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BAED-HUMSS2123 Creative Nonfiction: The Literary Essay WEEK 11-20

BAED-HUMSS2126 RSCH2122 Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion WEEK 11-19
PEDH2122 Physical Education & Health G12B WEEK 11-20
FILI2112 Pagbasa at Pagusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik WEEK11-20
ENTR2122 Entrepreneurship WEEK 11-20
CPAR2122 Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions WEEK 11-20
Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship WEEK 11-19
The goals encapsulate the shared experience of countries which shows the intersection of
individual and state interest in a global stage.
Ans True
In the premise below, the highlighted element is the apocalypse.
"What if the world ends as we knowit ends because of a worldwide deluge,
and only a young man and a wolf have survived?"
This literary genre uses precise language and meter format.
d. poetry
If the author blatantly describes the values and weaknesses of a character,
it is called direct characterization.
In the premise below, the highlighted element is the character:
"What if a guy travels back in time and falls in love and has to choose
between staying back there or returning to his family in the present?"
Fiction and poetry can both exist in one literarywork.
You use hyperbole to create a more intense effect that may not beliterally
"I looked at the stars, and considered how awful it would be for a man to
turn his face up to them as he froze to death, and see no help or pity in all
the glittering multitude." -Dickens, Great Expectations
The above relies on dialogue.
When describing gestures, you have to make sure you indicate what the
eyes, hands, and legs are doing.
"She is the 100% perfect girl for me. He is the 100% perfectboy for me. But
the glow of their memories was far too weak, and their thoughts no longer

0 0

had the clarity of fourteen years earlier. Without a word, they passed each
other, disappearing into the crowd. Forever." Haruki Murakami
The above does not make use of poetic devices.
Only drama queensuse hyperbole.
When writing a dialogue, you only do so to impart information.
Lisa's classroom can fit her and her classmates wellenough, but Mother
does not like it much

Question 13
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Question text
The word "howling" is best used in a scary scenario.
Select one:
a. True

Question 14
0 0
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0 0

Question text
"What day is it?" "It's today", squeaked Piglet. "My favorite day", said Pooh.
The above showcases simple but effective dialogue.
She is lovely like a rose.
The above uses a poetic figurative device.
This is how conversation is portrayed in stories between and among two or
more people.
a. dialogue
b. Characterizing by formal or direct description
b. direct characterization/exposition

All textbooks are examples of creativenonfiction.

In the premise below, the highlighted element is character.
"A little pig journeys with some of his friends to faraway lands, depending
solely on the pig's resourcefulness."
Characterizing through the use of actions and mannerisms
All nonfiction texts havea plot.
Racism in 1960s southern America
d. theme
0 0
World War II, holocaust
Select one:
d. theme

0 0

Question 24
Not yet answered
There are more than five literary devices that you can use to improve your
nonfiction language.
In the premise below, the highlighted element is setting.
"The cat and the mouse fight a lot every day, butmiss each other when the
other is away."
Literary devices are best used in poetryalone.
It was a good and lasting moment. He realized too late that it was. Now, he
missed her.
The above showcases precision.
Characters should be consistent and not change at all.
Select one:

Question 29
0 0
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0 0

Question text
"Pretty ugly" is an example of an oxymoron.
Select one:
Your premise is basically your pitch.
Themes are the main issues that are explored in a story or narrative.
A character can only be described one way in a narrative.

Question 33
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Question text
"Pow" and "crash" from action scenes are example of onomatopoeia.
Select one:

0 0
Question 34
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0 0

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Not flaggedFlag question
Question text
A premise is closer to a thesis statement, nota thesis.
Select one:

Question 35
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Question text
In a war scenario, it is possible to use themes such as racism, oppression
and unrest.
Select one:

Question 36 0 0
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0 0

Question text
This is a representation of something else, used for great effect in stories
that are trying to create more depth.
Select one:
b. symbol

Question 37
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Question text
It is a story about a duck that loses all of its ducklingsduring a fierce storm,
but continues to look for each little one until everyone has been found.
Select one:
c. vignette

0 0
0 0

Question 38
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Question text
Characterizing through words
a. direct characterization/exposition
The basis of the full story is thepremise.
"Her perfumed hands held the well-craftedscepter" is better used in a
mysterious setting.
When you say, "as red as a rose", you are using a simile.
Robert sat at the back of the cinema. This way, he could seethe rows upon
rows of maroon seats, the popcorn littering the floor, and even the discreet
flashing of mobile phones. The silhouettes that pass him have become part
of what he loved about the cinema.
This literary writing is written using literary devices, but is based on true
events or on facts.
creatie nonfiction/nonfiction
Poetry makes use of sentences and definitelines.
When Breath Becomes Air is __________.
b. creative nonfiction/nonfiction
It is difficult to use a monologue in anonfiction piece.
Memoirs can have plots.
0 0
The phrase crackling fire could both be used in dyllic and scary settings.

0 0

Drama refers to the genre in which the stories can make people cry.
The denouement refers to the part of the plot wherein the piecesstart to fall together.

Choose False for wordy mess and True for effective description
Several people joined the triathlon. There were even more people cheering on the sidelines. These
people were also wearing sports clothes, drinking sports drinks, and shouting heartily.

"He is a busy man, that Mr. Hollis. He is also often grumpy, giving us a scowl as he passes by our house"
uses both direct and indirect characterization.

When describing gestures, you have to make sure you indicate what the eyes, hands, and legs are doing.

Choose False for wordy mess and True for effective description
The crypt was secured with a rusty bronze padlock. That night, however, the gate was slightly open. It
creaked slightly, a little mouse trying to make itself known in the midst of quieter ones.

An anecdote can make use of both direct and indirect characterization.


Choose False for wordy mess and True for effective description
Mr. Thompson's desk is messy, but he does not bother to fix his clutter. Instead, he would just push
everything to his left. His right side has all the new documents, all in one indistinguishable heap. He
heaved an exasperated sigh every time he sees his mess in the mornings

Robert sat at the back of the cinema. This way, he could see the rows upon rows of maroon seats, the
popcorn littering the floor, and even the discreet flashing of mobile phones. The silhouettes that pass
him have become part of what he loved about the cinema.

It is difficult to use a monologue in a nonfiction piece.

Characterizing through the expression of progression of development.

Choose False for wordy mess and True for effective description
Maddy needed three sharpened pencils, a pencil case, five exercise books, and some pens. The
bookstore has them all. However, her attention has turned to all the stationery. What if she also bought
some sheets?

When writing a dialogue, you only do so to impart information.

0 0
Haley ran through the cornfields, her hair flying. She screamed, Ronnie! I'm here!
Timothy is brave. He served three years in Iraq.

0 0

Character growth is only expected in morality tales.

When you describe how a person holds his coffee or calls the waiter, you are using indirect

Choose False for vague and True for sharp

The table was filled with glass plates, full to the brim of haute cuisine. With only three persons in
attendance, how would they finish everything? Lili thought it did not matter. Nobody would really be
seeing them chomp on the food in the crowded restaurant.

It was cliche - dinner with candlelight and a single red rose. For Anna, however, she had to partake,
alone, in a corner of the restaurant. Her hands tremble as she tried to keep tears in check.

A character can only be described one way in a narrative.


Indirect characterization can more clearly show what the motivation to an action is. >FALSE
The phrase "crackling fire" could both be used in idyllic and scary settings. >TRUE
A narrator talks about the character.

The box was locked, the key nowhere to be seen. Mrs. Dorothy Andrews peered at it, curiously. She was
no sleuth, but this is a puzzle that she must solve.

Gestures and mannerisms are difficult to include in nonfiction, but can really flesh out the character.

Indirect characterization is always enough to flesh out a character.


Characterizing through the use of actions and mannerisms.


It Choose False for vague and True for sharp

Standing on the side of the road, waiting for somebody to pass, Nina cried.

The letter came in the mail yesterday. The envelope was thick. She ripped it open, staring at the loveliest
lace handkerchief clasped in perfumed paper. The letter began with "My beloved".

Characters should be consistent and not change at all.

0 0
The word "howling" is best used in a scary scenario.
The little boy covered his ears with his hands as the calypso music thundered all around him. He
whimpered, kicking his legs, while his parents continued to laugh. >INDIRECT

0 0

Choose False for vague and True for sharp

Andy rode his bike down the hill. His friend, Jacob, followed closely. He wondered why Jacob did not try
to race. He was the faster rider.

Choose False for wordy mess and True for effective description
Sophie goes to the beach every time she needs to read a book. Her bag would be full of her treasures:
paperback, bookmark, tablet, phone, wallet, and coins.>FALSE
Describing how a character hits a ball is direct characterization.

Characterizing by formal or direct description.

The crowd gathered in the hall. They wanted to see him speak.

It was the most beautiful place in the world, Elsie told herself. It has everything that she ever wanted.
Mr. Ruiz is a kind man. He does not like to hurt anyone else's feelings.

The little boy covered his ears with his hands as the calypso music thundered all around him. He
whimpered, kicking his legs, while his parents continued to laugh.

A book of vignettes can characterize a person, or even a place.

The bars of the cage were crusty with rust. Prisoner A held onto them tightly, hunched in the 16 square
meter prison, swaying a few feet over the cracked floor.
Her back slouched, clothes wrinkly, she only answers in short, quiet sentences, but she can hold
someone's gaze.

This makes use of poetic devices: "An artisan without memories, whose only dream was to die of fatigue
in the oblivion and misery of his little gold fishes." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of

Drama refers to the genre in which the stories can make people cry.

Prose fiction is based on imaginary events and is in poetic form.


This displays strong dialogue: 'You are always calling on God,' she said. 'Do you believe in God?' 'Of
course, of course I believe in the power and wisdom of my creator.'She raised her eyebrows and the
corners of her mouth turned down in a questioning mocking way. For a moment she looked very much
0 0
like Amelie. Perhaps they are related, I thought. It's possible, it's even probable in this damned place.
'And you,' I said. 'Do you believe in God?''It doesn't matter,' she answered calmly, 'what I believe or you
believe, because we can do nothing about it, we are like these.' She flicked a dead moth off the table. -
Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys

0 0

Strong dialogue can exist in more than one literary genre.


In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. "What if a thin

dog is placed in the midst of large brown dogs and was bitten and bullied
by the others?"

In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. "A

little pig journeys with some of his friends to faraway lands, depending
solely on the pig's resourcefulness."
Racism in 1960s southern America

A terrible storm strikes the small island of Cropek. The community must learn to recuperate afterwards.

It is still considered nonfiction if the details of the story are no longer based on real life.

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us
then, but that's no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther...And then one fine
morning - So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." - F. Scott
Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Romeo and Juliet as vampire and werewolf as in Underworld

Fiction sometimes makes use of unusual/experimental forms.

A premise is closer to a thesis statement, not a thesis.

This displays strong dialogue: "Sorry," he said, and he was breathless, too. "That was out of line." "I
don't mind," I panted. He frowned at me in the darkness. "Try to sleep. Bella." "No, I want you to kiss me
again." "You're overestimating my self-control." - Twilight, Stephenie Meyer
This displays strong dialogue: "Yeah, Jack ran after Melanie," Arthur told us. "Jack tried to get her to turn
around. Jack ran down the street, calling Melanie's name, determined she'd listen to Jack's pleas one
time." Arthur snapped his fingers. Nodded. "Yeah, Jack would get her to listen. Jack had that way about

0 0
him. Melanie didn't stand a chance. Not with Jack dogging her that way." -

The premise and the thesis statement are completely synonymous.

A theme includes the major plot points of a story.

0 0

"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You
have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'" E.B. White, Charlotte's

This makes use of poetic devices: "Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the
lives I'm not living." - Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

All textbooks are examples of creative nonfiction.

Themes are always blatant or obvious.

In a war scenario, it is possible to use themes such as racism, oppression and unrest.

"I looked at the stars, and considered how awful it would be for a man to turn his face up to them as he
froze to death, and see no help or pity in all the glittering multitude." -Dickens, Great Expectations
This makes use of poetic devices: "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it
everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was,
lived out their lives". - Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan

In the premise below, the highlighted element is setting. "The cat and the mouse fight a lot every day,
but miss each other when the other is away".

"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked.'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You
have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'" E.B. White, Charlotte's

This displays precision in language: The soft clouds were lit by the morning sun, glowing orange-yellow,
a color that Jake would have described as like the little blob of pasty stuff that TV dinners like to claim is
peach cobbler--except, of course, that he was dead and it seemed unlikely that he was going to say
anything at all. -

The plot narrates the general outline of a story.


Poetry makes use of sentences and definite lines.


This displays precision in language: "He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human
beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges
0 0
them over and over again to give birth to themselves." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of

This displays precision in language: Cheryl's mind turned like the vanes of a wind-powered turbine,
chopping her sparrow-like thoughts into bloody pieces that fell onto a growing pile of forgotten
memories. - Sue Fondrie

0 0

The basis of the full story is the premise.

Fiction and poetry can both exist in one literary work.

World War II, holocaust

This makes use of poetic devices: "An artisan without memories, whose only dream was to die of fatigue
in the oblivion and misery of his little gold fishes." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of

Drama refers to the genre in which the stories can make people cry.

Prose fiction is based on imaginary events and is in poetic form.

This displays strong dialogue: 'You are always calling on God,' she said. 'Do you believe in God?' 'Of
course, of course I believe in the power and wisdom of my creator.'She raised her eyebrows and the
corners of her mouth turned down in a questioning mocking way. For a moment she looked very much
like Amelie. Perhaps they are related, I thought. It's possible, it's even probable in this damned place.
'And you,' I said. 'Do you believe in God?''It doesn't matter,' she answered calmly, 'what I believe or you
believe, because we can do nothing about it, we are like these.' She flicked a dead moth off the table. -
Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys

Strong dialogue can exist in more than one literary genre.


In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. "What if a thin dog is placed in the midst
of large brown dogs and was bitten and bullied by the others?"

In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. "A little pig journeys with some of his friends
to faraway lands, depending solely on the pig's resourcefulness."

Racism in 1960s southern America >THEME

A terrible storm strikes the small island of Cropek. The community must learn to recuperate afterwards.
It is still considered nonfiction if the details of the story are no longer based on real life.

"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us
then, but that's no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther...And then one fine
0 0
morning - So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." - F. Scott
Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Romeo and Juliet as vampire and werewolf as in Underworld

0 0

Fiction sometimes makes use of unusual/experimental forms.


A premise is closer to a thesis statement, not a thesis.


This displays strong dialogue: "Sorry," he said, and he was breathless, too. "That was out of line." "I
don't mind," I panted. He frowned at me in the darkness. "Try to sleep. Bella." "No, I want you to kiss me
again." "You're overestimating my self-control." - Twilight, Stephenie Meyer

This displays strong dialogue: "Yeah, Jack ran after Melanie," Arthur told us. "Jack tried to get her to turn
around. Jack ran down the street, calling Melanie's name, determined she'd listen to Jack's pleas one
time." Arthur snapped his fingers. Nodded. "Yeah, Jack would get her to listen. Jack had that way about
him. Melanie didn't stand a chance. Not with Jack dogging her that way." -

The premise and the thesis statement are completely synonymous.


A theme includes the major plot points of a story.

"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You
have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'" E.B. White, Charlotte's

This makes use of poetic devices: "Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the
lives I'm not living." - Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

All textbooks are examples of creative nonfiction.


Themes are always blatant or obvious.


In a war scenario, it is possible to use themes such as racism, oppression and unrest.

"I looked at the stars, and considered how awful it would be for a man to turn his face up to them as he
froze to death, and see no help or pity in all the glittering multitude." -Dickens, Great Expectations
This makes use of poetic devices: "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it
everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was,
lived out their lives". - Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan

0 0
In the premise below, the highlighted element is setting. "The cat and the mouse fight a lot every day,
but miss each other when the other is away".
"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked.'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You
have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'" E.B. White, Charlotte's

0 0

This displays precision in language: The soft clouds were lit by the morning sun, glowing orange-yellow,
a color that Jake would have described as like the little blob of pasty stuff that TV dinners like to claim is
peach cobbler--except, of course, that he was dead and it seemed unlikely that he was going to say
anything at all. -

The plot narrates the general outline of a story.


Poetry makes use of sentences and definite lines.

This displays precision in language: "He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human
beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges
them over and over again to give birth to themselves." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Love in the Time of

This displays precision in language: Cheryl's mind turned like the vanes of a wind-powered turbine,
chopping her sparrow-like thoughts into bloody pieces that fell onto a growing pile of forgotten
memories. - Sue Fondrie

The basis of the full story is the premise.


Fiction and poetry can both exist in one literary work.

World War II, holocaust
The denouement refers to the part of the plot wherein the pieces start to fall
We laughed about all the kids who believed in the Santa myth and got
nothing for Christmas but a bunch of cheap plastic toys. "Years from now,
when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten," Dad said, "you'll
still have your stars."-Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle
Usually, what triggers the rising action is a catalyst.
This makes use of poetic devices: "The terror, which would not end for
another twenty eight years - if it 0
ever did 0
end - began, so far as I can tell,
with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter..." It, by
Stephen King

0 0

This makes use of poetic devices: The family now better off after the father
won the latest lottery.
Creative Nonfiction is merely concerned about revealing the "who, what,
where, when, and why".
Your premise is basically your pitch.
Drama nonfiction is in the form of a play.
In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. What if a wolf
finds itself in the city and is tamed by a little boy?
How is the electric force between two charges affected when both of the charges are cut in
The correct answer is: decreases four times
Which two particles are attracted to each other?

The correct answer is: A proton and an electron

In which way do electric fields interact?
The correct answer is: like charges repel

Electric charges exert which kind of force?

The correct answer is: a field force

A repulsive force exists between which two particles?

The correct answer is: Two electrons

Electric field lines are _________________ to the electric field vector at any point.
The correct answer is: tangent

In an atom, what are the negative charges called and where are they found?
The correct answer is: electrons are found outside the nucleus
According to Coulomb's Law, the amount of electric force depends on which two things?

The correct answer is: the charge on each of the two particles and the distance between
Electric Field strength depends on what?
The correct answer is: charge and distance
0 0
A charge is sitting outside a closed surface. The net flux is__________.
The correct answer is: zero because it passes through two surfaces
A cylindrical wastepaper basket with a 0.15-m radius opening is in a uniform electric field of
300 N/C, perpendicular to the opening. The total flux sides and bottom is_______
The correct answer is: 21 N×m2m2/C

0 0

The flux of the electric field (24 N/C)i + (30 N/C)j + (16 N/C)k through a 2.0 m2m2 portion of
the yz plane is____________.
The correct answer is: 48 N × m2m2/C

When is the flux on a surface zero?

The correct answer is: When it is parallel to an electric field
The electric flux Φ through a surface____________.
The correct answer is: is the amount of electric field piercing the surface

The area vector for a flat surface_______________.

The correct answer is: is perpendicular to the surface and has a magnitude equal to the area
of the surface.

A point particle with charge q is placed inside a cube but not at its center. The electric flux
through any one side of the cube______________.
The correct answer is: is q/6ε0

In a neutral atom, there are more of which charge?

The correct answer is: there are equal amounts of both charges

______________ occurs when two or more waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller

The correct answer is: Destructive interference

The waves with the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum are__________.

The correct answer is: Infrared rays.

Electromagnetic waves vary in_________.

The correct answer is: wavelength and frequency.

What is Half-life?

The correct answer is: The amount of time it takes for half the nuclei in a sample of the
isotope to decay

If two sound waves differ in intensity, the wave that is more intense sounds________

The correct answer is: louder

A real image is formed by a convex lens, then it is put in contact with a concave lens and
again a real image is formed. This image is______________

The correct answer is: shift away from the lens system

Which of the following occurs as light travels farther from its source?

The correct answer is: The source gives off less light as photons move away from it.

When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air _______.

The correct answer is: its wavelength decreases

0 0
___ Law says that the Induced current is proportional to the change of magnetic flux

The correct answer is: Faraday's

Light acts like _______.
The correct answer is: Both a wave and a particle

0 0

The full range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation is called ___________.

The correct answer is: radio waves.

The process by which nuclei having low masses are united to form nuclei with larger masses
is ____.

The correct answer is: fusion

To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to know the speed of the
wave and its ___________.

The correct answer is: wavelength.

Which of the following is true of the current in a capacitive circuit?

The correct answer is: It leads the voltage.

The period of a wave is

The correct answer is: time required to complete one cycle

In a circuit containing resistance only, the voltage and current are with one another.

The correct answer is: in phase

When frequency decreases, capacitive reactance _____.

The correct answer is: increases

The power factor is the ratio of __________________ power to _________________ power.

The correct answer is: true and apparent

Current from a battery is _____________.

The correct answer is: DC

The type of current where charges shake back and forth in a circuit

The correct answer is: Alternating Current

The current in an inductive circuit _____.

The correct answer is: lags the voltage

Current that is used by most household appliances____________.

The correct answer is: AC

Battery is ________.

The correct answer is: DC source

Infrared rays have a shorter wavelength than__________.

The correct answer is: radar waves.

X-ray photographs show softer tissue__________.

The correct answer is: as dark, highly exposed areas.

0 0
The visible light spectrum ranges between__________.

The correct answer is: infrared rays and ultraviolet rays.

Newton’s prism experiments showed that white sunlight is made up of__________.
The correct answer is: all the colors of the visible spectrum.

0 0

Which of the following occurs as light travels farther from its source?

The correct answer is: Far from the source, photons spread over a larger area.

Which of the following occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into

The correct answer is: refraction

To calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, you need to know the speed of the
wave and its__________.

The correct answer is: wavelength.

Electromagnetic waves vary in _______.

The correct answer is: wavelength and frequency.

Cellular telephones utilize__________.

The correct answer is: microwaves.

Light acts like__________.

The correct answer is: Both a wave and a particle

To determine the characteristics of image formed we need to a draw ray diagram that uses_____.
The correct answer is: at least 2 rays that overlap each other

Current from a battery is __________.

The correct answer is: DC

An image that is formed at the back of the mirror is said to be______________.

The correct answer is: virtual image

Electromagnetic waves vary in ______.

The correct answer is: wavelength and frequency.

When a wave bends around a barrier or passes through an opening, it is called_________.

The correct answer is: Diffraction

A magnet can move in a coil of wire to produce electricity in which system?

The correct answer is: Generator

_____________ wave particles move left to right.

The correct answer is: Longitudinal

The type of current where charges shake back and forth in a circuit_______.

The correct answer is: Alternating Current

Electromagnetic waves vary in

The correct answer is: wavelength and frequency.

0 0
A magnet can move in a coil of wire to produce electricity in which system?

The correct answer is: Generator

Current from a battery is __________.
The correct answer is: DC

0 0
Memoirs can have plots.

Indirect characterization includes actions done and words said by the

character himself/herself.

If the perspective taken is that of a young boy's, that boy is also the
narrator of the story.

0 0

In the premise below, the highlighted element is the theme of poverty. What
if there is a poor family who moved in to serve a rich one during the late
19th century?

In the premise below, the highlighted element is setting. What if nature

turns against man right after almost everything has become automated?

In the premise below, the highlighted element is the character: "What if a

guy travels back in time and falls in love and has to choose between
staying back there or returning to his family in the present?"

"She is the 100% perfect girl for me. He is the 100% perfect boy for me. But
the glow of their memories was far too weak, and their thoughts no longer
had the clarity of fouteen years earlier. Without a word, they passed each
other, disappearing into the crowd. Forever." Haruki Murakami

Once upon a time, there was a wood carver named Geppetto who was able
to carve a puppet named Pinocchio. Pinocchio magically moves like a real
boy, but is still made of wood. He went on a quest to discover how he can
become a real, live boy.

In the premise below, the highlighted element is the character: What if a

young man finds himself in Versailles during the reign of Louis XIV?

All nonfiction texts have a plot.


0 0
If the rising action does not do so with a sharp peak, the plot goes against
the usual understanding of how a plot goes.

As the new girl, Elisa was able to take over her new school with her city



An exposition is like a summary of everything that will happen.


This displays strong dialogue: "A woman's heart is a deep ocean of

secrets." – Titanic 0 0
This displays strong dialogue: "What's this?" "You know what that is."
"Maybe I know what, but I don't know why, and I will not accept it." She
flung the unsigned divorce papers at him.
In the premise below, the highlighted element is the apocalypse. "What if
the world ends as we know it ends because of a worldwide deluge, and
only a young man and a wolf have survived?"

This displays precision in language: The man was not very happy about the
numerous people that have formed circles around his house. He knew it
was not safe to go outside.

All stories make use of symbols


This displays strong dialogue: "I am pretty sad about it," he cried, forlornly.

Themes are the main issues that are explored in a story or narrative. >TRUE

The climax always happens at a shorter period of time compared to the other points in the plot.

