Extra Questions DBMS Lab

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1. Display department no those are located in areas ending with ‘K’.
2. Find employees those who are working as manager and their employee names contain
3. Find the employees whose name contains ‘A’ in second position and ‘S’ in last position
in department 10 and 20.
4. Find the annual salary of employees with commission of those who are working as
salesman and name starts with ‘K’.
5. Write a query to display name, hire date, job in following format:
“ALLEN joined in the year 1981'”

1. Find the total no of employees joined in each year.
2. Find the max salary, min salary, average salary of all employee those who have joined
after 31-JULY-1981
3. Count distinct no. of departments.
4. Find the employees those who have joined between 1-02-1981 and 30-JUNE-1981.
5. Find the no of employee those who have name starting with J
6. Find the total salary of all employees whose profession ends with ‘T’.
7. Who is the senior most employee in the organization?
8. List the employees whose name starts with J, second character can be anything, third
character M and rest can be anything.
9. Show name of all employees and the date on which they completed 10 years of service.

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