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ASSIGNMENT 01 Due Date: 09 May 2024

Dear student

Teaching practice at SENIOR PHASE grades is compulsory for all students doing the
TPS3705 teaching practice module. Adhere to the relevant phase and school subjects
according to your TP module registration requirements.


A practical school letter is mandatory before you start your practicals. (10)

You must follow the online Student View placement process found on MyUnisa; If you are
struggling to get through MyUnisa, please use this link


The TPO will receive your placement information, review the information, add the supervisor,
and send the confirmation letter to you as a student.

After receiving your placement confirmation letter, attach the letter below. The letter must
have the correct dates.



This letter serves as a request for your school to host UNISA students during their teaching
practice period.

According to policy, all B.Ed., PGCE, and Diploma students should be allowed to integrate
the theory they learn in their modules with actual classroom practice in schools. This
authentic form of experience is imperative in their professional journey of becoming teachers.
As a result, student teachers are expected to immerse themselves fully in the culture of the
school by following all internal school processes, procedures, and policies.

We therefore ask you to support student teachers placed at your school by ensuring that they
get the appropriate guidance and support from the teachers and mentor teachers allocated to

Name of Student Student Year/ Module TP Dates No of

No. Level Days

Student/s that you will host for teaching practice:

Yours in service
Prof MJ Taole
Acting Manager: Teaching Practice Office

Principal’s Signature
School Stamp

For enquiries: or


C. Compulsory Questions about the school context


In the first week of your teaching practice, you are expected to observe the school, classroom,
and teaching and learning activities. Please fill in the templates provided below. Fill in the template
for days 2 to 4 each day on those days. This activity is very important, as it allows you to observe
an experienced teacher while planning your own way/teaching style. Submit this
assignment at the end of the first week of your teaching practice.


Date of observation: ……………………………. Grades: ………………………………….

School enrolment: …………………….…………. Boys: ……………… Girls: ………………

Fill in the information required and give additional information in the case of
questions 14 to 22.

1. Name of the school: Cranberry Primary School

2. Contact details: TEL: (043) 7338053

3. E-mail address:

4. Category: ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. Quintile: 3 Explain why the school falls under that quintile: Because it is a no fees,
mostly government funded school.

6. Emis number: 200200095

7. Examination number (FET): ………………………………………………………………

8. Name of the principal: Mr. B.M Klaasen

9. Name of the SGB chairperson: …………………………………………………………..

10. Name of the ward: …………………………………………………………………………

11. Name of the circuit: ………………………………………………………………………..

12. Name of the district: ……………………………………………………………………….

13. Name of the region: ……………………………………………………………………….

14. Name of the province: …………………………………………………………………….

15. Name of the country: ………………………………………………………………………

16. Make a sketch of the classroom where observation took place (table, arrangement of
the desks, cupboards, teaching aids, and walls).

17 Describe the seating arrangement in the classroom (grouping, group names).

18 Is the classroom conducive to learning (classroom atmosphere, environment of the

classroom, mood)?

19 How is discipline managed in the classroom (learners’ behaviour, teacher's and learners’
language, choice of words in questions and responses)?

20 Are there any contextual factors that disrupt the lessons (internal and external influences)?

21 State the methods used for time management (start and end of periods, bells, after break

22 Describe the general relationship between learners themselves and between the teacher and
learners (humour, name calling, favouritism, task/role distribution).

Marks allocation = Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 = ½ mark each

Questions 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21and 22 = 1 mark each
Question 16 = 5 marks
Total = 20


Date of observation: …………………………….. Grade: ………………………………………

Subject: ……………………………….. Lesson theme: ……………………………………..

Total number of learners: ………………Boys: …………………..Girls: ……………………….

Answer each of the following questions and substantiate your answer in each case.

Was the lesson planned and prepared according to the school’s


Were the activities of the lessons presented clearly a n d logically, and d i d t h e y follow a
sequence (background, introduction, new content, and summary)?

Describe the teacher’s level of subject knowledge, and how this was conveyed (expert, terminology,
explanation of the content so as to achieve learner understanding).

Were resources used effectively and efficiently (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media)?

Discuss the style of teaching, teaching methods, teaching strategies (role of the teacher,
dominates lessons, instructional participation of learners).

Discuss the questions posed to learners (level of difficulty, did the questions vary, learners’
responses, teacher's responses).

Discuss the assessment activities conducted (classroom exercise, group or individual assessments).
Explain whether enrichments for diverse learners were included in this lesson (inclusivity).

Were the aims and objectives of the lesson achieved by the end of the lesson?

Do learners move to other classes, or do teachers rotate classes?

(1X10 = 10)

Classroom activities (1)

What activities were learners involved in/exposed to?

Learner participation (2)

Did learners participate during the lesson?

Justify your answer.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning?

Support your answer.

Inclusivity (2)

Learners have different learning abilities. How were all learners accommodated during the lesson?