In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. What if a teenaged, autistic genius is found
with a knife next to dead body?


0 0

We laughed about all the kids who believed in the Santa myth and got nothing for Christmas but a
bunch of cheap plastic toys. "Years from now, when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten,"
Dad said, "you'll still have your stars."-Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle


This displays precision in language: She was stunned, limbs immobile but
lower lip quivering. The letter fell on the hem of her gown.

If the author blatantly describes the values and weaknesses of a character,

it is called direct characterization.

This displays precision in language: "I don't have a top-ten job or wardrobe
or flat." - My Not So Perfect Life, by Sophie Kinsella
0 0

In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. What if an

orphan starts attending school and nobody notices that he has been there
for a year until the end of the school year?

It is a story about a duck that loses all of its ducklings during a fierce storm,
but continues to look for each little one until everyone has been found.

Racism in 1960s southern America


This makes use of poetic devices: Edward is a very naive boy.


In the premise below, the highlighted element is setting. What if a young

girl gets pregnant without knowing why it happened and how and her family
had to deal with it?

0 0

This makes use of poetic devices: The frosty window prevented Anne from
seeing the yard.

This displays strong dialogue: "Shh." "Why?" "Th-th-there's somebody

outside." Dora stiffened. She could not hear anything, but her twin had
sharper ears, for things that others would have not noticed. "Keep still,
Doris." "I w-ww-will try."

"There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the
mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote
his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to
him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end
the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was a light and high
beauty for ever beyond its reach." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

This makes use of poetic devices: The air was crisp, smelling of the jolly
part of winter.

This displays precision in language: Daniel is always the first to fall asleep,
especially when his mother does not allow him to play games in his tablet.

A setting includes theme, character, and place.


0 0
In the premise below, the highlighted element is the theme of racism: "What
if a family moves to another town and finds themselves shunned by their
new neighbors just because of the color of their skin?"

A murder in a small town like Lawrence has become common fodder.

However, this particular town is different. There are no strangers or new
tenants. The murder is also different, as there are no clues as to how it


In the premise below, the highlighted element is character. What if Mr.

Bean is disco
0 0
This displays precision in language: "It's sublime. Brimming with love for
king and country, and without the dreary structural straitjacket that
Shakespeare so often insisted on imposing." - Closed Casket, by Sophie

In the premise below, the highlighted element is the theme of war: What if
you wake up one day to the sound of sirens and people running about, and
with tanks swarming the city?

This displays strong dialogue: "You better give me that bowl of butter, right
now, Lucy." "No, I am not taking this bowl to you, Andrea."

There was a bad girl who woke up to find out that she had been
transformed into a cat. She had to leave home and escape her own dog.
She had to go through seven tasks to get back home. Her family was
overjoyed when she finally came home.

People are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to
ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy
Ans True
"Community, as an organized function, is regarded as a body of activities designed to enable
individuals, families, groups, and communities to cope with the social problems of changing
Ans False
Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the capacity of NGUs for
disaster risk reduction and management through decentralized powers, responsibilities, and
resources at the regional and local levels.
Ans False
The NDRRMC strives to coordinate all member agencies in times of calamities and other
Ans True
0 0

Humanity has evolved from its most animal instincts motivated simply by its will to survive,
procreate, and gather to what has become now a complex web of actors that are interdependent
and reliant on their set laws and norms to justify their own existence.
Ans True
Article 2: Right to Equality
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ans False
Article 5: Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, or punishment.
Ans True
Article 10: Right to Fair Public Hearing
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial
tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of my criminal charge against
Ans True
Article 5: Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence
0 0
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or
correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the
protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Ans False
The concept of empowerment is the driving force behind community development.
Ans True
The private sector is fundamentally controlled by the government. As such, it has a very specific
take on community empowerment which is state-centric. The leading agency that ensures social
community development is the Department of Social Welfare and Development or DSWD.
Ans False
Care, protect and rehabilitate the physically and mentally handicapped and socially disabled
constituents, for effective social functioning.
Ans True
The private sector is the division of our society that is not under government control. This sector
includes private companies, nongovernmental organizations, and other nonpublic collectives
Ans True
Corporations are often depicted as power- hungry, profit- and rent- seeking entities that only
exist to exploit consumers and workers.
Ans True
Adult women account for almost half of all human trafficking victims detected globally. Women
and girls together account for about 70%, with girls representing two out of every three child
trafficking victims.
Ans True
The America has been one of the most progressive countries in Asia that internalize international
norms and bridges them to local policies, with a focus on the protection of women8s right and
promotion of their welfare
Ans False
Reproductive health was one of the biggest issues in Congress and in the public forum during the
deliberation of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill which was introduced in the floor of Congress
in 1988
Ans True
To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provide, or receive persons by any means, including those
done under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or apprenticeship, for the
purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntarily
servitude, or debt bondage.

0 0

Ans True
According to the state agency Human Trafficking, in 2015 alone, there were 198 successful
rescue entrapment operations, 430 rescued victims, and overall, led to the arrest of 132 criminals.
Ans False
In September 2000, world leaders from 189 countries came together in what has become the
largest interstate forum of leaders.
Ans True
Community is a multifaceted agenda to tackle. When we say community welfare, we refer to the
set of activities of specific groups of individuals to achieve their basic needs.
Ans False
"Social welfare, as an organized function, is regarded as a body of activities designed to enable
individuals, families, groups, and communities to cope with the social problems of changing
Ans True
One of the most pressing topics in the international community at present is human trafficking
and prevention.
Ans False
Incorporate internationally accepted principles of disaster risk management in the creation and
implementation of national, regional, and local sustainable development and poverty reduction
strategies, policies, plans, and budgets
Ans True
Humanity has evolved from its most animal instincts motivated simply by its will to survive,
procreate, and gather to what has become now a complex web of actors that are interdependent
and reliant on their set laws and norms to justify their own existence.
Ans True
The Magna Carta (The Great Charter) which specified laws, rights, and policies that were aimed
at balancing the power of the king and protecting citizens from abuses.
Ans True
Article 3: Right to Equality
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ans False 0 0
Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status.
Ans True
Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status.
Ans True
Barangay action was not popular before because it is inconsistent with some free-market ideals.
Ans False
The private sector is fundamentally controlled by the government. As such, it has a very specific
take on community empowerment which is state-centric.
Ans False
The DSWD has also taken steps in ensuring that its projects create impact on the community
while keeping in mind the sustainability of its basic services, such s pension support, adoption,
feeling programs, and transient housing.
Ans True


Corporations are often depicted as power-hungry, profit- and rent-seeking entities that only exist
to exploit consumers and workers.
Ans True
The community traverses the public and private sectors as it is affected by any relation shift in
structures, policies, and institutions. The term 5participatory development6 first emerged in
mainstream academic discussion with the release in 1983 of the book Rural Development:
Putting the Last First by Robert Chambers.
Ans True
To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provide, or receive persons by any means, including those
done under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or apprenticeship, for the
purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntarily
servitude, or debt bondage.
Ans True
According to the state agency Inter- Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT), in 2015
alone, there were 198 successful rescue entrapment operations, 430 rescued victims, and overall,
led to the arrest of 132 criminals.
DOH was one of the biggest issues in Congress and in the public forum during the deliberation
of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill which was introduced in the floor of Congress in 1988.
Ans False
There are still thousands of women subjected daily to abuse, maltreatment, and women8s rights
deprivation, among other kinds of violence.
Ans True
Worldwide, more than 700 million women alive today were married as children 18 years of age).
Of those women, more than 1 in 3 3 or some 250 million- were married before 15. Child brides
are often unable to effectively negotiate safe sex, leaving them vulnerable to early pregnancy as
well as sexuality transmitted infections including HIV.
Ans True
This strictly looks into secondary data analysis and documents that surround the policy regarding
agenda, effects, impact, and other correlated and causal factors.
Ans Policy Research
Conducted by engaging people through a prepared set of questions that highlight the necessary
information to be acquired to answer the research question.
Ans Key Informant Interviews
Internalize the purpose of your research and always consider the stakeholders as a priority in
your agenda.
Ans Conviction
The use of documents to gather data, such as related studies, policy notes, news, journals, and
books in articulating and supporting the ideas within a topic being studied.
Ans Secondary Data Analysis
A data-gathering method wherein the researcher embeds himself or herself with his or her
subjects for a specified length of time to observe and gather data for research use.
Ans Participatory Observation/Field Research
Specific Budget Breakdown - Allocate a budget for your project or how much you will need and
have a specific breakdown with justification on cost.
Ans True
Mobilization, as what we have previously discussed from several lessons back, has two major
components that support and create movements: people and resources. Simply put, resource
mobilization is the ability of the movement and its supporters to mobilize people and resources.
Select one: 0 0
Ans True
Plan - Specific programs or initiatives that you are going to implement. It can be one specific
project or a series of activities toward one goal of solving a major problem.
Ans False


Output -After assessing the project, recommend what specific action can be taken to ensure that
it will reach its full impact for its stakeholders. You may use an existing project or create your
Ans False
Impact - These are the long-term benefits of the initiative.
Ans True
Mapping out the community requires a keen eye to observe the relationships of the members of
the community
Select one:
Ans True
SWOT analysis emphasizes on the varying relational dynamics as well as the current situation on
the status quo to draw out the central forces that counter change or reinforce development.
0 0
Ans False
A specific plan of action (SPOA) should be used to concretize the plans into working models or
improvement tasks.
Ans True
The project impact evaluation template will lead you to the inner workings of communities,
institutions, agencies, and in practice; and how projects should be scrutinized and improved
through this tool for self- evaluation.
Ans True
Force Field Analyses give the researcher important input on the topics relevant to the
community, plotting the needs of the community develops the opinions and views of the people
into workable models that can be acted on and solved with political will.
Ans False
One of the most awarded and well-known NGOs in the Philippines, Gawad Kalinga (GK) has
left a footprint that future community builders dream to emulate.
Ans True
The Haribon Foundation has long since been the primary NGO for nature conservation in the
Ans True
Empowering people - The restoration of greening/planting projects, restoring of mangrove
forests, improving coastal management, among other projects in partnership with companies and
private individuals.
Ans False
Saving species- The conservation of endangered animals and marine life Linking with the
community and society groups.
Ans True
Haribon Foundation's strategy revolves around four central goals, namely, conserving sites and
habitats, saving species, encouraging stability, and empowering the people.
Ans True

The goals encapsulate the shared experience of countries which shows the intersection of individual and
state interest in a global stage.

People are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that
all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.

"Community, as an organized function, is regarded as a body of activities designed to enable individuals,

families, groups, and communities to cope with the social problems of changing conditions.


0 0

Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the capacity of NGUs for disaster risk
reduction and management through decentralized powers, responsibilities, and resources at the
regional and local levels.

The NDRRMC strives to coordinate all member agencies in times of calamities and other emergencies.
I - The research participants must be fully informed about the nature of research, its
purposes and potential risk and benefits.
II – Research must do good and no harm to study participants.
The two statements are both correct
What is the distinction of a quantitative research from a qualitative research, based on the
nature of the data?
The correct answer is: Qualitative research requires experience while quantitative requires
numerical computation
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Facebook Messenger and Its Impact to the Social Interaction of Junior High School
The correct answer is: Relational Framework
Which states how the words/term is determined in the study?
The correct answer is: Operational Definition
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Padayon: Student Activism in the 21st Century"
The correct answer is: Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Customer Satisfaction in Candon Business Center"
The correct answer is: Evaluative Framework
"Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve a higher level, than those
0 0
taught first aid by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:
The correct answer is: method of instruction
Which of the following should NOT be included in the background of the study?
Statement of the problem
This type of creative nonfiction focuses on travel: foods eaten along the way and maybe even snapshots of places.


The piece can be taken as a story and as an advice at the same time, depending on who you are.
This type of creative nonfiction may be a full-length version of a personal narrative, in that there is a focus on a
particular topic.

-literary journalism

Lodge by Emilia Phillips is a biography.


A treatise on health is a memoir.


Reporting is the act of delivering the news.


0 0

A personal essay must always have a basis in facts.


Reportage deals with news about famous political people.


The whole paragraph is an expository indirect characterization.


Some reporters who remain in the studios do not apply this to their work.

Literary reportage is becoming more common these days.

The second sentence makes use of figurative language.


This is another word for the act of reporting news.


Internal dialogues are reliable in creative nonfiction. (see paragraph 6)


Personal essays do not have to have a distinct plot but may still express an underlying story.


Reportage is the act of reporting the news.


Whose voice commands the reportage?

0 0

Literary journalism and literary reportage are basically the same thing.

Which part of a personal essay can be longer than a paragraph?


People write this to record their innermost thoughts. Anne Frank was famous after death because of hers.



The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an autobiography.


These should be found in your nonfiction, just like in a fictional work:

0 0
-literary devices

Ans True
According to the state agency Human Trafficking, in 2015 alone, there were 198 successful
rescue entrapment operations, 430 rescued victims, and overall, led to the arrest of 132 criminals.
Ans False
In September 2000, world leaders from 189 countries came together in what has become the
largest interstate forum of leaders.
Ans True
Community is a multifaceted agenda to tackle. When we say community welfare, we refer to the
set of activities of specific groups of individuals to achieve their basic needs.
Ans False
"Social welfare, as an organized function, is regarded as a body of activities designed to enable
individuals, families, groups, and communities to cope with the social problems of changing
Ans True
One of the most pressing topics in the international community at present is human trafficking
and prevention.
Ans False
Incorporate internationally accepted principles of disaster risk management in the creation and
implementation of national, regional, and local sustainable development and poverty reduction
strategies, policies, plans, and budgets
Ans True
Humanity has evolved from its most animal instincts motivated simply by its will to survive,
procreate, and gather to what has become now a complex web of actors that are interdependent
and reliant on their set laws and norms to justify their own existence.
Ans True
The Magna Carta (The Great Charter) which specified laws, rights, and policies that were aimed
at balancing the power of the king and protecting citizens from abuses.
Ans True
Article 3: Right to Equality
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason
and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Ans False
Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status.
Ans True
Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination
Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status.
Ans True
Barangay action was not popular before because it is inconsistent with some free-market ideals.
Ans False
The private sector is fundamentally controlled by the government. As such, it has a very specific
take on community empowerment which is state-centric. 0
Ans False
The DSWD has also taken steps in ensuring that its projects create impact on the community
while keeping in mind the sustainability of its basic services, such s pension support, adoption,
feeling programs, and transient housing.
Ans True

0 0

Corporations are often depicted as power-hungry, profit- and rent-seeking entities that only exist
to exploit consumers and workers.
Ans True
The community traverses the public and private sectors as it is affected by any relation shift in
structures, policies, and institutions. The term 5participatory development6 first emerged in
mainstream academic discussion with the release in 1983 of the book Rural Development:
Putting the Last First by Robert Chambers.
Ans True
To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provide, or receive persons by any means, including those
done under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or apprenticeship, for the
purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntarily
servitude, or debt bondage.
Ans True
According to the state agency Inter- Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT), in 2015
alone, there were 198 successful rescue entrapment operations, 430 rescued victims, and overall,
led to the arrest of 132 criminals.
DOH was one of the biggest issues in Congress and in the public forum during the deliberation
of the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill which was introduced in the floor of Congress in 1988.
Ans False
There are still thousands of women subjected daily to abuse, maltreatment, and women8s rights
deprivation, among other kinds of violence.
Ans True
Worldwide, more than 700 million women alive today were married as children 18 years of age).
Of those women, more than 1 in 3 3 or some 250 million- were married before 15. Child brides
are often unable to effectively negotiate safe sex, leaving them vulnerable to early pregnancy as
well as sexuality transmitted infections including HIV.
Ans True
This strictly looks into secondary data analysis and documents that surround the policy regarding
agenda, effects, impact, and other correlated and causal factors.
Ans Policy Research
Conducted by engaging people through a prepared set of questions that highlight the necessary
information to be acquired to answer the research question.
Ans Key Informant Interviews
Internalize the purpose of your research and always consider the stakeholders as a priority in
your agenda.
Ans Conviction
The use of documents to gather data, such as related studies, policy notes, news, journals, and
books in articulating and supporting the ideas within a topic being studied.
Ans Secondary Data Analysis
A data-gathering method wherein the researcher embeds himself or herself with his or her
subjects for a specified length of time to observe and gather data for research use.
Ans Participatory Observation/Field Research
Specific Budget Breakdown - Allocate a budget for your project or how much you will need and
have a specific breakdown with justification on cost.
Ans True
Mobilization, as what we have previously discussed from several lessons back, has two major
components that support and create movements: people and resources. Simply put, resource
mobilization is the ability of the movement and its supporters to mobilize people and resources.
Select one:
Ans True
0 0
Plan - Specific programs or initiatives that you are going to implement. It can be one specific
project or a series of activities toward one goal of solving a major problem.
Ans False

0 0

Output -After assessing the project, recommend what specific action can be taken to ensure that
it will reach its full impact for its stakeholders. You may use an existing project or create your
Ans False
Impact - These are the long-term benefits of the initiative.
Ans True
Mapping out the community requires a keen eye to observe the relationships of the members of
the community
Select one:
Ans True
SWOT analysis emphasizes on the varying relational dynamics as well as the current situation on
the status quo to draw out the central forces that counter change or reinforce development.
Ans False
A specific plan of action (SPOA) should be used to concretize the plans into working models or
improvement tasks.
Ans True
The project impact evaluation template will lead you to the inner workings of communities,
institutions, agencies, and in practice; and how projects should be scrutinized and improved
through this tool for self- evaluation.
Ans True
Force Field Analyses give the researcher important input on the topics relevant to the
community, plotting the needs of the community develops the opinions and views of the people
into workable models that can be acted on and solved with political will.
Ans False
One of the most awarded and well-known NGOs in the Philippines, Gawad Kalinga (GK) has
left a footprint that future community builders dream to emulate.
Ans True
The Haribon Foundation has long since been the primary NGO for nature conservation in the
Ans True
Empowering people - The restoration of greening/planting projects, restoring of mangrove
forests, improving coastal management, among other projects in partnership with companies and
private individuals.
Ans False
Saving species- The conservation of endangered animals and marine life Linking with the
community and society groups.
Ans True
Haribon Foundation's strategy revolves around four central goals, namely, conserving sites and
habitats, saving species, encouraging stability, and empowering the people.
Ans True

The goals encapsulate the shared experience of countries which shows the intersection of individual and
state interest in a global stage.

People are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that
0 0
all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.
Community, as an organized function, is regarded as a body of activities designed to enable individuals,
families, groups, and communities to cope with the social problems of changing conditions.

0 0

Recognize the local risk patterns across the country and strengthen the capacity of NGUs for disaster risk
reduction and management through decentralized powers, responsibilities, and resources at the
regional and local levels.

The NDRRMC strives to coordinate all member agencies in times of calamities and other emergencies.
I - The research participants must be fully informed about the nature of research, its
purposes and potential risk and benefits.
II – Research must do good and no harm to study participants.
The two statements are both correct
What is the distinction of a quantitative research from a qualitative research, based on the
nature of the data?
The correct answer is: Qualitative research requires experience while quantitative requires
numerical computation
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Facebook Messenger and Its Impact to the Social Interaction of Junior High School
The correct answer is: Relational Framework
Which states how the words/term is determined in the study?
The correct answer is: Operational Definition
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Padayon: Student Activism in the 21st Century"
The correct answer is: Evaluative Framework
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Customer Satisfaction in Candon Business Center"
The correct answer is: Evaluative Framework
"Students taught first aid by programmed instruction will achieve a higher level, than those
taught first aid by the traditional method." The independent variable in this hypothesis is:
The correct answer is: method of instruction
Which of the following should NOT be included in the background of the study?
Statement of the problem
This type of creative nonfiction focuses on travel: foods eaten along the way and maybe even snapshots of places.


The piece can be taken as a story and as an advice at the same time, depending on who you are.
This type of creative nonfiction may be a full-length version of a personal narrative, in that there is a focus on a
particular topic.

-literary journalism

Lodge by Emilia Phillips is a biography.


A treatise on health is a memoir.

0 0
Reporting is the act of delivering the news.

0 0

A personal essay must always have a basis in facts.


Reportage deals with news about famous political people.


The whole paragraph is an expository indirect characterization.


Some reporters who remain in the studios do not apply this to their work.

Literary reportage is becoming more common these days.

The second sentence makes use of figurative language.


This is another word for the act of reporting news.


Internal dialogues are reliable in creative nonfiction. (see paragraph 6)


Personal essays do not have to have a distinct plot but may still express an underlying story.


Reportage is the act of reporting the news.


Whose voice commands the reportage?


Literary journalism and literary reportage are basically the same thing.


Which part of a personal essay can be longer than a paragraph?
People write this to record their innermost thoughts. Anne Frank was famous after death because of hers.

0 0

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an autobiography.


These should be found in your nonfiction, just like in a fictional work:

-literary devices

This type of creative nonfiction may be long or short, depending on how the writer recorded his thoughts in a scrap
book manner.

- notebook

Literary reportage, to remain within the bounds of journalism, must steer away from sensationalism.


There is a plot or subplot in the story.


The first sentence alludes to the possible structure of the essay.


The paragraphs can be jumbled except for paragraph 1 and the last one and the story could still make sense.


A suitor's written discourse on his love, addressed to the beloved, is an essay.


Most of paragraph 2 is poetic in rhythm.


Ernest Hemingway by Mary Dearborn is an essay.


Literary reportage is simply poetic and subjective reporting.


Literary reportage explores facts and applies not opinion, but a POV.


0 0
What do you think is the best description for Daniel's job? (baggage boy, student, security officer,

0 0

Blogs can earn as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars a month.


Literary reportage has one source - the reporter itself.


To appreciate a work of creative nonfiction, you may seek out some supplementary readings.

According to her, she does not need to turn this off because she won't even be tempted to make use of it.

-Internet/the Internet/web

There are days when she does not feel creative.


This is how you describe a tabloid-like plot.


Symbolism in creative nonfiction may make use of tangible objects to represent deeper, intangible concepts.


You should never post your work online for critiquing if you are a serious writer.

The writer is a morning or night person?


Checking facts is not necessary because the personal essay is all about you.

True crime is not creative nonfiction.


In the New Yorker article provided, this is the main topic.

- writing/writing process

You should read creative nonfiction only once. 0 0

Double-checking facts is a must.

0 0

You should always be straightforward, thus not needing any symbolisms.


Flow is the easiest to revise among the points of revision.


You must have a quote as your first sentence to catch the attention of readers.


Critics may use foul language.


Critics should always provide recommendations on how to improve the literary work.


This will help you fix your spelling and grammatical errors without you having to check every line.
-Microsoft word

A critic should be harsh to reflect the harsh realities of publication.


The thesis statement is found in the body of the essay.


Chaos in nonfiction is required to allow creativity to sink in.


You will read the New Yorker article to answer questions 11 to 15: Writer believes in chaotic creativity.

This is what you call your writing style, if readers can recognize your work even if your name is not found on the


0 0
A narrative-driven personal essay can be taken simply as a story or as a guide or informative piece.

Workshops are the best venues for critiquing beginners.

0 0


A personal essay can contain opinions.


These should populate the work, just like in a fictional work:

-Writing process

This part of a personal essay contains the whole point of the essay.


Adding fictional narratives into your nonfiction work is dishonest.


It is best to revise dialogue by actually reading the words aloud.


An argumentative essay provides well-researched proof to back up the thesis statement.


Writers should always ask somebody else to inspect their works.


This summarizes the personal essay at the end.


This subgenre of creative nonfiction deals with crime stories from real life.
-True crime

Critics should be experts of the fields or peers in a workshop.


Reading your work alone should be enough.


0 0
The body of an essay is the longest part of the work.

A personal essay always focuses on the writer.

0 0


You should reflect on your reading while reading for the first time.

Double checking facts is a must.


The writer is a typical millennial in that she likes to use social media while writing.


All testimonials are paid.


Creative nonfiction is synonymous to true stories.


You should reflect on your reading afterwards.


Any type of peer exchange in critiquing is welcome.

Spelling and grammar may be checked by a word processor, but typos are identified by you yourself.


Any author's comparison with somebody else indirectly characterizes her - the author.


The thesis statement is found in the conclusion.


This type of creative nonfiction is full-length (cradle to the grave and is written by the subject itself.


The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is a memoir.

0 0
Literary reportage is subjective, and can be poetic.

The Diary of Anne Frankis an essay.

0 0

When does someone get copyright protection?

The correct answer is: When it is registered for Copyright

What is the correct sequence of the research process?

I - data collection, treatment, processing, and analysis
II - Identification of problem
III - research design, approach, and tool
IV - data presentation, interpretation
V - Conclusion, implications, and recommendations
The correct answer is: II-III-I-IV-V

Today I don’t Feel Like Doing Anything: Students’ View on Procrastination. What is the
research design used in the above title?
The correct answer is: Qualitative

An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of an author?
The correct answer is: Plagiarism

What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?

