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Lesson Plan- Dharsanie Rampersaud

DATE April 08, 2024

CLASS Grade 8E
SUBJECT Integrated Science
TIME 08:35-09:45
DURATION 70 mins
TOPIC Machines
PREVIOUS Students know that people use machines.
SPECIFIC With the aid of illustrations, students will correctly identify the 6 types of simple
OBJECTIVE/S machines, and the 3 classes of levers.
METHODOLOG Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Duration
Teacher: Students:
INTRODUCTION - Asks students what - Suggest what machines
machines are. are.
- Shows them a picture of a - Look at picture of a simple
simple machine, and a machine, and a complex
complex machine and machine and suggest what
asks them what the the difference may be
difference may be between the two.
between the two.
- Take note of objectives of
- States objectives of the lesson.
DEVELOPMENT - Presents students various - Examine various simple 20
simple machines. machines.
- Has them identify the type - Identify the type of
of machine that is machine that is presented
presented using a chart. using chart.
Explain - Discusses the defining - Discuss the defining 10
feature of each type of feature of each type of
simple machine. simple machine.
Elaborate - Discusses the different - Discuss the different 20
classes of levers. classes of levers.
CONCLUSION - Questions students orally - Answer questions. 10
on what they learnt.
RESOURCES Simple machines
EVALUATION 3/3 students can identify the six types of simple machines, and the 3 classes of

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