Domestic Relations Cases and Materials Ninth Edition Walter Wadlington Raymond C O Brien Robin F Wilson Online Ebook Texxtbook Full Chapter PDF

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Domestic Relations Cases and

Materials Ninth Edition Walter

Wadlington Raymond C O Brien Robin
F Wilson
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Olivier Schmitt (Editor)

William B. Graham Distinguished Service Professor of Law and
Former Dean of the Law School
University of Chicago

Charles J. Ogletree Jr. Professor of Law
Harvard Law School


Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Law
Stanford Law School

Sho Sato Professor of Law
University of California at Berkeley

Dean and the Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law
Yale University

Bonnie and Richard Reiss Professor of Constitutional Law
New York University


Sterling Professor of International Law and
Former Dean of the Law School
Yale University

Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law
Columbia University

A. Calder Mackay Professor of Law
Stanford University

Agnes Williams Sesquicentennial Professor of Law
Associate Dean for Strategy, and Professor of Management
Georgetown University


Late James Madison Professor of Law Emeritus
University of Virginia School of Law

Professor of Law Emeritus
Columbus School of Law
The Catholic University of America


Mildred Van Voorhis Jones Chair in Law
University of Illinois College of Law
The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice, and this publication is not a
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University Casebook Series is a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

© 1970, 1974, 1978, 1998, 2002, 2007 FOUNDATION PRESS

© 2013 by LEG, Inc. d/b/a West Academic Publishing
© 2017 LEG, Inc. d/b/a West Academic
© 2021 LEG, Inc. d/b/a West Academic
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Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 978-1-63659-024-0


The founding author of this casebook and its

supplements. He was a titan in this field of law,
an empathetic teacher, empowering mentor,
and sincere friend.
The ninth edition of this casebook is the continuation of a series of
domestic relations casebooks originating with Professors Albert C.
Jacobs and Julius Goebel, Jr. more than three-quarters of a century ago.
To many readers, the topics discussed in the earliest editions bear no
resemblance to domestic relations today, modern emphasis on national
and international application, assisted reproductive technology,
premarital and nonmarital contracting, and no-fault divorce. What has
been a consistent feature throughout the multiple editions of this
casebook is the careful attention to court decisions, which highlight the
law and the domestic relations of the persons involved.
Any casebook attempts to build upon past understandings indicates
where the future lies; we seek to do this by providing engaging and
instructive judicial opinions, concise statutory formulations, and
references to legal periodicals, state surveys and relevant judicial
Problems. Our consistent link with past editions is our retention of the
words “Domestic Relations” rather than family law. We believe that the
former offers a comprehensive title in which the developments in
interpersonal relationships will continue to find reconstruction building
upon the past and continuing through the twenty-first century.
Like the eighth edition, the ninth edition is shorter than previously.
Professors familiar with the book will notice that we have edited some of
the longer cases and deleted materials that no longer seem as relevant in
today’s society. Annulment, state resistance to assisted reproductive
technology, long-term alimony and lengthy exploration of fault grounds
for divorce are among these less-discussed topics. In their place we have
added material on nonmarital entitlements, paternity and surrogacy,
spousal support and modern approaches to child custody.
To supplement the casebook we rely upon two additional books by
the same coauthors as the casebook, which may be purchased separately:
TREATIES (2021). Among the evolving features of the ninth edition are
references to Free Exercise accommodation, the elimination of spousal
privilege, developments pertaining to the rights of same-sex couples to
marry and adopt, rehabilitative spousal support, expanding use of
assisted reproductive technology, school vouchers, home schooling, joint
physical custody, relocation of custodial parents, and state and third-
party intervention in the parent-child relationship.
Several themes recognizable in previous editions will appear again.
First, this casebook is meant to provide professors at law schools and
universities with cases pertinent to the practice of law in the United
States. The legal casebook method of teaching requires factual scenarios
that combine constitutional, common law, federal and state statutes, and


human personalities in such a way as to allow the professor the

opportunity to springboard to other relevant rules and principles; we
hope that current events and legal developments may be included too.
We have tried to retain and to choose cases that condense decades of
decisions and refinements into a few pages of instructive history. We
think the cases themselves offer Problems to be solved by students and
teachers and we like the fact that the highest court or the legislative
process offers solutions, even though these may not be permanent. But
we also offer, throughout each of the chapters, Problems based on actual
cases, illustrating the current application of the law discussed in the
A second casebook theme recognizes the continuing interaction
between federal and state law. Federal law is increasingly involved in the
enforcement of spousal and child support obligations, welfare benefits,
retirement benefits, interstate and international custody disputes,
Native American child placement, individual liberties, marriage, and
termination of parental rights. There are specific references to federal
involvement in these issues in the material covered. For instance, federal
welfare legislation mandates that states enact statutes and policies or
suffer the loss of federal benefits; federal law defines reasonable services
to be offered to parents prior to termination of parental rights; federal
rulings define marriage and criminalize interstate domestic violence; and
federal efforts to prohibit child trafficking proliferate at the national and
international levels. Nonetheless, states retain their traditional role,
laboratories for change in the area of domestic relations. We witness this
in areas such as domestic violence, infant safe haven laws, emerging
forms of assisted reproductive rights and responsibilities, child custody
arrangements, adequate levels of child care, and equitable remedies
available to nonmarital couples.
The authors wish to extend our sincere appreciation to the National
Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws for their
permission to reprint the text of selected Uniform Laws, as well as the
American Bar Association, American Law Institute, and the United
Nations. We would also like to thank Emmett J. Whelan for his editorial
expertise, conscientiousness and good humor in the production of this
Finally, we share with you the news of the passing of Walter
Wadlington, the founding author of this casebook and its supplements.
He was a titan in this field of law, an empathetic teacher, empowering
mentor, and sincere friend. He was and always will be for those who knew
him. The ninth edition of this casebook is dedicated to him. We miss him.
Some citations, footnotes, and text have been omitted in order to
keep the materials at manageable size for a several hour credit course,
or to eliminate portions of a decision focusing on an unrelated issue.
When some footnotes have been omitted, those that have been retained
bear the original numbering from the reporter or other source from which
the passage was excerpted. Some citations to cases and secondary
material (including some “string” citations with brief explanatory notes
about cases in the string) have been omitted without notes or symbols
indicating their omission. Ellipses, or brackets summarizing omitted
text, indicate whether other text has been deleted in the editing process.

We thank the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws for their permission to reprint excerpts from copyrighted text
of their various UNIFORM LAWS, as well as the American Bar
Association Family Law Section for its permission to reprint the Model
Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation.

PREFACE TO THE NINTH EDITION .......................................................................V
NOTE ON EDITING ............................................................................................ VII
SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................ IX
TABLE OF CASES ............................................................................................ XXIX

Chapter I. Changing Concepts of Marriage and Family ...................... 1

A. Form and Function Relationships ............................................................ 1
B. The Elements of Nonmarital Contracting ................................................ 5
C. Jurisdictional Basis ................................................................................. 25
D. Constitutional Parameters of Family Law ............................................. 32

Chapter II. Getting Married ......................................................................99

A. Introduction .............................................................................................. 99
B. Courtship and the Marriage Promise ................................................... 101
C. Access to Status of Marriage ................................................................. 102
D. Annulment and Its Effects .................................................................... 130
E. Putative Marriage .................................................................................. 134
F. Determining Legal Eligibility ............................................................... 141

Chapter III. Spouses: Changing Roles, Rights, and Duties .............161

A. Spouses Evolving ................................................................................... 161
B. Names in the Family ............................................................................. 166
C. Support During Marriage ...................................................................... 181
D. Testimonial Privilege, Torts, and Crimes Between Spouses .............. 188
E. Third Party Interference with the Relationship .................................. 223

Chapter IV. Matrimonial Breakdown: Grounds and Jurisdiction

for Dissolution .....................................................................................229
A. The Perspective of History .................................................................... 229
B. Grounds and Defenses ........................................................................... 231
C. The Jurisdictional Jumble ..................................................................... 255
D. Special Problems of Service of Process ................................................. 280
E. Federalism, Mediation, and Malpractice .............................................. 290

Chapter V. Marital Breakdown: Resolving the Financial

Concerns ...............................................................................................297
A. Introduction ............................................................................................ 297
B. Community Property States .................................................................. 302
C. Common Law States .............................................................................. 314
D. Temporary Spousal Support.................................................................. 321
E. Permanent Spousal Support ................................................................. 333
F. Modification of Support ......................................................................... 338
G. Termination of Support ......................................................................... 345
H. Dividing Property upon Divorce............................................................ 351
I. Support for Children .............................................................................. 396
J. Premarital and Marital Contracting .................................................... 435


K. Agreements During Marriage ............................................................... 461

L. Separation Agreements ......................................................................... 469
M. Taxation at Divorce ............................................................................... 477
N. Discharge in Bankruptcy ....................................................................... 479
O. Support Enforcement: Criminal or Civil .............................................. 481

Chapter VI. Parent and Child: Legal and Biological

Relationships .......................................................................................491
A. Establishing Legal Parentage ............................................................... 491
B. Protection of Putative Fathers .............................................................. 503
C. Protection of Children............................................................................ 524
D. Children Born by Assisted Reproductive Technology ......................... 542

Chapter VII. Raising Children: Competing Interests .......................599

A. Parental Prerogatives ............................................................................ 599
B. Children Beyond Parental Control ....................................................... 626
C. Abuse, Neglect, Surrender and Abandonment .................................... 640
D. Circumstances Giving Rise to Child Abuse .......................................... 654
E. Medical Decision Making for and by Children ..................................... 701
F. Tort Actions Between Parent and Child .............................................. 772
G. Emancipation of Child from Parental Authority ................................. 776

Chapter VIII. Custody of a Child ...........................................................779

A. Parent Versus Parent ............................................................................ 779
B. Parent Versus Third Party .................................................................... 831
C. Parent Versus State: Foster Care Placement ...................................... 872
D. Litigating Child Custody ....................................................................... 874
E. Abduction of Children ............................................................................ 903

Chapter IX. Parental Rights: Termination and Adoption................923

A. Severing Parental Rights Involuntarily ............................................... 923
B. Adoption of Minors ................................................................................. 977
C. Adoption of Adults ............................................................................... 1052
INDEX ............................................................................................................ 1059
PREFACE TO THE NINTH EDITION .......................................................................V
NOTE ON EDITING ............................................................................................ VII
SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................ IX
TABLE OF CASES ............................................................................................ XXIX

Chapter I. Changing Concepts of Marriage and Family ...................... 1

A. Form and Function Relationships ............................................................ 1
City of Ladue v. Horn ................................................................................ 1
Notes ........................................................................................................... 4
B. The Elements of Nonmarital Contracting ................................................ 5
Marvin v. Marvin (I) .................................................................................. 5
Notes ......................................................................................................... 10
Connell v. Francisco ................................................................................. 11
Notes ......................................................................................................... 17
Hofstad v. Christie ................................................................................... 18
Notes ......................................................................................................... 24
Problem One ............................................................................................. 24
C. Jurisdictional Basis ................................................................................. 25
Anastasi v. Anastasi ................................................................................ 25
Notes ......................................................................................................... 28
Fisher v. Fisher ........................................................................................ 28
Notes ......................................................................................................... 31
D. Constitutional Parameters of Family Law ............................................. 32
1. Freedom of Religion ......................................................................... 32
Reynolds v. United States ............................................................... 32
Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 ................................... 35
42 U.S.C.A. § 2000bb–1 ............................................................ 35
Notes ................................................................................................. 35
Problem Two ..................................................................................... 36
Catholic Charities of Sacramento Inc. v. Superior Court .............. 36
Notes ................................................................................................. 44
Problem Three .................................................................................. 45
2. The Right to Privacy ........................................................................ 45
Griswold v. Connecticut ................................................................... 45
Eisenstadt v. Baird .......................................................................... 49
Problem Four .................................................................................... 55
Roe v. Wade ...................................................................................... 56
Gonzales v. Carhart ......................................................................... 64
Notes ................................................................................................. 74
3. Due Process Liberty Interest ........................................................... 75
Lawrence v. Texas ............................................................................ 75
Notes ................................................................................................. 86
4. Equal Protection ............................................................................... 87
Loving v. Virginia ............................................................................. 87
5. Due Process of Law .......................................................................... 91
Zablocki v. Redhail ........................................................................... 91

Notes ................................................................................................. 97

Chapter II. Getting Married ...................................................................... 99

A. Introduction .............................................................................................. 99
State v. Hairston .................................................................................... 100
Nancy F. Cott, Public Vows ................................................................... 100
Stephanie Coontz, Marriage, A History ................................................ 100
Raymond C. O’Brien, Marital Versus Nonmarital Entitlements ........ 101
B. Courtship and the Marriage Promise ................................................... 101
C. Access to Status of Marriage ................................................................. 102
1. Common-Law Marriage ................................................................. 102
Crosson v. Crosson ......................................................................... 103
Notes ............................................................................................... 108
Problem One ................................................................................... 109
Notes ............................................................................................... 110
Problem Two ................................................................................... 110
2. Proxy Marriage............................................................................... 110
8 United States Code (2016) .......................................................... 110
§ 1101(a)(35). Definitions ....................................................... 110
Montana Statutes (2020) ............................................................... 111
§ 40–1–301. Solemnization and Registration ....................... 111
Notes ............................................................................................... 111
3. Statutorily Required Formalities .................................................. 111
Carabetta v. Carabetta .................................................................. 112
Notes ............................................................................................... 114
4. Same-Sex Marriage ........................................................................ 114
Obergefell v. Hodges ...................................................................... 114
Problem Three ................................................................................ 130
D. Annulment and Its Effects .................................................................... 130
1. Divorce Versus Annulment ........................................................... 130
2. Void Marriages ............................................................................... 132
Notes ............................................................................................... 132
3. Voidable Marriages ........................................................................ 133
Pennsylvania Statutes Annotated (2020) ..................................... 133
§ 3305. Grounds for Annulment of Voidable Marriage ........ 133
Notes ............................................................................................... 133
E. Putative Marriage .................................................................................. 134
Minnesota Statutes Annotated (West 2020) ........................................ 134
§ 518.055. Putative Spouse ............................................................ 134
Williams v. Williams .............................................................................. 134
Notes ....................................................................................................... 140
Problem Four .......................................................................................... 140
F. Determining Legal Eligibility ............................................................... 141
1. Minimum Age Requirements ........................................................ 141
Moe v. Dinkins ............................................................................... 141
Notes ............................................................................................... 144
Problem Five .................................................................................. 145
2. Kinship............................................................................................ 145
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 145

