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Name: Eleria, Angel Blessed Ann B. Course,Yr.Sec: BSE Social Studies 2-A Date Accomplished/Answered: 02-09-24
Address: San Fabian, Pangasinan Email Address: Contact Number: 09073256044
Example of an Annual Average Weather/Climate:

Direction:Find out the different annual average weather/climate of every province of the Philippines.
I. Annual Average Weather/Climate: 1 st Assigned Province: Antique
Month Jan. Feb. March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Average High 26.88°C 12°C (54°F). 30°C (86°F) 29.31 °C 28°C (82°F) 30°C (86°F) 32°C (90°F) 23°C (73°F) 27°C (80°F) 26°C (79°F) 24°C (75°F) 21°C (70°F)
Degree (80.38°F) (84.76 °F)

Average Low 24.49 °C 24.19 °C 24.7°C 25.8 °C 25.8 °C (78.5 25.1 °C (77.2 25.96 °C 26.01 °C 25.88 °C 25.53 °C 25.73 °C 25.28 °C
Degree (76.08 °F). (75.54 °F) (76.4°F) (78.5°F) °F) °F) (78.73°F) (78.82°F) (78.58°F) (77.95°F) (78.31°F) (77.5°F)

Average 18 12 12 9 11 15 19 15 15 17 18 20
Rainy Days

Direction:Find out the different annual average weather/climate of every province of the Philippines.
I. Annual Average Weather/Climate: 2 nd Assigned Province: Capiz
Month Jan. Feb. March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Average High 27.1 °C 27.4 °C (81.3 28.3°C 30.5°C 31.9°C 33.1°C 28.5°C 30.16°C 29.97°C 28.15°C 27.7°C 27.2°C
Degree (80.78 °F) °F) (82.9°F). (86.9°F) (89.5°F) (91.6°F) (83.3°F) (86.29°F) (85.95°F) (82.67°F) (81.86°F) (80.96°F)

Average Low 24.2°C 24.1°C 24.5°C 25.4°C 26.8 °C (80.2 25.4 °C (77.7 25.5 °C (77.9 26.2 °C (79.1 27.1 °C (80.8 27.2 °C (81.0 27.2 °C (81.0 25.4 °C
Degree (75.5°F) (75.4°F) (76.3°F) (77.7°F) °F) °F) °F) °F) °F) °F) °F) (77.7 °F)

Average 21 14 15 16 20 21 20 18 21 20 24 26
Rainy Days
3.The same assigned provinces,identify where & when will El Nino might occur for a particular year & enumerate measures or suggested exigency plan or solution from the 2
disturbing natural phenomena.
Assigned Province (A.): Antique, Capiz
Towns Geographical Location Expected Month Effects to Agriculture Effects to Animals/ Effects to Suggested Measures/

