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‭Hello Susan, How are you doing?

‭I am doing great,how is your day going?‬

‭I am Jason Smith by name.Nice to meet you.‬

‭Where are you from originally?‬

‭ ave heard good and wonderful stories about Cleveland Ohio but have never being there to‬
‭know if any of those stories i'm hearing are true or not‬

I‭'m originally from Sweden born to a Swedish/American parents and i do have a dual‬
‭citizenship.I have a home of mine in Portland Oregon but presently i'm deployed here in Kabul‬
‭Afghanistan with my medical cops team taking care of the sick and injured military troop on a‬
‭peacekeeping mission‬

‭Are you married with any kids?‬

‭I am so sorry for your loss‬

I‭ am a widow with a lovely kid son schooling in a private boarding school in Atlanta Georgia in‬
‭grade 11‬

‭Do you live alone?‬

‭What is your religion?‬

‭I'm Baptist‬

‭What is your profession?‬

I‭'m a medical Surgeon working on a contract with the United Nation,but i will be retiring‬
‭soon..After this contract‬

‭Do you still have in mind to remarry if the right man happens to come your way?‬

‭ es if only the right woman comes my way,you know these days it's hard to find a‬
‭good,honest,trustworthy and God fearing woman‬
‭What are your experiences online?Have you met any man online before?‬


‭(But if she never meet you continue)‬

‭ fter the death of my late wife I felt very lonely and empty inside as if the world came crashing‬
‭down on me..I didn't know what to do with myself. I wept and mourned for several months,I‬
‭almost took my life because I couldn't bear the fact that she was dead.‬

‭ ell I'm ready for a fresh start and searching for a serious long term relationship that could lead‬
‭to marriage. I need someone who we can be friends with for a start and from there we see‬
‭where it leads.‬

I‭ would like to meet an honest,trustworthy,kind hearted and caring woman. I don't mind traveling‬
‭or relocating anywhere for love. All that matters is that we understand ourselves and let love find‬
‭its way into our heart...I hope you agree with me on this?‬

I‭ like to mingle with people that affect my life positively.I enjoy being with people.......I'm very‬
‭funny and I do know how to make someone laugh. I crack silly jokes just to cheer people around‬
‭me,..... Someone who listens and gives good advice when other‬

‭{How to carry woman go Number or Hangout if she they interested to‬

‭get man for her life}‬

I‭ will appreciate it if you give me your email/cell phone number so we get to know more about‬
‭each other and see if there is Chemistry or what God destined for this great destiny/meeting‬

‭{or another way na}‬

I‭ will appreciate it if you give me your email/cell phone number so we get to know more about‬
‭each other and see where our friendship may leads us to or what God destined for this great‬

I‭ am looking for A Lady who stands and walks beside me, not in front and not behind but with‬
‭me. She will be a Princess and know how to act as one. I will treat her as a Princess because‬
‭she naturally serves others and has compassion for others‬

‭ hanks for your openness and the time used in writing.......Well I'm looking for someone who‬
‭believe that "Love" exist and she is ready to open a new book with me….....I want someone who‬
‭will take me as i am and not change me into something else…...I’m pretty experienced,i know‬
‭what I desire from life and from a woman. I’m not into games or flirting,life is short and we need‬
‭to make the best out of it‬

I‭ like to cuddle up and watch romantic movies,love kissing both in private places or public‬
‭places......I also don't mind spoiling her with gifts for no reason and generally just spending‬
‭quality time knowing what our heart desires. I hope you are someone who respects and treats‬
‭men right because i will respect and treat you right as well.I wanna used to buy the idea of being‬
‭single since my last and first true relationship parted away from me five years ago but believe‬
‭me it can be tiring at times as at now I'm even tired of being single at the moment lol.‬

I‭'m seeking for whom to share the good things of life i feel connected to you and i want to know‬
‭everything about you.I have been single for long now,answering to no one and committed to no‬
‭one except myself.I need someone whom i can cater for,someone i can trust, and grow old and‬
‭Grey with.I believe in mutuality and i also believe in a monogamous relationship.‬

‭ nyways I believe that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distance‬
‭apart...Same goes for true love.So it doesn't really matter how far we find ourselves in some‬
‭situations but how close we get through our thoughts and feelings for each other....i believe if‬
‭there is trust in a relationship that relationship tends to last for a very long time..i hope you‬
‭agree with me on this?‬