§ 2200. Incestuous marriages ................................................ 145

Singh v. Singh ................................................................................ 146
Notes ............................................................................................... 153
3. Mental Incapacity .......................................................................... 154
Edmunds v. Edwards ..................................................................... 154
Notes ............................................................................................... 159

Chapter III. Spouses: Changing Roles, Rights, and Duties .............161

A. Spouses Evolving ................................................................................... 161
Nancy F. Cott, Public Vows ................................................................... 164
Kirchberg v. Feenstra ............................................................................ 165
Stephanie Coontz, Marriage, A History ................................................ 165
Problem One ........................................................................................... 166
B. Names in the Family ............................................................................. 166
1. A Married Woman’s Name ............................................................ 166
Stuart v. Board of Supervisors of Elections.................................. 166
Notes ............................................................................................... 170
2. Names for Children ........................................................................ 171
Henne v. Wright ............................................................................. 171
Notes ............................................................................................... 179
Problem Two ................................................................................... 180
C. Support During Marriage ...................................................................... 181
McGuire v. McGuire............................................................................... 181
Notes ....................................................................................................... 185
Virginia Code (2020) .............................................................................. 186
§ 55.1–202. Spouse not responsible for other spouse’s
contracts, etc.; mutual liability for necessaries;
responsibility of personal representative.............................. 186
Minnesota Stat. (2019) .......................................................................... 186
§ 519.05. Liability of husband and wife ........................................ 186
D. Testimonial Privilege, Torts, and Crimes Between Spouses .............. 188
1. Testimonial Privilege ..................................................................... 188
Trammel v. United States ............................................................. 189
Status of Privilege .......................................................................... 194
Maryland Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings (2019)............ 195
§ 9–106. Spousal privilege ..................................................... 195
Colorado Rev. Stat. (2020) ............................................................. 195
§ 13–90–107. Who may not testify without consent—
definitions ....................................................................... 195
2. Sexual Assault or Rape .................................................................. 196
Warren v. State .............................................................................. 196
Notes ............................................................................................... 201
3. Crimes Involving Spousal Property .............................................. 202
Cladd v. State ................................................................................. 202
Notes ............................................................................................... 206
4. Domestic Violence .......................................................................... 206
State ex rel. Williams v. Marsh ..................................................... 206
Notes ............................................................................................... 213

5. Tort Actions Between Spouses ...................................................... 216

Bozman v. Bozman ......................................................................... 216
Notes ............................................................................................... 222
Problem Three ................................................................................ 223
E. Third Party Interference with the Relationship .................................. 223
1. Loss of Consortium ........................................................................ 223
2. Medical Treatment ......................................................................... 224
3 A Duty to Seek Medical Assistance? ............................................. 225

Chapter IV. Matrimonial Breakdown: Grounds and Jurisdiction

for Dissolution .....................................................................................229
A. The Perspective of History .................................................................... 229
B. Grounds and Defenses ........................................................................... 231
1. Fault Divorce .................................................................................. 231
Utah Code Ann. (2020) .................................................................. 231
§ 30–3–1. Procedure—Residence—Grounds ......................... 231
Notes ............................................................................................... 232
Brady v. Brady ............................................................................... 235
Notes ............................................................................................... 238
Problem One ................................................................................... 239
In re Dube ....................................................................................... 239
New York Domestic Relations Law (2020) ................................... 242
§ 171. When divorce denied, although adultery proved ....... 242
Notes ............................................................................................... 242
2. No-Fault Divorce ............................................................................ 245
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (2015) ................................... 246
§ 302. [Dissolution of Marriage; Legal Separation] ............. 246
§ 305. [Irretrievable Breakdown] .......................................... 246
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 247
§ 2310. Grounds for dissolution or legal separation ............ 247
§ 2311. Irreconcilable differences defined............................. 247
Palermo v. Palermo ........................................................................ 247
Notes ............................................................................................... 252
Maryland Family Code (2020) ....................................................... 254
§ 7–103(A)(8) ........................................................................... 254
Problem Two ................................................................................... 255
C. The Jurisdictional Jumble ..................................................................... 255
1. Qualifying for Full Faith and Credit ............................................ 255
Williams v. North Carolina (I) ...................................................... 256
Notes ............................................................................................... 260
Williams v. North Carolina (II) ..................................................... 262
Notes ............................................................................................... 265
Sosna v. Iowa .................................................................................. 267
2. Comity for Decrees of Foreign Countries ..................................... 271
Perrin v. Perrin .............................................................................. 271
Notes ............................................................................................... 275
3. Equitable Estoppel ......................................................................... 276
4. Divisible Divorce ............................................................................ 277
Vanderbilt v. Vanderbilt ................................................................ 277

Notes ............................................................................................... 278

D. Special Problems of Service of Process ................................................. 280
Kulko v. Superior Court of California .................................................. 280
Notes ....................................................................................................... 286
Problem Three ........................................................................................ 288
Problem Four .......................................................................................... 289
Problem Five .......................................................................................... 289
Problem Six ............................................................................................ 290
E. Federalism, Mediation, and Malpractice .............................................. 290
In re Belding ........................................................................................... 291

Chapter V. Marital Breakdown: Resolving the Financial

Concerns ...............................................................................................297
A. Introduction ............................................................................................ 297
1. Community Property ..................................................................... 298
2. Common Law Property .................................................................. 300
3. Elements Common to Both ............................................................ 300
B. Community Property States .................................................................. 302
California Family Code (2020) .............................................................. 302
§ 2550. Manner of division of community estate .......................... 302
§ 2551. Characterization of liabilities; confirmation or
assignment .............................................................................. 302
§ 2602. Additional award or offset against existing property;
award of amount to have been misappropriated .................. 303
Ruggles v. Ruggles ................................................................................. 303
Problem One ........................................................................................... 312
Problem Two ........................................................................................... 313
C. Common Law States .............................................................................. 314
New York Domestic Relations Law (2020) ........................................... 314
§ 236B 5 .......................................................................................... 314
Johnson v. Johnson ................................................................................ 315
Notes ....................................................................................................... 320
Problem Three ........................................................................................ 320
Problem Four .......................................................................................... 321
D. Temporary Spousal Support.................................................................. 321
1. Maintenance ................................................................................... 321
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (2015) ................................... 321
§ 304. [Temporary Order or Temporary Injunction] ............ 321
Arizona Revised Statutes (2020) ................................................... 322
§ 25–319. Maintenance; computation factors ....................... 322
Schroeder v. Schroeder .................................................................. 322
Notes ............................................................................................... 326
2. Transitional Support ...................................................................... 327
Murphy v. Murphy ......................................................................... 327
Notes ............................................................................................... 330
E. Permanent Spousal Support ................................................................. 333
Rainwater v. Rainwater ........................................................................ 333
Notes ....................................................................................................... 336

F. Modification of Support ......................................................................... 338

Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (2015) ........................................... 338
§ 316. [Modification and Termination of Provisions for
Maintenance, Support and Property Disposition] ............... 338
Naylor v. Naylor ..................................................................................... 338
Notes ....................................................................................................... 341
G. Termination of Support ......................................................................... 345
California Family Code (2020) .............................................................. 345
§ 4337. Termination of support order; death; remarriage ........... 345
Bell v. Bell .............................................................................................. 345
Notes ....................................................................................................... 350
H. Dividing Property upon Divorce ........................................................... 351
1. The Process ..................................................................................... 351
2. Marital Debts ................................................................................. 353
Hardy v. Hardy............................................................................... 353
Notes ............................................................................................... 354
Problem Five .................................................................................. 355
3. Intangible Property: Degrees, Certificates, and Goodwill ........... 356
Mahoney v. Mahoney ..................................................................... 356
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 363
§ 2641. Community contributions to education or
training ........................................................................... 363
Notes ............................................................................................... 364
O’Brien v. O’Brien .......................................................................... 366
Notes ............................................................................................... 371
Problem Six .................................................................................... 371
4. Pensions and Employment Benefits ............................................. 372
In re Marriage of Brown ................................................................ 372
Notes ............................................................................................... 378
5. Federal Supremacy ........................................................................ 380
Mansell v. Mansell ......................................................................... 380
Notes ............................................................................................... 387
Boggs v. Boggs ................................................................................ 388
Notes ............................................................................................... 395
I. Support for Children .............................................................................. 396
1. Child Support Guidelines .............................................................. 396
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (2015) ................................... 396
§ 309. [Child Support] ............................................................ 396
Notes ............................................................................................... 396
Voishan v. Palma ........................................................................... 398
Notes ............................................................................................... 405
Problem Seven ................................................................................ 406
Nash v. Mulle ................................................................................. 406
Notes ............................................................................................... 415
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 415
§ 3901. Duration of duty of support ...................................... 415
Problem Eight ................................................................................ 419
In re Barrett ................................................................................... 419
Notes ............................................................................................... 423

Stepchildren Support Obligation .................................................. 423
Vermont Statutes Ann. (2020) ...................................................... 423
Title 15 § 296. Liability of stepparents ................................. 423
Notes ............................................................................................... 423
Stahl v. Department of Social and Health Services ..................... 424
3. Equitable Child Support Obligation ............................................. 426
M.H.B. v. H.T.B. ............................................................................. 426
Notes ............................................................................................... 434
Problem Nine .................................................................................. 435
J. Premarital and Marital Contracting .................................................... 435
Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act (2012) ................... 437
Section 1. Short Title ..................................................................... 437
Section 2. Definitions ..................................................................... 437
Section 3. Scope .............................................................................. 438
Section 4. Governing Law .............................................................. 439
Section 5. Principles of Law and Equity ....................................... 439
Section 6. Formation Requirements ............................................. 439
Section 7. When Agreement Effective ........................................... 439
Section 8. Void Marriage ............................................................... 439
Section 9. Enforcement .................................................................. 439
Section 10. Unenforceable Terms .................................................. 441
Section 11. Limitation of Action .................................................... 441
Notes ....................................................................................................... 442
Blige v. Blige .......................................................................................... 443
Notes ....................................................................................................... 448
Biliouris v. Biliouris ............................................................................... 449
Notes ....................................................................................................... 455
Problem Ten ........................................................................................... 457
Stregack v. Moldofsky ............................................................................ 457
Notes ....................................................................................................... 459
K. Agreements During Marriage ............................................................... 461
Pacelli v. Pacelli ..................................................................................... 461
Notes ....................................................................................................... 465
Problem Eleven ...................................................................................... 468
Problem Twelve ...................................................................................... 468
L. Separation Agreements ......................................................................... 469
Johnston v. Johnston ............................................................................. 469
Notes ....................................................................................................... 474
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (2015) ........................................... 476
§ 306. [Separation Agreement] ...................................................... 476
Notes ....................................................................................................... 477
M. Taxation at Divorce ................................................................................ 477
N. Discharge in Bankruptcy ....................................................................... 479
O. Support Enforcement: Criminal or Civil .............................................. 481
Hicks on Behalf of Feiock v. Feiock ...................................................... 481
Notes ....................................................................................................... 487

Chapter VI. Parent and Child: Legal and Biological

Relationships .......................................................................................491
A. Establishing Legal Parentage ............................................................... 491
Reese v. Muret ....................................................................................... 491
Notes ....................................................................................................... 499
Uniform Parentage Act of 2017............................................................. 501
§ 201. Establishment of a Parent-Child Relationship ................. 501
§ 204. Presumption of Parentage .................................................. 501
Notes ....................................................................................................... 502
Problem One ........................................................................................... 502
B. Protection of Putative Fathers .............................................................. 503
Stanley v. Illinois ................................................................................... 503
Lehr v. Robertson ................................................................................... 510
Notes ....................................................................................................... 522
C. Protection of Children............................................................................ 524
Michael H. v. Gerald D. ......................................................................... 524
Notes ....................................................................................................... 534
Gomez v. Perez ....................................................................................... 535
Notes ....................................................................................................... 536
Cleo A.E. v. Rickie Gene E. ................................................................... 537
Notes ....................................................................................................... 541
D. Children Born by Assisted Reproductive Technology ......................... 542
1. Establishing Parentage Through Consent ................................... 542
Buzzanca v. Buzzanca.................................................................... 542
In re M.J. ........................................................................................ 548
Notes ............................................................................................... 556
Problem Two ................................................................................... 557
Uniform Parentage Act of 2017 ..................................................... 557
Section 201. Establishment of Parent-Child
Relationship .................................................................... 557
Section 302. Execution of Acknowledgement of
Paternity ......................................................................... 557
2. Disposition of Human Genetic Materials at Divorce ................... 558
J.B. v. M.B. and C.C. ...................................................................... 558
Notes ............................................................................................... 570
Problem Three ................................................................................ 571
3. Posthumous Conception ................................................................ 572
Woodward v. Commissioner of Social Security ............................ 572
Notes ............................................................................................... 579
California Probate Code (2020) ..................................................... 579
§ 249.5. Posthumous conception; child of decedent
deemed born in decedent’s lifetime; conditions ............ 579
Uniform Probate Code (2020) ........................................................ 580
§ 2–104. Child Conceived By Assisted Reproduction
Other Than Child Born to Gestational Carrier ............ 580
Uniform Parentage Act of 2017 ..................................................... 580
§ 708. Parental Status of Deceased Individual .................... 580
Problem Four .................................................................................. 581

4. Establishing Parentage Through Surrogacy Contracts ............... 581

In re Paternity of F.T.R.................................................................. 581
Notes ............................................................................................... 589
Uniform Parentage Act (2017) ...................................................... 590
§ 803. Requirements of Gestational or Genetic Surrogacy
Agreement: Process ........................................................ 590
Raftopol v. Ramey .......................................................................... 591
Notes ............................................................................................... 594
Uniform Parentage Act (2017) ...................................................... 596
§ 809. Parentage Under Gestational Surrogacy
Agreement ....................................................................... 596
§ 812. Effect of Gestational Surrogacy Agreement .............. 596

