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Criteria Details Score

Organization and structure: The

Organization and structure
presentation should have a clear and
(20 points)
logical structure, with an introduction,
main points, and conclusion.
Delivery: The presenter should speak
clearly, confidently, and at an
Delivery (20 points)
appropriate pace. Avoidance of filler
words (um, uh, like, etc.) is
Engagement: The presenter should
engage the audience by maintaining
Engagement (15 points)
eye contact, using gestures and body
language effectively, and speaking
with enthusiasm.
Content coverage: The presentation
should cover all key aspects of the
Content coverage (15 points) paper, including the restaurant's food
and beverage service analysis,
recommendations for improvement,
and any other relevant findings.
Use of visuals: Visual aids such as
Use of visuals (10 points) slides, images, or props should be
used effectively to enhance
understanding and engagement.
Time management: The presenter
Time management (10 points) should manage time effectively to
ensure all key points are covered
within the allocated presentation time.
Ability to respond to questions: The
Ability to respond to questions presenter should be prepared to
(5 points) answer questions from the audience
about the paper's content, providing
thoughtful and articulate responses.
Overall impact: The presentation
should leave a positive impression on
Overall impact (5 points)
the audience, demonstrating the
presenter's knowledge, preparation,
and communication skills.


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