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The Goose King squats in his great longhouse among verdant fields won by his ancestors.
He feasts nightly on the most succulent turf, rich foreign wines, and the finest lettuces. Court Gossip & Rumors
In the swampy dark outside, his kingdom crumbles and suffers. Supply for the King's
grasping, swollen armies strips the land of fodder, leaving meadow and pond bare and While the Goskarls sneer and bluster as a matter of pride, most of the court is amused
those who tend them hungry. Raiders, Cygnat rebels, beasts, and brigands descend to and delighted to chat with the brave and common fools risking their lives on a mythic
burn hall and hamlet, unopposed due to the levy. journey. If the Company stays, as invited, to feast in Sigtrygg’s hall they will each hear a
rumour from the table below as they flirt, drink, and chat. Afterwards a servant will lead
Even the spiteful gods of the Anser have no use for misrule and their punishment is cruel the Company out, offering 8 Supply, letters of passage, and a map to the Claymarshes.
but sure.
The Ganshoggr is a holy beast, a curse from the gods, and its blight will cease
The great gander of the Claymarshes—despoiler, land-devourer, sword-blessed terror 1 when it takes the Goose King’s crown.
bird, maimer of champions, curse of the wrathful stars—has come again. The
The Ganshoggr abhors the sound of shrine bells for it is an unholy beast.
Ganshoggr's scream rips the night in contemptuous accusation, sounding the Goose
King's failure—the dawn of an age of ruin. The King decrees that he must not face the
ravening monster himself, so he seeks champions as is his royal right; any who defeat the The Ganshoggr is immortal, blades rebound, and its wounds close in a blink.
Ganshoggr will be rewarded with gold, land, and fame. 3
The Ganshoggr is a merciful beast: it rarely kills, but maims those it defeats.
Atop rolling hills of vibrant green clover, sedge, and lawn are the brooding halls of the
Anser lords. Black wood, hammered iron, and antiquated beaten copper roofing.
4 The champions who survive now serve the best.
Unwalled, in an open boast of Anser strength. Goskarls mill and cluster among the The Ganshoggr is lazy; it sleeps all day and despoils by night, leaving its hoard
hillocks, drinking and feasting; mead and salads served up endlessly by green liveried 5 ripe for plundering.
servants. The Ganshoggr is a covetous beast, who appreciates all that glitters — offer it
Ranks of the King’s Gagelynof, picked Goskarls, stand along the hall. They are dangerous
6 gems and gold in trade for a dead king’s crown!
warriors, some, the Gasdalka, are dubiously blessed with the beserkergang, the The Kings Howe is the burial place of the Anser Kings; the upper levels are a
supernatural change—blood-fed transformation into a ravenous ganderbeast. 7 shrine but below is tomb gold, spirits, and curses.
The Howe’s shrine is home to a senile old keeper, who carries the keys to the
Lining the hall beneath a
thousand bright shields, they
8 tombs below.
glower and sneer, but Sigtrygg
II, Gosvater, Sea King of the
Anser, is gracious enough for a

The King will accept

champions in a ceremony once
per Downtime Turn in the
great mead hall. Once proper At the Northern extreme of the Gooselands, where the forests, ponds and fields
respect is granted him, end, is the foetid grey muck of the Claymarshes: a worthless expanse of brackish
Sigtrygg offers each would-be streams, grey mud, drowned copses and fibrous reeds. Life in the marsh is
champion his blessing, and harsh, game rare and limited to suspicious eyed waterfowl, toads, and
declares that “great treasure cannibalistic catfish. Trackless, only a few landmarks rise from the muck,
and lordship” await the starting with the farm at the edge of the forest. It takes one Travel Turn to travel
champions when they return from one landmark to the next nearest (from the farm to the bridge, or bridge to
with the Ganshoggr’s head. Howe for example).

See Claymarshes Map on rear cover.

