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1. Where was the house' located?

Answer: The House' was located on the

top(crest) of a low hill.

2. Why do you think it is called the' house

and not 'a house'?
Answer: It is called the house and not 'a
house' because it was the only house in the
entire valley.
3. Why did Lencho keep gazing at the sky?
Answer: Lencho kept gazing at the sky
because he hopefully wished for rain.

4. How did Lencho feel when it started

Answer: Lencho felt very happy.

5. What was the effect of the rainon the

Answer: Lencho's crops were destroyed
because of the rain and the storm.

6. Lencho had only one hope. What was it?

Answer: Lencho's only hope was help from
7. Who was Lencho?

Answer: Lencho was a hard-workingfarmer.

8. What had Lencho been doing throughout

the morning?
Answer: He had been looking at the clouds
in the northeast throughout the morning.

9. What did Lencho's field need badly?

Answer: His fields needed heavy rain badly.

10. What does Lencho callthe rain-drops?

Answer: He calls the big rain-drops ten cent
pesos and the small rain-drops five-cent

11. How did Lencho's field look after the

hail had rained?
Answer: The field looked as if covered with
12. What was the effect of the hail storm

on tile valley?
Answer: Nocrop or vegetation was left in
the entire valley.

13. Who did Lencho writea letter to?

Answer: Lencho wrote a letter to God.

14. How much money did Lencho demand

from God?

Why did Lencho write a letter to God?

Answer: In his letter, Lencho demanded one
hundred pesos from God.

15. HowW much mnoney did Lencho receive

from God?

Answer: He received only seventy pesos

from God.
16.Who sent the money to Lencho?
Answer: The postmaster sent the money to

17. Why did the postmaster decide to

answer Lencho's letter to God?

Answer: By doing so he wanted to protect

Lencho's faith in God.

18. How did Lencho feel when he counted

the money in the envelope?

Answer: He got angry after countingthe
money in the envelope.

19. Who does Lencho blame for the loss of

thirty pesos in the envelope?
Answer: He blames the post-office
employees for this loss.
20. What does Lencho call the post-office

How did Lencho describe the post-office

Answer: He calls them "a bunch of crooks."

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