"Correlation of Watching Mature Cartoons and Students? Deportment as Perceived by
Junior High School Students in Paranaque National High School"
The correct answer is: Relational Framework

It is one which is taken from books or studies that were tested and proven so many times
over a long period of time.
The correct answer is: Review of Studies

Which of the following is a function of theory?

The correct answer is: All of the above

All are characteristics of a good research paper except...

0 0
The correct answer is: Pre-judged
What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?
"Love Wins: Paradigm Shift in the Gender Sensitivity of Catholic Church"
The correct answer is: Evaluative Framework

What data are said to be perceived through five senses?

The correct answer is: qualitative data

What kind of Conceptual Framework best suit to the title?

"Impact of Art Therapy to the Cognitive Self-Expression Skills of Differently Abled
Students in Mary Academy"
The correct answer is: Relational Framework

In validating the data gathered, what important thing the research must do to maintain the
results of the interview or focus group discussion?

The correct answer is: Confidentiality

Data are the fundamental thing that researchers are searching for.

0 0
= True

Descriptive research deals with the past events and integrates it with the present situations.

= False

A narrative research is a method that begins with the expressed lives and stories of individual.

= True

Median is the "middle" value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers have to be listed in numerical
order from smallest to largest.

= False

In Qualitative research, interviews are more structured than Quantitative research.In a structured interview, the
researcher asks a standard set of questions that is quantifiable, nothing more nothing less.

= False

Presentation is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories and classifications
to make them amenable to study and interpretation.

= True

The conclusion should clarify concepts defined within the scope of the study. Moreover, it should explain the
relationship of the variables under study.

= True

In case of researcher-made instruments, validation process should be discussed and figures or results must be
presented when statistical measures were used.

= True

Analysis is the section answers the question, 5So what?6 in relation to the results of the study. What do the results of
the study mean? This part is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of the research report.

= False

Correlational studies are designed to determine which different variables are related to each other in the population
of interest.

= True

Intends to get reliable information about a group of people over a long period of time.

= Developmental Research

Popular descriptive study for projects that is forward-looking.

= Trends and Projection Studies

It is a subset or element of a population.

= Sample

These are statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular presentation.

= Textual 0 0

These are statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular presentation
= Textual

ANOVA stands for

= Analysis of Variance


It is used to find out if the variances between two populations are significantly different.

= F-Test

It is the most common measure of central tendency. It is simply the sum of the numbers divided by the number of

= Mean

All of the following are reasons why we should use samples except:

= Accessibility of the population

This is a nonparametric test of statistical significance that is used when research data are in the form of frequency
counts for two or more categories.
0 0
= Chi-square
Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
= 333

Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
= 232

Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
750 GAS Students
= 261

Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
800 grade 11 students
= 267

Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
= 277

Using the Slovin Formula, compute for the sample size of the following population given:
= 248

It is a process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data.

= Data Analysis

It is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the
values that they represent.

= Bar Graph

What is a graph with points connected by lines to show how something changes in value: as time goes by, or as
something else changes?

= Line Graph

What is a special chart that uses "pie slices" to show relative sizes of data?

= Pie Graph

What is a chart that present the quantitative variations of changes of variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form?

= Graphical

0 0

These include a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher actually used in completing the

= References

The _________________ should clarify concepts refined within the scope of the study.

= Conclusion

Basic Research is also known as Action Research.

= False

Using Slovin's Formula, look for the sample size of this population: 1500 SHS students in AMA COMPUTER

= 316

Provides an intent study of a person with a vision in the future. It

employs a detailed study about a person/ unit over a considerate period of time

= Case Study

In data gathering procedures, the researchers will just simply describe their respondents.

= False

According to Calderon and Gonzales (2008), conclusions should be logically written presenting the valid outgrowths
of the findings.

= True

0 18000 Graduating Students this year.

Solve for the sample size using Slovin's Formula:

= 327
Definition of terms allows readers to locate and use the sources you have cited. This information must be complete
and accurate by including the following information in the reference entry: author8s name, year of publication, title
of the work, and the publication information (Leedy and Ormrod, in Casela & Cuevas, 2010).

= False

Nominal scales are used for labeling variables, without any quantitative value. This scales could simply be called

= True

Describe where the researchers got the necessary information that would help the researcher to explain further the
research paper.

= Sources of Data

This part is where the researchers will state where the study will take place.

= Research Locale

This is a method that begins with the expressed lives and stories of individual.
The procedures for implementing this research consist of focusing on studying one or two individuals, gathering
data through the collection of their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering the
meaning of those experiences.
= Narrative Research

Statement of the problem is also considered as the objective of research.

= True

Look for the sample size of 1300 population.

0 0

it is the easiest and inexpensive way to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedule
an outdoor climb.

= 306

Through Interview, the researcher records the

events that have been observed. The researcher
focuses on respondents to capture a particular
aspect of their behavior. The respondents may or
may not directly participate in the activities of the
research investigation.
= False

Quantitative data collection is based on random sampling or a structured data collection which uses instruments that
will fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories.

= True

No recommendations should be made for a problem, or anything for that matter, that has not been discovered or
discussed in the study. Recommendations for things not discussed in the study are irrelevant.

= True

A separation of a whole into its constituent parts (Merriam-Webster, 2012)

The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific questions
under the statement of the problem. (Calderon,1993)
= Analysis

N= 1104 SHS Students

A: 222
N= 250 Academic Strand Students
A: 132
N= 418 Grade 11 Students
A: 167
N= 238 Grade 12 TVL Students
A: 129
N = 686 Grade 12 Students
A: 198
N=238. 129
N=686. 198 0 0
N=418. 167
N=1104. 222
N=250 132

1,300 TVL STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.

Answer: 306
Look for the mode: 6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8
Answer: 6 and 7
Answer: 24
Find the median of the following: 42,71,39,76,39,10,25,38
Answer: 39
600 STEM students with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 240
500 GRADE 11 STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.


Answer: 223
Find the median: 9,4,5,6,8,3,12
Answer: 6
1500 SHS with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 316
700 GAS STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 255
A group of customer service surveys were sent0out of random.
0 The scores were 90, 50,70,80, 70,60, 20,30, 80, 90,
and 20.
Answer: 60
Determine the mean of the ff. set of numbers: 40, 61, 95,79, 9,50, 80,63, 109, 42.
Answer: 62.8
What number would you divide by to calculate the mean of 3,4,5,6?
Answer: 4
What is the mean of the ff. numbers? 10,39,71,39,76,38,25
Answer: 42.5
590 ABM students with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 239
Find the median: 70,81,82,55,62,79,68,58,55,63
Answer: 65.5
Find the mode of the following set: 0,12,15,15,13,19,16,13,16,16
Answer: 16
It is a process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data.
Answer: Data Analysis
It is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories and classifications to make
them amenable to study and interpretation.
Answer: Presentation
It answers the question "So What?" in relation to the result of the study.
Answer: Interpretation
Under the ways of presenting data, it is a statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular
Answer: Textual
What is a chart presenting the quantitative variations of changes of variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form?
Answer: Graphical
These include a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher actually used in completing the
Answer: References
What is the document that ultimately represents the research?
Answer: Final Report
What is the record of the research content, process and analyses as reported by the researcher.
Answer: Report
The _______________ should clarify concepts defines within the scope of the study.
Answer: Conclusion
It is a type or graph/chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to
the values that they represent.
Answer: Bar graph
Ways of presenting data:
Statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular presentation
A: Textual
A systematic arrangement of the related idea in which classes of numerical facts or data are given each row and their
subclasses are given each a column in order to present the relationships of the sets or numerical facts or data in a
definite, compact and understandable form
A: Tabular
A chart representing the quantitative variations or changes of variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form A:
The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific
questions under the statement of the problem.
A: Analysis
This part is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of the research report.
A: Interpretation
It is the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data. It is a messy, ambiguous,
time consuming, creative, and fascinating process.
Answer: Data analysis
The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific questions
under the statement of the problem.
Answer: Analysis
Types of Graphs and Charts

0 0

0 0
This part is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of the research report.
Answer: interpretation
It is the easiest and inexpensive way to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedules outdoor climb
The correct answer is: jogging
This Backpack is similar in volume as the Trekking pack, but the type of activity it is used for is very different.
The correct answer is: Travelpack
A practical way to gain management skills is a trekking expedition.
The correct answer is: Grow on your softer skills
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control the participant attempts to complete some type of
activity. The activity may be used to teach a new concept or used to test a skill.
The correct answer is: project orienteering
Each team member does a short course and tags the next team member. A mass start is usually used
The correct answer is: Relay orienteering
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period. Similar to a score event.
The correct answer is: rogaine
Participants try to find as many controls as possible in a given amount of time. Controls usually have different point
values depending upon distance from the start and the difficulty of navigation required to find them.
The correct answer is: score orienteering
Proof-of-arrival at each control site is confirmed by answering a question about the site.
The correct answer is: trivia orienteering
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a string which leads the child to each
of the controls. Level of difficulty may be varied.
The correct answer is: string orienteering
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is: mountaineering
A lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing over rocks, fallen trees
and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun in the
The correct answer is: mountain climbing
Is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking five hours or
less from the jump-off point (location at the foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before reaching the summit.
The correct answer is: minor climb
______________________ is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking
The correct answer is: Hiking
Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase before a trip.
The correct answer is: shoes/boots
One of the hiking essentials.
The correct answer is: Navigation

0 0

Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.

The correct answer is: socks
Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to 5set6 into rock and soil to provide traction.
The correct answer is: Trekking Poles
Another important feature of the orienteering map as it will tell you valuable information. It will describe the terrain,
roads, buildings, rivers, etc. using symbols.
The correct answer is: legends
Event is done on cross country skis.
The correct answer is: ski orienteering
It is an un-timed event where the challenge is mental and achievement is based upon the ability to correctly interpret
the map and its relationship to the ground.
The correct answer is: Trail Orienteering
Most Mountaineering Backpacks are very simple, robust, and streamlined, with a single compartment and single lid
The correct answer is: mountaineering backpacks
Considered as the father of modern camping.
The correct answer is: Thomas Hiram Holding
A great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces against Rome, was believed to have
used a magnetic compass when he sailed from Italy in 203 B.C.
The correct answer is: Hannibal
Came into being in the first decade of the twentieth century and soon became standard equipment on large ships.
The correct answer is: Gyrocompass
While hiking, wear quick dry clothes and stay away from cotton fabrics and denim pants since you will be sweating
profusely during the climb.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Venture into the woods without properly informing other people.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success depends on accuracy.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with the controls.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points according to difficulty.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Triangulation is used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective geographic poles.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often made that magnetic north is the
direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
The correct answer is 'True'.
On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official event over a 12km course with 3 controls.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
If you are located on a prominent feature marked on the map such as a ridge, stream, or road, only one calculation
from a prominent landmark should be necessary. Your position will be approximately where the drawn line
0 0
intersects this linear feature.
The correct answer is 'True'.
For day hikes, 1 to 2 liters of water per person would suffice, although you may need to bring more if it is in your
nature to consume a greater amount.
The correct answer is 'True'.
For most climbers, the pleasures of mountaineering lie not only in the 5conquest6 of a peak but also in the physical
and spiritual satisfactions brought about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact
with natural grandeur.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Climbing mountains is truly rewarding: not only does it cultivate environmental awareness, it also develops a
person's character by facing and conquering one's fears and ultimately conquering oneself, leaving the mountain
climber with a great feeling of achievement.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Tents are needed for day hikes.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Socks are the first line of defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate core temperature.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often made that magnetic north is the
direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective geographic poles
The correct answer is 'True'.
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with the controls.
The correct answer is 'True'.


0 event
On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official 0 over a 12km course with 3 controls.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces against Rome, was believed to have
used a magnetic compass when he sailed from Italy in 203 B.C.
The correct answer is: HANNIBAL
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control, the participant attempts to complete some type of
activity. The activity may be used to teach a new concept or used to test a skill.
The correct answer is: project orienteering
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night
The correct answer is: night orienteering
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period. Similar to a score event.
The correct answer is: rogaine
Participants travel to each control on this.
The correct answer is: bike orienteering
Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points according to difficulty.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a string which leads the child to each
of the controls. Level of difficulty may be varied.
The correct answer is: string orienteering
A 7thinking8 outdoor sport that combines a participant8s mental ability with physical ability.
The correct answer is: ORIENTEERING
Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success depends on accuracy
The correct answer is 'True'.
A 7thinking8 outdoor sport that combines a participant8s mental ability with physical ability.
The correct answer is: orienteering
Event is done on a lake or tidal water area within a canoe.
The correct answer is: canoe orienteering
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night.
The correct answer is: night orienteering
Two-dimension representation of a three-dimension surface. It is a graphic representation of the ground and the
The correct answer is: map
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true north) to some point (either a point
on a map or a point in the real world).
The correct answer is: bearing
Used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
The correct answer is: triangulation
The word _______ is associated with the very early history of the sport, and was used by the Military Academy,
Sweden in 1886 to mean 'crossing unknown territory with the aid of a map and compass'.
The correct answer is: orienteering
The sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the
The correct answer is: MOUNTAIN CLIMBING
Any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking five hours or
less from the jump-off point before reaching the summit.
The correct answer is: major climb
to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedule an outdoor climb.
The correct answer is: jogging.
For day hikes, 1 to 2 liters of water per person would suffice, although you may need to bring more if it is in your
nature to consume a greater amount.
The correct answer is 'True'.
An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments.
The correct answer is: hiking
The flaps that cover the inlet of the upper
The correct answer is: TONGUES
To carry enough clothing, food, and camping equipment for multi-day walks or Trekking trips, you will need this.
The correct answer is: Trekking Pack
It also another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
The correct answer is: socks
Trekking helps tone the muscles while enhancing their elasticity. This strengthens and powers up the muscles.
The correct answer is: Musculo-Skeletal Health
In the European context, mountaineering is often referred to as alpinism which means climbing with difficulty such
as climbing the alps.
The correct answer is 'True'. 0 0
is a lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing
over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers and exploring the great outdoors while
over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers and exploring the great outdoors while
having fun in the process.
The correct answer is: MOUNTAIN CLIMBING


There are different ways of lacing and they are often combined to make use of the advantages of each mechanism.
The correct answer is: LACES
Sometimes also called 5car camping6 is camping on planned campgrounds where it is close to a vehicle, with certain
amenities (such as bathrooms and stores) and emergency aid.
The correct answer is: Frontcountry camping
Considered as the father of modern camping.
The correct answer is: Thomas Hiram Holding
Frontcountry camping- sometimes also called 5car camping6 is camping on planned campgrounds where it is close
to a vehicle, with certain amenities (such as bathrooms and stores) and emergency aid.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Thomas Hiram Holding is considered as the father of modern camping (Ryalls, A. & Petrin, R. L., 2016). He was a
British Traveling tailor whose passion for camping was developed as a child.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Clothes are the second line of defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate core temperature.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Tents should not be light and compact so it will be easier to carry.
The correct answer is 'False'. 0 0
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is: mountaineering
Normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a great deal of physical effort, and
normally takes six hours or more to reach the summit.
The correct answer is: Major Climb
The first Filipino who was able to accomplish that. He scaled the nature8s Goliaths, surviving the most extreme and
challenging weather and environment conditions.
The correct answer is: Romeo <Romi= Garduce
An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails.
The correct answer is: Hiking
Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase before a trip.
The correct answer is: shoes/boots
One of the hiking essentials.
The correct answer is: Navigation
Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
The correct answer is: socks
Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to 5set6 into rock and soil to provide traction.
The correct answer is: Trekking Poles
Mountaineering, also called mountain climbing, the sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in
mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Major Climb is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking
five hours or less from the jump-off point (location at the foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before
reaching the summit.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Minor Climb normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a great deal of physical
effort, and normally takes six hours or more to reach the summit.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Trekking is a lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing over rocks,
fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun
in the process.
The correct answer is 'False'.
How can students with an 5improvisor6 time management style overcome their tendency to procrastinate?
The correct answer is make plans to organize their time and ask their teachers for help before they fall behind
Which is the best way to become more productive when you are tempted to multitask and check your social media
account while studying?
The correct answer is Have set times during the day for checking and responding to online messages.
If you encounter a setback in your academic goals, which of the following should you do?
The correct answer is solutions exist and what is needed to implement those solutions
What is meant by the study tip 5keep your studying bite-sized6?
The correct answer is organize your readings and tasks into small chunks that are easy to accomplish
Which of the following definitions most closely describes a goal?
The correct answer is a desired result that you envision and then plan and commit to achieve
Good goals should be
The correct answer is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

0 0

Multitasking is best defined as

The correct answer is switching back and forth between two or more tasks quickly
If your schedule varies from week to week, which of the following is the best option for managing your time?
The correct answer is leave space in your schedule to adjust events and reminders as needed
Diane has a goal of becoming fluent in Chinese by the time she graduates with a degree in linguistics. She has been
taking Chinese classes and reading Chinese news websites for two years in preparation for a study abroad program
in Beijing. However, the semester before she is scheduled to start her study abroad program, the program8s funding
is cut, resulting in the program8s cancellation. Which of the following is the best way for Diane to deal with this
The correct answer is She should find a native Chinese speaker to tutor her or possibly even be her roommate.
Ideally, family members and friends will help you through college by
The correct answer is offering support and encouragement to reach your goals.
Which of the following is recommended as a good study habit?
The correct answer is Keep a regular study schedule.
Which of the following traits is associated with a successful student?
The correct answer is joins a study group or campus organization
You are interested in identifying careers that might be a good fit for your interests, values, and skills. Who would
you contact?
The correct answer is a career counselor
What would you least expect to find in school-wide policies?
The correct answer is information about your class reading assignments
If you need to find resources for your English paper, where should you go for help?
The correct answer is the reference librarian
Which of the life values self-assessment survey instruments allows you to arrange life values in order of
The correct answer is Life Values Assessment
Which of the following types of class delivery formats meets in-person the least amount of time?
0 0
The correct answer is hybrid/blended
Which of the following is a strategy for achieving success in the classroom?
The correct answer is go to office hours and ask your instructor questions
Which term describes your core beliefs and guiding principles that shape the roles you play in daily life?
The correct answer is personal values
Self-assessment surveys are useful in helping you evaluate your personal identity and can help to recommend which
of the following?
The correct answer is potential career paths
What is the difference between a panel interview and a group interview?
The correct answer is In a panel interview, several interviewers meet with one interviewee. In a group interview,
one interviewer presents to several interviewees.
Which of the following are 5soft skills6?
The correct answer is being a good listener, demonstrating common sense, having the ability to work under pressure
You are a college-ready student if you have the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors to do which
of the following?
The correct answer is earn a certificate or degree in college
Which of the following are transferable skills?
The correct answer is accepting constructive criticism
Katie is nervous about her upcoming job opportunities and wants to make sure that her résumé is perfect. What is
the best advice for her?
The correct answer is. Use action verbs and phrases.
Which of the following are examples of 5hard skills6?
The correct answer is sewing a dart in a dress, writing Python code, operating an x-ray machine

0 0

To be a career-ready person, which of the following must you have?

The correct answer is the necessary knowledge and technical skills needed to be employed in your desired field
What are the five steps for choosing a career?
The correct answer is get to know yourself, get to know your field, prioritize your 5deal makers6 and rule out your
5deal breakers,6 make a preliminary career decision and create a plan of action, go out and achieve your career goal
If you are looking for more information on choosing a major or career path from others who can best relate to your
current situation, you should talk to
The correct answer is fellow students and graduating seniors.
Bert works as a cashier in a bookstore for an hourly wage. He likes his work, but he doesn8t want to be doing the
same thing five years from now. On the other hand, Ernie works in a different bookstore. He started as a cashier and
was promoted to a manager.
The correct answer is Bert has a job; Ernie has a career.
Which of the following is the most effective response to the interview question 5What is your greatest weakness?6
The correct answer is In the past I haven8t been great at planning and prioritizing tasks. However, I am taking steps
to fix that by using a planning app and marking deadlines on my calendar.6
Which of the following is the first step to preparing for an interview?
The correct answer is reread the job posting or description
Which of the following should a cover letter accomplish?
The correct answer is get the reader?s attention, reflect genuine interest in the position, and explain why you
are the best person for the position
Which of the following should you AVOID in your cover letter?
The correct answer is reasons why you left your last position
Which traits are typical of the exploring stage of career development?
The correct answer is identifying your interests and aptitudes and trying out jobs
Which of the following will be most beneficial to help you grow your professional network?
The correct answer is connect with your parents? friends as network contacts
Which of the following is the best technique to win a face-to-face interview from a screening interview?
The correct answer is try to stand out from the competition
Which of the following should you include on a résumé?
The correct answer is education, work experience, relevant skills, contact information
Which of the following should NOT be included on a résumé?
The correct answer is childhood hobbies
5Why should we hire you?6 5What are your strengths and weaknesses?6 5What attracted you to this company?6
These are all examples of
The correct answer is . basic interview questions.
What type of situation best inspires creativity?
The correct answer is . when there is a problem to solve
Just one day after computer programming class, Suzanne was surprised to find that, like most people, she forgot
roughly ________ of what she learned in that class session.
The correct answer is 80%
Which of the following are diversity and multicultural 0organizations?
The correct answer is clubs focused on creating diverse, multicultural, and inclusive communities

These include a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher actually used in completing the

= References

The _________________ should clarify concepts refined within the scope of the study.

= Conclusion

Basic Research is also known as Action Research.

= False

Using Slovin's Formula, look for the sample size of this population: 1500 SHS students in AMA COMPUTER

= 316

Provides an intent study of a person with a vision in the future. It

employs a detailed study about a person/ unit over a considerate period of time

= Case Study

In data gathering procedures, the researchers will just simply describe their respondents.

= False

According to Calderon and Gonzales (2008), conclusions should be logically written presenting the valid outgrowths
of the findings.

= True

Solve for the sample size using Slovin's Formula: 1800 Graduating Students this year.

= 327

Definition of terms allows readers to locate and use the sources you have cited. This information must be complete
and accurate by including the following information in the reference entry: author8s name, year of publication, title
of the work, and the publication information (Leedy and Ormrod, in Casela & Cuevas, 2010).

= False

Nominal scales are used for labeling variables, without any quantitative value. This scales could simply be called

= True

Describe where the researchers got the necessary information that would help the researcher to explain further the
research paper.

= Sources of Data

This part is where the researchers will state where the study will take place.

= Research Locale

This is a method that begins with the expressed lives and stories of individual.
The procedures for implementing this research consist of focusing on studying one or two individuals, gathering
data through the collection of their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering the
meaning of those experiences.
= Narrative Research 0 0
Statement of the problem is also considered as the objective of research.
= True
Look for the sample size of 1300 population.

0 0

it is the easiest and inexpensive way to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedule
an outdoor climb.

= 306

Through Interview, the researcher records the

events that have been observed. The researcher
focuses on respondents to capture a particular
aspect of their behavior. The respondents may or
may not directly participate in the activities of the
research investigation.
= False

Quantitative data collection is based on random sampling or a structured data collection which uses instruments that
will fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories.

= True

No recommendations should be made for a problem, or anything for that matter, that has not been discovered or
discussed in the study. Recommendations for things not discussed in the study are irrelevant.

= True

A separation of a whole into its constituent parts (Merriam-Webster, 2012)

The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific questions
under the statement of the problem. (Calderon,1993)
= Analysis

N= 1104 SHS Students

A: 222
N= 250 Academic Strand Students
A: 132
N= 418 Grade 11 Students
A: 167
N= 238 Grade 12 TVL Students
A: 129
N = 686 Grade 12 Students
A: 198
N=238. 129
N=686. 198
N=418. 167
N=1104. 222
N=250 132

1,300 TVL STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.

Answer: 306
Look for the mode: 6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,8,8,8,8
Answer: 6 and 7 0 0
Answer: 24
Find the median of the following: 42,71,39,76,39,10,25,38
Answer: 39
600 STEM students with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 240
500 GRADE 11 STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.

