2022 - English Language Trial - Paper 1

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1. Kertas ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 40 soalan: Bahagian 1,
Bahagian 2, Bahagian 3, Bahagian 4 dan Bahagian 5.

2. Jawab semua soalan. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.

3. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.

Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For
each question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is true?

A. Climbers can visit the place at various altitudes.

B. Mount Kinabalu is the largest biological site on Earth.
C. This mountain contains diversity of species of plant and animal.

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NASA watchdog says the return of 2. Which of the following is true?

astronauts to the moon by 2024
A. It is not possible to return to the moon
(CNN) - NASA's goal of returning American by 2024.

astronauts to the moon by 2024 isn't feasible B. The spacesuit development is in

progress and will be completed in 2024.
because of significant delays in developing
C. NASA has spent billions of dollars
spacesuits, NASA Inspector General Paul K.
on the expedition to the moon.
Martin said in a new report.

Even though NASA will have spent more than a

billion dollars on the next-generation spacesuits,
Martin concluded that the "suits would not be
ready for flight until April 2025 at the
earliest" and are "years away from completion."

Cloning Fast Facts 3. Which of the following is true?

(CNN)Here's some background information
A. Cloning is the process of creating
about cloning, a process of creating an identical new organisms.
copy of an original. B. Replicating an identical copy of an
organism is called reproductive
Reproductive Cloning is the process of making
a full living copy of an organism. Reproductive
C. In cloning, we simply need nuclei and
cloning of animals transplants nuclei from body an egg.
cells into eggs that have had their nucleus i.
removed. That egg is then stimulated to divide
using an electrical charge and is implanted
into the uterus of a female.

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To fatimah@email.com

Subject Danial’s birthday celebration

Hi Fatimah,
I just browsed something on an online shopping platform and saw something that I think
Danial will love it.

It’s a camera drone and a branded one. Do you know how eager he is when talking about
the camera drone and how you can record the best footage with it? This is a smaller and
lighter version, so it’s easier to carry around. It’s a little bit pricey, but if everyone chips
in, I’m pretty sure we can afford it. It’s selling fast, so tell me what you think as soon as

4. From the email, we know that Fatimah

A. wants to buy something online for Danial.

B. is collecting money to buy a birthday gift for a friend.
C. need to give decision quickly to buy a gift for their friend.

5. This sunscreen is

A. Moisturizing on skin.

B. Helping problematic skin.

C. Reducing bacteria on skin.

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Since the 1950s, more than eight billion tonnes of plastic has
been produced, with much of it polluting the world’s land and
oceans. Now scientists are looking to nature to help with
innovative recycling solutions to reuse hard-to-recycle plastic.
Natural degradation of plastic can take hundreds of years, but the
super enzyme can convert PET back to its original building
blocks in just a few days. The process would reduce our
dependence on fossil resources, said Professor John McGeehan, director of the Center of
enzyme Innovation.

6. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The best way to recycle plastics is by using fossil resources.

B. Currently, about eight billion tonnes of plastic is polluting the world.
C. A recent discovery has brought light to ending the plastic pollution problem.

7. Which of theAnna:
hungry.” is true about Anna?

A. AnnaSiti: “You’ve
prefers to behad
B. Annanot
She does : “Want more
want to have breakfast
C. breakfast.”
She would like toSiti
eat: more
be happy.
Anna : “What’s fat?”
Siti : “ It’s what happens when you eat too much
food.” Anna : “ Fat sounds awesome. Let’s get fat.”

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In conjunction with the Green Day Celebration, Malaysians can now adopt a
plant or tree for conservation at the country's oldest and largest artificial
forest, the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia. This campaign aims to
change the mindset of Malaysians, that forests are not only a source of
timber but also a valuable source of health products and eco-tourism.

8. The objective of the campaign is to allow Malaysians to

A. Help converse trees in Malaysia.

B. Be aware of the resources found in the forests.
C. Plant a tree in the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.

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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]
Questions 9 to 18
Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.


It (0) took eleven-year-old actor Daniel Radcliffe eight months and many
auditions to win the role that would (9) him a star. Nowadays, it would be hard
to imagine (10) else as Hogwarts’s favourite young wizard, Harry Potter.

Although it was Harry who made him famous, Daniel had already prepared in 2001’s
The Tailor of Panama and the BBC’s David Copperfield. His (11) in David
Copperfield drew the attention of producer David Heyman, who was searching for the perfect
actor to play the boy wizard. With filming for the Harry Potter series set to take place in Los
Angeles, USA, Daniel’s parents turned (12) the role at first. But thankfully, the
film shoot moved to the UK, and the stage was set for eleven-year-old Daniel to make movie

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was released in 2001 to spellbound
(13) . The enchanting trio- Daniel, Emma Watson (as Hermione) and Rupert
Grint (as Ron) The enchanting trio- Daniel, Emma Watson (as Hermione) and Rupert
Grint(as Ron) won over millions of followers. (14) , Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows - Part 2, the final film in the series, became (15) the
highest-earning Harry Potter movie but also one of only thirty films ever to earn over $1
billion (16) the box office.

