Quiz 1

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(Class Test/ Quiz-1 Annual Term-2023-2024 Session)

Name: Date: ____________

Subject: Science Class: 5 Section: ________________

Total Marks: 30 Marks Obtained: Time: 45 mins

Parent’s signature: Teacher’s Name: Tanvir Md. Ahsan

MCQ: Choose the correct answer [10 Marks]

1. What is gravity?
a) A pushing force
b) An attractive force between all objects with mass
c) A force that makes objects fall up
d) A force that acts only on Earth

2. On Earth's surface, the gravitational field strength is about:

a) 1 N/kg b) 5 N/kg c) 10 N/kg d) 15 N/kg

3. Which statement about mass and weight is true?

a) Mass and weight are the same thing
b) Both mass and weight depend on gravity
c) An object's mass changes but its weight stays constant
d) Mass is constant but weight can vary based on gravity

4. Weight is:
a) How much matter an object contains
b) The total force of gravity pulling on an object
c) Constant everywhere in the universe
d) Not affected by location

5. What does NOT happen to astronauts in weightlessness?

a) Loss of bone density
b) Disorientation
c) Increase in muscle mass
d) Body fluids shift

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Prepared by: Tanvir Md. Ahsan
6. What happens when you turn on a switch in an electrical circuit?
a) The circuit becomes closed and the electricity stops flowing
b) The circuit become open and the electricity starts flowing
c) The circuit becomes open and electricity stops flowing
d) The circuit becomes closed and electricity starts flowing

7. Which type of circuit is used in house wiring?

a) Series circuit b) Parallel circuit c) Open circuit d) Short circuit

8. In a series circuit, if one bulb burns out, what happens to the other bulbs?
a) They will continue to glow
b) They will stop working
c) They will become dim
d) There is no effect on other bulbs

9. In a parallel circuit, if one component fails, what happens to the other components?

a) There is no effect on other components

b) They will also fail
c) They will become dim

10. A student sets up a circuit containing battery of two cells and two lamps, as shown

Which one is the correct presentation of the circuit diagram?

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Prepared by: Tanvir Md. Ahsan
Structured Question:

1. Sarah has two objects, Object A and Object B. She knows that the mass of Object A is 2 kg and the mass
of Object B is 3 kg. She also knows that the gravitational field strength on Earth is 10 N/kg. Her task is
to calculate the weight of both objects.

a. Calculate the weight of Object B. [1 Marks]

b. If Sara takes Object A to a Planet X, where the gravitational field strength is about half of Earth's, what
would be its weight? [2 Marks]

2. Write 03 differences between Mass and Weight [3 Marks]

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Prepared by: Tanvir Md. Ahsan
3. Label the diagram: [6 Marks]

4. Write down 02 differences of Series and Parallel Circuit? [2 Marks]

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Prepared by: Tanvir Md. Ahsan
5. Discuss briefly in the box why won’t the bulb light up : [6 Marks]


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Prepared by: Tanvir Md. Ahsan

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