0 0

Answer: 223
Find the median: 9,4,5,6,8,3,12
Answer: 6
1500 SHS with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 316
700 GAS STUDENTS with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 255
A group of customer service surveys were sent out of random. The scores were 90, 50,70,80, 70,60, 20,30, 80, 90,
and 20.
Answer: 60
Determine the mean of the ff. set of numbers: 40, 61, 95,79, 9,50, 80,63, 109, 42.
Answer: 62.8
What number would you divide by to calculate the mean of 3,4,5,6?
Answer: 4
What is the mean of the ff. numbers? 10,39,71,39,76,38,25
Answer: 42.5
590 ABM students with 5% margin of error.
Answer: 239
Find the median: 70,81,82,55,62,79,68,58,55,63
Answer: 65.5
Find the mode of the following set: 0,12,15,15,13,19,16,13,16,16
Answer: 16
It is a process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data.
Answer: Data Analysis
It is the process of organizing data into logical, sequential and meaningful categories and classifications to make
them amenable to study and interpretation.
Answer: Presentation
It answers the question "So What?" in relation to the result of the study.
Answer: Interpretation
Under the ways of presenting data, it is a statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular
Answer: Textual
What is a chart presenting the quantitative variations of changes of variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form?
Answer: Graphical
These include a complete list of all quoted and paraphrased works that the researcher actually used in completing the
Answer: References
What is the document that ultimately represents the research?
Answer: Final Report
What is the record of the research content, process and analyses as reported by the researcher.
Answer: Report
The _______________ should clarify concepts defines within the scope of the study.
Answer: Conclusion
It is a type or graph/chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to
the values that they represent.
Answer: Bar graph
Ways of presenting data:
Statements with numerals or numbers that serve as supplements to tabular presentation
A: Textual
A systematic arrangement of the related idea in which classes of numerical facts or data are given each row and their
subclasses are given each a column in order to present the relationships of the sets or numerical facts or data in a
definite, compact and understandable form
A: Tabular
A chart representing the quantitative variations or changes of variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form A:
The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific
questions under the statement of the problem.
A: Analysis
This part is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of the research report.
A: Interpretation
It is the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of collected data. It is a messy, ambiguous,
time consuming, creative, and fascinating process. 0 0
Answer: Data analysis
The process of breaking up the whole study into its constituent parts of categories according to the specific questions
under the statement of the problem.
Answer: Analysis
Types of Graphs and Charts

0 0

This part is, perhaps, the most critical aspect of the research report.
Answer: interpretation
It is the easiest and inexpensive way to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedules outdoor climb
The correct answer is: jogging
This Backpack is similar in volume as the Trekking pack, but the type of activity it is used for is very different.
The correct answer is: Travelpack
A practical way to gain management skills is a trekking expedition.
The correct answer is: Grow on your softer skills
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control the participant attempts to complete some type of
activity. The activity may be used to teach a new concept or used to test a skill.
The correct answer is: project orienteering
Each team member does a short course and tags the next team member. A mass start is usually used
The correct answer is: Relay orienteering
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period. Similar to a score event.
The correct answer is: rogaine
Participants try to find as many controls as possible in a given amount of time. Controls usually have different point
values depending upon distance from the start and the difficulty of navigation required to find them.
The correct answer is: score orienteering
Proof-of-arrival at each control site is confirmed by answering a question about the site.
The correct answer is: trivia orienteering
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a string which leads the child to each
of the controls. Level of difficulty may be varied.
The correct answer is: string orienteering
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is: mountaineering
A lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing over rocks, fallen trees
and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun in the
The correct answer is: mountain climbing
Is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking five hours or
less from the jump-off point (location at the foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before reaching the summit.
The correct answer is: minor climb
0 0
______________________ is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking
The correct answer is: Hiking
Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase before a trip.
The correct answer is: shoes/boots
One of the hiking essentials.
The correct answer is: Navigation

0 0

Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.

The correct answer is: socks
Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to 5set6 into rock and soil to provide traction.
The correct answer is: Trekking Poles
Another important feature of the orienteering map as it will tell you valuable information. It will describe the terrain,
roads, buildings, rivers, etc. using symbols.
The correct answer is: legends
Event is done on cross country skis.
The correct answer is: ski orienteering
It is an un-timed event where the challenge is mental and achievement is based upon the ability to correctly interpret
the map and its relationship to the ground.
The correct answer is: Trail Orienteering
Most Mountaineering Backpacks are very simple, robust, and streamlined, with a single compartment and single lid
The correct answer is: mountaineering backpacks
Considered as the father of modern camping.
The correct answer is: Thomas Hiram Holding
A great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces against Rome, was believed to have
used a magnetic compass when he sailed from Italy in 203 B.C.
The correct answer is: Hannibal
Came into being in the first decade of the twentieth century and soon became standard equipment on large ships.
The correct answer is: Gyrocompass
While hiking, wear quick dry clothes and stay away from cotton fabrics and denim pants since you will be sweating
profusely during the climb.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Venture into the woods without properly informing other people.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success depends on accuracy.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with the controls.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points according to difficulty.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Triangulation is used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
The correct answer is 'True'.
True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective geographic poles.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often made that magnetic north is the
direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
The correct answer is 'True'.
On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official event over a 12km course with 3 controls.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
If you are located on a prominent feature marked on the map such as a ridge, stream, or road, only one calculation
from a prominent landmark should be necessary. Your position will be approximately where the drawn line
intersects this linear feature.
The correct answer is 'True'.
For day hikes, 1 to 2 liters of water per person would suffice, although you may need to bring more if it is in your
nature to consume a greater amount.
The correct answer is 'True'.
For most climbers, the pleasures of mountaineering lie not only in the 5conquest6 of a peak but also in the physical
and spiritual satisfactions brought about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact
with natural grandeur.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Climbing mountains is truly rewarding: not only does it cultivate environmental awareness, it also develops a
person's character by facing and conquering one's fears and ultimately conquering oneself, leaving the mountain
climber with a great feeling of achievement.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Tents are needed for day hikes.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Socks are the first line of defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate core temperature.
The correct answer is 'False'. 0 0
Magnetic north and south are widely misunderstood. The statement is often made that magnetic north is the
direction to the North Magnetic Pole.
The correct answer is 'True'.

True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective geographic poles
True north and south are of course the local directions to the respective geographic poles
The correct answer is 'True'.
Route orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with the controls.
The correct answer is 'True'.

0 0

On March 28th 1918 he organized the first official event over a 12km course with 3 controls.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A great military general and leader who commanded the Carthaginian forces against Rome, was believed to have
used a magnetic compass when he sailed from Italy in 203 B.C.
The correct answer is: HANNIBAL
Excellent for use by school and scout groups. At each control, the participant attempts to complete some type of
activity. The activity may be used to teach a new concept or used to test a skill.
The correct answer is: project orienteering
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night
The correct answer is: night orienteering
Teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period. Similar to a score event.
The correct answer is: rogaine
Participants travel to each control on this.
The correct answer is: bike orienteering
Score orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points according to difficulty.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Used with pre-schoolers and primary grade children. Controls are placed along a string which leads the child to each
of the controls. Level of difficulty may be varied.
The correct answer is: string orienteering
A 7thinking8 outdoor sport that combines a participant8s mental ability with physical ability.
The correct answer is: ORIENTEERING
Line orienteering of a set course with undisclosed control points. Success depends on accuracy
The correct answer is 'True'.
A 7thinking8 outdoor sport that combines a participant8s mental ability with physical ability.
The correct answer is: orienteering
Event is done on a lake or tidal water area within a canoe.
The correct answer is: canoe orienteering
Variation of point-to-point or score orienteering conducted at night.
The correct answer is: night orienteering
Two-dimension representation of a three-dimension surface. It is a graphic representation of the ground and the
The correct answer is: map
A horizontal angle measured clockwise from north (either magnetic north or true north) to some point (either a point
on a map or a point in the real world).
The correct answer is: bearing
Used to locate your position when two or more prominent landmarks are visible.
The correct answer is: triangulation
The word _______ is associated with the very early history of the sport, and was used by the Military Academy,
Sweden in 1886 to mean 'crossing unknown territory with the aid of a map and compass'.
The correct answer is: orienteering
The sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the
The correct answer is: MOUNTAIN CLIMBING
Any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking five hours or
less from the jump-off point before reaching the summit.
The correct answer is: major climb
to get in shape 3-4 times a week before you schedule an outdoor climb.
The correct answer is: jogging.
For day hikes, 1 to 2 liters of water per person would suffice, although you may need to bring more if it is in your
nature to consume a greater amount.
The correct answer is 'True'.
An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments.
The correct answer is: hiking
The flaps that cover the inlet of the upper
The correct answer is: TONGUES
To carry enough clothing, food, and camping equipment for multi-day walks or Trekking trips, you will need this.
The correct answer is: Trekking Pack
It also another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
The correct answer is: socks
Trekking helps tone the muscles while enhancing their elasticity. This strengthens and powers up the muscles.
The correct answer is: Musculo-Skeletal Health
0 0
In the European context, mountaineering is often referred to as alpinism which means climbing with difficulty such
as climbing the alps.
The correct answer is 'True'.
is a lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing
over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers and exploring the great outdoors while
having fun in the process.
The correct answer is: MOUNTAIN CLIMBING

0 0

There are different ways of lacing and they are often combined to make use of the advantages of each mechanism.
The correct answer is: LACES
Sometimes also called 5car camping6 is camping on planned campgrounds where it is close to a vehicle, with certain
amenities (such as bathrooms and stores) and emergency aid.
The correct answer is: Frontcountry camping
Considered as the father of modern camping.
The correct answer is: Thomas Hiram Holding
Frontcountry camping- sometimes also called 5car camping6 is camping on planned campgrounds where it is close
to a vehicle, with certain amenities (such as bathrooms and stores) and emergency aid.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Thomas Hiram Holding is considered as the father of modern camping (Ryalls, A. & Petrin, R. L., 2016). He was a
British Traveling tailor whose passion for camping was developed as a child.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Clothes are the second line of defense so that the body can maintain an appropriate core temperature.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Hypothermia is a condition where the body temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Tents should not be light and compact so it will be easier to carry.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A sport in attaining or attempting to attain high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is: mountaineering
Normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a great deal of physical effort, and
normally takes six hours or more to reach the summit.
The correct answer is: Major Climb
The first Filipino who was able to accomplish that. He scaled the nature8s Goliaths, surviving the most extreme and
challenging weather and environment conditions.
The correct answer is: Romeo <Romi= Garduce
An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails.
The correct answer is: Hiking
Are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase before a trip.
The correct answer is: shoes/boots
One of the hiking essentials.
The correct answer is: Navigation
Another key element in keeping feet dry and free of blisters.
The correct answer is: socks
Often, their tips are hardened carbide steel, with the ability to 5set6 into rock and soil to provide traction.
The correct answer is: Trekking Poles
Mountaineering, also called mountain climbing, the sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in
mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Major Climb is any climb that can be accomplished within a single day without extraordinary physical effort, taking
five hours or less from the jump-off point (location at the foot of the mountain where the hike begins) before
reaching the summit.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Minor Climb normally requires two or more days to accomplish, with the climber exerting a great deal of physical
effort, and normally takes six hours or more to reach the summit.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Trekking is a lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing over rocks,
fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun
in the process.
The correct answer is 'False'.
How can students with an 5improvisor6 time management style overcome their tendency to procrastinate?
The correct answer is make plans to organize their time and ask their teachers for help before they fall behind
Which is the best way to become more productive when you are tempted to multitask and check your social media
account while studying?
The correct answer is Have set times during the day for checking and responding to online messages.
If you encounter a setback in your academic goals, which of the following should you do?
The correct answer is solutions exist and what is needed to implement those solutions

What is meant by the study tip 5keep your studying bite-sized6?
The correct answer is organize your readings and tasks into small chunks that are easy to accomplish
Which of the following definitions most closely describes a goal?

The correct answer is a desired result that you envision and then plan and commit to achieve
The correct answer is a desired result that you envision and then plan and commit to achieve
Good goals should be
The correct answer is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

0 0

Multitasking is best defined as

The correct answer is switching back and forth between two or more tasks quickly
If your schedule varies from week to week, which of the following is the best option for managing your time?
The correct answer is leave space in your schedule to adjust events and reminders as needed
Diane has a goal of becoming fluent in Chinese by the time she graduates with a degree in linguistics. She has been
taking Chinese classes and reading Chinese news websites for two years in preparation for a study abroad program
in Beijing. However, the semester before she is scheduled to start her study abroad program, the program8s funding
is cut, resulting in the program8s cancellation. Which of the following is the best way for Diane to deal with this
The correct answer is She should find a native Chinese speaker to tutor her or possibly even be her roommate.
Ideally, family members and friends will help you through college by
The correct answer is offering support and encouragement to reach your goals.
Which of the following is recommended as a good study habit?
The correct answer is Keep a regular study schedule.
Which of the following traits is associated with a successful student?
The correct answer is joins a study group or campus organization
You are interested in identifying careers that might be a good fit for your interests, values, and skills. Who would
you contact?
The correct answer is a career counselor
What would you least expect to find in school-wide policies?
The correct answer is information about your class reading assignments
If you need to find resources for your English paper, where should you go for help?
The correct answer is the reference librarian
Which of the life values self-assessment survey instruments allows you to arrange life values in order of
The correct answer is Life Values Assessment
Which of the following types of class delivery formats meets in-person the least amount of time?
The correct answer is hybrid/blended
Which of the following is a strategy for achieving success in the classroom?
The correct answer is go to office hours and ask your instructor questions
Which term describes your core beliefs and guiding principles that shape the roles you play in daily life?
The correct answer is personal values
Self-assessment surveys are useful in helping you evaluate your personal identity and can help to recommend which
of the following?
The correct answer is potential career paths
What is the difference between a panel interview and a group interview?
The correct answer is In a panel interview, several interviewers meet with one interviewee. In a group interview,
one interviewer presents to several interviewees.
Which of the following are 5soft skills6?
The correct answer is being a good listener, demonstrating common sense, having the ability to work under pressure
You are a college-ready student if you have the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors to do which
of the following?
The correct answer is earn a certificate or degree in college
Which of the following are transferable skills?
The correct answer is accepting constructive criticism 0
Katie is nervous about her upcoming job opportunities and wants to make sure that her résumé is perfect. What is
the best advice for her?
The correct answer is. Use action verbs and phrases.
Which of the following are examples of 5hard skills6?
The correct answer is sewing a dart in a dress, writing Python code, operating an x-ray machine

0 0

To be a career-ready person, which of the following must you have?

The correct answer is the necessary knowledge and technical skills needed to be employed in your desired field
What are the five steps for choosing a career?
The correct answer is get to know yourself, get to know your field, prioritize your 5deal makers6 and rule out your
5deal breakers,6 make a preliminary career decision and create a plan of action, go out and achieve your career goal
If you are looking for more information on choosing a major or career path from others who can best relate to your
current situation, you should talk to
The correct answer is fellow students and graduating seniors.
Bert works as a cashier in a bookstore for an hourly wage. He likes his work, but he doesn8t want to be doing the
same thing five years from now. On the other hand, Ernie works in a different bookstore. He started as a cashier and
was promoted to a manager.
The correct answer is Bert has a job; Ernie has a career.
Which of the following is the most effective response to the interview question 5What is your greatest weakness?6
The correct answer is In the past I haven8t been great at planning and prioritizing tasks. However, I am taking steps
to fix that by using a planning app and marking deadlines on my calendar.6
Which of the following is the first step to preparing for an interview?
The correct answer is reread the job posting or description
Which of the following should a cover letter accomplish?
The correct answer is get the reader?s attention, reflect genuine interest in the position, and explain why you
are the best person for the position
Which of the following should you AVOID in your cover letter?
The correct answer is reasons why you left your last position
Which traits are typical of the exploring stage of career development?
The correct answer is identifying your interests and aptitudes and trying out jobs
Which of the following will be most beneficial to help you grow your professional network?
The correct answer is connect with your parents? friends as network contacts
Which of the following is the best technique to win a face-to-face interview from a screening interview?
The correct answer is try to stand out from the competition
Which of the following should you include on a résumé?
The correct answer is education, work experience, relevant skills, contact information
Which of the following should NOT be included on a résumé?
The correct answer is childhood hobbies
5Why should we hire you?6 5What are your strengths and weaknesses?6 5What attracted you to this company?6
These are all examples of
The correct answer is . basic interview questions.
What type of situation best inspires creativity?
The correct answer is . when there is a problem to solve
Just one day after computer programming class, Suzanne was surprised to find that, like most people, she forgot
roughly ________ of what she learned in that class session.
The correct answer is 80%
Which of the following are diversity and multicultural organizations?
The correct answer is clubs focused on creating diverse, multicultural, and inclusive communities
Isabella needs to create a mini-presentation with her group for an advertising campaign project in her marketing
class. What type of learning is she doing?
The correct answer is active learning 0 0
Which tool can best enable students to observe and analyze the world or reimagine it in a way that appeals to them?
The correct answer is digital camcorders
What best defines 5critical thinking6?
The correct answer is skepticism and examining assumptions
Why are academic print resources generally more credible than online sources?

0 0

The correct answer is. Print resources have been vetted by multiple authors and editors in order to reach
Which resource below probably contains the most effective information to to help you write your paper on death
penalty laws in California?
The correct answer is "Polls Show Preference for Death Penalty Alternatives" news article
When studying to remember things, it8s best to think about ________ rather than facts.
Select one:
The correct answer is concepts
Which of the following is a positive effect of participating in diverse groups in an educational setting?
The correct answer is You can perceive in new ways, seeing issues and problems from new angles.
Budgets should include
The correct answer is. all of your spending habits.
A person with good mental health will realize his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and
The correct answer is . can work productively and fruitfully.
If you rewrite a quote in your own words, it
The correct answer is always need to be cited.
If you include quotes in your paper, they
The correct answer is always need to be cited.
Using web applications and tools to help you keep track of your sources and create your citations is
The correct answer is a good idea.
Eating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of which of the following?
The correct answer is both heart disease and cancer
Presenting someone else8s ideas as your own is best defined as
The correct answer is plagiarism.
What are common signs of depression?
The correct answer is moving slowly, difficulty sleeping, feelings of pessimism. aches and pains
Taking tests is valuable for which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is The more often you retrieve information, the more likely you are to retain it for the
long term.
If you are concerned about not having enough time to work during school, you may find ________ to be the best
The correct answer is a summer job
Pagkasangkot ng mga kabataang lalaki (edad 15-21) sa usaping droga, lumalala.
Ang mga Beki sa makabagong panahon na nagtatagumpay, Isang pag-aaral
Isang nakakahiyang pag-atake sa personal na katangian/katayuan ng katalo at hindi sa isyung tinatalakay o
A: Argumentum Ad Hominem

Sa ingles ibig sabihin nito ay It doesn't follow. Pagbibigay ito ng konklusyon sa kabila ng mga walang kaugnayang
A: Non Sequitur

Epekto ng Cyber Bullying sa mga Mag aaral ng Grade 6.


Bilang ng mga Kabataang Babae (edad 15-18) ang maagang namumulat sa prostitusyon, isang pagsusuri.
A: EDAD 0 0
Mga Pangyayring Di- Malilimot.
A: pansariling pagpapahayag
Sanhi at Bunga ng pagkahumaling sa Kompyuter games
A: Sanhi at Bunga sa mga batang edad 7 -15 sa pagkahumaling sa Kompyuter Games
Ang kakaibang tradisyong sa Baguio City ay dinarayo ng mga Turista.

0 0
Hindi ko pinaniniwalaan na ang pag-unlad ng isang indibidwal ay nakadepende sa suwerte.
A: Hindi
Gawin lang sana natinang tama sa paggamit ng Facebook App upang hindi tayo makasakit ng kapwa.
A: Hindi Impormatibo

Pagbasa ang kasunod na nalinang matapos malinang ang kakayahan sa pakikinig at pagsasalita sa paglinang sa wika
A: Terrado
Unti-unti ipinakilala ang mundo ng Kompyuter
A: Hindi Impormartibo
Wikang kadalasan ay pinapaikli at ginagamit sa pakikibagay sa taong gumagamit ng wikang ito.
A: Kolokyal
Kinikilala si William S. Grey bilang Ama ng Pagbasa.
A: Tama
Magandang pagmasdan ang mga naglalagang dahon kapag panahon ng tag-lagas.
A: Hindi
Ito ay isang masalimuot na kompleks na nangagailangan ng konyus at di-konyus na paggamit ng mga estratehiya o
kasanayan upang makabuo ng kahulugang ninanais ng ihatid ng manunulat sa mambabasa.
A: Pagbasa

I950 nang sinimulan siyang kinalalanin bilang ama ng Pagbasa dahil sa kanyang taglay na kahusayan sa larangan ng
pagpapaunlad ng pagbasa.
A: William S. Gray
Ang paglilibang naman ay hind iipinagbabawal lalo pa8t sadyang masayahin ang Pinoy.
A: Hindi Impormatibo

Ang pagbasa ay kasangkapan sa pagkatuto ng mga kabatiran ukol sa iba't ibang larangan ng pamumuhay.
A: Baltazar

ENTR-112 WEEK 11-20



Figured as a percentage of the seller's cost

A: markup

0 0

A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event

A: advertisement

What are the four P's of marketing?

A: Product, price, place, promotion

With enough frequency of the message, any name can become __________.
A: memorable

Take the time to describe the specific value and qualities of the product.
A: Define the product in detail

A straightforward product design is essential.

A: Refine your design with simplicity in mind.

A good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a
A: Product
Give the character depth and be genuine.
A: Be real, and have a story
Determines the most efficient way for each portion of the process to be done to eliminate damage to the product and
to eliminate areas where time and manpower are being wasted
A: manager

The organization must develop the new product into different product concepts.
A: Development and Testing

A value that will purchase a finite quantity, weight, or other measure of a good or service
A: Price

At this stage, the product is available for purchase in the marketplace.

A: Commercialize

Translate goals into detailed actions and interim targets

A: Budgets

A limited list of important items or individuals: especially: a list of candidates for final consideration
A: Shortlist

Not the same as a prototype, but some manufacturers try to sell them as such.
A: Virtual prototype

Narrow the focus of the product by identifying who will be buying.

A: Describe the targeted audience for the product

Your brand must be powerful enough to force them out of their routines.
A: Craft your image

The amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions
for returned merchandise
A: Revenue 0 0
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
A: apparatus
Reflects the decrease in value of capital assets used to generate income
A: Depreciation
Reward your followers with something special and exclusive
A: Have a payoff, and say thank you
Indicate how similar products are selling in the marketplace, using the market research that you have collected.
A: Create a pricing strategy for the product
A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the
eyes of the customer
A: Brand

Includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to
A: Promotion
Packaging refers to
A: All of the answers correct
Refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside
A: Packaging
A disruptive technology with the ability to revolutionize certain industries
A: internet


0 0
A party that supplies goods or services
A: Supplier
Production is both reactive and proactive almost __________.
A: simultaneously

The last portions of the M's of Production

A: materials

A target market description, value proposition and sales goals are conceived at this time.
A: Developing Market Strategy

A physical product is developed.

A: Product Development

Offer a great opportunity to talk with a number of potential suppliers in the same place at the same time
A: Exhibitions

Discovered the most important factor applied by the best companies was that they first "got the right people on the
bus and the wrong people off the bus."
A: Jim Collins
This entails generating ideas for new products.
A: Ideas
Where your product or service is actually sold.
A: Place
The arena of competitive or commercial dealings: the world of trade
A: marketplace
The second M in the 4M's of Operation
A: manpower
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
A: Reputation
Combining the elements of these provides you with a clear focus for marketing a product and for satisfying the
objectives a company has for the product.
A: Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy

A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decide

A: criteria

Creating a brand perception requires

A: intrusion

__________ waste is the key to efficient and profitable production

A: controlling

The goal is developing an exchange. Force your opinion and you will end conversations before they begin.
A: Ask, do not tell

Includes all interest payable for debts, both short-term and long-term
A: Interest

The goal is to reduce the number of ideas.

A: Screen Ideas

A person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material

A: copywriter

Hear a person's need, and then share expertise in a personal way that is motivated other than to help.
A: Be interested, and respond

When you are developing a name for a business, a product or a service, you have a number of options. Which one in
this list is an option?
A: All of the answers correct
This step provides the organization the ability to not only test the marketing, but also the product.
A: Test Market
Add to the conversation by offering up whatever knowledge you have.
A: Be interesting, and give
Hear the conversation first, and then participate.
0 0
A: Listen, do not just talk
The drive train that gets us where we are going
A: production


Includes all revenue streams generated by the business

A: Income

The overall effect of something

A: impression

The first visceral connection the consumer makes with the brand
A: logo

This step reviews the sales, costs and profit projections of the new product to decide if the organizational goals are
A: Business Analysis
Recognize that place goes beyond geographic location.
A: Identify the place where the product will be marketed
This is the third M in the sequence
A: machine
Create a promotional strategy that features the product qualities as effectively as possible.
A: Define the promotional techniques that you will use for the product
0 0
If __________ is not properly involved in the other four M's and it is sufficiently aware of the process and the
possible outcomes, the whole operation and even the problems solution process could yield only mediocre to poor
A: management

A: Get known
People form their first impression within the first
A: 30 seconds
Responsible for every element of your sales, marketing strategies, and activities
A: People
The most successful companies pick a competitive position from which they know their brands can win.
A: Know What the Customer Wants
Relating to or noting a new product, service, or idea that radically changes an industry or business strategy
A: disruptiveness
A marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct position, relative to competing brands, in the mind
of the customer
A: Positioning

Happens in the minds of consumers

A: Branding

It is everything for everyone

A: Image

The engine that powers Auto Salvage yards

A: sales

Every business needs a reason for their customers to buy from them and not their competitors.
A: Unique Sales Proposition

Shows the company's real bottom line.