1 2
A ramshackle farm of unpainted driftwood beneath a mossy slate roof. Its corrals are Greyfeather (Gris): A tall, massively thewed Goosemaiden wearing Scintillating Scale
empty, barns collapsed, but the sprawling kitchen garden is full of cabbages and thick Mail and winged helm. Greyfeather carries a huge shield and beaked warhammer.
tangled pea vines. A trickle of smoke pours from its leaning chimney.
GREYFEATHER: Threat 4, HP 60, Att 0 x warhammer (d10), MV 3, ML 10, AL Lawful
Within the cottage are Gris, a one-legged goose matron; Red, a handsome young man Tough Hide: Immune to bladed weapons.
missing his left arm; and Totten the Inevitable, a robed and rag-shrouded figure lacking Avenger: Does not make Attack Rolls when she acts during an Initiative Turn. Whenever
both a leg and arm who sits by the fire nearly unmoving. she receives Damage, she will afterwards make a free Attack Roll against the attacker, if
The farmers are happy to give directions to the King;s Howe and will offer hospitality. If Bulwark: Twice per Initiative Turn, when an ally takes Damage, Greyfeather may
the Company agrees, they will bring out a surprising feast from the farmhouse’s tiny immediately make a Movement Roll or Shift to interpose herself as the new target,
kitchen in 1 Travel Turn. Each offers a previously unknown rumor from the table on Page taking Damage in lieu of her ally.
2. If asked directly about the Ganshoggr they will suggest that the creature should only Scintillating Scale Mail: Magical. 2 Slots, 4 Blocks, 3 Quality, 4 Rarity. The first attack
be confronted in an honorable battle. against the wearer each Initiative Turn is Impaired 1.

The feast includes several dishes: a roast, a ragout, a stew with bread, and a salad of The Ruby Knight (Red): Clad in ornate red plate armor dented and set with cracked
marsh greens and cabbage. The main dishes are both blessed and cursed - each made jewels. He smiles unwholesomely at the Golden Rapier held loosely in his left hand.
from the missing limbs of the former champions. Each dish provides a permanent
magical boon to those who eat it, but if the character eats a dish made from a creature THE RUBY KNIGHT: Threat 4, HP 36, Att 1 x rapier (d8), MV 1, ML 10, AL Lawful
similar to themselves they will be cursed with the Mark of the Cannibal. Panache: Always Acts Quickly. If the Ruby Knight deals 8 or more Damage, they deal a
vital blow to the target, killing them instantly.
Dish Blessing Curses Golden Rapier: Medium weapon, magical. The wielder of this weapon treats all armor as
Roasted Goose Leg: Standing roast taking up 1 fewer Slot(s), to a minimum of 1.
with golden brown cracklings on a Animal People
+1 HP per Renown. Totten the Inevitable: They stare from a dark helm with clouded dead eyes. Shrouded
bed of cabbages swimming in rich of any kind.
fat. entirely in gray robes, concealing jagged black scale armor. Totten moves like smoke
If a character has rolled their thanks to the Inevitable Helm, unhampered by missing limbs and fights with a hooked
Spiced Ragout: Richly with warm sword.
Movement Dice this Initiative Humans and
spices and garlic, succulent shreds of
Turn, their next Attack Roll is Demi-Humans.
meat in a mushroom laden sauce. TOTTEN THE INEVITABLE: Threat 4, HP 28, Att 3 x sword (d8), MV 5, ML 10, AL Lawful
Enhanced 1.
Forager’s Stew: Hearty and thick Horde Breaker: Totten cannot attack the same target twice in an Initiative Turn.
All Saving Throws are made at
bone broth laden with carrots, wild Everyone. Inevitable Helm: Magical. 2 Slots, 4 Blocks, 3 Quality, 5 Rarity. A skull-faced casque gifted
DV -1.
greens, herbs, and fish. by a dead god in the first age. The helmet drinks pain; the wearer regenerates 1 HP per
Initiative Turn. The horrific helmet reduces the wearer’s PRES to 4. If the helm is
MARK OF THE CANNIBAL: The Mark of the Cannibal manifests as slight lengthening removed, all wounds the wearer has received will reopen—dealing 4D6 Damage per
of the canines, an unwholesome ruddiness, and a hint of a meat odor, reducing PRES by Renown.
3. It can be removed magically or by divine favor, but will also remove any benefits gained
from the feast.

