

● Strictly speaking, there can be no
ARTICLE 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor
determine against whom he will enforce "remission" of a debt which had already
shall not entitle him to reimbursement from his
co-debtors if such payment is made after the collection been extinguished by payment
obligation has prescribed or become illegal. ○ The creditor may sue any of the
solidary co­ debtors; he need not Remission of the Entire Debt
implead all of them as they are not
○ The debtor-payor is also not ARTICLE 1220. The remission of the whole
indispensable parties.
entitled to reimbursement if he obligation, obtained by one of the solidary
○ The creditor may also choose to debtors, does not entitle him to reimbursement
pays a debt which had already been
collect only part of the debt from from his co-debtors.
extinguished (e.g., already paid or
some of the solidary debtors, and
○ In case of prescribed debt, the
debtor-payor cannot recover his
payment from the creditor under
the rules on natural obligations.
■ But in other cases where
the obligation to pay does
not exist, the debtor-payer
the remaining part from the other
solidary debtors.
■ Such course of action does
not convert the solidary
obligation into a joint one.
○ The demand made against one of
them shall not be an obstacle to
those which may subsequently be
● Because the debtor who obtained the
remission did not pay or lose anything.

Loss Or Impossibility Of Performance

ARTICLE 1221. If the thing has been lost or if the

prestation has become impossible without the
fault of the solidary debtors, the obligation shall
be extinguished.
may recover his payment
directed against the others, so long If there was fault on the part of any one of them,
from the creditor under the
as the debt has not been fully all shall be responsible to the creditor, for the
rules on quasi-contracts.
collected. price and the payment of damages and interest,
without prejudice to their action against the
guilty or negligent debtor.
○ Defenses which are derived from EXAMPLE: X, Y, and Z are solidarily liable to J for
If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or
the performance has become impossible after the nature of the obligation — these P30,000. X's liability matures in Year l, Y's in Year 2
one of the solidary debtors has incurred in delay are defenses which pertain to the and Z's in Year 3. Y was insane at the time the
through the judicial or extrajudicial demand validity or enforceability of the obligation was contracted.
upon him by the creditor, the provisions of the obligation → they are total defenses
preceding paragraph shall apply. → the debtor cannot be held liable ● If Y is sued, he can invoke his insanity and
at all be excused altogether → a defense personal
Without Fault or Delay ○ Defenses which are personal to to him, and a total defense
● If the thing has been lost or if the prestation him or pertain to his own share; ● If X is sued in Year 2, he can only be held
has become impossible without the fault of ■ Defenses which are liable for Pl0,000. As to the share of Y, X can
the solidary debtors, the obligation shall be personal to the defendant­ invoke Y's insanity → a defense personal to
debtor → such as minority, Y, and a partial defense

insanity or vitiated ● As to the share of, X can raise the defense
With Fault or Delay consent → are total that it has not yet become due → a defense
● If there was fault on part of any one of defenses. pertaining to Z's share, and a partial
them, all shall be responsible to the ■ Defenses which pertain to defense.
creditor, for the price & the payment of the share of the
damages and interest. defendant-debtor (e.g., that DIVISIBLE AND INDIVISIBLE OBLIGATIONS
○ But the faultless debtors may his share is not yet due or has.
recover against the guilty or already been extinguished) (1) INDIVISIBLE OBLIGATION
negligent debtor. are → partial defenses, i.e., ● An obligation is indivisible when it cannot
○ The same rule applies if the thing is
lost or the performance has
become impossible after one of the
solidary debtors has incurred in
delay through the judicial or
extrajudicial demand upon him by
the creditor, even if the loss or
impossibility was due to a

the defendant cannot be held
liable for the

shares of his co-debtors

Defenses which personally belong
corresponding to him, but he
can still be held liable for the

to the other debtors → or pertain to

their shares → these are partial
be validly performed in parts, whatever
may be the nature of the thing which is the
object thereof.
● An obligation is divisible when it can be
validly performed in parts.

Divisibility Of Obligation Vs Thing

fortuitous event. defenses, i.e., the defendant-debtor
cannot be held liable for the portions OBLIGATION THING
Defenses Of Solidary Debtors corresponding to the debtor with the
● A solidary debtor may, in actions filed by defense. Refers to the prestation, Refers to its
the creditor, avail himself of the following and not to the object capacity to be
thereof divided into parts
● The debtors who may have been ready to ● A penal clause is an accessory undertaking
Refers to its susceptibility without
of partial performance diminishing its fulfill their promises shall not contribute to of the debtor to assume greater
value the indemnity beyond the corresponding responsibility in case of breach.
disproportionately portion of the price of the thing or of the ● It has the dual FUNCTIONS of:
value of the service in which the obligation a) Providing for liquidated damages;
[NOTE]: An obligation may be considered consists. and
indivisible even when its object is divisible. For b) Strengthening the coercive force of
ARTICLE 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives
example, the obligation to pay insurance premium rise to indemnity for damages from the time the obligation by the threat of
is generally considered indivisible, even if the sum anyone of the debtors does not comply with his greater responsibility in case of
of money to be paid is divisible. undertaking. The debtors who may have been breach
ready to fulfill their promises shall not contribute ● It also serves the function of:
ARTICLE 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility of to the indemnity beyond the corresponding c) To punish to obligor

the things that are the object of obligations in portion of the price of the thing or of the value of
which there is only one debtor and only one the service in which the obligation consists.
creditor does not alter or modify the provisions EXAMPLE: A lease contract may provide that in
of Chapter 2 of this Title. case of breach, the lessee would forfeit his rental
EXAMPLE: A, B, and C are jointly liable to deliver a deposit, or should pay the rentals corresponding to
● The divisibility or indivisibility of the things laptop computer valued at P30,000 to X. The the remaining period of the lease. A stipulation for
that are the object of obligations in which delivery can only be done by all of the debtors. If C attorney's fees is also considered a penal clause.
there is only one debtor and only one cannot deliver, the obligation to deliver the laptop
creditor does not alter or modify the nature gives rise to an obligation to indemnify X for Principal & Accessory Obligations
or effects of the obligation. P30,000. A and B, who were ready to perform, can (1) Principal — can stand by itself, does not
Joint Indivisible Obligation
● A joint indivisible obligation is an obligation
of several debtors where each debtor is
liable only for his part but the obligation
cannot be validly performed in part.
○ Thus, it must be performed by all
of the debtors, and it can be
only be held liable for P l0,000 each.


ARTICLE 1226. In obligations with a penal

clause, the penalty shall substitute the indemnity
for damages and the payment of interests in case
of noncompliance, if there is no stipulation to the
contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if

depend its validity & existence upon
another obligation
(2) Accessory — attached to the principal

The penalty takes the place of indemnity

for damages and the payment of interest

Damages may still be recovered on top of

enforced only by proceeding the obligor refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty penalty:
against all of them. of fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation. a. When there is an express
● If any of the debtors does not comply with stipulation to that effect;
The penalty may be enforced only when it is
his undertaking, the joint indivisible b. When the obligor having failed to
demandable in accordance with the provisions of
obligation gives rise to indemnity for comply with the obligation also
this Code.
damages. refuses to pay the penalty, in
which case the creditor is entitled penalty and liquidated ARTICLE 1227. The debtor cannot exempt
to interest by way of damages; damages in terms of himself from the performance of the obligation
and their legal results. by paying the penalty, save in the case where this
● The penalty may be enforced right has been expressly reserved for him.
c. When the obligor is guilty of
only when it is demandable in Neither can the creditor demand the fulfillment
fraud in fulfillment of the
accordance with the provisions of the obligation and the satisfaction of the
obligation of the Civil Code. penalty at the same time, unless this right has
been clearly granted him. However, if after the
XPN Damages may still be demanded → in creditor has decided to require the fulfillment of
Effect Of Nullity addition to the penalty in the the obligation, the performance thereof should
ARTICLE 1230. The nullity of the penal clause following exceptional cases; become impossible without his fault, the penalty
does not carry with it that of the principal a) If there is stipulation for this; may be enforced.
obligation. b) If the obligor refuses to pay

the penalty; or ARTICLE 1228. Proof of actual damages suffered
The nullity of the principal obligation carries c) If the obligor is guilty of fraud by the creditor is not necessary in order that the
with it that of the penal clause. in the fulfillment of the penalty may be demanded.
● The nullity of the penal clause does not
carry with it that of the principal LIMITS (a) The debtor cannot exempt himself Reduction Of Penalty
obligation. from the performance of the ARTICLE 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce
○ But the nullity of the principal obligation by paying the penalty the penalty when the principal obligation has
● Except in case where this right been partly or irregularly complied with by the
obligation carries with it that of
has been expressly reserved debtor. Even if there has been no performance,
the penal clause.
for the debtor


SI ■ This is because the penal
clause is just an accessory

In obligations with a penal clause, the

penalty shall substitute the indemnity
for damages and the payment of
interests in case of noncompliance.
(b) The creditor cannot demand the
fulfillment of the obligation and the
satisfaction of the penalty at the same
● Except in case this right has
been clearly granted to the
● However, if after the creditor
has decided to require the
the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it
is iniquitous or unconscionable.

(a) Partial or Irregular Compliance

● The judge shall equitably reduce
the penalty when the principal
obligation has been partly or
irregularly complied with by the
● Proof of actual damages debtor.
fulfillment of the obligation,
suffered by the creditor is not the performance thereof (b) Iniquitous or Unconscionable Penalty
necessary in order that the should become impossible ● Even if there has been no performance, the
penalty may be demanded. without his fault, the penalty penalty may also be reduced by the courts
○ Thus, there is no may be enforced. if it is iniquitous or unconscionable.
difference between
○ The question of whether a penalty (4) Prescription PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE
is reasonable or iniquitous is
ARTICLE 1232. Payment means not only the
addressed to the sound discretion [NOTE]: For prescription, we have to point out that
delivery of money but also the performance, in
of the courts. it does not really extinguish the obligation, what it
any other manner, of an obligation.
● To be considered in fixing the amount of affects really is the right of action. It puts an end to
penalty are factors such as: the right of action.
a. The type, extent and purpose of the Definition & Concept Of Payment
penalty; Q: What happens to an obligation on account of ● It does not only mean the delivery of
b. The nature of the obligation; prescription if it does not extinguish? money, but also the performance, in any
c. The mode of the breach and its other manner, of an obligation.
consequences; A: It will be a natural obligation in which the
d. The supervening realities; and debtor may still perform. The only difference is that [NOTE]: We usually associate payment with money.

