RME MARKING SCHEME MARCH 2024 Docx 1710101728500

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Question 1:

a. Stages for Performing LIBATION (12 marks)

1. Preparation of the ritual space.
2. Selection of appropriate offerings (usually liquids like water, wine, or other symbolic substances).
3. Invocation of deities or ancestors.
4. Pouring the libation while reciting prayers or invocations.
5. Directional pouring, often towards the cardinal points.
6. Acknowledging specific deities or spirits.
7. Silent meditation or reflection.
8. Expression of gratitude and requests for blessings.
9. Shared communal participation.
10. Closing remarks or final prayers.
11. Symbolic actions, like sprinkling or touching participants.
12. Disposal of the remaining libation, often on the ground.
[Detailed explanation, 12marks, mere points mark out of a total of 4marks]

b. Relevance of LIBATION to Believers (8 marks)

1. Connection with ancestral spirits.
2. Maintaining cultural traditions.
3. Seeking blessings and protection.
4. Expressing gratitude to deities or higher powers.
5. Establishing a sense of community.
6. Acknowledging the interdependence of life.
7. Promoting spiritual harmony and balance.
8. Facilitating communication with the divine.
9. Ritual purification and cleansing.
10. Fostering a sense of continuity with the past.
[Mere points mark out of a total of 4marks, sentences answers 8marks, 4points, 2marks each]

Question 2

a. TEN Stages of ABLUTION in Islamic Worship (12 marks)

1.Niyyah (intention) to perform ablution.
2. Washing hands and wrists three times.
3. Rinsing the mouth three times.
4. Sniffing water into the nostrils three times.
5. Washing the face three times.
6. Washing the forearms up to the elbows three times.
7. Wiping the head once.
8. Wiping the ears once.
9. Washing the feet up to the ankles three times.
10. Observing the sequence and continuity of actions.
1. The pictures are guide not a rule, mark from meaningful essay and sequences
2. full essay, 12marks
3. mere points mark the total out of 4marks

b. TEN Ways ABLUTION Benefits Muslims (8 marks)

1. Spiritual purification before prayer.
2. Symbolic cleansing of sins.
3. Enhancing mental focus and concentration.
4. Promoting physical cleanliness.
5. Encouraging a state of ritual purity.
6. Fostering humility and mindfulness.
7. Strengthening the connection with Allah.
8. Preparation for sacred rituals.
9. Cultivating discipline in daily life.
10. Encouraging regular acts of worship.
1. mere points mark out of 4marks for 4points
2. complete sentences for full marks, 4points for 8marks, 2marks each

Question 3: X, Y, and Z in the Bible

a. Convincing Non-Christians about X as the Originator (12 marks)

1. Natural surroundings.
2. Sustenance of God
3. caring
4. love
5. creation of human
6. the wisdom of God
7. etc.
1. any 4points, 3marks each, 12marks
2. mark from reasoning and logic
3. mere sentences mark out of 4marks

b. Caring for God’s Creation by X and Y (8 marks)

1. Responsible stewardship of natural resources.
2. Sustainable agricultural practices.
3. Preservation of biodiversity.
4. Advocacy for environmental conservation.
5. Ethical treatment of animals.
6. Promotion of social justice and equality.
7. Support for initiatives addressing climate change.
8. Education and awareness on ecological issues.
9. Philanthropy for community development.
10. Adoption of eco-friendly lifestyles.
1. mere points mark out of 4marks for 4points
2. complete sentences for full marks, 4points for 8marks, 2marks each

Question 4

(a)(12 marks):
1. Faith and Works: Emphasizes the connection between faith and righteous actions.
2. Patience in Trials: Encourages endurance and perseverance during challenges.
3. Taming the Tongue: Caution against harmful and deceitful speech.
4. Humility: Advocates for a humble and meek attitude.
5. Compassion for the Poor: Stresses the importance of helping those in need.
6. Avoidance of Favoritism: Condemns partiality and discrimination.
7. Control of Anger: Counsels on managing anger in a righteous manner.
8. Submission to God: Urges submission to God's will in all aspects of life.
9. Warning Against Worldliness: Caution against prioritizing materialism.
10. Integrity in Oaths: Emphasizes honesty and truthfulness.
Mere points 4marks out of the total
Full explanation of any 4, for 12marks

(b) In what TEN ways can you apply the teachings of the Epistle of James in your life (8 marks):
1. Demonstrating Faith through Actions: Aligning beliefs with righteous deeds.
2. Cultivating Patience in Adversity: Resilience in the face of challenges.
3. Mindful Speech: Avoiding gossip, slander, and harmful language.
4. Practicing Humility: Acknowledging strengths and weaknesses with modesty.
5. Acts of Compassion: Engaging in charitable activities to help those in need.
6. Fair and Just Treatment: Avoiding favoritism and treating all equally.
7. Anger Management: Controlling emotions and responding with grace.
8. Submission to God's Will: Seeking divine guidance in decision-making.
9. Avoiding Materialism: Focusing on spiritual values over material possessions.
10. Honesty and Truthfulness: Maintaining integrity in all dealings.