REST & BELL THEFT: If the Company sleeps at the farm they will wake refreshed, with
all Exhaustion removed and at full HP, to find the farm deserted and derelict; its gardens
overgrown with weeds and brambles. Their packs have been searched and any bells in
their possession have been stolen. If a member of the Company took watch, this theft
will not occur, but they will notice Totten creeping outside their room late at night.

The farmers are not what they seem. Each is a former champion, granted a limited
immortality as servants of the Ganshoggr. While they wish to see it defeated, they are
magically bound to encourage the sort of honorable challenge that favors the beast. The
best they can do is offer the boons of the magical feast.

If attacked, the Champions will cast off their dirt stained smocks and pompously
proclaim their names. They don’t wish to kill the Company, but they relish combat.

3 4
BRIDGE: A monumental bridge of white stone above a slow, muddy channel. Below the
bridge is a small, retiring trollock—Mucasius the Green. Home-proud of his bridge, he
will querulously demand a toll if anyone passes above. However, the Ganshoggr has him
frightened and, unless provoked with insults or questioned about his orange hue, he
won’t do more than unenthusiastically threaten.

Mucasius the Green: An 11’ orange skinned hillock of warty skin and beady black eyes
wearing a plumed hat far too small for him. He won’t leave his bridge unless the
alternative is death.

TROLLOCK: Threat 6, HP 48, Att 2 x talon (1d6) or 1 x bite (1d10), MV 2, ML 10, AL

Regeneration: After 4 Initiative Turns, will begin regenerating 4 HP per Initiative Turn; Tall as a shrine steeple; bright of serrated beak and cruel of cunning blue eyes; pecks that
regenerated HP is added to HP maximum. Can reattach severed body parts. If killed, strike with serpent quickness and force enough to shatter a destrier's skull; festooned
will regenerate from death back to full HP in 1d6 Exploration Turns. with chains, bedecked with dented golden crowns, and pierced with ancient swords—
Flammable: Damage dealt by fire (or acid, or anything else that burns) will not the Ganshoggr is no mortal beast grown from a egg, but a cosmic rebuke hatched from
regenerate and is Enhanced 2. If attacked with fire, Mucasius makes a Morale Roll, misrule and fashioned by the grim avian gods to destroy kings and champions.
rolling 3d6.
THE GANSHOGGR: Threat 10, HP 100, Att 2 x kick (1d8) and 1 x peck (1d10) or wing. MV
KINGS HOWE: See page 7. 3/4 (flying), ML 10, AL Lawful
Colossal: Treat as a large Warband if Threat above 5.
WRECK: The wreck of a cog careened over in the reeds. The hold is a safe, if damp, place Divine Ward: Regenerates 10 HP per Initiative Turn.
to camp. Peck: If the Ganshoggr deals 10 or more Damage with its peck, it tears off an appendage
(1-2 arm; 3-4 leg; 5-6 head). This injury renders the victim Out Of Action; having one’s
SHRINE: Sinking into the mire, steeple canted, roof half-fallen. A thin trickle of smoke head bitten off generally proves fatal.
escapes through the roof’s mossy tiles. The shrine is inhabited by a band of disgraced Buffet: If above 75 HP, the Ganshoggr may flap its wings, becoming immune to all
Cygnat Nobles in twig tangled wigs, torn silks, and scuffed parade armor. The tarnished missile attacks until the next Initiative Turn, and forcing all creatures within 20’ to make
silver shrine bell (2,200 p, 2 slots) sits amid the sagging, mushroom spackled detritus of a SKILL Saving Throw or be knocked prone and take 2d6 Damage.
the altar. Curse of the Ganshoggr: Anyone killed by the Ganshoggr will rise in 1 Exploration Turn,
healed of all Wounds and at full HP (save for any missing limbs), their soul chained to the
Cygnat Nobles: Fugitives and partisan rebels opposing Sigtrygg II and the Anser Line. beast’s will. Magically bound to serve the Ganshoggr, they will hobble off to join their
They speak with the diction of courtiers, but their conversation is that of base bandits brethren in the Undercrypts (Area 5).
reveling in sadistic delights. Can be bribed for 4,000p in treasure to remain peaceful and
allow the plundering of the shrine’s “worthless” bell. They will be hostile if they know the TACTICS: The Ganshoggr accepts honorable duels with a champion, beak to blade (use
Company’s goal is to slay the Ganshoggr. the Duel procedure); it will use its Attack Roll to peck, though all its other abilities
remain active. If the Ganshoggr is attacked by a group or with ranged weapons, it will
CYGNAT NOBLES (x8): Threat 1, HP 6, Att 1 x weapon (1d6), MV 2, ML 8, AL Neutral not hold back. The Ganshoggr does not attack those who flee, surrender, are Out of
Filthy velvet, ragged lace, assorted daggers, smallswords, and bucklers. Action, or otherwise pose no threat.

