HW 2

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U6 - Listening 2, exercise 1 and 2 on page 106

Exercise 1
1. being unprepared
2. high expectations from their parents
3. competition from peers
4. other people in the exam room
5. the room and test-taking
6. when the test is scheduled
7. the test itself
Exercise 2
1. Anxious
2. Serious
3. As a result of
4. Physical
5. Depression
6. May result in
7. Disappointment

2. U6 – Reading
Vocabulary preview on page 100
1. Ambition
2. Pressure
3. Result
4. Achievement
5. Work-life balance
6. Compare
7. Lifestyle
8. Insist
Exercise 1 on page 102
The cause
1. Modern lives
2. Financial pressure of modern life
3. Only one parent works
4. Comparing ourselves to others
5. Pressure to be perfect
The effect
1. Face a range of pressures
2. Difficult to achieve a good work-life balance
3. Difficult to pay for a good lifestyle
4. Pressure to earn more money to pay for them
5. Lying about how much their baby sleeps at night
Exercise 2 on page 102
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. C

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