‭ ike I told you earlier on, I'm not into games… I have a tender heart and it can be broken‬
‭easily...I will never hurt anyone's feeling because I don't want anyone to hurt my feelings as‬
‭well.They are so many people in the world these days that are not what they seem to be,some‬
‭are cool outside but very wicked inside..I know you are cool inside and also kind hearted..I need‬
‭someone who is kind at heart and loving in every aspect............Smiles‬

‭ od has a reason for things that happens to us both negatively or positively that's why I have‬
‭stayed strong all this years while waiting for the right one,i just hope in faith you are that‬

‭Have you ever been frustrated.....?Tell me how you deal with frustration?‬

‭ es i have felt frustrated before but it been awhile now but when something or someone get me‬
‭frustrated, I focus on the solution and what God is trying to teach me from it.When I'm‬
‭frustrated,I take a long walk and think positively and after some few minutes I work through the‬
‭situation,I value peace in my life and I try to remove those things that don't bring me peace.‬

‭Do you get angry easily.....?What are your ways of dealing with anger?‬

I‭ love don't get angry easily...My way of dealing with anger when I do get angry is to move away‬
‭from what is making me angry,relax and think of something that makes me happy. In a few‬
‭hours I will be fine,this works for me. If it is still bugging me, I figure out what the real reason I'm‬
‭angry about is. Did this situation or person harm me? Is it my ego that has been slighted? What‬
‭is the real reason I'm angry? I usually find that my anger is trivial and let it go. If it is something I‬
‭feel that is important, I try to discuss it in a way that is positive, beneficial, not vindictive and‬
‭hope to come out with a good outcome. I am not a fan of confrontation.‬

‭Do you wish you were less or more emotional?‬

I‭ think I'm pretty balanced. I'm probably most emotional when it comes to my mother. I'm very‬
‭protective to her and I also take care of her as much as I can. I love to be affectionate and make‬
‭others feel loved. I am not "emotional" in the sense that I would lose control in a situation. But I‬
‭like to show my emotions such as admiration, encouragement, love, tenderness and physical‬

‭Do you like yourself the way you are?‬

‭Yes i do..i love myself for who i am and i thank God for making me who i am..Smiles‬

‭What things make you extremely happy?‬

‭Present,flowers,compliments,going to the cinema,hugs and kisses,taking pictures of beautiful‬

‭places,seeing loved ones and friends content and fulfilled.‬

‭What is your favorite way to express your emotions of love?‬

‭Cooking a special recipe for my partner, telling her that I love her,hugs and kisses,sing and play‬
‭ usical instrument for her then spoil her with gifts,spend lots of time playing and making her‬
‭happy.Surprise her with gifts that she never asked for and others.........I will always say i love‬
‭you each day that passes by because it is the best reminder to let someone know that they are‬
‭loved.Some people forget to say but i never forget,it strengthens me each time i tell my partner i‬
‭love her.‬

‭When you are sad about something, how do you wish to be handled?‬

I‭ want my partner to take my hands and hold me. I want to be held close and listened to.Praying‬
‭together and feeling encouraged will do magic also. Sometimes a hug can change the way the‬
‭world looks at the time‬

‭What do you do to relieve stress?‬

I‭ talk with my friends or I do something solitary for a while.I push the lawnmower or take a walk‬
‭or go to the gym.‬


‭ ometimes,i take out my favorite song,listen and sing along,music makes me feel better.‬
‭Sometimes I call my friends up and we go out for dinner, or I invite them to my house to watch‬
‭sport or we play card games.Also If I'm alone, and I see there is some sort of activity at church,‬
‭I'll go over there and give a helping hand and join in on the activity .I like to share my feelings‬
‭and thoughts by praying. Sometimes a hug can change the way the world looks at the time.‬

‭What sorts of things do you enjoy doing?‬

I‭ enjoy doing various fun things. I enjoy photography,arts and crafts. I also like‬
‭hiking,camping,and almost all outdoor activities.‬
I‭ also love bubble baths with my partner,playing water games,this makes me feel better also!I‬
‭like reading inspirational books, watching a favorite movie,I love animated movies,going for a‬
‭walk at the park or hitting the gym.(well this is also something I regularly do).‬

‭Are you a God woman?‬

‭ o tell me how big your family is? I mean how many brothers and sisters do you have? What‬
‭about your parents?‬