e. The standing and relationship of now that the obligation has already prescribed, the When we hear the word payment, what comes to
the parties debtor can no longer be compelled but he may our mind is that money is delivered. What force
still voluntarily perform the obligation because it delivering money is one way of performing an
EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATIONS is still an obligation, albeit, a natural one and a obligation and only if an obligation is a demandable
natural obligation is an obligation which is not sum of money.
ARTICLE 1231. Obligations are extinguished:
actionable in court.
(1) Payment or performance;
Payment however is not limited to extinguishment
(2) Loss of the thing due;
Other Causes Not Mention By Article 1231 of obligation payable in money. That is why we have
(3) Condonation or remission of the debt;
1) Death: extinguishes obligations which are to understand payment in a broader concept.
(4) Confusion or merger of the rights of
creditor and debtor;
(5) Compensation; and
(6) Novation
Other causes of extinguishment of obligations,
such as annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a
resolutory condition, and prescription, are
governed elsewhere in this Code.
purely personal (e.g. support, criminal
liability & civil obligation arising from crime)
2) Arrival of resolutory period;
3) Mutual desistance: since
agreement can create a contract, mutual
desistance by parties can cause its
4) Unilateral desistance: some contracts, such
Basically, when we speak of payment, we refer to
the performance in any other manner of the
obligation because we are not limited to the
delivery of money for purposes of performance of
the obligation. There are certain characteristics of
payment that must be complied with for payment to
be valid or in such a form or made in such a manner
as agency & partnership, may be that the creditor cannot refuse to accept the
Other Causes Of Extinguishment Which Are terminated by the will of 1 of the parties payment. This will become material when you are
Governed Elsewhere In The Civil Code effecting a consignation because the validity of the
(1) Annulment; consignation would generally depend on whether
(2) Rescission; or not you made a valid tender of payment and
(3) Fulfillment of resolutory condition; and making a valid tender of payment requires that
you must comply with the characteristics of Identity
If the creditor does not approve, then the
payment. ● For identity, the VERY THING or service court will resolve the issue between them.
due must be performed.
Requisites For The Payment To Extinguish The
Exceptions To Character Of Identity
Obligation If The Thing Due Is Generic In Character
a. Facultative Obligation
● Give something of the same kind or if the
b. Dacion En Pago
quality has been stipulated, of the same
ARTICLE 1233. A debt shall not be understood to
have been paid unless the thing or service in Facultative Obligation
which the obligation consists has been ● Only one prestation is due but the debtor is
[NOTE]: It will be a problem if the quality was not
completely delivered or rendered, as the case given a right to substitute another
stipulated upon, because the tendency is for the
may be. prestation for the one that is due.
creditor to expect something of superior quality

and the debtor would tend to deliver something of
Dacion En Pago
a. IDENTITY of the prestation: the very an inferior quality. Now, if you get to that point
● Would involve the substitution of a thing
thing due must be delivered or released then that means that there was no agreement at the
belonging to the debtor in lieu of the
b. INTEGRITY of the prestation: the time that the debtor try to make a delivery to the
money that is due to the creditor.
prestation must be fulfilled completely creditor because if you are dealing with a generic
● We have an obligation payable in money
c. PAYOR: payment must be made by the object and there is acceptance at the time of
but instead of paying money, what the
proper person delivery, we will have transformation. That will be
debtor does is that he delivers property
d. PAYEE: payment must be made to the the moment when generic obligation becomes
that he owns to the creditor.
proper person determinate because of the acceptance.
a. INTEGRITY means that payment must be
complete in order for it to be valid.
b. IDENTITY means that what must be
delivered is the thing due → if it is specific
and if it is a generic one, the creditor cannot
If we get to the point that there is already a
disagreement between the debtor and the creditor
regarding the party, then that’s the time you’ll go to
court and the court will sort it out for the parties.

GR Deliver of the same kind and if stipulated,

[NOTE]: For Dacion en Pago, you must remember
that this is but a form of novation. You are novating
what was originally an obligation payable in money
into a different kind of obligation.

GR The extinguishment would be only to the

extent of the value of the object given.
of the same quality
demand a thing which is of superior quality
& the debtor cannot deliver a thing of XPN Stipulation to the contrary meaning if the
XPN If the quality has not been stipulated, the
inferior quality parties have agreed that the delivery of
debtor may choose to deliver whatever he
the thing in lieu of money would bring
c. INDIVISIBILITY means that the payment wants, subject to the approval of the
about the extinguishment of the
must not be delivered partially. creditor.
When Is There A Waiver
Q: What happens if there if the obligation is not For example, if the thing has been delivered to the
ARTICLE 1235. When the obligee accepts the
payable in money? Can there be substitution of the performance, knowing its incompleteness or creditor’s house and was left there since the creditor
object of the obligation? irregularity, and without expressing any protest was not home, or the thing was accepted by a
or objection, the obligation is deemed fully member of his household without inspecting the
A: YES, and in that instance, there would be a complied with. same, then if the creditor later on complains after
proper case for novation. We said earlier that he is able to examine the same, it cannot be said
dacion en pago is but an example of novation. Requisites for Waiver that the incompleteness or irregularity has
already been waived since the creditor did not
(1) When the creditor has knowledge of the
Dacion En Pago V. Payment By Cessation have the opportunity—until that time—when he
irregularity or incompleteness of the
was finally able to open the package and examine
the same to determine whether or not there was

CESSATION (2) He however does not interpose any
completeness of performance.
There is transfer of There is transfer of objection to the same then that would be
ownership of the thing possession of the considered as waiver on his part.
As such, even if there is acceptance, it will not
from the debtor to the thing from the debtor automatically translate to a waiver unless the
creditor. to the creditor.
Incompleteness Or Irregularity opportunity to examine what was delivered is
Does not require Requires plurality of ● When we speak of incompleteness, this shown to have been present.
plurality of creditors. creditors. may refer to quantity or volume.
Substantial Performance
Debtor is not required to Debtor must be EXAMPLE: 500 sacks was supposed to be delivered

be insolvent.

a specific
property of the debtor

May totally extinguish

the obligation.

Involves the totality

of the properties of
the debtor.

Extinguish only up to
the net proceeds of
the sale of the thing.
and what was delivered was only 250 then is it

But let us say that the entire order was delivered but
the contents are not what was agreed upon, then
there is irregularity. It pertains to the quality or the
manner of the performance and both instances
would be violative of the characteristic of integrity
ARTICLE 1234. If the obligation has been
substantially performed in good faith, the obligor
may recover as though there had been a strict
and complete fulfillment, less damages suffered
by the obligee.

Requisites for Article 1234

1) The debtor must have tried to comply

of payment. with the obligation in good faith; and
Exceptions To Character Of Integrity
2) Any deviation from the tenor of the
● Substantial performance by the debtor; and
[NOTE]: If you are ascribing to the creditor the obligation must be slight, since the
● Waiver or estoppel on the part of the
accusation that he failed to object or protest, then provision contemplates substantial
you have to give or afford him the opportunity to do performance.
○ It may thus be said that they more sacks of rice to you, even though under the
● The deviation from the obligation must be apparently amount to the same terms of your agreement, he has not delivered the
slight, and the omission or defect must be thing. stipulated amount of sacks.
technical and unimportant, and must not ○ A violation of the characteristic of
pervade the whole or be so material that integrity would seem to be a Thus, in this case, there is no intention to deliver
the object which the parties intended to violation of the characteristic of the missing sacks of rice and as far as the debtor is
accomplish in a particular manner is not indivisibility given that both deal concerned, he is done with the performance of the
attained. with incomplete performance. obligation. What was violated thus is → the
● The non-performance of a material part of ● In other words, in cases of incomplete characteristic of integrity of payment.
a contract will prevent the performance performance, a question arises as to which
from amounting to substantial compliance. characteristic or requirement was In the second instance, if the creditor accepts the
violated—whether integrity or indivisibility. payment without objection or protest, then the

ARTICLE 1248. Unless there is an express
obligation is extinguished.
stipulation to that effect, the creditor cannot be
EXAMPLE: If 1 ordered 5 sacks of rice, and what
compelled partially to receive the prestations in
was delivered was only 3 1/2 sacks of rice – is this a However, in the 1st instance, if the creditor accepts
which the obligation consists. Neither may the
violation of integrity or indivisibility of payment? the partial performance as well as the debtor’s
debtor be required to make partial payments.
excuse, then the obligation is not extinguished
● However, when the debt is in part In the above-mentioned example, if there is a note because the creditor would still be entitled to the
liquidated and in part unliquidated, the from the debtor which reads “Pasensya na po, remaining undelivered sacks of rice.
creditor may demand and the debtor may ibabalik ko na lang po ‘yung isa’t kalahating sako sa
effect the payment of the former without susunod na linggo” then this tells us that insofar as Exceptions To Indivisibility
waiting for the liquidation of the latter.

● Indivisibility means the creditor cannot be
compelled to accept partial performance
and the debtor cannot be required to make
partial payments.
the debtor is concerned, he is also aware that he has
not yet completed the performance of the
obligation and he is in fact asking for more time.

Therefore, it is clear that this would be a case of a →

violation of indivisibility of payment because even
the debtor is aware and recognizes that he is not
done yet.
In these exceptions, the debtor is allowed to
perform the obligation in parts:
1) Express stipulation;
2) When the debt is in part liquidated and in
part unliquidated;
3) In solidary obligations where debtors are
not bound by the same terms and
Delineating Integrity & Indivisibility
4) In case of compensation of unequal
● There would seem to be an overlap However, if in the same example, there was no note
between integrity & indivisibility. from the debtor, but instead the creditor is being
5) In case there are several guarantors for
● Integrity also speaks of completeness of made to sign an acknowledgement receipt, then
the same obligation and they or one of
the performance, while indivisibility this means that insofar as the debtor is concerned,
them demands the benefit of division;
speaks of prohibiting partial performance. he is done—and he does not intend to deliver any
B. As To The Payee
XPN: Solidarity has been expressly stipulated or valid if he has kept the thing delivered, or insofar
as the payment has been beneficial to him. ● Payment to a person who is incapacitated to
is inherent in the nature of the obligation.
administer his property shall be valid if:
6) When the work is to be done by parts; Payment made to a third person shall also be (1) He has kept the thing delivered, or
7) When the debtor dies and he has several valid insofar as it has redounded to the benefit of (2) Insofar as the payment has been
the creditor. Such benefit to the creditor need not beneficial to him.
heirs and the obligation is divisible;
be proved in the following cases:
8) In joint obligations where each debtor is
bound to pay only his proportionate Payment Made to a Third Person
(1) If after the payment, the third person acquires
share. the creditor's rights; ● Payment made to a third person shall also
be valid insofar as it has redounded to the
(2) If the creditor ratifies the payment to the third benefit of the creditor. Such benefit to the
Q: Assume that the debtor dies and he has several person; creditor need not be proved in the following

heirs. How does this amount to an exception to the
characteristic of indivisibility? (3) If by the creditor's conduct, the debtor has
1) If after the payment, the third
been led to believe that the third person had
authority to receive the payment. (1163a) person acquires the creditor's
A: If the person dies, the obligations which he
leaves behind will be the joint liability of the heirs
Art. 1242. Payment made in good faith to any 2) If the creditor ratifies the payment
to the extent of the value of the inheritance (Article person in possession of the credit shall release to the third person;
774, NCC) Thus, the heirs are liable only for a the debtor. 3) If by the creditor's conduct, the
proportionate share of the obligation.
debtor has been led to believe that
Significance Of Capacity the third person had authority to
[NOTE]: The heirs will be joint debtors. Being joint
debtors, they are only liable for their respective
portions of the obligation.

Capacity Of Persons Making Or Receiving Payment

ARTICLE 1239. In obligations to give, payment

made by one who does not have the free disposal
of the thing due and capacity to alienate it shall
A. As To The Payor
● In obligations to do or not to do, capacity
would not be material because after
performance or forbearance, the obligation
is extinguished.
● In obligations to give, payment should be
made by the person who has the free
disposal of the thing.
receive the payment.

