Naskah Lomba Pidato SMPN 1LK - CADANGAN

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Naskah Lomba Pidato : Neorita Hanifah Ziadiah

Asal Sekolah : SMP N 1 Lawang Kidul

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. The honorable juries and the honorable

teachers and all the participants. Good morning, everyone. First of all, I would like to thank
God Allah Swt who has been giving us blessings and mercies so we can attend today in good
condition. I am Neorita Hanifah Ziadah from SMP N 1 Lawang Kidul. On this day I would
like to deliver a speech entitled “the renewable energy as fossil fuel subtitution”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to talk you about energy in the future. I will start by telling you why I believe
that energy resources of the past must be supplemented. First of all, these energy will run out
short as we use more and more of the fossil fuels. But I would like to mention another reason
why we should probably have to look for additional fuel supplies. And this strangely is the
question of contaminating the atmospher. Whenever you burn conventional fuel. You create
carbondioxide. The carbondioxide is transparent. You can’t smell it. It’s not dangerous for
healthy. So why should we worry about it?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Carbondioxide has a strange property. It transmites visible light but it absorbs the infrared
radiation which is emitted from the earth. Its presence in the atmosphere causes a green
house effect. It has been calculated that a temprature rise coresponding to a 10% increase in
carbondioxide. It will be sufficient to melt the ice cap and submerge New York. All the
coastal cities would be covered and since a precentage of human race live in coastal region. I
think thet this chemical contamination is more serious than most people tend to believe. To
avoid that, It’s a good idea from now to move on renewable energy resources. There is a
few of them and I’ll explian it one by one.

First is solar power. It uses solar panel when the sun shines onto solar panel, energy from the
sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that
move in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing the electricity to flow. The
(IEA) report found that solar energy will accout for 60% of the prediacate renewable growth,
primarly due to its accessibility.

Next is anshore wind energy capacity. To generate elctricity using wind. Wind turns the
propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor which spins a generator, which create
electricity. The adaption of wind power is becoming more prominent due to, increased
capacity offshore wind capacity is forecast to increase almost threefold to 65 GW by 2024
representing almost 10% of total world wind generation.

Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling water to generate electricity. A turbine
converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator
coneverts a mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy. Accrrding to the IEA,
hydropower will remain the worls’s primary source of renewable power in 2024. Capacity set
to increase 9% over the forecast period led by China, India and Brazil.Renewable energy will
continue to rise in the upcoming decade, edging out fossil fuel and reducing green house

Ladies and Gentlemen

in the end, The use of fossil fuel will have a negative impact on the earth. For another
altenative is a renewable energy resources which will provide a clean environment, friendly
and cheap. That is the speech that I can say. I am sorry if there are some mistakes Thank
you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Naskah Lomba : Renata Ayu Azalia
Utusan : SMPN 1 Lawang Kidul

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable of the judges
The honorable of the teachers
And all of the participants

Good morning,
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to give my greates thanks to Allah the
Almighty, who has been giving me and you all Mercies and Blessings without stopping
Then, Sholawatt ourprophet Muhammad SAW, our messenger who has given us many
teachings to live in this world and here after.

Dear all,let me tell you about myself. My name is Renata Ayu Azalia or commonly called
Tata. I was born on February 29, in 2012. I am currently studying at junior high school
number 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great opportunity for me to stand and deliver a speech in front of you all. In this good
occasion, I am here going to deliver a speech. How do you see energy in the future?

Do you guys know what energy is?

Energy is a precious resource that is essential to our everyday existence.We all know and we
all here really agree that energy is crucial for life. For example, Energy is helpful for
supplying the gasoline for our vehicles.

There is a severe energy issue in our globe now.This dilemma is being exacerbated by factors
like as climate change, the exhaustion of fossil fuel supplies, and rising energy consumption.
Have you ever wondered what will happen if we let this matter go?
The repercussions for future generations will be severe if we do nothing today.

As we know that the energy includes wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear, and many other
energies.We need to sav eenergy for numerous reasons. The most crucial is that we must
safeguard the environment. The price of energy and how it impacts our economy should also
be taken into account.

One of the best solutions to this dilemma is energy conservation and it is compulsory for us
We can lessen our reliance on fossil fuels and cut down on carbon emissions by utilising
energy more wisely.Utilizing energy-efficient appliances, minimising your water
consumption, and shutting off the lights while leaving a room may all make a significant

We can power our homes and businesses with a variety of renewable energy sources.
We can lessen our dependency on fossil fuels by using clean and sustainable energy sources
like solar, wind, and geothermal.
Government rules and regulations can be just as important in encouraging energy saving as
individual activities.For instance, subsidies for renewable energy and energy-efficient
construction rules can support the development of more sustainable energy sources.

The fact is that energy conservation is essential to our survival, and everyone of us must play
our role in it.
We can all work together to build a more sustainable future for present and future generations
by implementing minor adjustments in our daily lives and supporting legislation that
encourage energy saving.

One of the advantages of energy coversationvis less reliance on fossil fuels.

Dear teachers and students!

For the sake of the ecology, we must practise energy conservation.
The combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil is one of the many causes of pollution, which
is a serious issue in today’s globe.
This pollution has contributed to climate change and global warming, both of which have a
detrimental effect on our civilization and the earth as a whole.

So now, how we see energy for our future ? the answer is that we also need energy
conservation since it will ultimately save our money.

That's my speech. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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