Chapter VII. Raising Children: Competing Interests .......................599

A. Parental Prerogatives ............................................................................ 599
1. Religious Liberty ............................................................................ 599
Wisconsin v. Yoder ......................................................................... 599
Notes ............................................................................................... 608
Smith v. Ricci.................................................................................. 609
Notes ............................................................................................... 614
2. School Choice: Vouchers and Home .............................................. 615
Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn ............ 615
Notes ............................................................................................... 625
B. Children Beyond Parental Control ....................................................... 626
L.A.M. v. State ....................................................................................... 626
Matter of Andrew R. .............................................................................. 633
Notes ....................................................................................................... 639
C. Abuse, Neglect, Surrender and Abandonment..................................... 640
California Welfare and Institutions Code (2020) ................................. 640
§ 300. Children subject to jurisdiction; legislative intent and
declarations; guardian defined .............................................. 640
In re Juvenile Appeal (83-CD) ............................................................... 643
Notes ....................................................................................................... 650
Problem One ........................................................................................... 651
Virginia Code Ann. (2020) ..................................................................... 651
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) .................................. 651
§ 9.1–151. Court Appointed Special Advocate Program;
Appointment of Advisory Committee .................................... 651
§ 9.1–152. Local Court-Appointed Special Advocate Programs;
Powers and Duties.................................................................. 652
§ 9.1–153. Volunteer Court-Appointed Special Advocates;
Powers and Duties; Assignment; Qualifications;
Training .................................................................................. 652
§ 9.1–154. Immunity ...................................................................... 653
§ 9.1–155. Notice of Hearings and Proceedings ........................... 653
§ 9.1–156. Inspection and Copying of Records by Advocate;
Confidentiality of Records...................................................... 653
§ 9.1–157. Cooperation of State and Local Entities ..................... 654

D. Circumstances Giving Rise to Child Abuse .......................................... 654

1. Abuse in Gestation ......................................................................... 654
Johnson v. State ............................................................................. 654
Notes ............................................................................................... 663
2. Proving Abusive Conduct .............................................................. 664
Sanders v. State ............................................................................. 664
N.Y. Family Court Act (2019) ........................................................ 669
§ 1046. Evidence ..................................................................... 669
Notes ............................................................................................... 670
3. Parental Discipline ........................................................................ 671
People v. Jennings.......................................................................... 671
Notes ............................................................................................... 677
Problem Two ................................................................................... 677
4. Civil Enforcement Procedure ........................................................ 678
Baltimore City Dept. of Social Services v. Bouknight ................. 678
Notes ............................................................................................... 683
In re Michael C. .............................................................................. 685
Notes ............................................................................................... 688
DeShaney v. Winnebago County DSS .......................................... 690
Problem Three ................................................................................ 700
Problem Four .................................................................................. 700
E. Medical Decision Making for and by Children..................................... 701
1. Spiritual Treatment Accommodation ........................................... 701
Hermanson v. State ....................................................................... 701
Notes ............................................................................................... 708
Newmark v. Williams .................................................................... 710
Problem Five .................................................................................. 720
Notes ............................................................................................... 721
2. Mental Health Care of Child ......................................................... 723
Parham v. J.R. ................................................................................ 723
Notes ............................................................................................... 736
Arkansas Code Annotated (2020) ................................................. 736
§ 20–9–601. Definition ........................................................... 736
§ 20–9–602. Consent Generally ............................................. 737
§ 20–9–604. Emergency Consent by Courts ......................... 738
3. Sterilization of a Child ................................................................... 740
Stump v. Sparkman ....................................................................... 740
Virginia Code Annotated (2020) .................................................... 744
§ 54.1–2975. Sterilization operations for certain children
incapable of informed consent ....................................... 744
§ 54.1–2969 ............................................................................. 745
4. Medical Preferences of the Child .................................................. 746
In re Green ...................................................................................... 746
Notes ............................................................................................... 750
5. Child Organ Transplantations ...................................................... 751
Hart v. Brown ................................................................................. 751
Notes ............................................................................................... 757

California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 758

§ 6910. Medical treatment of minor; adult entrusted with
consensual power ............................................................ 758
6. Withholding Life Support .............................................................. 758
In re Doe.......................................................................................... 758
Montalvo v. Borkovec ..................................................................... 763
Notes ............................................................................................... 770
Problem Six..................................................................................... 771
F. Tort Actions Between Parent and Child............................................... 772
Newman v. Cole ..................................................................................... 772
Problem Seven ........................................................................................ 776
G. Emancipation of Child from Parental Authority ................................. 776
California Family Code (2020) .............................................................. 776
§ 7001. Purpose of Part .................................................................. 776
§ 7002. Emancipated minor; description ...................................... 776
§ 7120. Petitions for declaration of emancipation; contents ........ 777
§ 7122. Findings of court; issuance of declaration of
emancipation .......................................................................... 777
Problem Eight ........................................................................................ 777

Chapter VIII. Custody of a Child............................................................779

A. Parent Versus Parent ............................................................................ 779
California Family Code (2020) .............................................................. 780
§ 3002. Joint custody ...................................................................... 780
§ 3003. Joint legal custody ............................................................. 780
§ 3004. Joint physical custody ....................................................... 780
§ 3006. Sole legal custody .............................................................. 780
§ 3007. Sole physical custody ........................................................ 780
1. Parenting Plans .............................................................................. 780
In re S.W.B.S. ................................................................................. 780
Minnesota Statutes Annotated (2020) .......................................... 785
Subdivision 2. Plan elements ................................................ 785
Subdivision 3. Creating parenting plan; restrictions on
creation; alternative ....................................................... 785
Subdivision 4. Custody designation ...................................... 785
Subdivision 5. Role of court ................................................... 786
Subdivision 6. Restrictions on preparation of parenting
plan .................................................................................. 786
Subdivision 7. Moving the child to another state ................. 786
Subdivision 8. Allocation of certain expenses ....................... 787
Subdivision 9. Modification of parenting plans .................... 787
Notes ............................................................................................... 787
2. Best Interest of the Child .............................................................. 788
Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (1973) ................................... 788
§ 402. Best Interest of the Child ............................................ 788
Iowa Code Annotated (2019) ......................................................... 788
§ 598.41. Custody of children................................................. 788

American Law Institute, Principles of the Law of Family

Dissolution (2002) .................................................................. 789
§ 2.05. Parenting Plan............................................................ 789
§ 2.08. Allocation of Custodial Responsibility ...................... 790
Burchard v. Garay ......................................................................... 791
Notes ............................................................................................... 794
Johnson v. Johnson ........................................................................ 794
Notes ............................................................................................... 799
In re Marriage of Carney ............................................................... 800
Notes ............................................................................................... 810
Problem One ................................................................................... 810
3. Joint Physical/Legal Custody ........................................................ 811
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 811
§ 3040. Order of preference * * * ........................................... 811
§ 3080. Presumption of joint custody .................................... 811
§ 3081. Application by parents; custody investigation ........ 812
Iowa Code Annotated (2019) ......................................................... 812
§ 598.41. Custody of Children ............................................... 812
In re Marriage of Weidner ............................................................. 812
Notes ............................................................................................... 818
4. Visitation Rights ............................................................................ 819
Schutz v. Schutz ............................................................................. 819
Notes ............................................................................................... 822
Michigan Compiled Laws Ann. (2020) .......................................... 822
552.642. Makeup parenting time policy for wrongful
denial of parenting time ................................................. 822
Harrington v. Harrington .............................................................. 823
Notes ............................................................................................... 831
B. Parent Versus Third Party .................................................................... 831
1. Fundamental Rights of Parents .................................................... 831
Troxel v. Granville ......................................................................... 831
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 843
§ 3101. Stepparent’s visitation rights ................................... 843
§ 3102. Deceased parent; visitation rights of close
relatives; adoption of child ............................................. 844
§ 3104. Grandparent’s rights; petition by grandparent ....... 844
Notes ............................................................................................... 846
Problem Two ................................................................................... 847
Problem Three ................................................................................ 848
2. Extraordinary Circumstances ....................................................... 848
Bennett v. Jeffreys ......................................................................... 848
Bennett v. Marrow ......................................................................... 856
Notes ............................................................................................... 858
American Law Institute, Principles of the Law of Family
Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendations (2000) .............. 860
§ 2.03(1) ................................................................................... 860
Notes ............................................................................................... 860

American Law Institute, Principles of the Law of Family

Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendations (2000) .............. 861
§ 2.03(1) ................................................................................... 861
Notes ............................................................................................... 861
3. Emotional Abandonment ............................................................... 862
Guardianship of Phillip B. ............................................................. 862
Notes ............................................................................................... 871
C. Parent Versus State: Foster Care Placement ...................................... 872
Smith v. Organization of Foster Families for Equality & Reform ...... 872
Notes ....................................................................................................... 873
D. Litigating Child Custody ....................................................................... 874
1. Jurisdiction ..................................................................................... 874
In re Amberley D. ........................................................................... 874
Notes ............................................................................................... 880
Problem Four .................................................................................. 881
2. Appointment of Counsel to Represent the Child ......................... 881
In re Interest of D.B. ...................................................................... 881
California Family Code (2016) ...................................................... 888
§ 3150. Appointment of private counsel ................................ 888
§ 3151. Duties and rights of private counsel ........................ 889
§ 3151.5. Judicial determinations of custody or visitation;
consideration of statements by child’s counsel ............. 890
§ 3153. Compensation and expenses of private counsel ...... 890
Notes ............................................................................................... 891
Florida Statutes Annotated (2020) ............................................... 891
§ 39.013(9) ............................................................................... 891
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 892
§ 3150. Appointment of private counsel ................................ 892
Tennessee Code Annotated (2018) ................................................ 892
§ 37–1–126. Attorney and client; indigent persons;
administrative fees ......................................................... 892
District of Columbia Code Annotated (2020)................................ 892
§ 16–2304. Right to counsel; party status ............................. 892
3. Services Provided for Parents at Divorce or Separation ............. 893
Anthony J. Ferraro, Karen Oehme, Ian Waldick, and Nat
Stern, Improving Court-Mandated Divorce Education by
Recognizing the Effects of Parents’ Divorce Trauma ............ 893
Florida Statutes Ann. (2020) ......................................................... 893
§ 61.21. Parenting course authorized; fees; required
attendance authorized; contempt .................................. 893
4. Relocation ....................................................................................... 896
In re Heinrich and Curotto ............................................................ 896
Notes ............................................................................................... 902
Problem Five................................................................................... 903
E. Abduction of Children ............................................................................ 903
Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act ............................................ 903
§ 4. Actions for Abduction Prevention Measures ......................... 903
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act ................ 904
§ 311. Warrant to Take Physical Custody of Child ...................... 904

International Parental Kidnapping Crime Act of 1993 ....................... 905

18 U.S.C. § 1204 ............................................................................. 905
Delvoye v. Lee ........................................................................................ 906
Notes ....................................................................................................... 909
Problem Six ............................................................................................ 910
Friedrich v. Friedrich ............................................................................ 911

Chapter IX. Parental Rights: Termination and Adoption................923

A. Severing Parental Rights Involuntarily ............................................... 923
1. Constitutional Parameters ............................................................ 924
(a) Burden of Proof for Involuntary Termination of Parental
Rights ...................................................................................... 924
Santosky v. Kramer ............................................................... 924
Notes ....................................................................................... 938
(b) Appointment of Legal Counsel for Indigent Parents ........... 939
Problem One ........................................................................... 943
Notes ....................................................................................... 943
(c) Notice Rights of the Father to a Nonmarital Child ............. 944
Problem Two ........................................................................... 945
2. Safe Haven Statutes ...................................................................... 945
Florida Statute Ann. (2020)........................................................... 945
§ 383.50. Treatment of surrendered newborn infant ........... 945
§ 383.51. Confidentiality; identification of parent leaving
newborn infant at hospital, emergency medical
services station, or fire station ...................................... 947
Notes ............................................................................................... 947
Problem Three ................................................................................ 947
3. Factors Justifying Intervention in a Parent-Child Family ......... 948
(a) Poverty .................................................................................... 948
In re K.A.W. ............................................................................ 948
Notes ....................................................................................... 961
Problem Four .......................................................................... 961
(b) Addictions ............................................................................... 962
New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services v.
B.G.S. .............................................................................. 962
Notes ....................................................................................... 971
(c) Incarceration .......................................................................... 972
Matter of Gregory B. .............................................................. 972
Problem Five ........................................................................... 973
(d) Inability to Meet Child’s Special Needs ................................ 974
In re Jeffrey E. ........................................................................ 974
Notes ....................................................................................... 977
B. Adoption of Minors ................................................................................. 977
1. Historical Background and Legislative Response ....................... 977
California Family Code (2020) ...................................................... 979
Section 8700. Relinquishment of child to department or a
licensed adoption agency; minor parents; rescission;
termination of parental rights ....................................... 979

Section 8702. Statement presented to birth parents at

time of relinquishment; content; form .......................... 981
Section 8706. Medical report; background of child and
biological parents; contents; blood sample .................... 982
Notes ............................................................................................... 983
Problem Six..................................................................................... 984
2. Potential Legal Liabilities of Agencies and Facilitators.............. 985
Wyatt v. McDermott ...................................................................... 985
Problem Seven ................................................................................ 996
M. H. and J. L. H. v. Caritas Family Services ............................. 997
Notes ............................................................................................. 1004
3. Negligence of Adoption Agencies ................................................ 1005
Ann Marie N. v. City and County of San Francisco ................... 1005
Notes ............................................................................................. 1011
Problem Eight............................................................................... 1012
4. Interethnic Adoption .................................................................... 1012
42 U.S.C.A. § 1996b (2020) .......................................................... 1012
§ 1996b. Interethnic adoption .............................................. 1012
Notes ............................................................................................. 1013
5. Children of Native American Parents ........................................ 1013
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield..................... 1013
Problem Nine ................................................................................ 1026
Adoption of F.H. ........................................................................... 1027
Notes ............................................................................................. 1032
6. Subsidized or Special Needs Adoptions ...................................... 1034
Virginia Code Ann. (2020) ........................................................... 1034
§ 63.2–1300. Purpose and intent of adoption assistance;
eligibility ....................................................................... 1034
§ 63.2–1301. Types of adoption assistance payments ........ 1034
§ 63.2–1302. Adoption assistance payments;
maintenance; special needs; payment agreements;
continuation of payments when adoptive parents
move to another jurisdiction; procedural
requirements ................................................................. 1036
§ 63.2–1303. Qualification for adoption assistance
payments ....................................................................... 1037
§ 63.2–1304. Appeal to Commissioner regarding
adoption assistance ...................................................... 1037
Notes ............................................................................................. 1038
7. Stepparent Adoption .................................................................... 1038
In re Adoption of GLV .................................................................. 1038
Notes ............................................................................................. 1043
Problem Ten ................................................................................. 1043
8. Equitable Adoption ...................................................................... 1044
Lankford v. Wright ....................................................................... 1044
Notes ............................................................................................. 1050
9. Intercountry Adoption ................................................................. 1050
Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and
Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption .............. 1050

Article 4 ................................................................................. 1050

Notes ............................................................................................. 1051
C. Adoption of Adults ............................................................................... 1052
Adoption of Swanson ........................................................................... 1052
Notes ..................................................................................................... 1057
INDEX ............................................................................................................ 1059
The principal cases are in bold type.

