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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Cereals – Basic Introduction
3.3 Characteristics of Various Flours
3.3.1 Moisture Content
3.3.2 Ash Content
3.3.3 Gluten Content
3.3.4 Crude and Dietary Fibre
3.3.5 Alcoholic Acidity
Activity 1: Determination of the Moisture Content
Activity 2: Determination of the Total Ash Content
Activity 3: Determination of the Acid Insoluble Ash
Activity 4: Determination of the Crude Fibre Content in the Given Sample of Flour
Activity 5: Determination of the Gluten Content
Activity 6: Determination of the Alcoholic Acidity of the Given Sample of Flour

The third practical in this manual focuses on experiments specific to the chemistry of
cereals. We have already studied about the chemistry of cereals in the theory booklet
in Unit 2. Here, we shall learn about the various characteristics/parameters specific to
cereals and their processed products refined flour (maida), semolina (suji), whole
wheat flour (atta), whole meal barley flour etc. and the experiments/tests involved in
the analysis of these parameters.

After conducting the various activities included in this practical, you will be able to:
• enumerate the various characteristics/parameters specific to cereals and cereal
• assess the moisture content in any given sample of flour,
• determine the ash content in any given sample of flour,
• analyze the acid insoluble ash in any given sample of flour,
• assess the crude fibre content in any given sample of flour,
• demonstrate the procedure for determination of undigestible residue for dry
• determine the gluten content and water absorption power of any given sample of
• check the acidity of any given sample of flour, and
• check any given sample for conformance to the standards.


The word “cereal” is derived from the name of the Roman grain or harvest goddess,
Ceres. Cereals are the seeds of the grass family. These are the complex carbohydrates
and consist of complex mixture of molecules of different sizes and structures. Starch
42 is the major component but varies in structure in different grains. Cereals are the
energy providers and constitute a high percentage of calorie and protein intakes of Experiments on the
man. They form an important staple food in most developing countries. The major Chemistry of Cereals
cereals are wheat and rice. Cereals are mostly consumed in the processed form. The
processing operations involve the processes as sprouting, malting, puffing,
milling/grinding, flaking and extruding. Cereals are covered under PFA rules, 1955
(Appendix B, Rule 5) and are described as:

A.18.01.---ATTA OR RESULTANT ATTA means the coarse product obtained by

milling or grinding clean wheat free from rodent hair and excreta.

A.18.02. ---MAIDA means the fine product made by milling or grinding clean wheat
free from rodent hair and excreta and bolting or dressing the resulting wheat meal.

A.18.01.01---FORTIFIED ATTA means the product obtained by adding one or

more nutrients to atta.

A.18.01.02---PROTEIN RICH (PAUSHTIK) ATTA means the product obtained by

mixing wheat atta with groundnut flour or soya flour or a combination of both.

A.18.05.---PEARL BARLEY or BARLEY (JAU) shall be the product obtained from

sound and clean barley (Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum distichon). It shall be whitish
in colour and shall be free from fermented, musty or other objectionable taste or
odour, adulterants and insect and fungus infestation and rodent contamination. It shall
not contain other food grains more than 1 per cent by weight to an extent of 10.0 per
cent. Soya flour, which is a solvent extracted soya flour used in such mix shall
conform to the standards of soya flour laid down under item A.18.15. It shall be free
from insect or fungus infestation, odour and rancid taste. It shall not contain added
flavouring and colouring agents or any other extraneous matter.

A.18.02.01----FORTIFIED MAIDA means the product obtained by adding nutrients

to maida.

A.18.02.02----PROTEIN RICH (PAUSHTIK) MAIDA means the product obtained

by mixing maida (wheat flour) with groundnut flour or soya flour or combination of
both up to an extent of 10.0 per cent. Soya flour which is a solvent extracted flour
used in such mix shall conform to the standards of soya flour laid down under
Solvent Extracted Oil, Deoiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) Order, 1967. It shall
be free from insect or fungus infestation, odour and rancid taste. It shall not contain
added flavouring and colouring agents or any other extraneous matter.

A.18.03----SEMOLINA (SUJI or RAWA) means the product prepared from clean

wheat free from rodent hair and excreta by process of grinding and bolting.


