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JEE-Main (Previous Year Questions)

1. If a  R and the equation 3(x [x])2 + 2(x [x]) + a2 = 0 (where [x] denotes the greatest integer
 x) has no integral solution, then all possible values of a lie in the interval: [JEE(Main)-2014]
(1) ( 1, 0)  (0, 1) (2) (1, 2) (3) ( 2, 1) (4) ( , 2)  (2, )

 1 1 x
2. The function f : R →  − ,  defined as f(x) = , is : [JEE(Main)-2017]
 2 2 1 + x2
(1) neither injective nor surjective (2) invertible
(3) injective but not surjective (4) surjective but not injective

3. Let f : A → B be a function defined as = , where A = R {2} and B = R {1}. Then f is
2y − 1
(1) Invertible and −1
= (2) Not invertible [JEE(Main)-2018]
3y − 1 2y + 1
(3) Invertible and −1
= (4) Invertible and −1
y−1 y−1

4. Let f(x) = 210  x + 1 and g(x) = 310x 1. If (fog)(x) = x, then x is equal to [JEE(Main)-2018]
3 −1 10
2 −1 10
1−3 −10
1−2 −10
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 − 2−10
2 − 3−10
210 − 3−10 310 − 2−10

5. The function f : N → N defined by f(x) = x 5   , where N is the set of natural numbers and

[x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x, is [JEE(Main)-2018]

(1) one-one and onto. (2) onto but not one-one.

(3) neither one-one nor onto. (4) one-one but not onto.

1 1
6. For x R {0, 1}, let f1(x) = , f2(x) = 1 x and f3(x) = be three given functions. If a function,
x 1− x

J(x) satisfies (f2 o J of1)(x) = f3(x) then J(x) is equal to : [JEE(Main)-2019]

(1) f3(x) (2) f1(x) (3) f2(x) (4)
x 3

7. Let A = {x  R : x is not a positive integer}. Define a function f : A → R as f(x) = , then f is:


(1) neither injective nor surjective (2) not injective

(3) injective but not surjective (4) surjective but not injective

58 Function
8. Let N be the set of natural numbers and two functions f and g be defined as f, g : N → N such
that: [JEE(Main)-2019]
n + 1
 if n is odd
= 2 and g(n) = n ( 1)n. Then fog is:
 if n is even
 2
(1) onto but not one-one (2) one-one but not onto
(3) both one-one and onto. (4) neither one-one nor onto.

9. Let f : R→R be defined by f(x) = ,x  R. Then the range of f is: [JEE(Main)-2019]
1 + x2
 1 1  1 1
(1) R − ,  (2) R [ 1,1] (3)  − ,  (4) ( 1, 1) {0}
 2 2  2 2

10. The number of functions f from {1, 2, 3,...,20} onto {1, 2, 3,..., 20} such that f(k) is a multiple of
3, whenever k is a multiple of 4, is: [JEE(Main)-2019]
(1) 5 × 15
(2) 5! × 6! (3) 6 × (15)!
(4) (15)! × 6!

11. Let a function f : (0, ) → (0, ) be defined by f(x) = 1 − . Then f is: [JEE(Main)-2019]
(1) neither injective nor surjective (2) not injective but it is surjective
(3) both injective as well as surjective (4) injective only

   2x 
12. If f(x) = loge   ,| x | 1 , then f  2 
is equal to [JEE(Main)-2019]
 1 + x  1+ x 
(1) 2f(x2) (2) 2f(x) (3) 2f(x) (4) (f(x))2

13. If f(1) = 1, f'(1) = 3, then the derivative of f(f(f(x))) + (f(x))2 at x = 1 is : [JEE(Main)-2019]

(1) 15 (2) 9 (3) 33 (4) 12

14. Let f(x) = ax (a > 0) be written as f(x) = f1(x) + f2(x), where f1(x) is an even function and f2(x) is an
odd function. Then f1(x + y) + f1(x y) equals is : [JEE(Main)-2019]
(1) 2f1(x + y) f2(x y) (2) 2f1(x)f1(y) (3) 2f1(x + y) f1(x y) (4) 2f1(x)f2(y)