A: Net profit after taxes

A financial document generated monthly and/or annually that reports the earnings of a company by stating all
relevant revenues and expenses in order to calculate net income.
A: Income Statement
The investigation of the needs and opinions of consumers, especially with regard to a particular product or service.
A: Consumer Research
A first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or
A: Prototype

One of the most powerful financial tools available to any small-business owner.
A: Business Budgeting

Inventory fully assembled and available for sals

A: Finished products

Which of these is a key to improve the gross margin?

A: Both of the given choices are correct

0 0

Inventory that is partially assembled

A: Work-in-progress

What you plan to sell, and what will convince people to buy.
A: Revenue model

The two primary levers of a company's business model are pricing

A: Pricing and costs

Purchased to create a finished product.

A: Raw material

Implies the person behind the brand name has a credibility to be in this business, a pride of workmanship and a
moral standard.
A: Family name
Includes all the costs related to the sale of products in inventory.
A: Cost of goods
The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target
A: Marketing Mix

A unique or novel device, method, composition or process.

A: Invention

A set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or
service for the market.
A: Value chain
Include all overhead and labor expenses associated with the operations of the business.
A: Operating expenses
Unique from their competition and often become among the most memorable.
A: Obscure brand names
A series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development and marketing of brand new or nearly
branded products or services.
A: Product Development

Designed to meet the company's marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: Marketing Strategy
0 product
Those things that change based on the amount of 0 being made and are incurred as a direct result of producing
the product.
A: Variable costs
Estimates of the future financial performance of a business.
A: Financial projections
The choice of a target market and formulation of the most appropriate promotion mix to influence it.
A: Promotional Strategy
A great equalizer for the cash-strapped entrepreneur.
A: Social Media
A bookkeeper's central role.
A: To maintain financial records for a company or organization.
All of your business transactions pass through this account
A: Cash
The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex
A: structure
Which of these is a part of a business plan?
A: All of the answers correct
These must be entered in the accounting software program on a daily basis so account balances accurately reflect
income and outgo.
A: Financial transactions

Amounts that are owed to you by your customers

A: Debtors

Many business owners think of bookkeeping as

A: Unwelcome chore

They are based on your assumptions about how your business will perform.
A: Pro forma statements

0 0

A thing providing protection against a possible eventuality

A: insurance

An idea is just an idea until you have a paying customer attached to it. Anyone can discredit a simple idea, but no
one can discredit paying customers according to
A: Will Chroter
Author of Bookkeeping Kit for Dummies
A: Lita Epstein
A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest.
A: Equity
Why it is important to keep records?
A: All of the answers correct
Which of these is an example of a business structure?
A: All of the answers correct
A financial journal that contains all cash receipts and payments, including bank deposits and withdrawals.
A: Cashbook
Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work
A: creative
Entity that advances cash to a borrower for a stated period and for a fixed or variable rate of interest
A: lender
Which of these are included in a business record?
A: All of the answers correct
Include items such as the cost of goods sold payroll for employees, payroll, sales and income taxes, business
insurance and loan interest
A: Expenses

The activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of a business.

A: Bookkeeping

Recording this in a timely and accurate manner is critical to knowing where your business stands.
A: Sales

An instance of buying or selling something

A: Cash

This account is where you track any raw materials or finished goods that you buy for your business.
A: Purchases

Your projections should be

A: Realistic in-between

Will include accounts payable, wages and salaries, taxes, rent and utilities, and loan balances
A: Liabilities

Help an entrepreneur keep track of business transactions, aid in the filing of taxes, compile final accounts and act as
a future reference.
A: Records
A bookkeeper must meet with department supervisors and other managers to discuss budget needs and inventory
A: Office Communication

Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully accounted for and tracked.
A: Inventory

Which of these is an example of a record?

A: Both of the given choices are correct 0 0
A thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest
A: loan
This kind of business owner will know his business inside and out and be aware of when it is prudent to cut corners
and when it is not.
A: Both Perceptive and Savvy
Your company's sales and/or other sources of income
A: Revenues
The action or process of investing money for profit or material result
A: investment
This is the biggest cost of all for many businesses.
A: Payroll Expenses


Provide helpful information about a company's liquidity, profitability, debt, operating performance, cash flow and
investment valuation.
A: Financial ratios
Which of these is a key financial statement?
A: All of the answers correct
Protects the business in the event of litigation.
A: Liability insurance
Which of these is an example of a bookkeeping account?
A: All of the answers correct
0 0
As good as or better than others of a comparable nature
A: competitive
Managing this account does not take a lot of time and is important to investors and lenders who want to track how
well the company has done over time.
A: Retained earnings

An entrepreneur should maintain records to meet his or her business requirements.

A: True

Keeping this account accurate and up to date is essential for meeting tax and other government reporting
A: Payroll Expenses
This is when a company purchases a fixed asset and expenses it over the entire period of its planned use, not just in
the year purchased
A: Depreciation

Record keeping is important in a business for it is one the many ways to inform the entrepreneur how the business is
A: False
Shows your company's assets and liabilities.
A: Balance sheet
Your financial statements should include an income statement, a balance sheet and a _____ statement
A: cash-flow
If you have borrowed money to buy equipment, vehicles, furniture or other items for your business, this is the
account that tracks what is owed and what's due.
A: Loans Payable

Business records must be retrievable.

A: True

This is money due from customers, and keeping it up to date is critical to be sure, that you send timely and accurate
bills or invoices.
A: Accounts Receivable
This figure represents the amount of income earned by the business before paying taxes.
A: Net profit before taxes
Are assets that you cannot touch or see but that have value. They include franchise rights, goodwill; no compete
agreements, patents and many other items
A: Intangible

Are assets for long-term use and include land, buildings, leasehold improvements, equipment, machinery and
A: fixed
Records are a legal requirement.
A: True
These expenses go up or down based on the sales you make such as advertising, delivery charges and electricity if
you are manufacturing
A: variable

These are the assets in a business that can be converted to cash in one year or less
A: current

Shows what types of employees you have along with what they will cost in terms of salary and wages, health
insurance, retirement plan contributions, workers compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, and Social
Security and Medicare taxes.
A: Personnel Plan

These selling, general and administrative expenses are necessary to run the business.
A: Operating expenses

0 0

A bookkeeper's central role is to maintain financial records for a company or organization.

A: True

Which of these is characteristic of a Cash-Flow Statement?

A: All of the answers correct

This is caused by fluctuations in operating, investing and financing cash flow.

A: Net change in cash and marketable activities

Everyone likes to send money out of the business.

A: False

Shows the sums you expect to be coming into and going out of your business in a given time frame.
A: Cash flow statement

These costs include materials used, direct labor, plant manager salaries, freight and other costs associated with
operating a plant.
A: Costs of goods sold
A chart that breaks down how much your business expects to sell in various categories by month and by year.
A: Sales Forecast
This is the gross revenue generated from the sale of clothing less returns and allowances
A: sales
Purchases is where you track all incoming revenue from what you sell.
A: False
Cost of goods, commissions or discounts, variable and fixed expenses.
A: Business expenses
Include notes payable on lines of credit or other short-term loans, current maturities of long-term debt, accounts
payable to trade creditors, accrued expenses and taxes and amounts due to stockholders.
A: Current liabilities
0 0
These include sales of common stock, changes in short- or long-term loans and dividends paid.
A: Net cash flow from financing activities
It is calculated as sales less the cost of goods sold.
A: Gross profit

Include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in net worth and statement of cash flow.
A: Financial Statements

A written description of your business' future.

A: Business plan

Most business records have specified retention periods based on legal requirements and / or internal company
A: True
These primarily consist of the purchase or sale of equipment.
A: Net cash flow from investing activities
These liabilities typically consist of all bank debt or stockholder loans payable outside of the following 12-month
A: long-term

It must be retrievable later so that the business dealings can be accurately reviewed as required.
A: Business record

(TRUE OR FALSE) Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully
accounted for and tracked.
A: True
An entrepreneur should entrust record keeping to any person.
A: False
This is the total amount of state and federal income taxes paid.
A: Income taxes
They include cash collections from customers: cash paid to suppliers and employees: cash paid for operating
expenses, interest and taxes: and cash revenue from interest dividends.
A: Net cash flow from operating activities

Which of these should be included in your financial statements?

A: All of the answers correct

This is the amount of profit earned during the normal course of operations.
A: Operating profit

0 0

Include cash, accounts receivable, inventory and equipment.

A: Assets

This is the total amount of state and federal income taxes paid
A: income

Retailing and wholesale is the difference between the stock at the start and end of this period
A: Inventory-reporting

[FILL IN THE BLANK] This is where you track any raw materials or finished goods that you buy for your business
[FILL IN THE BLANK] In order to fulfil the needs identified above you will need different sets of
[FILL IN THE BLANK]With coworkers on a daily basis and creating procedures for receipt submission and
expense account reimbursements can help your work day flow smoothly

[FILL IN THE BLANK] As the business becomes more, it will be necessary to hire a knowledgeable bookkeeper or
[FILL IN THE BLANK] A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest
[FILL IN THE BLANK] A business record must be
[FILL IN THE BLANK] An entrepreneur should entrust record keeping to a person
[FILL IN THE BLANK] Records are a legal
[FILL IN THE BLANK] His/her central role is to maintain financial records for a company or organization
[FILL IN THE BLANK] Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully
accounted for and tracked

[FILL IN THE BLANK] Estimates of the future financial performance of a business.


The Fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold.
A: True

Marketing Strategy is designed to meet the company's marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: True

A strong relationship will only benefit the supplier.

A: False


Fixed expenses are recorded as cost of goods sold. Variable expenses are counted as operating expenses.
A: False
0 naming
It is important to develop this before you start the 0 process.
A: brand strategy
A set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or
service for the market.
A: Value chain
These selling, generaland administrative expenses are necessary to run the business.
A: Operating expenses
The best suppliers will want to talk with you regularly to find out what needs you have and how they can serve you
A: True

Things that change based on the amount of product being made and are incurred as a direct result of producing the
A: Variable costs
The total amount of resources that a firm puts into the marketing mix in order to stimulate demand for its goods and
A: marketing effort

To succeed, you need to know this about your brand.

A: true perception

By definition, financial projections are estimates of the future financial performance of a business.
A: True

The income statement is designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement
and balance sheet back to a cash basis.
A: False
The most effective financial budget includes both a short-range, month-to-month plan for at least a calendar year
and a long-range, quarter-to-quarter plan of at least three years that you use for financial statement reporting. It
should be prepared during the two months preceding the fiscal year-end to allow ample time for sufficient
information gathering.
A: True

The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four P's.
A: True

The 4P's of marketing has no weaknesses.

A: False

Promotion refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside.
A: False
Designed to meet the company8s marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: Marketing Strategy
Busy packaging that explodes with colors or design elements will encourage customers.
A: False

A credit check will help reassure you that they will not go out of business when you need them most.
A: True

A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the
eyes of the customer.
A: brand
If you need to choose a great brand name for your product, service or business, start by considering the importance
of the name in this.
A: branding efforts

Refers to method companies use to price their products or services.

A: pricing strategy

Maintaining a good short- and long-range financial plan enables you to control your cash flow instead of having it
control you.
A: True
A specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new or changed product or service, or in using new
marketing channels and methods.
A: marketing campaign

Provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities 0 owner's equity for a given time.
A: balance sheet

The most successful companies pick a competitive position from which they know their brands can survive.
A: False

A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest.

A: Equity
It is important to protect your name to the appropriate degree.
A: protect your brand name

The first visceral connection the consumer makes with the brand.
A: logo
Fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective solution
methods plus the proper work culture.
A: management
Manpower is fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective
solution methods plus the proper work culture.
A: False

The marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to potential customers.
A: Telemarketing

Measures all your revenue sources vs. business expenses for a given time period.
A: Income statement
Image is everything for everyone.
0 0
A: True
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.
A: Apparatus
Most customers think of you in terms of a single attribute, either positive or negative.
A: Attribution Theory
The most successful companies pick this from which they know their brands can win.
A: competitive position

A straightforward product design is essential.

A: True

A low-cost vendor is your best bet.

A: False

A written report of the financial condition of a firm.

A: financial statement
The process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with the
consumer that allows a company to discover the target market and record opinions and other input from consumers
regarding interest in the product.
A: market research

Your inability to select, recruit, hire and retain the proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need
to have done, is more important than everything else put together.
A: False
The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities and owner's equity for a given time.
A: True
Controlling waste is the key to efficient and profitable production.
A: True
The first step in developing a financial management system is the creation of financial statements.
A: True
A document that records a business dealing.
A: business record
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals
in the eyes of the customer.
A: True

The way in which a company generates revenue and makes a profit from company operations.
A: business model
All material needed to clean and package are always available and are placed to minimize effort.
A: True

This kind of business owner will know his business inside and out and be aware of when it is prudent to cut corners
and when it is not.
A: Both of the given choices are correct

0 0

Budgeting only the income statement also allows a full analysis of the effect of potential capital expenditures on
your financial picture.
A: False
A first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or
A: Prototype
After you choose your great brand name, you can create your logo and this.
A: corporate identity

Designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement and balance sheet back to
a cash basis.
A: cash-flow statement
Public art that is used to decorate the facade (front), orchard, or enclosed concrete structure where large number of
people come together.
A: Architectural art

The only themes that can be used in mixed media art are about identity.
A: False

The modern arch is much stronger that brick or stone as it uses concrete, steel or laminated wood.
A: True

Contemporary furniture designers only consider form and function.

A: False

In the painting style of emotion, happiness is communicated through dark colors.

A: False

Contemporary furniture designers use technology, new materials, and measurements that fit the size, comfort,
demand and movement of the users.
A: True
Folk arts has not evolved to satisfy the changing local and global demands.
A: False
Mixed media cannot combine painting and photographs.
A: False
For offices, contemporary furniture designers make modular furniture.
A: True
Mixed media artists are controlled by conventions of doing art.
A: False

0 to make
Native plants like buri and abaca can now be used 0 lampshades.
A: True
Coffee shops and spas created a bigger market for ceramics.
A: True
Despite limitations, Filipino furniture craftsmen are preferred in many countries of the globe.
A: True
A mixed media artist reintroduces things in a new context by experimenting and using different materials.
A: True
Public art that is usually located in squares, plazas, or in front of government buildings, law courts, airports, public
museums, or academic institutions.
A: Municipal art

For footwear, indigenous materials like beads, crochet, rattan and woven fabrics are used.
A: True

Mixed media art is when a combination of materials are used.

A: True

Technique is the artist's personal way of using their material.

A: True

Furniture designers only use old and traditional ways of making furniture.
A: False

Which sculpting technique involves cutting or chipping away a shape from a mass of stone, wood or other hard
A: carving
Collage is where materials and objects are pasted over a flat surface in an artistic composition.
A: True

0 0



Layunin nito ang maglarawan ng pansariling pananaw.

A: Deskripsyong impresyunistiko

Sinabi ni Terrado na ang Pagbasa ay isang kakayahang kumilala ng nakalimbag na simbolo.

A: Tama
Maari mong e-live anuman ang gingawa mo, ditto maari mong i-post lahat ng Selfie mode mo, #hashtag of tha
day mo.
A: Impormatibo
Kinikilala bilang pinakamtaas na antas ng wika.
A: Formal
Uri ng teksto na karaniwang sumasagot sa tanong na ano, sino at paano.
A: impormatibo
Nais ng bawat Pilipino na makatulong sapag-unlad ng ekonomiya ng bansa.
A: Hindi

Ipinakilala niya ang limang dimension ng pagbasa na makatutulong na malinang ang kakayahan ng mambabasa.
A: Goodman

Ang komokontrol sa pagsasalita, pagrarason, pagpapaplano at kamalayan.

A: Frontal lobe

Ito ay isang uri ng teksto na karaniwang naglalarawan

A: ekpositori

Sinasabing ang utak ang pinasentro ng lahat ng organ sa katawan ng tao.

A: Tama
Bahagi ng limang dimension sa pagbasa kung saan ipinakikita na ang mambabasa ay may kakayahang magbigay ng
sariling pasya batay sa kanyang nabasa.
A: pag-unawa
Hindi ko pinaniniwalaan na ang pag-unlad ng isang indibidwal ay nakadepende sa suwerte.
A: Hindi
Gawin lang sana natinang tama sa paggamit ng Facebook App upang hindi tayo makasakit ng kapwa.
A: Hindi Impormatibo

Pagbasa ang kasunod na nalinang matapos malinang ang kakayahan sa pakikinig at pagsasalita sa paglinang sa wika
A: Terrado
Unti-unti ipinakilala ang mundo ng Kompyuter
A: Hindi Impormartibo
Wikang kadalasan ay pinapaikli at ginagamit sa pakikibagay sa taong gumagamit ng wikang ito.
A: Kolokyal
Kinikilala si William S. Grey bilang Ama ng Pagbasa.
A: Tama
Magandang pagmasdan ang mga naglalagang dahon kapag panahon ng tag-lagas.
A: Hindi
Ito ay isang masalimuot na kompleks na nangagailangan ng konyus at di-konyus na paggamit ng mga estratehiya o
kasanayan upang makabuo ng kahulugang ninanais ng ihatid ng manunulat sa mambabasa.
A: Pagbasa

I950 nang sinimulan siyang kinalalanin bilang ama ng Pagbasa dahil sa kanyang taglay na kahusayan sa larangan ng
pagpapaunlad ng pagbasa.
A: William S. Gray
Ang paglilibang naman ay hind iipinagbabawal lalo pa8t sadyang masayahin ang Pinoy.
A: Hindi Impormatibo

Ang pagbasa ay kasangkapan sa pagkatuto ng mga kabatiran ukol sa iba't ibang larangan ng pamumuhay.
A: Baltazar

ENTR-112 WEEK 11-20

0 GRADE 120
Figured as a percentage of the seller's cost
A: markup

0 0

A notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event

A: advertisement

What are the four P's of marketing?

A: Product, price, place, promotion

With enough frequency of the message, any name can become __________.
A: memorable

Take the time to describe the specific value and qualities of the product.
A: Define the product in detail

A straightforward product design is essential.

A: Refine your design with simplicity in mind.

A good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a
A: Product
Give the character depth and be genuine.
A: Be real, and have a story
Determines the most efficient way for each portion of the process to be done to eliminate damage to the product and
to eliminate areas where time and manpower are being wasted
A: manager

The organization must develop the new product into different product concepts.
A: Development and Testing

A value that will purchase a finite quantity, weight, or other measure of a good or service
A: Price

At this stage, the product is available for purchase in the marketplace.

A: Commercialize

Translate goals into detailed actions and interim targets

A: Budgets

A limited list of important items or individuals: especially: a list of candidates for final consideration
A: Shortlist

Not the same as a prototype, but some manufacturers try to sell them as such.
A: Virtual prototype

Narrow the focus of the product by identifying who will be buying.

A: Describe the targeted audience for the product

Your brand must be powerful enough to force them out of their routines.
A: Craft your image

The amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions
for returned merchandise
A: Revenue
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
A: apparatus
Reflects the decrease in value of capital assets used to generate income
A: Depreciation
Reward your followers with something special and exclusive
A: Have a payoff, and say thank you
Indicate how similar products are selling in the marketplace, using the market research that you have collected.
A: Create a pricing strategy for the product
A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the
eyes of the customer
A: Brand

Includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to
A: Promotion
0 0
Packaging refers to
A: All of the answers correct
Refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside
A: Packaging
A disruptive technology with the ability to revolutionize certain industries
A: internet

0 0

A party that supplies goods or services

A: Supplier

Production is both reactive and proactive almost __________.

A: simultaneously

The last portions of the M's of Production

A: materials

A target market description, value proposition and sales goals are conceived at this time.
A: Developing Market Strategy

A physical product is developed.

A: Product Development

Offer a great opportunity to talk with a number of potential suppliers in the same place at the same time
A: Exhibitions

Discovered the most important factor applied by the best companies was that they first "got the right people on the
bus and the wrong people off the bus."
A: Jim Collins
This entails generating ideas for new products.
A: Ideas
Where your product or service is actually sold.
A: Place
The arena of competitive or commercial dealings: the world of trade
A: marketplace
The second M in the 4M's of Operation
A: manpower
The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.
A: Reputation
Combining the elements of these provides you with a clear focus for marketing a product and for satisfying the
objectives a company has for the product.
A: Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy

A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decide

A: criteria

Creating a brand perception requires

A: intrusion

__________ waste is the key to efficient and profitable production

A: controlling

The goal is developing an exchange. Force your opinion and you will end conversations before they begin.
A: Ask, do not tell

Includes all interest payable for debts, both short-term and long-term
A: Interest

The goal is to reduce the number of ideas.

A: Screen Ideas

A person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material

A: copywriter

Hear a person's need, and then share expertise in a personal way that is motivated other than to help.
A: Be interested, and respond

When you are developing a name for a business, a product or a service, you have a number of options. Which one in
this list is an option?
A: All of the answers correct
This step provides the organization the ability to not only test the marketing, but also the product.
A: Test Market
Add to the conversation by offering up whatever knowledge you have.
A: Be interesting, and give 0 0
Hear the conversation first, and then participate.
A: Listen, do not just talk
The drive train that gets us where we are going
A: production

0 0

Includes all revenue streams generated by the business

A: Income

The overall effect of something

A: impression

The first visceral connection the consumer makes with the brand
A: logo

This step reviews the sales, costs and profit projections of the new product to decide if the organizational goals are
A: Business Analysis
Recognize that place goes beyond geographic location.
A: Identify the place where the product will be marketed
This is the third M in the sequence
A: machine
Create a promotional strategy that features the product qualities as effectively as possible.
A: Define the promotional techniques that you will use for the product
If __________ is not properly involved in the other four M's and it is sufficiently aware of the process and the
possible outcomes, the whole operation and even the problems solution process could yield only mediocre to poor
A: management

A: Get known
People form their first impression within the first
A: 30 seconds
Responsible for every element of your sales, marketing strategies, and activities
A: People
The most successful companies pick a competitive position from which they know their brands can win.
A: Know What the Customer Wants
Relating to or noting a new product, service, or idea that radically changes an industry or business strategy
A: disruptiveness
A marketing strategy that aims to make a brand occupy a distinct position, relative to competing brands, in the mind
of the customer
A: Positioning

Happens in the minds of consumers

A: Branding

It is everything for everyone

A: Image

The engine that powers Auto Salvage yards

A: sales

Every business needs a reason for their customers to buy from them and not their competitors.
A: Unique Sales Proposition

Shows the company's real bottom line.

A: Net profit after taxes

A financial document generated monthly and/or annually that reports the earnings of a company by stating all
relevant revenues and expenses in order to calculate net income.
A: Income Statement
The investigation of the needs and opinions of consumers, especially with regard to a particular product or service.
A: Consumer Research
A first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or
A: Prototype

0 0
One of the most powerful financial tools available to any small-business owner.
A: Business Budgeting

Inventory fully assembled and available for sals

A: Finished products
Which of these is a key to improve the gross margin?
A: Both of the given choices are correct

0 0

Inventory that is partially assembled

A: Work-in-progress

What you plan to sell, and what will convince people to buy.
A: Revenue model

The two primary levers of a company's business model are pricing

A: Pricing and costs

Purchased to create a finished product.

A: Raw material

Implies the person behind the brand name has a credibility to be in this business, a pride of workmanship and a
moral standard.
A: Family name
Includes all the costs related to the sale of products in inventory.
A: Cost of goods
The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target
A: Marketing Mix

A unique or novel device, method, composition or process.

