Final Report (Beach Cleaner)

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Group members :-
Team – All Stars
W.D.J.K. EMMANUEL - M19980305010
Group No - 3
E.L.A.M.D. SANDAKELUM - M19990307002
W.N. RANASINGHE - M19991029006
Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Assignment front cover sheet


Module Module
Machine Design ME3323
Title Code
Assessment Test
Final report
topics Number
Student’s Student’s
Name Number
Mr. R. Y. Sampath Date 04th of March 2024

I confirm that:
• I have been given a copy of the assessment criteria relating to this test
• I understand the meaning of the terms Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism

Signature: Date 04th of March 2024


Assignment Feedback comments:

Signed:………………………………………….. Print Name:………………………………..........................

Date: ……………………………………………. Unconfirmed Mark ……………………………………..

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
DESIGN CRITERIA ......................................................................................................................................... 3
FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 5
MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 7
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ................................................................................................................................. 9
FINAL ASSEMBLY ....................................................................................................................................... 10
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS ............................................................................................................................ 12
DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 13
RISK AND MITIGATION .............................................................................................................................. 14
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................ 15
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 16


Our goal is to create a machine that can clear the beach of undesirable elements like trash, polythene and other
marine debris, so that beachgoers may enjoy a comfortable and aesthetically pleasant environment. Since our
country’s economy depends mainly on tourism, a clean and pleasant beach is a must. As a solution to this
beach pollution our team came up with an autonomous robot. This interim report gives a detailed review of
our progress in designing and developing an autonomous robot.
Our team is focused on using the latest innovations to produce a dependable, effective, and eco-friendly
solution. A robot that operates in every kind of weather and generates a useful machine while requiring less
physical labor. We have created a beach cleaning robot that is inexpensive and simple to operate. With the
help of a remote-control system and an electric motor, our beach cleanup robot operates.
This report reviews the main stages of our project, such as the stages of design and conceptualization,
morphological analyzation, feasibility analysis, alternative designs and risk and mitigations. Our group consist
of three members, members are as follows:-
W.D.J.K. EMMANUEL - M19980305010
E.L.A.M.D. SANDAKELUM - M19990307002
W.N. RANASINGHE - M19991029006


• This design involves careful consideration of various criteria to ensure its effectiveness, efficiency and
• The machine should be adaptable to various beach terrains including sandy, rocky and mixed surfaces.
• For that ,we design the machine with modular attachments for specific tasks
• We can consider combination of brushes, brakes, conveyor belts and vacuum systems for effective
• We have to ensure that the machine has the mobility to manage with tight spaces
• We should explore power sources such as electric or hybrid systems to reduce environmental impact
• We should choose corrosion-resistant materials to withstand exposure to saltwater and beach
• We implement a waste collection and disposal mechanism that minimizes the risk of secondary
• Usage of technology by installing sensors and cameras for monitoring of cleaning process
• We minimize the environmental impact by using of environmentally friendly materials
• We must design this with minimum cost but can be used for longer period of time
• We have to consider a versatile power source such as hybrid or electric system to reduce environmental
• And also, we have to consider noise reduction features to minimize impact on people walking around
• It should be adaptable to weather conditions

Parameter Specification
Chassis and Frame(l*w*h) 1*0.5*1 (m) (l*w*h)
Speed of Motor 140 R.P.M.
Diameter of Wheel 0.3 m
Length of Conveyor Belt 1m
Length of spoke 5 inch
Diameter of spoke 6mm
Pitch length of chain 15mm
Sprocket 0.06m

Materials used
➢ Frame (Aluminium)
➢ Spokes

It is employed to remove debris from sand . the spokes were made up of stainless steel since stainless steel
has high strength and resistant to corrosion

➢ Wheels

A rubberized wheels are used for extra grip and to provide a small level of shock absorption

➢ Bearings

The wheels are fitted with bearings to make the rotation smooth

➢ Chain

A conveyor type chain is used in this project. It helps to transmit power with aid of nut and bolt

➢ Sprocket

Sprocket operates the conveyor chains that helps to transmit power through the chain from
component to another.

