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017 Antinua Nailo, Elf (Wood) Fighter (Great Weapon); S15 D19 C16 sleep; quarterstaff, arcane focus

ff, arcane focus (crystal), scholar's pack, spellbook,

I11 W17 C13; 13 hp; Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t93, 10
Survival; Dice, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish; leather armor, longbow, gp; ex-Soldier (Standard Bearer); T:touchy, optimistic; I:independence;
20 arrows, halberd, flail, light crossbow, 20 bolts, dungeoneer's pack, B:adoptive priest; F:ally distruster.
insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt pouch, t38, 10 026 Sefris Nathandem, Human (Mulan) Cleric (Ilmater); S17 D15 C16
gp; ex-Soldier (Cavalry); T:direct, strong; I:no limits; B:heretic revenge; I13 W17 C13; 11 hp; Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion; Common,
F:impulsive speaker. Deep Speech, Draconic, Goblin; resistance, spare the dying,
018 Malcer Hornraven, Human (Illuskan) Cleric (Re-Horakhty); S17 D14 thaumaturgy; bless, command, cure wounds, detect magic, healing word,
C15 I11 W19 C15; 10 hp; Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion; inflict wounds; mace, leather armor, dagger, explorer's pack, shield, holy
Common, Celestial, Elvish, Giant; light, resistance, sacred flame; bless, symbol (emblem), holy symbol (reliquary), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of
cure wounds, detect magic, guiding bolt, healing word, sanctuary, shield incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t27, 15 gp; ex-
of faith; mace, chain mail, javelin, priest's pack, shield, holy symbol Acolyte; T:omen finder, optimistic; I:tradition; B:relic recovery; F:trusts
(amulet), holy symbol (reliquary), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, faithful.
vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t96, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; 027 Quelenna Moonbrook, Elf (High) Fighter (Protection); S16 D17 C15
T:idolater, sesquipedalian; I:faith; B:bully revenger; F:trusts faithful. I14 W13 C16; 12 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Perception,
019 Kanithar Murnyethara, Human (Rashemi) Rogue; S15 D19 C13 I16 Survival; Brewer, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish, Giant; light; chain
W12 C16; 9 hp; Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, mail, shield, rapier, light crossbow, 20 bolts, explorer's pack, brewer's
Persuasion, Stealth; Dice, Thieves' Tools, Vehicles (Land); Common, supplies, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, belt pouch, t76, 10 gp; ex-
Draconic, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, Folk Hero (Decree Protester); T:confident, bored; I:people; B:become
leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, insignia of rank, trophy, great; F:trusts faithful.
playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t14, 10 gp; ex-Soldier 028 Liftrasa Stayanoga, Human (Rashemi) Cleric (Demeter); S16 D13
(Standard Bearer); T:voracious reader, unflinching; I:change; B:ally C16 I14 W17 C15; 11 hp; Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion;
defender; F:law obeyer. Common, Elvish, Giant, Goblin; guidance, light, sacred flame; bless, cure
020 Varis Nightbreeze, Elf (Wood) Fighter (Archery); S12 D18 C18 I13 wounds, detect magic, guiding bolt, sanctuary, shield of faith; mace,
W16 C14; 14 hp; Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Survival; scale mail, light hammer, priest's pack, shield, holy symbol (reliquary),
Dice, Vehicles (Land); Common, Elvish; leather armor, longbow, 20 holy symbol (emblem), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments,
arrows, halberd, battleaxe, light crossbow, 20 bolts, explorer's pack, common clothes, belt pouch, t91, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:voracious reader,
insignia of rank, trophy, playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, peacemaker; I:tradition; B:family support; F:innocent condemner.
t29, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Scout); T:peacemaker, patient explainer; I:self 029 Miri Goldpetal, Elf (High) Rogue; S10 D19 C15 I17 W13 C16; 10 hp;
improvement; B:land lover; F:inflexible thinking. Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Perception, Performance, Sleight of
021 Mardred Balderk, Dwarf (Mountain) Fighter (Great Weapon); S18 Hand, Stealth; Disguise, Three-Dragon Ante, Thieves' Tools; Common,
D15 C18 I12 W14 C14; 14 hp; Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Perception; Elvish, Goblin, Thieves' Cant; ray of frost; shortsword, shortsword,