Assessment (1)

Were any new skills and knowledge learnt from the lesson?

Reflection (2)
What have you as a student teacher learnt from the lesson?

(10 marks)


Date of observation: …………………………….. Grade: ………………………………………

Subject: ……………………………….. Lesson theme: ……………………………………..

Total number of learners: ………………Boys: …………………..Girls: ……………………….

Answer each of the following questions, and substantiate your answer in each case.

Was the lesson planned and prepared according to the school’s


Were the activities of the lessons presented clearly a n d logically, and d i d t h e y follow a
sequence (background, introduction, new content, and summary)?

Describe the teacher’s level of subject knowledge, and how this was conveyed (expert, terminology,
explanation of the content so as to achieve learner understanding).

Were resources used effectively and efficiently (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media)?

Discuss the style of teaching, teaching methods, teaching strategies (role of the teacher,
dominates lessons, instructional participation of learners).

Discuss the questions posed to learners (level of difficulty, did the questions vary, learners’
responses, teacher's responses).

Discuss the assessment activities conducted (classroom exercise, group or individual assessments).
Explain whether enrichments for diverse learners were included in this lesson (inclusivity).

Were the aims and objectives of the lesson achieved by the end of the lesson?

Do learners move to other classes, or do teachers rotate classes?

(1X10 = 10)

Classroom activities (1)

What activities were learners involved in/exposed to?

Learner participation (2)

Did learners participate during the lesson?

Justify your answer.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning?

Support your answer.

Inclusivity (2)

Learners have different learning abilities. How were all learners accommodated during the lesson?

Assessment (1)

Were any new skills and knowledge learnt from the lesson?

Reflection (2)
What have you as a student teacher learnt from the lesson?

(10 marks)


Date of observation: …………………………….. Grade: ………………………………………

Subject: ……………………………….. Lesson theme: ……………………………………..

Total number of learners: ………………Boys: …………………..Girls: ……………………….

Answer each of the following questions, and substantiate your answer in each case.

Was the lesson planned and prepared according to the school’s


Were the activities of the lessons presented clearly a n d logically, and d i d t h e y follow a
sequence (background, introduction, new content, and summary)?

Describe the teacher’s level of subject knowledge, and how this was conveyed (expert, terminology,
explanation of the content so as to achieve learner understanding).

Were resources used effectively and efficiently (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media)?

Discuss the style of teaching, teaching methods, teaching strategies (role of the teacher,
dominates lessons, instructional participation of learners).

Discuss the questions posed to learners (level of difficulty, did the questions vary, learners’
responses, teacher's responses).

Discuss the assessment activities conducted (classroom exercise, group or individual assessments).
Explain whether enrichments for diverse learners were included in this lesson (inclusivity).

Were the aims and objectives of the lesson achieved by the end of the lesson?

Do learners move to other classes, or do teachers rotate classes?

(1X10 = 10)

Classroom activities (1)

What activities were learners involved in/exposed to?

Learner participation (2)

Did learners participate during the lesson?

Justify your answer.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning?

Support your answer.

Inclusivity (2)

Learners have different learning abilities. How were all learners accommodated during the lesson?

Assessment (1)

Were any new skills and knowledge learnt from the lesson?

Reflection (2)
What have you as a student teacher learnt from the lesson?

(10 marks)


Date of observation: …………………………….. Grade: ………………………………………

Subject: ……………………………….. Lesson theme: ……………………………………..

Total number of learners: ………………Boys: …………………..Girls: ……………………….

Answer each of the following questions, and substantiate your answer in each case.

Was the lesson planned and prepared according to the school’s


Were the activities of the lessons presented clearly a n d logically, and d i d t h e y follow a
sequence (background, introduction, new content, and summary)?

Describe the teacher’s level of subject knowledge, and how this was conveyed (expert, terminology,
explanation of the content so as to achieve learner understanding).

Were resources used effectively and efficiently (audio, visual, audio-visual, printed media)?

Discuss the style of teaching, teaching methods, teaching strategies (role of the teacher,
dominates lessons, instructional participation of learners).

Discuss the questions posed to learners (level of difficulty, did the questions vary, learners’
responses, teacher's responses).

Discuss the assessment activities conducted (classroom exercise, group or individual assessments).
Explain whether enrichments for diverse learners were included in this lesson (inclusivity).

Were the aims and objectives of the lesson achieved by the end of the lesson?

Do learners move to other classes, or do teachers rotate classes?

(1X10 = 10)

Classroom activities (1)

What activities were learners involved in/exposed to?

Learner participation (2)

Did learners participate during the lesson?

Justify your answer.

Classroom environment (2)

Was the learning space conducive to learning?

Support your answer.

Inclusivity (2)

Learners have different learning abilities. How were all learners accommodated during the lesson?

Assessment (1)

Were any new skills and knowledge learnt from the lesson?

Reflection (2)
What have you as a student teacher learnt from the lesson?

(10 marks)

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