333 East 53rd Street Associates v. Araya v. Keleta, 788

Mann, 1055 Arbuckle v. Ciccotelli, 341, 342
A., In re, 918, 967 Argersinger v. Hamlin, 884
A.A.R., In re, 962 Arizona Christian School Tuition
A.C.S., In re, 179 Organization v. Winn, 615
A.H.W. v. G.H.B., 567 Arkansas Writers’ Project, Inc. v.
A.L. v. G.R.H., 743 Ragland, 623
A.S.O., In the Interest of, 953 Arms v. State, 663
A.T.V., Matter of, 1044 Armstrong v. Armstrong, 243, 414
A.Z. v. B.Z., 567 Armstrong v. Manzo, 518
Abutaleb, In re Marriage of, 276 Ashcraft v. King, 1010
Acker v. Acker, 343 Ashwell v. Ashwell, 802
Adams v. Boan, 107 Astrue v. Capato, 579
Adams, In re Marriage of, 551, 553, Atchley v. Atchley, 412
554 Atherley, Estate of, 5
Addington v. Texas, 728, 730, 731, Attwood v. Attwood’s Estate, 775
935, 936 Austin v. Austin, 455
Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, 1033 Avallone v. Elizabeth Arden Sales
Advanced Towing Co., LLC v. Board Corp., 453
of Supervisors, 994 Aziz v. Aziz, 460
Aguilar v. Atlantic Richfield Co., Azizova v. Suleymanov, 794
1009 B, In re, 886
Albertson v. Subversive Activities B.B., Matter of Adoption of, 1027
Control Board, 681 B.C.K. and K.S.P., In the Interest of,
Albinger v. Harris, 102 953, 954
Alfonso v. Fernandez, 615 B.G., In re, 867, 868
Allen v. Allen, 354 B.M.H., In re Matter of, 923
Allen v. Western Conf. of Teamsters B.Y., In re Adoption of, 523
Pension Trust Fund, 140 Baby Boy J. v. Johnson, 567
Allery, United States v., 191 Baby Child, In re Adoption of, 1019
Allison, Commonwealth v., 51 Baby Doe, In re, 547, 555
Alsager v. District Court, 647 Baby Girl, In re, 958
Alston v. Alston, 321 Baby M., Matter of, 566, 589
Amadi A., In re, 557 Baby X, In re, 661
Amberley D., In re, 874 Baehr v. Lewin, 117
Amos, Ex Parte, 655 Bailey by Oare, Estate of v. County of
Anastasi v. Anastasi, 25 York, 691
Anderson v. Creighton, 695 Bailey W., In re, 938
Anderson v. Tolbert, 333 Baird v. Eisenstadt, 50
Anderson, In re Marriage of, 417 Baird, Commonwealth v., 50, 52, 53,
Andrew R., Matter of, 633 54
Andrews v. Andrews, 262 Baker v. Baker, 350
Andrews v. Foxworthy, 552 Baker v. Nelson, 119
Angela M.W., State ex rel. v. Baker, People v., 146
Kruzicki, 664 Baker, State v., 668
Angelia P., In re, 647, 867 Ballard v. Ballard, 828
Ankenbrandt v. Richards, 28 Balogh v. Balogh, 468
Ankrom, Ex parte, 663 Baltimore City Dept. Social
Ann Marie N. v. City and County Services v. Bouknight, 678
of San Francisco, 1005 Banker v. Banker, 333
Anonymous v. Anonymous, 547, 989 Barber v. Barber, 28
Anonymous, Adoption of, 546 Barker v. Chandler, 831
Ansin v. Craven-Ansin, 466 Barnhart, Commonwealth v., 707
Anthony, In re Adoption of, 971 Barrett, In re, 419
Antone v. Mirviss, 443 Barry v. Barry, 236
Antonopoulos, In re Estate of, 493 Bartley v. Kremens, 729
Antunes v. Sookhakitch, 550 Bartley, State v., 151

Baumgartner, In re Marriage of, 417 Bramblett, United States v., 149

Beal v. Beal, 22 Braunfeld v. Brown, 604
Beals v. Ares, 309 Brazina v. Brazina, 467
Bearden v. Georgia, 123 Breese v. Smith, 628, 798
Beckley v. Beckley, 380 Breit v. Mason, 522
Beckman v. Mayhew, 5, 8 Bremer, People v., 659
Belding, In re, 291 Brister v. Brister, 312
Bell v. Bell, 262, 332, 345 Brock, United States v., 194
Bell v. Burson, 506, 507, 509 Brown v. Brown, 221, 903
Bell v. Hudgins, 994, 995 Brown, In re Marriage of, 307, 372
Belliveau v. Whelan, 141 Bruce Farms, Inc. v. Coupe, 994
Bellotti v. Baird, 142, 143, 639 Brundage v. Brundage, 414
Bemis v. Bemis, 802 Bryan M. v. Anne B., 535
Bennett v. Bennett, 28 Brzuszkiewicz v. Brzuszkiewicz, 320
Bennett v. Jeffreys, 848, 923 Buck v. Bell, 60
Bennett v. Marrow, 856 Buck v. Gordon, 36
Berkowitz v. Berkowitz, 463 Buckley v. Buckley, 14
Berman v. Allan, 768 Buckley v. State, 175
Berston v. Minnesota Dept. of Public Burchard v. Garay, 791
Welfare, 1055 Burgess v. Burgess, 902
Bessette, In re Marriage of, 788 Burham, In re Marriage of, 813
Bevel v. Commonwealth, 995 Burke v. Burke, 822
Bilbao v. Goodwin, 572 Burkle, In re Marriage of, 469
Biliouris v. Biliouris, 449, 456 Burks v. St. Joseph’s Hospital, 769
Bisbing v. Bisbing, 903 Burnham v. Superior Court of
Bixler v. Oro Management, 19 California, 286
Blaisdell, Matter of, 233 Burr v. Board of County Comm’rs of
Blanchflower, In re, 233 Stark County, 1000
Blank v. Blank, 819 Bursum v. Bursum, 355
Blau v. United States, 190 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.,
Blige v. Blige, 443 36, 44
Bloom v. Illinois, 483 Bush v. Schiavo, 226
Blumenthal v. Brewer, 17 Bushelman v. Bushelman, 288
Board of Curators of University of Bustos v. Gilroy, 355
Missouri v. Horowitz, 731 Buzzanca v. Buzzanca, 542
Boblitz v. Boblitz, 218 C.L.W., In the Interest of, 952, 953,
Boddie v. Connecticut, 96, 97, 268 956
Boedeker v. Larson, 387 C.R., In the Interest of, 762
Boggs v. Boggs, 388, 389 C.S. v. Mobile Cty. Dep’t of Human,
Boldt, In re Marriage of, 799 Res., 971
Bolin, In re Marriage of, 818 C.S., Colorado, People in the Interest
Bonds, In re Marriage of, 456 of, 675
Bonhiver v. Graff, 1000 C.W. and S.J.W., In the Interest of,
Bonner v. Moran, 756 953
Bonnie P. v. Superior Court, 777 C.W. v. G.W., 239
Bopp v. Lino, 971 Caban v. Mohammed, 511, 513, 515,
Boswell v. Boswell, 104 518, 520, 842
Bothman v. Warren B., 866 Cabrera, In re, 717
Boulter v. Boulter, 396 Caccamise v. Caccamise, 379
Bowen v. Kendrick, 618 Caffyn v. Caffyn, 250
Bowen, In re Marriage of, 798 Caldwell v. Caldwell, 273
Bowers v. Hardwick, 82, 83, 86, 117, Califano v. Jobst, 97
175, 1056 Callen v. Callen, 109
Bowers v. State, 673 Callicott v. Callicott, 608
Bowman v. Bennett, 472 Callister v. Callister, 339
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 84 Camps Newfound/Owatonna, Inc. v.
Boyd v. State, 673 Town of Harrison, 623
Boyle, Guardianship of, 879 Cannon v. State, 203
Bozman v. Bozman, 216, 218, 219 Carabetta v. Carabetta, 112
Bradley v. Fisher, 741 Carbon Hill Mfg., Inc. v. Moore, 107
Brady v. Brady, 235, 332 Cardiff, United States v., 706
Brake v. Brake, 413 Carey v. Population Services Int’l, 77

Carle v. Carle, 798 Coker v. Georgia, 199

Carlson-Subik v. Subik, 320 Coleman v. Estate of Coleman, 457
Carmaleta B., In re, 867 Collamore v. Learned, 1054
Carney, In re Marriage of, 793, Collins v. Wassell, 300, 331
794, 800 Comer v. State, 200
Carrier, United States v., 690 Connally v. General Construction
Cary, In re Marriage of, 5, 8 Co., 673
Casas v. Thompson, 381, 382 Connell v. Francisco, 11, 12
Cash v. Catholic Diocese, 4 Connolly v. Connolly, 802
Cassidy v. Truscott, 575 Connor v. Southwest Florida
Castaneda v. Illinois Human Rights Regional Medical Center, 185
Comm’n, 550 Conroy, In re, 761
Castle Rock, Colo., Town of v. Continental Cas. Co. v. Weaver, 14
Gonzales, 215 Cooke v. Cooke, 288
Castle, In re Marriage of, 815 Cooper, In re Marriage of, 461
Catholic Charities of Sacramento Copeland v. Copeland, 306
Inc. v. Superior Court, 36 Copeland v. Richardson, 104
Caudle v. Mendel, 291 Copeland v. Todd, 987, 994
Cearley v. Cearley, 308 Corbett, Commonwealth v., 52
Ceja v. Rudolph & Sletten, Inc., 140 Cormier v. Quist, 180
Chagolla, People v., 487 Cortes v. Fleming, 138
Chambers v. Byers, 1047 Courtney v. Courtney, 774
Chambers v. District Court of Coveney v. President & Trustees of
Dubuque County, 886 the College of the Holy Cross, 453
Chandler v. Bishop, 422 Covington v. Walker, 248
Chandler v. Central Oil, 110 Cowie v. Cowie, 343
Charara v. Yatim, 799 Cox v. Moulds, 825
Chaves v. Johnson, 987 Coy v. Iowa, 688
Cheek v. Ricker, 825, 828 Craig v. Boren, 97
Chicago Life Ins. Co. v. Cherry, 263 Crapo v. Kelly, 30
Child by D.M.H., In re Adoption of a, Creasman v. Boyle, 13, 16
968, 969, 970 Crist v. Division of Youth and Family
Child of Indian Heritage, In re Services, 886
Adoption of, 1021, 1032 Crockett, In re Estate of, 111
Childers v. Childers, 411 Crosson v. Crosson, 103
Children by F., In re Adoption of, 968 Crowe v. DeGioia, 25, 26, 27
Children’s Health Is a Legal Duty v. Crowell v. Crowell, 222
Min De Parle, 40 Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Dept. of
Chrane v. Chrane, 309 Health, 766
Chretien, Commonwealth v., 199 Culliton v. Beth Israel Deaconess
Christian v. Christian, 248 Med. Ctr., 578
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. Cunningham v. Cunningham, 309
v. Hialeah, 625 Curran v. Bosze, 757
Citizens for Equal Protection v. Currier v. Currier, 912, 920
Bruning, 117 Curtis v. Kline, 416
Citizens for Parental Rights v. San Curtis v. School Committee of
Mateo County Bd. of Ed., 613 Falmouth, 615
Cladd v. State, 202 Custody of a Minor, 714, 719, 721,
Clark v. Jeter, 537 722
Clark v. Myrick, 825, 829 D.A.K., People in the Interest of, 675
Clearfield, Town of v. Cushman, 585 D.B., In re Interest of, 881, 891
Cleaver v. Wilcox, 885 D.C., In re, 943
Cleo A.E. v. Rickie Gene E., 537 D.H. v. R.R., 499
Cleveland Board of Education v. D.L.C., In re, 870
LaFleur, 119 D.M. v. D.A., 19
Coates v. City of Cincinnati, 705 D’Alton, In re Marriage of, 783
Cochise County, Matter of Appeal in, D’Onofrio v. D’Onofrio, 462
709 Dahlgren v. Blomeen, 13
Coconino County Juvenile Action No. Dalton Hydro v. Town of Dalton, 899
J-10175, In re Appeal in, 1029 Danforth v. State Dept. of Health and
Coe v. Coe, 272 Welfare, 886
Cohen v. Cohen, 412 Daniels v. Williams, 692, 694, 695