Common, Dwarvish, Giant, Goblin; leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar,
greataxe, rapier, handaxe, handaxe, explorer's pack, bottle of black ink, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t99, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Blackmailer);
quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt T:strong, intolerant; I:greed; B:stolen keepsake; F:money chooser.
pouch, t36, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Researcher); T:sesquipedalian, horribly 030 Antinua Xiloscient, Elf (Wood) Rogue; S14 D19 C12 I14 W16 C15; 9
awkward; I:self improvement; B:terrible guilt; F:complicated solver. hp; Animal Handling, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception,
022 Faurgar Strakeln, Dwarf (Mountain) Wizard; S18 D16 C16 I17 W11 Stealth, Survival; Calligrapher, Thieves' Tools, Vehicles (Land); Common,
C13; 9 hp; Arcana, Deception, Investigation, Stealth; Dice, Thieves' Elvish, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortsword, burglar's pack, leather armor,
Tools; Common, Dwarvish; fire bolt, prestidigitation, ray of frost; charm dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, calligrapher's supplies, shovel, iron pot,
person, comprehend languages, detect magic, magic missile, shield, common clothes, belt pouch, t44, 10 gp; ex-Folk Hero (Army Hero);
thunderwave; dagger, component pouch, explorer's pack, spellbook, T:confident, troubled helper; I:no limits; B:bully revenger;
crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t71, 15 gp; ex-Criminal F:overconfident.
(Smuggler); T:polite, optimistic; I:might ; B:become great; 031 Alethra Marsk, Human (Damaran) Wizard; S13 D15 C16 I19 W14
F:overconfident. C13; 9 hp; Deception, History, Religion, Stealth; Dice, Thieves' Tools;
023 Lavinia Strakeln, Dwarf (Hill) Rogue; S11 D18 C15 I17 W14 C16; 11 Common, Dwarvish; mage hand, ray of frost, shocking grasp; charm
hp; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of person, detect magic, magic missile, shield, silent image, sleep; dagger,
Hand, Survival; Smith, Thieves' Tools, Vehicles (Land); Common, arcane focus (staff), explorer's pack, spellbook, crowbar, dark common
Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, dungeoneer's clothes, belt pouch, t69, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Smuggler); T:slow truster,
pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, smith's tools, risk taker; I:greed; B:student protector; F:innocent condemner.
shovel, iron pot, common clothes, belt pouch, t13, 10 gp; ex-Folk Hero 032 Luth Goodbarrel, Halfling (Stout) Fighter (Archery); S17 D16 C18
(Secret Origin); T:action judger, troubled helper; I:people; B:hapless I15 W11 C13; 14 hp; Animal Handling, History, Insight, Survival; Smith,
defender; F:secret mistake. Vehicles (Land); Common, Halfling; chain mail, net, net, handaxe,
024 Sudeiman Pashar, Human (Calishite) Wizard; S14 D16 C15 I18 W15 handaxe, dungeoneer's pack, smith's tools, shovel, iron pot, common
C13; 8 hp; Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine; Common, Halfling, Orc, clothes, belt pouch, t91, 10 gp; ex-Folk Hero (Secret Origin); T:open
Sylvan; dancing lights, fire bolt, light; burning hands, charm person, minded, motivated; I:might; B:sweetheart misser; F:overconfident.
detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, sleep; dagger, arcane focus 033 Esvele Ironfist, Dwarf (Hill) Rogue; S14 D18 C14 I17 W14 C13; 11
(crystal), explorer's pack, spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, hp; Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Investigation, Sleight of Hand,
letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t79, 10 gp; Stealth; Three-Dragon Ante, Forgery, Thieves' Tools; Common,
ex-Sage (Alchemist); T:horribly awkward, risk taker; I:responsibility; Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant; shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows,
B:hapless defender; F:demon studier. dungeoneer's pack, leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools,
025 Adrie Xiloscient, Elf (Wood) Wizard; S14 D17 C16 I17 W15 C12; 9 crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t75, 15 gp; ex-Criminal
hp; Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Religion; Dice, Vehicles (Enforcer); T:patient explainer, touchy; I:charity ; B:library preserver;
(Land); Common, Elvish; mage hand, minor illusion, ray of frost; burning F:innocent condemner.
hands, comprehend languages, identify, mage armor, magic missile, 034 Enna Ilphelkiir, Elf (High) Fighter (Great Weapon); S13 D18 C15 I15

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