15 - April 17, 2024 - Excretion Kidney-10C - D. Rampersaud

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Date: April 17, 2024 Name: Dharsanie Rampersaud

Core Subject: Integrated Science Time: 10:35-11:45

Class: 10C Module 4-Excretion

Topic: Excretion Sub-topic: The Kidney as an Excretory Organ


- Draw the urinary system, and label 5 parts in it.

- Draw the kidney and label 5 structures in it.

- Explain how urine is made in the nephron.


In the previous lesson, students learnt how excretion happens through this skin. In this lesson, they will begin
to explore the kidney, and its role in excretion. The kidneys are a vital part of the urinary system and play a
key role in filtering waste from the blood. Much of the focus on this lesson will be on identifying the
structures of the kidney, and on understanding how the structures relate to the kidney’s function of making


Start with a brief lecture to provide essential information.

Use diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate concepts.

Has students draw and label diagrams.

Engage students in discussions and questions.


Charts, worksheets


Label diagrams

Answer short answer questions on excretion by the kidney


Has students complete exercises.

Provide verbal feedback during discussions

Parts of the kidney:

Kidneys: The filtration powerhouses.

Ureters: Thin tubes carrying urine from the kidneys.

Bladder: The muscular sac that stores urine.

Urethra: The tube that carries urine out of the body.

Urethra opening: The external opening where urine leaves the body.

Structures of the kidney:

Cortex: The outer layer where filtration happens.

Medulla: The inner layer, also involved in processing urine.

Nephrons: Microscopic filtering units (thousands in each kidney!).

Renal Artery & Vein: Blood vessels delivering blood to and from the kidney.

Pelvis: A funnel-shaped area collecting urine from nephrons.

Urine Production in the Nephron:

Filtration: Blood enters the glomerulus, a tiny ball of capillaries. Blood cells and large proteins can't squeeze
through, but water, salts, and wastes do, forming filtrate. Bowman's capsule, surrounding the glomerulus,
collects this filtrate.

Reabsorption: The filtrate travels through the nephron tubules. Here, the body reabsorbs essential things like
water, glucose, and minerals back into the bloodstream.

Secretion: Not all waste needs filtering out. The nephron tubule can also secrete additional waste products
like urea (from protein breakdown) and excess water into the filtrate.

Urine Formation: After reabsorption and secretion, what's left is urine - a mixture of water, waste products,
and some minerals. This urine flows down collecting ducts to the renal pelvis, then to the ureters, bladder,
and eventually, out.

● What does homeostasis mean?

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