Estimated budget

Parameter Quantity Price (Rs)

Conveyor belt 1 7000
Wheels 4 20000
Aluminium chassis - 8000
spokes - 1000
Sprocket wheel 2 1600
Bearings 8 8000
Bearing housing 8 9600
DC brush motor 1 10000
Wheel Axle 2 5000
Belt drive axle 2 3000
Chain 1 2500
Others - 3000
Total 78700


Market Demand

• Analyze the needs and preferences of customers in target market

• By discussing with beach resort managers can reveal a demand for a beach cleaner machine is
efficient, environmentally friendly and easy to operate
• By conducting an analysis to identify existing beach cleaner machines and their features , this
analysis may help whether competitors focus on traditional fuel powered machines or not . it creates
an opportunity for an electric or hybrid powered machine
• Identify the target audience for the machine and their specific needs

Technical Feasibility

• When considering material selection, we choose required materials with beach environment
specially towards properties of corrosion resistance, durability, and ability to withstand exposure to
• As an example , we use rectangular sections of mild steel for the frame. they have a pleasing look,
great strength to weight ratio, consistent strength, cost effectiveness and recyclability.
• An electric motor is used for beach cleaning process
• Developing of prototypes to test the functionality and efficiency of beach cleaner machine
• And also, we have to conduct a test to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning mechanisms in
removing different types and sizes of pollutants
• Developing user friendly interface for operators and conduct training sessions to ensure that
operators can efficiently control and monitor machine’s functions
• Implement and test sensors and cameras for real time monitoring of cleaning process
• We have to design the machine which is compliance with relevant industry standards

Legal and regulatory feasibility

• Identify and comply with government regulations related to use and manufacturing of these
• Adhering to the safety standards applicable to beach cleaning equipment
• Complying with import and export regulations
• Identifying and obtaining necessary permits for the manufacturing, testing and operation of beach
cleaner machine

• Allocating time for the quality assurance process and final testing before the product is ready for
market release
• When considering operational analysis , we have to seek feedback from users and operators through
pilot programmes or surveys. After then , we can identify any dissatisfaction with the product and
make adjustment to improve the satisfaction of the user

Social Feasibility Analysis

• This can provide employment opportunities related operation, maintenance and manufacturing this
• We can implement programmes to raise public awareness about the importance of beach cleanliness
and environmental conservation
• We can design a machine with feature that allows any volunteer to participate in cleaning process
• Design the machine with safety features to avoid accident during operation (Minimizing noise

Environmental feasibility

• Waste reduction & recycling (minimizing environmental impact)

• Selecting energy efficient technologies (reducing carbon and fossil fuels release during operation)
• If machine is fuel powered, we have to use a low emissions engines or use alternate fuels to
minimize environmental pollution
• We use sustainable and recyclable materials in construction of beach cleaner machines
• Minimizing water usage in cleaning process

Stakeholder feasibility

• Asses the level of influence each stakeholder has on the project.

• Engage with stakeholders who have a significant impact on project outcomes
• Develop strategies to address potential risks and concerns raised by stakeholders
• Having a positive relationship with stakeholders through regular updates, collaboration opportunities
and responsiveness to their feedback
• Identify and notice the specific interests and concerns of each stakeholder group


Chassi Material
• Corrosion resistant material
• Light weight
Power Source
• Environmentally friendly
• Reliable
Power transmission method
• Less vibrations
• Less maintenance number
Electric motor
• Efficiency of the motor.
• Control the speed conveniently.
Speed Controlling Mechanism.
• Simplicity of the circuit.
• Easy to control speed
• Easy handle
• Climb obstacles (rocks, cliffs)
Cleaning Mechanism
• Must be suitable for the surface
• To be able to collect debris that have been stuck in sand

Design Problem Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3

Chassi Material Mild steel Aluminium Iron
Rechargeable battery
Power Source Rechargeable battery Fuel powered
with solar panel
Power transmission
Belt drive Chain and sprocket
Electric motor DC brushed motor DC brushless motor Single Phase Motor
Speed Controlling Manual Speed Non-discrete Speed
Inverter Control
Mechanism. Control Control
Mobility Wheels Tracks
Rakes on Conveyor
Cleaning Mechanism Vacuum System Brushes

Chassi material - aluminium

• Aluminium is light weight
• It has higher resistance to corrosion

Power source - Rechargeable battery with solar panel

• To recharge itself while in use
• Environmentally friendly

Power transmission method

• Chain is suitable for high torque and low speed

Electric motor – DC brushed motor

• Low cost
• Smooth
• Suitable for high torque

• Easy handling
• Low cost

Cleaning Mechanism - Rakes (spokes) on Conveyor Belts

• Suitable for sandy soil
• Pulls debris from sand easily


Figure 1 - Isometric View

Parameter Specification
Chassis and Frame(l*w*h) 1*0.5*1 (m)
Speed of Motor 140 R.P.M.
Diameter of Wheel 0.3 m
Length of Conveyor Belt 1m
Length of spoke 5 inch
Diameter of spoke 6mm
Pitch length of chain 15mm
Sprocket 0.06m
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Using Hovercraft technology

By using the technology in the hovercraft we can build a robot which will be able to function on both
beaches and on sea surface. This also can be used in lagoons.