WEAKNESSES: Cunning Errants can discover the following weaknesses and exploit
Bells: A loudly ringing shrine bell prevents the Ganshoggr from regenerating and will
cause it to receive Damage as an Individual.
Crowns: The Ganshoggr wears nine crowns taken from the Anser Kings. Each crown
removed reduces its regeneration by 1, Threat by 1, and HP by 10. The crowns can be
stolen, but the Ganshoggr will hunt down thieves. If offered a large shiny object, it must
give up a crown; each object must be of a different sort, and only 4 crowns can be
removed this way. Efforts to snatch crowns from the Ganshoggr while it is awake are
foolhardy: the Ganshoggr gains a free peck attack at the creature making the effort, after
which the thief must make a PHYS Saving Throw to succeed at retrieving the crown.

5 6
1. Trophy Tree—Outdoor Light
An ancient oak stands at the base of the towering Howe. Its branches hang with battered
shields and a huge copper chased horn (10 Slots, 1,200p).

Battered shields: 20 shields hang or are nailed to the tree. Only three are still functional:
a rönd bearing the red eye of the Gasdalka (2 Slots, 6 Blocks), a small dhal hammered
from untarnished black meteoric steel (1 Slot, 4 Blocks, 3 Quality, 3 Rarity), and a brightly
painted Knight’s Shield, purpere with the charge of a pard passant Or (2 Slots, 6 Blocks, 3
3 Quality, 4 Rarity). The Knight’s Shield is magical, but cursed: while its owner is immune
to fear, they cannot reject a challenge or abandon the shield.

Copper Chased Horn: Blowing this 5’ long horn will immediately be answered by a deep
honking scream from below. The Ganshoggr will arrive in 1 Exploration Turn, shifting
the stone slab in Area 2.
4 2. Stone Crevasse—Outdoor Light
1 At the entrance of the trench leading into the Howe is a massive stone slab. The walls are
S carved with symbols in the following order: longships, chariots, swords, armored
5 gander, and crowns.

8 S Stone Slab: Only the strength of the Ganshoggr, or cables, tackle, and 6 Exploration
Turns of work from at least ten strong backs (total PHYS 110) can move the slab. Beneath,
7 6 a wide steep passage that leads directly to the Ganshoggr’s lair (Area 9). The beast
emerges here, and while it replaces the stone before flying off, it will leave the tunnel
open for the duration of any combat.
S 3. Candle Shrine—Outdoor Light
9 Every surface is covered in melted wax and studded with candle stubs that fail to hide
S the glint of gold. A pile of reddish rags in the corner, the Shrine Keeper, will croak offers
to sell candles, and explain that prayers are answered based on the value of coins placed
beneath the candle.

