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The honorable Mr.

Gunawan Syahputra as the principal The Honorable al teachers and

administrative staff of SMAN 23 Bandar Lampung And all my beloved friend First of all, let us say
thanks to Allah SWT who always gives us grace and also to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his
family and friends. On this day I will deliver a speech entitled “Keeping the Environment in

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Environment is a place where living things live in this world. In addition human life cannot be
separated from its environment. Therefore, we must keep our environment so that we can live
comfortably in it. To preserve the environment, we must maintain cleanliness because
cleanliness is a reflection of a healthy environment. Keeping the environment can be started from
small things like, dispose of waste in place, cleaning our homes and much more. Ladies and
Gentlemen, Currently, the awareness to maintain cleanliness of the environment is very
concerning. We are so indifferent to the cleanliness of our environment. That can be seen from
our school environment which still has a lot of trash. Then who is responsible for it all?
Cleanliness of our school environment is not only the responsibility of the school’s janitor, but it is
the responsibility of everyone who is staying in school such as students, teachers, and also staff
at the school. We are all involved in keeping our school environment. The amount of garbage in
our school is because we are too lazy to dispose of the trash in its place. We do not know that it
would endanger our own health. The rubbish which is piling up can cause various diseases. For
example: dengue disease because rubbish heaps could be the breeding place of dengue
mosquitoes. Ladies and Gentlemen, We as knowledgeable people should feel uncomfortable
with the condition of our current school environment. So through this speech I invite all people
who are involved in this school to get together to start cleaning up our school environment. There
are so many ways that we can do to clean up our school environment. The first is we have to get
used to disposing of the rubbish in its place. Do not be lazy just to take out the trash. If we had
gotten used to throwing trash in its place, certainly garbage will not accumulate in our school any
more. The second is we must optimize the picket duty which had been made. Even if necessary,
students who don't picket should be punished. Cleaning class every day before class begins will
make us comfortable in learning so that we can more easily understand what the teacher

The last is we have to work together to clean up our school environment by cleaning up each
corner of our school such as, cleaning toilets, school pages, and gutters.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In closing, I would convey a proverb that says Cleanliness is half of faith. Therefore let us keep
our school environment in order to create a comfortable environment. That is the speech that I
can say. I am sorry if there are mistakes in delivering the speech. Thank you for your attention.
Wali ilaihi Taufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum WW
Naskah Lomba Pidato : Neorita Hanifah Ziadiah
Asal Sekolah : SMP N 1 Lawang Kidul

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. The honorable juries and the honorable

teachers and all the participants. Good morning, everyone. First of all, I would like to thank
God Allah Swt who has been giving us blessings and mercies so we can attend today in good
condition. I am Neorita Hanifah Ziadah from SMP N 1 Lawang Kidul. On this day I would
like to deliver a speech entitled “the renewable energy as fossil fuel subtitution”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to talk you about energy in the future. I will start by telling you why I believe
that energy resources of the past must be supplemented. First of all, these energy will run out
short as we use more and more of the fossil fuels. But I would like to mention another reason
why we should probably have to look for additional fuel supplies. And this strangely is the
question of contaminating the atmospher. Whenever you burn conventional fuel. You create
carbondioxide. The carbondioxide is transparent. You can’t smell it. It’s not dangerous for
healthy. So why should we worry about it?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Carbondioxide has a strange property. It transmites visible light but it absorbs the infrared
radiation which is emitted from the earth. Its presence in the atmosphere causes a green
house effect. It has been calculated that a temprature rise coresponding to a 10% increase in
carbondioxide. It will be sufficient to melt the ice cap and submerge New York. All the
coastal cities would be covered and since a precentage of human race live in coastal region. I
think thet this chemical contamination is more serious than most people tend to believe. To
avoid that, It’s a good idea from now to move on renewable energy resources. There is a
few of them and I’ll explian it one by one.

First is solar power. It uses solar panel when the sun shines onto solar panel, energy from the
sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the panel. This energy creates electrical charges that
move in response to an internal electrical field in the cell, causing the electricity to flow. The
(IEA) report found that solar energy will accout for 60% of the prediacate renewable growth,
primarly due to its accessibility.

Next is anshore wind energy capacity. To generate elctricity using wind. Wind turns the
propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor which spins a generator, which create
electricity. The adaption of wind power is becoming more prominent due to, increased
capacity offshore wind capacitu is forecast to increase almost threefold to 65 GW by 2024
representing almost 10% of total world wind generator.

Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling water to generate electricity. A turbine
converts the kinetic energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator
coneverts a mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy. Accrrding to the IEA,
hydropower will remain the worls’s primary source of renewable power in 2024. Capacity set
to increase 9% over the forecast period led by China, India and Brazil.Renewable energy will
continue to rise in the upcoming decade, edging out fossil fuel and reducing greenhouse

Ladies and Gentlemen

in the end, The use of fossil fuel will have a negative impact on the earth. For another
altenative is a renewable energy resources which will provide a clean environment, friendly
and cheap. That is the speech that I can say. I am sorry if there are some mistakes Thank
you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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