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For within the hollow crown

That rounds the mortal temple of a king,

Keeps Death at his court: and there the antic sits,

~William Shakespeare—Richard III






Rebel Crown is a Forged in the Dark game of courtly intrigue, feudal am-

ers play their most stalwart allies: wise chancellor, devoted knight, idealistic
bitions will push them into points of tension, but their commitment to the

Empire and gives life to the obstacles and animosities standing between the

houses, taking land to gather income (and legitimacy), making allies, and di-

range from small assets like a trading post and horses, to mercenary armies


plays all the non-player characters in the world by giving each one a concrete

They present interesting opportunities to the players, then follow the chain

Sortie to accomplish, then they make a few dice rolls to jump into the action

the players once again look for a new opportunity or create their own goals

is the heart of the campaign: the campaign ends in victo-

to support the other players at the table, pulling them into the spotlight, and

is a fellow member of the nobility, with greater ex-

you want to explore the tension between providing support and pushing for

ideals can be compromised in becoming a reality, and if you want to play a

The Core System
Rebel Crown
structures help you get right to the heart of the action and to help you track

Rebel Crown
the choices that the characters make and the actions they take to pursue their

Rebel Crown -
ing solace after a stressful Sortie, the other players have an opportunity to

characters and inside their heads) will make play much more coherent and


• The players have

• The

• The

• Is your character in

Rebel Crown

To create a for a roll,

(like your
or your achieve your goal with increased

good in this game—a 50% chance


roll dice for their action

How loyal is an NPC? How much does the plague spread? How
much information do your allies have to share

Rebel Crown has three phases of play: , , and

on a Sor-
tie or set up their

The Sortie begins with an , establishing the initial stakes

and ,

building on the


Actions & Attributes
There are 12 actions in the game that the player charac-

perform based on their description of what their character is


attributes are , , and - Resolve

of dice you roll for that attribute when making a resistance

: build, repair, or break-down ar-

: tend to and direct a mount, bear
: compel swift obedience, in- down on a target with a lance, or break

: engage in chaotic close-com-

new contacts, and gain access to infor- bat, grapple and pin a target, or hold a

: dexterously handle a weapon

or other object, or engage in subtle

: carefully track a target, arrange : observe the situation and an-

ticipate outcomes, spot signs of trou-

convincingly, or make a compelling

run and leap, or backstab an unsus-

Stress, Resistance & Armor
to , contribute to
actions, and

They must choose how to react:

If a character collapses, they are taken out of the action: left for dead,

If a character presses on, they can continue to act but cannot resist con-

their number of

The character returns to play with a Scar: they were marked by a harrowing

a word or two signifying what the character went through and how it changed

session, or during a break, choose a playbook not currently in play and make

for their

from a roll, they may spend


Progress Clocks

Rebel Crown can be resolved

: 1 Tick
: 2 Ticks
: 3 Ticks

for failed rolls on long term projects; instead the result of the action roll de-
termines progress on the clock:
: 1 Tick
: 2 Ticks
: 3 Ticks
: 5 Ticks

: 1 Tick
: 2 Ticks
: 3 Ticks

faction clocks are a great way to provide a sense that factions are pursuing
their agendas in the background of the campaign, rather than acting only in

from completing, The best way to stop a danger clock is to come up with a

approach that might buy them some time on a Danger or Faction clock, they

Action Roll
action, where there is a meaningful
obstacle or danger, they make an ac-


and the
The player establishes what
they are doing and what they hope

: ,

, , or

• For one bonus die, you can get

• For another bonus die, you can either (take 2 stress) or you can
accept a

Rebel Crown sometimes
have to trade success in the moment
to the Domain from the


If the acting player agrees, the

a coordinated team, invested in their -

ways they can collaborate on an ac-

players what is at stake and let their

er describes how their pick up their

: Step in to make

Position & Effect
, , or

a threat clock, a minor complication

occurs, you are put in risky position

- clock, a complication occurs, you are put

in a desperate position

threat clock, a major complication occurs

failure of a Sortie, should be reserved for dire circumstances when the stakes

vantage (poison on a blade, damning
evidence in a trial, darkness while
: The higher the tier, the better