Occurrence of El Nino Livestock People Solution

1.San Jose de Buenavista Absolute Location: El Niño isn't precisely tied to El Niño has several El Niño can have several El Niño can have several El Niño brings heavy rains
(capital town)-This bustling a single month in Antique. negative effects on negative effects on animals negative effects on the and flooding, so here are
town is the center of Antique. It's a climatic phenomenon agriculture in Antique, and livestock in Antique: people of Antique: some measures Antique
It's a great starting point to that develops gradually and including: can take to prepare:
Latitude and Longitude:
explore the province as it has can affect the province for
Antique lies between 10°34'
a good selection of hotels several months at a time.
and 12°06' North latitude  Reduced Water Agriculture: Reduced
and transportation options.
and between 121°47' and ● Reduced Rainfall: Availability: El rainfall during El Niño leads Before El Niño:
2.Tibiao-Known for its 122°38' East longitude. El Niño disrupts Niño brings drier to droughts, causing crops
picturesque rice terraces, However, based on typical weather conditions, to wilt and die. This can
Relative Location: historical data and weather patterns, leading leading to scarcity significantly impact harvests
similar to the Banaue Rice  Monitoring and
Terraces but smaller in forecasts, El Niño is more to less rainfall of water sources and lead to food shortages
Early Warning
scale. Tibiao is also famous likely to occur during the dry than usual. This like ponds, and higher prices for
for its Tibiao River Cruise, Island: Antique is located on season months in Antique, creates drought streams, and staples like rice. Farmers
where you can take a the western coast of Panay which typically last from conditions that even may also lose income and
relaxing boat ride through the Island in the Philippines. November to April. stress crops and groundwater. This have difficulty planting for
monitoring and
scenic river surrounded by make it difficult for can make it future seasons.
early warning
lush vegetation. Region: It is part of the them to grow difficult for
systems to
Western Visayas Region properly. animals to find
provide timely
3.Culasi-Known for its (Region VI). enough water to
● Water Scarcity: Water scarcity: With less forecasts and
picturesque rice terraces, drink, impacting
Neighboring Provinces: With less rain, rain, rivers, streams, and advisories to
similar to the Banaue Rice their health and
water sources like wells can dry up, making it communities. This
Terraces but smaller in productivity.
To the north: Aklan rivers, streams, difficult for people to access allows for pre-
scale. Tibiao is also famous  Limited Food
and reservoirs clean drinking water. This emptive
for its Tibiao River Cruise, To the east: Iloilo Sources: With
have lower water can lead to water rationing preparations and
where you can take a less rain, pastures
levels. This and competition for limited evacuations.
relaxing boat ride through the To the south: Iloilo and other grazing
scarcity limits resources.  Water
scenic river surrounded by lands dry up,
lush vegetation. To the west: Sulu Sea irrigation options Management:
reducing the
for farms that rely Improve drainage
availability of
4.Valderrama-Home to the Additional Details: on them. systems to
natural food for Health: Limited access to
century-old Valderrama prevent flooding in
herbivores like clean water can increase
Antique Sugar Central, a ● Increased Crop low-lying areas.
cows, carabaos, the risk of waterborne
well-preserved Spanish Damage: The lack Encourage
Antique is a coastal and goats. diseases. Dust from dried-
colonial sugar mill. This town of water and rainwater
province bordering the Sulu Farmers may out lands can also
offers a glimpse into the extreme heat harvesting for
province's rich history and Sea to the west. caused by El Niño need to contribute to respiratory later use during
sugar-producing industry. can damage supplement their problems. dry spells that
crops, leading to animals' diet with might follow El
5.Hamtic-Known for its lower yields and purchased feed, Niño.
historical significance and even complete which can  Agriculture: Shift
interesting rock formations. Livelihoods: Many people
crop failure. increase their to drought-
Visit Hamtic's old Spanish in Antique rely on fishing for
Farmers in costs. resistant crops or
cemetery and see the unique their livelihood. El Niño can
Antique have  Increased Risk of adopt water-
hanging coffins. disrupt fish migration
recently Disease: Dry and saving irrigation
patterns and reduce fish
experienced dusty conditions techniques.
6.Barbaza-A coastal town stocks, impacting the
significant losses can contribute to Encourage
known for its beautiful rock income of fisherfolk.
in rice and corn the spread of farmers to secure
formations and caves.
crops due to El diseases among crop insurance.
Barbaza is a great place for
Niño animals. The  Community
spelunking and exploring the
stress of El Niño Local governments in Preparedness:
outdoors. ● Soil Degradation: can also weaken Antique are aware of these Conduct drills and
Dry soil is more their immune risks and often take steps to awareness
susceptible to systems, making mitigate them, such as: campaigns on
erosion from wind them more how to respond to
and heavy rains susceptible to floods and
when they do illness. landslides.
occur. This can Creating El Niño task forces
 Heat Stress: El Prepare
lead to a loss of to coordinate relief efforts
Niño can cause evacuation
nutrients in the [1].
higher centers and stock
soil, making it less temperatures, them with
Declaring a state of calamity
fertile for future which can be necessities.
to free up resources for
crops. especially assistance [2].
stressful for
These factors combine to
animals. Heat Implementing water
create significant challenges During El Niño:
stress can lead to conservation measures
for farmers in Antique
decreased milk such as rainwater
during El Niño events.
production in dairy harvesting [3].
animals, lower  Dissemination of
growth rates in While El Niño can be
meat animals, and challenging, these proactive
Continue to
even death in measures can help lessen
provide real-time
extreme cases. its impact on the people of
updates on
Here are some specific conditions and
examples of how El Niño water levels.
can affect different types of Issue warnings for
animals in Antique: potential flooding
and landslides.
 Evacuation and
 Livestock (cows, Rescue: Facilitate
carabaos, goats): the safe and
As mentioned orderly evacuation
earlier, these of people in high-
animals will risk areas.
struggle to find Coordinate rescue
enough water and efforts for those
food during El trapped by floods
Niño. Farmers or landslides.
may need to take  Distribution of
steps like Relief Goods:
providing Provide food,
additional water water, medicine,
sources and and other
purchasing feed essential supplies
to keep their to affected
animals healthy. communities.
 Poultry (chickens,
ducks): El Niño
can affect egg
Long-Term Solutions:
production in
poultry due to
heat stress and
nutritional  Climate-Smart
deficiencies. Agriculture:
Ensuring proper Promote the
ventilation and adoption of
providing climate-smart
adequate water agricultural
can help mitigate practices that are
these effects. more resilient to
El Niño and other
Local government agencies extreme weather
and agricultural events.
organizations often  Infrastructure
implement programs to help Development:
farmers cope with the Invest in flood
impacts of El Niño on their control
livestock. These programs infrastructure like
may include: dikes and canals
to minimize
damage from
 Distributing free or heavy rains.
subsidized animal  Community
feed Resilience
 Providing Building: Support
technical programs that
assistance on build community
water resilience to
management disasters,
 Vaccinating including
animals to prevent livelihood
diseases diversification and
disaster risk
By being aware of the reduction training.
potential effects of El Niño
and taking preventive Remember, effective
measures, farmers in response to El Niño
Antique can help protect requires collaboration
their animals and minimize between local government
the impact on their agencies, national
livelihoods. institutions, and the
community. By working
together, Antique can
mitigate the impact of El
Niño and ensure the safety
and well-being of its

