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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
modification of the human
body by alchemy, 65;
alchemy the science of the
four elements, 93;
the Seal of God set on the
secret of alchemy, 165

Alfarabi, 48

Alipili, 22, 23

Altotas, 221, 234

Ancient War of the Knights, 43

Anima Magica Abscondita, 21

Anonymous adept, 184

Antimony, Basil Valentine’s

preparation for the study of,
the Triumphal Chariot of
Antimony, 121

Aphrodite Urania, 37

Apono, Peter d’, 88

Aquinas, St Thomas, 61

Argent Vive—Reduction of
metals into sophic Argent
Vive, 87;
the Medicine of all Metals, 90;
the first thing to be
ascertained in alchemy is
the significance of this
term, 92
Arnold de Villanova, 88

Ars Lulliana, 68

Avicenna, 51

Azoth, or The Star in the East, a

forthcoming work on the
psychic potencies which
enter into the higher act of
transmutation, on the
mysteries of spiritual
chemistry, and on the
possibilities of practical
transcendentalism, 37

Bacon, Roger, 63

Balsamo, Joseph, Travels,

Adventures, and
Imprisonments, 220

Basil, Valentine, 120

Belin, Albert, 186

Berigard of Pisa, 148

Bird, William, unknown adept,


Böhme, Jacob, 161

Bono, Peter, 118

Borri, Guiseppe Francesco, 208

Botticher, John Frederich,
neophyte, 212

Braccesco, Giovanni, 151

Busardier, unknown adept, 182

Butler, 168

Cagliostro, Count Allesandro,

name assumed by
Balsamo, 230

Calcination, an alchemical
process, 13, 19

Canons of Espagnet, 19

Charnock, Thomas, 148

Chemistry, said to have no

connection with alchemy,
distinction between alchemy
and chemistry, 21, 25;
a counter view, 44

Contemplation, a preparation
for alchemical practices, 18

Cremer, John, pseudo-abbot of

Westminster, 83

Dalton, Thomas, 133

Dee, John, 153

Delisle, 216

D’Espagnet, Jean, 170;

on the obstacles which beset
the alchemist, 39

Diana Unveiled, 180

Dissolution, an alchemical
process, 12

Dominic, St, said to have been

an adept, 58

Dubois, descendant of Flamel,


Dunstan, St, Book of, 154, 155

Egyptian Masonry, 245, 250,

and Appendix II.

Elias the Artist, 193

Eliphas Lévi, 82

Elixir, the White and Red, 195

Étoile Flamboyante, 59

Eugenius Philalethes, 21, 31,


Exaltation, an alchemical
process, 32
Fabre, Pierre Jean, 200

Ferarius, 92

Figuier, Louis, alchemical critic,

27, 63

Fioravanti, Leonardi, 153

Flamel, Nicholas, 95

Fontaine, John, 129

Galip, 55

Geber, 44

Generation of Metals, 38, 48,


Goëtic magic, 65

Gold, 10, 28, 140

Grand Magisterium, 57, 123

Grand Secret and Grand Act,

170, 189

Great Art, 130

Grimoire, 60

Gustenhover, 181
Helmont, J. B. Van, 166

Helvetius, John Frederick, 201

Hermetic—Aim of Hermetic
science, 29;
true method of Hermetic
interpretation, 30;
supreme secret of Hermetic
philosophy, 66;
the Hermetic art a gift of God,

Heydon, John, 210

Hitchcock—His Remarks on
Alchemy and the
Alchemists, 10, 14, 23, 30

Interpretation of Hermetic
theories, &c.—Hermetic
typology, 10;
the moral method, 13;
the Psychic method, 122

Invocation as a preparation for

the practice of alchemy, 17

Isaac of Holland, 123

Jean de Meung, 90

Johannes de Rupecissa, 119

John XXII., Pope, 93

Kalid, an initiated monarch, 54

Khunrath, Henry, 159;

treats of spiritual alchemy, 33,

Lascaris, 211

Lavures, alchemical operations,


Light—Veritable light of
alchemy, 15;
vision in the Divine Light, 16;
light the First Matter of the
Magnum Opus, 38

Magic Chain, 22

Magnum Opus—The first

Matter of the Magnum
Opus in its psychic aspect
to be revealed in a
forthcoming work, Azoth,
or The Star in the East,
processes for the
accomplishment of the
Magnum Opus, 42;
these described by Arnold,
the composition of the Stone
is the accomplishment of
the Magnum Opus, 152;
manner of the
accomplishment of the
Magnum Opus described
in “The Adventures of an
Unknown Philosopher,”