Fortune Roll

: roll Tier

: 1d

Rebel Crown


Rebel Crown

is the measurement of the huge amounts of wealth and resources re-

from Sorties,


Creating Characters

ant means asking for counsel from your allies, and expressing curiosity about


(which give your character ways to break the rules in various ways) and a

tial action ratings and special abilities that your character has access to—but

- Eagle

(Distant, Traditional) Knight

Sworn Sword

action rating may have more than two dots (unless a special ability tells you

Take a look at the special abilities

Do you share your worries, or seek to

forget them for a time?

Some special abilities refer to spe- tions do you weigh?

a set of three boxes to track usage of -

If you have any abilities that use your

special armor, tick the box when you
lect a special ability that use special ar-
do you give them? Does it help you
as well?

Every character needs a source of respite, something that allows them


Take a look at the details on your character sheet, especially the experi-
ence triggers for your playbook and the special items available to your play-

Doirin Domhnall
Eimhir Eoghann
Flòraidh Friseal Seoc
Teàrlag Tadhg
Iseabal Una Uilleam

Sortie, you may say that your character has an item on hand by checking

single Sortie, you may take -1 income from that Sortie to mark up to eight

or other hand-held musical instru-

tainments, formal events, and to

- The legal records and

matic agreements, marriage contracts,

wraiths at bay, drawing the attention

shields provide more protection while

of forged seals, legal documents, and
- Use to resist a single instance simple disguises to pass as someone

- - Enough tools and

supplies to mend armor and clothing,
hone a blade, or fashion make-shift
- 50 feet of rope,

Create the Domain
Downtime) players should create their Do-

, or vassals earned from your


establish a trading partnership with a faction (must be status 0 or higher),

you can commit a
per Downtime unless trade is disrupted (by a


for each

bonus and earns a

If a province has one of its holdings destroyed, a faction controlling the

Phases of Play
Rebel Crown has three main phases of play: , and


can explain how they seek to learn more (consorting with contacts, surveying

for their approach (point of attack for an assault, social connection for diplo-

If the players feel they know enough, they can attempt to set up the Sortie
more favorably (building the trust of a contact, gathering resources from al-

—Social connection
—Sympathetic crowd Entry point

—build trust between your claim a holding for yourself

domain and another faction
Destroy a holding for valuables
of a faction to create an opportunity

ing their claim on holdings and asserting their dominion by diplomacy or

Gain the Target as a Vassal Successfully
trust between factions and binding your

another faction by destroying their enemies,

securing their assets and interests, marry-
ing into their house (on favorable terms),

tionship with the target faction is decisively
a status penalty with the new vassal, and
must develop their trust (or fear) to keep
Income = Target Tier :

-1 Status with Target

Sorties to weaken a faction are about stop-

ping something urgent or creating an op-
Destroy Holding for valuables and supplies
a faction by interfering with their economic Successfully pillaging a holding grants a
or diplomatic assets, by strengthening dis- substantial haul of , and sows great
cord in their ranks, or fomenting popular
to gather desperately needed supplies, or a
tion has lost a key asset or advantage, or when Factions who lose holdings this way lose its

: End a pillage Sortie when your most

Income = Target Tier
-1 Status with Target
ing or cancels a faction clock :

Claim the Holding for yourself. Successful- -3 Status with Target

ly claiming a holding for yourself adds this
holding to your domain, along with any

when the previous liege is killed, when the

town guard surrenders, or when the diplo-

-2 Status with Target


Engagement Roll

gent on many factors

• The target is prepared for or defended

against this approach
weakest • Target is a higher Tier
• Following up on preparations or
• Target is a lower Tier


is complete or not, focus on whether the most important obstacle has been

about the transfer of power or the dealing with loose ends can be abstracted

Sortie, they should keep in mind several factors:

• Interference from other factions (especially those allied with the target)

• The presence of wraiths

certainty (racing another party to a distant objective, sailing under the cover

with -3 status (and sworn enemies) will advances new or existing faction clocks
based on the result (can be resisted to

3 ticks
2 ticks
to the highest result (can be resisted to
1 tick
reduce the harm by one level):

Sortie must have the objective of res-

weaken faction

capture include several ways to resolve the situation in a single roll, chosen

formation for their freedom, but they will otherwise not be pressed for in-

takes some income from the Sortie, notes their , and evaluates their

if the target was a higher

This represents the respect of their
peers and general acknowledgment of
if the target was a member

The creation of new vassals is a

a vassal before
immediately becomes Tier 1 (and counts toward the

The common people and lesser nobility are always impacted by the changing

if you targeted a higher Tier

if you claimed a holding not

ambush, the taking of a holding by -

if any wraiths were created


The only way to decrease Imperial Ire is to gain an audience in the Em-

you for the disruption of her peace and issue a sentence:

2 Two seasons of service or a year of exile

slowly reclaiming these cities, but the toll on those sent there is immeasur-

trouble within their holdings will escalate, and rivals will take advantage of

demands or lose
solace until the riots are

goods provide no bonus

until the guards are dealt
with (-1 status with any cannot use the bonus or
vassal holding with trade levies provided from this
holding until peace is

it up or go to war (-3 become a new faction


take additional actions at a cost of 1

valuable asset for the duration of a

• (healer, celebrant, diplo-

mat, assassin, etc) improving the security of you hold-
• (smuggling into an enemy ings, building a relationship with a
hold, an invitation to a higher tier contact or faction, or researching an
court, a wedding ceremony, etc)
• (a trebu-
chet, silver arrowheads, a battering
ram, etc) announces the goal of a long term
several) based on the complexity of
: Tier -1 -
4/5: Tier
The player makes an action roll
to complete their project clock:
: 1 Tick
4/5: 2 Ticks
: 3 Ticks
: 5 Ticks

ting a faction clock, whichever clock

supporters for the duration of a Sor- -
ress the clock, any character may
its type: spend a Downtime action and roll
, , , ,
, ,
may spend stress to assist with the
: Tier -1
harm down one level (level 3 harm
4/5: Tier
successes are immediately applied
to your next recovery clock (unless

To muster the same levy for a ability allows them to progress recov-

their rating rather than Tier

still muster an additional levy of an-

Determine the attribute you want

ect clock; the number of segments
could involve protecting trade, bol- ing together:
stering defenses, overseeing the en- : 4 Segments

- : 8 Segments

1-3: one
are training and roll the appropriate
4/5: two

ing can use a Downtime action to
scribe what they are doing to guide
the training, and make an appropri-

Training cannot be used for play-

: Select or roll an additional
carries the pressure and burden of

must have some source of solace to from the campaign for a season (two
ing solace allows you to reduce your

clear more stress levels than you and cannot seek solace until it is

If you do not or cannot seek solace

during Downtime, you take stress

Time Passes

Time Span
Rebel Crown campaign takes place over the course of several

The timeline of a single Sortie is highly variable: a crucial diplomatic meeting

Downtime typically includes a few weeks of recovery, personal projects,

province to attend to personal business or retreat into the wilderness while


that need to happen before a Sortie (distant travel or long observation) you


Seasons can also prompt faction turns: that house angling for a political

with a sense for the passage of seasons will introduce a sense of the cam-

Running the Game

to operate independently or under

any province where they control the

tional expertise by completing a may spend Downtime actions to help
six-section clock to gather the sup- them heal additional levels of harm

the completion of a long term project:

