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Checking In

Right now, I am feeling...

happy angry jealous scared awesome silly

frustrated surprised shy disappointed confused impatient

nervous proud grumpy excited curious sleepy

sad sick embarrassed worried hurt confident

Thank you for your support!
This poster is used to help students identify their emotions before, during, and/or after a
relaxation, calm down time, or movement time.

This poster can be enlarged for the class or printed in smaller sizes for students to have their
own personal copies.

This poster becomes even more effective when used for teaching about emotions before
any big feelings arise-- it’s much easier for students to identify with these pictures if they
have seen and heard about them before, especially in the K-2 grades.

Refer back to this poster during read alouds, role plays, character development in writing,
and more! This doesn’t just have to be for conflict resolution or refocusing work.

For more mindfulness and movement ideas, find me on my blog at

You can read how I use this poster in my PE class on the blog here:

Tag @mindfulpeteacher or #mindfulpeteacher when you use these with your students!

Stay well,

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