B.Province: Capiz

1.Roxas City - the capital city Absolute Location of Capiz El Niño isn't confined to a El Niño can have several El Niño can have several The strong El Niño that Here are some suggested
of Capiz. It is known for its specific month. It's a climate negative effects on negative effects on animals peaked in early 2024 has measures and solutions to
Capiz shell products, historic Capiz can be defined by its pattern that develops over agriculture in Capiz, and livestock in Capiz, likely had a significant address El Niño's impact in
landmarks, and beautiful absolute location using a time and can persist for including: particularly due to the impact on people in Capiz. Capiz:
beaches. coordinate system. Here's several months. However, extended dry seasons it Here are some of the
how we can pinpoint it on a based on recent  Reduced Rainfall brings. Here's how El Niño potential effects: Water Management:
2.Cuartero - a 4th class map: information: and Drought: El can impact animals in
municipality known for its rice Niño disrupts  Water
production and historical typical weather conservation:
landmarks. patterns, leading  Water scarcity: Promote water-
Latitude and Longitude: El Niño was expected to last Reduced rainfall saving practices
to less rainfall in
3. Dao - a 4th class Capiz is located from March to April-May  Reduced water due to El Niño can in households and
Capiz. This can
municipality known for its approximately between 11° 2024 availability: One lead to droughts. communities. This
cause drought
lanzones production and 30' North and 12° 10' North of the biggest This can cause includes fixing
beautiful mountainscapes. latitude and between 122° concerns is rivers and leaks, taking
making it difficult
10' East and 122° 50' East limited water streams to dry up, shorter showers,
for crops to grow
4.Dumalag - a 4th class longitude. supply. Animals making it difficult and reusing
and reducing crop
municipality known for its hot need sufficient to access clean greywater for non-
springs and historical water to stay drinking water.
landmarks.  Water Scarcity: hydrated and Reports in potable purposes.
With less rainfall, regulate their February 2024  Rainwater
5.Dumarao - a 2nd class Relative Location of Capiz water becomes body temperature. already indicated harvesting:
municipality known for its scarce for During El Niño, areas in Capiz Encourage
seafood production and Understanding Capiz's
irrigation. This can sources of experiencing individuals and
beautiful beaches. relative location helps
particularly impact freshwater like drought conditions communities to
visualize its surroundings.
rice production, rivers and [DSWD DROMIC collect rainwater
6.Ivisan - a 4th class Here's how we can describe
which is a major streams can Report #1 on the during the wet
municipality known for its it:
crop in Capiz. become scarce, Effects of El Niño season for use
historical landmarks and
 Increased Risk of making it difficult as of 24 February during dry
religious festivals.
Pests and for farmers to 2024, 6AM - periods.
7.Jamindan - a 2nd class Island: Capiz occupies the Diseases: Dry provide enough Philippines |  Improved
municipality known for its northern tip of Panay Island conditions can water for their ReliefWeb]. irrigation systems:
caves and historical in the Philippines. Panay is create ideal animals. This can  Impact on Invest in and
landmarks. the sixth-largest island in environments for lead to agriculture: maintain irrigation
the Philippines. certain pests and dehydration, heat Farmers may systems that
8.Ma-ayon - a 3rd class diseases to thrive. stress, and even struggle to grow deliver water
municipality known for its rice Region: Capiz belongs to These can further death. crops due to lack more efficiently to
production and beautiful Western Visayas, a region damage crops of water. This can farms. This could
mountainscapes. in the central Philippines. and reduce yields. lead to food involve canal
 Saline Intrusion: shortages and lining to reduce
9.Mambusao - a 3rd class Neighboring Provinces:  Scarcity of food:
In coastal areas, price increases. seepage or
municipality known for its El Niño disrupts
To the west, across the El Niño can cause  Livelihood loss: exploring drip
historical landmarks and usual rainfall
Panay Strait, lies Iloilo saltwater to People who rely irrigation
religious festivals. patterns, leading
Province. intrude into on agriculture or techniques.
to droughts and
freshwater fishing for their
10.Panay - a 3rd class stunted plant Agriculture:
To the south, it borders sources. This income may see
municipality known for its growth. This
Aklan Province. saltwater their livelihoods
lanzones production and reduces the  Drought-resistant
contamination can affected.
beautiful beaches. To the southeast, a small availability of crops: Shifting to
damage crops  Health problems:
portion of Antique Province pastures and or incorporating
11.Panitan - a 3rd class that are not salt- Dry and dusty
touches Capiz. forage, which are drought-resistant
municipality known for its tolerant. conditions can
the natural food crops like
historical landmarks and Bodies of Water:  Crop Damage: sources for
religious festivals. News reports from respiratory
grazing animals sorghum, or
West: Capiz faces the 2010 indicate El problems. Access
like cows, certain legumes
12.Pilar - a 3rd class Panay Strait, which Niño caused to clean water can
carabaos, and can help mitigate
municipality known for its rice separates Panay Island significant also be a health
goats. Farmers losses.
production and beautiful from Negros Island. damage to rice concern.
may need to  Soil moisture
mountainscapes. crops in Capiz, purchase It's important to note that conservation:
East: The province borders with losses
13.Pontevedra - a 3rd class additional feed, the severity of these effects Practices like
the Visayan Sea. reaching
municipality known for its which can be can vary depending on mulching and
hundreds of expensive due to
historical landmarks and By combining these location and individual cover cropping
millions of pesos. limited supply.
religious festivals. elements, we can circumstances. can help retain
 Production
understand that Capiz has a moisture in the
14.President Roxas - a 4th coastal location on the Decline: The soil.
class municipality known for northern tip of Panay Island, Department of  Staggered
its rice production and facing the Panay Strait and Agriculture has  Increased risk of planting: Planting
historical landmarks. the Visayan sea. reported potential diseases: Stress crops at different
El Niño-related caused by El times throughout
15.Sapian - also spelled declines in rice Niño, such as the season can
Sapi-an, a 4th class production. heat and lack of help spread the
municipality known for its proper nutrition, risk of crop failure
fishing industry and beautiful Overall, El Niño can can weaken an if drought hits at a
beaches. significantly impact animal's immune specific time.
agricultural productivity and system. This
16.Sigma - a 4th class livelihoods in Capiz. makes them more Disaster Preparedness:
municipality known for its susceptible to
historical landmarks and diseases, which  Government
religious festivals. can further affect assistance:
their health and National and local
17.Tapaz - a 1st class governments can
municipality known for its rice provide financial
production and beautiful assistance,
mountainscapes. seeds, and other
Here are some ways resources to
farmers in Capiz can affected farmers
prepare for El Niño: and fishers.
 Community
 Water plans: Develop
conservation: community-level
Store rainwater in plans for El Niño
tanks or drums. events, including
Repair any leaks identifying water
in watering sources,
systems. evacuation routes,
 Alternative feed and
sources: Plant communication
drought-resistant protocols.
forage crops or  Public awareness
explore options campaigns:
like making Urea- Educate
Molasses Treated communities
Rice Straw about El Niño's
(UMTRS) to impacts and
supplement promote water
animal feed. conservation and
 Close monitoring alternative
of animal health: livelihoods during
Regularly check dry periods.
on animals for
signs of Additionally:
dehydration or
 Livelihood
By taking proactive Encouraging
measures, farmers in Capiz people to develop
can help mitigate the alternative
negative impacts of El Niño sources of income
on their animals and that are less
livestock. reliant on
agriculture or
fishing can help
buffer the
economic impact
of El Niño.
 Cloud seeding:
cloud seeding
techniques may
be employed to
try and induce
rainfall, although
success rates can