: 4 Section

: 8 Section

mand a levy to act or lead a group

Sieging towns and keeps

Defending high ground
Flanking armies
Surveying threats Traveling unseen

Trading and negotiating

Dispelling wraiths Tending to wounded Inspiring morale


Rebel Crown
abstraction is to allow the players to focus on the strategic and personal

three clocks: the , the , and the -


success of these actions will change the momentum of all the forces on the

- Is larger than yours

termined by the relative military
strength of the opponent (up to 12

The foe clock represents the battle on a more personal level: the enemy com-

success of these actions change the


Is higher tier
ing separated from allies, captured,
The foe has a personal guard or special
mined by the strength of the foe (up

The fallout clock represents the chaos that results from the battle: wraiths
inue might pray to set wraiths to rest, skirmish with silver blades, or com-

clocks, additional segments are add-

ed during the course of the battle

This structure results in epic

- The chaos of battle spreads beyond its
- combatants (buildings destroyed,
my force (including wraiths), create
the streets)
a single 4-8 segment clock rather

A Retinue Divided
Rebel Crown: the members

but you also know that the group must come to an agreement in order to

"I think we should forge an alliance with House Gearr but I know your history with
them. Could you be convinced to help us make diplomatic inroads?"
"I don’t think Vadic would agree to marry into House Gearr or anything, but I could be
convinced that this trade deal is a necessary evil."

"I want us to corner this courtier in an alley and stab him. Would you be willing to help?"
"No way, Callan just wouldn’t see that being worth the risk. He won’t stop you, but
he’s not going to participate, and he’s likely going to express his disapproval when this
Sortie is over. I’m interested in seeing where this goes, but my character would not want
to be involved."

esting part of character development, but prolonging the resolution of these


worthwhile to debrief intercharacter disputes after a session, to ensure that


Some in-game events, like Solace complications or imprisonment, might

action character will not be involved in Sortie or Downtime actions until they

Use common sense when introducing sensitive topics into play and check in

Safety tools support conversations about tone, subject matter, and com-

of a campaign are important: especially at the beginning of a new campaign

The Kingdom
succumbed) to Imperial rule only in the face of an existential threat: a curse

ity to intervene in their disputes (unless they neglect their payments and

a notable enemy might make their titles available, but their wraiths might

The Imperial Court

She has ruled for ten years of relative prosperity and is eager to see the recent

A sprawling palace under constant construction.

Petitioners from every kingdom and every tier of
polite society gather here to advance their interests
and hear her Majesty’s Imperial decree.

her three kingdoms and their neighbors

(authoritative, decisive, coldly
(pensive, wisened, fond

, guard commander (jaded, demand-

ing assiduous, committed to ceremony)

artifacts and relics)

: The greatest standing
army the world has seen in generations,
the most learned advisors, and the the
right to reign over the three kingdoms of

: Force the Elinean

join the empire as a vassal state


village, bolstered a poor harvest, or kept disease away

and were represented by symbols of their domain: seed

peasants in the correct ways of worship, to ease their deaths and passage to
the next world, and to put to rest what wraiths stalk the edges of towns and

members of the church chose this life: members of noble families who pur-

result of these competing functions is an institution as divided in aims and


sets this label to some healers, especially those using banned substances or

witches for ideological reasons, as they may pay homage to small gods, or for
practical reasons: alleged witches may provide knowledge and services where

The church also opposes those who claim to be professional wraith hunt-

The church sometimes intervenes in disputes of noble houses where mat-

and means to distribute justice in their own lands, the church can be a source

the church consecrate new lands might divert attention from how they were


are antagonistic to all human life and will

attempt to rend the minds of those they

tortured souls to rest is a dangerous and


Those willing to travel into places fallen to

wraiths are often well-respected and may

Fighting a wraith under normal circumstances is not possible; they drift

that can be leveraged against wraiths:

hausting exercise, known to cause headaches and worse ailments as one pits

ing oneself in peril, may draw wraiths out where they can be fought (or even

The might of a Wraith depends on the

being very painful, the superstitious
conditions of its death:
see them as a mark of those doomed

into the mind of a human, they will

ritual execution or immediately fatal
The rapid spread of wraiths has been
known to topple villages in a matter of