CHOKER (yukt Jau ka Churan) means the product obtained by grinding clean and
sound dehusked barley (Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum vulgare or Hordeum
distichun) grains free from rodent hair and excreta.

Flours differ from the grains in the extent to which the grain has been subdivided.
You may recall studying about the structure of a cereal grain in Unit 9, section 9.8.
We studied that the kernel consists of four parts: the seed coat (pericarp), the fruit
coat (aleurone layer), the endosperm and the germ, or embryo. Figure 3.1 depicts
these parts.

Whole wheat flour is formed when the entire kernel is sufficiently subdivided. White
flour is obtained when the endosperm is reduced to particles of a small size. Not all
the flours are alike and it is this property that makes them suitable for different
preparations such as chapatis, breads, biscuits, cakes, buns, pastas and so on. As flour
requirement for different operations vary, thus, it is very important to study the flour
Principles of Food characteristics. The next section focuses on the study of the characteristics of various
Science flours.

Figure 3.1: The cereal grain


Flours are characterized on various parameters as moisture content, total ash, acid
insoluble ash, gluten content and alcoholic acidity. These parameters are highlighted
in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Flour characteristics and their values

Flour Characteristics Wheat flour Maida Suji Paushtik atta

Moisture (when determined by 14.0 14.0 14.5 14.0

heating at 130-133 degree C for
2 hours). Percentage (max)

Total ash percent (on dry weight 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.75
basis) (max)

Ash insoluble in dilute HCI 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1

percent(on dry weight

Gluten percent (on dry weight 6.0 7.5 6.0 -

basis) (min)

Crude fiber percent (on dry - - 0.53 2.5

weight basis) (max)

Alcoholic acidity percent (with 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.12

90 per cent alcohol) expressed as
(on dry weight basis) (max)

Source: Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1955

Max : Maximum
Min : Minimum
Let us next look at each of these characteristics in greater details. We begin with
moisture content.
3.3.1 Moisture Content Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals
Moisture content of the flour is an important parameter and does not remain the same
throughout the period of storage. As the food grains respire and produce heat, water
and carbon dioxide, being porous absorb and give out moisture to maintain
equilibrium with the humidity in environment. It is free water that is held by capillary
force that fluctuates with the environment. Thus, the amount of free water determines
the rate of deterioration in grains and flour. During the milling processes in the
preparation of flour, the husk is structurally separated from the seed thus making the
moisture absorption an easier process.

Increase in moisture content encourages mould growth. Moisture moves from one
portion of the stored mass of flour to another, either due to temperature gradient or
due to differences of temperature between flour particles and environment and this
migration leads to caking associated with growth of mould and yeast.

3.3.2 Ash Content

Ash content of a foodstuff represents inorganic residue remaining after destruction of
organic matter. It may not be the exact measure of the total mineral content as some
changes may occur due to volatilization of some components or some interaction
between constituents. High ash content or a lower alkalinity of ash may be suggestive
of the presence of adulterants. The process of combustion evaporates moisture and
oxidizes the organic matter to vanish in air. The incombustible residue is the ash. The
major constituents of the ash in flours are calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium,
potassium, halogens, silica or sand or silicious matter. The complete ashing is
indicated by the absence of ember like glow in the ash when the crucible is observed
immediately after taking it out of the furnace.

3.3.3 Gluten Content

What is gluten? Certainly you know that gluten is the protein found in wheat. Gluten
is more or less made up of equal parts of gliadin and glutenin. Look up section 4.3 in
the theory course (MFN-008) under the dough formation function to recapitulate
what you learnt about gluten and its functional properties, particulary with respect to
dough formation. This will help you understand the behaviour of gluten more

The flour absorption is the amount of water that flour can take up and hold while
being made into simple dough.

Cake flour has 7-9% protein, all purpose flour has protein content of 9-10%. Bread
flour has a protein content of 12.5-13.5 per cent. The protein consists of ~80%
gluten. Gluten of cake flour is weakest, whereas, that of bread flour is the strongest.

Flour is graded as to its strength depending on its gluten content whether, weak,
medium and strong. Let us see how flours are graded based on the gluten content.

Weak flour (also known as soft flour or hi-ratio flour) has a low gluten content of
approximately 8% and is therefore ideal for delicate cake and sponge production.

