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Catapult Lab


1. To build a catapult using simple materials and launch a projectile.


Catapults are launching devices that have been used throughout history to send projectiles in a
parabolic shape across the sky. Catapults allow us to see projectile motion. Once the ball is
launched, only two forces act on it- gravity and air friction. Gravity causes the ball to fall to
earth and friction resists its motion in the horizontal direction.


1. Familiarize yourself with Pumpkin Chuckin' by going to the internet and watching
videos. Write at least 5 sentences on what you felt worked the best when tossing the

The video I watched had 4 equipment - air cannon, a trebuchet, a torsion catapult and a
centrifugal force launcher.
The Torsion catapult went the farthest to almost half a mile (2,100ft). Trebuchet did not
send the pumpkins as far as the catapults and the centrifugal force launcher sent the
pumpkins higher in the sky rather than farther. This could be because it was launched at
a steeper angle than others.
Air cannons would have worked the best but in the video the pumpkins were broken to
pieces at the time of launch. However, one would think air cannons would send the
pumpkins farthest because the force applied is incredible. The circular shape of the
pumpkins and the long tubes allow the pumpkin to reach higher speeds.

There was also a person throwing pumpkins and usually he shot them at around 45
degrees like a cannon. However, catapults, trebuchets and the centrifugal force
launchers were different in that they launched the pumpkins from a lower angle.

It’s hard to identify the equipment with the best range from this video. Without knowing
the angle of launch and the magnitude of energy applied in each of these instruments, it
is difficult to come to that conclusion.

2. Use the internet as a resource to discover the physics behind how the catapult works.
Write 3 sentences on each of the three types of catapults: the catapult, ballista, and

● A catapult uses elastic or torsion energy, but not chemical energy, to propel a
payload. They have been used since antiquity and have many different types,
such as Onager catapults and Mangonels. They can use weights or levers to
increase range.
● Ballistas were Greco-Roman missile launchers powered by two torsion springs
(large knots of thread. As a siege weapon, they were able to be assembled on the
spot, even with local materials. Since they were so malleable, ballistas could be
made for either spherical or short payloads.
● A trebuchet is a type of catapult that uses a sling attached to a rotating arm to
shoot the payload. Initially, the trebuchet arm was moved by man; it was later
moved with a counterweight. It is able to throw many things, including
incendiary weapons and carcasses.


1. You will design a catapult to launch a projectile a distance of approximately 1 – 4 meters.

Your catapult must be able to launch a projectile at any angle between 5 and 45 degrees.
You may use any catapult or trebuchet design, and your catapult can be any size. Use
the internet to help with the creation and the design. You will need to incorporate a
protractor to find the projectile’s launch angle.

2. Once the catapult is built, lay the tape measure in your lab kit along the ground. Try to
set up on grass, sand, or a rug or carpet, somewhere where the projectile will not roll
too much after impact. Find a way to mark each meter from 1 to 4 meters, so it shows
up better in the video. You can stick sticks in the ground along the way, mark the lines,

3. Starting at 5 degrees and working towards 45 degrees, launch the steel sphere from your
lab kit as your projectile and record both the angle of the launch and the distance that

projectile traveled to its initial impact. Repeat this for a minimum of three trials for each
angle to get an average distance. This angle distance relationship can be computed
mathematically, and a graph can be created to predict distance based on angle. To do
this, the first thing you want to do is to create a table as shown below for as many angles
as you have time. The more angles the better.

4. Next, you want to create a distance vs. angle graph using Microsoft EXCEL or similar

5. Use the range equation for 3 different angles to predict the initial velocity of the
catapult. Enter your calculations below:

6. Take a video from the side showing your catapult in action to post to the forum. You will
need a second person to either take the video or launch the catapult. Recreate the
situation that launched your projectile the furthest to show your catapult at its best. You
will want to limit the video file size, so reduce the resolution for the video as far as it will
go. At the beginning of the video, either zoom in or start near the catapult for a quick
look at the design. Pull back, cue for launch, and then walk over to show where the
projectile landed near the tape measure. Total video time should be around 15 seconds,
and file sizes are limited to 50 MB.

