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Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |

Volume 02 Issue 02

The Effect of Compensation, Work Discipline, and Work Motivation On

The Work Productivity of Employees of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

Apriyanti1, Shofia Firdaus2, Rizal Ula Ananta Fauzi3

Faculty of Economics and Business PGRI University Madiun

Coresponding author-cmail: 1*


This research aims to test and find out: a) the effect of compensation on employee work
productivity, b) the influence of work discipline on employee work productivity, c) the
influence of work motivation on employee work productivity, and d) the influence of
compensation, work discipline, and work motivation on employee work productivity. This
type of research is quantitative research. The number of samples used was 85 respondents.
The sampling method is by means of probability sampling. Data retrieval using
questionnaires with dissemination through google form. Data analysis techniques use
multiple linear regression analysis through SPSS 20.0 software. The results of this study
show that: a) compensation affects employee work productivity, b) work discipline affects
employee work productivity, c) work motivation affects employee work productivity, and
d) compensation, work discipline, and work motivation affect employee work productivity.

Keywords: Compensation, Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Employee Work Productivity.

1. Introduction
Useful human resource management is the part of organizational control that
makes specialization a factor of human assets. HRM's job is to properly manipulate
human assets to sustain an expert workforce. Human resources are important for a
company and must be processed professionally to balance the needs of employees with
the needs and capabilities of the company. Employees are the organization's most
important asset and play a strategic role in the organization. In other words, he acts as a
thinker, planner, and manager of organizational activities. Every organization usually
expects its personnel to work well, as humans with peak personnel make first-class
contributions to the organization. Organizational problems they face on a regular basis
are related to human assistance issues that can be a control challenge. In the current
times, companies must strive to know the changes that continue to grow and related to
the improvement of human resources. This good performance is also related to human
resources by improving discipline, High productivity, can be completed tasks and
responsibilities at the appointed time.
In fact, the discipline regulations applied are not satisfactory in their
implementation. The problems experienced by PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Madiun is a
lot of employees who do not obey the choice because of several things including delays
when entering work, not entering work is still very much. Therefore, this leads to poor
employee productivity due to poor employee discipline.

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Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License.
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

In the workplace employees are motivated by a desire to satisfy their inner

satisfaction. Human needs consist of physiological needs (clothing, food and shelter),
social needs, security needs, respect needs, and self-fulfillment needs. (Abraham
Maslow in Hamzah, 2013), motivation comes from a person's individual and there is
recognition of the importance of return or benefit from the work done
Compensation according to (Hasibuan, 2003) is all income in the form of financial,
non-financial in return for the company's services to employees. According to Mustafa
dalam (Suriani & Lumintang, 2018) defines compensation as a cost expenditure for the
company for employees. The company expects compensation to be paid to receive a
higher bonus. Therefore compensation is interpreted as income received by employees
in return for their contribution to the achievement of company goals.
Employees of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) has conducted maximum and conscious
discipline, high compliance accompanied by a sense of responsibility but a less than
optimal role. According to Hasibuan in (Sinambela, 2016: 335) Work discipline is the
ability to work regularly, honestly according to the rules that apply without violating
the rules that have been set.
According to (Hamalik, 1992:173) Motivation aims to energize the self or persona
characterized through means of causing the onset of feelings and reactions to achieve
goals. According to Nursalam (2008: 98) motivation is a psychological characteristic of
humans that contributes to human involvement. These motivational factors can include
aspects of directing, triggering, maintaining the direction of human behavior towards
certain things. The importance of increasing motivation is done by PT. Pos Indonesia
(Persero) Madiun such as benefits, incentives and wages based on the provisions of the
company and the position of this is done in order to improve employee performance
more optimally.
Sinungan dalam (Busro, 2018: 344) said that work productivity is the expertise of a
person or human organization in the delivery of goods and services in a certain time
that has been in accordance with the plan. Work productivity is the intellectual and
physical abilities of employees, manager-subordinates, worker motivation, education,
attitudes and ethics, work disciplines, skills, health, income or Take advantage of
opportunities to succeed, which can be influenced by many factors, such as salary levels
and technological sophistication.
Productivity can be determined by a disciplined attitude of work, motivation and
compensation. Productivity is basically caused by the demands of work and employees
must meet those productivity. This efficiency in productivity relates to individuals who
can complete a given and assigned job within a certain period of time. Basically, one's
individual assumes that tomorrow can be better than today, and is based entirely on
competence and skill, and needs to be supported through excessive discipline.
Compensation and Work Productivity
(Rumondor, 2013) The results showed that compensation variables had a positive but
insignificant effect on work productivity, and work discipline variables had a positive
and significant effect on work productivity.
H1: It is suspected that there is an effect of compensation on employee work
Work Discipline and Work Productivity