Medium flour (also known as all purpose flour) is produced so that it is suitable for
products that have to be chemically aerated. It is weak enough to stop toughening but
strong enough to stand the pressures of the gases resulting from the use of baking
powders etc. It is also a good all round flour for bread-crumbing, batters, scones etc.

Strong flour has a high gluten content that makes it ideal for yeast products, breads
and puff pastry.
Principles of Food Durum wheat flour (also known as Durum flour and semolina flour) is specially
Science produced for the production of pastas.

The strength of flour can be tested by squeezing the flour in the hand. The following
conclusions may be derived:

• a weak flour will cling together when the hand is open

• a strong flour will crumble to flour again
Wheat flour is made up of 12% protein, 80% carbohydrate, 2% lipid and the
remaining 6% as ash and water. For example, if you use 100 grams of flour to
conduct your gluten experiment, one would expect that 12 grams (or 12%) of the
material would remain as proteins.

Wheat protein is made up of four general proteins: albumins, globulins, glutenin and
gliadin. Albumins and globulins are water soluble thus would wash out during the
"running under the water" step. Glutenin and gliadin are the two proteins that, we
already know, make up gluten. These two proteins are not water soluble thus would
not be washed down the drain by cold running water. This is an important

3.3.4 Crude and Dietary Fibre

Crude fibre is the organic residue which remains after the food sample has been
treated with boiling dilute sulphuric acid, boiling dilute sodium hydroxide solution
and alcohol. The crude fibre consists of cellulose together with a little lignin. Crude
fibre estimation is of great value in judging the quality of wheat products, particularly
flours. High crude fibre foods are low in nutritional value. It also reflects the
efficiency of milling and separation of bran from the starchy endosperm. Further,
crude fibre is a more direct index of flour purity than ash or colour.

Dietary fibre
Dietary fibre is an imporatant ingredient in food and comprises of a diverse group of
plant substances viz. celluloses, hemicelluloses, lignins, gums, mucilages and
phenolic compounds which are resistant to hydrolysis by digestive enzymes of the
human gut regions. We have already studied about these substances in Unit 2 in the
theory booklet.

Crude fibre and hemicellulose are the major components of dietary fibre as crude
fibre itself is made up of cellulose and lignin.

3.3.5 Alcoholic Acidity

Alcoholic acidity is defined as mg of H2SO4 required for 100 g of the sample to have
the same alcohol soluble acids.

Grains or their milled products on storage undergo physical, as well as, chemical
changes. Acid phosphates, amino acids and free fatty acids of flours, under certain
conditions increase considerably due to the enzymatic hydrolysis of phytin, protein
and fat, respectively. Milled products deteriorate faster than their parent grains. The
amino acids and acid phosphates are soluble in strong alcohol. The free fatty acids
are insoluble in water but are soluble in fat solvents or in strong alcohol. For this
reason, the acidity in flours is expressed as either fat acidity wherein benzene is used
as a fat solvent or it is expressed as alcoholic acidity.

Now let us study the analysis of the various parameters of flour in the following
activities and see whether the given samples of flour conform to the laid down
Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals

Aim: To determine the moisture content in the given sample of flour. Date: ………….
After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:
• assess the moisture content in the given sample of flour,
• determine the moisture content for dry samples, and
• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for moisture content.
Moisture content in the flour can be determined by:
i) Oven Drying method, and
ii) Infrared heating
The principle behind each of these methods is given herewith:
Oven drying
This method consists of measuring the weight lost by foods due to evaporation of
water. However, loss of weight may not be a true measure, as in the foods high in
protein content, only a proportion of "free water" present may be evaporated at the
drying temperature. The remaining which is referred to as "bound water" may still
remain associated with the proteins present in the food. The proportion of the loss of
free water increases as the temperature of drying increases. Thus, it is important to
control the conditions of time and temperature during the estimation.
Infrared heating
Infrared moisture balance is an instrument for measuring the moisture content of
materials that do not change their chemical structure while losing water under
exposure to infrared radiation. A graduated scale gives continuous percentage reading
of the loss of weight of the sample due to the loss of moisture. Since, drying and
weighing are simultaneous, this instrument is especially useful in measuring the
moisture content of substances that quickly reabsorb moisture.
Materials Required
Collect the following material for carrying out the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Moisture dish-made of porcelain, silica, glass or aluminium
• Oven-electric, maintained at 130 ± 2°C.
• Desiccator
• Weighing balance

Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:
1) Weigh accurately about 5 g of the sample in the moisture dish, previously dried
in the oven and weighed.
2) Place the dish in the oven maintained at 130 ± 2°C for 2 hours.
3) Cool in the dessicator and weigh.
4) Repeat the process of drying, cooling and weighing at 30 minutes intervals until
the difference between two consecutive weighings is less than one milligram.
Principles of Food 5) Record the lowest weight.
6) Calculate the moisture percent by weight as per the formula given herewith.

100(W1− W2)
Moisture percent by weight =
W1 − W

W1 = weight in g of the dish with the material before drying
W2 = weight in g of the dish with the material after drying to constant weight, and
W = weight in g of the empty dish.
1) The oven-dried sample should not be kept in open but in the dessicator before
2) The process of drying should be repeated till the difference in the weighings
should be less than 1 mg.
3) The oven temperature should be regulated throughout the process of drying.
Observation and Findings
Now, record your findings herewith:
W = …………… g
W1 = …………… g
W2 = …………… g
Next, calculate the total moisture content according to the formula given above.

Moisture % by weight =

The given sample of flour has ………….. % moisture by weight. The maximum limit
for the moisture content according to PFA, is ………………. % by weight.
(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)

Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counsellor Signature

Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals

Aim: To determine the total ash content in the given sample of flour.
Date: ………….

After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:
• assess the mineral content in the given sample of flour,
• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for ash content,
• determine the total mineral content for dry samples, and
• estimate the increase in mineral content due to any fortification / enrichment of
the flour.
Ash content of a foodstuff represents inorganic residue remaining after destruction of
organic matter. It may not be the exact measure of the total mineral content, as some
changes may occur due to volatilization of some components or some interaction
between constituents. High ash content or a lower alkalinity of ash may be suggestive
of the presence of adulterants. The acid-insoluble ash is a measure of sand and other
silicious matter present. The process of combustion evaporates moisture and oxidizes
the organic matter to vanish in air. The incombustible residue is the ash. The major
constituents of the ash in flours are calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium,
halogens, silica or sand or silicious matter.

During the process of ashing, if the temperature crosses 570°C, then some of the
inorganic salts in the ash get fused. Although, such fusion may not affect the total ash
content of a sample but it affects the acid-insoluble ash. Over-heated ashes reflect a
metallic tinge of the cations present. Copper imparts a greenish tinge, iron imparts a
brownish and alkali metals a greyish tinge. Incomplete ashing gives a black tinge.
The complete ashing is indicated by the absence of ember like glow in the ash when
the crucible is observed immediately after taking it out of the furnace.
Ash is significant for the miller because it is an indicator of the quality of the streams
that are included in the flour. Ash content in the wheat kernel is higher near the bran
layer or outside of the kernel. The center of the kernel has the lowest ash content.
Materials Required
Collect the following material to carry out the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Flat-bottom dish – of stainless steel, porcelain, silica or platinum.
• Muffle Furnace – maintained at 550 ± 10°C.
• Desiccator
• Weighing balance
Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:
1) Weigh accurately about 3-5 g of the sample in the dish, previously dried in the
air oven and weighed.
2) Heat the dish gently on a flame at first and then strongly in a muffle furnace at
550 ± 10°C till grey ash results.
3) Cool in the dessicator and weigh.
Principles of Food 4) Repeat the process of heating in muffle furnace, cooling and weighing at 30
Science minutes intervals until the difference between two consecutive weighings is less
than one milligram.
5) Record the lowest weight.
Note: Preserve the dish containing the ash for the determination of acid–insoluble
6) Calculate the total ash content according to the formula given herewith.
100(W1− W2)
Total Ash (% by weight) =
W1 − W

W2 = weight in g of the dish with ash.
W1 = weight in g of the dish with the material taken for test.
W = weight in g of the empty dish.
1) Ashing should be done completely.
2) The process of drying should be repeated till the difference in the weighings
should be less than 1 mg.
3) The temperature of the furnace should be regulated throughout the process of
Record your findings herewith.
W = ………….g
W1 = …………. g
W2 = …………. g
Next, calculate the total ash content according to the formula given above.
Total ash % by weight =


The given sample of flour has ………………… % ash by weight. The maximum
limit for the ash content according to PFA, is ………………… % by weight.