Q: What is the rule when it comes to contracts

entered into by incapacitated persons? How would
you compare the effect of incapacity to enter into a
contract with the effect of incapacity on the

not be valid, without prejudice to the provisions ○ Payment made by one who does not A: As earlier established, when the obligation
of article 1427 under the Title on “Natural have the free disposal of the thing consists of the delivery of the thing, the incapacity
Obligations.” due and capacity to alienate it shall of the payor would make the payment invalid
not be valid, without prejudice to because the payor would not be able to effect a
ARTICLE 1241. Payment to a person who is the provisions on natural transfer of the title due to his incapacity.
incapacitated to administer his property shall be
Similarly, if the payee is incapacitated, the invalid payment—depending on who is making the keeps the thing that was paid to him, or he is
payment would only be valid if: payment or who is receiving the payment between benefited.
1) He (payee) retains the same; or the two parties, one of whom happens to be
2) He is otherwise benefited by the payment. incapacitated. For both instances, the default rule is that payment
will be invalid.
Thus, in both instances (i.e., incapacity of the payor Incapacity Of A Party To Enter A Contract Vs. Effect
or the payee) the default rule would be that the Of Incapacity On The Payment Q: Do we have the same default outcome when it
payment would be invalid. ● Payment is different from the contract comes to the status of the contract that may have
itself. been entered into by incapacitated parties?
Q: Does the same default outcome (i.e., invalidity) ● Payment is the extinguishment of a
exist as to the status of the contract entered into by contract. A: NO. The effect in the contract entered into by
incapacitated parties? ○ We have well established that when incapacitated parties would render the contract

it comes to payment and the voidable.
A: The results are not the same with respect to the obligation consists of the delivery of
validity of the contract entered into by an a thing, the incapacity of the payor Q: In an obligation, who can make payment?
incapacitated party. If one of the parties to a will make the payment invalid. A:
contract are incapacitated, the contract is merely ○ Similarly, if you are dealing with an 1) Debtor
voidable, which is valid until annulled. incapacitated payee, the payment 2) Person interested in the performance of the
will only be valid if he retains the obligation;
If both parties are incapacitated, the contract is same or if he is otherwise 3) A person, although uninterested in the
unenforceable. benefited by the payment. performance of the obligation, who the
[NOTE]: Therefore, it is possible to have a voidable
contract on account of the minority or incapacity of
a party, which is valid until annulled, and then,
should there be any payment made by that
incapacitated party consisting of the delivery of the
thing due, or if any payment is made to that
incapacitated party consisting of the delivery of
Q: Do we have the same results when it comes to the
validity of the contract entered into by an
incapacitated party?

A: In payment, essentially, the rule is the payments

will be invalid if the payor is incapacitated & you
are dealing with payment consisting of the
parties have stipulated to be allowed to
make payment.

ARTICLE 1236. The creditor is not bound to

accept payment or performance by a third
person who has no interest in the fulfillment of
the obligation, unless there is a stipulation to the

something to him, then the default rule is that it delivery of something because he cannot transfer
Whoever pays for another may demand from the
would be an invalid payment. title due to his incapacity. The status of the
debtor what he has paid, except that if he paid
payment is invalid.
without the knowledge or against the will of the
In this sense, the contrast can be appreciated such
debtor, he can recover only insofar as the
that there is a voidable contract (i.e., valid until If, however, the payee is incapacitated, any
payment has been beneficial to the debtor.
annulled) and yet possibly, this would result in an payment to him would also be invalid, unless he
[NOTE]: If you go further down the provisions, you the reputation of the family, so the mother wants to to be done as well. Hence, it is more convenient for
will also discover that the creditor may also accept pay. However, the creditor does not want to accept you if you would just pay the creditor.
payment from just about any third person who payment from you because he wants that the person
does not fall under the list. How should we who will suffer the burden would be the debtor Q: Can you compel him to accept payment?
interpret this list, if for example, the creditor may itself.
expand the persons whom he may accept payments A: YES because a mortgage on your property makes
from? Q: Can the mother insist that her payment be you a person interested in the performance of the
accepted? obligation.
In reality, when we ask the question “who can make
payment?” what we are really asking is “who can A: No, because she may be interested in the Effect of Payment by a Third Person
compel the creditor to accept the payment?”because performance of the obligation for the sake of saving
the power lies with the creditor. the family’s reputation, or protecting her child, but Q: What would be the effect, however, if any of this

that is not the interest contemplated in the law absence of her debtor’s consent to the payment or his
If the creditor accepts payment, the obligation will which would cloth her with the power to compel objection to payment?
be extinguished, regardless of the intention or the creditor to accept her payment, because we are
disposition of the debtor, because when it comes to talking about economic or monetary interest. A:
payments received by the creditor from any other (1) If the third person pays with the
person, we do not even look at the consent of the Q: Who can be an example of a person interested in knowledge and consent of the debtor →
debtor. It does not matter to the validity of the the performance of an obligation? Who can compel there would be subrogation of the third
payment. the creditor to accept payment? person in the creditor’s right, both as to
the credit itself, as well as the accessory
These 3 on the list can compel the creditor to accept
their payment.

Q: When we say that a person interested in the

performance of the obligation may make payment,
what kind of interest are we speaking of?

A: Material or Economic interest.

A: A 3rd party mortgagor. Your property is
mortgaged to secure the obligation of the debtor. As
the owner of the mortgaged property, you are not a
party to the contract between the creditor and the
debtor. It is your property which is subject to the
levy created by the mortgage. You do not have
personal liability. But, if the debtor is not able to
pay, your property will be foreclosed, taken away
rights, such as mortgages and guaranties.
(2) If the third person pays without the
knowledge or consent of the creditor → the
third person can recover from the debtor
only to the extent that the debtor has been

from you, and sold to the highest bidder at a public
ARTICLE 1251. Payment shall be made in the
[NOTE]: It is not acceptable that the interest be auction. You can still recover it because there will place designated in the obligation.
familial or emotional. be a failure of redemption, and so on and so forth,
but it would be a hassle, because you will still There being no express stipulation and if the
EXAMPLE: You are a mother and you learned that proceed after another, and a lot of paper works need undertaking is to deliver a determinate thing, the
your child owes money, and you do not want to ruin payment shall be made wherever the thing might
Q: To whom must payment be made? Q: What are the instances when we do not need to
be at the moment the obligation was constituted.
A: prove that such benefit redounded to the creditor?
1) Person in whose favor the obligation has
In any other case the place of payment shall be
been constituted (original creditor); A: (SEE ENUMERATION ABOVE IN ARTICLE 1241)
the domicile of the debtor.
2) Successor-in-interest of the original
creditor; or
If the debtor changes his domicile in bad faith or ARTICLE 1242. Payment made in good faith to
3) Persons authorized to receive payment,
after he has incurred in delay, the additional any person in possession of the credit shall
whether authorized by the creditor or any
expenses shall be borne by him. release the debtor.
person authorized by law
These provisions are without prejudice to venue
[NOTE]: The law also says that payment may be [NOTE]: Another instance when payment may be
under the Rules of Court.
made to a 3rd person who may not fall under the list made to a third person is when the payment is
above-mentioned. made in good faith to a person who is in possession

Place Where Obligation Shall be Paid of the credit.
(a) Payment shall be made in the place But in cases payment is made to a 3rd person, there
designated in the obligation. should be a showing that there is benefit EXAMPLE UNDER 1242: When an instrument is
(b) If there is no express stipulation on the redounding to the creditor. payable to bearer and the holder is not entitled to
place, the following rules apply: the payment because there was no negotiation nor
● If the undertaking is to deliver a assignment in his favor but the payment was made
ARTICLE 1241. Payment to a person who is
determinate thing, the payment by the debtor in good faith because the latter was
incapacitated to administer his property shall be
shall be made wherever the thing not aware of the defect or flaw in the holder’s right
valid if he has kept the thing delivered, or insofar
might be at the moment the to demand payment, then it falls under Article 1242
as the payment has been beneficial to him.
obligation was constituted. & such payment releases the debtor from the
● In any other case, the place of obligation.
SI payment shall be the domicile of
the debtor.
○ If the debtor changes his
domicile in bad faith or
after he has incurred in
delay, the additional
expenses shall be borne by
Payment made to a third person shall also be
valid insofar as it has redounded to the benefit of
the creditor. Such benefit to the creditor need not
be proved in the following cases:

(1) If after the payment, the third person acquires

the creditor's rights;

(2) If the creditor ratifies the payment to the third

[NOTE]: If a person is in possession of a check or a
promissory note payable to bearer then he is
deemed to be in possession of the credit.

Q: If an obligation to give involves the payment of a

sum of money, how should this be discharged?

Proper Person To Whom Payment Should Be Made 1) The payment should be made in the
currency stipulated; otherwise, the
ARTICLE 1240. Payment shall be made to the (3) If by the creditor's conduct, the debtor has
creditor may validly refuse the tender of
person in whose favor the obligation has been been led to believe that the third person had
constituted, or his successor in interest, or any authority to receive the payment.
2) In the absence of such stipulation, or if it is
person authorized to receive it.
not possible to deliver the currency
stipulated, then the payment should be in
the currency which is legal tender in the Q: When can a check be impaired through the fault ● The rules on application of payments
Philippines; otherwise, the creditor may of the creditor? apply to a person owing several debts of
validly refuse the tender of payment. the same kind of a single creditor.
A: In cases of stale checks, when the creditor ● They are not applicable to a person whose
receives the check from the debtor but does not obligation as a mere surety is both
ARTICLE 1249. The payment of debts in money
deposit the same or encash the check 6 months contingent and singular; his liability is
shall be made in the currency stipulated, and if it
from the date of its encashment. When the checks confined to such obligation, and he is
is not possible to deliver such currency, then in
go stale, the payment is deemed effected due to entitled to have all payments made applied
the currency which is legal tender in the
the neglect by the creditor. exclusively to said obligation and to no
The delivery of promissory notes payable to SPECIAL FORMS OF PAYMENT
order, or bills of exchange or other mercantile EXAMPLE: In obligations payable in money, and the
documents shall produce the effect of payment Q: What are the special forms of payment? amount payable by the debtor is not sufficient to

only when they have been cashed, or when A: There are 3 special forms: cover all of it. Hence, you merely apply it as much
through the fault of the creditor they have been 1) Application of Payment; as the obligations that are due.
impaired. 2) Cession; and
3) Tender of payment & consignation However, should the debtor not specify which
In the meantime, the action derived from the obligations are being paid first, then the law has
original obligation shall be held in the abeyance. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS provided us with the set of rules to follow.
● One designates which obligation is to be
paid because the payment is not enough to Rules That Would Be Observed In Case Debtor Does
Q: Can you also pay using checks or other negotiable cover all obligations. Not Specify Which Obligations Are Being Paid First
instruments? ● Further, the obligations should be in favor
of the same creditor and of the same kind. 1) To apply it to the obligations that have
A: NO. Checks & other negotiable instruments are
not considered legal tender in the Philippines
unless they have been encashed.

Q: Can the creditor choose to accept such payment

consisting of the delivery of the check and other like

A: YES. If the creditor chooses to accept, but the

ARTICLE 1252. He who has various debts of the
same kind in favor of one and the same creditor,
may declare at the time of making the payment,
to which of them the same must be applied.
Unless the parties so stipulate, or when the
application of payment is made by the party for
whose benefit the term has been constituted,
application shall not be made as to debts which
become due.

The law says that unless the parties so

stipulate, or when the application of
payment is made by the party for whose
benefit the term has been constituted,
application shall not be made as to debts
which are not yet due

acceptance of the check would not produce the are not yet due. 2) For those payments that are made to
effect of payment. It will only produce the effect of obligations earning interest, apply the
payment when it is: If the debtor accepts from the creditor a receipt payment to the interest first before the
1) encashed; or in which an application of the payment is made, principal.
2) when through the acts of the creditor the the former cannot complain of the same, unless
check has been impaired there is a cause for invalidating the contract. If the debt produces interest, payment of
the principal shall not be deemed to have
been made until the interests have been (3) If the debtor accepts from the creditor a ➔ A debt incurred as a principal
covered. receipt in which an application of the is more onerous than a debt as
payment is made, the former cannot a mere surety or guarantor.
3) Should it not be possible to determine complain of the same, unless there is a cause ➔ An interest-bearing debt is
the order of payment in accordance with for invalidating the contract. more onerous than one without
the preceding rules, then apply it first to interest.
the more onerous obligations. The debtor is deemed to have waived his ➔ The older debt is more onerous
right to apply payments and acquiesced to than a more recent one (unless
the creditor's application. the more recent debt bears
Requisites of Application of Payments
interest, while the older one
(1) There must be 1 debtor & 1 creditor; (4) If the debt produces interest, payment of does not).
(2) There must be 2 or more debts; the principal shall not be deemed to have ➔ A secured debt is more onerous
(3) The debts must be of the same kind; been made until the interests have been than an unsecured debt.