A: Invention

A set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or
service for the market.
A: Value chain
Include all overhead and labor expenses associated with the operations of the business.
A: Operating expenses
Unique from their competition and often become among the most memorable.
A: Obscure brand names
A series of steps that includes the conceptualization, design, development and marketing of brand new or nearly
branded products or services.
A: Product Development

Designed to meet the company's marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: Marketing Strategy

Those things that change based on the amount of product being made and are incurred as a direct result of producing
the product.
A: Variable costs
Estimates of the future financial performance of a business.
A: Financial projections
The choice of a target market and formulation of the most appropriate promotion mix to influence it.
A: Promotional Strategy
A great equalizer for the cash-strapped entrepreneur.
A: Social Media
A bookkeeper's central role.
A: To maintain financial records for a company or organization.
All of your business transactions pass through this account
A: Cash
The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex
A: structure
Which of these is a part of a business plan?
A: All of the answers correct
These must be entered in the accounting software program on a daily basis so account balances accurately reflect
income and outgo.
A: Financial transactions

Amounts that are owed to you by your customers

A: Debtors 0 0
Many business owners think of bookkeeping as
A: Unwelcome chore
They are based on your assumptions about how your business will perform.
A: Pro forma statements

0 0

A thing providing protection against a possible eventuality

A: insurance

An idea is just an idea until you have a paying customer attached to it. Anyone can discredit a simple idea, but no
one can discredit paying customers according to
A: Will Chroter
Author of Bookkeeping Kit for Dummies
A: Lita Epstein
A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest.
A: Equity
Why it is important to keep records?
A: All of the answers correct
Which of these is an example of a business structure?
A: All of the answers correct
A financial journal that contains all cash receipts and payments, including bank deposits and withdrawals.
A: Cashbook
Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work
A: creative
Entity that advances cash to a borrower for a stated period and for a fixed or variable rate of interest
A: lender
Which of these are included in a business record?
A: All of the answers correct
Include items such as the cost of goods sold payroll for employees, payroll, sales and income taxes, business
insurance and loan interest
A: Expenses

The activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of a business.

A: Bookkeeping

Recording this in a timely and accurate manner is critical to knowing where your business stands.
A: Sales

An instance of buying or selling something

A: Cash

This account is where you track any raw materials or finished goods that you buy for your business.
A: Purchases

Your projections should be

A: Realistic in-between

Will include accounts payable, wages and salaries, taxes, rent and utilities, and loan balances
A: Liabilities

Help an entrepreneur keep track of business transactions, aid in the filing of taxes, compile final accounts and act as
a future reference.
A: Records
A bookkeeper must meet with department supervisors and other managers to discuss budget needs and inventory
A: Office Communication

Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully accounted for and tracked.
A: Inventory

Which of these is an example of a record?

A: Both of the given choices are correct

A thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest
A: loan

This kind of business owner will know his business inside and out and be aware of when it is prudent to cut corners
and when it is not.
A: Both Perceptive and Savvy
0 0
Your company's sales and/or other sources of income
A: Revenues
The action or process of investing money for profit or material result
A: investment
This is the biggest cost of all for many businesses.
A: Payroll Expenses

0 0

Provide helpful information about a company's liquidity, profitability, debt, operating performance, cash flow and
investment valuation.
A: Financial ratios
Which of these is a key financial statement?
A: All of the answers correct
Protects the business in the event of litigation.
A: Liability insurance
Which of these is an example of a bookkeeping account?
A: All of the answers correct
As good as or better than others of a comparable nature
A: competitive
Managing this account does not take a lot of time and is important to investors and lenders who want to track how
well the company has done over time.
A: Retained earnings

An entrepreneur should maintain records to meet his or her business requirements.

A: True

Keeping this account accurate and up to date is essential for meeting tax and other government reporting
A: Payroll Expenses
This is when a company purchases a fixed asset and expenses it over the entire period of its planned use, not just in
the year purchased
A: Depreciation

Record keeping is important in a business for it is one the many ways to inform the entrepreneur how the business is
A: False
Shows your company's assets and liabilities.
A: Balance sheet
Your financial statements should include an income statement, a balance sheet and a _____ statement
A: cash-flow
If you have borrowed money to buy equipment, vehicles, furniture or other items for your business, this is the
account that tracks what is owed and what's due.
A: Loans Payable

Business records must be retrievable.

A: True

This is money due from customers, and keeping it up to date is critical to be sure, that you send timely and accurate
bills or invoices.
A: Accounts Receivable
This figure represents the amount of income earned by the business before paying taxes.
A: Net profit before taxes
Are assets that you cannot touch or see but that have value. They include franchise rights, goodwill; no compete
agreements, patents and many other items
A: Intangible

Are assets for long-term use and include land, buildings, leasehold improvements, equipment, machinery and
A: fixed
Records are a legal requirement.
A: True
These expenses go up or down based on the sales you make such as advertising, delivery charges and electricity if
you are manufacturing
A: variable

These are the assets in a business that can be converted to cash in one year or less
A: current
0 0
Shows what types of employees you have along with what they will cost in terms of salary and wages, health
insurance, retirement plan contributions, workers compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, and Social
Security and Medicare taxes.
A: Personnel Plan
These selling, general and administrative expenses are necessary to run the business.
A: Operating expenses

0 0

A bookkeeper's central role is to maintain financial records for a company or organization.

A: True

Which of these is characteristic of a Cash-Flow Statement?

A: All of the answers correct

This is caused by fluctuations in operating, investing and financing cash flow.

A: Net change in cash and marketable activities

Everyone likes to send money out of the business.

A: False

Shows the sums you expect to be coming into and going out of your business in a given time frame.
A: Cash flow statement

These costs include materials used, direct labor, plant manager salaries, freight and other costs associated with
operating a plant.
A: Costs of goods sold
A chart that breaks down how much your business expects to sell in various categories by month and by year.
A: Sales Forecast
This is the gross revenue generated from the sale of clothing less returns and allowances
A: sales
Purchases is where you track all incoming revenue from what you sell.
A: False
Cost of goods, commissions or discounts, variable and fixed expenses.
A: Business expenses
Include notes payable on lines of credit or other short-term loans, current maturities of long-term debt, accounts
payable to trade creditors, accrued expenses and taxes and amounts due to stockholders.
A: Current liabilities

These include sales of common stock, changes in short- or long-term loans and dividends paid.
A: Net cash flow from financing activities

It is calculated as sales less the cost of goods sold.

A: Gross profit

Include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in net worth and statement of cash flow.
A: Financial Statements

A written description of your business' future.

A: Business plan

Most business records have specified retention periods based on legal requirements and / or internal company
A: True
These primarily consist of the purchase or sale of equipment.
A: Net cash flow from investing activities
These liabilities typically consist of all bank debt or stockholder loans payable outside of the following 12-month
A: long-term

It must be retrievable later so that the business dealings can be accurately reviewed as required.
A: Business record

(TRUE OR FALSE) Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully
accounted for and tracked.
A: True
An entrepreneur should entrust record keeping to any person.
A: False
This is the total amount of state and federal income taxes paid.
A: Income taxes
They include cash collections from customers: cash paid to suppliers and employees: cash paid for operating
0 0
expenses, interest and taxes: and cash revenue from interest dividends.
A: Net cash flow from operating activities

Which of these should be included in your financial statements?

A: All of the answers correct
This is the amount of profit earned during the normal course of operations.
A: Operating profit

0 0

Include cash, accounts receivable, inventory and equipment.

A: Assets

This is the total amount of state and federal income taxes paid
A: income

Retailing and wholesale is the difference between the stock at the start and end of this period
A: Inventory-reporting

[FILL IN THE BLANK] This is where you track any raw materials or finished goods that you buy for your business
[FILL IN THE BLANK] In order to fulfil the needs identified above you will need different sets of
[FILL IN THE BLANK]With coworkers on a daily basis and creating procedures for receipt submission and
expense account reimbursements can help your work day flow smoothly

[FILL IN THE BLANK] As the business becomes more, it will be necessary to hire a knowledgeable bookkeeper or
[FILL IN THE BLANK] A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest
[FILL IN THE BLANK] A business record must be
[FILL IN THE BLANK] An entrepreneur should entrust record keeping to a person
[FILL IN THE BLANK] Records are a legal
[FILL IN THE BLANK] His/her central role is to maintain financial records for a company or organization
[FILL IN THE BLANK] Products you have in stock to sell are like money sitting on a shelf and must be carefully
accounted for and tracked

[FILL IN THE BLANK] Estimates of the future financial performance of a business.


0 0
The Fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold.
A: True

Marketing Strategy is designed to meet the company's marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: True
A strong relationship will only benefit the supplier.
A: False

0 0

Fixed expenses are recorded as cost of goods sold. Variable expenses are counted as operating expenses.
A: False

It is important to develop this before you start the naming process.

A: brand strategy

A set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or
service for the market.
A: Value chain
These selling, generaland administrative expenses are necessary to run the business.
A: Operating expenses
The best suppliers will want to talk with you regularly to find out what needs you have and how they can serve you
A: True

Things that change based on the amount of product being made and are incurred as a direct result of producing the
A: Variable costs
The total amount of resources that a firm puts into the marketing mix in order to stimulate demand for its goods and
A: marketing effort

To succeed, you need to know this about your brand.

A: true perception

By definition, financial projections are estimates of the future financial performance of a business.
A: True

The income statement is designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement
and balance sheet back to a cash basis.
A: False
The most effective financial budget includes both a short-range, month-to-month plan for at least a calendar year
and a long-range, quarter-to-quarter plan of at least three years that you use for financial statement reporting. It
should be prepared during the two months preceding the fiscal year-end to allow ample time for sufficient
information gathering.
A: True

The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four P's.
A: True

The 4P's of marketing has no weaknesses.

A: False

Promotion refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside.
A: False
Designed to meet the company8s marketing objectives by providing its customers with value.
A: Marketing Strategy
Busy packaging that explodes with colors or design elements will encourage customers.
A: False

A credit check will help reassure you that they will not go out of business when you need them most.
A: True

A name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the
eyes of the customer.
A: brand
If you need to choose a great brand name for your product, service or business, start by considering the importance
of the name in this.
A: branding efforts

Refers to method companies use to price their products or services.

A: pricing strategy

Maintaining a good short- and long-range financial plan enables you to control your cash flow instead of having it
control you.
A: True
0 0
A specific, defined series of activities used in marketing a new or changed product or service, or in using new
marketing channels and methods.
A: marketing campaign
Provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities and owner's equity for a given time.
A: balance sheet

0 0

The most successful companies pick a competitive position from which they know their brands can survive.
A: False

A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest.

A: Equity
It is important to protect your name to the appropriate degree.
A: protect your brand name

The first visceral connection the consumer makes with the brand.
A: logo
Fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective solution
methods plus the proper work culture.
A: management
Manpower is fundamental in establishing the proper policies, leadership, clear guidelines, work discipline, effective
solution methods plus the proper work culture.
A: False

The marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to potential customers.
A: Telemarketing

Measures all your revenue sources vs. business expenses for a given time period.
A: Income statement
Image is everything for everyone.
A: True

The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

A: Apparatus
Most customers think of you in terms of a single attribute, either positive or negative.
A: Attribution Theory
The most successful companies pick this from which they know their brands can win.
A: competitive position

A straightforward product design is essential.

A: True

A low-cost vendor is your best bet.

A: False

A written report of the financial condition of a firm.

A: financial statement
The process of assessing the viability of a new good or service through research conducted directly with the
consumer that allows a company to discover the target market and record opinions and other input from consumers
regarding interest in the product.
A: market research

Your inability to select, recruit, hire and retain the proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need
to have done, is more important than everything else put together.
A: False
The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the business's assets, liabilities and owner's equity for a given time.
A: True
Controlling waste is the key to efficient and profitable production.
A: True
The first step in developing a financial management system is the creation of financial statements.
A: True
A document that records a business dealing.
A: business record
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals
in the eyes of the customer.
A: True

The way in which a company generates revenue and makes a profit from company operations.
A: business model
0 0
All material needed to clean and package are always available and are placed to minimize effort.
A: True

This kind of business owner will know his business inside and out and be aware of when it is prudent to cut corners
and when it is not.
A: Both of the given choices are correct

0 0

Budgeting only the income statement also allows a full analysis of the effect of potential capital expenditures on
your financial picture.
A: False
A first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or
A: Prototype
After you choose your great brand name, you can create your logo and this.
A: corporate identity

Designed to convert the accrual basis of accounting used to prepare the income statement and balance sheet back to
a cash basis.
A: cash-flow statement
Public art that is used to decorate the facade (front), orchard, or enclosed concrete structure where large number of
people come together.
A: Architectural art

The only themes that can be used in mixed media art are about identity.
A: False

The modern arch is much stronger that brick or stone as it uses concrete, steel or laminated wood.
A: True

Contemporary furniture designers only consider form and function.

A: False

In the painting style of emotion, happiness is communicated through dark colors.

A: False

Contemporary furniture designers use technology, new materials, and measurements that fit the size, comfort,
demand and movement of the users.
A: True
Folk arts has not evolved to satisfy the changing local and global demands.
A: False
Mixed media cannot combine painting and photographs.
A: False
For offices, contemporary furniture designers make modular furniture.
A: True
Mixed media artists are controlled by conventions of doing art.
A: False
Native plants like buri and abaca can now be used to make lampshades.
A: True
Coffee shops and spas created a bigger market for ceramics.
A: True
Despite limitations, Filipino furniture craftsmen are preferred in many countries of the globe.
A: True
A mixed media artist reintroduces things in a new context by experimenting and using different materials.
A: True
Public art that is usually located in squares, plazas, or in front of government buildings, law courts, airports, public
museums, or academic institutions.
A: Municipal art

For footwear, indigenous materials like beads, crochet, rattan and woven fabrics are used.
A: True

Mixed media art is when a combination of materials are used.

A: True

Technique is the artist's personal way of using their material.

A: True

Furniture designers only use old and traditional ways of making furniture.
A: False 0 0
Which sculpting technique involves cutting or chipping away a shape from a mass of stone, wood or other hard
A: carving
Collage is where materials and objects are pasted over a flat surface in an artistic composition.
A: True

0 0

Assemblage is putting objects together and combining them in a new context.

A: True

Public art requires collaborative work and needs the services of different types of people, like other artists,
architects, engineers, plumber, civic leaders, community residents, design professionals, funding agencies and
construction teams.
A: True

The type of public art that promotes an idea by making visible reminders to the public.
A: Campaign-inspired public art

In the painting style of fantasy, artists can make forms not found in the real world.
A: True

This is a recessed place in a wall where a sculptured figure or bust can be located.
A: niche

This style of sculpture are closed and can become packages, a portable container for something worth keeping.
A: boxes

Formal order in contemporary art is associated with stability and permanence.

A: True

There are no type of ceramics for decorative purposes.

A: False

Public art is not for everyone.

A: False

These types of sculptures honor individuals or groups of people for heroism or for participation in historic events.
A: Commemorative monuments

Folk arts have evolved in the different regions as they have been influenced by globalization, new techniques aided
by technology, global aesthetic, and market demand.
A: True
The elements of art and principles of design or organization also apply to architecture, but with two additional
elements, which are size and scale.
A: True

As an art, its function and purpose, the space that it will occupy and the people who will occupy it determine its
creative design.
A: True
Interesting effects can be achieved with the different mix and combinations of media and creative variations of
design, composition, color, and texture.
A: True

Which sculptural style is in mechanical motion?

A: kinetic sculpture

Which sculpting technique involves giving solid shape to a fluid substance by pouring it in a mold of a desired shape
and letting it harden?
A: casting
Ceramics only come in color brown.
A: False
The concept is the the primary consideration when appreciating mixed media art.
A: False
In this technique, sculptures are created when a soft or malleable material, like clay, is built using an armature and
then shaped to create a form.
A: modeling

Art objects do not have cultural significance.

A: False

CFIP means Chamber of Famous Industries of the Philippines.

A: False

Public art that includes monumental earthworks that interact with nature and the environment.
A: Land Art 0 0
Only identifiable shapes are allowed for ceramics.
A: False

Architecture is in the fields of art and psychology

Architecture is in the fields of art and psychology.
A: False
Folk art are pieces produced by indigenous people, which are for practical use and also as decoration.
A: True

0 0

Ceramics is the general term used for art that is made of clay that has been heated to a very high temperature so that
it becomes hard.
A: True
Which sculptural style involves putting found objects together through a single method of attachment, and a single
color and surface texture?
A: sculptural assemblage

Ethnic tribes do not allow contemporary artists to make masks.

A: False

Type of public art where any medium can be used as long as they engage the members of the community in
interaction or dialogue with the artist.
A: Community-based art
Whether it serves a function or not, ceramics posses the elements of art.
A: True
Good observation skills are needed to draw something accurately.
A: True
Famous furniture designers had the privilege to study abroad and have good exposure to contemporary furniture.
A: True
Hotels and restaurants have no need for contemporary furniture.
A: False
This style of sculpture is where the sculptor can only make a form that is allowed by the material's shape and size
and cannot exceed its size.
A: monolithic sculpture

The Barong can now be worn by women.

A: True

Pottery is a type of ceramics that is utilitarian.

A: True

When appreciating mixed media art, the viewer also has to analyze how they were put together and what the artwork
A: True
Which sculptural movement brings sculpture in harmony with physics, mathematics, engineering and industrial
A: constructivism

Ceramics that have a practical purpose are used in the home, like tableware, vases, oil burners, oil and lotion bottles,
pitchers, trays or tea sets.
A: True
Post-and-lintel is the most ancient construction device and it is not being used anymore these days.
A: False
Objective accuracy means painting an imaginary depiction of physical objects or people.
A: False
All ceramics have a utilitarian function.
A: False
In appreciating contemporary furniture, the viewer has to understand the qualities.
A: True
Focus is the pictorial device that relates to the artist's ability to create the illusion of deep space within the painting.
A: False
In the style of objective accuracy, artists need to learn to observe the amount of light an object receives, the shapes
of its shadows, the transition from light to shadow and the source of light.
A: True

Painting is the least popular among the fine arts.

A: False

Ceramics only come in a curvy shape.

A: False 0 0
Which sculptural technique involves sculptors gathering and putting together different materials, including found
objects to create an assembled sculpture?
A: assembling
Because of growing threat to the environment, furniture craftsmen had to look for alternative materials that did not
involve endangering the environment.
A: True

0 0

Public art only involves monuments for heroes and religious landmarks.
A: False

All folk art uses plants, like pandan, buri, abaca, piña, or bamboo, no matter what the region
A: False
Ikat is mostly practiced in Palawan by the Ifugaos and the ethnic croups in Mindanao.
A: False

Visually, when things are closer the details are less distinct, and as the object gets farther, the details become
A: False
New Wave made it possible for directors not to follow traditional techniques, giving rise to a renewed energy and
consciousness to making films.
A: True

What type of new media art where stones can be embedded on concrete?
A: mixed media art

Which type of digital art create worlds, universe, imaginary creatures that transports the viewer to another world that
seem without borders?
A: fantasy digital art
Which one is essential for bridges, theaters, convention halls, gymnasiums and assembly halls.
A: truss system
In what type of new media art where a combination of materials are used?
A: mixed media art
Which one is related to the form of artwork?
A: describe the dominant elements of art
Which one relates to the artist's ability to create the illusion of deep space within the painting?
A: perspective
What type of sculpture technique is created when a soft or malleable material, like clay, is built using an armature
and then shaped to create a form. This is an additive process.
A: modeling

Which installation art where sometimes the viewers are given pieces of fabric or paper to write and then attach on
the artwork?
A: interactive installation art
Performance artists conceptualize their act in relation to the minimal props needed to get a concept, idea or advocacy
across to the audience.
A: True

Grotto is a recessed place in a wall where a sculptured figure or bust can be located.
A: False

In which installation artwhere artists educate people about environmental degradation or directly address
environmental issues or react to natural disasters and calamities?
A: environmental installation art
Biomorphic architecture is designed with patterns or shapes inspired by living organisms.
A: True
Which type of public art can be used to immortalize events that affected a large number of people in the country?
A: commemorative monuments
In which type or technique in new media art the artist makes art images and forms that have no reference to reality?
A: non-objective art
Which type of installation art is combined with theater and dance?
A: performance-installation art
Which one is not a painting style?
A: carving
In which painting style where artists sometimes combine their representational skill to create a psychological
A: styles of objective accuracy
0 0
In __________, the materials are flexible, durable and readily available?
A: painting

The experiences of artists within their ... are reflected in their art
A: culture and society

0 0

Which type of public art is used to decorate the facade, orchard, or enclosed concrete structure where large number
of people come together?
A: architectural art
In which sculpture style the sculptor cannot produce complex open forms and shapes, like stretched out arms or
A: monolithic sculpture

Which one is not related to the function of artwork?

A describe the dominant elements of art

In which public art where the design or theme matches the buildings and its surroundings to achieve unity because
the artwork is viewed in relation to its natural and man-mad surroundings?
A: design-based public art
Which architectural device is the horizontal extension of a beam or a slab into space beyond its supporting post?
A: cantilever
Which type of installation art follows the idea that art should examine its own nature?
A: conceptual installation art
Which type of new media art involves interaction with several things, namely architectural setting, environmental
site, use of everyday objects in a specific context and the viewer/participant?
A: installation art

Which material in powder form can be combined with plastic binders so that they can be modeled and assembled by
welding, soldering and riveting or with adhesives?
A: metal
Which sculpture style makes use of new materials like plastics, plexiglass, metal wire, et~, and allows a break from
the figurative representation of sculpture?
A: constructivism sculpture

The modeling technique is __________.

A: additive

In which type of art is the subject matter is often stimulated by an event or an issue relating to human and social
A: installation art
Performing arts consist of art forms in which artists or performers use their voices, move their bodies and relate to
other performers, objects or even to the audience.
A: True

Which style of painting can be based on fairy tales?

A: style of fantasy

Furniture designers only use old and traditional ways of making furniture.
A: False

Which type of digital art uses geometric shapes, lines, spaces, movement or color in their composition?
A: non-figurative digital art

_________ is taking photos using a mobile phone.

A: mobile photography

The aspect of technical skills in appreciating art involves memory of the routine and execution of the moves looks
true to the moves that were choreographed.
A: False
Which type of technique in new media art are subjects taken from reality and nature but the artist presents them in
ways different from the way they are seen in everyday life?
A: abstract art

In what type of new media art where a bed of plastics can be shaped into some form that is unimaginable and
A: mixed media art
In which style of painting where the object is recognizable from real life, but distorted from reality to achieve a
certain effect.
A: style of fantasy

0 0
Which is abundant in Mindanao that can be made into beautiful jewelry?
A: pearl

In which type of new media art where after exhibition for a given time, the artwork is usually dismantled, or in some
cases, burned?
A: installation art

0 0

Conceptual installation art is where the viewer can touch, walk in or through, listen to or interact with the
installation piece.
A: False
What type of new media art where ink can be combined with pastel?
A: mixed media art
Which technique in mixed media art where artscraps like cellphone batteries or computer parts can be assembled
and transformed into an artwork?
A: assemblage

Considering the source of light is related to __________.

A: control and handling illumination

Which give artistic surfaces designed by the architectural limits, edges and corners?
A: pattern and ornament

In which type or technique in new media art where the content of the work are its colors, shapes, brushstrokes, size,
scale, and in some cases, the process by which it is made?
A: non-objective art
What type of new media art where a combination of a painting and photographs can be used?
A: mixed media art
A theater performance is based on dramatic text staged using techniques of theater production, and enacted and
interpreted by actors, directors, designers and other personnel before audiences are positioned in the site of the
A: True
Which modern material is used in modern architecture?
A: cast-iron
For appreciating and analyzing a film, a typology is used to suggest the range of qualities within each element of the
A: True

In Laguna, sandals made of abaca are decorated with colorful beads.

A: True

Which type of installation art may include a written text, instruction, or a question that leads the viewer to think
about an idea?
A: conceptual installation art
Which style of painting can be based on magic?
A: style of fantasy
Which new media art is the most accessible and manipulated art forms used around the world?
A: digital art
The carving technique is __________.
A: subtractive
Which painting style requires good observation skills?
A: styles of objective accuracy
Discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image or function is part of art
A: False

Which metal has a beautiful surface and color characteristics and is the most common casting material?
A: bronze

Which type of technique in new media aret are actual objects or subjects from nature or reality are represented?
A: representational art

Natural photography can offer an illusion.

A: False

Non-figurative digital art disregard figures and anything that looks like from nature.
A: True

Photojournalism are photos that accompany narratives in the newspapers.

A: True 0 0
Fantastic works may be objectively accurate or subjectively distorted.
A: True

Which sculpture style where the sculpture is suspended in the air wind may be used to make the sculpture move and
Which sculpture style where the sculpture is suspended in the air, wind may be used to make the sculpture move and
can even produce sound?
A: kinetic sculpture

0 0

Which installation art is a celebration of an artist's connection with the beauty of nature?
A: environmental installation art

Architects consider factors like energy, efficiency, the use of sustainable, natural and recycled materials to create
environmental-friendly structures.
A: True
Appreciating dance as performing art has four aspects, which are knowledge of choreography, technical skills,
performance skills and audience participation.
A: False

Function describe the dominant elements of art.

A: False

Which type of public art is often based in economically deprived areas and is done with a community-oriented
rooted approach?
A: community art
Which installation art where the viewer's contribution completes the meaning of the installation?
A: interactive installation art
In which sculpture style where its main traits applied to sculpture are abstraction, transparency, interpretation of
sculptural form, overlapping of planes, and the employment of lines in tension to describe direction and movement?
A: constructivism sculpture

Which style of painting can be based on folk stories?

