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12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your

bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper
worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his
good, pleasing and perfect will.

………. Rom 8:5ff

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires;
but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit
desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit
is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit
to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please



A. On couple relationships:

1. I show my sense of appreciation to my future spouse for his/her goodness

to me through ___________________
2. If my future spouse commits a mistake, I will _____________________
3. If my future spouse gets tired and discourage, I will be there to
4. Should there be any misunderstanding between us, I would prefer to have
5. What am I looking forward to my future spouse as we start to raise a new
family of our own? ____________________
6. In terms of communication, I look forward that my future spouse will be
7. How am I, as a husband/wife will spend quality time to my future spouse?
8. As husband and wife, what would be our priorities for our own family?
9. When time comes that I feel jealous of someone or something from my
spouse, I will ________________________
10. When my spouse gives a reason for coming home late, I will
11. In what way I can show to my spouse that I respect his/her
rights/decision? __________________________
12. What do you value most: having sex with your future spouse before or
after you get married? Why?_____________________________
13. As husband and wife, how are we going to center our marriage and
family life in Christ? ________________________
14. In case suspicions arise towards my spouse, I will
15. As a married person, in what way I can be of good example to my

B. On size of Family (NFP)/ Conjugal love/ relationship …

1. As husband and wife, how we will show our love and respect of each
others’ differences (sexuality)?_____________________
2. How do you look at your spouse as a person (in terms of sexual relation)?
3. As a husband/wife, you perceive of having (a child) children as
4. As married couple, how would you express/communicate to your partner
your desire to have sexual love making? _______________________
5. As married couple, will you consider to raise the number of children as
taken for granted? Why? ____________________________
6. What are you willing to do to keep your relationship from becoming dull?
7. What is your greatest fear about your sexual relationship five years from
now? ____________________________
8. How will you respond if your partner says “no” to sexual love making?
9. How will you be a responsible father/mother to your children?
10. For proper spacing of children, will you and your spouse recourse to
artificial methods for family planning? Why? ___________________

C. On Parenting
1. Does it give you a sense of fulfillment to be a parent? Why?
2. What wonderful things you perceive when you really listen to your children?
3. How will you raise your children as they grow up? ________________
4. What are the ways and means for you in disciplining your children?
5. As a mother/ father, how will you mold the spiritual life of your children?
6. How are you going to correct your child if he/she commits a mistake?
7. Is corporal punishment necessary as a means of disciplining your
child/children? Why? ______________________
8. How do you look at having regular, quality time- family affair (bonding
moments) to be observed in your family? ___________________
9. What do you think will be the impact/effects if you and your spouse have
strong arguments/quarrels in front of your children?
10. Does setting up expectations to children make you confident as a parent?
Why? _______________________

D. On Work and Financial Management

1. How do you see the importance of work? ___________________

2. Will you consider that the wife will work also to support the husband in
meeting the expenses at home or just to stay at home to take care of the
husband and children? ________________________
3. What are the basic needs that parents should meet for the family?
4. Who will take responsible for taking the major financial decisions in the
family? Why? ___________________________
5. Will you consider that your spouse will look for job abroad (OFW) for a
more secured life/future in the family? Why? _______________________
6. How will you meet the needs in the family with the available source of
income you have? ______________________
7. Will you consider to engage in “trade of luck” i.e., vices, gambling, etc. to
give additional financial support for the needs of the family? Why?
8. Should married couple fight/quarrel because of money? Why?
9. How will you respond to the current trends of the “culture of waste” due to
technological advancement that affects the lifestyle in your family?

E. On Relationship with in-laws

1. As you start your own family, would you prefer to stay/ live together with
your parent in-laws or to live separately from them? Why?
2. Would you consider the help/involvement of your in-laws to solve conflicts
or problems with your spouse? Why? In what way? __________________
3. How would you consider your in-laws to be involved in your family when it
comes to decision-making and in raising your child/children?
4. Will you consider/ welcome the financial assistance of your in-laws when
you experience financial constraint? Why? ___________________
5. Would you consider your spouse to take care of your in- laws at home due
to sickness or old age? Why? _____________________________

F. On Faith- Life Experience:

1. How will you cultivate a prayerful atmosphere/ religious upbringing to your

children/family? _____________________
2. How will you cultivate/ deepen your spiritual life, in centering your
relationship in Christ as husband and wife? _____________________
3. How would be the religious upbringing of your child/children if you and
your spouse came from 2 different religious back ground (mixed
marriage)? _______________________
4. In moments that your relationship will be experiencing great turbulence,
will you still be convinced that your marriage as a covenant is God’s will
for you? How are you going to transcend from this?
5. Would you consider your spouse to be involved in any of the organizations
in the Parish or to stay at home to take of the children/ focus on the
livelihood to meet the needs of the family? ______________________

G. On Transitions (Mid-life)
1. Will you promise to love, cherish and uphold your spouse in truth and
faithfulness for the rest of your life? Why? How? ____________________
2. How will you strengthen your relationship as husband and wife so that you
will remain faithful to each other until the end (death)?
3. How would you perceive/look at your spouse and your marriage as you
look forward to the celebration of your silver/golden wedding anniversaries
in the future?
4. After a long time of discernment about your relationship, are you convince
that your spouse (fiancé/fiancée) now is the right person God has
intended for you to spend with for the rest of your life (until death)? Why?
5. Would you consider the assistance from concerned individuals such as
Family and Life counselors, to help you when you experience turbulence
in marriage? _________________________

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