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W15 C14; 12 hp; Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, History, of faith; mace, chain mail, dagger, explorer's pack,

explorer's pack, shield, holy symbol

Perception; Common, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Halfling; dancing lights; (reliquary), holy symbol (emblem), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense,
leather armor, longbow, 20 arrows, longsword, rapier, handaxe, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t52, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte;
handaxe, explorer's pack, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter T:peacemaker, idolater; I:aspiration; B:specific lore; F:money chooser.
from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t9, 10 gp; ex-Sage 043 Carric Liadon, Elf (Wood) Cleric (Ilmater); S15 D17 C16 I13 W18
(Librarian); T:troubled helper, planner; I:tradition; B:stolen keepsake; C10; 11 hp; History, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Religion; Common,
F:trusts faithful. Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant; guidance, sacred flame, spare the dying; bless,
035 Finellen Moonbrook, Elf (Wood) Cleric (Apollo); S15 D16 C15 I14 command, cure wounds, detect magic, guiding bolt, healing word,
W16 C14; 10 hp; Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion; sanctuary; mace, chain mail, spear, priest's pack, shield, holy symbol
Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Goblin; light, resistance, thaumaturgy; (reliquary), holy symbol (emblem), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense,
bless, cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds, sanctuary, shield of vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t13, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:secret
faith; mace, leather armor, light crossbow, 20 bolts, explorer's pack, hoarder, action oriented; I:charity; B:adoptive priest; F:judgmental.
shield, holy symbol (reliquary), holy symbol (amulet), prayer wheel, 5 044 Quara Battlehammer, Human (Turami) Rogue; S11 D18 C14 I17
sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t86, 15 gp; W14 C15; 10 hp; Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation,
ex-Acolyte; T:sacred quoter, idolater; I:live and let live; B:heretic Persuasion, Stealth; Dice, Poisoner, Thieves' Tools; Common, Goblin,
revenge; F:obsessive. Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortsword, dungeoneer's pack, leather armor,
036 Orsik Gorunn, Dwarf (Mountain) Fighter (Great Weapon); S19 D14 dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common clothes, belt
C19 I12 W14 C11; 14 hp; Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, pouch, t21, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Pickpocket); T:motivated, slow truster;
Intimidation; Dragonchess, Vehicles (Land); Common, Dwarvish; leather I:logic; B:become great; F:obsessive.
armor, longbow, 20 arrows, greatsword, blowgun, handaxe, handaxe, 045 Harbek Lutgehr, Dwarf (Mountain) Wizard; S16 D15 C18 I16 W10
explorer's pack, insignia of rank, trophy, dice set, common clothes, belt C14; 10 hp; Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine; Common,
pouch, t10, 10 gp; ex-Soldier (Cavalry); T:action judger, unflinching; Dwarvish, Goblin, Halfling; dancing lights, light, ray of frost; charm
I:responsibility; B:honorable; F:trusts faithful. person, identify, magic missile, shield, silent image, thunderwave;
037 Carric Murnyethara, Human (Rashemi) Wizard; S12 D14 C18 I19 dagger, arcane focus (wand), explorer's pack, spellbook, bottle of black
W14 C12; 10 hp; Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine; Common, ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt
Elvish, Gnomish, Primordial; dancing lights, light, ray of frost; charm pouch, t93, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Astronomer); T:cloistered, direct; I:tradition;
person, comprehend languages, identify, mage armor, magic missile, B:stolen keepsake; F:suspicious.
shield; dagger, arcane focus (wand), scholar's pack, spellbook, bottle of 046 Gorstag Greycastle, Human (Tethyrian) Cleric (Boldrei); S14 D15
black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead colleague, common C16 I16 W18 C10; 11 hp; History, Insight, Medicine, Religion; Common,
clothes, belt pouch, t92, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Scribe); T:intolerant, strong; Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish; guidance, light, resistance; bless, command,
I:redemption; B:become great; F:enemy hater. cure wounds, detect magic, inflict wounds, sanctuary, shield of faith;
038 Carric Meliamne, Elf (High) Wizard; S13 D16 C17 I19 W11 C13; 9 mace, chain mail, light crossbow, 20 bolts, explorer's pack, shield, holy