Glint of gold: There are coins under the thousands of candles here (4,100p, 1,400s, 500g).
It takes 8 Exploration Turns to chip them all out. The Anser Gods will curse any who loot
the shrine (double Damage received from swords) unless double the coins taken are
10 returned. Looting will also enrage the Shrine Keeper, who will run howling to the
Undercrypts (Area 5) and return in 2 Exploration Turns with 2D6 Thralls of the

Shrine Keeper: A cowl above bundled red rags, from which peer bright wild blue eyes.
Cares only for the sanctity of the shrine. Beneath the cowl is only an orange beaked skull
covered in parchment-like skin. It can be tricked into opening the Red Doors (Area 4), for
which it carries the keys, with pious excuses. Will flee to Area 5 for help if attacked.

KINGS HOWE SHRINE KEEPER: Threat 3, HP 18, Att 1 x spectral claw (d4), SPD 2, ML 6, AL Lawful
Regeneration: Will regenerate 5 HP per Initiative Turn unless its skull is burnt and
ritually desecrated.

7 8
4. Hall of Pillars—Dim

High vaulted, with a forest of painted red pillars. A pair of red doors on the southern
wall; an arch that leads to a candlelit enameled altar.

Red Doors: Heavy wood, bound in hammered bronze, and enameled a shiny red (DV 10
PHYS Check to open). They are locked with a triple lock (each lock is of a distinct type
and must be picked separately, but all open with the key hidden in the Shrine Keeper’s
robes). Forcing the doors will alert the residents of the Undercrypts (Area 5).

Enameled Altar: Warmly lit by six wrist thick candles in wax shrouded black set in
blackened silver candle holders (400p, ¼ Slot each). On the altar is a feather blade, and
any sword placed on the altar will transform into a feather blade in one Travel Turn.
Opening the altar cabinet reveals a 3’ square door. Beneath is a shaft that leads to a
concealed hatch in the roof of the Tomb of the Conqueror below (Area 6).
Feather Blade: A divine feather (0 Slots) the length of a short sword. Magic medium RANDOM
weapon, but falls apart after one battle. Attack Rolls with a feather blade can not be
Impaired. ENCO NTERS
In every room beyond the Undercrypts (Areas 6-10), the Event Die is rolled.

On a result of Encounter (1) on the Event Die, roll a d6. There is a 1 in 6 chance, but
5. Undercrypts—Dim increasing by 1 each time, that the Encounter will be with a Ghost King.