Darnell v. Tate, 759 Duncan v. Louisiana, 118

Dart v. Dart, 275 Dunham v. Dunham, 258
David C. v. Alexis S., 945 Dunn v. Dunn, 825
David S. v. Zamira, 914 Dunphy v. Gregor, 224
David v. David, 219 E.G., In re, 716, 770
Davidson v. Cannon, 692 E.N. v. T.R., 847
Davis v. Beason, 746 E.O.R. v. M.D.W., 787
Davis v. Davis, 55 Early v. Early, 472
Davis v. Department of Employment Ebbert v. Ebbert, 234
Sec., 14 Eccleston v. Bankosky, 415
Davis v. Page, 881, 882, 883 Edens, In the Matter of, 294
Davis v. Toshiba Machine Co., Edmunds v. Edwards, 154
America, 550 Edna M.F. v. Eisenberg, 766
Dawley, In re Marriage of, 454, 477 Eisenstadt v. Baird, 49, 76, 118,
Dawson-Austin v. Austin, 279 565, 607
De Burgh v. De Burgh, 243 Elam, In re Marriage of, 16
De Jonge v. State of Oregon, 47 Elkus v. Elkus, 365
de Vries, Matter of, 134 Ellis, State ex rel. v. Liddle, 3
Dean A., In re, 975, 976 Emery v. Emery, 775
Deatherage v. Deatherage, 324 Employment Dep’t v. Stock Secrets,
DeHollander, In re Marriage of, 13 Inc., 20
Del Vecchio v. Del Vecchio, 458 Employment Div., Dept. of Human
Delaney v. Chief of Police of Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 39
Wareham, 452 England, State v., 629
DeLorean v. DeLorean, 462 Engle v. Engle, 406
Delvoye v. Lee, 906 Entrekin v. Entrekin, 418
DeMatteo v. DeMatteo, 455 Epler, In re Marriage of, 846
Denham v. Martina, 802 Epperson v. Arkansas, 613
Department of Public Aid ex rel. Cox Erie Insurance Exchange v. Lane,
v. Miller, 554 169
Department of Revenue Child Eskine v. Eskine, 394
Support Enforcement v. Grullon, Espinoza v. Montana Department of
488 Revenue, 625
Department of Social Services to Esteb v. Esteb, 411
Dispense with Consent to Estelle v. Gamble, 693, 696
Adoption, Petition of, 970 Estin v. Estin, 278, 282
Depot v. Depot, 387, 396 Etheridge v. Yeager, 104
DeShaney v. Winnebago County Eugene W., In re, 809
DSS, 690 Eunique v. Powell, 398
Devorah H. v. Steven S., 114 European Adoption Consultants, Inc.
DeWitt v. DeWitt, 359 v. Pompeo, 1052
Diaz, In re Marriage of, 881 Evans v. Evans, 408
Diosdado v. Diosdado, 460 Evarts v. Davis, 575
Division of Youth & Family Services Everett v. Standard Acc. Ins. Co., 169
v. T.C., 970 F.H., Adoption of, 1027
Dixon v. Dixon, 325 Faith International Adoptions v.
Doe v. Doe, 218, 593 Pompeo, 1052
Doe v. Wake County, 700 Fang v. Bock, 291
Doe, In re, 523, 758, 948 Farrell v. Farrell, 1029
Doherty v. Wizner, 180 Fauntleroy v. Lum, 257, 265
Dombrowski v. Dombrowski, 241 Favazza v. Braley, 899
Donnelley v. United States, 153 Feder v. Evans-Feder, 906, 912
Doremus v. Board of Ed. of Feely v. Birenbaum, 4
Hawthorne, 617 Feiock, In re, 482, 488
Douglas County v. Anaya, 721 Ferguson v. Ferguson, 319
Draper v. Draper, 319 Ferguson v. Winston, 495
Droz v. Commissioner of I.R.S., 40 Fick v. Fick, 448
Dryden v. Board of Pension Figueroa, People v., 488
Commissioners, 374 Finley v. Astrue, 579
Dube, In re, 239 Finley v. Bass, 224
Duchesne v. Sugarman, 649 First National Bank in Fairmont v.
Dudgeon v. United Kingdom, 81 Phillips, 1046, 1047

Fischer v. Adams, 158 Gleason v. Gleason, 248, 252

Fisher v. Fisher, 28 Gleason v. Mann, 349
Fisher v. United States, 679 Glickman v. Collins, 477
Fithian, In re Marriage of, 374 GLV, In re Adoption of, 1038
Flast v. Cohen, 616, 618, 620, 621 Gnirk v. Gnirk, 414
Fletcher v. Fletcher, 326 Godwin v. City of Bellflower, 1011
Flynn v. Flynn, 471, 472 Goldberg v. Kelly, 884, 885
Fobes v. Fobes, 325 Gomez v. Perez, 529, 535, 555
Foley, In re Estate of, 494 Gompers v. Bucks Stove & Range
Foody v. Manchester Mem. Hosp., Co., 483
761 Gomprecht, In the Matter of, 188
Forbush v. Wallace, 167 Gonzales v. Carhart, 64
Forsyth v. Hammond, 263 Goode, In re, 277
Fortney’s Estate, Matter of, 1055 Goodridge v. Department of Public
Foster v. Bass, 1000 Health, 117
Foster v. Thilges, 14 Goossen v. Estate of Standaert, 585
Francisco A., In re Adoption of, 970 Goto v. Goto, 801
Frazier v. Frazier, 821 Gould v. Gould, 113
Fredo v. Fredo, 131 Grady, In re, 566
French v. French, 372, 376 Graham, In re Marriage of, 358
Friebel v. Friebel, 352 Grant v. Superior Court In and For
Friedrich v. Friedrich, 911 County of Pima, 109
Friesz, In Interest of, 886 Granville-Smith v. Granville-Smith,
Frothingham v. Mellon, 616 272
Fudge v. Payne, 991 Gray, State v., 660
Fuentes v. Shevin, 209 Green, In re, 716, 746, 750
Funk v. United States, 190 Greer ex rel. Farbo v. Greer, 503
Gagnon v. Scarpelli, 884, 942 Gregory B., Matter of, 969, 972
Galanek v. Wismar, 1008 Griggs v. Driftwood Landing, Inc.,
Gallagher, In re, 435 108
Galloway v. Galloway, 542 Grimes v. Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Gamble v. Gamble, 414 Inc., 758
Gandhi v. Gandhi, 371 Grimm v. Grimm, 374
Garcia, United States v., 690 Griswold v. Connecticut, 45, 51,
Gardner v. Hancock, 1045 76, 86, 92, 118, 505, 565
Gardner, Commonwealth v., 53 Griswold’s Estate, Matter of, 1055
Garey v. Garey, 410 Grover v. Estabrook, 224
Gaspard v. Beadle, 291 Groves v. Department of Social &
Gault, Matter of, 634, 728, 884, 923 Health Servs., 425
Geer v. Geer, 354 Gudelj v. Gudelj, 801
Gelsey v. State, 658 Guidry v. Sheet Metal Workers Nat.
Gemma v. Gemma, 308 Pension Fund, 394
George C., Matter of, 634 Gulsvig, In re Marriage of, 179
Georgedes v. Georgedes, 340 Gursey Schneider & Co. v. Wasser,
Geraghty, Matter of, 134 Rosenson & Carter, 291
Geramifar v. Geramifar, 1046 Gursky v. Gursky, 547, 555
Gerson v. Gerson, 799 Gutierrez, State v., 194
Gerstein v. Pugh, 759 H.B.N.S., In re, 847
Gerty v. Gerty, 243 H.P.A. v. S.C.A., 417
Gerving v. Gerving, 321 H.V., In the Interest of, 939
Giant of Virginia, Inc. v. Pigg, 991 Hackley v. Robey, 996
Gideon v. Wainwright, 884 Haddock v. Haddock, 257, 260
Gillaspie, State v., 425 Hairston, State v., 100
Gillette v. United States, 40 Hall v. Hancock, 575, 576
Gillette, Matter of Estate of, 437 Hall v. Maal, 114
Gillmore v. Gillmore (In re Marriage Hall v. State, 707
of Gillmore), 308 Hall, State v., 405
Gilman v. Gilman, 221 Halloway, In re Adoption of, 1021,
Gilmore v. Gilmore, 313 1025, 1026
Gimlett v. Gimlett, 417 Halpern v. Toronto, 85
Glaskox v. Glaskox, 772 Halverson, In re, 291
Glasscock v. Glasscock, 333 Hames v. Hames, 112

Hamilton v. Hamilton, 18, 453 Hoffman v. Dobbins, 466

Hamilton, In re, 714, 719 Hoffman v. United States, 683
Hammett v. Woods, 825, 829 Hoffmeister, In re Marriage of, 343
Hampers & Hampers, In the Matter Hofstad v. Christie, 18
of, 241 Holden v. Frasher-Holden, 233
Hampton v. M’Connel, 257, 262 Holder v. Polanski, 902
Hansen, In re, 819 Holler v. Holler, 454
Hanson v. Denckla, 282 Hollingshead v. Hoxworth, 968
Harding v. Harding, 796 Hollis v. Hollis, 244
Hardy v. Hardy, 353 Holm, State v., 130
Hardy, People v., 659 Holmes v. Maimonides Med. Ctr., 224
Harkness v. Harkness, 196 Holterman v. Holterman, 371
Harper v. Martin, 1055 Homan v. Homan, 158
Harper v. State, 668 Hope Clinic v. Ryan, 74
Harrington v. Harrington, 823 Horton v. Horton, 796
Harris Testamentary Trust, In re, Huckabee, State v., 670
493 Hudson, In re, 717
Harris v. Harris, 830 Huerta, In re Conservatorship of, 493
Harrison v. Tauheed, 799 Huffmaster v. Huffmaster, 106
Harshaw v. Bethany Christian Huls v. Huls, 22
Services, 1011 Humphreys v. Humphreys, 261
Hart v. Brown, 751 Humphries v. Riveland, 13
Hart v. Hart, 414 Hunter v. Sparling, 375
Harwell v. Harwell, 252 Hurst v. Capitell, 772, 773
Haskell v. Wilmington Trust Co., Hussey v. Hussey, 317
1055 Hutchins v. Hutchins, 448
Hatten, Matter of Estate of, 17 Hutchins, In the Interest of, 883
Hauser v. Callaway, 178 I.B., In re, 215
Hawkins v. United States, 190, 191 Iafelice v. Zarafu, 767
Hayes v. Strauss, 993 International Nav. Co. v. Lindstrom,
Heather C., In re, 877 30
Hebel v. Hebel, 223, 629 International Shoe Co. v.
Hein v. Freedom From Religion Washington, 281
Foundation, Inc., 616, 618, 620 International Underwater
Heinrich and Curotto, In re, 896 Contractors, Inc. v. New England
Hemsley v. Hemsley, 317, 319 Tel. & Tel. Co., 453
Hendrickson, In re Estate of, 159 Israel v. Allen, 153
Henne v. Wright, 171 J (C v. S), In re, 907
Hensley and Roe, In re Marriage of, J.B. v. M.B., 561
102 J.B. v. M.B. and C.C., 558
Hering v. Hering, 475 J.C. v. E.M., 542
Hermanson v. State, 701 J.C., In re Guardianship of, 966, 967,
Herndon, State v., 203 968, 969, 971
Herrera v. Herrera, 454 J.H.H. v. O’Hara, 811
Herrick v. Herrick, 278 J.K., Interest of v. Jackson County
Hertz v. Hertz, 309 Dept. of Child Protection Services,
Hess v. Pawloski, 285 939
Hessen v. Hessen, 235, 236, 238 J.L. v. Parham, 724
Hewellette v. George, 772 J.N.L.M. v. Miller, 180
Hicks on Behalf of Feiock v. J.P.M. v. T.D.M., 435
Feiock, 481 J.R. v. Hansen, 736
Hier, In re, 761 Jackman v. Short, 413
Hiett v. Hiett, 379 Jackson v. Riggs, 1055
Hinshelwood v. Hinshelwood, 401 Jacob, Matter of, 972
Hinson v. Holt, 772 Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 55, 60,
Hirabayashi v. United States, 90 604
Hitaffer v. Argonne Co., 223 Jaet v. Siso, 677
Hoag v. Diedjomahor, 847 James A., In re, 687
Hodges v. Thompson, 397 James, Ex Parte, 333
Hoehl, People v., 672 Jameson v. Jameson, 418
Hofbauer, Matter of, 722 Jamison v. Jamison, 238
Hoff v. Berg, 838 Jamison, State v., 886

Janis, Will of, 500 Kenison v. Dubois, 899

Jardon, State ex rel. v. Industrial Keon C., In re, 405
Development Authority, 208 Kern v. City of Long Beach, 375
Jeanine B. v. Thompson, 767 Kern, In re Marriage of, 802
Jefferson v. Griffin Spalding County Kessel v. Leavitt, 990, 992, 993, 995
Hospital Authority, 762, 763 Kessimakis v. Kessimakis, Utah, 340
Jeffrey E., In re, 974 Khabbaz v. Social Security Admin.,
Jehovah’s Witnesses v. King County 581
Hosp., 174 Khalifa v. Shannon, 989, 991
Jennings, People v., 671 Kilborn v. Kilborn, 453
Jensen v. Conrad, 691 Kilmon v. State, 664
Jerrel v. Jerrel, 223 Kilpatrick, Matter of, 114
Jersey Shore Medical Center-Fitkin King v. Florida, 658
Hospital v. Estate of Baum, 360 King v. King, 107
Jertrude O., In re, 681 King v. State, 658
Jessica M., In re, 681 King v. Wiseman, 78
Jewell v. Jewell, 275 Kingsbury, In re Estate of, 500
Jewish Child Care Assn. of New Kirchberg v. Feenstra, 165
York, Matter of, 849 Knorr v. Smeal, 244
John AA, In re, 926 Knox v. Remick, 349
Johnson v. Calvert, 543, 544, 546, Koelsch v. Koelsch, 308
548, 567 Kong v. Scully, 40
Johnson v. Johnson, 315, 794 Konz, Commonwealth v., 225
Johnson v. Kokemoor, 765 Korematsu v. United States, 90
Johnson v. Muelberger, 267 Korsrud v. Korsrud, 268
Johnson v. State, 654 Kovacs v. Cooper, 505
Johnson, In re, 479 Kozlowski v. Kozlowski, 25
Johnston v. Estate of Phillips, 20 Kranzler v. Kranzler, 457
Johnston v. Johnston, 469 Krupa, State ex rel. v. Green, 168
Jones v. Jones, 319, 415 Kuklinski v. Rodriguez, 765
Jones, In re, 1056 Kulko v. Superior Court of
Jordan v. Rea, 609 California, 280
Joseph, In re, 651 Kulko v. Superior Court of San
Journe v. Journe, 912, 920 Francisco, 281
Joy v. Joy, 251 Kurowski, In re, 609
Joye v. Yon, 132 Kutch v. Kutch, 158
June Medical Services L.L.C. v. L.A.M. v. State, 626
Russo, 74 L.A.M., In re, 1030
Juri v. Juri, 802 L.G., In the Interest of, 953
Justin R., Conservatorship of, 879 L.H.R., In re, 759, 760, 761
Juvenile Appeal (83-CD), In re, L.I. Jewish Med. Ctr., In re
643 Application of, 716, 719
Juvenile Appeal (Anonymous), In re, L.M.S., In re Marriage of, 555
649, 650 L.W., In re, 769
K.A.W., In re, 948 Ladd v. Estate of Kellenberger, 1047
K.B. v. D.B., 434 Ladue, City of v. Horn, 1
K.E.M. v. P.C.S., 500 Laine, In re Marriage of, 280
K.H., In re, 847 Lalli v. Lalli, 537
K.L.F., In re Guardianship of, 966, Lamb, State v., 152
967 Lambert, State v., 900
K.L.J., Matter of, 944 Landeros v. Flood, 684
K.S. v. G.S., 547, 555 Lankford v. Wright, 1044
K.S., In re, 929 Lankford, United States v., 214
Kahn v. Shevin, 269 Lappe, In re Marriage of, 554
Kamrath v. Kamrath, 323 Larson v. Dunn, 991
Kansas v. United States, 397 Lassiter v. Department of Social
Karin T. v. Michael T., 547 Services, 891, 926, 937, 938, 939
Kass v. Kass, 564 Lassiter-Geers v. Reichenbach, 179
Kattermann v. DiPiazza, 968 Latasha F., Matter of, 974
Kavanaugh v. Carraway, 828 Latham v. Hennessey, 13
Kazin v. Kazin, 276 Lawrence v. Delkamp, 822
Kelley v. Kelley, 134 Lawrence v. Harvey, 19

