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Assalamuallaikum Wr. wb.

Good morning audience....

Thanks to the presence of Allah Almighty, who has given the grace and hidayah so that we can meet

Praise and greeting to our prophet Muhammad that has to lead us away from the path of darkness
toward the light.

On this occasion, I will share a sense of the end days or also called the doomsday.

The Surah AL-QAARI’AH in the holy Quran stated that all man will be scattered like termite, mountains
will be dissipated, and the scales will determine the satisfying life, those who have lightweight in their
scale will go to hell Hawiyah, a place with a very hot fire.

This Surah described the class of people after the doomsday whether go to heaven or hell. indeed Allah
is the fairest judge and no one know how much the Quran portray what going to happen. Another Surah
the Al-Zalzalah reveal that the doomsday is when the earth is shaken greatly, and the earth let out all of
its burdens.

Man will wonder “Why the earth is like this. The earth will deliver the news of the end of days because
Allah commanded it. After The end of days then there will be a judgement day and everyone is equal in
front of Allah and only be judged for all of their deeds.

Al Quran Surat Az Zalzalah explained the signs of the end of time and the beginning of Judgment days.
People will see the results of their actions, good or bad, and pay its consequences. May we all have the
best form of ourselves. No one will help you so as human beings have the faith of the end days and may
we all have a place in heaven. This is the end of my speech, I apologize if there are any wrong words.

Wassallamualaikum Wr. wb.

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