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SCHOOL YEAR 2022/2023

Name :____________________________ KKM : 70 Sign

Class : Primary 4 Score Teacher Parent
Days/Date :____________________________
Subject : Mathematics
Time : 70 minutes

A. Multiple Choice
Choose the right answer!

1. 80.000.000 + 2.000 + 2 = …
a) 80.002.002 c) 80.200.002
b) 80.020.002 d) 80.000.2002

2. Choose the missing numbers.

157.455, 157. 456, 157.457, …, …, …, 157.461, …
a) 157.457, 157.458, 157.459, 157.462
b) 157.458, 157.459, 157.460, 157.462
c) 157.457, 157.456, 157.455, 157.454
d) 157.457, 157.458, 157.459, 157.462

3. 20 + 13 + 4 + 5 + 10 = ...
a) 53 c) 54
b) 55 d) 52

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 1

4. Ruth had eight books, then she received three books from Tasya. How many books
does Rut have now?
a) 8 b) 3 c) 11 d)12

5. Damai shop has a stock of 813 rulers. This month sold 400 rulers. Then the rest of
the ruler in Damai’s shop became ...
a) 400 c) 413
b) 412 d) 399

6. Choose the missing numbers.

1.999, 1.998, ..., 1996, ..., 1994, ..., ...
a) 1.997, 1.995, 1.993, 1992 c) 1.997, 1.999, 2.000, 19997
b) 1.995, 1.9997, 1.9992, 1.993 d) 1.996, 1.997, 1.999, 1.9998

7. Caca had some money to go shopping. She spent $9. On the way home, she found
a nine dollar bill. How much money does she have now...
a) 18 c) 9
b) 0 d) 10

8. 54 + 100 + 52.000 = ...

a) 52.154 c) 52.100
b) 53.054 d)52.204

9. 8 + 10 + 22 + 3 = ...
a) 44 c) 43
b) 40 d)41

10. 399 - 295 = ...

a) 100 c) 104
b) 105 d) 106

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 2

11. Four people meet for the first time. If each person shakes hands with everyone el
se, how many handshakes will there be...
a) 4 c) 10
b) 6 d) 8

12. You can make different numbers using the digit 8, 9, 4. The greatest number you
can make is ...
a) 489 c) 894
b) 498 d) 984

13. You can make different numbers using the digit 8, 9, 4. The least number you ca
n make is ...
a) 498 c) 894
b) 489 d) 984

14. ... = 18 – 5
a) 4 c) 14
b) 13 d) 12

15. A trader has 475 chicken eggs. A total of 246 eggs were sold in the market. The
merchant bought another 255 eggs. How many eggs does the merchant have no
a) 484 c) 482
b) 474 d) 472

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 3

Read carefully and Provide the "SOLUTION" for each questions.

1. Sally and Kelly go fishing and catch 500 fish. Kelly catches 316 of the fish. How
many does Sally catch?
2. Jenny got 23 presents for her birthday. Then, her grandmother came and gave her
17 more. How many presents did she have in total?

Book = $9 Pencil Color = $12 Calculator =$15

Use the information above to help you answer these questions.

Rich has $20. Janeeta has $24.

3. Janeeta has already spent $9 to buy a book today. If she buys a calculator, how
much will she have spent today?

4. Suppose Rich buys a pencil color and pays for it with a $15 bill. How much change
should he get?

5. Suppose Rich owes his sister $8 and wants to give it to her today. Would he be
able to give it to her if he buys :

a) Only the pencil color?

b) Only the calculator?

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 4

Mathematics Quiz 1 Semester 2
School Year 2022/2023

Name :

Class : Primary Four

A. Multiple Choice

1. A B C D

2. A B C D 11. A B C D
3. A B C D 12. A B C D
4. A B C D 13. A B C D
5. A B C D 14. A B C D
6. A B C D 15. A B C D
7. A B C D

8. A B C D

9. A B C D

10. A B C D

B. Essay
Write the number of each question.

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 5

Answer Key

A. Multiple Choice

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 6

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A

1. 500 - 316 = 184 Fish
2. 23 + 17 = 40 presents
3. $9 + $15 = $24
4. $15 - $12 = $3
5. $20 - $8 = $12
a. Pencil colour = $12, YES
b. Calculator = $15, NO

Primary 4/Quiz 1/Semester 1/Mathematics Page 7

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