Otherwise the encounter will be with a group of 1D6 Thralls (See Area 5). The Thralls will
Wide stairs open to a pair of low, candle-lit, stone galleries that reek of curdled wounds
be hostile unless the Company can spin a believable story as to how they serve the
and stale sweat. Shuffling figures, their shadows huge on the peeling white plastered
walls, crouch at the mouths of various niches.
The Ghost King appears as a floating, transparent Anser lord of war. It will ask for its
Shuffling Figures: Anesthetized by death, the Thralls of the Ganshoggr are the pale crown to be recovered from the Ganshoggr. If given a crown (any will do) he will bless the
remnants of warriors slain by the beast. Six of them are missing their heads, the rest an giver’s weapon, turning it into a haunted armament.
arm or leg; all have foul, infected wounds. They mutter of their tarnished honor and the Haunted Armament: wreathed in magical frost, anything Damaged by it is frozen. A
Goose King’s many crimes. Sixteen are in the Undercrypt during the day, and will warn frozen creatures’ Attack Rolls are Impaired 2 until the end of the next Initiative Turn.
off intruders (unless directed by the Shrine Keeper), fighting to prevent access to
anything except the stairway to the Tree of Woe (Area 7). At night all of the thralls sleep GHOST KING: Threat 3, HP 21, Att 1 x cursed touch (d6), SPD 1, ML 10, AL Neutral
in despoiled tombs of Anser nobles, lost in dreams of woe that make them easy to sneak Incorporeal Form: Immune to Damage from non-magical weapons and cannot be
past. Blocked by non-magical armor.
Curse of the Anser Lords: If the Ghost King deals Unblocked Damage with its cursed
touch, the victim is cursed to receive an extra +1 on all Damage they receive until the
THRALLS OF THE GANSHOGGR (x22): Threat 2, HP 10, Att 1 x weapon (d6), SPD 1, ML curse is broken. This effect is cumulative.
12, AL Lawful
Shambling: Always Acts Slowly.
Undead: Immune to effects that target living creatures or alter the mind. Local Effects
A stinking foul wind blows up from below: the rotten vegetable smell of the
Niches: smashed stone crypts, bones, and nests of pus-and-blood crusted rags fill these
1 Ganshoggr.
stinking alcoves. A search among the wreckage will uncover a silver blessed axe head (¼
Slot, 800p), and a corslet of finely linked mail made of incorruptible mountain copper (4
2 Sinister
whispers hiss from the dark, demanding the theft of the Ganshoggr’s

Slots, 8 Blocks, 3 Quality, 4 Rarity, 4,000p). 3 The muffled sound of distant shrine bells.
4 Visions of a screaming victim disemboweled on a blood-blooming tree.
The porcelain statues (Area 6) robotically move to different alcoves, ignoring
5 any intruders; the grinding of their gears echoes throughout the Howe.
6 The Ganshoggr awakes for a moment, readjusting itself on its pile.
9 10
6. Tomb of the Conqueror—Dark 7. Tree of Woe—Dark
Narrow stairs wind to a clean, tiled, beehive shaped chamber. A shoulder high tomb of The smell of earthy loam mixed with the iron-and-feces reek of a battlefield grows
red stone sits at the centre, and five of the alcoves surrounding it contain gleaming stronger towards the bottom of the stairs. Within, a twisted tree claws up from soil
monumental porcelain statues. A hidden trapdoor in the ceiling, 20’ above the tomb of churned and mulched with bone fragments. The black, stone brick walls are painted with
red stone, leads up upward to the Hall of Pillars (Area 4). It is latched from the inside, white lime: murals of sacrifice and execution.
but can be forced open from below.
Twisted tree: Bole bloated, black bark cracked, scabbed with burls that leak bloody sap.
Tiles: The tiles are uniform porcelain hexagons. On the walls and on the floor 6’ closest to Skulls, half grown over, are set in crooks and hollows or nailed directly to the trunk.
the walls they have been glazed to show the Owlfolk’s paradise in cobalt blue. The tiles Chains wrapping the tree contain a set of manacles. The stunted branches above are
surrounding the red stone sarcophagus for 20’ are red with shiny iron glaze. Weight over bare, save for a few red buds and tiny leaves.
5 lbs on the red tiles will activate the porcelain statues.
The tree is an ancient sacrificial altar to the Anser Gods. If a living sentient is sacrificed
Tomb of Red Stone: A block of milky red kinnabari, the lid sculpted by a genius’s hand in whilst chained to the tree, it will bloom and the secret door in the back wall will open in a
the form of a regal goose queen holding coin laden scales in one hand and a human skull burst of red light (to the Lair of the Ganshoggr - Area 9). This door can be discovered by
in the other. The lid can be shifted free by four regular workers (total PHYS 32) in 1 normal means but cannot be opened without burrowing through 1’ of hard stone.
Exploration Turn, causing it to shatter on the floor. Within is the mummified remains of In exchange for blood, the squawking, glowering, thirsty gods of goose-kind will answer
the queen, her face covered in a solid gold death mask with ivory and lapis eyes (¼ Slot, a single question, up to five times a day. They will only give yes or no answers, but will
8,000p), wearing a shroud of silvered chain links (¼ Slot, 2,000p), and clutching a gold not lie.
shafted spear with a polished obsidian tip—the Spear of Castigating Flame.