Question 5:

a. (4 marks):
Chastity is abstaining from sexual intercourse before marriage

Full explanation = marks

b. (4 marks):
1. Lack of Sex Education.
2. Peer Pressure.
3. Absence of Parental Guidance.
4. Poverty.
5. Low Self-Esteem.
6. Media Influence.
7. Early Exposure to Sexual Content.
8. Limited Access to Contraception.
9. Sexual Abuse.
10. Ignorance of Risks.

1. Mere points, ½ mark each

2. Full sentences, 1mark each 4marks

c. (12 marks):
1. Comprehensive Sex Education Programs.
2. Access to Contraception.
3. Parental Guidance and Communication.
4. Peer Support and Education.
5. Counseling Services.
6. Poverty Alleviation Programs.
7. Media Literacy Initiatives.
8. Community Awareness Campaigns.
9. Legal Measures to Restrict Underage Marriage.
10. Youth Empowerment Programs.
11. Healthcare Services for Sexual and Reproductive Health.
12. Support for Victims of Sexual Abuse.

Full essay, 4points, 3marks each, 12marks

Question 6:
a. (4 marks):
1. Decency is conforming to accepted standards of behavior.
Definition, explanation, examples

b. acts of decency in your community (4 marks):

1. Politeness in Interactions.
2. Proper Waste Disposal.
3. Respecting Elders.
4. Following Traffic Rules.
5. Maintaining Cleanliness.
6. Offering Help to Others.
7. Participating in Community Events.
8. Honoring Cultural Traditions.
9. Treating Others with Kindness.
10. Respecting Privacy.

Mere points 1mark each 4points

c. reasons for decency in your community (12 marks):

1. Fosters a Positive Environment.
2. Builds Trust and Cooperation.
3. Enhances Community Harmony.
4. Promotes Social Cohesion.
5. Creates a Safe and Pleasant Atmosphere.
6. Preserves Cultural Values.
7. Facilitates Effective Communication.
8. Instills a Sense of Pride.
9. Supports Moral and Ethical Standards.
10. Encourages Mutual Respect.
Full essay, 4points, 3marks each, 12marks


Question 7a: Roles of Mr. Bernard Afeo in Nurturing Children**

(12 marks):
1. Providing Emotional Support.
2. Ensuring Educational Guidance.
3. Instilling Moral Values.
4. Offering Financial Security.
5. Encouraging Healthy Habits.
6. Fostering Communication.
7. Promoting Independence.
8. Facilitating Recreational Activities.
9. Creating a Stable Home Environment.
10. Being a Positive Role Model.

Full essay, 4points, 3marks each, 12marks

7b. ways can the children contribute to the family (8 marks):

1. Assisting with Household Chores.
2. Excelling in Academics.
3. Showing Respect for Elders.
4. Demonstrating Responsible Behavior.
5. Participating in Family Discussions.
6. Cultivating Good Manners.
7. Engaging in Community Service.
8. Developing Interpersonal Skills.
9. Pursuing Personal Growth.
10. Supporting Siblings' Well-being.

Complete sentences, 2marks each, 8marks

Question 8:

8a. Briefly explain what Benson will wish to become (4 marks):

Entrepreneur is the process of combining factors of production to create goods and services or set up a business
Full explanation -4marks

b. The steps needed for Benson to become whom he wants to be (4 marks):

1. Acquire Relevant Skills and Education.
2. Create a Business Plan.
3. Register the Business.
4. Set Up a Home Office or Studio.

1. Any other stages

2. Mere sentences -4marks

c. benefits Benson will get for setting up his business (12 marks):
1. Financial Independence.
2. Flexibility in Work Schedule.
3. Creative Expression and Fulfillment.
4. Ability to Provide for Family Needs.
5. Control Over Business Decisions.
6. Potential for Business Growth.
7. Enhanced Professional Reputation.
8. Contribution to Economic Development.
9. Job Creation for Others.
10. Increased Entrepreneurial Skills.
11. Opportunities for Networking.
12. Legacy Building for Future Generations.

Full essay, 4points, 3marks each, 12marks

1. c. Genesis chapter 1 and 2
2. b. Qur'an 3:190-191
3. d. They all mention God
4. b. Through oral traditions
5. b. Submission to the will of God
6. b. Family prayer
7. c. Eid-ul-Adha
8. d. Ju’muah (congregational prayer)
9. b. Prayer for the eclipse of the sun
10. a. Eid-ul-Fitr
11. c. Kusuf is for the eclipse of the sun, Khusuf is for the moon
12. c. Prayer for the dead before interment
13. b. Midnight prayer
14. b. To avoid false accusations and counter-accusations
15. c. Patience
16. b. Provide monetary assistance in unforeseen future circumstances or upon retirement
17. b. Setting up a new business and assuming control of it
18. a. To win respect
19. b. name a new born baby
20. b. enjoying the fruits of one‟s labour
21. c. obey the rules of the religion
22. d. settling our differences peacefully
23. d. hard work
24. d. folding it neatly into the pocket
25. c. third day
26. b. dust
27. c. providence
28. c. omniscient
29. c. everywhere
30. c. died for his people
31. c. he agreed to sacrifice his son Isaac
32. d. the end of Ramadan fasting
33. c. truthfulness
34. c. tolerate each other always
35. b. Fajr
36. c. guard against evil
37. a. disrespect
38. a. it destroys the individual’s health
39. a. mould life of members
40. c. keeping the Sabbath holy

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