Conclusion Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals
(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)

Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counsellor Signature

Principles of Food
Date: …………. Aim: To determine the acid insoluble ash in the given sample of flour.
After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:
• assess the mineral content in the given sample of flour,
• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for ash content, and
• determine the acid insoluble mineral content for dry samples.
Ash content of a foodstuff represents inorganic residue remaining after destruction of
organic matter. High ash content or a lower alkalinity of ash may be suggestive of the
presence of adulterants. The acid-insoluble ash is a measure of sand and other
silicious matter present. Overheating of ash results in the fusion of some of the
inorganic salts which affects the acid-insoluble ash. During the process of
overheating, the ashed material changes from the molecular to the polymerized form
and boiling with 1:9 hydrochloric acid (HCl) does not remove the acid soluble
constituents of the total ash as the acid is not able to act on the entire periphery of
each molecule. Thus, many components remain unreacted and insoluble in acid and
results in the higher value of acid-insoluble ash.
Materials Required
Collect the following material for conducting the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl)
• Flat-bottom dish – of stainless steel, porcelain, silica or platinum.
• Muffle Furnace-maintained at 550 ± 10°C.
• Desiccator
• Weighing balance
• Whatman number 42 filter paper

Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:

1) Weigh accurately about 3-5 g of the sample in the dish, previously dried in the
air oven and weighed.
2) Heat the dish gently on a flame at first and then strongly in a muffle furnace at
550 ± 10°C till grey ash results.
3) Cool in the dessicator and weigh.
4) Repeat the process of heating in muffle furnace, cooling and weighing at 30
minutes intervals until the difference between two consecutive weighings is less
than one milligram.
5) Record the lowest weight.
6) To the ash contained in the dish, add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid.
7) Cover with watch-glass and heat on a water bath for 10 minutes.
8) Allow to cool and filter the contents of the dish through a whatman filter paper
no. 42.
9) Wash the filter paper with water until the washings are free from the acid and Experiments on the
return them to the dish. Chemistry of Cereals

10) Keep it in an oven maintained at 100 ± 2°C for about 3 hours.

11) Ignite in a muffle furnace at 550 ± 10°C for one hour.
12) Cool the dish in a desiccator and weigh.
13) Heat the dish again at 550 ± 10°C for 30 minutes, cool in the desiccator and
14) Repeat this process of heating for 30 minutes, cooling and weighings until the
difference between two successive weighings is less than one milligram. Record
the lowest weight.
15) Calculating the acid-insoluble ash, using the formula given herewith:


100 (W2 − W)
Acid insoluble ash, percent weight =
W1 − W
W2 = weight in g of the dish with the acid insoluble ash.
W1 = weight in g of the dish with the material taken for test.
W = weight in g of the empty dish.

1) Ashing should be done completely.

2) The process of drying should be repeated till the difference in the weighings
should be less than 1 mg.
3) The temperature of the furnace should be regulated throughout the process of
Record your findings herewith.
W = ……………. g
W1 = ……………. g
W2 = ……………. g
Next, calculate the acid insoluble ash content according to the formula given above.

Acid insoluble ash % by weight =

Principles of Food Inference
The given sample of flour has …………….. % acid insoluble ash by weight. The
maximum limit for acid-insoluble ash content according to PFA, is
% by weight.


(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)


Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counselor Signature

Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals
Aim: To determine the crude fibre content in the given sample of flour. Date: ………….

After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:
• assess the crude fibre content the given sample of flour,
• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for crude fibre content,
• determine the indigestible residue for dry samples.