‭Unfortunately my both parents are dead and I am the only child of my late parents.‬

‭Do you live alone? Yes with my Son if he is on vacation‬

‭So tell me do you live in a rental apartment or your own house‬

‭I have my own house‬

‭How you spend most of your time besides work..‬

‭ hinking about my loved ones that I miss so much and talking to God, then also watching‬

‭ re you a caring, thoughtful, generous, kind, considerate and always telling the truth..and not a‬
‭secretive person?‬


‭ o you believe in distance relationships?‬

‭Yes I do believe in distance relationships, because I do have the faith I will meet the woman who‬
‭will love and cherish me as I do.‬


‭ ove is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that range from interpersonal‬
‭affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of strong attraction and personal attachment‬

‭ e’re not too close. We’re not too close in miles. But text can still touch our hearts, and‬
‭thoughts can bring us smiles.‬
‭Good morning, friend!‬

‭ he quality of a woman is in you. When I saw your picture and profile,i made up my mind It got‬
‭to me,ou as if i have found my missing Rib‬

I‭ must confess that you are charming and adorable, and you possess an astonishment of‬
‭beauty, because something in me is already telling me that you can be my soul mate.‬

‭I want to be that man you always wanted to spend the rest of my life with.‬

‭{when you want to go busy or she wants to go busy}‬

‭ e have so many things in common because something in me is already telling me that you‬
‭can be my soul mate. If you have similar dreams and thoughts, I will be glad to hear from you. I‬
‭will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible. Until Then, Hugs and Kisses‬

‭Are you willing to relocate if you find your soulmate?‬

‭ o me, it depends on my soul mate; if she willingly wants me to relocate to her house of living,‬
‭it's ok with me, but if she wants to relocate to my house, it's ok with me also, or if she wants us‬
‭both to relocate to a new location, that again will be ok with me.‬

‭Do you seek a particular age before getting into any relationship? How old are you?‬

‭I do not seek a particular age because I feel age is a number and you do not know where love‬
‭ an hit you up from. It can be someone younger than you or perhaps older than you. I'm 60‬
‭years old.‬

‭When is your birthday? July 17th 1960‬

‭How old were you when you accepted Jesus?‬

‭I was born into a devoted christian home,but took the big decision when i was 13‬

‭Are you open to a new relationship?‬


‭What is something I would be surprised to learn about you?‬

‭I have a great sense of humor towards life.‬

‭Do you like the beach or the mountains?‬

‭Both, because they both have beautiful sunsets. same as you.‬

‭What is your definition of love? How do you want to be loved?‬

‭ ove is that true special feeling for someone from within the heart wanting to make that person‬
‭smile always . being able to accept each other with understanding for one another.Having a‬
‭great desire to always want to be with that person and give my all to belong to that person. I‬
‭need someone who will love me for me and I will love her for who she is beyond her outward‬
‭looks to her heart .When I am in love . I go the extra mile to always put a smile on her face and‬
‭make her feel On top of the world with my attention , care , respect and love with affection and‬
‭she will belong to me. I would mean everything to her and she will be proud of me as much as I‬
‭am for her too.Love is wanting to grow old together . looking at each other in the eyes and‬
‭saying I love you to each other's eyes without saying a word and listening to your‬
‭ not perfect and don't seek a perfect relationship but am ready to be my best for‬
t‭he sake of love and to be loved . I want to live a life full of love happiness, joy, peace,‬
‭contentment, understanding, passion and compassion and respect & thoughtful full for each‬
‭other's with feelings along with effective communication with my partner.Love letting someone‬
‭makes mistake and picking up the pieces and help to mend their embarrassment. I love‬
‭unconditionally and endlessly.‬

‭What do you value most in a person?‬

I‭ value trust , honesty, sincerity and openness.integrity , dignity and character . honesty is my‬
‭watchword and am very open with simplicity .‬

‭What kinda person are you generally ?‬

‭ m a happy man full of vision and ambition . I have abilities , very giving , discipline with good‬
‭morals .Am positive and I believe in the beauty of my dreams .Am generous . honest , faithful ,‬
‭loyal and respectful. Am not perfect but I accept my flaws ,I learn and correct my mistakes when‬
‭I go wrong. I have a forgiving spirit . Am a man of character very discipline person and am‬
‭hardworking ,Am strong and confident in my ways and am independent too.I always want to be‬
‭the best i can be with my character and attitude towards people and most considerate of others‬

