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Jalan Pemuda Desa Sidomulyo. Telp. 085889224503

I. Berikan tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar !

1. I clean the house with my .... ( orangtua)

a. Family b. Neighbour
c. Parents d. Brother
2. I sleep with ...... ( Ibu)

a. Father b. Sister
c. Mother d. Brother
3. I ..... ( berpamitan) to parents.

a. Say goodbye b. Permission

c. Say goodday d. Take care
4. She is.... ( sakit)

a. Sit b. Sick
c. Shy d. Sleep
5. Childhood artinya....

a. Masa hidup b. Seumur hidup

c. Masa kecil d. Seumur kecil
6. We play ..... ( Petak umpet )

a. Seek and Hide b. Heid and seik

c. Seik and heid d. Hide and seek
7. We study together in the ... ( Sekolah)

a. School b. Room
c. Home d. Library
8. We artinya ...

a. Saya b. Dia
c. Kamu d. Kita
9. Experience artinya ...

a. Pengalaman b. Hubungan
c. Pertemanan d. Kekeluargaan
10. We ... (membuat) the task together.

a. See b. Learn
c. Make d. Hear
11. This is a ....

a. Hat b. Tie
c. Socks d. Short
12. This is a ....

a. Hat b. Tie
c. Socks d. Short
13. Mother .... ( menyapu) the floor.

a. Clean b. Sweep
c. Cleans d. Sweeps
14. Father cuts .... ( Tanaman) in the yard.

a. Plant b. Flower
c. Tree d. Leaf
15. Chili artinya .....

a. Daun b. Nanas
c. Pisang d. Cabai
16. Look! That is ...

a. Dirty plate b. Good plate

c. Clean plate d. Nice plate
17. Environment artinya....

a. Lingkungan b. Perumahan
c. Lapangan d. Kebersamaan
18. .... (kita ) play Hide and seek

a. She b. He
c. He d. We

19. We read book in the ... ( perpustakaan)

a. School b. Room
c. Home d. Library
20. You artinya ...

a. Saya b. Dia
c. Kamu d. Kita
21. Family artinya ...

a. Pengalaman b. Hubungan
c. Pertemanan d. Keluarga
22. We make the task ...... (bersama)

a. Alone b. Study
c. Together d. Family
23. I have a ....

a. Short b. Shirt
c. Shoes d. Socks

24. Gown artinya ...

a. Gaun b. Rok
c. Baju d. Selendang
25. She is.... ( malu)

a. Sit b. Sick
c. Shy d. Sleep

II. Arrange the following words correctly!

Susunlah kata- kata di bawah ini dengan benar!
1. Y - A – F – M – I – L ( keluarga)
2. F – T – A – H – E – R ( ayah )
3. H – E – P – L ( menolong)
4. L – E – C – N – A ( Membersihkan)
5. P – W – E – E – S ( Menyapu)
6. P – E – X – E – C – R – I – N – E – E (Pengalaman)
7. W – D – O – I – N – W ( Jendela)
8. D – A – R – Y (Halaman Rumah)
9. C – E – B – A – H ( Pantai)
10. R – W – O – K ( Bekerja)

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