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Faculties and related graduate students:

In order to do a good job in the review, defense, and degree conferment of doctoral and master's
theses in the summer of 2023, in accordance with the spirit of the "Implementation Measures for
the Conferment of Degrees of Wuhan University of Technology" (University Research [2013] No.
38) and the relevant regulations of the conferral of degrees, the relevant matters are hereby notified
as follows:

1. Work schedule

All faculties are requested to make overall arrangements for relevant work in accordance with the
time nodes of each link of doctoral and master's thesis defense and degree awarding in the summer
of 2023 (see Annex 1) and submit corresponding materials in a timely manner as required.

(1) Pre-defense of doctoral degree applicants

Before March 9, the pre-defense deadline for doctoral degree applicants is closed. Doctoral degree
applicants who meet the requirements for academic achievements in applying for the doctoral
degree must apply for pre-defense to the School of the Wuhan University of Technology Graduate
Education Integrated Management System (website:, hereinafter referred
to as "Graduate Information Management System"), and can only apply for "pre-defense testing"
after passing the pre-defense.

At present, the degree conferring process starts from the pre-defense in the graduate information
management system, and the "training status" of the graduate information management system is
displayed as "the thesis proposal report has been approved".

(2) Submit an application for intent to respond

Before March 14, doctoral degree applicants (including international students) who have the
intention to defend in the summer must submit an application for defense intention in the graduate
information management system and approve the basic data; Before March 21, master's degree
applicants (including international students) who have the intention to defend in the summer must
submit an application for defense intention in the graduate information management system and
approve the basic data. If there is any error in the basic data, please contact the relevant department
of the Graduate School. If an application for intent to defend has already been submitted, there is
no need to submit it repeatedly.

Before March 28, the Graduate School Degree Office will determine the random list of summer
doctoral and master's students and master's thesis defense according to the submission of the
graduate information management system and publish it. Master's degree applicants who fail to
submit their applications for defense on time are included in the scope of random inspection.
Resubmitted degree applicants are not required to submit an application for intent to respond.

(2) Dissertation "Pre-defense Testing"

On March 16, the "pre-defense test" of doctoral dissertations was closed; On March 23, the "pre-
defense test" for the master's thesis was closed.

Degree applicants are required to submit a dissertation submitted for review (see Annex 2) in the
Graduate Information Management System and be approved by the supervisor. Each school shall
complete the "pre-defense test" of the dissertation before the doctoral and master's degree
applicants are sent for review and upload the pre-defense test results to the graduate student
information management system within three days after the completion of the examination of
various doctoral and master's degree theses.

Each college shall confirm the eligibility for submission based on the test results, and those who
fail the "pre-defense test" will not accept their degree applications.

Degree applicants who have been resubmitted for review must submit the "Revision Instructions
for Application for Blind Review of Graduate Dissertations" to the Degree Office of the Graduate
School, and only after passing the review can they resubmit the submitted dissertation.

(4) Review before dissertation defense

All doctoral degree applicants of Chinese nationality who applied for conferral in the summer of
2023 (except exemption from evaluation), doctoral students and various master's students who
were randomly screened, on-the-job master's degree applicants before 2017, and doctoral and
master's degree applicants who need to be re-sent for evaluation will be evaluated before the
external defense.

Doctoral degree applicants and master's degree applicants who are evaluated by the Graduate
School Degrees Office before the defense are required to submit materials to the Graduate School
Degrees Office (see Annex 2).

On March 16, the pre-defense review procedures for doctoral degree applicants closed; On March
30, the pre-defense review procedures for master's students who were randomly screened and those
who were studying for master's degrees before 2017 were closed.

For other international students, the pre-defense review of dissertations and master's theses of
international students that have not been randomly checked is completed by each school in a
"double-blind" manner in the graduate information management system ("double-blind", that is,
the review experts are not aware of each other with the authors and supervisors of the papers).
(5) Registration of defense information and examination of graduation qualifications

After the issuance of the 2022 winter graduation certificate, the Graduate School Training Office
will issue the Summer Graduate Defense Registration Form to each faculty, and graduate students
of Chinese nationality must go to the Graduate Work Office of the School for defense registration
and graduation qualification review according to the requirements of the School.

On April 20, each faculty reported the Graduate Defense Registration Form to the Graduate
Training Office.

(6) Printing of the "Degree Application and Assessment Form" and announcement before the
defense of the doctoral dissertation

The Degree Application and Assessment Form is printed from the Graduate Information
Management System. Doctoral degree applicants must complete the submission of the information
to the Defense Committee in the Graduate Information Management System five days before the
defense and only after the School and the Graduate School jointly review and approve the "Degree
Application and Assessment" can be printed from the Graduate Information Management System.
Master's degree applicants must complete the submission of the information of the defense
committee in the Graduate Information Management System three days before the defense, and
only after being reviewed and approved by the School can they print the "Degree Application and
Assessment Form" from the Graduate Information Management System.

The Office of Graduate Work of the School shall publish an announcement on the homepage of
the School website or the homepage of the University three days before the defense of the doctoral
dissertation. If it is not announced, this defense is invalid.

(7) Defense review and degree evaluation

On May 23, the deadline for degree applicants to answer the voting votes and stamps will be

On May 23, the summer dissertation defense closes. After the end of the defense, each school shall
conduct a "post-defense test" of the dissertation of the degree applicant of the college and upload
the post-defense test results to the graduate student information management system within three
days after the end of the examination of various doctoral and master's theses. Those who pass the
"post-defense test" can report to the Degree Assessment Subcommittee of the College (hereinafter
referred to as the "Subcommittee") for deliberation.

On May 25, the subcommittees closed their deliberations on the summer degree award.

On June 1, each school submitted the list of degree awarding proposals and related materials
approved by each subcommittee to the Graduate School Degree Office and completed the data
adjustment of the graduate information management system. Submit the list of summer graduates
and graduates to the Graduate School Training Office.

2. Other work requirements

(1) Timely communication. Each college shall convey the spirit of this notice to degree applicants
who have the intention to respond and promptly inform the relevant degree applicants of the review
and conclusion of each working link.

(2) Enter information. For those who applied for a doctoral degree with the same academic ability
before 2016 and those who studied for a master's degree before 2014 (starting with student number
14), if their personal information has not been entered into the graduate information management
system, each school is requested to report the summary list and their personal information by
March 9.

(3) Strict control. Members of the Degree Assessment Subcommittee must be included in the
composition of the defense committee of part-time master's degree applicants, and the degree
evaluation subcommittee shall focus on reviewing the degree applications of part-time master's
degree applicants. All faculties should further strengthen the quality management of dissertations
of personnel applying for doctoral degrees with the same academic ability, strictly control the
review, review, and revision of dissertations, and ensure degree-awarding quality.

(4) Accurate reporting. After the subcommittee completes the deliberation of the degree award,
the School shall submit the approved "List of Review of Academic Papers Published by Full-time
Doctoral (Equivalent Doctorate)" and "List of Review of Academic Papers Published and Obtained
by Full-time Master's Degree" to the Degree Office of the Graduate School for reference (signed
by the chairman of the subcommittee, sealed by the College).


1. The time nodes of each link of the degree awarding work in the summer of 2023

2. List of materials submitted for dissertation review before degree applicant's defense

Graduate school

January 3, 2023

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