Ai powered sorting system

Use artificial intelligent to sort debris in to categories. So it can be collected separately and recycled.

Use as a security camera

By installing security cameras on robot, relevant authorities can keep an eye on theft and other problems
usually occur on the beaches.

Using GPS and drone footages to navigate

Using GPS to navigate and using drone footages to locate heavily polluted areas and sending the robot to
those areas.

Emergency brakes
Using an emergency brake or sensors to stop the robot. To detect obstacles and people.
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Beach composition
Practically , beach consists of small to very large size debris such as seaweed, shells etc.
The machine is designed to handle debris size up to certain limit.
And also , the machine is designed to operate in a coastal environment where it is exposure to salty
atmosphere. Therefore its components are corrosion resistant.

Mobility requirements
The machine is designed with four-wheel drive for optimal mobility on sandy surface . it can navigate
inclines up to certain degree.

Limited capacity sized bin

User interface
The machine features a user-friendly interface. Operators are assumed to receive basic training on machine

Safety features

Environmentally friendly
The machine is designed to minimize environmental impact by avoiding disturbance to other residents near
the beach. We install a physical barrier around the motor to minimize sound emitted from it to the
The machine is designed to comply with local environmental regulations, noise level standards and safety
The machine is designed with energy efficient components and minimize the energy consumption for
prolonged operation on battery charge
The machine is designed with features to resist sinking into soft sand, such as wide tires or tracks that
distribute weight efficiently
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Technical Difficulties:
Risk: Due to its complex, the robotics system is vulnerable to technical problems such software bugs,
navigational errors, and malfunctioning sensors.
Mitigation: To detect and quickly resolve technical issues, thorough testing will be carried out on a regular
basis at every step of development. To verify dependability, prototypes will go through simulated beach
cleanup scenarios.

External Elements:
Risk: Unexpected obstacles on the beach, harsh weather, and rugged terrain could all affect the robot's
Mitigation: To simulate and adjust to various conditions, real-world testing will be carried out in a wide
range of beach situations. The robot will also be outfitted with weather-resistant components. Crucial
electronics parts will be covered, strengthening the spokes while maintain its light weight.

Power management and battery life:

Risk: The robot's cleaning effectiveness and range of operation may be impacted by its short battery life.
Mitigation: To increase the robot's working time, efforts will be made to improve power management
systems continuously and study alternate energy sources, including solar panels.

Risk: Safety of beachgoers in an open area, since people worry about their own safety
Mitigation: Public awareness campaigns will be created in order to educate communities about the Beach
Cleaner Robot's functionality and safety measures. Cooperation between beach management and local
government will be necessary to address problems, use relevant awareness signs and posters and establish
guidelines for the robot's operation.

Adherence to Regulations:
Risk: Using autonomous robot in a public beach
Mitigation: Make sure federal and local laws are been followed. Getting legal advises from lawyers.
Adhering to current laws on robotics.

Overspending at the expense:

Risk: Overspending on the testing and development phase could result from unexpected costs.
Mitigation: Having financial evaluations periodically. To get funds from organizations that work for
environment conservation. Backup plans for unexpected expenses.
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In conclusion, the creation of the beach cleaner robot is a major step towards solving the environmental
problems caused by coastal pollution. The development of a robot that can effectively clean beaches and
contribute to the maintenance of marine ecosystems and the general well-being of coastal communities.
This robot consists of solar panel which cannot be found in the machines available in the present market.
Using a solar panel helps to recharge itself while functioning. We have identified that other robot designs
aren’t using a conveyor belt in those designs, it is clear that in those designs, some collected debris won’t be
sent to the bucket since small sized debris does not stuck in the spokes.
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• AMT advanced materials technology gmbh - automotive-aluminum-chassis (no date) AMT Advanced
Materials Technology GmbH - Automotive-Aluminum-Chassis. Available at: https://www.amt- (Accessed: 25
November 2023).
• Brushless DC motor vs. brushed DC Motor (no date) StepperOnline. Available at: https://www.omc- (Accessed: 25 November 2023).
• Electric Motor Power Measurement and analysis (no date) Electric Motor Power Measurement and
Analysis | Yokogawa Electric Corporation. Available at:
ned.&text=A%20watt%20(W)%20is%20a,%3A%20W%20%3D%20V%20x%20A (Accessed: 25
November 2023).
• Mechanical Power Transmission (2023) Fractory. Available at:
power-transmission/ (Accessed: 25 November 2023).
• Ruchti, P. (2023) How to measure chain size, PEER Chain. Available at:
in (Accessed: 25 November 2023).

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