(4) The debts to which payment made by the covered. (2) If the debts due are of the same nature
debtor has been applied must be due; and burden, the payment shall be
(5) The payment made must not be Thus, if the creditor agrees to apply a applied to all of them proportionately
sufficient to cover all the debts payment to the principal, it may be
assumed that the interest had already been
paid or waived. PAYMENT BY CESSION
GR Debtor’s right. The debtor who has various
debts of the same kind in favor of one and ARTICLE 1255. The debtor may cede or assign
In Default Of The Foregoing Rules
the same creditor may declare at the time of his property to his creditors in payment of his
making the payment, to which of them the ARTICLE 1253. If the debt produces interest, debts. This cession, unless there is stipulation to
payment must be applied. payment of the principal shall not be deemed the contrary, shall only release the debtor from

In other words, the right to specify which
among his various obligations to the same
creditor is to be satisfied first rests with the

(1) If the parties stipulate otherwise

(2) Application shall not be made as to debts

to have been made until the interests have been

● When the payment cannot be applied in

accordance with the preceding roles, or if
application can not be inferred from
other circumstances (e.g., if neither the
debtor nor the creditor makes the
responsibility for the net proceeds of the thing
assigned. The agreements which, on the effect of
the cession, are made between the debtor and his
creditors shall be governed by special laws.
● The debtor may cede or assign his property
to his creditors in payment of his debts.
○ This cession is voluntary on the
part of the debtor.
application), apply the following roles: ■ It is also subject to the
which are not yet due
acceptance by the
(1) The debt which is most onerous to the creditors.
Unless the application is made by the party
debtor, among those due, shall be ○ The creditors do not become
for whose benefit the term has been
deemed to have been satisfied. In owners of the property assigned
general: (unlike in dation in payment).
■ The creditors merely
Does not require Requires plurality of
become authorized to
plurality of creditors creditors (2) When he is incapacitated to receive the
convert the property into
payment at the time it is due;
cash, which will be used to Debtor is not required to Debtor must be insolvent
pay their credits. be insolvent (3) When, without just cause, he refuses to give a
○ Payment by cession contemplates
the existence of two or more Covers a specific Involves the totality of
creditors, and involves the property of the debtor the properties of the (4) When two or more persons claim the same
assignment of all the debtor's debtor right to collect;
May totally extinguish Extinguish only up to the (5) When the title of the obligation has been lost.
Q: Is payment by cession the same with dacion en
the obligation. net proceeds of the sale
of the thing. ARTICLE 1258. Consignation shall be made by

A: depositing the things due at the disposal of
In dacion en pago, judicial authority, before whom the tender of
Effect of Payment by Cession payment shall be proved, in a proper case, and
(a) the debtor is not insolvent. the announcement of the consignation in other
(b) The properties are given in lieu of payment ● This cession, unless there is stipulation to cases.
of money. the contrary, shall only release the debtor
(c) the properties are given in lieu of payment from responsibility for the net proceeds of The consignation having been made, the
of money. the thing assigned. interested parties shall also be notified thereof.
(d) there is transfer of ownership. ○ The agreements which, on the
Tender of Payment
effect of the cession, are made
In payment by cession, ● Tender of payment is the manifestation by
between the debtor and his
(1) The debtor must be insolvent
(2) The properties are ceded to the creditors
(3) The creditors do not acquire title over the
property but only the right to dispose of it
and apply the proceeds of the sale to the
obligation owed to them.

Dacion En Pago vs Payment By Cessation

creditors shall be governed by


ARTICLE 1256. If the creditor to whom tender of
payment has been made refuses without just
cause to accept it, the debtor shall be released
from responsibility by the consignation of the
the debtor of his desire to comply with
or to pay the obligation.
○ If the creditor to whom tender of
payment has been made refuses
without just cause to accept it, the
debtor shall be released from
responsibility by the consignation
of the thing or sum due.
● Tender of payment must be made in legal
DACION EN PAGO PAYMENT BY thing or sum due. tender to be valid.
CESSATION ○ However, payment in check may
Consignation alone shall produce the same effect be considered valid, if no prompt
There is transfer of There is transfer of in the following cases: objection to said form of payment
ownership of the thing possession of the thing is made.
from the debtor to the from the debtor to the (1) When the creditor is absent or unknown, or ■ A letter merely expressing
creditor. creditor. does not appear at the place of payment; intent to pay, but not
accompanied by payment,
is not equivalent to tender Q: How do you make a consignation? Q: When does it happen that we do not know who
of payment. the creditor is?
Consignation A: Make a tender of payment.
● Consignation is the act of depositing the A: Lotto winner.
thing due with the court or judicial If you proceeded right away to the consignation,
authorities whenever the creditor cannot then your petition for consignation will be After making a tender of payment, or should there
accept or refuses to accept payment. dismissed by the court. One of the things you need is no need to make a tender of payment, you can
○ If the tender of payment (which has to prove is that you made a valid tender of proceed to consignation.
been refused) ​is not followed by payment. Tender of payment is a must.
consignation, the debtor is not Q: Do you need to give notice to the creditor?
discharged from the obligation. There are, however, instances when there is no
need to effect a tender of payment, and instead A: YES. In order that the consignation of the thing

Tender Of Payment Must Be Distinguished From proceed right away to consignation. due may release the obligor, it must first be
Consignation announced to the persons interested in the
● Tender is the antecedent of consignation, Consignation Without Proper Tender fulfillment of the obligation.
that is, an act preparatory to the
GR Consignation must be preceded by tender
consignation, which is the principal act Q: Why do you have to announce to the creditor
of payment to discharge the obligation.
with results in the discharge of the that you intend to effect a consignation?
obligation. XPN However, in the following cases specified
● Tender of payment may be extrajudicial, by Article 1256, consignation alone shall A: To give the creditor the chance to accept the
while consignation is necessarily judicial. discharge the obligation: tender of payment made by the debtor. It will be in
a) When the creditor is absent or his interest to avoid litigation or having this offer to
unknown, or does not appear pay reach the court because all of the expenses that


The characteristics
of payment must be
present here, and if
the creditor refuses

An act of depositing to the

court the object of the
obligation, and then the
court will determine whether
the obligation
will be
at the place of payment;
b) When he is incapacitated to
receive the payment at the time
it is due;
c) When, without just cause, he
refuses to give a receipt;
d) When two or more persons
claim the same right to collect;
e) When the title of the obligation
may be incurred by the debtor would be charged to
him. That’s why he is given that opportunity. If he
still refuses, then the debtor may now file the

ARTICLE 1257. In order that the consignation of

the thing due may release the obligor, it must first
be announced to the persons interested in the
be proper. fulfillment of the obligation.
has been lost.
Act preparatory to Principal act which results in The consignation shall be ineffectual if it is not
the consignation the discharge of the made strictly in consonance with the provisions
When Two Or More Persons Claim The Same Right
obligation which regulate payment.
To Collect
May be extrajudicial Necessarily judicial ● The creditor died, and he was left with
ARTICLE 1259. The expenses of consignation,
several heirs.
when properly made, shall be charged against the ● Two notices are required: prior (3) It must be actually made
creditor. to and after the consignation.
The reason for the second notice
is to enable the creditor to ARTICLE 1260. Once the consignation has been
Requisites for Consignation to be Effective
withdraw the goods or money duly made, the debtor may ask the judge to order
deposited, to avoid risk of the cancellation of the obligation.
a) There was a debt due; deterioration, depreciation or
● Consignation is not necessary loss. Before the creditor has accepted the
where the payor seeks to exercise consignation, or before a judicial declaration that
a right, instead of performing an the consignation has been properly made, the
obligation. Tender of payment is Strict Compliance
debtor may withdraw the thing or the sum
sufficient for such exercise of ● The foregoing requisites and mandatory
deposited, allowing the obligation to remain in
right. and must be strictly complied with.

b) The consignation of the obligation had
been made because the creditor to Ineffectual Consignation
whom tender of payment was made ● The consignation shall be ineffectual Effect Of Consignation
refused to accept it without just cause, (a) if there is failure in any of the Cancellation or Discharge of the Obligation
or because of any of the grounds in Art. foregoing requisites; or ● Once the consignation has been duly
1256 which dispenses with the need for (b) if the consignation is not made made, the debtor may ask the judge to
tender of payment; strictly in consonance with the order the cancellation of the obligation.
● If the creditor justly refused to provisions which regulate payment.
accept the. payment because it
Applicability ● The expenses of consignation, when
was not in legal tender,
● The foregoing requisites do not strictly properly made, shall be charged against
consignation is not proper.
c) Previous notice of the consignation had
been given to the person interested in
the performance of the obligation;
● This is to give the creditor an
opportunity to reconsider his
unjustified refusal and to accept
payment thereby avoiding
consignation and the subsequent
apply to debts pursuant to a judgment. In
such a case, if the judgment creditor
refuses to accept the payment of the
amount due on the judgment, the court
may direct the money to be paid in court
and when this is done, order satisfaction
of the judgment to be entered.

Requirements for Valid Tender

the creditor.

ARTICLE 1261. If, the consignation having been

made, the creditor should authorize the debtor to
withdraw the same, he shall lose every
preference which he may have over the thing.
The co-debtors, guarantors and sureties shall be

d) The amount due was placed at the (1) Tender of payment must comply with the Withdrawal
disposal of the court; and rules of payment, or with the terms ● Before the creditor has accepted the
e) After the consignation had been made, required by the contract in making such consignation, or before a judicial
the person interested was notified tender; declaration that the consignation has
thereof. (2) It must be unconditional and for the been properly made — the debtor may
whole amount;
withdraw the thing or the sum deposited, that which occurred after the Q: What are the instances/exceptions where the
allowing the obligation to remain in force. creation of the obligation. debtor may still be made liable for loss of the thing
○ At this point, the debtor is still the ○ If the impossibility existed at the due even though he may not be at fault?
owner of the property deposited time of the creation of the
and may thus withdraw it. obligation, it is void ab initio. A:
■ It has been held, however, Partial Loss (1) When the debtor is in delay;
that when all the requisites ● If the Loss is partial, the courts shall (2) When there is a law providing so;
for consignation are determine whether, under the (3) Stipulation;
complied with, the circumstances, the partial loss is so (4) When the obligation requires the
property deposited important as to extinguish the obligation. assumption of risk;
becomes for the account of (5) When the obligation arises from the
the creditor, who must bear commission of a criminal offense;
ARTICLE 1264. The courts shall determine
the risk of loss, even before
whether, under the circumstances, the partial

the actual approval of the Unless the loss takes place after the debtor offers to
loss of the object of the obligation is so important
court or acceptance by the deliver the thing due to the creditor and the creditor
as to extinguish the obligation.
creditor. refuses to accept the thing without any just cause.
○ After the creditor has already
accepted the consignation, or after Loss Through Fortuitous Event Q: Do we look into the extent of the loss for us to
the court has already declared that ● The extinguishment of an obligation which determine whether or not the obligation has been
consignation is proper, the debtor has become impossible to perform follows extinguished?
may withdraw the thing or sum from the principle that no person shall be
deposited only if the creditor liable for fortuitous events, or those which A: YES. It must be a total loss to bring about the
consents. could not be foreseen, or which, though extinguishment of the obligation.
○ If the creditor should consent or foreseen, were inevitable.
SI authorize the withdrawal -
(a) The creditor shall lose
every preference which he
may have over the thing.
(b) The co-debtors, guarantors


and sureties shall be
Q: What is the effect of loss on an obligation?