(17) his enormous success, Daniel never took his fame for granted. While
still in his teens, he enrolled in acting classes to stretch his skills. Since then, he
(18) in a range of films while has also won several awards for his theatre work.
From a child star to a serious actor, there is little question that Daniel will continue to work in
the film industry for a very long time.

(Adapted from Young Heroes, 2018)

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0 a) obtained b) gained c) took d) enable

9 a) cause b) make c) drive d) force

10 a) everyone b) nobody c) no one d) anyone

11 a) role b) function c) post d) duty

12 a) off b) down c) up d)over

13 a) readers b) spectators c) audiences (d)onlookers

14 a) Meanwhile b) In fact c) Although d) However

15 a) as well b) aside from c) moreover d) not only

16 a) at b) of c) in d) on

17 a) Although b) Despite c) While c) Regardless

18 a) star b) stars c) starred d) starring

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer

Video games are nothing new. The very first arcade-style home video console, Pong,
was released back in the early 1970s. Today, the video game industry advances in producing
gaming contents that are a thousand times more varied and spectacular than anyone could
have imagined in the late 70s. In 2020, the video gaming industry skyrocketed during the
pandemic, as people tried to look for ways to entertain themselves during a period of
lockdowns and other social distancing regulations. By 2025, it is predicted that the market
would be valued over $250 billion. The growth of video games is driven by its never-ending
ability to move with the times and remain at the cutting edge of new technology, introducing
new gaming experiences to a hungry audience. This makes us wonder, what will the video
games of the future be like?

Whatever incredible new games are created, they will be driven by developments in
streaming technology. Online availability of games has already helped to grow the industry,
with millions of players communicating with each other through the internet from anywhere
in the globe. As 5G, satellite, and ultra-fast broadband technologies become more widely
available, multiplayer games are going to grow more and more popular.

Smartphones are everywhere. As they have gone increasingly common in society,

gaming companies have been quick to adapt and design games to play on these devices.
Billions of people are already playing video games on our phones. With advancing phone
technology and improved connectivity, the mobile market will continue to become more
important to the gaming industry, and game consoles will become a thing of the past.

Over the years, graphics in video games will also achieve some incredible
breakthroughs. Ray tracing, a method that allows light to travel in a game in a completely
realistic and natural way, is going to be a common feature of gaming technology. Pixel
technology in gaming will advance to the point where it matches, or possibly beats,
everything seen in the movies, even on mobile devices.
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Virtual reality (VR) games offer a completely immersive experience via headsets and
gloves. VR is relatively new with the first Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Playstation’s PSVR
came out in 2016. Although it has gained some popularity, this technology is expensive and
by blocking out the real world, it can be an uncomfortable experience for some people. In
comparison to traditional games, the screen quality might be a little lacking and the touch
technology is still rather unsophisticated. Undoubtedly, improvements will be made, but it is
more likely that augmented reality (AR) will be the more casual gamer’s choice of the future.

AR games link the digital world with the real one by placing video and graphics on
the physical environment. While playing AR games, players can interact with the digital
world but also move out to reality whenever they like. This technology has been used
successfully with Pokemon: Go! This AR mobile game becomes a worldwide phenomenon
as players get to hunt and care for Pokemon characters in real-life settings. Further in the
future, AR implants could allow players to play games using only their eyes.

Last but not least, advances in technology will not only change the games we play,
but the industry itself. While the improvements in technology offer the industry ways to cut
costs and improve the speed of game development, many of the advances will add to the
already high costs of creating games. The major releases over the past few years have often
involved teams of hundreds of people. Games are going to be more complex, captivating, and
dependent on specialised technology. Therefore, rather than employing huge teams of
experts, the growing trend to use a video game outsourcing company to work on a single
project will become completely widespread. This will allow the video game company leaders
to reduce workloads, add specialist expertise and most importantly, get games to market

Adapted from : Readers Digest’s What Will Video Games Be Like In The Future?

19 In paragraph 1, what has caused the industry of video games to skyrocket in

2020? A The never-ending growth of video games.

B The lockdowns and social distancing

regulations. C Spectacular graphics.

D People wanted to entertain themselves more.

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20 In Paragraph 2, what does the writer say about the developments of

streaming technology?

A It will affect the invention of more amazing new games.

B Millions of players around the world can interact via the

internet. C Ultra-fast technologies will become more widespread.

D Multiplayer games will grow in popularity.

21 In Paragraph 3, why have gaming developers been so eager to adapt and design
games for smartphones?

A Smartphones are widely used in society.

B To improve phone technology and

connectivity. C More people will be attracted to

play games.

D The mobile market will become more important to the industry.

22 The phrase ‘a thing of the past’ can best be replaced

with… A extinct

B history

C outdated

D up-to-date

23 In paragraph 4, what will become a common feature in video

games? A Video graphics.

B Pixel technology.

C Gaming technology.

D Ray tracing.