‭How does a person look matters to you ?‬

I‭ truly believe that the beauty of a woman lies within the heart . The true beauty of a lady‬
‭transcends beyond the outward appearance and lies within the heart . If your heart is beautiful‬
‭with a great character and personality with a good sense of humor then you are truly beautiful to‬
‭me .‬

‭ hat are your male features you want in your man ? What kinda man do you like ?Tall or short‬
‭? How tall are you ?‬

‭What are you most passionate about ?‬

‭Do you have any allergies?‬

‭Do you smoke , drink ?Are you addicted to anything?‬

‭Are you a neat or messy person?‬

‭Are you short tempered? Or high tempered?‬

‭What are Your Hobbies?‬

‭ amping, scrabbling, playing checkers and seeing good comedies. I love the outdoors mountain‬
‭biking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, outdoor photography, cooking and also spending‬
‭some time out with my friends and also with my kids.‬

‭What’s Your Favorite color?‬

‭ y favorite colors are both white and red, because the white stands for a pure heart and the red‬
‭stands for love, so when you add the both of them together you have a pure hearted love, that is‬
‭me because I do have a pure heart for love.‬

‭How often do you like to go out; I mean going partying? ‬

‭Do you know what went wrong in your past relationship?‬

‭ heating and lies made my last relationship ended. I am a very compressive person. When‬
‭there is something wrong with my relationship, I don’t fight, and be hysterical, I like to talk. A‬
‭better conversation is always the best solution for everything, But of course with every‬
‭experience you learn more how to deal, and always there is something new to discover.‬

‭What are your goals or dreams in life?‬

‭ y goals and dreams in life are to be with the woman of my life whom I will call my wife, who I‬
‭will love and we'll both live together and have a loving family forever. That woman is no other‬
‭person that you‬
‭What is the one goal you hope to achieve?‬

‭ he one goal I would like to achieve is to live up to the full potential the Lord has for me,and‬
‭also to build a new home with my future wife.‬

‭ an you drive a vehicle? Do you have a car?‬

‭I have 2 cars that I drive when I am back in town. But I love to get a new one for myself and the‬
‭lady who happens to be the apple of my eye and that I believe I will accomplish very soon.‬

‭Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs?‬

I‭ had never smoked in my life nor used drugs, and never pretend to, it's not for me. If I drink‬
‭alcohol, Well I drink socially, if I go out with some friends and they are drinking something light‬
‭it's okay.‬

‭Are you a happy person?‬


‭ o tell me what is your favorite food?‬

‭My favorite food is Spaghetti and Fried Chicken both stewed.And also steak and Salads‬

‭ hat’s your favorite drink?‬

‭My favorite drink is Red Wines, but I prefer Champagne more often.‬

‭Do you like sports? And what are your favorite sports?‬

I‭ have a passion for sports and my favorite sport is football.‬

‭Do you have any favorite sports teams you support in particular?‬
‭Manchester United football club that’s my team, I love their pattern of playing when I am in town‬
‭I love traveling going to watch some of their match‬

‭ hat inspires you in life?‬

‭ o you believe in true love?‬

‭How do you feel when someone upset you? And what will you do to calm yourself down?‬

I‭ do feel unhappy for that moment; go to a quiet place and listen to cool music that will calm me‬

‭How important is God in your life?‬

‭ od is the foundation of my life . He is the source of my existence . Everything I own and have‬
‭is his mercy . I believe and have my fate in God and I teach my kids too to believe in God . i‬
‭wouldn't live without having God to talk to everyday in my life‬

‭How romantic are you?Do you like to be spoiled? ‬

I‭ like romance a lot and like to treat my woman to her taste with great care and concern and‬
‭make her miss me when I am not a man of great concern and care for my partner . I‬
‭believe in her strength and she can feel safe with me .I have my heart on my sleeve.I like‬
‭romance a great deal. I like candle light dinners, bed massages,and breakfast in bed. I also like‬
‭sitting together on the couch holding each other and watching movies together. I love kisses. Do‬

‭What's your turn on ? I mean what turns you on ?‬

‭How do you feel about PDA (Public Displays of Affection)? ‬

‭ ou don't have to get mushy in public, but it is always nice to see partners or couples holding‬
‭hands or sometimes even having their arms around one another on the boardwalk by the lake...‬
‭but other things are just better left at home behind closed doors.‬