A: style of fantasy

This can be seen in cartoon shows and in movies with digital intervention.
A: digital art

Performance art is for entertainment.

A: False

Mask can serve as dwelling for ancestral spirits or can on be put the door to scare off evil spirits.
A: True

Dance as a performing art involves rhythmic body movement within a given space, choreographed based on musical
A: True
Which one way of achieving objective accuracy where the artist needs to see and understand what he/she is looking
A: correct drawing

Which painting style involves creating an impression of reality through a selective use of visual facts?
A: styles of objective accuracy

Which one is decorative domestic objects made by hand using simple tools?
A: handicraft

Which material possess little strength in tension or compression and require an armature for support?
A: clay

Which one is not part of sculpture techniques?

A: painting

Which one is concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty?

A: aesthetic

In fantasy digital art, artists take inspiration from myths, legends, fantasy stories or create their own visual narrative.
A: True

Dance can be an expression of an idea or emotion.

A: True

Which is achieved through sharpness or softness?

A: focus

In none-objective art, artworks do not represent or show a person, place or thing in the natural world.
A: True

Folk arts are pieces produced by..

A: indigenous people 0 0
Which style of painting where the artist can make forms not found in the real world?
A: style of fantasy
The materials in painting are flexible, durable and readily available.
A: True

0 0

dance is not a big part of the Philippine culture.

A: False

In abstract art, actual objects or subjects from nature or reality are represented.
A: False

Non-figurative art create worlds, universe, imaginary creatures that transports the viewer to another world that seem
without borders.
A: False
What are the sandals from Laguna made of?
A: abaca
Which type of photography shows patterns and textures of nature?
A: nature photography
Conceptual installation art follows the idea that art should examine its own nature.
A: True
Which architectural device is responsible for the strong emphasis on windows and walls in modern buildings?
A: post and lintel
Which element of art relates the structure and its parts to human beings who occupy the space?
A: size
For footwear, materials used in regions have proven to be attractive and ...
A: strong and durable
The Philippine film industry was booming during the Marcos regime.
A: False
Painting the shapes of the objects shadows is related with __________.
A: control handling illumination
Which technique in mixed media art is putting objects together and combining them in a new context?
A: assemblage
Sculpture is the most popular in fine art because almost any theme can apply here.
A: False
Where is ikat mostly practiced?
A: Cordillera
Which type of installation art is made under a specific span of time and lights and sounds are part of the design.?
A: performance-installation art
Arch is a curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that supports a wall or other weight above the
A: True

For the Bontoc people, the use needles that were set into a carabao horn to make a wound, then ink made of resinous
soot rubbed into the wound.
A: True
This style in Philippines theater uses realistic situations and combines them with non-realistic ones. Combination of
Realistic and _________ styles.
A: Non-realistic
Which one is requires environment planning, city planning, space planning?
A: architecture

Which material may warp or crack when its wet?

A: wood

The aspect of performance skills in appreciating dance involves projection of eye contact to the audience, having the
right facial expressions.
A: True
In which sculpture style sculptor can only make a form that is allowed by the material's shape and size and cannot
exceed its size?
A: monolithic sculpture

0 0
In which public art where interaction with sunlight and wind and its position in harmony with its surroundings is
considered by the contemporary artist?
A: design-based public art
Style of emotion means painting an accurate depiction of physical objects or people.
A: False
Which public art promotes an idea by making visible reminders to the public?
A: campaign-inspired public art

0 0

Which type of public art refers to artistic activity based on community setting.
A: community art

Which type of art is three-dimensional and the techniques used and it is often identified with sculpture?
A: installation art

Visual art is seen by the eyes and understood by the mind.

A: True

New film techniques did not deal with sex at all.

A: False

Cantilever is the horizontal extension of a beam or a slab into space beyond its supporting post.
A: True

Which type or technique in new media art where the artist begins with a subject, interprets it in his/her own way and
comes up with forms that are not similar to real objects?
A: abstract art
Which installation art where the viewer can touch, walk in or through, listen to or interact with the installation
A: interactive installation art

Constructivism is carved from a slab of stone and is limited by the material's shape and size.
A: False

In which sculpture style the form is taken as one whole closed form or shape?
A: monolithic sculpture

Which style of painting express anxiety, despair, disappointment, bitterness, disturbance or uncomfortable feelings ?
A: style of emotion

The New Wave directors only used Filipino techniques in making films.
A: False

The color of the objects varies depending on __________.

A: their location in space and the amount and source of light they receive

Which type or technique in new media art where the artworks do not represent or show a person, place or thing in
the natural world?
A: non-objective art
_________ is depicting something in a non-realistic style.
A: stylized
Which type of digital art take inspiration from myths, legends, fantasy stories or create their own visual narrative?
A: fantasy digital art
What type of photography where the natural can be reinterpreted and the photographer can hide and add whatever
he/she wishes?
A: photographic alternation

Collage is putting objects together and combining them in a new context. Any method of joining or fastening is used
to make a three-dimensional object.
A: False
Contemporary dance do not use any folk elements.
A: False
Craftsmanship is the skill of doing what can be done with the medium and the ability to do it.
A: True
Which kind of art art is temporary and most of the time cannot be stored and so the artist does not consider sale or
profit from the work?
A: installation art

Which material is more responsive?

A: clay

Performance installation art puts emphasis on an idea or concept rather than in an art object that can be touched.
A: False

0 0
In the different Philippine regions, traditional and folk dances are being reinterpreted into new creative dances.
A: True

The aspect of rhythm in appreciating art involves staying on count and with the beats of the music.
A: True
The assembling technique is __________.
A: additive

0 0
Discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image or function is the element
A: analysis

Which one is the analysis element?

A: effect of the materials/medium used

"Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one sentence?"is the element of __________.
A: interpretation

Which question may be answered to analyze the artwork?

A: Does the viewer like or dislike the artwork? Why?

Museo Dabawenyo is a city-funded museum that showcases Palawan's rich history and diverse culture.
A: False

Art Fair Philippines is set in an alternative urban venue.

A: True

BenCab Museum houses the permanent collection of Philippine National Artist Benedicto Cabrera.
A: True

"What are the unifying features in the artistic composition?" belongs to material.
A: False

Which one defines assembling?

A: sculptors gather and put together different materials, including found objects


Determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with the artwork is part of art
A: False
Salcedo Auctions is located in Salcedo Village in Dumaguete.
A: False
Together with the National Museum, ManilART aims to preserve and integrate Filipino national culture.
A: False
Finale Art File is a museum.
A: False
Museo Dabawenyo has galleries that showcase the local tribes' cultures and way of living.
A: True
These kinds of institutions were established to oversee the promotion of culture and art in the Philippines.
A: ruling systems
The General Paulino Santos Museum envisions to encourage and support efforts by other groups working in
the same direction in the task of nation building.
A: True

The Thirteen Artists Awards is given every year.

A: False

The gallery Artinformal is located in Iloilo.

A: False

Award-giving bodies were established to encourage excellence.

A: True

The Art Fair Philippines exhibits and sells the best in modern and contemporary Philippine theater arts.
A: False

"How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame?" - this question is related to ...
A: . subject matter

"What is the artwork about?" is a descriptive statement.

A: False

Museo de Oro is a folkloric museum which feature Tribal and Muslim traditions and customs.
A: True

The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of visual arts only.
A: False

Which one is refers to what the artwork is made of?

A: material

The art market in the Philippines has grown active in recent years.
A: True

Art in the Park offers visitors a range of paintings, prints, photographs, sculpture, and new media at prices
PhP 100,000.00 and below.
A: False
This is an institution devoted to the care and display of objects of lasting interest or value.
A: museums
Determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with the artwork is the element
of __________.
A: analysis

The evidence inside or outside the artwork that supports your interpretation is the element of __________.
A: interpretation

The title of National Artist recognizes excellence in the field of music and dance.
A: True

Artists of any age can be awarded with the Ateneo Art Awards.
A: False
0 0
MADE stands for Metrobank Art & Design Excellence.
A: True
Effect of the materials/medium used is the element of ...
A: analysis

An entrepreneur should entrust record keeping to a person

A: Knowledgeable


Mali raw sabi ni OED pero nasa module naman yung sagot hakhak. Kayo na bahalang magsagot dito kasi
triny ko na yung best ko para maging tama tong mga tanong na >to pero wala talaga. Paki-piem nalang ako
or comment sa post ko kung nakuha ninyo ang mga tamang sagot. SALAMAT!
Which technique in mixed media art is where materials and objects are pasted over a flat surface in an
artistic composition?

_________ works have or appearing to have length, width and depth.


Which type of photography can offer an illusion?


Which artist has the project Aliens of Manila?


"Are there objects within the artistic frame that symbolizes something?" is related to __________.
0 0
Which type of modern media art where artists study things that are outside the field of art, like physics,
engineering, chemistry, geology, and for some, technical aspects of operating and controlling music, light and
FOR QUARTER EXAM: A: installation art

Top of Form

The normal hours of work of any employee.


During interview, asking question is not wrong because it also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is
the right place for you.

On job interview, it is important to be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race,
religion, politics or sexual orientation4these topics could send you out the door very quickly.


The qualifications summary is a bullet point list (ranging from 4 to 6 points) of your most outstanding career

All employees have the right to have a consecutive hours of rest day after every 6 days of work.

Having a solid education section doesn?t helps to display the foundation of your knowledge and expertise.

The duty of every employer to give his employees not less than minutes time-off for their regular

Credentials are documents that state the abilities and experience of a person and show that the person is qualified
for a particular job or activity.

A good portfolio should have an index of the contents.


A portfolio is a set of pictures by someone, or photographs of examples of their work, which they use when entering
competitions or applying for work.

manila rate
The Php 426 combined rate is locally referred to in the Philippines as "Answer " due to this regional

A resume is a written statement of your educational and work experience.


0 0

Production Portfolio
Answer can also include budget sheets, idea pitches and marketing materials.

A written statement of your educational and work experience.


When Labor Code of the Philippines was promulgated?

May 1, 1974

All items need to be clear and easy to understand.


It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-groomed.


A resume is a means of not advertising yourself to get a job that you want and will give a short impression about you
to the employers whether you attain their standards or not.

The curriculum vitae including your interests and any evidence of project management skills can be included in a

When creating a portfolio, go for quantity not quality.


It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions and it is about making a new

Personal experience can also be referred as a career objective.


Functional format is more suitable for those with an expert level of experience.
0 0 with less experience in a particular industry.
Combination format is generally reserved for beginners
Place the best and most relevant work first and start and finish with strong pieces of work on your portfolio.

A belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen

Work Ethic

He revised the notion of work ethic as a means of management control that delude workers about the actual reality
for accumulated advantage, which is a form of avarice.

Answer: Frederick Winslow Taylor

Functional format is flexible and can be used for applicants with any level of experience.


Overconfidence is not bad if you are putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability.

While chronological places emphasis on career progression, a functional format focuses on your abilities and skills.

Remember to list your work experiences in reverse chronological order and only list experience that is relevant to
the job you are applying for.

If an item is too large to take to the interview you can bring it to show with close ups to elicit details.

Chronological format is more of traditional format and is what you are most likely to come across.

The date where Labor Code of the Philippines took effect.

0 0

November 1, 1974

Include your GPA from 5.0, round up to the first decimal place, and use this format: GPA: 3.5/4.0.


Practice good nonverbal communication is one of the necessary skills on job interview.

Production portfolios cannot be included such as budget sheets, idea pitches and marketing materials.

A combination of both the career objective and qualifications summary.

Professional Profile

Professional Profile is also the most flexible of the three styles as it can be formatted as short paragraph of bullet-
point list.

Make sure that the portfolio is carefully laid out and in the correct order.

Functional FormatM
focuses on your abilities and skills and is more suitable for those with an expert level of

Don8t put your portfolio on a web site if possible as it is so easy to access.


Bottom of Form



MEIL-122 WEEK 1-10

Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, all of the
three or neither.
5This requires critical analysis and evaluation.6
The correct answer is: All of the choices

An information literate person selects the information he or she will eventually need, as long as it came from a
The correct answer is: False

Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, all of the
three or neither.
5This literacy essentially tries to find the 7truth8 in media messages.6
The correct answer is: Information Literacy

A media literate person has to be an active user of media.

The correct answer is: True

Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, all of the
three or neither. 0 0
5This literacy stresses the need for the understanding of the tools of the continuously changing and evolving
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy

Which of the following is true about traditional media used in the Prehistoric Age?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

Which of the following is true about the Socio-cultural perspective of information literacy?
The correct answer is: Its focus is on the relationship of individuals and different collective practices

Which of the following is not true about New Media?

The correct answer is: It includes websites, folk media, and social media

Which of the following is the focus of the Phenomenographic perspective on information literacy?
The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena


Which of the following was used by the Romans to announce important matters such as political events and military
The correct answer is: Acta

You are tasked to research on the possible advantages of television in children. Which of the following information
is not needed for your study?
The correct answer is: A result of a study online on the impact of television on viewers dated 2000.

0 0
A company called Quebecor has expanded from publishing to production, aiming to cross-promote the content they
produce. What element of media convergence is being described?
The correct answer is: Industrial convergence

These are classified under magazines that aim to give new knowledge to members of a profession or trade.
The correct answer is: Trade journals

These tend to have a longer shelf-life.

The correct answer is: Textbooks

Technology has been a constant rival to traditional media. Which of the following statements does not support this
The correct answer is: The Department of Energy has continued their subscription to Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Which of the following is not true about the conventions in the horror genre?
The correct answer is: The color red symbolizes passion.

Which of the following is not a secondary source of information?

The correct answer is: Technical reports

The image below is the cover to the Penguin Classics8 Nick Joaquin story collection entitled, The Woman Who Had
Two Navels and Tales of the Tropical Gothic. What feeling does the cover imply?

The correct answer is: Mystery

Government documents belong under what type of information source?

The correct answer is: Gray literature

A research work must be done by a student on media reportage through the years. On the second chapter of the
thesis, he or she cited historical documents and photographs from the past that is related to their topic. What kind of
source will the student8s research work be?
The correct answer is: Secondary source

Isabella has noticed that JJ's web browser is left open. She decided to check out the contents of his email. Which of
the following Netiquette guidelines did she fail to follow?
The correct answer is: Respect other people's privacy

Leo is an admin in a Facebook group. This gives him the power to remove or kick other members out of the group.
He uses his authority to get rid of members who disobey the group's rules and regulations. Leo displays which of the
following core guidelines of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Do not abuse your power

Which of the following best explains Economic rights under the Copyright law?
The correct answer is: Economic rights give the copyright owner the right to derive financial reward from his works
by others.

Which of the following is not true about copyright?

The correct answer is: It is only applicable to films and television programs

0 0

Why does the definition of fair use remain ambiguous?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

More and more people are inclined to use the new media to communicate with others. One such example is the
email correspondence within an office to distribute important memorandums.
The correct answer is: True

A random user began commenting on your posts on social media for no particular reason. Which of the following
statements is not true with regards to this situation?
The correct answer is: The victim should choose to delete his account.

Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: The number of radio users have decreased in the past few years.

Anna has decided to purchase the new iPhone through a website. Through an online payment transaction using her
credit card, she has successfully made her purchase. Unfortunately, even after a month, she hasn8t received the
product. This situation shows what type of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

Which of the following statements showed the most positive change through the use of media and information?
The correct answer is: Thousands have signed an online petition to stop the possible development of a Nickelodeon
theme park in Palawan

This characteristic of ubiquitous learning allows students to access learning materials anytime they wish, as learning
materials are always available unless they were deleted on purpose.
The correct answer is: Permanency

The term MOOC was influenced by which of the following terms?

The correct answer is: MMOG and MMORPG
0 0

Which of the following is not true about ubiquitous learning?

The correct answer is: None of the choices

This characteristic of ubiquitous learning lets students interact with teachers and peers by means of chats, forums
and blogs, thus making online learning more interactive.
The correct answer is: Interactivity

This type of wearable technology allows an individual to monitor body conditions, be it heart rate, breathing, or
amount of calories burned.
The correct answer is: Health-wear

Ysabelle was making a research paper on the relationship between poverty and child labor, and she decided to rely
on statistical data. Which of the following would ideally provide her with the information she needs?
The correct answer is: Scholarly articles

New Media only offers one-way communication.

The correct answer is: False

What is the biggest downside of using internet as a source of information?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

Why do books remain as the most common and often most reliable source of information?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

This type of literacy emphasizes critical thinking, meta-cognitive and procedural knowledge used to locate
information in specific domains, fields and contexts.
The correct answer is: Information Literacy

The foundation of the society's progress relies on humans' ability to understand the knowledge distributed among
The correct answer is: True

Which of the following statements best depicts the negative effects of media on people?
The correct answer is: Everyone can create information. People have the free will to create information and
manufacture this as something accurate even if it hasn't been verified.

Radio programming originally started with the broadcast of news programs.

The correct answer is: False

The media only serves one role in the society.

The correct answer is: False

0 0

Art is not a form of traditional media.

The correct answer is: False

The Phenomenographic perspective on information literacy focuses on which of the following?

The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena

Which of the following is true about media convergence?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

New media is similar to traditional media in a way that they are both created to inform people.
The correct answer is: True

Which of the following helped change the spread of literacy in Medieval Europe?
The correct answer is: the invention of the movable type

The acta served as the Roman's medium to announce important political events and military campaigns.
The correct answer is: True

Which of the following should be considered when researching for the information you need?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices

This literacy8s focal point is assessment of messages delivered through mass media.
The correct answer is: Media Literacy

In what way did the Morse Code become useful in human communication?
The correct answer is: It was able to transmit messages through on-off tones which can be understood by a skilled

Which of the following is NOT a component of the World Wide Web?

The correct answer is: Adobe

How did the telephone evolve in the New Media Age?

The correct answer is: It evolved into the smaller and more portable cellular phone

Georgi is fond of watching movies. He loves going to theatres or have a movie marathon at home, because it relaxes
him. Georgi needs media for which of the following purposes?
The correct answer is: Entertainment

Radio audience has been said to be fragmenting due to the arrival of new networks.
The correct answer is: False

The information has responded to the purposes of your research. This information is ______.
The correct answer is: Relevant

Mr. Feltsman watches television every night to be updated on the latest news. He is depends on media for which of
the following reasons?
The correct answer is: Information

The information is verified by sources and supporting evidence. This information is considered ______.
The correct answer is: All of the choices

0 on which
Unlike traditional media, new media mainly relies 0 of the following?
The correct answer is: Internet

Which of the following statements best depicts the positive effects of media on the public?
Which of the following statements best depicts the positive effects of media on the public?
The correct answer is: Once a person clicks on a hyperlink while researching, it will lead them to another website
containing information that may be relevant to his research.

When it comes to media sources, Electronic sources are always better than print.
The correct answer is: False

The information in this type of magazine cannot be easily duplicated and exclusive only for the industry it serves.
The correct answer is: Newsletters

Which of the following is not true about the role of media in a democratic society?
The correct answer is: The media's power is higher than the three branches of the government.

Which of the following statements is not true about stakeholders?

The correct answer is: They are the main sources of the messages

What is the main problem of online communication nowadays?

The correct answer is: online communication often does not allow each person to see each other

As the leader of your research team, you assigned everyone to gather related studies and literature to complete the
second chapter. This part of your research is considered _____.
The correct answer is: Secondary source


A new article regarding LGBT rights posted on a group in Facebook sparked a social media war between those who
0 0
are pro-LGBT rights and those who are against it. The admin who posted the article decided to turn the comments
section off to tone down the heated arguments between both parties. This is an example of which of the following
The correct answer is: Help keep flame wars under control

Which of the following is not true about audiences?

The correct answer is: None of the choices

Anya knows the importance of making a good impression with clients. It is for this reason that she always double
checks her emails to the customers before sending them. Anya follows which guideline of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Make yourself look good online

Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?

The correct answer is: A novelist copying some lines from another author's work

Which of the following is true about fair use?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

Which of the following is an example of a Smart-Eyewear?

The correct answer is: Google Glass

Which of the following is also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines?
The correct answer is: RA 8293

One of the perks of your student account is an exclusive website for journals related to science. These journals are
considered as ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature

The Massive Open Online Course originated in which of the following academic institutions?
The correct answer is: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Memorandum distributed around the workplace is considered a ____.

The correct answer is: Primary source

Which of the following is true about Media Law?

The correct answer is: It is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the telecommunications industry,
information technology, broadcasting, advertising, entertainment industry, and the internet.

Which of the following is not a characteristic ubiquitous learning?

The correct answer is: Integrity

Which of the following is designed to help monitor a person's health condition?

The correct answer is: Health-wear

The magazine, Entertainment Weekly, is under what type of consumer magazine?

The correct answer is: Newsmagazines

Which of the following is not an example of identity theft?

The correct answer is: Using another person's social media account to spread rumors

The fair use applies to which of the following?

The correct answer is: Quoting certain parts of a book for a review

Which of the following is not true about cyberbullying?

The correct answer is: Cyberbullying does not happen often

You are tasked to write a reaction paper on the president8s state of the nation address. The source you will use would
fall under _____.
The correct answer is: Primary source

Which of the following statements is not true about information?

The correct answer is: The format in which the information came in also accounts for its quality

What is the benefit of MOOC?

The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct

Which of the following is not a requirement needed for copyright registration?

0 0 as a single copy, typewritten and the affidavit at the back
The correct answer is: Application should be accomplished
should be duly notarized. Documentary stamp is not needed.
Which of the following is true about Smartwatches?
The correct answer is: They are designed for various purposes aside from displaying time


Ubiquitous learning is learning anytime and anywhere, ideally using which of the following?
The correct answer is: all of the given choices

Why is cybercrime the most prevalent misuse of media in the present age?
The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct

The image below is from 8-bit stories. Which of the following is true about the image?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

The following image was a shot from the documentary called 5Tickled.6 What kind of code is used in this particular
The correct answer is: Technical code

The Copyright provides two types of rights. What are these?

The correct answer is: Economic rights and Moral Rights

Becoming media literate means you know how to select the truth from a large selection of information.
The correct answer is: False

For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two literacies, separate
each literacy with an 5and.6 If it applies to all three, answer with 5All of the literacies.6
This literacy emphasizes the need for understanding0 0 adapting to continuously evolving information technology.
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy

Knowing economics, especially in media, will make you a media literate person as it shows how media packages its
content and messages.
The correct answer is: True

Information literate people know where to find legitimate sources needed to arrive at an answers.
The correct answer is: True

For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two literacies, separate
each literacy with an 5and.6 If it applies to all three, answer with 5All of the literacies.6
This literacy aims to distinguish the quality, authenticity and credibility of sources.
The correct answer is: Information Literacy

A media literate person has the ability to use information creatively.

The correct answer is: False

Media is highly dependent on technology.

The correct answer is: Dependent

Social media has opened various ways for people to communicate without considering distance. Which of the
following is not an advantage of acquiring social media for communication?
The correct answer is: Unverified news articles from various websites are shared easily through blogs

Media literacy enables us to distinguish the issues that would be significant to us.
The correct answer is: True

Some examples of this type of technology are films or movies.

The correct answer is: Chemical Technology

Why do some Spaniards support La Solidaridad?

The correct answer is: They sympathize with the Filipino cause for independence

Which of the following is the best description of mass media's role as the Fourth Estate of the country?
The correct answer is: Mass media serves as the nation's watchdogs

TRUE OR FALSE: New media relies mainly on the power of the computer and the internet.
The correct answer is: True

How did the invention of the movable metal type improve literacy in Medieval Europe?
The correct answer is: It made it more possible for more people in Europe to learn

How does the Discourse Analysis Perspective help understand information literacy?
The correct answer is: It analyzes the way people perform specific information tasks.

How do media affect people's decisions in choosing their presidential candidates?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

TRUE OR FALSE: The internet is one of the most relevant components in spreading information today.
The correct answer is: True

Which of the following theoretical perspectives view learning as an activity aiming to construct meaning?
The correct answer is: Phenomenographic Perspective

0 0

TRUE OR FALSE: Media has greatly influenced the society.

The correct answer is: True

TRUE OR FALSE: The internet was initially created for military purposes.
The correct answer is: True

Media convergence brings forth a new form of _____.

The correct answer is: Content

This type of information source is written by an expert in the field they are writing in.
The correct answer is: All of the choices

The format of the content in which it is delivered is not considered vital in evaluating the information or its source.
The correct answer is: True

Which of the following is not one of the three Cs that media convergence combines?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

The consistency of the information is one of the qualities of needed information to obtain. The information is _____.
The correct answer is: Reliable

Top Gear is classified under _____.