Crude fibre is the organic residue which remains after the food sample has been
treated with boiling dilute sulphuric acid, boiling dilute sodium hydroxide solution
and alcohol. The crude fibre consists of cellulose together with a little lignin. Crude
fibre estimation is of great value in judging the quality of wheat products,
particularly flours. High crude fibre foods are low in nutritional value. It also reflects
the efficiency of milling and separation of bran from the starchy endosperm. Further,
crude fibre is a more direct index of flour purity than ash or colour.
For determining crude fibre, the material is passed through the soxhlet’s extractor for
dissolving the fat so that the defatted residue is more receptive to the alkali or acid
On refluxing with 1.25% sulphuric acid (H2SO4), the fat present within the cell walls
gets dislodged. The starches are hydrolyzed to soluble saccharides. The soluble
minerals are washed out and some of the proteins are hydrolyzed to soluble forms.
Treatment with 1.25% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) results in the hydrolysis of
remaining proteins. This treatment removes tannins and fats. The fats form soaps and
are washed out during hot water washings. The unreacted alkali and the sodium soaps
must be completely washed off otherwise, after washing, free alkali gets converted to
its oxide leaving black residue even after ignition in the muffle furnace.
Materials Required
Collect the following material for conducting the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Flat-bottom dish – of stainless steel, porcelain, silica or platinum.
• Muffle Furnace-maintained at 550 ± 10°C.
• Desiccator
• Weighing balance
• 1.25% H2SO4
• 1.25 % NaOH
• Reflux condenser
• Funnel
• Filter paper
Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:
1) Weigh accurately about 3-5 g of the sample in flask of the reflux condenser.
2) Add 200 ml boiling 1.25% H2SO4 solution in the flask.
3) Reflux* for at least half an hour. 55
Principles of Food *Refluxing means to avoid the loss of volatile components during the process
Science of heating on low flame. This is made possible by use of reflux condenser.
However, if the condenser is not available, then a conical flask with cotton plug
may be used. It should be noted that the latter procedure might result in some
losses and thus cannot be regarded as the standard procedure.
4) Remove from the flame and add 50 ml of cold water to the solution and filter it
through the filter paper.
5) Wash the residue on the filter paper with boiling water until the washings are
no longer acid to litmus (acid turns red litmus to blue).
6) Return the residue to the condenser/conical flask.
7) Add 200 ml boiling 1.25% NaOH solution.
8) Reflux for at least half an hour.
9) Remove from the flame and add 50 ml of cold water to the solution and filter it
through the filter paper.
10) Wash the residue on the filter paper with boiling water until the washings are
no longer alkaline to litmus (alkaline medium turns blue litmus to red).
11) Now take the residue to the and wash with traces of organic solvent.
12) Put the residue in the crucible and dry it in oven at 103°C to 105°C.
13) Allow to cool and then weigh.
14) Now put the crucible in the muffle furnace and ash the contents.
15) Cool and weigh.
16) Use the following formula for calculating the crude fibre percent by weight
present in the sample.

100(W2 − W3)
Crude fibre, percent by weight =
W1 − W
W2 = weight in g of the dish with oven dried residue.
W3 = weight in g of the dish with ash
W1 = weight in g of the dish with the material taken for test.
W = weight in g of the empty dish.
1) The residue should be free from any acid or alkali. Thus it should be washed
2) Ashing should be done completely.
3) The process of drying should be repeated till the difference in the weighings
should be less than 1 mg.
4) The temperature of the furnace should be regulated throughout the process of

Experiments on the
Findings Chemistry of Cereals

Record your findings herewith.

W = ………….. g

W1 = …………..g

W2 = ………….. g

W3 = ………….. g

Next, calculate the crude fibre percent by weight present in the sample using the
formula given above.


Crude fibre % by weight =


The given sample of flour has …………………… % crude fibre. The maximum
limit for the crude fibre according to PFA, is …………………………% by weight.


(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)


Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counsellor Signature

Principles of Food

Date: …………. Aim: To determine the gluten content in the given sample of flour.
After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:
• assess the gluten content the given sample of flour,
• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for gluten content, and
• determine the water absorption power of the given sample of flour.
Gluten is made up of gliadin and glutenin. It is the water-insoluble portion of the
wheat atta obtained by washing away the starch, as well as, the bran from the dough.
Hydrated gluten contains about 66-67% water, and when dried, it becomes sticky or
adhesive. During dough fermentation the gluten forms cells which retain CO2 and
cause the bread to swell. Gluten is insoluble in water at pH 7 but is readily soluble in
acidic or basic aqueous solutions of low ionic strength, therefore it should be noted
that the water used for making the dough and washing away need not be distilled
water but must be neutral and free from chlorine.

