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ELTIS- Laura Santos

- The Maori Renaissance blossomed in the 1970s as language activists
pledged their cause and Maori demanded greater political representation.
- Increasing Maori action and representation in literature and language.
- The Maori Renaissance blossomed in the 1970s as language activists
pledged their cause and Maori demanded greater political representation;
- Increasing Maori demanded for recognition of rangatiratanga (chieftainship,
- Protest movements arising in New Zealand from the late 1960s to early 80s;
- Maori youth growing up in the cities with access to educational opportunities
- Recent government incentive:New Zealand's government has pledged to
provide Maori lessons in all New Zealand schools by 2025
- Nowadays, it is present in everyday communication, in expressions like Kia
Ora (Hello, have luck), or Kai (food), for example.

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