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Majd batch (Group C anesthesia)

1. One of the following drugs are used in malignant hyperthermia

a. Propofol

Answer is A

2. All are contraindication of spinal anesthesia except

a. Knee replacement surgery
b. Patient refusal
c. DM patient

Answer is A

3. All are indication for induction of inhalational anesthesia except

a. Partial airway obstruction (epiglottitis)
b. Complete airway obstruction

Answer is B

4. Ketamine cause all the following except

a. Bradycardia

Answer is A

5. All are true about management of upper airway obstruction except

a. head flexion
b. chin left

answer is A

6. all are effect of atropine except

a. miosis
b. mydriasis
c. tachycardia

answer is A

7. all are cause right shift in oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve except

a. increased CO2
b. hyperthermia
c. decreased CO2

answer is C

8. ETCO2 decrease in
a. Hyperthermia
b. Malignant hyperthermia
c. Pulmonary embolism

Answer is C

9. Wrong about MAC:

a. Halothane 0.75%.
b. Desflurane 3%.
c. Sevoflurane 2%.
d. N2O 105%.

Answer is B

10. One of the following are false about local anesthesia

a. 0.1% lidocaine equal to 10 mg
b. Lidocaine is amide local anesthesia
c. 2% bupivacaine equal to 20 mg

Answer is B

11. all Of the following are characteristics of ideal iv anesthesthatic EXCEPT

a. No analgesic effect

Answer is A

12. Red meat before anesthesia

a. 8 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 2 hours
e. 7 hours

Answer is A

13. Clear fluid before anesthesia

a. 2 hours
b. 8 hours
c. 6 hours
d. 4 hours

Answer is A

14. in comparison between colloids and crystalloids all are true except
a. crystalloid half life 15-20min
b. colloids half life 2-3 h
c. colloids more MW
d. crystalloids are considered blood volume expanders

answer is D

15. all are true about ketamine except

a. decrease intracranial pressure

16. Which of the following is not an amide LA:

a. Procaine.
b. Lidocaine.
c. Bupivacaine

Answer is A

17. Wrong about side effects of Suxamethonium:

a. Decrease IOP
b. Myalgia.
c. Increase ICP.

Answer is A

Done by Ammar Zidan

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