For obligations to give a specific thing: Loss
extinguishes the obligation provided the debtor
was not at fault and before he has incurred delay.

For obligations to give a generic thing: Loss does not

If it is a partial loss, then the court will have to
determine, under the circumstances, the partial
loss would be a total loss and bring about the
extinguishment of the obligation.

Q: Supposing it has been established that the debtor

is not at fault, but it is also determined that the loss
is due or is attributable to the fault of a 3rd person,
what will happen?
extinguish the obligation because genus never
Concept Of Loss perishes. A: If the thing is lost due to the fault of a third
● Broadly speaking, loss refers to the person, the obligation of the debtor would be
impossibility of performance of the In Obligations To Give Determinate Thing extinguished, but the creditor would have a right of
prestation. action against the third person who has been
○ The impossibility which determined to be at fault.
extinguishes obligation refers to
Q: We said that loss would extinguish an obligation nonetheless limited, not just to the source, but as to A: There is also the concept of loss in case of
to give if the prestation involves the delivery of a the time of their existence: crops this summer. obligations to do; only, when it comes to obligations
determinate thing. What happens if what we have is to do, we speak of impossibility of performance.
an obligation to give a generic object? Q: Does the law create any presumption when it
comes to fault on the part of the debtor? We do not speak of loss because the prestation
A: The obligation would not be extinguished. cannot be affected by loss, but it can be affected by
A: Yes. impossibility.
ARTICLE 1263. In an obligation to deliver a
generic thing, the loss or destruction of anything ARTICLE 1265. Whenever the thing is lost in the
of the same kind does not extinguish the possession of the debtor, it shall be presumed ARTICLE 1266. The debtor in obligations to do
obligation. that the loss was due to his fault, unless there is shall also be released when the prestation
proof to the contrary, and without prejudice to becomes legally or physically impossible without
the provisions of article 1165. This presumption the fault of the obligor.

Delimited Generic Obligations
does not apply in case of earthquake, flood, storm
● These obligations consist of things the
or other natural calamity.
sources of which are limited by stipulations 1) Physical impossibility arises when the
of the parties. prestation, by its nature, cannot be
● The object is generic, but it comes from a Creditor’s Remedy accomplished or performed.
specific source. ● Impossibility refers to the nature of
ARTICLE 1269. The obligation having been
the thing to be done, and not to the
extinguished by the loss of the thing, the creditor
Q: What would happen if there is loss in a delimited inability of the obligor to do it. If
shall have all the rights of action which the
generic obligation? others can perform the prestation,
debtor may have against third persons by reason
it is not impossible.
of the loss.
A: The loss of the source would render the
obligation extinguished.

[NOTE]: When it comes to delimited generic

obligations, if the loss includes the things covered
by the genus as delimited, then the obligation would
be extinguished. It does not have to be the source
which is lost. It is enough that the things belonging
to the genus as limited are lost for the obligation to
be extinguished.
● Under this provision, the creditor may seek
recourse to the insurance indemnity for the
thing lost.

Effect In Reciprocal Obligations

● In reciprocal obligations, the release of
the debtor due to loss or impossibility
also releases the creditor from the
counter­ prestation, because each
2) Legal impossibility arises when the
prestation becomes illegal or prohibited
by law.

Q: In the context of extinguishing the obligation,

when should the impossibility of performance take

A: An obligation to do is extinguished if the

obligation depends on the other. prestation becomes impossible at the time of
EXAMPLE: If what was agreed upon was for A to performance of the obligation.
deliver to B the crops produced by her land this In Obligations To Do
summer, but these crops were lost due to a fire. That [NOTE]: It must be as an incident of performance. It
could be enough to extinguish A’s obligation to B. Q: Does loss also affect an obligation to do? cannot be at the time of the constitution of the
Even though the prestation is generic, it was obligation.
Q: What happens if the impossibility takes place at "poor financial condition" do not warrant application CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF THE DEBT
the constitution of the obligation? of Art. 1267.
ARTICLE 1270. Condonation or remission is
A: There is no valid obligation to speak of because If performance has become impossible altogether, essentially gratuitous, and requires the
there would not be a valid prestation, which is a Article 1266 should be applied. acceptance by the obligor. It may be made
requisite of a valid obligation. If the prestation is
expressly or impliedly.
physically or legally impossible at the time of the Q: When do we apply this provision?
constitution of the obligation, then the obligation
One and the other kind shall be subject to the
would be a nullity as well. A: In certain exceptional circumstances. rules which govern inofficious donations.
Express condonation shall, furthermore, comply
Rebus Sic Stantibus Or Extreme Difficulty Due To Q: How do we gauge what is exceptional? What is with the forms of donation.
Unforeseen Events our baseline? If we’re speaking of difficulty that is
manifestly beyond what the parties contemplated, ● The donor could not donate beyond the

where are we starting off from? free portion of his property otherwise the
ARTICLE 1267. When the service has become so
donation would be inofficious for
difficult as to be manifestly beyond the
A: The parties to the contract must be presumed to infringing on the legitimes of the
contemplation of the parties, the obligor may
have assumed the risk of unfavorable compulsory heirs.
also be released therefrom, in whole or in part.
developments. We start from 0, and Article 1267 ● Condonation or remission is an act of
● Art. 1267 is said to be based on the principle should not be applied in cases where there are only liberality whereby the creditor, without
of rebus sic stantibus, under which the minimal difficulties. receiving any equivalent, renounces the
parties are considered to have stipulated in enforcement of the obligation, which is
the light of certain prevailing conditions, Q: Why do you say that we only apply this to accordingly extinguished in its entirety
and once these conditions cease to exist, obligation to do? or in that part remitted.
the contract also ceases to exist.
○ However, Article 1267 is not an
absolute application of the
principle of rebus sic stantibus,
which would endanger the security
of contractual relations.
○ The parties to the contract must be
presumed to have assumed the
of unfavorable
A: This is only applied to obligations to do since it is
obligations to do that speaks of service; and the
subject of the provision of Article 1267 of the Civil
Code pertains to service which may become
difficult because of the manifest difficulty of what
has been contemplated by the parties.

[NOTE]: It has been settled by the Supreme Court

Q: Condonation basically is what?

A: It is a donation. This is a waiver that is executed

by the creditor in favor of the debtor. The Civil
Code provides that the condonation or remission is
essentially gratuitous, and it requires the
acceptance of the obligor. Thus, this form is
treated as a form of donation.
that Article 1267 would apply to obligations to do
○ It is therefore only in absolutely Characteristic:
because the provision speaks of service. We do not
exceptional changes of ● Condonation or remission is essentially
apply this to obligations to give, such as the
circumstances that equity demands gratuitous, and requires the acceptance by
obligation of the lessee to pay the lessor because
assistance for the debtor. the obligor.
payment is an obligation to give.
[NOTE]: An abrupt change in the political climate of ● It is an essential characteristic of
the county after the EDSA Revolution & the debtor's remission that it be gratuitous, that there
is no equivalent received for the benefit
given; once such equivalent exists, the ● The renunciation of the principal debt Implied Condonation
nature of the act changes. shall extinguish the accessory ● The Civil Code provides two instances
➔ It may become dation in payment obligations. where condonation is implied:
when the creditor receives a thing ○ But the waiver of the accessory (1) The delivery of private document
different from that stipulated; or obligation shall leave the evidencing a credit, made
➔ It may become a novation, when principal obligation in force. voluntarily by the creditor to the
the object or principal conditions of ○ Thus, the accessory obligation of debtor, implies the renunciation of
the obligation should be changed; pledge may be waived without the action which the former had
or affecting the principal debt against the latter.
➔ It may become a compromise, previously secured by the pledge. ■ Whenever the private
when the matter renounced is in document in which the
ARTICLE 1274. It is presumed that the accessory
litigation or dispute and in debt appears is found in
obligation of pledge has been remitted when the
exchange of some concession the possession of the
thing pledged, after its delivery to the creditor, is

which the creditor receives debtor, it shall be
found in the possession of the debtor, or of a
presumed that the creditor
third person who owns the thing.
Governing Rules delivered it voluntarily,
● Condonation is essentially a donation of unless the contrary is
the credit to the debtor, and is thus Express Condonation provided.
subject to the rule on donations with ■ The waiver may be
ARTICLE 1271. The delivery of a private
respectto acceptance, amount, and nullified if inofficious, but
document evidencing a credit, made voluntarily
revocation: the debtor and his heirs
by the creditor to the debtor, implies the
○ Condonation must be accepted by may uphold it if they can
renunciation of the action which the former had
the debtor. prove that the delivery of
against the latter.
○ If the debtor refuses to accept the the document was made in
SI condonation, but the creditor still
does not enforce the debt, the debt
may eventually be extinguished
by prescription.
● The condonation is subject to the rule on
inofficious donations, i.e., the amount
condoned cannot be more than what the
creditor may give by will.
If in order to nullify this waiver it should be
claimed to be inofficious, the debtor and his heirs
may uphold it by proving that the delivery of the
document was made in virtue of payment of the

ARTICLE 1272. Whenever the private document

in which the debt appears is found in the
virtue of payment of the
(2) An implied condonation may also
result from the presumption that
the accessory obligation of pledge
has been remitted when the thing
pledged, after its delivery to the
creditor, is found in the possession
of the debtor, or of a third person
possession of the debtor, it shall be presumed
that the creditor delivered it voluntarily, unless who owns the thing.
Effect On Accessory Obligation the contrary is proved. ■ However, being a mere
presumption, it may be
ARTICLE 1273. The renunciation of the principal
● Express condonation shall comply with the overcome by proof that no
debt shall extinguish the accessory obligations;
forms of donation. condonation was intended.
but the waiver of the latter shall leave the former
● If the condonation is made mortis causa,
in force.
the forms of a will must be followed.
Instances Of Implied Condonation EXAMPLE: when the mortgagee acquires the guarantors does not extinguish
● If in order to nullify this waiver it should be mortgaged property, the mortgage obligation is the obligation.
claimed to be inofficious, the debtor and his extinguished (but not necessarily the principal
heirs may uphold it by proving that the obligation secured by the mortgage). EXAMPLE: X is indebted to Y, which debt is
delivery of the document was made in guaranteed by J. If X's debt to Y is extinguished
virtue of payment of the debt. Q: When do we have confusion or merger? due to merger, J's obligation as guarantor (which is
merely accessory) is also extinguished. But if J
[NOTE]: The heirs of the donor may still question A: There is confusion or merger of rights as long acquires Y's credit thereby extinguishing J's
the inofficiousness of the donation. as the crucial element is present, which is there obligation as guarantor, this does not affect X's
must be a meeting in one person of the character obligation. J can still collect from x.
However, the debtor and his heirs may prove that of a debtor and creditor. ● Confusion does not extinguish a joint
the delivery was made in virtue of payment of the obligation except as regards the share
debt. Q: This leads to the extinguishment of the corresponding to the creditor or debtor in

obligation because? I am interested in why whom the two characters concur.
Accessory Obligation confusion or merger will lead to the ● If the obligation is solidary, it may be
● If the creditor only returned the security extinguishment of the obligation. What would be extinguished by the confusion or merger
given, it will not extinguish the obligation. the very simple principle that would serve as a between any of the creditors with any of
What will be extinguished is the accessory reason for the extinguishment? the debtors.
A: In obligations, one cannot be the creditor & Q: What about joint obligations?
debtor at the same time.
NOTE: You cannot both be the creditor and
debtor. You cannot be your own debtor. You ARTICLE 1277. Confusion does not extinguish a
Concept Of Confusion Or Merger Of Rights
ARTICLE 1275. The obligation is extinguished
from the time the characters of creditor and
debtor are merged in the same person.
● Confusion or merger usually takes place
when the debtor acquires the credit.