15. Let  f(a + k) = 16(2
− 1) where the function f satisfies f(x + y) = f(x) f(y) for all natural numbers

x, y and f(1) [JEE(Main)-2019]

(1) 3 (2) 16 (3) 2 (4) 4

16. The domain of the definition of the function f(x) = 2
+ 10
is: [JEE(Main)-2019]

(1) ( 1, 0)  (1, 2)  (2, ) (2) ( 2, 1) ( 1, 0)  (2, )

(3) (1, 2)  (2, ) (4) ( 1, 0)  (1, 2)  (3, )

Function 59
17. Let f (x) = x2, x  R. for any A  R, define g(A) = {x  R ; f(x)  A}. If S = [0, 4], then which one
of the following statements is not true? [JEE(Main)-2019]
(1) f (g(S))  f (S) (2) g(f (S)) S (3) g(f(S)) = g(S) (4) f(g(S)) = S

 3 2
18. For x   0,  , let f (x) = x , g(x) = tan x and h(x) = . If (x) = ((hof)og)(x), then    is
 2  1 + x2 3
equal to: [JEE(Main)-2019]
7  11 5
(1) tan (2) tan (3) tan (4) tan
12 12 12 12

19. For x  R, let [x] denote the greatest integer  x, then the sum of the series
 1  1 1   1 99 
 + + +  is: [JEE(Main)-2019]
 3  3 100   3 100 
(1) 153 (2) 133 (3) 135 (4) 131

20. If g(x) = x2 + x 1 and (gof)(x) = 4x2 10x + 5, then   is equal to: [JEE(Main)-2020]
3 3 1 1
(1) (2) − (3) (4) −
2 2 2 2

82x − 8−2x
21. The inverse function of = ,x  ( 1, 1) is _______. [JEE(Main)-2020]
82x + 8−2x
1 1+ x 1 1− x
(1) log e   (2) log e  
4 1− x 4 1+ x
1 1+ x 1 1−x
(3) (log8 e)loge   (4) (log8 e)loge  
4 1−x 4 1+ x

22. The number of real roots of the equation e4x + e3x 4e2x + ex + 1 = 0 is: [JEE(Main)-2020]
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

23. Let [t] denote the greatest integer  t. Then the equation in x, [x]2 + 2[x + 2] 7 = 0 has:
(1) exactly two solutions. (2) no integral solution.
(3) infinitely many solutions. (4) exactly four integral solutions.

24. If f(x + y) = f(x) f(y) and  f(x) = 2 , x, y  N, where N is the set of all natural numbers, then the

value of is- [JEE(Main)-2020]
1 4 1 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
9 9 3 3

60 Function
25. For a suitable chosen real constant a, let a function, f : R { a} → R be defined by
f(x) = . Further suppose that for any real number x  a and f(x)  a, (fof)(x) = x. Then
 1
 −  is equal to : [JEE(Main)-2020]
 2
1 1
(1) (2) 3 (3) 3 (4)
3 3

26. Suppose that a function f : R → R satisfies f(x + y) = f(x) f(y) for all x, y  R and f(1) = 3.
If 
i= 1
= , then n is equal to _________ . [JEE(Main)-2020]

27. Let f : R → R be defined as f(x) = 2x 1 and g : R {1} → R be defined as g (x) = 2 . Then the
composition function f(g(x)) is: [JEE(Main)-2021]
(1) both one-one and onto (2) onto but not one-one
(3) neither one-one nor onto (4) one-one but not onto

k + 1
 if k is odd
28. → A be defined as f(k) =  . Then the number
 if k is even

of possible functions g : A → A such that gof = f is: [JEE(Main)-2021]

(1) 105 (2) 10

C5 (3) 55 (4) 5!