Maier, Michael, 58, 87, 160

Man—The concealed subject of

every adept, 11;
the mystic vase of election,

Manuel, Domenico, 215

Mary of Alexandria, 36

Matter, the first matter of the

Magnum Opus, said to be
gold, 28;
defined as a fifth element, 39;
one only and self-same thing,
its true nature not disclosed
by the adepts, 41;
its informing spirit variously
adaptable, 43;
a duplex nature, 53;
contained in silver and gold,
the seed of every metal can
be reduced into the first
matter, 93;
figured in the book of Rabbi
Abraham, 103;
found by Nicholas Flamel,
mercury the true first matter,
the matter of the
philosophical stone a
viscous water, 119;
said to be Saturn, or lead,
is found everywhere, 136;
may be discovered by
studying the best books
of the philosophers, 145

Medicine—Properties of a
universal medicine
attributed to the Stone, 13;
the Stone a medicine for
metals and man, 32;
life is prolonged by the stone,
application of the tincture as
a medicine for the
human body, 148

Mercury—Identified with the

supernatural, 11;
obstacles to its discovery, 39;
sophic mercury described by
Avicenna, 52;
mercury the water of metals,
a matchless treasure, 197
Morien, 53

Morning Star, 36

New Birth, 11, 12

Norton, Thomas, 130

Obereit, John Hermann, 219

One Thing Needful—The

exaltation of the cognising
faculty, 15

Orizon Æternitatis, mystical

term of Paracelsus, 36

Palingenesis, 92

Philalethes, Eirenæus, 187;

on the Aqua Philosophorum,

Picus de Mirandola, 136

Psychic Chemistry—A Scheme

of Absolute Reconstruction,
accomplished by the Divine
Power in the Soul, 22;
general observations on
spiritual alchemistry, 32-
Regnauld, Brother, 63

Rhasis, 46

Richthausen, his transmutations

with stolen powder, 183

Ripley, George, 134;

his description of the Stone,
supposed to have initiated
Thomas Norton, 130

Romance of the Rose, 90

Rose Nobles, 82, 84, 86

Rosicrucians—Had other
alchemical objects than
metallic transmutations, 36;
the associates defended by
Michael Maier, 160;
initiation offered by the
Rosicrucians to
Sendivogius, 179

Sendivogius, Michael, 175;

“The New Light of Alchemy”
falsely ascribed to this
neophyte, 21, 31

Separation an alchemical
process, 12, 17

Sethon, Alexander, 171

Son of the Sun, 37

Sophistication of metals, 62

Starkey, George, 165, 195, 197,


Stone of the Philosophers—

Said to be a symbol of
immortality, 13;
analogous in its nature to the
state of primeval man,
Transmutation accomplished
by its means, 38;
in appearance a subtle,
brown, and opaque
earth, 132;
dark, disesteemed, and grey
in colour, 165;
the seed out of which gold
and silver are generated,

Subject of Alchemy—According
to Hitchcock, 13;
according to George Starkey,

Suggestive inquiry concerning

the Hermetic Mystery, 9,
14, 17, 24, 30, 34

Sulphur (Sophic)—Said to
symbolise Nature, 11;
sophic sulphur and the
conscience, 12;
difficulties in its discovery, 39;
described by Avicenna, 52

Transmutation—Doubts as to
the significance of the term,
identified with spiritual
conversion, 13;
the physical theory of
Transmutation, 38, &c.;
possibility of the fact, 33

Transmutations performed by
adepts and their
emissaries, 84, 94, 106,
118, 133, 136, 148, 156,
167, 168, 177, 178, 181,
183, 184, 185, 196, 201-
208, 212-216, 217, 218

Trévisan, Bernard, 124;

honoured by Philalethes, 194

Tschoudy, Baron, 39

Typology—Possibility of an
infinite variety of
interpretations of any
sequence of typology, 29

Urbigerus—His alchemical
aphorisms, 40
Vase of the Philosophers—
Identified with man, 14;
its true nature unexplained by
adepts, 41;
described by Geber, 46

Vaughan, Thomas, 187

Wisdom Faculty, 15

Wood of Life, 152

Zachaire, Denis, 140

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