The Provinces of Craobhan



(cousin by marriage The renegade lord, , is ru-

to your despicable uncle) has refused mored to be hiding somewhere in the re-

court in a neighboring province; others

strength to wane, so that she may grow say he lives as a hermit in the Eastern

and apple trees, along with farms rich in

II Direct 4

Ivy covered stones II Direct -

I 4

Cousins by marriage to King Maedoc Lolaire. An Loyal Vassals of House Gearr. The great agricul-
tural power of the Southern provinces.
: Taran Ubhal wants to both

(far away at the royal (cautious, spiteful, composed)

court) (scheming,
(calculating, ruthless, bold, jovial)
avid reader, fond of fruit and letters) (constant,
(idealistic, stubborn, sarcastic)
short-tempered, painter)


: , a rich
: , a village known agricultural holding
for its talented archers
: Secure a trade agree-
lands (in the Sedgelands)

the more remote villages from wraith

Renegade lord of a once great house -

villages have demanded that Ubhal and
safe in the court that would want leverage against
ag Keep lies in ruins, haunted by those lost in the

trees, joined by a single branch) are like-

to Feorag Keep and raised him to retake ly to be dragged before Taran Ubhal for
tral leadership, which has made them

: Former vassals of

by any means necessary

The Narrow Coast

is the most accom- , a mercenary com-

plished military commander in the king-
risen through the ranks of leadership and
mercenaries throughout the empire and has become an integral commander, espe-
cially as Seisyl spends more time securing
his own rule and enjoying the privileges of
- -
- ing for the invasion of Elineas, over which

he has to his brother, and his loyalty runs

Seisyl Tarbh III Direct 4

Seisyl Tarbh III Direct naval Sorties


II 4

A great military power controlling much of Crao- A new branch of a powerful house, aspiring to
bhan’s wide coast. Organized and disciplined, with
cus on trade and propserity, but bandits to the
- -

(stern, decisive,
broad-shouldered) (jovial, cautious,
(impulsive, broad-shouldered)
authoritative, well-traveled) (warm, formal,
(dout, precise, shrewd negotiator)
well-read) (wry, obser-
vant, excellent sailor)

: : Scattered pirates along the
, the most esteemed merce- coast
nary corps in the kingdom : ,a
: Secure a be- expanding into trade with the broader
trothal that will bind the royal

: Secure an
overseas trade agreement with

The Inland Vales

is a landless noble

is strong, though she spends much of her connections in the regional smuggling net-
works but his true power is his eyes in the
ambitious and accustomed to having her way

but her attention has been divided between most valuable intelligence on to her (for fees
and favors) but he holds back as much as he
She arranged the marriage that brought her

er and acts as her proxy in many regional af-

intrigue and is more interested in advanc-

III Direct
Sway on site

III Direct 4

Devious and hidden II Informal - 4

An old, landless house with a well-established spy
with a vice grip on the lumber trade and the ear of network.
the usurper king.

- may have had her own father killed) into a

(ambitious, fashionable,
demanding, lover of music and formal
dance) (Disarming, book-
(stoic, blunt, ish, somewhat paranoid)
well-kempt, amateur naturalist) (pensive, discreet,
(sheltered, witty, photographic memory)
suave, aspiring writer)

neighboring Kingdom) : Too many to count

: Their only asset is
and the lands to support it, a lumber mill their access to, and control over, sensitive
that exports extensively to the neighboring

: Secure a non-aggres-

: is a knight from the

long-contested eastern mountains could be reclaimed without bringing open war


have had their terms extended for the smallest grievances from foremen and a small group

Saltcrag is a strategically located province with a rare and valuable export, but neglect and

was put in charge of a is a lowborn but savvy foreman in

thriving network of salt mines and has re-

have an information network of outlaws

has been waging a full war
and church as two pairs of warlords with

recruited a record number of acolytes and -

provided them with substantial martial rectionist miners have made contact with

more in tithes than they do in taxes (a fact

Established industry II Direct 4

II Exempt research

I Enemy 2

A branch of House Lolaire that sided with the A secluded religious order protecting the mountain
usurper Maedoc. They are enjoying the fruits of this villagers from wraiths and building a devoted fol-
alliance and ignoring their rule and their people. lowing, from locals and pilgrims alike.
: Ignoring their responsibili-
ties to feast and travel
may have had her own father killed) into a
(boisterous, short-tem-
pered, gourmand)