2 2
29. The number of roots of the equation, (81)sin x
+ (81)cos x
= 30 in the interval [0, ] is equal to :
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 8 (4) 2

30. Let f : N → R be a function such that f(x+y) = 2f(x)f(y) for natural numbers x and y. If f(1) = 2,
512 20
then the value of  for which  f( + k) =
k=1 3
(2 − 1) holds, is : [JEE(Main)-2022]

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 6

  x25   50
31. Let f : R → R be a function defined by f(x) =  2  1 −
 2
 2 + x
( )  . If the function
   
g(x) = f(f(f(x))) + f (f(x)), the greatest integer less than or equal to g (1) is _____.[JEE(Main)-2022]

Function 61
32. The total number of functions, f : {1,2,3,4} → {1,2,3,4,5,6} such that f(1) + f(2) = f(3), is equal to :
(1) 60 (2) 90 (3) 108 (4) 126

33. Let f(x) be a quadratic polynomial with leading coefficient 1 such that f(0)=p, p  0 and f(1)= .
If the equation f(x) = 0 and fofofof(x) = 0 have a common real root, then f ( .


1. (1) 2. (4) 3. (1) 4. (4) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (3)

8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (4) 11. Bonus 12. (3) 13. (3) 14. (2)

15. (1) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (4) 21. (3)

22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (2) 25. (2) 26. 5.00 27. (4) 28. (1)

29. (2) 30. (3) 31. 2 32. (2) 33. 25

62 Function
JEE-Advanced (Previous Year Questions)

1. If functions f(x) and g(x) are defined on R → R such that [JEE(Advanced)-2005]

0, x  rational 0, x  irrational
f(x) =  , g(x) =  , then (f g)(x) is
 x, x  irrational x, x  rational
(A) one-one and onto (B) neither one-one nor onto
(C) one-one but not onto (D) onto but not one-one

2. Let f(x) = x2 and g(x) = sinx for all x  R. Then the set of all x satisfying
(f o g o g o f)(x) = (g o g o f)(x), where (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)), is- [JEE(Advanced)-2011]

(A)  n , n  0,1, 2,....

(B)  n , n  1,2,...

(C) + 2n, n {...., −2, −1, 0,1, 2,.....}
(D) 2n, n {...., −2, −1, 0,1, 2,.....}

3. The function f : [0, 3] → [1, 29], defined by f(x) = 2x3 15x2 + 36x + 1, is: [JEE(Advanced)-2012]
(A) one-one and onto (B) onto but not one-one
(C) one-one but not onto (D) neither one-one nor onto

2     
4. Let f : ( 1,1) → R be such that f(cos 4) = for    0,    ,  . Then the value(s) of
2 − sec2   4 4 2
 
 1
f   is (are) - [JEE(Advanced)-2012]
3 3 2 2
(A) 1 (B) 1 + (C) 1 (D) 1 +
2 2 3 3

5. If the function f : R → R is defined by f(x) = |x|(x sinx), then which of the following statements
is TRUE ? [JEE(Advanced)-2020]
(A) f is one-one, but NOT onto (B) f is onto, but NOT one-one
(C) f is BOTH one-one and onto (D) f is NEITHER one-one NOR onto

6. Let f : [0, 2] → R be the function defined by [JEE(Advanced)-2020]

   
f(x) = (3 sin(2x)) sin  x −  − sin  3x + 
 4  4

If , ,  [0, 2] are such that {x  [0, 2] : f(x)  0} = [, ], then the value of   is ____

Function 63
7. Let the function f : [0, 1] → be defined by f(x) = [JEE(Advanced)-2020]
4x + 2
 1   2   3   39   1
Then the value of f   + f  + f  + ..... + f   − f   is _____
 40   40   40   40   2


1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (zero marks to all) 5. (C) 6. 1.00

7. 19.00

64 Function

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