EXAMPLE: X borrowed P10,000 from his father,

who subsequently died and left X as his sole heir.
cannot be your own creditor. That is why the
obligation will be extinguished.

Effect And Extent

ARTICLE 1276. Merger which takes place in the
person of the principal debtor or creditor
benefits the guarantors. Confusion which takes
place in the person of any of the latter does not
extinguish the obligation.
joint obligation except as regards the share
corresponding to the creditor or debtor in whom
the two characters concur.

[NOTE]: There can be extinguishment insofar as the

portion pertaining to the joint debtor who has
become a creditor in the same transaction but only
to the extent that their personalities will be
X thus succeeded to his father's credit of Pl0,000
against X. Thus, as far as the Pl 0,000 credit is ● Confusion or merger which takes place in ILLUSTRATION: For example, A and B are the
concerned, the characters of creditor and debtor the person of the principal debtor or debtors. They issued a promissory note payable to C
have become merged in the person of X. creditor benefits the guarantors. and D or bearer. C and D then endorsed it back to B
○ But merger which takes place in who is also a debtor. Considering that the
Confusion or merger may also take place when the the person of any of the promissory note is payable to bearer, there is
creditor acquires an encumbered property. already a merger of rights between the creditor and
debtor in the person of B. In this case, the right and as principals, are reciprocally ○ If one of the parties to a suit over
obligation is considered partly extinguished insofar debtors and creditors of each other. an obligation has a claim for
as the portion pertaining to B. However, the damages against the other, the
obligation still subsists insofar as the liability of A is Kinds Of Compensation former may set it off by proving
concerned. So A is still required to comply with the his right to said damages and the
obligation. A. According to Extent amount thereof. (Art. 1283)
ARTICLE 1281. Compensation may be total or
Q: What happens if the obligation is solidary in Legal Compensation
partial. When the two debts are of the same
amount, there is a total compensation.
Concept Of Legal Compensation
A: The obligation shall be considered as ● TOTAL: when the two debts are of the same ● Legal compensation takes place by
extinguished. amount, in which case both debts are operation of law (ipso Jure) when all the
totally extinguished. requisites are present.

ILLUSTRATION: For instance, A, B and C were the ● PARTIAL: when the two debts are not of ○ It occurs even without the
ones who issued the promissory note. They the same amount, in which case the debts awareness of the parties, or even
delivered to D being the payee. The promissory note are extinguished only to the concurrent against their will or without their
is payable to the bearer. In the course of the amount. consent. Its effects arise at the
negotiation, the same promissory note found its B. According to Cause moment when all the requisites
way back to A. So A is now both the creditor and concur.
● LEGAL: takes place by operation of law
debtor. Since there is a solidary obligation, the
when all the requisites.are present. (infra)
obligation is extinguished. BUT it must be noted Requisites Of Legal Compensation
● CONVENTIONAL: takes place when the
that there is a necessity for reimbursement, such
parties agree to compensate their mutual ARTICLE 1279. In order that compensation may
that B and C must pay A their share in the
obligations even in the absence of some be proper, it is necessary:
[NOTE]: In this example, we only have one creditor,
D. We did not have an added complication of having
D and another person and having the promissory
note payable to bearer as well.

○ In certain cases, compensation
may be claimed by only one of the
parties, by waiving his right to
object to it. This is called
facultative compensation.

EXAMPLE: if X's debt to Y is ·pure, while Y's debt

to X is with a term for Y's benefit and has not yet
(1) That each one of the obligors be bound
principally, and that he be at the same time a
principal creditor of the other;

(2) That both debts consist in a sum of money, or

if the things due are consumable, they be of the
same kind, and also of the same quality if the
latter has been stated;
ARTICLE 1278. Compensation shall take place become due, Y may object to the compensation,
when two persons, in their own right, are but Y may also choose to waive the term and claim (3) That the two debts be due;
creditors and debtors of each other. compensation.
● Compensation (or offsetting) is a mode of (4) That they be liquidated and demandable;
● JUDICIAL - compensation decreed by a
extinguishing (to the concurrent amount) the
court in a case where the defendant has (5) That over neither of them there be any
obligations of persons who, in their own
counterclaims against the plaintiff. retention or controversy, commenced by third
persons and communicated in due time to the be offset with the latter's share has not yet.happened, and it is not
debtor. of stock. Taxes cannot be unenforceable.
compensated with the taxpayer's
claim against the Government, [NOTE]: However, when one or both debts are
[NOTE]: There is another requisite: The
because taxes are not "debts" rescissib/e or voidable, they may be
compensation must not be prohibited by law,
and · the Government and the compensated against each other before they are
because there are obligations which cannot be
taxpayer cannot be considered judicially rescinded or avoided. (Art. 1284) They
subject to compensation.
creditor and debtor to each are considered valid until annulled or
other. rescinded.
ARTICLE 1290. When all the requisites ● Legal compensation is possible even
mentioned in Article 1279 are present, 2) That both debts consist in a sum of though the debts may be payable at
compensation takes effect by operation of law, money, or if the things due are different places, but there shall be an
and extinguishes both debts to the concurrent consumable, they be of the same kind, · indemnity for expenses of exchange or

amount, even though the creditors and debtors and also of the same quality if the latter transportation to the place of payment.
are not aware of the compensation. has been stated;
● Compensation is also possible for 5) That over neither of them there be any
fungible things (not necessarily retention or controversy, commenced
Requisites for Proper Legal Compensation
consumable) because, by their very by third persons and communicated
nature, fungible things may be in due time to the debtor.
1) That each one of the obligors be bound substituted for each other.'78 .
principally, and that he be at the same
time a principal creditor of the other; 3) That the two debts be due; EXAMPLE: When a credit is garnished by court
● The parties must be mutually debtors (execution or attachment).
and creditors in their own right and as
○ Thus, X corporation's debt to Y
cannot be offset with Y's debt to
a stockholder of X, because the
corporation is distinct from its
○ Also, the debt of partnership
ABC to X cannot be offset with
4) That they be liquidated and demandable;
● "Liquidated" means that the existence
and amount of the debt are
determined, as opposed
"unliquidated" claims (such as damages)
which are still disputed and whose
amount is not yet determined.
Compensation cannot extend to
unliquidated, disputed claims existing
Who May Invoke

Q: Would there be an exemption to this rule?

A: The guarantors may also set up compensation as

regards what the creditor may owe the principal

X's debt to B (a partner in A from breach of contract. ARTICLE 1280. Notwithstanding the provisions
share of stock is not a credit ● "Demandable" means that the debt is of the preceding article, the guarantor may set up
against the corporation, and legally enforceable, i.e., it is a civil (and compensation as regards what the creditor may
stockholders, as such, are not not natural obligation), it has not yet owe the principal debtor.
creditors of the corporation. prescribed, it is not subject to a
Thus, a corporation's credit suspensive period or condition which
against its stockholder cannot
● Generally, compensation may be invoked He may say “Okay, I would no longer insist to wait for
proper when one of the debts arises from a
or claimed by the principal debtor (who is the period or would no longer insist that the condition
depositum or from the obligations of a depositary
also at the same time a principal creditor). be fulfilled so that we can treat both obligations as
or of a bailee in commodatum.
○ However, the guarantor may also pure and therefore, due and demandable.” They
set up compensation as regards can now effect the compensation.
Neither can compensation be set up against a
what the creditor may owe the
creditor who has a claim for support due by
principal debtor. Requisites Of Conventional Compensation
gratuitous title, without prejudice to the
○ That is, the guarantor may invoke
provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 301. Conventional compensation is possible only
any available compensation
when the parties are mutual creditors and
between the principals, and thus
debtors of each other.
benefit from the extinguishment of ARTICLE 1288. Neither shall there be
the principal obligation which compensation if one of the debts consists in civil Aside from this, the requirements of
results from such compensation. liability arising from a penal offense. conventional compensation are:

GR Compensation may be invoked or claimed
a. That each of the parties can dispose of
by the principal debtor (who is also at the Q: The law says that compensation will not be the credit he seeks to compensate, and
same time a principal creditor). proper when one of the debts arises from a b. That they agree to the mutual
depositum. Does this refer to bank deposits? extinguishment of their credits.
XPN The guarantor may also set up
compensation as regards what the creditor
A: No, because the nature of bank deposits is not
may owe the principal debtor. Limitations On Conventional Compensation
based on the contract of deposit but on simple
[NOTE]: We are allowing the guarantor to do this The following debts cannot be compensated-
because this is a defense available to the debtor and Conventional Compensation

whatever reduces the obligation of the debtor also
reduces the exposure of the guarantor.

Q: What obligations may not be subject to


(1) Obligation
arose from deposit or

(2) Obligation arising from support due by

● Conventional (or voluntary) compensation
is compensation by agreement; it takes
place when the parties agree to
compensate their mutual obligations even
in the absence of some requisites.
○ Thus, the parties may agree upon
the compensation of debts which
are not yet due.
1) Debts arising from a contract of depositum;
2) Debts arising from a contract of
● Both depositurn and commodatum
are based on the trust and
confidence of the depositor or
bailor that the thing deposited or
lent will be returned.
● The prohibition is against the
gratuitous title; [NOTE]: It may be that one of the obligations is not depositary and the borrower, in
(3) Once of the debts consists in civil liability yet due and demandable. It may also be that the favor of the depositor and bailor.
arising from a penal offense; and obligation is subject to a period or subject to a The depositor and bailor may
(4) Taxes against the government. condition, but the person supposedly benefitted by choose to waive the benefit and set
the period or condition may ought to waive it. up compensation (facultative).
● Note that bank deposits (whether
ARTICLE 1287. Compensation shall not be fixed, savings or current deposits)
are considered simple loans (Art. defendant and the defendant set up a counterclaim a) If compensation has already taken place
1980), and are therefore subject to because the plaintiff has a standing loan against the before the assignment — the obligation is
compensation or · set-off against defendant. deemed extinguished by operation of law,
the depositor's obligations to the and the debtor is thus discharged of
bank. REMEMBER: Legal compensation will take place liability by invoking the compensation.
Claims Or Support Due By Gratuitous Title automatically as a matter of law. The parties may
● Allowing compensation may defeat the not even be aware that it has already taken place EXCEPTION: if the debtor consented to the
purpose of support, which is to maintain because once all the requisites are present, legal assignment, this is considered a waiver of the
the person to be supported and answer compensation takes place. compensation.
his needs. It may also defeat the In assignment of credit, the notice to the debtor is
exemption of support from attachment important because the receipt of the notice would b) If compensation has not yet taken place
and execution. cut off entitlement to claim compensation. There before the assignment (because, e.g., the
● Support in arrears may be subject to would be a demarcation line. debts are not yet mature or liquidated) —

because the need for the same has already ● If the debtor consented — he
passed. Assignment Of Credit cannot set up against the assignee
● Debts consisting of civil liability arising ARTICLE 1285. The debtor who has consented to the compensation which would
from a penal offense. the assignment of rights made by a creditor in pertain to him against the
○ The prohibition is against the favor of a third person, cannot set up against the assignor.
offender, in favor of the offended assignee the compensation which would pertain ○ Unless the assignor was
party. The offended party may to him against the assignor, unless the assignor notified by the debtor at
choose to waive the benefit and was notified by the debtor at the time he gave his the time he gave his
set up compensation (facultative). consent, that he reserved his right to the consent, that he reserved
● Obligation to pay taxes to the government. compensation. his right to the
Taxes are not "debts", and are not subject compensation.
to compensation as a matter of public

Judicial Compensation

Q: When do we have Judicial Compensation?