(clever, -
cautious, well-read) ible)
mal-lover), sent to the capital (idealistic, youthful, herbalist)

: Three eagle feathers

: The loyalty of the villag-

: The richest salt mines in
the Empire
- ‘The Untread Path
ture garden for their mountain estate corrupt feudal state is the cause of

pilgrims advances the Monastery to Tier II

An apostate band hiding in mountain caves. They have connec- -

tions in every province of the kingdom, primarily among dissi-
dents and outlaws.
against the living conditions in

plotting a way out of Saltcrag, preferably into the safety of a pay, safer mines, and written
guarantee that their sentences
, a political operator who cares most about protecting
Foremen and investors in

of oversight has granted this

province, both economically

: The richest salt mines in the Empire -

spiracy to undermine stability

protecting the coven

High Strath

into political factions: those who oppose the corrupt advisors to the king (for it would be
treason to publicly oppose the king himself) and those who claim loyalty to the crown

is your traitorous
this war of succession and seeks to secure tion has been divided between local rule,

arranged the marriage that brought her

of his rule, spending little time in the city

pendent from feudal obligation and loyal

into a symbol of his rule: a sprawling for-

tress town with the latest siege weapons

is the new high

much of her time at the royal court in


Stone walled capital city Direct 8

in Downtime

Direct ratings up to 4

Direct 4

are being crushed under a burden of

The usurper king and his court. They are building an

army and fortifying their position, preparing to de- their mercenary guards) have clashed
stroy the Claimant and their campaign at any cost.
are a group of minor nobles and trades-
secure an uncertain rule
(scheming, belli-
cose, resentful, fond of architecture and
(ambitious, fashion-
able, demanding, lover of music and formal
dance) group of newly minted nobility with

, advisor to the throne and architect the king has sold taxation rights over
of the coup (brooding, secretive, wiry)
, Eilenean sworn sword (devoted, nim-
ble, taciturn) control of the city, coordinated under

(tall, courteous, brilliant) have started demolishing the wooden

homes of craftspeople and traders to
build huge estates right within the city

ering information for a foreign power,

royal guard

burglars and cutpurses operating in

and capture a holding by force

The Sedgelands

is the local authori-

(cousin by marriage
to your despicable uncle) has refused aid to

might even draw the attention of both


II Direct 4

II Sorties

I Informal 4

A former mercenary family for the powerful House Cousins by marriage to King Maedoc Lolaire. An
Tarbh, now a house of landed knights
: Sgain has money from tax-

feel insecure in their power, and if bandits slow -

(brash, clever, avid gam- (calculating, ruthless,

ber, talented rider) avid reader, fond of fruit and letters)
(jovial, veteran (idealistic,
soldier, deferential) short-tempered, painter)
(serious, experi-
enced fencer, ambitious)

: , a village known
: , a busy for its talented archers
lands (in the Sedgelands)

Sheep rustlers, robbers, killers. They have a shaky

alliance with the Feannag Witches.
with bandits in the hills and wraiths
: Drostan spent most of this
winter harrying merchants on the roads around : Still
the commoners alone and go after a bigger pay-
active despite bandits, wraiths, and

: In desper-
(inspiring leader, vain,
ate need of work or land parcels to
loyal, boar hunter)
(pragmatic, populist, experi-
enced wraith hunter)



improved by earning

rules a province when they control a majority of its holdings,

Status with the Empress can be improved through Sorties to gain




Thanks and Acknowledgments
Blades in the Dark

Burning Wheel, the game that inspired us to

Editing, development, design, illustration


Rebel Crown

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