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Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License.
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

The results of Labudo's findings in (Agustini & Kartika, 2019) show that Variables of
Work Discipline and Compensation Work Together Have an Impact on Employee
H2: It is suspected that there is an influence of work discipline on employee work
Work Motivation and Work Productivity
The results of the study (Joseph. A.M, 2013) shows that motivational variables have a
significant effect on work productivity variables, meaning motivation can be used as a
basis for predicting employee work productivity.
H3: It is suspected that there is an influence of work motivation on employee work
Role of Work Productivity
The results of putu & wayan research (2018) stated that the variables of compensation,
work discipline, and work motivation affect employee work productivity.
H4: It is suspected that there is an influence of compensation variables, work discipline
and work motivation on employee work productivity
According to (Hasibuan, 2003), compensation is all income in the form of financial, non-
financial in return for the company's services to employees. Further reinforced by
Mustafa's opinion in (Suriani & Lumintang, 2018) define compensation is a cost
expenditure for the company for employees. The company expects compensation to be
paid to receive a higher bonus. It can be considered that the performance value that
employees provide for the company must be higher than the compensation set by the
Work Discipline
The company expects compensation to be paid to receive a higher bonus. It can be
considered that the performance value that employees provide for the company must
be higher than the compensation set by the company.
Motivation for work
According to Sunyoto in (Purba & Tambun, 2015) work motivation is a conscious effort
to influence one's behavior to achieve organizational achievements.
Employee Work Productivity
Human resource science learning is more in-depth and can further improve work
efficiency (Hanaysha, 2016). This role can have an important effect in the success and
failure of an organization according to Hamali in (Putu et al., 2018: 5380), The high
productivity of HUMAN RESOURCES can be achieved the target, and is responsible for
completing responsibilities.

2. Research Methods
This research is a quantitative study with analysis of Multiple Linear Regression
Analysis. The variables used in this study are compensation, work discipline, work
motivation as a free variable and work productivity as a bound variable. The population
and samples in this study are all employees of PT. Pos Indonesia Madiun both head
office and branch numbering 85 people This sampling technique uses the probability
sampling method or by using the saturated sampling technique / purposive sampling
which is a sample determination technique when all members of the population are
APJBET, April 2022

Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License.
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

used as samples. Data collection uses the questionnaire method by spreading through
google form and using a likert scale that has 5 levels of answer preferences. Data
processing using SPSS 20.0 software.