All distances are in meters. All velocities are in meters per second.
Table 1

Angle (θ d1 d2 d3 daverage vi
where the
ground is 0°)

5° 0.77 0.72 0.62 0.70 6.29

10° 0.75 0.65 0.75 0.72 4.54

15° 1.10 1.11 1.04 1.09 4.45

20° 1.57 1.40 1.21 1.39 4.60

25° 1.65 1.55 1.47 1.56 4.46

30° 1.52 1.30 1.60 1.47 4.07

35° 1.00 1.17 1.04 1.07 3.34

40° 0.91 0.73 0.82 0.82 2.86

45° 0.58 0.59 0.43 0.53 2.28


1. List the materials you used. Describe how they were incorporated in the construction of
your catapult and why. Include images with your lab submission.

I used popsicle sticks as the frame of the catapult. They were used to make a pyramid
since the triangle is the most sturdy shape. I also used long dowels (skewers) as the arm,
since they are long and easy to use. I used flexible plastic straws to connect the skewers
to the frame. A rubber band served as the rope since it carries a lot of tension. A small
plastic container served as the bucket. Tape held everything together since it was easier
to apply and sturdier than glue. The protractor was also taped to the catapult.

2. Was your initial velocity consistent for each of the angles that you tested? Explain.

The velocity was not constant. It decreased linearly as the graph “Velocity vs. Angle”
shows. The initial velocity is higher at smaller angles, and smaller at larger angles. I
believe this is because of the tension in the rubber band. At smaller angles the rubber
band gets stretched longer, creating a bigger stress and thus the projectile release
velocity is higher. As the angle increases, the stretch on the rubber band decreases,
creating lower and lower stress on the band. Thus the initial velocity of projectile
reduces as the angle increases.

3. As the angle increases, what happens to the range of the projectile? Defend your

As the angle increases, the range follows a parabolic path, peaking at 25 degrees. This is
shown in the graph “Distance vs. Angle.” For a perfectly built catapult for which the initial
velocity is the same at all angles, the angle that provides the maximum range is 45 deg.
Any projectile has movements in two directions - horizontal and vertical. So we can
measure horizontal and vertical velocities of a projectile. The range of a projectile depends on
horizontal speed and time in air. At very small angles, the initial velocity is high and much of this
velocity is transferred to horizontal velocity (ie) horizontal velocity is much higher than vertical
velocity. However the time of flight is too short, thus restricting the distance the projectile can
As the launch angle increases the the time the projectile is in flight steadily increases
causing a steady increase in range. Even though there is a slight decrease in horizontal velocity
at higher launch angles, the impact due to the longer time in flight compensates for reduction in
horizontal velocity.
At the same time, as the launch angle increases, the vertical velocity keeps increasing
and the horizontal velocity keeps decreasing. They become equal at 45 degrees and this is the
angle that provides the maximum range. For instance, the horizontal component at 5 degrees
0.54 meters per second; the vertical 6.27. The horizontal component at 25 degrees was 1.88
meters per second, the vertical 4.04.
Beyond 45 deg the vertical velocity is higher than horizontal velocity and as a result the
drag due to gravity is higher, thus preventing the projectile from traveling longer. At angles
below 45 deg, the higher horizontal velocity more than compensates for the drag due to gravity.
Hence is the parabolic shape of the graph shown above.
In conclusion, the longest range was observed at 25 degrees. I attribute this to using an
elastic rubber band for the launch. The initial velocity steadily decreased as the angle of launch
increased. This caused a steady decrease in horizontal and vertical velocities causing the
parabola to peak at a much smaller angle than it should have.

4. Pumpkins on average have a mass between 3 and 8 kg. Explain how you would have to
modify/scale up your catapult to launch a pumpkin.

Firstly, I would need to make the frame out of a stronger material, such as metal. I would
also need to use a stronger and more elastic substance than the rubber band, such as
large silicone rubber band. If possible I would change the design entirely to something
that can provide constant velocity at all angles. I would also create a mechanism to
launch the payload without human help.