Lawrence v. Lawrence, 829 Malkin v. Wilkins, 249

Lawrence v. Texas, 73, 75, 117 Mallen v. Mallen, 454
Lea v. Bowers, Utah, 340 Malloy, In re Marriage of, 170
LeBlanc, In re Marriage of, 404 Mally, State v., 225
LeClair v. LeClair, 416 Mandel v. Mandel, 250
LeClert v. LeClert, 306 Manning v. Driscoll’s Estate, 20
Leebaert v. Harrington, 615 Mansell v. Mansell, 380
Lehr v. Robertson, 510, 842, 944 Marinna J., In re, 1033
Lemaster, State ex rel. v. Oakley, 886 Marino, Guardianship of, 867
Lemon v. Kurtzman, 601 Mark T., In re, 506, 513
Leonard v. John Crane, Inc., 224 Markwardt v. Zurich Am. Ins. Co.,
Lepis v. Lepis, 361, 463 585
Levick v. MacDougall, 114 Marschall v. Marschall, 463
Levy v. Louisiana, 505, 536 Marten v. Thies, 984
Lewis v. Lewis, 343 Martin v. Martin, 414, 831
Lewis, In the Matter of, 294 Martin v. Ohio, 488
Liberta, People v., 201 Martinez v. California, 691
Libertini, Ex Parte, 1054 Marvin v. Marvin (I), 5
Lincoln First Bank v. Rupert, 249 Mary P., Matter of, 637
Lindsey, In re Marriage of, 13, 16 Maryland v. Craig, 689
Linville v. State, 706 Massachusetts v. Mellon, 616
Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter Mathews v. Eldridge, 209, 210, 518,
and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania, 727, 733, 735, 877, 891, 927, 940
44 Mathias v. St. Catherine’s Hospital,
Little v. Streater, 500 Inc., 765
Lochner v. New York, 125 Mattison v. Kirk, 107
Lockaby & Smith, In the Matter of, Maurice M., In re, 679
900 May v. Anderson, 505, 886, 940
Lockwood v. Adamson, 575 May v. May, 308
Lodeski, In re Marriage of, 387 Maynard v. Hill, 89, 121
Loebach v. State, 667, 668 Mayo v. Jones, 22
Loertscher v. Anderson, 664 McAfee, State v., 760
Logan, Estate of, 379 McBoyle v. United States, 707
London v. Handicapped Facilities McCaffrey v. McCaffrey, 372
Board of St. Charles County, 4 McCarty v. McCarty, 381
Lord Audley’s Case, 191 McConkey v. McConkey, 131
Loudermilk v. Loudermilk, 802 McCoy v. McCoy, 252
Loughran v. Loughran, 260 McElveen v. McElveen, 244
Louk, State v., 663 McGee v. International Life
Loving v. Commonwealth, 88 Insurance Co., 286
Loving v. Virginia, 51, 87, 92, 97, McGiffert v. State ex rel. Stowe, 105
99, 118, 174 McGinley, In re, 416
Lowe v. Swanson, 86 McGowan v. Maryland, 4
Luis R., In re, 149 McGuire v. McGuire, 181
Lunney v. Lunney, 788 McKee v. McKee, 320
Lusby v. Lusby, 217 McKim, In re Marriage of, 251
M. H. and J. L. H. v. Caritas McKown, State v., 706
Family Services, 997 McMahel v. Deaton, 24
M., In re Adoption of, 1029 McMinn v. Town of Oyster Bay, 2
M.E.W., In the Interest of, 952 McNelis v. Bruce, 471
M.H.B. v. H.T.B., 426 McReath, In re v. McReath, 365
M.J., In re, 548 McSparron v. McSparron, 371
M.L.B. v. S.L.J., 119 Medeiros v. Kiyosaki, 612
M.M. v. E.M., 238 Medical Center Hosp. of Vermont v.
M.M., In re, 664 Lorrain, 185
M.R. v. State, 677 Medlin, State v., 658
Madrone, In re, 24 Mehlmauer, In re Marriage of, 802
Madsen, Estate of v. Commissioner of Meinert, State v., 672
Internal Rev., 16 Mendelson v. Mendelson, 475
Mahoney v. Mahoney, 356, 357 Meracle v. Children’s Serv. Society of
Maitzen v. Maitzen, 413, 414 Wisconsin, 1002
Majauskas v. Majauskas, 367

Merchants Nat’l Bank v. Merchants Muscarello v. Peterson, 554

Nat’l Bank, 574 Myers v. Myers, 350
Merritt v. Newkirk, 16 Myricks, In re, 886
Merten v. Nathan, 585 NAACP v. Alabama ex rel. Flowers,
Metz v. Metz, 380 47
Meyer v. Nebraska, 46, 76, 89, 119, NAACP v. Alabama ex rel. Patterson,
174, 177, 505, 602, 729, 834, 886, 46
923 NAACP v. Button, 47
Michael C., In re, 685 Nace v. Nace, 323
Michael H. v. Gerald D., 97, 178, Naim v. Naim, 89
524, 842 Nakimera v. Fields, 423
Michael J. v. County of Los Angeles, Nancy Darlene M. v. James Lee M.,
1000, 1008, 1011 Jr., 541
Michael K.T. v. Tina L.T., 539 Nash v. Mulle, 406
Michaud v. Wawruck, 971 Nash v. United States, 705
Milberger v. KBHL, LLC, 224 National Abortion Federation v.
Miller v. Miller, 426, 429 Ashcroft, 65
Miller v. Spicer, 1054 National Abortion Federation v.
Miller, In re, 170 Gonzales, 65
Miller, In re Marriage of, 379 National Treasury Employees Union
Mills v. Duryee, 262 v. Von Raab, 660
Mills v. Habluetzel, 555 Naylor v. Naylor, 338, 343
Miracle, In re Marriage of, 16 Nearing v. Weaver, 215
Miskimens, State v., 714 Nelson v. Marshall, 114
Mississippi Band of Choctaw New Jersey Division of Youth &
Indians v. Holyfield, 1013, 1029 Family Services v. A.W., 966, 967,
Mitchell v. Davis, 772, 773 968
Mitchell v. Mitchell, 340 New Jersey Division of Youth &
Mitchell v. W.T. Grant Co., 209 Family Services v. B.G.S., 962
Mize v. Pompeo, 595 New Jersey Division of Youth &
Modan v. Modan, 261 Family Services v. D.C., 969
Modinos v. Cyprus, 81 New Jersey Division of Youth &
Moe v. Dinkins, 141, 145 Family Services v. D.S.H., 499
Moldofsky v. Stregack, 457 New Jersey Division of Youth &
Monell v. New York City Dept. of Family Services v. Torres, 969
Social Services, 695 New Jersey, Dept. of Children and
Monroe v. Fallick, 313 Families, Division of Youth and
Montalvo v. Borkavec, 763 Family Servs. v. A.L., 664
Moore v. City of East Cleveland, 21, Newman v. Cole, 772
96, 174, 177, 842, 886 Newman v. State, 658
Moore v. Moore, 380 Newmark v. Williams, 710
Moore, State v., 147, 150 Newport v. Newport, 279
Morgan, State v., 225 Newsom v. Newsom, 825, 829
Morone v. Morone, 24 Nichols v. Tedder, 417
Morris, Commonwealth v., 988 Nicini v. Morra, 701
Morris, Commonwealth ex rel. v. Noble v. Fisher, 418, 475
Morris, 405 Noble, Colo., People v., 676
Morrison, United States v., 214 Norfolk City v. Cooke, 988
Morrissey v. Brewer, 885 Norris v. Ireland, 81
Morrow v. Morrow, 825, 828 North Carolina Baptist Hospitals v.
Moschetta, In re Marriage of, 545 Harris, 186
Mourning v. Family Publications North Coast Women’s Care Medical
Serv., Inc., 707 Group, Inc. v. Superior Court, 45
Mozes v. Mozes, 907 Northern States Power Co. v. Nat’l
Mozingo, In the Matter of, 293 Gas Co., Inc., 588
MSR, In re, 891 Noyes v. Noyes, 328
Muchesko v. Muchesko, 467 Nunez-Escudero v. Tice-Menley, 908,
Mullane v. Central Hanover Bank & 918
Trust Co., 261, 282, 521, 533 Nwoye, United States v., 215
Mumford v. Milner, 860 O’Brien v. O’Brien, 366
Murphy v. Murphy, 327, 406 O’Brien, In re Guardianship of, 159
Murphy, In re Marriage of, 417 O’Brien, United States v., 821

O’Dell v. O’Dell, 106 Perry v. Perry, 341

O’Malley, Matter of Marriage of, 437 Perryman v. State, 200
Oakland, City of v. Superior Court, Petersen v. Petersen, 463
1008 Peterson, In re Marriage of, 376
Obaidi & Qayoum, In re Marriage of, Pfeuffer & Pfeuffer, In the Matter of,
460 902
Obergefell v. Hodges, 24, 31, 86, Pfohl v. Pfohl, 332
97, 99, 114, 297, 595, 1043, 1057 Phillip B., Guardianship of, 862,
Oliver, People v., 225 923
Olmstead v. United States, 55 Phillip B., In re, 866
Olsen v. Olsen, 330 Phillipson v. Board of
Olver v. Fowler, 17 Administration, 377
Omer v. Omer, 13 Phipps v. Phipps, 233
Oregon ex rel. Costello v. Cottrell, Pickle v. Page, 988
971 Pierce v. Society of the Sisters of the
Orr v. Orr, 237, 238 Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, 46,
Osorno v. Osorno, 454 48, 76, 120, 174, 177, 605, 729, 835,
Otley v. Otley, 379 923
Ovalle v. Perez, 910 Pierson v. Ray, 741
Owens v. Auto Mutual Indemnity Pierson, People v., 747
Co., 772 Piscopo v. Piscopo, 365
P.C., B.M., and C.M., In the Interest Planned Parenthood of Missouri v.
of, 954 Danforth, 729
P.G. & J.H. v. United Kingdom, 81 Planned Parenthood of Southeastern
P.L., In re, 977 Pennsylvania v. Casey, 72, 75, 80,
P.M. v. T.B., 590 82
Pacelli v. Pacelli, 461 Plante v. Engel, 990
Padula-Wilson v. Landry, 997 Plummer, In re Marriage of, 417
Page v. Washington Mut. Life Ass’n, Poe v. Ullman, 48, 49, 118
374 Polasek v. Omura, 782
Paine, Estate of, 879 Poldrugovaz, In re, 500
Painter v. Bannister, 867 Ponorovskaya v. Stecklow, 114
Palermo v. Palermo, 247 Poole v. Schrichte, 13
Palin v. Palin, 238 Potvin v. Keller, 882, 883, 885
Palko v. State of Connecticut, 97 Powell v. Alabama, 884
Pape v. Byrd, 159 Powers v. Steele, 576
Parde v. Parde, 365 Powers v. Wilkinson, 575, 576
Pardue v. Pardue, 222 Prince v. Massachusetts, 48, 174,
Parenting of K.P., In re, 535 505, 604, 607, 715, 729, 746, 749,
Parenting of R.J.N. & H.E.N., In re, 835, 938
783 Prouty v. Prouty, 801, 802
Parham v. J.R., 143, 144, 635, 637, Pruitt v. Pruitt, 352
723, 761, 835 Pugsley v. Pugsley, 467, 468
Parker v. Hurley, 615 Purpura v. Kelly, 379
Passemato v. Passemate, 417 Quilloin v. Walcott, 513, 835, 928,
Paternity of Cheryl, 577 987
Paternity of F.T.R., In re, 581 Quincy v. Quincy, 241
Paternity of Roger D.H., In re, 848 R.I., In re Adoption of, 886
Paternity of Tukker M.O., In re, 419 R.J.D. v. Vaughan Clinic, P.C., 774
Patey v. Peaslee, 132 R.O.M.C., In re Guardianship of, 969,
Patton v. Patton, 961 970
Pavan v. Smith, 595 Raftopol v. Ramey, 591
Pearson v. Pearson, 222 Rago, People ex rel. v. Lipsky, 167
Pearson-Maines, In re Marriage of, Rainwater v. Rainwater, 333
16 Raleigh Fitkin-Paul Morgan
Peffley-Warner v. Bowen, 15 Memorial Hospital v. Anderson,
Pellegrini, Commonwealth v., 662 721
Pendergrass, In re Will of, 1045 Ramos v. Louisiana, 74
Pennoyer v. Neff, 96, 282 Rand v. Rand, 403
Penton v. Penton, 222 Randy Scott B., In re, 977
Perricone, State v., 721 Ravin v. State, 631
Perrin v. Perrin, 271