The correct answer is: Men8s Magazines

Reader8s Digest is classified under ______.

The correct answer is: Newsmagazines

This is also called the foundation of the world wide web.

The correct answer is: Universal resource locators

Which of the following is not a challenge in the age of media convergence?

The correct answer is: None of the choices

Mega magazine is classified under _______.

The correct answer is: Women8s magazine
Which among the following is not a word related to codes?
The correct answer is: Combination of experiences

Which of the following is not true about stakeholders?

The correct answer is: They are direct receivers of the messages

Review of related literature in a thesis work belongs to what type of information source?
The correct answer is: Secondary Source 0 0

One of the final requirements for the subject, Literature, is to critique a novel. The output of this requirement will be
what type of source of information?
The correct answer is: Secondary source

The Jollibee commercials that aired early this year have touched the hearts of many Filipinos. What is the common
theme of these commercials?
The correct answer is: Unconditional love

A professor wrote about the life and works of a famous author. His work would belong under what type of source of
The correct answer is: Secondary source

Which of the following statements is not true?

The correct answer is: A Filipino using his hands to eat is considered a sign of appreciation for the food.

Conventions are said to be ______ in nature, causing the audiences to attach a meaning to a sign.
The correct answer is: Repetitive

Photographs are what type of information source?

The correct answer is: Primary Source

A convention has been conducted among the content team of a company for the next issue of the newsletter. The
minutes of the meeting the secretary has conjured will belong under what type of source of information?
The correct answer is: Primary source

Which of the following is the best example of correcting someone's errors online?
The correct answer is: Inform them of their incorrect messages by sending a private message

True or False: Netiquette should always be followed regardless of the online communication media that you use.
The correct answer is: True

What should you keep in mind when communicating online?

The correct answer is: There is a limit to the amount of data that any piece of wiring can carry at any given moment

0 0

Which of the following is considered as an act of plagiarism?

The correct answer is: Stealing and passing off another person's idea as one's own

Snooping of other people's private messages and accounts is a violation of which of the following?
The correct answer is: Respecting other people's privacy

Which of the following is not being regulated by the Media Law?

The correct answer is: No correct answer

What does the copyright law protect?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices

Which of the following is not a requirement for copyright registration?

The correct answer is: If the applicant is non-resident/foreigner, proprietor or a corporation, a photocopy of the
certificate of business name or SEC certificate (whichever is applicable) should be attached to the application.

Why is it important to check the rules and regulations of forums and groups before participating in their online
The correct answer is: All of the given statements are correct

Which of the following is a form of cyberbullying?

The correct answer is: Posting of other people's personal and embarrassing photos on social media, for the purpose
of humiliating them

A hospital encountered an error in their systems causing their records to get lost. What type of cybercrime has been
committed in this situation?
The correct answer is: Hacking

A person commented negatively on a news article about his favored politician, causing others to react negatively, as
well. This is a form of _____.
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying

Which of the following could be the most possible effect of fake news/false information to people?
The correct answer is: People would believe and be convinced that a particular information is a fact.

With the influence of media, people have acquired political awareness, inciting actions to bring mostly positive
The correct answer is: False

This is one type of cybercrime in which a stranger uses another person8s personal information to deceive other users.
The correct answer is: Identity theft

A man posted a status on Facebook containing derogatory terms towards a colleague. However, it was a stranger
who stole his phone who posted this to his social media account. This could be a form of what type of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying

According to the flow of media effect, a person can be moved to initiate change through media is if he has ______.
The correct answer is: All of the choices

Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: Television has adapted to varying trends in genre of entertainment every year to keep its

Hannah started a social media account at the age of 13. A strange man she befriended has started messaging her
constantly. What would be Hannah8s logical next move?
The correct answer is: Tell an adult about it so she would know her next move.

This type of wearable technology are wearable as sunglasses, with the lenses acting like a screen which may display
a view of certain information.
The correct answer is: Smart-Eyewear 0 0
Which of the following is true about ubiquitous learning?
The correct answer is: Its idea of ubiquity originated from the ease of utilizing technological devices today.
Why are MOOCs ideal for the professionals of today?
The correct answer is: Both of the given choices are correct

What kind of wearable technology is the Google Glass?

The correct answer is: Smart-Eyewear

In an MOOC, assessments are usually composed of which type of questions?

The correct answer is: Multiple choice questions


Which of the following is true about the structure of an MOOC?

The correct answer is: Students can access MOOCs at their own pace

Ubiquitous learning allows learning at any time or place using which of the following devices?
The correct answer is: All of the choices

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of an MOOC?

The correct answer is: MOOCs are not suitable for professionals of today.

These wearables can be worn on the wrist; they not only display time, they can also alert the wearer to text messages
or social media notifications.
The correct answer is: Smartwatch 0 0
Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning allows students to learn in context or on-site?
The correct answer is: Situated instructional activities

A famous author wrote about his life and works. This literature would be considered as ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source

Bad gossip about this woman8s life has circulated on the internet because of the funny picture of her from her
younger years being distributed as a meme. This is considered as _____.
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying

The image below is from a scene in the series, Sherlock. Based on the image, which of the following statements is
The correct answer is: None of the choices

Which of the following does not show the way to avoid attacks on your computer system?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

The German metallurgist Johannes Gutenberg was famous for inventing which of the following?
The correct answer is: The movable metal type

Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning lets learners access the ideal information for them?
The correct answer is: Adaptability

Which of the following statements about netiquette is not true?

The correct answer is: Standards of behavior in real life do not apply in online communication

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Industrial Age?

The correct answer is: Much of Europe remained agricultural

A typhoon has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility and it has caused quite an amount of rainfall within the
past three hours. The next day, you saw a friend post on Facebook that there are no classes in your area with the
name of the source at the end. Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: The information needed verification to be considered true.

What is the first step in comprehending the meaning in media?

The correct answer is: rhetorical analysis

Which of the following should you keep in mind when communicating online?
The correct answer is: All of the statements

Which of the following is true about magazines?

The correct answer is: Magazines are mostly consumed by educated and earn higher than average wages

This type of media contains different sections for different types of content in one publication. Its contents give
people a common topic to talk about.
The correct answer is: Newspapers

Which of the following statements is not true about books?

The correct answer is: For this media, the people have the power to choose which information to consume.

How does the media contribute to the rise of cyberbullying today?

The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct

Viewing another person's private messages and accounts without their knowledge is a violation of which of the
following netiquette guidelines?
The correct answer is: Respecting other people's privacy

The La Solidaridad is supported by which of the following people?

The correct answer is: All of the choices

What is the main duty of an umalokohan?

The correct answer is: To make everyone aware of new laws or policies implemented by the datu

0 0

The scene in the image below is from an American show. Based on the image, which of the following statements is
The correct answer is: The similar expressions in the characters8 faces match the atmosphere in the scene

In what way did the MOOCs revolutionize the educational landscape?

The correct answer is: All of the given statements are correct

What makes ubiquitous learning so essential to learning today?

The correct answer is: All of the statements

Which of the following is a definition of media literacy?

The correct answer is: This refers to the movement designed to help understand and negotiate meanings in a culture
of images, words, and sounds

Which of the following is not a type of consumer magazine?

The correct answer is: In-house publications

Which of the following is not a relevant quality to look for when acquiring information?
The correct answer is: Popularity

Why should we not underestimate the widespread of mass media?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

Which of the following is an example of the political impact of media and information?
The correct answer is: The newspaper providing relevant information on national politics

Which of the following is not true about media producers?

The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct

Which of the following is true about Information literacy?

The correct answer is: It emphasizes critical-thinking, meta-cognitive, and procedural knowledge

What is the best way to avoid identity theft?

The correct answer is: All of the choices
0 0
Your research is about the common elements found in popular young adult literature. To get started, you need to get
copies of selected literature to scan. This source belongs under ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source

The scene captured below is depicted in dull colors. With the use of this technique, which of the following does the
scene possibly convey to the audience?
The correct answer is: A flashback of a sad memory

Which of the following information is incorrect?

The correct answer is: Media literacy is concerned with more plain social issues than information literacy.

Which of the following refers to the government-produced sheets circulated among officials during the Han dynasty
in China?
The correct answer is: tipao

What makes citation an important aspect of using information?

The correct answer is: It is important to acknowledge the original source of the information used

This type of media is considered lucrative if it shoots to fame.

The correct answer is: Trade books

You are working on a critique paper on a film for the final requirement in a subject. Which of the following would
you rely on for source?
The correct answer is: Primary source

One of your chosen electives is journalism and you are assigned to write a news story on the new developments in
your local government office. You decided to attend an open conference regarding the topic. The information you
will get from this source falls under ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature

Which of the following statements is true?

The correct answer is: People typically consume media for the purpose of entertainment.

Which of the following is not a criteria of selecting the best information sources?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

Which of the following is not true?

The correct answer is: Consumer magazines created by organizations for their members

Which of the following statements is true?

The correct answer is: There are different levels in media literacy

0 0

Which of the following is true?

The correct answer is: Television has transformed mass media

You are planning to purchase a new gadget in an online shop. You must be wary of this type of cybercrime:
The correct answer is: Fraud

Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

The correct answer is: Media does not have commercial implications

According to Vivian (2009), which of the following is not a factor to consider in media literacy?
The correct answer is: None of the choices

You took notes when your teacher discussed a particular lesson in class. These notes are considered ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature

Which of the following is not a form of cybercrime?

The correct answer is: Flame wars in a political post

The scene below is from a horror movie. Based on the image, which of the following elements do not suggest the
The correct answer is: The colorful depiction of a scary image

Which of the following is covered by the Media Law?

The correct answer is: All of the choices

Which of the following perspectives of Information and Media Literacy focuses on the variations of people's
experiences of a certain phenomenon?
The correct answer is: Phenomenographic perspective

Local magazine, Chalk, belongs to what type of magazine?

The correct answer is: Women8s Magazines

How did the Industrial Age affect the information literacy today?
The correct answer is: Education during this time was mass-based, which helped spread literacy

According to the definition of media convergence, what is the relationship between information and communication
The correct answer is: associated

These are also called 5long-form, word-driven media content.6

The correct answer is: Books

The media8s power to incite is evident in its use in a democratic country such as the Philippines in encouraging
opinions from the public majority to enforce public policies.
The correct answer is: persuasion

This refers to the computer language used to create websites.

The correct answer is: Hypertext markup language

Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, all of the
three or neither.
5This literacy8s keyword is innovation.6
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy

For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two literacies, separate
0 answer
each literacy with an 5and.6 If it applies to all three, 0 with 5All of the literacies.6
The focal point of this literacy is on maximizing positive effects of media and decreasing its negative effects.
The correct answer is: media literacy
A study by the Ball State University stated that an average person spends % of his/her waking hours using media.
The correct answer is: 68.8

Which of the following is not a traditional media?

The correct answer is: blog
Information literate people assume the truth in every source of information.
The correct answer is: false
Which of the following is a form of new media?
The correct answer is: Social Media Sites
can be distributed in any form to any person in the world as it makes information more accessible.
The correct answer is: news

The Morse Code was remarkable for which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is: It can transmit messages through on-off tones which can only by understood by a skilled


TRUE OR FALSE: The Discourse Analysis Perspective helps understand media and information literacy by means
of analyzing the individual's practices in performing information tasks.
The correct answer is: True
A passage, when paraphrased, does not need citation as it has been rewritten.
0 0
The correct answer is: Always false
A type of magazine that contains news stories grouped into categories according to its content.
The correct answer is: Newsmagazines
TRUE OR FALSE: Folk media is a form of new media aiming to pass the civilization's culture to the next
The correct answer is: False

A media literate person does not need to learn the basics of media, but rather delve into its dynamics to better
understand it.
The correct answer is: false
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, all of the
three or neither.
5This focuses on the understanding, evaluation and use of media and its message.6
The correct answer is: All of the choices

In scouring new information surrounding a topic, this is one of the first things to search for.
The correct answer is: Overview

This is the known primary driver of the behavior of most media companies.
The correct answer is: economics

Which of the following is not true about the best information sources?
The correct answer is: The most reliable source of information are books

Which of the following does not illustrate an effect of media on human communication?
The correct answer is: Questions needing answers are readily available online

For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two literacies, separate
each literacy with an 5and.6 If it applies to all three, answer with 5All of the literacies.6
This literacy provides ways to function in complex communicative situations.
The correct answer is: media and information literacy

The data you found on the web meets specific standards and follows the correct rules. This information is considered
The correct answer is: Valid

Which of the following best describes how communication is affected by media and information?
The correct answer is: The exchange of opinions about varying topics have become widespread

This term refers to the simultaneous exposure of an individual to messages delivered through different kinds of
The correct answer is: media multi-tasking
The television belongs to which of the following?
The correct answer is: Electronic Age
Tomas Pinpin revolutionized media in the Philippines as the Father of Filipino Printing. Which of the following was
credited to him?
The correct answer is: The printing of the first newspaper in the Philippines

is needed in order to understand media better as it takes the person back to the basics.
The correct answer is: factual foundation

The Phoenicians developed the alphabet mainly for what purpose?

The correct answer is: For commerce
TRUE OR FALSE: Online News are a form of traditional media, as they share similar content to the news written
on newspapers.
The correct answer is: False

A technology literate person must know the limitations of information to be consumed.

The correct answer is: false

Which of the following is not a difference of a magazine from a newspaper?

The correct answer is: Distributed to a large amount of audience

Which of the following is the focus of the Phenomenographic perspective on information literacy?
The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena

Which of the following is the most ideal source for those who are looking for good background information?
The correct answer is: Books 0 0

Yuko always reads magazines on fashion and makeup, because as a model she wants to know the latest styles and
trends today. Yuko makes use of media for which of the following purposes?
The correct answer is: Information
These are considered to be profitable if popular, thus, referred to as 5high risk propositions.6
The correct answer is: Trade books
Nikolai always checks the news for the current weather forecast. He depends on media for which of the following
The correct answer is: Personal dependence

This type of source is considered professional literature made by experts and scholars of a particular field.
The correct answer is: Scholarly articles

A famous blogger made an article about his personal opinion towards war on drugs. He encouraged readers to
oppose the ongoing extrajudicial killings and defend human rights. The blogger used media for which of the
following reasons?
The correct answer is: Persuasion
Complete this sentence about media convergence: 5Media convergence is currently happening as more messages
and information are converted into ____.6
The correct answer is: Digital
Harry regularly consumes news through social media networking sites. What possible type of cybercrime should he
look out for when browsing for news?
The correct answer is: False information
0 0
Republic Act 8293 covers which of the following?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
According to the National Library of the Philippines, the general term of protection works under copyright law
covers the lifetime of the author and how many years after his/her death?
The correct answer is: 50 years
What does "unpublished work" mean, according to the guidelines of copyright registration?
The correct answer is: It refers to a work that has not been disseminated to the public at the time of registration.
Which of the following is true about the definition of Fair use?
The correct answer is: It generally refers to any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and
"transformative" purpose.

Newspaper articles are also under the Copyright law.

The correct answer is: Yes

According to RA 8293, intellectual property rights consist of which of the following?

The correct answer is: All of the choices

Why is it important to avoid spamming other people with messages?

The correct answer is: Both of the given choices are correct

As an employee in an academic institution, Alec values the importance of being professional when communicating
online. He always check the grammar and spelling, as well as the context of his e-mail messages before sending
them. Alec is an example of which of the following netiquette guidelines?
The correct answer is: Make yourself look good online

According to the Core Rules of Netiquette, which of the following demonstrates Rule 4?
The correct answer is: Avoid spamming of emails and messages to other people

Which of the following is not covered by the Copyright law?

The correct answer is: None of the choices

Which of the following is an example of cybercrime?

The correct answer is: Using another person's Twitter account to spread malicious information

Fair use applies to which of the following?

The correct answer is: Making a parody of a popular television series

Anna always keeps in mind that she may hurt other people's feelings if she is not careful when communicating
through social media. She is always considerate to others when communicating about a certain topic. Anna follows
which of the following guidelines of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Remember the human

What is the usual duration of a MOOC?

The correct answer is: 6 to 12 weeks

Which are more likely to happen to victims of cyberbullying?

The correct answer is: They are more likely to use alcohol and drugs

The image below is the cover of the book, NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. What could possibly be its genre?
The correct answer is: Horror

0 0

The original copies of Rizal8s works are considered ____.

The correct answer is: Primary source

The authors of this particular source do not necessarily have to be an expert in the field he/she chooses to write in
but he/she must have a genuine interest in the subject to research on it.
The correct answer is: Tertiary Source
Which of the following refers to the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications system?
The correct answer is: Bandwidth
An experienced sports analyst has reviewed last night8s basketball game. His analysis is considered a ____.
The correct answer is: Secondary source
The image below is the cover of a book by Eros Atalia. Why do you think they used the image of a familiar signage?
The correct answer is: To depict that it contains relatable stories for its target audience
Which of the following characteristics of ubiquitous learning allows interaction with teachers despite using mobile
devices for learning?
The correct answer is: Interactivity

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The correct answer is: The newspaper industry is dying due to the rise of online news websites

The magazine, Candy, is under what type of consumer magazine?

The correct answer is: Women8s magazines
The Observer is Polytechnic University of the Ph ilippines8 official publication. What type of magazine is this?
The correct answer is: Sponsored magazine

Which of the following is true about New media?

The correct answer is: It has the same purpose as traditional media - to pass on relevant knowledge to the audience.

You are often warned to change your password for social networking sites for the protection of your account. Which
of the following cybercrimes would most likely occur in this situation?
The correct answer is: Identity theft
Which of the following is TRUE?
The correct answer is: We use media for everything.
Which of the following is not a wearable technology?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
What makes cyberbullying difficult to abandon?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
What was the title of the well-known story written by the Sumerians?
The correct answer is: Epic of Gilgamesh
Which of the following statements is true according to the image?
The correct answer is: The candles in the background 0
highly contributed to the romantic atmosphere of the scene.
The following link leads to a video of the spoken word poem by Juan Miguel Severo: 4. Based on the lines, which of the following statements is C5lWgYjtP_4. Based on the lines, which of the following statements is
The correct answer is: The poem talks about the rural life and longing for new life
What is the main reason why we should avoid spamming other people with messages?
The correct answer is: It is a waste of their time and bandwidth
Which of the following have we grown more prone to doing with the media developing over the years?
The correct answer is: media multi-tasking
Which of the following statements about media today is correct?
The correct answer is: Official correspondence nowadays can be done online
The image below is the cover of the book by Rohinton Mistry. Which of the following is depicted by the image?
The correct answer is: Juxtaposition
Which of the following is not covered by the copyright law?
The correct answer is: none of the given choices
This group of people became well-known for forming the alphabet which was adopted by the Greeks later on.
The correct answer is: Phoenicians
What's the main focus of the Discourse Analysis Perspective?
The correct answer is: People's methods of performing specific information tasks
Which of the following is not true?
The correct answer is: Consumer magazines created by organizations for their members
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: Information literate people will never be able to recognize which information is necessary

0 0
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: "Published work" for purposes of copyright registration means that the work has not been
disseminated to the public at the time of registration
What makes the Morse Code remarkable?
The correct answer is: It transmit messages through on-off tones which can be understood by a skilled listener


Symbolic interactionism takes itself away from the other theories and perspectives as it does not look into primary
social institution as the main variable of study but rather looks into individuals, their histories, and the perspectives.

The correct answer is 'True'.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) is the primary example of how the state can intercede and solve problems
on unemployment.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Improvement need foresight and progressive thinking.

The correct answer is 'False'.

As the basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government
policies, plans, programs, projects, and activities in the community, and as a forum wherein the collective views of
the people may be expressed, crystallized and considered, and where disputes may be amicably settled.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Planning is the next step in realizing ideas from a blueprint. It needs not only the people who are directly affected
but also experts, industry leaders, and scholars who can contribute their knowledge and experience to the planning.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Community development is reflective, meaning, all we input as people in the community will be reflected back to
us. In the same manner as the old saying "trash in, trash out," we hold the choice in what we input and accept to be

The correct answer is 'True'.

Accountability can be pursued even without full oversight, provided that it does not effect negative impact on
members of a minority or a set of priorities such as the environment.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Capacity-building measures are not a simple one-step process.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Access to community and markets are farther than in urban areas. The buildings are low- to mid-rise and people live
in houses with large living spaces and usually with yards.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Urban communities are located in the countryside. The houses are far from each other and the density of people
living here is the least from the three.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Citizenship- characterizes the relationship between a citizen and a political community. This is indicated by
citizen8s involvement in state affairs, with respect to its economic and social processes, institutions, laws, rights, and

The correct answer is 'True'.

Our individual choices will have direct and indirect effects to the overall community narrative.

The correct answer is 'True'.

0 0

Cooperation, on one hand, provides the necessary communal spirit that motivates people to contribute and volunteer
The correct answer is 'True'.

Financial resources should always be supported by documents to prove that funds are spent on priorities.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Conflict is more deliberate, and more violent coercive tactics may be employed by the actor.


The correct answer is 'True'.

Conflict Theory - explains that conflict between the holders of power and the disenfranchised are the drivers of
social change and conflict is a necessary characteristic in social relations.

The correct answer is 'True'.

For process dynamics, the actors are the individuals, civil society groups, pressure groups, and movements who all
contribute to the communities in the creation of meaning. In the interface of these actors, we create networks that
provide cohesion and order to our social environment.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Some people are living in high- rise buildings because of the limited available space in the area.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Due to the volume of people, buildings and economic

0 centers,
0 schools, and leisure areas very near factories , office
spaces, and markets.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Transitivity- Choices are not equal in terms of value to the individual, therefore, these options can be sorted
depending on relative value or importance.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Field researchers spend ample time to immerse themselves in their subject community.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Community engagement is all about connecting to the community and its people.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Alienation from process - A worker simply does not directly gain from the good or service produced.

The correct answer is 'False'.

The area we live is another classification of communities. Scholars see the value of looking into the different
geographic locations of where human settlements are, to categorize communities by virtue of population, space, and

The correct answer is 'True'.

Engagement 3 refers to the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by
geographic proximity; special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well being of those

The correct answer is 'False'.

Vigilance is more than just being awake and alert to avoid dangers of problems. In community development,
vigilance is the sustained assessment of not just threats or danger but of progressive ideas and solutions.

The correct answer is 'True'.

The Rational Choice Theory also has other assumptions that will shed more light on the motivations that influence
the behavior of an individual or a group in a shared environment.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Factors affecting social change are the structures and institutions that all contribute to the ongoing calibration of
norms in our society.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Change is important for ideas to flourish and take root.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Progress, on the other hand, is long-term as it is targeted to a forward-thinking mindset that anticipates future events
and repercussions

The correct answer is 'True'.

After the World War II, globalization was in as the free market started taking over the world. People and
governments opened up for the international community.

The correct answer is 'False'.

0 0

Droughts, floods, heat waves, earthquakes, forest fires, and tsunamis are just a few of the challenges from Mother
Nature that our communities face.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Community challenges the community to be creative and finds new ways of planning, implementing, and sustaining

The correct answer is 'False'.

Social status is all about the dynamic of individual identity relative to its environment.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Adaptability communities that are objective and reasonable have a clearer picture of their existence.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Suburban areas are mostly filled with houses, subdivisions, and private estates rather than factories and shops

The correct answer is 'True'.

Evolutionary Theory - explains that society follows an evolutionary development from a simple commune and then
moves toward more complex systems.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Formal sector is composed of establishments , business, and other enterprises that are legal based on their
compliance to government requirements such as license.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Conflict Theory - explains that the set roles and statuses hold social balance and therefore, any change in the
scheme will have repercussions on the functions of other roles and statuses.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Informal sector those who are part of the informal sector lack of the requirements and license from the government.

The correct answer is 'True'.

0 0
Sustainability is the goal that each program aspires to reach.
The correct answer is True .

The Philippine economy is regarded as one of the most resilient in Asia.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Livelihoods are mostly from farming and livestock raising.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Community engagement in the subject of research is a very effective way of overcoming bias and ethnocentrism or
the strong preference of one's norm over the other that sullies the integrity of the research result.

The correct answer is 'False'.

Durkheim establishes that what is true to an individual may not be used as a generalization in describing the society
he or she is in.

The correct answer is 'True'.

The community jurisdiction of the new Barangay shall be property identified by my and bounds or by more or less
permanent natural boundaries. The territory need to meet the wills of the contiguous if it comprises two (2) or more

The correct answer is 'False'.

Solidarity 3 refers to the idea of unity or feeling of agreement among individuals with common interest.

The correct answer is 'True'.

There shall be in each barangay a Punong Barangay, seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay members, the Sangguniang
Kabataan chairman, a Barangay Secretary, and a Barangay treasurer.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Suburban communities are settlements that are highly congested because of the dense population that can reach,
million within a limited space.

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