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Criminology 1 (Grand Mock)

NOTE: (Attempt any 4 questions. You are supposed to highlight Variables, try to establish link
between them. While writing your answers be focus on Expresssion, Analysis & Ques alignment)
Total time: 3 hrs
Total Marks: 100

Q1 choose the suitable option

1.FIA was established on

(a) 1971 (b) 1973
(c) 1975 (d) None of them

2.Who wasthefirst DGof FIA?

(a) M.K.Chaudhry (b) M.Y.Orakzal (c) Akram Sheikh (d) None of them

3.Who is current DG FIA?

(a) M. Akbar Hoti (b) Saud Mirza (c) Anwar Virk (d) None

4.ANF was established on foundation used to define and understand the significance of particular
situations in which we find ourselves.
(a) socialization
(b) victimization
(c) legislation
(d) recidivism

13. A codified law is known as a

(a) crime.
(b) theory. (c) deviant act.
(d) statute.

14. The perspective sees crime as a form of social maladjustment

(a) 1971 (c) 1995
(b) 1988
(d) None

5.Who ist h e current DG ofANF?

(a) Qamar Zaman
(b) Aftab Sultan
(c) Maj.Gen(R)Khawar Hanif (d) None of them

15. Because it draws on other fields to understand the problem of crime,criminology considered a
(a) unified
(c) interdisciplinary (d) professional

16. Social —————— means that social events are differently interpreted according to the cultural
experiences and personal interests of the initiator, observer, or recipient of the behavior.
a) relativity
b) problems
c) responsibility
d) none

6. Who is the DG NAB now?

(a) Aftab Sultan
(b) QamarZaman (c) Umer Virk
(d) none

7. Which of the following is human activity that violates socialnorms?

(a)Deviant behavior
(b)Weird behavior
(c)Strange behavior
(d)Acceptable behavior

8. The perspective holds that crime is a

manifestation of underlying social problems like poverty, discrimination, and inequality of
(a) social policy
(b) social structure
(c) social responsibility
(d) social problems

9. The process of some forms ofbehavior illegal.

(a) criminalization (b) legalization
(c) common law
(d) decriminalization
involves making

10. Aballistic expert or crime scene photographer is best described a s a

(a) criminologist.
(b) criminalist.
(c) criminal justice professional. (d) none of the above

11. The study of the control of lawbreaking is

(a) criminology. (c) criminality.
(b) criminal Justice. (d) criminalistics.

12. The process of

affects crime causation by providingthe Interpretive
a) socialisation
b) victimisation
d) recidivism the proportion of reported or discovered crimes within a given offense

category that are solved.
(a) Dark figure ofcrime (b ) Clearance rate
(c) Demographics (d) Cohort
18.describes unreported and underreported criminal activity.
(a) Demographics
(b) Clearancerate
(c) Cohort
(d) Dark figure of crime

19. A person who unlawfully takes property from another person by force has committed
(a)robbery. (b) burglary.
(c) larceny. (d) theft.

20. The tvpical murder offender ni the United Statesi s a

(a)young white male.
(b)young white female.
(c)young black male.
(d) young black female.

Attempt any one ques from each section

Section 1
Q. No. 2. Travis Hirschi argued that crime results when an individual’s bond to society is weak
or broken. Discuss in detail what this theory of social bonding explains about crime.
Q. No. 3. Discuss the fundamental postulates of Edwin Sutherland’s ‘Differential Association
theory’ with examples.

Section 2
Q. No. 4. How juvenile delinquency can be reduced through institutional role, professional
counseling and increased care?
Q. No. 5. What challenges are faced by police in controlling crime and maintaining law and
order in the country?

Section 3
Q. No. 6. Define criminal investigation and its principles. Highlight with examples the
importance of modern techniques used for crime detection in Pakistan.
Q. No. 7. The International Criminal Police Organization- ICPO, INTERPOL was founded in
1914 with the founding principle to coordinate efforts relating to international police
cooperation. How do you see the role of INTERPOL for reducing money laundering
with special reference to Pakistan?

Section 4
Q. No. 8. Several specific law enforcement strategies fall within the framework of intelligence led
policing. Discuss any four strategies.
Q. No. 9. (a) What is Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML)? Discuss with examples. (10 each)
(b) Do Cryptocurrencies have a high money laundering risk? Discuss.

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