Spear of Castigating Flame: Medium weapon, magical. Bursts into flame, Enhancing 8. Ghost Maze—Dark
Attack Rolls by 2, when in the presence of any who have betrayed an oath.
Filled with rasping whispering and weeping, this low ceilinged (6’) catacomb is
Alcoves: The alcoves flanking the door are tiled with mosaics of owl folk engaged in partitioned with twisting, shoulder-high bone walls, slathered with crumbling white
scholarship within the vast libraries of the Bellipotentacy. Tapping the rear wall of the plaster, and studded with skulls and rune carved bones.
southern alcove suggests a void behind. Looking at the mosaic closely reveals three goose
folk among the owls, behaving inappropriately (drinking, sleeping, and wiping blood Whispering and Weeping: Unquiet spirits of ancient Goskarls, princes, ladies, and kings
from a sword). If all three are pressed at once a secret door will unlatch, revealing a are trapped in the maze. Their ceaseless cries and frustrated murmurs form a susurrus
stairway to the First Tomb (Area 10). that fills the entire chamber.
Porcelain statues: 12’ tall, strigiform Anyone who listens to the whispers will be able to hear the ghosts of the Anser elite
warriors of white and blue porcelain: demanding, with imperious callousness, to be freed. If refused they will possess the
tribute to the power of the ancient Ansers listener (PRES Saving Throw to resist) to tear down the rune carved bones and roughly
from the city states of the Wise depart the body when finished (PRES Saving Throw or die). If ignored the ghosts will
Bellipotentacy. When animated their eyes manifest as an outraged swarm of Ghostly Karls that will demand freedom when the
flash with blue sparks as they scream with Company is half-way through the maze, and attack any who do not comply.
the grating sound of grinding wheels. They
will only rest when the room is empty of life GHOSTLY KARLS (Swarm): Threat 4, HP 24, Att 1 x freezing touch (1d8), SPD 1, ML 10,
for 3 Exploration Turns. AL Neutral
Incorporeal Form: Immune to Damage from non-magical weapons and cannot be
STRIGIFORM WARRIOR: Threat 3, HP 24, Blocked by non-magical armor.
Att 1 x glaive (d10), SPD 0, ML 12, AL Neutral Freezing Touch: If the Swarm of Ghostly Karls deals Unblocked Damage, the target must
Alchemical Ceramic: Damage from piercing make a PRES Saving Throw or become frozen for two Initiative Turns and lose 1d6+2
weapons is Impaired 3. Immune to fire and PHYS.
mind-altering effects.
Plodding: Always lose Initiative. Rune Carved Bones: 25 fetishes of goose-folk skulls and long bones, carved with swirling
Inhuman Force: If the Strigiform Warrior lines and ominous silver inlaid runes (¼ Slot, 80p each) that squirm in any light. They
deals 10 or more Damage, they bisect or trap and confuse spirits and immaterial creatures in the maze. If at least 15 are removed,
behead the target, killing them instantly. smashed or thrown to the floor the ghosts will be freed, escaping into the marsh.

11 12
9. Lair of the Ganshoggr—Dark 10. First Tomb—Dark
Foul vegetable stink grows as one approaches this grey stone cavern, the reek of the A marble tiled pool glows with dim blue light, encircled by densely laid rusted iron
Ganshoggr’s droppings. Within, the great goose beast slumbers during the day atop a pictograms. At the bottom of the pool, its filigreed stone outlined by harsh shadow, is a
glittering hoard that spills from the shattered hull of a gigantic, age-rotted dreki. marble sarcophagus.