3. Research Results
Test validity and reliability
a. Validity Test
Checking the validity of the extent of thoroughness in the study. Information is
said to be legitimate if the questionnaire question can monitor something on the
questionnaire to be measurable. If r calculates > r table then the variable is valid, If r
calculates the < r of the table then the variable is invalid.
b. Reliability Test
Reliability test is an indicator of how reliable a measuring device is. The
requirements of this test can be said to be reliable if the results of the respondent's
questionnaire are consistent over time. In the reliability test calculation, the
Reliability Coefficient value > 0.6. If the alpha value > from 0.6 then the
measurement error rate is low so it is said to be reliable.
Based on the results of the validity test above can be informed from the
indicator item used to measure a variable compensation, work discipline, work
motivation and work productivity has rhitung >rtabel (0.2108), so it can be said
that each variable is valid and can be used for further research tests. Furthermore,
for reliability tests, the consistency of the measuring instrument used in this range
scale questionnaire is used for this test method and can see Cronbach Alpha using a
limit of less than 0.60 can be known or not. According to Sekaran (in Duwi Priyatno,
2012: 120) "reliability of less than 0.6 is less good, while 0.7 is acceptable, and
above 0.8 is good.
Classic Assumption Test
a. Multicollinearity Test
To know the exist and absence of multicollinarity in the regression model is
seen from the value of tolerance and variance inflation factor (VIF). These two
measures indicate which independent variables are described by other independent
variables. In a simple sense each independent variable becomes a dependent
variable (bound) and is aggregated against another independent variable.
Tolerance measures the variableity of selected independent variables that are not
explained by other independent variables. So a low tolerance value is equal to a
high VIF value (because VIF = 1/Tolerance). The common cutoff value used to
indicate the existence of multicolonierity is a tolerance value of <0.10 or equal to
the value of VIF >10 (Ghozali, 2018).
Based on the results, the multicollinarity test results are known that the
variables of compensation, work discipline, and work motivation to employee work
productivity have tolerance values of 0.434, 0.451, and 0.946, respectively, which
means > 0.10 and VIF values of 2,302, 2,217, and 1.057 respectively, which means <
10. So that from these results it can be concluded that the freedom of

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Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

b. Heteroskedasticity test
Heteroskedasticidas tests are performed to find out whether in a regression
model there is a variance inequality from residual one observation to another
observation. Basic analysis according to (Ghozali, 2018):
1) If there is a particular pattern, such as existing dots forming a certain pattern
that is regular (wavy, widening then narrowing), then it indicates
2) If there is no clear pattern, and the points spread above and below the number
0 on the Y axis, then there is no heterocedasity

Based on the figure above can be known the heteroskedasticity test between
compensation variables, work discipline, and work motivation to employee work
productivity shows that the point image is spread and means there is no
heteroskedasticity and can continue the next test.
c. Normality Test
Normality test to find out whether dependent variables, independent or both
are normal, are close to normal (Ghozali 2018). In the determination of normal or
abnormality a test of normality can use the basis of decision making:
1) If the signification value > 0.05 then the residual niali is normal distribution.
2) If the signification value < 0.05 then the residual niali is not normal.
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 85
Mean 0E-7
Normal Parametersa,b Std.
Absolute .055
Most Extreme
Positive .055
Negative -.051
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .504
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .961
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
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Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

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Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

Based on the table above the results of the normality test with One-Sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov above, it can be known that the results of the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test showed a value of 0.504 and asymp. Sig (2-tailed) by .961> 0.05. In
order to be consistent with the established rules, it was concluded that residual
normalization above is normalized.
Test t
Test t to determine the effect of variable compensation, work discipline and work
motivation partially on the variables of work productivity, whether the effect is
significant or not. How to test t according to Ghozali (2018: 99) is:
a. Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected if thitung< to α = 0.05. This means that
independent variable (X) does not affect dependent variable (Y) significantly.
b. Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted if thitung > to α = 0.05. This means that the
independent variable (X) affects the dependent variable (Y) significantly.
Model Unstandardized Standardize
Coefficients d
T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -17.299 5.992 -2.887 .005
Kompensasi .739 .141 .511 5.244 .000
1 Disiplin
.483 .159 .290 3.035 .003
.307 .097 .209 3.157 .002
a. Dependent Variable: Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan
Judging from the results of the table above obtained a significant value of 0.000
from the compensation variable, work discipline of 0.003, and work motivation of 0.002
which means a value of less than 0.05, it can be concluded that the variables of
compensation, work discipline, and work motivation have a partial influence on
employee work productivity so that the first, second, and third hypotheses in this study
are accepted.
Test F
Simultaneous tests of all independent variables affect dependent variables. If the
model is significant, it can be used for forecasting. Otherwise, otherwise, the regression
model cannot be used for prediction.
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 2494.421 3 831.474 53.778 .000b
1 Residual 1252.355 81 15.461
Total 3746.776 84
a. Dependent Variable: Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan
b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Kompensasi
Judging from the results of the table above obtained significant values from the
variables compensation, work discipline, and work motivation of 0.000 which means
APJBET, April 2022

Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License.
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

less than 0.05, it is concluded that the variables of compensation, work discipline, and
work motivation have a simultaneous influence on employee work productivity so that
the fourth hypothesis in this study is accepted.