ARTICLE 1283. If one of the parties to a suit over
If the creditor communicated the cession to him
but the debtor did not consent thereto, the latter
may set up the compensation of debts previous to
the cession, but not of subsequent ones.

If the assignment is made without the knowledge

of the debtor, he may set up the compensation of
all credits prior to the same and also later ones
until he had knowledge of the assignment.
● If the debtor was informed of the
assignment, but did not consent
thereto - he may set up the
compensation of debts before the
assignment, but not of subsequent
● If the debtor was not informed of
the assignment - he may set up the
compensation of all credits prior to
the assignment and also later ones
an obligation has a claim for damages against the
Debtor’s Rights When Creditor Assigned His Credit until he had knowledge of the
other, the former may set it off by proving his
To A Third Party assignment.
right to said damages and the amount thereof.
● In case the creditor assigned his credit to a NOTE: The reason for the foregoing rules is to
EXAMPLE: When a complaint or an action for third party, who then attempts to enforce protect a party from being fraudulently deprived of
collection of sum of money is filed against the it, the debtor has the following rights: the benefits of compensation.
due are of the same nature and burden, the terminated by the creation of a new one that
Rules On Assignment Of Credit offsetting shall be applied to all of them takes the place of the former. A novation
proportionately. that is merely modicatory does not cause the
GR The debtor who consented to the
extinguishment of the obligation, i.e. the old
assignment can no longer invoke any
obligation subsists to the extent that it
compensation in his favor. Effect Of Compensation
remains compatible with the amendatory
ARTICLE 1290. When all the requisites agreement.
XPN (1) If at the time that the debtor gave
mentioned in Article 1279 are present, ● Novation has dual function:
his consent, he reserved his right
compensation takes effect by operation of law, (a) to extinguish an existing
to compensation.
and extinguishes both debts to the concurrent obligation, and
(2) If the cession was communicated
amount, even though the creditors and debtors (b) to substitute a new one in its place
to him and he did not give his
are not aware of the compensation. ● Extinctive novation does not necessarily
consent to the assignment, the
debtor may still setup imply that the new agreement should be

compensation that took place complete by itself; certain terms and
previous to the cession, but not of conditions may be carried, expressly or by
NOVATION implication, over to the new obligation.
subsequent ones.
(3) If the debtor was not given any ARTICLE 1291. Obligations may be modified by:
notice and the compensation took (1) Changing their object or principal Classification
place without his knowledge, the conditions; A. According to Manner
debtor may setup compensation (2) Substituting the person of the debtor; ARTICLE 1292. In order that an obligation may
of all credits prior to the same and (3) Subrogating a third person in the rights be extinguished by another which substitute the
also later ones, until he had of the creditor. same, it is imperative that it be so declared in
knowledge of the assignment. ● Novation is a mode of extinguishing an unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new
Thus, the important period to look at is
when consent is given. In its absence,
when the debtor acquired knowledge.

Plurality Of Debts
ARTICLE 1289. If a person should have against
him several debts which are susceptible of
obligation by changing its object or
principal conditions, by substituting a
new debtor in place of the old one, or by
subrogating a third person to the rights of
the creditor.

Requisites before
an Obligation may

(1) that it be so declared in unequivocal

obligations be on every point incompatible with
each other.

EXPRESS - when the parties declare in
unequivocal terms that the new obligation
novates or extinguishes the old one.
IMPLIED - the novation is inferred from
the fact that the old and the new
obligations are on every point
compensation, the rules on the application of terms, or incompatible with each other.
payments shall apply to the order of the (2) that the old and the new obligations be ○ The test of incompatibility is
compensation. on every point incompatible with each whether the two obligations can
other. stand together, each one having an
● Thus, the debt which is most onerous to independent existence; if they
the debtor, among those due, shall be ● Novation, properly speaking, is
cannot and are irreconcilable, the
deemed to have been offset. If the debts extinctive, i.e., an old obligation is
subsequent obligation would cannot coexist, then this means that the latter will
extinguish the first. (or in this case, the latter obligation) was meant to Q: How should the exception provided by Art. 1298
replace the prior will (or the prior obligation). be interpreted?
Q: How do we know that there is an
extinguishment of the old obligation through the On the other hand, if they can coexist, then this A: Authorities believe that this should be limited to
enactment of the new obligation? means that these are two separate obligations that voidable prior obligations, those which are valid
must both be honored by the debtor. until annulled.
A: In order that an obligation may be extinguished
by another which substitute the same, it is B. According to Cause Q: Would this satisfy the requirement of a prior
imperative: valid obligation?
● OBJECTIVE - novation caused by change in
(a) That it be so declared in unequivocal the object or principal conditions A: Yes. When an obligation is voidable, then it is
terms, or ● SUBJECTIVE - novation caused by change valid. If it is never annulled, then it will remain

(b) That the old and the new obligations be on in the person of the debtor or the creditor valid. It is susceptible of ratification.
every point incompatible with each other.
Requisites For Novation EXCEPTION: in expromision, wherein the debtor
[NOTE]: Nothing beats an express provision to that For novation to take place, the following requisites does not consent, wherein the debtor does not
effect (i.e., to the effect that the old obligation is must concur: consent.
extinguished by the new obligation). This is because
the express provision erases all doubt as to what 1) There must be a previous/ prior valid ● If the original obligation has prescribed,
the intention of the parties are. obligation. the novation is valid. A debt is a natural
● If the original obligation was void, obligation and suffices as a consideration
Remember that if there are two successive the novation is also void. for the new obligation. Besides, the
obligations, it could be interpreted such that the prescription may be claimed only by the
parties have two obligations between them—
Obligation A and Obligation B. If by executing
Obligation B, the parties add a provision that
Obligation B is being executed to replace and
extinguish Obligation A, then there would be no
problem and there is a clear case of novation.

However, if the parties are silent or if the second

obligation is silent, then there would be the need
ARTICLE 1298. The novation is void if the
original obligation was void, except when
annulment may be claimed only by the debtor or
when ratification validates acts which are

EXCEPTION: when annulment may be claimed

only by the debtor or when ratification validates
debtor, and he impliedly waives it by
agreeing to the new obligation.

2) The parties concerned must agree to a new

● There must be an intention to
novate or animus novandi.
● This requirement presupposes that
the parties have the capacity to
to look at the nature of the two obligations—and acts which are voidable. (Art. 1298) agree to the new contract.
whether the two obligations
can coexist. ● If the original obligation was voidable, the 3) The old contract must be extinguished.
novation is valid, because the debtor's
This concept is similar to the concept of an implied consent is deemed a ratification of the ARTICLE 1299. If the original obligation was
revocation—as compared to an express original obligation or an implied waiver of subject to a suspensive or resolutory condition,
revocation—of a last will and testament. If they its defect. (see Art. 1298)
condition, then it is immediately due and ● If the new contract has not yet been
the new obligation shall be under the same
demandable. executed, the previous obligation is
condition, unless it is otherwise stipulated.
not novated and remains
Q: However, how would the new (pure) obligation subsisting.
● If the original obligation was take effect if the prior (conditional) obligation has ● If the new contract is voidable, it is
subject to a suspensive or not come into existence yet? valid until annulled (Art. 1390), so
resolutory condition, the new the novation becomes effective. But
obligation shall be under the same A: There would be a new obligation, which is pure, once the new contract is annulled,
condition, unless it is otherwise but cannot be given effect yet because the prior it is deemed void, so the novation
stipulated. obligation which is subject to a suspensive becomes ineffective as well.
condition has a condition that is yet to be fulfilled.
[NOTE]: When coming up with a new obligation to The old obligation has not yet come into existence. ● If the new contract is
replace an old obligation for purposes of unenforceable (because it is not in

extinguishing the same, it is possible that the old Therefore, for practical reasons, if the old writing, ·per the Statute of Frauds),
obligation would be subject to conditions, periods, obligation is subject to a suspensive or resolutory novation cannot be proven.
or may be pure. condition, the new obligation shall be subject to the
very same suspensive or resolutory condition. This [NOTE]: Apart from a previous valid obligation,
Q: When coming up with a new obligation, must it is so that the obligations would have simultaneous there must be a new obligation that the parties
be exactly the same as the old obligation in the sense existence and extinguishment. Of course, the enter into. The new obligation must likewise be
that if the old obligation is pure/conditional/subject parties are allowed to decide otherwise if they valid.
to a period, the new obligation must also be would want to.
pure/conditional/subject to a period? Q: Would it be fatal if the new obligation is void?
However, should they decide to stipulate as such,
A: Not necessarily. The law does not really require the new obligation would be on standby and would A: Not necessarily. If the new obligation is void, the

that there should be replication of the kind of the
nature and character of the old obligation. However,
for the sake of practicality, the parties may want to
align the conditions or periods between the two

After all, the new obligation will depend on the

existence or the validity of the prior obligation. This
would be particularly true with regard to those
still be awaiting the fulfillment of the suspensive
condition affecting the old obligation.

4) There must be a valid new contract.

ARTICLE 1297. If the new obligation is void, the

original one shall subsist, unless the parties
intended that the former relation should be
original one shall subsist, unless the parties
intended that the former relation should be
extinguished in any event. (Art. 1297, NCC)

[NOTE]: According to Art. 1297, if the new

obligation is void, it simply means that there was no
novation. The original obligation will subsist unless
the parties intended that the former obligation
should be extinguished in any event in which case
extinguished in any event.
obligations subject to a suspensive condition or it will be so extinguished.
suspensive period. This is so because the ● If the new obligation is void, the
suspensive condition is not fulfilled, then the old original one shall subsist, unless Novation Is Not Presumed
obligation never comes into existence – in which the parties intended that the former ● Novation is never presumed, and the
case, there would be a lag between the old relation should be extinguished in animus novandi, whether totally or partially,
obligation and the new obligation because if the any event. must appear by express agreement of the
new obligation is pure and not subject to any
parties, or by their acts that are clear and may also be subsumed under this C. Change from a contract to sell (written) to a
unmistakable. category. contract of lease (even if merely verbal).
● In other words, there must be essential D. Change from a sale of real estate to a
Effect On Accessory Obligation change conditional sale of real estate.
○ Changes that breed incompatibility ● In a contract of sale, the title to the
ARTICLE 1296. When the principal obligation is
must be essential in nature and not property passes to the vendee upon
extinguished in consequence of a novation,
merely accidental. the delivery of the thing sold; in a
accessory obligations may subsist only insofar as
○ Even if there is no express contract to sell, ownership is, by
they may benefit third persons who did not give
novation, such essential change agreement, reserved in the vendor
their consent.
would cause an implied novation and is not to pass to the vendee
● When the principal obligation is by creating an incompatibility until full payment of the purchase
extinguished in consequence of a novation, between the old and the new price;
accessory obligations are also extinguished. obligations.

● This is because the accessory obligations ● On the other hand, accidental changes or E. Change from trust receipt agreement to a
(e.g., mortgage and pledge) were given to changes which are merely incidental to simple loan.
secure a particular obligation and the the main obligation, or refer merely to F. Change from a mortgage to antichresis.
solvency of a particular debtor; thus, a secondary agreements do not cause G. Change from a sale to a loan.
change in the obligation or debtor destroys extinctive novation.
the basis of the consent to give the ● The novation is merely modificatory, in Examples Of Incidental Changes
accessory obligations. which case the new agreement will not
have the effect of extinguishing the first A. Execution of a mortgage to secure the
EXCEPTION: accessory obligations may subsist but would merely supplement it or payment of a loan - the contract of loan is
only insofar as they may benefit third persons who supplant some but not all of its provisions. not novated by the mortgage, which is
did not give their consent. (Art. 1296) However, merely an accessory contract.
these obligations for the benefit of third persons
are in reality distinct obligations.