Materials Required
Collect the following material for conducting the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Flat-bottom dish – of stainless steel, porcelain, silica or platinum
• Weighing balance
• Burette
• Spatula
• Muslin cloth
• Butter paper
• Oven
Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:
1) Weigh 25 g of the flour sample. Put in china dish and add water from burette.
2) Measure the volume of water used to make a soft dough.
3) Keep the dough in a beaker filled with water for half an hour.
4) Now wash this dough with water and keep on removing the starch till clean
water comes out.
5) Do iodine test to confirm that dough is free of starch.
6) Take this extracted gluten and weigh.
7) Dry it in oven maintained at 130 ± 1°C for 2 hours.
8) Keep in the dessicator, let it cool and weigh.
9) Calculate the gluten content of the sample using the following formula.

Calculations Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals
100(W2 − W3)
Gluten content, percent =
W2 = weight in g of the wet gluten
W3 = weight in g of the dried gluten
W = weight in g of the flour taken for analysis.
Water Absorption Power

25 g of flour required (Y) ml of water to make a soft dough.

∴100 g of flour would require = (Y × 100/ 25) ml of water.

1) The dough should be washed carefully without the loss of any gluten.
2) Iodine test should be performed to check that the dough should be free of any

Record your findings herewith.

W = ………….. g

W2 = ………….. g

W3 = ………….. g

Next, calculate the gluten content using the formula given above.


Write the formula and calculate the following:

Gluten % by weight =

Water absorption power :

Water absorption power of the given flour is ………….. percent

Principles of Food
Science Inference

The given sample of flour has …………………………… % gluten.


(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)


Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counsellor Signature

Experiments on the
Chemistry of Cereals
Aim: To determine the alcoholic acidity of the given sample of flour. Date: ………….
After undertaking this activity, you will be able to:

• assess the acidity the given sample of flour, and

• check the given sample for conformance to the standard for its acidity.
Alcoholic acidity is defined as mg of H2SO4 required for 100 g of the sample to have
the same alcohol soluble acids.
Grains or their milled products on storage undergo physical, as well as, chemical
changes. Acid phosphates, amino acids and free fatty acids of flours, under certain
conditions increase considerably due to the enzymatic hydrolysis of phytin, protein
and fat, respectively. Milled products deteriorate faster than their parent grains. The
amino acids and acid phosphates are soluble in strong alcohol. The free fatty acids
are insoluble in water but are soluble in fat solvents or in strong alcohol. For this
reason, the acidity in flours is expressed as either fat acidity,wherein, benzene is used
as a fat solvent or it is expressed as alcoholic acidity.
Materials Required
Collect the following material to carry out the activity:
• Sample of flour
• Conical flask
• Weighing balance
• Pipette
• Standard NaOH solution (approximately 0.05 N)
• Phenolphthalein
• Neutral ethyl alcohol- 90% volume by volume
Now carry out the practical step-by-step as enumerated herewith:
1) Weigh 5 g of the flour sample. Put in conical flask.
2) Add 50 ml of neutral ethyl alcohol.
3) Stopper the flask, shake and allow to stand for 24 hours.
4) Filter the alcoholic extract (through an ordinary dry filter paper).
5) Titrate 10 ml of alcoholic extract against standard NaOH solution using
phenolphthalein as indicator.
6) Calculate the percentage alcoholic acidity as sulphuric acid.
7) Calculate the alcoholic acidity of the sample using the following formula.

Principles of Food
Science Calculations
22.52 × AN
Alcoholic acidity, percent by weight =
A = Volume in ml of standard NaOH used in titration.
N = Normality of standard NaOH solution used in titration (i.e 0.05 N)
W = weight in g of the flour taken for analysis.
Record your findings herewith.
A = …………. ml

N = …………. N

W = …………. g

Next, calculate the alcoholic acidity of the given sample using the formula given


Alcoholic acidity percent as sulphuric acid:


The given sample of flour has …………………….. % acidity as alcoholic acidity.

The maximum alcoholic acidity percent according to the specification is…….. .


(Comment regarding the acceptability of the sample)


Submit the activity for evaluation.

Counsellor Signature


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