hp; Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Perception; Common, symbol (reliquary), holy symbol (amulet), prayer book, 5 sticks of
Abyssal, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin; light, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray incense, vestments, common clothes, belt pouch, t25, 15 gp; ex-
of frost; charm person, comprehend languages, mage armor, shield, Acolyte; T:bon vivant, bored; I:beauty; B:common people; F:obsessive.
sleep, thunderwave; dagger, arcane focus (crystal), scholar's pack, 047 Luisa Tosscobble, Human (Turami) Wizard; S14 D15 C15 I18 W14
spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, letter from dead C13; 8 hp; Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Religion; Common, Goblin,
colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t7, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Professor); Halfling, Orc; fire bolt, mage hand, ray of frost; charm person, detect
T:haunted, horribly awkward; I:nation; B:ally defender; F:quick retreater. magic, mage armor, magic missile, sleep, thunderwave; quarterstaff,
039 Natali Bersk, Human (Damaran) Rogue; S11 D19 C12 I16 W15 C16; component pouch, scholar's pack, spellbook, holy symbol (emblem),
9 hp; Deception, Insight, Investigation, Performance, Sleight of Hand, prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common clothes, belt
Stealth; Three-Dragon Ante, Poisoner, Thieves' Tools; Common, pouch, t26, 15 gp; ex-Acolyte; T:action judger, cloistered; I:tradition;
Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant; shortsword, shortsword, explorer's pack, B:library preserver; F:trusts faithful.
leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, crowbar, dark common 048 Callie Thorngage, Halfling (Lightfoot) Wizard; S14 D18 C15 I15
clothes, belt pouch, t21, 15 gp; ex-Criminal (Hired Killer); T:calm, W14 C13; 8 hp; Arcana, History, Insight, Religion; Common, Celestial,
touchy; I:redemption; B:answer seeker; F:obvious liar. Dwarvish, Halfling; dancing lights, light, ray of frost; burning hands,
040 Kerri Underbough, Halfling (Lightfoot) Rogue; S7 D18 C14 I18 W15 charm person, detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield; dagger,
C17; 10 hp; Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, History, Persuasion, Stealth; arcane focus (staff), scholar's pack, spellbook, bottle of black ink, quill,
Thieves' Tools; Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Halfling, Thieves' Cant; small knife, letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch,
shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, dungeoneer's pack, leather armor, t50, 10 gp; ex-Sage (Discredited Academic); T:sesquipedalian, patient
dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, bottle of black ink, quill, small knife, explainer; I:redemption; B:student protector; F:complicated solver.
letter from dead colleague, common clothes, belt pouch, t89, 10 gp; 049 Finnan Brushgather, Halfling (Stout) Rogue; S15 D17 C13 I17 W12
ex-Sage (Astronomer); T:sesquipedalian, touchy; I:respect; B:answer C15; 9 hp; Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion,
seeker; F:ally distruster. Stealth; Three-Dragon Ante, Thieves' Tools, Vehicles (Land); Common,
041 Drusilia Starflower, Elf (High) Wizard; S11 D18 C17 I18 W13 C12; 9 Halfling, Thieves' Cant; rapier, shortbow, 20 arrows, burglar's pack,
hp; Deception, History, Insight, Perception, Stealth; Cards, Thieves' leather armor, dagger, dagger, thieves' tools, insignia of rank, trophy,
Tools; Common, Elvish, Orc; dancing lights, light, mage hand, ray of playing card set, common clothes, belt pouch, t51, 10 gp; ex-Soldier
frost; charm person, mage armor, magic missile, shield, sleep, (Healer); T:intolerant, troubled helper; I:might ; B:student protector;
thunderwave; dagger, arcane focus (wand), explorer's pack, spellbook, F:overconfident.
crowbar, dark common clothes, belt pouch, t63, 15 gp; ex-Criminal 050 Lindal Goodbarrel, Halfling (Stout) Wizard; S13 D17 C16 I16 W13
(Hired Killer); T:risk taker, fair; I:honor; B:stolen keepsake; F:obvious liar. C14; 9 hp; Arcana, History, Insight, Religion; Common, Elvish, Giant,
042 Nedda Greenbottle, Halfling (Stout) Cleric (Apollo); S17 D15 C17 I8 Halfling; dancing lights, prestidigitation, shocking grasp; burning hands,
W18 C14; 11 hp; Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion; Common, charm person, comprehend languages, identify, silent image, sleep;
Giant, Goblin, Halfling; guidance, spare the dying, thaumaturgy; bless, quarterstaff, arcane focus (rod), explorer's pack, spellbook, holy symbol
command, cure wounds, healing word, inflict wounds, sanctuary, shield (reliquary), prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, common

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