Objective Novation

Essential Change Vs. Accidental Change

● Objective novation is caused by change in

the object or in the principal conditions
Determination Of The Nature Of Change
● It is thus important to determine if the
change refers to the object or the principal
conditions (essential change), or merely to
incidental conditions (accidental
change). The determination is factual in
nature, and relative to the circumstances
of the case, the intention of the parties,
the economic importance of the
B. Changes in the terms of payment of an
obligation to pay, such as:
a. Extension of the period - the
period affects only the
performance of the obligation and
does not create a new one.
b. Restructuring of the payment
scheme (e.g., from repayment in
one year to repayment in twenty
of the obligation. modification, and other similar factors. quarterly installments, or
○ Changes in the juridical relation providing for a new schedule of
(from commodatum to lease of Examples Of Essential Changes payments and additional security)
things, or from negotiorum gestio to A. Change in the price. c. Change or reduction in the
agency, or from a mortgage to B. Reduction of the period or duration of an interest rate.
antichresis, or from a sale to a loan) easement of right of way. ● It has been held that an obligation to pay
money is not novated by an instrument
that expressly recognizes or ratifies the ○ The consent may be express or
old, changes only tile terms of payment, implied, and may be given at any Delegacion
and adds other obligations not time while the agreement with - The debtor offers, and the creditor
incompatible with the old ones, or where the debtor subsists. accepts, a third person who consents to
the new contract merely supplements the ○ For novation to take place, the the substitution and assumes the
old one. creditor must consent (expressly obligation; thus, the consent of these
d. In a construction contract, or impliedly) to the release of the three persons are necessary.
changes for the redesign of the old debtor.
structure and corresponding ■ The mere fact that the [NOTE]: We will be effecting a novation through
reduction in the contract price creditor receives a substitution of the debtor only if with the
(particularly where the contract guaranty or accepts substitution, the old debtor is free from the
states that changes may be made in payments from a third obligation. If there is no such agreement, we
the works without invalidating the person does not simply have an additional debtor.

contract) constitute a novation and
Subjective Novation/ Substitution does not extinguish the Distinction Between The Two
obligation of the original ● The distinction between expromision and
● Subjective novation is novation by debtor. delegacion is simple: when it comes to
changing the person of the debtor or the ○ Without the creditor's consent to expromision, the debtor has nothing to do
person of the creditor. release the old debtor, there is no with the substitution.
○ Change in the Debtor; novation; the third person who (1) He may know about it and he could
○ Change in the Creditor has assumed the obligation of the not have said anything;
debtor merely becomes a (2) he may not have known about it, in
co-debtor or a surety. which case he could not have said
ARTICLE 1293. Novation which consists in
● The consent of the new debtor is also anything; or he may have known
substituting a new debtor in the place of the
original one, may be made even without the
knowledge or against the will of the latter, but not
without the consent of the creditor. Payment by
the new debtor gives him the rights mentioned in
Articles 1236 and 1237.

Change In Debtor (Passive)

always required.
The consent of the old debtor is not always

○ Thus, substitution of the debtor
may be classified into two kinds,
depending on whether the old
debtor has given consent:
about it, but he objected to it.
(3) In all these instances, he had
nothing to do with the selection of
the person replacing him.

Q: What can be the motivation of that person if he

will suddenly substitute the debtor?

A: We do not know, because there can be a variety

● Done in 2 ways - The initiative for the change does not of reasons as to why someone would replace
(1) Expromision; come from (and may even be made another person in an obligation. It can be personal,
(2) Delegacion without the knowledge or against the will commercial, strategic, etc.
of) the debtor, since it consists of a third
Necessity Of Consent person's assumption of the obligation. The important thing is that with this substitution,
● The consent of the creditor to the change in - As such, it requires the consent of the the old debtor is freed, and there will be proper
the debtor is always required. third person and the creditor.
novation, which extinguishes the original obligation - The new debtor's insolvency shall not do with the selection of the new debtor, it is clear
involving the old debtor. revive the action of the latter against the that he shall have no liability at all.
original obligor, but (unlike in
If it is delegacion, from the term itself, it hints of expromision) it is subjection to the Right Of The New Debtor
delegating. The debtor himself chose the person following exceptions -
who will be replacing him. ● Payment by the new debtor gives him the
EXCEPTIONS: rights mentioned in Articles 1236 and
Q: Is it important to know when the substitution is (1) when said insolvency was already existing 1237. Thus:
through expromision or delegacion? and of public knowledge, when the debtor
delegated his debt, or 1) EXPROMISION (without the knowledge or against
A: Yes. It may happen that the person substituted (2) when said insolvency was already existing the will of the old debtor)
for the debtor may become insolvent or may not be and known to the debtor, when he ● The new debtor may recover from the old
able to pay the obligation. delegated his debt. (Art. 1295) debtor only insofar as the payment has

been beneficial to the old debtor. (Art.
Q: What would be the liability of the debtor should 1236)
ARTICLE 1295. The insolvency of the new
the new debtor turn out insolvent or unable to pay
debtor, who has been proposed by the original
off the obligation?
debtor and accepted by the creditor, shall not
revive the action of the latter against the original ● The new debtor, upon payment, cannot be
A: subrogated to the rights of the creditor.
obligor, except when said insolvency was already
ARTICLE 1294. If the substitution is without the existing and of public knowledge, or known to
knowledge or against the will of the debtor, the the debtor, when the delegated his debt. 2) DELEGACION (with the knowledge and consent of
new debtor's insolvency or non-fulfillment of the the old debtor)
obligations shall not give rise to any liability on ● The new debtor may demand from the old
GR There will be no liability on the part of the debtor what he has paid.

- The
the part of the original debtor.

Effect Of Insolvency Of New Debtor

1) EXPROMISION (substitution is without the

knowledge or against the will of the old debtor)
new debtor's insolvency or
non-fulfillment of the obligations shall not
give rise to any liability on the part of the
old debtor should the new debtor become
insolvent or should not be able to fulfill
the obligation.

If the insolvency of the new debtor was

already existing and of public knowledge,
or known to the debtor at the time that he
delegated his debt.

● The new debtor, upon payment, is legally
subrogated to the rights of the creditor.

Change In The Creditor Or Subrogation (Active)

Subrogation is the transfer of all the rights

of the creditor to a third person, who
substitutes him in all his rights.
It transfers to the persons subrogate the
original debtor (i.e., the old obligation credit with all the rights thereto
shall not be revived). (Art. 1294) RATIONALE: In delegacion, where the old debtor
appertaining, either against the debtor or
has something to do with the selection of the new
against third person, be they guarantors
2) DELEGACION (substitution is proposed by the debtor, his liability will only be by way of exception,
or possessors of mortgages, subject to
original debtor and accepted by the creditor) in case of insolvency or failure to fulfill the
stipulation in a conventional subrogation.
obligation on the part of the debtor. When it comes
to expromision, where the old debtor has nothing to
● Subrogation of a 3rd person in the rights Conventional Subrogation extinguishment of the old obligation, he now
of the creditor is either legal or ● Is subrogation which takes place by becomes the creditor of the other debtors.
conventional. agreement; it requires the consent of the
original parties and of the third person. This is however subject to the rules on payments
Q: What are the different types of subrogation? ● Conventional subrogation must be clearly made by a third person without the consent of or
established in order that it may take against the will of the original debtor.
A: effect.
Distinguished From Assignment Of Credit
ARTICLE 1300. Subrogation of a third person in
(1) RE 1: When a creditor pays another creditor
the rights of the creditor is either legal or
who is preferred even without the debtor’s ● Conventional subrogation is not identical
conventional. The former is not presumed,
knowledge to assignment of credit, thus:
except in cases expressly mentioned in this Code;
the latter must be clearly established in order
Q: Under this instance, who will be subrogated? (1) CONVENTIONAL SUBROGATION
that it may take effect.

(a) the debtor's consent is necessary;
A: The paying creditor. (b) extinguishes an obligation and gives rise
[NOTE]: It is very important to know that in legal to a new one;
subrogation, this is never presumed and must be Q: In whose rights would he be subrogated? (c) the nullity of an old obligation may be
provided for in the law. We have instances of legal cured by subrogation, such that the new
subrogation in Article 1302. A: The rights of the preferred creditor. If you pay obligation will be perfectly valid;
another creditor, his rights would be subrogated
Q: What are the instances where legal subrogation to you.
ARTICLE 1303. Subrogation transfers to the
is presumed?
persons subrogated the credit with all the rights
(3) RE 3: When, even without the knowledge of thereto appertaining, either against the debtor or
A: the debtor, a person interested in the fulfillment
ARTICLE 1302. It is presumed that there is legal

(1) When a creditor pays another creditor who is

preferred, even without the debtor's knowledge;

(2) When a third person, not interested in the

obligation, pays with the express or tacit approval
of the obligation pays, without prejudice to the
effects of confusion as to the latter's share.

Q: Give an example of this third instance.

A: This occurs when a guarantor pays the

obligation of the debtor since he has material or
economic interest over the said obligation.
against third person, be they guarantors or
possessors of mortgages, subject to stipulation in
a conventional subrogation.


(a) the debtor's consent is not required;

○ Nonetheless, the debtor must
have knowledge (either by formal
of the debtor;
Q: Is a co-debtor considered as a party interested notice or some other means) of
in the obligation? the assignment so that he may
(3) When, even without the knowledge of the
pay the debt to the proper party
debtor, a person interested in the fulfillment of
A: If the obligation is JOINT, then he can be an (the assignee).
the obligation pays, without prejudice to the
interested person. Thus, if there is a co-debtor to a ○ The debtor who, before knowing
effects of confusion as to the latter's share.
joint obligation and he pays the entire obligation, of the assignment, pays his
then there would be subrogation because with the
creditor :shall be released from subrogated by virtue thereof to all
the obligation. the rights which the creditor had
(b) assignment refers to the same right which against the debtor.
passes from one person to another;
(c) the nullity of an obligation is not (iii) The insurer who pays a claim for
remedied by the assignment of the indemnity is legally subrogated to
creditor's right to another the rights of the person
(d) LEGAL SUBROGATION — is subrogation indemnified. The insurer may
which takes place by operation of law then seek to recover from the
because of certain acts. The parties' person who is liable for the loss.
consent or agreement is not necessary,
and it may take place even without the Effect Of Partial Payment
debtor's knowledge.

● Legal subrogation is not
ARTICLE 1304. A creditor, to whom partial
presumed, except in cases
payment has been made, may exercise his right
expressly mentioned in the Civil
for the remainder, and he shall be preferred to
the person who has been subrogated in his place
● There is legal subrogation in the
in virtue of the partial payment of the same
following cases:
(e) When a creditor pays another creditor
who is preferred, even without the
debtor's knowledge;

EXAMPLE: if an unsecured creditor pays off a

secured creditor, or if a creditor with junior
security pays off a creditor with senior security.
(a) When a third person, not interested in the
obligation, pays with the express or tacit
approval of the debtor;
(b) When, even without the knowledge of the
debtor, a person interested in the
fulfillment of the obligation pays, without
prejudice to the effects of confusion as to
the latter's share.
(i) Examples of interested persons:
co­ debtors, sureties, guaranties,
mortgagors and pledgors.

(ii) By express provision of Art. 2067,

the guarantor who pays is

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