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24 In paragraph 5, the phrase ‘this technology’ refers

to… A Oculus Rift.

B Playstation’s PSVR..

C Headsets and gloves.

D Virtual reality (VR).

25 From paragraph 6, we can infer that AR is a more popular option for casual
gamers because…

A it has become a worldwide phenomenon.

B players can use only their eyes to play games through AR implants.

C when playing AR games, players can navigate between the digital and
real world as they like.

D of the popularity of Pokemon: Go!

26 In paragraph 7, which of the following statements is not true about using a

video game outsourcing company?

A It will lighten the workloads of game developers.

B Games will become more complex, interactive, and reliant on

specialised technology.

C Games can be brought to the market quickly.

D There will be more gaming experts who can work together on a project.

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[6 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about plastic waste. Six sentences have been removed from
the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There
are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Are Zoos A Good Thing?

Zoos are popular attractions for adults and children alike. However, are they actually
a good thing?
Critics of zoos would argue that animals often suffer physically and mentally by

being enclosed. (27) This situation causes many zoo animals to become stressed or
mentally ill.

Some zoos also make animals behave unnaturally. (28) Capturing animals

also causes much suffering by splitting up families. (29)

In contrast, by bringing people and animals together, zoos have the potential to
educate the public about conservation issues. People are inspired to protect animals too. (30)
Zoos also carry out important research into subjects such as animal behaviour and
how to treat diseases.

(31) In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty in

finding mates and breeding. They might also be threatened by poachers, habitat
loss and predators. A good zoo will enable these species to live and breed in a secure

All in all, are zoos good for animals? (32) However, it is understandable that many
still view keeping animals in captivity for any reason is simply wrong.


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A Some zoos provide a safe B Also, zoos support breeding

environment for animals which have programmes that will release animals back
been mistreated in circuses, or pets which to the wild.
have been abandoned.

C Consequently, these animals may D For instance, dolphins and whales

die decades earlier than their wild relatives. are often forced to perform tricks in marine

E Zoos do more harm than good to F There are people who strongly agree
animals. that zoos have more positive than negative
effects on animals.

G Even the best artificial environments H One of the most important modern
can never come close to matching the space functions of zoos is supporting international
and freedom that animals have in their breeding programmes, especially for
natural habitats. endangered species.

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]
Questions 33 to 40
Questions 33 to 40 are based on the following texts. Read the text carefully and answer
the questions that follow.
Teen Shopping Habits
A – NALA, 16 years old
I spend most of my money on clothes and food. As the school I go to is a fashion design
high school, I’m interested in shopping. But I’m a teen and don’t have money. So, most of
the time, I wear secondhand clothing which allows me to develop my own style.
B – TALIA, 17 years old
Today I went out to brunch with friends and bought some stationery. That’s why I spend
most of my money on food as a social thing and stationery, office supplies, and books. I
have a thing for notebooks. I think I’m going to start journaling.
C – AJ, 15 years old
I usually buy clothes, which to me, is a necessity. I usually get jerseys and jeans from
urban-style stores such as Against All Odds. Online, I shop at little stores from the ads that
pop up on Instagram. If I have spare money, I’ll use it to go out with my friends.
D – MELISSA, 15 years old
I purchase clothes from thrift stores to get styles that are trending like the retro look.
Occasionally I’ll go to a mall, but the mall near my house doesn’t have a lot of good stores,
so it’s just more convenient to order stuff online. I have the apps installed on my phone and
my mother set up an account with her credit card information.
E – ELISA, 16 years old
I love skincare products from Glossier, particularly this spring when the no-makeup
makeup look is popular. The brand is opening up a store in the nearby mall, so I’m excited
about buying some more items. I feel that they enhance my features without me having to
wear much makeup.
F – RISHI, 17 years old
I play tennis and run cross country, so most of my spending goes toward those two sports
like sneakers and jerseys. I would rather spend money on athletic stuff than hyped items
that became a craze for some time. I don’t find a plain shirt with one word on it appealing.

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Questions 33 to 36
Using the information given, which text (A to F) describes the following views on the
shopping habits of teenagers? For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet.
Statement Paragraph

33. The way teenagers shop now is influenced by social media.

34. While being stylish, teenagers save money and protect the environment.

35. Going natural is a trend.

36. A lot of popular products among teenagers are promoted excessively.

Questions 37 to 40

Using words from the texts, complete the summary below. Choose no more than one word
for each blank. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

How Teenagers Shop

Most of the students interviewed are into buying clothes especially at thrift shops
because this practice saves money and helps them to stand out from the crowd. They do not
only make purchases at physical stores, but

(37) too. As the current generation has never known a world without
the Internet and smartphones, they also shape how the latter buy things in real life. A lot of
brands that teenagers buy are promoted over social media and become (38) .

Other than clothes, another popular product especially among girls is (39)
which allows them to look natural. Finally, teenagers also spend money on
(40) activities with their friends. In short, the products teenagers buy is a
reflection of their values and a way of telling the world how they wish to be perceived.


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