By implementing a
combination of these
measures, the impact of El
Niño on Capiz can be
lessened and communities
can be better prepared for
future dry spells.

4. Draw the map of your 2 assigned provinces indicating the 2 major seasons of the Philippines by having color brown for dry season and blue for rainy season which corresponding
to it’s Legend:1.Wet,2.Dry Season. The Drawing must be done manually in landscape preview and no digital or no technology aid.Use Long Coupon bond with 1 inch Margin on all
it’s sides.You could make use of pencil,crayons,coloring pens,watercolor,oil pastel, and pentel pens only. Lastly,Describe your drawing(for each of your assigned provinces by giving
one sentence description.After your done,take a pic of it and send it,not to forget,below your coupon bond label it with your:

Course,Year & Section: BSE Social Studies 2-A Date Accomplished: 04-09-24 Title of My Art Work: THE MAP

DRAW HERE:MAP 1(1st Province): ANTIQUE

A map of Antique likely wouldn't differentiate wet and dry seasons visually, but it might show seasonal variations in river levels or highlight areas known for rain or sunshine.

DRAW HERE:MAP 1(2nd Province): CAPIZ

A map of Capiz itself won't directly show wet and dry seasons, the province's location on Panay Island in the Philippines suggests a tropical climate with a wet season and dry

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