Ganshoggr: Absent at night, by day the Ganshoggr slumbers, dreaming of destruction Pool: The 15’ deep pool is cursed; so long as it glows blue its surface turns to thick sea ice
and woe. If awakened, it will attack unless offered a large shiny object as tribute. If it once entered, trapping those beneath to drown. The ice requires 60 points of Damage
discovers any crowns or bells have been taken it will attack without pause. It will not from fire or appropriate weapons before breaking, and will reform at full strength any
pursue intruders, but it will retreat outside if attacked at range from an area it can’t time another person enters the water. Those beneath the ice will suffer from both
reach. (See Page 6 for Statistics) drowning and the deathly cold of the water, taking 1D8 Damage per Initiative Turn (DV
4+Encumbrance PHYS Saving Throw for half Damage).
A careful thief can snatch crowns (4000p, ¼ Slot) from the sleeping Ganshoggr but doing
so without waking it requires a DV 2+Encumbrance SKILL Check to steal the first crown, Once formed the ice takes a full day to melt completely, but only 1 Travel Turn before it
which will increase by 2 for each additional crown. becomes too thin to walk on without breaking (falling through can trigger the curse).

Glittering Hoard: A pile of glittering metal stained in the filth of the Ganshoggr. The Marble Sarcophagus: Removing the ornate lid of this sarcophagus will take two strong
hoard consists almost entirely of crushed, rusted, verdigris stained, and tarnished bells people (total PHYS 22) two Initiative Turns. Within are the bones of the first Anser King,
(40p per Slot of broken bells, up to 4,000p), though the ones on top of the pile are newer his rusted war gear, a rune covered scrying crystal set in gold (8,000p, ½ Slot) and the
and intact, and can be easily snatched without waking the Ganshoggr. Digging through Crown of the Cygnats (12,000p, ¼ Slot).
the old bells will reveal the following valuables, one each Exploration Turn, but also has a
cumulative 1 in 6 chance per Exploration Turn of waking the Ganshoggr. Pictograms: Longships, chariots, swords, armored gander, and crowns in a repeating
pattern. When crossed or stepped on, each pictogram will dimly glow the same icy blue
1 Silver bell (2,000p, 2 Slots) as the pool; if crossed or stepped over again, the light goes out. If a crown is stepped on
while no other pictograms are lit, it will blaze with blue light and the pool will dim
2 Gold arm ring (4,000p, ¼ Slot) dramatically; once five crowns have been lit, the glow in the pool
will be gone.
3 Lump of fused coins (8,000p, 5 Slots)
4 Silvered sword hilt (800p, 3 Slots) Crown of the Cygnats: Swooping arcs of platinum and gold
strung with crystal beads. The crown is haunted by the ghost
5 Runed silver pectoral (3,200p, 1 Slot) of the last Cygnat King: Rara Avis XXII. The ghost will
possess anyone who wears the crown (DV 4 PRES Saving
6 Gold Bell (10,000p, 2 Slots) Throw to cast it off before the spirit takes control),
transforming them into a tall, black swan man with a
Age-Rotted Dreki: Ancient cruel gaze and haughty mien. Rara (Renown 4
silver wood, crumbling Warrior) will immediately begin efforts to retake
with dry-rot at its edges, his throne and will attempt to enlist the
but largely sound. The bow Company in his attempt.
contains the bones of an
Anser sea king, wearing If the crown is given to the Ganshoggr it will
rotted mail and clutching a transform into a giant black swan
rust eaten blade. The beast, possessed by Rara’s spirit, that
Ganshoggr has stolen his will seize the throne within weeks.
crown, but on his arms
three golden bands Rara will make a worse King than Sigtrygg
(2,000p, ¼ Slot each) and II, replacing military adventurism with sadistic
five thick silver hoops revelry and an unquenchable desire for revenge
(800p, ¼ Slot each) remain. against goosekind.

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The Claymarshes

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