Ray v. Ohio National Insurance Co., Rooks, In re Marriage of, 571

467 Roper v. Simmons, 86
Raymond v. Raymond, 279 Roschen v. Ward, 153
Raynor, United States v., 149 Rose v. Locke, 200
Reed v. Reed, 166 Rose v. Rose, 382, 387
Reese v. Muret, 491 Rosen v. Rosen, 330
Regan v. Taxation With Rosenbaum v. Rosenbaum, 273
Representation of Washington, 623 Rosenberg v. Lipnick, 448
Reiman Assocs. v. R/A Adver. Inc., Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of
766 University of Virginia, 623
Reist v. Bay County Circuit Judge, Rosenstiel v. Rosenstiel, 272
886 Ross v. Louise Wise Services, Inc.,
Remkiewicz v. Remkiewicz, 593, 594 1011
Rennels v. Rennels, 847 Ross v. Moffitt, 884
Reynaldo R., Matter of, 634, 635, 638 Ross, In re Marriage of, 491
Reynolds v. United States, 32, Rothman v. Rothman, 360
604, 746 Rouse, United States v., 86
Rice v. Rice, 794 Rudansky v. Rudansky, 467
Richard P. v. Vista Del Mar Child Ruggles v. Ruggles, 303, 378
Care Serv., 1000, 1008 Ruiz, In re, 661
Richardson, Adoption of, 801, 806 Russo v. White, 991
Richardson, United States v., 619 Russo, In re Marriage of, 794, 802,
Richland Memorial Hospital v. 810
Burton, 186 Ryan v. Ryan, 639
Rickenbach v. Kosinski, 342 Ryan, In re, 423
Ricketts v. Ricketts, 255 Rydder v. Rydder, 912
Ridenour, In re Adoption of, 971 S.A.H., In re, 970
Rideout v. Riendeau, 877 S.A.V. v. K.G.V., 223
Rieck v. Medical Protective Co., 769 S.D.W., In re Adoption of, 523
Riffle, Matter of Adoption of, 1032 S.H., In the Interest of, 952
Riggs Nat. Bank v. Zimmer, 1055 S.K.L.H., In re Adoption of, 985
Robbins v. Stephanski, 225 S.R.D. v. T.L.B., 434
Robbins, People v., 225 S.S., State ex rel., 639
Robert Paul P., Matter of Adoption S.W.B.S., In re, 780
of, 1056 Sabrina M., In re, 880
Roberts v. State, 658 Sade C., In re, 944
Roberts v. United States Jaycees, 2 Sail’er Inn v. Kirby, 807
Roberts, Estate of, 458 Saliba v. Saliba, 418
Robinson v. California, 693 Sampson, In re, 716, 747, 748, 750,
Robinson v. Matt Mary Moran, Inc., 751
995 Sanders v. State, 664
Robinson, In re, 971 Santa Barbara Pistachio Ranch v.
Rochin v. California, 693 Chowchilla Water Dist., 1008
Rockwood v. Rockwood, 241 Santosky v. Kramer, 835, 923, 924,
Rodebaugh v. Grand Trunk W.R.R. 939
Co., 775 Scaria v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins.
Rodriguez, In re Marriage of, 342 Co., 765
Roe v. Catholic Charities, 1002 Scarpetta, People ex rel. v. Spence-
Roe v. Ludtke Trucking, Inc., 14 Chapin Adoption Serv., 849, 850
Roe v. Wade, 56, 72, 77, 83, 174, Schachter v. Schachter, 252
177, 562, 646 Schaff v. Schaff, 343
Roesbery v. Roesbery, 471 Schilling v. Bedford County
Roger S., In re, 731 Memorial Hospital, Inc., 186
Rohdy, In re Marriage of, 822 Schlemm v. Schlemm, 463
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Brooklyn, Schlesinger v. Reservists Committee
New York v. Andrew M. Cuomo, to Stop the War, 619
Governor Of New York On Schmidt v. Troche, 860
Application For Injunctive Relief, Schneider, In re Marriage of, 365
36 Schneir, In re, 914
Romans v. State, 169 Scholl v. Scholl, 460
Romer v. Evans, 117 School District of Abington Township
Ronan v. Adely, 180 v. Schempp, 612, 615, 617

Schroder v. Broadfoot, 181 Smith, In re, 840

Schroeder v. Broadfoot, 180 Smith, In re Marriage of, 343
Schroeder v. City of New York, 521 Smith, Matter of, 661
Schroeder v. Perkel, 566 Smith, State v., 198
Schroeder v. Schroeder, 322, 334 Snider v. Snider, 279
Schuette v. BAMN, 126 Sommerfield v. Sommerfield, 335
Schuette v. Dept. of Revenue, 20 Soos v. Superior Court, 567
Schultz, State v., 423 Sorensen v. Sorensen, 365
Schutz v. Schutz, 819 Sorensen, People v., 543, 546
Schwarz v. Schwarz, 241 Sorrels v. Sorrels, 802
Schwegmann v. Schwegmann, 17 Sosna v. Iowa, 95, 142, 192, 267
Schweitzer v. Burch, 303 South Carolina Dept. of Soc. Servs. v.
Scoffield, In re Marriage of, 355 Jennifer M., 664
Scoggins v. Trevino, 180 Spatz v. Spatz, 173
Scranton v. Hutter, 971 Spence-Chapin Adoption Service v.
Scully v. Haar, 248 Polk, 850, 852
Secretary of the Commonwealth v. Spicer v. Williamson, 693
City of Lowell, 175 Spring, In re, 761
Sees v. Baber, 568 Spurgeon, Ex parte, 776
Seiferth, In re, 716, 748, 750 St. Onge v. MacDonald, 224
Shacter v. Shacter, 473 Stahl v. Department of Social and
Shaffer v. Heitner, 282, 287 Health Services, 424
Shannon, Guardianship of, 868 Stanley v. Georgia, 2, 55
Shapiro v. Shapiro, 414 Stanley v. Illinois, 174, 175, 210,
Shapiro v. Thompson, 51 503, 511, 513, 715, 835, 886, 887,
Sharber v. Sharber, 379 927, 932, 937, 940, 944
Sheffield v. Franklin, 1054 Stanley, In re, 503
Sherbert v. Verner, 35, 747 Stanton v. Stanton, 193
Sheridan v. Sheridan, 796, 797 State Dept. of Human Resources v.
Sherlock v. Sherlock, 288 Lott, 145
Sherrer v. Sherrer, 266, 272 State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v.
Shine v. Shine, 479 Village of Isle, 1004
Shockley, People ex rel. v. Hoyle, 535 Steele, In re Marriage of, 417
Short, In re Marriage of, 15, 379 Stein v. Bowman, 192
Shyina B., In re, 794 Stenberg v. Carhart, 64, 72
Siegel v. Siegel, 343 Stern v. Stern, 358
Silcott v. Oglesby, 990 Steven P. v. Department of Child
Silverman v. Silverman, 437 Safety, 939
Simons v. State, 677 Stewart v. Thorpe Holding Co. Profit
Singh v. Singh, 146 Sharing Plan, 395
Singleton, United States v., 194 Stonegap Colliery v. Hamilton, 991
Sinha v. Sinha, 245 Storey v. Storey, 343
Sinhogar v. Parry, 636 Strack v. Strack, 248
Sinica, State v., 677 Stregack v. Moldofsky, 457
Sistrunk v. Sistrunk, 344 Striplin v. Ware, 774
Skaates v. Kayser, 300 Strom, Ex Parte, 295
Skinner v. Oklahoma ex rel. Struck Constr. Co. v. United States,
Williamson, 55, 89, 91, 119, 505, 453
562, 565 Strunk v. Strunk, 753, 756, 757
Skinner, State v., 147, 150 Stuard v. Stuard, 846
Skipworth v. Skipworth, 108 Stuart v. Board of Supervisors of
Skylarsky v. New Hope Guild Center, Elections, 166
225 Stump v. Sparkman, 740
Smith v. Litten, 991 Sturgis v. Attorney General, 50, 54
Smith v. Organization of Foster Suarez v. Williams, 859
Families for Equality & Sullivan, Ex Parte, 774
Reform, 514, 515, 520, 727, 842, Superintendent of Belchertown State
872, 928, 931 Sch. v. Saikewicz, 761
Smith v. Ricci, 609 Surratt v. Surratt, 387
Smith v. Smith, 343, 415 Swain, In re Marriage of, 419
Smith v. State, 668 Swanson, Adoption of, 1052
Smith v. United States Cas. Co., 178 Sweney v. Sweeney, 278

Szafranski v. Dunston, 571 Uniwest Constr., Inc. v. Amtech

T.A.S., In the Interest of (T.A.S. I), Elevator Servs., 995
953 Unkle v. Unkle, 403
T.A.S., In the Interest of (T.A.S. II), Useman v. Minneapolis Street R. Co.,
953 223
T.M., In re, 944 V.A.E.Y.H.D., People in the Interest
T.N.F., In re Adoption of, 1032 of, 675
T.R.T., In re, 822 Valence, In re, 379
Taber v. Taber, 801 Valerie D., In re, 664
Taggart, Colo., People v., 676 Valley Forge Christian College v.
Taijha H.-B, In re, 944 Americans United for Separation
Talty, In re Marriage of, 365 of Church and State, Inc., 618
Tammy, Adoption of, 576 Van Dyke v. Thompson, 425
Tapscott v. State, 153 Van Inwegen, In re Marriage of, 401,
Taylor v. Taylor, 425 404
Taylor v. Worrell Enters., Inc., 994 Vanderbilt v. Vanderbilt, 277
Taylor, In re, 479 Varel, People v., 22
Ted B., In re, 714 Vazquez v. State, 203
Tedford v. Dempsey, 825 Victor v. Victor, 460
Tedford v. Gregory, 498 Vigil v. Haber, 102
Texas Monthly, Inc. v. Bullock, 616 Villa v. Attorney General of the
Texas v. Florida, 1019 United States, 111
The Florida Star v. B.J.F., 41 Vincent B. v. Joan R., 526
The Havana, 30 Vinson, State v., 658
Thomas v. LaRosa, 17 Viragh v. Foldes, 915
Thomas, Commonwealth v., 413 Voishan v. Palma, 398
Thompson v. Soles, 1045 Von Schack v. Von Schack, 261
Thompson v. Thompson, 876 W. O., In re, 807
Thompson v. Whitman, 262 Wade, State v., 677
Thornton, In re Estate of, 13 Wagner v. Wagner, 317
Thorton v. Bosquez, 788 Waites, In re, 435
Thorton v. Thorton, 352, 356 Walker v. Jackson, 178
Tibbetts v. Tibbetts, 241 Walker v. Superior Court, 705, 708,
Todd M.S. v. Julie M.G., 788 709, 713
Tomal v. Anderson, 18 Walker, In the Matter of, 293
Tomasko v. DuBuc, 898 Wallace v. Wallace, 472
Tompkins v. Jackson, 24 Wallace, People ex rel. v. Labrenz,
Tompkins v. Tompkins, 134 721
Trammel v. United States, 189, Waller v. Waller, 104
199 Walswick-Boutwell v. Boutwell, 380
Trimble v. Gordon, 93, 537 Walton, In re Marriage of, 251
Trinity Lutheran Church of Walz v. Tax Commission, 40
Columbia, Inc. v. Comer, 625 Wambold v. Wambold, 876, 877
Tropea v. Tropea, 903 Wanninger v. Wanninger, 912
Troxel v. Granville, 639, 650, 831, Ward v. Ward, 831
923, 987 Warden v. Warden, 14
Troxel, In re, 837 Warner v. Warner, 330
Tschider v. Tschider, 437 Warren v. State, 196
Tshiani v. Tshiani, 111 Washburn v. Abram, 989
Tsoutsouris, In re, 291 Washburn v. Washburn, 802
Turner v. Freed, 25 Washington v. Glucksberg, 841
Turner v. Pannick, 797 Waters v. Waters, 375
Turner v. Rogers, 398, 488, 489 Watson, People v., 801
Turner v. Safley, 119 Watts v. Watts, 585
Twitchell, Commonwealth v., 721 Watts, State ex rel. v. Watts, 797
Tyler v. Children’s Home Society of Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety
California, 983 Co., 93, 536
Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford, 59 Weidner, In re Marriage of, 812
United States Dept. of Agriculture v. Weinschel v. Strople, 971
Moreno, 2 Wells v. Goff, 20
University of Michigan v. McGuckin, Wershow, State v., 655
158 Wescott, State v., 294

West v. Knowles, 13, 22 Witbeck-Wildhagen, In re Marriage

West v. West, 417 of, 547, 553, 554
West v. Wright, 180 Witten, In re Marriage of, 570
West Virginia Dep’t of Health and Wolcott v. Wolcott, 312
Human Resources, State ex. rel. v. Wolfle v. United States, 190
Cline, 541 Wolford v. Children’s Home Society
West Virginia State Board of of West Virginia, 1011, 1012
Education v. Barnette, 47 Womack, People v., 151
Western Comm’ty Bank v. Helmer, Wood v. Board of Supervisors, 995
14 Wood v. Collins, 22
Weston v. Jones, 260 Wood v. Wood, 369, 825
Wetmore v. Markoe, 383, 479 Woodward v. Commissioner of
Whealton v. Whealton, 266 Social Security, 572
Whitbread, Ex Parte, 752 Worrie v. Boze, 987
White Plains, City of v. Ferraioli, 4 Wright, Marriage of, 379
White v. Rochford, 696 Wyatt v. McDermott, 985
White v. State, 206 Wyatt v. United States, 191
White v. Thompson, 825, 829 Young, In re, 479
White v. White, 103, 107, 801 Youngberg v. Romeo, 693, 696
Whitfield v. Whitfield, 387 Zablocki v. Redhail, 91, 99, 118,
Whitinsville Plaza, Inc. v. Kotseas, 143, 174, 177, 198
349 Zacharia D., In re, 545
Whitley v. Albers, 693 Zachary Z., Guardianship of, 879
Whitner v. State, 663 Zaharias v. Gammill, 992
Whitt v. Whitt, 410 Zakai F., In re, 651
Whole Woman’s Health v. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, 625
Hellerstedt, 75 Zepeda v. Zepeda, 536
Wiebe, In the Matter of the Marriage Zobel, State v., 676
of, 414 Zubik v. Burwell, 44
Wilkerson, State v., 668
Williams v. Monzingo, 22
Williams v. North Carolina (I),
256, 262, 273, 290
Williams v. North Carolina (II),
262, 269, 272
Williams v. Ormsby, 18, 436
Williams v. Williams, 131, 132, 134,
Williams, State ex rel. v. Marsh,
Williams, State v., 256, 263
Williamson v. Lee Optical, Co., 51
Williamson v. Osenton, 264
Williamson v. Williamson, 374
Willie John B., In re, 969
Willingham v. State, 658
Willis, State v., 201
Willits v. Willits, 158
Willmann, In re, 714, 719
Willoughby, In re, 752
Wilson v. Anderson, 1046, 1049
Wilson v. State, 203
Wilson v. Wilson, 365
Wilson, In re, 467
Windsor, United States v., 117
Winship, In re, 931, 935, 937
Wisconsin Potowatomies of
Hannahville Indian Community v.
Houston, 1015
Wisconsin v. Yoder, 515, 599, 636,
729, 747, 835
Wissner v. Wissner, 382