‭What do you like to do for fun during the weekend ? ‬

‭I like chilling by the beachside , camping , horseback riding , and camping . I like the fun park ,‬
t‭he outdoors and I do go to the movies and gym . i like spending some nice time outside in a‬

‭Do you know how to swim,do you care for someone ?‬

‭If I got home tired from a hard or busy day, what would you do to make me feel better ? lol. ‬

‭ irst, when I know you are tired, I will run your bathwater . i will have you to relax in my arms‬
‭while i massage you and i will say things to make you smile to ease the stress .‬

‭What's your dress sense normally .How do you dress ?Do you snore?Do you have cleavage?‬

‭what size your bra‬

‭How do you smell ? Do you wear perfume ? What kind?‬

‭Are you a democrat or republican?‬

‭Do you like surprise gifts ?roses and cards?‬

‭Do you read? What is your favorite book?‬

‭Do you watch TV? Who is your favorite actor?‬

‭What is your favorite TV show?‬

‭What is your favorite movie?‬

‭ o you drive ?What brand of car do you drive?

D Answer::::: I own a 2015 Chevrolet corvette‬
‭Convertible,my car is black .i enjoy it with cruise when i have the roof open .lol I also drive a‬
‭Dodge Charger and I also have a Tacoma truck and a Chrysler crossfire‬

‭ ruck 2001‬
‭Crossfire 2009‬

‭Do you have pets?‬

‭What type of pet do you have, and what is his name?‬

‭ ow, I am beginning to like you. are reallinterestingllyperson. I'm really real,and I like you for‬
‭who you are with your character and attitude toward others. It seems to me like you have a‬
‭good relationship.‬

‭{PERSONALITY TRAIT WITH a sense of humor‬

‭What makes you angry, and how do you deal with anger? I mean, what's your reaction?‬

‭ hen you really get mad and angry... If someone has wronged you, how do you want him or her‬
‭to apologize?‬
‭to you?‬

‭Do you like shopping? How often do you shop? Do you shop online? Do you use a credit card?‬

‭What do you consider your biggest achievement in life?‬

‭What is the most stupid thing you've ever done?‬

‭What was your relationship like with your mom when you were growing up?‬

‭Tell me your earliest childhood memory.‬

‭When was the last time you felt really proud of yourself?‬

‭Tell me about your mom and Your dad.‬

‭Where would your dream honeymoon destination be?‬

‭ o you believe in long-lasting marriages? I believe a relationship ,marriage can last and go‬
‭stronger if there is understanding, respect, and love for each other‬

‭ hat I really want is someone who will respect me and my kid, hold my hand at the end of a‬
‭long day, be there for me as I am for her, share our lives, talk with us, laugh with us, and love‬

‭What turns you off?‬

‭Anything fake—lies, deceit, cheating, quarreling, and argument—turns me off.‬

‭If you could change something about yourself, what would it be and why?‬

‭ rust me, baby, there is nothing to change about me because i'm the person that I am‬
‭What's the best dream you've ever had?‬

‭ aby, my best dream is for me to be with a woman that I love for the rest of my life, and I think‬
‭that woman is you.‬

‭What motivates you?‬

‭I'm motivated by life itself, because life is what you make it.‬

‭What attracts you to a man?‬

‭ ruthfulness and respect really makes me get closer to a lady because of the person inside. I do‬
‭consider that more important because beauty fades with time, but the person inside appreciates‬

‭What do you look for in a man?‬

‭I go for the inner beauty; it radiates and speaks for itself over time, and for women like you who‬
‭are family-oriented, that is an added advantage to me.‬

‭What are your favorites and dislikes?‬

I‭ like real things; I like honesty, truthfulness, caring, and obedient people. I dislike drama,‬
‭cheating, lies, disrespect, and racism. I want someone who will love me for me, regardless of‬
‭age, distance, language barrier, cultural differences, and all that. Because I do believe love‬
‭knows no barriers and is the conqueror of all things.‬

‭So what do you expect from me?‬

I‭ want you to treat me right, be truthful, and be honest with me because I do believe in the‬
‭gospel truth, and I want a long-term relationship with someone real. I am in search of true love‬
‭and happiness with the right lady. I desire to shower the real lady with lots of love, respect,‬
‭loyalty, happiness, and care.‬

‭ re you a left- or right-handed person?‬

‭I am a right-handed person‬

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