5. If you were to do this lab again, what changes would you make to your catapult? Why?

I would make a few changes.

● I will find a more sturdy frame. In the catapult I built the frame kept lifting up
while launching and we had to hold down the frame with our hands. Also, the
bottom of the frame buckled under the tension when the arm was pulled to a
lower angle like 5 deg.
● I will use better designs from the internet. One of them I observed used rubber
bands to stick the popsicle sticks together instead of tapes. These designs were
much easier to use and did not buckle under pressure.
● I would use a smaller cup, maybe a bottle cap instead and tape it well aligned to
the launch arm. In the catapult i built, the cup was slightly tilted and that made
the projectile to go at an angle instead of a straight line from the projector.

End of Lab

Background At least 5 sentences At least 5 sentences At least 2-3 Background
Research: Pumpkin given on worked given on worked sentences given on research is
Chuckin the best when the best when worked the best insufficient.
tossing the tossing the when tossing the 0 pts
pumpkins. All are pumpkins. All but pumpkins. Not all
relevant. one are relevant. relevant.
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts

Background Three sentences One type is missing At least one type is No materials
Research: Catapult are given on each or not enough not discussed and provided
Types (Catapult, type of catapult. sentences are used. not enough 0 pts
Ballista, Trebuchet) 15 pts 10 pts sentences are used.
5 pts

Calculations: Initial Calculations are One mistake is At least two No calculations

Velocity shown, answers are made, in either a mistakes are made, 0 pts
correct. or one mistake and

Background At least 5 sentences At least 5 sentences At least 2-3 Background
Research: Pumpkin given on worked given on worked sentences given on research is
Chuckin the best when the best when worked the best insufficient.
tossing the tossing the when tossing the 0 pts
pumpkins. All are pumpkins. All but pumpkins. Not all
relevant. one are relevant. relevant.
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts

10 pts calculation, or work no work is

is not provided. provided.
8 pts 5 pts
Data Table Data Table includes Data Table includes Data Table includes No table.
multiple trials for multiple trials for multiple trials for 0 pts
each angle (plus each angle (plus each angle (plus
average). At least 8 average). At least 6 average). At least 4
data points are data points are data points are
included. included. included.
10 pts OR only one trial
8 pts per angle is used.

5 pts

Graph Graph correctly One full-credit Two full-credit No calculations.

demonstrates requirement is requirements are 0 pts
relationship missing. missing.
between angle and 8 pts
range. Axes are 5 pts
labeled, graph has a
title, data trend line
is present.
10 pts

Conclusion #1 List of materials List of materials is List of materials is No materials

used is good, but when vague. provided.
comprehensive. video is watched, it 5 pts 0 pts
10 pts is apparent that
something is
8 pts

Conclusion #2 Answers question Answer correctly Answer is vague or Not answered.

completely- addresses catapult flawed. 0 pts
correctly discusses 5 pts

Background At least 5 sentences At least 5 sentences At least 2-3 Background
Research: Pumpkin given on worked given on worked sentences given on research is
Chuckin the best when the best when worked the best insufficient.
tossing the tossing the when tossing the 0 pts
pumpkins. All are pumpkins. All but pumpkins. Not all
relevant. one are relevant. relevant.
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts

catapult initial initial velocity, but

velocity. Data is no data is provided.
used to support the 8 pts
answer. 10 pts
Conclusion #3 Answers question Answer correctly Answer is vague or Not answered.
completely- addresses how flawed. 0 pts
correctly describes angle affects range,
relationship angle but no data is 5 pts
and range. Data is provided.
used to support the 8 pts
answer. 10 pts
Conclusion #4 Answers question Answer is vague or Does not correctly Not answered.
correctly and flawed. answer the 0 pts
completely. 10 pts 8 pts question.
5 pts
Conclusion #5 Answers question Answer is vague or Does not correctly Not answered.
correctly and flawed. answer the 0 pts
completely. 8 pts question.
10 pts 5 pts


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