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Thrills and Excitement That will Satisfy the Swimming Enthusiast and
Provide a New Summer Diversion at the Lake or River may be Had from
the Water Toboggan and Slide. It may be Adapted to a Smaller Size and
Built by Boys. The Details of the Toboggan and the Construction of the
Slide are Shown in the Sketches Above

The high end of the slide illustrated is about 7 ft. from the ground,
but a proportionately greater incline is provided because the beach
slopes gradually to the water’s edge. It is reached by a ladder fixed
to a tree, which acts as an end brace for the slide. If no such natural
support is available, the end of the slide must be strongly braced on
three sides, to insure safety. It is inadvisable to build the slide unduly
high to provide the necessary incline since this may result in
accidents. A location where the ground is suitable should be selected
rather than assume danger or risk.
The end of the slide nearest the water may be given a slight
upward turn, so that when the toboggan leaves it the rider is carried
upward before striking the water. The hold on the toboggan should
be retained when entering the water, as injury may result by failure to
clear it in the plunge. With experience a dive may be made as the
toboggan leaves the slide.
The construction of the slide is shown in detail in the lower sketch.
The framework of 2 by 4-in. material should be only slightly wider
than the guides, and the supports should be spread toward the
ground to give rigidity. The supports A should be nailed firmly, or
bolted, to the horizontal members B. If lighter stock is used, the
pieces at B should be nailed in pairs, one on each side of the
uprights. The guides C and D should be of smooth lumber, and the
edges of these pieces, as well as of the bearing plank E, should be
rounded off to remove splinters. The joints in the sections of the
guides should be made carefully and placed over the framework
supports. They should be reinforced from the lower side by plates of
The bearing plank E is of 2-in. stock and 12 in. wide. It may be
made of lighter material in a smaller slide. The joints in it should
likewise be made carefully, to insure smooth riding over them. They
should be set directly over the framework supports, but not on those
over which joints have been made in the guides. The plank forming
the bearing for the roller should not extend to the end of the slide at
the lower end, but should be set back about 18 in. This permits the
toboggan to slide off smoothly rather than to spring directly into the
air from the bearing on the rollers. The bearing plank may be nailed
into place, but care must be taken to set all nails below the surface.
A better construction is to use screws or bolts. Bore holes for them
through the plank, countersinking their heads.
The toboggan, as shown in the detail sketches, is built strongly,
and is to be fitted over the 12-in. bearing plank, allowing ¹⁄₄-in. play
on each side. The sides are of 1¹⁄₄-in. stock and high enough to
accommodate the rollers, which should be about 3 in. in diameter.
The dimensions of 15 in. in width and 30 in. in length, on the top
surface, are suggestive only, and will vary with the materials used.
The toboggan will not stand the necessarily hard wear unless good-
quality oak, or other hard wood, is used. The top and foot brace
should be fixed strongly with screws, their heads countersunk.
The rollers are fixed in the sides by means of screws, or a bolt
may be set through the length of the roller. In either case the bearing
should be in holes bored through the sidepieces. Washers should be
fitted at the sides of the bearings, and the latter must be kept
greased. All the edges and corners of the toboggan should be
rounded off so that there is little possibility of injury from slivers or
contact with the edges.
Tile Trap for Rabbits

By Closing the Smaller Opening, the Rabbit may be Trapped and Removed at
the Cover

Rabbits may be trapped in order to rid grounds of them, or for food

purposes, by the use of the tile trap shown in the illustration. A tee,
having a smaller opening of 6 in., is set in the ground with the large
end projecting. Rocks are placed around it and it is provided with a
cover. Several extensions are attached to the 6-in. opening and the
end permitted to project slightly from the ground. Rocks are also
placed about this opening. The rabbit enters the trap at the small
opening and is free to come and go from the burrow. By closing the
small opening, the quarry may be taken out at the large opening.
¶Vaseline is a good cleaner for commutators while machines are in
operation and under load.
A Woodsman’s Log Raft

Making a raft for crossing a stream, or other small body of water, is

often a diversion for campers, who have the usual supply of
camp tools and materials. The woodsman is sometimes confronted
with a different situation: He has only a hand ax as his tool
equipment, and to construct a fairly safe raft of crude materials
becomes necessary in order to pursue his course. Logs are readily
available, and he may be fortunate enough to find willow withes,
various stringy kinds of bark, or even coarse seaweed. If these are
not available, the practical woodsman, particularly of the northern
regions, builds a raft of logs, pinned together firmly with poles and
pointed wooden spikes, cut on the spot. The method, as shown in
the illustration, is simple and interesting. It may be of service in the
woods even when other methods of binding the logs into a raft are
possible, and as a practical test of woodcraft for the amateur or boy
camper it is of interest. The sketch shows the completed raft, bound
together by wooden pins notched into poles, and the inset details
show the manner in which the poles are clamped by the crossed
The Inventive Woodsman Builds His Log Raft of Simple Materials Gathered
at the River Bank; the Logs and Poles are Notched Together Firmly and Held
with Wooden Pins

This method of construction may be applied to a variety of rafts,

for carrying small or large loads. In selecting the material for the raft
several points must be considered. Dry logs are preferable to wet or
green ones, and if the latter are used, a relatively larger raft will be
needed to carry a certain load. For one passenger, three logs, 9 to
12 in. in diameter, 12 to 16 ft. long, and spaced to a width of 5 ft., will
provide a stable raft. Poles may be laid across it to give sufficient
footing. For heavier loads the logs should be about the same length
and diameter, but spaced closer together, and laid to form a raft of
considerable width and of greater buoyancy.
Select a shore, sloping gently into the water, if possible, and cut
the logs and poles as near this place as is convenient. Cut the logs
and roll, them to the bank, alternating the butts, if there is any
considerable difference in the diameter of the ends. Cut a supply of
poles of about 3-in. diameter, and of the length necessary to reach
across the proposed raft. Then cut a number of pins of hard wood, 1
ft. long, and sharpened on one end, as shown in the detailed sketch.
Roll the first log—one of the largest—into the water until it is nearly
floating. If it is bowed or crooked, place the “humped” side toward
the outer edge of the raft. Chop notches, 2 in. deep, in the top of the
log about 1¹⁄₂ ft. from the ends, and squarely across. Place a pole in
the notch, with its end projecting slightly beyond the log, and cut a
double notch in the upper edge of the pole, as shown in the detail
sketches, so that when the pins are driven into the log, they will rest
diagonally in the notches cut into the poles. Make rifts in the log with
the ax, cutting as though to split off a slab of bark and wood, rather
than toward the center of the log, and drive two of the pins into
place. Properly done, this will make a remarkably strong joint. Fasten
a second pole at the other end of the log, and prop up both poles so
as to permit the next log to be rolled into the water, under the poles.
Notch the second log before slipping it finally into place. Alternate
ends only, of the inner logs, need be fastened, and if time is
important, some of the logs may be left unfastened, provided they
are held tightly between the logs that are pinned. Shove the raft out
into the water as each log is added. If there is a strong current it is
desirable to guy the raft with a pole to the bank, downstream. The
last log, which should also be a large one, is then floated down and
pinned at both ends.
The raft may then be floated, and is ready to be covered with light
poles or brush, to provide a dry footing and a place for the dunnage.
The dunnage is placed near the forward end of the raft, and the
person controlling it sculls with a pole at the rear.
Curved Printing Surface for Sharp Focus in
Bromide Enlargements
Practically all of my negatives are of post-card size, and, in making
bromide enlargements, I experienced difficulty in getting a
satisfactory focus on 6 by 10-in. or 8 by 12-in. prints. When the
center of the picture was in focus the outer portions were usually
blurred, and vice versa. Compromising between the two gave
unsatisfactory results. By providing a curved surface, on which the
bromide paper is mounted, results were obtained that are
satisfactory except for architectural subjects. A wooden box was
made as long as the desired print and 1 in. wider. The height may be
made as is convenient, but a height of about 2 in. is satisfactory. A
partition was fitted into the box, dividing its length into two
compartments. The upper edges of the center partition and the ends
of the box were cut in the shape of an arc, the curve being
determined by the distance from the lens to the easel when the
center of the picture is in focus. The bromide paper is fitted to the
curves on the box. The device is fitted to the easel by means of two
strips fixed to the bottom of the box, and extending beyond its ends.
The curved surface may be covered with cardboard to give a better
backing for the bromide paper, which is held in place by pins or small
tacks. Where only a small portion of the negative is to be enlarged,
this difficulty will not present itself, the flat surface being satisfactory.
—Victor Woodland, Denver, Colo.
Playing Talking-Machine Records with the Finger

Talking-Machine Records may be Played with the Finger Nail after a Little

Talking-machine records may be played with the finger nail, and a

person skilled in the process can afford a party of spectators much
amusement, creating no little surprise. The record is placed over a
penholder, or pencil, and supported by the left hand as shown in the
sketch. It is revolved by the fingers of the left hand, and the nail of
the second finger of the right hand is applied to the record. Practice
is required to obtain satisfactory results and an old record should be
used.—George S. Nissen, Chicago, Ill.

¶Finely powdered graphite dusted on the parts of a motorcycle

clutch when repacking it after cleaning will act as an excellent
Safety Chopping Block

This Chopping Block Makes for Safety in That Pieces are Thrown Away from
the Worker

Chopping of pieces of wood, which must be broken into short

lengths, is often dangerous. The chopping block shown in the
illustration was designed to overcome this element of danger and it
may be used for chopping small kindling wood as well as for
breaking up heavier pieces. When the blow is struck on the wood to
be broken the pieces are thrown away from the person chopping.
The sketch shows the device in use for the chopping of short pieces
of wood, and the heavy portion may be used as a seat. The smaller
sketch shows how the block is built up of 2-in. planks, bolted
together—A. S. Thomas, Amherstburg, Canada.
Repairing a Broken Reed Handle
A strong repair for a broken reed handle, like those on market
baskets, handbags, or workbaskets, may be made by joining the
broken parts with a ferrule of tinned sheet metal, brads or wire being
used to prevent the ends from working loose. After the metal fitting
has been made, the handle is rewound with the ends of the material
unwound from it, or if desirable, the entire handle may be re-covered
with material of the original kind or other suitable substitute.—R. E.
Brown, Portland, Ore.
Duck Decoys Mounted on Folding Frame

Duck Decoys Mounted on a Folding Frame may be Made by the Hunter

The duck hunter who wishes to economize by making some of his

equipment will be interested in the folding frame for duck decoys,
shown in the illustration. It is made of two strips, ³⁄₄ in. by 2 in. by 3 ft.
6 in., of soft wood, and fitted with a bolt at the middle, so that it may
be folded, for convenience in carrying. The decoys are cut from a
sheet of tinned metal, and are painted to resemble the game.—Carl
A. Haberlein, McPherson, Kan.
Onlaying Script on a Trophy Cup

Copper or Other Metal may be Deposited on the Surface of the Cup, Making
an Effective Inscription

A novel method of inscribing names or other indications on trophy

cups or medallions is to onlay copper, or other contrasting metal,
upon the surface by the process illustrated. Beeswax, or paraffin, is
fixed to the side of the cup and formed into a dish shape, the surface
on which the onlaying is to be done being covered with only a thin
layer of the wax. With a needle or other suitable instrument, scratch
the markings desired through the thin layer of wax to the surface of
the cup. Pour copper sulphate into the wax cavity if the onlay is to be
of copper, and suspend a small piece of pure copper in the liquid,
connected with the positive pole of a storage battery, or other similar
electrical source. Attach a wire from the negative pole of the battery
to the cup. The copper will be deposited on the surface of the cup
where the thin layer of wax has been scratched off, exposing the
metal. The thickness of the deposit will depend on the length of time
that the current is permitted to flow. Ten hours of action will permit
the depositing of a satisfactory onlay.—M. H. Edwards.
Economy in Motorcycle Tires
Caution in the use of motorcycle tires with a minimum of abuse will
result in a considerable tire saving. Tremendous wear on a single
spot results when the power is thrown in so suddenly that the driving
wheel makes several revolutions before gripping the ground. The
proper air pressure must be maintained in the tires in order to obtain
good wear. Guessing is a poor method of determining the air
pressure and the exact condition should be noted from time to time
with a gauge. Ordinarily, a pressure of 45 to 50 lb should be
maintained in the rear tire and about 20 per cent less in the front tire,
in the case of 3-in. tires. Rim cutting from running motorcycle tires
underinflated is the commonest abuse. Dents in the edge of the rims
cause undue wear on the tire, the fabric being worn through by the
constant rubbing. Bent rims are often caused by insufficient air
pressure in tires, the liability to injury being increased when crossing
tracks or bumps with an improperly inflated tire.
A Knock-Down Tennis-Court Backstop

Severe weather soon damages a tennis-court backstop that is built

on posts set in the ground, and permitted to remain in place
during the winter. The backstop shown in the illustration was
designed to overcome this objection, and proved efficient on this
score, as well as economical to build and maintain. Instead of setting
the supports in the ground, they are set on the ground, and guyed by
a system of wire braces. The wire netting is also held taut by wire
braces, and the entire rigging is quickly taken down for storage, and
easily set up when needed again. The lower edge of the wire is held
down by hooks pinned to the ground with tent stakes, making it
convenient to unhook the netting when the grass is to be cut around
the backstop. The towers are 50 ft. apart, about 14 ft. high, and built
up of 4 by 4-in. and 2 by 4-in. pieces of sound yellow-pine timber.

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