4. Discussion
Effect of Compensation on Work Productivity
The results of the compensation variable research obtained a significant value of
0.000 which means< 0.05 it can be informed there is an effect of the compensation
variable on the employee's work productivity variable so that the hypothesis is
accepted. From these results have successfully proven related to the first hypothesis
with the statement "alleged compensation variables affect employee work
There is support with research conducted by (Labudo, 2013) the results of the
findings show that The Variables of Work Discipline and Compensation Work Together
Have an impact on Employee Productivity. Mustafa (2015) defines compensation as the
labor and costs of a company. Organizations expect compensation to be paid to match
higher performance bonuses from employees. (Rumondor, 2013) The results showed
that compensation variables had a positive but insignificant effect on work productivity,
and work discipline variables had a positive and significant effect on work productivity.
Effect of Work Discipline on Work Productivity
The results showed that the work discipline variable obtained a sig value of 0.003
which means the value of < 0.05 so it was concluded that there was an influence of the
work discipline variable on the employee's work productivity variable so that the
hypothesis was accepted. From these results have successfully proven about the second
hypothesis proved "allegedly work discipline variables affect employee work
Supported by research conducted by Yusritha (2013) the results of the findings
showed that The Variables of Work Discipline and Compensation Working Together
Have an Impact on Employee Productivity. According to Rivai (2011:825) Work
discipline is the means by which leaders communicate with employees, change their
behavior, and motivate awareness to comply with company regulations.
Effect of Work Motivation on Work Productivity
The results showed that the work motivation variable obtained a sig value of 0.002
which means less than < 0.05 then it can be concluded that there is an influence of the
work motivation variable on the employee's work productivity variable so that the
hypothesis is accepted. From these results have succeeded in proving about the third
hypothesis that "allegedly work motivation variables affect employee work
The results of the study were supported using research conducted by Rumondor, V.
Wentri (2013) the research output tells us that the variables of motivation and
leadership have a positive but not significant effect on work productivity, and work
discipline variables have a positive and significant effect on work productivity. Hamali's
findings, Yusuf (2013) state that motivational variables have a significant effect on the
variables of work productivity. Work motivation is work motivation created by
employee encouragement as a result of complete integration, not the physical and social
environment that depends on the strength of the integration process.
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Copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License.
Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

Effect of Compensation, Work Discipline, and Work Motivation on Work

The results showed that the variables of compensation, work discipline, and work
motivation amounted to 0.000 which means less than 0.05 then it can be concluded that
there is an influence of compensation, work discipline, and work motivation on
employee work productivity variables so that the hypothesis is accepted. From these
results, the fourth hypothesis states that "alleged variables of work discipline,
compensation, and work motivation affect employee work productivity".
The results of this study are supported by putu & wayan research (2018). The
results stated that the variables of compensation, work discipline, and work motivation
affect employee work productivity. Productivity is a very important aspect of achieving
business goals, because the success of a business organization depends on the
productivity of its employees. Special attention needs to be paid to studying human
resources more deeply and to further improve work efficiency.

5. Conclusions
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Compensation Variable (X1) Partially Affects Employee Work Productivity (Y) at
Madiun Post Office. Until the first hypothesis in this study was accepted.
2. Work Discipline Variable (X2) Partially Affects Employee Work Productivity (Y) at
Madiun Post Office. So that the second hypothesis in this study is accepted.
3. Work Motivation Variable (X3) Partially Affects Employee Work Productivity (Y) at
Madiun Post Office. So that the third hypothesis in this study is accepted.
4. Compensation Variables (X1), Work Discipline (X2), and Work Motivation (X3)
Simultaneously Affect Employee Work Productivity (Y) at Madiun Post Office. So
that the fourth hypothesis in this study is accepted.


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Asia Pacific Journal of Business Economics and Technology ISSN: 2809-2279 |
Volume 02 Issue 02

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